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ansys中boundary definitions,BOUNDARY_SPC_SET下面的8个0.1各表示什么?


Boundary confine limit 有什么区别

(1)limit 指时、空、程度、量等方面的“限定”,其内涵是如果超出了这种限度就会受罚或遭到令人不快的后果;此外,这个词也常用来表示“局限” This driver received a ticket because he failed to limit his speed while driving in heavy traffic. 那位司机收到了一个违章通知单,因为他在车辆多的地方没能限制开车速度。 I limited myself to two modest ambitions. to do physical exercises every morning and to read more of an evening. 我把自己的决心限制于两项小小的抱负:即每天早晨做体操,常在晚上多读一点书。 He seems to have only a limited intelligence. 似乎他的智力有限。 We must limit our expense to what we can afford. 我们必须不使开支超出我们的支付能力confine 的内涵是“约束”或“束缚” He is confined to the house by illness. 他因病闭门不出。 The professor confined his remarks to scientific management. 那位教授把自己的讲话局限在科学管理方面。boundary 分界线;范围;(球场)边线

You can find him in the c____

You can find him in the car____

You can find him in_______.


请问 : 摩托XT910 RAZR MAXX 、摩托XT910 RAZR 、OPPO finder(X907)、 索尼LT26I 这几款手机哪个好?

都好 个人喜好 索爱LT26i

如何使用tcpdump来捕获TCP SYN,ACK和FIN包


寻找独角兽FINDING UNICORN在深圳文和友亮相了哪些大娃和盲盒?

文和友这个地方之前经常去,属于深圳很热的打卡街区了,最近寻找独角兽的盲盒在这里亮相,和朋友周末也有去逛展,说说我的感受吧:现场一共有5个打卡点,在0℃ SPACE中还是能找到惊喜的。打卡点1:FARMER BOB盲盒,外观是白色的,戴着一个橙色的眼镜,场景让人感觉到有点寒意又有纯洁的心灵。打卡点2:波塞冬BOB盲盒,蓝白相间,举起三叉戟,俯视众生,哈哈,很容易让我联想到斗罗大陆里面的波赛西。只不过波塞冬是男的,会比较受女孩子喜欢。打卡点3:科学家BOB盲盒,一身白色的大褂,带着眼镜一脸的认真,哈哈,是科学之路上寻找真理的精神吧。打卡点4:Agan阿感创作空间,黑、蓝、橙色交织在一起,颜色比较丰富、是我喜欢的画。打卡点5:包含了寻找独角兽5大IP:FARMER BOB、RiCO、卓大王、ShinWoo、Agan阿感,不过都是以冰雪的主题,和往日看到的形象不一样,这次展出让人眼前一亮,感觉有点新鲜感。

j-five的《find a way》的全部歌词,不全的不要

J-Five 《Find a Way》You know when I was a little kidAll I ever wanted to It"s make something bigger outta my life And I been forgotten like the rest So check it ! There"s a light at the end of the tunnel Humble beginnings in a fight to the finish Hangin" on with a grimace Giveth the look of God When told faith is fraud Cause you gave it all you had So why won"t they applaud ? Wrong again ! Bitter sweet Hard to stomach if you love it Not a friend But a puppet with strings attached Dance to the beat Of a dying heart Change your pace Cause if I keep on moving I might find a way [Bridge] I"m alive I"ll give you all my time (I"ll find a way, I"ll find a way) I"ll put it all on the line, hey Find a way to the light [Chorus] Why"s there gotta be a test on every breath I"m holding to mak I"ll find a way for youe it ? There"s a long road but no one will take it I"ll find a way Why"s there gotta be a test on every breath I"m holding to make it ? I"ll find a way for you There"s a long road, There"s a long road, Why won"t you take it ? Can you feel the nails digging deep inside of your skin ? Prove yourself until your dead the end but you didn"t begin And if somenone doesn reach out soon you might lose it Cause you humbled yourself just to be proved you can"t do it Don"t do it ! Don"t give it up to get it back ***** that ! Put it to your chest and let your heart attack Come back ! I ain"t done trying, you"re killing me softly with your words and I love dying [Bridge] [Chorus] [Bridge] [Chorus] Damn ! (There"s a long road, there"s a long road) I"ll find a way (x3) Outta this life C"mon ! [Bridge] [Pont] You know When a was a little kid All I ever wanted to do It"s make something bigger outta my life And I been forgotten like the rest So check it ! Damn ! I"ll find a way (x3) Outta this life, c"mon Come around again I wonder if I"ll make it Fortune for the soul I do what I want Let it go, no, no I won"t let it go, no, no C"mon ! [Bridge] [Chorus] 下载链接(迅雷下载):


Selina 萨琳娜


区别是:recover: 普通用词,含义广,可泛指收回去的物质的或精神的东西,也指无意中找到失物。find: 普通用词,可指偶然发现,也可指经过寻找后得到或重新获得已失去的东西。强调动作的结果。



Disney is an amusement park where you can find all the normal attractions and

characters 这里是特点,特色的意思。迪士尼是一个游乐园,在那里,你可以找到常规的有吸引力和有特色的娱乐设施。

python程序错误 name key is not defined


later on it may get fine again

And later on,it may get fine again. = And later (in) the (future),it may get fine again. 注:later on意思是“后来”,常用于一般将来时.




而且 limited含有贬义色彩 而confine则是比较中性的词

finally,i settled on a mountain top.


we think it is difficult for them to finish the charity walk without team spirit

them 宾格 appeared 出现的过去式 yourself 自己做 祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢! them appeared yourself them for介词后面用,

这句代码应该怎么理解 (本人菜鸟,所以请讲简单点) btn = (Button) findVie

找到id是button1的元素转换成button类型设置事件 求采纳...

—Must I finish my homework now?—No, you _______.


Must I finish the work today,Mom?


-Must I finish the work now?-No, you ___. You ___ do it this evening.

No, you needn"t. You can do it this evening.

“Must I finish the work before supper?” “No, youuff08 uff09.”

B 因为mustn"t的意思是禁止,而can"t的意思是不可能,然后D的意思和C差不多。只有needn"t是不需要,没必要

Must I finish the work tonight?

您好:肯定回答是:Yes,youmust.否定回答是:No,youneedn"t.完整的肯定回答是:Yes,youmust finishtheworktonight.完整的否定回答是;No,youneedn"t finishtheworktonight.希望可以帮到您!

final invoice跟packing list一样吗

final invoice是最终发票,Packing list是装箱单,是两种不同的单据。前者是反映商品经检验之后卖方按买卖双方最终确定的价格开具的发票,它是一个销售与购买凭证与货物单价数量清单,后者是反映发票上列明的货物的包装说明,它是发票的补充单据,不是同一种单据。

protel 中出现 componets have undefined footprint 怎么弄?我没有封装,可protel 生成PCB没有提示。。。

自己画一个pcb封装 原理图定义上更新一下

One day before my final exam,完形填空答案

您好请参考。 望采纳。谢谢One day before my final exam,my dad gave me a gift.It completely changed my life. On that day I had a fight with my friends and it was a difficult time with my studies.I was unhappy Then I noticed the gift.I opened it and saw a DVD inside.Its name was "THE SECRET".However ,I was in no mood to watch it.I sat down to study ,but the problems in my life-the fight,the sleepless nights and my poor health…Everything came to my mind.I wanted an answer but I wondered if there was any.Just then,I saw the DVD again.May be it would be helpful.I turned on my DVD player.I had no words to describe the feelings I experienced while watching it.The moving stories of human beings made me so moved that I wouldn"t forget any of them. Thanks to my father"s gift "THE SECRET",I discovered myself Everyboday has difficulties in their lives .The important thing is that you should be _weak enough to face them.Now I have started getting on well with my studies and my friends.And I"m in good health,too.I often hear people say, "Wow! what a perfect life you have!"

英国留学MSc Finance和MA Finance的区别

  很多学生会选择去英国留学,那么英国大学英国大学MSc Finance和MA Finance有什么不同?和一起来看看吧!下面是我整理的相关资讯,欢迎阅读。   英国大学MSc Finance和MA Finance有什么不同?   金融专业一向是中国学生到英国留学的热门专业,主要原因如下:   一是:伦敦作为全球金融中心有着得天独厚的优势;二是:近年来,中国对金融人才的需求逐步加大,金融业愈加成为热门行业。   MSc Finance和MA Finance有什么优劣之分,这个问题需要从MSc和MA的区别开始说起。   MSc,即Master of Science,理学硕士,其相关学科通俗来讲都偏理科,如数学、工程、科技等等。   MA,即Master of Arts,文学硕士,相关学科偏文科,如语言、人文、艺术等等。   (相关文章:2014年英国留学必须知道的大学硕士类型)   对于金融专业来讲,一般情况下会涉及各种高等数学,线性代数和概率论等等。所以,金融专业理论上本身偏理科。   事实上,英国大多数大学所设的金融硕士专业也大多是MSc Finance。   例如英国金融专业很强的巴斯大学(University of Bath)、华威大学(University of Warwick)、伦敦政治经济学院(LSE),无一不是MSc Finance。   而这些大学的MSc Finance的入学要求也是要求申请人有很强的数学、统计学等学科的背景。   英国大学很少开设纯金融的MA Finance课程。但是,金融与其它科目混合的硕士课程却可发现一些MA的课程。   比如,利兹城市大学(Leeds Metropolitan University)的MA International Trade & Finance(国际贸易和金融)课程和东英吉利大学(University of East Anglia)的MA International Business Finance and Economics(国际商务金融和经济学)课程。   纵观这两个课程的具体细节,可以发现这里讲的金融是从某一个角度去理解金融市场在这个领域的各种作用和运作,并不是运用各种数学去研究金融市场本身。   所以,我们建议大家认真研究想要申请专业的具体细节,看看该课程要学些什么,用什么方式学,学习结果是什么,等等;最好还要把这些细节与MSc Finance课程的细节做对比,看看有哪些不同。   总之,无论MSc Finance还是MA Finance,最主要还是要根据自身学习要求选择,孰优孰劣往往也是根据个人自身的情况而做出评断。


finance可作为名词,也可作为动词.其形容词形式是financial(金融的,财政的);economic是形容词,其名词是economy.你可能想问finance和economy的区别吧?finance:(n.)1.资金 2.金融、财政.如:Ministerof Finance财政部长 the world of high finance高级金融界3.财力,资源.如:government/public/personal finance政府/公共/个人财力(v)给.提供资金economy(n)1.经济.如:the world economy世界经济a market economy 市场经济2.节约,节俭.如:economy pack经济装economic:经济的.如:economic issues 经济问题2.合算的,有利可图的.

金融经济学Financial Economics和金融学Finance的区别在哪

在中国的教育系统里,虽然既有金融又有金融学,但两者的确不一样(而且和国外的Finance都有较大不同) 金融:是应用型学位,侧重的是技能,所以一般来讲比较重视实务,比如会有财会软件的应用课,会有商业银行管理、保险学等等这类比较“务实”的课程 金融学:是学术型学位,侧重的是学术知识,以经济学理论为主干,实用性的课程很少甚至没有,对知识的要求则比较高 如果用国外的做比较,金融应该是放在管理学院的“Finance”或者“Commerce/Business in Finance",而金融学是放在经济学院的”Finance“或者”Economics in Finance"

请问Finance,Economics和Accounting, Business,commercial的区别是什么?



finance,英语单词,主要用作为名词、动词,作名词时意为财政,财政学;金融;(Finance)人名;(法)菲南斯;作动词时意为负担经费,供给…经费;筹措资金。1,短语搭配ministry of finance财政部public finance财政学international finance国际金融finance and economics经济,财经;金融与经济corporate finance公司金融;公司理财;公司融资2,双语例句I only like news and finance magazines.我只喜欢新闻和金融杂志。What finance experience have you had that qualifies you for this position?你认为你具有什么样的金融经验使你能胜任这个职位?But how could this be done without snuffing out the innovation that is the lifeblood of finance?但是怎样能在不扼杀创新这个金融活力的源泉的情况下做到这些呢?




一般作名词,指财政,金融等。finance作名词时,意为财政,金融,财务状况,财源,资金,岁入。作动词时意为为提供资金。第三人称单数:finances(直接加s)。现在分词:financing(去e加ing)。过去式:financed(直接加d)。过去分词: financed(直接加d)。相关短语搭配:finance company:信贷公司,金融公司。high finance:巨额金融交易。ministry of finance:财政部。public finance:公共财政,公共金融,公共金融学。international finance:国际经济,国际融资。finance minister:财政部长。trade finance:贸易融资。finance and economics:财经,金融和经济,金融学与经济学。finance department:财务部门,财务部,财政部门。corporate finance:企业融资,公司金融,公司理财。finance officer:财务干事,财政干事,金融官。finance industry:金融业。finance director:财务主任,财务总监,财务处长。finance lease:融资租赁,财务租约,金融租赁。finance manager:财务经理,财务部经理,财政经理。finance business:金融业务,融资业务。business finance:企业财务,企业融资,商业融资。corporation finance:公司财务,公司理财,公司金融。finance charge:财务收费,金融费用,财政收费。finance construction:出资建设。

International Business, Finance and Economics 什么意思?


Economics and Finance是怎样的课






请问英国大学MSc Economics and Finance与Finance MSc有啥不同

Econ & Finance 比较注重理论,要求本科有一定经济理论基础还有计量(数学/统计基础好),纯Finance要求就比较低,没那么多经济理论,定量方法也相对简单些

finance and economics是什么意思







find out指发现,如发现某一结果或者原因。后者则是“用手指着....”,如:Lily points at him就是莉莉用手指着他

いとうかなこ的Find The Blue罗马歌词

KAOSU ni naru owari no nai itami wo kakaeteEgakeru yume wa? Ah--Hitomi ni utsuru fukusayoude AUTORAIN wo tadottemiruSakebu kotoba mo inoru taishou mo nakuteHikari ga zou wo musubuyouna fushigi na made no AAKITEKUCHAUragiri ni nita sono kouzu ni moMe wo sorashita shiranai furishitaIma sono 「shisen」 ga ishiki no naka he tobikomuWazuka na 「riron」 ga kodou no RIZUMU kakimidasu karaSarigenai kono kuuki, arienai kono kyori moSono 「shihai」 ga koushite kansen wo hajimeru kara...Boku wa mata....KAOSU ni naru owari no nai itami wo kakaeteDare ni mo furerarenai mayaku ni nita kaihi ERIABIRU no sukima kiritorareta chiisana sora niEgakuru yume wa? Ah- kotae wa nai no saI fall into the new world sore wa totsuzenRasenjou ni kurikaesu NOIZUTogiresou na hikari to Find the blueMiezaruMONO wa kaze no gotoki shikaku no sumi de tada samayouPOKETTO no naka wa yume mo mayoi mo nakuteDonna kotoba mo hagareochite honnou dake ni tsuiyashiteruKanashimi sae mo taida ni kaketeMutsuu ni natte tsuyogattari shiteIma kioku ni aru keshiki wo jun ni narabeteAtama ni korogaru chiisana PIISU tsunagete mirebaNanigenai ano bamen, imi no nai ano kotobaSono subute ga konna ni yugande mietari suru kara...Boku wa mata...KAOSU ni naru aragaenai jikuu ni torawareYume utsutsu maboroshi ka ochite yuku ASHIDDO ERIASekai wa ima GUREI ni naru sono suushiki ni waMirai no imi mo Ah- kotae wa nai karaI fall into the new world sore wa totsuzenFui ni miseta ibitsu na rakuenKoboe sou na keshiki to Find the blueKAOSU ni naru owari no nai itami wo kakaeteDare ni mo furerarenai mayaku ni nita kaihi ERIABIRU no sukima kiritorareta chiisana sora niEgakuru yume wa? Ah- kotae wa nai no saI fall into the new world sore wa totsuzenRasenjou ni kurikaesu NOIZUTogiresou na hikari to Find the blue

英语题our home is finer than( )


finding 和result的区别

区别:consequence: 多指随某一事件引起的,必然或自然的不良结果,不强调直接的因果关系,而侧重事件发展的逻辑关系。result: 普通用词,含义广泛,侧重因某种原因所产生的最终结果,而不是眼前的结果。拓展:关于表示“结果”的词outcome “结局”、“结果”,指有待见分晓的结果或结局。aftermath 指发生天灾人祸之后上随之而来的不良的,甚至更严重的后果或余波。effect: 指因某种原因直接产生的结果,着重持续稳定与其影响。finding多为发现

Define your life with the actions you take, the love you give and the memories you make. 是什么意思



[eminem]This motherfucker here, just wont shut up will you?Talk about i owe you, bitch you owe mePromote me right nowMan lets put the nail in his coffin[chorus]I dont want to be like thisI dont really want to hurt no feelinsBut im only bein real when i say nobody wants to hear their grandfather rapOld men have heart attacksAnd i dont want to be responsible for that soPut the mic down and walk awayYou can still have a little bit of dignityI would never claim to be no great benzinoAn 83 year old fake pachinoSo how can he hold me over some balconyWithout throwin his lower back out as soon as he goes to lift mePlease dont, youl probably fall with meAnd our asses will both be historyBut then again youl finnally get your wishCuz youl be all over the street like 50 centFuckin punk pussy fuck you chumpGimme a one-on-one see if i dont fuck you upTryin to jump the ruff ryders and they cut you upAnd you put jada on a track thats how much you suckDuck in the industry, swear that you in the streets hustlinYou sit behind a fuckin desk at the source butt-kissinAnd beggin motherfuckers for guest appearencesAnd you can even get the clearances cuz real lyricistsDont even respect you or take you seriousIts not that we dont like you, we hate you - periodTalk about a mid-life crisis damnLast week you was shakin obie trice"s handNow hes a busta? what the fucks with that?Get on a track dissin us kissin 50"s assAnd askin me what i know about inditements-bite meBitch i got two cases, and probation - fight me!What do i know about standin in front of a judge like a manReady to take whatever sentence he handsWhat you know about your wife slicin her wristsRight in front of the only thing you have in this world - a little girl?And i put that on her, when this is all overI would never try to make her a star and eat off herI dont know shit about no shoppin rocksBut what you know about hip-hop shops rockin spots?When your the only white boy in that bitch just rippinPressin up your own flyers and your stickers stickinThem bitches up after spendin six hours at kinkosJust makin copys of your covers of casette singlesAnd sell them out the trunk of your tracerSpendin your whole paycheck at disc makersWhat you know about bein bullied over half your life?Oh thats right, you know what thats like, your half whiteVanilla ice,spill the beans and rice, im eaten you alive insideJesus christ, if your that much of a gangster, put the mic downYou should be out killin motherfuckers right nowKill a motherfucker dead, kill"em dead bitchShoot"em in the fuckin head, go ahead bitchSlap my mom, slap the f*ck outa her!She cant sue you, she wouldnt get a buck out of youCuz your broke as fuck you suck your a fuckin jokeIf you was really sellin coke, well then what the fuckYou stop for dummy? if you slew some crackYou"d make alot more money than you do from rapYou never had no security, you"ll never be famousYou"l never now what its like to be rich, lifes a bitch aint it?Raymond, here, let me break this shit down in lamensTerms for you just to make sure that you can understand thisAnd canibus they usin too many complicated fuckin words for youHere then let me slow it down for youSo you can understand if i say it slower:Let it go dawg it"s over[chorus]I dont want to be like thisI dont really want to hurt no feelinsBut im only bein real when i say nobody wants to hear their grandfather rapOld men have heart attacksAnd i dont want to be responsible for that soPut the mic down and walk awayYou can still have a little bit of dignity[eminem talking]HahaTalkin bout i have motherfuckers callin your cribBitch you aint even got a fuckin cribYou aint even got a fuckin phone, fuckin punkThreatened to shut me down at your little fuckin source magazineIf i come back then you would attack me, bitch you attacked me firstTake it like a man and shut the fuck upAnd fuck your little magazine tooI dont need your fuckin magazine, i got xxl number anywayzAnd yall cant stand it cuz there gettin bigger than yallOh, and by the way, howed i look on the vmas?When you was watchin me from whatever fuckin tv you was watchin me from in bostonThe mean streets of boston, fuckin sissyLike you got us scared in the motherfucker, suck our motherfuckin dicksOh, and for those thats dont know, dont get it twisted yo, the source has a white owner很全的Eminem歌词网站

python if not lines.find(keyword)==-1: n=n+1 执行一次就退出了,文本记录都没有执行

懒得多解释了。自己去看吧:【整理】Python中变量的作用域(variable scope)(此处不给贴地址,请自己用google搜标题,即可找到帖子地址)

翻译Track and trace (SAP) and aggregation methods must be in place to define movement of product.


final 关键字起什么作用


在protel中进行原理图生成pcb的导入时,为什么提示“Footprint Not Find 0805"(已经在pcb中导入文件库)


so he canfinish


revised final paper due是什么意思

最后由于修改双语对照例句:1.The final paper due at the start of lecture 12. 期末论文在第12课开始时递交。2.The final paper will be due at the start of our final class meeting, lecture 12. 期末论文在第12课开始时递交,即最后一节课。The final version of the third paper is due on session 24 in class. 第三份报告修改过的最后版本必须在第二十四周的课堂上缴交。



defining clause....

Defining clauses: 1) No ma 2) The important information on something. If the defining clause is removed your sentence bees confusing or it doesn"t make sense at all. Examples: The man whose father is my uncle was arrested this morning. whose father is my uncle<-------defining clause ( no ma) Now let"s remove this clause. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE MAN was arrested this morning.<--------------- A confusing subject= the man!!!!! The man whose father is my uncle was arrested this morning. ( CLEAR NOW) _____________________________________ Let me show you one more example. The lady who gave you $ 1000 the other day died this morning. who gave you $1000 the other day<------- defining clause with no ma Note: " who" is used to describe " the lady". Let me remove this clause for you now. The lady died this morning. <---------------- WHO was the lady?<-------------------------------------------- That"s it. :) Hope that helps. 8686868686886866868688 In grammar a clause is a pair of words or group of words that consists of a subject and a predicate although in some languages and some types of clauses the subject may not appear explicitly as a noun phrase. It may instead be marked on the verb (this is especially mon in null subject languages.) The most basic kind of sentence consists of a single clause; more plicated sentences may contain multiple clauses including clauses contained within clauses. A group of words that contains a subject and a predicate. A clause may be either a sentence (independent clause) or a sentence-like construction included within another sentence (dependent clause). 2009-02-22 10:05:46 补充: Examples: * "Life moves pretty fast. If you don"t stop and look around once in awhile you could miss it." * "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." 参考: en. *** /wiki/Clause grammar.about/od/c/g/clauseterm

Do you find this book____?A.frustrate B.frustrating C.frustrated D.frustration


nonfinite clauses什么意思


nonfinite clauses什么意思

nonfinite clause [nu0254n"fainait]【语法学】非限定从句

Finding promising openings can be time-consuming and inefficient

finding 是动名词做句子主语promising 是形容词表示有希望的,有前景的opening 是名词,这里表示机会time-consuming 是动词短语 consume time 转换来的,这里做形容词表示花费时间的整个句子翻译:发现有前景的机会有时候会是消耗时间而且效率不高的希望能帮到你~

一首英文歌 开始的英文 听的是 when i ran from you i ran to you when i try to high i find you there

"No Far Away"by Chris AugustWhen I ran from YouI ran to YouAnd when I tried to hideI found You thereWhen I told You noYou knew right where I"d goSo when I ran from YouI ran to YouThere"s no way to get far away from YouThere"s no way to get far away from YouThere"s nowhere I could go that You"re not already thereThere"s no way to get far away from YouThere is no height or depthTo hold You backThere is no tower veilTo hide Your face"Cause You tore it downNow we see You all aroundSo when we run from YouWe run to YouThere"s no way to get far away from YouThere"s no way to get far away from YouThere"s nowhere I could go that You"re not already thereThere"s no way to get far away from YouI fell so far, I was so far goneThen I saw You, yeah, I saw YouI"ve climbed so high that I could not breatheThen I saw You thereYou called me close and my heart gave inThen I saw You yeah I saw YouWell, what matters the mostIn the midst of my sin I saw You thereI saw You thereThere"s no way to get far away from YouThere"s no way to get far away from YouThere"s nowhere I could go that You"re not already thereThere"s no way to get far away from YouWhen I ran from YouI ran to You

荷东舞曲I find the way的中英文歌词


I Finally Know 歌词

I Finally Know<~BIBI~我们想念你> 歌手:Boyz II MenI"ve been searchin"For the girl of my dreamsThe one who"ll give all of her love to meYou"ve been there as a friend indeedSomeone that I could dependThrough thick and thinMy strength when I wanted to give inYou"re special to meMade it easy when I felt lonelyIf I only knew then what I know nowMy search would"ve ended long agoI finally know who she isThe girl you"ve been trying to help me findAnd all of this time she"s been right hereShe"s only around me when you are nearAnd you spend your time with her everydaySo you know she"s perfect in every wayI"ve been looking for love, and she"s looking at meIf you look in the mirror, you"ll see what I seeNow I"m in a predicamentAnd I don"t know how to explainTo a friend that"s been a friend for so so longShould I tell you how I feel or leave it alone?Oh oh, it"s amazing how intimidatingI never knew that it was youAnd after all this time, it never crossed my mindThat in a friend, a love I"d findYou"re special to meAnd I hope that we can be much moreMy heart is in your handsSo why don"t we give love a chanceI finally know who she isThe girl you"ve been trying to help me findAnd all of this time she"s been right hereShe"s only around me when you are nearAnd you spend your time with her everydaySo you know she"s perfect in every wayI"ve been looking for love, and she"s looking at meIf you look in the mirror, you"ll see what I seeI"m waiting on a loveA love that stands through anything (anything)And everything (everything)With open arms, I (I"m giving you my all)And every part of me (every part of me)Cuz I know you"re my destiny (know you are my destiny)You"ll see finally (now I see finally)I finally know who she isThe girl you"ve been trying to help me findAnd all of this time she"s been right hereShe"s only around me when you are nearAnd you spend your time with her everydaySo you know she"s perfect in every wayI"ve been looking for love, and she"s looking at meIf you look in the mirror, you"ll see what I seeI finally know who she isThe girl you"ve been trying to help me findAnd all of this time she"s been right hereShe"s only around me when you are nearAnd you spend your time with her everydaySo you know she"s perfect in every wayI"ve been looking for love, and she"s looking at meIf you look in the mirror, you"ll see what I seeI finally knowI finally knowAnd I"m so glad He told me soI thank you Lord for showing me the oneAnd now my search is doneAnd you spend your time with her everydaySo you know she"s perfect in every wayI"ve been looking for love, and she"s looking at meIf you look in the mirror, you"ll see what I see



i am fine中文是什么意思



歌名:《You"Re So Fine》专辑:《Resstless Heart》发行时间:1997-06-05 流派:流行 发行公司:EMI歌词:I want you so badThe thought is driving me madLike a cat on the prowlYou come when you want and not when I callSo sly, so prettyI wanna steal all the keys to your cityTight skirt, skinny legYou make a bad dog sit up and begYou"re everything I wantEverything I needCome in out of the cold, pretty womanSpend the night with meOh, you"re so fineOh, I wanna make your mine all mine"Til the end of time, baby, you"re so fineYou"re so hot with body heatYou cause a fire walking down the streetYou got class, you got styleThe girls don"t like it, but, the boys go wildYou"re everything I wantEverything I needCome in out of the cold, pretty womanSpend the night with meOh, you"re so fineOh, I wanna make your mineDance little sisterSpinning on a dimeShake a shimmy little twisterI"m gonna make youI"m gonna make you mineMine all mine, you"re so fineI want you so badJust the thought is driving me madI wanna know what you"ll doBaby, baby, I can"t wait to get my hands on youYou"re everything I wantEverything I needCome in out of the cold, pretty womanSpend the night with meOh, you"re so fineOh, I wanna make your mineOh, you"re so fineOh, I wanna make your mine all mineYou"re so fine




fragment通过findFragmentByTag获取到的是空值ViewPager中如何获取Fragment  在做项目时,遇到Fragment与Fragment、Fragment与Activity需要相互通信、传递数据以及进行互  操作的问题,查阅了官方文档,也实现了官方的例子,但实际项目是ViewPager+Fragment,按官方的例  子,总是获取不到Fragment的引用,如:  HeadLinesFragment headLinesFrag = (HeadLinesFragment)   getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;  这是因为在ViewPager里Fragment是new出来动态加到ViewPager里的,上需的Id只是Fragment的布  局文件的根Id,不是Fragment 的Id,故获取的Fragment为空  查询相关资料后,终于找到如下解决方案:  一般来讲,我们再使用viewpager的时候,是在代码中动态的添加fragment。此时,我们不能去指定  fragment的id,也不能指定他的tag,如果你一定要去指定tag,运行时会提示,tag已经被指定。那么,在动  态的添加了fragment之后,我们如何能获取到该fragment并修改其中的内容呢。两种方法:  第一种方法实际上是一种hack方法,并没有官方文档说明支持。代码如下:  SomeFragment someFragment = getSupportFragmentManager().FindFragmentByTag(“android:switcher:” + + “:0″);  if (someFragment != null) //可能没有实例化  {  if (someFragment.getView() != null)




final cut pro中的插入和覆盖选项

Final Cut Pro 中的插入和覆盖选项是指剪辑编辑中的两种不同方式。以下是它们的解释:插入(Insert):在时间线上插入一个新的剪辑,同时将其它剪辑向右推,以为新的剪辑留出空间。插入通常用于添加新素材,而不会改变时间线上其它剪辑的位置。覆盖(Overwrite):用一个剪辑覆盖在时间线上已经存在的剪辑上,覆盖掉原有的素材。覆盖通常用于替换或修正时间线上的现有素材。您可以通过使用 Final Cut Pro 中的插入和覆盖编辑工具来进行这两种编辑方式。插入编辑工具包括使用“Q”键或点击编辑工具栏中的“Insert”图标来激活。覆盖编辑工具包括使用“W”键或点击编辑工具栏中的“Overwrite”图标来激活。当您使用这些工具时,它们将根据您在时间线上的位置来确定是插入还是覆盖。

She tried every way that she could find to solve the problem.为什么不能用which

关系分句按先行项(先行词)的语义关系分为限制性和非限制性关系分句。限制性分句和它的先行词所指意义有着不可分割的联系,缺少了它,先行词便不能明确表示其所指对象。先行词指物的话,一般用that引导。它通常出现的搭配有:1.当先行词带有不定冠词a,或定冠词the;2.先行词带有all, any,some, every, no 等不定限定词,如题目中的every way that she could find 因为先行词every way 带有every(不定限定词),所以后面的分句she could find通常是限制性的,要有that.非限制性分句和它的先行词之间只有比较松散的联系,只是对先行词提供一些补充说明,若省略也不影响先行词所指意思(在书写中常用逗号隔开)。它的引导词有 who, whom, whose 和which等wh-词


CNT是平滑度,范围0-100 转角半径控制指令CR CNT后到目标点直线距离控制指令RT_LD(离开)和AP_LD(接近)

在装监控时,出现DVRS System could not find the hardward,怎么处理


matlab function的问题,请大家帮忙看看。 该程序的错误提示是Input argument "x1" is undefined.

程序中function 是与end 连在一起使用,if也是与end,还有for也要与end一起使用,你是不是少了end。

final destination是什么意思


you willfind out

A.As 定语从句 指代整个主句的内容 正如你将发现的那样,我永远不会令你失望

找一首英文歌最后一句是:make you find,some(有可能是so) kind for you

I feel like I just seen the sun for the first timeIt"s me and you babyYou make my life bright cuz you shineAnd singin love songs all out of keyI didn"t smoke nothin but I feel so highAnd I know whyIt"s a love thing it"s got to beYour heart"s all locked and I got the keyIt feels like I just won the lotteryCuz I got my girl and she got meYou my new obsessionAll I want to doYou my new obsession girlI feel on top of the world wit you babyI want to dance and party tonightI feel on top of the world wit my ladyI"m gonna rock your body all nightShe makes me wanna singLa la la la (8x)Oh I can"t get you out my mindEverything you do is feelin rightRemember that way you caught my eyeI remember that way you was walkin byOoh girl watch out nowYou looked at me turned around and smiledGave me eyes my heart went wildHypnotized this love starts nowAnd how do I know you"re realIt really doesn"t matter it"s the way I feelYou make me feel super like the man of steelGot me goin stupid pickin daffodilsYou my new obsessionAll I want to doYou my new obsession girlI feel on top of the world wit you babyI want to dance and party tonightI feel on top of the world wit my ladyI"m gonna rock your body all nightShe makes me wanna singLa la la la (etc )You my new obsession (5x)All I want to doYou my new obsession girlI feel on top of the world wit you babyI want to danceDance (etc )I feel on top of the world wit you babyI want to dance and party tonightI feel on top of the world wit my ladyI"m gonna rock your body all night




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