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Justhin Birber的歌曲《born to be somebody》是什么意思?


有谁有Gossip Girl 的角色简介?



Avira 任务栏图标 > FireWall > 启用游戏模式。





英语谚语:Fine feathers make fine birds 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Fine feathers make fine birds 中文意思: 人要衣装,佛要金装。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: It is better to be clothed in rags than to be clothed with shame 宁可穿破衣,不可蒙羞耻。 It is better to be safe than sorry 事后追悔不如事前稳妥。 It is better to do well than to say well 理论好不如实际好。 It is better to fight for good than to rail at the ill 与其抱怨,不如积善。 It is better to please a fool than to anger him 惹得傻瓜发火,不如使他快活。 It is better to wear out than to rust out 与其锈掉,不如用坏。 It is dangerous crisis when a proud heart meets with flattering lips 骄傲的心碰上献媚的嘴,是最危险不过的。 It is dogged (that) does it 天下无难事,只怕有心人。 It is easier to descend than to ascend 下降容易上升难。 It is easier to give good counsel than to follow it 提出忠告易,照著办事难。 英语谚语: Fine feathers make fine birds 中文意思: 人要衣装,佛要金装。



求RAM WIRE《秘密》歌词的中文翻译

何も望まなければ nanimo nozoma nakereba この恋はずっと続いてく kono koha zutto tsudui teku 甘い言叶 约束もいらないから amai kotoba yakusoku moiranaikara 近くにいたいよ chikaku niitaiyo みんなの感じに合わせて笑う minnano kanji ni awa sete warau 君の照れる声 胸にしみる kimi no tere ru koe mune nishimiru 冗谈っぽく冷やかしても本当は... joudan ppoku hiya kashitemo hontou ha ... そのキレイな人は知ってた sono kirei na nin ha shitte ta 叶わないと言い闻かせて kanawa naito ii kika sete 何度もやめようとしたけど nando moyameyoutoshitakedo バカみたいにずっと好きで baka mitainizutto suki de 君にすれば友达で kimi nisureba tomodachi de 近づく程に远のく距离を chikadu ku hodo ni toonoku kyori wo 君は知ってたくせに kimi ha shitte takuseni そのズルい优しさで sono zuru i yasashi sade 无伤であたしを负かした mukizu deatashiwo maka shita 何も望まなければ nanimo nozoma nakereba この恋はずっと続いてく kono koha zutto tsudui teku 甘い言叶 约束もいらないから amai kotoba yakusoku moiranaikara 近くにいたいよ だからもう少し chikaku niitaiyo dakaramou sukoshi 今まで通りに振舞って imamade toori ni furumatte 君のそばにいられるなら この秘密は kimi nosobaniirarerunara kono himitsu ha 决して口にしないから kesshite kuchi nishinaikara Never know, Now 秘めた真相 Never know, Now hime ta shinsou ハマってたそう君に相当 hama ttetasou kun ni soutou 叶わないと分かってても kanawa naito waka ttetemo 抱いてしまうわずかな期待を dai teshimauwazukana kitai wo 未だつかねぇ気持ちの整理 imada tsukanee kimochi no seiri 缲り返す现実逃避 kurikaesu genjitsutouhi 想うほどに切なく…Fall down… omou hodoni setsuna ku ... Fall down ... バカなことしなくて良かった baka nakotoshinakute yoka tta なんて强がりを言っても nante tsuyoga riwo itsutte mo ただ意気地无しだったあたしが tada ikuji nashi dattaatashiga 出口のない苦しみを deguchi nonai kurushi miwo 泣いて伝えられたら nai te tsutae raretara 肩书きを変えられるのかな katagaki wo kae rarerunokana 何も求めなければ nanimo motome nakereba この恋はきっと守られる kono koha kitto mamora reru 一生分の『せつない』を isshou fun no ( setsunai ) wo 知る事になってもいいよ shiru koto ninattemoiiyo だからもう少し dakaramou sukoshi 知らないフリを続けて shira nai furi wo tsuduke te 君と笑っていられるなら kimi to waratte irarerunara この秘密は 决して声にしないから kono himitsu ha kesshite koe nishinaikara 隠しておくから kakushi teokukara也希望什么的话这恋情将一直延续甜的言叶约束都不需要附近痛啊大家的感觉一起笑你害羞的声音深切的感受到冗谈打趣也其实...手法那个漂亮的人是知道的叶わ说没有听到说说你好几次都想放弃了像傻瓜一样一直喜欢你如果你的朋友在达靠近的程度远把过去的距离你知道的却那个狡猾优被在。在无伤我负吗。也希望什么的话这恋情将一直延续甜的言叶约束都不需要附近痛啊,所以再现在一样地行动你如果能在你身边这个秘密决脱口而出。Never说什么即使,Now隐藏的真相入迷了相当于你即使知道会怀着一点点的期待还跟喂整理自己的心情缲周围返回现实逃避想念的悲伤…Fall down…愚蠢的事不做的太好了呐强逞强说只是没出息无做了我没有出口的痛苦哭传递给你的话肩书来改变吗追求什么的话这恋爱一定会保护一生的“苦闷”知道了也可以哦所以再装作不知道继续和你笑着的话这个秘密决对声音了。藏起

求鉴定这双Nake Air Veer是真的还是假的

你好 我是球鞋爱好者 耐克veer 国内基本没有真的 你这个更假 低仿 满意请采纳谢谢


LRIT(船舶远程识别和跟踪公约)适用于从事国际航行的以下类型的船舶: [*]所有国际航行的客轮,包括高速艇[*]300总吨及以上的货船[*]海上移动平台 沿海海域A1操作且配备AIS系统的船舶可以免予进行设备符合性测试;近海海域A2操作且未安装Inmarsat-C GMDSS的船舶需要进行符合性测试。在A4海域且纬度70度以上的地方操作的船舶需要连同低轨道通信的非inmarsat终端一起使用。该通信服务运营商需要船旗国的ASP授权许可。 该规则将于2008年12月31日之后无线电首次审核中执行。或者运行在A4海域的船只不晚于2009年7月1日进行首次无线电审核。 终端必须适应于在自动位置报告中配置下列信息 [*]船舶身份[*]船舶位置[*]发生船位位置的时间 关于LRIT业务,IMO相关文档 IMO Resolution MSC.202(81) – LRIT 章程 IMO Resolution MSC.210(81) – LRIT 性能标准 IMO Resolution MSC.211(81) – LRIT 及时确立 IMO Resolution MSC.242(83) – 安全和环境 IMO Resolution MSC.243(83) – 暂定的国际数据交换中心IDE IMO Resolution MSC.254(83) – 性能标准修正 IMO Resolution MSC.264(84) – 关于船舶LRIT性能标准功能的修订 IMO Resolution MSC.265(84) – 暂时建立国际数据交换中心 IMO Resolution MSC.1/Circ.1256 – LRIT系统实施概览 IMO Resolution MSC.1/Circ.1257 – 传输LRIT信息需求的船舶符合性审查和证明概览 IMO Resolution MSC.1/Circ.1258 – 关于请求和接收LRIT信息的搜寻和营救服务概览 IMO Resolution MSC.1/Circ.1259 – LRIT系统中期技术参数修正

“the genius wit and spirit of a nation are discovered in its proverbs.” ?

这句箴言出自Francis Bacon 1561-1626 British Philosopher Essayist Statesman弗朗西斯·培根 1561 - 1626 英国 哲学家 散文家 政治家

有一首歌 欧美的 歌词总是重复 beautiful girl 曲调很慢 很懒散 是个男人演唱的 谁知道是什么


英文歌曲 Fairy Tale -Toni Braxton.谁有MP3链接啊?

高分求Toni Braxton 的《fairy tale》MP3格式.


求Toni Braxton的Fairy Tale的歌词及翻译

子供(こども)の顷(ころ)に置(お)いてきた  梦(ゆめ)を思(おも)い出(だ)した  若草色(わかくさいろ)の哀(かな)しみを  细(ほそ)く甘(あま)く歌(うた)う  Myfairytale  何(なに)も终(お)わることのない  永远(えいえん)を知(し)っていた  もう谁(だれ)も语(かた)らない  二人(ふたり)の物语(ものがたり)  キスを一(ひと)つ残(のこ)して  君(きみ)は何処(どこ)へ行(い)く  灯火一(ともしびひと)つ抱(だ)いて  森(もり)に消(き)えて行(い)く  Inthedark  ずっと远(とお)くへ歩(ある)いてく  懐(なつ)かしい面影(おもかげ)  ずっと远(とお)くが君(きみ)の家(いえ)  辿(たど)り着(つ)けはしない  Yourfairytale  梦(ゆめ)に见(み)た永远(えいえん)は  闭(と)ざされたままで  过(あやま)ちは深(ふか)く  隠(かく)されたままで  消(き)えていく帰(かえ)り道(みち)  君(きみ)がもう见(み)えない  ……さよなら  雾(きり)の森(もり)を抜(ぬ)けて  君(きみ)は何処(どこ)へ行(い)く  一(ひと)つだけ手(て)を振(ふ)って  明日(あす)へ去(さ)って行(い)く  君(きみ)を好(す)きになって  永远(えいえん)は终(お)わる  生(い)きて行(ゆ)く喜(よろこ)びと  痛(いた)みが始(はじ)まる  Inthelight编辑本段中文歌词  「fairytale」  剧场版「空の境界」第六章「忘却録音」主题歌  作词梶浦由记/奈须きのこ  作曲梶浦由记  歌手Kalafina(カラフィナ)  孩提时曾经搁下的梦  如今再度浮现在脑海  仿佛在细细咏唱着  心中青草色的感伤  为我的童话而感伤  什么事物都不会结束  这种永远我早已知晓  可再也不会有人提及  属于我们的故事  仅仅留下一个吻  你就要前往何方  怀抱着一盏灯火  消失在森林的方向  消失在黑暗的彼方  远远走在了我的前方  你那令人怀念的面容  远方正有着你的家乡  可我却始终无法抵达  你童话中的地方  曾经梦见的永远始终锁紧着大门  曾经犯下的过错始终隐藏着踪迹  我的归途正渐渐消失  再也看不见你的身影  ……永别了  穿越迷雾的森林  你将要前往何方  挥挥手告别往日  你转身去往明天  从喜欢上你的那一刻  我的永远就宣告结束  取而代之的是生存的喜悦  还有随之开始的痛楚  在这光芒之中

Toni Braxton - Fairy Tale的歌词翻译

And if I was wrong, I know I don"t deserve this 如果我做错了,我不配得到这些 Don"t stay too long, I need to hear those words you use to tell me 不要等太久,我需要听到那些曾经你讲过的话 From way back when we were just friends 当我们还是朋友的时候 Before this love affair began 在这场恋爱开始之前 Tell me how I love you wins 告诉我为什么一句我爱你就战胜了一切 Or how a broken heart can mend 但是破碎的心要如何去修补 Just tell me this is not the end 请告诉我这一切还没有结束 Please tell me now 现在就告诉我 How the fairy tale begins 告诉我这个童话是怎样开始的 Or how it was supposed to end 而它又是如何结束的 Please tell me that part again 就请告诉我这一段 Now tell me what"s wring, I never meant to hurt you, no baby, ooh 现在请告诉我做错了什么,我不是故意要伤害你 亲爱的Was it the home, the car, or darling all those things we thought we Needed 是因为房子,车子,还是其他那些我们曾经认为需要的东西呢 Tell me even if it ain"t true 就算这不是真的你也要告诉我 But baby please don"t say we"re through 但是亲爱的 永远不要说我们结束了 Tell me how I love you wins 告诉我为什么一句我爱你就战胜了一切Or how a broken heart can mend 但是破碎的心要如何去修补Just tell me this is not the end 请告诉我这一切还没有结束Please tell me now 现在就告诉我 How the fairy tale begins 告诉我这个童话是怎样开始的Or how it was supposed to end 而它又是如何结束的Please tell me that part again 就请告诉我这一段I wanna know that feelin" that"s from way back 我想知道曾经的那种感觉 A time when it was true that, love was sweet and innocent 当我们的爱还很美好很纯真的时候 When you and I could still be friends 当我们还是朋友 Make all the wrong be right again 把所有的错都变成对的 Where true love never has to end 这样真爱就永远不会结束 Tell me how I love you wins 告诉我为什么一句我爱你就战胜了一切Or how a broken heart can mend 但是破碎的心要如何去修补Just tell me this is not the end 请告诉我这一切还没有结束Please tell me now 现在就告诉我How the fairy tale begins 告诉我这个童话是怎样开始的Or how it was supposed to end 而它又是如何结束的Please tell me that part again 就请告诉我这一段

Eddie Kirkland的《Anchor》 歌词

歌曲名:Anchor歌手:Eddie Kirkland专辑:Kings & Queens能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollI stand with a blank expression nowand I can"t believe myselfwill someone tell me howdid I get hereI am walkingchanging slowlyI am chasingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchorit seems that I lost track of timeand I can"t believe my mindwould you save me ifI reached out to youI"m waiting, watching, standingI am reachingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchor yeahanchor yeahanchor yeahI am walkingchanging slowlyI am chasingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchor yeahanchor yeahanchor yeahcan you hear mehear mecan you hear me


piece与pair的区别和用法 1. 一般说来,不可数名词不可以用数目来计数,若要计数,则要借助单位词,其中用于对不可数名词计数的最常用的单位词就是piece,其意为“张”、“块”、“条”等: a piece of paper 一张纸 a piece of advice一条建议 a piece of news一条消息 a piece of chalk 一支粉笔 a piece of bread 一块面包 a piece of work 一件工作 a piece of meat 一块肉 a piece of ice 一块冰 a piece of paper 一张纸 a piece of music 一曲音乐 a piece of wood 一块木头 a piece of furniture 一件家具 【注】不要按汉语习惯在不该用单位词的地方错用单位词,如“一张邮票”只能说 a stamp,而不能说 a piece of stamp。另外,除piece外,以下表达也值得注意: a bottle of ink 一瓶墨水 a cup of tea 一杯茶 a bowl of rice 一碗米饭 a glass of beer 一杯啤酒 a drop of water 一滴水 a grain of sand 一粒沙 2. pair 主要用来指由两者组成的“一双”或“一对”,或由两半合成的“一条”、“一副”、“一把”等: a pair of shoes 一双鞋子 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 a pair of wings 一对翅膀 a pair of trousers 一条裤子 a pair of balances 一副天平 a pair of gloves 一副手套 a pair of shorts 一条短裤 a pair of socks 一双短袜 a huge pair of eyes 一双大眼睛 a beautiful pair of legs 一双美丽的大腿 【注】“a pair of+名词”之类的结构作主语时,其谓语通常与pair的数保持一致: This pair of trousers is very cheap. 这条裤子子很便宜。 These pairs of trousers are very cheap. 这几条裤子很便宜。

Virus.Win32.Alman b U盘病毒怎么杀啊~~~~急救!!!!

autorun.inf + 病毒 在每个硬盘根目录下都有一个autorun.inf 文件.这是一个自动运行脚本,只要你一双击打开硬盘病毒就会运行. 一、主要症状如下: 1、任务管理器里有病毒进程怎么也结束不了,一结束又会自动生成。 2、杀毒软件都被屏蔽了,不管怎么都打不开。 3、进不了安全模式,在读取安全模式进程的时候会重启。 4、病毒所在的文件夹一打开马上就被强制关闭。 5、在互联网上搜索有关这个病毒的关键词时IE被强制关闭,就连搜索“杀毒”两个字也会被关闭。 6、系统会变卡, 病毒自动隐藏,无法在电脑中找到病毒. 7、系统重装后,打开除系统盘以外的盘,又重新感染上病毒。 二、解决方法: 1、重装系统, 2、重装完之后,请不要双击打开除系统盘外的任何硬盘(这个关键,如果你不注意的话,系统就白装了)。 3、重装好进入windows后,点击“开始菜单”——“运行”。然后输入“D:autorun.inf”运行,然后弹出一个“自动运行配置文件”窗口,里面的东西就是病毒自动运行文本。你把里面的文本删除,只保留第一行,保存,关闭。然后再打开“开始菜单”——“运行”,然后输入“E:autorun.inf”。按照这个方法依次把你所在硬盘上的“autorun.inf”内容都删了,只保留第一行(如果要杀U盘上的毒也同理)。删除的时候要小心,千万不要双击打开病毒(.exe程序),否则前功尽弃! 4、删完这个之后,病毒就不会自动运行了。这样就可以开始删除病毒了。打开“文件夹选项”,把里面“显示系统文件夹内容”和“显示所有文件和文件夹”的勾打上,把“隐藏受保护的操作系统文件”的勾去掉。然后“确定”。 5、依次打开每个硬盘,一打开就可以看到“autorun.inf”和“.exe后缀”的文件,把这些文件用“shift + Del”彻底删除(系统盘刚刚装完,没有这两个文件)。所有硬盘分区都依次删除这两个文件后,安全了。 马上安装杀毒软件、升级。 经过这些步骤就可以完全删除病毒,虽然有些麻烦,不过可以解决问题



Tired Pony的《Pieces》 歌词

歌曲名:Pieces歌手:Tired Pony专辑:The Place We Ran From上戸彩 - Pieces作词:MIZUE作曲:炭田慎也编曲:前嶋康明コーラスアレンジ:河合夕子きゅうくつそうに切り取られた 青すぎる空无表情に吹きぬけてく 风の香り気がつけばずっと ただ走ってた本当の自分と はぐれそうになる…どんなに悲しい时でも心の目をそらさないで歩き出せばほんの少し景色が変わっていく涙がコボレ落ちるけどこの気持ちは変わらないよ思うように行かなくてもいい明けない夜はないから平均台の上で梦见てるような日々人ごみにかき消されてしまう言叶気付かずにきっと また迷ってる理想と现実比べてしまう独りで淋しい时には心の手を离さないで时は流れほんの少しずつ季节も変わっていく愿いが星に届いても2人だけは変わらないよ远く远く続いていく果てない道があるからどんなに悲しい时でも心の目をそらさないで歩き出せばほんの少し景色が変わっていく涙がコボレ落ちるけどこの気持ちは変わらないよ思うように行かなくてもいい明けない夜はないから终わり



It is my first time to China. 好像有错误吧?

It is my first time to come to China. It is the first time that I come to China. 都可以补充—————————————————————————————————时间状语哈

求to kill a mocking bird 得英文原版~


If that mocking bird will not sing而不是does


Mocking bird歌词怎么唱

这你能想出来I 服了 U

求歌词:mocking bird eminem


谁能给我概述一下小说 ‘杀死一只知更鸟’(To kill a mocking bird) 讲什么故事

芬奇是美国南方小镇梅岗城的一名律师,为人正直沉稳,常常不计报酬地为穷人们伸张正义。妻子去世后,他独自照顾着女儿与儿子。在一次谈起打鸟时,他一再嘱咐孩子不要去伤害知更鸟,因为它们只为人类歌唱,从来不做危害人类的事情。 一天,小镇上发生了一起强奸案,芬奇受地方法院的委托,为那名被控强暴白人女子的黑人罗宾逊辩护。在当地,歧视黑人的现象十分严重,芬奇的行为自然引起了小镇上许多存有种族歧视观念的人的不满,他们极力地阻挠芬奇的工作。但芬奇并不在意人们的抗议,继续仔细地对案情进行深入的调查。为了使罗宾逊远离不必要的伤害,他还和女儿彻夜留守在拘留所里保护他。 法庭上,芬奇证明罗宾逊的左手自小伤残,根本没有能力对他人施暴,要求法庭判他无罪,并且义正辞严地呼吁人们要尊重事实、维护人类的尊严与平等。然而在一系列事实面前,种族偏见极深的检察官和陪审团仍然偏信原告,执意要判罗宾逊有罪。事情并没有就此结束,持种族偏见的一些白人进而对芬奇一家进行挑衅和恐吓。面对强暴,芬奇毫不畏缩,他仍然准备继续为罗宾逊申诉。

mocking bird song的歌词

Mocking Bird high in a treeLooks like you got the best of meMocking Bird singing his songWell Mocking Bird mocking me now that you"re goneMocking Bird high in a loofWaits TomWell he"s blowing notes on top my roofMocking Bird singing his songWell Mocking Bird mocking me now that you"re gone.Mocking Bird high in a treeLooking up at you, you"re looking down at meMocking Bird high in a loofWell he"s blowing notes on top my roof.Looking up at you, you"re looking down at meMocking Bird singing his songWell Mocking Bird mocking me now that you"re gone.Throwed some papers, tried to scare him awayJust looked down at me and this is what he saidMocking Bird high in a treeLooks like you got the best of meMocking Bird singing his songWell Mocking Bird mocking me now that you"re gone

mocking bird 的中文翻译

Yeah 我知道,有些时候,事情并不像你所想 但是,嘿,爸爸怎么告诉你的? 挺起身来,小战士 坚强些 你哭什么? 真是被你打败了 Hailie,我知道你想妈妈,我知道当我离开的时候,你也想爸爸,但是我在努力,让你过上我没有享受过的生活 我看得出你很难过,即使在你微笑的时候,即使在你大笑的时候。从你的眼睛里,我看得出,你的内心想哭 因为你感到害怕,可是我不是在这吗? 只要你希望,爸爸就和你在一起 不要再哭了,擦掉眼泪 爸爸在这里,不再有恶梦 我们一起渡过难关,我们可以的 Laneys的叔叔一定是疯了,是不是? 但是你要知道 他很爱你 我们都在成长 当世界旋转的时候,当它快速的旋转 当它飞快的旋转,当它极速的旋转 两个漂亮的小女孩 眼花缭乱 我知道这让你们迷惑不解 爸爸总是不在家,妈妈总在新闻上 我努力地让你们远离这些,但是好像 我越努力这样做,越事与愿违 所有的事,我作为爸爸不得不去面对 我不想让你了解这些,但是你却知道得很多 你妈妈和我不是这样计划的 但有些事情使我们之间的感情恶化 我们已经很久没有 像年轻的时候,经常在一起了 当然总是事出有因 我从没想过会变成现在这样 有些事是我们不能控制的,也许这就是命运吧 但是不用担心,躺下睡觉吧 也许某天我们醒来,发现这只是一个梦 嘘,小宝贝,不要哭 一切都会好起来 我告诉过你,要坚强 爸爸守护着你,度过这个夜晚 我知道妈妈现在不在,我们不清楚原因 我们只有体会内心的感受 这有点疯狂,但是,漂亮的小宝贝 我向你保证,妈妈一切安好 呵呵,有趣 我记得一年前,爸爸没有钱 妈妈把圣诞礼物包起来 挂在树上,说一些是我送的 因为爸爸买不起 我永远不会忘记那个圣诞夜晚,我坐着哭了一整夜 因为爸爸觉得自己就像个乞丐。看,爸爸有工作 但是这工作只够你和妈妈吃上饭 那时候,我们不断地换房子住 经常有人闯入抢劫 或在街区开枪。妈妈把钱存在罐里 一个小猪的存钱罐,为了你将来上大学 差不多攒到1000美元的时候,一个家伙闯进家里把它偷走 我知道他*的心都快碎了 仿佛一切都要完了 爸爸和妈妈开始不断争吵,妈妈搬到 Chalmers的一张床的公寓里 爸爸搬到离Novara 8英里远的地方 后来爸爸带着他的CD去了加州,碰到Dr.Dre 我把你和妈妈接了过来,我们又见面了 但是爸爸不得不去工作,你和妈妈不得不离开我 不久你就会看到爸爸出现在电视上,可是妈妈不喜欢这样 你和Laney太小还无法理解 爸爸总是居无定所,妈妈染上了恶习 一切发生得太快,我们无法把握 很抱歉,不得不让你们作一次目击证人 因为我希望我做的一切,能成为你的骄傲 现在我坐在空空的房子里,回忆往事 看着你们出生的照片,我又想起过去 看,你们都长这么大了,现在你们是姐妹了 Wow,瞧你们多漂亮,爸爸还在这 Laney我也在对你说,爸爸还在这 我喜欢这音乐,yeah 铃声响了吧? 嘘,妈妈只是离开了一会儿 嘘,小宝贝,不要哭 一切都会好起来 我告诉过你,要坚强 爸爸守护着你,度过这个夜晚 我知道妈妈现在不在,我们不清楚原因 我们只有体会内心的感受 这有点疯狂,但是,漂亮的小宝贝 我向你保证,妈妈一切安好 如果你有要求 爸爸给你买只知更鸟 我可以给你全世界 我可以为你买钻戒 我可以为你歌唱 我可以做任何事 只要看到你微笑 如果那只知更鸟不再歌唱,戒指不再闪耀 我拧断鸟的脖子 我回到珠宝店让卖我珠宝的人 吃下每一克拉钻石,不要怪爸爸啊(哈哈)

Mocking Bird (May 1970 Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Mocking Bird (May 1970 Version)歌手:Barclay James Harvest专辑:Once Again (40th Anniversary Edition)Mocking BirdAlex BandMaybe Solitude 1993 DemosBy KakaheweFire fly in the skySoaring near is the butterflyBut nothings going to dieAnd this is the reason whyIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingClapping hands no moreWeeping eyes ...I"m trying to figure it outI"m leaving there is no doubtIt"s the end of friends yeahThe end of my familyIt"s the end of friends yeahThe end of my familyIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingSinging fa, la, la, yeahFa, la, li, la, la.Singing fa, la, la yeahFa, la, li, la, la.Written and performed for his 6th grade graduation

Mocking Bird 歌词

歌曲名:Mocking Bird歌手:Barclay James Harvest专辑:Mocking Bird: The Best Of Barclay James HarvestMocking BirdAlex BandMaybe Solitude 1993 DemosBy KakaheweFire fly in the skySoaring near is the butterflyBut nothings going to dieAnd this is the reason whyIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingClapping hands no moreWeeping eyes ...I"m trying to figure it outI"m leaving there is no doubtIt"s the end of friends yeahThe end of my familyIt"s the end of friends yeahThe end of my familyIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingSinging fa, la, la, yeahFa, la, li, la, la.Singing fa, la, la yeahFa, la, li, la, la.Written and performed for his 6th grade graduation

求Walt Whitman的mocking bird英语全诗

我想mocking bird应该在leaves of grass(草叶集)里面.

Mocking Bird 歌词

歌曲名:Mocking Bird歌手:Barclay James Harvest专辑:The CollectionMocking BirdAlex BandMaybe Solitude 1993 DemosBy KakaheweFire fly in the skySoaring near is the butterflyBut nothings going to dieAnd this is the reason whyIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingClapping hands no moreWeeping eyes ...I"m trying to figure it outI"m leaving there is no doubtIt"s the end of friends yeahThe end of my familyIt"s the end of friends yeahThe end of my familyIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingSinging fa, la, la, yeahFa, la, li, la, la.Singing fa, la, la yeahFa, la, li, la, la.Written and performed for his 6th grade graduation

Mocking Bird 歌词

歌曲名:Mocking Bird歌手:Ray Anthony专辑:Sound SpectacularMocking BirdAlex BandMaybe Solitude 1993 DemosBy KakaheweFire fly in the skySoaring near is the butterflyBut nothings going to dieAnd this is the reason whyIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingClapping hands no moreWeeping eyes ...I"m trying to figure it outI"m leaving there is no doubtIt"s the end of friends yeahThe end of my familyIt"s the end of friends yeahThe end of my familyIt"s the mocking bird"s song yeahThe mocking bird singingSinging fa, la, la, yeahFa, la, li, la, la.Singing fa, la, la yeahFa, la, li, la, la.Written and performed for his 6th grade graduation

谁有英文小说 to kill a mocking bird的译文啊,要全文的!跪求!

美国南部的梅岗镇上住着父亲芬奇(格利高里·派克 Gregory Peck 饰)和他的一对儿女。尽管妻子已经亡故,一家人仍过得乐也融融,芬奇对儿女亦既严格又疼爱有加。父亲平时还对他们说过,不要杀死为人类唱歌的知更鸟,因为她们善良而从不伤害人。  芬奇除了是一个慈父,还是当地一名勇于伸张正义的律师。这天他接到一宗强奸案,被告是黑人罗宾逊(布洛克·皮特Brock Peters 饰),而受害者是一名白人女子。这样一个案件,在那个种族歧视相当严重的年代,罗宾逊的境况堪忧。即使芬奇找到了他没有犯罪的证据,也不足以让人们抛开种族成见。芬奇在法庭上奋力维护事实和法律的公正,然而却没能阻止人们根深蒂固的偏见。更糟糕的是,怀有种族偏见的白人已经把芬奇当作公敌,而罗宾逊也无法洗清罪名,更可悲的命运在等待着他。回答:杀死一只知更鸟”(To Killa Mocking bird,1962)就是发生在这个充满不安、贫穷、挣扎和恐惧的年代的故事。梅科姆镇古老而破败,空荡荡的街道,歪斜的建筑,杂草丛生的林荫小道,在灰白的日光直直瞪射下形成了斑驳的阴影。人们慢吞吞地尽量拖延着时间,但仍旧不知道如何挥霍这漫长的二十四小时。当地的农民穷,交不起咨询律师的费用,只能用粮食代替,身为律师的阿迪克斯u2022芬奇也生活拮据。以农业为主的梅科姆镇,如果农民交不起现金,就意味着其他任何职业的人只能收到一些抵押物作为偿付。追问:额 目前正在外国读书啦。。。不过都来了1年半了 感觉英文还是乱七八槽的 、、、 顺便问个问题:你学了多久才会说英文呀?回答:我差4个月不到两年...英文还可以吧...能说 能写...我是初三没上完来的...来了以后一个月就能说点儿 但是说的不多...现在好了...但是还是懒得背单词...哈哈...追问:哇。。。我要4个月多一点就满两年了 时间上还满接近的耶 我是正好初三上完出来的 本来没上完就要出来了 可是我们老师叫我留下来中考。。。你现在还在加拿大么? 还有,刚刚给的那个网站似乎没看到翻译呀 只是用英文介绍主要内容,是我没看清楚么?



Mockingbird 歌词

歌曲名:Mockingbird歌手:Rob Thomas专辑:CradlesongRob Thomas - MockingbirdHere we standSomewhere in between this moment and the endWill we bend?Or will we open up and take this whole thing in?Everybody else is smiling and their smiles don"t fadeAnd you don"t even wonder why you just don"t think that wayMaybe you and me got lost somewhere,We can"t move or we can"t stay hereWell maybe we"ve just had enough,Well maybe we ain"t meant for this loveYou and me tried everythingBut still that mocking bird won"t singWell man this life seems hard enoughWell maybe we ain"t meant for this loveTake my handAnd I will lead you through the broken promise landYes I can, ah yes I canI can be there when you need it,I"ll give it all till you can"t feel it anymoreI don"t wanna love you now, if you"ll just leave somedayI don"t wanna turn around, if you"ll just walk awayMaybe you and me got lost somewhere,We can"t move or we can"t stay hereWell maybe we"ve just had enough,Well maybe we aint meant for this loveYou and me tried everythingBut still that mocking bird won"t singWell man this life seems hard enoughWell maybe we ain"t meant for this loveMaybe you and me got lost somewhere,We can"t move or we can"t stay hereWell maybe we"ve just had enough,Well maybe we ain"t meant for this loveYou and me tried everythingBut still that mocking bird won"t singWell man this life seems hard enoughWell maybe we ain"t meant for this loveMaybe we ain"t meant for this loveMaybe we ain"t meant for this love

fire in the hole啥意思?

“Fire in the hole”实际意思为“小心”,“退后”,或者“一些兴奋/重要的事情即将发生”Fire in the hole”的起源,可以追溯到地球上最危险的平民职业——地下煤矿(黑煤窑)——的历史。在美国历史上的大部分时间里,这种采矿依赖于使用黑火药或炸药来使得岩石垮塌。扩展资料:炸药引爆器当“爆炸物”被放置时,在爆炸前,“Fire in the hole!”这是对矿工们的警告,目的是清空该地区,为爆炸做好准备。在美国的许多州(伊利诺斯州的采矿法规规定“引爆前必须发出一声响亮的口头警告,例如在爆破前至少三次警告”), “Fire in the hole”,简单的说就是保命用的。军警采用“Fire in the hole”用来警告可以追溯到20世纪初,在20世纪40年代被拆弹小组所采用,以及士兵们将手榴弹扔进封闭的空间(如隧道),警告队友后退,前面有危险,不要在前进了。而在户外十分空旷的地方扔手榴弹就不必喊这句警告语了,而美国太空总署 (NASA) 则用它来说明多级火箭的点火发射升空。此外,fire in the hole 有时亦被当做俚语来使用,意为「小心,当心,注意」,如 Fire in the hole! There is danger ahead. (小心!前面有危险)。

Fire safety英语作文




fire in my heart的音标

There"s a fire starting in my heart  胸中燃起怒火   Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark   狂热救赎我于黑暗   Finally, I can see you crystal clear   终于看清本性   Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your sheet bare.   继续背叛而我亦将不再留恋   See how I leave, with every piece of you   看我如何将你撕碎  Don"t underestimate the things that I will do  请别低估我的能耐   There"s a fire starting in my heart   我胸中升起的怒火   Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark   熊熊燃烧驱走黑暗  The scars of your love, remind me of us   爱之伤疤疼痛于心   They keep me thinking that we almost had it all   让我回想曾经的拥有   The scars of your love, they leave me breathless   爱之伤疤令人窒息   I can"t help feeling   思绪万千不能自已   We could have had it all   我们本应幸福   Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你将我的心捏在手里   And you played it to the beat   玩弄于股掌之间   Baby I have no story to be told  宝贝我已无话可说   But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn   可我亦知你愁肠百结   Think of me in the depths of your despair   在绝望深处想着我   Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared   纠结着吧,老娘不再与你同甘共苦   The scars of your love, remind me of us   爱之伤疤疼痛于心   They keep me thinking that we almost had it all   让我回想曾经的拥有   The scars of your love, they leave me breathless   爱之伤疤令人窒息   I can"t help feeling   思绪万千不能自已 We could have had it all   我们本应幸福   Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你将我的心捏在手里   And you played it to the beat   玩弄于股掌之间We could have had it all   我们本应幸福   Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你将我的心捏在手里   Bnd you played it with the beating   玩弄于股掌之间   Throw yourself through ever open door  越过心门,跳出心结   Count your blessings to find what look for  愿心想事成   Turn my sorrow into treasured gold 将悲痛化为财富   And pay me back in kind - You reap just what you"ve sown.   亦知何为因果报应   We could have had it all  我们本应幸福  Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你将我的心捏在手里   And you played it to the beat   玩弄于股掌之间We could have had it all  我们本应幸福  Rolling in the deep   如今却在深渊中翻滚  You had my heart inside of your hands   你已俘获我的心   But you played it   但你欺骗了我   You played it   欺骗了我   You played it   欺骗了我   You played it to the beat  欺骗了我的所有

Lloyd Banks的《On Fire》 歌词

歌曲名:On Fire歌手:Lloyd Banks专辑:On Fire{Intro - Lloyd Banks}New York City!You are now rocking with the bestLloyd Banks! G Unit!Chorus - 50 Cent (Lloyd Banks)We on fire - up in hereIt"s burning hot, we on fireShe"ll take it off, if it get too hotUp in this spot, we on fireTear the roof off this motherfuckerLight the roof on fire (Uh! Nigga what you say?!)We get loose in this motherfuckerLight the roof on fire fire fire{Verse - Lloyd Banks}Naw I aint putting nothing out, I smoke when I wanna26 inch chrome spokes on the HummerThis heat gon last for the whole summerRunning your bitch faster then the Road RunnerRocks on my wrist, rose gold underGlocks on my hip, those throw thunderI"m riding Dalvins by the pierBut when you stop, the only thing still spinning is your earYeah, I"m riding with that all black snubRaiders cap back, all black glovesA ladies man, but the boy smack thugsThese record sales equal more back rubsNot to mention the boy pack clubsHis impacts about as raw as crack wasNow all these new artists getting wrong dealsI"m only 21, sitting on mills{Verse - Lloyd Banks}If you know anything about me, then you know I"m a ballerIf I don"t hit the first night, I ain"t gon call herI"m trying to play, you trying to have my daughterBut I can"t blame her for what her momma taught herAnd I don"t care bout what the next nigga bought herCause I aint putting no baguettes in her abuelaI got a diamond about as clear as waterAnd I got bread, but I ain"t spend a quarterSo cut the games ma, let"s go in the backMatter fact, turn your ass round, back a nigga downAnd I aint bias when I"m riding through the townLike em small, like em tall, like em black, like em brownShe gotta be able to cum when I need herTight ass pants, little wife beaterRegular chick or R&B divaBitch say something, I ain"t a mind reader

nba墙景歌有一句i am on fire是那一首歌的歌词

My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark (Light Em Up)careful making wishes in the dark, darkCan"t be sure when they"ve hit their markAnd besides in the meantime I"m just dreaming of tearing you apartI"m in the details with the devilSo now the world can never get me on my levelI just got to get you out the cageI"m a young lovers rageGonna need a spark to igniteMy songs know what you did in the darkSo light em up-up-upLight em up-up-upLight em up-up-upI"m on fireSo light em up-up-upLight em up-up-upLight em up-up-upI"m on fireWhoa (in the dark)Whoa (in the dark)The writers keep writing what they writeSomewhere another pretty vein just diesI"ve got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could seeThat you"re the antidote to everything except for meA constellation of tears on your lashesBurn everything you love then burn the ashesIn the end everything collidesMy childhood spat back out the monster that you seeMy songs know what you did in the darkSo light em up-up-upLight em up-up-upLight em up-up-upI"m on fireSo light em up-up-upLight em up-up-upLight em up-up-upI"m on fireWhoa (In the dark)Whoa (In the dark)My songs know what you did in the darkMy songs know what you did in the darkSo light em up-up-upLight em up-up-upLight em up-up-upI"m on fireSo light em up-up-upLight em up-up-upLight em up-up-upI"m on fireWhoa (in the dark)Whoa (in the dark)My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up) LRC歌词[ti:My Songs Know What You Did In ][ar:Fall Out Boy][al:My Songs Know What You Did In ][offset:0][00:18.97]B-b-be careful making wishes in the dark, dark[00:22.58]Can"t be sure when they"ve hit their mark[00:25.76]And besides in the meantime I"m just dreaming of tearing you apart[00:31.76]I"m in the details with the devil[00:35.32]So now the world can never get me on my level[00:38.18]I just got to get you out the cage[00:40.04]I"m a young lovers rage[00:41.79]Gonna need a spark to ignite[00:44.09]My songs know what you did in the dark[00:50.78]So light em up-up-up[00:51.66][00:52.36]Light em up-up-up[00:53.98]Light em up-up-up[00:55.48]I"m on fire[00:57.11]So light em up-up-up[00:58.61]Light em up-up-up[01:00.30]Light em up-up-up[01:02.05]I"m on fire[01:03.92]Whoa (in the dark)[01:10.57]Whoa (in the dark)[01:16.68]The writers keep writing what they write[01:19.08]Somewhere another pretty vein just dies[01:22.43]I"ve got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could see[01:25.63]That you"re the antidote to everything except for me[01:28.63]A constellation of tears on your lashes[01:31.83]Burn everything you love then burn the ashes[01:35.59]In the end everything collides[01:37.87]My childhood spat back out the monster that you see[01:40.87]My songs know what you did in the dark[01:47.44]So light em up-up-up[01:49.44]Light em up-up-up[01:50.76]Light em up-up-up[01:52.32]I"m on fire[01:53.69]So light em up-up-up[01:55.44]Light em up-up-up[01:57.13]Light em up-up-up[01:58.82]I"m on fire[02:00.76]Whoa (In the dark)[02:07.59]Whoa (In the dark)[02:13.51][02:18.95]My songs know what you did in the dark[02:24.56][02:25.62]My songs know what you did in the dark[02:30.81][02:33.33]So light em up-up-up[02:35.26]Light em up-up-up[02:36.58]Light em up-up-up[02:38.07]I"m on fire[02:39.52]So light em up-up-up[02:41.28]Light em up-up-up[02:42.85]Light em up-up-up[02:44.42]I"m on fire[02:46.49]Whoa (in the dark)[02:53.06]Whoa (in the dark)

有一首摇滚乐里面有this fire和in the dark dark之类的歌词,谁知道这首歌的歌名(附视频来源)

My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark_Fall Out Boy

求Fire Wars的罗马音+日文歌词..

IRE WARS - [OVA版マジンカイザー / Opening]作词:影山 ヒロノブ 作曲:坂下 正俊 编曲:河野 阳吾 歌:JAM Project feat. 影山 ヒロノブDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!かざした拳は Don"t give up!揺ぎなき力をたたえた 最强のソルジャーyurugi naki chikara wotataeta saikyou no soruja^掲げたフラッグは EX-Danger!kakage ta furaggu ha EX-Danger!神さえも恐れぬ奴らに 极上のヴァイオレンスkami saemo osore nu yatsu rani gokujou no vaiorensu暗を祓い 人々の叹きの声にyami wo harai hitobito no nageki no koe niその腕を 差し出せ!sono ude wo sashi dase !In the Fire! Brake it down!破灭への钟が 响くよhametsu heno kane ga hibiku yo终わりのない 永远のウォーゲームowari nonai eien no uo^ge^muIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!おろかな时代の末路に さぁ警告しようorokana jidai no matsuro ni saa keikokushi youDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!怒りのゴングは So Warning!ikari no gongu ha So Warning!血涂られた地上に目覚めた 最强のソルジャーchi nura reta chijou ni mezame ta saikyou no soruja^次元の扉は EX-Danger!jigen no tobira ha EX-Danger!袭いくる邪悪な奴等に Let"s Vibration!空が燃える 风が泣く 大地が吠えるsora ga moe ru kaze ga naku daichi ga hoe ru今 世界が叫ぶ!ima sekai ga sakebu !In the Fire! Brake it down!见渡す地平の 彼方にmiwatasu chihei no kanata ni未来を描く KOHTETSUのDreamermirai wo egaku KOHTETSU no DreamerIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!狂った时代の迷路で さぁ警告しよう!kurutta jidai no meiro de saa keikokushi you !Don"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!暗を祓い 人々の叹きの声にyami wo harai hitobito no nageki no koe niその腕を 差し出せ!sono ude wo sashi dase !In the Fire! Brake it down!破灭への钟が 响くよhametsu heno kane ga hibiku yo终わりのない 永远のウォーゲームowari nonai eien no uo^ge^muIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!おろかな时代の末路に さぁ警告しようorokana jidai no matsuro ni saa keikokushi youDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!

欧美DJ曲吧,里面一开始是 呜呼~,中间有句歌词I got that fire in my sou

Barns Courtney - Glitter & Gold

一首算劲的女的唱的英文歌,有个词是 baby 还有 fire


有首英文歌女声唱的“fire in my home”好像是这样。又好像是“fire in my hole”。

far away from home

Franz Ferdinand的《This Fire》 歌词

歌曲名:This Fire歌手:Franz Ferdinand专辑:Franz Ferdinand (Special Edition Version)Franz Ferdinand - This FireEyesBoring a way through meParalyseControlling completelyNewThere is a fire in meFire that burnsThis fire is out of controlI"m going to burn this cityBurn this cityIf this fire is out of controlThen iI"m out of controlAnd i burnEyesBurning a way to meOverwhelmDestroying so sweetlyNewThere is a fire in meFire that burnsFire that burnsThis fire...

Franz Ferdinand的《This Fire》 歌词

歌曲名:This Fire歌手:Franz Ferdinand专辑:Franz FerdinandFranz Ferdinand - This FireEyesBoring a way through meParalyseControlling completelyNewThere is a fire in meFire that burnsThis fire is out of controlI"m going to burn this cityBurn this cityIf this fire is out of controlThen iI"m out of controlAnd i burnEyesBurning a way to meOverwhelmDestroying so sweetlyNewThere is a fire in meFire that burnsFire that burnsThis fire...


FIRE WARS - [OVA版マジンカイザー / Opening]作词:影山 ヒロノブ 作曲:坂下 正俊 编曲:河野 阳吾 歌:JAM Project feat. 影山 ヒロノブDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!かざした拳は Don"t give up!揺ぎなき力をたたえた 最强のソルジャーyurugi naki chikara wotataeta saikyou no soruja^掲げたフラッグは EX-Danger!kakage ta furaggu ha EX-Danger!神さえも恐れぬ奴らに 极上のヴァイオレンスkami saemo osore nu yatsu rani gokujou no vaiorensu暗を祓い 人々の叹きの声にyami wo harai hitobito no nageki no koe niその腕を 差し出せ!sono ude wo sashi dase !In the Fire! Brake it down!破灭への钟が 响くよhametsu heno kane ga hibiku yo终わりのない 永远のウォーゲームowari nonai eien no uo^ge^muIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!おろかな时代の末路に さぁ警告しようorokana jidai no matsuro ni saa keikokushi youDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!怒りのゴングは So Warning!ikari no gongu ha So Warning!血涂られた地上に目覚めた 最强のソルジャーchi nura reta chijou ni mezame ta saikyou no soruja^次元の扉は EX-Danger!jigen no tobira ha EX-Danger!袭いくる邪悪な奴等に Let"s Vibration!空が燃える 风が泣く 大地が吠えるsora ga moe ru kaze ga naku daichi ga hoe ru今 世界が叫ぶ!ima sekai ga sakebu !In the Fire! Brake it down!见渡す地平の 彼方にmiwatasu chihei no kanata ni未来を描く KOHTETSUのDreamermirai wo egaku KOHTETSU no DreamerIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!狂った时代の迷路で さぁ警告しよう!kurutta jidai no meiro de saa keikokushi you !Don"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!暗を祓い 人々の叹きの声にyami wo harai hitobito no nageki no koe niその腕を 差し出せ!sono ude wo sashi dase !In the Fire! Brake it down!破灭への钟が 响くよhametsu heno kane ga hibiku yo终わりのない 永远のウォーゲームowari nonai eien no uo^ge^muIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!おろかな时代の末路に さぁ警告しようorokana jidai no matsuro ni saa keikokushi youDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!

rebirth in the fire ,like the phoenix


in the fire ,on fire ,make fire,什么时候fire前面要加the


In The Fire 歌词

歌曲名:In The Fire歌手:Frisco Kid专辑:Mad AntsRoadrunner UnitedThe All Star SessionsIn The Fire“Confess… Witch“I see the moon outsideWith its evil grinWatching the priest tonightAccusing ME of sinOh, help me, “No, you"re gonna die“Oh, help me, “No, just say goodbye“In the fire, on blackened wings I flyIn the fire, to Hell… and then I die…Oh it"s still the sameCan you tell me why?Witches then are Witches today“Confess… Witch“With thousand years of painBetween here and thenDid we all die in vain?Oh it"s just insaneOh, help me, “No, you"re gonna die“Oh, help me, “No, just say goodbye“In the fire, on blackened wings I flyIn the fire, to Hell… and then I die…Oh it"s still the sameCan you tell me why?Witches then are Witches today“Die Witch… Now go to Hell“In the fire, on blackened wings I flyIn the fire, to Hell… and then I die…Oh it"s still the sameCan you tell me why?Witches then are Witches today--------The End--------

一首歌的歌词里有for fire in the sky hypocrisy

fire in the sky 北欧乐队hypocrisy

求歌名,歌词里有woman in the fire

好像是the cult 的fire woman你可不可以把你听的那首歌给我听一下?或者你去听听是不是这首歌

in the fire是什么意思


有一首男声英文歌的歌词是in the fire we the fire

Love You Like a Love Song - Ultimate Party JamsIt"s been said and doneEvery beautiful thoughts been already sung,And I guess right now, heres another one.So your melody will play on and onwith the best of all emYou are beautiful like a dream come alive,incredible.A centrefold, miracle, lyrical.You saved my life againAnd I want you to know, baby.I, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyAnd I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peatI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyAnd I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peatConstantly, boy, you playedthrough my mind like a symphonyTheres no way to describe what you do to me.You just do to me, what you do.And it feels like Ive been rescuedIve been set freeI am hypnotized by your destinyYou are magical, lyrical, beautiful, you areAnd I want you to know, babyI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyAnd I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peatI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyAnd I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peatNo one can pause, you stand aloneTo every record I ownMusic to my heart, thats what you areA song that goes on and onI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyAnd I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peatI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyI, I love you like a love song babyAnd I keep hitting re-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peat

in a fire和with fire有什么区别?

1、in a fire,在一场火灾中。短语In winter a fire 冬天里的一把火。resulting in a fire 引发火灾keep in a fire 使火不熄灭。2、with firewith fire ,挟火; His car was raked with fire from automatic weapons他的车遭到自动武器火力的扫射。

barns courtney - fire歌词

有一句歌词是i dancing in the fire ,好像有roll,急求歌名

dancing in the dark

英语语法填空 fire fire what terribe words to hear when

请参照下文“Fire! Fire!” What terrible words to hear when one wakes up in a strange house in the middle of the night! It was a large, old, wooden house and my room was on the top floor. I jumped out of bed, opened the door and stepped outside the house. There was full of thick smoke.I began to run, but as I was still only half-awake, instead of going towards the stairs I went in the opposite direction. The smoke grew thicker and I could see fire all around. The floor became hot under my bare feet. I found an open door and ran into a room to get to the window. But before I could reach it, one of my feet caught in something soft and I fell down. The thing I had fallen over felt like a bundle of clothes, and I picked it up to protect my face from the smoke and heat. Just then the floor gave way under me and I crashed to the floor below with pieces of burning wood all around me.I saw a doorway in fire, then I put the bundle over my face and ran. My feet burned me terrible, but I got through. As I reached the cold air outside, my bundle of clothes gave a thin cry, I nearly dropped it in my surprise. Then I was in a crowd gathered in the street. A woman in a night-dress and a borrowed man"s coat screamed as she saw me and came running madly.She was the Mayor"s wife, and I had saved her baby.

求Fire Wars的罗马音+日文歌词..

FIRE WARS - [OVA版マジンカイザー / Opening]作词:影山 ヒロノブ 作曲:坂下 正俊 编曲:河野 阳吾 歌:JAM Project feat. 影山 ヒロノブDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!かざした拳は Don"t give up!揺ぎなき力をたたえた 最强のソルジャーyurugi naki chikara wotataeta saikyou no soruja^掲げたフラッグは EX-Danger!kakage ta furaggu ha EX-Danger!神さえも恐れぬ奴らに 极上のヴァイオレンスkami saemo osore nu yatsu rani gokujou no vaiorensu暗を祓い 人々の叹きの声にyami wo harai hitobito no nageki no koe niその腕を 差し出せ!sono ude wo sashi dase !In the Fire! Brake it down!破灭への钟が 响くよhametsu heno kane ga hibiku yo终わりのない 永远のウォーゲームowari nonai eien no uo^ge^muIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!おろかな时代の末路に さぁ警告しようorokana jidai no matsuro ni saa keikokushi youDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!怒りのゴングは So Warning!ikari no gongu ha So Warning!血涂られた地上に目覚めた 最强のソルジャーchi nura reta chijou ni mezame ta saikyou no soruja^次元の扉は EX-Danger!jigen no tobira ha EX-Danger!袭いくる邪悪な奴等に Let"s Vibration!空が燃える 风が泣く 大地が吠えるsora ga moe ru kaze ga naku daichi ga hoe ru今 世界が叫ぶ!ima sekai ga sakebu !In the Fire! Brake it down!见渡す地平の 彼方にmiwatasu chihei no kanata ni未来を描く KOHTETSUのDreamermirai wo egaku KOHTETSU no DreamerIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!狂った时代の迷路で さぁ警告しよう!kurutta jidai no meiro de saa keikokushi you !Don"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on!暗を祓い 人々の叹きの声にyami wo harai hitobito no nageki no koe niその腕を 差し出せ!sono ude wo sashi dase !In the Fire! Brake it down!破灭への钟が 响くよhametsu heno kane ga hibiku yo终わりのない 永远のウォーゲームowari nonai eien no uo^ge^muIn the Fire! Crush on Crush!おろかな时代の末路に さぁ警告しようorokana jidai no matsuro ni saa keikokushi youDon"t wanna know why,Everybody ready get it on




roses in the fire 歌手:cash rosanne 专辑:the wheel I throw your roses in the fireTo make the flames a little higherI watch your roses turn to dustI know no man that I can trustI throw your roses in the fire"Cause I burn with pity and desireI"ll be your vision dressed in blackWho won"t be backAnother woman"s on the telephonePick it upTell her you"re homeCash RosanneI see your face turn into broken glassTalking slowThinking fastI throw your roses in the fireNo one could say i didn"t tryI watch your roses fall like tearsI"ve crawled this path for all these yearsI throw your roses in the fireTo burn away the old desireWe were a desperate pair of soulsSo let me goAnother woman has her point of viewLet her talki see your face retreat behind the glassOh I"ll kill you if we can"t be friendsI"ll bleed like diamonds runningthrough your handsI"ll be a bitter taste you can"t forgetAnd I won"t leave this world until you relentI throw your roses on the fireTo burn away the old desireI watch your roses turn to dustI know no man that i can trustI throw your roses in the fireTo make the flames a little higherI"ll be your vision dressed in blackWho won"t be backI won"t be backI won"t be back

Fire and Ice 诗歌赏析

“Fire and Ice” is a very compact little lyric. The poet compares the world to a place where fire and ice exist at the same time. The fire represents passion and desire, while the ice represents coldness and hatred. This poem is best understood as a reflection on the coexistence of opposites in the human condition.The first two lines of the poem are particularly important. They suggest that the world will come to an end, but they do not say whether it will be destroyed by fire or ice. This opening invites the reader to consider the possibility of a world where these two elements exist in tension with each other.The poet then goes on to develop these themes by juxtaposing fire and ice throughout the poem. Line three says that “if the world should end in fire or in ice / I have no preference.” This line suggests that the poet is resigned to the fact that the world is an uncertain and volatile place.The next few lines of the poem explore the differences between fire and ice. Fire is depicted as a passionate force that is life-affirming, while ice is depicted as a cold and deadening force. The poet juxtaposes these elements to show that they are opposites, but they also have qualities that are similar.In the final line of the poem, the poet returns to the idea of resignation. He says, “if the world should end in half-寸"s / I hope I"m in that half-shelf.” This line suggests that the poet is willing to accept whatever comes his way.Overall, “Fire and Ice” is a powerful poem that explores the themes of resignation, detachment, and the coexistence of opposites. It is a short but impactful work that manages to capture the human condition in a few concise lines.

歌词中有三次出现i feel the fire

fire —3LAU看看是不是。超喜欢找了好久


在电磁阀中:Direct: 直动式。依靠电磁线圈的吸力直接驱动阀芯运动。Pilot : 先导式。 通过电磁线圈控制先导孔,然后利用流体的压力来使阀芯动作。各有优缺点,详细请自行查阅资料。

nirvana in fire的资源,请问谁有啊?就是琅琊榜英文版的

芈月传 The Legend of Miyue琅琊榜 Nirvana in Fire(本直译The Rankings of Langya 改 意涅槃重)

nirvana in fire什么意思


Air jordan 怎么读



aj是什么牌子 Air Jordan的简称(NIKE旗下专为乔丹创立的品牌)

现在的运动鞋品牌真的是多种多样,其中aj这个牌子非常的受大家欢迎,尤其是对于男生来说,恨不得一年四季都是aj,那么大家知道aj是什么牌子吗?为什么aj这个牌子会这么受大家欢迎呢?下面让我们一起来了解一下吧。 aj是NIKE旗下的高端品牌 不管是娱乐明星还是大街上的潮男潮女,都对aj这款篮球鞋爱不释手,很多男孩子做梦都想拥有一双神仙配色aj,那么大家知道aj是什么牌子吗?其实aj是NIKE旗下一个高端品牌,这个品牌是专门为篮球巨星乔丹所创立的。 aj是“Air Jordan”的简称,是NIKE专门为乔丹推出了一个名字,这不仅能体现出这款鞋子的工艺,还能内涵了乔丹打球的风格,不知道大家还记不记得1984年感恩节推出的那条关于aj的广告,在当时给很多人都留下了非常深刻的印象。 设计师在设计第一双aj鞋的时候就充分的听取了乔丹本人的意见,最经典的“爆裂纹”也是乔丹和设计师共同敲定的,aj6是乔丹的第一双冠军鞋,是乔丹击败魔术师迎来自己第一冠的鞋,是黑红的配色,这个配色也一直都是非常经典的配色。 关于aj其实说不清楚到底是什么品牌,说aj是运动款也行,说aj是运动休闲款好像也没什么毛病,不过aj确实算得上是运动品牌里面的高端品牌了,尤其是对于很多热爱aj的aj粉来说,aj可能就是他们心目中最顶级、最好的时尚品牌了。

air jordan乔丹篮球鞋怎么辨别真假?



Air Jordan 这是啥牌子?介绍一下

Air Jordan是耐克旗下以的NBA球星迈克尔·乔丹命名的品牌。空中飞人 (Air Jordan) 是耐克旗下以史上最著名的NBA球星迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)命名的系列。1985年,迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)以高薪合约被当时还是小厂家的体育用品生产商耐克(Nike) 签约至旗下,耐克 (Nike) 更随即为乔丹推出了第一款以乔丹命名的球鞋,即空中飞人 (Air Jordan) 系列的第一款,其后Air Jordan系列应运而生,受到大众的追捧。扩展资料:AIR JORDAN外底使用坚实的牵引力和出色的柔性。凹槽模仿人类脚的自然运动而设计。Air Jordan 1 High React 运动鞋将经典 AJ1 的出众版型与柔软的富有回弹力泡棉缓震配置巧妙融合。皮革、织物和合成材质组合材料,以新颖的现代特征彰显经典风范。Air Jordan XX对于大多数的鞋迷来说,已经不再是什么稀奇的东西。但是Air Jordan XX在2005年推出所具备的意义,却不应该被我们所忘记。参考资料来源:百度百科——AIR JORDAN


AirJordan历代球鞋故事-air jordan 1

Michael Jordan是NBA历史上第一位拥有“世纪运动员”称号的巨星,在赛场上他创造了数不胜数的记录,被球迷们称之为“篮球之神”。他脚下的Air Jordan战靴也深受鞋迷和球迷们的喜爱和追捧,每一代都堪称经典,每当发售都会在市场上掀起新一轮的抢购热潮。时至今日,这个系列已经成为世界上最好的签名鞋系列,也是Sneaker界所有签名鞋系列梦想复制的经典。颠覆传统—Air Jordan 1 上世纪80年代各大品牌之间的竞争相当激烈,当时耐克的情境并不乐观,他们决定放手一搏。1984年Nike以5年250万美金的合同签下了初出茅庐的乔丹,这在当时算是一份天价合同了,其他品牌开得价码可能还不及这十分之一。其实当时乔丹更想签约adidas,他曾经称自己为adidas的狂热爱好者,但阿迪对这位新秀的菜鸟并没有表现出太大的兴趣,在综合考虑之下乔丹和耐克签约了。 乔丹在NBA赛场上穿的第一双鞋并不是乔1,而是一双名叫Air Ship的高帮篮球鞋。次年也就是1985年乔1才正式亮相,乔丹看到后就说:“我是不会穿那双鞋的,只有小丑才会穿那样的鞋。” 在设计师Peter Moore的一番劝说下,乔丹才穿上了它。队内训练时,他的队友过来跟他说:“Hey,Michael你的鞋子实在是太难看了。”NBA联盟也禁止乔丹在球场上穿这双鞋(黑红1),在那个球鞋只有黑或者是白的年代,黑红1确实有点太花哨了。大卫斯特恩更是向乔丹开出了罚单,从1000美金一场涨到了后来的5000美金一场,耐克这边更是自掏腰包交罚款,并要求Michael一直穿下去。可正是因为这道禁令,成了耐克最好的宣传广告,所有人都想拥有一双曾经被NBA禁穿过的鞋子,市场上也掀起了乔1的抢购热潮----基本上处于上架就空的状态。Jordan的菜鸟赛季,场均得分高达28.2分,同时还有6.5个篮板和5.9次助攻入账,毫无争议的拿下“年度最佳新秀”的称号,正是这个赛季的完美表现以及禁穿的噱头造就了AJ 1的成功。 Air Jordan 1是以AF 1为原型设计的,不过前者比后者更轻更贴合脚面。由于当时的制造工艺还不够成熟,AF 1 为了放置那片Air气垫刻意加厚了中底的厚度,导致有点笨重;而乔1所要面对的挑战就是在更薄的PU中底上植入Air Sole气垫,在经历了无数次的失败后,终于成功了,在不降低缓震功能的前提下,有效减轻重量并且稳定性能有了进一步的提升。为了更贴合双脚AJ 1降低了鞋内仓的高度并采用了独特的鞋面剪裁设计让他看起来更加精致,鞋帮侧边的飞翼Logo更是锦上添花。不过更合脚的设计导致乔1的兼容性有所降低--特别是鞋头部位,脚比较肥胖的可能根本就没法舒舒服服驾驭它。


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