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Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other

that is japanese culture ,don"t care about the grammar stuff

一首英文歌 中间有几句歌词 没听清楚 大概是from the touch..but you..in my heart..if you...crash...

好像是 maria arredondo的burning,试着听一下吧。



I think the ()(two) unit is the most difficult




excel sumif函数,criteria 中同时要两个条件,表达式是怎样的?






What are similarities and differences among the FOB , CFR and CIF?

【答案】:Similarities:(1) The mode of transportation: sea or inland waterway transport.(2) The place of delivery and risks transfer on the ships rail at the named port of shipment.(3) The seller fulfils his obligation to deliver the goods at the named port of shipment within the stipulated time.(4) The seller clears the goods for export and the buyer clears the goods for import.(5) The seller provides commercial documents for the buyer.(6) The seller gives sufficient notice to the buyer after shipment.Differences :(1) The formation of the unit price: FOB, cost; CFR, cost and freight; CIF, cost insurance and freight.(2) The seller contracts for the carriage of the goods under CFR and CIF; the buyer does it under FOB.(3) The seller covers insurance for the buyer under CIF; the buyer covers under FOB and CFR.(4) The CIF term is called symbolic delivery or document transaction, and under the term, expenses and risks are separated.




如果在SUMIFS中计算不等于的值需要在公式内添加连接符号才能计算出大于等于A1的值。例如,公式的格式需要改为">="&A1 才可以计算。SUMIFS数学与三角函数用于计算其满足多个条件的全部参数的总量。它是office2007新增函数,使用该函数可快速对多条件单元格求和。仅在 sum_range参数中的单元格满足所有相应的指定条件时,才对该单元格求和。SUMIFS和SUMIF的参数顺序有所不同。 具体而言,sum_range参数在SUMIFS中是第一个参数,而在SUMIF中,却是第三个参数。 这是使用这些函数时出现问题的一个常见原因。扩展资料:SUMIFS的语法:1、Sum_range是指要求和的单元格区域。2、Criteria_range1使用Criteria1测试的区域。Criteria_range1和Criteria1设置用于搜索某个区域是否符合特定条件的搜索对。 一旦在该区域中找到了项,将计算Sum_range中的相应值的和。3、Criteria1定义将计算Criteria_range1中的哪些单元格的和的条件。 例如,可以将条件输入为32、">32"、B4、"苹果"或"32"。参考资料来源:百度百科—sumifs


This is the most difficult exercise in the book.

the least difference


(紧急)关于excel中的SUMIF函数在实际应用中的问题 这个函数中的criteria 最多只能识别对应16位数的编码




急需一篇题目为what makes a happy life的演讲稿

How to Have a Happy Life We always wish to have a happy life, but what do we really mean when we say "happy"? And will all the good intentions we have bring us happiness? Let us contemplate the wisdom of an enlightend master, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, to help us focus on what we really mean and how to achieve it. This is what he says: Happiness does not only come from achievement. When you were a child you were simply happy. So that is your nature. And every moment, with every single action, we are all seeking to be happy because it is the original nature. You were taught about philosophies, gods, heaven and hell, but nobody taught you to be happy. If you go against your own nature to be happy, you will never get anywhere. And to be happy is not the ultimate aspect of life. To be happy is the fundamental aspect of life. If you are not happy, what else can you do with your life? Only if you are happy, can other great possibilities arise in your life.The first and most fundamental responsibility for a human being is to become joyous being himself or herself. It doesn"t matter what you are pursuing in your life, whether it is business, money, power, education, service or something else, you are doing so because somewhere deep inside you is a feeling that this will bring you happiness.Every single action that we perform on this planet springs from an aspiration to be happy. Today we are seeking happiness so vigorously that the very life of the planet is being threatened.When you are fundamentally joyous, when you don"t have to do anything to be happy, then every dimension of your life--the way you perceive and express yourself and the world--will change. You will have no more vested interests because whether you do something or you don"t do something, whether you get something or don"t get something, whether something happens or doesn"t happen, you will be joyous by your nature, and your actions will rise to a completely different level.So it is definitely time we look inward and see how to create personal well-being. From your own experience of life you can clearly see that true well-being will come to you only if your interiority changes. At present, the quality of your life is not determined by the clothes that you wear, the educational qualifications that you carry, the family background that you come from or the bank balances that you hold. Rather, the quality of your life depends upon how peaceful and joyous you are within yourself. Unless something of true value happens within you, you can"t do anything of tremendous value to the world. Whatever you do, it is only your inner quality that you are going to spread. Whether you like it or not, that is the reality. If you are concerned about the world, the first thing you must do is transform yourself into a joyous being.To be peaceful and happy is a universal wish, but the question is How to attain it? Suppose something has happened to upset your sense of peace. First you might quarrel with your spouse, then with other people, and then maybe you"ll yell at your boss. By that time people are suggesting you need to go to a doctor. If you go to a doctor he"ll probably give you a pill to calm you down. With just a little bit of chemical, your system becomes peaceful. It may be just for a short while, but your system does become peaceful.So what you call peace is just a certain kind of chemistry. Similarly, every emotion you experience--your joy, your anger, your ecstasy, your turmoil, your fear, your stress--each has a chemical basis. Now, there is a technology, an inner science that can enable you to create a chemistry so that you can be peaceful, happy and joyous by your own nature, not subject to what is happening around you. This is the science of yoga. It will change the whole perspective of your life.


Excel中SUMIF()函数表示对区域中符合指定条件的值求和,其语法如下:SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])range 必需。用于条件计算的单元格区域。criteria 必需。用于确定对哪些单元格求和的条件,其形式可以为数字、表达式、单元格引用、文本或函数。sum_range 可选。要求和的实际单元格(如果要对未在range参数中指定的单元格求和)。如果sum_range参数被省略,Excel会对在range参数中指定的单元格(即应用条件的单元格)求和。下面给出两个示例:





bifer t12小辣椒怎么样







双核800mhz处理器 已经过时!



bifer手机 电话薄内存不足



1、长按电源键,关机。2、同时按住音量下键+开机键。出现开机界面,松开。3、通过音量上和下,选择wipe data,确定(音量键上下选择,电源键确定),出现选项,选yes。4、 自动返回菜单后点wipe cache。5、最后选择reboot重新启动。


1、长按电源键,关机。2、同时按住音量下键+开机键。出现开机界面,松开。3、通过音量上和下,选择wipe data,确定(音量键上下选择,电源键确定),出现选项,选yes。4、 自动返回菜单后点wipe cache。5、最后选择reboot重新启动。

英语 求解 HOW can you make yourself [understood](understand) if you cannot express yourself clearly

被人理解 被动语态


1、长按电源键,关机。2、同时按住音量下键+开机键。出现开机界面,松开。3、通过音量上和下,选择wipe data,确定(音量键上下选择,电源键确定),出现选项,选yes。4、 自动返回菜单后点wipe cache。5、最后选择reboot重新启动。


关于MP3、MP4、MP5、手机等歌曲、歌词同步显示的注意事项:*首先查找自己喜欢的歌曲 然后选择试听(记住选择绿色比较多的条条 就在歌曲后面 那样子下载会快些)然后在播放器的上面 有个歌曲地址出处(最好等缓冲好了再下载) 然后右键选择目标另存为-保存即可(保存到什么地方是你自己来定的 可以直接保存到P3或P4里) 【凡凡为您提供】*要下载歌词的话,用千千静听:1.点击播放那首音乐,2.然后下面就自动搜歌词了,3.放鼠标在歌词那里,4.出现小手掌的时候点右键,5.点编辑歌词,6.然后保存到指定位置就可以了不过要注意音频文件和歌词文件的名称要一致啊还要存到同一个文件夹里面 就可以同步显示啦 【凡凡为您提供】


你好,很高兴为你解答你要是还记住 当时设定图案解锁的PIN码就行,记不住的话,就只能刷机了电脑下载刷机精灵找找看有没有你需要的比较稳定的系统,然后刷机解决满意回答采纳下

bifer BT26可以装电信卡吗?


bifer BFT12怎么ROOT

步骤1. 下载ROOT工具"ROOT精灵"步骤2. ROOT教程(1). 首先打开ROOT精灵客户端,插好数据线,连接您的手机,然后打开手机中的USB调试功能(2). 手机连接成功后会看到以下界面,只要点击“一键ROOT”按钮即可开始ROOT!(3). 接下来您只需要等待3-5分钟的时间,剩下的事情ROOT精灵会帮你完成!在此期间务必保证手机的正常连接哦。(4). 如果您看到下图这个提示,恭喜您的手机已经成功获取ROOT权限。如果一次没有成功的话也不要着急,一般多试几次就可以了若"root精灵"没有root成功,可以试试别的root软件,像360一键root,kingroot,百度一键root等,因为也许这个软件不支持你的手机而别的软件支持。

有没有适合bf_k11 bifer系统4.4.2的root




SUMIFS公式中 criteria1 能不能引用某一单元格内的值?如果能应该怎么弄呢?




请问excel里函数sumif(range,criteria,sun rang)


life is a stage 是谁说的

William Shakespeare - All the world"s a stage (from As You Like It 2/7)All the world"s a stage,And all the men and women merely players:They have their exits and their entrances;And one man in his time plays many parts,His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,Mewling and puking in the nurse"s arms.And then the whining school-boy, with his satchelAnd shining morning face, creeping like snailUnwillingly to school. And then the lover,Sighing like furnace, with a woeful balladMade to his mistress" eyebrow. Then a soldier,Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,Seeking the bubble reputationEven in the cannon"s mouth. And then the justice,In fair round belly with good capon lined,With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,Full of wise saws and modern instances;And so he plays his part. The sixth age shiftsInto the lean and slipper"d pantaloon,With spectacles on nose and pouch on side,His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wideFor his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice,Turning again toward childish treble, pipesAnd whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,That ends this strange eventful history,Is second childishness and mere oblivion,Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.结论:是的。


那是因为你的音乐格式不支持不支持在手机上播放 所以 酷狗扫描后 不会添加 还有一个就是音乐的时间小于60秒 酷狗也不会添加 加入你扫描添加了60秒的歌曲文件 酷狗 也是不能播放的 她会说 不支持格式 新年快乐 望采纳



麻烦全文翻译:Life is a great joke most of the time,



1.首先打开手机上的settings,进入到settings页面。2.在设置里面,点击More settings选项。3.进入到More settings里面之后,点击Language选项。4.进入Language选项之后,勾选简体中文,这样就可以恢复中文了。


你找找边上 有一处小凹痕指甲一扣就开了! 后盖很薄不过没事不会断的

life is strange before the storm什么时候出来


BIFER 这是什么手机的牌子?急........





尊敬的联想用户您好!尊敬的联想手机用户,您好!关于这个问题,联想手机S898T 的后盖并没有“bifer”字样,这个字样可能是手机配件制造商贝尔丰的英文名称,所以您所看到的是这个手机保护壳的厂商名字。更多问题您可以咨询idea论坛:http://lenovobbs.lenovo.com.cn/forum.php?intcmp=FM_LBBS_baidureplyThink论坛:http://thinkbbs.lenovo.com.cn/forum.php?intcmp=FM_LBBS_baidureply联想乐社区:http://bbs.lenovomobile.com/forum.php?intcmp=FM_LBBS_baidureply期待您满意的评价,感谢您对联想的支持,祝您生活愉快!期待您满意的评价,感谢您对联想的支持,祝您生活愉快!

求助,我这配置能玩Life is strange 吗

就差不多猜到结局了,为了自己爱的人:DONTNOD ENTERTAINMENT游戏发行:Life is Strange游戏类型:冒险游戏制作。 可最终做选择的时候完全没有犹豫:奇异人生游戏名称。中文名称,就算舍弃全世界又有什么关系两个结局 完美结局与自杀结局其实玩开头的时候


应该是个杂牌子吧 没什么搞头

《The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 》赏析

  What kind of man would Walter Mitty be without his fantasies? What would happen to him in the end? What does “inscrutable to the last” mean?…Questions like these are left in James Thurber"s short story The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, due to that somewhat ambiguous ending:  …“To hell with the handkerchief,” said Walter Mitty scornfully. He took one last drag on his cigarette and snapped it away. Then with that faint, fleeting smile playing about his lips, he faced the firing squad; erect and motionless, proud and disdainful, Walter Mitty the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last.  What does James Thurber want to imply? How could Walter Mitty prove himself to be “undefeated”? Is this an irony the author used to show that he is a “hero in his dreams but a coward in his real life”? Or is this a sign that he is ready to “wake up”? -We have to say both are possible. The ending is just here for us to conjecture.  It"s very obvious that there"s something wrong in Mitty"s daily life.His wife rules him, other women laugh at him…He could do nothing but build up his self-esteem in his private world.Yet it is very strange that almost all Mitty"s fantasies are connected with “death”. We can see each fantasy draw Mitty closer and closer to a certain decision: 1.To ignore death. 2.To fight against death. 3. To face death. In the first daydream,he is a commander to sail through the hurricane(though he knows he will die!); then in the second one, he fights against death as Dr Mitty…Finally at the end,he faces death as himself. Of course he is not going to commit suicide, but does it refers to anything? What is going to die?  Then let"s see the last quote of Walter Mitty---“To hell with the handkerchief”. What"s the function of a handkerchief? It is used to lessen a criminal"s pain and fear in his death penalty. Can we say that the handkerchief is a symbol of Mitty"s dream world? Since his Pure Land can cover his eyes just like the handkerchief does? If so, it"ll be easy to understand what “death” means.It is the reality! No matter how beautiful his dreams are, Walter Mitty still has to face the “firing squad”, the real world. His utopia is going to die. That"s why almost all his fantasies are interrupted, of course, except the last one.  “Does it ever occur to you that I"m sometimes thinking?”(Para 15)This little rebellion seems rather amusing, but it might be a sign of Walter Mitty"s new birth.  Everyone has the instinct to resist, though in a subtle way. “We are going through!(Para 1)”---Actually, there"s only a thin small handkerchief lying in the middle of our way.  读完,沉思许久: what is the secret life of Walter Mitty? 是他不停在现实与想象中转换,不停思考着生与死还是对现实的无力,逃避在自己的梦中,不愿醒来。  现实似乎对于每个人都有些残酷,些许无奈,而躲避在daydream中求得的也不过是一丝安稳。当白日梦不断被打断,自己不断被现实拉扯,精神业已接近分崩。  哪个是真实的生活?  Mitty 活在哪个世界?现实中他又是谁?会不会是你?是我?  我们的生命奥秘究竟在于何处?我们如何寻觅价值?  一个又一个问题,没有答案。

高中高二作文3100字:The change of my life

作文标题: The change of my life 关 键 词: 高中高二 3100字 字 数: 3100字作文 本文适合: 高中高二 作文来源: https://zw.liuxue86.com 本作文是关于高中高二3100字的作文,题目为:《The change of my life》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 The change of my lifeBefore I entered this school--- Guangdong Teachers College of foreign language and art,I had a colourful andwonderful dream. Until now , I still remember what my former English teacher told me . He said that this college is great.It must be a good choice if you really want to improve English.It is true.Most of the teachers here are responsible ,the equipments are advanced. Even though the college is not as large as others,the environment here is so nice.There are many trees ,flowers and grasses.Everyday,many students are reading books here and there.Some students are even talking with each other in English .However,I do not want to talk about the college,what I want to talk about is the changes in my thoughts of my love,my family and my communication with others.Why do I talk about my love firstly? It is quite simple,because I still have no lovers.It is very difficult for us to find a boy here,which surprises my father,my mother and me when we stepped into Guangdong Teachers College of foreign language and art.It is not a good phenomenon.It is out of balance.However,It is not what we can change.What I can do is just to blamed my English teacher,I ask him why he can ask me to go to a college which has so few boys.I do not think I will be homesick since I know I will leave home,so do my families.I do not cry when I leave my home,I am just very exciting that I can have a new life.When I stay here alone,I do not really miss my families, I just feel that my families are accompanied with me at any time. In order to save money, I never make a telephone home. But I acquire my mother to call me at least once or twice a week. When my mother calls me ,I will talk to her for at least one hour. She always complaints that I have too much to talk to her. But I know that when she hears my voice ,she is very happy. I am also very happy when I hear what she complaints,because I know it is a happy complaint.When I am sick, I never let her know. I am afraid that she will rush here to take care of me. I am just joking. I know that she must be very worried about me at home. I just want her to know that her daughter is happy ,healthy and hard-working. Compared with my mother, my father"s love is simple. He just asks me whether I need money ,asks me not to be too economic. I really do not want to get money from my parents. I am an adult now , I have my own thoughts. so I start to do some part-time jobs. My first part-time job is to pretend to be a fans. It is a piece of cake. During the International Labour Day , there is a show held in the Hengbao Square. What I should do is just to sit in the first row, whistle ,applaud and lap the bar full of air. I can get in touch with the singing star in zero-distance. I shaked hands with him and got the CD with his autograph. I got the salary seven days later and learnt that what we see through the TV set are not all true. The second part-time job is to ask the supervisor of those clothes shop to fill in the forms and record their phone numbers and the address of their shops. Certainly it is not as easy as the first one. It is very difficult for us to do this job. There are many people who have been cheaten. So they do not believe others any more. I am just a stanger. I cannot let them put 100% faith in me. But what I can do is just to try my best to communicate with them and persuade them to fill in the forms. Actuslly it is a challenging task. It tests my patience and my self-respect. Now I have got my salary. Few days ago ,I supervised the examination in my college. It is a low-priced job. Despite the senseless, I felt something interesting. It reminded me of my former life. Sometimes their behaviors make my laugh. I think that if I do more jobs , I can be well prepared for my future. I will be more confident when I stepped into the society. I know my parents love me very much , they do not want me to be too tired. So even I stay away from my families ,I always feel that we are together. I love my families. The families are the most important persons to me ,they will not cheat me ,they will not betray me. They are the persons who will accompanied with me all their lifes. Unlike other children,I can express my love obviously. Kiss my families and saying “I love you”are an easy job for me .Before entering this college ,I think that I have known many dark aspects of this society. But now ,I realize that I am wrong. I will never grow up unless I step into the society deeply and get in touch with many kinds of people. Since I begin my life here,I realize how much I miss the former friends. We blended in with each other, we respected for each other. When I felt too tired to study or unhappy ,they will make me laugh and relax. They never looked down upon others. Now ,I feel that the world has changed ,it is too complicated. The souls of people are not pure any more. Their thoughts are too complicated to understand. When they smile to you ,maybe it does not mean that they treat me as a real friend. It seems that they fear to be hurt. They always want to protect themselves at any time. They never open their hearts easily. I share the stories with my former friends. Someone praises this phenomenon. They said that it is very normal. And it would not be a bad thing. These phenomenon can prove this society is improving gradually, the IQ and EQ of people are higher and higher. Meanwhile, I hear another different voice,they said that it is the lamentability of this society. As the society develops, how people balance the money and other things has changed invisibly. The whole society has changed greatly, many strange and unbelievable phenomenon happen non-stop. I am afraid that I have to support the ones who are critical of the society. I am the victim. I treat them greatly who treat me badly. I cannot imagine how terrible the society will be when I go to work. Now ,I have passed the MX-office computer level examination. But I am not satisfied with the mark. I want to pass the C-language examination ,the second level computer confirmation. My aim is to spare my effort to get as many confirmations as possible. I want to make the way of my career more smooth. From the beginning of my college life to now , I am aware of the growth of my thought and soul. I feel that anything good will become terrible,everyting terrible is nothing. I am determined to study hard ,treat myself well. At any time,we must love ourselves and our families. Making the life of ourselves wonderful is the highlight of our life.Everything in this college is very good. The meals in our restaurant are very delicious. When we are eating vegetables,we will find a worm, at this time ,we will praise that this vegetable is the real green food. When we are eating meat, we sometimes will receive the gift of the chef, a stone, as large as a thump. It is enjoyable to have the meals in the restaurant, because there are no couples in the restaurant. The conditions of our dorms are good. There is an air conditioner in every dorm. However it cannot work. Moreover, there are many mosquitoes kissing you every day. The leaders of this college rather care about the healthy of the students. It is they who give us the chance to do the morning exercise every morning. The equipments in this college are advanced, which cannot be used by us. What a pity! We can surf the internet without any fee. But the speed is quite slow. If we have no lovers, we will not feel uncomfortable when we are walking in the paths. Because there is no chance for us to see the couples. To speak frankly,the life in this college is not free at all. But now I do not think that it is necessary . It is very helpful for us to own a comfortable environment to study and live.Today, I am proud of Guangdong Teachers College of foreign language and art. I believe that Guangdong Teachers College of foreign language and art

"Life is a moment of substance_3000字

Learning time, the in the mind is always very upset: sometimes struggle with the past, sometimes lost in the future.That I do things efficiency unusually slow.Today I looking in days of yore, turn over for a while and mind is free from books mottled on the table, hand numbly pages at the same time;Soon feel wrong, may be too much to handle, and then turn back, turn to the first sentence - "I often want to find out a little quiet in the distractions, but is not easy".My heart suddenly quiet down.Originally lu xun also like me ah, but on second thought, I was not qualified to like him, he is so busy, I"m not in a stupid student.So, I read, meeting has faded long old friend - the book.Indulge in dense aroma in the heart. In lu xun"s prose is with a heavy critici *** more flavor, concise do not break elegant demeanour, and there is no lack of again heavy optimistic, always let me read a strange taste.The ash is harmonic expression I have ever seenproseIn the unique.I clearly feel vulgar and ugly, true and pure in the early in life with such a fierce contradiction, this paper contrast and metaphors appear ponder.I can read the most incisively and vividly is probably dog. The cat. Mouse this article, "actually a person poultry bian, this need not be so strict", the ideas of the original, if through the years, will find old China far away from us, but put yourself in a strong sympathy, this is what is called a classic charm.It just a person with bright hopes, to the Philistine to transcendental ideas, which I belong to?- say, I was close to the former, but through a nihilistic time far away from the books, I have heard my fall, and the latter is unexpectedly. I feel the same, is the peace of the rhyme of memories."In days of yore" picking up light, hope, it was in the past.He is in contrast to think and understand, this is the real memory.And I often make mistakes the recollection, I will be in a swamp, even more lost - I too desperate to return to the past glory, but in the past all the spring of permanent, will only make people skinny in the dream;Then I calculate the future.Finally I found at hand is the most important thing, don"t have to struggle, don"t be swayed by considerations of gain and loss. The most uplifting in the book, to me is the "gentleman" sarca *** .Such as "the father"s illness" chapter, quack false, false, still a pick up."Gentleman" suffered the bondage of traditional ideas, the false ego, no independent personality, pedantic, but did not know.Tonight I write my homework in the classroom, for example, immediately someone laugh at my silly.The reason is that the homework don"t have to pay eighty percent, appear to be *** art, understand the important principle thoroughly, being popular.I never think that homework is meaningless, as they cope with the form, I think homework better not to do.Worse is that they not only write, copy the answer, this practice, also infect demagogic.I just think is very funny, I suddenly felt in life, everywhere from the view of lu xun, the original evaluation of evaluation, is also a pleasure thing. Closed the book, disorder of the heart of convergence, peaceful, pure and fresh.

ps4 life is strange有中文吗





Life is a strange不是人多,life is a strange的意思是生活是奇怪的。



let和make用法 它让我生活更好.it makes my life better.为什么不是let my life better?

一般是没有it let sb.do 这种用法的 make是初中英语中出现频率很高的一个动词,它的用法主要有; 1.做、制作、制造. She made a kite for her sister yesterday.她昨天为她妹妹做了一个风筝. She makes her own clothes.她自己做衣服. This kind of mobile is made in Beijing.这种手机是北京制造的. 2.铺(床). Please make your bed before breakfast.请在早饭前把床铺好. 3.制定、规定. They have made a study plan for this term.他们已经制定了本学期的学习计划. 4.产生、引起(某事物). Don"t make any noise in class.上课时不要弄出噪音. She"s always making trouble for her friends.她总给朋友惹麻烦. 5.使(某人/某物)成为、变为、变成. The great news made her happy.这好消息使她很高兴. Computers can make learning easier and interesting.电脑能使学习变得更容易更有趣. 6.强迫、迫使(某人)做某事物. What makes you say that?是什么(原因)让你说出那种话来. Nothing will make me change my mind.无论什么事都不能使我改变主意. 注:在这一结构中,make后的动词不带to. 7.选举(某人)、指派. We made Jack our monitor at the meeting yesterday.在昨天的会议上我们选杰克做班长. let 的用法 1)当let后只有一个单音节动词,变被动语态时,可用不带to 的不定式. They let the strange go.---> The strange was let go. 2) 若let 后宾补较长时,let 通常不用被动语态,而用allow或permit 代替. The nurse let me go to see my classmate in the hospital. ----> I was allowed / permitted to see my classmate in the hospital.

作文 my senior high school life 100字,高一水平

We have studied in Songpu High School for several months. When I first went into the school gate and saw my new classroom and teachers I thought I would have a new start . The school life is very busy and exciting. There are many activities in our school, Such as Sports Meeting, Science Week and Art Week and so on. We all take an active part in it . I have made many new friends and we often help and learn from each other in study. Our teachers have taught us a lot . They not only teach us how to study but also teach us how to be a useful person in society. They tell us is a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well and many other things. Habit is a second nature, so teachers often remind us to make a good habit. People often said: There is no royal to learning. Now I feel it is true. The study now is far more different than before. I often find there are something difficult to understand at once. At this time, you must spend a lot of time studying by yourself or you won"t make progress. Of course study is hard but when you make progress you"ll find it is interesting. Our school is clean and beautiful. There are many trees and flowers around it. In order to make our school more and more beautiful we should try our best to keep it clean. Don"t throw rubbish on the ground. We are members of Songpu High school. Today we are pound of Songpu, tomorrow Songpu will be prounded of us.

steam上买了正版的life is strange 为什么打不开呢,总是闪退?win10


life is strange第一幕鼠标怎么都移动不到照片上去是怎么回事,在线急等!


谁知道《奇异人生》life is strange第三章。泳池里的灯在哪开?


为什么life is strange打不开


Life is Strange 是中文的吗


如何评价游戏 Life Is Strange生活真奇怪


life is strange第一章鸟怎么救


我玩奇异人生(life is strange)有明显的卡顿,有什么解决的办法么

1、确定驱动是最稳定的公版驱动,新驱动不一定适合游戏不要贸然升级。 2、确定电源已经设置为高性能模式。3、游戏过程开个游戏加加,可以自动为你切换独显,并且自动释放内存。也可以通过它注意下CPU占用,如果占用高了,看看是否后台有什么不必要的程序在吃性能。另外,温度也需要注意,如果温度过高,那么注意散热和清灰。最后注意自己的显卡占用和显存,如果这两个同时高的话,说明显卡比较吃力,最好调低分辨率和特效关闭抗锯齿。

steam上面买了个 life is strange 要怎样汉化?

1.《life is strange》可以打汉化补丁,《life is strange》没有VAC反作弊是可以打的。2.你可以去3DM看看应该有汉化补丁。3.汉化一般是直接解压 ,安装到游戏根目录。SteamSteam是一个整合游戏下载平台。2002年,Steam系统与CS1.4 Beta一起问世。至目前为止,Steam的运作十分成功广泛,无数游戏发行公司的游戏在此平台上发行、更新。Steam英文原译为蒸汽。至于为什么叫"Steam"。在Steam平台上下载游戏的速度是非常快的,速度就像蒸汽一样喷薄而出,快得令人难以置信,所以名曰Steam。一般情况下可达到满速(请选择美国服务器节点,或者离使用者最近的服务器节点)。

如何评价游戏 Life Is Strange生活真奇怪

 对比于其他近期上市和即将上市的游戏,从《生活真奇怪》这款游戏的低配和高配要求中就可以看出这款游戏在对电脑硬件的需求这一块还是比较良心的,并没有要求玩家的电脑必须是现年代比较高配的电脑才可以玩,这对于玩家来说是一个好福利。 媒体对于这个游戏又是怎么看的?从媒体对这个游戏的评分中不难看出各个媒体对于这款游戏的好感还是相当的不错,甚至有一些媒体是非常的喜欢这款游戏,并且给予了“佳作”的这个评价,是不是“佳作”我们还是需要撇开“佳作”这个评价,来亲身试试这款游戏。 要说游戏音效很完美,这是不太可能的,但游戏在这一块却非常的符合我的口味,游戏搭配的乐曲带给人的就是一种宁静,一种休闲,一种惬意,以柔和为主的调调听着格外的轻松,游戏的过程中时不时就能够听到周围的声音,树叶被风刮走,小鸟在枝头鸣叫,或与踩在草上的清脆的脚步声。人物的风趣交谈,在游戏中是颇为有趣的一个要素,充满着感情色彩的谈话让人听了似能回想起以往小时候在枕边听到的种种故事,游戏刻画出的人物形象让游戏变得不再是那么单调。 游戏中色彩的搭配想必是符合不少人的审美观,看着极为舒服,没有那种色彩的不恰当搭配使得游戏画面出现模糊不清的既视感,也没有那种反差极大而显得格外扎眼的不良感。游戏采用的是虚幻3引擎,因为被认为有着下一个时代的特征,所以又被称之为次世代,这种引擎更使得整个游戏在中小场景上的画面表现力较为强大,能够将一些场景表现的比较细腻,比较逼真,这为游戏的画面这一块加了不少的分。 游戏的主角能力,可能是我们比较想要的一种能力,也就是让时光倒带,ontnod Entertainment能够将这种逆天的能力穿插到游戏里,这并是让在选择错误的时候,还会有再来一次的机会,这个倒是非常的有意思。特点:  音效好听。  画面优美。  故事性强。望采纳



Life is Strange Episode这是什么游戏


Life is Strange 是中文的吗

Life is Strange 是英语,中文译作:生命是奇怪的。

life is strange是什么意思

生活是奇怪的/陌生的strange 英[streu026andu0292] 美[strendu0292] adj. 陌生的,生疏的;奇怪的,古怪的;疏远的;外国的 adv. 奇怪地;陌生地;冷淡地

the was beautiful how world连词成句

How beautiful the world was!(地球曾经多美啊!)

beautiful sea是什么意思

beautiful sea美丽的大海

Taylor Swift的《Better Off》 歌词

歌曲名:Better Off歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:Unreleased SongsThe sky is falling and its early in the morningBut it"s ok somehowI spilt my coffee,it went all over your clothesI gotta wear mine nowAnd I"m always always always lateAnd my hair"s a mess even when it"s straightBut so whatI"m better off every dayWhen I"m standing in the pouring rain,I don"t mindI think of you and everything"s alrightI used to think I had it goodBut now I know that I"m misunderstoodYou would say I"m better off in every wayMy friends keep calling,they say,they say I"m stallingThey wanna meet you nowI tell them hell no,I sayWe"re trying to lay lowDon"t wanna lose what I"ve foundThings are finally finally looking upOh,my feet are on the ground even though I"m stuckBut so whatI"m better off every dayWhen I"m standing in the pouring rain,I don"t mindI think of you and everything"s alrightI used to think I had it goodBut now I know that I"m misunderstoodYou would say I"m better off in every wayThings are finally finally looking upOh,my feet are on the ground even though I"m stuck(Even though I"m stuck)But so whatI"m better off every dayWhen im standing in the pouring rain,I don"t mindI think of you and everything"s alrightI used to think I had it goodBut now I know that I"m misunderstoodYeah...Yeah...Better off in every wayI"m better off in every wayI"m better off todayThe sky is falling and it"s early in the morningBut it"s okhttp://music.baidu.com/song/5542475

There must be some reasons to make you happy in your real life,write down th

There are over 6 billion people living in this world, they are all different and they all have their own thinking about happiness. Immanuel Kant thinks that “Rules for Happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for.” However, Dale Carnegie said that “It isn"t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it”. For me, I used to have the same thinking as both of them, but a heavy rain made I change my mind. Something is as simple as living with my family that all makes me happy.First, my family is a safe harbor where I can be myself. I never have to explain myself to my family because they really know who I am. I can cry too hard or laugh too loud and never worry what they will think of me. It is happy when I have a home to come back after a hard working day. I don"t need to fear that someone may lie to me or hurt me, because I know that my family will do the best thing to me. Moreover, my family members will give me advice if I want it, but they will not judge me or make me ashamed of my behavior. Those are the reasons why Dan Wilcox said that “I don"t care how poor a man is; if he has family, he"s rich”.Second, living with family, I can see and take care for them all my time, which always makes me happy. Some people say that, a person will change her or his thinking about happiness at each stage of life. They may be right, but one thing which I am sure that it will never change is the hope of a healthy and happy family. Have you ever seen your son playing games with their friends with a smile? I think the answer is “yes”. With me, the time when I buy for my younger brother a cheap toy which he likes, or it is when I and my brother do some surprise things to make our father laugh is happiness. And it is when I and my father had the courage to step into the kitchen, cooking foods which my mother like on Women"s Day, though the soup could be a bit salty, the rice are not cooked, yet she still smiled.Finally, the main reason that makes I am happy is I am cared and loved by my family members when I live with them. Do you remember that I have said that a heavy rain made I change my mind about happiness? The rain helped I realize my family members interested me more than anyone else. When I finished my English class, although it torrential rains I did not bring an umbrella or raincoat. In this time, I think about my father, he would have brought for me a raincoat if I had studied near my home. However, the fact that no one could help me and I must overcame it alone. Then, when I got back to my dorm, my friend asked me why I came home late? Because of me, the food was cold. I did not angry with her, but I really hoped that my mother had been there, she has would worry for me and I have would feel the warm from her. It was enough to make I was happier than anything elseAll in all, nothing is better than a family. I am happy because I have a home welcome me all the time, I can love and be loved by my family members. I hope that they can go with me to the end of life. If you still live with your family, give them the most wonderful thing. Don"t find happiness on material things and forgot the real meaning of happiness around you.根据自身水平和实际情况修改内容,该内容可参考借鉴,希望能够帮到你!【ABC.Snap】

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sis可以直接安装 gif是动态图片!!你没有用过电脑吧.. rar是压缩包.需要在手机上安装ZIPMAN才可以用,或者 在电脑上解压,再放在手机上! FILEMAN是管理器,慢慢把文件夹作用弄明白吧~ ^_^

This is gift for you 哪错了?

正确的是This gift is for you.这个礼物是给你的。

tihs is a gift for you和this gift is for you有什么不一样?

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