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pennsylvania的意思:宾夕法尼亚。一、Pennsylvania的发音,英音读[pensu026al"veu026anju0259],美音读[u02ccpensu0259l"veu026anju0259]。【n.】宾夕法尼亚州。二、双语造句如下:1、The area code for western Pennsylvania is 412.宾夕法尼亚西部的电话区号是412。2、They attended college together at the University of Pennsylvania.他们一起就读于宾夕法尼亚大学。3、Republicans from Pennsylvania and New York are scenting victory.来自宾夕法尼亚州和纽约州的共和党人预感到胜利在望。4、A military parade marched slowly and solemnly down Pennsylvania Avenue.阅兵队列沿宾夕法尼亚大道缓慢而庄严地行进。5、I went to work as a painter in my hometown,Natrona Heights,Pennsylvania.我在家乡宾夕法尼亚州的纳特罗纳海茨当了个油漆匠。


Pennsylvania英 [pensu026al"veu026anju0259] 美 [u02ccpensu0259l"veu026anju0259]n.宾夕法尼亚州(美国州名)1. They attended college together at the University of Pennsylvania. 他们一起就读于宾夕法尼亚大学。来自柯林斯例句2. Their two children were immigrants to Northern Ireland from Pennsylvania. 他们的两个孩子是从宾夕法尼亚州移民到北爱尔兰的。来自柯林斯例句




分类: 教育/科学 解析: Pennsylvania [简明英汉词典] n.宾夕法尼亚州(美国州名) ...宾西法尼亚州位于美国东北部,面积116260平方公里,人口1240万。首府哈里斯堡,主要城市有费城、匹兹堡等。 一、基本情况 宾西法尼亚州(宾州)位于美国东北部,面积11.6万平方公里,人口超过1200万(其中华人约5万多),位居全美第五。宾州的首府是哈里斯堡,主要城市有费城、匹兹堡等。 目前在宾州落户的外国公司已经超过1200家,其中很多公司将其在美国的总部或主要制造工厂设在宾州,这其中包括德国的SAP and Bayer公司,法国的Atofina and Alstom,以及来自日本的三菱电机和Sony等。根据2001年财富杂志的数据,美国财富500强的企业中有25家在宾州。 二、地理位置与交通条件 宾州的地理位置非常有利。以州府哈里斯堡为中心,500英里为半径的区域之内覆盖了全美十个最大市场区域中的六个,其中包括美国人口的40%,加拿大人口的60%;美国全国制造业的45%,全国国内贸易及服务业的41%。 宾州的交通运输发达,完善的交通运输网络为产品的快速高效运输提供了保证。其货物的水运量尤为突出。费城港(特拉华河港务局所辖)是世界上最大的淡水港之一,航线达25条,是全美大宗物资的主要中转港,港口的对外贸易吞吐量近7000万吨。匹兹堡港是全美最大的内陆港,有码头200多个,内河货运量比纽约港还多。伊利港通达五大湖区,是林材的主要集散地。陆运方面,宾州高速公路发达程度位居全美第四,州际公路近3000公里,州内公路4.4万英里。公路运输量占全州货物的2/3以上。宾州有70多条铁路线,总长5600英里,居全美各州第4位,运量占全美铁路运量的近20%。宾州有800个机场,其中国际机场6个,其机场总数居全美第四。

急求一首歌,就是running man中HAHA出场的音乐,我大概听懂了前一句He needs n


冲上云霄2 Joanne真名


奇迹餐厅2 进去后出现cannot read texture然后就弹出来了该怎么解决




John Lennon的《Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Love歌手:John Lennon专辑:Working Class Hero: The Definitive LennonLove is real,real is loveLove is feeling,feeling loveLove is wanting to be lovedLove is touch,touch is loveLove is reaching,reaching loveLove is asking to be lovedLove is youYou and meLove is knowingWe can beLove is free,free is loveLove is living,living loveLove is needingto be lovedhttp://music.baidu.com/song/925096

有首英文歌什么i wanna keep keep going keep keep going

这首歌是Avicii的《I Wanna Be Somebody》



Dan purchases a 1000 par value 10-year bond with 9% semiannual coupons for 925. He is able to reinv


John Donne song 的欣赏和翻译,帮忙解决下~!


What are you going to do with that vase, Penny?


奎恩·法布蕾的扮演者Dianna Agron

迪安娜·阿格隆(Dianna Agron)是犹太裔美国女演员,1986年出生在佐治亚州的萨瓦纳。2006年开始,她 在《犯罪现场调查:纽约》、《数字缉凶》等美剧中跑龙套,青春校园剧《美眉校探》中演过一个小角色。07年,她演出了米洛·文堤米利亚执导的一部短片,还在后者主演的热门美剧《英雄》中亮相。2009年她在《欢乐合唱团》中扮演坏女孩Quinn Fabray一角,随着这部音乐连续剧的走红而人气直升。在Dianna Agron短暂的演员生涯中,无数电视剧集都出现了她的身影。其中包括《数字追凶》,《律政狂鲨》,《律政俏主妇》,和《犯罪现场调查:纽约》。同样,她还在广受好评的剧集《美眉校探》中有个回归角色。最近,她出现在热门科幻剧《英雄》中,饰演Debbie Marshall,以及由MiloVentimiglia指导的系列短片《购物世界》中。 Agron,现年22岁,在旧金山长大,是动物权利组织善待动物协会的拥护者。 《关键第四号》(I Am Number Four) (2011)《滑稽表演》 (Burlesque) (2010)《浪漫主义者》(The Romantics)(2010)《大胆的当地人》(Bold Native) (2010)《紫红象》(A Fuchsia Elephant) (2009) (编剧/制作人/布景师/导演/演员)《与拉斐尔一起进餐》(Dinner with Raphael) (2009)《刹车痕迹》(Skid Marks)(2007)《黑暗拳台》(TKO) (2007)《追赶者》(Rushers) (2007)《酒吧夜生活》(After Midnight: Life Behind Bars) (2006) (电视电影) 《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)(2009) 《英雄》(Heroes) (2006)《数字缉凶》(Numb3rs)(2005)《美眉校探》(Veronica Mars)(2004)

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Marian Mcpartland专辑:Marian Mcpartland"S Piano Jazz Radio BroadcastMy Funny Valentines - Frank SinatraMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7535056

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:David Huntsinger专辑:Table For TwoMy Funny Valentines - Frank SinatraMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2796567

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Gerry Mulligan专辑:What Is There To Say?My funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8732505

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Bill Evans And Jim Hall专辑:UndercurrentMy Funny Valentines - Frank SinatraMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2714401

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Ben Webster&Teddy Wilson专辑:Ben Webster For LoversMy Funny Valentines - 我可笑的情人节My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s daybrought to you by McSilencestay little valentine staystay little valentine stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7925106

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Carmen McRae专辑:Best Of/20Th CenturyMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8347746

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Miles Davis专辑:Sunday Morning ClassicsMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/9095851

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Chris Botti专辑:A Thousand Kisses DeepMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8719653

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Carmen McRae专辑:Carmen Mcrae For LoversMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8233591

My Funny Valentine 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Chet Baker专辑:Chet Baker SingsMy Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.b***.com/song/2745889

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Ella Fitzgerald专辑:Retrospective 1936-1956My Funny ValentinesMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t you change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s daystweet coming my vanlantinemy funny Valentineyou make my uh smileyes you doIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t you change a hair for meBaby not if you really care for mejust stay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10707302

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Stéphane Grappelli专辑:Satin DollMy Funny Valentines - Frank SinatraMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2710972

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Chet Baker&Gerry Mulligan专辑:Jazz Moods - CoolMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8852276

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Dick Hyman专辑:Music Of 1937: Maybeck Recital Hall SeriesMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/9427787

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Gene Harris专辑:The Maybeck Recital Series, Volume 23My funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8584519

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Gerry Mulligan Quartet专辑:Jazz Six PackMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/9462027

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Paul Desmond专辑:The Complete Rca Victor RecordingsMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8891504

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Chet Baker专辑:The Best Smooth Jazz Ever CD1-4My Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/51772374

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Ruby Braff And El Larkins专辑:Two By TwoMy Funny Valentines - Frank SinatraMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2709868

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Ella Fitzgerald专辑:The Singer, The SongMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/9723584

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Chet Baker专辑:50 Best JazzMy Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2844443

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Chet Baker专辑:Love SongsMy Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8735554

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Carmen McRae专辑:Priceless Jazz Collection: Voices Of The CenturyMy Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/20240945

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Ib Glindemann专辑:Fontana Presenting Ib Glindemann & His 1963 OrchestraMy Funny ValentinesMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t you change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s daystweet coming my vanlantinemy funny Valentineyou make my uh smileyes you doIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t you change a hair for meBaby not if you really care for mejust stay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/11076124

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Jimmy Giuffre专辑:The Jimmy Giuffre ClarinetMy Funny Valentines - Frank SinatraMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/5464274

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Jimmy Smith专辑:A New Sound - A New StarMy Funny Valentines - Frank SinatraMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2757678

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Dinah Shore With Andre Previn专辑:EssentialMy Funny Valentines - Frank SinatraMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2716047

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:J.J. Johnson专辑:Proof PositiveMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8196116

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:J.J. Johnson专辑:Verve Impressions: More BrassMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8563565

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Paul Desmond Quartet专辑:Paul Desmond Quartet LiveMy Funny Valentines - 我可笑的情人节My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s daybrought to you by McSilencestay little valentine staystay little valentine stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8091294

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Barbra Steisand专辑:Simply StreisandMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/9686930

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Johnny Mathis专辑:Super HitsMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8804492

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Paul Desmond专辑:Late LamentMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8823129

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Paul Desmond专辑:Desmond BlueMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/884892

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Gerry Mulligan Quartet专辑:Gerry Mulligan Quartet/Chubby Jackson Big BandMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8700163

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Ella Fitzgerald专辑:The Very Best Of The Songbooks: Golden Anniversary EditionMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8159300

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Johnny Mathis专辑:CollectionsMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8723168

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Sarah Vaughan专辑:Jazz DivasMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8567698

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Bill Vitt&Jerry Garcia&John Kahn&Merl Saunders专辑:Live At Keystone, Volume 2My funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8195763

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Dinah Shore With Andre Previn专辑:Various - Michael Parkinson: My Life In MusicMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8225668

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Gerry Mulligan Quartet专辑:The Very Best Of Jazz - Chet BakerMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8262450

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Dave Grusin&Michelle Pfeiffer专辑:The Fabulous Baker BoysMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8535368

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Johnny Mathis专辑:Open Fire, Two GuitarsMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8835326

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Herbie Hancock专辑:Jazz Moods - "Round MidnightMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8730939

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Paul Desmond专辑:Paul Desmond: The Best Of The Complete Rca Victor RecordingsMy funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/9064253

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Johnny Mathis专辑:16 Most Requested Songs Encore!My funny valentineMatt GiraudAmerican Idol 8Matt GiraudMy Funny Valentine (Studio Version)My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s day...Your lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartSo don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine won"t you stayeach day is valentine"s day...http://music.baidu.com/song/8789670

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Ruby Braff And El Larkins专辑:Duets, Vol. 2My Funny Valentines - Frank SinatraMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2710007

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Gerry Mulligan Quartet专辑:Essential StandardsMy Funny Valentines - 我可笑的情人节My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s daybrought to you by McSilencestay little valentine staystay little valentine stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8007694

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Frank Sinatra专辑:The Frank Sinatra CollectionMy Funny Valentines - Frank SinatraMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3455023

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Chet Baker专辑:Let"s Get Lost: The Best Of Chet Baker SingsMy Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8963798

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Chet Baker专辑:RomanceMy Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3481310

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Helen Merrill专辑:A Shade Of DifferenceMy Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/12491034

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Chet Baker专辑:Jazz Masters - Chet BakerMy Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2858528

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Paul Desmond专辑:Desmond BlueMy Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14863993

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Chet Baker专辑:Essential StandardsMy Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52630120

My Funny Valentine (1998 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine (1998 Digital Remaster)歌手:Frank Sinatra专辑:Songs For Young Lovers/Swing Easy!My Funny Valentines - Frank SinatraMy funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2584729

My Funny Valentine 歌词

My Funny Valentine演唱:小野丽莎My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13779889

My Funny Valentine (Arr. Max Harris) (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine (Arr. Max Harris) (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Yehudi Menuhin&Stéphane Grappelli专辑:Yehudi Menuhin & StéPhane GrappelliMy Funny Valentines - 我可笑的情人节My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s daybrought to you by McSilencestay little valentine staystay little valentine stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2593480

哪位可以帮我把my funny valentine翻译一哈?谢谢!


My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:莫文蔚专辑:Somewhere I BelongMy Funny Valentine莫文蔚Be hold the way our fine feathered friendHis virtue doth paradeThou knowest not my dim witted friendThe picture Thou hast madeThy vacant brow and Thy tousled hairConceal Thy good intentThou noble upright, truthful, sincereAnd slightly dopey gentYou"re my funny ValentineSweet comic ValentineYou make me smile with my heartYour looks are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favorite work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakAre you smart?But don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for meStay little Valentine stayEach day is Valentine"s day!Is your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakAre you smart?But don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for meStay little Valentine stayEach day is Valentine"s day!http://music.baidu.com/song/33926258

NICO 的myfunnyvalentine的歌词表达了什么情感?

是爱情歌曲歌曲名:My Funny ValentineMy Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s day

All I Wanna Do (24-Bit Remastered 99) (2000 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:All I Wanna Do (24-Bit Remastered 99) (2000 Digital Remaster)歌手:The Beach Boys专辑:Sunflower/Surf S UpHeidi Newfield - All I Wanna DoLay your gentle handsSoftly on my skinBaby make sweet love to meDon"t let this moment endI wanna taste your kissHear you whisper in my earHelp me make this feelin"Last a thousand yearsI wanna get so lostIn your eyes I"ll fall intoDon"t you know that lovin" youIs all I wanna doTurn the lights down lowAnd i"ll pour the wineI"ll surrender to youJust take this heart of mineTake me to a placeI"ve never been beforeWon"t you lay me slowly downI couldn"t want you moreI wanna get so lostIn your eyes i"ll fall intoDon"t you know that lovin" youIs all I wanna doI wanna get so lostIn your eyes i"ll fall intoDon"t you know that loving youIs all I wanna doAnd forever loving youIs all I wanna dohttp://music.baidu.com/song/3460649

My Funny Valentine(我的有趣情人) 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine(我的有趣情人)歌手:贵族乐团专辑:天籁地球村My funny valentine(我的有趣情人)贵族乐团My funny ValentineSweet comic ValentineYou make me smile with my heartYour looks are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favorite work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakAre you smart?But don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for meStay little Valentine stayEach day is Valentine"s day译文:我的有趣情人我的有趣情人可爱得令人发笑的情人你令我的心充满笑容你的容貌有点可笑是无法形容的但你是我最喜欢的一件艺术品你的身材是否不如希腊美女般的完美你的口才是否不那么的流利当你开口说话时你是聪明的吗?不要为了我改变发型无论你多在乎我只要你在我身边每天都是情人节http://music.baidu.com/song/25868768

求my funny valentine的歌词

歌曲:My Funny Valentine歌手:黄小琥My funny ValentineSweet comic ValentineYou make me smile with my heartYour looks are laughableUnphotographableYet, you"re my favorite work of artIs your figureless that GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open to speakAre you smart?But don"t you change a hair for meNot if you care for meStay, my little Valentine, stayEach day is Valentine"s Day

My Funny Valentine 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine歌手:Chet Baker专辑:The Best Smooth Jazz Ever CD1-4My Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59500593
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