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如何在 iPhone 和 iPad 上关闭 Spotlight 建议?

在 iPhone 和 iPad 上使用 Spotlight 功能进行搜索时,您会看到有关应用程序和活动的建议。如果您不喜欢这样,您可以隐藏这些 Spotlight 或 Siri 建议。 禁用 Spotlight 建议 在 Spotlight 搜索屏幕上,您可以查看应用程序和活动的建议。事实上,这些是Siri 主动功能,可根据您的习惯让相关项目出现在屏幕上。但也许你根本不想看到这个。然后,您可以将其关闭。 禁用 Spotlight 建议 以下是在 Spotlight 搜索中禁用建议的方法: 1.在iPhone或 iPad上打开“设置”应用。 2.转到Siri并搜索。 3.关闭搜索建议中的开关。 您还可以在“搜索依据”中关闭“建议”。 也可以禁用每个应用程序的 Spotlight 建议。为此,请前往“设置”>“Siri 与搜索”,然后在底部选择要禁用它的应用程序。然后关闭Show in Search处的开关。 显示较少的 Spotlight 建议 如上图所示,Apple展示了 8 个最近常用的应用程序。您可以通过点击显示更少来缩短此列表。从现在开始,只会显示 4 个最近的应用程序。 您不能将包含三个活动建议的列表缩短。 影响聚光灯建议 不幸的是,您无法确定建议中出现的内容。应用程序列表根据您的使用情况量身定制:Siri 知道您在一天中的什么时间经常使用某些应用程序。例如,借助主动式Siri,您可以快速启动喜爱或常用的应用程序。 你可能不想要这个。如果您经常使用“查找”应用查看家人和朋友的位置,此活动将始终显示在列表中。 Siri 建议只能在以下位置找到: iPhone 5及更新机型(不适用于 iPhone 4s) iPad mini 3或更新版本 iPad 4及更新版本 iPad AIr或更新版本 iPad Pro(所有型号) 第 6 代iPod touch及更高版本



mac os 10.9下 如何把spotlight里面词典的顺序提到最上面

我曾经介绍过Mac下的免费词典软件TranslateIt!而在新版Mac OS X - Leopard中,其内置的词典工具(Dictionary)功能得到了极大提升,所以根本就不再需要其它软件了.Lookup查词如果我正在文本编辑器或其它Cocoa程序中阅读英文,恰巧遇到不熟悉的单词,那么通过菜单或快捷键可以很方便地在内置字典中进行查询.首先定位到单词之上;然后按下command+control+D快捷键;立刻就会有一个可爱的弹出窗口显示该词的解释和例句.更妙的是,如果你一直按住command+control+D不放,然后将鼠标移动到其它单词上,它也会马上跳出相应单词的解释.真是既有用又有趣的功能!Dictionary_pop.gif你还可以利用弹出菜单或服务菜单,来打开词典程序,查询指定单词.Dictionary_Lookup.png你甚至可以在Spotlight中查询字典.打开Spotlight,然后输入单词,你就可以在搜索结果中看到定义这一项.将鼠标悬停其上将显示简要解释,点击或按回车键就会打开字典程序来显示详细解释.Spotlight_DefinitionDictionary词典虽然内置的只有英英词典,但是我们还可以添加其它词典.Mac Dictionary Kit是一组在Mac下转换和创建词典的开源工具.目前支持将StarDict格式的词典,转换为Mac OS X 10.5的Dictionary 2.0格式.首先,下载图形化的词典转换工具DictUnifier;然后,下载需要的StarDict词典.打开DictUnifier,点击 Choose 选择 .tar.bz2 格式的 stardict 词典,设置好词典名称和标识 (Dictionary Name/ID,也可以使用默认值) 之后,点击 Convert.DictUnifier转换后的词典将自动出现在词典工具中,这时你就可以输入单词并获得解释了.如果你发现有些词典并不需要显示,或者希望调整词典排列的顺序,那么可以在词典工具的首选项中进行设置.Reference附录在词典程序中,选择“前往”菜单下的“前页/附录”菜单项,可以查看内容丰富的词典附录.其中包括英语语法、国家名称、度量单位和化学元素等各类知识.当你闲极无聊或无奈等待时,利用手边的苹果电脑学习些知识,抑或只是打发些时间,也是个不错的选项.Mac内置的词典工具(Dictionary),不便功能强大,而且简单易用,甚至还可以添加更多词典,当然这些特性都是免费的.试想,内置且免费的功能做到这个份上,谁还会去用盗版?有什么必要去用盗版?又怎么好意思去用盗版?相形之下,有些无良贪婪的厂商,不但生产劣质高价的软件,而且先教唆后追逼用户––盗版固然不对,可有些无耻却更甚于盗版!

zbrush 4r5 spotlight怎么用??



u盘spotlight文件夹要删。SparkleShare一个少有的能将如此多的现代计算封装到一个程序之中的应用程序,它可以用作许多其他应用程序的计算引擎。虽然它以跟踪软件开发中的源代码更改而闻名,但它还有许多其他用途,可以让你的生活更轻松、更有条理。在这个 Git 系列中,我们将分享七种鲜为人知的使用 Git 的方法。u盘spotlight注意事项:1、U盘一般有写保护开关,但应该在U盘插入计算机接口之前切换,不要在U盘工作状态下进行切换。2、U盘都有工作状态指示灯,如果是一个指示灯,当插入主机接口时,灯亮表示接通电源,当灯闪烁时表示正在读写数据。如果是两个指示灯,一般两种颜色,一个在接通电源时亮,一个在U盘进行读写数据时亮。严禁在读写状态灯亮时拔下U盘。一定要等读写状态指示灯停止闪烁或灭了之后才能拔下U盘。3、U盘的存储原理和硬盘有很大出入,不要整理碎片,否则影响使用寿命。



如何关掉mac系统重建spotlight 索引

打开系统偏好设置:点选“Spotlight”,选择“隐私”。将 Mac OS X 所在的系统磁盘拖拽进去(或其他所需磁盘)如果弹出确认框,点选“好”。现在,选中刚刚添加的磁盘,并点按“-”将其从列表中移除注意:如果将某个目录或磁盘拖进了“隐私”列表,该目录或磁盘下的所有内容将完全从 Spotlight 索引中排除。接下来 Spotlight 就会立刻开始重新索引刚才所操作的磁盘了。索引所需时长取决于磁盘上内容的多少。在 Spotlight 菜单中可以看到进度和剩余时间。任何时候都可以来检查进度。同时,在索引重建期间,电脑速度可能也会多少受到影响,因为 mdworker 和 mds 进程会消耗 CPU 资源并进行大量磁盘操作。以上是打开,只需要找到并关闭就行了



Miley Cyrus的Spotlight歌词翻译


Mutemath的《Spotlight》 歌词

歌曲名:Spotlight歌手:Mutemath专辑:Spotlight EpMutemath - Spotlight (Twilight Mix)You got a whole lot left to say nowYou knocked all your wind outYou just tried too hard and you frozeI know, I knowWhat to say, what to sayJust take the fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is onOh the spotlight is on, ohYou know the one thing you"re fighting to holdWill be the one thing you"ve got to let goAnd when you feel the wall cannot be burnedYou"re gonna die to try what can"t be doneGonna stay stay out but you don"t careNow is there nothing like the inside of you anywhereOh just take the fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is onOh the spotlight is on, yeah it"s onBecause everyone would rather watch you fallAnd we all are, yeahAnd we all are, yeahJust take a fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is onOh the spotlight is onNow you"re one of usNow you"re, now you"re, now you"re, now you"re one of usNow you"re, now you"re, now you"re one of usOh the spotlight is onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8390379

Spotlight [Son Lux Remix] 歌词

歌曲名:Spotlight [Son Lux Remix]歌手:Mutemath专辑:Twilight Original Motion Picture SoundtrackMute Math - SpotlightAhh, aah, ahh, aahAhh, aah, ahh, aahAhh, aah, ahh, aahAhh, aah, ahh, aahYou got a whole lot left to say nowYou knocked all your wind outYou just tried too hard and you frozeI know, I knowWhat do you say, what do you sayJust take the fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is on(Ahh ahh)Oh the spotlight is on, ohYou know the one thing you"re fighting to holdWill be the one thing you"ve got to let goAnd when you feel the war cannot be wonYou"re gonna die to try what can"t be doneGonna stay stay out but you don"t careNow is there nothing like thatinside of you anywhereOh just take the fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is on(Ahh ahh)Oh the spotlight is on, yeah it"s onBecause everyone would ratherwatch you fall (we"re all in trouble)And we all are (we"re all in trouble)And we all are (we"re all in trouble)Just take a fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is on(Ahh ahh)Oh the spotlight is on(Just take the fall)Now you"re one of usNow you"re, now you"re,now you"re, now you"re one of usNow you"re, now you"re,now you"re one of usOh the spotlight is on(Ahh, ahh..)http://music.baidu.com/song/7680799

MAC spotlight 不能使用解决方法

报错信息 : mdutil disabling Spotlight: / -> kMDConfigSearchLevelFSSearchOnly Indexing disabled. 可能是索引出问题了,于是采用如下命令重建索引: sudo mdutil -i off / 该命令用来关闭索引 sudo mdutil -E / 该命令用来删除索引 sudo mdutil -i on / 该命令用来重建索引 最后成功.

Hani的《Spotlight》 歌词

歌曲名:Spotlight歌手:Hani专辑:2010年9月欧美新歌速递3Oh-oh, oh-oh, whoa-ohHani - SpotlightOh-oh, oh-oh, whoa-ohSomething"s wrong (yeah)I can"t explain what"s goin" onIn my mind, ha-ohI care for no one but you tonightOoo, I gotta know your nameYou"re messin" with my brainI might go insane girl, nothin"s rightI gotta know your nameYou"re messin" with my brainTell me girl ,what are you doing to meOoo, I wanna be wit chooOnly you, in the spotlightI just gotta find out how to describeYou and I, under the spotlightUnder the spotlightThe spotlightUnder the spotlightThe spotlightBeen so long (oh, oh..)We used to be standing so strongAll this time, ha-ohI"ve only had you in my mindOoo, I gotta know your nameYou"re messin" with my brainI might go insane girl, nothin"s rightI gotta know your nameYou"re messin" with my brainTell me girl, what are you doing to meOoo, I wanna be wit chooOnly you, in the spotlightI just gotta find out how to describeYou and I, under the spotlightUnder the spotlightThe things that you"re doin"You"re runnin" the showYou keep me comin" back for moreAll that I needed is you in my armsGirl you are, under the spotlight(Spotlight, spotlight, spotlight...)U-u-under the spotlight(Spotlight, spotlight, spotlight...)Ooo, I wanna be wit chooOnly you, in the spotlightI just gotta find out how to describeYou and I, under the spotlightOoo, I wanna be wit chooOnly you, in the spotlightI just gotta find out how to describeYou and I, under the spotlightUnder the spotlightThe spotlightUnder the spotlightThe spotlighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/20359034


一、为什么有禁用Mac系统的Spotlight的需求:有的网友由于使用的是相对较老的苹果电脑在运行较新的系统;也有可能你是个速度控,受不了偶尔卡卡顿顿的操作,必须将所有导致卡顿的原因全部消除;也有可能是你不常使用Spotlight功能,从绿色环保角度出发,不白白浪费系统资源,所以关闭之等等等等。。。二、禁用Mac系统的Spotlight的效果:三、禁用Mac系统的Spotlight的方法及恢复方法:禁用方法:打开终端,在终端中输入如下内容:sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist恢复方法,打开终端,在终端中输入:sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist然后重启就可以了 ====================删除 spotlight 图标,在终端输入:1、cd /System/Library/CoreServices/2、sudo mv Search.bundle/ Search2.bundle/然后在活动监视器退出 SystemUIServer 进程.恢复 spotlight 图标到菜单栏的方法,在终端输入:1、cd /System/Library/CoreServices/2、sudo mv Search2.bundle/ Search.bundle/然后在活动监视器退出 SystemUIServer 进程.




Spotlight是 Mac OS X v10.4 的一项快速、随打即找、系统支援的桌面搜寻引擎。使用 Metadata搜寻引擎,spotlight被设计为可以找到任何位于电脑中广泛的项目,包含文件、图片、音乐、应用程式、系统喜好设定控制台,也可以是文件或是PDF中指定的字。功能的话,可以类比为windows系统下的搜索工具,在里面我们能够搜索到电脑中的文件,不过spotlight更好的是通过给出使用者api,spotlight甚至能够搜索到指定文件中的指定文字。ios11已将spotlight功能整合到Siri中。请在Siri中使用spotlight相关功能。相关资料Siri是 Speech Interpretation & Recognition Interface 的首字母缩写,原义为语音识别接口。是苹果公司在其产品iPhone,iPad和Macbook上应用的一项智能语音控制功能。Siri可以支持自然语言输入,并且可以调用系统自带的天气预报、日程安排、搜索资料等应用,还能够不断学习新的声音和语调,提供对话式的应答。利用Siri用户可以通过手机读短信、介绍餐厅、询问天气、语音设置闹钟等。2017年苹果WWDC开发者大会上,Siri的更新当中,加入了实时翻译功能,支持英语、法语、德语等语言,未来将陆续进行支持,与此同时,Siri的智能化还进一步得到提升,支持上下文的预测功能,类似此前发布的谷歌助手,用户甚至可以用Siri作为Apple TV的遥控器。相关链接iOS - Siri






Are you a man who loves and cherishes and cares for me? 你是那个爱我,疼我,在乎我的男人吗?Is that you? Is that you? Is that you? 你是吗?。。。。。Are you a guard in prison maximum security? 你是守卫森严监狱里的狱卒吗?Is that you? is that you? Is that you? 你是吗?。。。。do we stay home all the time because you want me to yourself? 我们就这样一直呆在家里,因为你想要我成为你的人?Is that you? Is that you? Is that you? 那是你吗?。。。。Or am I stay locked away out of fear I"ll find someone else? 或者我这样锁住我,你就不用担心我会变心了? Is that you Is that you Is that you? 那是你吗?。。。。[Chorus] Well I don"t like (o-hoo) Living under your spotlight (o-hoo) Oh,我不喜欢活在你的聚光灯下Just because you think I might (o-hoo) Find somebody worthy 只是因为你认为我会爱上别人 O I don"t like (o-hoo) Living under spotlight Oh,我不喜欢活在你的聚光灯下Maybe if you treat me right You wont have to worry 如果你换种方式爱我 我会更爱你[Verse 2] Is this a relationship 这就是我们的关系吗Fulfilling your needs as well as mine? 你以为满足你自己的需要就是满足我的需要?Is that you? Is that you? Is that you? 那是你吗?。。。。Or is this just my sentence Am I doing time? 这不只是我一时啰嗦,我已经对你说过不只一两次Is that you? Is that you? Is that you? 那是你吗?。。。。Is this love real real love Then I"m staying no doubt 这就是真爱吗 如果是,那我会坚持下去Is that you? Is that you? Is that you? 那是你吗?。。。。But if I"m just love"s prisoner Then I"m bustin out (oh) 但如果我只是个爱的囚徒,我想我会逃离[Chorus] [Bridge] Boy you ought to be ashamed of yourself 亲爱的你应该为此感到抱歉What the hell do you think your doing 你认为你在做什么呀!Loving me, loving me so wrong 爱我?以这种错误的方式爱我?Baby all I do is try (try) 亲爱的,我在尽我所能的告诉你To show you that your mine (mine) One and only guy (only guy) 现在的你对于我,或我对于你来说都是唯一的No matter who may come along 无论将来身边是谁Open your eyes cause baby I don"t like Ooh, ooh (oo,oo) Ooh, ooh (hey cause I don"t like!) 睁开你的眼,亲爱的,我不喜欢Well I don"t like Living under your spotlight (no,no) 不喜欢活在你的聚光灯下Just because you think I might (hee) Find somebody worthy (no, I don"t like yeah) 只是因为你认为我会变心,爱上别人?(不,我不喜欢这样)And I don"t Living under your spotlight (living under your spotlight) Maybe if you treat me right (treat me right yeah!) You wont to worry 我不喜欢活在你的聚光灯下(活在你的聚光灯下) 如果你换种正确的方式爱我 我会更爱你(I don"t like)(我不喜欢这样)


这个单词的本意是 spotlight ["spɔtlait] vt. (用聚光灯)使注意力指向…;使瞩目于…


  创建到服务器的连接  Spotlight支持对服务器的本地监控和远程监控,不过在监控之前需要创建相应的连接,然后通过激活该连接就可实施对服务器的监控了。创建连接的过程比较简单,分别以创建本地连接和远程连接来说。运行Spotlight打开其主界面,在左侧的窗格中有三个功能项Live connections(活动连接)、All connections(所有连接)、Welcome to Spotlight(欢迎到Spotlight)。  点击All connections项其下面有两项:Spotlight on windows(freeware)和Spotlight on windows Clusters,第一项用来创建和设置本地监控的连接,第二项实施集群监控即在本地对多个服务器实施监控。我们以本地监控为例演示如何创建服务器连接。  右键点击“Spotlight on windows (freeware)”选择“Connection manager”打开连接管理窗口。双击New connection打开连接设置向导,在Select connection type中选择Spotlight on windows (freeware),在New connection name后输入连接名(本例为Windows Server 2008)单击“ok”进入下一步设置面板。  在该面板中需要输入各种连接信息,如果要对远程服务器进行监控,要分别输入其IP地址、Domain(域名)、User(用户名)、Password(密码),因为是本地监控,我们勾选Local Machine即可。单击“ok”这样一条连接就创建完毕,  提示:如果要对某个连接的属性进行修改,可首先选中该连接,然后点击展开其右侧的“Tools”菜单选择“Properties”进行更改。同时在菜单项下可对连接进行删除、更名等操作。




楼主这个事做不到的。 想要禁用系统功能本质上无非就是写入新代码更改原有的系统行为。 这个不使用插件基本上是无法做到的,路径下直接修改系统文件还有可能破坏系统完整性。 希望帮到你~


2015年底在美国上映的《聚焦》(Spotlight)就像是一封写给过去的情书。虽然仅仅是14年之前的事情,但片中描写的那种调查报道的工作模式、那种铁肩担道义的记者职业精神、那种纸媒的荣光,在这个喧嚣的新媒体时代仿佛已经离我们很远了。 影片记录了《波士顿环球报》揭露大量天主教神父性侵幼童的故事。调查是由报社内部一个名为“聚焦”的特别报道小组完成的。凭借这则报道,《波士顿环球报》获得了2003年的普利策新闻奖。是一个很容易煽情的题材,但导演保持了极大的克制,抛弃了一切修饰,用最朴素的方式讲故事。没有刻意营造的戏剧性,只有事件本身的起伏。没有大场面,没有刺激镜头,没有闪回、倒叙,没有任何爱情元素(仅仅是略微提及了记者的感情和生活状况),只有一段语气激动的台词。 所以你或许会觉得这片子很温吞,甚至有点无聊。《波士顿环球报》在影片上映后发表了一篇评论,里面说:《聚焦》没有把记者塑造成英雄,而只是让他们在做自己该做的事情,这些事情繁琐、单调,但却至关重要。


Are you a man who lovesAnd cherishesAnd cares for me?你是一个爱我、珍视我并且关心我的人吗?Is that true? Is that true?Is that true?那是真的吗?那是真的吗?那是真的吗?Are you a guard in a prisonMaximum security?你是一个能给予最大安全性的牢笼的守卫吗?Is that true? Is that true?Is that true?那是真的吗?那是真的吗?那是真的吗?Do we stay home all the timeCuz you want me to yourself?我们所有的时间都呆在家里,是因为你想要我在你身边吗?Is that true? Is that true?Is that true?那是真的吗?那是真的吗?那是真的吗?Or am I locked awayHad a feeling that I"d findSomeone else或者只是把我囚禁起来,因为你感觉我会找到别的人吗?Is that true? Is that true?Is that true?那是真的吗?那是真的吗?那是真的吗?Well, I don"t likeLiving under your spotlight好吧,我不喜欢生活在你的聚光灯下Just because you thinkI might find somebody worthy只是因为你认为我会找到某个值得的人Well, I don"t likeLiving under your spotlight好吧,我不喜欢生活在你的聚光灯下Baby, if you treat me rightYou won"t have to worry宝贝,如果你是真心对我的,你就不用担心Is this a relationshipFulfilling your needsAs well as mine我们的这种关系满足了你我的需求吗Is that true? Is that true?Is that true?那是真的吗?那是真的吗?那是真的吗?Or is this just my sentence或者这只是对我的宣判Am I doing time?我是在囚笼中浪费我的时间吗?Is that true? Is that true?Is that true?那是真的吗?那是真的吗?那是真的吗?If this is loveReal, real loveThen I"m staying no doubt如果这真的真的是真爱的话,那么我就没有任何怀疑了Is that true? Is that true?Is that true?那是真的吗?那是真的吗?那是真的吗?But if I"m just a prisonerThen I"m busting out但是如果我只是一个爱情的囚犯的话,那么我就要冲出这个牢笼Is that true? Is that true?Is that true?那是真的吗?那是真的吗?那是真的吗?Well, I don"t likeLiving under your spotlight好吧,我不喜欢生活在你的聚光灯下Just because you thinkI might find somebody worthy只是因为你认为我会找到某个值得的人Well, I don"t likeLiving under your spotlight好吧,我不喜欢生活在你的聚光灯下Baby, if you treat me rightYou won"t have to worry宝贝,如果你是真心对我的,你就不用担心Oh, you oughta beAshamed of yourself噢,你真应该为你自己感到羞愧What the hellDo you think you"re doing?你到底在做些什么?Loving me, loving meSo wrong爱着我,爱着我用如此错误的方式Baby, all I do is try(Try)To show youThat you"re my(My)One and only guy(Only guy)宝贝,我所做的一切,都是想告诉你,你是我唯一的那个人No matterWho may come along无论谁会阻碍在我们之间Open your eyesCuz baby, I don"t lie睁开你的双眼,宝贝,因为我没有撒谎Well, I don"t likeLiving under your spotlight好吧,我不喜欢生活在你的聚光灯下Just because you thinkI might find somebody worthy只是因为你认为我会找到某个值得的人Well, I don"t likeLiving under your spotlight好吧,我不喜欢生活在你的聚光灯下Baby, if you treat me rightYou won"t have to worry宝贝,如果你是真心对我的,你就不用担心Well, I don"t likeLiving under your spotlight好吧,我不喜欢生活在你的聚光灯下Just because you thinkI might find somebody worthy只是因为你认为我会找到某个值得的人Well, I don"t likeLiving under your spotlight好吧,我不喜欢生活在你的聚光灯下Baby, if you treat me rightYou won"t have to worry宝贝,如果你是真心对我的,你就不用担心

Spotlight 和 PAR light的区别是什么?

spotlight 一般泛指舞台上创造出醒目效果的用灯。好像在演唱会时候,会有一道灯光专门打在演唱者身上,让其突出醒目。PAR light。是指一种平光灯,在需要大量平光效果的时候使用。


mac默认打开spotlight的快捷键是command+空格该快捷键可以在 系统偏好设置->spotlight界面的下端可以设置打开或者关闭或者点击右上角的放大镜图标打开搜索框用快捷键或者按钮图标打开spotlight的搜索框在输入框填上需要在mac电脑中搜索的内容关键字



Spotlight (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Spotlight (Album Version)歌手:Mutemath专辑:ArmisticeMutemath - Spotlight (Twilight Mix)You got a whole lot left to say nowYou knocked all your wind outYou just tried too hard and you frozeI know, I knowWhat to say, what to sayJust take the fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is onOh the spotlight is on, ohYou know the one thing you"re fighting to holdWill be the one thing you"ve got to let goAnd when you feel the wall cannot be burnedYou"re gonna die to try what can"t be doneGonna stay stay out but you don"t careNow is there nothing like the inside of you anywhereOh just take the fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is onOh the spotlight is on, yeah it"s onBecause everyone would rather watch you fallAnd we all are, yeahAnd we all are, yeahJust take a fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is onOh the spotlight is onNow you"re one of usNow you"re, now you"re, now you"re, now you"re one of usNow you"re, now you"re, now you"re one of usOh the spotlight is onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9930741





如何设置mac spotlight

mac默认打开spotlight的快捷键是command+空格该快捷键可以在 系统偏好设置->spotlight界面的下端可以设置打开或者关闭或者点击右上角的放大镜图标打开搜索框用快捷键或者按钮图标打开spotlight的搜索框在输入框填上需要在mac电脑中搜索的内容关键字

求激情的,很High的英文歌,像Runaway Baby一样High.

布兰妮的I love rock n roll


spotlight有很多含义如果你说的是win10动态锁屏壁纸,开始菜单-设置-个性化-锁屏界面-选择Windows聚焦如果你说的是win10类似于mac的搜索框,这是Windows 10 内测组预览版快速频道17040版本加入的新功能,类似于Mac的桌面全局搜索框(Spotlight搜索)。启用方法如下:进入注册表编辑器,定位到HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSearchFlighting,右键Flighting文件夹,选择新建-键吗,命名为“Override”。进入Override文件夹,新建-DWORD (32位)。命名为ImmersiveSearch,赋值1。退出注册表编辑器,重启电脑可得

Ne-Yo的《Spotlight》 歌词

歌曲名:Spotlight歌手:Ne-Yo专辑:Def Jam Sessions, Vol. 1Ne-Yo - SpotlightAre you a man who lovesAnd cherishesAnd cares for me?Is that true? Is that true?Is that true?Are you a guard in a prisonMaximum security?Is that true? Is that true?Is that true?Do we stay home all the timeCuz you want me to yourself?Is that true? Is that true?Is that true?Or am I locked awayHad a feeling that I"d findSomeone elseIs that true? Is that true?Is that true?Well, I don"t likeLiving under your spotlightJust because you thinkI might find somebody worthyWell, I don"t likeLiving under your spotlightBaby, if you treat me rightYou won"t have to worryIs this a relationshipFulfilling your needsAs well as mineIs that true? Is that true?Is that true?Or is this just my sentenceAm I doing time?Is that true? Is that true?Is that true?If this is loveReal, real loveThen I"m staying no doubtIs that true? Is that true?Is that true?But if I"m just a prisonerThen I"m busting outIs that true? Is that true?Is that true?Well, I don"t likeLiving under your spotlightJust because you thinkI might find somebody worthyWell, I don"t likeLiving under your spotlightBaby, if you treat me rightYou won"t have to worryOh, you oughta beAshamed of yourselfWhat the hellDo you think you"re doing?Loving me, loving meSo wrongBaby, all I do is try(Try)To show youThat you"re my(My)One and only guy(Only guy)No matterWho may come alongOpen your eyesCuz baby, I don"t lieWell, I don"t likeLiving under your spotlightJust because you thinkI might find somebody worthyWell, I don"t likeLiving under your spotlightBaby, if you treat me rightYou won"t have to worryWell, I don"t likeLiving under your spotlightJust because you thinkI might find somebody worthyWell, I don"t likeLiving under your spotlightBaby, if you treat me rightYou won"t have to worryShaGuar 制作http://music.baidu.com/song/8082306


开启Spotlight搜索:Control 键+空格x0dx0ax0dx0aCommand+Dx0dx0a当你在Spotlight中输入单词后,这组快捷键可以快速打开字典应用中该词条相应页面。x0dx0ax0dx0aCommand+Lx0dx0a输入单词后,这组快捷键可以在不打开字典应用的情况下,给出单词的解释。x0dx0ax0dx0aCommand+Bx0dx0a立刻打开网页在搜索引擎中搜索你键入的内容。x0dx0ax0dx0aCommand+Rx0dx0a立刻打开搜索到内容所在的文件夹。x0dx0ax0dx0aCommand+Ox0dx0a与回车键的功能一样,立刻打开高亮选择的内容x0dx0ax0dx0aCommand+Ix0dx0a打开高亮项目在Finder下的详细信息x0dx0ax0dx0a偏好设置里面 键盘-快捷键 可重新设置。

Spotlight (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Spotlight (Live)歌手:Mutemath专辑:Armistice LiveMute Math - SpotlightAhh, aah, ahh, aahAhh, aah, ahh, aahAhh, aah, ahh, aahAhh, aah, ahh, aahYou got a whole lot left to say nowYou knocked all your wind outYou just tried too hard and you frozeI know, I knowWhat do you say, what do you sayJust take the fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is on(Ahh ahh)Oh the spotlight is on, ohYou know the one thing you"re fighting to holdWill be the one thing you"ve got to let goAnd when you feel the war cannot be wonYou"re gonna die to try what can"t be doneGonna stay stay out but you don"t careNow is there nothing like thatinside of you anywhereOh just take the fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is on(Ahh ahh)Oh the spotlight is on, yeah it"s onBecause everyone would ratherwatch you fall (we"re all in trouble)And we all are (we"re all in trouble)And we all are (we"re all in trouble)Just take a fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is on(Ahh ahh)Oh the spotlight is on(Just take the fall)Now you"re one of usNow you"re, now you"re,now you"re, now you"re one of usNow you"re, now you"re,now you"re one of usOh the spotlight is on(Ahh, ahh..)http://music.baidu.com/song/7409038


禁用Mac系统的Spotlight的方法:在终端中输入如下内容:sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist恢复方法,在终端中输入:sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist然后重启就可以了利用 Spotlight,用户可以在输入关键字的瞬间找到任何你想要的东西。仅在一个输入框内就可以检索你的整个系统:文件、邮件、联系方式、图像、日历以及应用程序将立即呈现。


为什么有禁用Mac系统的Spotlight的需求:有的网友由于使用的是相对较老的苹果电脑在运行较新的系统;也有可能你是个速度控,受不了偶尔卡卡顿顿的操作,必须将所有导致卡顿的原因全部消除;也有可能是你不常使用Spotlight功能,从绿色环保角度出发,不白白浪费系统资源,所以关闭之等等等等。。。禁用Mac系统的Spotlight的方法及恢复方法:禁用方法:打开终端,在终端中输入如下内容:sudo launchctl unload -w/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist恢复方法,打开终端,在终端中输入:sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist然后重启就可以了 ====================删除 spotlight 图标,在终端输入:1、cd /System/Library/CoreServices/2、sudo mv Search.bundle/ Search2.bundle/然后在活动监视器退出 SystemUIServer 进程.恢复 spotlight 图标到菜单栏的方法,在终端输入:1、cd /System/Library/CoreServices/2、sudo mv Search2.bundle/ Search.bundle/然后在活动监视器退出 SystemUIServer 进程.

in the spotlight是什么意思?

词典释义:in the spotlight聚光灯下;在聚光灯下;焦点网络释义加戏 ; 引人注目的中心人物; 以某人为公众瞩目的对象 ; 公众注意的中心 ; 光灯下更多双语例句The knife flashed in the spotlight.在聚光灯的光束下刀子闪闪发光。牛津词典He never pushes himself forward. / He never places himself in the spotlight.他从不突出自己。权威词典She was constantly in the media spotlight.她经常成为媒体焦点。




如果你按苹果+空格键出现spotlight的界面,那你就在系统偏好设置里->键盘->键盘快捷键的选项里->键盘与文本输入选项,把选择前一个输入源和选择输入法菜单中的下一个输入源前面打钩。如果spotlight的快捷键和输入法冲突,你就把spotlight的快捷方式改一下或者不启用它的快捷方式就好了。Spotlight搜索应用:1.Spotlight在整个系统内都可以使用。若要使用它,请按一下萤幕右上角 Spotlight[Spotlight的更多高级技巧] 图示,在出现的栏位中输入您想要寻找的字串,或在 Finder、系统偏好设定或支援此功能之应用程式视窗内的搜寻栏位中,输入您的搜寻字串。例如,若您想要找出 Mac 上所有 JPEG 图片,请键入 .jpg;输入朋友的电子邮件位址及一些关键字,便可从朋友寄来的信件之中,找出主题符合您指定关键字的电子邮件2.从您开始输入的那一刹那起,[tiger] 就开始显示它所找到的档案,并将搜寻结果分门别类(包括文件、影像及 PDF 文件)。您输入的字越多,搜寻结果就越精确。3.若您正使用 Finder 视窗,可以按下视窗工具列下方的按钮,告诉 Spotlight 在哪里搜寻。例如,按一下“电脑”便可搜寻 Mac 上每一处,或按一下“个人专属”只让 Spotlight 搜寻您的“个人专属”档案夹。4.若结果太多,Spotlight 就不会在选单或视窗中显示所有结果。若您想要察看所有结果,在 Spotlight[Spotlight的更多高级技巧] 选单中按下“显示全部”,要是在 Finder 视窗中,则按下“还有…”连结。5.若要打开搜寻结果中的项目,若在 Spotlight 中,只要点选该项目即可,若于 Finder 视窗中检视搜寻结果,则在该项目上按两下。




  苹果手机spotlight搜索使用方法是:在苹果手机主屏的任意一个界面按住屏幕中间往下一拉,这时屏幕上方就会出现一个搜索框。这就是spotlight。   苹果公司(AppleInc)是美国的一家高科技公司,2007年由苹果电脑公司(AppleComputerInc)更名而来,核心业务为电子科技产品,总部位于加利福尼亚州的库比蒂诺。

电影《暮光之城》(the twilight saga)英文名中的saga是什么意思?





苹果手机中的spotlight搜索1、Spotlight是Mac OS X中非常实用的搜索功能,可以通过control+空格 来快速搜索Mac中的内容。苹果也在不断优化Spotlight,从10.7 Lion系统开始,Spotlight就可以支持直接拖拽搜索内容了。2、比如你搜索到一个文件,直接将其拖拽到桌面(或者其他目标文件夹),这样会自动在桌面生成一个原文件的副本。这种操作方式在10.6或更早的系统是无法操作的。3、另外再说一下查看已经搜索到文件位置路径的方法:将鼠标光标移到需要的检索结果上,再按住Command+Option,就会在左侧显示该文件所在位置的路径了。苹果手机删除过的短信还可在Spotlight搜索到,彻底删除办法1)打开iphone设置,依次进入“通用”—“Spotlight搜索”,在“Spotlight搜索”界面,点击“信息”或其他需要取消的搜索项。请注意,用此方法可以堵住这一漏洞,设置后未删除的短信也因此不能被搜索出来了。2)切换系统语言。在设置里依次进入“通用”—“多语言环境”—“语言”,将“中文”改为“English”,再改回中文即可。3)用文件管理工具如ifile软件或者91助手电脑版删除一下目录里的所有文件。这里我们以ifile软件为例。


Spotlight是 Mac OS X v10.4 的一项快速、随打即找、系统支援的桌面搜寻特色。使用 Metadata搜寻引擎,spotlight 被设计为可以找到任何位于电脑中广泛的项目,包含文件、图片、音乐、应用程式、系统喜好设定控制台,也可以是文件或是PDF中指定的字。Spotlight 在使用者的硬碟中建立 metadata 关键字的资料库,一开始当 Mac OS X 10.4 被安装后,接著会持续在背景更新。Spotlight 提供使用者 API,允许使用者建立自己的 plug-ins,意思就是使用者可以增加他们自己程式所有拥有的特有资料格式到 Spotlight 搜寻的能力中。 spotlight是加拿大庞巴迪(Bombardier)飞机公司的一套飞机排故辅助系统软件。2004年,庞巴迪(Bombardier)飞机公司在其客户服务网站上捆绑了由加拿大casebank技术公司开发的一套飞机故障诊断支持服务系统——Spotlight,截止2005年12月31号为免费使用期。此系统帮助飞机用户进行飞机故障的排故和决定准确的维修措施。Spotlight提供一站式(one stop)服务功能,即输入故障现象,除可以查询出相应的故障原因、解决措施外,还可以链接到相关服务通告(SB)、故障隔离手册(FIM)、图解零部件清单(IPC)等技术出版物。Spotlight同时也是Bombardier公司的飞机用户工程技术人员进行网上交流的平台,任何经注册、认证、授权的人员都可以在该平台上查询、学习、修改、补充维修排故经验,为全球飞机用户同行所借鉴使用。目前的免费试用阶段深受飞机用户好评(It works!)

SPOTLIGHT-monsta x歌词

《SPOTLIGHT》是由韩国流行男团Monsta X录唱的一首流行歌曲,单曲于2018年1月10日通过环球唱片公司发行[1] 。Just Give Me A SPOTLIGHTTurn it up nowLet"s go静寂 切り裂く ジャックナイフみたいに响かす パンチライン俺以外全员场违い 感じたいならChoose me 间违いない君を夺いに 闇夜の Night flight仮面で隠した影に潜んだ Flip side见透かすその眼 独り占めしたくて受けとめる Rain of painため息に揺れる心“さみしい”と”好き”って似てるから二度とこの手 离さないで涙ごと仆が抱きしめるよ迷わず光射す方へSPOTLIGHT SPOTLIGHTその瞳 仆の方へ 见つめ返して辉けるのさ 君の爱で君への爱でPlease bring me backJust let me go眩しいほどに色浓く影を落とす爱の阴阳照らし出された君への想い心の中 Keep your eyes on me夺い去りたい Right now上がっていく Showcaseのステージ顶く歓声 视线 照明助演なんてNo way no wayレッドカーペット 独走 駆けるスカーレットI won"t stop baby Cho Cho Uは Wavyためらわずに Chop chop 手を取り月明かりも振り払い闇に纷れ踊りたいもう谁にも邪魔させない君だけにサインおくるから人の群れをくぐり抜けてバックステージから飞び出し一绪に逃げよう迷わず光射す方へSPOTLIGHT SPOTLIGHTその瞳 仆の方へ 见つめ返して辉けるのさ 君の爱で君への爱でPlease bring me backJust let me go眩しいほどに色浓く影を落とす爱の阴阳照らし出された君への想い心の中 Keep your eyes on me夺い去る Tonight夜の闇が Blind煌めき出す Time重ねてくシルエットで鼓动さえも闻こえそうなほど逃しはしない どんな一瞬でさえ刻み込んだ痛みは Tattooみたいすべて捧げて Love or die君は仆の SPOTLIGHT迷わず光射す方へSPOTLIGHT SPOTLIGHTその瞳 仆の方へ迷わず光射す方へSPOTLIGHT SPOTLIGHTその瞳 仆の方へ 见つめ返して辉けるのさ 君の爱で君への爱でPlease bring me backJust let me go眩しいほどに色浓く影を落とす爱の阴阳照らし出された君への想い心の中 Keep your eyes on me夺い去りたい Right now[1]

Iphone里Spotlight什么意思啊? 搜索到了在哪里显示

Spotlight【["spu0254tlait]vt.(用聚光灯)使注意力指向?;使瞩目于?】搜索是内置于iOS的一项搜索功能,其实是一个方便快捷的搜索功能,可以找到位于Mac、iPad、iPhone上各种广泛的内容,包含联系人、文件、图片、音乐、邮件、应用程式等等内容。当你在 iPhone 的 Spotlight 框中搜索关键字时,便会快速的在你已安装的各种应用、邮件、信息中搜索关于这两个关键字的信息,并迅速呈现出来。随着系统的升级Spotlight 搜索还可以温度换算、当计算器、金额换算、重量换算等等隐藏小功能。扩展资料在Mac OS下,屏幕右上角的放大镜就是这个功能的入口。在IOS下,你把主屏幕滑到第一页之后再向右滑动一次(第一页的前一页),就进入了这个功能(其实也就是通常描述的搜索功能)。另外一种进入方式就是在主屏幕按Home键(如果当前在第一页,则进入Spotlight,如果不在第一页则会进入第一页)。通过设置对Spotlight进行修改,设置你想在Spotlight中搜索哪些东西,不搜索哪些东西。参考资料:百度百科-Spotlight


spotlight翻译成中文是聚光灯,以下是造句。1. AIG furor puts spotlight on retention bonuses.AIG盛怒把聚光灯放在留任奖金上.2. Steve rose from obscurity to be the spotlight.从默默无闻,变成家喻户晓。3. He likes to be in the spotlight.他喜欢出风头。4. He wanted to be in the spotlight.他想成为众所瞩目的中心。5. But the spotlight was outside the Assembly hall.但是,人们的注意焦点却集中在大会会场之外。6. You"re going to be in the spotlight.你即将为众所瞩目。7. He has been a frequent target of the media spotlight.却使他频频成为媒体灯光聚集的焦点。8. The irony is that Staley is uncomfortable with the spotlight.反常的是,斯泰莉在镁光灯下很不自在。9. Throughout his political career he"s always been in the spotlight.在他的整个政治生涯中,他一直是公众注目的人物。10. As it evolved, ISDN has been put into the spotlight.在它的逐步发展中,ISDN成为了人们注意的中心。


Spotlight是 Mac OS X v10.4 的一项快速、随打即找、系统支援的桌面搜寻引擎。使用 Metadata搜寻引擎,spotlight被设计为可以找到任何位于电脑中广泛的项目,包含文件、图片、音乐、应用程式、系统喜好设定控制台,也可以是文件或是PDF中指定的字。功能的话,可以类比为windows系统下的搜索工具,在里面我们能够搜索到电脑中的文件,不过spotlight更好的是通过给出使用者api,spotlight甚至能够搜索到指定文件中的指定文字。ios11已将spotlight功能整合到Siri中。请在Siri中使用spotlight相关功能。相关资料Siri是 Speech Interpretation & Recognition Interface 的首字母缩写,原义为语音识别接口。是苹果公司在其产品iPhone,iPad和Macbook上应用的一项智能语音控制功能。Siri可以支持自然语言输入,并且可以调用系统自带的天气预报、日程安排、搜索资料等应用,还能够不断学习新的声音和语调,提供对话式的应答。利用Siri用户可以通过手机读短信、介绍餐厅、询问天气、语音设置闹钟等。2017年苹果WWDC开发者大会上,Siri的更新当中,加入了实时翻译功能,支持英语、法语、德语等语言,未来将陆续进行支持,与此同时,Siri的智能化还进一步得到提升,支持上下文的预测功能,类似此前发布的谷歌助手,用户甚至可以用Siri作为Apple TV的遥控器。相关链接iOS - Siri


A. E.曼德,全名:阿尔弗雷德·欧内斯特·曼德简历:澳大利亚,英国作家,著有著作《更清晰的思考》《每个男人(女人)的心理学》《百万的逻辑》《思考你自己:更敏锐的智慧,更清晰的推理,更好的记忆》等喜好:打高尔夫,弹琴

The First Noel (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:The First Noel (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Nat King Cole专辑:The Christmas Song (1999 Digital Remaster)The First NoelSung By st. philips boys choirAngel"s voice 3Edit By ZhengKe WuHan University ChinaThe first Noel the angel did sayWas to certain poor shepherds in fields as they layIn fields where they lay keeping their sheepOn a cold winter"s night that was so deepNoel Noel Noel NoelBorn is the King of IsraelThey looked up and saw a starShining in the east beyond them farAnd to the earth it gave great lightAnd so it continued both day and nightNoel Noel Noel NoelBorn is the King of IsraelThis star drew nigh to the northwestOver Bethlehem it took its restAnd there it did both stop and stayRight over the place where Jesus layNoel Noel Noel NoelBorn is the King of IsraelThen let us all with one accordSing praises to our Heavenly LordThat hath made Heaven and earth of noughtAnd with His blood mankind has boughtNoel Noel Noel NoelBorn in the King of Israelhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2785399

Midnight Promises 歌词

歌曲名:Midnight Promises歌手:Liar专辑:Set The World On FireI broke down crying... and passing momentsInviolate... silence... cut a way through by myselfI wish freedom for... your sincerely tearscan"t walk in the fear... believe in Midnight storyMidnight PromiseKISAKI PROJECT约束…つなぐ为に描いた…精神の理由见せずに明日を见る事すら拒绝されるよ…过ぎた时间を取り戻す事は出来ない空の向こうへまっすぐに駆け抜けていけ!!I broke down crying... and passing momentsInviolate... silence... cut a way through by myselfI wish freedom for... your sincerely tearscan"t walk in the fear... believe in Midnight story寂しさ…胸の中の涙を见せずにいた苦悩は生まれては消えゆく…腕のばしても…いつかきっと気付く时が来るのだろう揺れる想いが见つめ直させるから…きっとI could see nothing... I don"t want nothing...under the moonlight.. sing the heartstrings...there was a dazziling reflectondon"t forget... believe in Midnight story~あの顷の様に君の瞳を忘れない…~~自分らしく歩く事だけ始めるよI broke down crying... and passing momentsInviolate... silence... cut a way through by myselfI wish freedom for... your sincerely tearscan"t walk in the fear... believe in Midnight storyI could see nothing... I don"t want nothing...under the moonlight.. sing the heartstrings...there was a dazziling reflectondon"t forget... believe in Midnight storyBy:setsuki_nanahttp://music.baidu.com/song/7929242

the big elephants come from south africa大象为什么是复数?


the big什么come from south africa?

应该是 elephant


mass(质量)是不变的,weight(重量)是mass(质量)在引力场中的表现。重量等于质量乘以一个常数。mass and weight : 用于描述物质属性的两种物理量。质量的单位:克、千克。重量的单位:牛顿。

mass(质量)和weight(重量)有什么区别 ?他们的单位分别是什么?

回答如下:1:mass(质量)是不变的,weight(重量)是mass(质量)在引力场中的表现。2:质量的单位:克、千克。重量的单位:牛顿。拓展如下:mass and weight : 用于描述物质属性的两种物理量。两者之间有时会混淆。*牛顿(Newton)将物体的质量定义为物体所受外力和由此获得的加速度的比值。这现被称为惯性质量,因为这是物体反抗自身运动中变化的量度。

英语歌词慢摇里有we gonna get together ~right now~ 女声很嗨,

Airplanes --B.o.B&Eminem&Hayley WilliamsB.O.B  Chorus - Hayley Williams)  Can we pretend that airplanes  In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  (Dreamin", I"m fallin, Dreamin", I"m fallin)  幻想着 然后我跌落 幻想着 然后我跌落  (B.o.B - Verse 1)  Lets pretend like its 98, like I"m eating lunch off of Styrofoam treys  让我们假装已经98岁 就像我正在吃着泡沫塑料玩着纸牌  Trying to be the next rapper coming out the A  努力成为下一个优秀的rap说唱歌手  Hoping for a record deal, to re-know my pain  期待着再一个榜单记录来重新认识我的疼痛  Now lets pretend like I"m on the stage  现在让我们假装我就站在舞台上  And when my beat drops everybody goes insane (Ok)  当我鼓点落下每个人都为之疯狂  And everybody know my name (B.o.B)  每个人都知道我的名字  And everywhere I go people wanna hear me sing  而且我所到之处人们都想听我说唱  Oh yea and I just dropped my new album  欧耶 我刚刚发行了我的新专辑  On the first week I did 500 thousand  在第一周就破了50万  Gold in the spring and diamond in the fall  春天获得金奖 秋天就被封钻石终身成就奖  And then a world tour just to top it all off  然后一个环球巡回现出把一切推向顶峰  And lets pretend like they call me the greatest  让我们假装他们在叫我最伟大的人  Selling out arenas with big ass stages  演唱门票出售一空 场场爆满  And everybody loved me and no one ever hated  每个人都喜欢我 没有人讨厌我  Lets try to use imagination  然我们用一用想象力  Chorus - Hayley Williams)  Can we pretend that airplanes  In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  (B.o.B - Verse 1)  Ok, let"s pretend like this never happened  让我们假装就像这一切都没有发生过  Like I never had dreams of being a rapper  就像我从来没有想着成为各rap说唱歌手  Like I didn"t write raps in all of my classes  就像我从没在人生的各个阶段写过rap段子  Like I never used to runaway into the blackness  就像我从来没有逃避堕入黑暗中  Now lets pretend like it was all-good  现在 让我们假装好像一切都好  Like I didn"t live starring in a notebook  就像我从来没有盯着笔记本发呆  Like I did the things I probably knew I should  就像我过去做我应该完成的事  But I didn"t have neighbours that"s why they call it hood  但是我没有邻居这就是为什么他们叫我作穿兜帽的小子  Now lets pretend like I aint got a name  现在 让我们假装就像我没有我的名字  Before they ever called me B.o.B or a.k.a Bobby Ray  在他们叫我 B.o.B(现在的名字) 或是 a.k.a Bobby Ray(原名)  I"m talking back before the mixtapes  我总是顶嘴 在这张混音专辑前(状语后置,后面很长的都是状语)  Before the videos and the deals and the fame  在录影采访和出名前  Before they ever once compared me to Andre  在他们参加拿我和Andre比较前  Before I ever got Myspace  在我还没拥有我的一席之地前  Before they ever noticed my face  在他们还没注意过我的脸前  So let"s just pretend and make wishes out of airplanes  所以 让我们就这样假装并且向飞机许愿  Chorus - Hayley Williams)  Can we pretend that airplanes  In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  (And it seems like yesterday it was just a dream, just memories)  昨日重现 但它只是一个梦 只是一段记忆  (Eminem - Verse 3)  Let"s Pretend Marshall Mathers never picked up a pen  让我们假装Marshall Mathers(eminem的原名)从没捡起过一只笔  Let"s pretend things would"ve been no different  让我们假装一切都没有变化  Pretend people procrastinated had no motivation  假装人们停滞不前毫无动力  Pretend he just made excuses that was so paper thin they could blow away wit the wind  假装他编造的借口是那样单薄如同一张纸 风可以轻易吹走智慧  Marshall you never gone make it  Marshall你从没这样做  Makes no sense to play the game it ain"t no way that"ll you win  无意义的玩着游戏 但你要赢也不是没有办法  Pretend he just stand out side all day and play with his friends  假装始终站在局外整天和他的朋友玩耍  Pretend he even had a friend to say was his friend  假装他从没有一个朋友说他(eminem)是朋友  And it wasn"t time to move in school no changing again  而且现在不是上学的时候一切又都没有变化  He wasn"t socially awkard and just strange as a kid  他不是难以应付社会知识向一个孩童般奇怪  He had a father and his mother wasn"t crazy as sh-t  他有个爸爸 还有他妈妈不会鬼扯一样的疯狂  And he never dreamed he can ripped stadiums he just lazy as shit  他从未梦想过他能撕开体育场因为他像xx一样懒  F-ck a talent show in the gymnasium bitch  在体育馆里该死的才能演出  You won"t amount to sh-t quit day dreaming kid  想逃避一切变回个小孩的日子数不胜数  You need to get ya cranium check you thinking like an alien  你需要去检查一下头颅来看看你是不是向一个外星人一样思考  It just ain"t realistic  这一切只是不切实际  Now pretend they ain"t just make him angry with this sh-t  现在他们没有让他因这该死的事而恼怒  And there was no one he could even aim when he"s pissed with  现在没有人可以成为他的目标让他撒尿的时候瞄准  And his alarm went off to wake him but he did"nt make it to the rap Olympics  当恐慌来唤醒他时他却没能成功得到说唱的奥林匹克金牌  Left to his plane and he missed it  离开并奔向他的飞机空却错过了  He"s gonna have a hard time explaining to Haley and Laney these food stamps and WIC shit  他将经历一段艰难时期 向Haley和Laney解释这些食物邮票和该死的冲突世界(一种游戏)  Cause he never risked sh-t he hoped and he wished it  因为他从未冒过险 他希望 他期盼  But it didn"t fall in his lap so he ain"t even hear it he pretends that  但是那些没有掉落在他的膝盖上所以他从未听到他在假装那些  (Chorus - Hayley Williams)  Can we pretend that airplanes  In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望)

迈克尔杰克逊有首歌歌词有be all right

是 remember the time

平井坚的《signal》 歌词

歌曲名:signal歌手:平井坚专辑:THE JAPAN GOLD DISC AWARD 2005平井坚 - signal作词:平井坚作曲:平井坚编曲:FILURぎこちない指先で君は烟草を口にしてくすぶった気持ちを无理に吸い込んでは溜め息まじりに吐き出す言叶にすれば全てが2度と戻らない気がして黙り込んだ仆に君は呪文の様にごめんねと缲り返すだけOne More Time 抱きしめてOne More Chance そばにいてOne More Smile 微笑みで仆を満たしてOne More Time 火を点けてOne More Chance もう一度One More Kiss くちびるを重ねて求めれば求めるほど爱は远のいてくもの绮丽な横颜が思い出ひきがねに涙で歪むその前にOne More Time 仆を见てOne More Chance ここにいてOne More Smile あの顷の2人を返してOne More Time 火を点けてOne More Chance もう一度One More Kiss くちびるを濡らしてサヨナラの匂いだけを残して立ち去った背中が见えなくなる前に早く今追いかけて この手を伸ばしてOne More Time 抱きしめてOne More Chance そばにいてOne More Smile 微笑みで仆を満たしてOne More Time 火を点けてOne More Chance もう一度One More Kiss くちびるを重ねてhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59931241

在街上听到一首歌,英文的,只记得第一句有:....one night,......say good bay谁能告诉我这是什么歌啊?

Just one last dance?

The point that the reason we have stubbornly high

虽然这不是完整的句子,仍可看出point和 that一直到你没写出的一个词是同位语,that引导的是同位语从句。the reason we have...其实应该是the reason (why) we have...,同位语语从句,属于同位语从句套一个定语从句。你最好给全句,同位语从句引导词一般不省略。



· big歌词

Notorious B.I.G. - One More Chance[Sound of phone hanging up][Biggie"s daughter:]All you hoes, callin" here for my daddy get off his dick.Like that Mommy?[Answering machine beep in between each message and the beat to]["One More Chance" in the background.][Message 1:]Hi daddy, how you doin", this is Tyiest, I was thinkin" about you lastnight, mmm, you actin" like you can"t call me no more cause you busy andall that, but you tryina tell me it wasn"t good?[Message 2:]That shit is real fucked up what you did, I hooked you up wit my girland shit you fucked her 8 times you see her you don"t say SHIT to heryou know what I"m sayin? And all that bitch do is call me all daytalkin" bout you: "Why the fuck do he don"t want me?"[Message 3:]Yo Big this is Quita, Kenya told me she saw you and Shana in the malland I know you aint fuckin" her. You fucked with me last night that"s mybest friend and we don"t get down like that.[Message 4:]Yeah muthafucka this is Stephanie, I was waitin" outside for your assfor like a fuckin" hour, I don"t know what"s goin on, muthafuckas tryinaraw me, you be dissapearin" and shit I"m waitin" in the cold, what thefuck is goin" on, when you get in give me a fuckin" call, alright?When it comes to sex, I"m similar to the thriller in ManilaHoneys call me Bigga the condom fillerWhether it"s stiff tongue or stiff dickBiggie squeeze it to make shit fit, now check this shitI got the pack of Rough Riders in the back of the PathfinderYou know the ep along by James Todd SmithI get swift with the lyrical giftHit you with the dick, make your kidneys shiftHere we go, here we go, but I"m not DominoI got the funk flow to make your drawers drop slowSo recognize the dick size in these Karl Kani jeansI"m in thirteens, know what I meanI fuck around and hit you with the Hennessey dickMess around and go blind, don"t get to see shitThe next batter, here to shatter your bladder, it doesn"t matterSkinny or fat or white-skinned or black, baby I dropThese boricua mommies screamin "Aiy papi!"I love it when they call me Big PoppaI only smoke blunts if they roll propaLook, I gotcha caught up in the drunk flowFuck tae kwon do, I tote da fo"-fo"For niggaz gettin mad cause they bitch chose meA big black motherfucker with g ya seeAll I do is separate the game from the truthBig bang boots from the Bronx to BoliviaGettin Physical like Olivia NewtTricks suck my clique dick all day with no triviaSo gimme a hoe, a bankroll and a bag of weedI"m guaranteed to fuck her till her nose bleedEven if your new man"s a certified mackYou"ll get that H-town in ya, you"ll want that old thing backOh Biggie gimme one more chanceI got that good dick girl, ya didn"t know[Repeat]Is my mind playin tricks, like Scarface and BushwickWillie D, havin nightmares of girls killin meShe mad because what we had didn"t lastI"m glad because her cousin let me hit the assFuck the past let"s dwell on the 500 SL, the E and J and ginger aleThe way my pockets swell to the rim with BenjaminsAnother hon"s in the crib, please send her inI fuck nonstop, lick my lips alot, used to lick the clits alotBut lickin clits had to stopCause y"all don"t know how to act when the tongue go down belowPeep the funk flow, really thoughI got the cleanest meanest penis, ya never seen this stroke of geniusSo take off your Tim boots and your bodysuitI mean the spandex and hit my man nextSex gettin rougher when it come to the nut busterPussy crusher, black nasty motherfuckerI don"t chase em, I replace emand if I"m caressin em, I"m undressin emFuck whatcha heard who"s the best in New YorkFor fillin fantasies without that nigga Mr. Rourke?Or Tattoo I got you wrapped around my dickAnd when I"m done I got to split shitBack shots is my position, I gotcha wishin for an intermissionFuck the kissin, lickin down to your belly button, I ain"t frontinThey don"t call me B.I.G. for nuttin, all of a suddenOh Biggie gimme one more chanceI got that good dick girl you didn"t know[Repeat]Other


歌名:Domino歌手:Jessie JI"m feeling sexy and freeLike glitter"s raining on meYou like a shot of pure goldI think I"m "bout to explodeI can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the airNow I"m breathing like I"m running cause you"re taking me thereDon"t you know...you spin me out of controlOoh ooh oohWe can do this all nightTurn this club, skin tightBaby come on oh ....Pull me like a bass drumSparkin" up a rhythmBaby, come on! oh ....Rock my world into the sunlightMake this dream the best I"ve ever knownDirty dancing in the moonlightTake me down like I"m a dominoEvery second is a highlightWhen we touch don"t ever let me goDirty dancing in the moonlightTake me down like I"m a dominoYou got me loosing my mindMy heart beats out of timeI"m seeing Hollywood starsYou stroke me like a guitarI can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the airNow I"m breathing like I"m running cause you"re taking me thereDon"t you know...you spin me out of controlOoh ooh oohWe can do this all nightTurn this club, skin tightBaby come on oh ....Pull me like a bass drumSparkin" up a rhythmBaby, come on! oh ....Rock my world into the sunlightMake this dream the best I"ve ever knownDirty dancing in the moonlightTake me down like I"m a dominoEvery second is a highlightWhen we touch don"t ever let me goDirty dancing in the moonlightTake me down like I"m a dominoOoh baby baby got me feeling so rightOoh baby baby dancing in the moonlightOoh baby baby got me feeling so rightOoh baby baby dancing in the moonlightOoh baby baby got me feeling so rightOoh baby baby dancing in the moonlightOoh baby baby got me feeling so rightOoh baby babyOoh ooh oohRock my world into the sunlightMake this dream the best I"ve ever knownDirty dancing in the moonlightTake me down like I"m a dominoEvery second is a highlightWhen we touch don"t ever let me goDirty dancing in the moonlightTake me down like I"m a domino

dancing in the moon night歌词

歌词”Dirty dancing in the moonlight“,这首歌叫《Domino》,由Jessie J演唱。《Domino》是英国创作女歌手Jessie J演唱的一首歌曲,收录于她的首张专辑《Who You Are》,这首歌曲于2011年8月29日发布,当做专辑的第五支单曲。  歌名:《Domino》  歌手:Jessie J  所属专辑:《Who You Are》  发行时间:2011-11-14  流派:流行  歌词:  I"m feeling sexy and free  Like glitter"s raining on me  You like a shot of pure gold  I think I"m "bout to explode  I can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the air  Now I"m breathing like I"m running cause you"re taking me there  Don"t you know...you spin me out of control  Ooh ooh ooh  We can do this all night  Turn this club, skin tight  Baby come on oh ....  Pull me like a bass drum  Sparkin" up a rhythm  Baby, come on! oh ....  Rock my world into the sunlight  Make this dream the best I"ve ever known  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I"m a domino  Every second is a highlight  When we touch don"t ever let me go  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I"m a domino  You got me loosing my mind  My heart beats out of time  I"m seeing Hollywood stars  You stroke me like a guitar  I can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the air  Now I"m breathing like I"m running cause you"re taking me there  Don"t you know...you spin me out of control  Ooh ooh ooh  We can do this all night  Turn this club, skin tight  Baby come on oh ....  Pull me like a bass drum  Sparkin" up a rhythm  Baby, come on! oh ....  Rock my world into the sunlight  Make this dream the best I"ve ever known  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I"m a domino  Every second is a highlight  When we touch don"t ever let me go  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I"m a domino  Ooh baby baby got me feeling so right  Ooh baby baby dancing in the moonlight  Ooh baby baby got me feeling so right  Ooh baby baby dancing in the moonlight  Ooh baby baby got me feeling so right  Ooh baby baby dancing in the moonlight  Ooh baby baby got me feeling so right  Ooh baby baby  Ooh ooh ooh  Rock my world into the sunlight  Make this dream the best I"ve ever known  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I"m a domino  Every second is a highlight  When we touch don"t ever let me go  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I"m a domino

求 辣身舞2:情迷哈瓦那 Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights 百度云免费在线观看资源

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Jm1Xud_Gf_gSYuXgOwlr8Q 提取码: nr72 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦 盖伊·弗兰德导演的美国电影,2004年出品,主要演员有迭戈·鲁纳、蕾梦娜·葛瑞等。根据在古巴的美国少女乔安·詹森的真实生活改编。影片将我们带进辉煌的景象、激荡的音乐和热烈的感情中。描述了古巴革命前夕,一段颓废的生活,一段被发现的爱情。如果资源不正确,或者版本不正确,欢迎追问

歌词dirty dancing in the moonlight歌名叫什么

歌词”Dirtydancinginthemoonlight“,这首歌叫《Domino》,由JessieJ演唱。《Domino》是英国创作女歌手JessieJ演唱的一首歌曲,收录于她的首张专辑《WhoYouAre》,这首歌曲于2011年8月29日发布,当做专辑的第五支单曲。  歌名:《Domino》  歌手:JessieJ  所属专辑:《WhoYouAre》  发行时间:2011-11-14  流派:流行  歌词:  I"mfeelingsexyandfree  Likeglitter"srainingonme  Youlikeashotofpuregold  IthinkI"m"bouttoexplode  Icantastethetensionlikeacloudofsmokeintheair  NowI"mbreathinglikeI"mrunningcauseyou"retakingmethere  Don"tyouknow...youspinmeoutofcontrol  Oohoohooh  Wecandothisallnight  Turnthisclub,skintight  Babycomeonoh....  Pullmelikeabassdrum  Sparkin"uparhythm  Baby,comeon!oh....  Rockmyworldintothesunlight  MakethisdreamthebestI"veeverknown  Dirtydancinginthemoonlight  TakemedownlikeI"madomino  Everysecondisahighlight  Whenwetouchdon"teverletmego  Dirtydancinginthemoonlight  TakemedownlikeI"madomino  Yougotmeloosingmymind  Myheartbeatsoutoftime  I"mseeingHollywoodstars  Youstrokemelikeaguitar  Icantastethetensionlikeacloudofsmokeintheair  NowI"mbreathinglikeI"mrunningcauseyou"retakingmethere  Don"tyouknow...youspinmeoutofcontrol  Oohoohooh  Wecandothisallnight  Turnthisclub,skintight  Babycomeonoh....  Pullmelikeabassdrum  Sparkin"uparhythm  Baby,comeon!oh....  Rockmyworldintothesunlight  MakethisdreamthebestI"veeverknown  Dirtydancinginthemoonlight  TakemedownlikeI"madomino  Everysecondisahighlight  Whenwetouchdon"teverletmego  Dirtydancinginthemoonlight  TakemedownlikeI"madomino  Oohbabybabygotmefeelingsoright  Oohbabybabydancinginthemoonlight  Oohbabybabygotmefeelingsoright  Oohbabybabydancinginthemoonlight  Oohbabybabygotmefeelingsoright  Oohbabybabydancinginthemoonlight  Oohbabybabygotmefeelingsoright  Oohbabybaby  Oohoohooh  Rockmyworldintothesunlight  MakethisdreamthebestI"veeverknown  Dirtydancinginthemoonlight  TakemedownlikeI"madomino  Everysecondisahighlight  Whenwetouchdon"teverletmego  Dirtydancinginthemoonlight  TakemedownlikeI"madomino

歌词dirty dancing in the moonlight歌名叫什么

  歌词”Dirty dancing in the moonlight“,这首歌叫《Domino》,由Jessie J演唱。《Domino》是英国创作女歌手Jessie J演唱的一首歌曲,收录于她的首张专辑《Who You Are》,这首歌曲于2011年8月29日发布,当做专辑的第五支单曲。  歌名:《Domino》  歌手:Jessie J  所属专辑:《Who You Are》  发行时间:2011-11-14  流派:流行  歌词:  I"m feeling sexy and free  Like glitter"s raining on me  You like a shot of pure gold  I think I"m "bout to explode  I can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the air  Now I"m breathing like I"m running cause you"re taking me there  Don"t you know...you spin me out of control  Ooh ooh ooh  We can do this all night  Turn this club, skin tight  Baby come on oh ....  Pull me like a bass drum  Sparkin" up a rhythm  Baby, come on! oh ....  Rock my world into the sunlight  Make this dream the best I"ve ever known  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I"m a domino  Every second is a highlight  When we touch don"t ever let me go  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I"m a domino  You got me loosing my mind  My heart beats out of time  I"m seeing Hollywood stars  You stroke me like a guitar  I can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the air  Now I"m breathing like I"m running cause you"re taking me there  Don"t you know...you spin me out of control  Ooh ooh ooh  We can do this all night  Turn this club, skin tight  Baby come on oh ....  Pull me like a bass drum  Sparkin" up a rhythm  Baby, come on! oh ....  Rock my world into the sunlight  Make this dream the best I"ve ever known  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I"m a domino  Every second is a highlight  When we touch don"t ever let me go  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I"m a domino  Ooh baby baby got me feeling so right  Ooh baby baby dancing in the moonlight  Ooh baby baby got me feeling so right  Ooh baby baby dancing in the moonlight  Ooh baby baby got me feeling so right  Ooh baby baby dancing in the moonlight  Ooh baby baby got me feeling so right  Ooh baby baby  Ooh ooh ooh  Rock my world into the sunlight  Make this dream the best I"ve ever known  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I"m a domino  Every second is a highlight  When we touch don"t ever let me go  Dirty dancing in the moonlight  Take me down like I"m a domino




BigBang-Tonight中文音译+中文歌词 tonight歌词:中文音译Tonightsuch a beautiful nightsing with me now 2011 follow mebig bang big bangwe"re back again one more time sayno way no wayno木洗该东那不太big bang big bangDon"t stop let"s playok ok go go go那米奇够噶忒亚麻期亲够噶太外啊nia亲临够噶切波搜大不奈新洗ei汉尼奥家能闹蛮重魔塔能bad boyBut I"m nice啊闹毛该够嫩毛拜gin够let me blow ya mind哦捷普巧叫嫩级卡们迷药赛金努力为艳马级亲 吧金kim吧金跑来噶期五刚噶开进切嫩king扫豆李丹汉kiao嫩kiukv掉桑那也囊毛没济刚那Don"t wanna try no more闹吕恰加扫Oh-e-oh那不巧级您巧买为啦来楼kv来恰家扫Oh-e-oh吕期好定期冒吕gi亲慢Tonight tonight tonight tonight囊撒浪nun莫啦到冒闹gia尼奥胡里玩桑强那里表里末扫我 (So what sowhat)nun巧慢南森gia李kv李我 (no more nomore)kv叫哇噗买扫屯够皮哈顾洗喷够But You know that I love yougirl girl girl洗研级研苦囊三giao say no恰嘎五您速楼嫩敖老不该哈嫩那那那Take ma soul take ma heart back赛老们扫啦因 get that撒浪eng奈该哦五里级呀那don"t think too much it"s simple闹吕恰加扫Oh-e-oh那不巧级您巧买为啦来楼kv来恰家扫Oh-e-oh吕期好定期冒吕gi亲慢Tonight tonight tonight tonight囊撒浪nun莫啦到冒闹gia尼奥胡里玩啊尼奥你浪嘛来sei pun没你敖ten苦临恰嫩卡聊期够奈吗临扫 一脚包临闹吕哈嫩那也ki聊闹吕恰加扫Oh-e-oh那不巧级您巧买为啦来楼(扫他喂他来楼)kv来恰家扫Oh-e-oh (苦带 oh baby)吕期好定期冒吕gi亲慢(哦品军谋老)Tonight tonight tonight tonight囊撒浪nun莫啦(撒浪nun莫啦)到冒闹gia尼奥胡里玩闹吕恰加扫Oh-e-oh(tonight)那不巧级您巧买为啦来楼(such a beautifulnight)kv来恰家扫Oh-e-oh吕期好定期冒吕gi亲慢Good night中文歌词Tnightsuch a beautifulnightsing with menow2011 follow meG-dragon: Big Bang BigBangWe"re back again one more timesayno way noway那么容易地又再陌生T.O.P:Big Bang Big BangDon"t stop let"s playokokgo go goG-dragon: 我看我快要疯了看来我只是累了不 我是觉得厌倦了已经很沉闷无趣了我是一个不能满足的 Bad boyBut I"m nice不能忍耐下去Let me blow ya mindT.O.P: 不知从何时开始开始失去爱情火花的我们现在的我们就像瓶没气的可乐第一次寂然的感觉回避着彼此的目光不希望为这种爱而放弃Don"t wanna Try no more太阳:寻找着你 OH-Eh-OH在月光的映照下寻觅着你 OH E OH OH OH虽然不知道尽头在哪 HeyBigBang:TonightTonightTonightTonight胜利:我仍然不懂爱情今晚又是一个孤单的夜我害怕离开所带来的伤痛(so what sowhat)我想念那第一次见面的一刻(no more nomore)对伤痛感到不熟悉的我只想去逃避你But you know that I love youGirlgirl girl大成:拖泥带水的性格 say no那冰凉的双唇把你冻结 我-我-我G-dragon:Take ma soul Take maheart back从未试过的新激情 Get that爱情并不适合我Don"t think toomuchit"s Simple太阳:寻找着你 OH-Eh-OH在月光的映照下寻觅着你 OH E OH OH OH虽然不知道尽头在哪 HeyBigBang:TonightTonightTonightTonight胜利:我仍然不懂爱情今晚又是一个孤单的夜太阳:【再见】背后那悲伤的意思逐渐被阴影覆盖在我心中被忘记的那段有着你的记忆寻找着你0H-EH-OH在那片月光的映照下大成:(那片月光下)太阳:寻觅着你 0H E0H OH OH大成:(你啊 oh baby)太阳:虽然不知道尽头在哪不知道在哪BigBang:TonightTonightTonightTonight太阳:我仍然不懂爱情(不懂爱情的我)今晚又是一个孤单的夜寻找着你 0H-EH-OH在那片月光的映照下寻觅着你 0H E0H虽然不知道在哪TOP:Goodnight

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求野岛健児seventh heaven里love delight的歌词(不要罗马字)

钟の音が告げた终焉(おわり)想いだけ募ってく儚げに乱れ咲く一轮の蔷薇を手折れば可怜にね交じり合い融解(と)けてゆくよこの掌(て)で『まだ、逝かないでくれ』谁も知らない爱の光をもっと深渊(おく)まで放(はな)って睑闭じれば纯白(しろ)く耀く(かがや)くセカイがきっと访れるよ永远に月灯り见上げてる 哀しい瞳(め)をぬぐいたい微睡(まどろ)んで口ずさんだ あの歌だけもう一度「愿えば、愿うほど……」何も知らない罪な笑颜呆れるぐらい愉悦(ゆが)めて深く挿入(はい)れば 交差していくふたりの想い 今ひとつになるはず————「そうだ、もっと悦べ」「耻ずかしがる事はない」「感応(かん)じる、ままに声を出せばいい」「梦を见ているか?」「颜をもっとよく见せろ」「もっと、きつく捌くぞ」「やがて悦びに変わる」「目を见ろ」「まだ、逝くな」「涙を拭ぐな、濡らしたままでいい」「可爱い颜だ」「さあ、苦しかっただろう」「よし……」「もう、逝っていいぞ」もっと激しく溢れ出ている爱の泉で溺爱(おぼ)れて悲し记忆はすべて忘却(わす)てこの爱だけ刻んで逝け谁も知らない爱の光をもっと深渊(おく)まで放って睑闭じれば纯白(しろ)く耀く(かがや)くセカイがきっと访れるよ永远に

求一首英文歌,甜美的女声,歌词里有一句大概是sunrise/sunlight is on the

the rose吗


著名的牛仔裤品牌Levi"s Lee Chevignon EDWIN Evisu Frankie B. SOMETHING Wrangler CK POLO JEANS GUESS REPLAY Texwood DKNY(Donna Karan New York) DIESEL BRAPPERS & BIG JOHN G-STAR RMC MARTIN KSOHOH Cechy & Sacrament IBS

bigbang 的if you 的前奏是哪首英文歌?

是2004年《野蛮师姐》插曲Romance De Amour,其中if you前奏与其后半部分相似度极高。
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