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uniform hyper priors统一超先验


回答和翻译如下:Show me your uniform.给我看看你的制服。( 我跟好朋友说笑呢,又没在说你。你别什么都向别人汇报,这群男人,里面有个泼妇,最好天下大乱。呵呵。哈哈哈哈哈。我说的吃香蕉,另有其人,完全不是在说你。)

uniform 在地震勘探中是什么意思

一致的 统一的


帆船 飞机 制服

uniform前面用不用加the?这里需要表达的意思是 校服 两个空是填school unif

这样的话School uniform更好一些Uniform可以不用加the,当它特指一件时前面加the求采纳



official uniform是什么意思


The boy in a black uniform.什么意思


uniform customs and practice是什么意思

uniform customs and practice 英[ˈju:nifɔ:m ˈkʌstəmz ænd ˈpræktis] 美[ˈjunəˌfɔrm ˈkʌstəmz ənd ˈpræktɪs] [词典] 统一习惯和做法; [例句]Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits跟单信用证统一惯例

uniform hour什么意思?

uniform hour均匀小时双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 均时-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【满意】按钮





uniform做形容词时是什么意思? 如题

uniform [简明英汉词典] adj.统一的,相同的,一致的,始终如一的,均衡的

school uniform是什么意思

school uniform[英][sku:l ˈju:nifɔ:m][美][skul ˈjunəˌfɔrm]校服; 例句:1.You saw him in his school uniform. 你看他们都穿着校服.2.The school uniform, the wet suit? 学校制服紧身潜水衣?

school uniform什么意思?





名词表示 制服形容词表示 统一的


制服 可用 a 搭配


制服,校服的意思 以下为百度到的形容词 a. 1.相同的,一致的 All these jackets have a uniform size. 所有这些夹克尺寸相同. 2.不变的,始终如一的 The laboratory is kept at a uniform temperature. 实验室保持恒温. 3.均匀的 名词 n. 1.制服;军服[C][U] Tom looks handsome in uniform. 汤姆穿上制服很英俊. 及物动词 vt. 1.使成一样;使一律化 2.使穿制服(或军服) 不过一般好像都是名词的用法比较多吧

uniform 什么意思







uniform 77号制服uniform[英][ˈju:nɪfɔ:m][美][ˈju:nɪfɔ:rm]n.制服; 军服; 通讯中用以代表字母 u 的词; adj.(形状,性质等)一样的; 规格一致的; 始终如一的; v.使规格一律; 使均一; 使穿制服; 复数:uniforms易混淆单词:Uniform例句:1.He thinks he is something in that uniform. 认为他穿上制服就神气非凡。2.The subjective idea as original and objective determinateness, and as a simple uniform content, is the good. 主观的理念,作为独立自决的东西和简单的自身一致的内容,就是善。

you will be how to uniform 什么意思


uniform spacings是什么意思

uniform spacings 均匀的间距

school uniform是什么意思

school uniform[英][sku:l ˈju:nifɔ:m][美][skul ˈjunəˌfɔrm]校服; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.You saw him in his school uniform. 你看他们都穿着校服.

请问图中start time 和stop time 后面的 uniform(20,21)和infinity是什么意思,图为opnet节点参数设置

uniform是均匀分布的意思,也就是20-21s内随意一个仿真时间开始发包,infinity是表明发包不会停止的意思,例如你仿真时间长度设置为60s的话,那么就会一直仿真到60s,直到仿真结束才会停止发包,但是如果stop time 设置为40s ,仿真时间长度还是60s,那么当仿真时间为40s,仿真还没结束就会停止发包了。

uniform 有校服的意思 那么造句时还用在前面加school吗


uniform 除了“统一”的意思以外,有没有行业专用术语的解释?



a.1. 相同的,一致的All these jackets have a uniform size.所有这些夹克尺寸相同。2. 不变的,始终如一的The laboratory is kept at a uniform temperature.实验室保持恒温。3. 均匀的





at school we wear a uniform 什么意思

at school we wear a uniform我们在学校穿校服双语对照例句:1.What time is it now? Didn"t I tell youto wear your school uniform? 现在都几点了?我没告诉你要穿校服么?2.Your uniform"s a mess. What will you wear for school tomorrow? 你看看校服破成这个样子明天怎么上学?




制服 军服


uniform ["ju:nifɔ:m] adj. 统一的;一致的;相同的;均衡的;始终如一的n. 制服vt. 使穿制服;使成一样请及时采纳,多谢





POND"S 的lifting face cream cleansing 是什么意思?


VF 中 IF FOUND( ) 是什么意思?

FOUND() 用于测试并返回CONTINUE、FIND、LOCATE或SEEK命令的执行情况if found():判断测试是否为真

Your life changes with your choices.对不对?用change还是


求英语作文一篇?题目:life is full of choices 字数不少于150 。急。。。。

Life is to be lived, savoured; enjoyed: not wasted or complained about. Hardly can we forget the time when our society faced a grave threat from the life-and-death disease--SARS. Yet, even during those dreadful times, some afflicted people remained optimistic. Instead of wearing neutral white masks, some people turned to colourful ones, and thus displayed a happy mood. Some creative people coined SARS as an acronym for "SMILE AND REMAIN SMILING." I was deeply touched by their optimism, nearly forgetting that we were still in a battle. People who survive these kinds of circumstances, at some point, decide to carry on: in spite of the overwhelming odds. Every morning when we get up, we have a choice of how we want to approach life that day.As for me, I choose to be cheerful. 下面的其实。。。

If you have choices, choose the best. If you have no choice, do the best。什么意思


关于life is full of choices的短文

Life is full of choices. Sometimes, we are luckily enough to easily choose one option from several ones. But actually, not every choice is just simply about right or wrong. When there is no so-called the least bad option, we have to choose the less bad one. Everyone may have ever experienced one dilemma or more. Without exception, I have ever dealt with a similar awkward matter. I"m from a poor village in the northwest area of the province. Only six college students have been raised in the whole village since the beginning of history. Thanks to my parents" strict pattern of domestic discipline, I and my little brother succeed in passing the college entrance examination and get a place in the college. To my best fortune, my tutor did me a favor when I was extremely confused. She encouraged me to give consideration to both things and suggested me to ask for the peer students" advices in terms of study. She said that I could put this method in trail use and quit if I really can not make it. To my biggest happiness that I succeed, in that big choice!

求英语作文一篇?题目:life is full of choices 字数不少于150 。急。。。。

Life is to be lived, savoured; enjoyed: not wasted or complained about. Hardly can we forget the time when our society faced a grave threat from the life-and-death disease--SARS. Yet, even during those dreadful times, some afflicted people remained optimistic. Instead of wearing neutral white masks, some people turned to colourful ones, and thus displayed a happy mood. Some creative people coined SARS as an acronym for "SMILE AND REMAIN SMILING." I was deeply touched by their optimism, nearly forgetting that we were still in a battle. People who survive these kinds of circumstances, at some point, decide to carry on: in spite of the overwhelming odds. Every morning when we get up, we have a choice of how we want to approach life that day.As for me, I choose to be cheerful. 下面的其实。。。

the area is featured on the back of the California quarter。这里的quarter是什么意思?

quartern.四分之一;一刻钟;地区;(美式足球的)一节vt.把……四等分;供……住宿;使(士兵)驻featured adj.有…的面貌特征的,作为号召物的;作为特色的翻译:该地区在加利福尼亚州是一个地标.希望能帮助到您.

这句话里if not altogether changed什么意思

A 试题分析:句意:即使广告没有撒谎,这也不意味这它就是完全无辜的。A即使;B仿佛;C如果;D既然。前后两句话之间是转折关系,故答案选A。

I like in a relationship if we live together. 求翻译


键盘上的 ctrl alt shift 是做什么用的 英文意思是什么 全称是什么

CtrI是控制,在DOS系统中使用控制字符执行控制命令,见下表Alt是换挡,在DOS系统中单独按是切换菜单栏/工作区。Alt按住时用小键盘键入代码可按ASCii码匹配对应字符Alt Gr ,可用于输入其他字符,英国键盘有,美国键盘没有。shift可用于键入键帽上方的字符或大写字母。在windows系统中,这些键就被赋予了一些其他功能,代替鼠标操作。

housewife 歌词谁有?急!

Jay Brannan —— Housewife Two bodies pressed together Two boys are falling art The smell of sweat and leather A kinky greeting card Crazy about each other We both got fucked up pasts But when we are together We have a fucking blast I want to be a housewife What"s so wrong with that I want to be a housewife, yeah And that"s just where I"m at I"m making guacamole He"s working on the car When he grills turkey burgers He knows I like them charred I like to wash the dishes I like to scrub the floors Don"t mind doing his laundry What are boyfriends for I want to be a housewife What"s so wrong with that I want to be a housewife, yeah And that"s just where I"m at I want to have his baby I want to wear his ring He drives me fucking crazy I am his everything I want to be a housewife What"s so wrong with that I want to be a housewife, yeah And that"s just where I"m at I want to be a housewife What"s so wrong with that Can"t wait till he"s in my life, yeah Cause we haven"t met We haven"t met yet We haven"t met yet We haven"t met yet Met Yet不知道是不是这首

alter your firts life is never the same这是什么电影里的话

alter your firts life is never the same不是出自电影中的话,是出自网络。alter your firts life is never the same意思是:改变你的第一次生活从来都不一样。重点词汇:alter英['ɔ:ltə(r)]释义:v.改变,改动;(使)变化;改(服装);改建(某建筑);<美>阉割。【名】(Alter)(美、德)阿尔特(人名)。[第三人称单数alters;现在分词:altering;过去式:altered;过去分词:altered]短语:Alter Ego挑战自我;另一个我;另一个自我;[心理]第二自我。例句:用作动词(v)But nothing can alter the facts.但任何东西也改变不了这些事实。Alter Current Boot Record Serial Number.更改当前引导纪录序列号。

motification 与alteration区别?


Correct errors, if any.语法上怎么理解


英语词义辨析modifications, alterations




关于altera 的dcfifo。



你好,这几个词均有改变之意,单又有所不同,这几个词解释为:alter :替换(用一个替换另一个),是自身细节上或外表的变化,而没有变成(change into)另一事物transform指外形或面貌的改变,彻底改变性格,性质等shift:位置的改变,切换。 一般指变动地方或者位置、方向或者形式的改变。vary :强调“多样化;有不同”,尤指不断的变化(change continually)而导致的一系列差别.


最佳答案transform:形状、外形的改变 shift:位置的改变,切换。 vary :数量的改变。 change:数量、质量、体积的改变。 switch :开和关闭的转换。 alter :替换(用一个替换另一个)日程用的最多的是change,可以包括多种改变,如最近奥巴马常常说的change,就是变革的意思。


这四个单词都含有“改变”之意。  ①alter意为“改变,变更”,指衣服等表面或局部做部分变动,而没有变成另一种事物  ② transform指外形或面貌的改变,彻底改变性格、性质等   ③ shift指位置或方向的移动、改变,常用结构:shiftfrom…to…。   ④ vary意为“改变,不同,有区别,变化”,强调区别。


alter是更改,修改。和change(改变) 差不多用法modified 是形容词。动词的话是modify 比较是更正的意思,(向好的方面改)跟improve(改善)比较像其实它们是近义词, 都比较正式。 change比较常用希望能帮到你。~!




这些动词均含有“变化,改变”之意。 change :指任何变化,完全改变,强调与原先的情况有明显的不同。 Flyovers have changed the face of the city.(立交桥改变了城市的面貌。) alter :常指轻微的改变,强调基本上保持原物、原状的情况下所...


最佳答案transform:形状、外形的改变 shift:位置的改变,切换。 vary :数量的改变。 change:数量、质量、体积的改变。 switch :开和关闭的转换。 alter :替换(用一个替换另一个)日程用的最多的是change,可以包括多种改变,如最近奥巴马常常说的change,就是变革的意思。

He is said to have sacrifice his whole fortune on the altar of his own political ambitions


daughter of the Chief"s flighty ex-wife, come home at last.


com on now play very hard to be significant什么意思

这是 broken English (蹩脚英语),应该改为 Come on! Let"s play to the top of our bent; it is significant (快来吧,让我们尽情玩,这是很有意义的活动).

spare sb.s life是什么意思

spare sb‘s life饶某人一命双语例句 1.He implored the judge to spare his life . 他恳求法官饶他一命。2.Please spare his life this time. " Without waiting for Kan Ning to finish, Chou Yu ordered his guards to beat him." 周瑜不等他说完,叫卫士们一阵乱棒把甘宁打了出去。

【转】Alpine, Slim, Buster — What are the Differences in Docker Images?

Original link: Alpine, Slim, Stretch, Buster, Jessie, Bullseye — What are the Differences in Docker Images? If you are like me, the first time you went to create a Dockerfile and had to choose an image from the DockerHub page, you were thoroughly confused. Sometimes choices like this can freeze us up from acting, so maybe we just go with the standard image and avoid looking into it further, so that we can move forward with our project. But it"s a good idea to understand the differences between the types of Docker images so that you choose the right one for your application or script. In short, the difference between docker images is the underlying operating system. Here is a summary of each. And be aware that this decision is not permanent. You can always change the image in your Dockerfile and rebuild your images. Just be sure to test thoroughly before deploying to production. I"ll use python and node as examples because these are my most used docker images, but this applies to any image. According to DockerHub, this is the de-facto image and the one you should use if you are unsure. python:3.8.3 node:14.1.1 These images are based on the most recent stable Debian operating system release. I usually start with one of these when trying to get a project up and running quickly, and I am not yet concerned about the size of the resulting image. The full image is the safest choice. Images tagged with stretch, buster, or jessie are codenames for different Debian releases . At the time of this writing, the stable Debian release is 10.4, and its codename is “Buster.” “Stretch” was the codename for all version 9 variations, and “Jessie” was the codename for all version 8 variations. Future versions in development, but not yet stable, are “Bullseye” and “Bookworm.” You may start seeing these tags in the list of image versions on DockerHub. Choose one of these images if your code is compatible with a specific version of the Debian operating system. You rarely will need to use older versions of Debian when starting a new project. The slim image is a paired down version of the full image. This image generally only installs the minimal packages needed to run your particular tool. In the case of python, that"s the minimum packages to run python and the same for node.js. By leaving out lesser-used tools, the image is smaller. Use this image if you have space constraints and do not need the full version. But be sure to test thoroughly when using this image! If you run into unexplained errors, try switching to the full image and see if that resolves it. Alpine images are based on the Alpine Linux Project , which is an operating system that was built specifically for use inside of containers. For a long time, these were the most popular image variations due to their tiny size. However, some teams are moving away from alpine because these images can cause compatibility issues that are hard to debug. Specifically, if using python images, some wheels are built to be compatible with Debian and will need to be recompiled to work with an Apline-based image. The main reason to use an Alpine image is to make your resulting image as small as possible. The base image will be smaller than 5MB. The python base image (adding python to the base alpine image) is currently 78.9MB. That"s still very small. This image is the most highly recommended if space is a concern. The disadvantage is that it does not contain some packages that you might need. Mainly, it uses a slimmer musl lib instead of glibc . You may run into issues if your application has specific libc requirements. If you find the Alpine image is lacking in something you need, you can always install it directly in your Dockerfile. This keeps the image to only what you need. Be aware that your Dockerfile will change if you are installing external packages. The main difference is that you will use apk instead of apt-get to install packages. There have been concerns regarding -alpine images, so you need to be aware of them. Read about some of them here and here and do your own research. Again, if you are experiencing an unexplained issue in building your Dockerfile, try switching to the full image to see if that cures it. I rarely use windows, I am firmly in the Mac / Linux camp now, but if your application runs only on Windows or Windows Server, this is the image for you. Here are some general guidelines I use: If you want to inspect docker images yourself and compare, try this. You will see there are vast differences between de-facto images and -slim and -alpine versions. Don"t ever use <image>:latest in a production Dockerfile. Doing this will always pull the latest image, and your application"s dependencies may not be compatible with future versions. When starting a new project, I generally start with the most recent tagged version, test thoroughly and then upgrade as needed and test thoroughly before pushing to production.

Individual Taxpayer Identification Number是什么意思

Individual Taxpayer Identification Number 个人报税识别号码双语例句For US persons, this must be your Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). 对于美国的人,这一定是您的社会安全号码(SSN)或个人的纳税人识别号码(ITIN)。

Brief is life, but love is long什么意思?


Life was different in Chink many yeays ago.翻译成汉语


在饭店英语中Shift Leader是什么意思呢?


shift leader和Operation Leader各什么意思

你好!shift leader的意思是班长,或生产领班、领头人;而operation leader的意思是行动负责人。以上都是纯手打,希望可以帮到你!

What is the difference between "alphabetic" and "alphabetical"?这个语法何解?




academic qualification essay是什么意思


IFCC 推荐法测定ALP 选用哪个缓冲液


verifying dmi pool data是什么意思?

verifying dmi pool data的意思:正在验证 dmi 池数据。重点词汇:pooln. 游泳池;池塘,水坑;一小片(液体或光);(河的)深水处,深潭;后备人员,备用物品;共用的资源(或资金)v. 集中(资源、钱财等)以备共用;积水成洼;(血液)在静脉中淤积【名】 (Pool)(英、西)普尔,(芬、德)波尔(人名)n. (Pool)人名;(英、西)普尔;(芬、德)波尔短语swimming pool 游泳池gene pool 基因池 ; [遗] 基因库 ; 基因文库Patent pool 专利池 ; 专利联盟 词语辨析pool, pond这组词都有“池塘、水塘”的意思,其区别是:pool 指自然形成的池塘。pond 一般指乡村由人工挖的可供喂养鹅鸭等的水塘,或指花园中人工修建的养鱼池子。


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