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单机游戏全都是免费的:《火炬之光》(Torchlight)V1.12简体中文绿色硬盘版/更新 集成3DMV1.1汉化补丁[安装包]:http://www.verycd.com/topics/2782042/ 注意这个有2个资源,你只需要右键使用迅雷下载第2个资源即“《火炬之光》中文版(集成3DMV1.1汉化补丁).exe ”就可以了。

火炬之光 torchlight 进入地图时遇到问题自动关闭


high expectation可数吗


一首英文歌中带“ten nine eight seven six five four there two one”

Nappy Head?还是Showdown?http://www.lyrics.com/showdown-lyrics-black-eyed-peas.htmlhttp://lyrics.filestube.com/song/c7922e5660b31e6e03e9,Nappy-Heads-Mad-Spider-Mix.html

ten nine eight seven six five four three two 然后再one two three four 什么什么英文,是一女声唱的


wiggle youe toes是什么意思?

wiggle your toes (通常穿了鞋子后)扭动、摆动 你的脚趾

hello venus 歌 (wiggle wiggle) 穿黄色衣服的是谁


AE cs6 wiggle表达式运用出错,求大神解救一下!


I Can Wiggle

I Can Wiggle 是一首认识身体的游戏歌,选自 Twin Sister Productions 于 2006 年发行的儿歌 CD:50 Giggly Wiggly Silly Songs。 这首儿歌可以在 可可英语 > 少儿英语 > MP3儿歌 > 磨出我的英语耳朵 中的 第 38 期 中在线听。 I can wiggle my fingers 我能扭动手指 I can wiggle my toes 我能扭动脚趾 I can wiggle my elbows 我能扭动手肘 And even my nose 甚至我的鼻子 I can wiggle my ankles 我能扭动脚踝 I can wiggle my knees 我能扭动膝盖 I can wiggle,wiggle,wiggle every part of me 我能扭动,扭动,扭动我身体的每一部分

(3)作为文字层选择器Wiggly Selector(抖动选择器)和Range Selector(范围选择器)有什么不同 ?




Ten Little Indians ( Ten Little Niggers) 翻译




wiggle Jason Derulo,Snoop Dogg 无损音乐资源,求免费分享

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1IhHe9KLvvvHEVw1r51VtUA 密码:mrw2歌曲名:Wiggle演唱者:Jason Derulo&Snoop Dog


如果要按货物清关就比较 麻烦了,因为如果要按货物清关,你要找一定有进出口权的公司,然后,食品,要提单备案的,才能报检的,如果没有备案,是不能报关的;建议去沟通下,如果沟通不了,只能退运;详情请参考 :海关总署公告2010年第43号(关于调整进出境个人邮递物品管理措施有关事宜) 为进一步规范对进出境个人邮递物品的监管,照顾收件人、寄件人合理需要,现就有关事项公告如下: 一、个人邮寄进境物品,海关依法征收进口税,但应征进口税税额在人民币50元(含50元)以下的,海关予以免征。 二、个人寄自或寄往港、澳、台地区的物品,每次限值为800元人民币;寄自或寄往其它国家和地区的物品,每次限值为1000元人民币。 三、个人邮寄进出境物品超出规定限值的,应办理退运手续或者按照货物规定办理通关手续。但邮包内仅有一件物品且不可分割的,虽超出规定限值,经海关审核确属个人自用的,可以按照个人物品规定办理通关手续。 四、邮运进出口的商业性邮件,应按照货物规定办理通关手续。 五、本公告内容自2010年9月1日起实行。原《海关总署关于调整进出境邮件中个人物品的限值和免税额的通知》(署监〔1994〕774号)同时废止。 特此公告。        二○一○年七月二日


用晃动器 就可以

After Efects警告类Efect中名为"Wiggle Speed (wigs/sec)"的

wiggle(effect("摆动 - 旋转")("摆动速度(摆动次数/秒)"), effect("摆动 - 位置")("摆动量(度)"))wiggle(effect("摆动 - 位置")("摆动速度(摆动次数/秒)"), effect("摆动 - 位置")("摆动量(像素)"))




wiggling和wagging区别如下:wiggling 英[_w_ɡl__]美[_w_ɡl__]v. (使)扭动,摆动,摇动,起伏;[词典] wiggle的现在分词。wagging 英[_w_ɡ__]美[_w_ɡ__]v. (狗)摇,摆动(尾巴); (狗尾巴)摇,摆动; 摇(头或手指,常表示不赞成); 逃学;[词典] wag的现在分词。

AE wiggle表达式




AE wiggle 逐渐增大怎么做

应调整表达式中的2个参数!!如:wiggle(x,y) x=0...n Y=0...N N的范围<Ae所允许的范围>例如: wiggle(2,10) ; wiggle(2,30); wiggle(2,50) wiggle(5,10) ;wiggle(5,30); wiggle(5,50)---者组数据您试一试,看看效果!!1再考虑您想使用的参数!!自已订!!自已做主!!!建议在条件语句下处理: IF time>= XXX [] else []可给出以一个您的理想范围................

AE输入文字后,运用表达式出现 wiggle需要介于2和5自变量之间,无效表达式 这是什么原因?

我们经常在AE里制作文字特效,运用好表达式能获得很震憾的效果,wiggle表达式使用率超高!下面是wiggle祥细解说,大家一定能很快理解的。函数:- wiggle(freq, amp, octaves = 1, amp_mult = .5, t = time)参数:- freq 频率- amp 振幅- octaves 振幅幅度- amp_mult 频率倍频- t 持续时间说明:频率和振幅是必须具备的参数其他选填写例如wiggle(50,100)实例:- 打开AECS4- 新建工程- 新建合成- 使用文字工具 Ctrl+T 在合成内输入文字- 给文字层应用动画预设(菜单 - 动画 - 应用动画预设)(..AdobeAdobe After Effects CS4Support FilesPresetsTransformSeparate XYZ Position.ffx)- 查看控制效果 F3 (XYZ位置分离()- 按住ALT键点击该效果Y轴关键贞记录按钮(时钟图标)- 在表达式处输入:wiggle(50,100)- 播放,预览效果(这时已经可以看见通过wiggle函数,文字在不停的颤动)- 给文字层添加效果(表达式控制 - 滑动控制)- 将(XYZ位置分离)中Y轴上表达式改为str=effect(”滑动控制”)(”滑动”)wiggle(50,str)- 此时可以通过”滑动控制”中的滑杆控制文字Y轴振动幅度。- 在”滑动控制”效果中加入关键贞,这样就可以控制wiggle振动幅度了。看了这个帖子的回复,有很多说是看不懂,这里做一个更详细一些的说明,看得懂的就没必要看下去了,看不懂的继续看完,千万不要觉得自己看得懂就在后边说风凉话,变相的讥讽初学者,那并不代表你比别人聪明。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------正文如下:为了应对不同层次的同学看着更清晰明了,我会像翻译员一样,把上边的每一句进行翻译和解释,___内的内容为原文,[]内的就是我的解释了,希望大家都能看懂。函数:wiggle(freq, amp, octaves = 1, amp_mult = .5, t = time)[这只是一个公式,()内的freq, amp, octaves只是公式的xy,就像中学的代数一样,每一个代数不代表具体数值]freq 频率[我们把公式里的这个单词用数字代替后,那我们输入的这个数字就是抖动的频率,什么是频率呢?简单地说,频率就是一秒钟内往返多少次,高频抖动就是每秒抖动的次数非常高]amp 振幅[同上,我们在使用这个表达式时也是用数字代替这个单词,也可以用一个函数代替,下边会说到,耐心看]octaves 振幅幅度[就不废话了,再啰嗦这些估计看得人会疯的]amp_mult 频率倍频[就不废话了,再啰嗦这些估计看得人会疯的]t 持续时间[就不废话了,再啰嗦这些估计看得人会疯的]说明:频率和振幅是必须具备的参数其他选填写wiggle(freq, amp, octaves = 1, amp_mult = .5, t = time)例如wiggle(50,100)实例:打开AECS4[不做解释]新建工程[同上]新建合成[同上]使用文字工具 Ctrl+T 在合成内输入文字[创建文字层的方法很多,这里不做重点解释了]给文字层应用动画预设(菜单 – 动画 – 应用动画预设)(..AdobeAdobe After Effects CS4Support FilesPresetsTransformSeparate XYZ Position.ffx)[这里说明一下,有些同学可能不知道怎么回事,动画预设就像特效一样,这里的动画预设可以不用这么复杂的找他,我们只要在AE的右侧Effects&Presets(效果和预设)面板内的搜索栏里打上Separate XYZ Position,你要找的这个预设就这么找到了,把他拖放到你的文字层上就算是应用动画预设了]查看控制效果 F3 (XYZ位置分离()[F3是特效控制面板的快捷键]按住ALT键点击该效果Y轴关键贞记录按钮(时钟图标)在表达式处输入:wiggle(50,100)播放,预览效果(这时已经可以看见通过wiggle函数,文字在不停的颤动)给文字层添加效果(表达式控制 – 滑动控制)[这里需要解释一下,添加特效(表达式控制-滑动控制),这是中文翻译过来的意思,在英文版软件中你肯定找不到这些字符,英文面板中的翻译是(Expression Control – Slider Control)]将(XYZ位置分离)中Y轴上表达式改为str=effect(”滑动控制”)(”滑动”)wiggle(50,str)[Y轴上表达式应该是str=effect("Slider Control")("Slider")wiggle(50,str)]此时可以通过”滑动控制”中的滑杆控制文字Y轴振动幅度。[翻译过来是‘此时可以通过"Slider Control"中的"Slider"数值来控制Y轴振动幅度"也可以靠给"Slider"添加关键帧来控制Y轴振幅的强弱和有无]以上是单独控制某一个轴向上的振幅,我们有时候需要控制整个镜头的xyz的整体振幅怎么办呢?以下是控制wiggle的另一种方法,可以解决这个问题1.新建一个文字层2.在文字层上添加Expression Control – Slider Control特效3.打开文字层的Position属性4.按住Alt键左键点击Position属性的添加关键帧符号(就是那个小秒表符号)5.我们写入以下表达式x=temp = effect("Slider Control")("Slider");[temp, temp, temp];wiggle(15,x)这样我们就可以用特效的Slider来控制抖动的振幅了,大家可以试一试当然,我们的方法还有很多。比如,我们还可以新建一个调节层(Adjustment Layer)添加Expression Control – Slider Control特效,表达式添加方法也是在文字层的Position属性里添加,表达式内容我们就要有点小的改动。见下:x=temp = thisComp.layer("Adjustment Layer 1").effect("Slider Control")("Slider");[temp, temp, temp];wiggle(15,x)这种方法的区别只是把控制的特效单拿出来放在了一个新的固态层中,方便我们整个合成项的控制,方便一些特殊时候使用。

Wiggle (Cali Quake Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Wiggle (Cali Quake Album Version)歌手:Raphi专辑:Cali QuakeWiggle ItRicki-LeeRicki-Lee - Wiggle Itby: mioimThe floor is calling but I can"t do it on my ownI need someone who is willing,to get down with me all nightBoy are you that somebody?I wanna rock this partyWe"ll keep it moving all night longI need you to work with me a little bit,work it just a little bitwork it just a little cos I just wanna wiggle itJust let me turn around,baby I wanna be your ladyAnd you make me go crazy the way you shake it for meBaby I need you to shake that a little for meCome closer boy cos I want you to put it on meWhy don"t you show me just what you can do for me?Baby I need you to wi-wiggle it wiggle itWiggle it just a little bitNow let me see you wiggle it just a little bitOh I"m looking for somebody who can go all night with meSo baby do your thing and show me what you got for meCos I dont" even really wanna waste my time on someone full of shhhhSo baby, why don"t you show meI need you to work with me a little bit, work it just a little bitwork it just a little cos I just wanna wiggle itJust let me turn around,baby I wanna be your ladyAnd you make me go crazy the way you shake it for meBaby I need you to shake that a little for meCome closer boy cos I want you to put it on meWhy don"t you show me just what you can do for me?Baby I need you to wi-wiggle it wiggle itWiggle it just a little bitNow let me see you wiggle it just a little bitrappingBaby I need you to shake that a little for meCome closer boy cos I want you to put it on meWhy don"t you show me just what you can do for me?Baby I need you to wi-wiggle it wiggle itWiggle it just a little bitNow let me see you wiggle it just a little bithttp://music.baidu.com/song/2860969


vt.& vi.摆动; 扭动; n.扭动;


Wiggle-Jason Derulo&Snoop Lion Hey, yo, Jason 嘿 哟 詹森 Say somethin" to her 跟她说些什么 Holla at her 大声叫她 I got one question 我有一个问题 How do you fit all that in them jeans? 你怎么穿上她们的牛仔裤 You know what to do with that big fat butt 你知道肥臀部穿不下那些紧身的牛仔裤吧 Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle 摆动身体,摆动屁股 Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle 摆动身体,摆动屁股 Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle 摆动身体,摆动屁股 Just a little bit 只是一点点 Had that cake, had that cake 就可拥有那块蛋糕 With no hands 不用双手够着那块蛋糕 Got me in this club making wedding plans 让我做婚礼策划人员吧 If I take picture while you do your dance 当你跳舞时我拍照留念 I can make you famous on Instagram 我可以让你在美图大全上名声大噪 Hot damn it 太性感了 Your booty lights two planets 你的屁股能点燃两个星球 Go head, and go ham sandwich 去吧,继续吧 Woah 喔 I can"t stand it 我有些受不了 Cause You know what to do with that big fat butt 因为你知道我跟这些大屁股的人一起跳舞 Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle 摆动身体,摆动屁股 Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle 摆动身体,摆动屁股 Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle 摆动身体,摆动屁股 Just a little bit 就一点 Cadillac, Cadillac, pop that trunks 凯迪拉克、凯迪拉克、让那些树也摇滚起来 Let"s take a shot 让我们拍照 Alley oops that dunk 照下空中接力和灌篮 Tired of forking that 9 to 5 讨厌9点到5点 Oh baby let me come and change your life 哦宝贝让我来改变你的生活 Hot damn it 你太性感了 Your booty lights two planets 你的屁股能点燃两个星球 Go head, and go ham sandwich 去吧,继续吧 Woah 喔 I can"t stand it 我有些受不了 Cause You know what to do with that big fat butt 因为你知道我跟这些大屁股的人一起跳舞 Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle 摆动身体,摆动屁股 Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle 摆动身体,摆动屁股 Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle 摆动身体,摆动屁股 Just a little bit 就一点 Shake what your mama gave you 摇摆你的妈妈给你的身体 Misbehave you 你表现不好的身体 I just wanna strip you, dip you, flip you, bubble bath you 我只想带你泡澡,带你去洗泡泡浴 What they do 他们在干什么 Taste my rain drop, ok boo 看我汗流浃背? Now what you"re willing, what you wanting, what you may do 现在你愿意,你想要什么,你可能会做什么 Completely sample rated, til my deeply penetrated 我会全部评估 直到我深深地渗透 Then I take I out, and wipe it off 然后我带出来 Eat it, ate it, love it, hate it 吃掉,被吃掉,喜欢,厌恶 Overstated, underrated, everywhere I been king 被夸大或被低估 无论到哪里我都是王者 You wiggle, wiggle for the D, O, double G, a king 你摆动 为我摆动 Come on baby 来吧宝贝 Turn around 转一圈 You"re a star girl 你如星星般闪耀 Take a bow 鞠躬答谢 It"s just one thing that"s killing me 你会迷死我 How you get that in them jeans? 你怎么穿上她们的牛仔裤? You know what to do with that big fat butt 你知道肥臀部穿不下那些紧身的牛仔裤吧 Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle 摆动身体,摆动屁股 Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle 摆动身体,摆动屁股 Cadillac, Cadillac, pop that trunks 凯迪拉克、凯迪拉克、让那些树也摇滚起来 Just a little bit 就一点 Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle 摆动身体,摆动屁股 Now make it clap 现在用身体拍响节奏 Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle 摆动身体,摆动屁股 Now make it clap 现在用身体拍响节奏 Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle 摆动身体,摆动屁股 Make it clap 拍响节奏 Now make it clap 现在用身体拍响节奏 Damn baby you got a bright future behind you 你如此闪耀夺目像是未来的路都在你的脚下

一首英文歌,也可能不是英文,,就听了几秒钟,男生唱的 歌词是wiggle wiggle wiggl

Wiggle-Jason Derülo/Snoop Dogg

AE CS4 设定表达式Wiggle (AK104教学)









浮点数是一串0和1构成的位序列(bit sequence),从逻辑上用三元组{S,E,M}表示一个数N,如下图所示:浮点数公式1浮点数公式2N的实际值n由右边的式子表示:其中:★ n,s,e,m分别为N,S,E,M对应的实际数值,而N,S,E,M仅仅是一串二进制位。★ S(sign)表示N的符号位。对应值s满足:n>0时,s=0; n<0时,s=1。★ E(exponent)表示N的指数位,位于S和M之间的若干位。对应值e值也可正可负。★ M(mantissa)表示N的尾数位,恰好,它位于N末尾。M也叫有效数字位(significand)、系数位(coefficient), 甚至被称作"小数"。浮点数表示法利用科学计数法来表达实数(real),当计算的表达式有精度要求时被使用。例如,计算平方根,或超出人类经验的计算如正弦和余弦,它们的计算结果的精度要求使用浮点型。在IEEE标准754之前,业界并没有一个统一的浮点数标准,直到1985年Intel打算为其的8086微处理器引进一种浮点数协处理器时,才请加州大学伯克利分校的 William Kahan教授──最优秀的数值分析家之一来为8087 FPU设计浮点数格式; 而这个家伙又找来两个专家来协助他,于是就有了KCS组合(Kahan, Coonan, and Stone)。他们共同完成了Intel的浮点数格式设计,而且完成地如此出色,以致于IEEE组织决定采用一个非常接近KCS的方案作为IEEE的标准浮点格式。目前,几乎所有计算机都支持该标准,大大改善了科学应用程序的可移植性。C标准规定的浮点型有float、double、long double,和整型一样,既没有规定每种类型占多少字节,也没有规定采用哪种表示形式。浮点数的实现在各种平台上差异很大,有的处理器有浮点运算单元(FPU,Floating Point Unit),称为硬浮点(Hard-float)实现;有的处理器没有浮点运算单元,只能做整数运算,需要用整数运算来模拟浮点运算,称为软浮点(Soft-float)实现。大部分平台的浮点数实现遵循IEEE 754,float型通常是32位,double型通常是64位。 long double型通常是比double型精度更高的类型,但各平台的实现有较大差异。在x86平台上,大多数编译器实现的long double型是80位,因为x86的浮点运算单元具有80位精度,gcc实现的long double型是12字节(96位),这是为了对齐到4字节边界,也有些编译器实现的long double型和double型精度相同,没有充分利用x86浮点运算单元的精度。其它体系结构的浮点运算单元的精度不同,编译器实现也会不同,例如PowerPC上的long double型通常是128位。以前我们只用到最简单的浮点数常量,例如3.14,现在看看浮点数常量还有哪些写法。由于浮点数在计算机中的表示是基于科学计数法的,所以浮点数常量也可以写成科学计数法的形式,尾数和指数之间用e或E隔开,例如314e-2表示314×10的-2次方,注意这种表示形式基数是10,如果尾数的小数点左边或右边没有数字则表示这一部分为零,例如3.e-1,.987等等。浮点数也可以加一个后缀,例如3.14f、.01L,浮点数的后缀和类型之间的对应关系比较简单,没有后缀的浮点数常量是double型的,有后缀f或F的浮点数常量是float型的,有后缀l或L的浮点数常量是long double型的。


女子组合Hello Venus的歌,名字就叫做"Wiggle Wiggle",mv的舞蹈特点就是各种扭臀









AE输入文字后,运用表达式出现 wiggle需要介于2和5自变之间,无效表达式 这是什么原因?



第一个表达式:x=wiggle(1,50); y=wiggle(1,40);value+(x,y) 1:这句表达式对于变量x的赋值(wiggle(1,50))无意义!2:虽然给变量x赋值了,但是你最后的value+(x,y) 其实只执行了 value+y!如果把x与y的位置相互调换一下它会执行value+x,为什么?因为你最后一句返回数据的时候value+(x,y),value就不说了,关键问题出在了(x,y)这个小句子上面,首先(value1,value2)你把它们括起来想做什么???比如sub(value1,value2)这个我想让两个数据相减!比如add,或者mul.....都可以,所以软件不知道你干什么所以他们就从上往下计算,(x的值作废,被第二行的y值代替)然后就只执行了value+y。(虽然软件没报错!!),写这个表达式的人估计没仔细看,从第二个表达式来看不难发现x,y 是一个阵列!也就是"[value1,value2,value3,...]"这个形式。如果你把他写成x=wiggle(1,50); y=wiggle(1,40);value+[x,y]这时AE会报错,因为你写的这个表达式的最后返回的数据多于了你的阵列,这个问题留着往下看↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓(第一个表达式出现了问题,所以我没办法对比了!如何改?我会改成wig=wiggle(1,50); value+[wig[0],wig[1]]或者是wig=wiggle(1,40);value+[wig[0],wig[1]])再或者是(以下列出的是第二个表达式的内容了)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wig1=wiggle(1,50); wig2=wiggle(1,40);value+[wig1[0],wig2[1]]和wig1=wiggle(1,50); wig2=wiggle(1,40);value+[wig2[0],wig1[1]]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~为什么这么改咱们看完第二个表达式就行了第二个表达式:x=wiggle(1,50);y=wiggle(1,40);value+[x[0],y[1]]我直接说他的意思了:在原来的数值上+x(这里的x不是你赋值的变量x)轴取wiggle(1,50),在y(这里的y不是你赋值的变量y)轴上取wiggle(1,40);不知道你能不能看懂,他们最后的结果应该是x,y轴上分别抖动,x轴抖动的是(1,50) y轴抖动的是(1,40)。也就是不等比抖动!从第一个表达式纠正改过以后的:y=wiggle(1,40);value+[y[0],y[1]]这个表达式是x,y轴等比抖动的!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~纯人工,望采纳!!!!



AE输入文字后,运用表达式出现 wiggle需要介于2和5自变量之间,无效表达式 这是什么原因?

我们经常在AE里制作文字特效,运用好表达式能获得很震憾的效果,wiggle表达式使用率超高!下面是wiggle祥细解说,大家一定能很快理解的。函数:- wiggle(freq, amp, octaves = 1, amp_mult = .5, t = time)参数:- freq 频率- amp 振幅- octaves 振幅幅度- amp_mult 频率倍频- t 持续时间说明:频率和振幅是必须具备的参数其他选填写例如wiggle(50,100)实例:- 打开AECS4- 新建工程- 新建合成- 使用文字工具 Ctrl+T 在合成内输入文字- 给文字层应用动画预设(菜单 - 动画 - 应用动画预设)(..AdobeAdobe After Effects CS4Support FilesPresetsTransformSeparate XYZ Position.ffx)- 查看控制效果 F3 (XYZ位置分离()- 按住ALT键点击该效果Y轴关键贞记录按钮(时钟图标)- 在表达式处输入:wiggle(50,100)- 播放,预览效果(这时已经可以看见通过wiggle函数,文字在不停的颤动)- 给文字层添加效果(表达式控制 - 滑动控制)- 将(XYZ位置分离)中Y轴上表达式改为str=effect(”滑动控制”)(”滑动”)wiggle(50,str)- 此时可以通过”滑动控制”中的滑杆控制文字Y轴振动幅度。- 在”滑动控制”效果中加入关键贞,这样就可以控制wiggle振动幅度了。看了这个帖子的回复,有很多说是看不懂,这里做一个更详细一些的说明,看得懂的就没必要看下去了,看不懂的继续看完,千万不要觉得自己看得懂就在后边说风凉话,变相的讥讽初学者,那并不代表你比别人聪明。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------正文如下:为了应对不同层次的同学看着更清晰明了,我会像翻译员一样,把上边的每一句进行翻译和解释,___内的内容为原文,[]内的就是我的解释了,希望大家都能看懂。函数:wiggle(freq, amp, octaves = 1, amp_mult = .5, t = time)[这只是一个公式,()内的freq, amp, octaves只是公式的xy,就像中学的代数一样,每一个代数不代表具体数值]freq 频率[我们把公式里的这个单词用数字代替后,那我们输入的这个数字就是抖动的频率,什么是频率呢?简单地说,频率就是一秒钟内往返多少次,高频抖动就是每秒抖动的次数非常高]amp 振幅[同上,我们在使用这个表达式时也是用数字代替这个单词,也可以用一个函数代替,下边会说到,耐心看]octaves 振幅幅度[就不废话了,再啰嗦这些估计看得人会疯的]amp_mult 频率倍频[就不废话了,再啰嗦这些估计看得人会疯的]t 持续时间[就不废话了,再啰嗦这些估计看得人会疯的]说明:频率和振幅是必须具备的参数其他选填写wiggle(freq, amp, octaves = 1, amp_mult = .5, t = time)例如wiggle(50,100)实例:打开AECS4[不做解释]新建工程[同上]新建合成[同上]使用文字工具 Ctrl+T 在合成内输入文字[创建文字层的方法很多,这里不做重点解释了]给文字层应用动画预设(菜单 – 动画 – 应用动画预设)(..AdobeAdobe After Effects CS4Support FilesPresetsTransformSeparate XYZ Position.ffx)[这里说明一下,有些同学可能不知道怎么回事,动画预设就像特效一样,这里的动画预设可以不用这么复杂的找他,我们只要在AE的右侧Effects&Presets(效果和预设)面板内的搜索栏里打上Separate XYZ Position,你要找的这个预设就这么找到了,把他拖放到你的文字层上就算是应用动画预设了]查看控制效果 F3 (XYZ位置分离()[F3是特效控制面板的快捷键]按住ALT键点击该效果Y轴关键贞记录按钮(时钟图标)在表达式处输入:wiggle(50,100)播放,预览效果(这时已经可以看见通过wiggle函数,文字在不停的颤动)给文字层添加效果(表达式控制 – 滑动控制)[这里需要解释一下,添加特效(表达式控制-滑动控制),这是中文翻译过来的意思,在英文版软件中你肯定找不到这些字符,英文面板中的翻译是(Expression Control – Slider Control)]将(XYZ位置分离)中Y轴上表达式改为str=effect(”滑动控制”)(”滑动”)wiggle(50,str)[Y轴上表达式应该是str=effect("Slider Control")("Slider")wiggle(50,str)]此时可以通过”滑动控制”中的滑杆控制文字Y轴振动幅度。[翻译过来是‘此时可以通过"Slider Control"中的"Slider"数值来控制Y轴振动幅度"也可以靠给"Slider"添加关键帧来控制Y轴振幅的强弱和有无]以上是单独控制某一个轴向上的振幅,我们有时候需要控制整个镜头的xyz的整体振幅怎么办呢?以下是控制wiggle的另一种方法,可以解决这个问题1.新建一个文字层2.在文字层上添加Expression Control – Slider Control特效3.打开文字层的Position属性4.按住Alt键左键点击Position属性的添加关键帧符号(就是那个小秒表符号)5.我们写入以下表达式x=temp = effect("Slider Control")("Slider");[temp, temp, temp];wiggle(15,x)这样我们就可以用特效的Slider来控制抖动的振幅了,大家可以试一试当然,我们的方法还有很多。比如,我们还可以新建一个调节层(Adjustment Layer)添加Expression Control – Slider Control特效,表达式添加方法也是在文字层的Position属性里添加,表达式内容我们就要有点小的改动。见下:x=temp = thisComp.layer("Adjustment Layer 1").effect("Slider Control")("Slider");[temp, temp, temp];wiggle(15,x)这种方法的区别只是把控制的特效单拿出来放在了一个新的固态层中,方便我们整个合成项的控制,方便一些特殊时候使用。


按住alt点击需要添加这个表达式的属性前一个像码表的东西,然后就可以输入表达式,把这个wiggle(2,20}复制进去就行。我们经常在AE里制作文字特效,运用好表达式能获得很震憾的效果,wiggle表达式使用率超高!下面是wiggle祥细解说,大家一定能很快理解的。函数:- wiggle(freq, amp, octaves = 1, amp_mult = .5, t = time)参数:- freq 频率- amp 振幅- octaves 振幅幅度- amp_mult 频率倍频- t 持续时间说明:频率和振幅是必须具备的参数其他选填写例如wiggle(50,100)实例:- 打开AE CS4- 新建工程- 新建合成- 使用文字工具 Ctrl+T 在合成内输入文字- 给文字层应用动画预设(菜单 - 动画 - 应用动画预设)(..AdobeAdobe After Effects CS4Support FilesPresetsTransformSeparate XYZ Position.ffx)- 查看控制效果 F3 (XYZ位置分离()- 按住ALT键点击该效果Y轴关键贞记录按钮(时钟图标)- 在表达式处输入:wiggle(50,100)- 播放,预览效果(这时已经可以看见通过wiggle函数,文字在不停的颤动)- 给文字层添加效果(表达式控制 - 滑动控制)- 将(XYZ位置分离)中Y轴上表达式改为str=effect(”滑动控制”)(”滑动”)wiggle(50,str)- 此时可以通过”滑动控制”中的滑杆控制文字Y轴振动幅度。- 在”滑动控制”效果中加入关键贞,这样就可以控制wiggle振动幅度了。看了这个帖子的回复,有很多说是看不懂,这里做一个更详细一些的说明,看得懂的就没必要看下去了,看不懂的继续看完,千万不要觉得自己看得懂就在后边说风凉话,变相的讥讽初学者,那并不代表你比别人聪明。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------正文如下:为了应对不同层次的同学看着更清晰明了,我会像翻译员一样,把上边的每一句进行翻译和解释,___内的内容为原文,[]内的就是我的解释了,希望大家都能看懂。函数:wiggle(freq, amp, octaves = 1, amp_mult = .5, t = time)[这只是一个公式,()内的freq, amp, octaves只是公式的xy,就像中学的代数一样,每一个代数不代表具体数值]freq 频率[我们把公式里的这个单词用数字代替后,那我们输入的这个数字就是抖动的频率,什么是频率呢?简单地说,频率就是一秒钟内往返多少次,高频抖动就是每秒抖动的次数非常高]amp 振幅[同上,我们在使用这个表达式时也是用数字代替这个单词,也可以用一个函数代替,下边会说到,耐心看]octaves 振幅幅度[就不废话了,再啰嗦这些估计看得人会疯的]amp_mult 频率倍频[就不废话了,再啰嗦这些估计看得人会疯的]t 持续时间[就不废话了,再啰嗦这些估计看得人会疯的]说明:频率和振幅是必须具备的参数其他选填写wiggle(freq, amp, octaves = 1, amp_mult = .5, t = time)例如wiggle(50,100)实例:打开AE CS4[不做解释]新建工程[同上]新建合成[同上]使用文字工具 Ctrl+T 在合成内输入文字[创建文字层的方法很多,这里不做重点解释了]给文字层应用动画预设(菜单 – 动画 – 应用动画预设)(..AdobeAdobe After Effects CS4Support FilesPresetsTransformSeparate XYZ Position.ffx)[这里说明一下,有些同学可能不知道怎么回事,动画预设就像特效一样,这里的动画预设可以不用这么复杂的找他,我们只要在AE的右侧Effects&Presets(效果和预设)面板内的搜索栏里打上Separate XYZ Position,你要找的这个预设就这么找到了,把他拖放到你的文字层上就算是应用动画预设了]查看控制效果 F3 (XYZ位置分离()[F3是特效控制面板的快捷键]按住ALT键点击该效果Y轴关键贞记录按钮(时钟图标)在表达式处输入:wiggle(50,100)播放,预览效果(这时已经可以看见通过wiggle函数,文字在不停的颤动)给文字层添加效果(表达式控制 – 滑动控制)[这里需要解释一下,添加特效(表达式控制-滑动控制),这是中文翻译过来的意思,在英文版软件中你肯定找不到这些字符,英文面板中的翻译是(Expression Control – Slider Control)]将(XYZ位置分离)中Y轴上表达式改为str=effect(”滑动控制”)(”滑动”)wiggle(50,str)[Y轴上表达式应该是str=effect("Slider Control")("Slider")wiggle(50,str)]此时可以通过”滑动控制”中的滑杆控制文字Y轴振动幅度。[翻译过来是‘此时可以通过"Slider Control"中的"Slider"数值来控制Y轴振动幅度"也可以靠给"Slider"添加关键帧来控制Y轴振幅的强弱和有无]以上是单独控制某一个轴向上的振幅,我们有时候需要控制整个镜头的xyz的整体振幅怎么办呢?以下是控制wiggle的另一种方法,可以解决这个问题1.新建一个文字层2.在文字层上添加Expression Control – Slider Control特效3.打开文字层的Position属性4.按住Alt键左键点击Position属性的添加关键帧符号(就是那个小秒表符号)5.我们写入以下表达式x=temp = effect("Slider Control")("Slider");[temp, temp, temp];wiggle(15,x)这样我们就可以用特效的Slider来控制抖动的振幅了,大家可以试一试当然,我们的方法还有很多。比如,我们还可以新建一个调节层(Adjustment Layer)添加Expression Control – Slider Control特效,表达式添加方法也是在文字层的Position属性里添加,表达式内容我们就要有点小的改动。见下:x=temp = thisComp.layer("Adjustment Layer 1").effect("Slider Control")("Slider");[temp, temp, temp];wiggle(15,x)这种方法的区别只是把控制的特效单拿出来放在了一个新的固态层中,方便我们整个合成项的控制,方便一些特殊时候使用。


第一个表达式:x=wiggle(1,50); y=wiggle(1,40);value+(x,y) 1:这句表达式对于变量x的赋值(wiggle(1,50))无意义!2:虽然给变量x赋值了,但是你最后的value+(x,y) 其实只执行了 value+y!如果把x与y的位置相互调换一下它会执行value+x,为什么?因为你最后一句返回数据的时候value+(x,y),value就不说了,关键问题出在了(x,y)这个小句子上面,首先(value1,value2)你把它们括起来想做什么???比如sub(value1,value2)这个我想让两个数据相减!比如add,或者mul.....都可以,所以软件不知道你干什么所以他们就从上往下计算,(x的值作废,被第二行的y值代替)然后就只执行了value+y。(虽然软件没报错!!),写这个表达式的人估计没仔细看,从第二个表达式来看不难发现x,y 是一个阵列!也就是"[value1,value2,value3,...]"这个形式。如果你把他写成x=wiggle(1,50); y=wiggle(1,40);value+[x,y]这时AE会报错,因为你写的这个表达式的最后返回的数据多于了你的阵列,这个问题留着往下看↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓(第一个表达式出现了问题,所以我没办法对比了!如何改?我会改成wig=wiggle(1,50); value+[wig[0],wig[1]]或者是wig=wiggle(1,40);value+[wig[0],wig[1]])再或者是(以下列出的是第二个表达式的内容了)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wig1=wiggle(1,50); wig2=wiggle(1,40);value+[wig1[0],wig2[1]]和wig1=wiggle(1,50); wig2=wiggle(1,40);value+[wig2[0],wig1[1]]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~为什么这么改咱们看完第二个表达式就行了第二个表达式:x=wiggle(1,50);y=wiggle(1,40);value+[x[0],y[1]]我直接说他的意思了:在原来的数值上+x(这里的x不是你赋值的变量x)轴取wiggle(1,50),在y(这里的y不是你赋值的变量y)轴上取wiggle(1,40);不知道你能不能看懂,他们最后的结果应该是x,y轴上分别抖动,x轴抖动的是(1,50) y轴抖动的是(1,40)。也就是不等比抖动!从第一个表达式纠正改过以后的:y=wiggle(1,40);value+[y[0],y[1]]这个表达式是x,y轴等比抖动的!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~纯人工,望采纳!!!!

50cent的I Line Niggas的歌词

I"m trying to tell you but you don"t hear me son. The nigga be rightthere in front of them buildings...Yeah nigga yeah yea yea yea nigga yeaYeah nigga yeah yea yea yea nigga yea(Chrous)I line niggas, I do my homeworkI find niggas, the niggas that did that, they my niggasYou bring that bullshit, "round my niggasYou die die nigga die(Verse 1)I wipeout where your nanna stay my man blew your man away did"em dirtyand ran away. Who"s the next cadidateThey get hit with the cannon ay. You little niggas wanna play we cango back and forth in broad day. Let it off hop in a rent a car pullaway smooth. With that twarkin" that workin" we at you with the toolsnigga we ain"t sellin" packs no more. So we ain"t in the strip gotthat lama in the lap strap leanin" in the whip(Chrous)I line niggas, I do my homeworkI find niggas, the niggas that did that, they my niggasYou bring that bullshit, "round my niggasYou die die nigga die(Verse Two)First I find your bitch crib, then we find the nail shopNow would you looky here. we done found your momma spot it"s so easy,damn I"m greasy, goons don"t use auto-tune just Yezy. Yeah it"s summernow good time to hunt you down, keep the pump around we catch"em we gonslump"em now. timin" is everything i plotted it out perfect, drop a bagoff to my niggas just to make it worth it.(Chrous)I line niggas, I do my homeworkI find niggas, the niggas that did that, they my niggasYou bring that bullshit, "round my niggasYou die die nigga die(Outro)Nigga wat upThese niggas thing I"m playing with"emgo "headNiggas smiling and shit go "head nigga keep thinkin" I"m CurlyI shoot the shit out these niggas manI let my niggas go watchI Line NiggasOh my god you niggas know you weren"t supposed to let me get this moneynow whatI Line Niggas



英语wiggle your ears怎么翻译?

wiggle your ears 扭动你的耳朵


转动身体的小部分的时候,用wiggle,整个身体大动作的时候用wriggle wriggle:v.扭动身体;扭来扭去;蠕动;甩动而行;蜿蜒行进 n.扭动;蠕动;蜿蜒行进 wiggle v.(使)扭动,摆动,摇动,起伏 扩展资料   例句:   Your baby will try to shuffle or wiggle along the floor.   你的小宝宝会拖着脚或一扭一扭地学步。   Children wriggle themselves when they are bored.   小孩子感到厌烦时就会扭动他们的身体。


wiggle摆动双语对照词典结果:wiggle[英][u02c8wu026agl][美][u02c8wu026aɡu0259l]vt.& vi.摆动; 扭动; n.扭动; 第三人称单数:wiggles过去分词:wiggled现在进行时:wiggling过去式:wiggled以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Then how come I can wiggle my toes? 那我怎么能摆动我的脚趾?-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


Wiggle 为英国的一家自行车用品的电商。

Complicated-Avril Lavigne 的歌词

Avril Lavigne - ComplicatedUh Huh Life"s like thisUh Huh Uh HuhThat"s the way it isCause life"s like thisUh Huh Uh HuhThat"s the way it isChill outWhat you yelling for?Lay back It"s all been done beforeAnd if you could only let it beYou will seeI like you the way you areWhen we"re driving in your carAnd you"re talking to me one-on-oneBut you becomeSomebody else round everyone elseWatching your backLike you can"t relaxYou trying to be coolYou look like a fool to meTell meWhy"d you have to go and make things so complicated?I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else Gets me frusteratedLife"s like this youYou fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you getAnd you turning intoHonestly, you promised meI"m never gonna find you fake itNo no noYou come over unannouncedDressed up like you"re something elseWhere you are and where it"s at you seeYou"re making meLaugh outWhen you strike a poseTake offAll your preppy clothesYou knowYou"re not fooling anyoneWhen you becomeNo no no (no no no)No no (no no no)No no (no no no)No no

Complicated》-Avril Lavigned的歌词

Uh Huh Life"s like this Uh Huh Uh Huh That"s the way it is Cause life"s like this Uh Huh Uh Huh That"s the way it is Chill out What you yelling for? Lay back It"s all been done before And if you could only let it be You will see I like you the way you are When we"re driving in your car And you"re talking to me one-on-one But you become Somebody else round everyone else Watching your back Like you can"t relax You trying to be cool You look like a fool to me Tell me Why"d you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else Gets me frusterated Life"s like this you You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get And you turning into Honestly, you promised me I"m never gonna find you fake it No no no You come over unannounced Dressed up like you"re something else Where you are and where it"s at you see You"re making me Laugh out When you strike a pose Take off All your preppy clothes You know You"re not fooling anyone When you become No no no (no no no) No no (no no no) No no (no no no) No no

求complicated(艾薇儿Avril Lavigne 的)歌词完全翻译!


Hp Designjet 1100绘图仪出现08:11是什么原因?



在歌词里指的是:I got puma puma I got puma觉得自己很酷吗?



wig wam - in my dreams 的歌词

as u walk by me, so desperatelywhat u"r lookin"4,u"r not surei don"t know whyor what u"r hidin"4and if i make u feel uneasy,let me knowtell me what to doin my dreamsisee u in my open arms my sweet heartin my dreamsi feel u in all my lonely hours,(u"r my)sweetest flowerwhen i"m by yr side,lost in yr eyesyes i feel so high,i can touch the skystill don"t know whyor what u"r lyin"4feels like a dream,and dreams they do come trueyes they do



我想要音译 G-Dragon(bigbang)唱的

but i love ubigbang为什么会这样?为什么会这样?爱情?别说笑了ye 苦涩的酒 and i因为你而戒掉的烟因为你又开始抽起goes out to you(goes out to you baby)没有留下一句话就离开的你现在听听这首歌吧没有你迎接一个人孤独的早晨你离开后我遗失了心中地图的指南针我的人生毁得一塌糊涂了在我毫无准备时离我而去我的维纳斯为了恨你我不停地祈求着神这一切太委屈了我的心冷了我的说话口气行动脚步渐渐的都变得与你的习惯相似折磨着自己忘不了怎么能忘记我全部的记忆的初页都是你生日海边你是第一个给我这么深的爱却掉落深渊般初次失恋的痛苦的女人我像疯了一样伤心也试着笑对你空荡荡的心不敢再奢望 we just too lateun 是你的东西就任你随心所欲这是你的爱情方式?那么当初根本就不应该开始 ye和你在一起的那段时间实在太累了每天只能抓着手机一直等着你的来电你没有做错什么却说着抱歉避着我转身扬长而去but but but but i love you girl 只是想和你在一起but but but but i love you girl 只想抓住你but but but but i love you girl 虽然没说出口过但请别抛弃我那笨拙的心 my girl朋友说着在我看来她只是漂亮而已不要陷得太深首先送上花她不一样比谁都善良是比谁都单纯的孩子un 爱...不是真的喜欢你我们不要改变幸福的在一起你在我身边的日子就算过个一两年more better than this year好累用尽了一切努力的希望你的声音是我力量的来源我不懂为什么你独自倒下了我的心像是失去理智了被撕裂般的崩溃我们一见钟情只是看着对方就很幸福事实上我现在还是如此为什么你不这样了呢最近看着你感受不到以前的感觉了 ye和你的记忆太苦涩了是我做错了这样安慰着自己随着岁月流逝这回忆像烟雾般离我远去我又有的新的恋爱对象but but but but i love you girl 只是想逗你开心but but but but i love you girl 想替你擦干泪水but but but but i love you girl nothing anymore离去的心是回不来的 i know girl最后想见你一面不断地打电话给你最后都没有回音为什么躲着我告诉我 girl我还在那里but but but but i love you girl 只是想和你在一起but but but but i love you girl 只想抓住你but but but but i love you girl 虽然没说出口过但请别抛弃我那笨拙的心 my girlbut but but but i love you girl 只是想逗你开心but but but but i love you girl 想替你擦干泪水but but but but i love you girl nothing anymore离去的心是回不来的 i know girl Big Bang - But I Love You Onjongil nan we noui olgulmantto orulkka ajigdo nan norulidjimothe tto nunmulman sangchoppunin gioge nol chadgo itji nanmorugesso marul hejwo narulttonan iyurul irohgeradonol buthjabgo shiphotdon nal anajwo dorawajwo negeroI don"t understand girlne nunul bomyonso (gu sulphun nunuro nege)saranghanda marhetdon (no no) modu gojishi yonninanun gioghe nol ne sonul nohumyonso (jomjom morojyogan)naui giogmajodo (no no) modu jiwoboryonniGiogina majimag misogai shiganul momchul su itdamyonnan dallyoga norul ana gudel wihe modunji dahal su issonanonuldo manhi bogo shiphdagodan hanbonman nol ango shiphdagonan neildo moredo nunmulppunin chero saragaltende babyIje gumanhe aphulmankhum aphasso himduro najongmal mianhe chamulmankhum chamasso hundullyonasoguro begbonigo chonbonigo norul bullobwadodoe dolligien nomu morojyo borin gudebiga ogille joyonghi gu girul gunyang gorotjyohogshi guderul mannalkkabwayo gidarimun shiganiya gurennundeottohgehebwado aphugi ttemune doragalle noe phumegude animyon andoenunde too lateI don"t understand girlne nunul bomyonso (gu sulphun nunuro nege)saranghanda marhetdon (no no) modu gojishi yonninanun gioghe nol ne sonul nohumyonso (jomjom morojyogan)naui giogmajodo (no no) modu jiwoboryonniniga bogo shiphosso onuldo ulgo shiphossodoraora bilgoso nomu jichyossoI don"t understand girlne nunul bomyonso (gu sulphun nunuro nege)saranghanda marhetdon (no no) modu gojishi yonninanun gioghe nol ne sonul nohumyonso (jomjom morojyogan)naui giogmajodo (no no) modu jiwoboryonni


give me everything

Human Centered Design的快速入门手册(上):Empathize与用户访谈技巧

最近我在NovoEd上面选了两门IDEO的课,第一门课叫做Design Kit: Human Centered Design。第二门课是后续课程,叫做Design Kit: Prototyping。 日常的产品经理工作中对于HCD Process的核心概念应用机会就挺多的,访谈用户,快速原型,反复迭代。在这两门课中,我想系统地了解一下这个方法。 访谈用户的时候如何让陌生用户自然吐露真实想法? 访谈时有点机械问答,流于表层很难深入,怎么办? 原型为什么要逐步深入进行(某些公司领导一上来就只看原型做的是否逼真漂亮)? 有些系统功能繁杂,即使是简单原型貌似也只能得到用户的泛泛评价怎么办? 如何走出思维定势,获得更有新意的想法(而不只是和竞争对手产品同质化)? 这些问题在这门课上都得到了一定的解答。 一下是英文详细笔记,中文版概括笔记请见 我从IDEO的设计思维课程中学到了什么 网上关于design thinking的材料一般以分享体会、简要介绍为主,NovoEd的课一直等了很久才开放,所以希望这三篇笔记能够帮到想系统学习的人。 总体来说,IDEO将HCD方法分为Inspiration, Ideation, Implementation三个阶段, d.School则将HCD分为Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype,Test等五个阶段,理念是一致的。不管是产品,服务,还是空间,体系,基本上围绕用户的产品都可以用到HCD方法来快速试错。 课程材料略繁杂,我采用以d.School的五阶段作为时间轴组织笔记,方便自己查阅。(很多学习材料都提到这五个阶段并非逐个进行,而是可能交替反复进行) 这一篇是关于Empathize,how to put yourself in your users" shoes。其中针对自己的学习重点,我拓展阅读了其他材料,因此用户访谈部分在这篇笔记会格外长。 HCD的设计方法首先就强调了Mindset: 1. Creative confidence Creative confidence is the belief that everyone is creative(with this HCD process), and you will get creative solution as long as you take action. It will support you to keep making things and test them out. 2. Make it We believe in the power of tangibility. We build something so we can test them, revealing complexity, opportunity and feasibility. And we share them to get candid, actionable feedback. You can prototype anything . 一个跳舞游戏可以用真人放在手机框中来快速模拟,人对人甚至计算机对人的服务也可以用Acting out来模拟。 课程后面也在采访用户环节提到Show don"t tell. 做出来的实际物品比想象的东西有意想不到的表现力。甚至你能看到用户需求被实际物品所改变。 3. Learn from Failure Fail early to succeed sooner. It"s just experiments you can learn things from. 4. Empathy You have to know different people, different scenarios, different places. Empathizing with the users is the best route to truly grasping the context and complexities of their lives, and it keep the users in the center of your work. 在课程后面会提到Extreme user, expert user, community immersion,interview in the context, 还有camera recording都是一系列把自己放入对方真实日常情境的工具。而不是让对方给你简单地描述。 5. Embrace ambiguity Don"t limit yourself to the solution you already know. (Don"t give up your intuition though). Let your user guide you. There will always be more creative ideas. We will get out into the world and talk to people, open up to different ideas, and arrive at unexpected solutions. 6. Be optimistic Even if we don"t know the answer, it"s out there and we can find it. 7. Iterate, iterate, iterate We quickly get out in the world and let the people we"re designing for be our guides. 我的体会是,如果一个HCD方法的执行者对于让陌生人对你open up,或者融入陌生人的生活感到不舒服,那么这就是一个需要打破的舒适圈。 1. Frame your design challenge 2. Build a team To achieve divergent thinking, it is important to have team members with diverse background, the "T-shaped" person. Think about if your team have the technical capability you need. 3. Create a project plan Look at the staff, budget, staff, skills your team have, and think about the major activities, do you have enough resource? 4. Secondary research 5. Discuss with your teammates what you already know a lot about. 6. Discuss what aspects of the challenge you want to know more or don"t know. 7. Define your audience Don"t just limit your thinking to the people you"re designing for, but also consider government, NGOs, other businesses, or competitors. Write down all directly involved groups on Post-its. Then peripherally relevant ones. Think about the connections. Who are the fans? Who are the skeptics? Who do you most need on your side? Write down and save it. 8. Interview Preparation 9. Choose places you can be immersed in context 10. Seek analogous inspiration Get your team together to talk about what aspects of the empathy space you"re exploring are particularly interesting. If, for example, you think customer service is an important aspect of the space you"re looking at, brainstorm places you might go to find particularly strong (or weak) customer service. You may also want to brainstorm specific people you could interview about these analogous spaces, or how you might do a quick observation. Don"t worry about making sense of the experience in the moment. It might influence your project later in unexpected ways. Saturate a space with photos and quotes from your analogous space; this can help the team share inspiration, or bring in the analogous insight later in the process. Although people often can"t tell us what thier needs are, their actual behaviors can provide us with invaluable clues about their range of unmet needs. Budget enough time and money to send team members into the field to spend time with the people you"re designing for. Try to organise a homestay if possible. A great Immersion technique is to shadow a person you"re designing for a day. Ask them all about their lives, how they make decisions,watch them socialize, work, and relax. You can still learn a lot by following someone for a few hours. Or you can take a guided tour. Having one of them give you a Guided Tour of their home,workplace, or daily activities will reveal not just the physical details of theperson"s life, but the routines and habits that animate it. Provide a camera to user, and ask them to record their experiences that you want to know. And then follow up with an interview to understand the deeper meanings of the visuals. Have participants create a personal timeline of an experience, then have them map how they felt at different points along the way.Use the map as a visual jumping off point for conversation. Use this when: You want to discuss acomplicated system or series of interactionswith a participant. (The process of buying a car is a good example.) General Tips Let the conversation flow Tips to avoid common errors How to use a game as conversation starter IDEO laid out a simple dice game where you would “roll” a loan. Once a participant rolled the dice, she was told the terms of the loan and asked if she"d take it. The original goal was to grasp how members of this community felt about loans and what factors made them willing to take them on. By getting participants to change some of the variables, they were able to see what kind of loans were attractive and which sort would never work. By putting scenarios in front of people and getting their reactions, you quickly engage them in your research and create an opportunity to deeply understand what they want, fear, and need. How to use card sort as a conversation starter Use either a word or a picture on each card. Whatever you select, make sure that it"s easy to understand. Give it to users and ask them to sort according to preference, or simple sort the cards as they see fit. Or ask what they see your product as. Ask the users how she would sort the cards if she had more money, if she were old, if she lived in a big city. How to use collage as a conversation starter Give the people you"re designing for a prompt for their Collage. Make sure that your prompt is simple, yet evocative. Perhaps you ask them to make a Collage that represents taking control of their lives, their dream jobs, or how they think about their families. When they"re finished, ask them to describe the Collage, what the various elements represent, and how it speaks to the prompt. It"s also best if the magazines they"re working with are full of pictures, have some relevance to the topic you looking to learn more about, and are purchased locally. You can also print some key words or phrases if you want to test a particular message. Share your fresh learning after the interview" To cover the most important topics, consider using these prompts: Also, record and illustrate your new ideas visually. By getting your users to create themselves, you"re not just hearing their voices, you"re empowering them to join the team. You can co-create services, investigate how communities work, or understand how to brand your solution. A hunch could be an idea you had before the project started, or one that cropped up as you"ve been working. If you"ve got a feeling about something, give yourself a chance to explore it. 一点课程外的补充材料:How to interview a stranger 在这部分课程结束后,我想更深入了解一下如何愉快地访谈陌生用户的例子,于是我找到了这两个材料: On how I approach strangers in the street | Humans of New York creator Brandon Stanton | UCD, Dublin Getting People to Talk: An Ethnography & Interviewing Primer "Humans of New York"(这是一个米国很有名的ID)的Brandon的建议是: Ethnography interview课程中的建议是:

dream high2的所有插曲??


dream high2里的所有好听的歌。

金秀炫 -《Dreaming》Brown Eyed Girls- 《Abracadabra》 《Dream High》 《I will follow him》郑珍云 -《向我走来》HershE演唱歌曲:《Super Star》金泫雅、张贤胜-《Trouble Maker》 欢迎派对歌曲:T-ara- 《Roly Poly》、2NE1- 《最走红》、 G.N.A-《Top Girl》 就算我不能唱歌——SE7EN G.O.D 《一支蜡烛》 JR和李瑟比赛时的歌:东方神起《气球》 Falling - JYP(朴振荣) You"re My Star - SUZY(Miss A 裴秀智) Hello To Myself - 朴誉恩(Wonder girls) Super Star - 孝琳(Sistar) & 智妍(T-ara) & Ailee 疼痛 希望 - 李基灿 B级人生 - 郑珍云(2AM) & JR. & 金志修 & 姜素拉 Together - JB & 智妍(T-ara)欢迎采纳~

Dream high2中的歌曲

金秀炫 -《Dreaming》  素拉祈愿歌曲:Brown Eyed Girls- 《Abracadabra》   《Dream High》主题曲 - 《Dream High》   《修女也疯狂》主题曲 -《 I will follow him》   郑珍云 -《向我走来》   HershE演唱歌曲:《Super Star》   宣布规则歌曲:金泫雅、张贤胜-《Trouble Maker》   欢迎派对歌曲:T-ara- 《Roly Poly》、2NE1- 《最走红》、 G.N.A-《Top Girl》   安慰素拉的吉他弹唱:少女时代- 《说出愿望吧》   素拉JB跳舞歌曲:太阳-《I need a girl》   wonder girls- 《The DJ is mine》   JB和JR斗舞歌曲:《Heartbreaker》-Bigbang(G-Dragon)   JB和陈佑振表演歌曲:《beautiful dance》-bye bye sea(第五集)   丽安和海星表演歌曲:Wonder Girls- Wishing On A Star   娜娜和洪珠表演歌曲:《被挡住的路》   娜娜生病洪珠去病房唱给娜娜的歌:2AM-《这首歌》   第八集JB唱给海星歌曲:就算我不能唱歌——SE7EN   第九集关于“雨”歌曲《下雨的日子》——Beast(注:片中被改为女声)   第十集Eden&HershE参加选拔的歌曲:1.beast-《下雨的日子》2.《在雨中》3.《爱情雨》   第十集片尾Eden&HershE宣布解散时的歌曲:G.O.D 《一支蜡烛》   第十一集JB在练歌厅唱得歌曲:IU《Marshmallow》   第十二集表演歌曲:义峰和ailee《summer nights》;JB和海星《短发》;丽安和佑镇《Romeo N Juliet》   第十二集:JR和Ailee拍短片的配歌:JYJ-《找到了》   由镇丽安在服装店背景音乐(十一集):Teen Top——crazy(要疯了)   第十三集:海星和JB在快餐店的背景音乐:Bruno Mars-《The lazy song》   第十四集:JR和李瑟比赛时的歌:东方神起《气球》;JB和丽安在医院唱的歌《Together》   OST   一、Dream High2 OST Part.1   01. Falling - JYP(朴振荣)   二、DREAM HIGH2 OST Part.2   01. You"re My Star - SUZY(Miss A 裴秀智)   三、Dream High2 OST Part.3   01. Hello To Myself - 朴誉恩(Wonder girls)   四、Dream High2 OST Part.4   01. Super Star - 孝琳(Sistar) & 智妍(T-ara) & Ailee   五、Dream High2 OST Part.5   01. 疼痛 希望 - 李基灿   六、Dream High2 OST Part.6   01. B级人生 - 郑珍云(2AM) & JR. & 金志修 & 姜素拉   七、Dream High2 OST Part.7   01. Together - JB & 智妍(T-ara)   八、 Dream High2 OST Part.8   01. 一天一天 - 智妍(T-ara) 最爱这首Hello To Myself - 朴誉恩(Wonder girls)必须单曲循环。

figure, statistics 和 data 在表示“数据”的含义时,有什么区别?

data是未经整理的数据statistics 是经过统计分析的数据,通常有趋势分析figure是数据的大概外貌,简单叙述数据的走向。。。。

胜利和gd的短剧shine a light里面的故事是真的吗

典范英语“Noisy neighbours” 概括

一个刻薄吝啬的的人,他有两个吵闹的邻居,一个是音乐教师,一个是汽车修理工,这个人不堪其扰,使了很多诡计,最后两个邻居终于要搬家了,结果却是这两个邻居互换了房子 ,英语的话你先用中文写,在用翻译器,在修改一下语病就行了

I need one light,to shine my life.是什么歌?

《One Light》歌词:Standing humble, a fist of rageA silent army, they call my nameSee that firmly, and not in dismayedI"m never broken, and I"m not afraidChorus:So come with me, let"s take this world and make a changeAnd we"ll give this, more than we can take awayAnd we"ll see this, through eyes we always thought were blindIf we could find, just one light to shineJust one light to shineWalls will crumble at our feetAll we know we will finally seeWe"ll fight for hoWe, and we"ll kill this doubtAngels of war, let me outChorus:Come with me, let"s take this word and make a changeAnd we"ll give this, more than we can take awayAnd we"ll see this, through eyes we always thought were blindIf we could find, just one light to shineJust one light to shineSo come with me, let"s take this word and make a changeAnd we"ll give this, more than they can take awayAnd we"ll see this, through eyes we always thought were blindIf we could find, just one light to shineJust one light to shine

Light I Shine On You 歌词

歌曲名:Light I Shine On You歌手:Kamelot专辑:Karma标题:The Light I Shine On You艺术家:Kamelotyet a day is dawningI am sad but also strongthis gift that I"ve been giventells me where I do belongfalling I"m falling downand you recall my strengthtime will slowly pull me underbut you will catch my breaththis is a praise to all of youcause the light I shine on youis what you gave to meI"m a crystal clear and trueI"m your cairn and creedyou think that I"m a mountainbut there"s a price I have to payfor the love I have forsakencan never be replacedcrying I"m crying outbe careful with my soulunbounded I"m like waterbut so fragile in the coldand this is a praise to all of youcause the light I shine on youis what you gave to meI"m a crystal clear and trueI"m your cairn and creedthe mysteries of lifetake us high and lowthe road can be longit seemssomeone is lostbut no one is freefalling I"m falling downinto your open armseach and every gathered glowmaintains my shining starthis is a praise to all of you...金属梦:66032164http://music.baidu.com/song/15548604

问:求一首英文歌大概歌词“light ~~.......shine ~~~.....try to


请帮忙找一下shine your light的完整歌词?

是这个吗?The cry of the city like a siren s songWailing over the rooftops the whole night longSaw a shooting star [1]Must be someone s soul passing byThese are the streetsWhere we used to run where your Papa s fromThese are the daysWhere you become what you becomeThese are the streetsWhere the story s toldThe truth unfoldsDarkness settles inShine your light down on meLift me up so I can seeShine your light when you re goneGive me the strengthTo carry on, carry onDon t wanna be a heroJust an everyday manBut now it s like living on borrowed timeOut on the rim, over the lineAlways tempting fate like a game of chanceNever wanna stick around to the very last danceSometimes I stumble and take a hard fallLoose hold your grip off the wallShine your light down on meLift me up so I can seeShine your light when you re goneGive me the strength to carry onCarry onI thought I saw him walking by the side of the roadMaybe trying to He s here but not hereHe s gone but not goneJust hope he knows if I get lostShine your light down on meLift me up so I can seeShine your light when you re goneGive me the strength to carry onTo carry on

Ray of Light 歌词

歌曲名:Ray of Light歌手:浜口史郎专辑:汤乃鹭メモリィズRay of LightTVアニメ「花咲くいろは」イメージソング作词:渡邉美佳作曲:浜口史郎编曲:浜口史郎歌:Gey"s AXPraying for that you"ll be able to get home (We"ll be praying for you)Wishing for that you have a peaceful night (We"ll lead you to the way)Many gleams radiate on you (Many gleams radiate on you)Many dreams will glow with your love (Growing dreams with your love)(Oh, my grace, I fear the moonless night)A little Goddess doesn"t fear the sky"Coz You are beside me, I"m beside youWe are here Eyes on you Ray of LightCalling you We call on youA glorious grove bless you tonight(We thank your heart) Oh, wish for you(We sing for our dream) Oh, wish for you(We are waiting for you) waiting for you(Oh, may your love reach all us) Oh, Love reach all us…Praying for that you"ll be able to get homeWe are here Shine on you Ray of light终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/24260724

求shine your light中英文歌词?

The cry of the city like a siren"s song 这座城市发出悲泣,像一声声凄厉的警笛 Wailing over the rooftops the whole night long 在楼宇的上空彻夜回荡 Saw a shooting star, Like a diamond in the sky 一颗流星划破夜空,像宝石一样明亮 Must be someone"s soul, passing by 那是谁的灵魂正飘然离去 These are the streets 这些街道 Where we used to run where your Papa"s from 是我们世代的居所,童年嬉戏的地方 These are the days 这里的岁月 Where you become what you become 是我们成长的时光,让我们变成今天的模样 These are the streets 在这街道 Where the story"s told 我们曾倾听动人的故事 The truth unfolds 了解到这里的过去 Darkness settles in 不觉间夜幕已经降临 Shine your light down on me 撒下你的光辉把我的世界照亮 Lift me up so I can see 带我高飞让我眺望远方 Shine your light when you"re gone 离去时留下你智慧的光芒 Give me the strength 给我力量,让我坚强 To carry on, carry on 永远坚强 I thought I saw him walking by the side of the road 我仿佛看见他在街上步履匆匆 Maybe trying to find his way home 好像在寻找回家的归途 He"s here but not here 明明就在眼前却是一个幻影 He"s gone but not gone 他已经离去却总萦绕我的左右 Just hope he knows if I get lost 他可知道我也在找回家的道路 Shine your light down on me 撒下你的光辉把我的世界照亮 Lift me up so I can see 带我高飞让我眺望远方 Shine your light when you"re gone 离去时留下你智慧的光芒 Give me the strength to carry on 给我力量,让我坚强 To carry on 永远坚强 Shine your light down on me 撒下你的光辉把我的世界照亮 Lift me up 带我高飞 Ooh, ooh...哦~哦~

Shine Your Light 歌词翻译


Shine Your Light 歌词翻译

翻译的不好,请原谅`````````"使你的灯发亮" 城市的哭声喜欢一个女海妖的鸣啭Wailin" 在屋顶之上整个夜晚渴望看见一个射击星喜欢天空的一个钻石一定是某人的灵魂Passin" 被这些是街道在我们过去一直跑的地方, 哪里你爸爸从这些是数天你变成你变成的地方这些是街道哪里被告诉的故事的事实展开黑暗长椅在哦, 表示惊讶使你的灯发亮落在我身上举起我增加因此我能见到毫米使你的灯发亮当你不见了的时候给我力量为了继续, 进位在我认为我看见他步行藉着道路的边也许尝试找他回家的道路他在这里但是不在这里他已经离去但是不离去我仅仅希望他知道如果我迷路Oh使你的灯发亮落在我身上举起我增加因此我能见到使你的灯发亮当你不见了的时候给我力量继续继续(唱诗班) 使你的灯发亮使你的灯发亮 - 落在我身上落在我身上 - 举起我增加落在我身上使你的灯发亮 - 使你的灯发亮当你不见了的时候给我力量为了继续, 进位在使你的灯发亮落在我身上举起我增加使你的灯发亮 - 使你的灯发亮当你不见了的时候给我力量为了继续, 进位在使你的灯发亮落在我身上举起我增加 oh.........

Shine Your Light 歌词

歌曲名:Shine Your Light歌手:Rose Royce专辑:Rose Royce Iv: Rainbow ConnectionArtist: Robbie RobertsonTitle: Shine Your Light (Ladder 49 Soundtrack)The cry of the city like a siren"s songWailing over the rooftops the whole night longSaw a shooting star like a diamond in the skyMust be someone"s soul passing byThese are the streetsWhere we used to run where your Papa"s fromThese are the daysWhere you become what you becomeThese are the streetsWhere the story"s toldThe truth unfoldsDarkness settles inShine your light down on meLift me up so i can seeShine your light when you"re goneGive me the strengthTo carry on, carry onDon"t wanna be a heroJust an everyday manTrying to do the job the very best he canBut now it"s like living on borrowed timeOut on the rim, over the lineAlways tempting fate like a game of chanceNever wanna stick around to the very last danceSometimes i stumble and take a hard fallLoose hold your grip off the wallShine your light down on meLift me up so i can seeShine your light when you"re goneGive me the strength to carry on carry onI thought i saw him walking by the side of the roadMaybe trying to find his way homeHe"s here but not hereHe"s gone but not goneJust hope he knows if I get lostShine your light down on meLift me up so i can seeShine your light when you"re goneGive me the strength to carry onTo carry onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9870930

Shine Your Light 歌词

歌曲名:Shine Your Light歌手:Soffi专辑:SugarpunkArtist: Robbie RobertsonTitle: Shine Your Light (Ladder 49 Soundtrack)The cry of the city like a siren"s songWailing over the rooftops the whole night longSaw a shooting star like a diamond in the skyMust be someone"s soul passing byThese are the streetsWhere we used to run where your Papa"s fromThese are the daysWhere you become what you becomeThese are the streetsWhere the story"s toldThe truth unfoldsDarkness settles inShine your light down on meLift me up so i can seeShine your light when you"re goneGive me the strengthTo carry on, carry onDon"t wanna be a heroJust an everyday manTrying to do the job the very best he canBut now it"s like living on borrowed timeOut on the rim, over the lineAlways tempting fate like a game of chanceNever wanna stick around to the very last danceSometimes i stumble and take a hard fallLoose hold your grip off the wallShine your light down on meLift me up so i can seeShine your light when you"re goneGive me the strength to carry on carry onI thought i saw him walking by the side of the roadMaybe trying to find his way homeHe"s here but not hereHe"s gone but not goneJust hope he knows if I get lostShine your light down on meLift me up so i can seeShine your light when you"re goneGive me the strength to carry onTo carry onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2634407

shine a bright light on 作为词组什么意思?

shine a (bright) light on--------()揭露;()曝光

求歌词 shine your light

Shine Your Light 把我的世界照亮 Robbie Robertson 罗比·罗伯森 The cry of the city like a siren"s song 这座城市发出悲泣,像一声声凄厉的警笛 Wailing over the rooftops the whole night long 在楼宇的上空彻夜回荡 Saw a shooting star, Like a diamond in the sky 一颗流星划破夜空,像宝石一样明亮 Must be someone"s soul, passing by 那是谁的灵魂正飘然离去 These are the streets 这些街道 Where we used to run where your Papa"s from 是我们世代的居所,童年嬉戏的地方 These are the days 这里的岁月 Where you become what you become 是我们成长的时光,让我们变成今天的模样 These are the streets 在这街道 Where the story"s told 我们曾倾听动人的故事 The truth unfolds 了解到这里的过去 Darkness settles in 不觉间夜幕已经降临 Shine your light down on me 撒下你的光辉把我的世界照亮 Lift me up so I can see 带我高飞让我眺望远方 Shine your light when you"re gone 离去时留下你智慧的光芒 Give me the strength 给我力量,让我坚强 To carry on, carry on 永远坚强 I thought I saw him walking by the side of the road 我仿佛看见他在街上步履匆匆 Maybe trying to find his way home 好像在寻找回家的归途 He"s here but not here 明明就在眼前却是一个幻影 He"s gone but not gone 他已经离去却总萦绕我的左右 Just hope he knows if I get lost 他可知道我也在找回家的道路 Shine your light down on me 撒下你的光辉把我的世界照亮 Lift me up so I can see 带我高飞让我眺望远方 Shine your light when you"re gone 离去时留下你智慧的光芒 Give me the strength to carry on 给我力量,让我坚强 To carry on 永远坚强 Shine your light down on me 撒下你的光辉把我的世界照亮 Lift me up 带我高飞 Ooh, ooh...哦~哦~

shine a light on sb. 是什么意思?


shine a light 中文翻译

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