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How to prevent the coronavirus?英语作文

Coronavirus is spreading. And some people around the world have caught itu3002The doctors of China have done many things to lead people to avoid the disease .What should we do to prevent it. Here is my advice for you. Firstly ,don"t go to the crowded places with lots of people .In these places virus can be spread easily and quickly. Secondly, if you have to go out, you must wear a breathing mask to protect yourself. Thirdly, each of us must have good habits to keep clean. We should wash hands often. It"s wise to open the windows to let the fresh air in ,too. Fourthly, we are supposed to exercise as much as possible to build ourselves up. Last but not least when we find that we have a fever and cough ,we must go to the hospital to see a doctor as quickly as we can, If we pay attention to these suggestions and do like these, we can prevent and beat it.




可数 病毒是可数的,但毒素不可数。

Today_____the second of June.Yesterday_____the first of June. 贵求啊!!!速度啊!!!!!!!!!!

is was~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




1.circle只是圈,环状物而已; cycle才是循环,周期循环.一句话来表示:前者具体,后者抽象. 非要有抽象意义的话,那它表示一个圈子,一个阶层. 1)circle vt.环绕,盘旋 n.圆 例句:They sat in a circle round the fire. 他们围着火坐成一圈. 2)circuit n.电路;环行;巡行 例句:The old scientist used to run three circuits of the track every morning. 老科学家以前每天早晨沿跑道跑三圈. 3)circulate vt.使循环 vi.循环 例句:The blood circulates round the body. 血液在体内循环


六个因为i 发了两个音节

Today is the first day of the rest of my life,

when the sand runs outI spent the morning at an old friend"s graveFlowers and Amazing Grace, he was a good manHe spent his whole life spinnin" his wheelsNever knowin" how the real thing feelsHe never took a chance or took the time to danceAnd I stood there thinking as I said goodbyeToday is the first day of the rest of my lifeI"m gonna stop lookin" back and start movin" onAnd learn how to face my fearsLove with all of my heart, make my markI wanna leave something hereGo out on a ledge, with out any netThat"s what I"m gonna be aboutYeah I wanna be runnin"When the sand runs out"Cause people do it everydayPromise themselves they"re gonna changeI"ve been there, but I"m changin" from the inside outThat was then and this is nowI"m a new man, yeah, I"m a brand new manAnd when they carve my stone they"ll write these words"Here lies a man who lived life for all that its worth"I"m gonna stop lookin" back and start movin" onLearn how to face my fearsLove with all of my heart, make my markI wanna leave something hereGo out on a ledge, with out any netThat"s what I"m gonna be aboutYeah I wanna be runnin"When the sand runs out

yubikiri genman歌词罗马音deemo 感觉超好听的。。。所以来求罗马音QAQ 感谢

YUBIKIRI GENMAN远い街ですれ违うtooi machi de surechigau知らない颜に怯えてshiranai kao ni obiete泣き叫んでも届かないnaki sakende mo todoka nai想いは涙と流れたomoi wa namida to nagareta见惯れない帰り道の花minarenai kaeri michi no hana揺れ动く影は一つだけyuereugoku kage wa hitotsu dake 差し伸べた手にトゲが刺さるsashinobeta te ni toge ga sasaru谁にも触れられず野に咲くdare nimo furerarezu no ni saku仆らは梦を见るbokura wa yume wo miru大切な谁かとtaisetsu na dareka to小指を结んでkoyubi wo musunde离さないようにhanasanai youniゆびきりげんまんyubikiri genman唱えたtonaeta...【仆らは一人で生きていけないとbokura wa hitori de ikite ikenai to気付いたのはいつkizuita no wa itsu一人部屋に闭じこもりhitori heya ni tojikomori探した仆の足迹sagashita boku no ashiato这いずり探しても见つからずhaizuri sagashite mo mitsukarazu焦りと不安が押し寄せるaseri to fuan ga oshiyoseru】(这部分为deemo版删去的部分)Dadada DadadaDadadadada...仆らは迷いながらbokura wa mayoi nagara道筋を照らし出すmichisuji wo terashidasu休んでもいいからyasunde mo ii kara止まらないようにtomaranai youni仆らは梦を见るbokura wa yume wo miru大切な谁かとtaisetsu na dareka to小指を结んでkoyubi wo musunde离さないようにhanasanai youniゆびきりげんまんyubikiri genman唱えたtonaeta歌词来自网易云音乐,罗马音部分为纯手打,核对歌曲检查无误,如对罗马音有疑问请追问。希望我的回答可以帮到你,满意请采纳,请提问者看清回答时间分辨抄袭,谢谢。





Dir en grey 残 歌词

lie buried with a vengeance 歌手:dir en grey 专辑:the marrow of a bone I rail at the sordid youSomething"s missing from my mindHaizuri mawaru munashiki iki you saSomething"s missing from my heartThis is the real worldSou da oshi mitsu seru kanjou o ? ji komeSo attack So attackDelete everythingCrime without reason does existI am the soul of revengeSomething"s missing from my earsHai sakebi mebaeru aijou kaSomething"s missing from my voiceThis is the real worldChi de chi o arai seigi o kakageroSo attack So attackDelete everythingCrime without reason does existI am the soul of revengeMind Over AllNanimokamo nagesuteroHas my head gone mad?Mu kachi ni ore o kazatta saru tomo kaHas my heart gone mad?This is the real worldDobunezumi, haiena, kuso buta bakariSo attack So attackDelete everythingCrime without reason does existI am the soul of revengeMind Over AllNanimokamo nagesuteroTaste the destinyAre you the most superior leader of all?Fuck, you"re a motherfucker

Today is _____ day of the week.A. first B...

C 此题考查序数词的基本用法,前面要加定冠词the。


可以分成corona和virus.coronavirus是冠状病毒的意思corona冠状物 virus病毒

cycle 和circle有什么区别

cycle 是指自行车, circle是圈圈,或者也有循环之类的意思


coronavirus这个英语单词切分是co ro na vir us


circulate 更强调流通循环的意思,抽象意义的循环。而cycle更强调圆圈,实实在在循环的形式。circulate 例:1、vi. 流通vi. Please open a window to allow the air to circulate. vi. 打开窗子让空气流通。 vi. Foreign money is not allowed to circulate in China. vi. 外币不允许在中国流通。 vi. Money shall circulate freely within the common market. vi. 货币应在共同市场自由流通。 2、vi. 循环vi. Blood circulates through the body. vi. 血液在体内循环。 3、vi. 传播vi. The news of her death circulated quickly. vi. 她死去的消息迅速传开。 4、vt. 使流通cycle 例:1、n. 圆圈n. The dancers were standing in a circle around the fire. n. 舞者们围着篝火战成一圈。 n. A square has four sides but a circle has no sides. n. 正方形有四条边,而圆形没有边。 2、n. 圈子n. He has a large circle of friends. n. 他有一大群朋友。 n. He is part of an exclusive social circle and belongs to an exclusive club. n. 他所处的社交圈子很排外,而且参加的又是个很排外的社团。 3、n. 包厢n. We"ve booked seats in the circle. n. 我们预订了楼厅包厢的座位。 4、v. 划圈, 包围, 盘旋, 环绕v. 划圈v. Someone had circled the next paragraph in red. v. 有人将下一段划了一个红圈。 5、v. 包围v. Our army circled the desperate enemy and wiped them out in a second. v. 我们的军队包围了垂死挣扎的敌人,并很快地将其一举歼灭。 6、v. 盘旋v. The plane circled the airport before landing. . 飞机在着陆之前在机场上空盘旋。 7、v. 环绕v. The moon circles the earth every 28 days. v. 月亮每28天绕地球旋转一周。




cycle 指物理的机械的循环:例如水:水==》水蒸气--》降水是一个cycle的过程;机器的运转(如自行车,摩托车);circulation 通过一定的线路进行流动(movement through a circuit);



英语语法问题 today is the first day 这个句子里为什么要加the?

序数词 ------ first, third, 101th, ... 前面都要加 the.但如果前面已经有了 my, her, your 等名词所有格,就省去 the ---- She is my first love.

circle 和cycle解释为名词“循环”时有什么区别

另外circle侧重于“圆,圆形之物,轨道,圆圈,旋转” cycle侧重从始到末的循环,周期等 可以买一本英汉双解的词典 就能够比较清楚差别


coronavirus有5个音节。coronavirus是根据音标划分的,音标是/ku0259u02c8ru0259u028anu0259vau026aru0259s/,一共5个元音音标,就是5个音节,划分如下:co-ro-na-vi-rus。coronavirus的词根是corona,意思是“日冕;日华;冠状物”,virus意为“病毒”,组在一起就是“冠状病毒”的意思。短语搭配SARS coronavirus SARS冠状病毒novel coronavirus 新型冠状病毒;冠状病毒coronavirus pneumonia 冠状病毒肺炎扩展资料corona本是拉丁文单词,意为“王冠”或“花环”,是象徵地位与荣耀的头饰,王冠的英文crown就是借自corona再演变而来。西方世界的王冠各不相同,一款常见的形制在顶边四周有圈突起,日冕、冠状病毒的英文之所以得名于corona,皆因貌似此种王冠之故。作为借自拉丁文的英文词语,corona在大型语文词典里约有10个义项,多指王冠形状或位于顶部之物,都是专业术语,如天文学的冕、气象学的华、物理学的电晕、解剖学冠状部位、动物学的冠部或纤毛盘、植物学的副花冠、教堂里的环形吊灯、建筑学的挑檐滴水板、古巴雪茄的花冠烟。来自拉丁文的corona还派生出许多英文词汇,以下列出较常见的。coronet(小冠冕)是王公贵族和王子公主所戴的头饰,是corona的指小词(diminutive),指的是具体而微的王冠。corolla(花冠)是花瓣的总和,是corona的另一个指小词,借小王冠来比喻花。这个corolla也是丰田汽车的车款之一,中文一般翻成“卡罗拉”,似有小型“可乐娜”的含意。coronation(加冕)是某些欧洲国家的君主即位时,把王冠(corona)戴在君主头上的仪式。Coronation Street(加冕街,简称Corrie“考瑞”)是英国极受欢迎的肥皂剧,从1960年开播至今已经60年。

Today is the first day

今天是第一天 在我的余生。 我醒来的孩子 看到世界开始。 在君主的翅膀 和生日wonderings。 想要在脸上。 走在又湿又冷。 并期待着我的老去。 她生长变化。 要更改的是新的。 是新的要年轻了。 我几乎记得 我想是被偷的早晨。 遮住了太阳催眠的眼睛。 今天是第一天 在我的余生。 我醒来的孩子 看到世界开始。 在君主的翅膀 和生日wonderings。 想要在脸上。 走在又湿又冷。 并期待着我的老去。


coronavirus,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“冠状病毒;日冕形病毒”。短语搭配SARS coronavirus SARS冠状病毒 ; sars病毒 ; 冠状病毒Equine coronavirus 马冠状病毒novel coronavirus 新型冠状病毒 ; 冠状病毒coronavirus pneumonia 冠状病毒肺炎coronavirus igg 冠状病毒Canine coronavirus 犬冠状病毒coronavirus antibody 冠状病毒抗体Coronavirus infection 冠状病毒感染Rat coronavirus 大鼠冠状病毒冠状病毒在1965年已被分离出来,但人们目前对它们的认识相当有限。5~9岁儿童有50%可检出中和抗体,成人中70%中和抗体阳性。鼻病毒是20世纪50年代被发现的。人们首先发现鼻病毒与感冒有关,但是只有大约50%的感冒由鼻病毒引起。1965年,Tyrrell等用人胚气管培养方法,从普通感冒病人鼻洗液中分离出一株病毒,命名为B814病毒。随后,Hamre等用人胚肾细胞分离到类似病毒,代表株命名为229E病毒。1967年,Mclntosh等用人胚气管培养从感冒病人中分离到一批病毒,其代表株是OC43株。1968年,Almeida等对这些病毒进行了形态学研究,电子显微镜观察发现这些病毒的包膜上有形状类似日冕的棘突,故提出命名这类病毒为冠状病毒。1965年,Tyrrell与Bynoe利用胚胎的带有纤毛的气管组织首次培养出冠状病毒,此病毒在电子显微镜下可见如日冕般外围的冠状,因此被称为冠状病毒(Coronaviridae)。

Ronan Keating的《Iris》 歌词

歌曲名:Iris歌手:Ronan Keating专辑:Iris《Iris》Ronan KeatingAnd I"d give up forever to touch youCause I know that you feel me somehowYou"re the closest to heaven that I"ll ever beAnd I don"t want to go home right nowAnd all I can taste is this momentAnd all I can breathe is your lifeCause sooner or later it"s overI just don"t want to miss you tonightAnd I don"t want the world to see meCause I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amAnd you can"t fight the tears that ain"t comingOr the moment of truth in your liesWhen everything seems like the moviesYeah you bleed just to know you"re aliveAnd I don"t want the world to see meCause I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amAnd I don"t want the world to see meCause I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amAnd I don"t want the world to see meCause I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amI just want you to know who I amI just want you to know who I am

Goo Goo Dolls的《Iris》 歌词

歌曲名:Iris歌手:Goo Goo Dolls专辑:City Of Angels: Music From The Motion PictureAnd I"d give up forever to touch youCuz I know that you feel me somehowYou"re the closest to heaven that I"ll ever beAnd I don"t want to go home right nowAnd all I can taste is this momentAnd all I can breathe is your lifeCuz sooner or later it"s overI just don"t want to miss you tonightAnd I don"t want the world to see meCuz I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amAnd you can"t fight the tears that ain"t comingOr the moment of truth in your liesWhen everything feels like the moviesYeah, you"d bleed just to know you"re aliveAnd I don"t want the world to see meCuz I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amSoloAnd I don"t want the world to see meCuz I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amAnd I don"t want the world to see meCuz I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amI just want you to know who I amI just want you to know who I amI just want you to know who I am

哪位高手能帮忙翻译一下这段文字:It’s right up there on their to-do list with repealing some of the

它有10 - 20分钟的清单上的一些与取消医疗保险福利和改革,至少有12年的财政健康医疗——历史上最长的单一延伸。


fair]y和rather同属程度副词,可以修饰形容词、副词、动词等,两个词的意思很接近,都表示“相当”、“有点”。但仔细分析的话,区别有三: 一、意思上的区别。rather往往含有“褒义”,因此常常跟表示“好”的意思的词连用;fairly往往含有“贬义”,常同包含“坏”的意思的词连用。例如可以说fairly good,fairly safe,不可以说fairly bad,fairly dangerous,因为bad和dangerous都表示“坏”的意思,只能同rather连用:rather bad,rather dangerous.   有时rather可以表示一种“批评”,含有否定的意思;而fairly则表示“尽管有点不满意之处,但总的来说还是肯定”的意思。试比较下列例句:   this is a fairly easy book.这是一本相当浅易的书(虽然浅,还是适宜读的)。   this is a rather easy book.它是一本过于浅易的书(太浅了,或许适宜读)。   he wants a fair1y 1arqe car.他要一辆相当大的汽车(不要小的,也不要太大的)。   that car is rather larger than he wants.那辆汽车比他所需要的大了一点(太大了)。   a fairly cold day.相当冷的一天(虽然冷还能忍受)。   a rather cold day.过于冷的一天(太冷了,有点不能忍受)。   rather偶尔也以跟表示“好”的意思的词连用,这时往往表示说话者较强烈的情绪或感情。例如:   youu2019ve done rather well.你做得相当好。 i was rather pleased when i won the nobel prize.当我获得诺贝尔奖金时,我高兴极了。   二、rather可以和比较级形容词或者too连用,fairly则不行。例如:   my brother is rather better today.我兄弟今天好多了。   this book is rather too difficult for the juniors and rather too easy for the seniors.这本书对低年级学生太难对高年级学生又太容易。 在上述各句子中fairly都不能用。   三、rather和fairly在修饰形容词时位置也有些不同。如果形容词前有不定冠词a,rather可以放在a前面也可以放在a后面;fairly则只能放在a后面。例如:   a rather hot day也可说:rather a hot day   a fairly cold day不可说:fairly a cold day   如果形容词前有定冠词the,rather和fairly都只能放在the后面。例如: the rather cold weather the fair1y cold weather   如果形容词前没有冠词,rather和fairly均可直接放在形容词前。   rather cold weather   fair1y cold weather

英语作文directions:for this pary

The Power of Advertisements Every day, it is easy to see advertisements all around us. Look around. How many different advertisements can you see? Often products show the name of the company that made them. This is a popular form of adver- rising. The special picture or symbol, i.e. logo, appears on many different products. When you see a logo, it is hard to forget that product or company. Many people buy a product because it is made by a certain company. In fact, some people only buy a product of a famous company. They think it proves that they are fashionable and have good taste. It is common to find advertisements on TV or radio. Most advertisements are very short for people to remember. Nike,for example, has a simple slogan used all around the world:"Just do it". Advertisements often use funny situations as well. It is easy to remember an entertaining ad. All advertisements are designed to make people buy a product. An advertisement for a soft drink, for example,might show a group of trendy young people who are having fun. The young people are all drinking the soft drink. Adverrisers are saying to you, "Why don"t you buy it and be like these people? You can be young, modern and trendy, too." You might think that advertisements do not affect you, but the next time you buy a soft drink, ask yourself: Why am I buying this particular product? 广告的力量 每天我们很容易在自己的身边发现各种各样的广告.向四周看一下,你能找到多少不同的广告? 通常产品都会显示其生产厂家的名称.这是一种很普遍的广告形式.各种各样的商品上出现的特殊图案或符号,叫做标识.当你见过一个标识,就很难忘记该种商品或其生产厂家. 很多人买东西是因为它出自某一特定厂家. 事实上,有些人只买某个大牌厂家出品的东西,因为他们觉得这证明他们很时尚,有品位. 广告通常出现在电视或收音机里.大多数广告都很短小便于人们记忆.例如,耐克就有一个简单却世界闻名的标语:“Just do it”(只管去做).广告中常常利用一些有趣的情景.通常娱乐广告就很容易记忆. 所有的广告设计都是为了使人们购买商品.例如某种软饮料的广告,可能就会出现一群玩得正开心的前卫青年,这些年轻人正畅饮该种饮料.广告词会对你说:“为什么不买来尝一尝,像这些人一样呢?你也会变得年轻、时尚又前卫.” 你可能会觉得自己并没有受到广告的影响,但是,下次买饮料的时候,问一问自己:为什么我会买这种牌子的产品呢?


alkira怎么庆祝世界诗歌日的英文:How Alkira celebrates World Poetry Day。拓展资料如下:1999年在巴黎举行的教科文组织第30次大会决定宣布3月21日为世界诗歌日,目的是为了推广诗歌这一优美的文化形式的创作、阅读和出版。自1999年开始,每年的3月21日成为联合国教科文组织选定的“世界诗歌日”——无论民族、无论肤色、无论年龄,凡是热爱诗歌、创作诗歌的人们,都将每年的这一天,视为全世界诗人自己的节日。联合国教科文组织确立“世界诗歌日”,目的是希望为世界各地人们举办的各项诗歌活动提供一个契机,进而能够带动人们开展不同层次的诗歌运动。同时,“世界诗歌日”的出现,也有利于小出版社进入图书市场以及年轻诗人作品的出版;有利于人们回归吟唱传统。有利于诗歌通过“和平、非暴力、容忍”这样的主题活动,与戏剧、舞蹈、音乐以及绘画等艺术形式开展对话、拉近距离;有利于诗歌摘掉“过时”的帽子,让全社会重新感知和认识诗歌的价值。根据联合国教科文组织的决定,这一活动的主要目的是支持通过诗歌表达语言的多样性,并让濒危语言有机会在其社区内得以听到。此外,这一天也是为了支持诗歌回到诗朗诵的传统,促进诗歌教学,恢复诗歌与戏剧,舞蹈,音乐,绘画等艺术之间的对话,支持小型出版商和在媒体上创造富有魅力的诗歌形象,使诗歌艺术不再被视为是一种过时艺术,而是一种当今的艺术形式。教科文组织鼓励会员国,与地方和国家级的全国委员会,非政府组织以及公共和私营机构(学校,市政府,诗社,博物馆,文化协会,出版社,地方当局等)积极参与庆祝世界诗歌日的活动。


填写: one.The T-shirt are too small. Do you have big one?这件T-桖太小了。 你有大件的吗?

翻译:这条裙子对我来说太小了 the skirt is ( ) ( ) small ( ) me

this dress is too small for me

He is going to have a pary (because his birthday is coming.)对括号部分提问

why does he go to have a party?

this shirt is too small对too small划线提问

This shirt is too small.I can"t 【wear 穿】it.衬衫太小了,我穿不上它. ----------------------------------- 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


都是白的意思 但语法不同 用的地方不同 具体是这么用还要看用在哪种句子上




object japanese

日语对应黑(kuro) 的反义词白这个词应该用shiro还是haku



其实开始看习惯 比如游戏人生里妹妹叫shiro 但是空白组合又叫kuhaku 所以感觉没太多区分的方法...



hallway stairs 和real stairs 的区别是什么呢?

the house on mango street!

求轻音少女Dont say “lazy”、ふわふわ时间、Cagayake!Girls、Sweet Bitter Beauty Song的中文和罗马音


英语单项选择:The girl___long hair and blue eyes is runn


viva la gloria(little girl)中文歌词

小女孩,小女孩 你为什么哭? 在你的你的心不安的灵魂正在死去 小一,小一 你的灵魂是清洗 爱情和刀片 你的血液是飙升 离家出走 内河街头 并发现自己与你的脸在水槽 你的一只流浪的救世军 大家没有地方像家 当你有没有地方可去 小女孩,小女孩 你的生活要求 该骗子和圣人的放弃 小一小一 天空正在下降 救生艇欺骗现在帆船 随着所有的道路 没有依据 您的血丝的眼睛 将显示您的心脏有叛国罪 小女孩小女孩 你肮脏的骗子 您只是一个贩毒 说教的合唱团 离家出走 你失去了安宁 并发现自己与你的脸在水槽 你的一只流浪的糟粕人类 大家没有地方像家 当你有没有地方可去 血的痕迹 总是跟着你回家 像睫毛膏的眼泪 从您的假期 您走路水泡 并运行剪刀 如此邪恶。 妹妹的宽限期。 离家出走 内河街头 并发现自己与你的脸在水槽 你是一个迷途的救世军 大家没有地方像家

confirm ,substantiate ,corroborate 有什么区别?

词性及解释 Part of speech and definition vt. 证实, 确定, 批准, 使巩固【计】 确认【经】 证实例句 Sentences Confirm letter of credit确认信用证,保兑信用证irrevocable and confirm credit保兑不可撤销的信用证To confirm an appointment确定约会confirm the truth of.确定事情的真实情况。Our observations confirm that...我们的观察证实...substantiate: [ s05bs"t03n06ieit ] v. 实体化,证实词形变化: 名词:substantiation 动词过去式:substantiated 过去分词:substantiated 现在分词:substantiating 第三人称单数:substantiates 例句与用法: 1. Can you substantiateyour accusations against him? 你指责他, 能提出事实根据吗? 英英解释: 动词substantiate:1. establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts同义词:confirm, corroborate, sustain, support, affirm2. represent in bodily form同义词:incarnate, body forth, embody3. make real or concrete; give reality or substance to同义词:realize, realise, actualize, actualise4. solidify, firm, or strengthencorroborate: [ k05"r00b05reit ] v. 使坚固,确证,给确证与...词形变化: 形容词:corroborative 名词:corroboration 动词过去式:corroborated 过去分词:corroborated 现在分词:corroborating 第三人称单数:corroborates 例句与用法: 1. His friend corroborated his guilt. 他的朋友证实了他的犯罪。 2. Experiments have corroborated her predictions. 实验证实了她的预言。 英英解释: 动词corroborate:1. establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts同义词:confirm, sustain, substantiate, support, affirm2. give evidence for同义词:validate3. support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm同义词:underpin, bear out, support


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