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急求rigo luna的 how I do 的歌词!!!!

how do i 歌手:rigo luna 专辑:rigo luna There she goes once againThe ghost of our love, it"s making me shiverIt"s only small drops of pain,But even the rain can turn into riversThought i"d be safe, living behind this wallBut the pressures too much, and it"s starting to fallSo how do i get over youHow do i survive living half the life that i knewOh how do i get over you?When you take awayEverything i held to be trueI wonder if you feel it too, do you?Everywhere that i turn, there"s something thereSomething to remind meWhen i sleep it"s alone, still i reach outAs if you"re beside meThought i"d ve safe, i tried to find something newBut everything that i didIs something we used to doSo how do i get over youHow do i survive living half the life that i knewOh how do i get over you?When you take awayEverything i held to be trueI wonder if you feel it too, do you?Seems like every place, every person we knewEvery sound every taste, reminds me of youI thought this would be gone, but it"s still so strongI keep holding on, what else can i do?So how do i get over youHow do i survive living half the life that i knewOh how do i get over you?When you take awayEverything i held to be trueI wonder if you feel it too, do you?

国内有没有和Frog Design,IDEO类似的设计咨询公司?

国内几家比较好的设计咨询公司,都是微软的设计师出来创立的。比如之前frog的中国设计总监和设计了office for mac 2011的滕磊联合创立的ARK,微软出来的朱印创办了rigo design,不过被小米收购了。可以参考虎嗅的这篇:网页链接



RIGO DG4000系列信号发生器 输出端 可以接直流电源12vdc 正负端吗


在source insight 添加文件时选择递归选项为什么会失败

添加工程文件步骤:1、打开某个工程后,菜单Project -> Add and Remove Project Files2、此时出现让你选择添加工程文件的对话框,右侧一排按钮中间只有一个可以打勾的位置(Show only known documents types),将此项打勾则只显示Source Insight可以识别的文档类型。3、正常情况下此时不是代码的那些无关文件应该就不会出现了,但是如果仍然会出现PNG等特别文件类型,则可能你的Source Insight在安装后经过了其他设置,或者并不是标准的英文原版安装文件安装来的,我用英文原版+注册码这样选就没问题了。4、仍然解决不了,则需要看看设置选项: 菜单Options->Document Options 出现对话框后左上角是Document Type下拉条,看看里面有没有和PNG扩展名的文件关联的文档类型(看右上角的File filter框中的文件扩展名是否有*.png之类的),选择此Document Type然后按下Remove Type按钮后确认删除,这样应该就不会再添加PNG文件类型了。

求lovendo - big bad world的歌词

Big Bad World 歌手:The Real Group 专辑:薰衣草 电视原声带 Don"t you don"t you step on a snake don"t you don"t you ride a plantDon"t you don"t you eat a steak it might kill you Don"t you don"t youStay in the sun Don"t you don"t you open the door Have any fun it will kill you if you want to get to the end of the dayBefore you die here"s what I say ay down stay down cause you can"t fall off the floor who"s afraid of the big bad world the big bad world the big bad world who"s afraid of the big bad worldNobody loves a chicken get some guts and feel no fear 词曲:Anders Edenroth 51lrc.com ★ william王子 制作Don"t you don"t you sit on a wallDon"t you don"t you take a breath Don"t you don"t you answer the call Don"t you don"t you catch a coldDon"t you don"t you say what you think Don"t you don"t you ever get old lay down stay down cause you can"t fall off the floor Play it safe play it safe play it safe life is truly wonderful but slippery when wet stay inside stay and bide life can give you everything but don"t forget stay low

milk mike pig中的哪一个读音是不同的?

mike [maɪk]n. 麦克风; 微克milk [mɪlk]n. 奶, 乳状物v. 挤乳, 榨取; 挤奶; 出奶pig [pɪg]n. 猪, 贪婪的人, 猪肉v. 生小猪; 像猪一样过活




what is near the light 光附近有什么? 读 沃特 意思 逆耳 得 莱特


IGRP:内部网关路由协议(IGRP:Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)  内部网关路由协议(IGRP)是一种在自治系统(AS:autonomous system)中提供路由选择功能的思科专有路由协议。在上世纪80年代中期,最常用的内部路由协议是路由信息协议(RIP)。尽管 RIP 对于实现小型或中型同机种互联网络的路由选择是非常有用的,但是随着网络的不断发展,其受到的限制也越加明显。思科路由器的实用性和 IGRP 的强大功能性,使得众多小型互联网络组织采用 IGRP 取代了 RIP。早在上世纪90年代,思科就推出了增强的 IGRP,进一步提高了 IGRP 的操作效率。  IGRP 是一种距离向量(Distance Vector)内部网关协议(IGP)。距离向量路由选择协议采用数学上的距离标准计算路径大小,该标准就是距离向量。距离向量路由选择协议通常与链路状态路由选择协议(Link-State Routing Protocols)相对,这主要在于:距离向量路由选择协议是对互联网中的所有节点发送本地连接信息。  为具有更大的灵活性,IGRP 支持多路径路由选择服务。在循环(Round Robin)方式下,两条同等带宽线路能运行单通信流,如果其中一根线路传输失败,系统会自动切换到另一根线路上。多路径可以是具有不同标准但仍然奏效的多路径线路。例如,一条线路比另一条线路优先3倍(即标准低3级),那么意味着这条路径可以使用3次。只有符合某特定最佳路径范围或在差量范围之内的路径才可以用作多路径。差量(Variance)是网络管理员可以设定的另一个值。  IGRP度量标准的计算公式如下:度量标准=[K1*带宽+(K2*带宽)/(256-负载)+K3*延迟]*[K5/(可靠性+K4)],默认的常数值是K1=K3=1,K2=K4=K5=0。因此,IGRP的度量标准计算简化为:度量标准=带宽+延迟。  IGRP使用复合度量值,在选择到目的地的路径方面,这种度量值比RIP单一度量值“跳数”更精确,度量值最小的路由为最佳路由。  IGRP度量值中包含以下分量:  带宽:路径中的最低带宽;  延迟:路径上的累积接口延迟;  可靠性:信源和目的地之间的链路上的负载,单位为bit/s(比特每秒);  MTU:路径上的最大传输单元。  补充内容  有关命令   任务 命令   指定使用RIP协议 router igrp autonomous-system1   指定与该路由器相连的网络 network network   指定与该路由器相邻的节点地址 neighbor ip-address   注:1、autonomous-system可以随意建立,并非实际意义上的autonomous-system,但运行IGRP的路由器要想交换路由更新信息其autonomous-system需相同。  cisco最新产品及IOS停止了对IGRP的支持 仅支持新的增强型内部网关路由协议(EIGRP)  EIGRP和IGRP为cisco专有协议 但部分华为设备也支持此两种协议  发布路由更新信息的周期是90秒


黑人 =negro

有没有类似《牙-KIBA》或《fate/stay night》 的召唤类的动漫




求psp玩的Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max


为什么我的iphone4 这个游戏 street fighter iv 下载了怎么打不开?

删了 重装

请问一下英语翻译高手,这几个词有什么使用上的区别? Poor, needy,destitute, indigent

poor 除了指贫穷的还可以指可怜的。这个词作贫穷意的时候有鄙视的意思needy是poor的委婉说法destitute是比较书面语的说法indigent除了指贫穷还可以指匮乏

杜卡迪Ducati Streetfighter 街头霸王 848好不好


Ridiculous. What are you. Ignorant woman是什么意思


欧洲除了craig david,还有那些实力不俗的R&B歌手? 推荐5首欧洲现下比较流行的歌曲,我比较喜欢R&B

美洲的行吗??,也有欧洲的呵呵B.o.B(唱歌巨好听)UsherNe-Yo(R&B很牛的)eminem(这个R&B可以说是最牛的了)Akon3OH!3(这个知道的人不多~)哈哈我比较喜欢黑人~~歌:airplanes - B.o.B(说唱部分是他唱的,歌曲部分就母鸡了嘿嘿)Nothin"on you - B.o.B(本人最爱的一首R&B歌呵)My first kiss - 3OH!3Eenie meenie - sean kingston & Justin bieber(超好听的,特别是高潮部分)DJ got us fallin in love - usherthere goes my baby - ushernever say never - justin bieber & jaden smith(功夫梦主题曲)baby - justin bieber(中间有一段rap说唱,很不错的!)不管被不被评为最佳,,你一定要听听我推荐的歌,很好听的嘿嘿,,

verilog中assign a=data; always @(posedge clk) begin b=data; end 为什么a的值比b的要早一个时钟周期

@(posedge clk)这表示等待一个事件(clk上升沿)的发生因此当data在clk上升沿发生变化(即data的变化是发生在clk上升沿这一事件之后)assign语句使a立即取得data的值而always执行到@(posedge clk)则会挂起 直到事件(下一个clk上升沿)发生 才继续执行后面的语句 因此b的赋值(不管阻塞还是非阻塞赋值都是)比a晚了一个时钟



good night 怎么读?

good night 英[ɡud nait] 美[ɡu028ad nau026at] int. 晚安; [例句]After a good night"s sleep, Paul said he was raring to go.睡了一夜好觉后,保罗说他已经迫不及待了。

谁能给我介绍一下那个Big Bang啊?成员都有哪些?尽量详细些啊

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! http://baike.b***.com/view/484061.htm?fr=ala0_1_1


high, thigh, spy, shy, why, imply, nighlace, trace, base, pace, case, ace, facetrue, shoe, boo, tatoo, too, prove, school


high, thigh, spy, shy, why, imply, nighlace, trace, base, pace, case, ace, facetrue, shoe, boo, tatoo, too, prove, school



求My Neighbor Totoro歌词


high, thigh, spy, shy, why, imply, nighlace, trace, base, pace, case, ace, facetrue, shoe, boo, tatoo, too, prove, school




《Century Child》《Angels Fall First》《Sleeping Sun》《Highest Hopes - The Best Of Nightwish》

求nightwish storytime歌词

[00:03.34]Title: Storytime (Radio Edit)[00:11.32]Artist: Nightwish[00:16.94]By: Fred Bteich[00:22.99][00:28.54]It was the night before,[00:29.91]When all through the world,[00:31.66]No words, no dreams[00:33.22]Then one day,[00:34.66]A writer by a fire[00:36.22]Imagined all of Gaia[00:37.78]Took a journey into a child-man"s heart...[00:40.21][00:40.84]A painter on the shore[00:42.27]Imagined all the world[00:44.02]Within a snowflake on his palm[00:46.82]Unframed by poetry[00:48.45]A canvas of awe[00:50.26]Planet Earth falling back into the stars[00:53.00][00:54.69]I am the voice of Never, Never Land[00:57.68]The innocence, the dreams of every man[01:00.68]I am the empty crib of Peter Pan,[01:03.80]A soaring kite against the blue, blue sky,[01:06.98]Every chimney, every moonlit sight[01:09.98]I am the story that will read you real,[01:13.04]Every memory that you hold dear[01:16.22][01:36.27]I am the journey,[01:37.58]I am the destination,[01:39.20]I am the home[01:40.13]The tale that reads you[01:42.25]A way to taste the night,[01:44.00]The elusive high[01:45.43]Follow the madness,[01:46.55]Alice you know once did[01:48.05][01:48.49]Imaginarium, a dream emporium![01:51.55]Caress the tales[01:52.42]And they will dream you real[01:54.60]A storyteller"s game,[01:56.04]Lips that intoxicate[01:57.66]The core of all life[01:58.60]Is a limitless chest of tales...[02:00.47][02:02.15]I am the voice of Never, Never Land[02:05.09]The innocence, the dreams of every man[02:08.21]I am the empty crib of Peter Pan,[02:11.20]A soaring kite against the blue, blue sky,[02:14.51]Every chimney, every moonlit sight[02:17.44]I am the story that will read you real,[02:20.63]Every memory that you hold dear[02:23.81][02:26.68]I am the voice of Never, Never Land[02:29.74]The innocence, the dreams of every man[02:32.86]Searching heavens for another earth...[02:36.10][03:20.59]I am the voice of Never, Never Land[03:23.40]The innocence, the dreams of every man[03:26.34]I am the empty crib of Peter Pan,[03:29.52]A soaring kite against the blue, blue sky,[03:32.77]Every chimney, every moonlit sight[03:35.64]I am the story that will read you real,[03:38.94]Every memory that you hold dear[03:42.12]



To plant the tree,we must dig_


在投稿时有original research,editorial,review和preface等几项要选,一般选哪一项


editorial design是什么意思

editorial design编辑设计双语例句1. The Society of Publication Designers [ dy ] ( SPD ) annual competition seeks the very best in editorial design work. SPD 年鉴 搜罗了并编辑了最精彩的设计作品.2. Member of editorial board, Yearbook of Interior Design of China. 《中国室内设计年刊》编辑委员会委员.3. Editing design, Preparation and operation consist of the editorial subjective initiative. 编辑筹划 、 编辑策划和编辑操作是编辑主观能动性的三种表现形式.

editorial design是什么意思

editorial design 编辑设计 企划美编设计 编辑创意设计 编辑设计系短语Editorial&Design Department 采编中心Editorial Hot Design 编辑设计Editorial andBook Design 刊物与书本设计The editorial design looks nice but it is hard to discern from the advertising. 《编辑寄语》设计的不错,但很难跟广告区分开来。



nslookup 正常,dig 失败一般是什么原因?怎么排查

centos中没有host dig nslookup命令的解决办法今天在安装DNS服务器的时候,想测试一下DNS服务器,发现没有host dig nslookup命令,原来是没有安装bind-untils,立即yum install bind-untils搞定收工如果出现:停止 named: [确定]Generating /etc/rndc.key:是rndc.key生成有问题,重新生成一次就可以了rndc-confgen -r /dev/urandom -awrote key file /etc/rndc.key再重新启动/etc/init.d/named restart 搞定收工配置主从DNS服务器的时候,出现了主从无法同步的问题:主DNS服务器的zone配置如下zone zhao.study IN { type:master; name:named.zhao.study; allow-transfer {};};从服务器的zone的配置如下zone zhao.study IN { type:slave; file:named.zhao.study; masters{};};启动主从服务器后发现不能完成同步然后发现是在主DNS服务器的zone中没有配置also-notify和notify选项,修改主DNS的zone配置zone zhao.study IN { type:master; name:named.zhao.study; also-notify{;}; notify yes; allow-transfer {};};然后重启主DNS服务器,发现主从开始同步了,搞定收工


分类: 电脑/网络 解析: 网站上查的IP地址是你电脑的外网IP地址,是ISP服务商(电信,网通,铁通等)提供给你的,IPCONFIG查到的是你本机的网卡地址也就是内网IP地址,NSLOOKUP是一个工具,nslookup最简单的用法就是查询域名对应的IP地址,包括A记录和CNAME记录,如果查到的是CNAME记录还会返回别名记录的设置情况 你的问题问的不是很清楚,我估计你是想要知道这个




nslookup看的是dns的域名解析的ipconfig是你的IP地址、子网掩码、网关信息的ipconfig -all你就可以看到dns了的

ping, IPConfig, tracert, netstat, route, nslookup, pathping, arp, 等网络命令的使用方法

都是在命令提示符下完成ping:测试于对方的连同性 网络是否稳定等等ipconfig 查看本地ip 子网 和dns 可以结合/all 一起使用tracert 跟踪 可以跟踪某个ip所经过多少个网络设备netstat 查看本地网络监听了哪些目标/源 端口 nslookup 域名解析. 一般用作 ip 和域名之间的解析arp 查看arp缓存表 ip于 mac 之间的一个对应关系pathping 这个不清楚

junior high school students 怎么读


bigbang oh yeah 日语罗马音

ビッグバーンbigbang,oh yeah我不会……这个不翻译也应该不影响吧!


rice 是开心节词,i 读 /ai/big ,in 是闭音节词,i 读/i /

祝您一路顺风 英语flight

Wishing a smooth flight with you.Wishing a nice flight with you.




bright英 [brau026at]美 [brau026at]adj. 明亮的,鲜明的;聪明的;愉快的adv. 明亮地;光明地;欢快地n. 车头灯光n. (Bright)人名;(英)布赖特brilliant英 [u02c8bru026alu026au0259nt]美 ["bru026alju0259nt]adj. 灿烂的,闪耀的;杰出的;有才气的;精彩的,绝妙的

turn out与turn out all right意思有什么差别

turn out的意思就是“结果...怎样怎样” 但是最后结果不一定,看你后面接什么词组有很多可能性而turn out all right 就是“结果还不错” 相当于限定了turn out 里面很多的可能性的一种因为turn out本身后面可能还要接turned out badly (结果不怎么样) 或者turned out to be the right choice (结果表明这是对的选择)如果还有问题可以找我~

disturbed 的《the night》歌词翻译 意思,有点不太理解。最好能解释下,别用复制的最好了

Disturbed - The Night What has come over me? 什麼东西往我这靠近? What madness taken hold of my heart, 什麼样的疯狂占据我的心 To run away 逃跑 The only answer! 唯一的答案 Pulling me away, 拉我离去 To fall upon the night! 掉落在黑夜 The source of my recovery! 我复苏的来源 Sweet shadow taking hold of the light, 甜蜜的阴影正包围住光线 Another day, has been devoured! 另一天,以被吞噬 Calling me away, 叫我离开 Begging a question why! 乞讨一个问题,为什麼 For saving me from all they"ve taken, 从他们的抢夺中拯救我 Letting my armor fall again, 让我的盔甲再度落下 Giving me the strength to face them, 给我力量去面对他们 Feeling it taking over, now 感觉它正在接管这一切 On a path to take it all away! 在把一切带离的路上 There can be no better way of knowing, 没有更好得办法知道 In a world beyond controlling, 在不受控制的世界里 Are you gonna deny the savior, in front of your eyes? 你是否要拒绝眼前的救世主? Stare into the night! 注视著黑夜 Power beyond containing, 力量超过控制 Are you going to remain a slave for, 你是否要继续当个奴隶在 The rest of your life? 你剩下的生命 Give into the night! 献给黑夜 This self discovery, 这自我探索 Redemption taking over my mind, 救赎接管我的心智 A serenade of haunting voices, 一首困扰的乐曲 Calling me away, 叫我离开 To feast upon the night! 享受著黑夜 The source of my felicity, 我幸福的来源 Dark maiden taking over my hand, 黑暗女士接管我的手 Lead me away, 带我离开 From hibernation, 从冬眠中 Strong and unafraid, 坚强且无畏 Never a question why! 从没有问题,为什麼 For saving me from all they"ve taken, 从他们的抢夺中拯救我 Letting my armor fall again, 让我的盔甲再度落下 Giving me the strength to face them, 给我力量去面对他们 Feeling it taking over, now 感觉它正在接管这一切 On a path to take it all away! 在把一切带离的路上 There can be no better way of knowing, 没有更好得办法知道 In a world beyond controlling, 在不受控制的世界里 Are you gonna deny the savior, in front of your eyes? 你是否要拒绝眼前的救世主? Stare into the night! 注视著黑夜 Power beyond containing, 力量超过控制 Are you going to remain a slave for, 你是否要继续当个奴隶在 The rest of your life? 你剩下的生命 Give into the night! 献给黑夜 Give into the night! 献给黑夜 In a world beyond controlling, 在不受控制的世界里 Are you gonna deny the savior, in front of your eyes? 你是否要拒绝眼前的救世主? Stare into the night! 注视著黑夜 Power beyond containing, 力量超过控制 Are you going to remain a slave for, 你是否要继续当个奴隶在 The rest of your life? 你剩下的生命 Give into the night! 献给黑夜 Night, night, night, 黑夜,黑夜,黑夜 Give into the night! 献给黑夜 Night, night, night, 黑夜,黑夜,黑夜 Give into the night! 献给黑夜 Give into the night 献给黑夜 追问: 这是个 什么思想啊,不是很懂唉。。 回答: 属于nu-metal.聚集摇滚金属、饶舌...等乐风。 表达强烈的内心情感和心情的释放。 这首歌写的是内心对于黑夜意义的思考。 额,里面的意义要多听才能理解··我也不太会说···原谅哈~~~! 追问: 呵呵,谢谢,选你了



disturbed 的《the night》歌词翻译 意思,有点不太理解。最好能解释下,别用复制的最好了

Disturbed - The Night What has come over me? 什麼东西往我这靠近? What madness taken hold of my heart, 什麼样的疯狂占据我的心 To run away 逃跑 The only answer! 唯一的答案 Pulling me away, 拉我离去 To fall upon the night! 掉落在黑夜 The source of my recovery! 我复苏的来源 Sweet shadow taking hold of the light, 甜蜜的阴影正包围住光线 Another day, has been devoured! 另一天,以被吞噬 Calling me away, 叫我离开 Begging a question why! 乞讨一个问题,为什麼 For saving me from all they"ve taken, 从他们的抢夺中拯救我 Letting my armor fall again, 让我的盔甲再度落下 Giving me the strength to face them, 给我力量去面对他们 Feeling it taking over, now 感觉它正在接管这一切 On a path to take it all away! 在把一切带离的路上 There can be no better way of knowing, 没有更好得办法知道 In a world beyond controlling, 在不受控制的世界里 Are you gonna deny the savior, in front of your eyes? 你是否要拒绝眼前的救世主? Stare into the night! 注视著黑夜 Power beyond containing, 力量超过控制 Are you going to remain a slave for, 你是否要继续当个奴隶在 The rest of your life? 你剩下的生命 Give into the night! 献给黑夜 This self discovery, 这自我探索 Redemption taking over my mind, 救赎接管我的心智 A serenade of haunting voices, 一首困扰的乐曲 Calling me away, 叫我离开 To feast upon the night! 享受著黑夜 The source of my felicity, 我幸福的来源 Dark maiden taking over my hand, 黑暗女士接管我的手 Lead me away, 带我离开 From hibernation, 从冬眠中 Strong and unafraid, 坚强且无畏 Never a question why! 从没有问题,为什麼 For saving me from all they"ve taken, 从他们的抢夺中拯救我 Letting my armor fall again, 让我的盔甲再度落下 Giving me the strength to face them, 给我力量去面对他们 Feeling it taking over, now 感觉它正在接管这一切 On a path to take it all away! 在把一切带离的路上 There can be no better way of knowing, 没有更好得办法知道 In a world beyond controlling, 在不受控制的世界里 Are you gonna deny the savior, in front of your eyes? 你是否要拒绝眼前的救世主? Stare into the night! 注视著黑夜 Power beyond containing, 力量超过控制 Are you going to remain a slave for, 你是否要继续当个奴隶在 The rest of your life? 你剩下的生命 Give into the night! 献给黑夜 Give into the night! 献给黑夜 In a world beyond controlling, 在不受控制的世界里 Are you gonna deny the savior, in front of your eyes? 你是否要拒绝眼前的救世主? Stare into the night! 注视著黑夜 Power beyond containing, 力量超过控制 Are you going to remain a slave for, 你是否要继续当个奴隶在 The rest of your life? 你剩下的生命 Give into the night! 献给黑夜 Night, night, night, 黑夜,黑夜,黑夜 Give into the night! 献给黑夜 Night, night, night, 黑夜,黑夜,黑夜 Give into the night! 献给黑夜 Give into the night 献给黑夜希望采纳


designinverso是2009年创立于意大利的皮具品牌。创始人的初衷是从环保和动物保护的角度出发,并秉承质量上乘,精湛细腻的意大利传统制作工艺。 糅合时尚元素的创意灵感,打造出混合橡胶接近真皮的经典Milano系列。作品推出后在欧洲时尚界内造成轰动,从而环保的果冻包得到了众多时尚丽人与众多艺术家们的支持和认可。于2012年成为时尚品牌,它的诞生源于其创始人的直觉和商业途径,使他得以发现自己在时尚方面的创造力。

意大利歌手维托里奥·格里高洛(Vittorio Grigolo)简介及Il Mio Miracolo歌词最有代表性的一首歌是什么

专辑名称:In The Hands Of Love 献声艺人:Vittorio Grigolo 发行日期:2006-5-13 发行公司:Polydor 专辑曲目: 1. Tu Sei 2. Il Mio Miracolo 3. Bedshaped (Cosi) 4. Magia De Amor 5. In The Hands Of Love 6. All In Love Is Fair (Se L"Amore C"è) 7. Fuerte 8. Se Tu Non Sei Lei 9. Querida 10. Listen To The Bell (Chi Ci Ascolterà) 11. Roma Sogna 12. Butterfly Forever 13. You Are My Miracle 14. Maria Il Mio Miracolo (我的奇迹) (Feat. Nicole Scherzinger of PCD) Tutte le cose che non sai io te le insegner? Le stelle che tu conterai te le regaler? Sapr?inventare favole che ti racconter? Cos?che I sogni volino pi?a nord So many things I"ve never known I will learn from you I"ll find reason in your words that are tried and true E prover?a sorprenderti con un sorriso in pi? Cos?che possa perderti anche tu You are my miracle You are pure and soft just like the air I breathe You, heart of my heart, heart of my heart There"s a secret that you hold, that you hold Deep within that so discretely hides your soul The strength I simply never found, I will find with you What I believe our future holds, I will see it through Con te vivr?ogni attimo che mi regalerai Come se fosse l"ultimo per noi You are my miracle Acqua chiara e fresca che fa vivere You, heart of my heart There"s a secret that you hold, that you hold And it"s hidden so discretely E mi guider? Verso il centro dell"amore Love, heart of my heart There"s a secret that you hold, that you hold Che nasconde dolcemente Will you share with me your secret Ever more


Don "t work overnight. 不要工作一整夜。

英语单词造句 destination overnight boast 拜托啦~~~

My destination this time is Beijing.You cannot get 1 million dollars overnight.Never boast your own abilities.



Right Where You Want Me () 歌词

歌曲名:Right Where You Want Me ()歌手:Karthi Masters专辑:KarthiRight Where You Want MeJesse McCartneyRight Where You Want Me嫦の嫦Girl,There something bout me that you ought to knowI"ve never felt the need to loose controlAlways held on back and played it slowBut not this timeBaby don"t be gentleI can handle anythingBabytake me on a journeyI"ve bin thinking latelyI could useA little time alone with youCrazyLets do something maybePlease don"t take your timeYou got meRight where you want meWoohoo(right where you want me)Woho wohoGirlI"m gunna let you have your way with meWhen you move like that it hard to breatheI never thought that it could be like thisBut I was wrongBaby don"t be gentleI can handle anythingBabytake me on a journeyI"ve bin thinking latelyI could useA little time alone with youCrazyLets do something maybePlease don"t take your timeYou got meRight where you want meCant explain itHow you swept meRight off my feetUnexpectedlyIn slow motionMy imaginations runningtrying to keep my body stillOhhI can hardly stand the trillHeeyyyyyWellBaby don"t be gentleI can handle anythingBabytake me on a journeyI"ve bin thinking latelyI could useA little time alone with youCrazyLets do something maybePlease don"t take your timeYou got meRight where you want meBabytake me on a journeyI"ve bin thinking latelyI could useA little time alone with youCrazyLets do something maybePlease don"t take your timeYou got meeeeWowowoYou got meeeeRight where you want mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2713455

一整天(original ver.)歌词翻译

My love is gone....现在我要....忘记你我要 忘记 忘记你 我要 抹去 抹去你我要 忘记 忘记你 我要 抹去 抹去你爱上你 真的让我非常后悔为什么只有我这样的伤痛给了你我所有 真的让我后悔我渐渐恨你 恨你 不要离开我这该死的你 忘也忘不掉你该死的样子 总是浮现这该死的眼泪 总止不住傻瓜一样的我 总是想着你 一整天我该死的人生里 你已经成了全部那就是至今在我手里 你与我一起的回忆看着撕碎的照片 流着泪你离我远去了啊 留下我离开了啊抹去所有 忘记所有我在内心深处 将你深深埋葬我想傻瓜一样 只疯狂爱着你我不担心 但是 Baby go and live your life爱上你 真的让我非常后悔为什么只有我这样的伤痛给了你我所有 真的让我后悔我渐渐恨你 恨你 不要离开我这该死的你 忘也忘不掉你该死的样子 总是浮现这该死的眼泪 总止不住傻瓜一样的我 总是想着你 一整天 你现在在哪里 又做着什么你现在过得好吗就是没有我 能给你幸福的人有很人 为什么只有我这么痛我的心到现在还想着你(I"m still in your love)括号里是熙哲唱的我的心到现在还爱着你(You"re still in my mind)我的心到现在还想着你(You"re still in my heart)被孤单的留下 这样独自留着眼泪爱上你 真的让我非常后悔为什么只有我这样的伤痛给了你我所有 真的让我后悔我渐渐恨你 恨你 不要离开我这该死的你 忘也忘不掉你该死的样子 总是浮现这该死的眼泪 总止不住傻瓜一样的我 总是想着你 一整天 我要 忘记 忘记你 我要 抹去 抹去你我要 忘记 忘记你 我要 抹去 抹去你傻瓜一样 一整天

谁有Craig David《Unbelievable》歌词

Always said 从前总是说,I would know where to find love 我会知道去哪里找真爱;Always thought 从前总是想,I"d be ready and strong enough 我要准备好并且坚强;But sometimes 但有时候,I just felt I could give up 我也想过放弃,But you came 但是你来了,And you changed my whole world now 并且改变了我的整个世界。I"m somewhere I"ve never been before 现在我到了以前从未到过的地方;Now I see What love means 现在我明白了爱情的真谛,It"s so unbelievable 这多难以置信。And I don"t wanna let it go 我不想失去这一切,It"s something so beautiful Flowing down like a waterfall 因它是多么美丽,就象瀑布一般倾洒。I feel like you"ve been Forever a part of me 我感到你永远是我生命的一部分,And it"s so unbelievable 这是多么难以置信。To finally be in love 终于沉浸爱河,Somewhere I never thought I"d be 到了以前从未想过的地方。In my heart in my head It"s so clear now 在我心中在我脑海,一切如此清晰。Hold my hand 握住我的手,You"ve got nothing to fear now 你再不会害怕。I was lost 我曾迷失,And you rescued me somehow 是你将我拯救。I"m alive 我生命鲜活,I"m in love you complete me 我坠入爱河;是你让我的生命变得完整。And I"ve never been here before 这是前所未有的感觉。When I think of what I have 当我想起现在拥有的一切,And this chance I nearly lost 以及我曾几乎错过这机会,I can"t help but breakdown 我不可抑止地放声哭泣And cry Oh yeah oh yeah Break down and cry 放声哭泣 Oh, oh yeah


广州市塔玛拉酒店管理咨询有限公司向质检总局提交了召回计划,召回部分从中国香港进口的sagami original品牌避孕套。本次召回所涉及的避孕套规格为0.02 mm(厚度),生产日期在2012年2月至5月期间,原产国为马来西亚。据该公司统计,中国大陆地区受影响的产品数量共计58980只。本次召回范围内的避孕套主要存在以下问题:老化前的爆破体积不合格以及产品上没有中文使用说明标签,不符合国家标准《天然胶乳橡胶避孕套 技术要求与试验方法》(GB 7544-2009)中相关条款要求,影响产品本身的作用。对于召回范围内的避孕套,广州市塔玛拉酒店管理咨询有限公司将于近日发布召回计划,并对该避孕套进行回收处理。消费者可拔打该公司服务电话020-39150303进行咨询。

sagami original是什么意思?

英文名sagami original 0.02。是一种以聚氨基甲酸酯为物料制成的非乳胶安全套。薄度仅0.02,是目前世界最薄的安全套。制造厂商为日本相模橡胶工业株式会社。sagami original详细介绍:特征:直径 36mm,圆周 110mm 阔度 55mm 长度 170mm,厚度 20 microns (相模的检定标准),透明色,润滑剂加工,马来西亚制造。sagami original特色:此产品的包装有别於一般安全套,使用有如牛油包装的小盒。更加方便及卫生。 亦有十大理由使用此安全套:1) 超薄,只有一般安全套的一半。20 microns 究极超薄安全套,超高制作工艺的实现。(相模的检定标准)。2) 超强韧在压力测试中强 3 倍;拉力测试中强 2 倍。3) 无胶臭味使用聚氨基甲酸酯 (Polyurethane) 作为物料,完全没有乳胶及任何臭味。4) 更佳热传导性比普通安全套有更佳的体热传导性。使用时体温可於瞬间传至伴侣体内,减轻不适及不自然感。5) 幼滑的质感因为物料分子排列整齐,所以表面质感更幼滑更自然。6) 高透明度高透明度使外观更加自然。7) 高抗油性物料不会对油性及水性润滑剂产生不良作用而感低可靠性。8) 更长的产品寿命产品保证期为 10 年,比一般 5 年的乳胶产品更长寿命。9) 不会引致乳胶过敏因为不是乳胶制品,所以不会产生乳胶过敏症。10) 对人体安全聚氨基甲酸酯 (Polyurethane) 是人工心脏中血管及心瓣的材料,亦应用於很多医疗物品。所以对人体非常安全。


long英 [lu0252u014b] 美 [lu0254:u014b] short英 [u0283u0254:t] 美 [u0283u0254:rt] adj.短期的; 短的,短暂的; 矮的; 短缺的small英 [smu0254:l] 美 [smu0254l] adj.小的; 难为情的; 低级的,卑劣的; 细微的,微弱的big英 [bu026ag] 美 [bu026aɡ] adj.大的; 重要的; (计划)庞大的; 大方的tall英 [tu0254:l] 美 [tu0254l] adj.身材高的,高大的; (数量)大的; (俚)过分的,夸张的short英 [u0283u0254:t] 美 [u0283u0254:rt] adj.短期的; 短的,短暂的; 矮的; 短缺的




biggest的读法为[u02c8bu026agu026ast]。big的词组:the biggest frog in the pond 大亨,大王,大头目the biggest toad in the puddle 要人carry the biggest guns 装备着最强大的火力big with 怀着...的,充满着...的eg.The woman is big with child 那女人怀着孩子big on 热衷于,喜欢be big of 慷慨,大方,好心be big on 热衷于,偏爱…big big gastrin 大大胃泌素,巨大胃泌素big big wolf 灰太狼big capital 大企业,大财阀例句:1、This is too big ─ have you got a small one?这个太大——有没有小的?2、They"re in training for the big game.他们正在为大赛进行训练。3、There was a great big pile of books on the table.桌上有很大一摞书。4、The new delivery service has taken off in a big way.新的递送服务迅速走红。5、Changing schools made a big difference to my life.转学对我的一生有着重大影响。6、In a way it was one of our biggest mistakes.从某种意义上来说,这是我们所犯的最大错误之一。7、She works for one of the Big Six.她为六巨头之一工作。8、It"s the world"s biggest computer company.它是全球最大的计算机公司。9、This could be the start of something big.这或许是要有大事的苗头。10、There has been a big input of resources into the project from industry.工业界对这个项目投入了大量资源。11、This is a big issue; we need more time to think about it.这是个重大问题,我们需要花较多的时间考虑。12、Most of their economic policies serve the interests of big business.他们的经济政策多半符合大企业的利益。13、This house isn"t big enough for us.这房子对我们来说不够大。14、The big growth area of recent years has been in health clubs.健身俱乐部是近年来发展迅速的领域。15、Do you really think we can take on the big boys?你真的认为我们能与大人物们抗衡?

谁有SCCM(System center configuration manager )的软件?

MSDN 我告诉你,网站有下载,一般是180天试用期,试用对功能没有影响

Out Tonight 歌词

歌曲名:Out Tonight歌手:Various Artists专辑:The Best Of RentWhat"s The Time?Well It"s Gotta Be Close To MidnightMy Body"s Talking To MeIt Says, "Time For Danger"It Says "I Wanna Commit A CrimeWanna Be The Cause Of A FightWanna Put On A Tight Skirt And FlirtWith A Stranger"I"ve Had A Knack From Way BackAt Breaking The Rules Once I Learn The GamesGet Up - Life"s Too QuickI Know Someplace SickWhere This Chick"ll Dance In The FlamesWe Don"t Need Any MoneyI Always Get In For FreeYou Can Get In TooIf You Get In With MeLet"s Go Out TonightI Have To Go Out TonightYou Wanna Play?Let"s Run AwayWe Won"t Be BackBefore It"s Christmas DayTake Me Out Tonight (Meow)When I Get A Wink From The DoormanDo You Know How Lucky You"ll Be?That You"re On Line With The Feline OfAvenue BLet"s Go Out TonightI Have To Go Out TonightYou Wanna ProwlBe My Night Owl?Well Take My Hand We"re Gonna HowlOut TonightIn The Evening I"ve Got To RoamCan"t Sleep At In The City Of Neon And ChromeFeels Too Damn Much Like HomeWhen The Spanish Babies CrySo Let"s Find A BarSo Dark We Forget Who We AreAnd All The Scars From TheNevers And Maybes DieLet"s Go Out TonightI Have To Go Out TonightYou"re SweetWanna Hit The Street?Wanna Wail At The Moon Like A Cat In Heat?Just Take Me Out TonightPlease Take Me Out TonighDon"t Forsake Me - Out TonightI"ll Let You Make Me - Out TonightTonight - Tonight - Tonighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/8563185



shallow deep light dark在表深浅时有什么区别


tiger电饭煲 ultra什么意思?

性能超强版超级增强版一般这个单词如果用在电脑产品里,通常指的是:性能超强版(比如显卡被厂商超频后,型号后会跟上ultra)。 或者是功能强悍版。ultra意思是:过激分子,极端主义者。读音:英 [ˈʌltrə],美 [ˈʌltrə]。短语:1、Ultra Assault,雷电超激版。2、Ultra DSP,超级数字信号处理器。例句:A ultra high-pressure extraction ( UHPE) process for glycyrrhizic acid was studied.翻译:研究了甘草酸的超高压提取工艺。


substitute 和right都和函数没关系, 应该是两个单词的区别: substitute: 用…代替,代之以 You can substitute oil for butter in this recipe. right:对的,正确的; 右边的,右侧的;向右的;在右边;向右 Most people write with their right hand. You got three answers right and two wrong.

Fate stay night中黑化的Saber是从哪里来的


fate stay night有哪些从者

在Fate/stay night游戏中,有多个从者可供选择。1. 阿尔托莉雅·潘德拉贡(Saber):身份为古不列颠传说中的亚瑟王。2. 吉尔伽美什(Archer):身份是人类最古老的叙事诗《吉尔伽美什史诗》里的主人公。同时,还有其他从者,如枪之骑士Lancer、弓之骑士Archer、魔术师Caster、暗杀者Assassin、狂战士Berserker等。

Fate stay night 为什么打完Berserker saber和老师打的时候剑就可以看见的了?


《fate/stay night》里面的英灵有哪些?

职阶(Class):圣杯为让英灵容易出现于现世而设置。一场圣杯战争中一个职阶只能有一位英雄。七个职阶分别是:剑之骑士:Saber枪之骑士:Lancer弓之骑士:Archer骑兵: Rider魔术师: Caster暗杀者: Assassin狂战士: Berserker狂战士 BERSERKER: 原名海格力斯或译为赫拉克勒斯、赫丘力士,是希腊神话中最伟大的英雄,相当与罗马神话中的赫丘利(Hercules)。宙斯与阿尔克墨涅之子。他神勇无比,完成了十二项英雄伟绩,被升为武仙座。此外他还参加了阿尔果斯远征帮助伊阿宋觅取金羊毛,解救了普罗米修斯等。有关他英勇无畏,敢于斗争的神话故事,历来都是文艺家们乐于表现的主题。在现代语中海格力斯一词已经成为了大力士的同义词。剑士 SABER: 原名亚瑟王(女性版),传说公元4、5世纪的前后的中古时代,在英国领土上推翻了数百年的罗马帝国的统治,成功驱逐了萨克森人的侵略,并通过一系列的政治和军事措施,取得了令人骄傲的战绩。亚瑟骁勇善战和超凡的气魄令一些非常优秀的骑士为之折服,他们纷纷加入亚瑟的队伍之中,组织成著名的“圆桌骑士”,这些英勇的战士在亚瑟的带领下一路势如破竹,最终把大不列颠逐渐推到了欧洲的重要地位.关于亚瑟王的传奇,曾经流传于无数的文学名著中,再现了这位欧洲帝王的丰功伟绩。暗杀者 ASSASSIN: 原名佐佐木小次郎,是战国时期名将,曾以俊俏的外表, 华丽的衣著, 天才的剑法独步武林, 一记"燕返"杀败无数对手, 一把长长的太刀都给人深刻的印象, 小次郎小时失去双亲恩师钟卷自斋抚养成人,之后为了修炼武艺而游历各国, 最终得细川家赏识在出仕在小仓细川家, 在当地开设武檀广招门人, 威震北九州,并开创了属于自己的流派——“严流”,但26岁那年和武藏决斗时负伤身亡。 佐佐木小次郎从不伤一命,真是一个上品的剑客啊![color=Black]奈须蘑菇创立了如此复杂的世界观,里面每个英灵背后都有一个吸引人的神话故事.[/color][color=Orange] 剑之骑士-Saber:被誉为最优秀的Servant,为人严肃古板,注重礼仪,很珍惜食物.其前身是大名鼎鼎的"大不列颠永远的国王"亚瑟王,他一生极富神话色彩,以至于很多历史学家对于其是否真的在历史存在过而表示怀疑.亚瑟王是私生子,一出生就被送去普通的贵族家庭寄养,少年时期无意之中拔出任何骑士也拔不出的"石中剑"而成为英国国王.之后还得到湖之仙女赐予的"Excalibur"之剑(第12话Saber就是用这把剑把Rider打倒),之后天下无敌,战无不胜.亚瑟王生前曾经多次派遣骑士寻找圣杯,这可能解释Saber为何可以多次参加圣杯战争(每次参加圣杯战争的英灵都不同,但Saber 是例外).[/color][color=Red] 弓之骑士-Archer:凛的Servant.十分相信凛的能力,嘴巴恶毒的现实主义者,身为弓之骑士却喜欢用双刀跟敌人打近身战,而Archer的前世是……卫宫士郎!没错,Archer的前世的确就是这个红毛小强,我们充满正义感的红毛小强死后与阿赖耶识订立契约成为英灵.所以Archer与红毛小强都会使用"魔术之最大奥义----无限之剑制"而他就是日后最强的"英雄王".[/color][color=Purple] 暗杀者-Assassin:Assassin的前世就是在严流岛与宫本武藏决斗的著名剑客佐佐木小次郎,他出身名们,自幼便从名师中学会一手好武艺.据 <击剑业谈>所记,誓源之弟治郎左卫门景政与他较量,原本想对顽劣子弟惩戒一二,没曾想数招之间,小次郎就以"虎切"的招数,击败了景政,由此一战成名,自创严流一派,可见小次郎的厉害.但是小次郎只是个伪物,Assassin的真身其实是"山中老人"Hasan Sabbah,他利用众多热情的无知教徒,把他们训练为刺客,借此威胁各国国王.这就是英文Assassin(刺客、暗杀者)一词的由来. [/color][color=Brown] 骑兵-Rider:Rider是慎二的Servant,Rider生前是希腊神话里的大魔女美杜莎,当美杜莎还是一个年轻眉毛的少女时,她自信地与雅典娜比美,遂被雅典娜一怒之下变成了一个头发布满毒蛇,眼睛可以将人石化的妖怪.后来神话英雄珀尔修斯在雅典娜的指使下,把美杜莎的头给砍了下来. [/color][color=Green] 魔术师-Caster:Caster是希腊神话大英雄伊阿宋的妻子美狄亚,伊阿宋被同母异父的兄弟谋取了王位,他答应如果伊阿宋取得金羊毛他就退位让贤, 之后伊阿宋在美狄亚的帮助下成功地在黑龙那偷走了金羊毛.回到祖国后,国王并没有履行他跟伊阿宋的承诺(PS:看到前面我就猜到会有这么回事!)伊阿宋不得已只好与美狄亚逃到科任托斯去,在那里美狄亚为他生了三个儿子.后来伊阿宋又移情别恋,美狄亚悲恨交加杀死了自己的儿子,独自乘坐龙车飞去雅典度过余生.[/color][color=Black] 狂战士-Berserker:Berserker拥有7位英灵中最强大的力量,其生前是希腊人心目中最伟大的英雄海格力斯,是主神宙斯的私生子(PS:私生子怪多..).半人半神的他力大无穷,在十二年中完成了12件英勇事迹,成为了举世无双的大英雄,不过后来河神涅索利用他妻子对他的爱,把他给毒死,结果一代英雄就此含恨而终.[/color][color=Blue] 枪之骑士-Lancer: Lancer是爱尔兰神话的英雄库夫林(PS:Servant看来大多都是英雄来的..),他是光之神Lugh的儿子,他7岁徒手杀死猛犬,一上战场头发会变的火红,眼光慑人,失去理性,是一个无感情的杀人机器.后来为了维护自己的誓约陷入两难的境地,被敌人的JIAN计害死.临死之际他把自己绑在石柱上,眼望自己的祖国站着死去.[/color][color=Red]并非生前是纯英雄的人才可以成为英灵,想美狄亚,美杜莎之类的生前具有强烈怨念的恶灵也可以成为Servant,这样可以认识到就算是Servant也有邪恶的.但在圣杯战争中决定他们性格的是他们的Master.[/color]

Fate stay night berserker到底有几条命?

基本上游戏中有说过 12试练这宝具的意义是生命储存(12次) 可累积的复活魔术所以 可以复活12次 也就是说要杀13次才死 应该是这样没错另外LAW君说的没错 原作游戏的确是杀6次(为了解答这问题特别再去跑了一次游戏)

berserker被金闪闪杀是在哪集(stay night)




Do you know any rules of etiquette that are different in foreign countries?

你知道一些国外不同的礼仪规则吗?Rules of Etiquette for Guests at a Japanese Tea CeremonyBe prompt in arriving so your host can begin on time. Remove your shoes when entering a Japanese home -- the host will provide slippers to wear. Drink the entire portion of tea (it will not be large) and eat everything served. Turn the tea bowl slightly to avoid drinking tea from the front side. Smoking is generally prohibited in the tea room. Each implement used in a tea gathering (including scroll, flowers, and food) has been thoughtfully selected by your host and has special meaning. They should be treated as objects of appreciation. Admire them and compliment your host with sincerity. This is the most important responsibility of a guest. After two or three days, call or write a note of thanks to express your appreciation. This is known as korei or "thanking afterwards."

阅读理解Passage Eight 1002

  Passage Eight   Greece, economically, is in the black. With very little to export other than such farm products as tobacco, cotton and fruit, the country earns enough from invisible earnings to pay for its needed, growing imports. From the sending out of things the Greeks, earn only $285 million; from tourism, shipping and the remittances of Greeks abroad, the country takes in an additional #375 million and this washes out the almost $400 million by which imports exceed exports.   It has a balanced budget. Although more than one drachma out of four goes for defense, the government ended a recent year with a slight surplus -- $66 million. Greece has a decent reserve of almost a third of a billion dollars in gold and foreign exchange. It has a government not dependent on coalescing incompatible parties to obtain parliamentary majorities.   In thus summarizing a few happy highlights, I dont mean to minimize the vast extent of Greeces problems. It is the poorest country by a wide margin in Free Europe, and poverty is widespread. At best an annual income of $60 to $70 is the lot of many a peasant, and substantial unemployment plagues the countryside, cities, and towns of Greece. There are few natural resources on which to build any substantial industrial base. Some years ago I wrote here:   Greek statesmanship will have to create an atmosphere in which home and foreign savings will willingly seek investment opportunities in the back ward economy of Greece. So far, most American and other foreign attempt have bogged down in the Greek governments red tape and shrewdness about small points.
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