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古希腊三大悲剧家:埃斯库罗斯、索福克勒斯、欧里庇得斯。 埃斯库罗斯:真正的希腊悲剧的创始人“悲剧之父”。《被束缚的普罗米修斯》希腊神话中普罗米修斯创造了人类,并把火种送到了人间,宙斯为了惩罚他,差人将普罗米修斯带到高加索山,用一条永远也挣不断的铁链把他吊在一个陡峭的悬崖上,之后赫拉克勒斯解救了普罗米修斯,但是普罗米修斯必须永远戴一只铁环,环上镶上一块高加索山上的石子。这样,宙斯可以自豪地宣称,普罗米修斯仍然被锁在高加索山的悬崖上。《俄瑞斯庇亚》 索福克勒斯:《俄狄浦斯王》:底比斯国瘟疫盛行,天神宣告,只有杀害前王拉伊俄斯的凶手伏法,才能消灾祛祸。前王外出,与卫兵一起遇害,至今不知凶手是谁。国王俄狄浦斯严厉诅咒凶手,并号令全国追查。先知却说,凶手就是俄狄浦斯本人。俄狄浦斯出生时有神谕,说他将来会杀父娶母,于是他被抛弃在荒山上,辗转成了科林斯国王之子。成年后他得知神谕,为了躲避杀父娶母的预言,逃出科林斯国,在途中与人抢道,将主仆数人打死。他来到底比斯国,制服了狮身人面怪,被拥立为王,并娶寡后为妻。俄狄浦斯这些经历恰好符合当初神谕所说的杀父娶母。经过一番追查,事实俱在,俄狄浦斯正是凶手。王后羞愤自尽,俄狄浦斯刺瞎双眼,自我放逐。《安提戈涅》:剧中描写了俄狄浦斯的女儿安提戈涅不顾国王克瑞翁的禁令,将自己的兄长,反叛城邦的波吕尼刻斯安葬,而被处死,而一意孤行的国王也遭致妻离子散的命运。剧中人物性格饱满,剧情发展丝丝相扣。安提戈涅更是被塑造成维护神权/自然法,而不向世俗权势低头的伟大女英雄。 欧里庇得斯:《美狄亚》:在希腊神话中,她是科奇斯岛会施法术的公主,也是太阳神阿波罗的后裔。她与来到岛上寻找金羊毛的伊阿宋王子一见钟情。为了帮助伊阿宋取得金羊毛,美狄亚用自己的法术帮助伊阿宋完成了自己父亲定下的不可能任务,条件是伊阿宋要和她结婚。取得金羊毛后,美狄亚和伊阿宋一起踏上返回希腊的旅程。美狄亚的父亲听到她逃走的消息,派她的弟弟前往追回她。美狄亚杀死了自己的弟弟,并将弟弟的尸体切开抛在路口,让父亲忙于收尸,以此拖延时间和伊阿宋一行人离开。伊阿宋回国后,美狄亚用计杀死了篡夺王位的伊阿宋的叔叔,伊阿宋取回王位但也开始忌惮美狄亚的法术和残酷。后来伊阿宋移情别恋,米蒂亚由爱生恨,将自己亲生的两名稚子杀害,同时也用下了毒的衣服杀死了伊阿宋的新欢,逃离伊阿宋的身边,伊阿宋也抑郁而亡。据说美狄亚逃到了雅典,受忒修斯的父亲埃勾斯的保护。忒修斯前来认父时,美狄亚担心他对自己不利,从中阻挠,但被忒修斯识破。美狄亚又被逐出雅典,不知所终。美狄亚的故事也是古希腊著名悲剧《美狄亚》的蓝本。《希波吕托斯》:描写的是智慧的希波吕托斯,他是雅典王忒修斯与阿玛宗女王的儿子,他崇拜贞洁的狩猎神阿耳忒弥斯,厌恶女人和爱情。这样以来,他便招徕了爱神阿佛洛狄忒的愤怒。爱神使希波吕托斯的后母淮德拉对他产生了强烈的爱情。淮德拉向希波吕托斯求爱,被愤怒的希波吕托斯坚决拒绝后,便羞愧自杀,她临死前对丈夫诬告希波吕托斯企图玷污她。忒修斯王听了大为震怒,便请求海神波塞冬派一头大公牛撞倒希波吕托斯的马车。受惊了的马狂奔起来,希波吕托斯在岩石上撞死。最后,阿耳忒弥斯出现了,她把全部真情告诉了忒修斯,并且安慰了垂死的希波吕托斯。在这个悲剧中,可以明显地看出欧里庇得斯对宗教的怀疑及神的所谓的英明和仁慈的不信任《安德洛玛刻》、《俄勒克特拉》。-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Three ancient Greek tragedian: Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides Europe. Aeschylus: The real founder of Greek tragedy, "the father of tragedy." "Prometheus Bound" in Greek mythology, Prometheus created man, and put fire to the earth, Zeus, to punish him, and sent the Prometheus to the Caucasus mountains, with a never been earned The chain hanging him on a steep cliff, after Hercules rescued Prometheus, but Prometheus must always wear a hoop, a ring studded with stones Caucasus mountains. In this way, you can proudly claim that Zeus, Prometheus is still locked in the Caucasus mountain cliff. "E Ruisi Apia" Sophocles: "Oedipus the King": the country of Thebes, the prevalence of plague, God declared, only the killing of the former king of Rai Esi murderer to justice, in order to ward off evil cured. Go before the king, was killed along with the guards, so far I do not know who the murderer is. King Oedipus curses the murderer severe, and orders the country to trace. Prophet said, the murderer is Oedipus himself. Oedipus born with the oracle, that he killed his father and marry his mother the future, and he was abandoned on the barren hills and, after the country became a prince Collins. Adult, he learned oracle, killed his father and marry his mother to escape the prophecy, Collins fled the country, and robbed on the way road, the number of master and servant were killed. He came to Thebes country, subdued the Sphinx strange, was crowned king, and married widowed after his wife. Oedipus The experience was in line with the original oracle said Shafu marry his mother. After some tracing, the facts are in, Oedipus is the murderer. Queen Xiufen himself, Oedipus blinded eyes, self-imposed exile. "Antigone": the play depicts the daughter Antigone Oedipus the King Ke Ruiweng despite the ban, his brother, the rebel city of Bo Lvni engraved Louisiana funeral, and was put to death, and King insisted on the fate of their wives and children are also stricken. Play full of character, plot development slightest tightly linked. Antigone is portrayed as maintenance of divine right / natural law, rather than bow to the secular power of the great heroines. Europe Euripides: "Medea": In Greek mythology, she is magic Koch Island Princess will be applied, but also the descendants of the sun god Apollo. She came to the island looking for gold and wool Yie Song Wangzi love at first sight. In order to help Jason get the Golden Fleece, Medea helped Jason with their own magic to complete the impossible tasks set by his father, on condition that Jason to marry her. Made after the Golden Fleece, Medea and Jason embark on the journey and returned to Greece. Medea"s father heard the news of her escape, her brother sent her to recover. Medea killed his brother and cut his brother"s body left the junction, so that the father engaged in the corpses, as a pedestrian delay and Jason left. Jason returned home, Medea killed with a total usurpation of the throne of Jason"s uncle, Jason began to get back the throne but also fear Medea"s magic and brutal. Later, Jason faithless, Medea love to hate, will own two children are killed by natural, but also had poisoned the clothes with killing Jason"s new love, to escape Jason"s side, Jason is also depressed to death. Said Medea fled to Athens, Theseus"s father Aye hook by Sri Lanka"s protection. When Theseus came to recognize the parent, worried about his own negative Medea, stand in the way, but was Theseus through. Medea has been expelled from Athens, disappeared. Medea is the story of the famous ancient Greek tragedy "Medea," a blueprint. "Hippolytus": description of the wisdom of Hippolytus, he was king of Athens, Theseus and Armagh were the queen"s son, his worship of God chastity of hunting Artemis, misogyny and love . This way, he would attract the anger of Venus Aphrodite. Eros to Hippolytus"s stepmother Huai la he had a strong love. Huai De courtship to Hippolytus, Hippolytus firmly rejected by angry, they shame suicide, her dying husband falsely accused Hippolytus of attempting to tarnish her. King Theseus heard much angry, they send a request to a large bull Poseidon hit Hippolytus of carriage. Frightened the horse bolted together, Hippolytus killed on the rocks. Finally, A Artemis appeared, she told the truth all of Theseus, and to comfort the dying Hippolytus. In this tragedy, it is evident that Europe Euripides suspicion of religion and God"s wise and benevolent so-called no confidence "Andromache", "俄勒克特拉."