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问一句英语翻译及时采纳不要机器翻译 Do people feel rewarded when t


The local government _________ him the prize for his bravery. A.rewarded B.awarded C.won

B 试题分析:考察动词词义辨析。reward是报酬,回报,酬劳,就是某人做了一件事就可以拿到相应的报酬。而award是奖励,通常用作奖项等,比如Oscar Award;win赢得比赛,竞赛等;present呈现;句意:当地政府因为他的勇敢而奖励了他这个奖。故B正确。点评:对于动词词义辨析题目,首先可以从句意着手,看懂句意是解答此类题目的关键,其次四个选项的意思也要了如指掌。这对于平时学生的学习仔细度提出了要求,学生在平时的学习中要勤积累,多记忆,多查字典,以便在考试时能够迅速准确的答出。

Good deeds are rewarded with kindness_2000字

Because the ant fell into the river and was in danger, the big bird gave the ant a *** all kindness of wood, in exchange for the big bird to be safe in the difficult place. This is called good deeds and good rewards. There is a boy, in his hunger and cold, no one to help the situation, he desperate to the street to the last home for help. At this time, he fot that he was standing in front of the door to beg. Did not expect the girl said: you wait a moment, she handed the boy towel, let him dry the rain wet hair, and handed him a cup of hot milk. A few years later, the boy became a famous doctor. Once, he was surprised to find that a patient to be operated on was actually the angel, but the medical operation cost was beyond her affordability. The doctor immediately operated in person. After the operation was successful, the girl opened the medical bill and could not help crying. Medical expenses - a cup of hot milk. It never occurred to the girl that a *** all act of kindness many years ago turned out to be the bill to save her life. This can‘t help but remind me of the story about the shipbuilder and the shipowner. A *** all act of kindness of the boatman received gratitude and reward from the shipowner. Of course, good deeds and good rewards are beeen o people. There are also many people who do good deeds but can not get good rewards. Can"t help the old lady, let a person feel cold, why do their good behavior can‘t get return and affirmation, but let people sue in court? The “mind my own business” victims are not grateful to those who are desperate to save themselves, but are indifferent. If everyone does not have a sense of gratitude, who dares to do good things if it goes on like this for a long time? Good deeds and good retribution, first of all, es from the kindness of one side, but also from the gratitude of the other side. Without this gratitude, it is very difficult to have a good reward. The good deeds emphasized here are not material thanks. Those who do good deeds often need a kind of affirmation from the heart. With these affirmations, good deeds will be recycled again, and goodness will begin to pass on. The world will not bee indifferent and cold-blooded. Life is like wine, or strong, or fragrant, because good deeds and good rewards, it bees mellow; life is like a song, or high, or low, because it is good at good retribution, it bees melodious; life is picturesque, or bright, or elegant, because it is good at repaying, it bees beautiful. Being good at repaying is related to the harmonious society and the *** ooth realization of the Chinese dream. Let"s start philanthropy, let‘s leverage the Chinese dream! Let"s start good report, let‘s realize the Chinese dream!

be rewarded with .如何造句?谢谢。

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:. Some believe that, since childhood, we are rewarded with food for being good. 一些人认为,从小我们就以食物作为奖励。

good is rewarded with good

好人有好报. Give cake and ale to perfect soul. 好心未必有好报. The road to hell is paved with good intention. 这种观点认为世上有一套道德体系,善有善报恶有恶报(b乔治F.威尔) the sense that there is a moral economy in the world,that good is rewarded and evil is punished(bGeorge F.Will) 这种观点认为世上有一套道德体系,善有善报恶有恶报(乔治F.威尔) the sense that there is a moral economy in the world,that good is rewarded and evil is punished(George F.Will) 不用谢.善有善报,上次你也帮助过我. That"s all right.One good turn deserves another.Last time you helped me. 善有善报. One good turn deserves another. 善有善报. Do well and have well. 恶有恶报,善有善报. Bad deeds,as well as good,may redound on the doer. 善有善报,恶有恶报. Bad deeds,as well as good,may rebound upon the doer. [谚]发什么声音,有什么回声(善有善报,恶有恶报). As the call,so the echo.

be rewarded with be rewarded for区别

be rewarded with 只能跟sth.作宾语;而 be rewarded for 可以跟sth.或sb.作宾语

be rewarded with be rewarded for区别

be rewarded with 只能跟sth.作宾语;而 be rewarded for 可以跟sth.或sb.作宾语

be rewarded with是什么意思

be rewarded with得到…的奖赏; 例句:1.Use these steps for both days and you will be rewarded with over twenty days of easy family meals. 按照以下步骤进行两天的工作,你就能有二十几天不必为家人的三餐费心了。2.To encourage them to grow these reflective crops, farmers could be rewarded with carbon credits. 我们可以通过“碳奖赏”之类的方式让农民更乐于种植高反射率作物。


be desirable for 意思是是可取的,可行的。例句:1、Though not recommended, this can be desirable for specific situations. 虽然不推荐,但是在一些特定的情况下这是可行的。2、For this reason, it"s desirable for the storage system as a whole to understand where duplication occurs. 由于这一原因,存储系统从整体上理解复制发生在哪里是很可取的。3、That would, in my view, also be very desirable for both China and the world. 在我看来,这对中国乃至世界都是十分可取的。4、To have more leverage in Greece it would be highly desirable for China. 中国要想在希腊取得更大的影响力,比雷埃夫斯港就将是非常重要的。5、It is desirable for more amateur astronomers to build this relatively simple instrument. 它吸引了越来越多的业余天文学家去制作这种相对简单的仪器。desirable 英[du026au02c8zau026au0259ru0259bl] 美[du026au02c8zau026aru0259bu0259l] adj. 可取的; 令人满意的; 值得拥有的; 性感的; n. 称心如意的人[东西]; [例句]Prolonged negotiation was not desirable.拖长了的谈判并不是大家所想要的。




rewarded是奖励;奖赏;给以报酬rewarded在英语中代表‘的过去式和过去分词、奖赏"的意思,其中文解释还有"酬谢"的意思,在线读音是[riu02c8wu0254:did],在英语中以名词出现较多。例句:1.He did, and was well rewarded。他做到了,也获得了赏赐。2.You should be rewarded for that。你该因此获得奖赏。3.Will be rewarded with prizes。会得到奖品。4.Yet, they are rewarded and considered to be respectable。然而他们得到的回报 被认为是可敬的。5.They rewarded his bravery with a gift。他们赏赐他的英勇。6.Baylor rewarded to you these are levy。这些是征贝勒赏赐给你们的。7. Sensibility and obedience are not always rewarded。敏感和服从不总有回报。8. Naturally, your loyalty will be rewarded。当然,各位的忠诚会得到报酬。9. You shall be rewarded in heaven!神会奖励你们的。

provided和provided that有何区别?

从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析provided that 和providing that的区别,详细内容如下。1. 释义区别:- Provided that: 表示假设或条件,意思是“如果”或“只要”。- Providing that: 同样表示假设或条件,也可以理解为“只要”。例句:- Provided that: You can borrow my car provided that you promise to return it by tomorrow.(只要你保证明天归还,你可以借我的车。)- Providing that: I will attend the meeting providing that it doesn"t conflict with my schedule.(只要不与我的日程冲突,我会参加会议。)2. 用法区别:- Provided that: 通常放在主句之前,表示条件或假设。- Providing that: 通常放在主句之后,也表示条件或假设。例句:- Provided that: Provided that you finish your homework, you can go out to play.(只要你完成作业,你可以出去玩。)- Providing that: You can go out to play, providing that you finish your homework.(只要你完成作业,你可以出去玩。)3. 使用环境区别:- Provided that: 更常用于正式或书面语境,例如法律、合同或规定。- Providing that: 更常用于口语或非正式的交流场合。例句:- Provided that: The refund will be issued provided that you provide a valid proof of purchase.(只要您提供有效的购买证明,退款将会发放。)- Providing that: You can come to the party tonight, providing that you bring a gift.(只要你带礼物,你可以参加今晚的派对。)4. 形象区别:- Provided that: 稍显正式、礼貌,传达一种条件与结果的关系。- Providing that: 显得更加口语化,传递一种条件与结果的关系。例句:- Provided that: You may enter the building provided that you show your identification.(只要您出示身份证明,您可以进入大楼。)- Providing that: You can use my laptop, providing that you don"t spill any liquids on it.(只要你不把液体洒在上面,你可以用我的笔记本电脑。)5. 影响范围区别:- Provided that: 偏向于更正式的场合,用于法律、合同或政策等范畴。- Providing that: 偏向于非正式的场合,用于日常口语或书面交流中。例句:- Provided that: You will be eligible for the scholarship provided that you meet the academic requirements.(只要你符合学术要求,你就有资格获得奖学金。)- Providing that: I can help you with your project, providing that you don"t expect immediate results.(只要你不期望立即见效,我可以帮助你完成项目。)


没有lended这种形式。lend [lend] , 是个动词,意思是: 把…借给; 贷(款); 贡献,给予; 适于; 它的过去式:lent;比较相近的词语是:blendedblended ["blendu026ad] v. (使)混合( blend的过去式和过去分词 ); (使) 混杂; (使) 调和; 协调;


强推 way back nevada同作者做的,特好听

bonded by loops and flares是什么意思

bonded by loops and flares通过循环和耀斑保税双语对照例句:1.So who came by and grabbed those keys? 那么是谁经过抓起了这些钥匙?-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

ansys electronics软件中signal ended nets 不小心被叉掉了怎么找

建议你别用汉化版,换英文版吧把layout里graphics toolbar打上勾就行。顺便outline和details是左边栏,别不小心把左边栏也隐藏了哈。





ment mended mend mend过去分词说到底是什么

过去分词 就是动词一个形式,当一个句子表示被动,那么就需要把动词变成过去分词,才能表示被动。如果是变成现在分词(ing)则表示现在进行的动作!


single-minded专一双语对照词典结果:single-minded[英][u02c8su026au014bgu0259lu02c8mau026andu026ad][美][u02c8su026au014bɡu0259lu02c8mau026andu026ad]adj.专一的; 坚定的; 诚心的; 纯真的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.China"s single-minded pursuit of mercantilist objectives produces inflation and overheatingat home. 中国一味追逐重商主义目标,造成了国内的通胀和经济过热。


是的 短袖上面一般有这个标志




broad-mindedadj.愿意听取他人意见的;胸怀宽阔的;有气量的 气量大的;心胸开阔;心胸宽广的例句筛选1.Firstly, we should be broad minded and be tolerant of the differences amongpeople.首先,我们应该是广泛的,宽容的人之间的差异。2.Be a girl vivid and broad-minded.做一个活泼开朗的女孩。


strong-minded英 ["stru0254u014b"maindid, "stru0254:u014b-]美 ["stru0254u014b"mau026andu026ad]adj. 有主见的;意志坚强的[网络短语]strong-minded 意志坚强的,坚强的,固执己见的Alcina Strong-minded 女性英文名字strong-minded firm adamant 褒义词希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢!!


没有short-minded, 有short-winded 或narrow-mindednarrow-mindedadj. 狭隘的;心胸狭窄的;有偏见的short-windedadj. 易喘气的;易气急的;简明扼要的


It is hard for energetic, quick-minded people to waste time, so they are often tempted to finish a job before setting out to keep an appointment.——《新概念英语》虽然quick也可以作副词,但用quickly这种只能做副词的词不是更不容易引发歧义吗?

open minded什么意思

Open Minded思想开明;思想开放的

like-minded 都有什么意思

形容词 志趣相投的;看法相同的 相似意向 观点相同的



i am open minded 中mind为什么要加ed

open-minded 为合成词,意为: 愿意考虑不同意见的,思想开明的

open minded是什么意思



kind-hearted ["kaind"hɑ:tid]基本翻译adj. 仁慈的;好心肠的网络释义kind-hearted:好心的|仁慈的,好心肠的|心地慈祥的Heaven never lets the kind-hearted down:皇天不负好心人open-minded基本翻译adj. 虚心的, 思想开明的网络释义open-minded:虚心的|虚心的,思想开明的|开明的,开放的unchained open-minded:开放的思想没有束缚在open-minded / cheerful:开朗的


Nothing will make me change my mind . 无论什么事都不能使我改变主意。 I didn"t vex my mind with the questions . 我也不去为这些问题多烦神。 His mind is not a mind for affpction . 他的头脑是不受苦恼的影响的。 You don"t mind sleeping in that bed, do you ? 你睡那张床,不在乎吧? My mind drifts to the years of my youth . 我回想起了自己的青年时代。 Never mind , i can manage without . 没关系我没有(那东西)也能凑合。 I had a target in mind for the first year . 第一年我心目中有个指标。 The problem bulks large in his mind . 这个问题在他心目中显得很重要。 I don"t think he"d mind my asking now . 看来他现在不会计较我发问了。 You have taken a great load off my mind . 你给我心里卸去了一副重担。 I have the memory of posting the letters in my mind . 我记着得寄信。 Was yeobright"s mind well-proportioned ? 姚伯的性情能算是中正平易吗? His whole mind was trying out the experiment . 他一心一意准备试验。 Poor old fellow, his mind is faipng . 可怜的老头儿,有点老胡涂了。 The good news has taken a load off my mind ... 这好消息使我如释重负。 Your advice will stick fast in my mind . 你的意见会牢记在我心中的。 A disturbing thought crossed my mind . 我突然想起一件令人心烦的事。 You"ve still got a broke state of mind . 你还是一副灰心丧气的样子。 His mind was destitute of that dread . 他的头脑里不再有那种恐惧感。 Knit the brows and a stratagem es to mind . 眉头一皱,计上心来。 Her mind was inevitably at pberty . 她的头脑必然是不受任何干扰的。 He *** iled and turned the fancy in his mind . 他微微一笑,顿生遐想。 I hope he can read the minds of soldiers . 我希望他能理解兵士的心理。 It never crossed my mind that she might lose . 我从未想到她会失败。 She minded very much that he had not e . 他没有来,她为此十分不悦。 His mind dwelt on what had passed . 刚才发生的事一直在他的脑海中翻腾。 His face was a true picture of his mind . 他的容颜是他内心的真实写照。 I was still balancing the matter in my mind . 我心里正在权衡利害得失。 No such idea had ever crossed my mind . 我心中从来未曾有过这样的想法。 For a moment her presence of mind forsook her . 刹那间她心乱如麻。






国际思维? ^^(精){锐}环东


like-minded[英][lau026ak "mau026andu026ad][美][lau026ak "mau026andu026ad]adj.志趣相投的; 具有相似意向或目的的; 双语例句 1The opportunity to mix with hundreds of like-minded people与许许多多志趣相投的人交流的机会2We continually seek passionate, like-minded people who share our values and provide the kind of creative problem-solving skills that make us a better agency.我们一直在寻找热情洋溢、志同道合的人加入公司,他们认同我们的价值观,具备创造性解决问题的技能,促进公司蒸蒸日上。

外国人说open minded指什么

open minded是思想开明; 思想开放的意思,外国人说这句话是想让你持开放态度。心态阳光,开心快乐过好每一天。


quick-minded 意思:头脑敏捷的。双语例句:1、It is hard for energetic, quick-minded people to waste time. 精力充沛、头脑敏捷的人极不愿意浪费时间。2、It is hard for energetic, quick-minded people to waste time, so they are often tempted to finish a job before setting out to keep an appointment. 精力充沛、头脑敏捷的人极不愿意浪费时间,因此她们常想做完一件事后再去赴约。

eco minded标志是什么意思

这个意思是:“关注环保的” eco- 是英语单词的前缀的一种 在这个词中 表示"生态(的)","环境(的)"; minded表示“有…思想的”,表示一种想法的倾向

能不能帮忙列举一下类似“XX minded”的一些词?

同学你好,我是来自新东方优能学习中心的老师钟雷sober minded 清醒的头脑例如,For a very sober-minded people, death is just another great adventure.对于头脑十分清醒的人来说,死亡不过是另一场伟大的冒险。 strong-minded adj. 意志坚强的open-minded adj. 虚心的, 思想开明的He wished his parents were more open-minded on political issues.他希望父母在政治问题上开通一些。absent-minded a.心不在焉的祝你取得好成绩!




01 minded标识是QQ互动标识的幸运字符,意为“志同道合,一辈子能有多少个知己,一个眼神就心有灵犀。”只要您与好友七天内每发100条消息就可以解锁一个字母,总共五个字母,因此需与好友在七天内互发500条消息即可解锁整个字符。 如果获取freunde标识? 1、打开手机QQ,点击QQ登录至主页面。 2、点击屏幕左上角“头像”图标,在弹出的菜单中点击“设置”选项,然后点击“隐私”选项。 3.在隐私页面中找到“好友互动标识设置”选项,然后进入到该选项中就可以看到下面的互动标识了。 开启展示好友互动标识后,只要您与好友七天内每发100条消息就可以解锁一个字母,总共五个字母,因此需与好友在七天内互发500条消息即可解锁整个字符。

All The Above [Feat. T-Pain] (Amended Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:All The Above [Feat. T-Pain] (Amended Album Version)歌手:maino专辑:All The Above [Feat. T-Pain]Maino - All The Above (Remix) (Feat.T-Pain & Young Jeezy)(Chorus | T-Pain)Tell me what do you seeWhen you looking at me(woooahhhh)On a mission to beWhat I"m destined to be(woooahhhh)I"ve been through the pain and the sorrowThe struggle is nothing but love (nothing but love)I"m a soldier, a rider, a ghetto survivorAnd all the aboveAll the above (x7)(Verse 1 | Maino)ListenReally what do you seeWhen you looking at me?Real niggas love me, they feel meThe streets is proud of meHomie im just like youThis is what that grind doLook at meMy movement is spreading just like the Swine FluAint no use in stopping meBaby im uncontrollableNever back downKeep fighting just like a soldier doYeah, i guess its on againThey gon" expect NewyorkPromise youAint i love youYou gon" walk againPants saggin, Still banginNever let my city downCame from nothingRepping |?|Tell me you don"t feel me nowIm a G, Im a riderIm a son, Im a fatherBlack flags, black pradasYeah im a real survivorThis for my homies whoI lost along the wayEither dead or in jailYou still a part of meStill showin you love all of my thugsHead high, fist in the skyAll the above(Chorus | T-Pain)Tell me what do you seeWhen you looking at me(woooahhhh)On a mission to beWhat I"m destined to be(woooahhhh)I"ve been through the pain and the sorrowThe struggle is nothing but love (nothing but love)I"m a soldier, a rider, a ghetto survivorAnd all the aboveAll the above (x7)(Verse 2 | Young Jeezy)All the above, and everything betweenThese niggas say they"re realWhat does that really mean?And i don"t trust these clownsSo i"m always starinYou know these mild fuckers thick as them chains they"re wearingReal niggas stay aboard, Hoes jump shipReal niggas and they keep hoes ?You niggas actin like sugar might aswell stripNiggas actin like strippers might aswell tipHatin will get ya nowhere, have a safe tripAnd bitch i"m going to the moon, I need a spaceshipHomies in a big house, So i sit at my big houseLet you run your big mouth bout things you know shit aboutI did it for the streets, I did it for the hoodI"ve been getting money before rapLets get it understoodBitch I"ve been living goodThe fuck am i HollywoodAsk west side bluesI"ve been Robin HoodI"ve never been a bitchI"ve never been a snitchI love |?|It always makes me shitSee i aint worried about youIt wont make me shitSee im only in to things that"ll make me richI lost my faith in this fame shitSay to this wake shitBut i"d be damned i"ll lose my face in this fake shitToo deep in the matrixSo much hate i can taste itThese suckers cant take my lifeWhere"s my bracelet(T-Pain)All the above (x7)




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He succeeded at last. He succeed at last. 这两句有什麼差

succeeded是succeed的过去式,两个的意思都是成功你的第一句话翻译出来是:最后他终于成功了。(强调成功这个事情发生在过去)第二句话是病句,应该是:He succeeds at last.最后他终于成功了。(一般式仅仅说他成功了,不强调发生的时间)

protel99se 导入DXF文件时出错 viewport entity with no extended data --invalid

protel99se 不能导入DXP文件,PROTEL只向下兼容。

英语:被某人放鸽子是不是可以说成be standed up by sb

你好。是be stood up (by sb.).I have been stood up again! 我又空等了!



Guided Writing | 一套能“搞定”孩子英语作文的书,照着做就OK啦

假期来了,写作写作提高机会来了!! Guided Writing | 一套能“搞定”孩子英语作文的书,照着做就OK啦和语法朋友一样米黄道林纸 , 这套Guided Writing 是Compass出版社专门为学英语的小学生编写的“引导式写作”练习册,每篇作文分四步走,从词汇句型的积累,到思路、结构的组织,象搭建房屋结构一样,一点点把作文写出来。 Step1 U0001f49a: Warm-up 预热单词和主题 比如描述Feelings(感觉),除了happy, sad,还能用到这些词:angry(生气的), shy(害羞的), scared(害怕的), sleepy(困的) Step 2U0001f49a: Modeled Writing 看范文写作 Step 3U0001f49a: Gathering Ideas 头脑风暴,收集、整理思路 Step 4U0001f49a: Guided Writing 完成写作 U0001f31f1、对标欧盟标准,实现小学阶段的写作进阶 U0001f31f2.各种用途文章怎么写,一步步跟着走!我是彤彤妈妈zmfang2,是童书绘本一手货源代理,立志做一个有温度的童书搬运工,给大家最细心最贴心的推荐!

Blinded By The Sun 歌词

歌曲名:Blinded By The Sun歌手:Gym Class Heroes专辑:Patches From The Quilt - EpGym Class Heroes - Blinded By The SunYou told me it"s the truthBut I"m still afraidI"m not the oneThat would jump the gunIf I had proofI"d take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunOne lie, two liesI shoulda said shoe fliesShame on meI usually see through liesSaid you loved me, yeah rightI thought we were air tightYou were playing foulIt was far from a fair fightI hung onto your every wordSweetest shit I ever heardI even made you pinky swearJust so I was reassuredThe rumors started gettin backThat so and so was hittin" thatSilly me for being suchA "natic for that kitty catYou told me it"s the truthBut I"m still afraidI"m not the oneThat would jump the gunIf I had proofI"d take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunYou said you were in loveBut the games you playedI hope that you"re having funYou see I need youTo take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunThree lies, four liesYou shoulda been a tour guideThe way you lead me onKnowing I was one of four guysSaid you loved me, okayWhere were you the other day?Your car was parked at 38thBut you wereAt your mothers place?Your mother lives on BroadwayI followed you all dayI called but you ignored itWhen you kissed himIn the hallwayCall me crazy, call me oddCall me what you want toBut Karma is a bitchI pray to GodShe always haunts youYou told me it"s the truthBut I"m still afraidI"m not the oneThat would jump the gunIf I had proofI"d take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunYou said you were in loveBut the games you playedI hope that you"re having funYou see I need youTo take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunI wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I canI wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I canI wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I canI wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I canYou told me it"s the truthBut I"m still afraidI"m not the oneThat would jump the gunIf I had proofI"d take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunYou said you were in loveBut the games you playedI hope that you"re having funYou see I need youTo take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunYou told me it"s the truthBut I"m still afraidI"m not the oneThat would jump the gunIf I had proofI"d take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sunYou said you were in loveBut the games you playedI hope that you"re having funYou see I need youTo take off my shadesAnd be blinded by the sun

wide swimming pools are usually divided into什么?


plus / minus / multipled by / devided by 这些词,表示 加减乘数 的时候 都是介词吗 ?

plus minus 可以理解为介词后两个是动词的过去分词形式,表示被动。(被.。。怎么样了。。。)

profit, loss, added value分别是什么意思?


The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of a fully-loaded truck, ___ to the truck.


outiook邮箱出现“Mailbox size limit exceeded”邮箱已满


Quota exceeded mailbox for user is full是什么意思


must be converted to outlines or saved with embedded fonts什么意思


虚拟机bt5 not upgraded怎么解决

Parallels Desktop是一款运行在 Mac 电脑上的极为优秀的虚拟机软件。用户可以在 Mac OS X 下非常方便运行 Windows、Linux 等操作系统及应用。用户不必繁琐重复地重启电脑即可在 Win 与 Mac 之间切换甚至同时使用它们。 链接

Medical facilities are being upgraded.







考纲释义vt.提高; 使升级; 改善真题例句:The current international tax system needs upgrading.当前的国际税收制度需要升级。Highlight the necessity of upgrading major U. S. airports.强调升级美国主要机场的必要性。Have to be upgraded when new technologies come.当新技术出现时,必须升级。

linux 下安装rpm文件包时,提示perl(***::****::***) is needed by *****

这个是RPM包的依赖关系………………这个hypertable-依赖了perl的一个包,一般按照提示来就可以依赖 perl(Thrift::Socket)你这个貌似是就安装perl-Thrift (后面的你按Tab自动出来) 这个包解决这样的问题我一般都是采取 rpm -ivh hypertable- perl-Thrift(Tab吧)满意否??

Date madeDate = sdf.parse(madeTime);



touchdown是个名词。特指飞机的着陆点。a landing (as the wheels touch the landing field); especially of airplanes以上来源于: WordNet柯林斯英汉双解大辞典touchdown /u02c8tu028ctu0283u02ccdau028an/ 1.有变体名词 Touchdown is the landing of an aircraft or spacecraft. 降落例:The astronauts are preparing for touchdown tomorrow morning.宇航员正准备明晨的降落。2.可数名词 In American football and rugby, a touchdown is when a team scores points by taking the ball over the opposition"s goal line. (橄榄球)触地得分land是动词。


我想你对于ed 这个后缀用法及意义不太明白,,surround,包围,surrounded,被包围


不完全一样,首先,前者是动词ed形式,作为形容词意思是“被包围/围绕的”,主要指空间上的概念;后者可作介词、副词,基本意义是空间上“环绕”或时间上围绕(大致接近某个时间),作为形容词surrouning更常用“周围的”* area周围地区,ed分词通常是作为被动式surrounded by mountains周围群山环绕go around the village,环着村庄走,aound 2012,二零一二年左右,有一个比较特殊的是around the corner,基本意义是绕过(街角),但可以引申为马上就要到了,如spring is around the corner春天要来了

句子中surround和being surrounded区别?

这里要注意两个用法的区分。being done强调动作(过程)。done 强调状态(结果)。看到小偷被包围/被抓的整个过程,用being done.只是交代看到这个结果,小偷被抓,被围起来这个结果,就用done.

The town is surrounded by trees中的Surround为什么要加ed?


provided that,providing that有区别吗?可以相互替代吗


anyway, that evening ,___i will tell you about latter, i ended up staying at this place.

i will tell you about latter这个不缺成分,不能用what,个人认为这个whichi will tell you about latter是个非限制性定语从句。

Melanie got so upset by what Max had said to her that something inside her exploded.翻译

melanie got so upset by what max had said to her that something inside her expl_有道翻译翻译结果:梅兰妮有那么伤心,马克斯曾对她说,在她的expl的东西inside_有道词典inside英 [ɪn"saɪd]美 ["ɪn"saɪd]prep. 少于;在…之内n. 里面;内部;内情;内脏adj. 里面的;内部的;秘密的adv. 在里面更多释义>>[网络短语]Inside 在里面,里边,内线

Melanie got so upset by what Max had said to her that something inside her exploded, and she fle


Not only ________ polluted but ________ crowded.

答案C解析:当not only... but (also) 连接两个分句时,若将not only置于句首,前一个句子采用部分倒装语序,but (also) 之后的句子,用正常语序。故选C。句意为:这座城市不仅受到了污染而且大街还很拥挤。

英文合同中 “fraction pro rata” means, in any calculation shall be rounded up to the ...该怎么翻译


this place holds many doors shrouded from mortal eyes怎么理解


求教医疗保险术语(英语):Copayments,Medical Deductible,Out-of-Pocket Maximum,$0 after deductible

1 投保人与承保人对医疗费的)共同支付,(指费用超过扣除款项时由病人支付给保险公司的)共付医疗费2可扣除医疗3自付最高金额4医生和专家的办公室访问:扣除后 0美元
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