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first step和first word是什么意思


first step是什么意思

first step[英][fu0259:st step][美][fu025ast stu025bp]第一级; 初步; 例句:1.The first step is admitting you have a problem. 第一步是承认自己有问题。2.First step: cleaning up j.p. morgan"s board 第一步:清理摩根大通董事会


  投影仪的好坏可以从以下方面来判断:  1、真实分辨率: 是指LCD液晶板的分辨率。在LCD液晶板上通过网格来划分液晶体,一个液晶体为一个象素点。 那么,如果一台液晶投影仪的真实输出分辨率为800 x 600 时,就是说在LCD液晶板的横向上划分了 800 个象素点,纵向上划分了 600 个象素点。 这种物理分辨率越高,则可接收图像源分辨率的范围越大,则投影机的适应范围越广。通常用真实分辨率这样的物理分辨率来评价液晶投影机的价值。两台外观看似相同的液晶投影仪,如果一台的真实分辨率为800 x 600,而另一台的真实分辨率为1024 x 768,后者的价格可能是达到前者价格的两倍。  2、亮度:指投影机的光输出,以光通量(光源在单位时间内向周围空间辐射出的使人眼产生感觉的能量)来表示,单位是流明。对于投影仪来说,当然是亮度也就是流明数越高越好。但是由于投影仪的灯泡非常昂贵,而且功率是有限的,同时一味的加大功率又会为投影仪的散热带来问题,所以对于投影仪来说提高亮度需要付出很高的代价。同样不同流明数的投影仪的价格也是相差非常悬殊的。ANSI/PIMA IT7.228-1997标准中关于投影机光输出的测量方法,对投影机与幕之间的距离没有明确规定,它以厂商的安装手册进行设置。测量方法是:将屏幕划分为等面积的3X3的9个矩形区域,采用测光表测量9个矩形区域中心点的照度(单位:LUX,勒克斯,1Lux=1lumens/m2),乘以各矩形区域面积后,取平均值,即为投影机的光输出。由于标准的不确切性,再加上一般用户很少具有测量亮度的条件,所以市场上有一些产品将亮度标的比实际值高,赚取不合理的利润。  3、均匀度:这是与亮度相关的概念。投出画面的中间亮度与周围亮度的比值。一般将中间定义为100%。投影仪投射到屏幕上的图像的亮度其实并不是完全均匀的,有的地方的亮度会高些,有的地方的亮度会低些。当然,投影仪亮度分布越均匀越好。  4、颜色: 投影仪投射图像所能表现的颜色数量。现在,几乎所有的投影机都支持24位真彩色。  5、对比度:是投影仪投射图像中黑与白的比值,也就是从黑到白的渐变层次。比值越大,从黑到白的渐变层次就越多,从而色彩表现越丰富。  6、画面尺寸:是指投出的画面对角线的尺寸。 要投放出需要的尺寸,需将投影机安装在在与投影屏幕相应的距离上。  7、投影距离:是指投影机镜头与屏幕之间的水平距离。  8、背投功能:也有不少用户会将投影仪安装在背透幕的后面进行投影。这时候投影仪需要利用背投功能将图像的左右颠倒过来。通常投影仪高级菜单中的Rear Proj/背面投影选项,将投影的图像反向投射。  9、水平扫描频率:又叫行频。投影机的水平扫描频率都有一个范围。如果来自计算机等图像源的输入信号的水平扫描频率超出此范围,则投影机将无法投放,通常显示“NO SIGNAL”。如果你的计算机显示配置较高,建议你不要购买低端的水平扫描频率较差的投影仪,否则将无法投射出理想的图像效果,甚至无法使用。  垂直扫描频率:又叫帧频或显示图像的刷新率。如果来自计算机的输入信号的垂直扫描频率超出此范围则投影机将无法投放。在范围之内,将计算机的垂直扫描频率设定为高值时,投影效果好。  10、计算机输入接口:是指计算机显示信号的输入接口。 会议室用机型一般有两个接口,可同时连接两台计算机,便携机种一般只做一个接口。  11、计算机输出接口:是指计算机显示信号的输出接口。通过此接口可连接显示器。如投影机没有此接口,要想连接显示器,可使用VGA分配器来实现。  12、视频信号:对于视频信号,一般的投影机可支持三种制式:NTSC、PAL、SECAM。  标准视频输入: 具有标准视频输入接口(RCA)。标准视频信号在输出时要进行编码,将信号压缩后输出,接收时还要进行解码。这样会损失一些信号。  13、S视频输入:具有S视频输入接口(S Video)。由于S视频信号不需要进行编码、解码所以没有信号损失,因此S视频信号比标准视频信号质量好。  14、音频输入输出:具有音频输入输出接口。可将计算机、录像机等的音频信号输入进来,通过自带扬声器播放。还可以通过音频输出接口,连接功放、外接喇叭。

歌词里有 I Wanna Be Your Girl 外国男生唱的

Wanna Be Your Girl -----Die happy



in light of 与by virtue of的区别。

in light of 是个短语介词 “按照,根据”by/in virtue of (=as a result of, by means of) 由于…; 依靠…力量 望采纳哦!

文熙俊的《Virus》 歌词

歌曲名:Virus歌手:文熙俊专辑:Best∶ A Soaring For DreamVirusHEAVENLYby:ZAKI try to enter deep insideAnd devour everythingAll I need is power"To take control till destroying"To see the light of the seven signsAnd reach the prophecyAll I feel is anger inside"To take control till destroying"To break down till the endJust hide away into your mindThere is no place for me to dieCall me invincible spy!"Fear and panic everywhere"You can pass awayI"ll keep your soul and all remainsI"m vicious caller"Tears and chaos everywhere""End is not so far away"The dark side of the realm, Get behindThe secret of the beast, Get behindYou will find my hideoutIt"s too late all is doneI just bring bloodshed and cries...Chorus:And the day will come here belowWhen the light will cross my destinyDomination to succeed to the crownJust remember the man you used to beCause when the virus comesIt"s time for victoryJust die, And bring me all of your mind"To crush the fierce inside"Just die, And bring me all of your mindSolo: Charley/Oliver/OliverThat"s right we run into the windNo way out as long as you dig the graveTo crown we created by human beingsDrop in the wild and all over the worldWe will cross the seven seasThe reign of terror, rule supreme...And the day will come here belowWhen the light will cross my destinyAnd the day will come here belowWhen the light will cross my destinyDomination to succeed to the crownJust remember the man you used to beCause when the virus comesIt"s time for victoryJust die, ........

partial-birth abortion 什么意思啊



I Run For Life - Melissa Etheridge为生命狂奔It"s been years since they told her about it自人们告诉她灾祸的经过已过了好几年The darkness her body possessed她的躯体陷入黑暗And the scars are still there in the mirror伤疤依旧横亘在镜子里Everyday that she gets herself dressed她每一天还是打扮得漂漂亮亮Though the pain is miles and miles behind her尽管伤痛已经不像之前那样再步步紧逼And the fear is now a docile beast恐惧也如终于收敛温顺的驯兽If you ask her why she is still running但若你问她为何继续奔跑She"ll tell you it makes her complete她会告诉你 奔跑使她完整I run for hope, I run to feel我为希望而跑 我为感受而跑I run for the truth for all that is real我为了实实在在的真理而跑I run for your mother, your sister, your wife我为了你的母亲,你的姐妹,你的伴侣而跑I run for you and me my friend我为了你我而奔跑 我的朋友I run for life我为了生命狂奔It"s a blur since they told me about it他们告诉我的事情经过我已记不清了How the darkness had taken its toll比如黑暗是如何夺走一切And they cut into my skin and they cut into my body他们划开我的皮肤 切开我的身体But they will never get a piece of my soul但他们永远无法威胁到我灵魂哪怕一个小角落And now I"m still learning the lesson至今我依然在上人生的每一课To awake when I hear the call当我听到电话而醒过来And if you ask me why I am still running若是有人来问我 我为何继续跑步 (这是什么地方~~~~)I"ll tell you I run for us all我就骄傲地告诉他 我是为我们大家而奔跑 (这是我的家乡~~~~)I run for hope, I run to feelI run for the truth for all that is realI run for your mother, your sister, your wifeI run for you and me my friendI run for lifeAnd someday if they tell you about it如果有一天 他们跟你说了什么If the darkness knocks on your door若是黑暗也敲响了你的门Remember her, remember me请你记得她 请你记得我We will be running as we have before我们会像从前一样继续跑步Running for answers, running for more为了一个答案而跑 为了更多更多的理由而跑I run for hope, I run to feelI run for the truth for all that is realI run for your mother, your sister, your wifeI run for you and me my friendI run for hope, I run to feelI run for the truth for all that is realI run for your mother, your sister, your daughter, your wifeFor you and me my friendI run for lifeI run for your mother, your sister, your wifeI run for you and me my friendI run for life--------------------芊芊11/20/2015手打翻译 如满意望采纳~

sudo mkdir -p lists/partial 是什么意思!

sudo superuser do 以超级用户运行 mkdir 新建文件夹 -p list/partial 是mkdir的选项 具体的么 你用help 或者man命令查看呗 就 man mkdir好了

求in the first time和at the first time 、for the first time的区别~~

the first time 第一次at the first time 是介词短语

at the first time和for the first time有什么区别?

at the first time和for the first time的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 the first time意思:第一次2.for the first time意思:最初二、用法不同 the first time用法:意为“第一(个、批),头一〔几〕个”,常和定冠词连用。作“一点也不”解时,常用于否定句中。2.for the first time用法:作形容词一般修饰单数名词,修饰有few或数词修饰的复数名词时是把复数名词看作一个整体。first与基数词连用时,一般置于基数词前,但first引起的固定词组则应置于基数词之后。三、侧重点不同 the first time侧重点:at the first time仅仅是指出时间顺序,一般情况下已有多件同类型的事件发生过,而此处仅仅表明指的是第一次发生的时候,并没有那么强调“独一无二”。2.for the first time侧重点:for the first time强调的是前所未有,有些暗示开天辟地的意思。

at the first time 和 for the first time的区别

at the first time 做时间状语,意思为起初And you wont necessarily succeed at everything the first time you try.for the first time 做时间状语,意思为第一次Jobs was famous for taking meetings on foot, especially when he was meeting people for the first time.

for the first time 是那首歌的歌词?男的唱的

歌曲:for the first time歌手:rod stewart 专辑:if we fall in love for the first time(jud friedman, allen rich, james newton-howard)are those your eyesis that your smilei"ve been looking at you foreveryet i never saw you beforeare these your hands holding minenow i wonder how i could have been so blindand for the first time i am looking in your eyesfor the first time i"m seeing who you arei can"t believe how much i see when you"re looking back at menow i understand what love is, love is for the first timecan this be realcan this be trueam i the person i was this morning and are you the same you it"s all so strangehow can it beall along this love was right in front of meand for the first time i am looking in your eyesfor the first time i"m seeing who you arei can"t believe how much i see when you"re looking back at menow i understand what love is, love is for the first timesuch a long time ago i had given up on finding this emotion ever againbut you"re here with me nowyes i found you somehow and i"ve never been so sure and for the first time i am looking in your eyes for the first time i"m seeing who you arecan"t believe how much i seewhen you"re looking back at menow i understand what love is, love is for the first timefor the first time

for the first time 和 at the first time 有什么区别


at the first time和for the first time区别在哪?

at the first time和for the first time的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 the first time意思:第一次2.for the first time意思:最初二、用法不同 the first time用法:意为“第一(个、批),头一〔几〕个”,常和定冠词连用。作“一点也不”解时,常用于否定句中。2.for the first time用法:作形容词一般修饰单数名词,修饰有few或数词修饰的复数名词时是把复数名词看作一个整体。first与基数词连用时,一般置于基数词前,但first引起的固定词组则应置于基数词之后。三、侧重点不同 the first time侧重点:at the first time仅仅是指出时间顺序,一般情况下已有多件同类型的事件发生过,而此处仅仅表明指的是第一次发生的时候,并没有那么强调“独一无二”。2.for the first time侧重点:for the first time强调的是前所未有,有些暗示开天辟地的意思。

for the first time与the first time的区别

for the first time和the first time的意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。for the first time是一个介词词组,中文翻译为“第一次”、“首次”、“初次”,在句中一般用作状语,修饰动词;而the first time后面要接定语从句,定语从句可以用that/when引导,或者省略。the first time用作形容词一般修饰单数名词,修饰有few或数词修饰的复数名词时是把复数名词看作一个整体。first与基数词连用时,一般置于基数词前,但first引起的固定词组则应置于基数词之后。 for the first time引导的是并列从句,表示原因的语气很弱,一般是对结果作出推断性的补充说明或解释,不表示直接原因,for前多加逗号。 the first time用于一般过去时。for the first time用于一般过去时或现在完成时。 It was the first time we admitted to ourselves that we were tired. 这是我们第一次承认自己累了。 For the first time in my career,I was failing. 我职业生涯中第一次经历失败。

for the first time,for的用法

the first time 第一次,是名词,在句子中只能做名词的成分。 at the first time 是介词短语,是“在第一次” for the first time 也是第一次,是个副词短语,在句子中做状语。the first time,for the first time,by the first time用法区别the first time第一次 相当于连词,The very first time you said my name当你第一次叫我名字的时候for the first time首次;第一次副词,做时间状语.For the first time,we find portraits that really look like us.有史以来第一次,肖像画看起来真的就像你我一样鲜活.World trade may well shrink this year for the first time since 1982.世界年贸易量也许本年度就要经历1982年来的首次下降.by the first time 严格来说不存在.是by +the first time.Because love isn"t finish by the first time you see the one.因为爱情不是第一眼就能完成的.

for the first time和at the first time有什么区别?

at the first time和for the first time的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 the first time意思:第一次2.for the first time意思:最初二、用法不同 the first time用法:意为“第一(个、批),头一〔几〕个”,常和定冠词连用。作“一点也不”解时,常用于否定句中。2.for the first time用法:作形容词一般修饰单数名词,修饰有few或数词修饰的复数名词时是把复数名词看作一个整体。first与基数词连用时,一般置于基数词前,但first引起的固定词组则应置于基数词之后。三、侧重点不同 the first time侧重点:at the first time仅仅是指出时间顺序,一般情况下已有多件同类型的事件发生过,而此处仅仅表明指的是第一次发生的时候,并没有那么强调“独一无二”。2.for the first time侧重点:for the first time强调的是前所未有,有些暗示开天辟地的意思。


这两个短语意思不同,用法也不同。first of all是首先的意思,通常放在句子前面表示列举。For the first time,是第一次的意思,通常放在句子后面。

for the first time与the first time的区别是什么?

for the first time和the first time的意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。forthe first time是一个介词词组,中文翻译为“第一次”、“首次”、“初次”,在句中一般用作状语,修饰动词。而the first time后面要接定语从句,定语从句可以用that/when引导,或者省略。两者用法:the first time用于一般过去时。for the first time用于一般过去时或现在成时。It was the first time we admitted to ourselves that we were tired.这是我们第一次承认自己累了。For the first time in my career, I was failing.我职业生涯中第一次经历失败。

at the first time和for the first time有什么区别?

at the first time和for the first time的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 the first time意思:第一次2.for the first time意思:最初二、用法不同 the first time用法:意为“第一(个、批),头一〔几〕个”,常和定冠词连用。作“一点也不”解时,常用于否定句中。2.for the first time用法:作形容词一般修饰单数名词,修饰有few或数词修饰的复数名词时是把复数名词看作一个整体。first与基数词连用时,一般置于基数词前,但first引起的固定词组则应置于基数词之后。三、侧重点不同 the first time侧重点:at the first time仅仅是指出时间顺序,一般情况下已有多件同类型的事件发生过,而此处仅仅表明指的是第一次发生的时候,并没有那么强调“独一无二”。2.for the first time侧重点:for the first time强调的是前所未有,有些暗示开天辟地的意思。

for the first time和at the first time的区别是什么?

at the first time和for the first time的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 the first time意思:第一次2.for the first time意思:最初二、用法不同 the first time用法:意为“第一(个、批),头一〔几〕个”,常和定冠词连用。作“一点也不”解时,常用于否定句中。2.for the first time用法:作形容词一般修饰单数名词,修饰有few或数词修饰的复数名词时是把复数名词看作一个整体。first与基数词连用时,一般置于基数词前,但first引起的固定词组则应置于基数词之后。三、侧重点不同 the first time侧重点:at the first time仅仅是指出时间顺序,一般情况下已有多件同类型的事件发生过,而此处仅仅表明指的是第一次发生的时候,并没有那么强调“独一无二”。2.for the first time侧重点:for the first time强调的是前所未有,有些暗示开天辟地的意思。

for the first time的时态

for the first time可以用多种时态,有:一般过去时、一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时等。 扩展资料   For the first time he was able to speak freely without the fear of reprisals against his family.   他第一次能够直言不讳而不怕家人遭到报复。   For the first time, a woman will be the keynoter at the convention this year.   在今年的大会上将首次由一位女士当主要发言人。   For the first time the government"s actually put some money up front   政府居然预付了一笔钱,这可是有史以来第一次。   Streams had run dry for the first time in memory.   记忆中,小溪第一次干涸了。   For the first time in many years, I got carded.   这么多年来,头一回有人要我出示身份证。

at the first time和for the first time有什么区别

at the first time 是介词短语,是“在第一次” 强调顺序for the first time 也是第一次,是个副词短语,在句子中做状语。强调首次如:He won the match at the first time. 他在第一次比赛中就获胜了。 We should inform his parents at the first time. 我们应在第一时间通知他的父母For the first time I felt regret我第一次感到后悔。

At the first time和for the first time 的区别是什么?

at the first time和for the first time的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 the first time意思:第一次2.for the first time意思:最初二、用法不同 the first time用法:意为“第一(个、批),头一〔几〕个”,常和定冠词连用。作“一点也不”解时,常用于否定句中。2.for the first time用法:作形容词一般修饰单数名词,修饰有few或数词修饰的复数名词时是把复数名词看作一个整体。first与基数词连用时,一般置于基数词前,但first引起的固定词组则应置于基数词之后。三、侧重点不同 the first time侧重点:at the first time仅仅是指出时间顺序,一般情况下已有多件同类型的事件发生过,而此处仅仅表明指的是第一次发生的时候,并没有那么强调“独一无二”。2.for the first time侧重点:for the first time强调的是前所未有,有些暗示开天辟地的意思。

first和for the first time都有 第一次的意思,此时他们用法上有什么不同


For the firsttime中文翻译

顺手采纳答案For the first time 的中文翻译是 首次,第一次[例句]Streams had run dry for the first time in memory.记忆中,小溪第一次干涸了。

for the first time和at the first time的区别是什么?

又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了 (*u2766ωu2766),for the first time是个副词短语,在句子中做状语,强调首次。at the first time是介词短语,是“在第一次” 强调顺序。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完for the first time和at the first time的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别~(@^_^@)~1、语法角色差异"for the first time": 表示某个动作或经历是第一次发生,后接动词原形。例句:I tried sushi for the first time last night and I loved it.(昨晚我第一次尝试寿司,我非常喜欢。)"at the first time": 通常不用于英语中的表达方式,或者用于口语中表示在第一次尝试时所做的事情。例句:At the first time, I didn"t like sushi.(第一次尝试的时候,我不喜欢寿司。)2、表达的含义差异"for the first time": 强调首次发生,通常表示经历新鲜事物的感受。例句:I traveled abroad for the first time last summer.(去年夏天我第一次出国旅行。)"at the first time": 可以解读为第一次成就某事,但不符合英语表达的习惯,并有歧义。3、用法上的区别"for the first time": 常用于句子开头或结尾,强调首次的经历对说话者的印象和影响。例句:For the first time, I felt truly alive.(第一次,我感到真正活着。)"at the first time": 非正式语言中也可能出现,表示在某个时间点或事件发生时的状态或状态转变,不常用。例句:I was really nervous at the first time I performed on stage.(我第一次在舞台上表演时非常紧张。)

at the first time和for the first time有什么区别

for the first time重在强调时间,次数,表示有生以来或一段时间内第一次做某事,在句中一般单独作状语, 强调顺序 at the first time重在强调当时的情形,过去的状态,做时间状语,意思为起初,强调首次如: He won the match at the first time. 他在第一次比赛中就获胜了。 We should inform his parents at the first time. 我们应在第一时间通知他的父母 For the first time I felt regret 我第一次感到后悔。

at the first time和for the first time有什么区别

for the first time重在强调时间,次数,表示有生以来或一段时间内第一次做某事,在句中一般单独作状语, 强调顺序 at the first time重在强调当时的情形,过去的状态,做时间状语,意思为起初,强调首次如: He won the match at the first time. 他在第一次比赛中就获胜了。 We should inform his parents at the first time. 我们应在第一时间通知他的父母 For the first time I felt regret 我第一次感到后悔。

the first time , for the first time 的区别


for the first time与the first time的区别

the first time之后接一个定语从句,用that,when引导均可,或者干脆省略。for the first time是个介词词组,意为“第一次,首次,初次”,一般用作状语,修饰动词。 for the first time与the first time的区别 一、意思不同 1.the first time意思:第一次;初次;第一次……的时候 2.for the first time意思:第一次 二、用法不同 1.the first time用法:用作形容词一般修饰单数名词,修饰有few或数词修饰的复数名词时是把复数名词看作一个整体。first与基数词连用时,一般置于基数词前,但first引起的固定词组则应置于基数词之后。 2.for the first time用法:引导的是并列从句,表示原因的语气很弱,一般是对结果作出推断性的补充说明或解释,不表示直接原因,for前多加逗号。 三、侧重点不同 1.the first time侧重点:用于一般过去时。 2.for the first time侧重点:用于一般过去时或现在完成时。 for the first time与the first time的例句 1、For the first time in years, she felt in command of her life. 多少年来第一次,她觉得生活掌握在自己的手里。 2、I"ll never forget hearing this piece of music for the first time. 我永远不会忘记第一次听到这首曲子的情景。 3、It was the first time I had set foot on African soil. 那是我第一次踏上非洲大地。 4、For the first time in years, she felt in command of her life. 多少年来第一次,她觉得生活掌握在自己的手里。 5、This is the first time the company has ventured into movie production. 这是这家公司首次涉足电影制作。

for the first time是什么意思


for the first time 用法。。。完成时吗?

这里是过去时 从句是过去完成时

for the first time和the first time的区别

the first time之后接一个定语从句,用that,when引导均可,或者干脆省略。for the first time是个介词词组,意为“第一次,首次,初次”,一般用作状语,修饰动词。for the first time在句中只能作状语,the first time可作表语和主语。 扩展资料   For the first time in years, she felt in command of her life.   多少年来第一次,她觉得生活掌握在自己的手里。   In the distance we spied the Pacific for the first time.   在远处,我们突然第一次看到了太平洋。   It was the first time they had made love.   那是他们第一次发生性关系。   It was the first time I had set foot on American soil.   那是我第一次踏足美洲大地。

“at the first time” 和 “for the first time”的区别是什么?

for the first time 做时间状语,意思为第一次例句:1.With audiences in the US falling for the first time in a generation, Hollywood is girding itself for recession.随着美国的电影观众人数在二三十年里首次下跌,好莱坞正在为萧条期做好准备。2.Jobs was famous for taking meetings on foot, especially when he was meeting people for the first time.乔布斯以边走路边开会而闻名,尤其是对初次见面的人更是如此。at the first time 做时间状语,意思为起初例句:1.And you wont necessarily succeed at everything the first time you try.你第一次尝试做每件事的时候,不一定成功。2.Step1: Watch soundtrack movie ( of course!!) and watch it with the subtitle on at the first time.第一步:看有声电影(囧不是废话嘛~),第一遍的时候带着字幕看。

for the first time和the first time和at the first time有什么区别?


(for )the first time这个短语什么时候用for ,什么时候不用for? 谢谢!

The first time 作为开头时不用for不做开头在句尾用for例如:I met her for the first time.我第一次遇到她。The first time I met her, I thought she was an honest person.第一次遇到她的时候,我认为她是一个诚实的人。

for the first time中for的含义?


Slick Olde Bishops的《Mirror》 歌词

歌曲名:Mirror歌手:Slick Olde Bishops专辑:Gettin" RowdyBobby V - MirrorSplendidyangShe want me I want herI"m looking in the mirror at all my girls likeOoh oh in the mirror likeOoh oh in the mirror likeShe on me and I"m on herPosin" in the mirror doin" things to her likeOoh oh in the mirror likeOoh oh in the mirror likeIn the mirror in the mirror likeIn the mirror in the mirror likeIn the mirror in the mirror likeIn the mirror in the mirror likeOoh she got a thing for the nastyYeah she do anything you ask herWe all up in my crib straight from the clubThere"s a mirror on the ceiling right above my tubYeah shawty downin" meLady in the streets but a freak in the sheetsI like to look it up that"s when we do our thingDo you see what I see?Tied up I"m "bout to take you downAnd yes I"m that man in the mirrorReflection"s so sexyI guess I gotta make it clearerAnd I know thatYeah put your hands on the glassThat thang a little big turn around real fastSweatin" up in here we steamin" up the roomI can"t see your reflection but I know what to doLean like this swing you like thatTurn you "round front flip you on your backDo you see what I see?Do you see what I see?Tied up I"m "bout to take you downAnd yes I"m that man in the mirrorReflection"s so sexyI guess I gotta make it clearerAnd I know thatUh mirror mirror on the wallI"m lookin" for love I"m lookin" for loveAnd if your mirror crack I"m hooked on your drugsBuzz buzz buzz I"m a love bug yeahPurple rain she look like ApolloniaShe smell like bath and body and begoniasAnd me I smell like CaliforniaBecause I smoke marijuana whenever Mary wannaI think her name"s Stephanie but call her StephShawty so right I don"t know what"s leftWho your daddy? Then I hit it fasterThe mirror said you are you conceited bastardLike a mirror up in it I could see me in itLike a mirror up in it I could see me in itLike a mirror up in it I could see me in itLike a mirror up in it

求助!急!the first time 和 for the first time区别

forthefirsttime首次;第一次。表示有生以来或一段时间内第一次做某事,在句中一般单独作状语。例如: 1)Thetwogirlstudentstalkedforthefirsttimeatthebeginningoftheterm. 两位女生开学初首次交谈。 thefirsttime首次;第一次。常引导时间状语从句,其重点不是讲第一次做什么,而是说明另一动作或情况;也可以作表语,强调到说话为止某一情况或动作的次数。例如: 2)IknewwewouldbegoodfriendsthefirsttimeImether. 第一次见到她,我就知道我们会成为好朋友。 3)ThisisthefirsttimeIhavebeentotheGreatWall. 这是我第一次去长城。atthefirsttime是在第一次时Iwasterriblynervousatmyfirsttime.我第一次时好紧张forthefirsttime第一次Ididthisforfirsttime.我第一次做这个

for the first time,for的用法?


for the first time 是什么意思?


为什么是for the first time而不是 at the first time


Christina Aguilera的《Dirrty》 歌词

歌曲名:Dirrty歌手:Christina Aguilera专辑:Back To Basics:Live Down UnderDirrtyChristina Aguilera 、RedmanRing the alarm (and I"m throwin" elbows)Ring the alarm (and I"m throwin" elbows)Ring the alarm (and I"m throwin" elbows)Oh, I"m overdue Give me some roomI"m coming through Paid my dues In the moodMe and the girls gonna shake the roomDJ"s spinning (show your hands)Let"s get dirrty (that"s my jam)I need that, uh, to get me offSweat until my clothes come offIt"s explosive, speakers are pumping (oh)Still jumping, six in the morningTable dancing, glasses are mashingNo question, time for some actionTemperature"s up (can you feel it)About to eruptGonna get my girlsGet your boysGonna make some noiseWanna get rowdyGonna get a little unrulyGet it fired up in a hurryWanna get dirrtyIt"s about time that I came to start the partySweat dripping over my bodyDance and getting just a little naughtyWanna get dirrtyIt"s about time for my arrivalAh, heat is upSo ladies, fellasDrop your cupsBody"s hotFront to backNow move your assI like thatTight hip huggers (low for sure)Shake a little somethin" (on the floor)I need that, uh, to get me offSweat until my clothes come offLet"s get open, cause a commotion (ooh oh)We"re still going, eight in the morningThere"s no stopping, we keep it popping (oh)Hot rocking, everyone"s talkingGive all you"ve got (give it to me)Just hit the spotGonna get my girlsGet your boysGonna make some noiseRowdyGonna get a little unrulyGet it fired up in a hurryWanna get dirrtyIt"s about time that I came to start the partyOoh sweat dripping over my bodyDance and getting just a little naughtyWanna get dirrty (oh, oh)It"s about time for my arrivalHere it comes, it"s the oneYou"ve been waiting onGet up, get it upYup, that"s what"s upYou can just put your buttTo the maximumUh oh, here we go (here we go)You can tell when the musicStarts to dropThat"s when we take itTo the parking lotAnd I bet you somebody"s gonnaCall the copsUh oh"s, here we go"s (here we go)Ohh ooh ohh, yeah yeah...Wanna get rowdy (rowdy, yeah)Gonna get a little unruly (ruly)Get it fired up in a hurry (hurry)Wanna get dirrtyIt"s about time that I came to start the party (party)Sweat dripping over my body (body)Dance and getting just a little naughtyWanna get dirrtyIt"s about time for my arrivalRowdyGonna get a little unrulyGet it fired up in a hurryWanna get dirrtyIt"s about time that I came to start the partyOoh sweat dripping over my bodyDance and getting just a little naughtyWanna get dirrtyIt"s about time for my arrivalRowdyDance and getting a little unrulyGet it fired up in a hurryLet"s get dirrtyIt"s about time that I came to start the partySweat dripping over my bodyDance and getting just a little naughtyWanna get dirrtyIt"s about time for my arrivalUh, what

at the first time和for the first time有什么区别


at the first time与for the first time的区别


for the first time作为时间状语时用什么时态

for the first time 是介词短语作句子的时间状语.放在句首或句尾.如 I came here for the first time. the first time是连词用来引导时间状语从句.后不加when.如 The first time I saw her,I found her nice and honest. the first time相当连词,可引导时间状语从句; for the first time,在句中只能作状语,“作为第一次”.

at the first time和for the first time的区别

for the first time 做时间状语,意思为第一次例句:1.With audiences in the US falling for the first time in a generation, Hollywood is girding itself for recession.随着美国的电影观众人数在二三十年里首次下跌,好莱坞正在为萧条期做好准备。2.Jobs was famous for taking meetings on foot, especially when he was meeting people for the first time.乔布斯以边走路边开会而闻名,尤其是对初次见面的人更是如此。at the first time 做时间状语,意思为起初例句:1.And you wont necessarily succeed at everything the first time you try.你第一次尝试做每件事的时候,不一定成功。2.Step1: Watch soundtrack movie ( of course!!) and watch it with the subtitle on at the first time.第一步:看有声电影(囧不是废话嘛~),第一遍的时候带着字幕看。

for the first time 是什么意思


for the first time是什么意思




at the first time 与for the first time 与in the first time的区别

the first time 第一次,是名词,在句子中只能做名词的成分. at the first time 是介词短语,是“在第一次” for the first time 也是第一次,是个副词短语,在句子中做状语. 例子: I felt nervous the first time I gave a speech to many students. 我第一次给学生做演讲时感到很紧张. He won the match at the first time. 他在第一次比赛中就获胜了. I felt repentance and sorrow for the first time . 我第一次感到后悔,感到难过.追问那个、“I felt nervous the first time I gave a speech to many students. ”这里用for the first time行不行呢? 回答不行,the first time (that)接从句;而for the first time 是表示第一次,一般只放在句尾,不能在句中,更不能接从句.

for the first time,for的用法?


for the first time 什么意思?


for the first time 什么意思?

第一次 连词要与for a first time 区别

Christina Aguilera的《dirrty》 歌词

歌曲名:dirrty歌手:Christina Aguilera专辑:StrippedChristina Aguilera & Redman - DirrtyAh, dirrty (dirrty)Filthy (filthy)Nasty, you nasty (yeah)Too dirrty to clean my act upIf you ain"t dirrtyYou ain"t here to party (woo!)Ladies (move)Gentlemen (move)Somebody ring the alarmA fire on the roofRing the alarm (and I"m throwin" elbows)Ring the alarm (and I"m throwin" elbows)Ring the alarm (and I"m throwin" elbows)Oh, I"m overdueGive me some roomI"m coming throughPaid my duesIn the moodMe and the girls gonna shake the roomDJ"s spinning (show your hands)Let"s get dirrty (that"s my jam)I need that, uh, to get me offSweat until my clothes come offIt"s explosive, speakers are pumping (oh)Still jumping, six in the morningTable dancing, glasses are mashingNo question, time for some actionTemperature"s up (can you feel it)About to eruptGonna get my girlsGet your boysGonna make some noiseWanna get rowdyGonna get a little unrulyGet it fired up in a hurryWanna get dirrtyIt"s about time that I came to start the partySweat dripping over my bodyDance and getting just a little naughtyWanna get dirrtyIt"s about time for my arrivalAh, heat is upSo ladies, fellasDrop your cupsBody"s hotFront to backNow move your assI like thatTight hip huggers (low for sure)Shake a little somethin" (on the floor)I need that, uh, to get me offSweat until my clothes come offLet"s get open, cause a commotion (ooh oh)We"re still going, eight in the morningThere"s no stopping, we keep it popping (oh)Hot rocking, everyone"s talkingGive all you"ve got (give it to me)Just hit the spotGonna get my girlsGet your boysGonna make some noiseRowdyGonna get a little unrulyGet it fired up in a hurryWanna get dirrtyIt"s about time that I came to start the partyOoh sweat dripping over my bodyDance and getting just a little naughtyWanna get dirrty (oh, oh)It"s about time for my arrivalHere it comes, it"s the oneYou"ve been waiting onGet up, get it upYup, that"s what"s upYou can just put your buttTo the maximumUh oh, here we go (here we go)You can tell when the musicStarts to dropThat"s when we take itTo the parking lotAnd I bet you somebody"s gonnaCall the copsUh oh"s, here we go"s (here we go)Ohh ooh ohh, yeah yeah...Wanna get rowdy (rowdy, yeah)Gonna get a little unruly (ruly)Get it fired up in a hurry (hurry)Wanna get dirrtyIt"s about time that I came to start the party (party)Sweat dripping over my body (body)Dance and getting just a little naughtyWanna get dirrtyIt"s about time for my arrivalRowdyGonna get a little unrulyGet it fired up in a hurryWanna get dirrtyIt"s about time that I came to start the partyOoh sweat dripping over my bodyDance and getting just a little naughtyWanna get dirrtyIt"s about time for my arrivalRowdyDance and getting a little unrulyGet it fired up in a hurryLet"s get dirrtyIt"s about time that I came to start the partySweat dripping over my bodyDance and getting just a little naughtyWanna get dirrtyIt"s about time for my arrivalUh, what

for the first time什么意思


for the first time是什么意思?

答: 短语for the first time表示第1次的意思,我们在一个句子当中使用这个短语。 I"ll never forget the feelings of hearing this song for the first time.我从不会忘记第1次听到这首歌的感觉。希望可以帮助到你。





I love wind and spirits,also love lonely and free

I love wind and spirits,also love lonely and free.我爱大风和烈酒,也爱孤独和自由.

itunes怎样连接ipad air2

苹果ipad air2连接iTunes的操作为:第一步:电脑登陆苹果官网下载itunes软件,安装完毕后打开。第二步:用数据线把ipad air2与电脑连接。第三步:itunes识别ipad air2后,会自动安装驱动程序,并显示设备的摘要界面。

girls girls girls got7 音译歌词 最好有拼音, 不然就罗马音.不要汉字


Airport ticket passport哪个是不同的?

airport 机场 ticket 票passport护照所以这里不同的应该是机场,airport

谁能帮我将 Bellefire《Get you out out of my mind》的歌词翻译成中文

一个吻不只是一个吻一个微笑比一个微笑更多也许我们聚在一起也许永远地也许仅仅一阵子我已经在你的眼睛中见到神情我已经见到你觉得奇怪为什么有地心引力的中心接近我带来你比较近的所有时间而且我被化成石头,施催眠术每一次,你走被而且我不能把你赶出我的想你不有是我的我 认为 我正在浪费我的时间darlin"每天的 i 想到你我不能相信它是真实的你在这里在我身边而且我被化成石头,施催眠术每一次,你走被而且我被施催眠术,使每一次,你走被而且我不能使你疯了,我的思想我不能使你疯了我 不能使你疯了请采纳...

请问easy girl 是什么意思?

指的是80 90 00后等中国的女人

easy girl什么意思?

girl在英语里是“女孩、女生”,easy在英语里是“容易的、不费力的、舒适的、宽裕的、 从容的”,这里取其基本含义“容易的、不费力的”。easygirl合起来的意思就是“容易得手的女生”、“私生活很随便的女生”,是带有贬义色彩的名词。

easy girl什么意思easy girl什么意思?

easygirl的中文意思是容易相处的女孩,easygirl指的是一个群体,就是容易被外国人约到的一类女生,所以它指的是比较轻浮、开放的女性,是一个贬义词。关于easy girl的说法都不是什么好词,而它主要也是从外国流传进来的,外国人觉得这样的女性都是非常崇洋媚外的,所以外国人对于这样的群体心里都是看不起的。

求beast《 bad girl》 罗马歌词(用中文表示)

badgirlI"mheartsickhealmebecrazycan"tletyougoSadlovesongmylove"sgonepleasebabydon"tgofarSobeastDowndownwegottagetdowndownwegottagetDowndownwegottagetIwantyacometomegirlDowndownwegottagetdowndownwegottagetDowndownwegottagetIwantyacometomegirl酷噶太慢家你诶苏婆米噶待看么耐妈毒够太慢波干么难都看么时干你几那噶都你哦路丽家古都哦啦慢里噶冰古冰古都伦嫩哦剧噶玛几玛kiss嫩家去莫他嫩miss莫登嫩酷米giplease难古阳八波八波噶等够噶特搜里接搜里接不咯不佳够不佳够细泼Heyheyheygirl多啦挖家pleasemyhategirl阿木伦sing敢凯毒买够挖顿badgirl接古慢你森噶跟米切米切badgirl梦啦几玛拉够内个搜里杰豆gi都拉波几豆啊嫩badgirlG-O-N-E你噶疼那你家噶等式噶也都撒敢你难该夜死都离嫩 likeourstorysosick航太嫩么mymylady你噶奥布骚哦嫩哦daily啊几口你加比为毒路girlC-O-M-E米我汗几哈如妈嫩gigi为讲你赛摁嘎嘎嫩奥路古如奔嫩江嫩不加奔入寒谬弄夜给打噶噶苏莫豆没给苏梦里梦里噶嫩带哒去豆里给嫩木怒家波嘞噶特类木搜类卡嫩内卡死加酷梦绕紧摁待搜里接搜里接不咯不佳够不佳够细泼Heyheyheygirl多啦挖家pleasemyhategirl阿木伦sing敢凯毒买够挖顿badgirl接古慢你森噶跟米切米切badgirl梦啦几玛拉够内个搜里杰豆gi都拉波几豆啊嫩badgirl妖太渴你噶嗨太某等买寒孙敢某等改打靠几满你满买团豆里路含死咯难噶搜汗够伦斯妈入就敢嫩咯阿木伦sing敢凯毒买够挖顿badgirl接古慢你森噶跟米切米切badgirl梦啦几玛拉够内个搜里杰豆gi都拉波几豆啊嫩badgirlDowndownwegottagetdowndownwegottagetDowndownwegottaget呐哄接慢吐森汗嫩嘿~DowndownwegottagetdowndownwegottagetDowndownwegottagetIwantyacometomegirl

写英语作文my penpal my favorite subject my birthday party

When stome strangers meet first time, amog of them ,who know each other, but some others are not. So that, it is necessary for some knowed friend to indroduce undown to acquantian each other. First, they may greet each other politely. after a shor introduce they may shake hands. thatis the produceure for indtorduing friends.My friends and I were invited to Ms Liu"s birthday party last night. She warmly welcomed us and prepared a big dinner for us. She also told us some jokes.She treated us as family members. We didn"t leave until 10 o"clock last night.We had a very good time that night. Last week, Gogo went hiking(去郊游) with his friends. Tony and Jenny planted trees, Gogo helped Tony and Jenny. Mr Green washed his boots and Mrs Green painted a picture. Ben cooked dinner and Lisa called her friend. They were very happy. 第二篇 A Happy Day Last Sunday, I visited my grandmother. We listened to music and planted flowers. I counted the flowers. There were ten.. Then I helped my grandmother cook lunch. When we finished, I washed the dishes and she cleaned the kitchen. In the evening, I watched TV and played the violin at home, It was fun. 第三篇 Chinese new year I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes and eat good food. I have a good time from morning till night. I am as happy as a king. 第四篇 My Friend"s Birthday Today is monday. It is also my friend"s birthday. I sent a beautiful gift to him. He is very happy!We played games at his home. We danced,sang and so on. His mather bought a big birthday cake. It is very delicious! I like it very much! This day I"m very happy! 第五篇 My Dream I am a 5th class elementary student. Although I very am also young, but I have my dream! I after hoped I grow up may work as a singer. Because I like singing very much. It may give me to bring to pull many joy. 第六篇 My Good Friend My good friend"s name is called SARA. me and she together grows up since childhood. Is the very good very good friend. She is very lovable. Has a pair of enchanting big eye, small cheek, long hair. Her all are such perfect as if. Her personal connection unusual good! Sometimes I also very much envy her! 第七篇 My Cat I have a cat named Mimi. Its hair is as white as snow. I often play games with it. It amuses me a lot and I treat it as a little friend. Every morning, I would say goodbye to it before I go to school and Mimi would wave its front-legs to me. It brings me a lot of pleasure. But it takes time and costs money to keep the cat. My parents and I spend much time taking care of it, feeding it and cleaning it. We have to clean the house from time to time, or the cat will make them dirty and smelly. When it comes to the sport. More than word, i could like to show my football, you know i get it from my parent. That year, when my parent promiss that if i get high mark they will make my dream come true, so i study hard . As a ruself, i get very high mark. So ,they buy the football for me .


circumcision美 [.su025crku0259m"su026au0292(u0259)n]英 [.su025cu02d0(r)ku0259m"su026au0292(u0259)n]n.包皮环割术;阴蒂切除术;(宗教仪式尤指为男婴施行的)割礼 包皮环切术;割包皮;包皮环割手术例句筛选1.But, like circumcision, it is an issue of public debate .但是,像割礼,它是一个有讨论的问题。2.Male circumcision seems to limit the disease"s spread.男性的包皮手术看似也能控制疾病的传播。

Obsession-Sky Ferreira 英文歌词


Black (feat. Sky Ferreira)女生英文歌词求中文翻译

if you ask me what happiness is你要问我幸福是什么when this life is done等此生结束吧maybe when this love is gone或者等这段爱逝去吧if you ask me what happiness is你要问我幸福是什么your smile under the sun是阳光下你的笑靥but i"m always on the run但我总是在逃避someday when it all goes black有一天,当一切并入黑暗I might want it all back我真想让一切都回来but that no one can go back to you但没人能回到你身边了

Black (feat. Sky Ferreira)女生英文歌词求中文翻译

if you ask me what happiness is你要问我幸福是什么when this life is done等此生结束吧maybe when this love is gone或者等这段爱逝去吧if you ask me what happiness is你要问我幸福是什么your smile under the sun是阳光下你的笑靥but i"m always on the run但我总是在逃避someday when it all goes black有一天,当一切并入黑暗I might want it all back我真想让一切都回来but that no one can go back to you但没人能回到你身边了

跪求Mean girls 2((贱女孩2))中出现的插曲..尤其是片尾曲的名字!!!感激感激..


Sky Ferreira与权志龙合作的black 的英文歌词是什么


St Elmo S Fire 歌词

歌曲名:St Elmo S Fire歌手:Brian Eno专辑:Desert Island Selectionbrown eyes and i was tiredWe had walked and we had scrambledThrough the moors and through the briarsThrough the endless blue meanders.Brian EnoIn the blue august moonIn the cool august moonOver the nights and through the firesWe went surging down the wiresThrough the towns and on the highwaysThrough the storms in all their thundering.In the blue august moonThen we rested in a desertWhere the bones were white as teeth sirAnd we saw st elmo"s fireSplitting ions in the ether.In the blue august moonIn the cool august moonIn the blue august moonIn the cool august moon.
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