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sms verification code是什么意思

2023-07-07 00:10:36

verificationx0dx0a验证x0dx0acodex0dx0a代码x0dx0ax0dx0averification codex0dx0a验证码x0dx0ax0dx0aCVC(Card Verification Code)即信用卡验证码,是印在信用卡背面的附加码,也称为CVV(Card Verification Value),即信用卡验证值。








formal verification形式验证;形式化验证;正式验证;[数]形式证明。











constitution 指人体健康状况,也就是身体素质或体质。build 指身材的高矮、发育情况,也就是体格、外形。frame 指身体各部分的比例,也就是体形。physique 与 build 同义,指人的体格。
2023-07-06 20:39:291

constitute, institute, constituent, distribute, contribute怎么从词根区分记忆这几个单词啊

constitute, institute, contribute,distribute 都是动词,而且都是词根。constitution, institution 都是名词,你知道,-tion是名词的后缀。constituent 是形容词,把-te改成-ent,是形容词的后缀。
2023-07-06 20:39:362


2023-07-06 20:39:454


近现代宪法观念是从西方传人中国的,探讨“宪法”同义,可从西文开始。 (一)古代西方“宪法” 的含义 考察古代西方宪法的含义,英文Constitution或Constitutional law较西语中其他语言的宪法一词,更能说明问题。因为Constitution或 Constitutional law来源于拉丁语Constitutio一词,而拉丁语不仅是一种古老的语言,而且还一度是西方各国进行宗教、哲学和科学研究的共同书面语言。拉丁语Constitutio意为组织、规定、确立、敕令等。“宪法”一词在西方语言中的使用,与法律有关的有以下几种含义: 1、在古希腊,宪法是法律的一种。亚里士多德(Aristotle)曾将古希腊各城邦的法律分为宪法和普通法律。他的《政治学》就是以对希腊各城邦宪法的研究为基础的,而且他还编辑过《一百五十八国宪法》一书。在古希腊时期,宪法是有关城邦组织和权限的法律。其中主要包括有关公民资格、公民权利与义务的法律和城邦议事机构、行政机构和法庭的组织、权限、责任的法律。可见当时古希腊的宪法有些类似当今的组织法。 2、在古罗马,宪法或宪令是指罗马皇帝所颁布的诏书、逾旨。敕令等,经常出现在罗马的法律和法学著作中。由查士了尼皇帝钦定的、并被赋予法律效力的《法学总论》的序言中,曾四次使用“宪令”一词,就是在上述意义上使用的。 3、在中世纪,宪法是用来表示教会和封建主特权以及其与国家关系的法律。 (二)中国古籍中“宪”、“宪法”的含义 中国古籍浩如烟海,“宪”或“宪法”被广泛使用,择其要者如下: 1、《尚书·说命》:“监于先王成宪,其永无愆。”其意为,根据先王的旨意制定典章、法度,将永无过错。“宪”即典章,法度。 2、《管子·七法》:“在一体之治,故能出号令,明宪法矣。”其意为国家只有 统一进行治理,才能发号令,使天下人明白法律。 3、《周礼·秋官小司寇》:“宪,刑禁。”汉郑玄注曰:“宪表也,谓悬之也。” 4、《康熙字典》释“宪”曰:“悬法以示人曰宪,从害省,从心从目,观于法象,使人晓然知不善之害,接于目,怵于心,凛乎不可犯也。” 从上可以看出,“宪”或“宪法”在中国古籍中有两种用法,其含义不同,但又有一定联系。在前两例中,作名词使用,指的是一般的法律、法度。由于古代中国诸法合体,民刑不分,而法又以惩罚性的刑法为主,即所谓“法,刑也”,古代“宪”、“宪法”主要是指刑法。在后两例中,作动词使用,指的是颁布法律。 比较古代中西方关于“宪法”的含义,可以发现“宪法”一词都具有法律的意思,所不同的是在西方宪法被视为与普通法律不同的组织法;在中国则没有此种区别。近现代意义的宪法概念,正是在这种与普通法律不同的意义上发展起来的,并用“宪法”这一符号来表示一种新的法现象,且其内容与组织法还有一定关系。
2023-07-06 20:39:551


宪法一词来源于拉丁文constitutio,本是组织、确立的意思。古罗马帝国用它来表示皇帝的“诏令”、“谕旨”,以区别于市民会议通过的法律文件。欧洲封建时代用它表示在日常立法中对国家制度的基本原则的确认,含有组织法的意思。英国在中世纪建立了代议制度,确立了国王没有得到议会同意就不得征税和进行其他立法的原则。后来代议制度普及于欧美各国,人们就把规定代议制度的法律称为宪法 ,指确认立宪政体的法律。 “宪”、“宪令”、“宪法”等词在中国古代典籍中与“法”同义,日本古代“宪”也指法令 、制度 ,都与现代“宪法”一词含义不同。19世纪60年代明治维新时期,随着西方立宪政治概念的传入,日本才有相当于欧美的概念出现。1898年,中国戊戌变法时,以康有为为首的维新派要求清廷制定宪法,实行君主立宪。1908年清政府颁布《钦定宪法大纲》,从此“宪法”一词在中国就成为国家根本法的专用词。 望采纳~谢谢!
2023-07-06 20:40:021


“宪法”和“法律”这两个语词,虽然在古代中国就有相应的汉字与其对应,但就近代来说,这两个语词还是从西方语词汉译过来的。要说明宪法和法律的区别,就必须就“constitution”和“law”这两个英语语词的汉译中的问题说起。  汉译这两个语词,都将其加上了“法”字。只不过一个在后(“宪法”),一个在前(“法律”)。其实,为这两个英语语词加上“法”字本身就是一种较为严重的误译。  在西语中,“constitution”这个语词基本上没有汉语中的“法”的含义。或者说,在汉语中很难找到确切的语词翻译这个语词。这样,用“宪”来翻译也就是一种不得不翻译的办法。“宪”在汉语中有“最大”、“自上而下”的含义。如果人们按照“宪”字的含义全面来理解“constitution”,这中间的误解也就小一些。但是,绝大部分中国文人所理解的“宪”字,主要是从“最大”、“自上而下”这个角度来理解的。这样,西语中的“constitution”翻译成“宪法”之后,就基本上失去了其原意。按照传统的说法,就是“皇上”的圣旨之类的东西。  如果我们的前辈在最初直接翻译成“宪章”,或许问题要小一些,因为这至少可以将“宪法”和“法律”区分开来。现在,“宪法”和“法律”都有一个“法”字,人们也就很容易把“宪法”和“法律”看作是相同的东西。  同样,把西语的“law”汉译为“法”也在相当程度上是一种语译。我们知道,在中世纪的西方,“law”的确切含义应该与中国的“理”相近。“law”具有强烈的绝对性、客观性和普遍性,这就决定了“law”具有强烈的人们不能违背的含义。这种含义在汉语中,只有“理”才是相近的。中国人经常说的也是“天理”与“王法”,很明显,“法”只是“王”制定出来的,而“理”则是由“天”“颁布”的。  当然,到了近代,由于各种各样的由政府立法机关制定的“law”,甚至行政机关颁布的行政命令也称为“law”,“law”的绝对性、客观性和普遍性的含义也就相应的减少了不少。即使如此,“law”还是比汉语中的“法”要具有更强烈的绝对性、客观性和普遍性。  在汉语中,“法”首先就和“法术”联系在一起,这个语词具有很强的任意性。在很大程度上,在政治上来说,“法”和“权术”几乎是同义语。一个道师要驱鬼神,也就以施用“法术”。用“法”来汉译“law”确实就把“law”的那种由强烈的绝对性、客观性和普遍性所决定的不可违背、不可抗拒的含义消除掉了。  概括地说,将“constitution”翻译成“宪”是一种没有办法的办法,但在其后再加上“法”就是一种严重的误译。而将“law”翻译成“法律”而不是“理”则更是一种严重的误译。而这两种误译的中的另一个误译就是为“constitution”和“law”同时加上了“法”字,这就使得不仅普通公民,和大量的学者,甚至包括不少的法学学者都把宪法和法律当做一个“等级”、一个“层次”的东西。  说明了“constitution”和“law”的汉译中的问题。我们就可以开始讨论宪法和法律的区别了。宪法和法律至少有如下三点区别。  首先,从逻辑的角度来说,宪法是全体人民共同制定的,而法律,或者是由人们历史过程中自然形成的,或者是由政府立法机关制订的。  其次,宪法是用来制约政府,保护公民的,法律则是政府用来治理社会公共事务的。  第三,从逻辑的角度来说,宪法的修改需要征得全体人民的同意,而法律的修改则要容易得多。  这样,我们就可以知道,一个自由的国家,首先要有一部制约政府,保护公民的宪法。而没有一部真正的制约政府保护公民的宪法的“法治”,不可能是真正的“rule of law”。
2023-07-06 20:40:091


宪 拼音: xiàn, 笔划: 6 部首: 宀 部首笔划: 3 解释1: 宪 (宪) xiàn 法令:宪章。宪令。宪兵。 指“宪法”:违宪。立宪。制宪。 笔画数:9; 部首:宀; 笔顺编号:445312135 解释2: 宪 寰 xiàn 【形】 (会意。从心,从目,害省声。心、目并用。本义:敏捷) 同本义〖nimble〗 宪,敏也。——《说文》 博闻多能曰宪。——《周书·谥法》 喜乐的样子〖pleased〗 天之方难,无然宪宪。——《诗·大雅》 又如:宪宪(欣欣。喜悦的样子) 宪 寰 xiàn 【名】 法令〖decree〗 布宪于国。——《管子·立政》 宪,法也。——《尔雅》 慎乃宪。——《书·益稷》 万邦为宪。——《诗·小雅·六月》 此君之宪令。——《左传·襄公二十八年》 发虑宪。——《礼记·学记》 又如:宪票(拘提人犯或处理公务的指令);宪范(法式,典范) 宪法的略称〖constitution〗。如:立宪;护宪;制宪 宪司的省称〖anancientofficialposition〗。宋代官名,即诸路提点刑狱公事,相当于后世的按察司之职 方法〖method〗 犹迹求履之宪也。——《管子》 旧时属吏对上司的尊称〖superior〗 且等本县见过学宪,再作道理。——《官场现形记》 又如:宪台(对上官的尊称);宪训煌煌(对官员训词的恭维);宪官(泛指官员) 姓 宪 寰 xiàn 【动】 公布〖promulgate〗 宪谓幡书以明之。——《周礼·朝士》。杜注 令群吏宪禁令。——《周礼·小司徒》。注:“表县之。” 效法〖followtheexample〗 宪禁于玉宫。——《周礼·天官》 宪女史之典戒。——《寡妇赋》 又如:宪写(仿效;模仿) 制裁〖sanction〗 被宪者多结怨。——《南齐书》 又如:宪墨(绳之以法) 宪兵 xiànbīng 〖militarypolice〗一支军队或某一级军事指挥机构内的组成部分,它在士兵和那些隶属于该部队的人员中间行使警察的职权,逮捕逃兵以及看管犯人 宪法 xiànfǎ 〖constitution〗根本大法。特指国家、社会的根本法规和原则的系统或总体,它决定了政府的权力和职责,并保证给予人民一定的权利和规定了人民应尽的义务 宪令 xiànlìng 〖decree〗法令 宪章 xiànzhāng 〖charter〗典章制度 宪政 xiànzhèng 〖constitutionalgovernment〗指立宪政治
2023-07-06 20:40:202

constitution day是什么意思

2023-07-06 20:40:272

1.The U.S. Constitution is ________ ________ ________ .

2023-07-06 20:40:352


平面构成=Plane constitution 色彩构成= Color constitution立体构成=Three-dimensional constitution
2023-07-06 20:40:541


宪法作为国家的根本大法,其主要特征有:(一)在规定的内容上,宪法规定的内容主要是国家制度和社会制度的最基本的原则,公民的基本权利和义务、国家机构的组织及其活动的原则等; (二)在法律地位或法律效力上,宪法具有最高的法律地位或法律效力,其他任何法律规定的内容 不得与宪法相抵触; (三)在制定和修改的程序上,宪法的制定和修改都要经过区别普通法律的特别的程序,主要表现为宪法的制定和修改更为严格。
2023-07-06 20:41:043

code for booting 的含义

含义是:启动代码。重点词汇:code英[ku0259u028ad]释义:n.密码;法规;准则。v.制成法典;把…编码例句:用作名词(n.)I can break the code of this box.我能破译这个箱子的密码。词语辨析:law,constitution,regulation,code,rule,act这些名词均有“法同,法规”之意。1、law普通用词,泛指由最高当局所制订、立法机构所通过的任何成文或不成文的法规或条例。2、constitution指治理国家或国家在处理内外政务时所遵循的基本法律和原则;也指规章规则的汇集。3、regulation普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。4、code指某一阶层或社会所遵守的一整套法典、法规或法则;也可指与某一特殊活动或主题有关的规则。5、rule通常指机关、团体的规章、条例或比赛规则;也指对人行为、方法等所作的规定,还可指习俗所承认的规定。6、act指经立法机构通过并由行政管理签署的法案。
2023-07-06 20:41:131


宪法,英文为Constitution ,德文为Verfassang。近现代宪法观念是从西方传人中国的,探讨“宪法”同义,可从西文开始。(一)古代西方“宪法” 的含义考察古代西方宪法的含义,英文Constitution或Constitutional law较西语中其他语言的宪法一词,更能说明问题。因为Constitution或 Constitutional law来源于拉丁语Constitutio一词,而拉丁语不仅是一种古老的语言,而且还一度是西方各国进行宗教、哲学和科学研究的共同书面语言。拉丁语Constitutio意为组织、规定、确立、敕令等。“宪法”一词在西方语言中的使用,与法律有关的有以下几种含义:1、在古希腊,宪法是法律的一种。亚里士多德(Aristotle)曾将古希腊各城邦的法律分为宪法和普通法律。他的《政治学》就是以对希腊各城邦宪法的研究为基础的,而且他还编辑过《一百五十八国宪法》一书。在古希腊时期,宪法是有关城邦组织和权限的法律。其中主要包括有关公民资格、公民权利与义务的法律和城邦议事机构、行政机构和法庭的组织、权限、责任的法律。可见当时古希腊的宪法有些类似当今的组织法。2、在古罗马,宪法或宪令是指罗马皇帝所颁布的诏书、逾旨。敕令等,经常出现在罗马的法律和法学著作中。由查士了尼皇帝钦定的、并被赋予法律效力的《法学总论》的序言中,曾四次使用“宪令”一词,就是在上述意义上使用的。3、在中世纪,宪法是用来表示教会和封建主特权以及其与国家关系的法律。(二)中国古籍中“宪”、“宪法”的含义中国古籍浩如烟海,“宪”或“宪法”被广泛使用,择其要者如下:1、《尚书·说命》:“监于先王成宪,其永无愆。”其意为,根据先王的旨意制定典章、法度,将永无过错。“宪”即典章,法度。2、《管子·七法》:“在一体之治,故能出号令,明宪法矣。”其意为国家只有统一进行治理,才能发号令,使天下人明白法律。3、《周礼·秋官小司寇》:“宪,刑禁。”汉郑玄注曰:“宪表也,谓悬之也。”4、《康熙字典》释“宪”曰:“悬法以示人曰宪,从害省,从心从目,观于法象,使人晓然知不善之害,接于目,怵于心,凛乎不可犯也。”从上可以看出,“宪”或“宪法”在中国古籍中有两种用法,其含义不同,但又有一定联系。在前两例中,作名词使用,指的是一般的法律、法度。由于古代中国诸法合体,民刑不分,而法又以惩罚性的刑法为主,即所谓“法,刑也”,古代“宪”、“宪法”主要是指刑法。在后两例中,作动词使用,指的是颁布法律。比较古代中西方关于“宪法”的含义,可以发现“宪法”一词都具有法律的意思,所不同的是在西方宪法被视为与普通法律不同的组织法;在中国则没有此种区别。近现代意义的宪法概念,正是在这种与普通法律不同的意义上发展起来的,并用“宪法”这一符号来表示一种新的法现象,且其内容与组织法还有一定关系。
2023-07-06 20:41:341


美国1787年宪法又称为美利坚合众国宪法(The Constitution of the United States),通称美国联邦宪法或美国宪法(U.S. Constitution)。它是美国的根本大法,奠定了美国政治制度的法律基础。美国宪法是世界上第一部成文宪法。1787年5月,美国各州(当时为13个)代表在费城(Philadelphia)召开制宪会议,同年9月15日制宪会议通过《美利坚合众国宪法》。1789年3月4日,该宪法正式生效。后又附加了27条宪法修正案。 美国宪法的序言只有一句话,由 52 个单词构成。 原文如下: We the people of the United States,in order to form a more perfect Union,establish justice,insure domestic tranquility,provide for the common defense,promote the general welfare,and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. 其汉译如下: 我们合众国人民,为建立更完善的联盟,树立正义,保障国内安宁,提供共同防务,促进公共福利,并使我们自己和后代得享自由的幸福,特为美利坚合众国制定本宪法。 这篇序言并没有赋予或者限制任何主体的权力,仅仅阐明了制定美国宪法的理论基础和目的。尽管如此,这篇序言尤其是最开头的" We the people "(“ 我们合众国人民 ”)这三个英语单词却成为美国宪法中被引用频率最高的部分。 美国宪法规定实行联邦制,肯定了以立法、行政、司法三权分立,相互制衡为原则的资产阶级民主共和政体。宪法原文由序言和7条正文组成。规定立法权属于美国国会,并规定了国会的组成;行政权属于美国总统,以及规定总统产生的办法;司法权属于美国联邦最高法院,并规定最高法院的组成;各州的相互关系和义务;宪法修正案提出和通过的程序;联邦宪法和按照宪法制定的法律为全国最高法律;本宪法经9个州制宪会议批准后生效 。这部宪法表明,美国在世界上第一次创造出既不同于英国君主立宪制的民主共和制,也不同于议会内阁制的总统制,使美国成为一个具有全国统一的中央政权的联邦制国家。这种政治体制和国家结构形式后来为许多国家所仿效。 美国宪法第六条第二款将其本身的地位表述为“国家的最高法律”。法官们通常将之理解为:当国会或者州的立法机关制定的法律与美国宪法有所冲突的话,这些法律将被宣布无效。两个多世纪以来,美国联邦最高法院通过众多判例不断地强化美国宪法的权威性。 美国宪法明确了由选举产生的政府具有唯一的合法性。人民通过选举或者指定产生的政府官员和议员来行使权力。议员们也可以修改美国宪法和其他基本法律,甚至还可以重新起草新的宪法。 根据产生方式的不同,各种政府官员在权力上有着不同的限制。通过选举产生的官员只有通过选举才能继续留任其职位。而由政府首长或部门指派的其他官员则根据指派人的意愿决定去留,而且随时可以被罢免。这一规则也存在例外:美国联邦法院系统法官在接受美国总统的任命之后,该项任命将终身有效。创立这一例外的目的是为了保证法官在司法过程中不因为其职位的变动而受到行政权力的不当干涉和压力。
2023-07-06 20:41:541

constitution of company是什么意思

constitution of company公司章程
2023-07-06 20:42:022


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2023-07-06 20:42:519


第一部《宪 法》颁布于1954年,被称为中 国“五 四 宪 法”。
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2023-07-06 20:43:481


The United States has a federal system of government.What this means is that under the US Constitution there is a national,or federal,government,and there are individual states,each enjoying a substantial degree of autonomy.Each state has its own constitution,its own government,its own set of statutory laws made by its own legislature,and ,because of the common law tradition, a body of case law created by its own courts.美国联邦制的政府,这意味着在美国宪法下,有一个国家,或联邦政府,有个别州,每一个享有相当程度的自主权,每一个国家都有自己的宪法,自己的政府,它自己的法定法律由自己的立法机构制定,并且,因为普通法传统,由它自己的法院创建的判例法。 The US Constitution gives certain law-making powers to the federal government,others to the state governments ,and yet others to both. 美国宪法赋予联邦政府、各州政府以及其他国家的某些法律权力。The law-making powers granted to the United States Congress are specific and limited.They include areas of interstate and foreign commerce,federal taxation,currency,the postal service,declaration of war,maritime law,bankruptcy,patent and copyright,and the establishment of armed forces.授予美国国会的法律是具体的和有限的,包括州际和外国商业,联邦税收,货币,邮政服务,宣战,海事法,破产,专利和版权,以及武装部队的建立。In addition,Congress is also empowered to make"all laws which should be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers".此外,国会也有权制定“所有法律,这应该是必要和适当的实施,以执行上述权力”。Among these enumerated and implied powers,some are exclusive and others are shared with the states.In areas where there are both federal and state laws,federal law prevails if the two are in conflict.其中列举的和隐含的权力,有些是独家的,其他人都与美国共享,在有联邦和州法律的领域,联邦法律的普遍存在,如果两者是在冲突。
2023-07-06 20:43:561


 传统的宪法分类即早期宪法学者对宪法所作的分类方法,其中有些方法甚至在古希腊亚里士多德那里就出现了。  1. 成文宪法与不成文宪法(written constitution & unwritten constitution):从宪法是否具有统一的法典形式而进行的分类。对法律的这种分类早在古罗马时代就有了,前者是指法典化的宪法,后者是指非法典化、主要由单行法律和习惯构成的宪法。由于不成文宪法是“自然生长”的宪法,其中也包含成文的法律文件,所以,也有些法学家认为成文与不成文宪法的区别不科学,把这种分类精确为“法典化宪法”(codified constitution)和“非法典化宪法”(uncodified constitution)  。成文宪法以美国宪法为典型,不成文宪法以英国宪法为典型。英国宪法主要由四部分构成:各种历史文件,如大宪章(Magna Carta)、权利法案(Bill of Right)等;含有宪法内容的议会制定法(statutes);宪法性判例(decisions)和宪法惯例或习惯(conventions)。其中宪法惯例是由英国历代权威法学家,如布拉克斯通(W. Blackstone),白芝浩(W. Bagehot),戴雪(A. V. Dicey)和詹宁斯(Sir I. Jennings)等予以总结的。  2. 刚性宪法与柔性宪法(rigid constitution & flexible contitution):这是从宪法的效力和修改程序的简繁而作的分类。典型仍是美国宪法和英国宪法。凡是效力最高,且修改程序比较严格和复杂的宪法,就叫做刚性宪法;凡是与普通法律效力相等、后法优于前法,且修改程序与普通法律相同的宪法,就叫做柔性宪法。这是英国学者布赖斯(James Bryce)对宪法的分类,他认为英国宪法优于美国宪法,因为英宪“柔之如水”,能适应各种时代和形势的变化  。当然,实际上这种分类的意义已经不大了,因为美国宪法因判例而变柔,英国宪法因传统的束缚而变刚。  3. 钦定宪法、协定宪法和民定宪法(octroyed constitution, constitution by the agreement, and constitution made by people):这是从制定机关的不同而作的分类。十九世纪的欧洲有许多钦定宪法的情况,如1814年法国的宪章、1851年的普鲁士宪法、1889年的大日本帝国宪法等,它们都是秉承君主的意志制定的或由君主制定的,都是为了维护君主专制或集权统治的,它们实际上不是民主革命的结果,而是对人民民主的让步,但它们建立的也都是法治国家。协定宪法是君主与人民(议会)妥协而产生的宪法,反映了双方的意志和利益,如1830年法国“七月王朝”奥尔良公爵(路易·菲利浦)统治时的宪章,目的是为了防止巴黎人民夺取政权。凡由国民的代表机关、制宪机关或者由“全民投票”表决通过的宪法称为民定宪法。民定宪法是现代世界大多数国家的宪法形式,是人民意志的反映,美国宪法、法国现行宪法等皆属。[page]  传统的宪法分类方法从形式上或者从某一侧面说明各种宪法的共同点与不同点,因此这一方法仍然具有一定的学术价值,且为历来的宪法学著作所接受。除传统分类外,现代西方宪法学者还发明了许多其他的分类标准,它们对于认识宪法现象亦有帮助,如分为潜在宪法与显在宪法、原始宪法与派生宪法,等等。
2023-07-06 20:44:041

恶魔城—晓夜圆舞曲中STR INT LCK CON代表什么??

strength 力量 跟物理攻击力相关intelligence 智慧 跟魔法攻击力相关luck 运气 掉宝几率constitution 体质 跟防御有关
2023-07-06 20:44:135


1. I adore homemade loaf bread using brown flour and nuts.2. He"s so conservative that he"s in favour of the constitution which grants only a little rights to the immigrant voters.3. When the leader of the opera chorus reached the retirement age, they threw him a dinner party.4. The media plays an important role in shaping the public opinion.5. Don"t bother to take off those decorations since the Christmas celebration isn"t over yet.6. Because the regulations are very tight on cloning animals, he"s unable to continue his experiments.7. Don"t bother yourself about cloning my cat because I no longer want to bring it back to life.8. The victims of the flooded ares owe their thanks to the People"s Liberation Army"s help.
2023-07-06 20:44:503

帽子的HS code

2023-07-06 20:45:163


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2023-07-06 20:45:432


Guardian 保卫者 (+1 constitution, +5 nature resistance)属于防守型的战士,专长保护队友的安全。Guardian"s Shield 保卫者之盾(Guardian天赋)主动的能力,用于自己身上,发动需要47 stamina,再用时间是30秒,要求等级是level 20。保卫者全心要保护同伴,造出一个盾围着一个队友,根据战士的constitution属性去吸收某数量的伤害。 Master Guardian会增加盾的力量。Fortifying Presence 建设防御(Guardian天赋)主动的能力,用于自己身上,发动需要59 stamina,再用时间是10秒,要求等级是level 22。保卫者以神秘的保卫力量掩护整个队伍,让每个队员都有临时的盔甲附加值,力量和时间根据保卫者的constitution属性计算。 Master Guardian会增加盔甲的附加值。Master Guardian 保卫大师(Guardian天赋)被动的能力,要求等级是level 25。保卫者付诸一生去成为真正的防卫者,Guardian"s Shield会吸收更多伤害,Fortifying Presence会给予更大的盔甲附加值。Aura of the Stalwart Defender 坚强防卫者之气 BR(Guardian天赋)持续的能力,用于自己身上,需要100 stamina去维持,耗用10% fatigue体力,再用时间是10秒。当使用此招时,保卫者作出个人的牺牲去保护队友,制造出一个力墙,若敌人想从该区离开,若physical抗性抵抗不了,敌人会被力墙拉向保卫者处。这招只能在战斗时使用。
2023-07-06 20:46:081

请问company constitution和 memorandum and articles of association 都表示公司章程,具体有什么区别?

give vent toout your
2023-07-06 20:46:151


2023-07-06 20:46:374

father of the constitution是谁

Father of the constitution宪法之父注:美国宪法之父是美国第四任总统詹姆斯.麦迪逊
2023-07-06 20:46:461


Separation of powers is a political doctrine under which the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government are kept distinct, to prevent abuse of power. This US form of separation of powers is widely known as "checks and balances."The principle of separation of powers traces its origins at least as far back as Aristotle"s time. During the Age of Enlightenment, several philosophers, such as John Locke and James Harrington, advocated the principle in their writings, whereas others such as Thomas Hobbes strongly opposed it. Montesquieu was one of the foremost supporters of separating the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. His writings considerably influenced the opinions of the framers of the United States Constitution. Some charge, however, that the Framers misinterpreted Montesquieu. According to Isaac Rice (a nineteenth century political scientist), Montesquieu opposed concentrating power in a single person, rather than a single source. It was Montesquieu himself who developed the idea of establishing a form of separation of power in government. The United States borrowed some of the philosophies of Montesquieu to create the system of checks and balances that is present in the United States government today. Rice therefore suggested that a parliamentary system—which would not comply with the strict doctrine of separation of powers—would nevertheless be consistent with Montesquieu"s philosophy.Strict separation of powers did not operate in Britain, a country whose political structure served in most instances as a model for the government created by the US Constitution. In the UK, the King-in-Parliament (the King acting with the consent of the House of Lords and House of Commons) was the supreme lawmaking authority. The executive branch acted in the name of the King - it was known as "His Majesty"s Government" - as did the judiciary. The King"s Ministers were in most cases members of one of the two Houses of Parliament, and the Government needed to sustain a majority in the House of Commons. One minister, the Lord Chancellor, was at the same time the sole judge in the Court of Chancery and the presiding officer in the House of Lords. Thus, one may conclude that the three branches of British government often violated the strict principle of separation of powers, even though there were many occasions when the different branches of the government disagreed with each other.Some US states did not observe a strict separation of powers in the 18th century. In New Jersey, the Governor also functioned as a member of the state"s highest court and as the presiding officer of one house of the Legislature. The President of Delaware was a member of the Court of Appeals; the presiding officers of the two houses of the state legislature also served in the executive department as Vice Presidents. In both Delaware and Pennsylvania, members of the executive council served at the same time as judges. On the other hand, many southern states explicitly required separation of powers. Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia all kept the branches of government "separate and distinct."
2023-07-06 20:46:552


Member login free registration on the desktopSoftware description:Status: excellent coursewareAbstract: document properties: 4MB PPTJournal of membership: gkstkfxh (authorized)Examination: the national general examination questions base areaClassification: History courseware new curriculum resources in 2011Time: 2011-11-10 upload | 2013-12-23 auditComplete: 2012 the history of new courseware: (PEP compulsory 1)Tags: 2012 historical new coursewareInteractive: immediate submission report errors to join the discussionPreview the document support free preview.Share: 096.88% 31.3.13% 1.The following 2012 historical new courseware: the establishment of 3.8 American federal (PEP compulsory 1) text content, for a complete resource download.4 (2010 Xuzhou high detection) has scholars said: "American revolution is not only with the separation of British colonial rule, but also is the separation of nationalism and the old world tyranny." After a "separation" mainly refers to the (A.) federal system B. set up a federal court C. to universal suffrage D. adhere to the balance of power [] a. D analysis. Subject examines materials analytical ability. "And" separation of British colonial rule refers to America war of independence. "Separation" principle and the old world tyranny refers to the establishment ofthe republic. A is a structure form countries, excluding. B, C two and it does not match, so D. The 5 letter of credence refers to the inter state or mutually agreed instrument, also refers to a country to send or recall of the ambassador, minister, signed by the heads of state of the submitted to the heads of state of instruments in. This judge, in March 29, 2010, Ambassador Zhang Yesui America Chinese ambassador to make credentials ([])analysis A. Subject examines analysis ability. Formal credentials should give a heads of state. In USA, the president is the head of state. Therefore, Ambassador Zhang Yesui should be the official text credentials to USAPresident Obama. 6 van loon in "American history" in say: "it is a theory of government rule file. It has great changes in the last 140 years. Even in 1927, it is still like (it) that is full of vitality." This document is the bill of rights "(A.)" B. "articles of Confederation" C. "Federal Constitution" D. "the constitution of 1875" [] a. C analysis.Subject examines analysis ability. 1927 minus 140 is 1787, obviously refers to USA 1787 the Federal Constitution,so C. A appeared in 1689, B appeared in the USA independence, D appeared in 1875, were not with. 7 (2010 Zhongshan high detection) regulations America constitution of 1787: "the Supreme Court and lower court judgessuch as loyalty, get tenure." The direct purpose of this provision is () A. guarantee judge"s judicial independenceC. realization of the separation of the three powers "separation of powers" D. embodies the principle of analytic][B B. to ensure safety. Subject examines materials analytical ability. "From the material such as loyalty, get tenure"and other information, the purpose of this provision is to make the judge"s position without external interference,to ensure the independence of the judiciary, the B. A and independent of the material, C, D two is not a direct purpose. 8 the following cartoon vividly embodies the one big characteristic American political system. This feature is (A.) against the ruling parties, alternating B. essentially the same, no differences in C. centralization,decentralization of D. separation of the three powers, checks and balances [analysis] A. When I understand abilityanalysis. From the picture we can vividly see the America democracy, Republic of two parties are pitted against each other, to the ruling, the result is two not regularly alternated in power. The democratic, Republican although in essence is the same, but from the two against the situation can be seen without disagreement is wrong. C, Dtwo and the material it doesn"t matter. 9 (2010 Taizhou academic level) read the following material: material of 1without the consent of Parliament to the king"s authority, suspending the laws or the execution of laws forassuming power, illegal power....... 4 Whoever without parliamentary approval, excuse the king privileges, and the collection of the king, or for a king and the collection of money, beyond the time limit parliament granted ormethods, are illegal....... The 8 Parliament elections should be free. The 9 parliament speech freedom, the freedom of debates or proceedings, shall not in any court or any place outside parliament, impeached or ask. --(English) "bill of rights" (1689 two) material in the constitution of the United States (1787) (excerpt) the first the first legislation to the constitutional rights, all belong to the United States by the Senate and house of representatives of congress....... Seventh all the tax bill by the house of Representatives, but the Senate maypropose or agreement, amendment of the bill with other bill....... Second first executive power belongs to theUnited States president. The term president for four years, and served as vice president and vice versa, the president and the vice president, shall be in accordance with the following procedures of election....... The secondpresident of the United States Navy as Grand Marshal, and in the state militia is intrinsic to the service of the United States over the state militia....... The Senate"s advice and consent, and 2/3 of the Senators present concur,the president has the power to conclude treaties. The president should put forward candidates by the advice andconsent of Congress appointed ambassador, minister, consul, Supreme Court justices and other officials of the government of the United states....... Article third the first United States jurisdiction, which belongs to the Supreme Court and Congress to develop and set up a lower court. Judge of the Supreme Court and lower court no Tianvocational punctuality, get tenure, to
2023-07-06 20:47:031


The only moral freedom makes the mankind truely become their own host;Only the kick of carnal desire woulds be slave"s status
2023-07-06 20:47:122

《无畏dauntless》额外属性Constitution Aspect介绍

无畏dauntless是一款多人在线共斗游戏,玩法上类似怪物猎人,很多玩家都对这款游戏感兴趣。那么,本次我就给大家带来无畏dauntless额外属性Constitution Aspect介绍,一起来了解一下吧!Constitution Aspect 健体形态 (血牛) 2点:增加最大生命值100点3点:每秒恢复2点生命值(被动技,满血为止)4点:额外增加最大生命值200点5点:每秒额外恢复3点生命值(可以和3点的叠加)
2023-07-06 20:47:181


body status
2023-07-06 20:47:263


苏宪辉( 有承前启后,继往开来之意。 )
2023-07-06 20:47:564

英语翻译 200分!谢绝机译

2023-07-06 20:48:0614

【超高分】找英语专八水平翻译 在线等

2023-07-06 20:48:365


2023-07-06 20:48:492


问题一:“两会”用英语怎么说 NPC &CPPCC, 我国每年的全国人民代表大会和中国人民政治协商会议都会同期召开,简称“两会”。; 两会的完整名称:National People"s Congress 全国人民代表大会,和Chinese People"s Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议。 问题二:"两会"用英语怎么说 the National People"s Congress and the Chinese People"s Political Consultative Conference 问题三:两会的英文怎么说?包括人民代表大会和政协会议 全国人民代表大会 National People"s Congress (NPC) 全国人民政治协商会议 National mittee of the Chinese People"s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) 2009两会 NPC and CPPCC 2009 There is a substantial difference between motions submitted to a session of the National People"s Congress (NPC) and proposals to the National mittee of the Chinese People"s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). Full coverage:(全面报道) NPC and CPPCC 2009 Related readings: 99% of advisors" proposals handled(处理) or replied Six proposals offered for cross-Straits relations More proposals urged to tackle(整治) pollution 以下是关于两会提案的区别,包括性质方面、通过程序方面。 The difference lies in that as the NPC is the country"s top legislature(最高立法机构), an NPC motion (提议,动议)bees legally binding(受法律约束的) when it is adopted(采纳); while a proposal(提案) to the CPPCC National mittee, the top advisory body(最高决策层), is not legally binding whether it is adopted or not. NPC motions are submitted(采用) by NPC deputies or relevant departments to the NPC. According to the Constitution, NPC deputies and members of the NPC Standing mittee (常务委员会)have the right to submit motions and proposals within the respective(各自的) functions and powers of the NPC and its Standing mittee in accordance with procedures prescribed by law(法律规定的程序). According to the Organic Law(基本法,组织法) of the NPC and NPC rules for the discharging of its duties, a motion on issues within the power of the NPC can be raised by ......>> 问题四:“两会”热点词汇用英语怎么说 两会热点词汇_有道翻译 翻译结果: Two sessions hot words 问题五:两会上怎么翻译"一带一路" 据国家发改委消息,国家发展改革委会同外交部、商务部等部门对“一带一路”英文译法进行了规范。 在对外公文中,“丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路”的英文全称译为“the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road“。简称译为“the Belt and Road”,英文缩写用“B&R”。 问题六:中国 *** 如期举办了两会怎么说英语 Chinese government held two sessions as scheduled 注: sessions n. (尤指法庭、议会等) 开庭( session的名词复数 ); (自发或俱乐部的) 聚会; 会期; (进行某活动连续的) 一段时间; [例句]The methods of study include lectures, tutorials, case studies and practical sessions.. 学习方法包括讲课、导师辅导、个案研究与实习。 问题七:用英文写一条你对两会的建议 两会是中华人民共和国的两会 应当以中国人民为主,用英语占用那么大的时间 ,国外谁在看。为什么国外国家开会没有用汉语。
2023-07-06 20:48:561


2023-07-06 20:49:032

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ufeffChapter4

They were indeed a queer-looking party that assembled (聚集) on the bank--the birds with draggled (拖湿) feathers, the animals with their fur clinging (紧贴) close to them, and all dripping wet, cross, and uncomfortable.The first question of course was, how to get dry again: they had a consultation about this, and after a few minutes it seemed quite natural to Alice to find herself talking familiarly (亲密地) with them, as if she had known them all her life. Indeed, she had quite a long argument with the Lory (小鹦鹉), who at last turned sulky (生气的), and would only say, “I am older than you, and must know better”; and this Alice would not allow without knowing how old it was, and, as the Lory positively refused to tell its age, there was no more to be said.鹦鹉小.jpg At last the Mouse, who seemed to be a person of authority among them, called out, “Sit down, all of you, and listen to me! I"ll soon make you dry enough!” They all sat down at once, in a large ring, with the Mouse in the middle. Alice kept her eyes anxiously fixed (注视) on it, for she felt sure she would catch a bad cold if she did not get dry very soon. “Ahem!” said the Mouse with an important air, “are you all ready? This is the driest thing I know. Silence all round, if you please! ‘William the Conqueror, whose cause was favoured by the pope, was soon submitted to by the English, who wanted leaders, and had been of late much accustomed to usurpation (篡夺) and conquest. Edwin and Morcar, the earls of Mercia and Northumbria--"” “Ugh!” said the Lory, with a shiver. “I beg your pardon!” said the Mouse, frowning (皱眉), but very politely: “Did you speak?”老鼠小.jpg “Not I!” said the Lory hastily. “I thought you did,” said the Mouse. “--I proceed. ‘Edwin and Morcar, the earls of Mercia and Northumbria, declared for him: and even Stigand, the patriotic (爱国的) archbishop (大主教) of Canterbury, found it advisable (可取的)--"” “Found what?” said the Duck. “Found it,” the Mouse replied rather crossly (生气地): “of course you know what ‘it" means.” “I know what ‘it" means well enough, when I find a thing,” said the Duck: “it"s generally a frog or a worm. The question is, what did the archbishop find?” The Mouse did not notice this question, but hurriedly went on, “‘--found it advisable to go with Edgar Atheling to meet William and offer him the crown (王冠). William"s conduct at first was moderate (温和的;适度的). But the insolence (傲慢) of his Normans--" How are you getting on now, my dear?” it continued, turning to Alice as it spoke. “As wet as ever,” said Alice in a melancholy (忧郁的) tone: “it doesn"t seem to dry me at all.” “In that case,” said the Dodo solemnly (严肃地), rising to its feet, “I move that the meeting adjourn (休会), for the immediate adoption of more energetic remedies (补救)--” “Speak English!” said the Eaglet. “I don"t know the meaning of half those long words, and, what"s more, I don"t believe you do either!” And the Eaglet bent down its head to hide a smile: some of the other birds tittered (偷笑) audibly (可听见地). “What I was going to say,” said the Dodo in an offended tone, “was, that the best thing to get us dry would be a Caucus-race (会议式赛跑).” “What is a Caucus-race?” said Alice; not that she wanted much to know, but the Dodo had paused as if it thought that somebody ought to speak, and no one else seemed inclined to say anything. “Why,” said the Dodo, “the best way to explain it is to do it.” (And, as you might like to try the thing yourself, some winter day, I will tell you how the Dodo managed it.) First it marked out a race-course (赛跑路线), in a sort of circle, (“the exact shape doesn"t matter,” it said,) and then all the party were placed along the course, here and there. There was no “One, two, three, and away,” but they began running when they liked, and left off when they liked, so that it was not easy to know when the race was over. However, when they had been running half an hour or so, and were quite dry again, the Dodo suddenly called out “The race is over!” and they all crowded round it, panting (喘息), and asking, “But who has won?” This question the Dodo could not answer without a great deal of thought, and it stood for a long time with one finger pressed upon its forehead (the position in which you usually see Shakespeare, in the pictures of him), while the rest waited in silence. At last the Dodo said, “everybody has won, and all must have prizes.” “But who is to give the prizes?” quite a chorus (齐声) of voices asked. “Why, she, of course,” said the Dodo, pointing to Alice with one finger; and the whole party at once crowded round her, calling out in a confused way, “Prizes! Prizes!” Alice had no idea what to do, and in despair she put her hand in her pocket, and pulled out a box of comfits (糖果), (luckily the salt water had not got into it), and handed them round as prizes. There was exactly one a-piece all round. “But she must have a prize herself, you know,” said the Mouse. “Of course,” the Dodo replied very gravely. “What else have you got in your pocket?” it went on, turning to Alice. “Only a thimble (顶针),” said Alice sadly. “Hand it over here,” said the Dodo. Then they all crowded round her once more, while the Dodo solemnly presented the thimble, saying “We beg your acceptance of this elegant thimble”; and, when it had finished this short speech, they all cheered. Alice thought the whole thing very absurd (荒谬的), but they all looked so grave that she did not dare to laugh; and, as she could not think of anything to say, she simply bowed, and took the thimble, looking as solemn as she could. The next thing was to eat the comfits: this caused some noise and confusion, as the large birds complained that they could not taste theirs, and the small ones choked and had to be patted on the back. However, it was over at last, and they sat down again in a ring, and begged the Mouse to tell them something more. “You promised to tell me your history, you know,” said Alice, “and why it is you hate--C and D,” she added in a whisper, half afraid that it would be offended again. “Mine is a long and a sad tale (故事)!” said the Mouse, turning to Alice, and sighing. “It is a long tail, certainly,” said Alice, looking down with wonder at the Mouse"s tail; “but why do you call it sad?” And she kept on puzzling about it while the Mouse was speaking, so that her idea of the tale was something like this: -- “Fury said to a mouse, That he met in the house, ‘Let us both go tolaw: I willprosecute you. --Come,I"ll take no denial; We must have a trial: Forreally this morning I"ve nothing to do."Said the mouse to the cur, ‘Sucha trial, dear Sir,With no jury or judge, would be wasting our breath." ‘I"ll be judge, I"ll be jury,"Said cunning old Fury:‘I"ll try the whole cause, and condemn youto death."” “You are not attending!” said the Mouse to Alice severely. “What are you thinking of?” “I beg your pardon,” said Alice very humbly: “you had got to the fifth bend, I think?” “I had not!” cried the Mouse, sharply and very angrily. “A knot!” said Alice, always ready to make herself useful, and looking anxiously about her. “Oh, do let me help to undo it!” “I shall do nothing of the sort,” said the Mouse, getting up and walking away. “You insult (侮辱) me by talking such nonsense!” “I didn"t mean it!” pleaded poor Alice. “But you"re so easily offended, you know!” The Mouse only growled in reply. “Please come back and finish your story!” Alice called after it; and the others all joined in chorus, “Yes, please do!” but the Mouse only shook its head impatiently, and walked a little quicker. “What a pity it wouldn"t stay!” sighed the Lory, as soon as it was quite out of sight; and an old Crab took the opportunity of saying to her daughter “Ah, my dear! Let this be a lesson to you never to lose your temper!” “Hold your tongue, Ma!” said the young Crab, a little snappishly. “You"re enough to try the patience of an oyster (牡蛎)!”
2023-07-06 20:44:591

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这些风格都不是一样的啊 猛男的话老7 劲霸都可以 潮流的话梦特娇 JEEP 正装商务的话其实建议AMURS 你可以淘宝看他们产品差异
2023-07-06 20:45:002


Second的基数词是 two第二
2023-07-06 20:45:012

some sort of是什么意思,后面是加单数名词吗?

2023-07-06 20:45:043


2023-07-06 20:45:076

just sort of happens 是什么意思

just sort of happens只是有点像重点词汇sort of有几分地; 可以说,可说是happens发生( happen的第三人称单数 ); 碰巧; 产生结果
2023-07-06 20:44:541

this is a party for you为什么用for?

for prep. 为,为了这是为你办的派对
2023-07-06 20:44:545


2023-07-06 20:44:521

英语中变复数 如果结尾f是双写,则直接加s吗

2023-07-06 20:44:505