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milk mike pig中的哪一个读音是不同的?

2023-08-01 19:39:38

milk 【mɪlk】





mike [maɪk]

n. 麦克风;


milk [mɪlk]

n. 奶, 乳状物

v. 挤乳, 榨取; 挤奶;


pig [pɪg]

n. 猪, 贪婪的人,


v. 生小猪;




不一样 mike发音类似迈克 后者类似米尔琪 多个L要发翘卷舌音
2023-08-01 16:37:102


2023-08-01 16:37:531

mike怎么读 正确发音教程?

2023-08-01 16:38:141


2023-08-01 16:38:242


2023-08-01 16:38:311

你好 我叫麦克英语怎么读

2023-08-01 16:38:444

Hello!Im Mike是什么意思,怎么读

2023-08-01 16:39:394

mike robinson怎么读

mike robinson 全部释义和例句>> 迈克鲁滨孙mike 英[mau026ak]美[mau026ak]vt. 通过话筒传送;n. (=microphone) <口>话筒,扩音器;Robinson 英["ru0252bu026ansn]美["ru0252bu026ansn]n. 爱独立工作(生活)的人,独自干大事; 鲁滨逊;[网络] 罗宾逊; 罗便臣; 卢秉信;
2023-08-01 16:40:231


2023-08-01 16:40:321

Hello I’m Mike.whaf’s your name?怎么读

HelloI"mMike.what"syourname?你好,我叫迈克,你叫什么名字?hello英[hu0259"lu0259u028a] 美[hu0259u02c8lou028a]int.哈喽,喂;你好,您好;表示问候;打招呼n.“喂”的招呼声或问候声;vi.喊“喂”;I"m英[au026am]abbr.Iam我是;Mike[maik]n.迈克(男子名);[人名]贺军翔;what"syourname[wu0252tsju0254:neim]您叫什么名字?;
2023-08-01 16:40:392


No, he isn"t.His name"s Mike.不,他不是。他的名字是迈克
2023-08-01 16:41:064

mike d angelo怎么读

mike danger迈克危险danger 英[u02c8deu026andu0292u0259(r)]美[u02c8dendu0292u025a]n. 危险; 危险物,威胁;[网络] 舞蹈; 现场版; 威胁;[例句]My friends endured tremendous danger in order to help me.为了帮助我,朋友们冒了极大的危险。[其他] 复数:dangers 形近词: manger banger dunger
2023-08-01 16:41:252


迈克是他们班上最高的学生,这句话翻译成英文就是Mike is the tallest student in the class. 这句话最高级就表现在最高的tallest这个词上,记住最高级前面需要加冠词the,其他都很好翻译了。
2023-08-01 16:41:471

Mike Tompkins怎么读

迈克 汤扑Kin思
2023-08-01 16:41:562

mike怎么读 英语mike怎么读

1、mike英 [mau026ak] 美 [mau026ak] 。 2、n.同 microphone;麦克风;话筒;传声器;vt.通过话筒传送 3、例句:She could sing very well only in front of the mike.她要在麦克风前才能唱得好。
2023-08-01 16:42:351


mike 英[mau026ak]美[mau026ak]vt. 通过话筒传送n. (=microphone)<口>话筒,扩音器第三人称单数:mikes;过去分词:miked;名词复数:mikes;现在分词:miki...[例句]Not having a smartphone mike make you uncool.没有一部智能手机麦克风会让你觉得自己很不酷。
2023-08-01 16:42:451


mike 英[mau026ak] 美[mau026ak]vt. 通过话筒传送n. (=microphone)<口>话筒,扩音器[例句] I suggested to Mike that we go out for a meal with hiscolleagues我向迈克提议,我们和他的同事们一起出去吃饭。make 英[meu026ak] 美[mek]vt. 做,制造; 生产,制定; 使成为; 使产生vi. 开始; 尝试; 行进; 增大n. 制造; 生产量; 性格; 形状,样式[例句] I "d just like to make acomment我只想稍加评论。谢谢了
2023-08-01 16:42:531

mike怎么读英语 英语mike怎么读英语

1、mike英[mau026ak]美[mau026ak],n.同 microphone; 麦克风; 话筒; 传声器;vt.通过话筒传送。 2、[例句]Make sure your Mikes work this time.这次可要确定麦克风是好的。
2023-08-01 16:43:001


你好我是迈克的英语是什么 Hello!I"m Mike! 你好!你是迈克吗? 用英语怎么说 hello! Are you mike? 迈克有什么英文怎么写?????????????????????? 你好。迈克有什么 翻译成英语是:What does Mike have? ——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。迈克在哪里用英语怎么说 你好! 迈克在哪里 Where is mike 你好 我叫麦克英语怎么读 英文原文: Hello,my name is Mike. 英式音标: [hu0259u02c8lu0259u028a; he-] , [mau026a] [neu026am] [u026az] [mau026ak] . 美式音标: [hu025bu02c8lou02cc hu0259-] , [mau026a] [nem] [u026az] [mau026ak] . 你好,我是迈克。这是我的父亲,布朗先生。英文应该怎么写 你好,我是迈克。这是我的父亲,布朗先生 Hello, I"m Mike. This is my father, Mr. Brown. 你好,我是迈克。这是我的父亲,布朗先生 Hello, I"m Mike. This is my father, Mr. Brown. 英文麦克是什么意思 MICHAEL被描绘为强壮,英俊的男人,聪明成功的刻苦工作者,随和,快乐的居家男人。 迈克在看书英语翻译 你好! 迈克在看书 Mike is reading a book. 希望对你有所帮助! 迈克.的翻译是:什么意思 你好! 迈克 mike 英[mau026ak] 美[mau026ak] vt. 通过话筒传送; n. (=microphone) 话筒,扩音器; [例句]I suggested to Mike that we go out for a meal with his colleagues 我向迈克提议,我们和他的同事们一起出去吃饭。
2023-08-01 16:43:181


2023-08-01 16:43:429

Im tine、mike.怎么读?

2023-08-01 16:44:141

mike wazowski怎么读

mike 英[mau026ak] 美[mau026ak] vt. 通过话筒传送; n. (=microphone) <口>话筒,扩音器; wazowski 中文发音:华斯基
2023-08-01 16:44:441


2023-08-01 16:44:523


和Mike一起跑步。英语:Run with Mike
2023-08-01 16:45:491


2023-08-01 16:45:572


2023-08-01 16:46:171


Have some lunch MiKe吃午饭吧,迈克
2023-08-01 16:46:341


This is Mike"s father/ dad.
2023-08-01 16:46:413


  麦克风,学名为传声器,是将声音信号转换为电信号的能量转换器件。那么,你知道麦克风的英语怎么说吗?   麦克风的英文释义:   microphone   mike   loud hailer   麦克风的英文例句:   当对麦克风进行消音时,会在屏幕的上部出现一个图标。   An icon appears in the upper portion of the screen to indicate when the microphone is muted.   选择Mix,当使用麦克风输入并将VCR或 其它 音源连接到Ext。   Select Mix if you are using the microphone input and have a VCR or other audio source plug into the Ext.   钻探的其中一个洞是放下麦克风和摄像机。   One hole is for a microphone and camera. 麦克风英语怎么说   但在这种情况下的繁荣是一个长杆麦克风结束。   But in this case a boom is a long pole with a microphone at the end.   迪克得了麦克风恐惧症,在话筒前完全说不出话来。   Dick suffered mike fright and lost his voice completely.   他在一次表演中在麦克风上把齿冠打破了。   He cracked his crown on a microphone during a performance.   他通过麦克风讲课。   He lectured into a microphone.   他充满柔情地对著麦克风唱流行歌曲。   He crooned into the microphone.   MEMS麦克风也用于精细信号处理。   It also allows for elaborate signal processing.   如果你拥有电脑和麦克风,所有你需要的只是你的才能。   If you have a computer and microphone, all you need is your talent.   做一张CD唱片。如果你拥有电脑和麦克风,所有你需要的只是你的才能。   Record a CD. If you have a computer and microphone, all you need is your talent.   而且它们同样携带着麦克风和对讲机所以它们能互相交流和倾听。   But they also carry microphones and speakers so they can speak to and heareach other.   你愿意用麦克风跟我讲话,而不是在聊天室里打字吗?   Would you like to talk to me on the microphone, instead of typing in the chatroom.   不过,该设备上内置的麦克风和芯片会对传入的声音取样并制造反相波,这种反相波刚好可以抵消牙钻的声音。   But the microphone and chip in the device sample the incoming sound andproduce an inverted wave that cancels out just the sound of the drill.   显然还需要一个麦克风和一个声卡。   Obviously, you need a microphone and a sound card.   但是,这种装置上的麦克风和芯片在收集接收到的声音后,就会发出一种反向声波,从而消掉钻牙的声音。   But the microphone and chip in the device sample the incoming sound andproduce an inverted wave that cancels out just the sound of the drill.   今天我坐在我的电脑桌边,通过麦克风说了这些话。   Today I am sitting at my computer, speaking these words through a microphone.   几分钟后,她对着麦克风读着自己写的诗。   Within minutes, she was reading her poem into the microphone.   一束麦克风用于监听子弹或榴弹发射器。   A bundle of microphones listens for a bullet or RPG.   实际上,该套件可以接入扫描仪或者附加麦克风来创建携带数据的文件。   In fact, this suite can interface with scanners or an attached microphone to createthe carrier file.   麦克风藏在它的长笛中,他没有穿衣服是因为那些衣服会制造太多的噪音。   Microphones were inside his flute. He was without clothes because they weremaking too much noise.   这意味着这种纤维还能够发挥麦克风的作用,简而言之,声音纤维既能唱又能听。   This means the fibres can also work much like a microphone. In short, the fibrescan both sing and hear.   所以任何电流都会引起纤维振动,这时纤维就可以像麦克风或者话筒一样工作,当然这也取决于振动是否被记录或者放大。   So any electric current will then cause the fibers to vibrate. The fibers could act as a microphone or a speaker, depending on whether the vibrations were beingrecorded or amplified.   茱莉亚对着麦克风说。   Julia said into the microphone.   同声传译员们通过耳机收听演讲,然后通过麦克风准确的把内容翻译出去。   The UN Interpreter hears the speech through an ear piece, and then translatesexactly what he hears through the microphone.   首先,当然是拉什立博,他宣称大陆上最广泛的电台观众包括于麦克风煽动家,并且他的言语在共和党人眼里是圣经。   The first, of course, is Rush Limbaugh, who claims the largest radio audience in the land among the microphone demagogues, and his word is Biblical amongRepublicans.   这个周四的晚上,又是一次不出意料的成功演讲,当奥巴马拿起麦克风,他的每一个政策要点,华丽的辞藻,都引起了听众的祈祷与欢呼。   Thursday night was no different By the time Obama took the microphone, there was no policy point or rhetorical flourish that did not find itself worthy of an amenand a cheer.   在我两岁半的时候,我就对著麦克风唱起了歌——还是和一个现场演出的乐队!   At two and a half years old, I sang into a microphone—with a live band!   因此,当我的教授给我麦克风派我走上街头,当伊斯兰革命吸引我观察全球危机事件时,我已作好了准备,去迎接机会的到来。   So, when my professors sent me out with that microphone, and when the Iranianrevolution drew me to observe critical events around the globe, I was ready to seize the opportunity.
2023-08-01 16:46:501


2023-08-01 16:46:573


mike的名词所有格是mikes 用法:以s结尾的复数名词直接加“ ‘” ,其余加“ "s ”2 . 以s结尾的人名加“‘”或加“ "s ”。 扩展资料   With Mike"s help, they got number one finally.   在迈克的帮助下,他们最终夺得了第一名。   Mike"s too young to know what"s good for him.   迈克还小,他不懂什么对他好。   Mike"s explanation made the problem clear to me.   麦克的解释让我明白了这个问题的症结。   Mike"s son might be getting married one of these days.   迈克的"儿子也许这几天内就要结婚了。   Mike"s new motorbike goes like a house on fire.   麦克的新摩托车跑起来极快。
2023-08-01 16:47:061


2023-08-01 16:47:176


2023-08-01 16:47:581


迈克你最喜欢哪个季节Which season do you like best, Michael.
2023-08-01 16:48:071


2023-08-01 16:48:251

Love Mike. 的翻译.

Love Mike爱迈克
2023-08-01 16:48:432


你叫什么名字My name is XXX 我的名字叫 XXX
2023-08-01 16:48:501


就那么读.bg3aaa 比机三诶诶诶 或标准字母解释法 brave golf no.3 alpha alpha alpha
2023-08-01 16:49:014


2023-08-01 16:49:124


2023-08-01 16:50:084


A Alpha B Bravo C Charlie D Delta E Echo F Fox G Golf H Hotel I India J Juliet K Kilo L Lima M Mike N NOvember O Oscar P Papa Q Quebec R Romeo S Sierra T Tango U Uniform V Victor W Whisky X X Ray Y Yankee Z Zulu
2023-08-01 16:51:032


2023-08-01 16:51:402


Mike"s DayMike is a college student. On weekdays, he gets up at 7 am and has breakfast at 7:30 am. Then he goes to his classes. In the afternoon, he usually studies in the library or plays basketball with his friends. He has dinner at 6 pm and then spends some time watching TV or playing video games. Before going to bed, he brushes his teeth and reads for half an hour.重点词汇:1. college student - 大学生2. breakfast - 早餐3. classes - 上课4. studies - 学习5. library - 图书馆6. basketball - 篮球7. dinner - 晚餐8. video games - 视频游戏9. brushing teeth - 刷牙10. reads - 阅读
2023-08-01 16:52:033


2023-08-01 16:53:472


问题一:树用英语怎么说 树用英语怎么说? 回答: tree英 [tri?]美 [tri] n. 树;木料;树状物 vt. 把...赶上树 vi. 爬上树;逃上树 n. (Tree)人名;(英)特里 eg:It takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred years to rear people. 十年树木, 百年树人。 问题二:树用英语怎么写? tree 问题三:树的英文单词怎么写? 树的英文单词是tree,详细信息如下: tree英 [tri:] 美 [tri] n.树;木料;树状图;宗谱 vt.把…赶上树;使处于困境;把鞋型插入(鞋内) 例句: I planted those apple trees. 我栽了那些苹果树。  Nancy shinned up the tree. 南希爬上了树。 问题四:在树上用英语怎么说 on the tree 或 in the tree. 下面例句,根据语境选择。 The bird is in the tree. 鸟在树上。 perch on the tree 在树上栖息 问题五:树的英语怎么读 tree “tr衣” 问题六:树的英语怎么读? tree 读作(翠) 你好,本题已解答,如果满意 请点右上角“采纳答案”。 问题七:在树上 英语怎么区别 on the tree,长在树上的,属于树上的,例如苹果在苹树上:The apple is on the tree. in the tree,暂时放在树上的,例如:The bird is in the tree.
2023-08-01 16:39:321

BT 是什么意思

Bit Torrent
2023-08-01 16:39:346


2023-08-01 16:39:352

操作指令的英语翻译 操作指令用英语怎么说

操作指令Operation instruction
2023-08-01 16:39:303


rosebud n. 玫瑰花蕾;蔷薇花蕾;妙龄少女 例句: And Rosebud was just a sled. 而那个玫瑰花蕾也只是个雪橇。 What do you know ab out Rosebud? 一你知道玫瑰花蕾吗? 扩展资料   And that"s what you know ab out Rosebud?   这就是你所知道的玫瑰花蕾?   No, you can"t come in, "the little Rosebud said."   “不,你不能进来,”小玫瑰花骨朵说。   Maybe Rosebud was something he couldn"t get, or something he lost.   也许玫瑰花蕾是某种他没能得到或是失去了的东西。
2023-08-01 16:39:291


bit torrent比特洪流是一种P2P文件传输方式
2023-08-01 16:39:263