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accessory equipment是什么意思

accessory equipment英[ækˈsesəri iˈkwipmənt]美[ækˈsɛsəri ɪˈkwɪpmənt][词典] 辅助设备,附属设备;[例句]This includes accessory equipment and the weight of all liquids supported by the inertia block.这包括辅助设备和重量所有液体由惯性块支持。

1. To learn about the stages in a scientific experiment.是什么意思?


Parliament 与Cabinet的关系

Parliament 从政治方面来说,英国是近代宪政民主的发源地,英国的国会(Parliament) 开启了代议民主与内阁制民主的典范Cabinet[英国英语]内阁会议

Once, like lovers ambiguous, at the moment, stranger-like venture,翻译一下?

我也拿不太准。不过like翻译成喜欢就应该不太对了。应该是如。。。似的 前半句有动词like,后半句venture做动词了。stranger-like是连起来作副词修饰venture 硬着头皮翻译 曾经,像热恋中的人一样激情澎湃;现如今,如陌生人般小心翼翼 注:很多人都知道adventure是冒险,因此也认为venture就是冒险的意思。不过venture另一个意思却是小心谨慎。而且和前半句对比,我觉得翻译成小心谨慎更为适合语义

venture investment是什么意思

venture investment 英[ˈventʃə inˈvestmənt] 美[ˈvɛntʃɚ ɪnˈvɛstmənt] [财]风险投资 [例句]Prior to founding cdh venture in 2005 , gongquan was a general partner with idg technology venture investment.在2005年创立鼎晖创投前,王功权曾是IDGTechnologyVentureInvestment的普通合伙人。您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢!

Supplementary reading material:Temporal Changes in Paleoceanography

In the Late Proterozoic,profound changes occurred that included the break-up of the supercontinent Rodinia,geographically extensive glaciations,dramatic isotope excursions of,for example,strontium and carbon Jacobsen and Kaufman,this volume on a scale unprecedented in the Phanerozoic,intervals with high abundance of acritarchs suggesting alternating periods of low and high organic productivity,and the emergence of trace,body and skeletonized fossils. Close to the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary, other dramatic biotic events continue that have been described as the Cambrian Explosion. Extensive biomineralization of soft tissue in many major groups of organisms resulted in diverse skeletonized faunas being preserved in the fossil record. Some new biochemical evidence suggests that the initial radiation of major clades of metazoans began about 1200 Ma rather than about 600 Ma ago. If so,what processes or threshold conditions existed to suppress the abundance,size,and diversity radiation for about 600 Ma from 1200 to 600 Ma? Answers may lie in the chemical nature of these oceans. Martin has argued for superoligotrophic oceans for most of the Early Paleozoic. He considered that the oceans were predominantly stratified and only sluggishly circulating; as a consequence there was limited mixing and transfer of nutrients from the deep ocean to surface waters for utilization by organisms ( Fig. 1) . If the oxygen and CO2levels of about 0. 2,2 and 20 times the present atmospheric levels,respectively,for the Cambrian are correct,as interpreted by Berner,then a critical threshold factor for respiration and for ecological expansion would have been the O2levels in the surface and deeper part of the oceans. The interplay of anoxic waters with surface waters somewhat enriched in oxygen is likely to have been a critical factor in the waves of extinctions evident in Cambrian and early Ordovician rocks. Such encroachment of anoxic waters onto carbonate platforms was considered by Zhuravlev and Wood to cause the mid-Early Cambrian Botomian extinction and later the periods of eutrophication to be characterized by phytoplankton blooms. Using Sr and C isotopes data from the Upper Cambrian,Saltzman et al. argued that catastrophic ocean overturning produced similar periodic,widespread,anoxic conditions. Such pulses may well explain the pattern of trilobite extinctions that were used to define biomere boundaries by Palmer.Progressive ventilation of the deeper oceans appears to have occurred through the Ordovician and Silurian. Attempts to deduce the pattern of oceanic circulation for intervals throughout these two periods have been made by Wilde and Wilde et al. ,respectively,using the paleogeographic reconstructions of Scotese and McKerrow. The superoligotrophic conditions of these oceans and the warm greenhouse climate state throughout the Early Paleozoic were only interrupted in the Ashgill and early Llandovery ( Late Ordovician—Early Silurian) when a continental glaciation developed across North Africa that was then located near the southern pole. The onset of aggressive thermohaline circulation both chilled and ventilated the deep ocean with several glacial phases occurring over about a 10 Ma interval,but with the main Hirnantian phase perhaps lasting only for a few hundred thousand years. The cause of this short-lived icehouse state within such a long 200 Ma period of greenhouse conditions is still speculative and some authors have related it to the passage of part of Gondwana over the south polar region or to the brief drawdown of atmospheric CO2. Even as greenhouse states prevailed through much of the Silurian,detailed analysis on conodont microfossil distributions and related microfacies changes have suggested to Jeppsson and Aldridge et al. that the Silurian ocean state and associated climate was characterized by alternating primo and secundo states with periodic,but rapid turnover intervals. The principal differences being a warm humid phase vs. a drier cooler phase that resulted in significantly different lithologies and reef tracts across the low latitude carbonate platforms. Fig. 1 Indices of ancient nutrient fluxes and productivity through the last 650 MaAnother seemingly important factor in paleoceanography is the changing pattern of eustasy. Sensitive records are preserved on the carbonate platforms and examination of several cratons allows a global pattern to emerge for the Ordovician and Silurian. Major transgressions produced as epicontinental seas that generated important sites of warm,dense hypersaline waters and the periodic development and then closure of this system with transgressive and then regressive events has not yet been fully accommodated into paleoceanographic models. Such oscillations certainly produced major global bio-events. For the Late Ordovician,the Caradoc transgression was the largest of the Phanerozoic and may have been generated by much higher rates of sea-floor spreading and / or the occurrence of a mantle superplume.There is a marked contrast in the studies of paleoceanography of the Early Paleozoic with those of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic as noted initially. The application of a wide range of isotope proxy data with DSDP and ODP core samples and detailed analysis of abundant cores and outcrop studies in well preserved sedimentary basins,such as the Western Interior Seaway of North America,have allowed increasingly sophisticated interpretations of paleoceanography. Periods of anoxia,of less than 1 Ma duration have been recognized in all major oceans for the Late Barremian to Late Aptian of the Early Cretaceous. Peak oxygen deficiency corresponded to highly eutrophic conditions whereas less intense dysoxic / anoxic intervals were characteristic of oligotrophic conditions. The Albian and part of the Cenomanian were the warmest parts of the Cretaceous at a time when there appears to have been four times the present atmospheric level of CO2. Some authors have argued that ready transfer of heat from the equator to the polar regions reduced the latitudinal gradient and fostered a warm green-house state. Larson advocated the presence of a mid-Cretaceous mantle superplume in the western Pacific that produced the Ontong Java Plateau and this model was elaborated upon by Caldeira and Rampino to explain the widespread black shales,high organic productivity and oil accumulation ( Fig. 2) . Even within the Cretaceous there are considerable changes in oceanic temperature gradients. Huber et al. showed that during the Coniacian—Santonian the difference between low and high latitude surface- water paleotemperatures was in the range of 0—4℃ . As cooling increased towards the end of the period,the temperature difference increased to about 14℃ . Detailed investigations of the Cretaceous biotas have revealed complex patterns of marine biogeography that primarily mirror the changing major water masses and current systems along with the modifications to the Tethys Seaway and the Western Interior Seaway of North America. The open equatorial circulation around much of the globe via the Tethyan Seaway and the presence of wide shallow shelves on which warm saline waters were generated seem to be critical components to maintain the ultra warm greenhouse state at this time.Fig. 2 Inferred mid-Cretaceous mantle superplume showing increased ocean crust generation, sea level,black shales and related increases in ocean temperature and oil generation. These changes correspond to an interval free of magnetic reversals.In addition to the Cretaceous deep oceans,particularly Tethys,Pacific and opening Atlantic, large shelf seas developed as in Europe and the Western. Interior Sea of North America. The latter has received considerable attention because of the large stratigraphic database developed through oil exploration. In the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin,over 150,000 wells have been drilled in Alberta alone,with many aimed at the Cretaceous or passing to Devonian targets. The Cretaceous Seaway initially spread north from the Gulf of Mexico and south from the Beaufort Sea, meeting in Albian time. The sea was constrained on the west by emerging tectonic forelands tied to major Cordilleran orogenic phases and terrane accretion on the Pacific margin; on the east it lapped progressively eastwards on a largely peneplained Canadian Shield. Tectonic deformation generated an asymmetrically subsiding foreland basin and an eastward migrating peripheral bulge. From sedimentological and paleontological studies the seaway is estimated to have been up to 1000 m deep in the west-central corridor. The western margin was subjected to much clastic fill from the deforming foreland,transported by complex river systems. Volcanoes contributed extensive, eastwardly transported ash falls with over 200 bentonites in the Cretaceous sequence,which,with detailed biostratigraphy,have provided a remarkably detailed chemostratigraphy to unravel the changes to the seaway through time.Within this overall framework,there have been several recent attempts to understand and model the paleoceanography of this north-south seaway. Kaufmann initially tried to discriminate the inflowing north and south waters from surface freshwater caps derived from rivers mainly flowing from the emerging Cordilleran foreland. More recent attempts have modelled current flows within the sea-way. Jewell noted that salinity stratification in the seaway could have been established rapidly. Slingerland et al. proposed that river flux was important and likely controlled the strong counterclockwise gyre occupying the entire north-south extent of the seaway.In the Cenozoic,an early phase of global warming ( Paleocene—Eocene) was followed by a progressive but variable decline in mean annual temperature ( Oligocene—Recent) . The onset of glaciation occurred first in Antarctica close to the Eocene—Oligocene boundary ( ca. 34 Ma) . Major Arctic glaciation appears to have been initiated in the late Pliocene ( ca. 2. 8 Ma) . The Cenozoic provides an opportunity to investigate the processes of changeover from a greenhouse to icehouse state. Fundamental questions remain unresolved about the initiation and maintenance of these two states and of the complex feedback loops in the climate system. Of particular interest are the processes of heat transfer to the high latitudes during a greenhouse state and their collapse during the icehouse state. Two possible principal causes have been advanced, possibly interrelated. Firstly,decreased atmospheric CO2partly derived from the weathering of uplifted crustal rocks during the late phases of alpine orogeny ( e. g. , Himalayan, Alps, Andes, Cordillera) . Secondly,there was substantially altered ocean circulation,particularly the onset of the deep ocean conveyor belt with thermohaline circulation derived from sinking of cold water in the North Atlantic. In this latter case,the pattern of ocean circulation is strongly affected by paleogeographic barriers such as the opening of the Drake Passage or closing of the Panama Isthmus.For the early Cenozoic greenhouse state,O"Connell et al. modelled atmospheric circulation conditions. In one experiment,they showed that under extreme zonal conditions evaporation may have substantially exceeded precipitation leading to the generation of very saline water. Zachos et al. discussed early Cenozoic temperatures from the oceanographic view,and Hovan and Rea used ODP data to examine the particular changes at the Paleocene / Eocene boundary. Here,they noted the dramatic changes that occur over a period of about 1. 2 Ma including: extinction of some benthic foraminifera and changes in calcareous plankton assemblages,oceanic warming,decrease in carbon isotope ratios,reduction in wind strength,an increase in hydrothermal activity. This same change is found in the continental record and is marked by the first appearance of several important modern mammalian orders. The Paleocene and early Eocene climates were controlled primarily by large scale meridional energy transport through the oceans rather than the atmosphere and in part influenced by tectonic events. Hovan and Rea showed that a strong reduction in Paleocene / Eocene wind stress occurs in both hemispheres at the boundary,related to decreased latitudinal thermal gradients produced by a more effective poleward heat transport via the deep ocean.There were dramatic changes to these greenhouse conditions at the Eocene / Oligocene boundary,including: fall in oceanic bottom water temperatures; 1 km drop in the calcium compensation depth in the Pacific; increase in deep sea unconformities; extinctions of planktonic foraminifera. These were apparently related to sudden high latitude cooling and enhanced oceanic thermohaline circulation. The onset of Antarctic glaciation occurred at about 34. 5 Ma seemingly closely related to the opening of the Drake Passage ( between South America and Antarctica) : surface and intermediate water circulation is documented by paleontology at this time,with other geologic evidence suggesting complete opening and deepwater circulation by about 30 Ma. These circulation changes induced a new position for the polar front and strongly influenced the pattern of upwelling and productivity.The late Neogene marks the onset of Arctic glaciation and enhanced global cooling. A significant oceanographic circulation event during this time was the full closure,evaporation and then reflooding of the Mediterranean Sea; the Messinian Event ( ca. 8—5 Ma ) in the late Miocene. The more recent work based on defined sequence stratigraphy and chronostratigraphy has shown that there were two distinct phases of evaporite accumulation,each associated with a sea-level drop that were in turn likely to be of glacio-eustatic origin. Salt a

请问He is a absolutely no achievement man.为什么错?

absolutely是一个adv副词,副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词或其他结构。一般位于动词、形容词之前,有时会位于句末,起补充、说明的作用。而你这句话对于这个男人的定义是属于形容词,这句话就错在使用了不正确的形容词。那么这句话可以改成:Absolutely,he is a no achievement man.或者改成:he is absolutely a no achievement man.当然,第一种是最好的翻译。

upgrade 和improvement 的区别

upgrade英 [ʌp"greɪd]   美 [,ʌp"ɡred]  vt. 使升级;提升;改良品种n. 升级;上升;上坡improvement英 [ɪmˈpru:vmənt]  美 [ɪmˈpruvmənt] n.  改进,改善,改良,增进,进步; (美)装修,改良措施; 利用,活用; 更优秀的人,更进步的人


deterioration 恶化,变坏;退化;堕落的意思 setback 退步


英 ["selfim"pru:vmənt]美 ["selfim"pru:vmənt] n.自我改善;自我修养 更多释义>> [网络短语] Self-improvement 自强不息,自我完善,自我改善 unremitting self-improvement 不懈的自我完善,不懈自我完善 Self-improvement needs 提升自我的需要

求improvement 和 progress 用法上的区别

看下面2个词组就知道区别了make improvement 有了改进,改善 就是比之前好make progress 有了进展 ,更接近完成

英语问题:improvement后加介词 in / on / of 有什么区别?

后加in意思是 改进,改善;增进 表在什么方面有所提高eg:I cannot see any improvement in your writing. 我看不出你在写作方面有什么改进。后加on/over 改善的事物;胜过他人的人eg:This composition is a great improvement on the one you wrote last week. 这篇作文比你上星期写的那篇进步了许多。后加of 有从属关系 the improvement of something 某事物的改善,提高


many improvements 可数 其实没什么可不可数的,看中文意思抽不抽象,中文不可数英文就不可数,这单词可数不可数都行

请问Clear Improvement是什么意思?急急急!!!!!!!

clear improvement 泥娃娃; 清洁面膜泥娃娃; 明显改善[例句]There"s a clear improvement in the height and weight of the players and that of thefence;队员的身高、体重和拦网高度明显提高;

personal improvement造句

Learn more about the Personal Improvement and see what people in and out of your professional network have to say about it.



翻译The home improvement have taken what lillte there is of my spare time.





distance[ˈdɪstəns]谐音:滴思特恩斯(注:“特恩”拼成一个音)distant [ˈdɪstənt]谐音:滴思特恩特(注:“特恩”拼成一个音)improvement[ɪmˈpruːvmənt]谐音:因扑屋闷特


capital-improvement资源改良capital英 [ˈkæpɪtl] 美 [ˈkæpɪtl]n.首都; 资本; 资源; 大写字母adj.极好的; 死刑的; 资本的; 首都的资本;首都;资金;大写improvement英 [ɪmˈpru:vmənt] 美 [ɪmˈpruvmənt]n.改进,改善,改良,增进,进步; (美)装修,改良措施; 利用,活用; 更优秀的人,更进步的人改良;进步;完善;改造

see improvement

选a 意思是从你的写作中我看不到任何进步 improvement 的意思是:改进(之处);改善(之处)improvement in sth也算是一个固定搭配了 例句:If there is an improvement in something,it becomes better.



improvement后加介词 in / on / of 有什么区别

后加in意思是 改进,改善;增进 表在什么方面有所提高eg:I cannot see any improvement in your writing.我看不出你在写作方面有什么改进.后加on/over 改善的事物;胜过他人的人eg:This composition is a great improvement on the one you wrote last week.这篇作文比你上星期写的那篇进步了许多.后加of 有从属关系 the improvement of something 某事物的改善,提高


improve:动词 1.改善 2.提高 3.改进 4.健全 5.改良 6.好转 7.进步 8.优于 9.演变 10.轶 improvement:名词 1.起色 2.丰富

improvement advancement区别

advance和advancement都是相当于动词advance的名词,但advance表达不及物的意思,advancement表达及物的意思,如the advance of knowledge是"知识的进步",the advancement of knowledge是"知识的被人推进".advance比advancement普通,如下面各种表达方式里都用advance,不用advancement: the advance from gramophone to CD player,the advance of the army,the advance of evening,the advance of old age,the advance in rank,the advance in science.


词义不同。promotion英 [prə"məʊʃn]     美 [prə"moʊʃn]    n. 提升;促进;晋升;促销。There are good chances of promotion in this firm.这家公司里提升的机会很多。improvement英 [ɪm"pruːvmənt]     美 [ɪm"pruːvmənt]    n. 改进;改善。I see little prospect of an improvement in his condition.我看他的情况没有什么改进的希望。近义词:development英 [dɪ"veləpmənt]     美 [dɪ"veləpmənt]    n. 发展;开发;生长;进展;[摄]显影;新开发区。The main impediment to development is the country"s large population.发展的主要障碍是这个国家人口太多。


self-improvement译为自我完善self-improvement[英][self ?m"pru:vm?nt][美][self ?m"pru:vm?nt]n.自我改善,自我修养; 自强; 例句:Americans are notoriously obsessed with books about self-improvement.美国人被各种关于自我完善的书深深地困扰着.2.Finally,the 3rd step is to implement a self-evaluation and self-improvement process based on the assessment data.最后,第三步是实施一个以评估数据为基础的自我评价和自我改善过程.3.Lessons include topics related to self-concept,physical and intellectual actions,managing oneself responsibly,getting along with others,being honest,and self-improvement.其课程包括有关自我概念、体智能活动、培养个人责任感、和睦共处、为人诚实和自我修养的话题.


promotion和improvement区别:意思不同、读音不同。1、读音不同promotion:英 [prə"məʊʃn]     美 [prə"moʊʃn]。    improvement:英 [ɪm"pruːvmənt]     美 [ɪm"pruːvmənt]。    2、意思不同promotion:n. 提升;促进;晋升;促销。improvement:n. 改进;改善。近义词:advancement 英 [əd"vɑːnsmənt]     美 [əd"vænsmənt]    n. 前进;进步;晋升。This is an inexorable law governing social advancement.这是社会前进的必然规律。Her rapid advancement in the scientific field is very admirable.她在科学领域取得的飞速进步是十分令人钦佩的。

improvement needs是什么意思



我翻了牛津字典. 作改善,改进,不可数.你的工作尚有改进的余地. 作改进处,改善的事物.克数.你的工作比先前有很大的进步.


improvement出现复数时可以加s的。因为这个单词是一个可数名词,中文意思是改善; 改进; 改进处; 改善的事物。 复数:improvements。例句:We expect to see further improvement over the coming year.我们期望来年会有更进一步的改善。短语:continuous improvement 持续改进 ; 持续改善 ; 进取不懈 ; 连续改进Pareto improvement 帕累托改进 ; 帕累托改善 ; 帕雷托改进 ; 帕累托改进准则proposal improvement 提案改善 ; 议案改善 ; 提案改良 ; 提案好转两个及两个以上的可数名词叫做复数。


improve injured link imagination likely/possibly






不可数,例如:The article struck a pessimistic note; it suggested there would be no improvement.那篇文章不甚乐观,暗示将无改进.The humanitarian scientist called on the improvement of the poor"s living condition.这位人道主义科学家呼吁改善穷人的生活条件.I see little prospect of an improvement in his condition.我看他的情况没有什麽改进的希望.There"s been an overall improvement recently.近来各方面都有所改进.The Dow Jones industrials,ahead10 points early in tandem with further improvement in bond prices,ended off13.59 at1,944.63.道·琼斯工业股早先随着公债价格提升而上涨10点,最后以1944.63收盘,下降13.59.This essay represents a considerable improvement on your recent work.这篇论文说明你最近的工作取得了相当大的改进.We all hope for an improvement in the weather.我们都希望天气好转.There is need for improvement in your handwriting.你的书法需要改进.求采纳。







improvement[英][ɪmˈpru:vmənt][美][ɪmˈpruvmənt]n.改进,改善,改良,增进,进步; (美)装修,改良措施; 利用,活用; 更优秀的人,更进步的人; 复数:improvements例句:1.Patients who receive dummy pills often show clinical improvement. 服用安慰剂的患者常表现出临床症状明显改善。2.You should consider some kind of further education for improvement. 你应该考虑读一些继续教育课程来提高自己。


不可数,例如: The article struck a pessimistic note; it suggested there would be no improvement. 那篇文章不甚乐观,暗示将无改进. The humanitarian scientist called on the improvement of the poor"s living condition. 这位人道主义科学家呼吁改善穷人的生活条件. I see little prospect of an improvement in his condition. 我看他的情况没有什麽改进的希望. There"s been an overall improvement recently. 近来各方面都有所改进. The Dow Jones industrials,ahead10 points early in tandem with further improvement in bond prices,ended off13.59 at1,944.63. 道·琼斯工业股早先随着公债价格提升而上涨10点,最后以1944.63收盘,下降13.59. This essay represents a considerable improvement on your recent work. 这篇论文说明你最近的工作取得了相当大的改进. We all hope for an improvement in the weather. 我们都希望天气好转. There is need for improvement in your handwriting. 你的书法需要改进.


improvement:名词词性,包含词义:改善; 改进; 改进处; 改善的事物。偏向于改进,提高的词义。promotion:名词词性,具有:晋升; 提升; 提拔; (体育运动队的)晋级,升级; 促销活动; 广告宣传; 推广的词义。通常指按部就班的晋级或提升,也常常指通过考核。对符合资格的人进行提升,亦可指学生期末升级或军官的晋级加薪。此外,该词原意为“促进”在商业上常用作“促销”或“特价”。promotion虽然是improvement的同义词,但用法比improvement高级。平常更推荐使用。

improvement 什么意思

improvement [英]ɪmˈpru:vmənt[美]ɪmˈpruvməntn. 改进,改善,改良,增进,进步;(美)装修,改良措施;利用,活用;...[例句]Patients who receive dummy pills often show clinical improvement.服用安慰剂的患者常表现出临床症状明显改善。


improvement是不可数。 improvement:n.改善;改进;改进处;改善的事物。 扩展资料   This is a great improvement on your previous work.   你的工作比先前有很大进步。   We expect to see further improvement over the coming year.   我们期望来年会有更进一步的改善。   We shall be looking for an improvement in your work this term.   我们期待你这学期功课有进步。   They"ve spent a lot of money on home improvements.   他们花了很多钱装修家居。   They applied for a home improvement loan.   他们申请了房屋修缮贷款。


improvement[英][ɪmˈpru:vmənt][美][ɪmˈpruvmənt]n.改进,改善,改良,增进,进步; (美)装修,改良措施; 利用,活用; 更优秀的人,更进步的人;




improvement生词本英 [ɪmˈpru:vmənt]美 [ɪmˈpruvmənt]n.改进,改善,改良,增进,进步; (美)装修,改良措施; 利用,活用; 更优秀的人,更进步的人


improvement怎么读:美 [ɪmˈpruvmənt]英 [ɪmˈpruːvmənt]。improvement英汉双译:1)改善;改进 The act of making sth better; the process of sth becoming better.2)改进处;改善的事物A change in sth that makes it better; sth that is better than it was before.improvement的同义词:amendment,correction,development,step-up,upgrade等。improvement的反义词:deterioration,decline等。improvement的短语:bring about improvement带来改善,实现改良carry out improvement实行改良make improvement in technique改进技术make improvement on对…进行改进need for improvement需要改进


improvement读法是/ɪmˈpruːvmənt /。improvement的组词是continuous improvement持续改进;不断改进;持续改善。significant improvement显著改善;明显改善。great improvement很大改进。gradual improvement逐渐改善。considerable improvement相当大的改进;大幅提高。home improvement房屋改善;改进家装;家居装修。make improveme改进期望。improvement例句:1、The visit was an indication of the improvement in relations between the countries.这次访问标志着两国间关系的改善。2、As a set-off against such discussions there had come an improvement in their pecuniary position.他们的财务状况有了改进,这就抵消掉了此类讨论。3、The improvement in retail sales was underlined by these figures.这些数字突出了零售量的增加。

improvement和 modification的区别

你好,知道英语牛人团为你解答。improve的意思是改进、进步、臻于完善。modify的意思是改动、变更。可是,改动之后不一定就更好,因此modification不一定会导致improvement。相反,想要improve,一定需要modify。因此两者互相联系但不完全相同。希望对你有帮助 :-)



leasehold improvement是什么意思

leasehold improvement租赁物的改良[网络短语]leasehold improvement 租赁资产改良投资,租赁物的改良,租赁资产改良支出accounting for leasehold improvement 租赁物件改良会计处理Leasehold Improvement - Portal 批租土地的改进,租赁改善,正在翻译(赠人玫瑰,手留余香。如若,您对我的答复满意,请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~)


是的. 例如 The architect made an improvement to the building. 或是The architect made three improvements to the building.


前者 改善,改进 后者 进展,进步


improvisation英[ˌɪmprəvaɪ"zeɪʃn]美[ɪmˌprɑvɪˈzeʃən, ˌɪmprəvɪ-]n. 即兴创作,即兴演说; 即兴作品; 急就章;improvement 英[ɪmˈpru:vmənt] 美[ɪmˈpruvmənt] n. 改进,改善,改良,增进,进步; (美) 装修,改良措施; 利用,活用; 更优秀的人,更进步的人; 全部释义>>[例句]Haven"t I shown improvement?我看来是否有改善了?


improvement是真正的名词,improving你可以看成是穿着名词外衣的动词,所谓动名词只是在某些场合下给它一个名词的身份以便它能合法地存在罢了。给你个例子,比如improve要做主语的时候,它就不能赤裸裸地出现,得把它变成名词先,例句:Improving the quality of our products is very important。


就是 自我提升你采纳那家伙的好了





improvement needs是什么意思


幸运随着我们自身的努力而提高 用英语怎么翻译 用improve和 improvement做

The improvement of lucky is in the direct ratio with our own efforts. 幸运的提升和我们自己的努力成正比 表达自己更加努力 幸运也同时提升 这样翻译更有水平


self-improvement译为自我完善self-improvement[英][self ɪm"pru:vmənt][美][self ɪm"pru:vmənt]n.自我改善,自我修养; 自强; 例句:1.Americans are notoriously obsessed with books about self-improvement. 美国人被各种关于自我完善的书深深地困扰着。2.Finally, the 3rd step is to implement a self-evaluation and self-improvement process based on the assessment data. 最后,第三步是实施一个以评估数据为基础的自我评价和自我改善过程。3.Lessons include topics related to self-concept, physical and intellectual actions, managing oneself responsibly, getting along with others, being honest, and self-improvement. 其课程包括有关自我概念、体智能活动、培养个人责任感、和睦共处、为人诚实和自我修养的话题。您好!您提出的问题,我的答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍!有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!希望我的答案对您有所帮助!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮若是客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳!是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值O(∩_∩)O谢谢您!!!


不可数。可数名词是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西;因此它有复数形式,当它的复数形式在句子中作主语时,句子的谓语也应用复数形式。an 是冠词




improve:动词 1.改善 2.提高 3.改进 4.健全 5.改良 6.好转 7.进步 8.优于 9.演变 10.轶 improvement:名词 1.起色 2.丰富

improvement 可数吗

不可数。可数名词是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西;因此它有复数形式,当它的复数形式在句子中作主语时,句子的谓语也应用复数形式。an 是冠词


可数的. little improvement(s).写作带s,口语可以不带. a little improvement.不能带s 例句: He has some great improvements. We will try to make a little improvement. Little imrovements are better than no improvement. We shall never forget the great many improvemenets he brought.


可数的。little improvement(s)。写作带s, 口语可以不带。a little improvement。不能带s例句:He has some great improvements.We will try to make a little improvement.Little imrovements are better than no improvement.We shall never forget the great many improvemenets he brought.

improvement advancement区别

advance和advancement都是相当于动词advance的名词,但advance表达不及物的意思,advancement表达及物的意思,如the advance of knowledge是"知识的进步",the advancement of knowledge是"知识的被人推进".advance比advancement普通,如下面各种表达方式里都用advance,不用advancement:the advance from gramophone to CD player, the advance of the army, the advance of evening, the advance of old age, the advance in rank, the advance in science.




不可数,例如: The article struck a pessimistic note; it suggested there would be no improvement. 那篇文章不甚乐观,暗示将无改进. The humanitarian scientist called on the improvement of the poor"s living condition. 这位人道主义科学家呼吁改善穷人的生活条件. I see little prospect of an improvement in his condition. 我看他的情况没有什麽改进的希望. There"s been an overall improvement recently. 近来各方面都有所改进. The Dow Jones industrials,ahead10 points early in tandem with further improvement in bond prices,ended off13.59 at1,944.63. 道·琼斯工业股早先随着公债价格提升而上涨10点,最后以1944.63收盘,下降13.59. This essay represents a considerable improvement on your recent work. 这篇论文说明你最近的工作取得了相当大的改进. We all hope for an improvement in the weather. 我们都希望天气好转. There is need for improvement in your handwriting. 你的书法需要改进.




improve。improvement作名词,意思是时具有改进,改善,改良;增进;改进处,改善处;改善的事物,经改进的东西;装修,修缮,改建;胜过他人的人,更优秀的人,更进步的人;进步;利用,活用;改良措施;改善的途径等意思。 improve用法 1.用作不及物动词时主动形式常含有被动意义。 I hope for the weather to improve soon. 我希望天气会很快转好。 Her spelling has improved. 她的拼写能力已有长进。 Your mastery of the language has much improved. 你对语言的掌握有很大的进步。 2.用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,但不用于被动结构。 We would snatch at every chance to improve our work. 我们应抓住每个机会来改进我们的工作。 We must make massive efforts to improve our environment. 我们一定要尽最大的努力来改善环境。 The three clubs joined up to improve the town"s playground facilities. 三家俱乐部联合起来共同改善镇上运动场的设施。 3.improve in sth 在某方面好转 improve on 对……作出改进;比……有了改进 improve oneself in sth 在某方面有进步 make an improvement in 在某方面作改进 There be an improvement in...在某方面有进步/好转 There is still room for improvement.仍有改进的余地 相关搭配 ①improve in sth 在某方面好转 ②improve on 对……作出改进;比……有了改进 ③improve oneself in sth 在某方面有进步 ④make an improvement in 在某方面作改进






improvement[英][ɪmˈpru:vmənt][美][ɪmˈpruvmənt]n.改进,改善,改良,增进,进步; (美)装修,改良措施; 利用,活用; 更优秀的人,更进步的人; 复数:improvements以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Patients who receive dummy pills often show clinical improvement. 服用安慰剂的患者常表现出临床症状明显改善


leasehold improvement租赁物的改良[网络短语]leasehold improvement 租赁资产改良投资,租赁物的改良,租赁资产改良支出accounting for leasehold improvement 租赁物件改良会计处理Leasehold Improvement - Portal 批租土地的改进,租赁改善,正在翻译(赠人玫瑰,手留余香。如若,您对我的答复满意,请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~)


improvement的意思是n.改进,改善,改良,增进,进步; (美)装修,改良措施; 利用,活用; 更优秀的人,更进步的人;固定搭配:continuous improvement持续改进;持续改善;连续改进。词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。同义词refinement,culture,recovery,promotion,enrichment,headway,correction,development。双语例句:1、Improvement of RSM method under multi-resource restriction多资源约束改进的RSM方法2、Synthesis of Bis Basic Blue BG and Improvement of Its Solubility双蓝色基BG染料的合成及其溶解度的改善(英)3、Improvement of a result on the Betti deficiency number of graphs关于Betti亏数的一个结果的改进4、The improvement of DFM (direct function method) with arc interpolation对直接函数法圆弧插补的改进5、Without reading any self improvement books or articles you cannot improve yourself.不阅读一些这方面的书或文章的话,你是无法提升自己。


improvement的意思为“改进,改善,改良;增进;改进处,改善处;改善的事物,经改进的东西;装修,修缮,改建;进步;利用,活用;改良措施;改善的途径;胜过他人的人,更优秀的人,更进步的人”。 扩展资料   improvement   释义   n. (名词)   改进,改善,改良   增进   改进处,改善处   改善的事物,经改进的东西   装修,修缮,改建   胜过他人的人,更优秀的人,更进步的人   进步   利用,活用   改良措施   改善的途径   词汇搭配   动词+improvement   bring about improvement 带来改善,实现改良   carry out improvement 实行改良   make improvement in technique 改进技术   make improvement on 对…进行改进   形容词+improvement   industrial improvement 工业改革   minor improvement 小小的改善,微小的改进   moral improvement 道德上的进步   much improvement 很大的改善   steady improvement 稳步改善,稳步前进   sudden improvement 突然改进〔改善〕   介词+improvement   signs of improvement 进步的.迹象   step towards improvement 改进的步骤   improvement+介词   improvement in… 在…上的改进   improvement of… 的改进   improvement on 有进步   improvement over 好得多   双语例句   1.We expect to see further improvement over the coming year.   我们期望来年会有更进一步的改善。   2.There"s still plenty of scope for improvement.   还有很大的改进余地。   3.People"s living standard has had a perceptible improvement.   人民的生活水平明显地改善了。


improvement[英][ɪmˈpru:vmənt][美][ɪmˈpruvmənt]。n.改进,改善,改良,增进,进步; (美)装修,改良措施; 利用,活用; 更优秀的人,更进步的人。复数:improvements。注意。improvement:名词词性,包含词义:改善; 改进; 改进处; 改善的事物。偏向于改进,提高的词义。promotion:名词词性,具有:晋升; 提升; 提拔; (体育运动队的)晋级,升级; 促销活动; 广告宣传; 推广的词义。通常指按部就班的晋级或提升,也常常指通过考核。对符合资格的人进行提升,亦可指学生期末升级或军官的晋级加薪。此外,该词原意为“促进”在商业上常用作“促销”或“特价”。promotion虽然是improvement的同义词,但用法比improvement高级。平常更推荐使用。
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