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you wanna pissme?

2023-07-16 01:23:39

这句话是 穿越火线的 连杀的语音

piss 本意是撒尿 但这里是惹恼的意思








piss off就是抓狂的意思






外国人口语 piste off 啥意思?

piss me offpiss someone off = "气死某人了"这个表达语气比angry语气更严重表示非常生气例:He"s mean! I asked him for help and he turned up his nose at me! It pissed me off!他太刻薄了!我想让他帮个忙,结果他理都不理我!气死我了!The delivery guy really pissed me off! He lost my package for the second time and didn"t even apologize.快递员真是气死我了!他第二次弄丢我的包裹了,连个道歉也没有。除了“气坏了”piss off 还有另外一个意思:滚开(表示非常生气)例:Piss off. I"m telling my mum on you.滚开!我要到妈妈那儿告你一状。
2023-07-15 20:58:301


问题一:每次都会被你气死 用英文怎么说? 你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: Each will be mad at you. 希望我的回答对你有帮助。 问题二:气死我了用英语怎么说 I am angry to death!!!(这句也可以戏称的) 二次做答 口语化一点儿的可以用:Oh,I am driven mad!/Oh,I am mad! 问题三:你气死我了,用英语怎么说? you make me angry. 问题四:气死我了的英语翻译 Tick me off./ make me so mad/龚piss me off/ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢! 问题五:气死你 用英文怎么说? 美国俚语,bazinga!逗你玩,气死你 问题六:XP会不会比98更加充分的发挥硬件的性能,从而使游戏运行更顺畅? 作为服役十余年的系统,它已经迎来了自己的归宿。现在,全世界的网友不禁为这一顽强存在于microsoft十余载的系统肃然起敬。只有不断地探索、尝试、创新,才能使系统运行更人性化。这一点,是XP无法与7和8.1相媲美的。
2023-07-15 20:58:371


光字面意思“别惹我”,那么Don"t mess with me比较准确,因为他只有这一个意思 上面说的Don"t bother me可以用在表示“(我很忙)不要打扰我”. 其他类似的还有:Don"t piss me off别惹我(生气),Stay away from me你给我躲开,Don"t get on my nerve别惹烦我,Leave me alone别管我 各种说法语气程度各有不同,但基本都表达了这个意思,看场合用了
2023-07-15 20:58:441


Stay away.
2023-07-15 20:59:048

2023-07-15 20:59:238


Fuck you son of a bitch.
2023-07-15 20:59:403


Is not too aggressive in my eyes, you"re just a joke
2023-07-15 21:00:034


1. Go to hell. 去死吧。 2. You"re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 3. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 4. I don"t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你! 5. Knock it off. 少来这一套。6. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失! 7. Get lost.滚开! 8. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。 9. You piss me off. 你气死我了。 10. It"s none of your business. 关你屁事! 11. How dare you! 你敢! 12.Cut it out. 省省吧。 13. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。 14. I"m fed up. 我厌倦了。 15. I can"t take it anymore. 我受不了了! 16. I"ve had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。17. What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊? 18. How can you say that? 你怎么可以这样说? 19. Who says? 谁说的? 20. That"s what you think! 那才是你脑子里想的!21. You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病! 22. Drop dead. 去死吧! 23. Don"t give me your shoot. 别跟我胡扯。 24. Nonsense! 鬼话! 25. You"re a pain in the ass. 你这讨厌鬼。 26. You"re an asshole. 你这缺德鬼。 27. You asked for it. 你自找的。 28. Get over yourself. 别自以为是。 29. You"re nothing to me. 你对我什么都不是。30. Get off my back. 少跟我罗嗦。 31. Give me a break. 饶了我吧。 32. Look at this mess! 看看这烂摊子! 33. Don"t nag me! 别在我面前唠叨! 34. Mind your own business! 管好你自己的事! 35. You"ve gone too far! 你太过分了!36. Can"t you do anything right? 成事不足,败事有余。 37. You"re impossible. 你真不可救药。 38. We"re through.我们完了! 39. Don"t push me ! 别逼我!
2023-07-15 21:00:111


2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3. What"s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? 4.You shouldn"t have done that! 你真不应该那样做! 5.You"re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 6.Don"t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 7.Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 8.What"s your problem? 你怎么回事啊? 9. I hate you! 我讨厌你! 10.I don"t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你! 11.You"re crazy! 你疯了! 12.Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗? 13.Don"t bother me. 别烦我。 14.Knock it off. 少来这一套。 15.Get out of my face. 从我面前消失! 16.Leave me alone. 走开。 17. Get lost.滚开! 18.Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。 19.You piss me off. 你气死我了。 20.How dare you! 你敢! 21.Cut it out. 省省吧。 22.You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪! 23.You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。 24.Shut up! 闭嘴! 25.What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊? 26.You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病! 27. Don"t give me your shit. 别跟我胡扯。 28.You"re a pain in the ass. 你这讨厌鬼。 29.You"re an asshole. 你这缺德鬼。 30.You baqqmccd! 你这杂种!麻烦采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-15 21:00:191

谁能列举一些英语脏话 拼写音标分给最多的那个

2023-07-15 21:00:273


1.After you .你先猜。2.I just couldn"t help it.我就是忍不住。3.Don"t take it to heart.别住心里去。4.We"d better be off.我们该走了。5.Let"s face it.面对现实吧!6.I"m really dead.我快要累死了。7.Is that so?真是那样吗?8.Don"t play games with me!别和我耍花招!9.It depends.看情况。10.It"s a deal.一言为定。11.I"m broke.我身无分文。12.I never liked it anyway.我一直不太喜欢这东西。13.I"m not going to kid you.我不是跟你开玩笑的。14.That"s something.太好了!15.Brillant idea!真高明!16.Do you really mean it?此话当真?17.I couldn"t be more sure.我再肯定不过。18. I"m behind you.我支持你!19.You can count on it.尽管放心。20.Exactly.一点不错。(这些都是我在生活中比较常用的英语句子,希望对你有帮助啦!)
2023-07-15 21:00:502

piss me up 什么意思

2023-07-15 21:01:102

别惹怒我 英文翻译 谢谢

Don"t rile me
2023-07-15 21:01:187

一首英文歌 女的唱的 高潮里面有 you wat to piss me piss me piss

你听错了。。。是piece of me歌曲名:Piece Of Me歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Piece Of Me RemixesI"m Miss American Dream since I was 17Don"t matter if I step on the sceneOr sneak away to the PhillipinesThey still got pictures of my derriere in the magazineYou want a piece of me? You want a piece of me…I"m Miss bad media karmaAnother day another dramaGuess I can"t see no harmIn working and being a mamaAnd with a kid on my armI"m still an exceptionAnd you want a piece of meI"m Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous(You want a piece of me)I"m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney"s ShamelessI"m Mrs. Exta! Extra! this just inI"m Mrs. she"s too big now she"s too thinI"m Mrs. ‘You want a piece of me?"Tryin" and pissin" me offWell get in line with the paparazziWho"s flippin" me offHopin" I"ll resort to startin" havocAnd end up settlin" in courtNow are you sure you want a piece of me?I"m Mrs. ‘Most likely to get on TV for strippin" on the streets"When getting the groceries, no, for real..Are you kidding me?no wonder Causing panic in the industryI mean, please, do you want a piece of me?Oh yeahYou want a piece of me
2023-07-15 21:01:321


you are not related
2023-07-15 21:01:426


2023-07-15 21:01:5810


Son of bitch
2023-07-15 21:02:343


你真笨用英文怎么说? 你真笨You are so stupid! “你真笨"用英语怎么说?急!!! You are too foolish/stupid/silly. 我真笨英语怎么说? I"m so stupid! 伙计,你真笨的英语怎么说? Hey,buddy/man/dude,you"re so stupid.我真笨, *** 一个英语怎么翻译 i am so stupid,just like an idiot. “伙计,你真笨!”这句话用英语怎么说? Guy, you are so stupid. 骂人用英语怎么说 Playing with fire 找死2. Pervert !变态、流氓3. Brag ! 吹牛4. Bullshit! 废话5. Play dumb. 装傻6. Shameless! *** 7. Fighting one"s own.起内讧8. Lucky bastard! 狗屎运9. Crass.没10. Wise up!别傻了11. I am dead. 死定了11. Don"t play innocent!别装蒜!12. You are dreaming.你做梦!13. Behave!安分点 !14. You"re so lame!你真笨!15. That"s rubbish!胡扯!16. No need!免了吧!17. Blood and gore.很恶心18. Go to hell.去死吧!19. Have some decency!正经点20. Make up your mind!干脆点 21. Sober up!清醒点22. Don"t run away!别想溜23. How low-class!真低级24. stingy bastard!小气鬼25. Poser!耍大牌26. Nerd 书呆子27. Same difference半斤八两28. You just don"t appreciate it!不识擡举29. How did it e to this!岂有此理30. No class!真没水准 31. bitch *** . Go to hell. 去死吧。2. You"re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 3. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 4. I don"t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你! 5. Knock it off. 少来这一套。 6. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失! 7. Get lost.滚开! 8. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇著去吧。 9. You piss me off. 你气死我了。 10. It"s none of your business. 关你屁事! 11. How dare you! 你敢! 12.Cut it out. 省省吧。 13. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。 14. I"m fed up. 我厌倦了。 15. I can"t take it anymore. 我受不了了! 16. I"ve had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。 17. What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊? 18. How can you say that? 你怎么可以这样说? 19. Who says? 谁说的? 20. That"s what you think! 那才是你脑子里想的! 21. You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病! 22. Drop dead. 去死吧! 23. Don"t give me your shoot. 别跟我胡扯。 24. Nonsense! 鬼话! 25. You"re a pain in the ass. 你这讨厌鬼。 26. You"re an asshole. 你这缺德鬼。 27. You asked for it. 你自找的。 28. Get over you......>> 这么简单的英文都不会,我真笨咧 10分 我初二啊楼主 能翻多少翻了多少 这个测验并不重要。 不要把它放在心上。 现在太晚了。 我们最好别走了。(这句不确定) 我知道现在我们处于窘境,但是让我们面对它好吗? Stranger:你可不可以告诉我如何到镇厅?(不知道是不是符合原句) Tom : 我不知道。也许你可以问问那边的警察。 Karin:你辞职了?你是开玩笑吧! Jack :我没有开玩笑,我是认真的(也可以解释为严肃)。 A : 我获得了这个学期丰厚的奖学金。 B : 祝贺你。 Michael:你缺钱随时可以来找我 David : 你是说真的吗? A : 无论你做出什么决定 我都会支持你(这估计错了……嘿嘿) 他虽然脾气不好,但是一个非常善良的人。 A:你认为他回来参加我的生日聚会吗? B : 不知道…… 噢,别担心。 我正想买个新的去呢!我不喜欢它 我要去机场接她,……不知道后半句什么意思 好久不见。 我们下星期一起聚聚吧! 脑子笨用英文怎么说 如果说一个人stupid这个有贬义,如果美国老师说一个学生,他会说 slow student 笨学生 只有中国人不尊重他人的老师,才会说学生 stupid或foolish吧
2023-07-15 21:02:411


英语骂人话如下 :1. Enough is enough! 够了够了!2. Don"t waste my time anymore. 别再浪费我的时间了!3. Don"t make so much noise. I"m working. 别吵,我在干活。4. It"s unfair. 太不公平了。5. I"m very disappointed. 真让我失望。6. I don"t want to see you* **ce! 我不愿再见到你!7. What do you think you are doing? 你知道你在做什么吗?8. Don"t you dare come back again! 你敢再回来!9. You asked for it. 你自找的。10. Nonsense! 鬼话!11. You"re crazy! 你疯了!12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) Don"t bother me. 别烦我。13. Knock it off. 少来这一套。14. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!15. Leave me alone. 走开。16. Get lost.滚开!17. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。18. You piss me off. 你气死我了。19. It"s none of your business. 关你屁事!20. What"s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?
2023-07-15 21:02:481


1.Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! 2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3. What"s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? 4.You shouldn"t have done that! 你真不应该那样做! 5.You"re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 6.Don"t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 7.Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 8.What"s your problem? 你怎么回事啊? 9. I hate you! 我讨厌你! 10.I don"t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你! 11.You"re crazy! 你疯了! 12.Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗? 13.Don"t bother me. 别烦我。 14.Knock it off. 少来这一套。 15.Get out of my face. 从我面前消失! 16.Leave me alone. 走开。 17. Get lost. 滚开! 18.Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。 19.You piss me off. 你气死我了。 20.How dare you! 你敢! 21.Cut it out. 省省吧。 22.You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪! 23.You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。 24.Shut up! 闭嘴! 25.What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊? 26.You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病! 27. Don"t give me your shit. 别跟我胡扯。 28.You"re a pain in the ass. 你这讨厌鬼。 29.You"re an asshole. 你这缺德鬼。 30.You baqqmccd! 你这杂种!
2023-07-15 21:03:211


英文高级骂人短语1.Stopcomplaining! 别发牢骚!2.You make mesick! 你真让我恶心!3.What"s wrong with you?你怎么回事?4.You shouldn"thave done that! 你真不应该那样做!5.You"re a jerk!你是个废物/混球!6.Don"t talk tome like that! 别那样和我说话!7.Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?8.What"s your problem? 你怎么回事啊?9.I hate you! 我讨厌你!10.I don"t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!11.You"re crazy!你疯了!12.Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind?你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)13.Don"t botherme.别烦我。14.Knock it off.少来这一套。15.Get out of myface. 从我面前消失!16.Leave me alone. 走开。17.Get lost.滚开!18.Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。19.You piss meoff.你气死我了。20.It"s none ofyour business. 关你屁事!21.What"s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?22.How dare you!你敢!23.Cut it out.省省吧。24.You stupidjerk! 你这蠢猪!25.You have alot of nerve.脸皮真厚。26.I"m fed up. 我厌倦了。27.I can"t take it any more. 我受不了了!(李阳老师常用)28.I"ve had enough o fyour garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。29.Shut up! 闭嘴!30.What do you want?你想怎么样?
2023-07-15 21:03:271


Who the fuck are you.You are talking shit.You look like a bitch.Go to hell.
2023-07-15 21:03:466


2023-07-15 21:04:145

you fuck me off. 是什么意思 ,谁能翻译一下

2023-07-15 21:04:303

我听不清楚你说的话 英语翻译

2023-07-15 21:05:024


Catch A Fade - E-40&Kendrick Lamar&Droop-EJumping off the front porch with a new approach有什么话就直截了当的说Don"t approach me with the bullshit别给我支支吾吾拐弯抹角的I remote to a location where the broom sit我拿起扫帚当武器Here I go, street sweeper就如同清道夫一般 Monday to Friday, if not though we can catch a fade工作日的时候将街区好好清理 如果土鳖们赖着不走 那就让我们来一场男人的较量(Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 Pulling up and hopping out, shell, catch it popping out我雷厉风行胆大心细 明人不做暗事And I ain"t never been a Tom or a Jerry, pussy or a rat从来不像张三那样遇事儿就慌张 或是李四那样在背后戳人的脊梁Pussy on my nut sack, carry plenty Kenny Tates刺了很多肯尼的纹身之后我日进斗金Give me that, give me plenty Feddi联邦军队来剿我的话Federales on my back, pack "em in the cemetery结局都是全部乖乖躺在墓地 Send a scary hit out on your messenger,给我报信的家伙I"m ignorant to wrestle a已经被我修理gorilla in the center of an Acura Integra我当时真是不理智会为此大动干戈I"m pissed off, so I piss off rooftops肯定是我太生气了,绝对的Drink it through a straw, fuck a rent-a-cop, I"m hot就连喝了点小酒都会把碍事的小保安给揍了I"m napalm when the beat slap like eight palms我是当红炸子鸡我是凝固汽油弹 就得是这样的鼓动才能让我火力全开And I wear eight charms, every airport alarm在机场过安检时警报响起我以为是我的钻石珠宝什么的惹的祸go off till they tackle me, what I do wrong?结果不是 但这些混蛋为什么还是摁住了我Nigga, it ain"t bout the chain, nigga,他们说:“老兄你太高调了所以you the fucking bomb得给你特殊照顾”Bomb on a bitch nigga, then his bitch later把一个混蛋揍成一个混蛋Pull the tips on a bitch nigga, you a fucking waiter就像我给服务员小费一样自然简单I don"t even want a favor, I just want a fair one我缺的不是尊重,而是和大牌们一样平等的机会And it"s like that till the sheriffs come 就像检察官给每个人称述的机会不管你几岁Jumping off the front porch with a new approach有什么话就直截了当的说Don"t approach me with the bullshit别给我支支吾吾拐弯抹角的I remote to a location where the broom sit我拿起扫帚当武器Here I go, street sweeper就如同清道夫一般 Monday to Friday, if not though we can catch a fade工作日的时候将街区好好清理 如果土鳖们赖着不走 那就让我们来一场男人的较量(Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 Droop-E, look, problems we solved "em,Droop-E,E-40 看看,事实bout that action胜于雄辩One less sucker nigga, that"s subtraction缺货们正一个一个减少There"s bosses, factors on the team跟我一起的人,都不分贵贱Real niggas, no actors on the team个顶个都是春哥一般的纯爷们儿 Not you, who Droop? He a good dude像我Droop一样,绝世好男人Put him in a bad mood, turn you into goon food不过把我惹毛了只怕你吃不了兜着走I"m in the party feeling like me就像在派对一样,我大小通吃S-I-C-K with T.D.E.还有我Droop-E(Sick是Droop-E所属厂牌)Your bitch on sacks, in my ear like wax你的马子好久没有爽一爽了吗?and this Landy got her ready to get那就让她准备好it hit from the back迎接巫山云雨吧She chose up chump, salute, give daps她真的是丰乳肥臀or get your face flat, you don"t want that揍扁你的脸,你不干And get your nose tapped, you don"t want that打歪你的鼻子,你也不乐意Get your life fucked up all over a batch别因为我上了你的马子你不识趣来找茬最后死的很难看Get cropped, get chopped不然我会拿刀on your head like a barber shop像理发师一样削你脑袋Have it out in the parking lot最后把你的头扔在停车场 Jumping off the front porch with a new approach有什么话就直截了当的说Don"t approach me with the bullshit别给我支支吾吾拐弯抹角的I remote to a location where the broom sit我拿起扫帚当武器Here I go, street sweeper就如同清道夫一般 Monday to Friday, if not though工作日的时候将街区好好清理 如果土鳖们赖着不走 we can catch a fade那就让我们来一场男人的较量(Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade!)不服就单挑呀 Stay turned, super charged up, stoked继续燥着怎么样Ghetto pass never revoked, mouthpiece哥已不混迹江湖,但江湖faster than a speedboat依然有哥的传说Keep it one hundred like a C-note, pea coat宝刀未老的E-40依然这么牛叉Popo tryna decode lingo让条子们去猜我们倒地说的什么吧Not drunk, but I finna be hella twisted没有喝大但我就喜欢找麻烦Lifted like a toilet seat, grown ass kid我早就长大了不是吗My bitch always telling me, I ain"t shit我的马子总说我一无是处She hate me, but she love my dick但她爱我的大屌Trapper factor macker, having money我也捞偏门,也写几首歌去卖like a rapper (rapper)像个说唱歌手 说唱歌手Bumping local talent,偶尔也收拾几个pulling up with the blapper (blapper)管不好自己嘴巴的人Partner want to challenge cause my pockets hella fatter (fatter)总有些外来不懂行情的人见不得我腰缠万贯 But he gon" be unlucky like walking under a ladder (ladder)和我作对绝对没有好下场Put hands on a man, fuck unity (fuck unity)要来找事儿的就像个男人一样自己出来敢作敢当,别拉帮结伙的 Ain"t nothing between us, but space and其实我们之间也没什么,但opportunity (space and opportunity)你生不逢时呀 你生不逢时呀Never been a sucker (sucker), never been a lame别整天唯唯诺诺的,一看就知道你怂 Stay in your lane, you can"t see me like好好跟家呆着你就看不到我a stealth plan (like a stealth plane)风生水起了 风生水起了 Biatch!混蛋Jumping off the front porch with a new approach有什么话就直截了当的说Don"t approach me with the bullshit别给我支支吾吾拐弯抹角的I remote to a location where the broom sit我拿起扫帚当武器Here I go, street sweeper就如同清道夫一般 Monday to Friday, if not though we can catch a fade工作日的时候将街区好好清理 如果土鳖们赖着不走 那就让我们来一场男人的较量(Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade!)不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Where you from Droop-E?) {The West}你从哪儿来的?Droop-E 西海岸 (Where you from Kendrick? The West你从哪里来的?Kendrick 也是西海岸 Aye 40, where you from though? (The West)那么40你又是从什么地方来的? 必须是西海岸Who bring it to they front do"? (The West)谁让这些超级屌的东西登堂入室的? 那绝对是西海岸Aye, where they get they game from? (The West)真正的较量来自哪里? 那还是西海岸咯Aye, where they get they slang from? (The West)那些牛逼的口头禅脏口来自什么地方呢? 西边的海岸 Aye, where they get they strength from? (The West)又是谁给他们打了鸡血? 西海岸呗Aye, where they get they greats from (The West, biatch!)最牛逼的歌手来自什么地方呢? 西海岸毫无疑问
2023-07-15 21:05:221

阿姆 kiss my ass 英文歌词

you make me sick,Superman aint savin shit, girl you can jump on shady"s dick,Straight from the hip, cut to the chase,I"ll tell a mo"fuckin slut to her face,Play no games, say no names, ever since I broke up with what"s her face,I"m a different man, kiss my ass, kiss my lips, bitch why ask?Kiss my dick, hit my cash, i"d rather have you whip my ass,Don"t put out? i"ll put you out,Won"t get out? i"ll push you out,Puss blew out, copin shit,Wouldn"t piss on fire to put you out,Am I too nice? buy you ice,Bitch if you died, wouldn"t buy you life,What you tryin to be, my new wife?What you Mariah? fly through twice,But I do know one thing though,Bitches they come, they go,Saturday through sunday monday,Monday through sunday yo,Maybe i"ll love you one day,Maybe we"ll someday grow,Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe..."Cuz I can"t be your superman,Can"t be your superman,Can"t be your superman,Can"t be your superman,I can"t be your superman,Can"t be your superman,Can"t be your superman,Your superman, your superman...Don"t get me wrong,I love these hoes,It"s no secret,Everybody knows,Can"t we fuck?Bitch so what?That"s about as far as your buddy goes,We"ll be friends,I"ll call you again,I"ll chase you around every bar you attend,Never know what kind of car i"ll be in,*Woman Screaming*We"ll see how much you"ll be partying then,You don"t want that,Neither do I,I don"t wanna flip when I see you with guys,Too much pride,Between you and I,Not a jealous man, but females lie,But I guess that"s just what sluts do,How could it ever be just us two?Never loved you enough to trust you,We just met and I just fucked you,But I do know one thing though,Bitches they come they go,Saturday through Sunday monday,Monday through Sunday yo,Maybe I"ll love you one day,Maybe we"ll someday grow,"Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe...First thing you said...I"m not phazed,I hang around big stars all day,I don"t see what the big deal is anyway,You"re just plain ol" Marshall to me...Ooh yeah girl run that game...Haily Jade...I love that name,Love that tattoo...what"s that say?"rot in pieces" aww that"s great...First off you don"t know Marshall,Add also, don"t grow partial,That"s ammo for my arsenal,I"ll snap you off that bar stool,There goes another lawsuit,Leave handprints all accross you,Good lordy-wody you must be blown off that water bottle,You want what you can"t have,Ooh girl that"s too damn bad,Don"t touch what you can"t grab,End up with two back hands,Put Anthrax on a Tampax and slap you till you can"t stand,Girl you just blew your chance,Don"t mean to ruin your plans,But I do know one thing though,Bitches they come they go,Saturday through Sunday Monday,Monday through Sunday yo,Maybe I"ll love you one day,Maybe we"ll someday grow,"Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe...I know you want me baby,I think I want you too...I think I love you baby...I think I love you too,I"m here to save you girl,Come be in Shady"s world,I wanna grow together,Lets let our love unfurl,You know you want me baby,You know I want you too,They call me Superman,I"m here to rescue you,I wanna save you girl,Come be in shady"s world...Oh boy you drive me crazy...Bitch you make me hurl.
2023-07-15 21:05:301


2023-07-15 21:05:372

when you said my name 歌词

曲名:My Name is 歌手:阿姆 专辑:The Hits and Unre..My name is.. (what?) My name is.. (who?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim ShadyHi! My name is.. (huh?) My name is.. (what?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim ShadyAhem.. excuse me!Can I have the attention of the classfor one second?Hi kids! Do you like violence? (Yeah yeah yeah!)Wanna see me stick Nine Inch Nails through each one of my eyelids? (Uh-huh!)Wanna copy me and do exactly like I did? (Yeah yeah!)Try "cid and get fucked up worse that my life is? (Huh?)My brain"s dead weight, I"m tryin to get my head straightbut I can"t figure out which Spice Girl I want to impregnate (Ummmm..)And Dr. Dre said, "Slim Shady you a basehead!"Uh-uhhh! "So why"s your face red? Man you wasted!"Well since age twelve, I"ve felt like I"m someone elseCause I hung my original self from the top bunk with a beltGot pissed off and ripped Pamela Lee"s tits offAnd smacked her so hard I knocked her clothes backwards like Kris KrossI smoke a fat pound of grass and fall on my assfaster than a fat bitch who sat down too fastC"mere slut! (Shady, wait a minute, that"s my girl dog!)I don"t give a fuck, God sent me to piss the world off!ChorusMy English teacher wanted to have sex in junior highThe only problem was my English teacher was a guyI smacked him in his face with an eraser, chased him with a staplerWalked in the strip club, had my jacket zipped upFlashed the bartender, then stuck my dick in the tip cup (Wsssshhhhh...)Extraterrestrial, killin pedestriansRapin lesbians while they screamin: "LET"S JUST BE FRIENDS!"Ninety-nine percent of my life I was lied toI just found out my mom does more dope than I doI told her I"d grow up to be a famous rapperMake a record about doin drugs and name it after her (Oh thank you!)You know you blew up when the women rush your standsand try to touch your hands like some screamin Usher fans (Aaahhhhhh!)This guy at White Castle asked for my autograph (Dude, can I get your autograph?)So I signed it: "Dear Dave, thanks for the support, ASSHOLE!"ChorusStop the tape! This kid needs to be locked away! (Get him!)Dr. Dre, don"t just stand there, OPERATE!I"m not ready to leave, it"s too scary to dieI"ll have to be carried inside the cemetery and buried aliveAm I comin or goin? I can barely decideI just drank a fifth of vodka -- dare me to drive? (Go ahead)All my life I was very deprivedI ain"t had a woman in years, and my palms are too hairy to hideClothes ripped like the Incredible Hulk (hachhh-too)I spit when I talk, I"ll fuck anything that walks (C"mere)When I was little I used to get so hungry I would throw fitsHOW YOU GONNA BREAST FEED ME MOM? (WAH!) YOU AIN"T GOT NO TITS! (WAH!)I lay awake and strap myself in the bedPut a bulleproof vest on and shoot myself in the head (BANG!)I"m steamin mad (Arrrggghhh!)And by the way when you see my dad? (Yeah?)Tell him that I slit his throat, in this dream I hadChorus
2023-07-15 21:06:014

求eminem的rap game的中英文歌词 谢谢

rap game 歌词 The Rap Game, hip hop 101 The hardest 9 ta 5 you will ever have, you can07t learn this shit in no history book, you ready to rap motherfucker, you ready to sell your soul, Ha,ha,ha,ha, The rap game motherfucker... Verse 1 I07m like this rufted nigga, you made me crazy, you should have slaved me as a baby, behavin shadier the Wes Craven, and you aint even gotta pay me, I take pleasure of layin a nigga down daily, you face me, fuck its over, you think fast, i07m never fucked up to where I cant whip your ass, your neck will get snaped with bare hands, fuck you, they say rappin is cool, but fool just dont confuse it, what happens is you07s get rude and then I loose it, i07m scatless (??), I blow your two ears off the atless, with a gat thats bigger then godzilla back nigga, you are not will07in, in fact, your through to ya factered (??), a crack dealer, your president sends me smack and got a mac 10 with it so I aint gotta rap, i07m thankfull for that, dont mistaken me black, or you07ll be stinkin in the back of a fuckin cadalak... (Eminem) I07m a get snuffed cause I aint said enough to pipe down, I pipe down when the fuckin (Blanked) whipped out, when I see that little chaney dyke get sniped out, lights out bitch, adios, goodnight (Blowe) now put that in your little pipe and whipe down, think for a minute cause the hype had died down, that I wont go up in the oval office right now, and flip whatever aint tied down upside down, i07m all for America, fuck the government, tell that seat of laws, tell that slut ta suck a dick, motherfucker ducked, what the fuck, son of a bitch, take away my gun, i07m gonna talk some other shit, cant tell me shit about the tricks of this trade, switch blade with a little switch to switch blades and switch from a 6 to a 16 inch blade, the shits like a samari sword, a censay, shit just dont change ta this day, i07m this way still tell that ut-slay its-bay, i07m a say my ick-day, choose my ick-pay, atin-lay, but uck-fay, ick-kay... CHORUS 1 (Eminem) this rap game, this rap game, I aint sell07in my soul for this rap game, now I aint digg07in no hole for this rap game, but i07m tellin ya no it aint happenin.. this rap game, this rap game, I aint sell07in my soul for this rap game, I aint digg07in no hole for this rap game, this rap game, this rap game... Verse 2 I bet ya lovin me (??), drink and drown in my own iniquity, but fuck that, i07m gonna rap till yall get sick of me, and clutch my last sack, its been all who big on me, i07m pickin a rot mix, fuck the dog who single me, i07m saying you motherfuckers, dont know07ith, who playin, if i07m broke, then i07m brakin open the place where you layin, you know, same she every nigga done in his life, I livin this why (??), speak long (??), what I blow when I write, so why, should I, ever fear another man, if he bleed like I bleed, take a piss when he stand, ok you win, you can say we cant rap翻译有点太难了~第一句是~!最坚硬9 ta 5 您曾经将有~!你不能学会这shit~!在课本里没有~! 您准备好敲击~!mother ~fucker~ 您准备好卖您的灵魂~ Ha~ha~ha~ha~斥责游戏~mother~ fucker~!
2023-07-15 21:06:091

有一首英文歌歌词中有iwant to marry me

Original - Mystikal&Birdman&Lil Wayne(Mystikal what"s poppin?Welcome to the team)I"m a political refugeeThatu2019s how the fuck I feltBirds for the summerHummers for the runnersCandy on the paint9 for the thunderThrow a couple hundredsFishing on a fishtailBig money shit, Cash Money oil wellHigh roller, shot caller, big bossOriginal, real nigga from the startHead huntinu2019, price on a nigga tabHit u2018em up for playing with a nigga mailNiggas sound better than BeethovenTo the beat that I rap overStay outta that medicine cabinetYeah, that what they told meThey giving us piss test cause we stay rollinu2019And know a nigga act better thana .45 caliber pistol when they loadingThey penalize us, tryna slow us downThey constantly fucking us upThatu2019s why weu2019re buck wildCall me porch monkey, call me jigabooWhen you know you wanna fuck my woman and eat my barbequeHow the fuck you gonu2019 watch my house?But donu2019t wanna live on my streetThe ape man told Tarzan: “how the fuck you better than me?”Rap, I run that rock and got a jump shotWho we got? that blood wife up in that white houseI took a look and didnu2019t sell outI was in the building, didnu2019t bail outHoping motherfucker didnu2019t fell outBack to the top from the jail houseNigga lace u2018em up, tie ya shoeCatch a cut, we know what pressure doBirds for the summerHummers for the runnersCandy on the paint9 for the thunderThrow a couple hundredsFishing on a fishtailBig money shit, Cash Money oil wellHigh roller, shot caller, big bossOriginal, real nigga from the startHead huntinu2019, price on a nigga tabHit u2018em up for playing with a nigga mailWho out cu2019here fucking with me, huh? tell me thatIu2019m u2019bout to drop that shit, where my pamper at?Try to answer that, or give me my mantle backI bury you cockroaches, shoulda left me where I was atYou dun made that fucking bed, you dun built this fucking castleBuckwheat and his friend Alfalfacouldnu2019t do nothing with this little rascalIu2019m one slicker retarded, yeah nigga what the hellTalking Baby business, yea bitch dumb shitDonu2019t be fucking with me, cause you wonu2019t get off easyI feel just like Drew Brees when they kick off football seasonHow I cut the ref, you canu2019t stop it from bleedingRappers better leave me alone if they wanna keep on breathingNow keep on starving and Iu2019m gonna keep on eatingAnd you keep on sucking, and Iu2019mma keep on skeetingNigga you can be the one bussing, or be the one fleeingNigga better keep on trucking,ainu2019t no motherfuckinu2019 trouble this eveningBirds for the summerHummers for the runnersCandy on the paint9 for the thunderThrow a couple hundredsFishing on a fishtailBig money shit, Cash Money oil wellHigh roller, shot caller, big bossOriginal, real nigga from the startHead huntinu2019, price on a nigga tabHit u2018em up for playing with a nigga mailUh, ainu2019t it crazy how shit be? thatu2019s why I flush itI got the Tommy gun with the drum, thatu2019s percussionI just popped a couple pain pills, self destructionI made something out of nothing, thanks for nothingI pistol whip ya bitch, knock her out, RobitussinRan up in your house, killed everybody, no discussionRep that motherfucking red flag like a RussianYeah, look, I told her: “baby, Iu2019m a thrasher”We kissed, I lit her ass up then I ashed herNo hard feelings, no car dealing, but I shuffle my queensDuffle bag too heavy to carry to the car, my Mary in a jarIu2019m food, I let the haters add a little saltThatu2019s cool, I do it for all the niggas that tryAnd all the bitches Iu2019ve fucked, and all my niggas that diedTunechiBirds for the summerHummers for the runnersCandy on the paint9 for the thunder (yeah)Throw a couple hundredsFishing on a fishtail (you know it wouldnu2019t be right without the boyyy)Big money shit, Cash Money oil wellHigh roller, shot caller, big boss (yeah)Original, real nigga from the start (Fee, you remember that?)Head huntinu2019, price on a nigga tabHit u2018em up for playing with a nigga mailYeah, we up there boy(They call me, erm, as a matter fact they donu2019t call me)Deep in this oceanYeah, helichoppers(I call them)Uptown, we in the building(As a matter of fact, I call them out)30504 boy, we the business, hah (haha)Yeah, billionaire minds, 100 (and the phone always of the hook)(You scared or something? haIf I was you I would be, haha)
2023-07-15 21:06:171


1.高级怼人的话短句 怼人的句子:你这脑子,屎壳郎看着绝对眼睛发亮!我不需要管好我的情绪,你只需要管好自己别惹我生气!我管不了闲人,我还关不了闲事儿了!思想有多远,你就滚多远。 我个子高,随便抬腿就踢脸了,不好意思。我没内涵碍着你满肚子之乎者也的什么事了?我要出类拔萃了,还有你什么事。 太操心了,我和你有关系吗?我的事和你有关系吗?对不起,你哪位?我要是收破烂的绝对稀罕你。对不起,我又不是兽医,治不了你的病。 不在一个频道,换台都没用。你再有劲能憋住尿吗?作为失败典型,你真的很成功。 你的丑,和你的脸没有关系。看完你我觉得生活真的需要很多美好。 2.怼人的句子有哪些 1今晚你下厨吧,我看你挺会添油加醋的!2你瞅你那五官,各长各的,谁都不服谁3又一天过去了。 今天过得怎么样,梦想是不是更远了?4别跟我说话,我有洁癖5谁说你没有毅力的,单身这事你不就坚持了好几十年吗?6祝你不孕不育,子孙满堂!7你是阿基米德的后人吧,整天就知道杠。8喜欢一个人就去表白,万一成备胎了呢。 9不是说贫穷抑制了我的想象力,是你的气质不配。10你说你,爷爷我教你练刀,你练剑,你还上剑不练,练下贱!金剑不练,练银剑!给你剑仙你不当,赐你剑神你不做,非死皮赖脸哭着喊着要做剑人!11让我自责的事情就是认识你12我只想骂人,但是不想骂你!13你的自信是在淘宝买的吗?14前列腺同学,请坐下,还没到你发炎的时候15不要以为你晒黑了就能掩饰你是白痴的事实16就你这脑子,屎壳郎的看见了绝对眼睛发亮!17你说你爸妈用那十分钟出去散个步多好!18知道为什么自古红颜多薄命吗?因为根本没人注意丑B活了多久。 19你复杂的五官也掩饰不了你朴素的智商。20生活不止眼前的苟且,还有你前任突然的喜帖。 3.怼人的祝福语有哪些 你器宇轩昂,万人景仰,无人能及,玉树临风,内外兼备,才华横溢,情操高尚,超级无敌,炉火纯青,登峰造极,人见人爱,猪见猪赞,狗见狗夸,树见花开,花见花败,车见车爆胎,牛见了牛摆尾,羊见羊歇菜,鸭子见了满天飞,飞沙走石,鬼斧神工,振聋发聩,烛照天下,明见万里,雨露苍生,泽被万方,鹰视狼顾,龙行虎步,英姿伟岸,高屋建瓴,仁义道德,风流倜傥,大公无私,貌似潘安,才比宋玉,一树梨花压海棠,人有你有,人无你有,一身正气,两袖清风,你魔鬼的身材,天使的面孔,你是世界上最棒,最靓,最劲的人。 你青天白日,山高水长,拾金不昧,不同流俗,不欺暗室,不忘沟壑,德厚流光,赤子之心,高山景行,高情远致,厚德载物,功德无量,良金美玉,明德惟馨,怀瑾握瑜,蕙心纨质,见危授命,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已,精金良玉,敬老慈幼,年高德劭,前人栽树,后人乘凉,玉洁松贞,沅茝沣兰,志士仁人,云中白鹤。你铁中铮铮,头角峥嵘,补天浴日,风华正茂,风流人物,伏龙凤雏,盖世无双,盖世英雄,矫矫不群,桂林一枝,鹤鸣之士,加人一等,举世无双,金榜题名,昆山片玉,绝世超伦,无出其右,首屈一指,一代风流,一世龙门,裒然举首,庸中佼佼。 你不言而信,不恶而严,荣华富贵,师道尊严。你大名鼎鼎,驰名中外,草木知威,德高望重,举世皆知,赫赫有名,如雷贯耳,功成名遂,功标青史,风云人物,威望素著,声振寰宇。 你简直就是No.1,我对你的敬仰犹如滔滔江水延绵不绝,又如黄河泛滥,一发不可收拾。你是人中之龙,兽中之凤,鹤立鸡群,百兽之王。 你有沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌。你太有才了,是你让我的心死灰复燃,是你让我重新燃起了希望之火,是你拯救了我一颗拨凉拨凉的心。 用一个字来形容你,就是吊;两个字来形容是很吊;三个字来形容是非常吊。奥巴马是你的粉丝,鸠山由纪夫把你当偶像,萨科奇只配为你擦鞋。 你不是人,你简直就像神,你法力无边,回头是岸;你是万物生长的太阳,沙漠里的甘泉,雪中的碳。 4.用英语骂人的话有哪些 1.Go to hell.去死吧. 2.You"re a jerk!你是个废物/混球! 3.Who do you think you are?你以为你是谁? 4.I don"t want to see your face!我不愿再见到你! 5.Knock it off.少来这一套. 6.Get out of my face.从我面前消失! 7.Get lost.滚开! 8.Take a hike!哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧. 9.You piss me off.你气死我了. 10.It"s none of your business.关你屁事! 11.How dare you!你敢! 12.Cut it out.省省吧. 13.You have a lot of nerve.脸皮真厚. 14.I"m fed up.我厌倦了. 15.I can"t take it anymore.我受不了了! 16.I"ve had enough of your garbage.我听腻了你的废话. 17.What were you thinking?你脑子进水啊? 18.How can you say that?你怎么可以这样说? 19.Who says?谁说的? 20.That"s what you think!那才是你脑子里想的! 21.You are out of your mind.你脑子有毛病! 22.Drop dead.去死吧! 23.Don"t give me your shoot.别跟我胡扯. 24.Nonsense!鬼话! 25.You"re a pain in the ass.你这讨厌鬼. 26.You"re an asshole.你这缺德鬼. 27.You asked for it.你自找的. 28.Get over yourself.别自以为是. 29.You"re nothing to me.你对我什么都不是. 30.Get off my back.少跟我罗嗦. 31.Give me a break.饶了我吧. 32.Look at this mess!看看这烂摊子! 33.Don"t nag me!别在我面前唠叨! 34.Mind your own business!管好你自己的事! 35.You"ve gone too far!你太过分了! 36.Can"t you do anything right?成事不足,败事有余. 37.You"re impossible.你真不可救药. 38.We"re through.我们完了! 39.Don"t push me !别逼我! 5.有没有吵架的句子,或者怼人对话呀,要做夜晚 变成我认为的简体就是这个样子,不成句子,应该是无意义的瞎写。 想起有句话就是,记你名字比较困难,可不可以直呼你白痴。 长得丑不是你的错,是你爸妈的错,但是你跑出来吓人,那就是你的错了。 长得丑真是难为你了,整天跑出来吓人。 男人有才华的长得丑,长得帅的不挣钱,挣钱多的不顾家,顾家的没出息,有出息的不浪漫,浪漫的又靠不住,靠得住的又窝囊。 你长得丑,没关系,自信也可以,可是你有着凤姐那般高傲的自负,真令人作呕。 长得丑,不是你的错;长得丑,还到处得瑟。 真是笨死了,翻译过来就是你留言那写的啊世界上最遥远的距离不是知道彼此。 你笨死了。我家附近就有一个,可每次包裹都会被寄到骑车要20分钟才能到的邮局去。 只知道趴在马背上疯子似的乱吼乱叫,真是笨死了! 不要装模作样了我不是个傻瓜! 漂亮的外衣可以包装傻瓜,但蠢话总会露出马脚。 你不过是一个少不更事,脾气暴的傻瓜而已。 假如再不注意,你会变成一个装腔作势的小傻瓜。 聪明人能随机应变,傻瓜是不会的。 6.哲理学回怼人品不行的句子 我把自己养这么好,不想便宜了任何人,面包我有了,凭什么找一个给不起我爱情,还想来分我面包的人。 余生没那么长,不用一味的付出,去惯得寸进尺的人,请忠于自己,活得像最初的模样。卸下你的面具再来和我说话,我没有那个时间和精力去揣测你是否真心。 有些人,有些事。改变不了才知道自己是那么的渺小,涉足社会才感觉自己不应该清高。 六、你尽情的糟蹋自己,心疼的是爱你的人,那个让你变成这样的人是不会内疚的,说不定还在背后嘲笑你讽刺你,所以眼泪麻烦收一收,这么大了,不要丢人现眼。没钱有没钱的烦恼,有钱有有钱的烦恼,活着有活着的烦恼,你怎么确定,死了就会没有烦恼?其实我们可以将所有的问题归结为两种:一种是没饭吃饿的,一种是吃饱了撑的能知难而退是我的本事,用得着你在这指手画脚。 碰不得的东西,最好别碰,惹不起我的人,最好别惹。 7.如何优雅不带脏字的把人怼到无话可说 优雅不带脏字的把人怼到无话百可说举例: 1、你住海边吗:管的也太宽了吧。 2、你是什么牌子塑料袋,这么能装。 3、有空一起去吃鱼吧没看你挺会挑刺的。 4、我不想知道你有病,别表现的这么明显好吗? 5、你的长相很提神。 6、你脑子进水没安排水管吧。 度问 7、你很会下厨吧,看你挺会添油加醋的。 8、任何人工智能都敌不过阁下这款天然傻瓜。 9、如果国家把长相分等级的话,伱的长相,都可以吃低保了。 10、别跟我答说话,我有洁癖。 11、没见过你这种脸皮比城墙还厚的人啊,离你八丈远脸皮都弹我这了。 12、对于有些人我只想说,我的巴掌很适合你的脸。 13、在键盘上撒把米,鸡的走位都比你骚。 14、你就是我键盘上介于字母,A与D,V与N之间那两字母。 15、老子不打你,你不知道版我文武双全。 16、我尖酸刻薄恶毒至极,我不保护自己谁保护我。 17、天晴了雨停了你又觉得你行了。 18、我不是果粒橙权,想喝的时候摇一摇,更不是冰红茶,没有再来一瓶。
2023-07-15 21:06:531

when he leave 和when he is leaving区别

when he leave 和when he is leaving区别 一个是离开了,一个是没离开,快要离开 When do you arrive ?还是when will you arrive ? 都对 前者是用一般现在时 表 将来 when I see you again .when I see you again . Fourious7! See you again 求when i remeber when(five的)歌词 Oh... All the things I said, I should"ve said and didn"t say and I wonder why, yes I wonder why I think about the time we spent the places that we went still makes me cry, yes it makes me cry Why do they say that time will heal this broken heart? They would know it isn"t true If they lost someone like you oh CHORUS Some things can never be replaced Some things aren"t with me for always These are the things I will remember (When I remember when) I"d rather love and lose it all than never have you to recall These are the things I will remember (Again and again) Again and again When I remember when You taught me how to love why I"m all I am because of you, just because of you Everytime I lost my way You shine a light You made my day You see me through yes you see me through So who"s gonna e around to heal this broken heart to show me how to laugh and cry but never how to say goodbye CHORUS Yes, life goes on, you carry on you do, and it"s okay Yes, love goes on, and I will live to love another day Yes, life goes on, you carry on and you do, it"s okay I would laugh and I would cry But I will never say goodbye CHORUS Ooh...(ah)... When I remember when it only hurt when i`m breathing,my heart only break when it`s beating,my dream only die when i`m dr 每一次呼吸,都让我心痛;每一次心跳,都让我心碎;然而,只有死亡才能让我放弃梦想! when she grow up还是when she grows up 正确:when she grows up when引导的时间状语从句,常套用“主将从现”原则,即when前面的主句使用一般将来时,其后面的从句使用一般现在时。如:He is going to be a teacher when he grows up. When The Music Ss (When The Music Ss Album Version) 歌词 歌曲名:When The Music Ss (When The Music Ss Album Version) 歌手:Daryl Coley 专辑:When The Music Ss Music, reality, sometimes it"s hard to tell the difference But we as entertainers have a responsibility to these kids Psyche! Eminem If I were to die murdered in cold blood tomorrow Would you feel sorrow or show love Or would it matter Can never be the lead-off batter of things Shit for me to feed off I"m see-saw battlin But theres way too much at stake for me to be fake There"s too much on my plate And I came way too far in this game to turn and walk away And not say what I got to say What the *** you take me for? a joke? you *** okin crack? Before I do that, I beg Mariah to take me back I get up "for i get down, run myself in the ground, "for I put some wack shit out I"m tryin-a *** ack this one out the park, five-thousand mark Ya"ll steady tryin to drown the shark Ain"t gonna do nothin but piss me off Lid to the can of whoop ass, just ist me off See me leap out, pull the piece out, *** shootin i"m just trying to knock his teeth out Fuck with me now, bitch, let"s see you freestyle Talk is cheap, mother *** er if you"re really feeling froggish, leap Yo slim, you gonna let him get away with that? He tried to play you, you can"t let him skate with that Man I hate this crap, this ain"t rap, This is crazy the way we act When we confuse hip-hop with real life when the music ss Swift There ain"t no getting rid of McVeigh If so you woulda tried The only way I"m leavin this bitch is suicide I have died clinically, arrived back at my enemy"s crib with hennesy, Got drunk then I finished he I"m every nigga"s favorite arch-enemy. Physically fitted to be the most dangerous nigga with beef I spark willingly with a dillinger in the dark dilligently I"m not what you think I appear to be *** ed up Mentally endangered I can"t stay away from a razor I just want my face in a paper I wish a nigger had a grenade to squeeze tight to awake neighbors for acres I murder you Danger had me turned into a mad man, son of sam, bitch, I"m surgical I"l allergic to dyin, you think not? you got balls? We can see how large When the music ss Kon Artist I was happy having a deal at first, Thought money would make me happy but It only made my pain worst, It hurts when u see ur friends turn their back on u dawg When u ain"t got nothing left but ur word and ur balls N ur stress full of cause Of ur new friends they beggin with their hands out Checking for ur record when its selling When it aint, that"s the end, no laughs No friends no girl Just the gin u drink till u car spin u then Screech Damn! Crash U slam into the wall and u fall Out the car, trying to crawl with one arm About to lose it all in a pool of alcohol If my funeral"s tomorrow, wonder if they would even call when the music ss Kuniva Let"s see how many of your men loyal, When i pull up looking for you, With a pistol sipping on a can of pennzoil I"m revved up, who said what would lead bust ur head would just explode With red stuff i"m hand cuffed tossed in the paddy wagon Braggin about how u shot it like a coward, bullets devour you showered you Niggars, if i was u niggas, i"ll run while given the chance Understand i can enchance the spirit of man Death itself, it can"t hurt me, just the thought of dying alone that really Hurts me, u ain"t worthy to speak thoughts of cheap talk Be *** art and s trying to walk how g"s walk before we spark Hug the floor while we plan to the war with ur life, *** the tour and the mic I"ll rather *** a whore with a knife, deliver that shit the coroner"s like You high hype poppin" shit in broad day light nigga ur a gonna at night When The Music Ss Proof Instigators, ?? pits in cages Let loose and bit the neighbours wrist to razors Ya"ll don"t want war, you want talk In the dark my dogs all bark like woof Proof nigga I"m a wolf, get your whole roof Caved in like reindeer hoofs Stomped the roof shake the floor tiles loose The more ya"ll breach, the more I moves This hell street, this is *** blues Put a gun to rap checking all our jewels (nigga) Or make the news betcha all ya"ll move When the uzi pop, you better drop when the music s Bizzare Music"s changed my life in so many ways Brains confused and *** ed since the 5th grade LL told me to rock the bells NWA said *** the police Now i"m in jail 93 was strictly RNB Fucked up hair cut Listen to Jodeci Michael Jackson, who go tell me i"m Mike Ass cheeks painted white Fucking Presilla at night Flying down sunset *** oking crack Transvestite in the front Eddi Murphy in the back MOP had me grindy and griddy Marilyn Manson, i dyed my hair blue And grew some titties Ludacris told me to throw them bowls Now i"m in the hospital Broken nose and a fractured elbow Voices in my head, i"m going in shock, I"m reaching for the glock but the music ss Bang When_____ your school day begin and when_____your first class When does your school day begin and when is your first class We know it was spring when the robins came . When they left, we know the winter ___ C. was ing表将要来临 when+doing 还是when+to do sth. when+to do sth.
2023-07-15 21:07:001


2023-07-15 21:07:105


希望亲心想事成找到自己满意的答案8641客服 祝亲游戏愉快~O(∩_∩)O~
2023-07-15 21:07:294

briteney spears 的piece of me 中英文歌词

Piece Of Me 破碎的我I"m Miss American Dream since I was 17我从17岁起就是个美国梦女郎Don"t matter if I step on the scene我正跨步前进着,但这不并重要Or sneak away to the Phillipines或者就像悄悄的逃到菲律宾去一样They still got pictures of my derriere in the magazine他们把我的美臀放到了杂志里You want a piece of me? You want a piece of me?你想知道我的点点滴滴吗?你想知道吗?I"m Miss bad media karma我是媒体们命运安排的女孩Another day another drama各一天各一场戏Guess I can"t see no harm你们的猜想不会让我受到丁点伤害In working and being a mama新的一天,新的诽闻,And with a kid on my arm我怎么看不出努力工作和做妈妈有什么不对I"m still an exception我依然是个意外And you want a piece of me?那你还想知道我的点点滴滴吗?I"m Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous我是名利生活的代表(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney"s Shameless哦,上帝! 我就是那个被人们称为无耻的女孩!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Exta! Extra! this just in我是负面新闻女王!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. she"s too big now she"s too thin我就是那个一会胖一会瘦的布兰妮!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. "You want a piece of me?" Tryin" and pissin" me off试着让我大发雷霆Well get in line with the paparazzi这就是狗仔队们想得到的结果Who"s flippin" me off该死的是谁Hopin" I"ll resort to startin" havoc和平一些吧 我并不想大搞破坏And end up settlin" in court而上法庭跟你们见面Now are you sure you want a piece of me?现在你还想知道我的点点滴滴吗I"m Mrs. "Most likely to get on TV for strippin" on the streets"最有可能就是在TV上看到我在街头的全身When getting the groceries, no, for real..当事情变得越来越糟的手,不!这是真的...Are you kidding me?你是在对我开玩笑吗?Causing panic in the industry导致恐慌在涌上心头I"m Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous我是名利生活的代表(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney"s Shameless哦,上帝! 我就是那个被人们称为无耻的女孩!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Exta! Extra! this just in我是负面新闻女王!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. she"s too big now she"s too thin我就是那个一会胖一会瘦的布兰妮!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Miss American Dream since I was 17我从17岁起就是个美国梦女郎Don"t matter if I step on the scene我正跨步前进着,但这不并重要Or sneak away to the Philippines或者就像悄悄的逃到菲律宾去一样They still got pictures of my derri╮e in the magazine他们把我的美臀放到了杂志里You want a piece of me?You want a piece of me...你想知道我的点点滴滴吗?你想知道吗?I"m Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous我是名利生活的代表(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney"s Shameless哦,上帝! 我就是那个被人们称为无耻的女孩!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Exta! Extra! this just in我是负面新闻女王!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. she"s too big now she"s too thin我就是那个一会胖一会瘦的布兰妮!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous我是名利生活的代表(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney"s Shameless哦,上帝! 我就是那个被人们称为无耻的女孩!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. Exta! Extra! this just in我是负面新闻女王!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)I"m Mrs. she"s too big now she"s too thin我就是那个一会胖一会瘦的布兰妮!(You want a piece of me)(你想知道我的点点滴滴吗)
2023-07-15 21:07:372

一首英文歌开头登 登 登 登 登 然后是kai me you kai me yo

歌曲: My Name Is 歌手: Eminem 专辑: 《The Slim Shady..》复制歌词 下载LRC歌词Hi! My name is.. (what?) My name is.. (who?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim ShadyHi! My name is.. (huh?) My name is.. (what?)My name is.. {scratches} Slim ShadyAhem.. excuse me!Can I have the attention of the classfor one second?Hi kids! Do you like violence? (Yeah yeah yeah!)Wanna see me stick Nine Inch Nails through each one of my eyelids? (Uh-huh!)Wanna copy me and do exactly like I did? (Yeah yeah!)Try "cid and get fucked up worse that my life is? (Huh?)My brain"s dead weight, I"m tryin to get my head straightbut I can"t figure out which Spice Girl I want to impregnate (Ummmm..)And Dr. Dre said, "Slim Shady you a basehead!"Uh-uhhh! "So why"s your face red? Man you wasted!"Well since age twelve, I"ve felt like I"m someone elseCause I hung my original self from the top bunk with a beltGot pissed off and ripped Pamela Lee"s tits offAnd smacked her so hard I knocked her clothes backwards like Kris KrossI smoke a fat pound of grass and fall on my assfaster than a fat bitch who sat down too fastC"mere slut! (Shady, wait a minute, that"s my girl dog!)I don"t give a fuck, God sent me to piss the world off!My English teacher wanted to have sex in junior highThe only problem was my English teacher was a guyI smacked him in his face with an eraser, chased him with a staplerand stapled his nuts to a stack of paper Walked in the strip club, had my jacket zipped up
2023-07-15 21:07:561


is it pussyuff1f
2023-07-15 21:08:043

leave alone什么意思

leave alone的意思是:单独离开。leave alone在英语中代表“让独自呆着、不理会”的意思,还经常被翻译为不要管,leave alone常被用作名词。英:liu02d0v u0259u02c8lu0259u028an。美:liu02d0v u0259u02c8lou028an。双语例句1、When it comes to other people"s arguments, it"s better to leave well alone.遇到别人争论时,最好别插嘴。2、Sarah hoped he"d take the hint and leave her alone.萨拉希望他能明白她的意思,不来打扰她。3、"Leave me alone," she said testily.“别管我。”她不耐烦地说。4、Why don"t you just piss off and leave me alone?你就不能滚开,让我清静清静?5、"Leave me alone!" she hissed.“别烦我!”她生气地低声说。6、"Don"t leave me alone," he whimpered.“别丢下我不管。”他呜咽着说。
2023-07-15 21:08:111


是不是a potato flew around?
2023-07-15 21:08:312


2023-07-15 21:08:399


  不知道烤鸭都喜欢《神探夏洛克》吗?反正我是很喜欢的,在刚刚结束的艾美奖上,此据还包揽了最佳男主,最佳男配,最佳编剧三个大奖,也不能不说是一种偏爱吧!若能在enjoy the show的同时学点地道的英式英语,那不是更好吗,下面雅思频道我为你带来的《 和夏洛克学英式英语 》,希望对你有所帮助~!    Sherlock Holmes Season 01 Episode 01:A Study in Pink    1. Howu2019s your blog going?   这是剧中Dr. Watson的心理医生问Dr. Watson博客写得怎么样时的对话。   “Howu2019s u2026u2026 going?” 是典型的口语问候,意思是“u2026u2026进行的怎么样了?”如,在国外读书,同学见面经常会互问 “Howu2019s your essay going?”即“你的作业进行的怎么样了?”国外大学作业繁重,可见一斑。   也可以直接用作口语见面打招呼,老外见面打招呼时常用 “Howu2019s going?”或者 “Howu2019s everything going?”,可替换乡土气息浓厚的 “How are you?”。    2. Itu2019s going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life.   “it takes sb a while to do sth” 意思是“做u2026u2026需要一段时间”。 如,“Itu2019s going to take me a while to process the fact that I was dumped.”意思是“我需要一段时间来接受我被甩掉这个事实。”另,这里“process”意为“消化,接受”;“dump sb”意为“甩掉某人,与某人分手”。   原句里面的“adjust to civilian life”意为“适应平民生活”,因为Dr. Watson之前是军人。    3. In the light of this, these incidents are now being treated as linked.   “in the light ofu2026u2026”意思是“根据u2026u2026”或“鉴于u2026u2026”,类似意思的还有“in view ofu2026u2026”或“based uponu2026u2026”,也可用于写作中。    4. Like that"s going to happen!   “Like”后面跟一句话,且语气激烈,意思是“好像u2026u2026是真的似的!”。如,当你想表达你不可能相信某人,你可以说“Like I would trust you!”蕴含讽刺意味,意思是不可能相信你。    5. Sometimes I don"t talk for days on end. Would that bother you?   “on end”意思是“连续”,也可用“in a row”,如“it has been raining for three days on end”“已经连续下了三天的雨了”。另,本集也曾出现“in a row”这个词组:“Four people, in a row? It"s not chance.”这是最后杀人犯出租车司机说的话,意思是“连续死了四个人了,这已经跟运气无关了。”   “bother”可指“让某人讨厌”,如例句的意思就是“有时候我会连续几天都不说话,你会觉得讨厌吗?”。“bother”也可指“麻烦某人”,如,“I donu2019t wanna bother you”,即“我不想麻烦你”。    6. Wasnu2019t a difficult leap.   意思是“不难推断”。Leap本身为“跳跃”,这里为思维的跳跃,可理解为推测。   因为剧中Sherlock是个推理能力很强的人,所以对他来说神马都不难推断,他还有一句口头禅“obviously”,对很多人来说一点都不obvious的事他会觉得很obvious,这或许就是天才和普通人的区别吧。。。    7. Got to dash.   意思是“我赶时间”,非常英式口语。也可以说“Got to run”。    8. You won"t go to him for help because you don"t approve of him.   “go to sb for help”意为“求助某人”,而“approve of”意思是“赞成,许可,认可”,这里全句的意思是“你不会找他帮忙,是因为你并不认可他”。    9. Owe me a favour.   “欠我一个人情”,favour本身意思是“帮忙”。如当你想找人帮忙时,你会说“Could you please do me a favour?”或者“I wanna ask for a huge favour from you.”    10. It"s just sometimes this bloody thing.   英国人非常喜欢在口语里面用“bloody”这个词。这个单词原意是“血腥的”。   但在英国人的口语中,“bloody”经常被用作副词,略为粗俗,慎用。如,这一集里面第二次出现这个单词是“a bloody awful cabbie”意为“一个太TM坏的的哥”,同样,第三集里曾出现“It"s bloody ridiculous”意思是“太TM可笑了”。   本集还有一次出现该词是Dr. Watson说的“He bloody left again”这里的bloody意为TMD,句子意思是“他TMD又一声不响地离开了”。   英国人还经常用“bloody hell!”表达感叹,同样略为粗俗,慎用。    11. Piss off!   这里意为“滚开”,很口语,略为粗俗。也可用“piss sb off”指的是“使某人生气”,如“She really pissed me off when she broke my cup”意思是“她弄坏我杯子的时候真的把我给惹毛了”。    12. I"m supposed to be helping you pay the rent.   “be supposed to do sth”非常地道的口语表达,意为“本应该做某事,理应做某事”。   同样,在美剧“Gossip Girl绯闻女孩”第一季第一集里面,女主角Serena也曾说过一句话“Thatu2019s the way things are supposed to be.” 意思是“这就是事情应该发展的方向”,蕴含着一种无奈之情。    13. He likes it. He gets off on it.   “get off on sth”意思是“喜欢u2026u2026,一做某事就很兴奋”,剧中是指Sherlock一看到离奇凶杀案就很兴奋。。。再例如,“Women often get off on shopping”意为“女人通常一遇到购物就会很兴奋”。    14. He does love to be dramatic.   老外很喜欢用“dramatic”表达“小题大做的,言行举止很夸张的”。   还有一个名词短语“drama queen”用以形容喜欢小题大做的人。如“Stop being such a drama queen”,意思是“亲,不要再这么夸张了好吗?!”这个词组曾在美剧“Modern Family摩登家庭”里多次出现,用以形容在该剧里言行举止较为夸张的gay男Cameron。    15. You"re unattached.   在这里意思是“你是个无牵无挂的人”。英文中有个常用短语“be attached to sth”意思是“依附某物”。这里的“unattached”意为“无所依恋”。   同样,在美剧“Two Broke Girls破产姐妹”中,Max也曾说过“Donu2019t be attached”,意思是“不要爱上我哦”^_^    16. Anderson, face the other way. You"re putting me off.   “put sb off”此处意为“让某人失去兴趣,令某人讨厌”。   还有一个延伸而来的形容词“off-putting”意思是“讨厌的”,意思同“annoying”和”obnoxious”。    17. I"ve outlived four people.   “outlive”意思是“活的比某人久”,这里句子意思是“我比四个人活得久”。   英文中很多以out打头的动词,都有“超过”的意思。如,“outperform”意为“比u2026u2026表现好”;“outnumber”意为“比u2026u2026数量多”,都是及物动词。    18. Childu2019s play.   意思是“幼稚的游戏”。两外还有两个形容词可表达”幼稚的“,一个是众所周知的“childish”,另一个是剧中曾出现的“juvenile”。    19. Did it never occur to you that you and I belong on the same side?   这句话的意思是“你有没有想过我们其实是同一条船上的人?”这里,“it occurs to sbu2026u2026”意思是“某人想到u2026u2026或想过u2026u2026”。例如,“It never occurs to me that you are the murderer”,意思是“我从没想过原来你才是凶手”。    20. Oddly enough - no.   “oddly enough”意为“说来也奇怪”,较为地道的口语表达。   “odd”本身是“奇怪的”意思,也可作数学里面的的“奇数”。   另,剧中还出现了另一个相似词组“funnily enough”,意为“奇怪的是,好笑的是”。   以上就是雅思我为你带来的和夏洛克一起学英式英语,希望你喜欢。
2023-07-15 21:08:541

Raydio的《Get Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Get Down歌手:Raydio专辑:RaydioBusta Rhymes - Get DownAiyyo, ah to my people on the left (get down!)Uh-huh, to my people on the right (get down!)Uh-huh, ah to my people in the middle (get down!)Check itYou see a fresh off the grill nigga keepin it hotNow watch it spread all through the hood I"m back controllin the blockWith one of rap"s greatest ever Timbaland productionY"all niggaz know just what to do, go "head, follow instructionsWhen the God"s in the building (get down!)Uh-huh, I know you niggaz know the feelin (get down!)Alright, and if you ready and you willin (SAY YO!)Okay, throw your hands to the ceiling (get down!)Alright, go "head and stack another million (get down!)Jumpin around like you ain"t really carin (get down!)Ladies rippin off everything they wearin (HEY YO!)I"m on top of the throne nigga, you know I ain"t sharin (get down!)Now you know, I wanna hear you say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH)I wanna hear my muh"fuckers say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH)A lil" louder muh"fuckers say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH!)C"mon, a lil" louder nigga, say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH!!!!)Until the block start blowin blowin up (get down!)Uh-huh, and e"rybody throwin up (get down!)"Til they got the fire marshall showin up (get down!)Or until the club start closin up (get down!)Okay, see how a nigga walk through "em when the beat put a spark to himLet me just talk to "em (LADIES) quit"cha manGo "head put them plans off (LADIES) well okayGo "head and piss your man off (LADIES)Take your pants off and shake it for "em (SHAKE IT LIKE A DOG FOR "EM)And put your ass on "em (SHAKE IT LIKE A DOG FOR "EM)Go "head and spaz on "em (SHAKE IT LIKE A DOG FOR "EM)Now put the mash on "em (SHAKE IT LIKE A DOG FOR "EM)Okay, now from the root to the tree to the top of the buildingSee they ain"t fuckin with me killa (hit "em)Boom bap as far as you can see, got "em bouncin and hoppinNigga you can"t stop me scrilla (hit "em)Well okay, and if you with me say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH)I wanna hear my muh"fuckers say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH)A lil" louder muh"fuckers say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH!)C"mon, a lil" louder nigga, say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH!!!!)Yeah - well okay, and while you niggaz party shit I spit a jewel for the thugBefore a nigga try to front make sure your tool in the clubThat ain"t the basis of this shit, though it"s true when it"s lovethey"ll have you niggaz whylin like a fuckin fool on the drugNow if you with me muh"fucker (get down!)Uh-huh, we gettin gizzle muh"fucker (get down!)Word to God, we make it sizzle muh"fucker (get down!)Uh-huh, I"m on my grizzle holla back (OWWW!)Well okay, see how the God bounce back while you niggaz just sound sloppyGivin you niggaz shit they"ll be knowin you can"t copyThe way the God be spillin all over the trackGet off my dick, tell your bitch holla back (OWWW!)C"mon, violate with me up in the spot is a no-noA lot of niggaz shit trash, soundin all so-soShinin so much D"s takin my photoLower the brim of my fitted while I try to be low-proWe gettin mo" cheddar while you stuntin with no doughGotta skip the line shit movin in slow-moShorty whylin out, try to hit with a low blowWith her crotch on my thigh, rubbin all on her cho-choSHAKE YO" SHIT "til you fall on the flo"Sho" we be fuckin class bitches, I ain"t fuckin with no hoeBust two shots - let me hear it (BO! BO!)"Til the security get para" when they callin the po"-po"If you with me say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH)I wanna hear my muh"fuckers say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH)A lil" louder muh"fuckers say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH!)C"mon, a lil" louder nigga, say it (DO-DOH-DOHHHHH, DO-DOH-DOH!!!!)(Get down)(Get down)(Get down)(Get down)(LADIES)(LADIES)(LADIES)(SHAKE IT LIKE A DOG FOR "EM)(SHAKE IT LIKE A DOG FOR "EM)(SHAKE IT LIKE A DOG FOR "EM)(SHAKE IT LIKE A DOG FOR "EM)(Hit "em)(Hit "em)(Hit "em)(Hit "em)EndBusta Rhymes - Get Down
2023-07-15 21:09:141


1、有些时光,不必赘述,我知道它已无上完美。 Some time, needless to say, I know it has been perfect. 2、你让我下不了台,我让你连上台的机会都没有。 You let me down, I let you do not even have a chance to stage. 3、像我这种人,你除了宠着也没有其他办法了。 For people like me, you can do nothing but spoil them. 4、旧时光终究会老去,总有人在不远的前方等你。 The old time will grow old, there will always be someone waiting for you in the near future. 5、说什么晚安,我巴不得你想我想得夜不能寐。 Good night. I wish you could stay up late. 6、那些让我们哭过的事,总有一天会笑着说出来。 Those things that make us cry will be said with a smile one day. 7、愿得一人心是个童话,白首不分离是个笑话。 It"s a fairy tale to have a heart, and a joke to keep white heads together. 8、我不是佛不能普度众生,但是我可以祸害苍生。 I"m not a Buddha, I can"t help all living beings, but I can do harm to all living beings. 9、你可不可以别在我脑海里转来转去,你不累? Can you stop wandering around in my mind? You"re not tired? 10、突然发现,你的良心不见了,是哪只狗叼去了。 Suddenly found that your conscience is missing, which dog took it. 11、住在人口密集的城市,却过着一个人的生活。 Living in a densely populated city, but living a one-man life. 12、每个人都要为自己,做出的决定和选择而负责。 Everyone is responsible for the decisions and choices they make. 13、原谅不必跟随着抱歉,眼泪也不必为了纪念。 Forgiveness doesn"t have to go with sorry, and tears don"t have to be in memory. 14、天气凉了,请各位及时加衣,注意保暖思淫欲。 The weather is cold, please add clothes in time, pay attention to keep warm and think of lust. 15、做人真难,真羡慕你了,既没有错也没有罪。 It"s hard to be a man. I envy you. There"s no mistake or sin. 16、与高冷无关,我只是不需要那么多的点头之交。 It has nothing to do with the high cold. I just don"t need so many nodding friends. 17、从此以后不谈地久天长,单刀赴会做气质流氓。 From then on, he did not talk about long-standing, and went to the meeting alone to be a temperament rascal. 18、再浪的女人也想有个家,再野的男人我也拿得下。 No matter how many waves a woman wants to have a home, no matter how wild a man is, I can take it. 19、道理我都懂,所以从不追问与我不辞而别的人。 I know all the truth, so I never ask the person who left without saying goodbye to me. 20、每当早晨睁开眼,那些害怕的苦恼,就又会涌来。 When you open your eyes in the morning, the worries of fear will come again. 21、因为早上和被窝分手,此刻被窝对我十分冰冷。 Because I broke up with the quilt in the morning, the quilt is very cold to me at the moment. 22、生活坏到一定程度就会好起来,因为它无法更坏。 Life will get better when it is bad to a certain extent, because it can"t be worse. 23、一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。 A person has at least one dream, there is a reason to be strong. 24、我真的特别讨厌看到你和她的以前。我会发疯的。 I really hate to see you and her before. I"m going to go crazy. 25、男人和女人之间,总是先有暧昧,才有的爱情。 Between men and women, there is always ambiguity before love. 26、我可以带你混得风生水起,也可以让你声名狼藉。 I can bring you into the world, or I can make you infamous. 27、抱最大的希望,为最大的努力,做最坏的打算。 Hope for the best, prepare for the worst for the best. 28、出色些,从能力到容貌别睡太晚,不然梦会很短。 Better, from ability to appearance, don"t sleep too late, otherwise the dream will be very short. 29、夏天就是不好,穷的时候我连西北风都没得喝。 Summer is not good. When I was poor, I didn"t even have to drink the northwest wind. 30、如果哪天我放弃了,请记得,是因为你的不在乎。 If I give up one day, please remember, because you don"t care. 31、无论你二,或是不二,二就在那里,不三不四。 No matter you two or no two, two is there, no three no four. 32、夜深了才知道一个人有多寂寞,不想一个人过的。 It"s late at night that I know how lonely a person is. I don"t want to live alone. 33、爱情就像是一朵罂粟花,使人沉迷,难以自拔。 Love is like a poppy flower, which makes people addicted and hard to extricate themselves. 34、这就是你所说的坚强吗?流氓来了你照样跑。 Is that what you call strong? When the hooligans come, you run as usual. 35、我以为我是无坚不摧的,那只是我的以为而已。 I thought I was invincible, that"s just what I thought. 36、我也不知道为什么,会活成现在这个鬼样子。 I don"t know why. I"ll live like this. 37、没有谁欠谁的道理,也没有谁离不开谁的说法。 There is no reason why anyone owes anyone, and there is no saying that no one can"t do without whom. 38、都记住啦,酒能解决的事,绝不能浪费眼泪。 Remember, wine can solve the problem, never waste tears. 39、莪就像一棵葱,在你旳菜肴里,莪永远只是配菜。 I am like a green onion, in your dishes, I am always just a side dish. 40、这么多年谁一直照顾你啊?我很佩服他的胆量。 Who has been taking care of you for so many years? I admire his courage. 41、女人不是万能的,但是没有女人是万万不能的。 Women are not omnipotent, but without women it is absolutely impossible. 42、山不在高,有仙则名;水不在多,能喝就行。 If the mountain is not high, if there is an immortal, then the name will be; if there is not much water, you can drink it. 43、不要在无聊的时候来找我,要不然显的我多余。 Don"t come to me when I"m bored, or I"ll be redundant. 44、我的耳朵不是垃圾桶,别什么话都往这里扔。 My ears are not trash cans. Don"t throw anything here. 45、别说话了,就你能叨叨,长城都被你叨叨垮了! Don"t talk. You can talk about it. The Great Wall is broken by your nagging! 46、假期为什么这么短因为假期没有上午。 Why is the holiday so short because there is no morning holiday.. 47、真的是洗澡靠毅力,洗衣靠耐力,起床靠爆发力。 It really depends on perseverance in bathing, endurance in laundry and explosive force in getting up. 48、任何人,失去另外一个人,都会活的一如既往。 Anyone, lose another person, will live as usual. 49、生活不会惯着你,要想不被抛弃,必须自己争气! Life will not be used to you, if you want not to be abandoned, you must strive for success! 50、带上你的千军万马,哪怕最后仍是你孤军奋战。 Take your thousands of troops, even if you are still fighting alone in the end. 51、我选取的是遗忘,记住的是此刻,憧憬着是未来。 What I choose is forgetting, remembering the present moment and looking forward to the future. 52、我发誓再赌就砍手,结果发现自己是千手观音。 I vowed to cut off my hands if I gambled again. I found myself a thousand handed Avalokitesvara. 53、结局只要是你和你在一起,过程让我怎么痛都行。 As long as the ending is you and you together, the process makes me feel any pain. 54、只是个小丑而已,给了你微笑却给不了我真心。 It"s just a clown. I can"t give you my heart when I smile. 55、任何关系,你想陌生,我根本不会再多看你一眼。 Any relationship, you want to be strange, I will never look at you again. 56、毫无营养的对话,好想撒泡尿,给它施施肥。 There is no nutrition dialogue, I want to piss and fertilize it. 57、等我说伤不起的时候,就是你家被火烧的日子。 When I say I can"t afford to be hurt, it"s the day your house is burned. 58、明明每个人都有两个心房,却只能住一个人。 It is clear that everyone has two atriums, but only one can live in it. 59、即使是不成熟的尝试,也胜于胎死腹中的谋略。 Even the immature attempt is better than the strategy in stillbirth. 60、我管着你,你惯着我,这就是我想要的生活。 I am in charge of you, you are used to me, this is the life I want.
2023-07-15 21:09:211

Who Is She? 歌词

歌曲名:Who Is She?歌手:Helen Shapiro专辑:The Ultimate Helen Shapiro (The EMI Years)Who Is She 2 UBrandyBy Lou!sDon"t even think about calling me crazyYou know you peeped that lady, yeah yeahAnd when I turned and looked at you, you triedTo play it off but I can tell that you two are friendsYou were just too nervous, she was looking like she was hurtLike the memory had surfacedIt kinda got her pissedI"m kinda wondering myselfIf you really know, tell me how you two know each other so well"Cause I wanna know now you better start talkingWho is she 2 U?Don"t lie to meWho is she 2 U?My eyes can seeSomething"s going onIt makes me assumeI think you better let me knowThat"s for sure (repeat)Who is she 2 U?Don"t lie to meWho is she 2 U?My eyes can seeSomething"s going onIt makes me assumeI think you better let me knowThat"s for sure (repeat)No matter how hard you try, you can"t hide itThere"s no way you can deny it (oh no)Then you wanna flip and call me insecureI"m only bugging because you are so suspiciousThen you say I don"t trust yaCan"t understand why I would cuss yaAnd come off so demanding but baby I can beNow tell me why should I not say you"re wrong in the first placeFor looking too hard over that wayAnd you better tell me what the deal isWho is she 2 U?Don"t lie to meWho is she 2 U?My eyes can seeSomething"s going onIt makes me assumeI think you better let me knowThat"s for sure (repeat)Who is she 2 U?Don"t lie to meWho is she 2 U?My eyes can seeSomething"s going onIt makes me assumeI think you better let me knowThat"s for sure (repeat)Damn right I wanna know her name (don"t lie)Tell me how you know her, babe (don"t lie)Why did she make that face? (don"t lie)You were so ashamed (don"t lie)What are you not saying boy? (ooooh)I"m really not playing boy (ooooh)Gotta know right nowyou better start explaining boyWho is she 2 U?Don"t lie to meWho is she 2 U?My eyes can seeSomething"s going onIt makes me assumeI think you better let me knowThat"s for sure (repeat)Who is she 2 U?Don"t lie to meWho is she 2 U?My eyes can seeSomething"s going onIt makes me assumeI think you better let me knowThat"s for sure (repeat)Who is she 2 U?Don"t lie to meWho is she 2 U?My eyes can seeSomething"s going onIt makes me assumeI think you better let me knowThat"s for sure (repeat)Who is she 2 U?Who is she 2 U?Don"t lie to meMy eyes can seeSomething"s going onIt makes me assumeI think you better let me knowThat"s for sure (repeat)
2023-07-15 21:09:281

迸发 The Surge 找机器人女儿支线任务?

C:UsersPublicDocumentsSteamCODEX3DM版:C:ProgramDataThe Surge以上就是迸发存档位置介绍,希望对大家有帮助。
2023-07-15 21:06:391


suspectingv. 猜疑(是)( suspect的现在分词 ); 怀疑; 不信任; 怀疑…有罪suspiciousadj. 可疑的; 猜疑的,怀疑的; 多疑的,不信任的; 多心
2023-07-15 21:06:413


2023-07-15 21:06:441


2023-07-15 21:06:381


vt. 给……安装空调
2023-07-15 21:06:373