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pair 音标如何写的

pair [pεu0259] n.一对,一双,一副 vt.把…组成一对 [ 复数pairs或pair ]

two pair of的用法归纳

pair可以用作名词。 pair的基本意思是“一双,一对,一副”,可指连在一起共同使用的由相同、相通或相关的两部分构成的单件物品,如:glasses, scissors等; 也可指两件虽分开但有密切关系的物体,如:chopsticks, socks; 还可指有共同特征或相互关联的两个人或物。 扩展资料   pair可以用作动词。   pair的基本意思是使单个事物配成双、配成对,引申可作“交尾”解。   pair既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词或代词作宾语。   pair后接off表示“成双,结对”; 接up表示“结成对”; 接with表示“与…配成对”。


pairs的意思是一双。pair,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“一对,一双,一副”,作及物动词时意思是“把…组成一对”。短语搭配:Base pair碱基对;盐基对;基对;共轭酸碱对、Cooper pair库珀对、electron pair[物]电子对;电子偶;电子隅。双语例句:1、The vase is one of a matching pair.这只花瓶是一对中的一只。2、Perhaps the most unusual feature in the room is an extraordinary pair of candles.也许,这间屋子最与众不同之处就是一对非同寻常的蜡烛。3、Many of the species pair for life.许多物种都终生配对。学习英语的重要性:1、学习英语可以提高自己的语言技能,增加一项语言能力。2、学习英语有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天或者一起工作。3、学习英语有利于了解其他国家的习俗文化等。4、学习英语有利于找工作枯樱,例如很多外企,英语都是必修需要。

英语作文,Unforgettable Birthday,60到80词左右

1 I had an unforgettable birthday on Oct.20,2009.That day,I got up at 6:30.Then I went to school.I went home at 4:30 pm.My mother and father stayed at home.They cooked dinner for me.Then they said "Happy birthday" to me and got me a surprise---a dog.Its name was "YiYi".I liked it very much. 2 Last month I had an unforgettable birthday.My parents bought a beautiful cake for me.And my friends gave me a lot of gifts.I went to movies with my friends.The movie was very scary but we all had fun.


★英语单词couple和pair都可以表示“一双、一对”,但它们的用法存在着区别:couple——指任何两件同类的东西。eg:a couple of catspair——指两件不能分开使用的东西;它们可以相连,也可以构成一件东西的两个部分。eg:a pair of shoes★实战演练:I found a couple of socks in the bedroom but they don"t make a pair.我在卧室找到两只袜子,但配不成对。You are lucky couple.你们真是幸福的一对。The old man wears a pair of glasses.老人戴着一副眼镜。


pair但中文意思是:对儿。一对。双。英语单词couple和pair都可以表示“一双、一对”;但它们的用法存在着区别:couple——指任何两件同类的东西。eg:a couple of cats两只猫。pair——指两件不能分开使用的东西;它们可以相连,也可以构成一件东西的两个部分。eg:a pair of shoes一双鞋。pair 指一对,两个;couple 指对,数个,夫妇。做夫妻时只能用couple不能用pair。单看单词的话couple本身还能指代情侣,一对人的意思,作名词。pair就有配对的意思,作动词。a couple 就像是中文里的"一些",其实是个虚词。a pair 就是“一双”,很明确的要一对才行。a couple of指在一起或互有关系的两个人或物,但并不意味是同样的,也并不一定是合在一起的;a pair of指由两个一样的东西组成的“一对”“一双”“一副”,缺一不可。例如:He bought a couple of tires for his bicycle. 他买了两个自行车的轮胎。On the end of his nose was a pair of thick spectacles. 他的鼻尖上架着一副厚厚的眼镜。a pair of something做主语时谓语用单数。例如:This pair of shoes fits me well.这双鞋非常的适合我。a pair of soebody 作主语时谓语用复数。例如:This pair were matched with ages.这组人是根据年纪匹配的。couple作“夫妻”当主语时谓语可用单数。例如:Not every couple is a pair.成双未必成对。也可以用复数。例如:This couple were married last week.这对夫妻上周结的婚。couple表示“几个,两三个”做主语时谓语用复数。例如:There are a couple of girls waiting for you.有几个女孩在等你。


pair的意思是:一对。一、详细释义n.(人或动物)一对;一对情侣;一对夫妻;配对;对子(指同点的两张牌);(成对物中的)一个;(由两个以上物品组成的)一组,一套;偶数,对(有两个元素的集合);序偶。vt.把…分成两个一组;使(袜子)成对;使(敌对两党的两名议员)组成对某议案不投票的一对。vi.分为两人一组;成对;配对;结婚;结合;(与反对党一议员)约定放弃投票权。二、例句1.She"s an au pair.她是一名国际寄宿生。2.The pair galloped into an unbeatable lead.那两匹马飞奔起来,呈绝对领先之势。3.The pair were in sombre mood.这两个人情绪低落。4.I"ve got a pair of threes.我手中有一对三。5.I"d like a pair of sports shoes.我想看看一双运动鞋。


  pair翻译成中文是“一对,一双;把...组成一对”等意思,它的复数形式为pairs或pair,过去式是paired。    1、pair作名词使用时,译为“一对,一双,一条(裤子);(站或走在一起的)两人”等意思。   A pair of teenage boys were smoking cigarettes. 两个青少年正在抽烟。    2、pair作动词使用时,译为“把...组成一对;把...配对;使成对”等意思。   The trainees will then be paired with experienced managers. 这些实习生之后将被配给有经验的经理们。    3、词组短语:    pair of 意为“一对;一双”    one pair 意为“一对;对子”    a pair of shoes 意为“一双鞋子”    pair with 意为“与u2026成对,与u2026配对”    a pair of glasses 意为“一副眼镜”    in pair 意为“配双,成对的”   4、pair,couple都有“一对;成对”的意思,其区别在于:“pair”多指由两部分组成的东西;“couple”主要指人或动物。

pair 是什么意思

pair的意思的:一对。pair,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“一对,一双,一副”,作及物动词时意思是“把…组成一对”。单词发音:英[peu0259(r)];美[per]。第三人称单数:pairs。复数:pairs。现在分词:pairing。过去式:paired。过去分词:paired。短语搭配1、Base pair碱基对;盐基对;基对;共轭酸碱对。2、Cooper pair库珀对。3、electron pair[物]电子对;电子偶;电子隅。双语例句1、The vase is one of a matching pair.这只花瓶是一对中的一只。2、Perhaps the most unusual feature in the room is an extraordinary pair of candles.也许,这间屋子最与众不同之处就是一对非同寻常的蜡烛。3、Many of the species pair for life.许多物种都终生配对。4、I"m going to treat myself to a new pair of shoes.我打算给自己买双新鞋。


pairs 英["peu0259z]美["perz]n. 一副( pair的名词复数 ); 一对男女; 套在一起的两匹马; 雌雄成对的动物;v. (使…) 成对, (使…)成双( pair的第三人称单数 ); 交配,交尾;

pair的同音词 有具体内容介绍吗

1、pair的同音词有:pear、pare。 2、pair,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“一对,一双,一副”,作及物动词时意思是“把…组成一对”。 3、pear是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“[园艺] 梨树;梨子”。 4、pare意思削皮; 去皮; 逐步减小(数量或体积); 使缩小; 修剪(指甲等)。



pair 后面跟单数还是复数?



pair 通常作为map的迭代器出现的吧map<string, int> word_count;pair<string,int> p_count;p_count = make_pair("word",3);//make_pair(),返回一个pair类型cout << p_count.first << endl; //输出p_count的key,也就是"word";cout << p_count.second << endl; //输出p_count的value,也就是3word_count.insert(make_pair("word1",2));map<string, int>::iterator mit;mit = word_count.begin();cout << mit->first << endl;cout << mit->first << endl; //分别输出“word1”,和2还有就是:pair是将2个数据组合成一个数据,当需要这样的需求时就可以使用pair,如stl中的map就是将key和value放在一起来保存。另一个应用是,当一个函数需要返回2个数据的时候,可以选择pair。pair的实现是一个结构体,主要的两个成员变量是firstsecond因为是使用struct不是class,所以可以直接使用pair的成员变量。




普通名词包括具体名词和抽象名词两种,pair 属于具体名词,既可以单独使用,如 in pairs(两个一组),也可以用作量词,如 a pair of shoes(一双鞋)。



pair of后的名词都什么特点?

pair of后所接名词主要有以下特点:1. 由两部分构成的单件事物,如trousers(裤子),scissors(剪刀),glasses(眼镜)spectacles(一副眼镜),jeans(牛仔裤)等。如:I cut the paper with a pair of scissors. 我用剪刀剪纸。Two pairs of your trousers are still at the cleaner"s. 你的两条裤子还在洗衣店里。对于这类由两部分构成的单件事物,我们不能用one或ones来替代它,而用pair或pairs。如:这些裤子我穿太紧了,你有宽一点的吗?误:These trousers are too tight for me. Do you have a larger one?正:These trousers are too tight for me. Do you have a larger pair?2. 包括两件东西并且习惯上一起使用的名词,如shoes(鞋子),boots(靴子)sgloves(手套),socks(袜子),earrings(耳环),chopsticks(筷子)等。如:A pair of gloves is a nice present. 一付手套是一件很好的礼物。Go and buy yourself a new pair of shoes. 去给自己买双新鞋吧。I want to buy a hat and a pair of boots, among other things. 除别的东西之外,我还想买顶帽子和一双皮靴。3. 表示身体中两个相同的部位。如:She has a huge pair of eyes. 她长有一双大眼睛。Look at her beautiful pair of legs. 你瞧她那又美丽的大腿。4. 表示一般意义的“两个”“一对”等。如:On the wall were a pair of hearts interlocked. 墙上有一个同心结。A pair of thieves were conspiring to rob us. 有两个贼预谋盗窃我们的东西。

one pair?????怎么区别 举几个例子

one词性及解释n. 一(个)pron. 一, 任何人num. 一, 一个a. 一致的, 完整的 Act one第一幕one line横一One Point一分之差One Street单行道One year1年pairn.一对, 一双习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词现代英汉综合大辞典基本解释pairn.(pl. pair, pairs)一双; 一对(由两部分合在一起的单个物品)一副(眼镜), 一条(裤子), 一把(剪刀)一对(夫妻)一对雌雄动物, (同挽并排的)两匹马成对中的另一方; 成对物的另一只(有共同特征的或有联系的)一对(人或物)(纸牌中的)同点子的一对; (桥牌中的)搭档, 对子(国会中)分属两党而约好对某议案放弃投票权的两议员; (比赛中)两人的合伙关系[英方]一段(楼梯)[方]一串[一套]小东西(如项链等)a pair of shoes一双鞋a pair of trousers [scissors, tongs]一条裤子[一把剪刀, 一把钳子]a pair of glasses一副眼镜the pair to this sock这双袜子的另一只the happy pair幸福的一对a pair of dancers一对舞伴a pair of stairs一段楼梯习惯用语a pair of colour【军】(一团军队的)国旗和军旗a pair of steps[口]四脚梯, 折梯a pigeon pair一男一女的双胞胎another pair of shoes迥然不同的另外一回事a different pair of shoes迥然不同的另外一回事in pairs成对地make a pair配成一双, 结成夫妇not fit to be touched with a pair of tongs不值得一碰, 令人讨厌show a clean pair of heels滑脚溜走, 逃之夭夭show a fair pair of heels滑脚溜走, 逃之夭夭show a light pair of heels滑脚溜走, 逃之夭夭take a clean pair of heels滑脚溜走, 逃之夭夭take a fair pair of heels滑脚溜走, 逃之夭夭take a light pair of heels滑脚溜走, 逃之夭夭pair off把...分成一对一对连袂成双, 结成对子分属两党的两个议员相约放弃投票pair off with与...结成对子[口]与...结成夫妇pair up(把...配成)一对习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词现代英汉词典基本解释 或 pair一条(裤子);一把(剪刀)Two more pairs of trousers are dirty.另外两条裤子脏了。a pair of scissors一把剪刀一双a pair of socks一双袜子两张同分的牌a pair of kings一对王牌一 对(舞伴等)The happy pair is / are going to Geneva after their wedding.这幸福的一对婚后将去日内瓦。(动物雌雄的)一对词性变化vt., vi.(常与off连用)使成对;成双We tried to pair Mary and Robert off.我们曾设法使玛丽和罗伯特结为一对。Birds and wild animals often pair in the spring.鸟类和兽类常在春天求偶。习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词[七国语言]英汉公共大词典基本解释pair对同义词both couple duo set team two 例句Cooper pair库珀对ion pair离子对kinematic pair运动副An electron pair.电子偶电子对简言之one是单一pair是一双

pair怎么读 pair的读法

1、pair 读音:英 [peu0259(r)];美 [per]     释义:n. 一对;一双;一副 v. (使)成对;(使)配对 2、用法示例如下: (1)用作名词 (n.) The newly married couple are really a happy pair. 那对新婚夫妇真是快乐的一对。 (2)用作动词 (v.) The teacher paired us off for the purpose of the exercise. 为了做练习,老师把我们分成一对一对。




双,a pair of gloves.一双手套


下面是一段摘自《美国传统词典[双解]》的关于“pair”的单复数解释(中英对照),看了就明白了: 作为一个名词pair 后面可接单数动词或复数动词。 当pair 意味着把一套当成单个整看时,通常用单数形式: 这双鞋在打折 当把各组成部分当成单独的个体时, 用动词的复数形式:这对搭档现在合作得更加和谐 。 在一些而不是一个物体后,pair 本身既可是单数也可是复数, 但现在用复数更为普遍:她买了六双 (或 pair ) 裤袜

justin bieber favoritegirl 的歌词

歌曲:FavoriteGirl 歌手:JustinBieber JustinBieber-FavoriteGirl Maximalr&b-TheFreshest&HottestR&B/Hip-HopMusic! Ahahahah Ahahahah Ahahahoh Ahahahah Ialwaysknewyouwerethebest Thecoolestgirliknow Soprettierthanalltherest Thestarofmyshow Somanytimesiwished You"dbetheoneforme Butneverknewyou"dgetlikethis Girlwhatyoudotome You"rewhoi"mthinkinof Girlyouain"tmyrunnerup Andnomatterwhatyou"realwaysnumberone Myprizeposession Oneandonly Adoreyagirliwantya Theoneicantlivewithout That"syouthat"syou You"remyspeciallittlelady Theonethatmakesmecrazy Ofallthegirlsi"veeverknown It"syou,it"syou Myfavorite,myfavorite Myfavorite,myfavoritegirl Myfavoritegirl You"reusedtogoinout"yourway Toimpressthesemr.Wrongs Butyoucanbeyourselfwithme I"lltakeyouasyouare Iknowtheysaidbelieveinlove It"sadreamthatcantbereal Sogirllet"swriteafairytale Andshow"umhowwefeel You"rewhoi"mthinkinof Girlyouaintmyrunnerup Andnomatterwhatyou"realwaysnumberone Myprizeposession Oneandonly Adoreyagirliwantya Theoneicantlivewithout That"syouthat"syou You"remyspeciallittlelady Theonethatmakesmecrazy Ofallthegirlsiveeverknown It"syou,it"syou Myfavorite,myfavorite Myfavorite,myfavoritegirl Myfavoritegirl Babyit"syou Myfavorite,myfavorite Myfavorite,myfavoritegirl Myfavoritegirl Youtakemybreathaway Witheverythingyousay Ijustwannabewithyou Mybabymybabyoh Promisemeyouplaynogames Treatyounootherway Thanyoudeservecuzyou"rethegirlofmydreams Myprizeposession Oneandonly Adoreyagirliwantya Theoneicantlivewithout That"syouthat"syou You"remyspeciallittlelady Theonethatmakesmecrazy Ofallthegirlsi"veeverknown It"syou,it"syou Myprizeposession Oneandonly Adoreyagirliwantya Theoneicantlivewithout That"syouthat"syou You"remyspeciallittlelady Theonethatmakesmecrazy Ofallthegirlsiveeverknown It"syou,it"syou Myfavorite,myfavorite Myfavorite,myfavoritegirl Myfavoritegirl Myfavorite,myfavorite Myfavorite,myfavoritegirl Myfavoritegirl

a pair of的用法归纳是什么?

pair of后所接名词主要有以下特点:1. 由两部分构成的单件事物,如trousers(裤子),scissors(剪刀),glasses(眼镜)spectacles(一副眼镜),jeans(牛仔裤)等。如:I cut the paper with a pair of scissors. 我用剪刀剪纸。Two pairs of your trousers are still at the cleaner"s. 你的两条裤子还在洗衣店里。对于这类由两部分构成的单件事物,我们不能用one或ones来替代它,而用pair或pairs。如:这些裤子我穿太紧了,你有宽一点的吗?误:These trousers are too tight for me. Do you have a larger one?正:These trousers are too tight for me. Do you have a larger pair?2. 包括两件东西并且习惯上一起使用的名词,如shoes(鞋子),boots(靴子)sgloves(手套),socks(袜子),earrings(耳环),chopsticks(筷子)等。如:A pair of gloves is a nice present. 一付手套是一件很好的礼物。Go and buy yourself a new pair of shoes. 去给自己买双新鞋吧。I want to buy a hat and a pair of boots, among other things. 除别的东西之外,我还想买顶帽子和一双皮靴。3. 表示身体中两个相同的部位。如:She has a huge pair of eyes. 她长有一双大眼睛。Look at her beautiful pair of legs. 你瞧她那又美丽的大腿。4. 表示一般意义的“两个”“一对”等。如:On the wall were a pair of hearts interlocked. 墙上有一个同心结。A pair of thieves were conspiring to rob us. 有两个贼预谋盗窃我们的东西。


pair英 [peu0259(r)]     美 [per]     名词复数: pair过去式: paired过去分词: paired现在分词: pairing第三人称单数: pairs 基本释义n.一对;一双;一副v.(使)成对;(使)配对用作名词 (n.)These two cups will make a pair. 这两个杯子可以配成一对。The newly married couple are really a happy pair. 那对新婚夫妇真是快乐的一对。This pair of shoes is durable. 这双鞋很耐磨。The young girl has a pair of almond eyes. 这个年轻的姑娘长着一双杏眼。My brother needs a new pair of glasses. 我弟弟需要一副新眼镜。查看更多 用作动词 (v.)The teacher paired us off for the purpose of the exercise. 为了做练习,老师把我们分成一对一对。Pair the socks and put them in the drawer . 把袜子配成双,然后放到抽屉里。


pair用作名词,基本意思是“一双,一对,一副”,可指连在一起共同使用的由相同、相通或相关的两部分构成的单件物品;用作动词时有结婚,组成一对一对等含义。 一.pair用作名词 1.pair的基本意思是“一双,一对,一副”,可指连在一起共同使用的由相同、相通或相关的两部分构成的单件物品,如:glasses, scissors等; 也可指两件虽分开但有密切关系的物体,如:chopsticks, socks;还可指有共同特征或相互关联的两个人或物。 2.a pair of后一般接复数名词,作主语时,谓语动词多用单数形式,现代英语中也有用复数者,以强调主语的复数含义。pair指两个人或物时,谓语动词用复数形式。 二.pair用作动词 1.pair的基本意思是使单个事物配成双、配成对,引申可作“交配,交尾”解。 2.pair既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。 (1)用作及物动词时,后可接名词或代词作宾语。 I"ll try to pair this glove from my stock. 我将设法从我的存货中把这只手套配成副。 The cupboard filled with shoes fell over and it took half an hour to pair them again . 放满鞋子的橱子倒了,结果花了半个小时才把鞋子一双一双地放好。 (2)用作不及物动词 I thought those two would pair well. 我认为那两个人将能配成很好的一对。 Birds often pair for life. 鸟通常是成对地生活。 3.pair后接off表示“成双,结对”; 接up表示“结成对”; 接with表示“与…配成对”。

justin bieber的favoritegirl歌词是什么…要准确

ah ah ah ah  ah ah ah oh  ah ah ah ah  I always knew you were the best  我早就知道你是最棒的   Justin Bieberthe coolest girl I know  我认识的最酷的女孩  so prettier than all the rest  比其他所有女孩儿都漂亮  the star of my show  我的明星  so many times I wished  无数次地希望  you"d be the one for me  你会是我的唯一  but never knew you"d get like  从没想到你会是这样  this girl what you do to me  女孩,你怎么对我  you"re who I"m thinkin of  你是我想念的人  and girl you ain"t my runner up  女孩你不是第二  and no matter what you"re always number one  不管怎样你永远是第一  my prize possession  我的珍藏  one and only  唯一  adore ya girl i want ya  我崇拜的女孩 我想你  the one I can"t live without  没有她我无法活下去  that"s you that"s you  她就是你,就是你  you"re my special little lady  你是我特别的小女孩  the one that makes me crazy  在所有认识的女孩中  of all the girls I"ve ever known  让我疯狂的那一个  it"s you, it"s you  是你,是你  my favorite, my favorite  我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的  my favorite, my favorite girl  我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的女孩  my favorite girl  我最喜欢的女孩  you"re used to going out your way  你总是要那样做  to impress these mr.wrongs  讨好那些男孩子  but you can be yourself with me  只要跟我在一起 你会做回你自己  I"ll take you as you are  我要原原本本的你  I know they said believe in love  我知道他们说 相信爱  it"s a dream that can"t be real  但那是一个不真实的梦  so girl let"s write a fairytale  女孩让我们一描绘童话  and show "um how we feel  说出我们的感觉  you"re who I"m thinking of  你是我想念的人  and girl you ain"t my runner up  女孩你不是第二  and no matter what you"re always number one  不管怎样你永远是第一  my prize possession  我的珍藏  one and only  唯一  adore ya girl i want ya  我崇拜的女孩 我想你  the one I cant live without  没有她我无法活下去  that"s you that"s you  她就是你,就是你  you"re my special little lady  你是我最特别的女孩  the one that makes me crazy  在所有认识的女孩中  of all the girls I"ve ever known  让我疯狂的那一个  it"s you, it"s you  是你,是你  my favorite, my favorite  我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的  my favorite, my favorite girl  我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的女孩  my favorite girl  我最喜欢的女孩  (baby it"s you)  宝贝 那是你  my favorite, my favorite我  最喜欢的,我最喜欢的  my favorite, my favorite girl  我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的女孩  my favorite girl  我最喜欢的女孩  you take my breath away  你说的每句话  with everything you say  让我无法呼吸  i just wanna be with you  我只想跟你在一起  my baby my baby oh  宝贝 哦 我的宝贝  my miss don"t play no games  我的女孩儿 不要敷衍我  treat you no other way  我没有别的办法对你  than you deserve  只有这样  couse you"re the girl of my dreams  因为你是我梦想中的女孩  my prize possession  我的珍藏  one and only  唯一  adore ya girl i want ya  我崇拜的女孩 我想你  the one I cant live without  没有她我无法活下去  that"s you that"s you  她就是你,就是你  you"re my special little lady  你是我特别的小女孩  the one that makes me crazy  在所有认识的女孩中  of all the girls I"ve ever known  让我疯狂的那一个  it"s you, it"s you  是你,是你  my prize possession  我的珍藏  one and only  唯一  adore ya girl i want you  我崇拜的女孩 我想你  the one I cant live without  没有她我无法活下去  that"s you that"s you  她就是你,就是你  you"re my special little lady  你是我特别的小女孩  the one that makes me crazy  在所有认识的女孩中  of all the girls I"ve ever known  让我疯狂的那一个  it"s you, it"s you  是你,是你  my favorite, my favorite  我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的  my favorite, my favorite gir  l我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的女孩  my favorite girl  我最喜欢的女孩  my favorite, my favorite  我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的  my favorite, my favorite girl  我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的女孩  my favorite girl  我最喜欢的女孩

单词pair 的用法

例如 a pair of shoes 一双鞋子 shoe 要变复数 a pair 表示一双是单数two pairs of shoes two pairs表示两双鞋子,复数 shoes还是复数

pair ones的用法及区别

有one和ones的用法和区别,至于pair和ones 它们意思也不相近,没有什么可比性。pair 1. 一对;一双;一副2. (成对物的、由两个对等部分组成的)一把(如剪刀);一条(如裤子)3. (动物的)一对(为两匹马)词组短语 pair of 一对;一双 one pair 一对;对子 a pair of shoes 一双鞋子 pair with 与…成对,与…配对 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 a pair of trousers 一条裤子 用法: 双; 对例:1、a pair of socks.一双袜子2、 一条 (裤子) 例:a pair of faded jeans. 一条退色的牛仔裤。3、组成一对一对,They laughed and paired and went off arm in arm.他们一对一对地手拉着手笑着离开了。替代词one和ones的用法: 1.one只能替代单数名词,one的复数形式ones只能替代复数名词。例如: My child doesn”t like this book.Show her a more interesting one. 2.替代词one或ones必须带有一个限定或修饰词,它们和所替代的名词中心词所指不一定是同一对象,这是替代词one或 ones在用法上的一个重要特征。例如: I don”t like this book.I”d like a more interesting one. 3.当替代词one或ones带有后置修饰语时,它们前面总有定冠词。例如: Our new cassette is more expensive than the one we had before. 4.替代词 one如果不带任何前置修饰语,即它的前面既没有限定词,又没有形容词时,便不是替代名词词组的中心词,而是替代整个名词词组。这时,one=a+单数名词。例如: A cake made of wheat costs less than one made of rice.(one =a cake) one的这种用法是泛指同类事物中的任何一个,相当一个不定冠词,因此它没有复数形式。要泛指复数事物,只能用some。例如: Here are a few apples.Would you like some(=some of them)?


pair后面的be动词的使用,要根据pair的单复数来定,例如a pair of shoes后面用be动词的单数形式,two pairs of shoes后面用be动词的复数形式。【Vickey英语】为你解答,还有更多视频课程,帮你轻松搞定英语!


英语pair的同音词是pearpear英 [peu0259(r)]     美 [per]    n. 梨子;梨树cultivate a pear 种梨树eat a pear 吃梨peel a pear 削梨pick pears 摘梨This pear is rotten at the core.这个梨子的果心腐烂了。Would you like a pear?想吃梨吗?拓展;双元音音素——双元音音素由两个元音组成,发音时由一个元音向另一个元音滑动,口型有变化。前一个元音发音清晰响亮,且时间长;后一个元音发音模糊软弱,且时间短。特别要注意的三点是:(1)不要将前后两个音断开,应连贯成为一个整体:(2)不要因为后一个元音发音短小而将其忽略;(3)发音时滑动过程要完整,时间要充分。

Favourite girl歌词+翻译

I always knew you were the best 我一直认为你是最好的the coolest girl I know 最美妙的so prettier than all the rest 最美的the star of my show 我心里最闪耀地明星so many times I wished 很多次地祈祷you"d be the one for me 你只属于我but never knew you"d get like 但始终不知道你是否愿意this girl what you do to me 你对我做了什么you"re who I"m thinkin of 让我始终思索着你的一切girl you ain"t my runner up 女孩你让我无法停止那一切and no matter what you"re always number one 无论你是否永远是最好的my prize posession 你始终是我最宝贵的one and only 唯一的仅有的adore ya girl i want ya 只想爱慕着你the one I cant live without 你是唯一地一个让我无法离开的人that"s you that"s you 就是你,只有你you"re my special little lady 你是我专属地宝贝the one that makes me crazy 只为你痴狂of all the girls I"ve ever known你是我所认识的女孩中的唯一it"s you, it"s you 就是你,只有你my favorite, my favorite 我的最爱,我的挚爱my favorite, my favorite girl 我的最爱,我的挚爱my favorite girl 让我深爱着的女孩you"re used to goin out"your way 你曾多次独自离开to impress these mr. wrongs 那让我铭记住自己的错误but you can be yourself with me 在我面前你可以随心而欲I"ll take you as you are 你就是你I know they said believe in love 人们说只能信仰爱情it"s a dream that cant be real 说那只是梦想不可能成为现实so girl let"s write a fairytale 所以爱人让我们书写出现实中的童话and show "um how we feel 展现我们的真实感受you"re who I"m thinkin of (翻译同上)girl you aint my runner up and no matter what you"re always number one my prize posession one and only adore ya girl I want ya the one I cant live without that"s you that"s you you"re my special little lady the one that makes me crazy of all the girls ive ever known it"s you, it"s you my favorite, my favorite my favorite, my favorite girl my favorite girl baby it"s you my favorite, my favorite my favorite, my favorite girl my favorite girl 我深爱着的女孩you take my breath away 你让我无法呼吸with everything you say 还有你说的每一个字i just wanna be with you 只想和你在一起my baby my baby oh 我亲爱的宝贝,噢my miss dont play no games 我的思念无法停止treat you no other way 对你我无能为力than you deserve 没有什么比你更值得那样cuz you"re the girl of my dreams 宝贝你是我的梦想my prize posession 你始终是我最宝贵的one and only (翻译同上)adore ya girl I want ya the one I cant live without that"s you that"s you you"re my special little lady the one that makes me crazy of all the girls I"ve ever known it"s you, it"s you my prize posession one and only adore ya girl I want ya the one I cant live without that"s you that"s you you"re my special little lady the one that makes me crazy of all the girls ive ever known it"s you, it"s you my favorite, my favorite my favorite, my favorite girl my favorite girl my favorite, my favorite my favorite, my favorite girl my favorite girl

first of may中文歌词‘ 张学友版本的‘!

When I was small,& Christmas trees were tall.在我小时候,圣诞树是那么高 We used to love while others used to play.当别人在玩耍的时候,我们总是与爱相伴. Don"t ask me why,but time has passed us by.不要问我为什么但时光已经流逝 Some one else moved in from far away.有人从遥远的地方走了过来 (chorus) Now we are tall,& Christmas trees are small.现在我们长高了,圣诞树显得那么矮小 And U don"t ask the time of day.你不再询问我白天的时间 But U & I,our love will never die.但你和我之间的爱永不会老去 But guess we"ll cry come first of May.但我猜我们会在五月的第一天哭泣 The apple tree that grew for U & me.为了你和我而成长的苹果树 I watched the apples falling one by one.我看到苹果一个个落下 And I recall the moment of them all, the day I kissed Ur cheek & U were mine. 我回想起它们每一个成长的时刻,和我我亲吻脸颊的那天.你是我的

电影十七岁插曲是什么 电影十七岁插曲First of May歌词

45岁的王蕾(贾静雯 饰)的女儿,同样17岁的白白(程予希 饰)令他们的人生再度交错,45岁的林克铭(任贤齐 饰)突然收到网上传来的一封信,一封似是迟来的、王蕾的信,让他再度忆起,那份纯情的年少时光、那段属於十七岁的狂妄 ,还有那份寂寞的遗憾......十七岁 ,好久不见,《十七岁》电影插曲任贤齐贾静雯对唱的《First of May》 让人听了不禁感到伤感。 滞闷的高中校园,17岁的林克铭和王蕾因为一场英文演讲比赛而拉近了距离,懵懂的情感才刚萌芽就在年轻的羞涩与突来的事件中错过而结束,没想到20多年后,因为王蕾17岁女儿(白白),令他们的人生再度交错。 45岁的林克铭,突然收到了王蕾的信,这回信晚了20多年,却让他忆起那段青春,回忆汹涌而来,他不由自主的想找出悬在心头的答案。 《十七岁》留下了很美好的回忆,即使青春有过失误,那也能让人无比怀念。 《十七岁》结尾任贤齐贾静雯对唱歌曲《First of May》歌词试听: 歌手:Bee Gees When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall, we used to love while others used to play. Don"t ask me why, but time has passed us by, some one else moved in from far away. Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small, and you don"t ask the time of day. But you and I, our love will never die, but guess we"ll crye first of May. The apple tree that grew for you and me, I watched the apples falling one by one. And I recall the moment of them all, the day I kissed your cheek and you were mine. Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small, and you don"t ask the time of day. But you and I, our love will never die, but guess we"ll crye first of May. When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall, do do do do do do do do do... Don"t ask me why, but time has passed us by, some one else moved in from far away. 电影十七岁相关推荐:

求 张学友的first of may的音译歌词

问爱我四毛 案的亏死莫斯大哥俺错了 别糟蹋歌词啦 好累啊

first of may完整歌词

When i was small, and christmas trees were tall,We used to love while others used to play.Don"t ask me why, but time has passed us by,Someone else moved in from far away.Now we are tall, and christmas trees are small,And you don"t ask the time of day.But you and i, our love will never die,But guess who"ll cry come first of may.The apple tree that grew for you and me,I watched the apples falling one by one.And as i recall the moment of them all,The day i kissed your cheek and you were gone.Now we are tall, and christmas trees are small,And you don"t ask the time of day.But you and i, our love will never die,But guess who"ll cry come first of may.When i was small, and christmas trees were tall,Do do do do do do do do do ...Don"t ask me why, but time has passed us by,Someone else moved in from far away.

4.2018-04-13《Four Temperaments》:Earth, Air, Fire, Water

u2003u2003 The Roman philosopher and physician Claudius Galen formulated a concept of personality types based on the ancient Greek theory of humourism(体液学说), which attempted to explain the workings of the human body.The roots of humourism go back to Empedocles (c.495–435 BCE), a Greek philosopher who suggested that different qualities of the four basic elements – earth (cold and dry), air (warm and wet), fire (warm and dry), and water (cold and wet) – could explain the existence of all known substances. u2003u2003 Hippocrates (460–370 BCE), the “Father of Medicine”, developed a medical model based on these elements, attributing their qualities to four fluids within the body. These fluids were called “humours(体液)” (from the Latin umor, meaning body fluid). Two hundred years later, Galen expanded the theory of humourism into one of personality; he saw a direct connection between the levels of the humours in the body and emotional and behavioural inclinations – or “temperaments”. Galen"s four temperaments – sanguine(多血质的), phlegmatic(黏液质的), choleric(胆汁质的), and melancholic – are based on the balance of humours in the body. If one of the humours develops excessively, the corresponding personality type begins to dominate. u2003u2003 A sanguine person has too much blood (sanguis in Latin) and is warm-hearted, cheerful, optimistic, and confident, but can be selfish. A phlegmatic person, suffering from excess phlegm(黏液) (phlegmatikósin Greek), is quiet, kind, cool, rational, and consistent(坚持的), but can be slow and shy. The choleric (from the Greek kholé, meaning bile) personality is fiery(易怒的), suffering from excess yellow bile. Lastly, the melancholic (from the Greek melas kholé), who suffers from an excess of black bile, is recognized by poetic and artistic leanings, which are often also accompanied by sadness and fear. u2003u2003 Imbalance in the humours According to Galen , some people are born predisposed to(更倾向于) certain temperaments. However, since temperamental problems are caused by imbalances of the humours, he claimed they can be cured by diet and exercise. In more extreme cases, cures may include purging(通便) and blood-letting. For example, a person acting selfishly is overly sanguine, and has too much blood; this is remedied by cutting down on meat, or by making small cuts into the veins to release blood. u2003u2003 Galen"s doctrines dominated medicine until the Renaissance, when they began to decline in the light of better research. In 1543, the physician Andreas Vesalius (1514–1564), practising in Italy, found more than 200 errors in Galen"s descriptions of anatomy, but although Galen"s medical ideas were discredited, he later influenced 20th-century psychologists. In 1947, Hans Eysenck concluded that temperament is biologically based, and noted that the two personality traits he identified – neuroticism(神经质) and extraversion(外向性) – echoed the ancient temperaments.Although humourism is no longer part of psychology, Galen"s idea that many physical and mental illnesses are connected forms the basis of some modern therapies. Imbalances in the humours determine personality type as well as inclinations towards certain illnesses. Humourism BEFORE c.400 BCE Greek physician Hippocrates says that the qualities of the four elements are reflected in body fluids. c.325 BCE Greek philosopher Aristotle names four sources of happiness: sensual(感官的) (hedone), material (propraietari), ethical (ethikos), and logical (dialogike). AFTER 1543 Anatomist Andreas Vesalius publishes On the Fabric of the Human Body in Italy. It illustrates Galen"s errors and he is accused of heresy(异端). 1879 Wilhelm Wundt says that temperaments develop in different proportions along two axes: “changeability(可变性)” and “emotionality(情绪性)”. 1947 In Dimensions of Personality, Hans Eysenck suggests personality is based on two dimensions. u2003u2003 Claudius Galenus, better known as “Galen of Pergamon” (now Bergama in Turkey) was a Roman physician, surgeon, and philosopher. His father, Aelius Nicon, was a wealthy Greek architect who provided him with a good education and opportunities to travel. Galen settled in Rome and served emperors, including Marcus Aurelius, as principal physician. He learned about trauma care while treating professional gladiators(角斗士), and wrote more than 500 books on medicine. u2003u2003 He believed the best way to learn was through dissecting(解剖) animals and studying anatomy. However, although Galen discovered the functions of many internal organs, he made mistakes because he assumed that the bodies of animals (such as monkeys and pigs) were exactly like those of humans. There is debate over the date of his death, but Galen was at least 70 when he died. c.190 CE The Temperaments c.190 CE The Natural Faculties c.190 CE Three Treatises on the Nature of Science

【转载】Windows开机自动启动Virtual Box虚拟机(官方指南手册)

网上很多介绍windows下开机启动virtual box虚拟的文章,都是通过将命令放在启动目录,或者作为开机计划任务来启动;这里介绍将virtual box 虚拟机作为系统服务器进行启动,即使用户未登录,也会启动虚拟机。 环境变量PATH添加 vbbox 的路径 C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBox 创建一个配置文件 如: D:autostart.cfg 内容如下: 添加一个环境变量 VBOXAUTOSTART_CONFIG 值为上面文件的路径 D:autostart.cfg 添加 vbox 的 windows 服务 运行 services.msc 查看 virtual box 的 auto 服务,启动看看,密码有没有错;如果没有错误,服务应该可以启动成功。 指定自动启动的 vm close 9.21.4. Windows: Starting the Autostart Service 网址: On Windows, autostart functionality consist of two components. First one is configuration file where the administrator can both set delayed start of the VMs and temporary disable autostarting for the particular user. The configuration file should be located in the folder accessible by all required users but it should have permissions allowing the only reading by everyone but administrators. The configuration file contains several options. One is default_policy which controls whether the autostart service allows or denies to start a VM for users which are not in the exception list. The exception list starts with exception_list and contains a comma separated list with usernames. Furthermore a separate startup delay can be configured for every user to avoid overloading the host. A sample configuration is given below: The user name can be specified using the following forms: "user", "domainuser", ".user" and "user@domain". Administrator must add the VBOXAUTOSTART_CONFIG environment variable into system variables containing the path to the configuration file described above. The environment variable tells the autostart services what configuration file is used. Second component of autostart functionality is Windows service, every instance of it works on behalf of particular user using its own credentials. To enable autostarting for a particular user, a member of the administrators group must run the following command: The password file should contain the password followed by a line break. The rest of the file is ignored. The user will be asked for a password if the password file is not specified. To disable autostarting for particular user, a member of the administrators group must run the following command: If a user has changed their password then a member of the administrators group must either reinstall the service or change the service credentials using Windows Service Manager. Due to Windows security policies, the autostart service cannot be installed for users with empty passwords. Finally, the particular user should define which VM should be started at boot or not. The user should run the following command for every VM it desired to start at boot: The user can remove the particular VM from the VMs starting at boot by running the following command:

machnic plumber repairperson的区别

mechanic (尤指修理汽车的)技工,机修工,修理工 A mechanic is someone whose job is to repair and maintain machines and engines, especially car engines.plumber 管子工;水暖工A plumber is a person whose job is to connect and repair things such as water and drainage pipes, baths, and toilets.repairman 修理工A repairman is a man who mends broken machines such as televisions and telephones.

Dirty Diana歌词中文翻译

Dirty Diana 肮脏的戴安娜 You"ll Never Make Me Stay 你从来都不让我停留 So Take Your Weight Off Of Me 所以你影响不了我 I Know Your Every Move 我知道你的一举一动 So Won"t You Just Let Me Be 所以你不要为难我 I"ve Been Here Times Before 我曾来过这里许多次 But I Was Too Blind To See 但我却没有看见你引诱男人 That You Seduce Every Man This Time You Won"t Seduce Me 所以我想这次你也不会引诱我 She"s Saying That"s Ok 她说没问题 Hey Baby Do What You Please 你可以随心所欲 I Have The Stuff That You Want 我拥有你想要的东西 I Am The Thing That You Need 我正是你所需要的 She Looked Me Deep In The Eyes 她深情地望着我 She"s Touchin" Me So To Start 她开始抚摸我 She Says There"s No Turnin" Back 她说已经无路可退了 She Trapped Me In Her Heart 她已经把我困在心底 Dirty Diana, Nah 卖弄风情的戴安娜 Dirty Diana, Nah 风情万种的戴安娜 Dirty Diana, No Dirty Diana Let Me Be! Oh No . . 不要这样 Oh No . . . Oh No . . . She Likes The Boys In The Band 她喜欢乐队里的男孩 She Knows When They Come To Town 她知道当他们来到镇上 Every Musician"s Fan After 每一个他们的歌迷都会在幕后 The Curtain Comes Down She Waits At Backstage Doors 她在后台的门口等着 For Those Who Have Prestige 那些有威望的 Who Promise 能使她拥有财富和荣誉 Fortune And Fame, A Life That"s So Carefree 生活得无忧无虑的人 She"s Saying That"s Ok 然后她说没问题 Hey Baby Do What You Want 做你想做的事吧 I"ll Be Your Night Lovin" Thing 我将成为你今晚的爱人 I"ll Be The Freak You Can Taunt 我可以任你辱骂 And I Don"t Care What You Say 我也不在乎你说什么 I Want To Go Too Far 我只想走得很远 I"ll Be Your Everything 我能成为你任何东西 If You Make Me A Star 只要你能使我成名 Dirty Diana, Nah 风骚的戴安娜。。。 Dirty Diana, Nah 肮脏的戴安娜。。。。 Dirty Diana, No Dirty Diana . . . Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, No Dirty Diana . . . Diana! 戴安娜 Diana! 戴安娜 Dirty Diana 赤裸的戴安娜 It"s Dia . . .Aa . . .Aa . . .Come On!? 戴...安...娜.... 快..! She Said I Have To Go Home 她说:我必须要回家 "Cause I"m Real Tired You See 因为我疲倦难堪 But I Hate Sleepin" Alone 但我会孤枕难眠 Why Don"t You Come With Me 难道你不想陪我 I Said My Baby"s At Home 我说:我的宝贝在家 She"s Probably Worried Tonight 她也许在担心我 I Didn"t Call On The Phone To 我没有打电话去 Say That I"m Alright 说我今夜平安无恙 Diana Walked Up To Me, 戴安娜走上前来 She Said I"m All Yours Tonight 说今夜我属于你 At That I Ran To The Phone 我跑去拿起电话 Sayin" Baby I"m Alright 给宝贝报个平安 I Said But Unlock The Door, 并叫她不要锁门 Because I Forgot The Key 因为我落了钥匙 She Said He"s Not Coming Back 戴安娜急忙插道:他不会回了 Because He"s Sleeping With Me 因为他枕边有我 Dirty Diana, Nah 无耻的戴安娜!别…… Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, No Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana . . . Come On! Come On! Come On! Come On!...

the song of the shirt翻译

用手指厌倦和磨损, With eyelids heavy and red,与眼睑沉重和红色, A woman sat, in unwomanly rags,一名女子周六,在unwomanly碎布, Plying her needle and thread —行走她的针和线- Stitch!十字绣! stitch!十字绣! stitch!十字绣! In poverty, hunger, and dirt,在贫困,饥饿和污垢, And still with a voice of dolorous pitch和仍然存在的声音dolorous足球场 She sang the "Song of the Shirt."她演唱的歌“的衬衫” 。 "Work! work! work! “工作!工作!工作! While the cock is crowing aloof! 10而公鸡是拥挤超然! 10 And work — work — work,和工作-工作-工作, Till the stars shine through the roof!到星级服务,通过屋顶! It"s Oh!它的哦! to be a slave是一个奴隶 Along with the barbarous Turk,随着野蛮特克, Where woman has never a soul to save,* * [A reflection of Hood"s conception of Islam.]如果女子没有灵魂的拯救, * [反映了遮光罩的观念伊斯兰教。 ] If this is Christian work!如果这是基督教的工作! "Work — work — work, “工作-工作-工作, Till the brain begins to swim;到脑开始游泳; Work — work — work,工作-工作-工作, Till the eyes are heavy and dim!直到眼睛是沉重和暗淡! Seam, and gusset, * and band, 20 * [cloth inserted to strengthen or widen a garment.]煤层,以及节点, *与乐队, 20 * [布插入,以加强或扩大一间制衣。 ] Band, and gusset, and seam,乐队,和节点,和煤层, Till over the buttons I fall asleep,直至超过按钮i入睡, And sew them on in a dream!和缝纫他们就在一个梦想! "Oh, Men, with Sisters dear! “哦,男人,与姐妹们亲爱的! Oh, men, with Mothers and Wives!哦,男人,与母亲和妻子! It is not linen you"re wearing out,这是不是您的亚麻服装, But human creatures" lives!但人类的动物的生命! Stitch — stitch — stitch,十字绣-十字绣-十字绣, In poverty, hunger and dirt, 30在贫困,饥饿和污垢, 30 Sewing at once, with a double thread,缝纫一次,一个双线程, A Shroud as well as a Shirt. 1裹尸布以及作为恤。 "But why do I talk of Death? “但为什么我谈死亡的呢? That Phantom of grisly bone,这可怕的幽灵骨, I hardly fear its terrible shape,我几乎害怕其可怕的形状, It seems so like my own —似乎,使像我自己的- It seems so like my own,看来,以便喜欢我自己 Because of the fasts I keep;由于对fasts我不断; Oh, God!哦,上帝! that bread should be so dear这面包应如此亲爱的 And flesh and blood so cheap! 40和血肉这么便宜! 40 "Work — work — work! “工作-工作-工作! My labour never flags;我从来没有劳工国旗; And what are its wages?什么是其工资呢? A bed of straw,一张床,稻草, A crust of bread — and rags. 1地壳的面包-和抹布。 That shattered roof — this naked floor —这打破了屋顶-这赤裸裸的楼- A table — a broken chair —一表-一个破碎主席- And a wall so blank, my shadow I thank和墙的空白,所以,我的影子我感谢 For sometimes falling there!有时下降,有! "Work — work — work! “工作-工作-工作! From weary chime to chime, 50从厌倦附和,以编钟, 50 Work — work — work,工作-工作-工作, As prisoners work for crime!作为囚犯的工作,犯罪! Band, and gusset, and seam,乐队,和节点,和煤层, Seam, and gusset, and band,煤层,和节点,与乐队, Till the heart is sick, and the brain benumbed,直到心脏有病,和脑benumbed , As well as the weary hand.以及疲惫的手。 "Work — work — work, “工作-工作-工作, In the dull December light,在平淡12月轻, And work — work — work,和工作-工作-工作, When the weather is warm and bright — 60当天气是温暖和光明的-6 0 While underneath the eaves而屋檐下 The brooding swallows cling该育雏燕子抱 As if to show me their sunny backs好像是为了显示他们的阳光,我背 And twit me with the spring.和twit我与春天。 "Oh! but to breathe the breath “哦!但是,呼吸呼吸 Of the cowslip and primrose sweet —该cowslip和普利姆罗斯甜- With the sky above my head,与上空,我的头, And the grass beneath my feet;和基层下方我的脚; For only one short hour对于只有一个小时的短期 To feel as I used to feel, 70觉得我用的感觉, 70 Before I knew the woes of want之前,我知道疾苦的希望 And the walk that costs a meal!和步行成本一餐! "Oh! but for one short hour! “哦!但尚欠一小时! A respite however brief!喘息,但简短的! No bless d leisure for Love or Hope,没有保佑d康乐为爱或希望, But only time for Grief!但只有时间为悲痛! A little weeping would ease my heart,小垂柳将缓解我的心, But in their briny bed但在他们的briny床 My tears must stop, for every drop我的眼泪必须停止,为每一滴水 Hinders needle and thread!" 80阻碍了针和线! “ 80 With fingers weary and worn,用手指厌倦和磨损, With eyelids heavy and red,与眼睑沉重和红色, A woman sat in unwomanly rags,一名女子,坐在unwomanly碎布, Plying her needle and thread —行走她的针和线- Stitch!十字绣! stitch!十字绣! stitch!十字绣! In poverty, hunger, and dirt,在贫困,饥饿和污垢, And still with a voice of dolorous pitch, —和仍然存在的声音dolorous足球场, - Would that its tone could reach the Rich!将其语气可达到丰富! — - She sang this "Song of the Shirt!"她唱这歌“的上衣” ! Note: The source of this text is Inglis, RB, et al., Adventures in English Literature (Toronto: WJ Gage, 1952), pp.注:源这一案文是英格利斯,铷,等人, 冒险在英语文学 (多伦多: WJ通信公司计, 1952年) ,页。 436-37.

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想问问中国人的family name 和 first name怎么回事

  family name 就是中国人的姓  first name 也是是中国人的姓  如果要说名的话,应说last name(要与first name组合)  那么王小明(Wang Xiaoming),王(Wang)是他的姓(first name),小明(Xiaoming)就是他的名(last name)。  而外国人的的名字是和我们中国人的反过来的,名字写在前,姓写在后。  如Juliet White(朱莉.怀特),朱莉(Juliet)是她的名字(last name),怀特(White)是她的姓(first name)。


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 姓是哪个单词,名又是哪个单词? 解析: Familyname:家族里的姓氏 Givenname:家族给的名,祖辈给的,比如爷爷给的名字,一般放姓,名之间,一般省略。 Firstname:名Surname:姓氏

first name和family name的区别

first name 意思是:名,西方人名的第一个字family name 意思是:姓氏,家族名欢迎采纳哦。

first name和last name还有family name的区别,具体点

西方国家是名字在前 姓在后 first name是西方人名的第一个字 last name是放在名字后面的姓 family name 也是姓 它和last name意思是一样的一、英美人姓名( 1 )英美人的姓名排列次序为名在前,姓在后.如Herbert George Wells(赫伯特· 乔治· 威尔斯),第一、第二两个词是名,末一词是姓.〔 2 )英美习俗,通常在婴儿受洗礼时,由教士或父母亲朋起名字,献为教名,排列在姓名的最前面.此外,长辈或本人也可起第二个名字,排在教名之后.这就是英美人常常有两个甚至更多名字的原因.最前面的叫first name,相当于汉语的“名字”.最后的这个就是last name了,相当于汉语的“姓”.姓是一个家族所共有的,所以也叫family name,英语也叫surname,(sur-有“后”的意思,如surfix后缀,对比:prefix 前缀.)中国人的姓在最前面,与西方人的不同.自我介绍时,说My name is Zheng Liping 时,要说我的姓是Zheng时,最好说:My family name is Zheng.而说:my last name,或surname时,都会引起误会.1、family name是姓,在英文中放在最后.例如:Jone Smith,Smith是姓.老外一般也都一家人姓一个姓.在英文中姓是不能单独用的,通常加上Mr.Smith,史密斯先生或者Mrs.Smith史密斯太太,都行.跟中文的“赵钱孙李”一样.2、first name是你的名字,在英文中,通常放在最前面,例如:Lily White ,Lily就是first name,是她的名字.在英文中,名字是可以单独叫的,比如你可以喊她“Lily”.跟“强强,敏敏,花花”之类的一样.3、last name 实际上我们可以理解为与family name是一样的,是姓,因为放在最后,所以叫last name.不再赘述.


一、通过Python模拟收发消息1、在各个节点上安装epel源# yum install epel* -y112、安装python库# yum --enablerepo=epel -y install python2-pika113、在rabbitmq-server节点上 1)、创建用户# rabbitmqctl add_user wuyeliang password 112)、创建虚拟主机# rabbitmqctl add_vhost /my_vhost113)、赋予权限# rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /my_vhost wuyeliang ".*" ".*" ".*" 114、在rabbitmq节点上模拟发消息,代码如下# vi!/usr/bin/env pythonimport pikacredentials = pika.PlainCredentials("wuyeliang", "password") #注意用户名及密码connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters("localhost",5672,"/my_vhost",credentials))channel ="Hello_World")channel.basic_publish(exchange="",routing_key="Hello_World",body="Hello RabbitMQ World!")print(" [x] Sent "Hello_World"")connection.close()12345678910111213141516123456789101112131415164、在client节点上模拟收消息,代码如下# vi!/usr/bin/env pythonimport signalimport pikasignal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)credentials = pika.PlainCredentials("wuyeliang", "password")connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters("",5672,"/my_vhost",credentials))channel ="Hello_World")def callback(ch, method, properties, body):print(" [x] Received %r" % body)channel.basic_consume(callback,queue="Hello_World",no_ack=True)print(" [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C")channel.start_consuming()123456789101112131415161718192021123456789101112131415161718192021

first name 和 family name有什么区别?

last name=family name姓氏 middle name是中间名字,通常会是教名或为了纪念谁first name + middle name = given name名字 for example: John William Croft John 是 first name,也是given name William 是 middle name 也是 given name Croft是family name 就是姓

family name,first name,last name, middle name都是指英语中的姓或名,举例说说他们的区别


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surname、first name和family name的意义及用法上的异同 如题

surname,family name,last name - 都是姓 first name - 名 在美国,基本不用SURNAME Michael Jackson 的姓是"JACKSON",FIRST NAME是"MICHAEL", MIDDLE NAME是"JOSEPH",所以他的全名是"MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON" MIDDLE NAME-这个名字多数人不常用,只用来在法律上或者非常正式文件上区分自己和另外一个同FIRST NAME和同LAST NAME的人. 但是也有些人更喜欢别人用MIDDLE NAME称呼他(她)而非用FIRST NAME.这是个人喜好. 多数人还是以FIRST NAME称呼的.


familyname 指 姓firstname 指 第一个名字如 Jim Allen Green. Jim is the first name.

family name, first name ,and middle name 分别填写什么〉?

family name填你的姓 first name填你的名 middle name不填

英语里什Family names 什么是First names

family name 姓氏first name 名

想问问中国人的family name 和 first name怎么回事?什么意思?

family name 就是中国人的姓first name 也是是中国人的姓如果要说名的话,应说last name(要与first name组合)那么王小明(Wang Xiaoming),王(Wang)是他的姓(first name),小明(Xiaoming)就是他的名(last name) 而外国人的的名字是和我们中国人的反过来的,名字写在前,姓写在后。如Juliet White(朱莉.怀特),朱莉(Juliet)是她的名字(last name),怀特(White)是她的姓(first name)。

谁知道Tornado Girl的歌词啊?

TornNatalie ImbrugliaI thought I saw a man brought to lifeHe was warm, he came around like he was dignifiedHe showed me what it was to cryWell you couldn"t be that man I adoredYou don"t seem to know, don"t seem to care what your heart is forBut I don"t know him anymoreThere"s nothing where he used to lieMy conversation has run dryThat"s whats going on, nothing"s fine I"m tornI"m all out of faith, this is how I feelI"m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floorIllusion never changed into something realI"m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is tornYou"re a little late, I"m already tornSo I guess the fortune teller"s rightShould have seen just what was there and not some holy lightTo crawl beneath my veins and nowI don"t care, I have no luck, I don"t miss it all that muchThere"s just so many things that I can"t touch, I"m tornI"m all out of faith, this is how I feelI"m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floorIllusion never changed into something realI"m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is tornYou"re a little late, I"m already torn. Torn.There"s nothing where he used to lieMy inspiration has run dryThat"s what"s going on, nothings right, I"m tornI"m all out of faith, this is how I feelI"m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floorIllusion never changed into something realI"m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is tornI"m all out of faith, this is how I feelI"m cold and I"m ashamed bound and broken on the floorYou"re a little late, I"m already torn.torn,torn

出入境卡上的family name 、first name、 middle name怎么填写?

family name - 姓first name - 名middle name - 中间名, 中国人一般没有,不用填

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first name和family name是名还是姓

first name

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first name 和 family name 有什么区别?


名词辨析:first name, last name, given name, family name, middle name, surname

first name=given name 指名last name=family name =surname 指姓middle name是名人的名,取来激励小孩欧美姓名与中国不同,是先名后姓,所以first name是名,last name是姓

First name 和 given name是名字, last name 和 family name 是姓, 对吗

First name 和 given name是名字, last name 和 family name 是姓, 对吗 first name 词名,西方人名的第一个字 given name 名字(等于first name) last name 姓 family name 姓氏 有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) first name和family name是名还是姓 first name/given name 是名字 family name/last name 是姓氏 last name (欧美人放在名字后面的)姓 first name 西方人名的第一个字 family name 姓 middle name 在斯拉夫国家,middle name是父名之意。例如列宁全名是弗拉基米尔·伊里奇·列宁,伊里奇是父名。 在欧美国家,middle name是中间名,一般取长者的名字。例如克林顿全名是威廉·杰斐逊·克林顿,杰斐逊是一位美国的民主奠基者,父母取这名字来激励小克林顿。中间名通常用缩写表示,由钟爱孩子的父母或其亲戚所取,他们甚至把自己的名字直接取给孩子。中间名代表本人同亲属之间的关系,外人一般不称呼中间名,也不得究其详,甚至法院也不承认中间名是法定姓名的一部分。 last name ,first name那个是名,哪个是姓?family name?middle name? last name (欧美人放在名字后面的)姓 first name 西方人名的第一个字 family name 姓 middle name 在斯拉夫国家,middle name是父名之意。例如列宁全名是弗拉基米尔·伊里奇·列宁,伊里奇是父名。 在欧美国家,middle name是中间名,一般取长者的名字。例如克林顿全名是威廉·杰斐逊·克林顿,杰斐逊是一位美国的民主奠基者,父母取这名字来激励小克林顿。中间名通常用缩写表示,由钟爱孩子的父母或其亲戚所取,他们甚至把自己的名字直接取给孩子。中间名代表本人同亲属之间的关系,外人一般不称呼中间名,也不得究其详,甚至法院也不承认中间名是法定姓名的一部分。 LAST NAME 和 FIRST NAME哪个是姓? 姓氏是LAST NAME 名字是FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME不是中国姓名三个字中的中间那个 而是欧美国家信仰基督教或天主教的人们起的教名 比如:美国总统Gee W. Bush 他的姓氏是BUSH,名字是Gee,中间的W是他教名的缩写。 In China the___name is the___name. A.first;given B.first;family C.first;last D.last;family 在中国first name就是姓氏 given name 就是名 last name在欧美国家是姓氏 family name也是姓氏 所以应该是B AD是错的 区别first name ,second name ,family name,given name 名:First name=given name因为这是给你的名字,不是你爸传下来的姓 姓:Last name=family name=second name外国人名防在姓前面,所以姓就成了“后面的名字” 我在国外填了N年的表了。不会有错的 英文名 Last name即Family name 用Young ,First name即Given name 用什么好? 叫Alan吧。 first name、given name、last name、family name和surname到底是怎么样一种关系? first name=given name名 last name=family name=surname姓 怎么区分first name和last name和family name Tom 是first name Cheng 是 last name 也就是 family name 不懂的欢迎问我,保持hi线上

英语中"last name","first name","family name","middle name"的区别


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confirm new password什么意思

确认新的密码confirm / ku0259nu02c8fu025cu02d0m; ku0259nˋfu0259m/ v [Tn, Tf] provide evidence for the truth or correctness of (a report, an opinion, etc); establish the truth of 证实, 证明(报告﹑ 意见等)的正确性; 确认: The rumours of an attack were later confirmed. 发动攻击的谣传後来得到了证实. * The announcement confirmed my suspicions. 这项通告证明了我的猜疑属实. * Please write to confirm your reservation, ie send a letter to support a booking made by telephone. 请来信确认一下您所预订的项目(来信确认在电话中预订的项目). * When asked, she confirmed that she was going to retire. 有人问她时, 她肯定了她将要退休.

confirm new password是什么意思


confirm new password 翻译

“confirm new password”的意思是:确认新密码。英语是我们从小学习的第二门外语,也是学习的重要科目之一。学习英语首先要端正自己的学习态度,养成良好的学习习惯。英语的学习在于长期的积累和运用,在学习的过程中可以多关注一些和英语相关的歌曲和电影来提高学习兴趣。下面给大家分享关于零基础怎样学习英语,大家可以作为参考。我们要了解英文26个字母,学会英语音标。英语是有元音和辅音的,以及重音和轻音。通过了解之后,对不认识的英语单词,可以通过查字典,进行划分音节,然后通过重音和元音,辅音进行拼读,就可以把这个陌生的单词读出来。其次学习英语语法,语法就是造句的方法和规则。我们学语法,就是为更好地造句。会造句就会说话,说话其实就是我们的大脑在不断地造句。我们交流的单位就是句子,而不是单词。很多人学语法走了一个误区,学了语法规则之后,专门拿来分析句子,而且不是拿来造句。结果,只会阅读,不会口语,成了哑巴英语。所以说,学语法,一定要以造句为中心,不能脱离造句。第三就是多看,多读,多练,多造句子。当你会读音标,陌生的单词,你还是不会认识,这时候你就要多积累词汇量,多看文章,然后多说,多使用单词进行造句。只要日积月累,才能够学好英语。只有多花时间,花精力,想学一定能学好。孰才能生巧,要是不学不练,时间久了就忘记了,还给老师了,毕竟不是母语。最后就是练听力,选择合适的听力素材,如VOA/BBC/CNN/CRI等。练口语,可与老师、同学、朋友互动练习,1V1效果可能更好。学习英语不能三天打鱼两天晒网,在学习的过程中要养成多开口,多练习的好习惯。

谁知道pasword 和confirm的意思吗 急用谢谢

password 密码confirm 确应

confirm password是什么意思


confirm password 什么意思


Confirm Password是什么意思

1.确认密码 2.确认口令 3.重复密码!

confirm password什么意思


confirm password 什么意思

confirm password确认密码

confirm what we feel me是什么从句


my favourite fairy tale是什么意思啊?

my favourite fairy tale.意思:我最喜欢的童话。


基本上 没有

英语作文 my favorite fairy taie

My favorite fairy taleMy favorite fairy tale is Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood.One day, her mother asks little Red Riding Hood to see her grandma. A wolf sees little Red Riding HoodIn the forest, it comes to grandma"s house and eats grandma.After a while, little Red Riding Hood comes to grandma"s house. Grandma"s mouth is very big. She asks,"Grandma, why is your mouth so big?" The wolf says, "I eat little girls with this mouth." "Help! Help!" little Red Riding Hood cries. At this time, a hunter passes through the house. He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. 我最喜欢的童话故事我最喜欢的童话故事是《小红帽》。小红帽喜欢红色的帽子。于是她妈妈叫她小红帽。有一天,她的母亲让小红帽去看望她的奶奶。在森林里一只狼看见小红帽,它来到奶奶家,吃掉了奶奶。过了一会儿,小红帽来到了奶奶家。奶奶的嘴非常大。她就问:“奶奶,为什么你的嘴巴这么大?”狼说:“我要用这嘴巴吃小女孩”。“救命!救命!”小红帽大哭着。这时,一个猎人路过这所房子。他射死了狼和救了小红帽。
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