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sms verification code是什么意思

意思是:短信验证码。重点词汇:verification。英[veru026afu026a'keu026au0283n]释义:n.证实,证明,核实;(哲)(通过实证方法对命题)证实;(确保裁减武器协议所规定程序得以执行的)核查。短语:formal verification形式验证;形式化验证;正式验证;[数]形式证明。词语辨析:law,constitution,regulation,code,rule,act。这些名词均有“法同,法规”之意。1、law普通用词,泛指由最高当局所制订、立法机构所通过的任何成文或不成文的法规或条例。2、constitution指治理国家或国家在处理内外政务时所遵循的基本法律和原则;也指规章规则的汇集。3、regulation普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。4、code指某一阶层或社会所遵守的一整套法典、法规或法则;也可指与某一特殊活动或主题有关的规则。5、rule通常指机关、团体的规章、条例或比赛规则;也指对人行为、方法等所作的规定,还可指习俗所承认的规定。6、act指经立法机构通过并由行政管理签署的法案。

总是显示chkdsk is verifying files(stage 1 of 3)

基于所用的文件系统,创建和显示磁盘的状态报告。Chkdsk 还会列出并纠正磁盘上的错误。如果不带任何参数,chkdsk 将显示当前驱动器中的磁盘状态。 语法 chkdsk [volume:][[Path] FileName] [/f] [/v] [/r] [/x] [/c] [/l[:size]] 参数 volume: 指定驱动器号(冒号分隔)、装入点或卷名。 [Path} FileName] 指定需要 chkdsk 检查碎片整理的文件或文件集的位置和名称。使用通配符(* 和 ?)可以指定多个文件。 /f 修复磁盘上的错误。必须锁定磁盘。如果 chkdsk 无法锁定驱动器,则会显示一条消息,询问您是否希望在下次重新启动计算机时检查该驱动器。 /v 当检查磁盘时,显示所有目录中每个文件的名称。 /r 找到坏扇区并恢复可读取的信息。必须锁定磁盘。 /x 仅在 NTFS 上使用。如果必要,首先强制卸载卷。该驱动器的所有打开句柄都无效。/x 还包含了/f 的功能。 /i 仅随 NTFS 使用。对索引项执行充分检查,降低运行 chkdsk 的所用时间量。 /c 仅随 NTFS 使用。跳过文件夹结构中的周期检查,减少运行 chkdsk 所需的时间量。 /l[:size] 仅随 NTFS 使用。将日志文件的大小更改为由用户输入的大小。如果省略该参数,则 /l 会显示当前日志文件的大小。 /? 在命令提示符显示帮助。 注释 运行 chkdsk 要在固定磁盘上运行 chkdsk 命令,您必须是该 Administrators 组的成员。 重新启动时检查锁定的驱动器 如果希望 chkdsk 修复磁盘错误,则此前不能打开该驱动器上的文件。如果有文件打开,会显示下述错误消息: Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another processWould you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts?(Y/N) 如果选择下次重新启动计算机时检查该驱动器,则重新启动计算机后 chkdsk 会自动检查该驱动器并修复错误。如果该驱动器分区为启动分区,则 chkdsk 在检查完该驱动器后会自动重新启动计算机。 报告磁盘错误 chkdsk 命令会检查磁盘空间和文件分配表 (FAT)以及 NTFS 文件系统的使用情况。Chkdsk 在状态报告中提供特定于每个文件系统的信息。状态报告显示文件系统中找到的错误。在活动分区上运行 chkdsk 时,如果未含 /f 命令行选项,则它可能会因为无法锁定该驱动器而报告虚假信息。应该不定期使用 chkdsk 检查每个磁盘上的错误。 修复磁盘错误 只有指定 /f 命令行选项,chkdsk 命令才修复磁盘错误。Chkdsk 必须可以锁定驱动器以纠正错误。由于修复通常会更改磁盘的文件分配表,有时还会丢失数据,所以 chkdsk 会首先发送如下所示的确认消息: 10 lost allocation units found in 3 chains. Convert lost chains to files? 如果按 Y,Windows 会在根目录中将所有丢失链保存在一个名为 Filennnn.chk 的文件中。chkdsk 结束后,可以查看这些文件是否包含了所需的数据。如果按 N,Windows 会修复磁盘,但对于丢失的分配单元,它不保存其内容。 如果不使用 /f 命令行选项,则在有文件需要修复时,chkdsk 会发送消息,但它不修复任何错误。 如果在大磁盘(例如,70 GB)或有大量文件(数百万)的磁盘上使用 chkdsk /f,这可能要花很长时间(比如说,数天)才能完成。因为 chkdsk 直到工作完成它才会交出控制权,所以计算机在这段时间内将不可用。 检查 FAT 磁盘 Windows 以下列格式显示 FAT 磁盘的 chkdsk 状态报告: Volume Serial Number is B1AF-AFBF 72214528 bytes total disk space 73728 bytes in 3 hidden files 30720 bytes in 12 directories 11493376 bytes in 386 user files 61440 bytes in bad sectors 60555264 bytes available on disk 2048 bytes in each allocation unit 35261 total allocation units on disk 29568 available allocation units on disk 检查 NTFS 磁盘 Windows 以下列格式显示 NTFS 磁盘的 chkdsk 状态报告: The type of the file system is NTFS. CHKDSK is verifying files... File verification completed. CHKDSK is verifying indexes... Index verification completed. CHKDSK is verifying security descriptors... Security descriptor verification completed. 12372 kilobytes total disk space. 3 kilobytes in 1 user files. 2 kilobytes in 1 indexes. 4217 kilobytes in use by the system. 8150 kilobytes available on disk. 512 bytes in each allocation unit. 24745 total allocation units on disk. 16301 allocation units available on disk. 存在打开文件的情况下使用 chkdsk 如果该驱动器上有打开的文件,则指定 /f 命令行选项后,chkdsk 会发送错误消息。如果未指定 /f 命令行选项并且存在打开的文件,则 chkdsk 会报告磁盘上丢失的分配单元。如果打开的文件没有记录在文件分配表时,可能会发生这种情况。如果 chkdsk 报告大量分配单元丢失,可以考虑修复该磁盘。 查找物理磁盘错误 使用 /r 命令行选项可查找文件系统中的物理磁盘错误。有关使用 recover 修复物理性损坏文件的信息,请参阅“”。 报告磁盘坏扇区 在磁盘第一次准备运行时,chkdsk 报告的坏扇区标记为损坏。它们不会造成危险。 了解退出码 下表列出了 chkdsk 完成任务后报告的退出码。 退出码 说明 0 没有发现错误。 1 错误已找到并修复。 2 已执行清理磁盘(例如碎片收集),或者因为没有指定 /f 而未执行清理磁盘。 3 由于未指定 /f 选项,无法检查磁盘,错误不能修复或错误未修复。 故障恢复控制台提供了带有不同参数的 chkdsk 命令。 范例 如果要检查驱动器 D 中的磁盘,并且希望 Windows 修复错误,请键入: chkdsk d:/f 如果遇到错误,chkdsk 会暂停并显示消息。Chkdsk 完成任务时会显示列有磁盘状态的报告。除非 chkdsk 已完成任务,否则无法打开指定驱动器上的任何文件。 在 FAT 磁盘上,要检查当前目录中所有文件的不相邻块,请键入: chkdsk *.* Chkdsk 显示状态报告,然后列出符合具有不相邻块条件的文件。

英语谚语中形容时间珍贵除了Time is money/life还有哪些说法?要比喻的说法!

(一)时间是金,其值无价 Time is money. (时间就是金钱或一寸光阴一寸金) Time flies. (光阴似箭,日月如梭) Time has wings. (光阴去如飞) Time is a file that wears and makes no noise. (光阴如锉,细磨无声) Time stays not the fool"s leisure. (时间不等闲逛的傻瓜) Time and I against any two. (和时间携起手来,一人抵两人) Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself. (时间就是生命,懒人消耗时间就是消耗自己的生命。或时间就是生命,节省时间,就是延长生命) Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.(消磨于恶习或愚行的时间是加倍的损失) (二)时间是风,去而不返 Time undermines us. (光阴暗中催人才。或莫说年纪小人生容易老) Time and tide wait for no man. (岁月不待人) Time cannot be won again. (时间一去不再来) Time is , time was , and time is past. (现在有时间,过去有时间,时间一去不复返) Time lost can not be recalled. (光阴一去不复返) Time flies like an arrow , and time lost never returns.(光阴似箭,一去不返) (三)时间是尺,万物皆检 Time tries friends as fire tries gold. (时间考验朋友,烈火考验黄金) Time tries truth. (时间检验真理) Time is the father of truth. (时间是真理之父) Time will tell. (时间能说明问题) Time brings the truth to light. (时间使真相大白。或时间一到,真理自明。) Time and chance reveal all secrets. (时间与机会能提示一切秘密) Time consecrates: what is gray with age becomes religion. (时间考验一切,经得起时间考验的就为人所信仰) Time reveals(discloses) all things. (万事日久自明) Time tries all.(时间检验一切) (四)时间是秤,衡量权质 There is no time like the present. (现在正是时候) Take time by the forelock. (把握目前的时机) To choose time is to save time. (选择时间就是节省时间) Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today. (今日事,今日毕) Procrastination is the thief of time. (拖延为时间之窃贼) One of these days is none of these days. (拖延时日,终难实现。或:改天改天,不知哪天) Tomorrow never comes. (明天无尽头,明日何其多) What may be done at any time will be done at no time.(常将今日推明日,推到后来无踪迹) (五)时间是水,淘金流沙 Time works wonders. (时间可以创造奇迹或时间的效力不可思议) Time works great changes. (时间可以产生巨大的变化) Times change. (时代正在改变)

sector-specific regulation是什么意思

sector-specific regulation具体部门的监管望采纳,谢谢天天开心,欢迎再问


sector-specific 特定部门;部门别;特定产业别例句筛选1.In sector-specific functions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have not muchchange.在具体的部门职能方面,外交部暂无太大变化。2.That said, the two cycles can become disconnected at times, for instancedue to sector-specific developments in the automobile industry.研究称,有时两个周期可断开,比如由于汽车行业专业的发展。

have difficulty in doing sth的翻译是什么?


life sucks 是什么意思???



没有那个单词stiffie 你啊肯定是动错了cum [ku028cm] adj. 和(附有)我很高兴,这是很大的表皮


SciFinder的检索入口:SciFinder为检索CAS数据库提供了多个检索入口(points of access / searching starting points),并且这些检索入口相互联系,相互贯通。 例1. 检索主题入口(starting with a research topic)当检索者想用“general topic”或“named reaction”来检索较宽范围的文献时,往往会采用该检索入口。例如要查询采用Suzuki耦合反应(Suzuki coupling reaction)制备取代联苯(substituted biphenyls)的专利,可采用如下步骤:(1)现在research topic中输入“Suzuki reaction”,并将“document type”限定为“patent”,点击“search”;(2)在检索结果列表中对文献进一步限定,采用“refine”在其中选择“research topic”,并在“research topic”框中输入“substituted biphenyls”,就得到了采用Suzuki耦合反应制备取代联苯的专利;(3)可点击“get reactions”,查看反应结构式,包括反应物结构、产物结构、溶剂、催化剂、反应温度、反应时间等详细信息(if available in the reference)。CAS对反应标引的详细程度由此可见一斑。采用这种主题检索的方式得到的是“general results”,例如主题检索中并没有对“substituted biphenyls”的具体取代基、结构式做精确限定。 例2. 确定化合物入口(starting with a specific substance)如果有确定的反应物、试剂或产品,就可以采用这种检索入口。通过检索名称、CAS登记号、化学结构,进一步获得反应信息。用化学结构可以进行确定结构检索、相似结构检索或亚结构检索(substructure or core structure)。例如要检索1,3-丙二醇的生物制备方法,可采用如下步骤:(1)在Substance Identifier中输入“1,3-propanediol”,得到该物质信息,包括RN号、分子式、结构式等;(2)然后get reactions,并在输入框中将1,3-propanediol限定为产品“product”,或者get references,并进一步将其设定成产品,然后再get reactions,都会有殊途同归的效果,得到反应列表;(3)对列表中的信息进行refine,将reaction classification限定为Biotransformation,即可得到1,3-丙二醇的生物制备方法;(4)在每条信息的reaction detail中可查看反应的详细信息及来源。 例3. 反应结构图入口(starting with a reaction structure drawing)如果想查找某一类或某一系列的物质时,并想购买或合成其中一些物质时,可以采用这种方法。例如在2,4,6位具有烷基的aromatic thiol,可以采用如下步骤:(1)在画图工具中画出结构式,将其角色限定为product,并选择可变位点,例如将烷基设成可变基团;(2)得到反应列表后,如果条数过多,还可以对产量、反应步骤等条件进一步限定;(3)可对每条反应式进行详细分析,例如查询反应物的制备方法、价格、供应商、物质详情等,形成递进式查找,层层深入。通过以上方法得到了一类在2,4,6位具有烷基的aromatic thiol,并能分析这些aromatic thiol的性质、来源等信息,还可根据检索结果决定是购买还是制备,如果制备的话那种原料经济、易得等信息。 例4. 官能团转化入口(starting with a functional group tansformation)采用这个入口可以对广义的反应类型进行检索,查询某类官能团的反应活性。例如查找将氨基化合物还原为胺的环保方法,可采用如下步骤:(1)打开画图工具,在functional groups的列表中选择“amide”和“amines”,并分别设定两者的反应角色为“reactant/reagent”和“product”,此外还可进一步限定反应类型如biotransformation、catalyzed、steroselective等(可能这些方法比较环保吧),得到反应结构式列表;(2)系统可以对检索结果进行分析(这种分析功能在其它一些检索系统中也可以看到),例如系统会对反应使用的catalyst种类进行统计,我们可以选择性查看使用某一类自己感兴趣的催化剂的反应,再对限定后的结果列表进行深入分析,即分析合成路径、物质信息、商业信息等。 由于各个检索入口的相互联系,使得这些检索策略(search strategy)殊途同归。检索策略是科技、经济、法律等信息的反应。各个社会学科都是相互联系的,要有效运用检索策略单单具备一个领域的知识是不可能的,通常要掌握的往往是整个社会的脉络。


《What makes you beautiful》--One Direction You"re insecure Don"t know what for 不知道为何 你会觉得没安全感 You"re turing heads When you walk through the door 你总是别过头 Don"t need make-up To cover up 别掩饰了 Being the way thay you are is enough 做你自己就足够了 Everyone else in the room can see it 你身旁所有人都看得出 你是如此美好 Everyone else but you 除了你自己 Baby you light up my world like nobody else 宝贝,只有你能照亮我的世界 The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得我神魂颠倒 But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的动人 You don"t know 你不知道 OH OH OH You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人 If noly you saw what I can see 如果你能看透我的心 You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会知道我为什么如此疯狂地想要得到你 Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 现在我注视你 美好得让我不敢相信 You don"t know OH OH 你不知道 噢 噢~ You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人噢~噢~ That"s what makes you beautiful 这就是你美丽动人的所在啊~ So c-come on 来吧~ You got it wrong 用这一曲 to prove I"m right I put it in a so-o-ng 来证明我是对的 你是错的 I don"t know why 我不明白 You"re being shy 为什么你总是害羞 And turn away when I look into you eyes 当我注视你的时候 你总是避开 Everyone else in the room can see it 你身边所有人都看得出 你是如此美好 everyone else but you 除了你自己 Baby you light up my world like nobody else 宝贝 只有你能照亮我的世界 The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得我神魂颠倒 But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的动人 You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢· You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人 If only you saw what I can see 如果你能看透我的心 You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会理解为什么我会疯狂地想要得到你 Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 现在我注视着你 美好得让我无法相信 You don"t know OH OH 你不知道 噢~噢~ You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你是如此的美丽动人 噢~噢~ That"s what makes you beautiful 这就是你美丽动人的所在啊~ NA NA NA NA. Baby you light up my wrold like nobody else 宝贝 只有你能照亮我的世界 The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得让我神魂颠倒 But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的美丽动人 You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢~ You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人 Baby you light up my wrold like nobody else 宝贝 只有你能照亮我的世界 The way that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed 你飘逸的秀发 美得让我神魂颠倒 But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell 我无法表达你的微笑是如此的美丽动人 You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢~ You don"t know you"re beautiful 你不知道你是如此的美丽动人 If only you saw what I can see 如果你能看透我的心 You"ll understand why I want you so desperately 你就会理解为什么我那么疯狂地想要得到你 Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe 现在我注视着你 美好的让我无法相信 You don"t know OH OH 你不知道噢~噢~ You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你是如此的美丽动人 You don"t know you"re beautiful OH OH 你是如此的美丽动人 That"s what makes you beautiful 这就是你美丽动人的所在啊~

英语作文:college graduates have difficulty fingding jobs

Nowadays, it has become a heated issue that college graduates have difficulty finding jobs, which has a big difference with what it used to be in the past that all of college students can find their satisfying jobs. For my perspective, I do agree with the opinion for the following reasons: First of all, the number of college graduates is increasing that they have become so common. Though the college students used to be well welcomed, however, with the increasing number of graduates, people have get used to college graduates , they find almost everyone around is graduate. Consequently, you have lost your advantages that if you are only a college graduate.Secondly, the economy is still in a bad state, which has made the available job less than usual. The economy crisis has made the companies offer less position for people,in such a bad society situation, there is no doubt that college students will have difficulty finding jobs.The last but not least, graduates themselves don"t qualify for the jobs. Nowadays, graduates commonly have a pride attitude that they don"t willing to do small things and usually they don"t have enough patience, stamina and courage to bear the cruel reality, what"s more, the current graduates tend to have little experience to take action, they can only do theory works, which certainly can"t satisfy the companies" requirement. So it is not astonishing that the graduates are usually hard to find jobs.As a whole, in order to make the college graduates have less difficulty finding jobs, the government as well as the graduates should take efforts to improve the bad situation.

唱Human sarcrifce的是sweetbox的那位成员?

Jade Valerie (杰德·薇乐莉),全名:Jade Valerie Villalon,1980年8月12日出生于美国加州圣迭戈市,是一名活跃于美国和欧洲舞台的流行歌手,音乐制作人,演员;1999至2007年间,担纲德国知名创作团体Sweetbox(糖果盒子)的第四任主唱兼词作者,其音乐风格变化多样,比较流行的作品有:“Don"t Push Me”,“Life is Cool”,"Like A Bird",“Just Another Day”等。Sweetbox的音乐在日韩两国很受欢迎。"Human Sacrifice"出自Sweetbox 2002年发行的专辑"Jade"。

Sweetbox的If you love me中文歌词

if you love me---sweet boxif he loves mehe will never let me go should i never give me pay the sorrowlonely tomorrow love is foreverforever heard to swallowwhen love grows old that"s no where else to go that"s no return or time to borrowno easy way to save your soul don"t you believenever believe when they say love would kill your sorrow over love to realize so love is just a lie but you believe still you believe love is would never say goodbyeuntil you hear him say goodbye if you love himyou should never let him go should i never ever give him sorrow just in tomorrowlove is foreverforever heard to swallowwhen love grows old that"s no where else to go that"s no return or time to borrowno easy way to save your soul don"t you believenever believe when they say love would kill your sorrow over love to realize so love is just a lie but you believe still you believe love is would never say goodbyeuntil you hear him say goodbye in the here the passion in the nightwho could see your love you saw the night it"s the time you borrow before set tomorrow don"t you believenever believe when they say love would kill your sorrow over love to realize so love is just a lie but you believestill you believe love is would never say goodbye until you hear him say goodbye until you hear his last goodbye

Sweetbox的《Beautiful》 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful歌手:Sweetbox专辑:糖果盒子45超精选Sweetbox Complete BestI"ve been feeling high.I"ve been feeling low.Waiting for a hand to hold.Searching faces for the one to call home.But their touch just left me cold.I don"t know what went wrong.Or How I"ve been going on.I"ve been spinning round and round.Running through these ups and downs.How did I end up here?How"d I end up here?I know that I can be stronger.[00:47But I don"t wanna be strong tonight.And you don"t need to make everything all right.Just make me feel Like I"m beautiful tonight.Just make me feel Like I"m beautiful tonightI"ve had the view.I"ve had the fall.Heard my doubts in surround sound.Life"s let me fly, Life"s made me crawl.Learned to balance on shaky ground.I don"t need your rescuing.Just help me to believe again.That broken hearts can be heal and mend.And people do get happy ends.How did I end up here?Will I always be here?I know that I can be stronger.But I don"t wanna be strong tonight.And you don"t need to make everything all right.Just make me feel Like I"m beautiful tonight.Just make me feel Like I"m beautiful tonight.Beautiful, So beautiful.I"m waiting here.Grab my hand oh someone pull me out.Cause I don"t need a hero.But I don"t want to be alone.Just make me feelanything anything anything anything at all.I know that I can be stronger.But I don"t wanna be strong tonight.And you don"t need to make everything all right.Just make me feel Like I"m beautiful tonight.Just make me feel Like I"m beautiful tonight.make me feel beautiful tonight.http://music.baidu.com/song/803014

一首女生唱的英文歌,歌词有if you can be no.1


农村信用合作联社 有没有swift code呢?


翻译If someone is in the United States for good,it means he is there permanently.谢谢



都可以。knife + owners 是单数形式,表示一个刀具所有者。knives + owners 是复数形式,表示多个刀具所有者。具体情况要根据上下文。如果指一个人拥有多个刀具,则应使用复数形式 knives + owners。如果一个人只拥有一个刀具,则使用单数形式 knife + owners 会更合适。例句:单数:The knife owner forgot to sharpen his knife before using it.复数:The knives owners gathered at the convention to show off their collections.

swift 中 Self 与self

在swift 开发过程中,尤其是第三方库中,我们多次看到首字母大写的Self,很多时候不明白其中意思,Self 与self 又有何区别呢? 今天在这里简单解释一下: self 大家都熟悉,在UIViewController 或者UIView 里面,我们通常用到 self.view , self.navigationController 以及 self.属性 ,这是跟OC里面的用法都差不多,我这里解释的是 .self 在定义协议的时候Self 用的频率很高,比如rx

on entering the room,the child was attracted by the christmas tree beautifull

beautifull decorated 是定语,修饰前面的the christmas tree;如果要用decorations的话应该改成by the christmas tree"s beautifull decorations 或者by the beautifull decorations of the christmas tree.

vary from 和differ from有什么区别 求大神赐教


Don’t ________ to let me know if there is anything I can do for you.


vary from和different from

differ from differ的衍生词有different 表示区别,不同,不一样 所以differ from通常表示有区别的不同,且常用于两个(抽象/具体)事物间的比较 vary from vary的衍生词有various表示各种各样的事物间的不同,可比较很多事物 两者差别不是特别大

求if you want me to stay 的中文歌词翻译,NE YO唱的

got my bags at the door  把我的包放在门边  im getting ready to leave  我准备好了,要离开  ohh ohh  i can tell there"s something  我能肯定有些事  you wanna say to me  你想告诉我  ohh ohh  baby speak your mind  宝贝,说出你所想的  cos you"re wasting time  因为。你在浪费时间  it"s a quarter to nine  现在差十五分钟九点  and my car is on the way  我的车已在路上  you say you wasn"t ready for this  你说你还没准备好  so i"m out the door  所以我在门外  or did something in your mind change  要不然,就改变一下你的想法吧  if you want me to stay..  如果你想我停留  if you want me to stay,  如果你想我停留  say you want me to stay  说你想我停留  baby stop playing around with me  宝贝,别再玩弄我了  there ain"t no time to play  没有时间玩了  if you want me to stay  如果你想我停留  baby you got to show me  宝贝,你得向我表示一下  ohh your eyes and your mouth  哦,你的眼睛和你的嘴  are saying two different things  表明的是两回事  ohh ohh  you need to figure it out  你需要想明白  i"m tired of waiting  我以疲于等待  ohh ohh  being indecisive it goes with a price  犹豫不决是需要代价的  and now your time is almost gone  你几乎没时间了  i"m hearing go on and leave  我要离开了  you don"t care about me  你不在乎我  but your eyes are saying  但是你的眼神在说  you want me home  你想和我一起  if you want me to stay..  如果你想我停留  if you want me to stay,  如果你想我停留  say you want me to stay  说你想我停留  baby stop playing around with me  宝贝,别再玩弄我了  there ain"t no time to play  没有时间玩了  if you want me to stay  如果你想我停留  baby you got to show me  宝贝,你得向我表示一下  show me you want me baby*7  宝贝,你得告诉我你想和我在一起  show me, show me  告诉我  (show me you want me baby)*2  告诉我你想和我在一起  show me that you care  告诉我你其实在乎  you"ve got to show me  你得向我表示一下  if you want me to stay,  如果你想我停留  say you want me to stay  说你想我停留  baby stop playing around with me  宝贝,别再玩弄我了  there ain"t no time to play  没有时间玩了  if you want me to stay  如果你想我停留  baby you got to show me  宝贝,你得向我表示一下



歌词里有i used to be so beautiful now look at me,求歌名

Absolutely AnythingCG5 I run I hide because I want A little freedom But I can"t get just what I want No I can"t beat "em Why did I do I even dare? She"s here and there and everywhere I"m in the depths of dark despair I can"t succeed I"ll never be the same again The things I"ve seen here It"s absolutely evident I"m not asleep You think I must be dreaming this? That all I do is reminisce? There"s nothing here to reminisce Nothing for me Can you hear me calling? Calling out to you? I"m falling apart I"m falling This body I must renew I"ll do anything anything Anything that you need me to do Absolutely anything for you I will be aware of the ink swim or sink Watching out for anything out of the blue But this nightmare"s coming true I used to be so beautiful Now look at me My actions are undutiful It"s clear to see Come on and step out of that cage There"s a new chapter turn the page I"ll take my place up on the stage All eyes on me I can hear you calling Calling out to me I"m falling down I"m falling Won"t you set me free? I"ll do anything anything Anything that you need me to do Absolutely anything for you I will be aware of the ink swim or sink Watching out for anything out of the blue But this nightmare"s coming true What have I got myself into? Have you ever wondered what heaven is like? I"d like to dream that it is quite beautiful A soft valley of green grass blanketed by a warm sun I don"t think I"ll ever get to see it Are you ready to ascend my little errand boy? The heavens are waiting You"ll do anything anything Anything that I ask you to do But you don"t have a clue "Cuz I can guarantee guarantee The demon"s always after me and you But this nightmare"s coming true Look what you"ve got yourself into Doo do do doo doo doo dooo Doo do do doo doo doo dooo Doo do do doo doo doo dooo Doo do do doo doo doo dooo

if youy want me to stay歌词

if you want me to stay 歌手:eric benet 专辑:true to myself If you want me to stayI"ll be around todayAvailable for you to seeWell I"m about to goAnd then you"ll knowFor me to stay hereI"ve got to be meYou"ll never be downThat"s what it"s all aboutCan"t take me for granted smileCount my days I"m goneTogether me and you by phoneI promised I"ll be gone for a whileWhen you see me again I hope that you have beenThe kind of person That you really are nowGot to get them straight How could I ever be late To the only woman taking up my timeHow could I ever allowI guess I wondered how I could forget about a pocket of funWhen you know That you"ll never ever doNumber one"s gonna be number oneI"ll be goodI wish I could Get the message over to you nowWhen you see me againI hope that you have been The kind of person That you really are now

求一些霉霉taylor swift 歌的简谱,就是写数字的那种,哪首歌都行,尽量给多一些

是C调,在吉他上是这样的7777666554#I remember tears streaming down your face     222333327(低音7)when I said, I"ll never let you go      7(低音7)7766554#235When all those shadows almost killed your light   77661(高音1)7233327(低音7)I remember you said, don"t leave me here alone   7(低音7)7766554#235But all that"s dead and gone and passed tonight   5672(高音2)Just close your eyes   767653the sun is going down   5672(高音2)You"ll be alright      767653no one can hurt you now   5672(高音2)Come morning light    676534#35673You and I"ll be safe and sound   



求safe and sound(taylorswift) 歌词

词:Taylor Swift 曲:Taylor Swift, Joy Williams, John Paul White & T Bone Burnett, Joy Williams, John Paul White & I remember tears streaming down your face When I said, Ill never let you go When all those shadows almost killed your light I remember you said, Dont leave me here alone But all thats dead and gone and passed tonight Just close your eyes The sun is going down Youll be alright No one can hurt you now Come morning light You and Ill be safe and sound Dont you dare look out your window darling Everythings on fire The war outside our door keeps raging on Hold onto this lullaby Even when the musics gone Just close your eyes The sun is going down Youll be alright No one can hurt you now Come morning light You and Ill be safe and sound Just close your eyes Youll be alright Come morning light, You and Ill be safe and sound...



eminem的beautiful和T.I.的dead and gone 的完整歌词

Lately I"ve been hard to reach最近我变得无法让人接近I"ve been too long on my own我已经太久一个人Everybody has a private world每个人都有自己的天空Where they can be alone好让自己来有片刻安宁Are you calling me?你打电话找我么?Are you trying to get through?想和我说说话么?Are you reaching out for me?你想了解我么?I"m reaching out for you....我也想了解了解你....I"m just so f**kin" depressed,我就是感到很压抑I just can"t seem to get out this slump似乎就是无法从萧条中逃出去If I could just get over this hump, 除非我能把这座山头给翻过去but I need something to pull me out this dump我需要一些东西把我从忧郁里拉出去I took my bruises, took my lumps,身上带着淤青和肿块fell down and I got right back up摔倒了也立刻爬起来But I need that spark to get psyched back up,但我需要那种快感来使我的精神振作起来in order for me to pick the mic back up这样才能回到麦克风前I don"t know how or why of when 不知道怎么做到因为什么或什么时候I ended up in this position I"m in我告别了处在这种状态中的我I"m startin to feel distant again, 再次开始感到冷漠so I decided just to pick this pen up and try to make an attempt to vent所以我便拿起笔来开火but I just can"t admit or come to grips但我真的无法承认一个事实With the fact that I may be done with rap, 就是我可能会和饶舌一同去死I need a new outlet我需要一个新的出口And I know some shit so hard to swallow,并且我懂有些事情无法吞的下喉but I just can"t sit back and wallow 但我会退后一步在我的伤感中颠簸In my own sorrow, but I know one fact,但我知道一个事实,那就是I"ll be one tough act to follow one tough act to follow跟随我的脚步可不是一件轻松的事One tough act to follow跟随我的脚步不是一件轻松的事Here today, gone tomorrow, but you"d have to walk a thousand miles...今日毕,明日始,漫漫长路即将开始In my shoes, just to see,用我的眼,去发现what it"s like to be me,成为我是什么感觉I"ll be you, let"s trade shoes交换灵魂,我是你Just to see what it"d be like 看看我究竟能不能to feel your pain, you feel mine, 感受你的痛,我的痛go inside each others minds深入彼此的灵魂中Just to see what we"d find, 试试看会有什么新发现look at shit through each others eyes透过对方的眼看看彼此的世界But don"t let them say you ain"t beautiful但别让任何人说你不够美They can all get f**ked, just stay true to you让他们都去死你只需问心无愧But don"t let them say you ain"t beautiful但别让任何人说你不够美They can all get f**ked, just stay true to you让他们都去死你只需问心无愧 I think I"m startin to lose my sense of humor,我觉得我的幽默感已经开始离我远去everythings so tense and gloom所有事情绷得那么紧看起来那么忧郁Almost feel like I got to check the temperture of the room just as soon as I walk in, 刚踏入房间就觉得气氛不对想把它给换的干干净净it"s like all eyes on me, so I try to avoid any eye contact就好像所有人都在盯着我看所以眼神的交流我尽量避免Cause if I do that, then it opens the door for coversation, like I want that如果不这么做的话就打开了话匣子好像我希望如此I"m not looking for extra attention, I just want to be just like you我不是想吸引多余目光我只想成为你Blend in with the rest of the room, maybe just point me to the closest restroom和大多数人关系融洽或许只是告诉我最近的休息室在哪里I don"t need no f**kin" man servant, tryna follow me around and wipe my ass我TM不需要谁来做我的跟屁虫拍我马屁And laugh at every single joke I crack and half of them aint even funny like 对我说的每个笑话都笑到面部抽筋,尽管它们中有一半根本就无聊透顶"Ahh, Marshall you"re so funny man you should be a comedian, god damn"“哈哈哈哈marshall哥们你太逗了你TM该去当个喜剧演员”Unfortunately I am, I just hide behind the tears of a clown不幸被你言中,我只是藏在一个小丑的眼泪的后面So why don"t you all sit down,所以说你们为什么不试试静静坐下来listen to the tale I"m about to tell聆听我将要诉说的故事Hell, we ain"t gotta trade our shoes,丫的,我们不用互换角色and you aint gotta walk no thousand miles而你将无法知道我的苦涩 In my shoes, just to see,用我的眼,去发现what it"s like to be me,成为我是什么感觉I"ll be you, let"s trade shoes交换灵魂,我是你Just to see what it"d be like 看看我究竟能不能to feel your pain, you feel mine, 感受你的痛,我的痛go inside each others minds深入彼此的灵魂中Just to see what we"d find, 试试看会有什么新发现look at shit through each others eyes透过对方的眼看看彼此的世界But don"t let them say you ain"t beautiful但别让任何人说你不够美They can all get f**ked, just stay true to you让他们都去死你只需问心无愧But don"t let them say you ain"t beautiful但别让任何人说你不够美They can all get f**ked, just stay true to you让他们都去死你只需问心无愧 Nobody asked for life to deal us what these bullshit hands with doubt没有人会要求生活来赐给自己那些狗屎事情We gotta take these cards ourselves, and flip them, don"t expect no help我们得自力更生所以别寄希望会有人来帮你Now I could have either just sat on my ass and pissed and moaned现在我可以呆在家呆坐着无病呻 吟But take this situation in which I"m placed, and get up and get my own但身在我的处境只能振作起来靠你自己I was never the type of kid to wait but I know to unpack his bags我从来不是那种只会等待的孩子我会收拾自己的行李Or sat on the porch and hoped and pray for a dad to show up who never did或者坐在走廊里并祈祷老爸出现尽管他一直没有来I just wanted to fit in, in every single place, every school I went我只是希望能融入我去的每一所学校每个地方I dreamed of being that cool kid, even if it meant actin stupid我梦想我能做个酷小孩即便要表现的很傻XAunt Edna always told me, keep makin that face till it get stuck like thatEdna阿姨告诉我要不许说话直到面部僵化Meanwhile I"m just standin there holdin my tongue tryna talk like "thissss"然后我就开始一言不发在那里试着“这样”说话Till I stuck my tongue on that frozen stop sign pole at 8 years old接着我如同坠入冰窟走向极端不想言语,那年我才8岁啊I learned my lesson then, cause I wasn"t tryin to impress my friends no more那时我吸取了教训因为我不想再引起朋友的注意But I already told you my whole life story, not just based on my description但我已经告诉了你们我生命中全部的故事 ,不止是建立在我的笔墨文字上Cause where you see it, from where you"re sittin, it"s probably 110 percent different因为换个角度看你的看法将会110%不一样I guess we would have to walk a mile in each others shoes at least我猜我们至少该互换鞋子在彼此的生命里走上一英里What size you wear? I wear 10"s, let"s see if you could fit your feet...你鞋码多大?我穿10号 ,看看你的脚穿我的鞋能不能正正好In my shoes, just to see,用我的眼,去发现what it"s like to be me,成为我是什么感觉I"ll be you, let"s trade shoes交换灵魂,我是你Just to see what it"d be like 看看我究竟能不能to feel your pain, you feel mine, 感受你的痛,我的痛go inside each others minds深入彼此的灵魂中Just to see what we"d find, 试试看会有什么新发现look at shit through each others eyes透过对方的眼看看彼此的世界But don"t let them say you ain"t beautiful但别让任何人说你不够美They can all get f**ked, just stay true to you让他们都去死你只需问心无愧But don"t let them say you ain"t beautiful但别让任何人说你不够美They can all get f**ked, just stay true to you让他们都去死你只需问心无愧 Lately I"ve been hard to reach最近我变得无法让人接近I"ve been too long on my own我已经太久一个人Everybody has a private world每个人都有自己的天空Where they can be alone好让自己来有片刻安宁Are you calling me?你打电话找我么?Are you trying to get through?想和我说说话么?Are you reaching out for me?你想了解我么?I"m reaching out for you....我也想了解了解你....Yeah, to my babies, stay strong.献给我的宝贝们,要坚强Dad will be home soon. 爸爸就快到家了And to the rest of the world, 献给世上其他的人God gave you them shoes, to fit you, 上帝给了你属于你的鞋子so put them on and wear em. 系好鞋带,整装待发Be yourself man.做你自己,兄弟Be proud of who you are. 为你的本色而自豪Even if it sounds corny, 就算这话听着有点老土don"t ever let anyone tell you, you aint beautiful. 永远不要让任何人说你不够美。 T.I. feat. Justin Timberlake - Dead and Gone出自T.I.最新专辑《Paper Trail》Justin:oooh,I"ve been travelin on this road too long,Just tryin find my way back home,The old me"s dead and gone,Dead and Gone,oooh,I"ve been travelin on this road too long,Just tryin find my way back home,The old me"s dead and gone,Dead and GoneDead and GoneT.I. :Every had one of them days wish you would have stayed home,Run into a group of niggas who gettin their hate on,You walk by - they get wrong,You reply then shit get blown,Way out of proportion way bad discussion,Just you against them pick one then rush them,Figure you get jumped here thats next,They don"t wanna stop there now they bustin,Now you gushin ambulance rushin,You to the hospital with a bad concusion,Plus you hit four times but it hit yo spine,Paralyzed waist down and ya wheelchair bound,Never mind that now you lucky to be alive,Just thinkin it all started fussin wit three guys,Nigga pride in the way but your pride is the way you can f**karound get shot down anyday,Niggas die everyday,All little bullshit, dope money, dice games, for their hood shit,Could this be cuz of hip-hop music,Or did the ones with the good sense not use it,Usually niggas don"t know what to dowhen they back against the wall,So they just start shootin,So they just start shootin,From Bankhead at the old projects,No more stress now I"m straight,Now I get it now I taketime to think before I make mistake just for myfamily stake,That part of me left yesterdayThe harder me is strong today,No regrets I"m blessed to say the old me dead and gon awayJust tryin find my way back home,The old me"s dead and gone,Dead and Gone,oooh,I"ve been travelin on this road too long,Just tryin find my way back home,The old me"s dead and gone,Dead and GoneSituations could been dead lookin back at it,Most of that shit didn"t even have to happen,But you think about it when you out there trappin",In the appartments hangin", smokin and rappin,Niggas start shit next thing we know we cappin,Get locked up then didn"t even get mad,Now I think about that what a life I had,Most of that shit look back just laugh,Some shit still look back get sad,Thinkin my home boy still be around had I not hit the nigga in the mouth that time,I won that fight I lost that war,I could still see my nigga walkin out that door,Who would of thought I"d never see Philant no more,Got enough dead homies I don"t want no more,Cuz a nigga his jump cost me more,I"d a took that ass whoppin out for sure,Now think before I risk my life,Take them chances to get my stripes,A nigga put his hands on me alright,Otherwise stand there talk shit all night,Cuz I hit you and you sue me,I shoot you get locked up poor me,No more stress now I"m straight,Now I get it now I take time to thinkbefore I make mistake just for my family stake,That part of me left yesterdayThe harder me is strong today,


hairypussy还是pussy什么意思?   回答:pussy 英 ["pu028asu026a] 美 ["pu028asi]    n. 猫咪;阴门    adj. 多脓的    [ 比较级 pussier 最高级 pussiest ]    eg:And Pussy will love me because I am good.    小猫咪喜欢我,因为我很对她很好。

美国西点军校口号,好像开头是if you want to be a big man...

Official motto: duty, honor, country. West Point training: punctual, and law-abiding strictly, integrity and strength. Students honor criteria: Not lying, deception, burglary, and must not tolerate such acts of others. Not to shirk responsibility. Selfless devotion. School Motto: Will be to serve our people, the Government and the community should be very clear understanding of the engineering, natural sciences and human sciences should be balanced development it is necessary to form a reasonable knowledge structure, but also strive in their own interest, expertise in the academic and form their own professional expertise. Strengthened to update their knowledge, establish a "life-long education" concept has become times of joy. "Ignorance" - knowledge eager never see themselves as students, asked some "stupid question." Learning from others, from the books, if not more important study, and that at least equally important. We must make full use of their spare time in life, not to allow any one of the self-development opportunities slip. Every student, not lying, deception, theft, and will never tolerate other people to do so. Collective or individual should be subordinated to the greater whole, subject to forces, subject to a team. Discipline and the military capacity of our troops than other schools even more stringent local requirements. The most important thing is, when can stick to the key principles. And fulfill their duties than the spirit of personal prestige is more important. The world badly in need of such personnel, in any case they can overcome all obstacles to complete tasks. What we have to do is to guard West Point discipline, rather than instructors time monitoring students. "Devils" hidden in the details, should never overlook any details. Do not condone their own, find excuses for himself. Even if it is for their own small point restraint, people will become strong. In order to win, you may have to do some things themselves do not want to do. Tolerate unfair Institute, the Institute due diligence. If fully believe in themselves, nothing can be durable enough. Wait for the much more difficult than doing things. Have confidence, seize their own future. Do not sink, in any environment you can choose to rise. Patience of the people into a disadvantage. Not convinced that breakthrough, the first choice is to wait. If you do not have a choice, then bravely Yingshangqu. Responsibility, honor, country! To Lincoln as an example, draw on his experience of life and the spirit of struggle. As long as you do not admit defeat will have the opportunity! To develop the capacity of all aspects, including the tragic fate of the capacity. Impulse is not the real heroes character. Adapt, and adapt to the environment, rather than to you. After rigorous training is the only way to self-perfection. Speed determine success or failure. And not be afraid of a crazy idea, as long as you make efforts. First to establish self-confidence. Victory is among the most tenacious people. Should have the courage to overcome all fear. Would like to thank the life of adversity and suffering. Take the initiative to temper themselves, must cultivate fruit character. To immediately take action without delay. In the reality of fear, is far smaller than in the imagination of the terrorist so terrible. Goals must be clear, faith must be firm. Only their own do know that success is possible. Done a truly fearless person. To defeat terror, and not flinch. Losers of its failure to create successful success. We must be bold in "hard money" and not to doubt their own. Nothing is impossible - "no way" or "impossible" is often mediocre and the lazy excuse. Success began awakening, decide the fate mentality. No individuals, the crisis comes, must break the conventional thinking. To make good use of experience rather than by their shackles. We should dare to whimsical. As many mental and physical, less effort. To maintain the "simple-minded" and the courage to Quan so-called "impossible" things. The correct strategy and tactics more important than superior force.




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sense表示的“意义”是像“在这种意义下”这个短语中“意义”的意思。而significance表示的则是“这么做毫无意义”中“意义”的意思。仔细体会一下,这两个“意义”在汉语中的意思是不完全一样的。例句:In a sence, there"s no significance in doing so.从某种意义上讲,这么做是没有意义的。

Today is the first day of the rest of my life,

when the sand runs outI spent the morning at an old friend"s graveFlowers and Amazing Grace, he was a good manHe spent his whole life spinnin" his wheelsNever knowin" how the real thing feelsHe never took a chance or took the time to danceAnd I stood there thinking as I said goodbyeToday is the first day of the rest of my lifeI"m gonna stop lookin" back and start movin" onAnd learn how to face my fearsLove with all of my heart, make my markI wanna leave something hereGo out on a ledge, with out any netThat"s what I"m gonna be aboutYeah I wanna be runnin"When the sand runs out"Cause people do it everydayPromise themselves they"re gonna changeI"ve been there, but I"m changin" from the inside outThat was then and this is nowI"m a new man, yeah, I"m a brand new manAnd when they carve my stone they"ll write these words"Here lies a man who lived life for all that its worth"I"m gonna stop lookin" back and start movin" onLearn how to face my fearsLove with all of my heart, make my markI wanna leave something hereGo out on a ledge, with out any netThat"s what I"m gonna be aboutYeah I wanna be runnin"When the sand runs out

晨读英语美文 The Best Day Of My Life

Today when I awoke I suddenly realized that this is the best day of my life ever! There were times when I wondered if I would make it to today; but I did! And because I did I"m going to celebrate! Today I"m going to celebrate what an unbelievable life I have had so far: the acplishments the many blessings and yes even the hardships because they have served to make me stronger. I will go through this day with my head held high and a happy heart. I will marvel at God"s seemingly simple gifts: the morning dew the sun the clouds the trees the flowers the birds. Today none of these miraculous creations will escape my notice. Today I will share my excitement for life with other people. I"ll make someone *** ile. I"ll go out of my way to perform an unexpected act of kindness for someone I don"t even know. Today I"ll give a sincere pliment to someone who seems down. I"ll tell a child how special he is and I"ll tell someone I love just how deeply I care for her and how much she means to me. Today is the day I quit worrying about what I don"t have and start being grateful for all the wonderful things God has already given me. I"ll remember that to worry is just a waste of time because my faith in God and his Divine Plan ensures everything will be just fine. And tonight before I go to bed I"ll go outside and raise my eyes to the heavens. I will stand in awe at the beauty of the stars and the moon and I will praise God for these magnificent treasures. As the day ends and I lay my head down on my pillow I will thank the Almighty for the best day of my life. And I will sleep the sleep of a contented child excited with expectation because I know tomorrow is going to be the best day of my life ever!

9 Micro-Habits That Will Completely Change Your Life in a Year

原文地址 To reach your goals, you need a system. You need to build habits and you have to stick around long enough to let them do their magic. You hear it over and over again because it"s true. In 2019, one of the most popular books was Atomic Habits, by James Clear. It"s a pratical guide to break bad habits and build good ones. The author explains clearly why small, everyday habits lead to great success. If you haven"t read the book yet, make sure you do. But don"t just read it. Put in practice everything you learn from it. Unitl you do so, here are 0 micro-habits that can improve your life. I know, I know, it"s a fast-moving world. But that does not mean we have to respond quickly to everything. Learn to say "I"ll let you know later","I"ll get back to you on this", and other similar phrases. Instead of saying yes to an offer only to realize later that it doesn"t fit your schedule, better to take a few miniutes to think about it. It will save you a great amount of time and disappiontment in the long run. Every day, pick a small task you don"t want to do then go ahead and complete it. From washing the dishes to making your bed and from going for a run to making dinner instead of ordering food. It can be anything. After doing this for a few days, you"ll realize the problem is not the task itself. It"s your habit of postponing things. It"s being comfortable, especially when you have a choice. But often, once you make the first step, you get yourself in the mood and get the job done. Once you"ve spent a few days completing small tasks, make the jump to bigger ones. There were days when my phone was the extension of my hand. I would pick it up for no reason and then scroll on social media for 30 minutes without realizing it. And I"m not even big on social media platforms. I never post anything on Facebook and have around 200 followers on Instagram, whom I spam with pictures of my travels from time to time. But I can"t give it up for good, nor do I want to. Facebook is a great way to find out about local events, and Instagram is a great source of inspiration for my writing. But all of these are useful if I use the platforms in moderation. So instead of deleting the apps from my phone, I"ve decided that I"m not going to use them on Sundays. And so I did. After four weeks, I"ve drasitcally reduced my screen time and even set a 1-hour limit for social apps. So if you"re struggling with this as well, start small. Spend a day away from social media or don"t connect your phone to wifi at all. After you realize you"re not missing out on anything, by being offline for one day, you"ll consciouly choose to spend less time online,every day. Choose your outfit and put everything in your bag (men might not understand this, but most women hava a looong list of things that they need to have in their everyday bag). Write down a to-do list and check your calendar to see if you scheduled any meetings of calls. Do anything you can to make the next day easier. If you have a plan, you get things done faster. There"s no magic involved, it"s pure logic. When you"re eating and working/reading/watching a movie at the same time, you often eat more than you need. Plus, you"re not enjoying the food, nor are you being productive. Can you even taste those vegetables if you"re busy trying to make sense of an excel document? Probably not. Having lunch or dinner shouldn"t take more than 10-15 minutes. So when did we become so busy that we don"t even have 10 minutes to spare to fuel our bodies? Next time you eat, do just that: eat. You"ll see it"s not easy at all to not reach for your phone. And the simple fact that we have to talk ourselves out of doing it should raise some questions. The Pomodoro Technique might as well be called the Bible of Productivity. It got so famous because it works so it does deserve all the praise. Out of all the mircro-habits I mention here, this one has helped me the most. Working and traveling full-time is not always easy (or fun, might I add) and you have to come up with a schedule and stick to it. So I"ve adjusted the Pomodoro Technique in a way that works for me: I write for one hour, take a 10-minute break, and then write for another hour. This is one of the main tricks that have helped meet my deadlines while exploring a few different cities every month. If you keep your phone next to you when you sleep, you"ll just keep hitting the snooze button until it"s almost too late to get out of bed. But for most of us, the hard part is standing up, not waking up. And this is why this method works. When your phone is on the opposite side of the room, you have to get up and take a few steps to stop it from ringing. Then you might realize you are also thirsty and have a lot to do in the next following hours. So your bed doesn"t look so comfortable anymore. For the past few years, I"ve been applying two rules before buying anything. First, if I see something I like, I never buy it on the spot--unless it"s something I need and have been looking for. Instead, I wait for a few days to see if it"s still going to be on my mind. If after three days I still dream about a dress or some shoes, I go ahead and buy them. If I completely forget about them, then I just dodged a bullet because it was probably just compulsive shopping. The second rule applies to items on sale. Everybody loves the sales periods, right? Of course we do. But it"s also when we tend to buy a lot of stuff we don"t need. It"s how our brains are wired. That"s why marketing works. Getting a good deal makes us happy. Satisfied. Until we get home and realize it was just a temporary feeling. To avoid buying unnecessary things, ask yourself a simple question:" Would I pay the full price for it?" If the answer is "yes", then take out your wallet. If it"s negative, walk away. "It"s ok, I"ll remember it" should go down in history as the biggest lie we tell ourselves. Out of all the things you pick up during the day, you end up forgetting more then half of it. So make a habit of writing everything down, even the silly stuff that seem unimportant. The main reason why people don"t reach their goals is that they make drastic changes instead of building small, everyday habits. To do so, you only need to follow these two simple rules: Make a list of all the bad habits you have and want to get rid of. Instead of going on a war against yourself, trying to get rid of all of them at the same time, pick only one and focus on that. Take baby steps. Smoke one less cigarette. Buy one less unnecessary item every week. Stop eating one thing out of a few you want to give up. Only after you"ve managed to give up a bad habit, start working on another one. The same goes for good changes you want to make. Don"t try to drink 2 liters of water every day if you only drank 1 glass before. Instead, try to drink 2 glasses per day and slowly increase. Add one more vegetable to your plate. Run one more minute on the treadmill. Read one more page every night. Choose something you"re struggling with and slowly increase the time you spend building that good habit. When you feel like it became a habit, start working on the next one, As James Clear said in Atomic Habits: So make sure you have a well-established system for every goal. 翻译如下: 为了达到你的目标。你需要一个系统。你需要建立习惯并一直保持以便让它们发挥奇效。你不胜其烦地听到这种论调恰好证明了其正确性。 在2019年,James著的原子习惯是一本畅销书。这是一本手把手教你改掉坏习惯并培养好习惯的书。作者解释了为何日拱一卒能够带你走向成功。 如果你还没读过这本书,请读读看,但请别只是“读”,去实践你的所学。直到你做了这些后,我这列出了9条能改善你生活的微小习惯。 现在一切都是快节奏的,我懂,但这也不意味这我们必须对所有事情快速反应,学会去说“我等下告诉你”、“我回头跟你说”等话术。 相对于答应一个后面发现日程有冲突的请求,多想想是件好事。 这会长期替你省下大把时间且能更好地达成承诺。 每天找一件自己不想做的小任务并完成它,从洗盘子到叠被子,从跑步到自己做饭而非叫外卖,可以是任何事情。 这样做一段时间后,你会明白任务本身并没有问题,只是你习惯性地抗拒它们,因此当你还有选择的时候,主动解决它们吧。之后,当你踏出第一步,你就能找到状态并且完成它。 一旦你花了几天去拍了些“小苍蝇”,你就可以去试试处理“大老虎”了。 曾几何时我机不离手,我会无理由地拿起来,漫无目的地刷个30分钟且意识不到时间的流逝。 我并非社交平台的大咖,从未在脸书上发表文章且在Instagram仅有200来个粉丝,上面我也只是时不时放些旅游照片。 但我还是有些不能放下它的理由。脸书是个获取社区新闻的好渠道,Instagram是我的写作灵感源泉。但这一切好处仅在我有节制地去使用时才有。 所以,与其把它们从手机上删掉,我决定周日都不再使用它们。我做到了,几个星期后,我神奇地减少了看手机的时间甚至养成了每天最多使用1小时社交软件的习惯。 若你也苦恼于此,一点点改变吧,一天内不用社交软件或者不连wifi。当你意识到你这期间并没有错过什么事后,你理所当然地减少线上时间,每天都是。 把你要带的东西都放到包包里(直男可能不懂,但很多女性每天都有一大堆东西要带)。 在你的日历上写下一个清单去规划你的会议,总之做一些会让你第二天更容易上手的事情。 如果你有了个计划,你会做事更有效率,这不是魔法,这是纯逻辑。 当你在工作、阅读、看电影时吃东西,你经常会吃得更多。另外,你既没有享受食物,又没有效率。你能一边做Excel一边好好品尝你的蔬菜吗?显然不行。 吃顿午餐或晚餐不会超过10到15分钟,我们什么时候忙到连10分钟都没法留给身体补充营养呢? 下次你吃的时候,只做一件事:吃。你会发现放下手机吃饭不容易,但我们还是要告诉自己,不这么干会引发一些问题的。

Spice Up Your Life (Stent Radio Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Spice Up Your Life (Stent Radio Mix)歌手:Spice Girls专辑:Greatest HitsArtist: Spice GirlsAlbum: SpiceworldTitle: Spice Up Your LifeLa la la la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la la la laLa la la la la la laWhen you"re feeling sad and lowWe will take you where you gotta goSmiling, dancing, everything is freeAll you need is positivityColours of the world (Spice up your life!)Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life!)People of the world (Spice up your life!)Aah...Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go roundSlam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh)Hi, see ya, hold tight!La la la la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la la la laLa la la la la la laYellow men in TimbuktuColour for both me and youKung-Fu fighting, Dancin" QueenTribal spaceman and all that"s in betweenColours of the world (Spice up your life!)Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life!)People of the world (Spice up your life!)Aah...Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go roundSlam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh)Hi, see ya, hold tight!Flamenco, Lambada, but hip-hop is harderWe moonwalk the Foxtrot, then Polka the SalsaShake it shake it shake it, haka!Shake it shake it shake it, haka!Arriba!Colours of the world (Spice up your life!)Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life!)People of the world (Spice up your life!)Aah...Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go roundSlam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh)Hi, see ya, hold tight!Slam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh) and go roundSlam it to the left (if you"re having a good time)Shake it to the right (if you know that you feel fine)Chicas to the front (huh huh)Hi, see ya, hold tight!http://music.baidu.com/song/3470792





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I wanted to do when I grow up volunteers to protect animals.Now,there is animal life and dismissive.Often say that a dog is man"s best friend,but often those who like small animals were shouted at her cute appearance to.No one is really goSo to humans a better day,I want to be a volunteer.ing to treat small animals around.People around me love animals,make the world better!

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以my shool life was bitter and sweet写一篇英语作文

  A Bitter Sweet Experience The results of the college entrance examinatiun came. I tore open the envelope. As soon as I saw the score, tears streamed down my face. I fell into my bed and did not get up the whole day. All was over. What is the meaning to live on earth? For the first time I thought of death, of being a vagrant and of being single all my life. I was only seventeen. Wasn"t it cruel to me? My father was hurt and he could not stand it, that his son was a disgrace. He was angry beyond words. My mother kept silent, and often I saw her in tears. Horror filled the house. Encouraged by my parems I took the exam again. Again I failed. It seemed that my fate would go against my will. Hearing the news, my mother lost ten pounds in just a few days. I remember even now the sad looks in her eyes. My father locked all my books irrelevant to the exam. I was broken down. I was left with no choice but to fight my way out. I can never forget the day when I left for my study area. On September 2nd, 1986 I bid farewell to my mother and stepped on my way. My father sent me by ear. I sank down in the back seat, weak and discouraged, like a prisoner going on exile. In the following year, I exerted myself in study trying hard to keep myself in control. I worked and worked. At last, success showed me her late coming smiling face. I entered Anhui University. Friends and relatives poured in for congratulations. I received lots of gifts, among them there were pens. Maybe those who have experienced bitter failure know deeply the sweet taste of success.(英语作文)

英语if not in actual fact怎么翻译?



在人工智能统治/奴役/灭绝人类的影视作品中,《终结者》系列可算是最为凶残的设定了。正面刚没有全灭人类的情况下,战争双方玩起穿越梗,刺杀-保护-反刺杀……乐此不疲,人工智能的各种阴谋、未来世界残酷的战争、不断升级的各种机械战士无不给观众留下深刻印象。 The Terminator(1984) 《终结者1》,又名《魔鬼终结者》/《未来战士》。詹姆斯·卡梅隆执导,阿诺·施瓦辛格、琳达·汉密尔顿主演。影片讲述了一个高度仿人机器人“终结者T-800”被人工智能电脑“天网”从2029年派回到1984年,以刺杀日后的人类反抗军领袖约翰·康纳的生母萨拉·康纳,为了保护自己的母亲,也为了让自己顺利出生,约翰·康纳也派了一名士兵回到1984年,他就是注定会成为约翰·康纳父亲的凯尔·瑞斯(Kyle Reese)。双方在1984年的洛杉矶展开生死追杀。 詹姆斯·卡梅隆在欧洲拍摄另外一部影片时产生了拍摄本片的想法,他的构想是一副金属骨骼出现在火焰中,剧本的大部分内容在倒叙以前的故事,即从未来回到现在。这个听起来不可思议的故事在当年取得了巨大成功后,相关主题的众多漫画与游戏陆续推出。 Terminator 2: Judgment Day(1991) 这部影片中,T-800成为保护者,任务是保护少年约翰·康纳。他们救出英雄的老妈,销毁塞伯坦系统技术,对抗液态金属终结者T-1000。最后,审判日被阻止。 这部续集是影史上难得一见的全面超越前作的续集,跌宕起伏的故事情节、饱满的角色、深刻的主题、丰富的内涵、划时代的电影特效,堪称90年代动作片的典范。其中最让人津津乐道的还要数片中完全用电脑生成的液态金属机器人T-1000,他是电影特效史上划时代的成就,让工业光魔从此声名大振,也让《终结者2》被载入了史册。 《终结者1》中,瑞斯对萨拉说:“想活命就跟着我!”,到了《终结者2》,这句话是终结者T-800在说。阿诺·施瓦辛格在影片中的台词,也从首部的17句增加到续集的700句。 Terminator3: Rise of the Machines( 2003) 故事依然延续前两集的未来终结者回到现代追杀人类的模式,不过这次的杀手是一个美艳的女终结者。影片推翻了《终结者2》的“命运可以改变”的理论,指出“审判日”只是从1997年推迟到了2003年,它仍然会发生。这一设定让《终结者》的时间线变得更加复杂,也为以后的续集提供了更多可发挥的空间。 2003年10月,靠着在《终结者》系列中扮演“T-800”成名的施瓦辛格被选为加利福尼亚州的州长,完成了他从电影明星到政坛新秀的嬗变。 Terminator Salvation(2009) 《终结者4》又名《终结者2018》/《终结者:救世主》/《终结者:未来救赎》,于2009年上映。这次的主题是怀疑与分歧,灾难的审判日之后十余年,人类抗争的过程中内部出现分歧,希望逐渐磨灭。约翰·康纳还没有察觉时间的轨迹会偏离已知的未来,在坚定与动摇之间如何抉择?新出现的关键人物马库斯·怀特带着怎样的讯息,约翰·康纳最终将走向何处…… Terminator : Genesis (2015) 州长回来了,时间线乱套,机器人也乱套。詹姆斯·卡梅隆评论说:把约翰·康纳变成大反派的想法非常酷,因为你们看到的和预料之中的完全不同,精彩之处就在于这种局面的扭转。整个终结者系列,最吸引我们的不就是各种意想不到和机械战士吗? ——人形终结者的进化—— 在终结者第四集中出现的人形机器人为T-800的初级版T-600,他们比T-800更为强大凶悍,导演麦格这样形容:“如果说T-800是09年上市的梅塞德斯奔驰,T-600就是别克57。” 作为T-800的初级版本,T-600机器人设计非常原始,庞大的身躯仅由橡皮包裹以简单地遮挡内部钢架骨骼。它们一刻不停地搜寻一切有心跳的动物,它们的唯一目标就是猎杀。 T-600背负小型的M203机枪以及足够的弹药。制片商更愿意在战场上塑造T-600,而不是生产线上。这些机器在战火中很用以原形毕露,幕后工作人员通过人工合成和电脑技术,尽量使T-600看起来原始而简陋,例如当你看到它们的脸时,你会看到夸张的下颚或扭曲的肌肤。 T-700机器人是T-600机器人的升级版,其重及高度都要小于T-600,相比更加快速敏捷,从面貌上看已经与人的形象相当接近。 阿诺·施瓦辛格饰演的终结者 在《终结者》和《终结者2》中登场 2026年,天网开始制造T-800系列机器人,它们以生物组织包裹超强合金机械,由微电脑控制,全身武装异常坚固,具有高度智能,可以很好地潜藏在人类社会。T-800的中央处理器为学习型,可以储存几乎无限的知识。但在外出执行任务时时,天网会把所有终结者的属性设定为只读,也就是不能学习更多的新知识,这是因为天网不允许任何终结者有自己的思想。在《终结者》和《终结者2》里面出场的T800都是塞泊汀人工电脑系统101型,也就是阿诺的外形。体内的两块电池可以连续使用120年。 T-850 阿诺·施瓦辛格饰演的终结者,在《终结者3》中登场 T-800的升级版,有着和T-800一样的外表,具体升级能力不详,只知道拥有比T-800更高的智能,跑动速度更快。天网为了刺杀约翰,所以制造了这种型号的终结者。2032年7月4日,一台T850混入人类基地,由于外表和T-800没有差异,T-850成功杀死了人类领袖约翰·康纳。 T-1000 T-1000在《终结者 2》中登场 外表为男性,由电脑控制的液体金属组成,可以变形为任何体积相当的物品,可以由身体局部变形为刀,剑等简单的固态物品。自身应变能力强大,可在摄氏零下200度到摄氏4000度的温度下生存。身体被炸了或者被分解了都可以变回来。电池续航时间不详。自身不带任何武器。但强大的生命力以及狡猾的AI令人胆颤心惊。 T-X T-X 在《终结者3》中登场 美女外观,构成方式既类似于T-800,又类似于T-1000,很奇怪的“超合金骨骼+液体金属拟真皮肤”构成方式。T-X的皮肤并不是真正的有机物活体组织,而是和T-1000一样由特殊液体金属组成。T-X的骨架坚固无比,而且具备超精细的局部变形能力(机械式变形,非融化式变形)。右手装备有一支强大的合成武器,主武器为粒子冲击炮,副武器则有火枪等武器。手臂变形成枪的时间大概为1.5秒,粒子冲击炮蓄力时间为3秒,火枪无须蓄力,而左手则则装备电锯等工具。 以上,是《终结者》系列电影中有正式出场的人形机器人,不包括非人形猎杀机器和外传、漫画的机器人型号。 幻想中的机器人,在上个世纪还让人难以置信,到了今天却实实在在地看到从机械控制到材料研发的各种进展,终结者们的硬件条件正在趋近成熟,而人工智能科研的进展也是突飞猛进。尽管经常给人的感觉是人工智障,但是进化的速度谁也说不准,一旦机器开始觉醒自我意识,是福是祸就很难说了。

intel 5100 an无线网卡是wifi么。如果不是的话能上网涓%8

是…在a、b、g、n中,n的速度最快,不过目前还是主流b、g。 希望可以帮到你。





if ,in case ,unless的区别

if 如果in case 以防万一Unless 带转折意思,除非 等于if not


if和unless部是最常用的条件从句连接词。unless在意义上等于“if...not”,并且语气较强。if 可用于引导虚拟条件句,unless一般不能引导虚拟条件句。unless在意义上相当于if...not...,因此在有些场合if...not...可为unless所代替。 unless和if的具体区别 1. 当所述条件会结束已经存在的想法,状态或趋向时,两者都可以。 例如:We shall go unless it rains tomorrow. =We shall go if it doesn"t rain tomorrow. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去。(“下雨” 会结束 “去” 这一已经存在的趋向) You will be late unless you take taxi. =You"ll be late if you don"t take taxi. 如果不打的你就要迟到。“打的”(会结束 “迟到” 这一趋向) 2. 当所述条件会导致一种新的想法或状况时,通常用if not。 例如: I"ll be late if you not let me go now. 你如果不让我现在走我会迟到的。(“不让现在走”就会导致“迟到”这种新情况) 3. 表示虚拟条件,既与实际事实相反的状况时,只能用if not。 例如: She would be angry if you had not invited her to party. 你要是没邀请她,她肯定生气。 4. 和否定表达连用时,只能用unless。 例如: I will go unless nobody invite me. 除非没人邀请我,否则我肯定会去。

if 和 unless

我不会去参加宴会的,除非你也去。I won"t go to the party unless you ......If tommorrow is not rain ,we are going to ......翻译是很重要的,

Your teacher will not punish you ___ you finish your homework on time. A. if B. unless

Aif是如果的意思 unless是如果不的意思

unless和if not的区别是什么?

if not表示不然的话,否则。后面不接句子,应该接短语,如If not his help, I would have failed. Unless表示除非,如: My baby sister never cries unless she is hungry. 我刚出生的妹妹除非饿了,她是从来不哭的。 I shall go there tomorrow unless I"m too busy. 如果我不太忙,明天将到那儿去。 Unless you go at once you will be late. 如果你不马上走,就会迟到的

if not 和unless有什么区别

第一个不可以.因为它引导的是非真实条件分句.他没出车祸我才惊讶,但这里表示只是猜测.他还没出车祸.换成unless就变成他已经出车祸了.第二个应该可以换.因为使用unless说明飞机失事已经发生了.是事实.下面是它们的区别,unless在意义上相当于if…not…,因此在有些场合if…not…可为unless所代替。但在有些场合又不能互换,我们要注意下面几种情况:1.当if…not…引导非真实条件分句时,一般不可改用unless。 例如:If she had not had an alarm clock,she would have missedthe train.(事实:她有闹钟。)如果把上述例句中的if…not…换成unless,意义就相反了。(误)Unless she had had an alarm clock, she would havemissed the train.(事实:她没有闹钟)2.If…not…引导的条件分句可以重叠使用,unless则不可, 因为unless表示唯一条件。例如:She won"t lose weight if she doesn"t keep a diet and ifshe does not take exercise every day.3.unless引导的分句可用否定结构,而if…not …引导的分句不可再否定。例如:Don"t ask me to explain unless you really don"t understand.The directors have a meeting every Friday,unless there is nothing to discuss.以上两例句中的unless不可换成if…not…。4.在unless引导的肯定形式的条件分句中, 通常用肯定词(即some,already,still,too,as well等),在if…not…引导的分句中,通常用非肯定词(即any,yet,ever,either,at all等)。例如:I will criticize you if you haven"t spoken to her yet.I will criticize you unless you have already spoken to her.(误)…unless you have spoken to her yet.不过在否定形式的非真实条件分句中,if…not …结构仍能与肯定词连用。例如:If he hadn"t already prepared his lesson, he wouldn"t beallowed to go.(因为这种从句表面上是否定,实际上是肯定。)5.在间接引语中,当if=whether,意为“是否”,unless 不可以代替if…not…。例如:She promised to let me know if she wasn"t coming.6.当unless含有“除了”的意思,不可为if…not…所替代。例如:He never stammers,unless when he is angry.( unless when=except when)Nothing will come out of it, unless disaster.(unless=except)7.当主句是疑问句时,不可用unless代替if…not…。 因为unless用在A情况发生,必导致B结果之类的复合句中。例如:What shall we do it they don"t reply to our letters?8.当主句谓语是be+某些形容词或分词,如:glad,surprised,disappointed,satisfied,ashamed,delighted和pleased等, 不可用unless代替if…not…。例如:I"ll be really surprised if they don"t come to the meeting.I"ll be quite glad if she doesn"t join them.之所以不能为unless代替,是强调否定条件的出现,表明在这种前题下的因果关系。以上条件状语从句都可变为原因状语从句。例如:I"ll be really surprised that they won"t come to the meeting.这里if被that代替了,而从句的否定结构不变。综上所述,unless既等于if…not…,在某些场合又不相等, 因此要牢记它们之间的差别,准确地使用它们。

Unless和if..not的意思 以及区别 尽量说得好理解一些 然后分别造一个句子

unless = if..not 如果不除非 You will fail unless you work hard. = You will fail if you don"t work hard.(if not) 如果你不积极工作,就会失败. Let"s have dinner out — unless you are too tired. 咱们出去吃饭吧——除非你太累了.(如果不) =Let"s have dinner out - if you are not too tired.(if not)

if 和 unless

我不会去参加宴会的,除非你也去。I won"t go to the party unless you ......If tommorrow is not rain ,we are going to ......翻译是很重要的,

unless 与if not


【英语语法】Unless 和 If not 能互换吗?


【英语语法】Unless 和 If not 能互换吗?

除非我有一架直升飞机,否则我是不可能在那个时候赶到S地的.x0d一般的英语语法书和辞典都会谈到,连接词unless的涵义和if...not相同,它们可以互换使用.例如:I shan"t go unless he asks me.等于I shan"t go if he doe...


unless和if的区别如下:if和unless部是最常用的条件从句连接词。unless在意义上等于“if...not”,并且语气较强。if 可用于引导虚拟条件句,unless一般不能引导虚拟条件句。unless在意义上相当于if...not...,因此在有些场合if...not...可为unless所代替。if的用法:if表示如果,可用于从句,或者开头表示如果。例句:If they were here,they would help you.  如果他们在这儿,他们会帮助你。unless的用法:unless用在句首的话后面用倒装,用在句中是如果不/除非,表示转折。例句:I won"t apologize unless she apologizes first. 除非她先道歉,否则我不道歉。1. 当所述条件会结束已经存在的想法,状态或趋向时,两者都可以。例如:We shall go unless it rains tomorrow. =We shall go if it doesn"t rain tomorrow.如果明天不下雨,我们就去。(“下雨”会结束“去” 这一已经存在的趋向)You will be late unless you take taxi. =You"ll be late if you don"t take taxi.如果不打的你就要迟到。“打的”(会结束“迟到”这一趋向)2. 当所述条件会导致一种新的想法或状况时,通常用if not。例如: I"ll be late if you not let me go now.你如果不让我现在走我会迟到的。(“不让现在走”就会导致“迟到”这种新情况)3. 表示虚拟条件,既与实际事实相反的状况时,只能用if not。例如: She would be angry if you had not invited her to party.你要是没邀请她,她肯定生气。4. 和否定表达连用时,只能用unless。例如: I will go unless nobody invite me.  除非没人邀请我,否则我肯定会去。

unless和if not的区别

  一、unless有时可与if…not互换,但此时通常只限于从句所引出的情况为主句情况的一种例外,即此时的unless意思是except if。如:  Unless you start at once you"ll be late.  =If you don"t start at once you"ll be late.  =Except if you start at once you"ll be late. 除非你立即动身,否则你就会迟到。  二、当从句所引出的情况不是表示主句情况发生的一种例外而只是一种可能,并且这种可能正是导致主句情况发生的主要原因时,英语习惯只用if…not,不用unless。如:  I"ll be surprised if he doesn"t win. 如果他不赢,我会感到惊奇。  She"d look nicer if she didn"t wear so much make-up. 要是她不过分打扮,本来会更好看的。  I"ll be sorry if they do not come tomorrow. 如果他们明天不来,我将感到非常遗憾。  三、当从句内容与已知事实相反时(即引出虚拟条件时),通常要用if…not,而不用unless。如:  If he weren"t so silly, he would understand. 他要不是那样傻的话,他就会明白了。(实际上他很傻)  If I hadn"t stopped her, she would have jumped down. 要不是我阻止了她,她就跳下去了。(实际上我阻止了她)  unless有时可引出一个过去未曾实现的假想法情况,对前面主句进行补充说明(此时必须置于主句之后,且前面常用破折号而不用逗号)。如:  I couldn"t have got to the meeting on time—unless I had caught an earlier train. 我不可能及时赶到会场,除非我赶上了较早一班火车。(事实是“我”没有及时到会)  此句若将 unless 改为 if…not,则成为:  I couldn"t have got there If I hadn"t caught an earlier train. 如果我没赶上较早一班火车,我就不能到达那儿了。(事实是“我”及时到会了)

读写器对MIFARE 1卡的详细操作步骤和流程

1.启动读写器启动电脑,打开RFID实验箱,取出高频读写器用USB连接线连接电脑。在电脑上打开读写器演示软件YX7036DemoCN.exe,进入主界面,打开端口。2.读取lSO14443A协议卡片信息1)将读写器演示软件选项切换到lSO14443A协议(图2-1中1),点击“切换到lSO14443A模式”(图2-1中2),点击“打开射频”(图2-1中3),此时高频读写器正式进入lSO14443A读写准备状态。2)点击“Request”(图2-1中4),此时卡类型即显示在右边(图2-1中12),执行Request命令后,若射频场中有ISO14443A标签存在,“卡类型”文本框将会显示该标签的类型代码;否则,状态栏提示“无ISO14443A电子标签可操作”。由于该命令执行的是Request(All),处于任何状态的标签均会应答;如果调用Request(Idle),则只有处于Halt状态之外的标签才能应答。3)点击“Anticoll”(图2-1中5),Mifare One 防冲突获取射频场中一张Mifare One标签的UID,如果防冲突执行成功,“卡号”文本框将会显示获取到的4字节标签UID(图2-1中13);否则状态栏显示“防冲突失败”。ULAnticoll: UltraLight 防冲突:获取射频场中一张UltraLight标签的UID,如果防冲突执行成功,“卡号”文本框将会显示获取到的7字节标签UID;否则状态栏显示防冲突失败。4)点击“Select”(图2-1中6),选择指定UID的标签,以后的所有操作均针对该标签。如果选择成功,“卡容量大小”文本框会显示标签存储区的大小(图2-1中14)。注意:UltraLight标签无需执行该命令,在ULAnticoll过程中已经进行了Select操作。图2-13.读写lSO14443A协议卡片数据对lSO14443A协议卡片数据进行读写之前先要对电子标签进行证实操作,点击“AuthKey”(图2-1中8)操作会读取“读写”框中的密钥,用指定的密钥类型证实所选的扇区。如果填写的密钥与标签扇区上的密钥匹配,则证实成功,状态栏显示“AuthKey:执行成功”。认证成功后,就可以对数据区的内容进行读取或修改了。选择扇区号(图2-1中15),选择块号(图2-1中16),点击“Read”(图2-1中17),成功则在数控块中看到所操作的数据块数据(图2-1中19)。在数据块框中(图2-1中19)输入需要写入数据块的数据,点击“Write”(图2-1中18),成功即在左下角显示“Write执行成功”。注意:1. Mifare one S50(共16个扇区)块0~块2为数据块;块3为密钥块.Mifare one S70(共40个扇区)     当扇区号<=31时,块0~块2为数据块;块3为密钥块;       当扇区号>31时,块0~块14为数据块;块15为密钥块.2.要写入数据时,数据的长度必须为16个字节.3.读UltraLight标签时,请将扇区号设为0,块号即为UltraLight标签对应的页号.读取的内容是从选择的页号开始的连续4个页.4.写UltraLight标签时,只有低四个字节能被写入标签,余下的12个字节为0;另外,有专用于UltraLight标签的写命令ULWrite,知识学习S50卡有lk bytes共16个扇区,每个扇区有4个块,其中第1扇区第块是卡序列号,是只读的,不能写。密钥存放在每个扇区的块3。算存储密钥块的算法是:x=s*4+3:其中s表示扇区号(0-15)。1、Ml卡分为16个扇区,每个扇区由4块(块O、块l、块2、块3)组成,(也将16个扇区的64个块按绝对地址编号为0-63)。2、第0扇区的块0(即绝对地址0块),它用于存放厂商代码,已经固化,不可更改。3、每个扇区的块0、块1、块2为数据块,可用于存贮数据。数据块可作两种应用:★用作一般的数据保存,可以进行读、写操作。★用作数据值,可以进行初始化值、加值、减值、读值操作。4、每个扇区的块3为控制块,包括了密钥A、存取控制、密钥B。具体结构为:密钥A(6字节)  存取控制(4字节)密钥B(6字节)1.启动读写器启动电脑,打开RFID实验箱,取出高频读写器用USB连接线连接电脑。在电脑上打开读写器演示软件YX7036DemoCN.exe,进入主界面,打开端口。2.读取lSO14443A协议卡片密匙依次点击图3-1中1-7(具体见实验二),选择块号3(图3-1中8),点击“Read”(图3-1中9),就会看见下面密匙块显示框中显示密匙为:000000000000  FF078069  FFFFFFFFFFFF(图3-1中10)。其中密码A(6字节)  存取控制(4字节) 密码B(6字节)。密匙相关知识见后资料。图3-13.修改lSO14443A协议卡片密匙依次点击图3-1中1-7(具体见实验二),选择块号3(图3-1中8),点击“Read”(图3-1中9),就会看见下面密匙块显示框中显示密匙为:000000000000  FF078069  FFFFFFFFFFFF(图3-1中10)。在修改密匙中选择新密匙B(图3-2中1),在新密匙输入框中输入新密匙“222222222222”(图3-2中2),点击“修改密匙”(图3-2中3),修改成功可以在左下角看到“修改密匙”执行成功,选择密匙所在的块号3(图3-2中4),点击“Read”(图3-2中5)。可以看到新密匙已经修改成功(图3- 3)4.MF1卡修改各区块控制位值和数据(一),以常用设置"08 77 8F 69"控制条件为例,先搞清楚它――具有的访问权限。 1、对"08 77 8F 69"值进行计算,该值定位于各区块3的6,7,8,9四个字节内,字节6=08,字节7=77, 字节8=8F,字节9=69(默认值,不予计算)。 2、例如:字节6=08,对应其二进制值=00001000, 则对6,7,8这三个字节进行二进制转换结果见下表:      4、对以上6,7,8字节的存取/控制二进制已取反值,依照表2,表4块位转换为各块控制值,如下表:        注意: 高4位的各块值=低4位的各块值时,其值可用。高4位值≠低4位值时,其值不可用! 5、查对访问权限(数据存取控制依照表3,块3存取控制依照表5),该例"08 77 8F 69"的访问权限为: ◆ 块3 = 011:权限为:KeyA,KeyB均不可读,验证KeyB正确后可改写KeyA和KeyB,验证KeyA或KeyB正确后可读"控制位"。在此可见密钥KeyB的重要性,KeyB不正确是无法看到块3控制值,更无法修改密钥。◆ 块2 = 块1 = 块0 = 110:权限为:验证KeyA或KeyB后可读该块数据,减值以及初始化值,只有验证KeyB 正确后才可改写该块数据,在此可以看到密钥KeyB对改写数据块也起着关键性作用。 (二)、"08 77 8F 69" 控制条件设置步骤: 由(一)可知:KeyB设置后为不可读,并且改写数据和改写控制位都需要正确验证它,故KeyB设置后程序操作员必须妥善保管KeyB值,否则以后改写数据和控制位时,不正确的KeyB值将无法实现卡的任何操作!!! 1、修改块3控制位的值:最初的各区块3内的KeyA,KeyB都是厂商12个"F"默认值(KeyA在任何条件下均为不可读,大部分读写机程序表现KeyA为未知的12个"0" ),在修改控制值时,先不要修改默认密码KeyA和KeyB,在控制位修改成功后,再去更改新密码值。即先对块3的控制位进行修改(默认值FF 07 80 69改为新值08 77 8F69)并执行写操作。控制位写成功后,KeyB亦为12个"0"不可读了,但仍是隐藏的12个"f"默认值。 2、修改块3的KeyA和KeyB值:控制位08 77 8F 69值写成功后,验证KeyB正确后方可改写KeyA和KeyB新密码。在密码操作模式键入要改写区块之先前密码B(先前密码为默认值时,则不需改动和加载),加载后反回数据操作模式,再进行读值,KeyA和KeyB值的改写。3、修改块0~块2中数据:由新的控制条件08778F69可知,要修改数据,必须先验证KeyB,故先设置密码操作为KeyB认证方式,加载后再返回数据操作模式,对要修改的数据块进行值的改写操作。4、上例中分析了"08 77 8F 69"的访问条件及其改写步骤,对用户的其它控制条件亦可参照应用。MF1卡常见问题及处理建议① 盲目操作:造成某些区块误操作被锁死不能再使用。应当仔细参考表3表5的控制权限后,予先得出操作后的结果是否适合使用要求,并且列出操作顺序表单再操作。最好授权程序员对块3的设置作专人操作。② 丢失密码:再读写时造成密码认证出错而不能访问卡。特别要求在对MF卡进行块3编程操作时,必须及时记录相关卡号的控制值,KeyA,KeyB等,而且应当有专人管理密码档案。③错误设置:对MF1卡的块3控制块了解不透彻,错误的理解造成设置造成错误的设置。依照表2可知,目前Mf1卡的控制块仅只有8种数据块访问控制权限和8种控制块设置权限,超出这16种权限的其他代码组合,将直接引起错误设置而使卡片报废!④ 极端权限:当块3的存取控制位C13C23 C33 = 110或者111时,称为极端权限。除特殊应用外一般不被使用!启用前认真权衡对密码读写,存取控制的锁死是否必要,否则,数据加密后即使有密码也无法读取被锁死的数据区块(看不见)!⑤ 设备低劣:低劣的设备将直接影响卡的读写性能。对MF卡进行块3编程操作的设备,特别要求其性能必须十分可靠,运行十分稳定!建议选用由飞利浦公司原装读写模块构建的知名读写机具!⑥编程干扰:在对块3进行编程操作时,不可以有任何的"IO"中断或打扰!包括同时运行两个以上程序干扰甚至PC机不良的开关电源纹波干扰等,否则,不成功的写操作将造成某个扇区被锁死的现象,致使该扇区再次访问时出错而报废。⑦ 数据出错:在临界距离点上读卡和写卡造成的。通常的读卡,特别是写卡,应该避免在临界状态(刚能读卡的距离)读卡。因为临界状态下的数据传送是很不稳定的!容易引起读写出错!⑧ 人为失误:例如,密码加载操作失误,误将KeyA加载为KeyB;或者是误将其他制卡厂约定的初始密码值如a0a1a2a3a4a5,b0b1b2b3b4b5加载到本公司生产的MF1卡内;或者在初始状态下(密码A=000000000000【隐藏状态,实际为ffffffffffff】,控制位=FF 07 80 69,密码B=ffffffffffff【可见】)若不经意地将KeyA=000000000000 删除后又重新输入12个"0",并加载了它!这时无意中已将KeyA原来12个隐藏的"f",修改成了12个"0",其后果可想而知!⑨ 卡片失效:读写均无数据传送,读写器报告"寻卡错误"!卡片被超标扭曲,弯曲而造成内电路断裂。⑩ 读写距离过近:与用户使用的读写器性能有关。标准型MF1卡的读写距离可达250px(在飞利浦公司的标准读写机具上测试的最大距离),国产知名品牌读写器一般可达5-250px。尺寸较小的匙扣卡,其读写距离当然比标准卡近许多,但只要可靠的读写距离≥5~10mm以上,一般不会影响正常使用! >>>>要完整的实在太多了   还不明白找我

电容单位换算IF是多少 F 或= PF





函数中空格与0的区别 在B1中的公式:=IF(A1=0,0,""),怎样才能实现A1等于0时才返回0,空格时返回空格。





可以的。【开启路由器的无线功能】1、进入路由器:打开浏览器,在地址栏输入192.168.1.1(一般路由器地址是这个或者查看路由器背面的登录信息)进路由-输入用户名,密码 ,(默认一般是admin)。2、选择无线设置---基本设置。3、勾选【开启无线功能】,单击保存即可。【设置wifi密码】1、进入路由器:打开浏览器,在地址栏输入192.168.1.1(一般路由器地址是这个或者查看路由器背面的登录信息)进路由-输入用户名,密码 ,(默认一般是admin)。2、无线设置--无线安全设置--选择【WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK】。①、认证类型:自动。②、加密算法:AES。③、PSK密码就是无线密码。设置成需要的密码。





if f(x)=爱你,g(x)=我,(fg(x))等于什么?



在excel中,if函数的应用是十分的广泛,他的应用可以用一句通俗的话说:“假如是这样的(必须是可识别、可计量的),那么结果就是这个”,就像它的中文意思一样。功能:如果指定条件的计算结果为是符合,IF函数将返回某个值;如果该条件的计算结果不符合,则返回另一个值。语法结构:=if(测试条件,真值,假值)1.最简单的用法:单个条件的判断公式为:=IF(C2>=30,"优秀","良好")表中,判断如果“销售业绩”大于等于30,则“业务评级”为优秀,小于30的为良好。2.多条件判断可以加入and函数,表示同时满足才能返回真值,否则返回为假值。公式为:=IF(AND(C2>=30,D2="是"),"优秀","良好")表中,判断如果“销售业绩”大于等于30且“是否全勤”为是的时候,才能判定为优秀,其他的均判定为良好。如果需要判定只要“销售业绩”大于等于30或“是否全勤”为是的时候,判定为优秀,其他的均判定为良好,则只需将and改为or即可。3.区间判定很多时候,并不是非黑即白,还有各种结果,需要进行区间的判定,区间判定可以用if函数,也可以用更为简单的ifs函数。加入需要判定“销售业绩”大于等于30时,为优秀;大于等于20小于30,为良好;小于20,为称职。公式为:=IF(C2>=30,"优秀",IF(C2>=20,"良好","称职"))公式为:=IFS(C2>=30,"优秀",C2>=20,"良好",C2<20,"称职")区间判定的运用,在学校教师对学生的考评、企业年度考核等领域运用较多。If函数还有iferror、ifna的相关运用,主要是计算结果为错误值时,返回值。可以和vlookup等嵌套使用。下次可以说说常用嵌套公式。说说excel中if函数的用法if函数大于小于区间 - : =IF(A1>=B1,0,IF(AND(C1>=B1,B1>A1),B1-A1,C1-A1)) 或=IF(A1=B1,B1-A1,C1-A1),0) 下拉IF公式大于小于的问题 - : 如果C1小于负0.03,D1等于A1减去0.03;如果C1大于正0.03,D1单元格等于B1减去0.03 那么D1单元格写入公式=IF(C1="","",IF(C1<-0.03,A1-0.03,B1-0.03)) 或=IF(C1="","",IF(C1>=0.03,B1,A1)-0.03)=IF(C1="","",IF(C1<-0.03,A1,B1)-0.03)EXCEL中,if 函数:大于、小于之间的问题 - : 输入=if(a1>=500,a1-30,if(a1>=300,a1-20,if(a1>=200,a1-10,a1))) 或者=a1-if(a1>=500,30,if(a1>=300,20,if(a1>=200,10,0)))if函数中同时大于或小于某个数如何设 假设小于50=70,大于51小于99=115,大于100=150.请求大师解答.假设小于50=70,大于51小于99=115,大于100=... - :[答案] 你的分段有问题; 假设: 小于50,或者=70,对应:差; 大于或等于50小于100,或者=115,对应:中; 大于或等于100,或=150(大于等于100,或=150,可以合并为大于100) :对应好 公式: =IF(OR(A1EXCEL中,if 函数:大于、小于、等于之间的问题 - : =A1-IF(A1>=500,30,IF(A1>=300,20,IF(A1>=200,10,0))) 或者=A1-LOOKUP(A1,{-100000,200,300,500},{0,10,20,30})if函数大于等于且小于 多个条件是什么? - : if x>=8 and x<9 if(A1>=1 && A1<2) printf("400 "); if(A1>=2 && A1<3) printf("100 "); if(A1>=3) printf("0 "); 扩展资料:IF(logical_test,value_if_true,value_if_false) IF函数是条件判断函数:如果指定条件的计算结果为 TRUE,IF函数将返回某个值;如果该条件的计算结果为 FALSE,则返回另一个值.例如IF(测试条件,结果1,结果2),即如果满足“测试条件”则显示“结果1”,如果不满足“测试条件”则显示“结果2”.参考资料来源:百度百科-IF函数EXCEL 大于小于~应该是if函数 - : D26=1000*IF(min(B26,C26)>300,IF(B26>C26,2,1),IF(MAX(B26,C26)C26,1,0)))excel if 函数 大于 等于 小于 怎么输入 - : 大于符号,>,英文输入法状态下 shift键+> 小于符号,>,英文输入法状态下 shift键+< 等于符号,=,直接按=键输入if函数的嵌套用法,以及if条件判定中大于一个数小于另一个数的方法 - : IF(M18M18 AND M18>1000,"恭喜你摆脱了灾民达到了难民水平",""))excel if函数既有大于,又有小于多种条件? - : =IF(B1>10%,-2,IF(AND(B1>0,B1<10%),-1,IF(B1=0,0,IF(AND(B1>-10%,B1<0),1,IF(B1<=-10%,2)))))第四个IF右边的AND后面漏了一个左括号最后那个IF右边漏一个等于号


10000亿。一兆等于10000亿,也就是10的12次方。在游戏fifaonline4中这一数字较去年同期增长了 13%。Nexon 将近期的增长归功于其强大的个人 PC 和移动服务游戏阵容,特别是《FIFAOnline4》、《MapleStory》和《Dungeon&Fighter》等游戏。


excel函数里的不等号:<> ,按下大写锁定键,按住shift键输入。

jstl if 中不等于符号怎么写


jstl if 中不等于符号怎么写?

jstl if 中不等于符号为:ne !=el表达式的取值默认顺序:pageScope  requestScope  sessionScope  applicationScope结构,采用.导航,也称为存取器   ${user.name}  ${user.class.name}输出map   ${mapValue.key1}输出数组   ${strArray[1]}输出list   ${list[1].name}el表达式的运算${1+2}=       3${10/5}=      2.0${10%3}=      1${10 div 2}=  5.0${10 mod 4}=  2el表达式对应的运算符等于  ==    eq不等于  !=    ne大于  >     gt小于  <     lt大于等于  >=    ge小于等于  <=    le与  &&    or或  ||    and非  !     not加  +减  -乘  *除以  /     div求莫  %     model表达式判断是否为空request.setAttribute("value1",null)                    ${empty requestScope.value1} = truerequest.setAttribute("value2","")                      ${empty requestScope.value1} = truerequest.setAttribute("value3",new ArrayList())         ${empty requestScope.value1} = truerequest.setAttribute("value4","i love you")            ${empty requestScope.value1} = falserequest.setAttribute("value4","i love you")            ${!empty requestScope.value1} = true 


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