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document.write 显示的内容怎么引用?

$("<img src="" />").appendTo("body") $("img").attr("src",""+ document.referrer);  

actions lead to accomplishments是什么意思?




a sense of accomplishments是什么意思



英文原文:accomplishments英式音标:[əˈkʌmplɪʃmənts] 美式音标:[əˈkʌmplɪʃmənts]




你要在服务器下运行才会返回 在本地没效果


Referrer丢失的几个场景 修改Location对象进行页面导航 Location对象是一个用于页面导航的非常实用的对象。因为他允许你只变更Url的其中一部分。例如从cn域名切换到com域名,其他部分不变: window.location.hostname = ""; 但是,通过修改Location进行页面导航的方法,会导致在IE下丢失Referrer。 IE5.5+ 下返回空字符串 Chrome3.0+,Firefox3.5,Opera9.6,Safari3.2.2均正常返回来源网页 window.open方式打开新窗口 示例: <a href="#" onclick=""")">访问Google</a> 点击此链接会在新窗口打开Google网站,我们在地址栏中输入以下js代码就可以看到发送的referrer了。 javascript:alert(document.referrer) 测试结果: IE5.5+ 下返回空字符串 Chrome3.0+,Firefox3.5,Opera9.6,Safari3.2.2均正常返回来源网页 如果是同个域名下通过此方式跳转的,那么我们可以通过访问windoww.opener对象去获取丢失的referrer信息。代码如下: <script type="text/javascript"> var referrer = document.referrer; if (!referrer) { try { if (window.opener) { // IE下如果跨域则抛出权限异常 // Safari和Chrome下window.opener.location没有任何属性 referrer = window.opener.location.href; } } catch (e) {} } </script> 跨域的话则没辙了~ 鼠标拖拽打开新窗口 鼠标拖拽是现在非常流行的用户习惯,很多浏览器都内置或者可以通过插件的方式来支持鼠标拖拽式浏览。但是通过这种方式打开的页面,基本全都丢失referrer。并且,这种情况下,也无法使用window.opener的方式去获取丢失的referrer了。 已测试: Maxthon2.5.2,Firefox的FireGesture插件,Chrome3.0+,Opera9.6,Safari3.2。 点击Flash内部链接 点击Flash上到达另外一个网站的时候,Referrer的情况就比较杂乱了。 IE下,通过客户端Javascript的document.referrer读取到的值是空的,但是如果你使用流量监控软件看一下的话,你会发现,实际上HTTP请求中的Referer报文头却是有值的,这可能是IE实现的Bug。同时,这个值指向的是Flash文件的地址,而不是来源网页的地址。 Chrome4.0下点击Flash到达新窗口之后,Referrer也是指向的Flash文件的地址,而不是源网页的地址。 Chrome3.0和Safari3.2是一样的,都是会丢失Referrer信息。 Opera则和Firefox一样,Referrer的值都是来源网页的地址。 HTTPS跳转到HTTP 从HTTPS的网站跳转到HTTP的网站时,浏览器是不会发送referrer的。这个各大浏览器的行为是一样的。 例如,我们在HTTPS下使用Google Reader或是Gmail的时候,点击某个链接去到另外一个网站,那么从技术上来说,这样的访问和用户直接键入网址访问是没有什么分别的。




document.all是指文档内部的所有标签,从html开始 document.anchors指的是页面中所有的锚点,页面中锚点跳转的方法目前总结2种: 1.采用name的形式:<a href="#top"></a>在要跳往的位置设置<a name="top"></a>(记得一定要是a标签) 2.采用id的形式:<a href ="#bottom"></a>在要跳往的位置设置<div id="bottom"></div>(任意标签都可以) 小结:经过测试id的这种在document.anchors并不能获取,且document.anchors.length的个数是由有几个<a name="***"></a>决定的 document.forms指获取页面中的所有的表单form(有多少个form标签document.forms,length就是多少) 关于form表单上面常用的一些属性: 1.action:请求的地址,即表单的值发往的地址 2.method:请求的方式,值有post和get 3.enctype:请求的值怎样编码,值: application/x-www-form-urlencoded(默认,编码,将空格转换成"+",其它特殊字符转换成ASCII-HEX值) multipart/form-data(不编码,但是上传文件等必须用这种格式) text/plain(将空格转换成"+")表单的名字 5.novalidate:值为novalidate,当有此值得时候,对表单里面的值不做校验,如特殊类型email,number等规定在何种窗口打开action的url(还可以指定窗口名字哦) 7.accept_charset:服务器端可处理的字符集(可以规定一个或者多个,用逗号隔开) document.images指文档中的img的个数,注意通过js appendChild进去的也算 document.links指文档中间Area和link对象的个数,目前测试来说,只有area和a标签计算在其中 关于area标签的使用:(点击图像的某一块区域跳转到哪里) area标签是和map标签配套使用的,主要使用方法和锚点的有点像,在要映射的图片(img标签)上面加入usemap的属性(usemap="#***")然后在map标签上面加入id或者name等于usemap属性的值(建议id和name都加,各浏览器不同,Google的支持name),然后用map包裹area标签 area标签的属性如下: alt:计算此区域失败时,显示的文字 shape:此区域的形状,值有:rect或者rectangle(矩形),circle或者circ(圆形),poly或者polygon(多边形) href:跳转的链接,绝对连接,相对连接,锚链接(和a连接中的锚链接比较像"#***") coords:画图形的时候的坐标,和shape配合使用,当时圆形的时候,为(x,y,r);当时矩形的时候为(x1,y1,x2,y2)两对角坐标,当是多边形的时候,为(x1,y1...xn,yn)为每个坐标点 target:规定在何种窗口下打开href,有如下几种值(href为锚链接也适用) 1._blank:在新窗口中打开 2._self:在当前窗口中打开(默认) 3._parent:在父窗口中打开 4._top:在整个窗口中打开 5.还可以自定义窗口 document.body直接拿文档中的body元素(并没有获取iframe的元素) document.cookie直接拿文档中的所有的cookie,注意遵循cookie的原则,例如,在别的页面设置的cookie,但是在当前页面下是拿的到的,document.cookie是获取的到该值的,如果是同源的用iframe引入的,也是获取的到的 document.domain是指文档当前的服务器域名 document.lastModified是指文档被修改的最后日期 document.referrer是指载入当前文档的文档的url,有点绕是不是,对的,他并不是指当前文档的url噢,例如,当前文档是直接打开的,那么document,referrer为空,如果是通过a链接跳转过去的,则是上一个页面的url,如果是iframe载入进来的,则是承载这个iframe的父文档 document.title是指返回当前文档的标题 document.URL是指返回当前文档的url(记得url是大写的URL,小写的是获取不到的) document.getElementById是指获取指定id的第一个元素 document.getElementsByName是指获取指定的name元素的集合,注意,name元素可能不止一个哦 document.getElementsByTagName是指获取指定元素标签的聚合,注意当输入的为‘*",则为所有的元素,元素的排列顺序按照html的顺序来(传给document.getElementsByTagName的字符串可以不区分大小写,即div可以写成Div) 其实两者含义是差不多的,都是在文档里面写入html或者脚本,需要注意的是如果有延时等,在页面加载完了写入的时候,会重新加载文档流,导致页面之前的内容会没有了,他们的区别是用writeln的时候,文本后面会有一个换行符,在页面上面的体现是有一个空格,注意如果没有加和document.close(),会自动加上这两个,不过建议每次使用的时候手动加上参数一,参数二)是指打开新的文档流,参数一是指打开新的文档编写的类型,参数二是指是否继承父文档的条目(测试了很多遍,不知道咋回事) document.close()是指关闭文档流




accomplishments可以换成attainments。attainments读法美 [əˈteɪnmənts]n. 造诣;成就(attainment 的复数)短语scientific attainments 学术造诣 ; 科研素养scholastic attainments 学术成就artistic attainments 艺术造诣示例:ppreciation of your high talents and literary attainments. 对你的出众才华和文学造诣的赏识。反义词:failurefailure读法英 [ˈfeɪljə(r)]  美 [ˈfeɪljər] n. 失败;失败的人(或企业、事物);未做到;缺乏,不足;故障,衰退;公司倒闭;歉收;突然失去词汇搭配:failure rate [计] 失效率 ; [科技] 故障率 ; 失败率 ; 事故率market failure 市场失败 ; 市场失效 ; 市场不灵示例:Their long struggle ended in failure. 他们的长期努力以失败告终。




js完整代码:<script language="javascript"> var refer=document.referrer; document.getElementById("backurl").value=refer;</script>“HTTP_REFERER”链接到当前页面的前一页面的 URL 地址。不是所有的用户代理(浏览器)都会设置这个变量,而且有的还可以手工修改 HTTP_REFERER。因此,这个变量不总是真实正确的。注意 document.referrer; 和“HTTP_REFERER” 中间差一个字母,却是不同的概念的东东,请注意使用js中的referrer使用,返回上一页在js中写上location.href = document.referrer;就可以实现跳转到上一个页面了,让用户觉得体验很好但是在IE中referrer就没那么尽人意了啊,IE会清空referrer众所周知,我们web开发人员痛恨IE浏览器,因为IE不支持标准,标准外的默认行为又和其他浏览器经常不一致:在IE中用javascript做跳转,比如用window.location.href = “ ”; google无法取到浏览器请求的HTTP referrer,因为IE清空了document.referrer而其他主流浏览器Firefox和Chrome都会保留referrer,这意味着IE又要享受“部长级”特殊待遇了:view sourceif (/MSIE (d+.d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)){ var referLink = document.createElement("a"); referLink.href = url; document.body.appendChild(referLink);;}else { location.href = url; }这样的原理就是给IE浏览器的页面偷偷加了个链接,然后自动点这个链接,于是referrer就能保留了。


<script language="vbscript"> MsgBox document.referrer</script> 这样就可以了


你不要在这里误导parent.document.referrer 这个取值方式绝对可以如果不行,肯定是某个地方出了问题。



为什么javascript的document.referrer 用程序伪装不了?

来路的伪装可不是通过修改document.referrer来实现的.而是通过发送 Request Headers来实现的,里面包含了所有的请求信息.


escape就是加密了,用unescape解密就知道是什么了document.write(unescape(_rsSI)); window.location就是获取URL了,URL通常分为几个部分,如window.location.href 就是获取完整的地址 http://……或者是https://……; 查询参数,也就是“?”后面部分的。 document.referrer 是获取从哪个页面传来的 如从a.htm链接到b.htm,那b.htm就显示 http://……/a.htm

javascript 中 document.referrer 来源问题,求解,在线等

用document.URL或者location.href;不好意思,看错了。。。document.search可以取得参数串(page.asp?id=12) 书签形式的取不到

从IOS的back问题中说起 (关于pageshow、pagehide、document.referrer、visibilitychange)

IOS中,网页的前进后退操作(包括 history.go() 、 history.back() 等)是直接进入其离开时的快照,不会重新触发页面的 load 事件。此时js从上次离开时的状态继续往下执行。 document.referrer 是一个字符串,内容为上一页面的URL 不同浏览器对load/unload/pageshow/pagehide表现不同,使用前需多加测试 第一次进入时,触发 pageshow ,此时 isPageHide 为 false 。离开页面时触发 pagehide , isPageHide 变为 true 。第二次进入时再次触发 pageshow ,此时 isPageHide 为 true ,成功触发页面刷新。 pageshow / pagehide 会在页面跳转前后触发,而 visibilitychange 会在页面被隐藏或显示时(如浏览器tab切换、窗口被最小化等)触发,配合 Document.hidden 可以实现如"页面被切到后台时停止声音播放,切到前台时恢复播放"等功能。




js完整代码:<script language="javascript"> var refer=document.referrer; document.getElementById("backurl").value=refer;</script>“HTTP_REFERER”链接到当前页面的前一页面的 URL 地址。不是所有的用户代理(浏览器)都会设置这个变量,而且有的还可以手工修改 HTTP_REFERER。因此,这个变量不总是真实正确的。注意 document.referrer; 和“HTTP_REFERER” 中间差一个字母,却是不同的概念的东东,请注意使用js中的referrer使用,返回上一页在js中写上location.href = document.referrer;就可以实现跳转到上一个页面了,让用户觉得体验很好但是在IE中referrer就没那么尽人意了啊,IE会清空referrer众所周知,我们web开发人员痛恨IE浏览器,因为IE不支持标准,标准外的默认行为又和其他浏览器经常不一致:在IE中用javascript做跳转,比如用window.location.href = “”; google无法取到浏览器请求的HTTP referrer,因为IE清空了document.referrer而其他主流浏览器Firefox和Chrome都会保留referrer,这意味着IE又要享受“部长级”特殊待遇了:view sourceif (/MSIE (d+.d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)){ var referLink = document.createElement("a"); referLink.href = url; document.body.appendChild(referLink);;}else { location.href = url; }这样的原理就是给IE浏览器的页面偷偷加了个链接,然后自动点这个链接,于是referrer就能保留了。


这个要从achieve的意思讲起,它的意思是完成、达到,所以当achievement表示具体的“成就”时,是可数的;表示抽象的“实现”时,则是不可数的。eg: This is a remarkable achievement. 这是个了不起的成就。The achievement of emancipation... 解放的实现...

This is quite an accomplishment 是什么意思



accomplishment 成就, 完成, 技艺(强调过程)achievement 成就, 功绩(强调结果)

英语中“成功”或者“成就”除了success, triumph, victory, accomplishment,achievement还有什么表达?

succeed effort fruition

翻译:"What"s your proudest accomplishment?" "Getti

考研时自己书写时没法加黑,不加箭头,会扣分吗?... 不会,考研中的线代题中题目中表示的向量加了箭头你就加,不加你也不加,懂了没。 小和尚去化缘 (站内...

accomplishment ;represent ;visualize 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法~


英语It was no mean accomplishment怎么翻译?

It was no mean accomplishment这绝不是成就


accomplishment英 [əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt] 美 [əˈkɑ:mplɪʃmənt] n.成就; 完成; 技能; 履行网络成就感; 成绩; 成果复数: accomplishments双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度知道1 For a novelist, that"s quite an accomplishment. 对于一位小说家来说,那是相当了不起的成就。

accomplishment 常用吗?

常用accomplishment 成就,业绩,完成例句:1、Developing the supersonic jet was quite an accomplishment.开发超音速喷气机是一项了不起的成就。2、This plan is difficult of accomplishment.这个计划很难完成。3、What provide you with a sense of accomplishment?什么能给您成就感呢?




accomplishment美 [ə"kʌmplɪʃmənt]英 [ə"kʌmplɪʃmənt]n.成就;完成;成绩;技艺 业绩;素养;成就感复数:accomplishments 例句筛选1.The matter was not so difficult of accomplishment.这件事情并不十分难办。2.Allow yourself to savor the sense of accomplishment , and recognize that you made a difference.让自己享受成就感,并意识到自己有所作为。


accomplishment[英][əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt][美][əˈkɑ:mplɪʃmənt]n.成就; 完成; 技能; 履行; 复数:accomplishments以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But there is an implicit social contract that links rewards to effort and accomplishment. 但这里有一个不成文的社会契约,即回报应基于个人的努力和成就


accomplishment[英][əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt][美][əˈkɑ:mplɪʃmənt]n.成就; 完成; 技能; 履行; 复数:accomplishments双语例句 For a novelist, that"s quite an accomplishment.对于一位小说家来说,那是相当了不起的成就。

a sense of accomplishment是什么意思

a sense of accomplishment一种成就感网络释义1. 成就感例句:1.Achieving these goals will not only further your career, it will also give you a sense ofaccomplishment and confidence. 实现这些目标不仅会推动你的事业进步,同时也会提升你的成就感和自信。


accomplishment 成就, 完成, 技艺(强调过程)achievement 成就, 功绩(强调结果)

fulfillment achievement accomplishment 这三个词有什么区别

fulfillment就是satisfaction,achievement means use one s effort amd skills to achieve sth accompanishment 是完成…

achievement and accomplishment

achievement1. 达成;完成[U]achievement of an ambition抱负的实现2. 成就,成绩[C]The invention of the computer is a great achievement.发明电脑是一大成就。accomplishment1. 成就;成绩[C]The first walk on the moon was quite an accomplishment.第一次在月球上行走是一项了不起的成就。2. 才艺,教养;造诣;技能[P1]That class increased her accomplishments as a pianist.那个培训班增长了她作为钢琴师的技艺。3. 完成;实现[U]This plan is difficult of accomplishment.可见: 前者强调“成功”, 后者强调“实现,过程”

Accomplishment 和 achievement 之间的区别

accomplishment英 [ə"kʌmplɪʃm(ə)nt; ə"kɒm-]   美 [ə"kɑmplɪʃmənt]  n. 成就;完成;技艺,技能achievement英 [ə"tʃiːvm(ə)nt]   美 [ə"tʃivmənt]  n. 成就;完成;达到;成绩


self-accomplishment自我完成;自我成绩;自我实现例句1.The interest expression is an important link of interest self-accomplishment.利益表达是利益自我实现的一个重要环节。2.On Self-accomplishment of University Teachers论大学教师修养3.This does not simply concern the right way to enhance self-accomplishment, develop one "s potentials, and make one "s dream come true.这不仅仅是关系到青年增强自身休养,发挥潜能,实现理想的正确途径。4.Sophomores demonstrated more depression, misconduct and low self-accomplishment, and witnessed more learning burnout than freshman;其中二年级比一年级表现出更多的情绪低落、行为不当和成就感低,整体学习倦怠程度也显著高于一年级;5.Their unrestrained emotion and self-accomplishment, however, are to be another model of conquering life and death.二人的任情与自我完成,却成为另一种超脱生死的典范。

a sense of accomplishment是什么意思

a sense of accomplishment成就感;一种成就感;成绩感例句1.If I can do that, it gives me a sense of accomplishment.如果我能做到那样,就会给我一种成就感。2.Create situations that give employees a sense of accomplishment.创造条件让雇员有一种成就感。3.My ideal is : the atmosphere is very harmonious, can get a sense of accomplishment, respect, and can grow together with the company.我理想的公司是:氛围非常的融洽,能获得工作的成就感,被尊重的,并且可以同公司一同成长进步。4.My dream is to be a fashion designer, as this many people can design the clothes I wear, which has given me a sense of accomplishment!我的梦想是当一名服装设计师,因为这样许多人可以穿上我设计的衣服,让我有一种成就感!5.Complete a household, outdoor, or personal project to feel a sense of accomplishment.完成一项家庭,户外或个人工程,让你比较有成就感。



accomplishment ;represent ;visualize 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法~




fulfillment achievement accomplishment 这三个词有什么区别

以下查自朗文:fulfillment: satisfaction after successful effort.achievement: the successful finishing or gaining of something.accomplishment: the act of finishing work completely and successfully.




accomplishments 复数的时候表示造诣,成就-通常用于才艺,本领,社交本能,教养等 单数的时候,可以表示完成,实现 mind可以表示思想,也可以作动词表示介意,专心于…… minds 复数形式,也可以表示思想,eg :Criminal Minds 犯罪心理 这句话的大意:因此,为了取得更好的成就,我们应该确保我们没有固步自封(这里的直译是 思想被旧理论所控制)


可数的accomplishment英 [ə"kʌmplɪʃmənt] 美 [ə"kʌmplɪʃmənt] 名词. 成就,完成,成绩,技艺网络. 业绩,素养,成就感变形. 复数:accomplishments

achievement 和establishment 与accomplishment 表示实现,成就时有什么区别?

accomplishment 成就, 完成, 技艺(强调过程) accomplishment - 完成、实现、成就例子:He has very high accomplishment in system of account. (他在账目系统方面有很高的造诣。)achievement 成就, 功绩(强调结果)achievement - 成就、成绩例子:He was rewarded by the government for his scientific achievement. (他因科学成就获得了政府奖励。)establishment - 多指 建立、设立、创办例子:The establishment of a modernized hospital. (一所现代化医院的建立。)

accomplishment ;represent ;visualize 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法~

a 康普利斯曼


accomplishment, /əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt/ n. 成就;完成;技艺,技能 /əˈ----kʌm----plɪʃ----mənt/ 4个音节。


rejuvenating treatment康复治疗rejuvenatingv.使变得年轻,使恢复活力( rejuvenate的现在分词 ); treatment[英][ˈtri:tmənt][美][ˈtritmənt]n.治疗,疗法; 处理; 待遇,对待; 例句:1.What"s your favorite 5-10 minute rejuvenating or recharging break? 什么是您最喜爱的5-10分钟恢复性休息?


  accomplishment  英 [əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt] 美 [əˈkɑ:mplɪʃmənt]  n.成就; 完成; 技能; 履行;  [例句]For a novelist, that"s quite an accomplishment.  对于一位小说家来说,那是相当了不起的成就。  [其他]复数:accomplishments


accomplishment成就双语对照词典结果:accomplishment[英][əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt][美][əˈkɑ:mplɪʃmənt]n.成就; 完成; 技能; 履行; 复数:accomplishments以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But there is an implicit social contract that links rewards to effort and accomplishment. 但这里有一个不成文的社会契约,即回报应基于个人的努力和成就。


accomplishment英 [əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt] 美 [əˈkɑ:mplɪʃmənt]n.成就;完成;技能;履行

accomplishment是什么意思 act or instance of carrying into effect;fulfillment:the accomplishment of our desires.2.something done admirably or creditably:Space exploration is a major accomplishment ofscience.3.anything accomplished; deed; achievement:a career measured in a series of smallaccomplishments.4.Often, accomplishments.a grace, skill, or knowledge expected in politesociety.any acquired ability or knowledge.Reference:


A calibration is a comparison of an item to a standard in order to make a quantitative evaluation. An alignment is to make an adjustment in order to bring an item into range. If the item fails the calibration an alignment is performed to bring the item within its specified tolerances.Calibration v. Alignment



accompanying documents是什么意思

accompanying documents附文件双语对照Forging or altering letters of credit or accompanying documents; 伪造、变造信用证或者附随的单据、文件的;谢谢

accompanying commentary是什么意思


personnel development是什么意思

personnel development [英]ˌpə:səˈnel diˈveləpmənt [美]ˌpɚsəˈnɛl dɪˈvɛləpmənt 人事发展 [例句]The chartered institute of personnel development , a trade body for managers , has suggested a ban on strikes in key industries such as transport.英国特许人事和发展协会(一个针对经理人的贸易机构)已建议禁止一些重要行业罢工,如交通运输业。

personnel management英文定义,它与HRM的区别是什么?

PM有向HRM转变的趋势,最大的区别在于是否以人为本In earlier times, the Personnel Manager of a factory or firm was the person in charge of ensuring employee welfare and interceding between the management and the employees. In recent times, the term has been replaced with HR manager. This article looks at the differences in usage and scope of functions as well as the underlying theory behind these nomenclatures. In the section on introducing HRM, we briefly looked at the main differences. We shall look into them in more detail here.Personnel Management的定义Traditionally the term personnel management was used to refer to the set of activities concerning the workforce which included staffing, payroll, contractual obligations and other administrative tasks. In this respect, personnel management encompasses the range of activities that are to do with managing the workforce rather than resources. Personnel Management is more administrative in nature and the Personnel Manager"s main job is to ensure that the needs of the workforce as they pertain to their immediate concerns are taken care of. Further, personnel managers typically played the role of mediators between the management and the employees and hence there was always the feeling that personnel management was not in tune with the objectives of the management.Human Resource ManagementWith the advent of resource centric organizations in recent decades, it has become imperative to put “people first” as well as secure management objectives of maximizing the ROI (Return on Investment) on the resources. This has led to the development of the modern HRM function which is primarily concerned with ensuring the fulfillment of management objectives and at the same time ensuring that the needs of the resources are taken care of. In this way, HRM differs from personnel management not only in its broader scope but also in the way in which its mission is defined. HRM goes beyond the administrative tasks of personnel management and encompasses a broad vision of how management would like the resources to contribute to the success of the organization.Personnel Management and HRM: A Paradigm Shift ?Cynics might point to the fact that whatever term we use, it is finally “about managing people”. The answer to this would be that the way in which people are managed says a lot about the approach that the firm is taking. For instance, traditional manufacturing units had personnel managers whereas the services firms have HR managers. While it is tempting to view Personnel Management as archaic and HRM as modern, we have to recognize the fact that each serves or served the purpose for which they were instituted. Personnel Management was effective in the “smokestack” era and HRM is effective in the 21st century and this definitely reflects a paradigm shift in the practice of managing people.ConclusionIt is clear from the above paragraphs that HRM denotes a shift in focus and strategy and is in tune with the needs of the modern organization. HRM concentrates on the planning, monitoring and control aspects of resources whereas Personnel Management was largely about mediating between the management and employees. Many experts view Personnel Management as being workforce centered whereas HRM is resource centered. In conclusion, the differences between these two terms have to be viewed through the prism of people management through the times and in context of the industry that is being studied.

personnel和staff的名词使用方法,six management personnel and sixty technical staff 这样是对的么?

首先,personnel:n. 人事部门;全体人员adj. 人员的;有关人事的人员(Personnel)是资源的一部分,是整个生产系统的决策者和执行者短语Personnel Manager人事部经理;人事;职员经理; [管理]   人事经理Personnel Consultant员工顾问;人事顾问;员员工顾客问问;员工参谋personnel psychology [心理]   人事心理学; [心理]   心理学; [心理]   人心理学Accounting personnel会计人员;会认人员;会计人才Personnel Security人员安全;人事保安;人事安全;人事保全Legal Personnel法务人员;法务;法务职员;法务打工人们company personnel公司员工;公司人员key personnel主要工作人员;关键员工;主要人员;关键人员Personnel Bureau人事局然后staff:n. 职员;参谋;棒;支撑adj. 职员的;行政工作的vt. 供给人员;给…配备职员vi. 雇用工作人员短语Advertising Staff广告工作人员;广告工作职员;广告;广告事情人员tide staff [测] [水文]   水尺; [海洋]   验潮杆; [测] [水文]   水位尺; [海洋]   测潮杆jack staff [船]   船首旗杆; [船]   船首旗竿; [船]   首旗杆;艏旗杆level staff水准尺;水准标尺;齐眉棍Staff Salaries职工工资;员工工资;工资;雇员工资management staff管理人员;管理人才;治理人员;管理层人员field staff外地工作人员;现场人员;外勤人员;工作人员probation staff试用人员;试用职员;试用打工人们;试用大家junior staff初级人员;基层员工;资历较浅的员工;职位较低的员工six management personnel and sixty technical staff六个管理人员和技术人员六十Six supervisors and 60 technicians六个管理人员和六十个技术人员(这样翻译比较好)总之,你的six management personnel and sixty technical staff是对的


关键管理人员(K fdb ey Management Personnel) 关键管理人员是指有权力并负责 计划 、指挥和 控制 企业活动的人员。 与主要投资者个人或关键管理人员关系密切的家庭成员, 是指在处理与 企业 的交易时可能影响该个人或受该个人影响的家庭成 员。 例如, 董事 、总经理、 总会计师 、 财务总监 、 主管各项事务的副总经理,以及行使类似政策 职能 的人员, 他们对企业的 财务 和 经营 政策起决定性的作用。满意请采纳

law enforcement personnel是什么意思?

law enforcement personnel执法人员



Strategy and Human Resource Management

your score is too low!

Management Expertise是什么意思。。内容都要描述些什么。。谢谢


如何提高management expertise

Improve the economic responsibility cost management organizations. (1) establish a scientific and reasonable cost management system. Establish a management, accounting, supply and marketing, production, technology department in charge of cost management team, Relevant departments should also equipped with part-time workers, such as statistics, attendance, qc, accounting, analysis, etc. To cost management knowledge, professional training regularly updated to improve re-education, cost management expertise, lower the cost of broad ways. (2) improve the economic responsibility cost management. One is to make cost management rules and regulations, such as the basic management and cost control system; etc. 2 is clear, the cost of economic responsibility to the department or individual, Three are the rewards and punishment.


apartment 公寓,房间dormitary (集体)宿舍accommodation 住处

Supplementary reading material:Temporal Changes in Paleoceanography

In the Late Proterozoic,profound changes occurred that included the break-up of the supercontinent Rodinia,geographically extensive glaciations,dramatic isotope excursions of,for example,strontium and carbon Jacobsen and Kaufman,this volume on a scale unprecedented in the Phanerozoic,intervals with high abundance of acritarchs suggesting alternating periods of low and high organic productivity,and the emergence of trace,body and skeletonized fossils. Close to the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary, other dramatic biotic events continue that have been described as the Cambrian Explosion. Extensive biomineralization of soft tissue in many major groups of organisms resulted in diverse skeletonized faunas being preserved in the fossil record. Some new biochemical evidence suggests that the initial radiation of major clades of metazoans began about 1200 Ma rather than about 600 Ma ago. If so,what processes or threshold conditions existed to suppress the abundance,size,and diversity radiation for about 600 Ma from 1200 to 600 Ma? Answers may lie in the chemical nature of these oceans. Martin has argued for superoligotrophic oceans for most of the Early Paleozoic. He considered that the oceans were predominantly stratified and only sluggishly circulating; as a consequence there was limited mixing and transfer of nutrients from the deep ocean to surface waters for utilization by organisms ( Fig. 1) . If the oxygen and CO2levels of about 0. 2,2 and 20 times the present atmospheric levels,respectively,for the Cambrian are correct,as interpreted by Berner,then a critical threshold factor for respiration and for ecological expansion would have been the O2levels in the surface and deeper part of the oceans. The interplay of anoxic waters with surface waters somewhat enriched in oxygen is likely to have been a critical factor in the waves of extinctions evident in Cambrian and early Ordovician rocks. Such encroachment of anoxic waters onto carbonate platforms was considered by Zhuravlev and Wood to cause the mid-Early Cambrian Botomian extinction and later the periods of eutrophication to be characterized by phytoplankton blooms. Using Sr and C isotopes data from the Upper Cambrian,Saltzman et al. argued that catastrophic ocean overturning produced similar periodic,widespread,anoxic conditions. Such pulses may well explain the pattern of trilobite extinctions that were used to define biomere boundaries by Palmer.Progressive ventilation of the deeper oceans appears to have occurred through the Ordovician and Silurian. Attempts to deduce the pattern of oceanic circulation for intervals throughout these two periods have been made by Wilde and Wilde et al. ,respectively,using the paleogeographic reconstructions of Scotese and McKerrow. The superoligotrophic conditions of these oceans and the warm greenhouse climate state throughout the Early Paleozoic were only interrupted in the Ashgill and early Llandovery ( Late Ordovician—Early Silurian) when a continental glaciation developed across North Africa that was then located near the southern pole. The onset of aggressive thermohaline circulation both chilled and ventilated the deep ocean with several glacial phases occurring over about a 10 Ma interval,but with the main Hirnantian phase perhaps lasting only for a few hundred thousand years. The cause of this short-lived icehouse state within such a long 200 Ma period of greenhouse conditions is still speculative and some authors have related it to the passage of part of Gondwana over the south polar region or to the brief drawdown of atmospheric CO2. Even as greenhouse states prevailed through much of the Silurian,detailed analysis on conodont microfossil distributions and related microfacies changes have suggested to Jeppsson and Aldridge et al. that the Silurian ocean state and associated climate was characterized by alternating primo and secundo states with periodic,but rapid turnover intervals. The principal differences being a warm humid phase vs. a drier cooler phase that resulted in significantly different lithologies and reef tracts across the low latitude carbonate platforms. Fig. 1 Indices of ancient nutrient fluxes and productivity through the last 650 MaAnother seemingly important factor in paleoceanography is the changing pattern of eustasy. Sensitive records are preserved on the carbonate platforms and examination of several cratons allows a global pattern to emerge for the Ordovician and Silurian. Major transgressions produced as epicontinental seas that generated important sites of warm,dense hypersaline waters and the periodic development and then closure of this system with transgressive and then regressive events has not yet been fully accommodated into paleoceanographic models. Such oscillations certainly produced major global bio-events. For the Late Ordovician,the Caradoc transgression was the largest of the Phanerozoic and may have been generated by much higher rates of sea-floor spreading and / or the occurrence of a mantle superplume.There is a marked contrast in the studies of paleoceanography of the Early Paleozoic with those of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic as noted initially. The application of a wide range of isotope proxy data with DSDP and ODP core samples and detailed analysis of abundant cores and outcrop studies in well preserved sedimentary basins,such as the Western Interior Seaway of North America,have allowed increasingly sophisticated interpretations of paleoceanography. Periods of anoxia,of less than 1 Ma duration have been recognized in all major oceans for the Late Barremian to Late Aptian of the Early Cretaceous. Peak oxygen deficiency corresponded to highly eutrophic conditions whereas less intense dysoxic / anoxic intervals were characteristic of oligotrophic conditions. The Albian and part of the Cenomanian were the warmest parts of the Cretaceous at a time when there appears to have been four times the present atmospheric level of CO2. Some authors have argued that ready transfer of heat from the equator to the polar regions reduced the latitudinal gradient and fostered a warm green-house state. Larson advocated the presence of a mid-Cretaceous mantle superplume in the western Pacific that produced the Ontong Java Plateau and this model was elaborated upon by Caldeira and Rampino to explain the widespread black shales,high organic productivity and oil accumulation ( Fig. 2) . Even within the Cretaceous there are considerable changes in oceanic temperature gradients. Huber et al. showed that during the Coniacian—Santonian the difference between low and high latitude surface- water paleotemperatures was in the range of 0—4℃ . As cooling increased towards the end of the period,the temperature difference increased to about 14℃ . Detailed investigations of the Cretaceous biotas have revealed complex patterns of marine biogeography that primarily mirror the changing major water masses and current systems along with the modifications to the Tethys Seaway and the Western Interior Seaway of North America. The open equatorial circulation around much of the globe via the Tethyan Seaway and the presence of wide shallow shelves on which warm saline waters were generated seem to be critical components to maintain the ultra warm greenhouse state at this time.Fig. 2 Inferred mid-Cretaceous mantle superplume showing increased ocean crust generation, sea level,black shales and related increases in ocean temperature and oil generation. These changes correspond to an interval free of magnetic reversals.In addition to the Cretaceous deep oceans,particularly Tethys,Pacific and opening Atlantic, large shelf seas developed as in Europe and the Western. Interior Sea of North America. The latter has received considerable attention because of the large stratigraphic database developed through oil exploration. In the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin,over 150,000 wells have been drilled in Alberta alone,with many aimed at the Cretaceous or passing to Devonian targets. The Cretaceous Seaway initially spread north from the Gulf of Mexico and south from the Beaufort Sea, meeting in Albian time. The sea was constrained on the west by emerging tectonic forelands tied to major Cordilleran orogenic phases and terrane accretion on the Pacific margin; on the east it lapped progressively eastwards on a largely peneplained Canadian Shield. Tectonic deformation generated an asymmetrically subsiding foreland basin and an eastward migrating peripheral bulge. From sedimentological and paleontological studies the seaway is estimated to have been up to 1000 m deep in the west-central corridor. The western margin was subjected to much clastic fill from the deforming foreland,transported by complex river systems. Volcanoes contributed extensive, eastwardly transported ash falls with over 200 bentonites in the Cretaceous sequence,which,with detailed biostratigraphy,have provided a remarkably detailed chemostratigraphy to unravel the changes to the seaway through time.Within this overall framework,there have been several recent attempts to understand and model the paleoceanography of this north-south seaway. Kaufmann initially tried to discriminate the inflowing north and south waters from surface freshwater caps derived from rivers mainly flowing from the emerging Cordilleran foreland. More recent attempts have modelled current flows within the sea-way. Jewell noted that salinity stratification in the seaway could have been established rapidly. Slingerland et al. proposed that river flux was important and likely controlled the strong counterclockwise gyre occupying the entire north-south extent of the seaway.In the Cenozoic,an early phase of global warming ( Paleocene—Eocene) was followed by a progressive but variable decline in mean annual temperature ( Oligocene—Recent) . The onset of glaciation occurred first in Antarctica close to the Eocene—Oligocene boundary ( ca. 34 Ma) . Major Arctic glaciation appears to have been initiated in the late Pliocene ( ca. 2. 8 Ma) . The Cenozoic provides an opportunity to investigate the processes of changeover from a greenhouse to icehouse state. Fundamental questions remain unresolved about the initiation and maintenance of these two states and of the complex feedback loops in the climate system. Of particular interest are the processes of heat transfer to the high latitudes during a greenhouse state and their collapse during the icehouse state. Two possible principal causes have been advanced, possibly interrelated. Firstly,decreased atmospheric CO2partly derived from the weathering of uplifted crustal rocks during the late phases of alpine orogeny ( e. g. , Himalayan, Alps, Andes, Cordillera) . Secondly,there was substantially altered ocean circulation,particularly the onset of the deep ocean conveyor belt with thermohaline circulation derived from sinking of cold water in the North Atlantic. In this latter case,the pattern of ocean circulation is strongly affected by paleogeographic barriers such as the opening of the Drake Passage or closing of the Panama Isthmus.For the early Cenozoic greenhouse state,O"Connell et al. modelled atmospheric circulation conditions. In one experiment,they showed that under extreme zonal conditions evaporation may have substantially exceeded precipitation leading to the generation of very saline water. Zachos et al. discussed early Cenozoic temperatures from the oceanographic view,and Hovan and Rea used ODP data to examine the particular changes at the Paleocene / Eocene boundary. Here,they noted the dramatic changes that occur over a period of about 1. 2 Ma including: extinction of some benthic foraminifera and changes in calcareous plankton assemblages,oceanic warming,decrease in carbon isotope ratios,reduction in wind strength,an increase in hydrothermal activity. This same change is found in the continental record and is marked by the first appearance of several important modern mammalian orders. The Paleocene and early Eocene climates were controlled primarily by large scale meridional energy transport through the oceans rather than the atmosphere and in part influenced by tectonic events. Hovan and Rea showed that a strong reduction in Paleocene / Eocene wind stress occurs in both hemispheres at the boundary,related to decreased latitudinal thermal gradients produced by a more effective poleward heat transport via the deep ocean.There were dramatic changes to these greenhouse conditions at the Eocene / Oligocene boundary,including: fall in oceanic bottom water temperatures; 1 km drop in the calcium compensation depth in the Pacific; increase in deep sea unconformities; extinctions of planktonic foraminifera. These were apparently related to sudden high latitude cooling and enhanced oceanic thermohaline circulation. The onset of Antarctic glaciation occurred at about 34. 5 Ma seemingly closely related to the opening of the Drake Passage ( between South America and Antarctica) : surface and intermediate water circulation is documented by paleontology at this time,with other geologic evidence suggesting complete opening and deepwater circulation by about 30 Ma. These circulation changes induced a new position for the polar front and strongly influenced the pattern of upwelling and productivity.The late Neogene marks the onset of Arctic glaciation and enhanced global cooling. A significant oceanographic circulation event during this time was the full closure,evaporation and then reflooding of the Mediterranean Sea; the Messinian Event ( ca. 8—5 Ma ) in the late Miocene. The more recent work based on defined sequence stratigraphy and chronostratigraphy has shown that there were two distinct phases of evaporite accumulation,each associated with a sea-level drop that were in turn likely to be of glacio-eustatic origin. Salt a

"为学生提供公寓"的英文是accommodate students apartments吗?谢谢!

动词有一些固定搭配,不是每个及物动词的用法都一样,有些用双宾语不用加介词,有的要加介词accommodate 为……提供住宿(膳食或座位等),为……提供空间accommodate sb with sth 帮忙,为……提供方便accommodate to sth/accommodate sth/yourself to sth 顺应,适应



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elemental calcium的意思是 钙元素

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