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diffcult怎么读:英[ˈdɪfɪkəlt],美[ˈdɪfɪkəlt]。adj,困难的;费劲的;难懂的;艰难的;难对付的;有问题的;难以取悦的;挑剔的网络释义:困难的,用来修饰名词,如great(伟大的),honest(诚实的),difficult(困难的)。困难,多人认为C/ C++ 虽然博大精深,但也难学。其实就达妹认为C/ C++ 并非是“difficult(困难)”的,只要你能理清思路,掌握它的精髓,配合一套教材。那么学C/ C++ 是一件非常容易且又其乐无穷的事情。短语搭配:find it difficult to发现做...很难find it difficult to do发现...很难做It is difficult to do这很难做到...difficult question难以回答的问题;困难的问题a difficult decision艰难的决定。双语例句:1、She found it very difficult to get her tongue round the unfamiliar words。她发现很难念出这些陌生的单词来。2、It is difficult to understand how lava could have been reduced to dust。很难理解熔岩是如何变成灰的。3、It was difficult not to be overwhelmed with feelings of hate and revenge。想不被仇恨和报复欲望所左右是不容易的。4、Amidst this welter of confusing signals,it"s difficult to winnow out the truth。在一堆杂乱无章的信号之中,要辨别真相很困难。5、Once trust and confidence has been ruptured it can be difficult to regain。一旦信任遭到破坏就很难恢复。

821 - Ben Saunders | To the South Pole and back — the hardest 105 days of my life

00:00 So in the oasis of intelligentsia that is TED, I stand here before you this evening as an expert in dragging heavy stuff around cold places. I"ve been leading polar expeditions for most of my adult life, and last month, my teammate Tarka L"Herpiniere and I finished the most ambitious expedition I"ve ever attempted. In fact, it feels like I"ve been transported straight here from four months in the middle of nowhere, mostly grunting and swearing , straight to the TED stage. So you can imagine that"s a transition that hasn"t been entirely seamless . One of the interesting side effects seems to be that my short-term memory is entirely shot. So I"ve had to write some notes to avoid too much grunting and swearing in the next 17 minutes. This is the first talk I"ve given about this expedition, and while we weren"t sequencing genomes or building space telescopes, this is a story about giving everything we had to achieve something that hadn"t been done before. So I hope in that you might find some food for thought. 01:12 It was a journey, an expedition in Antarctica, the coldest, windiest, driest and highest altitude continent on Earth. It"s a fascinating place. It"s a huge place. It"s twice the size of Australia, a continent that is the same size as China and India put together. 01:30 As an aside , I have experienced an interesting phenomenon in the last few days, something that I expect Chris Hadfield may get at TED in a few years" time, conversations that go something like this: "Oh, Antarctica. Awesome. My husband and I did Antarctica with Lindblad for our anniversary." Or, "Oh cool, did you go there for the marathon?" (Laughter) 01:54 Our journey was, in fact, 69 marathons back to back in 105 days, an 1,800-mile round trip on foot from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back again. In the process, we broke the record for the longest human-powered polar journey in history by more than 400 miles. (Applause) For those of you from the Bay Area, it was the same as walking from here to San Francisco, then turning around and walking back again. So as camping trips go, it was a long one, and one I"ve seen summarized most succinctly here on the hallowed pages of Business Insider Malaysia. ["Two Explorers Just Completed A Polar Expedition That Killed Everyone The Last Time It Was Attempted"] 02:46 Chris Hadfield talked so eloquently about fear and about the odds of success, and indeed the odds of survival. Of the nine people in history that had attempted this journey before us, none had made it to the pole and back, and five had died in the process. 03:04 This is Captain Robert Falcon Scott. He led the last team to attempt this expedition. Scott and his rival Sir Ernest Shackleton, over the space of a decade, both led expeditions battling to become the first to reach the South Pole, to chart and map the interior of Antarctica, a place we knew less about, at the time, than the surface of the moon, because we could see the moon through telescopes. Antarctica was, for the most part, a century ago, uncharted. 03:32 Some of you may know the story. Scott"s last expedition, the Terra Nova Expedition in 1910, started as a giant siege-style approach. He had a big team using ponies, using dogs, using petrol-driven tractors , dropping multiple, pre-positioned depots of food and fuel through which Scott"s final team of five would travel to the Pole, where they would turn around and ski back to the coast again on foot. Scott and his final team of five arrived at the South Pole in January 1912 to find they had been beaten to it by a Norwegian team led by Roald Amundsen, who rode on dogsled. Scott"s team ended up on foot. And for more than a century this journey has remained unfinished. Scott"s team of five died on the return journey. And for the last decade, I"ve been asking myself why that is. How come this has remained the high-water mark ? Scott"s team covered 1,600 miles on foot. No one"s come close to that ever since. So this is the high-water mark of human endurance, human endeavor, human athletic achievement in arguably the harshest climate on Earth. It was as if the marathon record has remained unbroken since 1912. And of course some strange and predictable combination of curiosity, stubbornness, and probably hubris led me to thinking I might be the man to try to finish the job. 04:55 Unlike Scott"s expedition, there were just two of us, and we set off from the coast of Antarctica in October last year, dragging everything ourselves, a process Scott called "man-hauling." When I say it was like walking from here to San Francisco and back, I actually mean it was like dragging something that weighs a shade more than the heaviest ever NFL player . Our sledges weighed 200 kilos, or 440 pounds each at the start , the same weights that the weakest of Scott"s ponies pulled. Early on , we averaged 0.5 miles per hour. Perhaps the reason no one had attempted this journey until now, in more than a century, was that no one had been quite stupid enough to try. And while I can"t claim we were exploring in the genuine Edwardian sense of the word — we weren"t naming any mountains or mapping any uncharted valleys — I think we were stepping into uncharted territory in a human sense . Certainly, if in the future we learn there is an area of the human brain that lights up when one curses oneself, I won"t be at all surprised. 06:01 You"ve heard that the average American spends 90 percent of their time indoors. We didn"t go indoors for nearly four months. We didn"t see a sunset either. It was 24-hour daylight. Living conditions were quite spartan . I changed my underwear three times in 105 days and Tarka and I shared 30 square feet on the canvas . Though we did have some technology that Scott could never have imagined. And we blogged live every evening from the tent via a laptop and a custom-made satellite transmitter, all of which were solar-powered: we had a flexible photovoltaic panel over the tent. And the writing was important to me. As a kid, I was inspired by the literature of adventure and exploration, and I think we"ve all seen here this week the importance and the power of storytelling. 06:55 So we had some 21st-century gear, but the reality is that the challenges that Scott faced were the same that we faced: those of the weather and of what Scott called glide, the amount of friction between the sledges and the snow. The lowest wind chill we experienced was in the -70s, and we had zero visibility, what"s called white-out , for much of our journey. We traveled up and down one of the largest and most dangerous glaciers in the world, the Beardmore glacier. It"s 110 miles long; most of its surface is what"s called blue ice. You can see it"s a beautiful, shimmering steel-hard blue surface covered with thousands and thousands of crevasses , these deep cracks in the glacial ice up to 200 feet deep. Planes can"t land here, so we were at the most risk, technically, when we had the slimmest chance of being rescued. 07:48 We got to the South Pole after 61 days on foot, with one day off for bad weather, and I"m sad to say, it was something of an anticlimax . There"s a permanent American base, the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station( 阿姆森-斯科特极点考察站 ) at the South Pole. They have an airstrip , they have a canteen , they have hot showers, they have a post office, a tourist shop, a basketball court that doubles as a movie theater. So it"s a bit different these days, and there are also acres of junk. I think it"s a marvelous thing that humans can exist 365 days of the year with hamburgers and hot showers and movie theaters, but it does seem to produce a lot of empty cardboard boxes. You can see on the left of this photograph, several square acres of junk waiting to be flown out from the South Pole. But there is also a pole at the South Pole, and we got there on foot, unassisted, unsupported, by the hardest route, 900 miles in record time, dragging more weight than anyone in history. And if we"d stopped there and flown home, which would have been the eminently sensible thing to do, then my talk would end here and it would end something like this. 08:58 If you have the right team around you, the right tools, the right technology, and if you have enough self-belief and enough determination, then anything is possible. 09:12 But then we turned around, and this is where things get interesting. High on the Antarctic plateau , over 10,000 feet, it"s very windy, very cold, very dry, we were exhausted. We"d covered 35 marathons, we were only halfway, and we had a safety net, of course, of ski planes and satellite phones and live, 24-hour tracking beacons that didn"t exist for Scott, but in hindsight, rather than making our lives easier, the safety net actually allowed us to cut things very fine indeed, to sail very close to our absolute limits as human beings. And it is an exquisite form of torture to exhaust yourself to the point of starvation day after day while dragging a sledge full of food. 10:00 For years, I"d been writing glib lines in sponsorship proposals about pushing the limits of human endurance, but in reality, that was a very frightening place to be indeed. We had, before we"d got to the Pole, two weeks of almost permanent headwind, which slowed us down. As a result, we"d had several days of eating half rations. We had a finite amount of food in the sledges to make this journey, so we were trying to string that out by reducing our intake to half the calories we should have been eating. As a result, we both became increasingly hypoglycemic — we had low blood sugar levels day after day — and increasingly susceptible to the extreme cold. Tarka took this photo of me one evening after I"d nearly passed out with hypothermia . We both had repeated bouts of hypothermia, something I hadn"t experienced before, and it was very humbling indeed. As much as you might like to think, as I do, that you"re the kind of person who doesn"t quit, that you"ll go down swinging , hypothermia doesn"t leave you much choice. You become utterly incapacitated . It"s like being a drunk toddler. You become pathetic . I remember just wanting to lie down and quit. It was a peculiar , peculiar feeling, and a real surprise to me to be debilitated to that degree. 11:20 And then we ran out of food completely, 46 miles short of the first of the depots that we"d laid on our outward journey . We"d laid 10 depots of food, literally burying food and fuel, for our return journey — the fuel was for a cooker so you could melt snow to get water — and I was forced to make the decision to call for a resupply flight, a ski plane carrying eight days of food to tide us over that gap. They took 12 hours to reach us from the other side of Antarctica. 11:51 Calling for that plane was one of the toughest decisions of my life. And I sound like a bit of a fraud standing here now with a sort of belly. I"ve put on 30 pounds in the last three weeks. Being that hungry has left an interesting mental scar, which is that I"ve been hoovering up every hotel buffet that I can find . (Laughter) But we were genuinely quite hungry, and in quite a bad way. I don"t regret calling for that plane for a second, because I"m still standing here alive, with all digits intact , telling this story. But getting external assistance like that was never part of the plan, and it"s something my ego is still struggling with. This was the biggest dream I"ve ever had, and it was so nearly perfect. 12:36 On the way back down to the coast, our crampons — they"re the spikes on our boots that we have for traveling over this blue ice on the glacier — broke on the top of the Beardmore. We still had 100 miles to go downhill on very slippery rock-hard blue ice . They needed repairing almost every hour. To give you an idea of scale, this is looking down towards the mouth of the Beardmore Glacier. You could fit the entirety of Manhattan in the gap on the horizon . That"s 20 miles between Mount Hope and Mount Kiffin. I"ve never felt as small as I did in Antarctica. When we got down to the mouth of the glacier, we found fresh snow had obscured the dozens of deep crevasses . One of Shackleton"s men described crossing this sort of terrain as like walking over the glass roof of a railway station. We fell through more times than I can remember, usually just putting a ski or a boot through the snow. Occasionally we went in all the way up to our armpits , but thankfully never deeper than that. 13:36 And less than five weeks ago, after 105 days, we crossed this oddly inauspicious finish line, the coast of Ross Island on the New Zealand side of Antarctica. You can see the ice in the foreground and the sort of rubbly rock behind that. Behind us lay an unbroken ski trail of nearly 1,800 miles. We"d made the longest ever polar journey on foot, something I"d been dreaming of doing for a decade. 14:03 And looking back, I still stand by all the things I"ve been saying for years about the importance of goals and determination and self-belief, but I"ll also admit that I hadn"t given much thought to what happens when you reach the all-consuming goal that you"ve dedicated most of your adult life to, and the reality is that I"m still figuring that bit out. As I said, there are very few superficial signs that I"ve been away. I"ve put on 30 pounds. I"ve got some v

Daydream, I fell asleep amid the flowers for a couple of hours on a beautiful day Daydream,

Daydream, I fell asleep amid the flowers for a couple of hours on a beautiful day Daydream, I dreamed of you amid the flowers for a couple of hours, such a beautiful day! I dreamed of the places I"ve been with you how we sat with the stream flowing by And then when I kissed you and held you So near tell me why, tell me why you"re so shy? Daydream, I fell asleep amid the flowers for a couple of hours on a beautiful day Daydream, come share a dream amid the flowers For a couple of hours on a beautiful day I dreamed of the places I"ve been with you how we sat with the stream flowing by And then when I kissed you and held you so near tell me why, tell me why you"re so shy? Daydream, I sing with you amid the flowers for a couple of hours, singing all of the day翻译为:我博士,做白日梦,我睡着之际,花几个小时在一个美丽的日子做白日梦白日梦的花几个小时之际,我梦见了你,多么美好的一天!我梦见我和你在一起的地方我们坐在那里,由流流动然后当我吻着你,你附近举行时,告诉我为什么,告诉我你为什么这么害羞?梦中,我睡着了,在花几个小时在一个美丽的日子白日梦,来分享一个梦想,在花几个小时在一个美丽的日子我梦见我和你在一起的地方我们坐在那里,由流流动然后当我吻着你,你附近举行时,告诉我为什么,告诉我你为什么这么害羞?白日梦的花几个小时之际,我和你一起唱,唱所有的一天

an amiable wife什么意思

amiable[英][ˈeɪmiəbl][美][ˈemiəbəl]adj.和蔼可亲的; 温和的; 网络:平易; 和蔼的,亲切的; 亲切的; wife[英][waɪf][美][waɪf]n.妻子,太太; 夫人,老婆; 已婚妇女; 网络夫人; 女人; 妻子; 所以an amiable wife的意思是一个温和的妻子。

arrange shift leave 是什么意思?


training certificate是什么意思



specific[英] [spiˈsifik] [美] [spɪˈsɪfɪk] adj. 明确的;特种的;具体的;[免疫学]特效的; n. 特效药;特性;细节;显著的性质,特性;certain[英] [ˈsə:tn] [美] [ˈsɚtn] adj. 某一;必然的;已确定的; pron. [动词用复数]某些;exact[英] [iɡˈzækt] [美] [ɪɡˈzækt] adj. 准确的;严密的;精密的,精确的; vt. 要求;苛求;迫使;强求;

the animal/s daily life 什么意思


AmenitysLife 无法打开,提示已停止工作

修改注册表在“开始 -> 运行”下输入regedit,进入注册表编辑器。找到HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice12.0Word和HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftOfficeWordAddins将上述两个文件夹word和addins重命名为word1和addins1。重新启动Word,就可以了。





we shall be glad if you see to it that amendment is cabled without any delay



fifth+amendment英 [ fɪfθ əˈmendmənt ]美 [ fɪfθ əˈmɛndmənt ][法] 第五条修正案;

unique identifier是什么意思

unique identifier唯一标识符; 例句:One of the new tracking systems is based on a unique identifier located in the iphone"s wireless networking hardware--a system known as open device identification network, or odin. 其中一种新的跟踪系统是以iphone无线网络硬件的唯一识别码为基础的,这种系统被称为“开放设备标识符网络”(odin)。

amendment 和modification有什么区别呢




alter, amend, revise, modify有什么异同?

改良; 修改, 修订 The thief has amended. 这小偷改过自新了。 revisevt. 修订, 修改They are revising a dictionary. 他们在修订一部词典。 modifyvt. & vi.工业革命改变了整个英国社会的结构

amend correct modify求区分

1.amend改进, 改正To amend as follow做如下的更改,订正To amend L/C修改信用证To amend a credit.修改信用证。 2.modify更改, 修改Adjectives modify nouns.形容词修饰名词。To modify by umlaut.使元音变为曲音Adverbs modify verbs and adjectives.词修饰动词和形容词。 3.correct adj.正确的;合适的;(举止言谈)符合公认准则的;符合公认的准则的vt.改正;[数学、物理学]校正;(试卷)改错;批改vi.纠正错误;调整;校准(常与 for 连用)The correct answers can be found at the bottom of page 8...正确答案在第8页末尾。You are absolutely correct. The leaves are from a bay tree...你说得很对,这是月桂树的叶子。The use of the correct materials was crucial...使用恰当的材料至关重要。

请问 if there is something wrong need to be amend,please tell me. 这句话的语法对吗?


amend correct modify求区分

1.amend改进, 改正 To amend as follow 做如下的更改,订正 To amend L/C 修改信用证 To amend a credit. 修改信用证. 2.modify更改, 修改 Adjectives modify nouns. 形容词修饰名词. To modify by umlaut. 使元音变为曲音 Adverbs modify verbs and adjectives. 词修饰动词和形容词. 3.correct adj.正确的;合适的;(举止言谈)符合公认准则的;符合公认的准则的vt.改正;[数学、物理学]校正;(试卷)改错;批改vi.纠正错误;调整;校准(常与 for 连用) The correct answers can be found at the bottom of page 8... 正确答案在第8页末尾. You are absolutely correct. The leaves are from a bay tree... 你说得很对,这是月桂树的叶子. The use of the correct materials was crucial... 使用恰当的材料至关重要.

alter, amend, revise, modify请分析下这几个单词用法的差别



  CHT WiFi是中华电信公司提供的无线局域网服务的标识。  CHT是ChungHwa Telecom的缩写,关于CHT WiFi的说明如下图所示。  

amend correct modify求区分

1.amend改进, 改正 To amend as follow 做如下的更改,订正 To amend L/C 修改信用证 To amend a credit. 修改信用证. 2.modify更改, 修改 Adjectives modify nouns. 形容词修饰名词. To modify by umlaut. 使元音变为曲音 Adverbs modify verbs and adjectives. 词修饰动词和形容词. 3.correct adj.正确的;合适的;(举止言谈)符合公认准则的;符合公认的准则的vt.改正;[数学、物理学]校正;(试卷)改错;批改vi.纠正错误;调整;校准(常与 for 连用) The correct answers can be found at the bottom of page 8... 正确答案在第8页末尾. You are absolutely correct. The leaves are from a bay tree... 你说得很对,这是月桂树的叶子. The use of the correct materials was crucial... 使用恰当的材料至关重要.

请问 if there is something wrong need to be amend,please tell me. 这句话的语法对吗?



jack-knife 作名词时指“大折刀”,作形容词是“中间呈V型弯的”意思

初音 镜音 knife 讲的大致是什么意思?





do you have a knife?你有刀吗?双语例句1Do you have a pen knife?你有没有美工刀啊?2Do you know what it"s like to have a knife hit your carotid?你该知道用刀割开颈动脉后果如何吧?


nai fu奈负


garden knife 修枝刀

champ knife是什么意思

champ knife冠军刀

knife"s edge 是什么意思?



This 是指示代词,就是指的这个刀子 a/an,the 则是冠词,如果名词的单数不特指就用a knife 就可以了,或者特指用 the knife . 但是没有 This a knife 这种说法. 希望对你有所帮助


knifen. 1. 小刀;餐刀;菜刀 2. 【机】(切断器的)刃部;(机器上的)刀具[刀片] 3. 〈诗〉短刀,匕首 4. 【外】手术刀 v. 1. 〈口〉秘密打击,用阴险手段击败,背叛 2. 拿小刀切;拿尖刀戳 3. 刀切似地穿过 4. 用括刀涂(颜料等) 5. (刀似地)劈开,穿过,1,有,是刀的意思,2,刀子的意思,2,有呀。意为“小刀。刀子”,2,有,1,刀的意思,0,小刀 复数是knives,0,有,是"小刀、匕首”的意思,0,


knife 英[naɪf]美[naɪf]n. 刀; 匕首; 刃部; 手术刀;vt. 切割,刺; 伤害;vi. 劈开; 划过;


刀过去式: knifed   过去分词: knifed   名词复数: knives   现在分词: knifing   n.(pl. knives )1.小刀;餐刀;菜刀。2.〔诗〕短刀,匕首。3.【机械工程】(切断器的)刃部;(机器上的)刀具[刀片]。4.〔 the knife〕 【外】手术刀。短语和例子vt.1.拿小刀切;拿尖刀戳。2.〔口语〕秘密打击,用阴险手段击败,背叛。3.刀切似地穿过。4.用括刀涂(颜料等)。vi.(刀似地)劈开,穿过。a knife    一口刀the knife    外科手术folding knife; pocket knife; clasp-knife    折刀a good knife    一把好刀a jack-knife    水手刀一把水手刀a knife and a spoon    一把刀和一个勺a knife and fork    一副刀叉a man with knife    有人带刀a sharp knife    锋利的钢刀abscess knife    排脓刀



LIFE 15 A KNIFE 是什么意思翻译成中文

15 是 is 的变形 所以原句是 life is a knife 生活就是一把刀


 [naif]: n,有柄的刀;匕首

knife 是什么意思呀\



knife是刀 life是生活

3.Would our world really be a better place if people were all less ambitious? Why?什么意思?


I am ambitious. So I am not qualified to stop什么意思?

I am ambitious. So I am not qualified to stop翻译为中文的意思是 我雄心勃勃,所以我没有资格停下来

What"s the difference between Catholicism and Christianity

Catholicism worships the Virgin Mary; Christianity worships Jesus Christ

( ) 26.If you have ________ ambition, you need to work hard to realize it. A./ B.a C.an D.the


关于Swift中 Ambiguous use of"name"的求助

在Xcode7.3版本中突然显示Ambiguous use of" name"这个问题,怎么解决?if(myPeripherals.count>0){//let per=myPeripherals.objectAtIndex(0)for per in myPeripherals{let perName=per.name//搜索到的设备名字if(perName != nil && openSetting != nil){let subPerName=(perName as NSString).substringWithRange(NSMakeRange(5, 10))let subOpenName=(openSetting as NSString).substringWithRange(NSMakeRange(6, 10))if(subPerName == subOpenName){//搜索到的设备和开通的设备名称相同才连接WisePadController.sharedController().connectBTv4(per as! CBPeripheral, connectTimeout: 10)}}}}else{if(coverLink != nil){coverLink.hidden=true}UIAlertView(title: "", message: "周边没有搜到M188的设备", delegate: nil, cancelButtonTitle: "确定").show()return}}func onWisePadBTv4Connected(){} 备注:【明确一个类型  String(per.name)     per.name as String    per.name as String  3个分别试一下 】

ambiguity resolution notification是什么意思

ambiguity resolution notification 歧义消解的通知

是jennifer love hewitt迷的进来 谢谢

  詹妮弗·洛芙·海维特 Jennifer Love Hewitt  出生地: Waco, 美国德克萨斯州  生日:1979年2月21日(星期三)  新时代全才型3F女艺人——“小爱”珍妮弗·洛芙·休伊特(Jennifer Love Hewitt),最新创作专辑要让您重新认识这位有趣(Funny)、无畏(Fearless)又富女人味(Feminine)的新时代全才型3F女艺人!  水瓶座的“小爱”珍妮佛乐芙休伊出生于德州华哥小镇。她独特的中间小名“Love”是其母亲为了纪念她的好友而取的,而“小爱”这个名字则是她的大哥为了纪念他的初恋情人所取,所以“小爱”珍妮弗·洛芙·休伊特这个名字是她全家人爱的纪念!  拥有甜美的笑容,性感的外表,才华洋溢的“小爱”珍妮弗·洛芙·休伊特是一位能演善舞、能写能唱、畅销作家等多重身份的全才型女艺人。“小爱”珍妮弗·洛芙·休伊特自三岁开始便投入娱乐事业,生平所表演的第一首歌曲是《The Greatest Love of All》,这首歌也开启了她的演艺事业生涯!四岁还突然出现在餐厅的舞台上表演歌唱,五岁开始上爵士和芭蕾舞的课程,这些扎实的基本训练也让她顺利的参加了德州表演团,同时她也随团一起远赴苏俄及欧洲演出。由于“小爱”珍妮弗·洛芙·休伊特优异的表现,她的启蒙老师引荐她到洛杉矶发展,很快的在那她找到了她事业的开始——迪士尼儿童频道的演出。1998年在演出《五口之家》的同时她也完成了青年演员学校的高中课程。  “小爱”珍妮弗·洛芙·休伊特以其精湛的演技及甜姐儿的形象著称之外,她有出过三张个人专辑。除了演戏之外,她最想成为一名儿童精神科医师,帮助所有需要帮助的小朋友!“小爱”珍妮弗·洛芙·休伊特的多才多艺,不仅是在戏剧、歌唱、创作上的展现,年纪轻轻的她也成立了一家她自己的制作公司——“Love Spell Entertainment”拓展她另外的事业。  让“小爱”珍妮弗·洛芙·休伊特在戏剧崭露头角的是著名的电视剧《五口之家》,另外还主演了《奥黛莉·赫本》、《惊声尖叫1、2》、《修女也疯狂2》等电影,最近也将和成龙一起主演梦工场最新的电影《燕尾服》!  演艺事业一帆风顺的“小爱”珍妮弗·洛芙·休伊特,在2001年也为她的歌唱事业找到了好的归宿,她加入了著名厂牌Jive唱片公司成为了新好男孩、超级男孩、小甜甜布兰妮等人的师妹。“小爱”珍妮弗·洛芙·休伊特个人最新的专辑是由她自己、Meredith Brooks以创作"Bitch"歌曲为名的摇滚女歌手和Brian McKnight共同制作,这是一张非常具有“小爱”珍妮弗·洛芙·休伊特味道风格的专辑,同时也是“小爱”珍妮弗·洛芙·休伊特自己生活的写照!“小爱”在创作这张专辑时她几乎每天都到Meredith Brooks的家中写歌作曲,整张专辑的创过程是非常有趣、生动和愉快,完全展现“小爱”新时代全才型的女性风格!  首支单曲《Barenaked(赤裸的告白)》是由“小爱”和Meredith Brooks一起共同创作,是一首朗朗上口、耐听的抒情摇滚曲风的歌曲。另外还有有动人抒情的经典歌曲《Just Try》及《You》等。喜欢“小爱”电影的影迷们,想必对她这专辑也不会失望的,因为“小爱”珍妮弗·洛芙·休伊特已经赤裸裸的将自己呈现在音乐符号世界,这是她最真摰的声音和创作的结合,是另外一种“小爱”赤裸告白。  Jennifer Love Hewitt“小爱”珍妮弗·洛芙·休伊特的荣誉:  1997-好莱坞记者评选为“最佳年轻之星”  1998-百视达娱乐奖项之“最佳新进女演员”(《惊声尖叫1》)  1999-百视达娱乐奖项之“最受欢迎女演员”(《惊声尖叫2》)  1999-Teen Choice Award“年度最受欢迎电影女星”  1999- Teen Choice Award“年度最受欢迎女艺人”  2000-People"s Choice Award“最受欢迎女演员”  参与影片:  《 She Had Brains, a Body, and the Ability to Make Men Love Her 》 (2008) ...  《 Streetlight 》 (2007) ...Mena (unconfirmed)  《 Delgo 》 (2007) ...Princess Kyla (voice)  《加菲猫2/加菲猫2:两只猫的故事 Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties 》 (2006) ...Liz Wilson  《 The 58th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards 》 (2006) ...Herself  《 Live from the Red Carpet: The 2006 Emmy Awards 》 (2006) ...Herself  《 The 48th Annual Grammy Awards 》 (2006) ...Herself  《 "100 Greatest Teen Stars" 》 (2006) ...Herself (archive footage)  《 Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber 》 (2005) ...Katya Livingston  《 In the Game 》 (2005) ...Riley Reed  《 The Magic 7 》 (2005) ...Erica (voice)  《 In the Game 》 (2005) ...executive producer  《 Why Can"t I Be Audrey Hepburn 》 (2005) ...Perry Forman  《 In the Game 》 (2005) ...creator  《恋恋真情 The Truth About Love 》 (2004) ...Alice Holbrook  《加菲猫 Garfield 》 (2004) ...Liz  《 "E! True Hollywood Story" Scream Queens 》 (2004) ...Herself  《 A Christmas Carol 》 (2004) ...Emily  《 If Only 》 (2004) ...Samantha Andrews  《 If Only 》 (2004) ...producer  《 The Story of Veterans Day 》 (2004) ...Host  《 Saturday Night Live: The Best of Cheri Oteri 》 (2004) ...Herself/Various Characters (archive footage)  《 MTV Bash: Carson Daly 》 (2003) ...Herself  《 "Banzai" 》 (2003) ...Herself (1 episode, 2003)  《燕尾服 The Tuxedo 》 (2002) ...Del Blaine  《 The Adventures of Tom Thumb and Thumbelina 》 (2002) ...Thumbelina (voice)  《 The Hunchback of Notre Dame II 》 (2002) ...Madellaine (voice)  《 Groove Squad 》 (2002) ...Chrissy (voice)  《 AFI"s 100 Years... 100 Passions 》 (2002) ...Herself  《 100 Greatest Love Songs 》 (2002) ...Herself/Host  《 "Tinseltown TV" 》 (2002) ...Herself (2 episodes, 2003)  《 Summer Music Mania 2002 》 (2002) ...Herself  《 The Teen Choice Awards 2002 》 (2002) ...Herself - Presenter  《 Nickelodeon Kids" Choice Awards "02 》 (2002) ...Herself  《 MTV Video Music Awards 2002 》 (2002) ...Herself  《 The 3rd Annual Women Rock! Girls and Guitars 》 (2002) ...Herself  《 One Night 》 (2002) ...producer  《偷心俏佳人 Heartbreakers 》 (2001) ...Page Conners  《 The Teen Choice Awards 2001 》 (2001) ...Herself  《 The Devil and Daniel Webster 》 (2001) ...The Devil  《 The 25 Hottest Stars Under 25 》 (2001) ...Herself  《奥黛丽赫本的故事 The Audrey Hepburn Story 》 (2000) ...co-executive producer  《奥黛丽赫本的故事 The Audrey Hepburn Story 》 (2000) ...Audrey Hepburn  《2000年MTV电影颁奖典礼 2000 MTV Movie Awards 》 (2000) ...Herself  《 VH1/Vogue Fashion Awards 》 (2000) ...Herself  《 Celebrity Profile: Jennifer Love Hewitt 》 (2000) ...Herself  《 "The Weekenders" 》 (2000) ...Herself (voice)  《再领风骚 The Suburbans 》 (1999) ...Cate  《 Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary 》 (1999) ...Herself (archive footage)  《 "Time of Your Life" 》 (1999) ...Sarah Reeves Merrin (21 episodes, 1999-2000)  《 "Time of Your Life" 》 (1999) ...producer (unknown episodes)  《 MTV New Year"s Eve Live 1999 》 (1999) ...Host  《到底是谁搞的鬼 I Still Know What You Did Last Summer 》 (1998) ...singer: "How Do I Deal?" (uncredited)  《到底是谁搞的鬼 I Still Know What You Did Last Summer 》 (1998) ...Julie James  《等不及说爱你 Can"t Hardly Wait 》 (1998) ...Amanda Beckett  《告诉你 Telling You 》 (1998) ...Deb Freidman  《我知道你去年夏天干了什么 I Know What You Did Last Summer 》 (1997) ...Julie James  《第一次真难 Trojan War 》 (1997) ...Leah Jones  《天使小绑匪 House Arrest 》 (1996) ...Brooke Figler  《 "The Rosie O"Donnell Show" 》 (1996) ...Herself (8 episodes, 1998-2002)  《 "Party of Five" 》 (1994) ...Sarah Reeves (98 episodes, 1995-1999)  《修女也疯狂 2 Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit 》 (1993) ...Margaret  《 Little Miss Millions 》 (1993) ...Heather Lofton  《 Munchie 》 (1992) ...Andrea  《 "Supermarket Sweep" 》 (1990) ...Herself (1 episode, 2002)

youarenotqualifitdtocomplain是什么意思 求“你没有资格抱怨”的英文翻译

回答和翻译如下:你没有资格抱怨。You are not qualified to complain.


diffuse (漫反射)作用:赋予系统材质或者自己提供的素材,材质球的基本材质ambient(环境光)作用:是照亮整个场景的常规光线。这种光具有均匀的强度,并且属于均质漫反射。它不具有可辨别的光源和方向

请教英语高手:Ambassador Her Excellency Purification是什么意思

这不可能是一个短句? ambassador 大使Her Excellency 尊贵女/大使 (Ambassador)/皇 (Queen)purification 净化

Amazifit gtr2只能在手机上看睡眠质量吗?

手头的华为watch gt一代用了近两年,电池续航感觉跟不上了,数码产品这玩意更新换代太快,功能越来越多,让人眼花缭乱,偶然一次看到华米的GTR2,圆形表盘,轻盈机身,该有的功能都有,性价比还可以,就入手了一块。体验了有将近个把月,简单谈下感受。产品包装很简洁,内部很有创意,类似木榫结构,表加一个很小的磁吸充电器,尺寸46.4*46.4*10.7mm,基本上目前各厂家主流的圆表盘都是这个尺寸,3D弧面玻璃,浑然一体,对比watch gt一代的下沉式屏幕要顺眼好多,表体材质铝合金(标准版为不锈钢),不含表带31.5g,确实足够轻盈,戴在手上感觉不是很明显,表带为软质硅胶,虽然相比硬硅胶,要舒适些,但有一点就是不耐磨,这不到一个月表冠那个位置已经备磨掉了一块,尴尬,还有就是太容易沾灰了,冬天衣服穿得多,在手臂上来回摩擦纤维也得沾不少,另外有一个小细节就是表带那两个橡胶圈没有设计小凸起以便于卡在表带上,导致经常滑下去,固定不住,建议厂家后续能优化下。产品包装表盘为1.39英寸AMOLED,分辨率454*454像素,达到326PPI,视网膜级,挺精细。据说这块屏采用类金刚石的硬度处理,耐磨耐刮,不需要再贴膜了。系统UI很精美,上下滑动就是一种享受,比起watch gt感觉强不少。还支持网易云音乐同步和在线播放,也是出彩的地方,系统更新频率也挺高,说明在不断完善优化。功能方面,50米防水,常见的运动模式基本都有,支持自动运动识别,能省不少事,全功能NFC,支持WIFI直连,这个还是比较少见。支持血氧饱和度测试,另外,加入对小爱同学的支持,自带扬声器,可接打电话,线性马达等都配置齐全。续航方面,内置471mA电池,2.5小时充满电,日常14天的续航,处在主流水平,肯定是比iwatch强。新推出的zepp应用比之前的APP功能强大很多了,不管是安卓还是ios客户端能保持一致,添加表盘、音乐、各类健康指数等,相比其他品牌只优先配对自家手机要厚道多了,唯一不足的就是日常计步只能同步手表,APP本身不能主动计步。运动方面网上都在反馈说轨迹不是很准,实际体验下来确实是,有时候误差能达到几十米,还有运动过程中报GPS信号丢失的现象,这就有点尴尬了,本来在大路这边,轨迹出来确实在另外一边,甚至跑到路边的小区里了,这块可能需要后续软件算法优化,或者加入对支持北斗导航的硬件支持啊。GTR2运动版总结下来,GTR2运动版足够轻盈,外形圆润时尚,延续了华米手表的一贯特色,功能丰富,系统UI精美,加入了对在线音乐、小爱同学及离线语音的支持,支持自动运动模式识别,续航能力符合主流水准。不足之处就是运动轨迹偏差较大,还有丢信号的情况,线性马达的振动感觉略微生硬,需要系统算法的不断优化。


amazift手表1代 IP地址:。amazift手表1代复仇者联盟限量版惊艳亮相,不仅拥有陶瓷机身,而且在表盘和表带上还设计有复仇者联盟元素,这款智能手表一经推出便引发了无数漫威粉丝和用户的追捧,并且已经成为了目前最为成功的IP定制款智能穿戴产品之一。amazift手表1代的外形设计特点amazift手表1代霸气的配色。醒目的橘红色表带搭配黑色表盘,光是看着就已经热血沸腾了。表带为硅胶材质,符合运动手表的一贯作风。表带宽22mm,上表带长约79mm,下表带长约117mm。整只手表重量为53.7g。 圆形表盘搭配防刮氧化锆陶瓷表圈(硬度仅次于金刚石和蓝宝石),既美观圆润,又可有效避免磨损和刮擦。表盘直径为46mm,手表屏幕为1.34 英寸反射式低功耗彩色显示屏。环境光线越强表盘越清晰易读。表盘常亮,可以根据环境光自动调节显示屏背光。屏幕分辨率为320*300,康宁大猩猩玻璃材质,透光性好。

899元起,华米Amazift GTR 3/GTS 3系列发布:首发血压监测

10月12日,华米正式发布了Amazift GTR 3、GTS 3和支持血压监测的GTR 3 Pro三款智能手表,以及支持心率检测的TWS降噪耳机Amazift PowerBuds Pro国行版。 发布会上还公布了新的品牌形象和Amazfit的中文名“跃我”,三款手表新品都是50米防水+铝合金表身+自研Zepp OS系统。最强的Amazfit GTR 3 Pro除了有首发的自研光学血压监测传感器,还有更大、更亮、屏占比更高的屏幕,有扬声器、温度传感器、Wi-Fi、更高档的氟橡胶和皮表带。 Amazfit GTR 3 Pro有曜 、 壁棕可选,旋转数字表冠+22mm针扣式表带,46x46x10.7mm,32g。1.45英寸480x480,331ppi的圆形AMOLED屏幕,全局亮度500nit,最大亮度1000nit,支持AOD。首发了手表端的光学血压监测功能,自研BioTracker 3.0 PPG生物传感器+地磁+气压+环境光+温度传感器,NFC+蓝牙5.1+Wi-Fi。450mAh电池,12天续航,基础模式30天,磁吸式充电座。曜石黑版(氟橡胶表带)1099元,戈壁棕版(皮表带)1199元。Amazfit GTR 3有曜 、云母灰可选,旋转数字表冠+22mm针扣式表带,表身45.8x45.8x10.8mm,32g重。“老朋友”1.39英寸圆形AMOLED屏幕,454x454,326ppi。 自研BioTracker 3.0 PPG生物传感器+地磁+气压+环境光传感器,NFC+蓝牙5.1。450mAh电池,续航21天,基础手表模式35天,磁吸式充电座。售价899元。主打轻薄和方形表盘的Amazfit GTS 3,是单按钮+20mm针扣表带,42.4x36x8.8mm,24.4g重。1.75英寸390x450,341ppi的AMOLED屏幕。自研BioTracker 3.0 PPG生物传感器+地磁+气压+环境光传感器,NFC+蓝牙5.1,250mAh电池,12天续航,基础手表模式20天,售价899元。而之前7月在海外发布的Amazift PowerBuds Pro也发布国行版了。Amazift PowerBuds Pro支持心率检测,三麦降噪,最大降噪深度40dB。右耳导管集成入耳式 PPG 心率传感器,自带听觉检测模式,可提醒用户按世界卫生组织的听力保护标准降低音量。 耳机单体6.7g,充电盒42g,IP55防护等级。耳机电池68mAh,充电盒电池510mAh,充电时长2.5小时。开降噪时,单体续航5小时45分,加充电盒19小时;关降噪时,单体9小时,加耳机盒30小时,售价999元。


1.这是List Shift的缩写,指左边的Shift键,RShift就是右边的Shift键。2.快捷键,又叫快速键或热键,指通过某些特定的按键、按键顺序或按键组合来完成一个操作,很多快捷键往往与如Ctrl键、Shift键、Alt键、Fn键以及Windows平台下的Windows键和Mac机上的Meta键等配合使用。利用快捷键可以代替鼠标做一些工作,可以利用键盘快捷键打开、关闭和导航“开始”菜单、桌面、菜单、对话框以及网页,Word里面也可以用到快捷键。3.系统的快捷键:4.CTRL(Control)组合键5.Ctrl+A(All)全选6.Ctrl+C(Copy)复制7.Ctrl+X 剪切8.Ctrl+V 粘贴9.Ctrl+S(Save)保存10.仅窗口响应11.Ctrl+B整理收藏夹12.Ctrl+EF(SearchFind)搜索助理13.Ctrl+H(History)历史记录14.F1-F12(Function)键15.F1帮助(Help)16.F2重命名(Rename)17.F3搜索助理(Search)18.F5刷新(Refresh)19.F6在窗口或桌面上循环切换子菜单20.F8Windows启动选项21.仅窗口响应22.F4“地址”栏列表(Address)23.F10激活菜单栏24.F11切换全屏(Fullscreen)25.仅窗口响应26.Ctrl+B(Bold)字体加粗27.Ctrl+I倾斜28.Ctrl+U(Underline)下划线29.Ctrl+C(Copy)复制30.Ctrl+D(Design)设计31.Ctrl+E(Center)居中32.Ctrl+G定位33.Ctrl+F查找34.Ctrl+H替换35.Ctrl+K(Hyperlink)插入链接36.Ctrl+L(Left) 左对齐37.Ctrl+R右对齐38.Ctrl+V粘贴39.Ctrl+shift+<或>减小或增大word中选中字体40.Ctrl+shift+z撤销字符格式41.其他42.F12另存文档


大家好,我是百分HOW。生活之美,尽在百分HOW。点上面关注哦!很多朋友拿到房子就迫不及待地开始装修,殊不知装修这个大工程包含的学问太多,什么强电、弱电、给水、土木等等,尤其是弱电相关的家庭网络规划设计,更是重中之重,因为一旦成型,网络的各种不舒服会让你痛不欲生。我们今天来看看一位朋友自述的家庭网络架构布局方案,不作过多评论,看完我们再分析:传统布线 PK 我的布线目前住的房子差不多是18年底左右搬进来的,本本上建面144平,4室2厅2卫2阳台的常规户型,直接上户型图。首先在房子的装修布线环节,就和装修经理展开了一番激斗,拒绝了他提出的常规布线方法(就是每个屋一条网线,全部扯到弱电箱那种,大部分家庭都是这样的)。因为这样一来,如果把路由器放弱电箱,那家里Wi-Fi信号必然很差;如果里面不放路由器,那还要占用弱电箱空间多放一个交换机,上一套房子就发生过弱电箱过小塞不进交换机,导致全屋只有一条网线能用的惨剧。传统布线方式我的方案是:拉两根网线从弱电箱到客厅,再从客厅拉两根线分别到两个房间,简单粗暴,不仅好用,而且极大地节约了网线长度(相比传统方案每条线扯到门口的做法,节约了不少网线)。自己画了,拿给项目经理演示的至于为什么从光猫到客厅拉了两条线,是因为运营商的电视盒子要直接从光猫拉线,不能过路由器(最早装电信iTV时的要求)。之前的做法是把网线面板连路由器的网线一分为二,扯几根去夹一个水晶头去连盒子,非常丑。所以我就吸取经验拉了两根,一根连路由器,一根连移动的魔百盒。从两个卧室到客厅的线,我是直接从线盒里露出来的(买了个空白面板,用打孔器打了个圆孔),可以直接插路由器。因为有点丑所以藏起来的,左侧还有两个网线插口。经过接近两年的使用,证明这个方案是非常明智的。这一点也是大家在装修时,非常值得参考的。不过还埋藏了一个小小的BUG,就是忘记往书房也拉一根线了,虽然书房与客厅离得很近,信号很好。但是缺网线导致了台式机不能享受高速网络直连(我还专门买了个PCI-E的无线网卡),而且今后如果打算架设私有云也非常不方便(总不能堆电视柜下面吧)。希望大家引以为戒。书房线路示意图网线我用的是6类的,网络面板和全屋统一用的ABB的面板,这些倒没什么好说的,接下来就是路由器的选择。秋叶原(CHOSEAL)原装六类网线【工程版0.57±0.02mm】CAT6纯铜线芯 非屏蔽:单只路由器的坑由于上一套住所只有不到80平,一个不到200块的华为荣耀路由器就够全屋用了(当然,当时只用2.4G),所以就咬牙上了在大妈上推崇备至的86U,以为一个够强的路由器应该就够全屋用了。太天真了。刚入住不久,就发现问题的严重性了,全屋多处Wi-Fi盲点,别说5G信号,就连2.4G的也都是断断续续,例如早上在主卧卫生间,突然新闻都刷不出来,极大影响如厕体验,还要手动关闭Wi-Fi转用流量。而且不只影响手机使用,我在卧室安装了小米家的电动窗帘和空调插座等设备,经常由于信号问题出现断开连接的情况。桥接之痛痛定思痛开始研究解决方案,Wi-Fi信号放大器等方法感觉不稳定且不靠谱。因为卧室有网线的布设,采用了最低成本且理论效果最好的方式:有线桥接。把已经退役的华为老路由作为子路由,通过主路由的lan口连到它的wan口,再经过一些设置配置即可实现(不是本次重点,我就不细说了,有需要的小伙伴也可以在评论区咨询)。绿色部分为主路由器Wi-Fi的网络覆盖范围,蓝色部分则为桥接的子路由器的Wi-Fi(只有2.4G是可用的,5G效果很差)覆盖范围,基本满足需要。有线桥接虽然解决了卧室及卧室卫生间用网的核心问题,但弊端也是很明显:1.子路由和主路由是相对独立的Wi-Fi,跨房间移动时,网络常常因为切换的不及时或太及时(例如打着王者荣耀上个厕所突然就切换到另一个Wi-Fi上直接460了)而出现卡顿,使用体验很爆炸。2.智能窗帘、智能空调、智能音箱等设备无法连接子路由的Wi-Fi(不知道为什么,哪位吊大的兄弟可以在评论区指点一下),导致它们的网络还是很不稳定。3.子路由在其管理APP中显示的状态不正确,例如我用的一代华为荣耀路由,直接在APP中显示离线状态,无法管理和查看状态。但迫于当时同一品牌最便宜的mesh(也就是66u)也还要500左右,而且也不清楚究竟效果能提升多少,所以一直忍到现在。终于入了:华硕(ASUS)RT-AC68U 无线路由器低辐射/高速游戏路由器/支持AiMesh:终投mesh路由器摆放如下(和桥接路由器同位置):按位置安装之前,先把86u和66u的无线aimesh连上,在ASUS Router上就能操作,非常方便,不过要耐心等待片刻。点搜索即可连接时,两台路由器可以放近点。完成连接就拿去该放的地方,通电,卧室的网线面板连接子路由的WAN口,等待片刻就大功告成(比想象中要慢一些,我连上过了接近十分钟左右才完全正常),比桥接方便了太多。嗨爽连上之后我就带手机(肾X,iOS13.7)全屋走了一遍,5G不再断了,不过一些房屋边缘角落处会变成1格或2格信号,但使用上没什么太大的影响,相比过去爽了太多。为了让大家感受效果,还是要用数据说话,手机上没用过测试的软件,我就用我的笔记本电脑吧,型号为surface laptop2,测试平台用的重庆移动的网速测试站点,网址是安装宽带时移动小哥给的,感觉相对官方靠谱一些。网络是拉的移动1000M,算是工作单位的福利,先晒一下电脑连接网线时的测试峰值。看着数据好看,但实际没太大用,毕竟连着网线使用的场景还是太少。总结无线路由器还有这功能?大多数人都不知道 全屋WiFi一招就能覆盖WIFI 6路由器哪个值得买?看看300-1000元主流品牌无线路由器对比一招解决卫生间WiFi信号弱 家中无线网络覆盖不全怎样补救买别墅也有烦恼?装修小白也能看懂的大户型无线网络覆盖规划方案总结里的文章,如果你能全部看完,恭喜你,你也能自己动手折腾一下自家网络了!


1.这是List Shift的缩写,指左边的Shift键,RShift就是右边的Shift键。2.快捷键,又叫快速键或热键,指通过某些特定的按键、按键顺序或按键组合来完成一个操作,很多快捷键往往与如Ctrl键、Shift键、Alt键、Fn键以及Windows平台下的Windows键和Mac机上的Meta键等配合使用。利用快捷键可以代替鼠标做一些工作,可以利用键盘快捷键打开、关闭和导航“开始”菜单、桌面、菜单、对话框以及网页,Word里面也可以用到快捷键。3.系统的快捷键:4.CTRL(Control)组合键5.Ctrl+A(All)全选6.Ctrl+C(Copy)复制7.Ctrl+X 剪切8.Ctrl+V 粘贴9.Ctrl+S(Save)保存10.仅窗口响应11.Ctrl+B整理收藏夹12.Ctrl+EF(SearchFind)搜索助理13.Ctrl+H(History)历史记录14.F1-F12(Function)键15.F1帮助(Help)16.F2重命名(Rename)17.F3搜索助理(Search)18.F5刷新(Refresh)19.F6在窗口或桌面上循环切换子菜单20.F8Windows启动选项21.仅窗口响应22.F4“地址”栏列表(Address)23.F10激活菜单栏24.F11切换全屏(Fullscreen)25.仅窗口响应26.Ctrl+B(Bold)字体加粗27.Ctrl+I倾斜28.Ctrl+U(Underline)下划线29.Ctrl+C(Copy)复制30.Ctrl+D(Design)设计31.Ctrl+E(Center)居中32.Ctrl+G定位33.Ctrl+F查找34.Ctrl+H替换35.Ctrl+K(Hyperlink)插入链接36.Ctrl+L(Left) 左对齐37.Ctrl+R右对齐38.Ctrl+V粘贴39.Ctrl+shift+<或>减小或增大word中选中字体40.Ctrl+shift+z撤销字符格式41.其他42.F12另存文档

gift island 什么意思

gift Island 礼品岛island 英[ˈaɪlənd] 美[ˈaɪlənd] n. 岛,岛屿; vt. 使孤立; [例句]We spent a day on Caldey Island.我们在科尔迪岛上度过了一天。

请教Taylor Swift 的Love Story电子琴的和弦怎么按,我看她在演唱会的演奏只按几个键,这方面不太懂

这首歌只用到四个和弦,掌握C F G Am就可以弹下来(转调部份上移一个大二度即可)。演唱会上她只按几个键可能按的就是根音,比如C和弦包括CEG三个音,简化的情况下只摁根音C和五音G。只摁根音和五音的和弦演奏方法在吉他演奏中又称power chord(强力和弦)。下面是love story C调的和弦编配,也可以所有和弦上移大二度换到D调,原唱是D调。Love Story Key of CIntro:C G Am FVerse:CWe were both young when I first saw youFI close my eyes and the flashback startsAm FIm standing there on a balcony of summer airCSee the lights, see the party, the ball gownsFI see you make your way through the crowdAmYou say helloGLittle did I knowPre-ChorusF GThat you were Romeo, you were throwing pebblesAm CAnd my daddy said stay away from JulietFAnd I was crying on the staircaseG Am F GBegging you please don"t go, and I saidChorus:CRomeo take me somewhere we can be aloneGI"ll be waiting all there"s left to do is runAmYou"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princessF G CIts a love story baby just say yesVerse 2:CSo I sneak out to the garden to see youFWe keep quiet "cause we"re dead if they knewAmSo close your eyesGEscape this town for a little whilePre-Chorus:F G"Cause you were Romeo I was a scarlet letterAm Cand my daddy said stay away from JulietFBut you were everything to me I wasG Am F GBegging you please don"t go, and I saidChorus:CRomeo take me somewhere we can be aloneGI"ll be waiting all theres left to do is runAmYou be the prince i"ll be the princessF GIts a love story baby just say yesCRomeo, save me, they try to tell me how to feelGThis love is difficult, but it"s real,AmDon"t be afraid, we"ll make it out of this messF GIts a love story baby just say yes, ohSolo:C G Am FGAridge:Am F C GI got tired of waiting, wondering if you were ever coming aroundAm FMy faith in you was fadingC GWhen I met you on the outskirts of town and I saidChorus:CRomeo save me i"ve been feeling so aloneGI keep waiting for you but you never comeAmIs this in my head, I don"t know what to thinkF GHe knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and saidDMarry me, Juliet you"ll never have to be aloneAI love you, and that"s all I really knowBmI talked to your dad, go pick out a white dressG A DIts a love story baby just say yesOutro:D A Bmuh Oh, uh oh, yesG DWe were both young when I first saw you

求助,jennifer lopez的歌

do you where you going to

california gurls 中英文对照歌词

演出者:凯蒂佩里ft.Snoop狗狗 歌曲:加州Gurls [史努比狗狗] 亲人的问候,让我们的旅程 [孔蒂佩里] 我知道一个地方的草更绿,是真的 温暖,潮湿和野生,必须在水事 喝着杜松子酒和果汁,棕榈树底下铺设 男孩们试图打破他们的脖子爬一个小花絮 你可以周游世界 但是什么都不靠近黄金海岸 一旦您与我们的党,你会爱上 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦 [合唱] 加州的女孩,我们难忘 雏菊杜克斯,比基尼顶部 阳光普照的皮肤,这么热将融化你的棒冰 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦 加州的女孩,我们不可否认 好的,新鲜的,激烈的,我们就锁定了 西海岸代表,现在把你的双手 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦 性别上的海滩上我们可以在我们的高跟鞋砂 我们在我的吉普车怪胎,史努比小狗狗的立体声 你可以周游世界 但是什么都不靠近黄金海岸 一旦您与我们的党,你会爱上 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦 (副歌) [史努比狗狗] 定调子,棕褐色,适合准备 打开它导致其正在作重 狂野的西部海岸 这是我最喜欢的女孩 我指的是的,我是说像她是一 吻她,抚摸她,她挤 姑娘们一个怪物,她开着一辆吉普车 在海滩上的男人, 我没关系,我不会玩,我爱的港湾 就像我爱洛杉矶 威尼斯海滩和棕榈泉 夏季时间就是一切 来吧男孩,挂出 所有这些驴挂出 比基尼,tankinis,马提尼酒,没有weenies 只是为了让在betweeny 孔蒂是我的女人(耶) 在这里你看孩子(嗯) 我对你的所有行动 因为你代表加州 (副歌) [史努比狗狗] 加州女孩男子 我希望他们都能成为加州女孩(X2)的 这里只有一个谁做什么我们做多的孩子 Artist:Katy Perry ft.Snoop DoggSong:California Gurls[Snoop Dogg]Greetings loved ones, let"s take a journey[Katy Perry]I know a place where the grass is really greenerWarm, wet and wild, there must be something in the waterSipping gin and juice, laying underneath the palm treesThe boys break their necks trying to creep a little sneak peekYou could travel the worldBut nothing comes close to the golden coastOnce you party with us, you"ll be falling in loveOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh[Chorus]California girls, we"re unforgettableDaisy Dukes,bikinis on topSun-kissed skin, so hot will melt your popsicleOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohCalifornia girls, we"re undeniableFine, fresh, fierce, we got it on lockWest coast represent, now put your hands upOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohSex on a beach we get sand in our stilettosWe freak in my jeep, Snoop Doggy dog on the stereoYou could travel the worldBut nothing comes close to the golden coastOnce you party with us, you"ll be falling in loveOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh(Chorus)[Snoop Dogg]Toned, tan, fit and readyTurn it up cause its gettin" heavyWild wild west coastThese are the girls I love the mostI mean the ones, I mean like she"s the oneKiss her, touch her, squeeze herThe girls a freak, she drives a jeepThe men on the beach,I"m okay, I won"t play, I love the bayJust like I love LAVenice Beach and Palm SpringsSummer time is everythingCome on boys, hanging outAll that ass hanging outBikinis, tankinis, martinis, no weeniesJust to get in betweenyKaty my lady (yeah)You looking here baby (uh huh)I"m all up on youCause you representing California(Chorus)[Snoop Dogg]California girls manI wish they all could be California girls (x2)There"s only a few children who do what we do


—— 英文:一般特定结论( 一般具体结论 )。

chopper amplifier 是什么意思啊?(电路当中) 谢谢了!


uniform commercial code financing statements什么意思

uniform commercial code financing stat...的中文翻译uniform commercial code financing statements 统一商业代码融资报表

pspice 里的Montol Carlo的uniform和Gauss distribution的意思



funiform 英[f"ju:nɪfɔ:m] 美[f"ju:nɪfɔ:m] adj. 绳状的,带状的; [例句]Objective: To explore the cosmetic treatment for funiform or umbilicate facial scaring.目的:探讨面部条索状、凹陷状瘢痕的整复术式。


try on 【the】 uniform试穿上制服(校服)

in school uniform 是什么意思

in school uniform在学校的制服

Post-uniform deformation是什么意思

post- :在.之后 uniform:制服 deformation:变形 所以综合的一次意思是.制服后变形? 不清楚,应该是某学科的专业术语


your new uniform.意思是:你的新制服;你的新校服

Can me make a uniform for you 是什么意思


what is uniforms是什么意思

what is uniforms什么是制服what is uniforms什么是制服what is uniforms什么是制服


inOne"Suniform意思是:穿着 他的 制服。意思是 他的职业是 官方的, 有职位的。开心快乐每一天!

Post-uniform deformation是什么意思 急啊


请问uniform distribution均匀分布 UNIFORM(a,b,c)中的三个参数都是什么意思?

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