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急!!卡耐基梅隆大学本科申请TEPPER 里面到底有没有要求写SUPPLEMENT?

到你的Common App帐号登入,加上Carnegie-Mellon为目标学校後,左边supplement 其中应该会有CMU一项,点进去就好了。作文应该是为何选CMU和为何选系Please submit a one-page, single-spaced essay that explains why you have chosen Carnegie Mellon and your particular major(s), department(s) or program(s). This essay should include the reasons why you"ve chosen the major(s), any goals or relevant work plans and any other information you would like us to know. If you are applying to more than one college or program, please mention each college or program you are applying to. Because our admission committees review applicants by college and programs, your essay can impact our final decision. Please do not exceed one page for this essay.

health supplements是什么意思?

health supplements保健品

multivitamin/multimineral supplement是什么意思


supplement facts是什么意思

supplement facts补充事实


主要是因为你下载文献格式和你当前的解码器不同。所以说在运行的过程中无法正常的解码,也有没有办法打开,遇到这种情况的话,我们需要找一个文件解码器,将它的文件格式给转换一下,转换到我们可以打开的格式以后就可以使用了。每一篇文献对应的官网都会放这篇文章的补充材料,一般名字叫supplementary Information,更多的得去期刊网站上下载,一般通过pubmed,然后找到改论文的电子期刊的网站,然后会有supplement补充数据,有些杂志需要收费,有的不需要。通过检索关键词,来选择文献。然后进行数据分析。

food supplement是什么意思

food supplement生词本英 [fu:d ˈsʌpliment] 美 [fud ˈsʌpləmənt]食品增补剂网 络补充食品;食物补充;膳食补充剂;食物补充物双语例句1. A. You should always consult your doctor before starting any food supplement. 你应该在食用任何新的补充物之前请教你的医生.2. Functional food supplement : supplement nutrition, active cells, adjust functions, upgrade immunity.功能性保健品: 补充营养, 活化细胞, 调整功能, 提升免疫.3. Future uses include fish bait, health food supplement and food for humans. 未来的应用会包括鱼饵 、 人用健康补品或食品.4. Key words: distribution, food, supplement logistics, logistics management. 关键词: 流通业食品补货物流物流管理.

dietary supplement是什么意思

dietary supplement:食品强化剂;食物的补充,膳食补充剂dietary:n. 规定的食物;饮食的规定;食谱adj. 饮食的,饭食的,规定食物的supplement:vt. 增补,补充n. 增补,补充;补充物;增刊,副刊


supplement facts营养成分



food supplement是什么意思


supplement facts 是什么药


dietary supplement product是什么意思

膳食补充剂美国食品与药品管理局(简称FDA)公布了《膳食补充剂健康与教育法》(DSHEA),对膳食补充剂作出如下规定: 一种旨在补充膳食的产品(而非烟草),它可能含有一种或多种如下膳食成分:一种维生素、一种矿物质、一种草本(草药)或其他植物、一种氨基酸、一种用以增加每日总摄入量来补充膳食的食物成分,或以上成分的一种浓缩物、代谢物、成分、提取物或组合产品等。产品形式可为丸剂、胶囊、片剂或液体状。不能代替普通食品或作为膳食的唯一品种。标识为“膳食补充剂”一种得到批准的新药、一种得到发证的抗生素或一种得到许可的生物制剂,如在其分别得到批准、发证、许可前已作为膳食补充剂或食品上市的产品。几十年来,美国食品与药品管理局(下称FDA)对膳食补充剂(Dietary Supplements)大多是按照普通食品进行管理的,以确保产品安全、完善,标识真实,不会误导消费者。重要的一点,FDA根据1958年美国联邦食品、药品和化妆品法(FD&C Act)有关食品添加剂补充条款对每一种新食物成分的安全性进行评价,包括膳食补充剂的成分。然而,1994年膳食补充剂健康与教育法(DSHEA)获得通过,随之由国会修订了FD&C Act,其中包含了一些专门针对膳食补充剂和膳食补充剂食物成分的条款。这样,膳食补充剂的食物成分再不需像其他新食物成分或食物成分的新功用那样进行上市前的安全性评价。但它们必须符合有关的安全性要求。1994年10月25日DSHEA认识到的目的是许许多多消费者认为膳食补充剂有助于提高每日的膳食水平并会带来健康益处。DSHEA保证这类食品的安全性和正确的标识,为生产和食用这类产品的人员提供指导。DSHEA同时指出,还需要进一步科学研究证实完善的膳食与健康之间可能存在的促进关系,但目前来讲,膳食补充剂与减少保健费用和疾病预防等确实存在某种联系。DSHEA的条款首先确定了膳食补充剂和膳食成分的范畴;建立了确保其安全性的新框架;明确产品销售时所标识的文字要求;例举了几种有关功能和营养的声明;指出有关成分和营养标签的要求;委托FDA负责起草有关GMP条例。DSHEA还要求在国家卫生院(National Institutes of Health)建立一个膳食补充剂标签委员会和膳食补充剂办公室。


food supplement是什么意思

food supplement食品增补剂;食品补充剂;食品补充品例句1.Health food supplement, rich in the wisdom books.粮食补身体,书籍丰富智慧。2.Add a food supplement, initially to be small, a week after the increase.添加食物的补充,最初是小,但增加一个星期。3.generally from 4 to 6 months, the children began to add food supplement, to supplement the lack of nutrients in breast milk.一般为4至6个月,孩子们开始添加补充食品,以补充母乳中营养缺乏。4.The method of claim 1, wherein the composition is a food supplement.方法权利要求1,其中的组成是一个食品补充。5.Bee Pollen contains trace amounts of a wide range of nutrients and is a popular food supplement in Europe and among athletes.蜂花粉包含量大范围营养素和是一个普遍的食品补充在欧洲和在运动员之中。


supplement facts补充事实supplement[英][ˈsʌplɪmənt][美][ˈsʌpləmənt]vt.增补,补充; n.增补,补充; 补充物; 增刊,副刊; 第三人称单数:supplements复数:supplements现在进行时:supplementing过去式:supplemented例句:1.Powdered formula is the most convenient to supplement breastfeeding. 奶粉配方用于补充母乳喂养是最方便的。2.Try a commercially prepared protein supplement. 尝试一种市售蛋白质补充剂。

求翻译OT pay ,Performance pay,Meal allpwance,Supplement,Deduction,Other


dietary supplement是什么意思



法官适用习惯,一般情况下是对正式法律起某种补充作用。英文:the judge applies the custom to supplement the positive law, or to testify some facts, or to clarify some mistiness of the lawsupplementfacts意思是补充事实In most situations, or as a fact of the benefit-weight,或者是证明待证事实。

dietary supplement是什么意思

dietary supplement 英[ˈdaɪɪˌteri: ˈsʌpliment] 美[ˈdaɪɪˌtɛri ˈsʌpləmənt] [释义] 膳食补充品; [网络] 食用补充品; 健康添加食品; 营养补充剂; [例句]Innovative Beverage says that its Drank is a dietary supplement and that it is working closely with FDA to"clear up any confusion. "该公司说,Drank是一种膳食补充品,它正在与FDA密切合作,澄清任何疑惑。



supplement 跟replenish有什么区别



implement 实现. complement n.补充,补充物,主要指补充不足使之完美。 Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.有咖喱的菜配米饭最棒。 supplement n.增补,补充,补贴,主要指另外补加,增补。 One year after we made our report, we had to add a supplement to cover new events.我们在报告完成一年之后,必须增补一个包含新事件的附加部分。

supplement complement有何区别?

supplement n.增补,补充,补贴,主要指另外补加,增补。complement n.补充,补充物,主要指补充不足使之完美。

“dietary supplement”是什么意思?

“dietary supplement”是膳食补充品的意思。“dietary supplement”音标:英 [ˈdaɪɪˌteri: ˈsʌpliment]   美 [ˈdaɪɪˌtɛri ˈsʌpləmənt] 英英释义:something added to complete a diet or to make up for a dietary deficiency.例句:It is used in medicine and nutrition research, in enriched foods, and as a dietary supplement. 它在医学和营养学研究中都得到使用,在食物和奶制品中亦是如此。Folic acid can be taken as a dietary supplement, for example in a multivitamin. 叶酸还可以作为食品补充剂服用,例如多种维生素中就含有叶酸。You can consider the situation of children"s dietary supplement.你可以根据孩子的饮食情况酌量补充。it is available in teas, tinctures and as a dietary supplement.在美国,可在茶饮、药酒和膳食补充剂中见到它的踪影。It is used in biochemical research and as a dietary supplement.它被用于生物化学研究,也是一种饮食添加剂。


supplement 和 complement 的区别:一、含义不同1、supplement   n. 增刊;补充物例句:It comes out each week and it has a magazine supplement.译文:每周出版一期,还附有杂志增刊。2、complement   n.补充例句:There will be a written examination to complement the practical test.译文:会有一次书面考试来补充实践测试。二、词汇搭配不同1、supplementsupplement one"s diet 补充饮食;supplement one"s income 增加收入;supplement elaborately 精心地补充;supplement natural fertilizer 补充天然肥料;2、complementexcellent complement 极好的补充;necessary complement 必要的补充;object complement 宾语补足语;subject complement 主语补足语三、用法不同1、supplement 基本意思是“增补”,指对已很完整的事物作增补,以使其进一步改进、丰富、提高。尽管所增加的东西对原事物的完全或完整并不是非有不可的,也不一定是相互依存的。例句:She gives private lessons to supplement her income.译文:她给私人授课以增补收入。2、complement 基本意思是“补充”,用作名词(n.)例句:The green wallpaper is the perfect complement to the old pine of the dresser.译文:绿色墙纸是旧松木梳妆台的完美衬托。


supplement 英["sʌplɪmənt] 美[ˈsʌpləmənt] vt. 增补,补充 n. 增补,补充;补充物;增刊,副刊 名词复数:supplements [例句]Powdered formula is the most convenient to supplement breastfeeding.奶粉配方用于补充母乳喂养是最方便的。




supplement英 ["sʌplɪm(ə)nt]美 ["sʌplɪmənt]vt. 增补,补充n. 增补,补充;补充物;增刊,副刊

supplement facts翻译成中文是什么意思?




supplement 名词是可数吗



supplement facts的中文意思是:补充事实,希望我的回答对你有帮助



make up与supplement当“补”来讲时的区别 比如, 现在我需要补上一下昨天遗漏的海关单据

supplement是指额外的补充,是一种增加的形式make up的补是指一种弥补,填补所以说如果是遗漏的东西进行补的话,用make up;I need to make up the missing clearance doc. yesterday.如果只是单纯的再提交一下其他材料,用supplement; 你的第二句话如果没有上下文表示是遗漏的work-report的话,那就用please supplement yesterday daily work-report就可以了。

mineral supplement是什么意思

mineral supplement矿物质补充请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


supplement facts意思是“补充事实”。

Supplement Facts的意思

一般出现在国外产品说明书或标签上 意为“营养成”“成分表”...


添加济 的意思 增补说明

supplement ; supplementary ;bosom; 这英语用谐音怎么读?

supplement 英[ˈsʌplɪmənt] 谐音:撒普利蒙特supplementary 英[ˌsʌplɪˈmentri] 谐音:萨普立猛吹bosom 英[ˈbʊzəm] 谐音:不则木满意望采纳

replenish 与supplement都是动词,有增补的意思,但有什么区别?


dietary supplement 是什么意思

膳食补充剂美国食品与药品管理局(简称FDA)公布了《膳食补充剂健康与教育法》(DSHEA),对膳食补充剂作出如下规定: 一种旨在补充膳食的产品(而非烟草),它可能含有一种或多种如下膳食成分:一种维生素、一种矿物质、一种草本(草药)或其他植物、一种氨基酸、一种用以增加每日总摄入量来补充膳食的食物成分,或以上成分的一种浓缩物、代谢物、成分、提取物或组合产品等。产品形式可为丸剂、胶囊、片剂或液体状。不能代替普通食品或作为膳食的唯一品种。标识为“膳食补充剂”一种得到批准的新药、一种得到发证的抗生素或一种得到许可的生物制剂,如在其分别得到批准、发证、许可前已作为膳食补充剂或食品上市的产品。几十年来,美国食品与药品管理局(下称FDA)对膳食补充剂(Dietary Supplements)大多是按照普通食品进行管理的,以确保产品安全、完善,标识真实,不会误导消费者。重要的一点,FDA根据1958年美国联邦食品、药品和化妆品法(FD&C Act)有关食品添加剂补充条款对每一种新食物成分的安全性进行评价,包括膳食补充剂的成分。然而,1994年膳食补充剂健康与教育法(DSHEA)获得通过,随之由国会修订了FD&C Act,其中包含了一些专门针对膳食补充剂和膳食补充剂食物成分的条款。这样,膳食补充剂的食物成分再不需像其他新食物成分或食物成分的新功用那样进行上市前的安全性评价。但它们必须符合有关的安全性要求。1994年10月25日DSHEA认识到的目的是许许多多消费者认为膳食补充剂有助于提高每日的膳食水平并会带来健康益处。DSHEA保证这类食品的安全性和正确的标识,为生产和食用这类产品的人员提供指导。DSHEA同时指出,还需要进一步科学研究证实完善的膳食与健康之间可能存在的促进关系,但目前来讲,膳食补充剂与减少保健费用和疾病预防等确实存在某种联系。DSHEA的条款首先确定了膳食补充剂和膳食成分的范畴;建立了确保其安全性的新框架;明确产品销售时所标识的文字要求;例举了几种有关功能和营养的声明;指出有关成分和营养标签的要求;委托FDA负责起草有关GMP条例。DSHEA还要求在国家卫生院(National Institutes of Health)建立一个膳食补充剂标签委员会和膳食补充剂办公室。

supplement facts


dietary supplement是什么意思

dietary supplement膳食补充剂

dietory supplement什么意思

dietary supplement膳食补充剂双语对照词典结果:dietary supplement[英][ˈdaɪɪˌteri: ˈsʌpliment][美][ˈdaɪɪˌtɛri ˈsʌpləmənt]膳食补充品; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The dietary supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar business. 膳食补充剂产生了一个数亿美元的市场。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

supplement facts是什么药

  supplement facts是什么药。如下:  应当是国外进口的保健品的一种。  属于国外的进口补充蛋白质的一种营养药。






supplement facts是“补充品标示”的意思,它不是药名。supplement facts也是Nutrition Facts(营养标示)的衍生和扩展。一些美国的保健品上你是可以看到supplement facts这个单词的。它就像一个小标题,起到概括的作用。通常supplement facts后面紧跟着详细地列出保健品的营养成分和含量以及 每日的用量等说明。

supplement facts是什么意思中文

supplement facts:补充品标示;补充事实音标:美 [ˈsʌplɪmənt fækts] 详细翻译:成分表;营养成分表;营养成分;补充品标示;补充事实关键词语:supplement:英 [ˈsʌplɪmənt]  美 [ˈsʌplɪmənt] n. 补充物,增补物;营养片剂,补品;补助,补贴;额外服务费用;(报纸或杂志的)副刊,增刊;(书籍的)补编,附录;(几何)补角v. 增加,增补[ 复数 supplements 第三人称单数 supplements 现在分词 supplementing 过去式 supplemented 过去分词 supplemented ]相关短语:Herbal Supplement Facts 草本营养成分 ; 草药补充事实Supplement t Facts 成分说明双语例句:Once we"ve specified the individual fact table, we can supplement the matrix with columns to indicate the fact table"s granularity and corresponding facts (actual, calculated or implied). 一旦我们指定的单个事实表中,我们可以列补充矩阵列来表示事实表的粒度和相应的事实(确切,计算或预示)。Choosing a supplement can be confusing if you dont have the facts. 选择一个补充可以是混乱的,如果你没有的事实。

supplement facts是什么意思


supplement facts翻译成中文是什么意思

supplement facts翻译成中文是补充品标示,或者补充事实的意思。美 [ˈsʌplɪmənt fækts] 短语Herbal Supplement Facts 草本营养成分 ; 草药补充事实Supplement t Facts 成分说明例句:We made a couple changes in the supplement facts on the label to more accurately reflect the dietary information. 我们已经在产品标签上的产品成分上面做了两处改变,以更准确地反映饮食信息。By law, you have to have the Supplement Facts, and we want to keep the text big enough so people actually can read it, "explains Hay." “根据法律,你必须有补编事实,我们要保持足够大的文字,人们实际上可以阅读,”解释干草。

“dietary supplement”是什么?

dietary supplement的意思是:膳食补充剂。supplement英 ["sʌplɪmənt]   美 ["sʌplɪmənt]    n. 增刊;补充物vt. 增补;补充The upset supplement supplier went up with the puppet to the upper room for supper.心烦意乱的增刊供给者与傀儡一起到上面的房间吃晚餐。用法v. (动词)1、supplement的基本意思是“增补”,指对已很完整的事物作增补,以使其进一步改进、丰富、提高。尽管所增加的东西对原事物的完全或完整并不是非有不可的,也不一定是相互依存的。2、supplement用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,宾语后常接with或by;与with连用,强调“补充的东西”;与by连用,强调“补充的方法”。



请问supplement 和supplementation有区别吗

supplement一般指(书籍的)补编,补遗,附录 例句:A supplement to this dictionary may be published next year.该词典的补编或许将于明年出版。 A supplement to this dictionary may be published next year. 该词典的补编或许将于明年出版。 supplementation虽然也是增补的意思,但是指健康,化学物质营养物质上的补充,例句:1.Folic acid supplementation is used to improve erythropoiesis in chronic hemolytic anemia. 慢性溶血性贫血患者使用叶酸治疗可促进红细胞生成。收藏指正 2.The Effect of Dietary Fat Supplementation to Oxidation of Low-density Lipoprotein 饮食脂肪对低密度脂蛋白氧化修饰的影响收藏指正 3.Supplementation of adequate glutamine was determined during 14-28 days of age. 确定了14-28日龄SEW仔猪谷氨酰胺适宜添加量;4. She returned to baseline after vitamin supplementation. 增补维生素后病变改善。


supplement n. 补充,补遗;补充物;附录 vt. 补充,增补 例句用法1.The upset supplement supplier went up with the puppet to the upper room for supper. 心烦意乱的增刊供应者与傀儡一起到上面的房间吃晚餐。 2.The 16-page color supplement, which launches tomorrow will include interviews with the top football players and managers. 明天出版的16页彩色增刊,将包括对顶级足球运动员及俱乐部经理的采访。 3.Organizing the youth to join in volunteer activities can effectively supplement the education of family, school and society. 组织青少年参与志愿者活动,能有效地补充家庭、学校和社会教育的不足; 希望能帮到你。


vt.增补,补充; n.增补,补充; 补充物; 增刊,副刊; 例句:Try a commercially prepared protein supplement.尝试一种市售蛋白质补充剂。




当看到supplement这个单词,估计很多人都不认识它,其实supplement既能做名词也能做动词,那么supplement怎么使用呢?下面是我给大家带来的supplement是什么意思_supplement的用法 总结 ,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! supplement的意思 ◆ 作名词: 增补,补充;补充物 ◆ 作动词: 增补,补充 ◆ 英语音标: 英 [k?m?pein] 美 [k?m?pen] supplement的用法 supplement的用法1:supplement的基本意思是“增补”,指对已很完整的事物作增补,以使其进一步改进、丰富、提高。尽管所增加的东西对原事物的完全或完整并不是非有不可的,也不一定是相互依存的。 supplement的用法2:supplement用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,宾语后常接with或by; 与with连用,强调“补充的东西”; 与by连用,强调“补充的 方法 ”。 supplement的用法3:supplement还可用作可数名词,意为“补遗,补编”,此时其读音为 ["s?plIm?nt] 。例如:A supplement to this dictionary may be published next year.该词典的补编可能将于明年出版。 supplement的 短语 colour supplement 彩色增刊 dietary supplement 膳食补充剂;膳食补充品;饮食补充剂 nutritional supplement 营养补充;营养补剂;营养品 energy supplement 能量补充;补充能源;能量供应 herbal supplement 草药补充;草药补充剂;草药补充物 supplement ingredients 补充剂原料 single supplement 单间附加费 fiber supplement 纤维补充剂 supplement company 补充公司;增补公司 supplement bottle 营养品;营养液;保健品 supplement earnings 补充收益;补充收入 supplement diet 补充营养 andro-based supplement 男性补品 foreign-language supplement 外语副刊;外语增刊 an over-the-counter supplement 非处方补充;一个非处方的补充 over-the-counter supplement 非处方补品 spanish-language supplement 西班牙语增刊;西班牙语附录 supplement的例句 1. She also writes a regular column for the Times Educational Supplement. 她也定期为《泰晤士报高等 教育 增刊》写专栏 文章 。 2. Soldiers in both countries supplement their incomes with payoffs from drugs exporters. 两国士兵都用毒品走私贩的贿赂来贴补收入。 3. Some people may be entitled to a housing benefit supplement. 有些人可能有资格拿到住房补贴。 4. A supplement to this dictionary may be published next year. 该词典的补编或许将于明年出版. 5. They had to get a job to supplement the family income. 他们不得不找一份工作以贴补家庭收入. 6. If you are travelling alone, the single room supplement is ?11 a night. 如果是一个人旅行,住单间每晚要多交11英镑。 7. This full-colour supplement includes full race details, plus a comprehensive run-down on all the British hopefuls. 这份全彩附录包含了完整的比赛信息和对所有可能获胜的英国运动员的详细介绍。 8. Single people are treated as an aberration and made to pay a supplement. 独身者被当成异类,而且要付一笔额外的费用。 9. Business sponsorship must be a supplement to, not a substitute for, public funding. 商业赞助必须是公共基金的一种补充,而不能取而代之。 10. You can avoid the single supplement by agreeing to share a twin room. 你若同意合住双人房间就可以省下单间附加费了。 11. The meeting was very lively and informal with everyone chipping to supplement or refute what the speakers said. 会议开得很活跃,不拘束,每个人都能插话补充,或反驳发言者的讲话. 12. Ethnic townships are a supplement to the system of regional autonomy. 民族乡是对民族区域自治制度的一种补充. 13. She got a part - time job to supplement the family income. 她找了一个 兼职 工作以补充家庭收入. 14. Devastated countries badly needed imports to supplement their limited domestic production. 受到严重破坏的国家急需从国外进口货物来补充他们有限的国内生产. 15. The story first appeared in the Times Literary Supplement. 这个短篇小说第一次是发表在《泰晤士报文学副刊》上的. supplement的用法相关文章: ★ 关于英语常用词根词缀总结 ★ 从历年真题中总结的2019年最新大学英语六级听力重点单词 ★ supplement是什么意思 supplement的用法 ★ 英语常用词根词缀总结记忆方法 ★ 托福阅读文章题材出处总结 ★ 精选英语四级翻译练习题 ★ 英语科技演讲稿 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();


supplement 英[ˈsʌplɪmənt] 美[ˈsʌpləmənt] vt. 增补,补充; n. 增补,补充; 补充物; 增刊,副刊; [例句]I suggest supplementing your diet with vitamins E and A.我建议你在日常饮食中补充些维生素E和维生素A。[其他] 第三人称单数:supplements 复数:supplements 现在分词:supplementing过去式:supplemented




  supplement  发音:[英][ˈsʌplɪmənt][美][ˈsʌpləmənt]  vt.增补,补充;  n.增补,补充; 补充物; 增刊,副刊;  第三人称单数:supplements  复数:supplements  现在进行时:supplementing  过去式:supplemented  


supplement[英][ˈsʌplɪmənt][美][ˈsʌpləmənt]vt.增补,补充; n.增补,补充; 补充物; 增刊,副刊; 第三人称单数:supplements复数:supplements现在进行时:supplementing过去式:supplemented例句:1.So I supplement my income. It don"t hurt nobody. 所以我自己补充收入.这不会伤害任何人.2.A female supplement, the recipe of a fag ghost. 女人用的药,祖传秘方。


supplement_百度翻译supplement [英]ˈsʌplɪmənt[美]ˈsʌpləməntvt. 增补,补充n. 增补,补充;补充物;增刊,副刊[例句]Powdered formula is the most convenient to supplement breastfeeding.奶粉配方用于补充母乳喂养是最方便的。您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢!


supplement[英][ˈsʌplɪmənt][美][ˈsʌpləmənt]vt.增补,补充; n.增补,补充; 补充物; 增刊,副刊; 第三人称单数:supplements复数:supplements现在进行时:supplementing过去式:supplemented例句:1.Then there"s cocoa as a dietary supplement. 此外,可可还被用作一种膳食补充成分。


  supplement英 [ˈsʌplɪmənt] 美 [ˈsʌpləmənt]  vt.增补,补充;  n.增补,补充; 补充物; 增刊,副刊;  [例句]Specifically, the US trade representative should supplement the annual survey of foreign country trade barriers to include market distortions of any sort.  具体而言,美国贸易代表应该将任何形式的市场扭曲,都增补进对外国贸易壁垒的年度调查报告。  [其他]第三人称单数:supplements 复数:supplements 现在分词:supplementing 过去式:supplemented 形近词: implement antiplement complement

in accordance with the terms and subject to the conditions of this agreement


internship算employment或是work experience吗


Internship Statements 请求大侠们指点!?

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:This is (to) certify that Mr Tommy from Henan University , I.D Card (P.R.China) NO. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx has completed his internship in the Material Supply Department of xxxxxxxxxx Co., LTD as the follow position:Period Position DepartmentJuly 1, 2010 -- August 31, 2010 Trainee Material Supply DepartmentDuring the course of internship, Mr Tommy"s performance was very impressive. He was willing to learn new skills when facing an unfamiliar situation and he aquired very fast. Though the tasks assigned to him in material distribution was quite new to him, he handled his work well and showed us his willingness to learn more. In the past two months, Mr tommy showed good capacities for analytical thinking and independently working. He was highly organized and efficient, with the sense of responsibility, which impressed not only his colleagues, but also our customers.We wish him a success in his future.

internship和work placement的区别

internshipn.<美>实习医师,实习医师期; [英][ˈɪntɜ:nʃɪp][美][ˈɪntɜ:rnʃɪp]work placement[英][wə:k ˈpleɪsmənt][美][wɚk ˈpleɪsmənt]工读课程安排;

翻译 This Agreement will be governed in all respects by and interpreted in accordance with


internship和work placement的区别

work placement是你的课程要求,是对于学校来说的,因为给学分internship是对于你和公司来说的,你可以说I want to apply for an opportunity to take an internship in your company to finish(validate) my course "work placement"

internship和part time employement的区别

区别是:internship指的是实习。part time employement指的是部分时间就业,也就是兼职。详细解释:internship 英[ˈɪntɜ:nʃɪp] 美[ˈɪntɜ:rnʃɪp] n. 实习医师,实习期; [例句]I conducted a number of internship in college.在大学期间,我进行了多项实习。part 英[pɑ:t] 美[pɑ:rt] n. 部分; 零件; 参加; 地区; vt. 使分裂; 拆移; 使分开; vi. 分开; 分离; 分岔; [例句]I like that part of Cape Town.我喜欢开普敦的那片地方。employment 英[ɪmˈplɔɪmənt] 美[ɛmˈplɔɪmənt] n. 雇用; 职业; 使用; 有益的活动; [例句]She was unable to find employment.她没能找到工作。

internship和work placement的区别

work placement是你的课程要求,是对于学校来说的,因为给学分internship是对于你和公司来说的,你可以说I want to apply for an opportunity to take an internship in your company to finish(validate) my course "work placement"

请问agreement,compact, pact, deal,treaty,accord的异同?

agreement 是协议,有的时候是比较被动的. contract 是合同,规定双方各有那些义务等. covenant 一般是法律,和很正式的合约. treaty 两国之间签定的的优惠政策,条约等. deal : 交易,谈判的结果. compact 合作协议,行动计划. accord 两国之间(通过协商和让步)达成的协议.拓展资料:这几个词都有协议、条约的意思。但他们的用法和意义有细微差别。①agreement 是协议,有的时候是比较被动的,比如离婚协议,两国之间就什么事达成的协议。【an arrangement, a promise or a contract】 ②contract 是合同,规定双方各有那些义务等,商业合同,雇佣合同等等。【an official written agreement】 ③covenant 一般是法律,和很正式的合约。【a promise to sb, or a legal agreement, especially one to pay a regular amount of money to sb/sth】 ④treaty 两国之间签定的的优惠政策,条约等【a formal agreement between two or more countries 】⑤ deal : 协议;(尤指)交易。【an agreement, especially in business, on particular conditions for buying or doing sth】⑥compact 协定;协议;契约;合约【(formal) a formal agreement between two or more people or countries】⑦ accord 协议;条约 【a formal agreement between two organizations, countries, etc.】

ICH-GCP 11.3 Recruitment & Retention(3)

Part 7: Using Incentives for Study Participation Part 8: What to Do when a Participant Leaves a Study Part 9: Summary of Key PointsResearch participants may be offered rewards such as monetary payments, free medical care, extra vacation time, food, and lodging. Such rewards are not considered benefits of study participation but rather incentives for participation. 研究参与者可能会得到一些奖励,如 金钱报酬、免费医疗、额外的休假时间、食物和住宿 。这种奖励并不被认为是参与研究的好处,而是对参与的奖励。 Receiving a monetary payment, or receiving something for free that would normally have to be paid for, is an inducement. Any inducement may be coercive or an undue influence on a potential study participant. People who are poor or needy may be induced to do something, possibly against their better judgment, by the offer of money or another reward. 获得货币支付,或免费获得通常需要支付的东西,是一种诱因。 任何诱导可能是强制性的,或对潜在的研究参与者产生不正当的影响 。穷人或需要帮助的人可能会被金钱或其他奖励诱导去做一些事情,这可能会违背他们更好的判断。 Because incentives for participation are potentially coercive, the amount and conditions of such incentives must be reviewed and approved by the IRB (See related material from the Institutional Review Boards module). 由于 参与激励具有潜在的强制性 ,此类激励的金额和条件必须由IRB审查和批准(参见机构审查委员会模块中的相关材料)。Many potential participants in drug and alcohol research are unemployed or otherwise economically disadvantaged. Concerns about unduly influencing such participants have led some investigators to decline to offer any incentives for study participation. It is unfair, however, to assume that any remuneration that is given to abusers of alcohol or other drugs will serve as an undue influence. 许多药物和酒精研究的潜在参与者失业或处于经济不利地位。 对过度影响这些参与者的担忧导致一些研究者拒绝提供任何参与研究的激励 。然而,假设给予酒精或其他药物滥用者的任何报酬都会产生不当影响,这是不公平的。Users are instructed to complete the statements below with “should” or “should not” to make the criteria correct. Then consider the feedback. 用户被指示用“应该”或“不应该”来完成下面的陈述,以使标准正确。然后考虑反馈。 Ⅰ、Incentives offered to any potential research participants, including alcohol or other drugs, _______________ be valuable enough to: induce participants to enter or remain in a study against their better judgment. 1、向任何潜在研究参与者提供的激励措施,包括酒精或其他药物,其价值足以:诱导参与者进入或留在一项研究中,而不是他们更好的判断。 2、Incentives offered to any potential research participants, including alcohol or other drug abusers, _______________ be valuable enough to: enable recruitment of an adequate number of participants. 2、对任何潜在的研究参与者,包括酗酒者或其他药物滥用者,提供的激励措施应足够有价值:能够招募到足够数量的参与者。 Ⅲ、Incentives offered to any potential research participants, including alcohol or other drug abusers, _______________ be valuable enough to: compensate participants for the time and inconvenience of study participation. 3、向任何潜在研究参与者(包括酒精或其他药物滥用者)提供的奖励应足够有价值:补偿参与者参与研究的时间和不便。 Ⅳ、Incentives offered to any potential research participants, including alcohol or other drug _______________ be given for taking risks. 4、对任何潜在的研究参与者,包括酒精或其他药物,给予冒险的奖励。 Ⅴ、Incentives offered to any potential research participants, including alcohol or other drug _______________ be given for taking medications. 5、向任何潜在研究参与者提供的奖励,包括酒精或其他药物,应给予其服用药物的奖励。Feedback 1 : Which did you choose: Should or Should Not? The correct response is Should Not. Incentives should not be valuable enough to: induce participants to enter or remain in a study against their better judgment. 反馈1:你选择了哪一个:应该还是不应该?正确的回答是“不应该”。激励措施不应该有足够的价值:诱导参与者进入或留在一项研究中,而不是他们更好的判断。 Feedback 2 : Which did you choose: Should or Should Not? The correct response is Should. Incentives should be valuable enough to: enable recruitment of an adequate number of participants. 反馈2:你选择了哪一个:应该还是不应该?正确的回答是应该。激励措施应该足够有价值:能够招募足够数量的参与者。 Feedback 3 : Which did you choose: Should or Should Not? The correct response is Should. Incentives should be valuable enough to: compensate participants for the time and inconvenience of study participation. 反馈3:你选择了哪一个:应该还是不应该?正确的回答是应该。激励措施应该足够有价值:补偿参与者参与研究的时间和不便。 Feedback 4 : Which did you choose: Should or Should Not? The correct response is Should Not. Incentives should not be given for taking risks. 反馈4:你选择了哪一个:应该还是不应该?正确的回答是“不应该”。不应该为冒险提供激励。 Feedback 5: Which did you choose: Should or Should Not? The correct response is Should Not. Incentives should not be given for taking medications. 反馈5:你选择了哪一个:应该还是不应该?正确的回答是“不应该”。不应该对服用药物给予奖励。Three issues must be considered in determining the appropriateness of incentives for participation in a study. 在确定参与研究的激励措施是否适当时,必须考虑三个问题。 The value of an incentive should reflect the burden posed by participation in the study. The value should not be so high that the incentive could be considered coercive or an excessive influence on an individual"s decision to participate in a study. 激励的价值应反映参与研究带来的负担。 该值不应太高,以至于该激励可能被认为是强制性的,或对个人参与研究的决定产生过度影响。Incentive credits should accrue as the study progresses. Payment should not be conditional on the participant"s completion of the entire study. However, it may be acceptable to create a payment schedule that provides some incentive for the participant to complete the study. The completion bonus should not be large enough to induce participants to remain in the study when they would otherwise have withdrawn. 激励积分应随着研究的进展而累积。 付款不应以参与者完成整个研究为条件。但是,可以创建一个付款计划,为参与者完成研究提供一些激励。完成奖金不应大到足以诱使参与者留在研究中,否则他们会退出。 In some circumstances, participants who withdraw from a study may be paid at the time they would have completed the study had they not withdrawn. For example, if a study lasts for only a few days, it may be acceptable to pay all participants on study completion, including those who withdrew. 在某些情况下, 退出研究的参与者可能会在他们没有退出的情况下完成研究时获得报酬 。例如,如果一项研究仅持续几天,则可以接受在研究完成时向所有参与者付款,包括退出的参与者。Forms of payment may include cash, store gift cards, money orders, or check cards. Some IRBs are reluctant to approve cash payments for certain populations, such as drug using populations out of concern that drug users might use study payments for drug purchases. On the other hand, avoiding cash payments can be viewed as paternalistic and disrespectful. Some forms of payments, such as money orders or check cards, may require the individual to show identification, which can be a potential problem for some populations, such as drug users. Payments over a certain amount may also be subject to taxes, and the participant should be made aware of this. 付款形式可能包括现金、商店礼品卡、汇票或支票卡 。一 些IRB不愿意批准某些人群的现金支付 ,例如吸毒人群,因为担心吸毒者可能会将研究付款用于购买药物。另一方面, 避免现金支付可能被视为家长式作风和不尊重 。某些形式的支付,如汇票或支票卡,可能要求个人出示身份证明,这对某些人群(如吸毒者)来说可能是一个潜在问题。超过一定金额的付款也可能需要纳税,参与者应了解这一点。The study protocol should include criteria for withdrawal and procedures for when a participant voluntarily leaves a study, is withdrawn early from the study for safety concerns, or is discharged after completing a study. The protocol should specify: 研究方案应包括 退出标准 和 参与者自愿退出研究 、 出于安全考虑提前退出研究 或 完成研究后出院的程序 。议定书应规定: Ⅰ、When and how to withdraw participants. Ⅱ、What type of data, if any, will be collected for withdrawn participants. Ⅲ、Whether follow-up of some or all participants that have been withdrawn from the study may occur. 1、何时以及如何退出参与者。 2、对于退出的参与者,将收集何种类型的数据(如有)。 3、是否对部分或全部退出研究的参与者进行随访。 Common end-of-study procedures include, but are not limited to, a closing interview, referral, and follow-up for a specified period of time . 常见的研究结束程序包括但不限于 结束访谈 、 转介 和 特定时间段的随访 。The closing interview is important because it is the final opportunity to obtain study data and likely the last contact the research team will have with the study participant. This interview also provides an opportunity to document any adverse events the participant experienced that may need follow-up after the study ends. 结束访谈很重要,因为这是获得研究数据的最后机会,也是研究团队与研究参与者的最后一次接触。本次访谈还 提供了一个记录参与者在研究结束后可能需要随访的任何不良事件的机会 。The research team is responsible for ensuring that a participant who leaves the study has any referrals that he or she needs to obtain services or help elsewhere, if desired. 研究团队负责确保退 出研究的参与者获得他或她需要的任何转介 ,以便在其他地方获得服务或帮助(如果需要)。Some protocols include a requirement for a follow-up interview to be conducted at a predetermined time point (e.g., one month) after the participant is discharged from the active treatment phase of the study. It may be helpful to remind the participant of this requirement during the closing interview and, if possible, to schedule the day and time of the follow-up interview. Also, review the participant"s locator form to ensure that all contact information is up-to-date. 一些方案包括要求在 参与者退出研究的积极治疗阶段后的预定时间点(例如,一个月)进行后续访谈 。在结束访谈时提醒参与者这一要求可能会有所帮助,如果可能的话,安排后续访谈的日期和时间。此外,检查参与者的定位表,确保所有联系信息都是最新的。Most trial participants view the experience positively and would be open to participating in another trial if asked. Gaining acceptance to contact a participant for future studies is often part of the informed consent document and process. In order not to squander this potential resource, keep participants who have completed a study informed to the extent possible of the study"s status and findings and let them know that their participation was valuable. Such efforts can also serve as “word-of-mouth” advertising. A thank-you card or certificate of appreciation can indirectly serve as a recruitment tool for the study, as well as for future studies. 大多数试验参与者对体验持肯定态度,如果被要求,他们愿意参加另一个试验。 知情同意书文件和流程通常包括接受与参与者联系进行未来研究 。为了不浪费这一潜在资源,尽可能让完成研究的参与者了解研究的状态和发现,并让他们知道他们的参与是有价值的。这些努力也可以作为“口碑”广告。感谢卡或感谢证书可以间接地作为本次学习以及未来学习的招聘工具。Ⅰ、Recruitment and retention of participants are key to the success of any clinical study. 1、招募和保留参与者是任何临床研究成功的关键。 Ⅱ、A successful recruitment and retention strategy requires informed and detailed planning, commitment of adequate resources, careful monitoring, and timely identification and resolution of problems. 2、 成功的招聘和保留战略 需要知情和详细的规划、充足的资源投入、仔细的监控以及及时发现和解决问题。 Ⅲ、Recruitment of participants may not begin until the Institutional Review Board (IRB) has approved the protocol, informed consent documents, and proposed recruitment and retention strategies. 3、在 机构审查委员会(IRB)批准方案 、 知情同意文件 以及 拟议的招募和保留策略 之前,不得开始招募参与者。 Ⅳ、Advertisements, fliers, and brochures that are prepared to recruit potential participants and inform them about a study are considered part of the informed consent process. As such, they must be reviewed and approved by the IRB (see ICH GCP 3.1.2). 4、准备招募潜在参与者并告知 他们研究情况的广告、传单和小册子 被视为知情同意过程的一部分。因此,必须由IRB审查和批准(见ICH GCP 3.1.2)。 Ⅴ、Recruitment for a study has two major elements:    i、Defining a population of appropriate participants to answer the research question.    ii、Recruiting appropriate participants in an ethical manner. 5、研究招募有两大要素: (1)确定 合适的参与者群体 以回答研究问题。 (2)以 合乎道德 的方式招募合适的参与者。 Ⅵ、Recruitment of an adequate number of participants, although essential, does not in itself assure the success of a study. Unless an adequate number of participants are retained for the duration of the study, investigators will not obtain enough data to answer the research question they posed, which was the reason for performing the study in the first place. 6、 招募足够数量的参与者虽然至关重要,但其本身并不能保证研究的成功 。除非在研究期间保留足够数量的参与者,否则研究人员将无法获得足够的数据来回答他们提出的研究问题,而这正是进行研究的首要原因。 Ⅶ、Research participants may be offered rewards such as monetary payments or medical care at no cost. Such rewards are not considered benefits of study participation but rather incentives for participation. 7、研究参与者可能会得到奖励,如 金钱支付 或 免费医疗 。这些奖励并不被认为是参与研究的好处,而是参与研究的激励。 Ⅷ、Because incentives for participation are potentially coercive, the amount, form, and conditions of such incentives must be reviewed and approved by the IRB (see ICH GCP 3.1.8). 8、由于 参与激励具有潜在的强制性 ,此类 激励的金额、形式和条件必须经IRB审查和批准 (见ICH GCP 3.1.8)

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ICH-GCP 11.1 Recruitment & Retention(1)

Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Recruitment Part 3: Recruitment StrategiesThe purpose of a clinical study is to answer a research question. To do this, researchers must: Ⅰ、Recruit an adequate number of appropriate participants. Ⅱ、Retain as many of those participants as possible for the time period specified in the study protocol. 临床研究的目的是回答一个研究问题。为此,研究人员必须: 1、 招募足够数量的适当参与者 。 2、在研究方案规定的时间内, 尽可能多地保留这些参与者 。 Overly optimistic recruitment and retention projections are common in clinical studies. If either recruitment or retention falls short, a study may fail to achieve its objective. The researchers may be unable to answer the research question they posed and participants who were recruited to the study may have been placed at risk for no purpose. Thus, recruitment and retention of participants are key to the success of any clinical study. 在临床研究中, 过度乐观的招募和保留预测是常见的 。如果招募或保留不足,一项研究可能无法实现其目标。研究人员可能无法回答他们提出的研究问题,被招募到研究中的参与者可能被置于毫无目的的风险之中。因此, 招募和保留参与者是任何临床研究成功的关键 。 A successful recruitment and retention strategy requires informed and detailed planning, commitment of adequate resources, careful monitoring, and timely identification and resolution of problems. 成功的征聘和保留战略需要知情和详细的规划、承诺充足的资源、认真监测以及及时查明和解决问题。 Recruitment and retention strategies, including the wording, presentation and the mode of communication of advertising materials, must be approved by the designated Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to implementation. 招聘和保留策略,包括 广告材料的措辞 、 展示和沟通方式 ,必须在实施前获得指定机构审查委员会(IRB)的批准。 Recruitment and retention are challenges that involve much time and effort on the part of both clinicians and researchers. This module discusses the issues to be considered in the recruitment and retention of participants to studies. Part 1 deals with recruitment and Part 2 addresses retention. 招募和保留是一项挑战,需要临床医生和研究人员花费大量时间和精力。本单元讨论招募和保留研究参与者时需要考虑的问题。第1部分涉及招聘,第2部分涉及保留。Recruitment to a study has two major elements: Ⅰ、Defining a population of appropriate participants to answer the research question. Ⅱ、Recruiting appropriate participants in an ethical manner. 研究招募有两个主要因素: 1、确定 合适的参与者群体 以回答研究问题。 2、以 合乎道德 的方式招募合适的参与者。Defining the participant population for a clinical study involves consideration of various issues, as described below. 定义临床研究的参与者群体包括考虑各种问题,如下所述。The purpose of a study will often define the appropriate participant population for the study. For example, the purpose of a study may be to test an intervention that is aimed at pregnant women with gestational hypertension, runaway teenage girls who are involved in the criminal justice system, military veterans who use tobacco products, or another defined population subgroup. 研究的目的通常会为研究确定适当的参与者群体 。例如,一项研究的目的可能是 测试一种干预措施 ,该干预措施针对的是患有妊娠期高血压的孕妇、参与刑事司法系统的离家出走少女、使用烟草产品的退伍军人,或其他确定的人口亚群。It is important that findings from a clinical study be relevant to people who were not in the study but have the same characteristics as the study participants. This is called generalizability . The number of participants must be adequate so that the study"s results can be applied to the general population that might benefit from the research. 重要的是, 临床研究的结果 与 未参与研究但与研究参与者具有相同特征的人相关 。这就是所谓的普遍性。参与者的数量必须足够,以便研究结果能够应用于可能从研究中受益的普通人群。The 1979 Belmont Report established the three key principles on which the current system of human research protections rests: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. 1979年的 《贝尔蒙特报告》 确立了目前保护人类研究的制度所依据的三个关键原则: 尊重个人、慈善和正义。 The principle of justice requires that participants be selected fairly. Researchers must attempt at all times to distribute the risks and benefits of participation in a study fairly and without bias across the population. 公平原则要求公平地选择参与者 。研究人员必须在任何时候都尝试在人群中公平、无偏见地分配参与研究的风险和收益。 When deciding to select some people for a study and exclude others, researchers must ensure that participants are chosen for reasons that are directly related to the problem being studied and not simply because of their availability, their compromised position, or their vulnerability. 当决定选择一些人参与一项研究而排除其他人时, 研究人员必须确保选择参与者的原因与所研究的问题直接相关,而不仅仅是因为他们的可用性、他们的妥协立场或他们的脆弱 性。 Unless there is a clear justification for doing so, research should not involve persons from groups that are unlikely to benefit from subsequent applications of the research. For example, it would be unethical to select as study participants only persons on welfare, institutionalized persons, or members of a specific racial or ethnic group unless the intervention being studied was intended to directly benefit that group of people. 除非有明确的理由,否则 研究不应涉及不太可能从研究的后续应用中受益的群体 。例如,如果只选择靠福利生活的人、被机构收容的人或特定种族或族裔群体的成员作为研究参与者是不道德的,除非所研究的干预措施旨在直接使这一群体受益。Women and minorities should be adequately represented in the study population so that the research findings will be meaningful for these groups and so that members of these groups can share in the benefits of the research. This is particularly important for studies of diseases, disorders, and conditions that disproportionately affect women or minorities. 妇女和少数民族应在研究人群中有充分的代表性 ,以便研究结果对这些群体有意义,并使这些群体的成员能够分享研究的好处。这 对于研究对妇女或少数民族产生过大影响的疾病、紊乱和状况尤为重要。 Since 1994, the National Institutes of Health has required researchers to provide a clear and compelling rationale for proposing to conduct a study in a population in which women and minorities are not adequately represented. (See NIH Policy and Guidelines on the Inclusion of Women and Minorities as Subjects in Clinical Research – Amended October 2001 .) 自1994年以来,美国国家卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)要求研究人员提供一个明确且令人信服的理由,以建议在妇女和少数民族没有充分代表的人群中进行研究。(见国家卫生研究院关于将妇女和少数民族纳入临床研究的政策和指南——2001年10月修订)Certain groups of participants are considered potentially more vulnerable to coercion to participate in research. Children, prisoners, economically disadvantaged, or educationally disadvantaged persons are all considered to be vulnerable populations. 某些参与者群体被认为可能更容易受到强迫而参与研究。 儿童、囚犯、经济上处于不利地位的人 或 教育上处于不利地位的人 都被认为是 弱势群体 。 Generally, participants from vulnerable populations should be enrolled only in studies that pertain directly to their circumstances. For example, pregnant women should be enrolled only in studies in which pregnancy is pertinent to the research question (e.g., investigating if one treatment strategy is more effective than another in pregnant substance abusers). 一般来说, 来自弱势群体的参与者只应参加与其环境直接相关的研究 。例如,孕妇只应参加与研究问题有关的妊娠研究(例如,调查一种治疗策略是否比另一种治疗策略对怀孕药物滥用者更有效) When participants from vulnerable populations are to be recruited for a study, appropriate additional safeguards must be included in the protocol to ensure that their rights and welfare are protected. (This issue is also addressed in the Informed Consent and Institutional Review Boards modules.) However, vulnerable populations should not be overprotected to the extent that they are excluded from participating in research. 当从弱势群体招募参与者进行研究时,议定书中必须包括适当的额外保障措施,以确保他们的权利和福利得到保护。 (这一问题也在知情同意和机构审查委员会模块中讨论)然而,不应过度保护弱势群体,使其无法参与研究。The inclusion and exclusion criteria define precisely who is eligible to participate in the study and who is not. These criteria must be defined in the study protocol. They must also be carefully reviewed for every potential participant. 纳入和排除标准精确地定义了哪些人有资格参与研究,哪些人没有资格 。这些标准必须在研究方案中定义。它们还必须为每一个潜在的参与者仔细审查。 Ⅰ、Inclusion criteria are the characteristics that make a potential participant eligible to enroll in a study. Generally, every potential participant must meet all inclusion criteria in order to be eligible. Ⅱ、Exclusion criteria are the characteristics that prohibit a potential participant from enrolling in a study. Generally, a potential participant will be ineligible if he or she meets one of the exclusion criteria. 1、 纳入标准 是使潜在参与者有资格参加研究的特征。一般来说,每个潜在参与者都必须符合所有入选标准才能符合资格。 2、 排除标准 是禁止潜在参与者参与研究的特征。一般来说,如果潜在参与者符合其中一项排除标准,则该参与者将不符合资格。 Inclusion and exclusion criteria must be reasonable and appropriate to the study purpose. No individual or group should be excluded from eligibility to take part in the study without a valid reason. On the other hand, no individual or group should be included unless they are likely to benefit from applications of the research. 纳入和排除标准必须合理和适合研究目的 。任何个人或团体在没有正当理由的情况下,均不得被排除参加本研究的资格。另一方面,不应包括任何个人或团体,除非他们可能从研究的应用中获益。 Inclusion and exclusion criteria that are too stringent may make it difficult to recruit an adequate number of participants into the study. Modification of overly stringent admission criteria for a study can have a profoundly positive effect on recruitment. On the other hand, inclusion and exclusion criteria that are too broad may make it more difficult for the study to reach meaningful conclusions and may also result in increased safety concerns. 过于严格的纳入和排除标准可能导致难以招募足够数量的参与者参与研究 。修改一项研究过于严格的入学标准会对招募产生深远的积极影响。另一方面, 过于宽泛的纳入和排除标准可能使研究更难得出有意义的结论,也可能导致安全问题增加 。Elements of a successful recruitment strategy include the following: 成功招聘战略的要素包括: Ⅰ、Avoid specifying unnecessarily restrictive inclusion and exclusion criteria in the protocol. Ⅱ、Develop a compensation strategy that adequately reimburses participants for their time and expenses without being coercively generous. Ⅲ、Develop a recruitment plan during the protocol planning stage. Ⅳ、Have the necessary recruitment budget for start-up training, advertising, staff time, and other expenses. Ⅴ、Develop a profile of prospective study participants:    i、What would motivate prospects to join the study?    ii、From what sources do they obtain information?    iii、What radio and television stations and programs do they listen to and watch?    iv、Where do they live, work, shop, and play?    v、In what media outlets would it be appropriate to place recruitment advertisements?    vi、Which caregivers and relatives might serve as referral sources? Ⅵ、Review recruitment rates, dropout rates, and screening success rates from previous studies. Identify and implement strategies that build on previous successes and incorporate lessons learned. Ⅶ、Choose appropriate staff members to conduct recruitment. Ⅷ、Develop a system to track the number of participants enrolled per recruiter per site. Ⅸ、Monitor recruitment carefully and intervene quickly to change recruitment techniques that are proving unsuccessful. Ⅹ、Identify barriers to recruitment. 1、避免在协议中指定 不必要的限制性的纳入和排除标准 。 2、制定一个 补偿策略 ,充分补偿参与者的时间和花费,而不是强制慷慨。 3、在 方案计划阶段制定招聘计划 。 4、有必要的 招聘预算 ,用于启动培训,广告,员工时间和其他费用。 5、建立 前瞻性研究 参与者的简介: (1)什么因素会促使申请者加入这项研究? (2)他们从哪些来源获得信息? (3)他们收听和观看哪些广播电台、电视台和节目? (4)他们在哪里生活、工作、购物和娱乐? (5)在哪些媒体投放招聘广告是合适的? (6)哪些照顾者和亲属可以作为转诊来源? 6、 回顾以往研究的招募率、辍学率和筛查成功率 。确定并实施建立在以往成功基础上的战略,并 吸取经验教训 。 7、选择 合适的员工 进行招聘。 8、开发一个系统来 跟踪每个网站每个招聘人员的参与人数 。 9、仔细 监督招聘,并迅速干预 ,以改变被证明不成功的招聘技术。 10、 识别招聘障碍 。 In general, recruitment strategies are most effective when they are used together in a coordinated fashion. 总的来说,当招聘策略以协调的方式一起使用时, 招聘策略最为有效 。Ⅰ、Contact interested prospects as soon as possible. The longer a prospective participant has to wait before hearing back from study staff, the less likely it is that he or she will ultimately enroll in the study. Ⅱ、Cultivate potential sources of referrals to the study, network with clinic staff who are not working on the study, as well as with other local health care providers. Send direct mailings to selected health care providers. Ⅲ、Give presentations about the study for clinic staff and provide periodic updates on the study"s progress. Ⅳ、Participate in health fairs, speaking engagements, support groups, television and radio interviews, and other forums. Ⅴ、Ask for public service announcements on radio and television. 1、请 尽快与感兴趣的客户联系 。潜在参与者在收到研究人员的反馈之前等待的时间越长,他或她最终加入研究的可能性就越小。 2、 培养转介到研究的潜在来源 , 与不参与研究的诊所工作人员以及其他当地医疗服务提供者建立网络 。直接邮寄给选定的医疗保健提供者。 3、为临床工作人员做 研究报告 , 并定期提供研究进展的更新 。 4、参加健康博览会、演讲活动、支持团体、电视和电台采访以及其他论坛。 5、请求广播和电视上的公共服务公告。Researchers wishing to recruit alcohol or drug abusers into clinical studies must ensure that potential participants are not taken advantage of. 希望招募酒精或药物滥用者参与临床研究的研究人员必须 确保潜在参与者不会被利用 。 The National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has issued guidelines for studies involving alcohol-abusing participants. These guidelines apply equally well to studies involving participants who abuse drugs other than alcohol. With regard to the recruitment of alcohol- or drug-abusing participants, the guidelines state: 国家酒精滥用和酒精中毒咨询委员会发布了涉及酗酒参与者的研究指南。这些指南同样适用于涉及滥用除酒精以外的药物的参与者的研究。关于招募酗酒或吸毒的参与者,准则规定: Ⅰ、Alcohol or drug abusers should not be recruited as participants merely because of their easy availability, low social or economic status, or limited capacity to understand the nature of the research. Ⅱ、The proposed population for any study must be appropriate in terms of age, sex, familial or genetic background, prior alcohol use, other drug use, and general medical and psychological condition, including, if appropriate, alcoholism recovery status. 1、不应仅仅因为 酒


With the development of economy,the demand for talented person in enterprises in various fields is continuous increasing.As a result,difficulty in recruitment is emerging in enterprises from some areas and fields,especially in middle and small size enterprises.Fased with such fierce competition,whether a company is able to recruit the talented or not is a key element to its future survival and development.But,recruitment mechanism is still in the stage of development in many middle and small size companies,and there are various problems need to be solved.This paper studys on the current situation of recruitment in middle and small size companies,and study and analysis on the reasons for the difficulty in recruiting,then put forward the advises and solutions for the problem. Key words:middle and small size companies; recruitment; recruitment mechanism;

SAS里Variable rent in STD statement is not independent是什么错误,我用proc calis

PROC CALIS 线性结构方程和路径分析,变量REN在标准方差解释中是非独立相关变量


recruiting, 用于强调招聘这个动作(其本身也是英语动名词);recruitment,用于强调招聘这个过程和内容;主要看用在哪种情景下而进行选择。
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