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Nightblindness 歌词

歌曲名:Nightblindness歌手:David Gray专辑:Draw the LineA million to one outsidersNightblindnessCan"t seeYour bright eyes are whatThe time isTwenty five past eternityHear you listeningTo the silenceComing closerNow further awayWhat we gonna doWhen the money runs outI wish that there was something left to sayWhere we going to find the eyes to seeThe bright of dayI"m sick of all the same romancesLost chancesCold stormsPropping mountains upOn matchsticksDragging basketsFull of bonesAnd honey please don"t stopYour talking"Cause there"s a feelingWon"t leave me aloneWhat we gonna doWhen the money runs outI wish that there was something I could sayHow we going to find the eyes to seeThe bright of day?What we gonna doWhen the money runs outI wish that there was something left to sayHow we going to find the eyes to seeThe bright of day?The bright of dayThe bright of dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52391844


A million to one outsiders 千万人中的局外人Nightblindness 夜盲症Can"t see 看不见时间的是你明亮的眼Your bright eyes are what the time is Twenty five past eternity 永远之后的25分钟Hear you listening 听你听的To the silence 致沉默Coming closer 越来越近的Now further away 现在却很远What we gonna do 我们应该怎么做呢When the money runs out 当我们的钱都用完了的时候I wish that there was something left to say 多希望这里有什么我可以说的Where we going to find the eyes to see 我们去哪里寻找一双能看得见的眼The bright of day 明亮的天I"m sick of all the same romances 我反感了那些没有花样的浪漫Lost chances 失去的机会Cold storms 冰冷的风暴Propping mountains up ,on matchsticks 那些用火柴棍支撑起的山脉啊Dragging baskets full of bones 挎着装满白骨的篮子And honey please don"t stop your talking亲爱的不要停止说话"Cause there"s a feeling won"t leave me alone因为这种感觉不会离我们而去What we gonna do when the money runs out 当金钱全部用完的时候,我们该怎么办I wish that there was something I could say 我多希望能说点什么How we going to find the eyes to see 我们怎么寻找一双看得见的眼The bright of day? 以及明亮的天?What we gonna doWhen the money runs outI wish that there was something left to sayHow we going to find the eyes to seeThe bright of day?The bright of dayThe bright of day


highpower 英["hau026apu0259u028au0259r] 美["hau026apu0259u028au0259r] adj. 大功率的; [例句]In this paper, a method for measuring thermally induced losses in highpowerend-pumped solid-state lasers has been proposed.本文提出了一种测量端面泵浦固体激光器热致损耗的方法。highpower钓竿大功率的钓竿


heavy weight 能当形容词? 搞笑了把? 1楼2楼傻了? 没字典么?






He weighed 50 kilogramsthe weight of him arrived at 50 kg.




you后面加weigh。weigh是动词,接在宾格you的后面,例如“How much do you weigh”,意为“你有多重呀”。weight是名词,用在形容词性物主代词your,例如“What"s your weight”,意为“你的体重是多少”。weight用法:weight用作名词,意思是“重量,分量”,也可指“重的特性”“重力”,是不可数名词,引申可表示“负荷,负担”,作此解时通常只用于单数形式。weight也可作“重量单位”或“不同分量”解,是可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。weight还可作“秤砣,砝码”“重物”解,是可数名词。weigh用法:weigh既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。weigh也可表示某物重达多少,接表示数量的名词性状语。weigh偶尔可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。

what do you weigh?是什么意思?



weight和weigh意为“重量,称重”时主要是词性上的差别:weight [weit] n. 重量,体重eg:He gained some weight recently. 近来,他的体重增加了。The weight of the stuff is 5 kilograms .=The stuff weighs 5 kilograms .weigh [wei] v.称……的重量eg:It weighs nearly 27 kilos .它重近27千克(约65磅)。You always weigh less in the morning. 早晨体重总是会轻一些。对于这两个词的划线提问,经常进行同义句转换。eg:The stuff weighs 5 kilograms .=The weight of the stuff is 5 kilograms .How much does the stuff weigh?=What"s the weight of the stuff?


微波炉 wēibōlú[microwave oven] 由微波进入食物引起产热效果藉以烹煮食物的炉子据说 [jù shuō]it is said that reportedly相关解释:They say hear say on the cry reputedly as the story goes it was said so the story goes assertedly on dit it is said to be 例句:据说法国人是世界上最浪漫的民族之一。It is said that Frenchmen are among the most romantic people in the world.据说法国人是世界上最好的园丁。It is said that the Frenchman may be the best gardener in the world.据说第一批到达这个国家的移民是囚犯。It is said that the first settlers of this country are prisoners.weighv.(动词) weighed,weigh.ing,weighs v.tr.(及物动词)1. To determine the weight of by or as if by using a scale or balance.称…重量:用或好象用天平或秤来决定…的重量2. To measure or apportion (a certain quantity) by or as if by weight. Often used without : 称出或按重量分发:用或好象用重量来测量或分发(一定的数量)。常与out 连用: weighed out a pound of cheese.称出一磅乳酪3. To balance in the mind in order to make a choice; ponder or evaluate:权衡:在脑中比较以便做出抉择;思索或评价:weighed the alternatives and decided to stay.权衡了两种选择而决定留下来4. To choose carefully or deliberately:斟酌:认真或审慎地选择:weigh one"s words.斟酌自己的话5. Nautical To raise (anchor).【航海】 起(锚)v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To be of a specific weight.特定的重量2. To have consequence or importance:有影响,具有重要性:The decision weighed heavily against us.See Synonyms at &b{count} &+{1}这项决议对我们极为不利参见 count13. To press heavily. Used withon or upon : 重压。常与on 或 upon 连用: Guilt weighed on him.犯罪感沉重地压在他在心头4. Nautical To raise anchor.【航海】 起锚常用词组:weigh down 1. To cause to bend down with added weight:压弯:因增加的重量而使…弯曲:vines that were weighed down with grapes.被葡萄压弯的葡萄藤2. To burden or oppress:负担或受压:were weighed down with cares; responsibilities that wore me down.因忧虑而心情沉重;使我烦恼的责任weigh in 1. Sports To be weighed before or after an athletic contest.【体育运动】 称体重:体育比赛前或后称体重2. To have one"s baggage weighed, as at an airport.过磅:称行李的重量,如在机场3. Slang To enter as a participant:【俚语】 成为参加者:She weighed in with some pertinent facts.她带着相关的事实参加了

weigh weight 有什么区别?

前者动词 ,后者名词。如短语:lose weight.(减肥)。


这是一个省略了引导词‘ that" 的宾语从句,即 The traffic rules(主句主语) say{主句谓语)(that) young children (从句主语)under the age of four and weighing less than 40pounds(介词短语作定语修饰CHILDREN) must be(系动词) in a child safety seat(介词短语作表语) weigh变成weighing:是现在分词作定语.

weigh和 over是固定搭配吗

不是固定搭配。_eigh既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。weigh也可表示某物重达多少,接表示数量的名词性状语。_弧weigh 作动词: 1、系动词,意为“重量是......”。如: _He weighed in at several pounds below the limit. 他赛前量体重比规定限度少几磅。 It"s been weighing on my mind for days whether to tell her or not. 我这几天心烦意乱,不知道应该不应告诉她。




"Weighing" 是动词 "weigh" 的现在分词形式,指的是正在进行称重或估算重量的行为。例如:I am weighing the apples to see how much they weigh.(我正在称量这些苹果,看看它们的重量是多少。)"Weighed" 则是 "weigh" 的过去式和过去分词形式,指的是已经进行过称重或估算重量的行为。例如:I weighed the apples and they weighed 2 pounds.(我称量了这些苹果,它们的重量是2磅。)

weigh 为什么不用被动语态?

1 This box weighs 6 kilogrammes-----这盒子重6公斤 (这句没有被动语态,因为weighs是联系动词。联系动词没有被动语态)2 They will weigh the box (weigh在这里是及物动词,是主动语态)-------The box will be weighed by them (这句是被动语态,因为weighz在这里是及物动词,所以这句是被动语态。记住,英语中,任何及物动词都有被动语态,)

weigh的复数形式咋变? s还是 es


weigh weighed weight 的区别 同题 麻烦详细一点

weigh的动词原形,意为“称……重量”“重达……”. weighed是weigh的过去式和过去分词. weight是weigh的名词,意为“重量”.

weigh weighed weight 的区别 同题 麻烦详细一点

weigh的动词原形,意为“称……重量”“重达……”. weighed是weigh的过去式和过去分词. weight是weigh的名词,意为“重量”.


The decision weighed heavily against us.这项决议对我们极为不利. Guilt weighed on him.犯罪感沉重地压在他在心头. Do you often weigh yourself?你常称体重吗? The fruit weighed the branches down.果子压得树枝下垂.,2,


weight 的翻译名词重量weight重weight, iterance, iteration, layer, repetition包袱burden, bundle wrapped in cloth, cloth wrapper, load, millstone round one"s neck, weight衡weighing, weight衡量scale, weight斤两weight码code, yard, number, stack, weight轻重degree of seriousness, propriety, relative importance, weight动词硾weight

weigh weighed weight 的区别



weigh是不及物动词。如果主语是第三人称单数形式,weigh也要加s.这样翻译句子:How much does he weigh?(他的体重多少?)He weighs 70kg.What is his weight?(他的体重多少?)He weighs 70kg.


有 weighed


  目前患胃肠病的人越来越多了。多为常见的是白领人群比较多发病。胃病在我们生活中是很常见的。很多白领人认为胃痛没什么大不了忍忍就过去了,其实胃疼与很多疾病是有关联的,如果长期胃痛不治疗可能会引起其他一些疾病的发生。  深圳五洲国医堂老中医表示胃痛的原因有以下几个方面引起:  胃痛的原因有以下几个方面引起:1、饮食不规律因饮食不节,饥饱无度,或过食肥甘,食滞不化,气机受阻,胃失和降引起胃痛。2、肝对脾胃有疏泄作用、如因恼怒抑郁、气郁伤肝、肝失条达、横逆犯胃、亦可发生胃痛;若劳倦内伤、久病脾胃虚弱、或禀赋不足,中阳亏虚,胃失温养,内寒滋生,中焦虚寒而痛。3、亦有气郁日久、瘀血内结、气滞血瘀、阻碍中焦气机、而致胃痛发作。4、工作过度紧张、食无定时、吃饱后马上工作或做运动、饮酒过多、吃辣过度、经常进食难消化的食物等。 深圳五洲国医堂,以弘扬中医传统文化、服务深圳居民健康为宗旨,汇聚大批造诣非凡的国家级、省级名老中医,是集中医诊疗、中医养生、健康管理、学术交流等服务于一体的高端人文传统中医馆。为深圳市民切实解决了“看中医难、看好中医更难”的问题。


weight:weight是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,多用于被动结构。一、表达意思不同1、weight:重量,分量,体重;重;杠铃,哑铃;砝码,秤砣,秤锤;大量的某物;加重量于,使变重;(经改动)使倾向于……;视……为重要(或有价值),重视;权衡……的价值,加权重于。2、weigh:称,称……的重量;重,有……重;认真考虑,权衡;具有重要性,影响;起(锚),启航;使烦恼,使忧虑;斟酌;在航行中。二、用法不同1、weight:weight是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,多用于被动结构。2、weigh:weigh作及物动词时后接人或物;weigh作不及物动词时,weigh表示重量的词也可接形容词high,heavy,但不接副词。例句1、He shifted his weight from one foot to the other.他将身体的重心从一只脚挪到另一只脚上。2、Straining to lift heavy weights can lead to a rise in blood pressure.用尽全身力气举起重物会导致血压升高。3、He is weighing the possibility of filing criminal charges against the doctor.他在权衡向这位医生提起刑事诉讼的可能性。




  weigh做动词有衡量;称(重量);重达等意思,那么你知道weigh的过去式是什么吗?下面是我整理的weigh的过去式和用法例句,欢迎大家学习!   weigh的过去式和其他时态:   过去式: weighed   过去分词: weighed   现在分词: weighing   weigh的用法:   weigh的用法1:weigh的基本意思是“称u2026的重量”,引申可表示“仔细考虑某事物的相对价值或重要性等”,即“权衡”“斟酌”。引申还可表示感伤、恐惧或忧虑的事给思想或精神带来压力,使人感到烦扰或悲痛。   weigh的用法2:weigh既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。   weigh的用法3:weigh也可表示某物重达多少,接表示数量的名词性状语。   weigh的用法4:weigh偶尔可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。   weigh的过去式例句:   1. Human life weighed more with him than purity of policy.   人类生命对他而言比政策的纯洁性更重要。   2. She stood five feet five inches tall and weighed 120 pounds.   她身高5英尺5英寸,体重120磅。   3. I was too weighed down by guilt to eat the sweet.   我满怀内疚,吃不下甜食。   4. He weighed in on Friday night at around 19 stone.   他在周五的晚上称了体重,大约是19英石。   5. The President"s political advisers also weighed in on the plan.   总统的政治顾问也对这项计划发表了看法。   6. Their daughter Renee weighed in at 8lb 3oz.   他们的女儿勒妮重8磅3盎司。   7. She weighed 5lb 7oz at birth.   她出生时体重是5磅7盎司。   8. She weighed her options.   她在各种选择间权衡斟酌。   9. I weighed around 16 stone.   我体重约为16英石。   10. The separation weighed on both of them.   分离使他们两人都十分苦恼。   11. The birds must be weighed, sexed and tagged.   必须对这些鸟称重,辨识雌雄并挂上标牌。   12. The baby weighed three kilos at birth .   婴儿出生时体重为三公斤。   13. The branches of the trees were weighed down by snow.   这些树的树枝被雪压弯了.   14. We weighed anchor in the afternoon and started for the Philippines.   我们在下午启航,前往菲律宾.   15. Mrs. Cherry seems altogether weighed down by her work plus parenthood.   彻里夫人似乎被她的工作和母亲的责任累坏了.


weighed。weigh,英语单词,主要用作名词,动词,名词译为“权衡;称重量”;动词译为“权衡;考虑;称…重量;重量为…;具有重要性;成为…的重荷;起锚”。双语例句:1、Why do you always weigh me?为什么你老是称我体重?2、You should weigh her every few months.你的体重应该她每隔几个月。3、Instead, you should weigh the evidence.相反的,你需要权衡这个证据。


weigh是及物动词。例如He weighs about 100 kilograms.他大约重100公斤。Please weigh the apples.麻烦称一下这些苹果。She is weighing....... 她在考虑......His debts weighed on his mind.他的债务压在他的心头。weight作名词时表示重量,作动词时表示使变重或偏重偏爱。weight的名词释义很好区分,重点说一下动词用法。例The fishing nets are weighted with lead.(来自牛津词典)这些渔网依靠铅来增加重量。They should be weighted equally.他们应得到同等重视。weigh和weight 在动词上的用法区别,主要在于前者是主动,后者是被动。


1.表示“称……的重量”,是及物动词;表示“重(多少)”,是不及物动词.如:He weighed the fish.他称了这条鱼.Do you often weigh yourself?你经常称体重吗?He weighs 60 kilos.他体重60公斤.The meat weighs five pounds.这肉重五磅. 2.比较 by weight / in weight:前者表示“按重量”,后者表示“重量上”.如:Do they charge carriage by weight?他们是按重量收取运费吗?It"s smaller in size but greater in weight.它体积比较小,但分量比较重. 3.对重量提问,特殊疑问词用How much……?or How heavy……?What is the weight of ...


  weigh英 [weu026a]  vt.称…的重量; 权衡,考虑; 用手掂估; 使吃重  例句:It weighs nearly 27 kilos (about 65 pounds).它重近27千克(约65磅)。  n.权衡; 称重量   If you weigh the facts about a situation, you consider them very carefully before you make a decision, especially by comparing the various facts involved.   例句:She weighed her options.她在各种选择间权衡斟酌。  The scales can be used to weigh other items such as parcels.这台秤可以用来称包裹等其他物品。


weigh可用作动词,既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。用作名词,其名词形式为weight,意为“重量,体重,重担”。 weigh的释义 v.有…重; 重; 称重量,量体重(通常用磅秤); 认真考虑; 权衡; 斟酌; n. 权衡,称重量 第三人称单数:weighs 现在分词:weighing 过去式:weighed 过去分词:weighed weigh的用法 一.weigh可以用作动词 weigh的基本意思是“称…的重量”,引申可表示“仔细考虑某事物的相对价值或重要性等”,即“权衡”“斟酌”。引申还可表示感伤、恐惧或忧虑的事给思想或精神带来压力,使人感到烦扰或悲痛。 weigh既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。weigh也可表示某物重达多少,接表示数量的名词性状语。 He weighed the ideas in his mind. 他在脑中权衡着这些想法。 It"s been weighing on my mind for days whether to tell her or not. 我这几天心烦意乱,不知道应该不应告诉她。 The branches of the trees were weighed down by snow.树枝被雪压弯了。 二.用作名词,其名词形式为weight,意为“重量,体重,重担”。 The full weight of decision-making falls on her 决策的重任全落到她的肩上了。 His opinion doesn"t carry much weight. 他的意见没多少影响。


  英语单词,主要用作名词,动词,名词译为“权衡;称重量”;动词译为“权衡;考虑;称u2026重量;重量为u2026;具有重要性;成为u2026的重荷;起锚”。    短语搭配:  weigh on重压于;使苦恼。  weigh up权衡;估量;称。  weigh in加入比赛;比赛前量体重;参加辩论。  weigh down使颓丧;压低;重于。  weigh outv. 称出。  双语例句:  Why do you always weigh me?  为什么你老是称我体重?。  You should weigh her every few months.  你的体重应该她每隔几个月。  Instead, you should weigh the evidence.  相反的,你需要权衡这个证据。


weigh什么意思如下:权衡,考虑,称重。读音:英[weu026a],美[weu026a]。释义:vt.权衡;考虑;称…重量。vi.重量为…;具有重要性;成为…的重荷;起锚。n.权衡;称重量。例句:They are weighing the disadvantages and advantages of this incident.他们正在权衡这一事件的利弊。变形:过去式weighed,过去分词weighed,现在分词weighing,第三人称单数weighs。短语:weigh out称重量。weigh up仔细考虑。weigh on压在…上,使(某人心情)沉重。weigh the idea考虑这个意见。weigh的用法weigh的基本意思是“称…的重量”,引申可表示“仔细考虑某事物的相对价值或重要性等”,即“权衡”“斟酌”。引申还可表示感伤、恐惧或忧虑的事给思想或精神带来压力,使人感到烦扰或悲痛。weigh既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。weigh也可表示某物重达多少,接表示数量的名词性状语。weigh偶尔可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。


weigh的意思是权衡,考虑,称重。读音:英[weu026a],美[weu026a]。释义:vt.权衡;考虑;称…重量。vi.重量为…;具有重要性;成为…的重荷;起锚。n.权衡;称重量。例句:They are weighing the disadvantages and advantages of this incident.他们正在权衡这一事件的利弊。变形:过去式weighed,过去分词weighed,现在分词weighing,第三人称单数weighs。短语:weigh out称重量。weigh up仔细考虑。weigh on压在…上,使(某人心情)沉重。weigh the idea考虑这个意见。weigh的用法weigh的基本意思是“称…的重量”,引申可表示“仔细考虑某事物的相对价值或重要性等”,即“权衡”“斟酌”。引申还可表示感伤、恐惧或忧虑的事给思想或精神带来压力,使人感到烦扰或悲痛。weigh既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。weigh也可表示某物重达多少,接表示数量的名词性状语。weigh偶尔可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。


weigh的意思是权衡,考虑,称重。读音:英[weu026a],美[weu026a]。释义:vt.权衡;考虑;称…重量。vi.重量为…;具有重要性;成为…的重荷;起锚。n.权衡;称重量。例句:They are weighing the disadvantages and advantages of this incident.他们正在权衡这一事件的利弊。变形:过去式weighed,过去分词weighed,现在分词weighing,第三人称单数weighs。短语:weigh out称重量。weigh up仔细考虑。weigh on压在…上,使(某人心情)沉重。weigh the idea考虑这个意见。weigh的用法weigh的基本意思是“称…的重量”,引申可表示“仔细考虑某事物的相对价值或重要性等”,即“权衡”“斟酌”。引申还可表示感伤、恐惧或忧虑的事给思想或精神带来压力,使人感到烦扰或悲痛。weigh既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。weigh也可表示某物重达多少,接表示数量的名词性状语。weigh偶尔可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。




weighing more than one pound 是“分词短语”。加上这个 ing 是作为修饰代词 some 的后置定语。weigh 是动词,在这个句子里,其动词的逻辑主语是 some。因此在用动词的分词形式作后置定语修饰这个代词时,只能用 ing。some weighing more than one pound = some [of the potatoes] that weigh more than one pound.分词(ing 和 ed)短语作后置定语修饰名词或代词是英语很常见的表达方式。


有呀,就是weighingn.称(量重); 权衡; 权重; 悬浮v.称…的重量( weigh的现在分词 ); 重达; 权衡,考虑; 有…重例句:He is weighing the possibility of filing criminal charges against the doctor. 他正在仔细考虑对那个医生提起刑事诉讼的可能性。She spoke very slowly, weighing what she would say. 她讲话时斟酌再三,说得非常慢。

weigh的复数形式咋变? s还是 es



大哥。这个词是动词啊及物动词 vt. 1.称...的重量,掂估...的分量He weighed the parcel by hand. 他用手估量那个包裹的重量。2.考虑;权衡[(+against)]They weighed the advantages and disadvantages before making the decision. 他们权衡利弊之后才作出决定。3.【海】起(锚)4.重压,把...压弯;加过重负担于The branches of the pear tree were weighed heavily with fruit. 梨树的树枝给沉甸甸的果实压弯了。不及物动词 vi. 1.有...重量;称起来[L]How much do you weigh? 你体重多少?2.有分量,有重要性,有影响[Q][(+with)]Her suggestion weighed heavily in this decision. 她的建议对作出这一决定起了重要作用。3.重压[(+on/upon)]The problem weighed on his mind. 那个问题沉重地压在他心头。4.【海】起锚,启航5.仔细考虑,权衡(摘自百度词典,应该可以解决你的疑问吧)


weigh heavy/light (称起来)分量重/轻


"weight"和"weigh"是两个常用的英语单词,尽管它们的拼写相似,但在含义和用法上有一些区别。首先,"weight"是一个名词,表示物体的重量或质量。它可以用来描述一个物体的重量,也可以用来表示一个人的体重。例如,在购买水果时,我们可能会问:"What is the weight of this apple?"(这个苹果的重量是多少?)又或者,当我们想要减肥时,我们可能会说:"I need to lose weight."(我需要减肥。)另一方面,"weigh"是一个动词,表示测量物体的重量或质量。它通常用于描述对物体进行称重的动作。例如,当我们在家里称量自己的体重时,我们会说:"I need to weigh myself."(我需要称量自己的体重。)又或者,当我们想要知道一个包裹的重量时,我们可能会说:"Can you weigh this package for me?"(你能帮我称量一下这个包裹吗?)此外,"weigh"还可以用作比喻,表示权衡或考虑某种情况或决定的利弊。例如,当我们在做决定时,我们会说:"I need to weigh the pros and cons."(我需要权衡利弊。)又或者,当我们考虑一个问题的各个方面时,我们可能会说:"We need to weigh all the options."(我们需要权衡所有的选择。)总结起来,"weight"是名词,表示重量或质量,而"weigh"是动词,表示称量或权衡。虽然它们有一些相似之处,但在使用时要根据上下文和语境来确定正确的用法。




weight.主要用作名词、动词,作名词的意思是“重量,重力;负担;砝码;重要性;人名;(英)韦特;(捷)魏格特”,作动词的意思是“加重量于,使变重”。 双语例句 I like the weight of this piece of technology. 我喜欢这块拍子所用的技术达到的重量。 This package is double the weight of that one. 这个包裹比那个包裹的重量多一倍。 Sometimes I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. 有时候我感觉好像全世界的重量都压在了我的肩膀上!


weigh的形容词是weighty,意思是严重的; 重要的; 重大的; 重的; 沉重的。heavy和weighty这两个形容词都可表示“重的,沉重的”之意。heavy普通用词,指重量或体积大大超过同类物体,常用作引申,多指精神上的重压等。weighty多指实际上而不是相对的沉重,引申指严重或重要。 weighty的用法例句 A weighty subject. 重量单位。 Obesity is a weighty problem. 过度肥胖是一个重大问题。 This is a weighty editorial on education. 这是一篇关于教育的很有分量的社论。 It is weighty work, which he cannot wield by himself. 这是很有分量的工作,不是他自己能处理的。 Such weighty family obligations kept him from proposing to his sweetheart, Alma, for 8 long years. 沉重的家庭负担使他对心上人阿尔玛的求婚滞后了漫长的8年。 The following sentence is taken from the weighty judgement of a scholarly reviewer. 下列即取自一位博学的评论家的权威性文章。




way n.路


为您解答weigh是动词,没有最高级。只有形容词副词有级的变化。weigh[英] [weu026a][美] [weu026a]vt.称…的重量; 权衡,考虑; 用手掂估; 使吃重;vi.具有重要性; 重量为; 起锚; 成为…的重荷;[例句]The scales can be used to weigh other items such as parcels.这台秤可以用来称包裹等其他物品。


"weigh"和"weight"的区别可以简单概括为:前者是一个动词,表示称重、权衡等;后者是一个名词,表示重量、重要性等。weigh"Weigh"是一个动词,意思是"称重"、"衡量"、"权衡"等。它通常用于描述测量物体的重量或者衡量事情的价值、影响等。例如:My suitcase weighs 20 kilograms.(我的行李箱重20公斤。)We need to weigh the pros and cons of this decision carefully.(我们需要仔细权衡这个决定的利弊。)The doctor weighed the baby to check her growth.(医生称量了婴儿的体重,检查的生长状况。)"weigh"还可以用于表示"考虑"、"思考"等意义。例如:I need to weigh my options before making a decision.(在做决定之前,我需要考虑我的选择。)She weighed the pros and cons of the job offer before accepting it.(她在接受这份工作前权衡了利弊。)weight"Weight"是一个名词,意思是"重量"、"分量"、"重要性"等。它通常用于表示物体的重量或者事物的重要性、影响等。例如:The weight of the box is too heavy for me to lift.(这个盒子的重量太重了,我搬不动。)The weight of the evidence suggests that he is guilty.(证据的分量表明他有罪。)The company carries a lot of weight in the industry.(这家公司在行业中有很大的影响力。)此外,"weight"还可以用于表示"负担"、"压力"等意义。例如:The stress of the job is starting to take a toll on my weight.(工作的压力开始对我的身体产生影响。)The weight of responsibility can be overwhelming sometimes.(责任的负担有时会让人无法承受。)区别: "weigh"和"weight"的区别可以简单概括为:前者是一个动词,表示称重、权衡等;后者是一个名词,表示重量、重要性等。此外,它们在用法上也有所不同。例如,在句子中,"weigh"通常是谓语动词,而"weight"通常作为主语或宾语出现,用于描述物体的重量或者事物的重要性。


weigh vt. 权衡;考虑;称…重量 vi. 重量为…;具有重要性;成为…的重荷;起锚 n. 权衡;称重量 weight在做“砝码,秤砣”时可数,在做“巨大重量之物,重压负担”的意思时可数。 扩展资料   How much does the heavier boy weigh?   那个比较重的男孩多重?   You weigh about 90% less in the pool.   在游泳池里,你的.体重会减少90%。   How much do adult grey squirrels weigh at most?   成年灰松鼠的体重最多有多少?


百度翻译 有语音发音的


weigh的读音是:[wei]。释义:vt.权衡;考虑;称…重量。vi.重量为…;具有重要性;成为…的重荷;起锚。n.权衡;称重量。例句:They are weighing the disadvantages and advantages of this incident.他们正在权衡这一事件的利弊。变形:过去式weighed,过去分词weighed,现在分词weighing,第三人称单数weighs。短语:weigh out称重量。weigh up仔细考虑。weigh on压在…上,使(某人心情)沉重。weigh the idea考虑这个意见。weigh的基本意思是“称…的重量”,引申可表示“仔细考虑某事物的相对价值或重要性等”,即“权衡”“斟酌”。引申还可表示感伤、恐惧或忧虑的事给思想或精神带来压力,使人感到烦扰或悲痛。weigh既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。


鳄鱼英语crocodile和alligator的区别如下:1、学名不同:两者从分类学上来说属于不同的科、属和种。2、样子不同:Crocodile (鳄鱼)和 Alligator(短吻鳄)的头部和嘴巴形状大不相同。 鳄鱼的头长而窄,嘴巴尖细,四肢比较细。短吻鳄的头短而宽,嘴巴圆鼓,四肢比较短粗。3、生长地域不同:鳄鱼(Crocodile)出没在亚洲、非洲、美洲和澳大利亚,而短吻鳄(Alligator)仅在美洲地区出现。4、环境适应不同:鳄鱼(Crocodile)喜欢生活在咸水和淡水环境中,而短吻鳄(Alligator)则主要生活在淡水湿地。5、鳞片形状不同:Crocodile的鳞片呈V型,Alligator的鳞片呈U型。6、牙齿分布不同:鳄鱼的牙齿分布在上下颌中,而短吻鳄则只在下颌中部有牙齿。7、脊椎骨结构不同:鳄鱼的脊椎骨有三个根,而短吻鳄的脊椎骨只有两个根。8、眼睛不同:鳄鱼的眼睛比较窄长,短吻鳄的眼睛比较圆。9、形态比例不同:鳄鱼的身体比例相对来说更加修长,而短吻鳄则比较饱满。鳄鱼和短吻鳄共同点都是爬行动物,属于鳄目鳄形超科。都是冷血动物,在寒冷的天气里活动会受到很大影响。拥有类似于鸟类的四个心腔结构,包括两个心房和两个心室。拥有非常强大的咬合力和消化能力,能够消化各种硬质食物。生活在水陆交替的环境中,可以游泳,也可以在陆地上移动。都是野生动物,在人类的干扰下面临严重的生存威胁。



hotmail邮箱里频繁收到“Microsoft account unusual sign-in activityu200f”为主题的邮件,是欺诈吗?

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前言 本文主要介绍net-tools套件与iproute2套件的区别。 net-tools套件与iproute2套件的区别 ifconfig、route、arp和netstat等命令行工具都是net-toos套件的工具集,用于解决网络故障。net-tools起源于BSD的TCP/IP工具箱,后来成为老版本Linux内核中配置网络功能的工具。但自2001年起,Linux社区已经对其停止维护。同时,一些Linux发行版比如Arch Linux和CentOS/RHEL 7则已经完全抛弃了net-tools,只支持iproute2。 iproute2的出现旨在从功能上取代net-tools。net-tools通过procfs(/proc)和ioctl系统调用去访问和改变内核网络配置,而iproute2则通过netlink套接字接口与内核通讯。抛开性能而言,iproute2的用户接口比net-tools显得更加直观。比如,各种网络资源(如link、IP地址、路由和隧道等)均使用合适的对象抽象去定义,使得用户可使用一致的语法去管理不同的对象。到目前为止,iproute2仍处在持续开发中。 笔者强烈建议用户应该使用iproute2取代传统的net-tools套件,因为iproute2可以做很多net-tools无法做到的事情。 两者常见命令对比 net-toolsiproute2命令作用 arp -naip neigh查看MAC地址表ifconfigip link查看网卡基本信息ifconfig -aip addr show查看网站详细信息ifconfig --helpip help查看帮助信息ifconfig -sip -s link查看网卡流量传输信息ifconfig eth0 upip link set eth0 up启用网卡ipmaddrip maddr查看网卡相关的MAC地址表iptunnelip tunnel查看隧道信息netstatss查看端口使用情况netstat -iip -s link查看每张网卡的信息及传输信息netstat -gip maddr查看张网卡的二层及三层邻居信息netstat -lss -l查看本机的监听端口netstat -rip route查看本机路由表route addip route add添加静态路由route delip route del删除静态路由route -nip route show查看本机路由表vconfigip link查看本地连接情况 Linux查看MAC地址表 ? ( 位于 00:0c:29:2a:8e:23 [ether] 在 vmnet8 ? ( 位于 在 vmnet8 ? ( 位于 00:0c:29:2a:8e:23 [ether] 在 vmnet8 ? ( 位于 da:1a:b5:a1:93:bc [ether] 在 enp0s20u1 查看网卡基本信息 查看网卡基本信息 1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 2: enp0s25: mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 3c:97:0e:43:e8:bd brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 3: wlp3s0: mtu 1500 qdisc mq state DOWN mode DORMANT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 60:67:20:c7:be:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 4: vmnet1: mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 00:50:56:c0:00:01 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 5: vmnet8: mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 00:50:56:c0:00:08 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 12: enp0s20u1: mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether c6:34:99:3e:12:f9 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff Linux 查看ip 命令帮助信息 Usage: ip [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help } ip [ -force ] -batch filename where OBJECT := { link | address | addrlabel | route | rule | neigh | ntable | tunnel | tuntap | maddress | mroute | mrule | monitor | xfrm | netns | l2tp | fou | macsec | tcp_metrics | token | netconf | ila | vrf | sr } OPTIONS := { -V[ersion] | -s[tatistics] | -d[etails] | -r[esolve] | -h[uman-readable] | -iec | -f[amily] { inet | inet6 | ipx | dnet | mpls | bridge | link } | -4 | -6 | -I | -D | -B | -0 | -l[oops] { maximum-addr-flush-attempts } | -br[ief] | -o[neline] | -t[imestamp] | -ts[hort] | -b[atch][filename] | -rc[vbuf][size] | -n[etns] name | -a[ll] | -c[olor]} Linux查看网卡流量传输信息 Linux查看网卡流量传输信息 1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 RX: bytes packets errors dropped overrun mcast 300977974 305919 0 0 0 0 TX: bytes packets errors dropped carrier collsns 300977974 305919 0 0 0 0 2: eth0: mtu 1400 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether fa:16:3e:48:b5:08 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff RX: bytes packets errors dropped overrun mcast 107994934 965313 0 0 0 0 TX: bytes packets errors dropped carrier collsns 714725526 808580 0 0 0 0 https://www.linuxrumen.com/rmxx/804.html

Assign responsibilities around the classroom and make sure homework deadlines are met.

Assign responsibilities around the classroom and make sure homework deadlines are met.在教室周围分配责任,确保作业的最后期限得到满足。

meet tight deadlines是什么意思

meet tight deadlines遇到紧张的最后期限例句:1.Today"s design engineer must rapidly assess new solutions to meet tight deadlines.

the tiger英文赏析

The Tyger and The lamb: In The Tyger Blake points to the contrast between these two animals: the tiger is fierce, active, predatory, while The Lamb is meek, vulnerable and harmless. The reference to the lamb in the penultimate stanza reminds the reader that a tiger and a lamb have been created by the same God, and raises questions about the implications of this. It also invites a contrast between the perspectives of "experience" and "innocence" represented here and in the poem "The Lamb." "The Tyger" consists entirely of unanswered questions, and the poet leaves us to awe at the complexity of creation, the sheer magnitude of God"s power, and the inscrutability of divine will. The perspective of experience in this poem involves a sophisticated acknowledgment of what is unexplainable in the universe, presenting evil as the prime example of something that cannot be denied, but will not withstand facile explanation, either. The open awe of "The Tyger" contrasts with the easy confidence, in "The Lamb," of a child"s innocent faith in a benevolent universe. Theme: The poem is more about the creator of the tiger than it is about the tiger itself. The poet was at a loss to explain how the same God who made the lamb could make the tiger. So, the theme is : humans are incapable of fully understanding the mind of God and the mystery of his handiwork. Symbolism: Black writing his poems in plain an direct language. He presents his view in visual images rather that abstract ideas. Symbolism in wide range is a distinctive feature of his poetry. The Tyger, included in Songs of Experience, is one of Blake"s best-known poems. It seemingly praises the great power of tiger, but what the tiger symbolizes remains disputable: the power of man? Or the revolutionary force? Or the evil? The poem is highly symbolic with a touch of mysticism and it is open to various interpretations. The tiger initially appears as a strikingly sensuous image. However, as the poem progresses, it takes on a symbolic character, and comes to embody the spiritual and moral problem the poem explores: perfectly beautiful and yet perfectly destructive, Blake"s tiger becomes the symbolic center for an investigation into the presence of evil in the world. Since the tiger"s remarkable nature exists both in physical and moral terms, the speaker"s questions about its origin must also encompass both physical and moral dimensions. The poem"s series of questions repeatedly ask what sort of physical creative capacity the "fearful symmetry" of the tiger bespeaks; assumedly only a very strong and powerful being could be capable of such a creation.

If I have the right to rearrange the alphabet ,I will put U and I toge


Follow The Sign 歌词

歌曲名:Follow The Sign歌手:Metalium专辑:Nothing To Undo - Chapter Six标题:Follow the Sign艺术家:MetaliumOut in the coldFeels like it rips out my heartSeems like I′m fadingSlowly tears me apartWhat am I doingIs this real or a dreamClosing my eyesFollow the visions in meOh, there is a world I knowJust can′t get outDoesn′t matter what it takes toDoesn′t matter what it makes toBreak out one timeDoesn′t matter if it changes youIf it really rearranges youFollow the signPuppets on stringsWe′re caught, it′s always the sameJust slowly dyin′Prisoned, part of the gameWhere is the guideThat leads me into the lightEnter the visionLeave the darkness behindOh, I see the world I knowJust can′t get outDoesn′t matter what it takes toDoesn′t matter what it makes toBreak out one timeDoesn′t matter if it changes youIf it really rearranges youFollow the signDoesn′t matter what it takes toDoesn′t matter what it makes toBreak out one timeDoesn′t matter if it changes youIf it really rearranges youFollow the signDoesn′t matter what it takes toDoesn′t matter what it makes toHell yeah金属梦:66032164http://music.baidu.com/song/22932395

求意大利红酒价格 Murola Una gamba Marche Igt Bianco 201


英语So originally怎么翻译?


weight=180GMS 中的GMS是什么意思?


of utmost significance是固定短语吗

utmost用作形容词时译作“极度的” 用作名词译作“最大可能”愚见,非固定搭配,为常见搭配

fight to our utmost造句

例句如下:1、In love, as in gluttony, pleasure is a matter of the utmost precision.在爱情中,如同暴饮暴食,快乐的关键在于毫厘不差的精准。2、They tried their utmost to win the game.他们尽全力去赢得这场比赛.3、To the utmost extent.最大限度地。4、I shall do my utmost to achieve that end!"我将尽我一切的能力,去做到这一点!5、This is a matter of utmost importance.翻两番是个了不起的事情。6、This is not an issue of the utmost importance.这不是一个很重要的问题。7、The president has done his utmost to advance the national interest总统已尽了最大努力来增进国家的利益8、Principle of Utmost Good Faith Reflected in PAN ATLANTIC v.PINE TOPPAN ATLANTIC诉PINE TOP一案中体现的海上保险法最大诚信原则9、Utmost efficiency in the design and manufacture, of turbomachinery is a prime competitive factor.在涡轮机设计和制造中,效率高低是最主要的竞争因素。10、This time, survival is of the utmost importance.这次任务,生存是最重要的。

of utmost significance

我觉得你可以说of great significance

谁会偶像活动《Take My Higher》 的谐音呀


偶像活动take me higher歌词

Shi zu ka ni a sa ya ke ga Da yi chi o tsu tsu n de ku I tsu mo to ka wa ra nu yo a ke... Ha ru ka ni tsu zu yi te ku Ku ri ka e shi no na ka de Bo ku ra wa yi ma o yi ki te ru Mi e na yi k yo no ka ze ni Ta chi mu ka te yu ku Yi tsu ma de mo ma mo ri ta yi So no ho ho e mi no... Wanna take you, baby, take me higher! A yi o da ki shi me te yi ma Gonna Tiga! Take me, take me higher! Yu wu ki da ki shi me te tsu yo ku Wanna take you, baby, take me higher! Ki yi to ta do ri tsu ke ru sa Gonna Tiga! Take me, take me higher! A tsu yi ko do o shi n ji te... A ra so yi go to no na yi A shi ta o sa ga shi te ru Da re mo ga ma chi no zo n de ru Bo ku ra ga de ki ru ko to o Tsu zu ke te yu ku o Ya sa shi ku na re re ba yi yi Ta ya sa zu yi ta yi Wanna take you, baby, take me higher! Su be te wu go ki ha ji me ta Gonna Tiga! Take me, take me higher! Mi chi o ki ri hi ra yi te yu ku Wanna take you, baby, take me higher! Ta chi do ma a te na ne na yi Gonna Tiga! Take me, take me higher! Hi ka ru hi to mi o shi n ji te... Wanna take you, baby, take me higher!

consecutive digits是什么意思

consecutive digits连贯数字 例句筛选1.Pilish is a style of writing where the number of letters in each wordcorresponds to the consecutive digits of pi.在这里,每个单词的字母都对应着π的连贯数字。2.The increase in food prices has been in double digits for sixconsecutive months.食品价格涨幅已经连续六个月呈现为两位数。



信用证上consignee是to order,是指开证申请人吗?

不是开证申请人,这个是对提货单B/L上的要求,意思是指定收货人,需要空白背书,这样的话,只要持有该提货单的人就可以提取货物,不一定是开证申请人。这样方便最终收货人提货。 发票箱单的consignee正常填写 TO ORDER开证人显示在抬头下面就可以(单独找个位置)不知道你发票箱单的格式,只要在适当的位置显示出来就行。



为什么提单上的CONSIGNEE显示的是TO ORDER,就只能出正本提单不能出电放?

电放就是要把提单电放给指定的某一个实际收货人.你既然收货人里面是TO ORDER,如果这样的提单电放成功的话不就是只要有公司拿着电放单就可以拿到货了`~~这样的风险真是无限大啊`~只要是正规的船公司都是不会接受帮你电放这样的提单的`

MSC的提单上面的shipper ,consignee和 notify party 一定要显示电话,传真吗?

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