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帮忙翻译下这首歌歌词《Ne-Yo - Over My Head》


大家帮我翻译一下这首歌词《accidently kelly street》

here"s a door and here"s a window here"s the ceiling here"s the floor the room is lit like a black and white movie the t.v."s on, that"s what it"s for and if you walk real slowly you can feel the planet breathe there"s no need to feel so lowly now that we"ve all learned to give accidently kelly street where friends and strangers sometimes meet accidently kelly street i never thought life could be so sweet in the garden birds are singing the sun is shining on the path the wind is talking to the flowers the dogs and cats all take a bath and if you stop that talking you can hear the traffic sigh throw away those keys start walking, watch those tiny things go by accidently kelly street where friends and strangers sometimes meet accidently kelly street i never thought life could be so sweet it"s sunday everyday and there"s no need to rush around inside of everybody there"s sun and laughter to be found it seems that we"re on holidays and sleeping in is not a sin all the housework"s done by teatime i"m feeling good about the way i"ve been perhaps this optimism will crash on down like a house of cards i know that my decision to change my life was not that hard .这是一门和这里的一扇窗户这儿的天花板这里的楼房间点燃了像黑白电影电视上,就是这样,如果你真正的行星,你可以感觉到慢慢呼吸也没必要觉得很低,现在我们都学会了给予意外的凯莉大街,朋友和陌生人有时会遇到意外的凯莉街,我从来没想过生活可以这样甜蜜的园子里的鸟儿在歌唱阳光灿烂的路径上的风和鲜花的猫和狗都洗个澡,如果你停止谈话使你能听到交通叹息扔掉那些键开始走路,看那些微小的事情经过意外的凯利大街,朋友和陌生人有时会遇到意外的凯莉街,我从来没想过生活可以这样甜蜜的今天是星期天,每天没有必要去冲的内心都有太阳和欢笑,发现我们似乎正在度假,睡在不是罪了所有的家务活做的事儿我感觉不错的方式,我一直在这也许乐观会崩溃在像房子的卡片,我知道我的决定改变我的生活就不是那么难了.


Mark Twain in a Barber"s Shop 马克吐温在理发店In the course of one of his lecture trips,Mark Twain arrived at a small town.Before dinner he want to a barber"s shop to be shaved. 在他演讲途中,马克吐温到了一个小镇.他想要在晚饭前去一个理发店剃头(胡子)"Are you a stanger?"ask the barber. 你从外地来么?理发师问""Yes,"Mark Twain answered,"This is the first time I"ve been here." 是的,马克吐温回答.这是我第一次来这"You chose a good time to come,"the barber continued,"Mark Twain is going to read a lecture tonight.You"ll go,I suppose."你来这里可挑了个好时间,理发师继续说.马克吐温今晚将有一个讲座.我猜想你要离开了. "Oh,I think so." 哦.我也这样看"Have you bought a ticket?"你买票了么 "Not yet."还没 "But the tichet is soud out.You"ll have to stand."但是票已经卖完了.你得站着听了 "How very annoying!"Mark Twain said with a sigh."I never saw such luck.I always have to stand when that fellow lectures.多讨厌啊!马克吐温叹气说,我从来没有这样的运气,我总是得在那家伙演讲的时候站着




After getting home, Jane cooked dinner with a microwave oven, and inadvertently cooked her fiancé"s wallet at the same time.




菜单】 File ——文件菜单 Cartidge menu (Files.lst):打开ROM文件列表 Cartidge menu (FilesName):打开一个ROM文件(一般我们选择游戏都用这个) Reset Cartridge:重置模拟器/重置游戏(也可以说叫“复位游戏”) Load snapshot:读取即时存档 Write snapshot:保存即时存档 Load e-Reader Dotcode:读取e-Reader Dotcode Quit:退出 Utility ——工具菜单 Upload to GBA or NDS:传送文件到GBA或NDS Remote Access…:远程访问 Cheats:金手指 Errors:错误(模拟器对ROM的错误信息统计) Screenshot:截图(截取的图放在了剪贴板中) Options ——设置菜单 Emulation Setup:模拟器设置 Controls Setup:控制器设置 Save Options:保存设置 Help ——帮助菜单 Help Contents:帮助内容 Links:网站链接 About:关于NO$GBA Emulation Speed,LCD Refresh:运行速度与跳桢(刷新率) Realtime,Auto:正常速度,自动跳桢 Realtime*1.5,Auto:加快1.5倍速度,自动跳桢 Realtime*2,Auto:加快2倍速度,自动跳桢 Realtime/2,Auto:放慢1/2倍速度, 自动跳桢(指放慢两倍的速度) Realtime/10,Auto:放慢1/10倍速度自动跳桢(指放慢10倍的速度) Unlimited MHz Disaster,100%:CPU最大能力运行,100%跳桢(100%指不进行跳桢) Unlimited MHz Disaster,50%:CPU最大能力运行,50%跳桢(50%指跳过一半的桢) Unlimited MHz Disaster,10%:CPU最大能力运行,10%跳桢(10%指跳过90%的桢) Reset/Startup Entrypoint:重置/运行游戏显示Nintendo Logo GBA BIOS(Nintendo Logo):使用GBA BIOS运行Nintendo Logo Start Cartridge directly:直接运行游戏 Video Output:视频输出 8bit Monochrone:8位色彩 15bit Color:15位彩色 24bit True Color:24位彩色 3D Renderer:3D显示 nocash:注重速度 opengl:注重画面 none:关闭 GBA Mode:亮度调节 GBA[no backlight]:GBA无背光 GBA SP[backlight]:GBA SP有背光 Nintendo DS[in GBA mode]:NDS玩GBA游戏 VGA[poppy bright]:特亮 Solar Sensor Level:太阳感光 Darkness:暗黒 100 Watts:100瓦特的亮光 Bright Sunlight:明亮的日光 Sound Output Mode:声音输出 None{fastest}:无(最快) Digital Mono{fast}:单声道(快) Digtal Stereo:立体声 Soud Desired Sample Rate:声音采样(音质) Low(10kHz){fast}:电话质量(快) Medium(22kHz):收音机质量 High(44kHz){best}:CD质量(最好) 参考资料: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=304113915




Do not want you to use translation software to deceive me. Love you wander in the sea, I also had sad because I believe that makes two hearts closer to the distance when I am on your bosom all topics are redundant view are you gave me the beautiful bright stars YueYing remote days to sleep in your ear, I smiled gently singing you love two stars in a sea of holding hands all understand away love you gently into the central sea is sweet, I accidentally I couldn"t escape the oh ~ ~ when I opened in your bosom all topics are redundant view are you gave me the beautiful bright stars YueYing remote days to sleep in your ear, I smiled gently singing you love two stars in a sea of holding hands all understand away love you gently into the central sea is sweet, I accidentally I couldn"t escape open oh ~ ~ began to don"t understand love to understand people in love like a spoiled child to every day full of expectation that is love


Translated into EnglishReward points: 15-14 days from the problem with 21 hoursAt the beginning of the year with the truth to the truth, read patiently well at the beginning of the year with the truth to the truth, read patientlyIn the past year, though not satisfactory, regardless of the scourgeOr disastersSooner or later, happiness will someday KuangDang will hit youI accidentally school, is not only studying so hardLike a girl, always hung 8 dareDay and night the brain is her dream, even her small appearanceAfter years of N to her, I fell in loveIntermittent also went to sea romantic a... I spent some money) :In love, she saidI feel she is the best womanFinally, we finally get married, and vowed to sharing with the troubleMarriage, didn"t start the wife ask for so muchBut also don"t give me a hidden, really upsetAnd I exercise every day forcedForce of corruption in the stomach morishita accidentally dewlapWhen she does not reduce weight does not fallComfort her, cheated her: you are the most slender woman in the worldFacing the huge pressure of life, good depressed, I good humbledFind a dongdong himself this slice, why I wanted to marry. dizzyFind a place for long N N depressedFinally still choose to run away from homeWood is thought, if unlucky dogs see accidentallyA wine, drink, anyway, I what all wood has to silverWood is rich, camping joints. I was a little girl match. Her brotherAre the most sad, I found she accidentallyBack home, she give me warm wash white... Accidentally of Nebuchadnezzar hurtsAnd give me a massage, very comfortableNow I find her actually has many advantagesTime flies, and after a time, accidentally and accidentally LP has little BabyThis when I found that parents are very collapseAlthough he niang no more than I had to Baby how easilyThough very tired, but see baby cuteNow I can eat can sleep baby home can pullMy dog in the district flourishing sogou ran the firstLife is sweet, sometimes treasure house go to the west lake tourist. BullockWish friends in New Year also like me happinessMay 2005, all with "love" as dear. Trousers cha

英语翻译:机械加工类 高手帮忙。。。。万分感谢


碰巧的的英语翻译 碰巧的用英语怎么说

happen to





谁能翻译一下怪物史瑞克《Accidentally In Love》

Accidentally in Love 意外相爱 So she said what"s the problem baby 她问我发生了什么事,What"s the problem I don"t know 我也不知道是怎么了。 Well maybe I"m in love (love) 也许我坠入了情网。 Think about it every time 无时无刻不在想着这件事, I think about it 想着这件事, Can"t 1)stop thinking "bout it 无法停止。 How much longer will it take to cure this 要多久才能恢复? Just to 2)cure it cause I can"t ignore it 要多久才能恢复? If it"s love (love) 我就不能错过。 Makes me wanna turn around and face me 我想转身面对, But 3)I don"t know nothing "bout love 但我对爱情却一无所知。 Come on, come on 来吧,来吧, Turn a little faster 转的快一点。 Come on, come on 来吧,来吧, The world will follow after 全世界都会跟着你转。 Come on, come on 来吧,来吧, Because everybody"s 4)after love 因为每个人都在追寻爱情。 So I said I"m a snowball running 我说我就像一个雪球, Running down into the spring 闯入了爱情的春天。 That"s coming all this love Melting under blue skies 在蓝天下幸福地融化, 5)Belting out sunlight 还为阳光大声歌唱, Shimmering love 爱闪闪发光。 Well baby I 6)surrender 宝贝,我投降了, To the strawberry ice cream 草莓冰淇淋是那样可口, Never ever end of all this love 就像爱永远不会停。 Well I didn"t mean to do it 我不想这样, But there"s no 7)escaping your love 可是就是逃不开对你的爱。 These lines of lightning 电光火石般的对白, Mean we"re never alone 说明我们再也不会孤单。 Never alone, no, no 再也不会孤单。 Come on, come on 来吧,来吧, Move a little closer 再靠近一点。 Come on, come on 来吧,来吧,I want to hear you whisper 我想听你的悄悄话。 Come on, come on 来吧,来吧,8)Settle down inside my love 在我的爱里安身。 Come on, come on 来吧,来吧,Jump a little higher 再跳高一点。 Come on, come on 来吧,来吧,If you feel a little lighter 如果你感觉更轻快。 Come on, come on 来吧,来吧,We were 9)once upon a time in love 我们曾经相爱。 We"re accidentally in love 我们意外地相爱了。 Accidentally in love 意外地相爱了。 ... ... Come on, come on 来吧,来吧,Spin a little tighter 再用点力旋转。 Come on, come on 来吧,来吧,And the world"s a little brighter 世界会更加明亮。 Come on, come on 来吧,来吧,Just get yourself inside her 让你自己完全属于她。 一句句翻译的,楼主看着给分吧

那首歌曲好听吗? 准确的翻译

1. Does that song sound good? Do you think that song sounds good?2. I think this song is better/worse than others3. The rhythm of this song is more active than other three songs4.Do you think it is a good painting?5. this picture is more beautiful than the other two6. This picture is worse than others


你好!Soud [词典] [人名] 苏德; [例句]This may soud simple, but it is very important.这个词听起来简单,却非常重要。




1 Introduction 1 1.1 The significance of the topic 1 1.2 and Overseas Study 1 1.2.1 The meaning and essence 2 Incentive 2 1.2.2 The role of incentives 1.2.3 the development of modern incentive theory 3 1.2.4 Evolution of Incentives 5 1.2.5 New trends in motivation theory 6 1.3 Methods 8 1.4 Thesis Structure 8 2 Enterprise Management Incentive Overview 9 2.1 Enterprise Management Incentive concepts 9 2.2 Enterprise Management Incentive factor 9 2.2.1 The main motivation 9 9 2.2.2 The object of incentives 2.2.3 Motivation Goal 10 Stimulating environment 2.2.4 10 2.2.5 Incentive tools 10 2.3 The establishment of the enterprise management incentives need 10 3 Enterprise Incentive Management in the basic principles of design 12 3.1 The starting point of the incentive mechanism is to meet the individual needs of employees 12 3.2 The establishment of long-term incentive target is the behavior of an organization goals and objectives more in line with the behavior of employees 12 3.3 The incentive mechanism is the core of the enterprise to establish a scientific and reasonable pay system 12 3.4 establish an incentive mechanism to follow the principles of efficiency and equity 12 4 improve enterprise management incentives related measures 13 4.1 specific needs of different employees, incentives to develop 13 different 4.2 The core of the economic interests, the establishment of 14 science fair pay system 4.3 The creation of the scientific staff of 15 evaluation system 4.4 by means of competition, the activation mechanism of enterprises employing 15 4.5 for career design in order to retain talent and attract talent 16 4.6 The material and spiritual balance, the implementation of a comprehensive incentive 17 Conclusion 18 19 Thanks References 20 Questions added: I appreciate your help, I Pa Kingsoft translation and your translated the same, but the teacher said a lot of words very professional, I need to modify the next. I do not know how to change! Do not know anyone who is not expert to help out!


I accidebtally found a picture several years ago when I was looking for a book.

郁闷 又要帮忙翻译了....

有什么比钱更好的动力来激励人们减肥呢?Gianluca Buonanno,Varallo市(意大利北部拥有7500人口)的市长,想出了一个可行的办法。市府提供金钱奖励那些曾经超重但是苗条下来的市民,并且如果他们可以能保持住这个体重的话还可以得到进一步的奖励。“我们想鼓励大众减肥,金钱奖励和加入减肥小组都可以可以起到激励的作”Buonanno 在电话采访中说到市府的这项最新的计划是由政府官员和企业顾主提供赞助的,旨在鼓励大众锻炼身体和减肥,今年初夏,Baltimore公司赞助了一个减肥比赛来鼓励员工减肥。所有参加这个活动的人,如果可以达到他们理想的体重的话都可以拿到67块钱的奖励,如果能保持5个月将再拿到268块钱,如果能保持一年可以再拿到670块。目前已有30位城镇居民报名参赛。如果你有健康问题的话,那你会感到不适,不能去上班,整天萎靡不振,他说,我们只是想有一个更健康舒适的社会环境。如果你想参加,必须提供一份你体重超标的医生证明。你可以选择求助营养学家或者是私人顾问,他们会帮助你确定你的理想体重是多少。市长说市府已经为这项计划拨出大约13000的的资金,并正在寻找赞助商来扩大活动的规模


开始使用宽带薪酬制度在考虑转为雇员为基础的薪酬制度之前,雇主应再看看传统的基于工作的薪酬制度.旧的和新的筹薪制度的结合可能正是雇主们所需要的. 应该按员工支付还是按工作支付呢? 辩论非常激烈.当新一代的人力资源( HR )的经理人在推举雇员为基础的薪酬制度和批判过去老套的基于工作的系统时, 这些传统系统所基于的最根本的优势都被忽略了。 今天所面临的挑战,不是雇员为基础的薪酬制度可以解决的,更有效地确定工作内容并采用业绩计薪的程序才可以解决。 雇员为基础的薪酬运动 为了应对低管理层次的美国企业所造成的低晋升机会,人力资源专业人士找到了晋升以外的一种奖励员工的机制. 两个新理念是宽带薪酬制度同时涉及到雇员为基础的薪酬和技能为基础的薪酬制度。 这些程序允许雇员采取新的或额外的活动,以增加他们的收入.基于技能的薪酬奖励是可以使员工得到额外的与工作有关的技能,从而使员工有能力执行更多的活动。 不光在制作业中生产性质的工作中热门,这种类型的薪酬系统已经蔓延到其他产业的雇员群体-尤其是那些正在经历巨大的组织变革的公司中。 在除了给员工额外所得的机会,这个系统还可以给公司与工作人员更大的灵活性。 "宽带薪酬可以简单地形容为“肥的工资范围” 。 因为薪酬范围是如此宽,宽到组织几乎不需要他们。 最常被讨论的计划-在北方通信-薪酬等级从54等级减少到1 3等级。 薪金级别的一般范围在宽度从60 %到95 %,使雇员为基础的薪酬可以比原有的传统体制下有进一步提升. 基薪的决定较少受工作价值的影响,更多受雇员的贡献的影响以雇员为基础的薪酬运动强有力地证明了,许多公司都认为在长久的没有晋升机会的时候,雇员会对他们的工作失去兴趣。 雇员为基础的薪酬制度提供了一个对付这种情况的方法,但新员工的重要性可能会颠覆的传统薪酬制度的基本原理。


The clerk of the company is about two thousand

求 accidental babies 歌词的中文翻译


damien rice accidental babies歌词的中文翻译

accidental babies Well I held you like a lover Happy hands and your elbow in the appropriate place 恩。我就这样握着你,把你当做爱人。快乐的手势,你的手臂摆着幸福的姿势。 And we ignored our others, happy plans For that delicate look upon your face 我们忽视其它的一切,只留幸福计划。瞬间你的脸,闪现脆弱深情。 Our bodies moved and hardened Hurting parts of your garden With no room for a pardon In a place where no one knows what we have done 我们的身体沸腾过,却渐渐僵硬。 你的隐秘花园,疼痛的那部分。没给宽容留一个角落 是一个没有任何人知道我们曾经做过什么的地带。 Do you come Together ever with him? 你和他一起会高潮么? And is he dark enough? Enough to see your light? 他能开启你(身体和灵魂)的光么,能映照出来你的美好么 And do you brush your teeth before you kiss? Do you miss my smell? 你和他接吻之前也认真仔细刷过牙么? 做的时候,有没有想念我的味道呢? And is he bold enough to take you on? Do you feel like you belong? And does he drive you wild? Or just mildly free? What about me? 他够不够大,能让你亢奋? 做的时候,你有没有归属感?有没有觉得自己拥有了什么? 他能让你变得狂放不羁么? 还是仅仅是你的一个小小的释放? 那我呢???? Well you held me like a lover Sweaty hands And my foot in the appropriate place 随便吧,你也假装把我当成爱人。 出汗的双手 我的脚也放到了那个地方。 And we use cushions to cover Happy glands In the mild issue of our disgrace 我们用垫子套盖过了跑马腺体? 我们耻辱的感情中温和的一记。 (happy glands,意为跑马腺体。 跑马=遗精 跑马=自慰 跑马腺体就是指OOXX的器官。) Our minds pressed and guarded While our flesh disregarded The lack of space for the light-hearted In the boom that beats our drum 我们的内心压抑,却自我防卫, 虽然我们仿佛对肉欲给予毫不在乎。 我们心中隆隆的紧张声中,无忧无虑没有一席之地。 Well I know I make you cry And I know sometimes you wanna die But do you really feel alive without me? If so, be free If not, leave him for me Before one of us has accidental babies For we are in love 恩,我知道我让你伤心了。 我也知道有时候你恨不得想了结生命。 但是,你没有我的时候,真的能感受到鲜活的生命么? 如果能,那你走好了。 如果不能,就为了我,离开他吧。 在我们谁谁谁之间,不小心有了小BABY,之前。一切还来得及。 因为我们深爱。

NO of employees supervised 怎么翻译?


英语作文《an accidental invention》的翻译

I will invent a time machine in the as it "s been my dream in my life.Time machine allows people to travel back in time to prevent disaster to happen.It also allows people to tavel into dinstant futur...

高分悬赏: 英语翻译

To my delight,the coach is to add me to the field. He required me to control the football as much as I could by my sound skills and help the whole team control the midfield. Before entering the field, I warned myself "Once enter the field, I should struggle for each opportunity,just like a soldier". When the chief umpire"s whistle went for changge, I runned into the field with excitement, as a forward. To my great surprise,not long after my entering the field, I robbed the ball from the opponent successfully by my active runnin and fierce stealing in midfield. Then I kicked the ball to my teammate on the right wing. Under the circumstance of three attacks and two defenses in frontcourt, I picked up teammate"s center pass from down the sideline lightly and made pincers movement to kick a goal, which brought the scores to 2:0. Seeing the ball rolling into the gate, I heard the the crowd cheering the winning kick outside the field. I felt like standing under flash bulbs. Out of exultation and excitement, I ran to the coach and gave him a hug. My teammates came to congratulate the goal one bye one. I have finished the assignment in all my time and struggled like a soldier till the last minute. At last we defeated the oppoent at the score of 2 to 0, and accessed to the final match groupes of the Mayor Cup Football Match.

an accidental intervention翻译

为你的组织提出的干预 Define Intervention :[.intə(:)"venʃən] n.插入,介入,调停 是干预啊.

人教版九上英语《An Accidental Invention》的翻译

一项偶然的发明:an accidental invention 1、你知道茶,作为世界上最受欢迎的饮料(仅次于水),是一项偶然的发明吗?did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world(after water), was invented by accident?2、许多人都认为大约在5000年以前就开始了饮茶。Many people believe that tea was first drunk about  5,ooo years ago. 3、据说一位叫做神农的中国统治者最早发现了茶可以饮用。it is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink.4、一天,神农在户外的炉火上烧水。 one day shen nong was boiling drinking water over an open fire.5、茶树上有几片叶子掉入水里,过了一会。some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and remained there for some time.6、散发出怡人的香味,于是神农品尝了这褐色的水it produced a nice smell so he tasted the brown water.7、它非常香醇。it was quite delicious8、就这样,世界上最受欢迎的饮料之一被发明了。and so, one of the world"s favorite drinks was invented. 9、数千年后,“茶圣“陆羽在他的茶经一书中提到了神农。a few thousand years later, Lu Yu , the “saint of tea” mentioned Shen nong in his book Cha jing.10、该书描述了如何种植茶树和泡茶。the book describes how tea plants were grown and used to make tea.11、它还讨论了什么地方出产最好的茶叶,而且应该使用什么样的水来泡茶。it also discusses where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used. 12、人们认为茶是在公元6至7世纪传播到了朝鲜和日本。it is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries.13、在英国,大约知道1660年茶才出现in England, tea didn"t appear until around 1660.14、但不到100年的时间里,茶已成为国饮。but in less than 100 years, it had become the national drink.15、从中国到西方国家的茶叶贸易始于19世纪。the tea trade from china to western countries took place in the 19th century.16、这使得茶树和茶叶传播到世界上更多的地方,使之深受欢迎。this helped to spread the popularity of tea and the tea plant to more places around the world.扩展资料:invention的动词形式:invent   invent   英[ɪnˈvent]    美[ɪnˈvɛnt]    vt.    虚构; 发明,创造;    [例句]He invented the first electric clock他发明了第一个电动机械钟。[其他]    第三人称单数:invents 现在分词:inventing 过去式:invented过去分词:invented


你需要查到权威译文出处(例如这个机构的官网),看是否有the。这类词如果本身名称中含the则加,例如The Times泰晤士报,否则一般不加。

an accidental invention翻译

an accidental invention翻译是偶然的发明。英语常用的翻译方法有增译法、减译法、英译汉时词类转换的核心、定语位置的调整、状语位置的调整、拆句法及合并法。 扩展资料 1.增译法:根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。2.减译法:原文中有些词在译文中不译出来,因为译文中虽无其词而已有其意, 或者在译文中是不言而喻的.;减译法是删去一些可有可无的, 或者有了反而累赘或违背译文习惯表达法的词, 并不是把原文的某些思想内容删去。3.英译汉时词类转换的核心:根据需要将具有动作性的名词转换为汉语的动词,或者将可表示概念的动词转换为汉语名词。汉译英时则反其道而行之。


employee 就是雇员 / 员工的意思


礼记选译:昔者仲尼与于蜡宾 【原文】 昔者仲尼与于蜡宾②,事毕,出游于观之上③,喟然而叹④。仲尼之叹,盖叹鲁也。言偃在侧曰:“君子何叹?”孔子曰:“大道之行也(5),与三代之英(6),丘未之逮也”,而有志焉。 “大道之行也,大下为公。选贤与能,讲信修睦。故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜寡孤 独废疾者皆有所养(8)。男有分,女有归(10)。货恶其弃于地也,不必藏于己;力恶其不出于身也,不必为己。是故谋闭而不兴(11),盗窃乱贼而不作,故外户而不闭(12)。是谓大同。 .............. 【译文】 从前,孔于曾加过鲁国的蜡祭。祭记结束后,他出来在宗庙门外的楼台上游览,不觉感慨长叹。孔子的感叹,大概是感叹鲁国的现状。言偃在他身边问道“老帅为什么叹息?”孔子回答说:‘大道实行的时代,以及夏、商、周三代英明君王当政的时代,我孔丘都设有赶上,我对它们心向往之。 “大道实行的时代,天下为天下人所共有。选举有德行的人和有才能的人来治理天下,人们之间讲究信用,和睦相处。所以人们不只把自己的亲人当亲人,不只把自己的儿女当作儿女这样使老年人能够安享天年,使社年人有贡献才力的地方,使年幼的人能得到良好的教育,使年老无偶、年幼无父、年老无子和残废的人都能得到供养。男子各尽自己的职分,女子各有自己的夫家。人们不愿让财物委弃于无用之地,但不一定要收藏在自己家里。人们担心有力使不上,但不一定是为了自己。因此,阴谋诡计被抑制而无法实现,劫夺偷盗杀人越货的坏事不会出现,所以连住宅外的大门也可以不关。这样的社会就叫做大同世界。






By chances(in a chance):通常使用在不太容易或可能的情形下的偶然,比如两个天南地北的人,居然在很偶然的情形下认识了。luckily(by luck):使用在某种已知困难程度下的偶然,比如一个身体不好的女人偶然的成功怀孕了。Coincidently(in a coincident):使用在几率概率比较小情况下的偶然,比如玩游戏套竹圈圈,套上奖品的极微小、不经心的偶然供你参考


总部在巴尔的摩的。。。a Baltimore-based company总部在巴尔的摩的公司


《礼记·礼运》:大道之行也,天下为公。选贤与能,讲信修睦,故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜寡孤独废疾者,皆有所养。男有分,女有归。货恶其弃于地也,不必藏于己;力恶其不出于身也,不必为己。是故谋闭而不兴,盗窃乱贼而不作,故外户而不闭,是谓大同。    在大道施行的时候,天下是人们所共有的,把有贤德、有才能的人选出来(给大家办事),(人人)讲求诚信,崇尚和睦。因此人们不单奉养自己的父母,不单抚育自己的子女,要使老年人能终其天年,中年人能为社会效力,幼童能顺利地成长,使老而无妻的人、老而无夫的人、幼年丧父的孩子、老而无子的人、残疾人都能得到供养。男子要有职业,女子要及时婚配。(人们)憎恶财货被抛弃在地上的现象(而要去收贮它),却不是为了独自享用;(也)憎恶那种在共同劳动中不肯尽力的行为,总要不为私利而劳动。这样一来,就不会有人搞阴谋,不会有人盗窃财物和兴兵作乱,(家家户户)都不用关大门了,这就叫做“大同”社会   仅做参考参考资料:http://www.tianyablog.com/blogger/post_show.asp?BlogID=89718&PostID=935178&idWriter=0&Key=0










原文:大道之行也,天下为公,选贤与(jǔ)能,讲信修睦。故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜(guān)、寡、孤、独、废疾者皆有所养,男有分,女有归。货恶其弃于地也,不必藏于己;力恶其不出于身也,不必为己。是故谋闭而不兴,盗窃乱贼而不作,故外户而不闭,是谓大同。 翻译:在大道施行的时候,天下是人们所共有的,把品德高尚的人、能干的人选拔出来,(人人)讲求诚信,培养和睦。因此人们不仅仅以自己的亲人为亲人所赡养,不仅仅抚育自己的子女,使老年人能安享晚年,使壮年人能为社会效力,使孩子健康成长,使老而无妻的人、老而无夫的人、幼而无父的人、老而无子的人、残疾人都有人供养。男子有职务,女子有归宿。对于财货,人们憎恶把它扔在地上的现象,却不一定要自己私藏;人们都愿意为公众之事竭尽全力,而不一定为自己谋私利。这样一来,奸邪之谋就不会发生,盗窃、造反和害人的事情不发生,(家家户户)都不用关大门了,这就叫做理想社会。


单字翻译 选贤与能:把品德高尚的人、能干的人选拔出来。与,通“举”。 讲信修睦:讲求诚信,培养和睦(气氛)。 亲:用作动词,以……为亲。下文“子其子”中的第一个“子”也是动词。 矜、寡、孤、独、废疾者:矜,老而无妻的人。矜,通“鳏”。寡,老而无夫的人。孤,幼而无父的人。独,老而无子的人。废疾,残疾人。 男有分:男子有职务。分,职分,指职业、职守。 女有归:意思是女子有归宿。归,指女子出嫁。 货恶其弃于地也,不必藏于己:意思是,对于财货,人们憎恨把它扔在地上的行为,却不一定要自己私藏。恶,憎恶。 力恶其不出于身也,不必为己:意思是,人们都愿意为公众之事竭尽全力,而不一定为自己谋私利。 谋闭而不兴:奸邪之谋不会发生。兴,发生。 盗窃乱贼而不作:盗窃、造反和害人的事情不发生。乱,指造反。贼,指害人。作,兴起。 外户:泛指大门。 闭:关闭(大门)。 大同:指理想社会。同,有和,平的意思。全段翻译在政治上最高的理想施行的时候,天下是人们所共有的,把品德高尚、能干的人选举出来(给大家办事),(人人)讲求诚信,崇尚和睦。所以人们不只是奉养自己的父母,抚育自己的子女,使老年人能终其天年,中年人能为社会效力,幼童能顺利地成长,使老而无妻的人、老而无夫的人、幼年丧父的孩子、老而无子的人、残疾人都能得到供养。男子要有职业,女子要及时婚配。对于财产,人们憎恶把它抛弃在地上的行为(而要去收贮它),却不一定要自己私藏;人们都愿意为公众之事竭尽全力,而不一定为自己谋私利。这样一来,奸邪之谋不会发生,盗窃、造反和害人的事情也不会发生,(家家户户)都不用关大门了,这就是理想中“大同”的境界。



An Accidental Invention 初中课文翻译



《礼记·礼运》:大道之行也,天下为公。选贤与能,讲信修睦,故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜寡孤独废疾者,皆有所养。男有分,女有归。货恶其弃于地也,不必藏于己;力恶其不出于身也,不必为己。是故谋闭而不兴,盗窃乱贼而不作,故外户而不闭,是谓大同。 在大道施行的时候,天下是人们所共有的,把有贤德、有才能的人选出来(给大家办事),(人人)讲求诚信,崇尚和睦。因此人们不单奉养自己的父母,不单抚育自己的子女,要使老年人能终其天年,中年人能为社会效力,幼童能顺利地成长,使老而无妻的人、老而无夫的人、幼年丧父的孩子、老而无子的人、残疾人都能得到供养。男子要有职业,女子要及时婚配。(人们)憎恶财货被抛弃在地上的现象(而要去收贮它),却不是为了独自享用;(也)憎恶那种在共同劳动中不肯尽力的行为,总要不为私利而劳动。这样一来,就不会有人搞阴谋,不会有人盗窃财物和兴兵作乱,(家家户户)都不用关大门了


礼记选译:昔者仲尼与于蜡宾【原文】 昔者仲尼与于蜡宾②,事毕,出游于观之上③,喟然而叹④。仲尼之叹,盖叹鲁也。言偃在侧曰:“君子何叹?”孔子曰:“大道之行也(5),与三代之英(6),丘未之逮也”,而有志焉。 “大道之行也,大下为公。选贤与能,讲信修睦。故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜寡孤 独废疾者皆有所养(8)。男有分,女有归(10)。货恶其弃于地也,不必藏于己;力恶其不出于身也,不必为己。是故谋闭而不兴(11),盗窃乱贼而不作,故外户而不闭(12)。是谓大同。..............【译文】 从前,孔于曾加过鲁国的蜡祭。祭记结束后,他出来在宗庙门外的楼台上游览,不觉感慨长叹。孔子的感叹,大概是感叹鲁国的现状。言偃在他身边问道“老帅为什么叹息?”孔子回答说:‘大道实行的时代,以及夏、商、周三代英明君王当政的时代,我孔丘都设有赶上,我对它们心向往之。 “大道实行的时代,天下为天下人所共有。选举有德行的人和有才能的人来治理天下,人们之间讲究信用,和睦相处。所以人们不只把自己的亲人当亲人,不只把自己的儿女当作儿女这样使老年人能够安享天年,使社年人有贡献才力的地方,使年幼的人能得到良好的教育,使年老无偶、年幼无父、年老无子和残废的人都能得到供养。男子各尽自己的职分,女子各有自己的夫家。人们不愿让财物委弃于无用之地,但不一定要收藏在自己家里。人们担心有力使不上,但不一定是为了自己。因此,阴谋诡计被抑制而无法实现,劫夺偷盗杀人越货的坏事不会出现,所以连住宅外的大门也可以不关。这样的社会就叫做大同世界。................




昔者仲尼与于蜡宾②,事毕,出游于观之上③,喟然而叹④。仲尼之叹,盖叹鲁也。言偃在侧曰:“君子何叹?”孔子曰:“大道之行也(5),与三代之英(6),丘未之逮也”,而有志焉。 “大道之行也,大下为公。选贤与能,讲信修睦。故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜寡孤 独废疾者皆有所养(8)。男有分,女有归(10)。货恶其弃于地也,不必藏于己;力恶其不出于身也,不必为己。是故谋闭而不兴(11),盗窃乱贼而不作,故外户而不闭(12)。是谓大同。 .............. 【译文】 从前,孔于曾加过鲁国的蜡祭。祭记结束后,他出来在宗庙门外的楼台上游览,不觉感慨长叹。孔子的感叹,大概是感叹鲁国的现状。言偃在他身边问道“老帅为什么叹息?”孔子回答说:‘大道实行的时代,以及夏、商、周三代英明君王当政的时代,我孔丘都设有赶上,我对它们心向往之。 “大道实行的时代,天下为天下人所共有。选举有德行的人和有才能的人来治理天下,人们之间讲究信用,和睦相处。所以人们不只把自己的亲人当亲人,不只把自己的儿女当作儿女这样使老年人能够安享天年,使社年人有贡献才力的地方,使年幼的人能得到良好的教育,使年老无偶、年幼无父、年老无子和残废的人都能得到供养。男子各尽自己的职分,女子各有自己的夫家。人们不愿让财物委弃于无用之地,但不一定要收藏在自己家里。人们担心有力使不上,但不一定是为了自己。因此,阴谋诡计被抑制而无法实现,劫夺偷盗杀人越货的坏事不会出现,所以连住宅外的大门也可以不关。这样的社会就叫做大同世界。


大道之行也翻译 大道之行也,天下为公,选贤与能,讲信修睦。故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜、寡、孤、独、废疾者皆有所养,男有分,女有归。货恶其弃于地也,不必藏于己;力恶其不出于身也,不必为己。是故谋闭而不兴,盗窃乱贼而不作,故外户而不闭,是谓大同。译文: 在大道施行的时候,天下是人们所共有的,把有贤德、有才能的人选出来(给大家办事),(人人)讲求诚信,崇尚和睦。因此人们不单奉养自己的父母,不单赋予自己的子女,要使老年人终其天年,中年人能为社会效力,幼童能顺利地成长,使老而无妻的人、老而无夫的人、幼年丧父的孩子、老而无子的人、残疾人都能得到供养。男子要有职业,女子要及时婚配。(人们)憎恶财物被抛弃在地上的现象(而要去收贮它),却不是为了独自享用;(也)憎恶那种在共同劳动中不肯尽力的行为,总要不为私利而劳动。这样一来,就不会有人搞阴谋,不会有人盗窃财物和兴兵作乱,(家家户户)都不用关大门了,这就叫做“大同”社会。

求古文 《大道之行也》的翻译



Accidental gives you pleasantly surprised, wishes your happy birthday, is happy daily. Accidental gives you pleasantly surprised



英语翻译:偶然事件 accidental cas or occasional case or fortuitous case?


大道之行也 要翻译

选自《礼记·礼运》之《大道之行也》 在大道施行的时候,天下是人们所共有的. 大道就是指治理社会的最高准则,其治理的效果就是国泰民安的理想状态. 天下为公:原意是天下是公众的,天子之位,传贤而不传子,后成为一种美好社会的政治理想.






算不上官方,但这个国外比较认可:。。。。。。孔子 - 礼运大同篇 Confucius - Liyun - The Conveyance of Rites 大道之行也,天下为公When the great way prevails, the world is equally shared by all.选贤与能The talent and virtue are elected.讲信修睦Mutual confidence was emphasized and brotherhood was cultivated.故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子Therefore, people regard all parents as their own, and treat all children as their own.始老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长The elders can live in happiness, the adults are employed by their talent, the youths can grow and educate.鳏、寡、孤、独、废疾者皆有所养Widows and widowers, orphans, childless, ills and invalids are all well taken care of.男有分,女有归Men and women all have an appropriate role in the society and family.货恶其弃於地也,不必藏於己Nature resources were fully used for the benefit of all, and not appropriated for selfish ends.力恶其不出於身也,不必为己People contribute their ability to society and not for the private gain.是故谋闭而不兴,盗窃乱贼而不作Thus evil scheming is repressed, and crimes fail to arise.故外户而不闭,是谓大同So the doors do not have to be shut. This is called "the Age of Great Harmony".





大道之行也翻译 大道之行也译文介绍

1、在大道施行的时候,天下是人们所共有的,把品德高尚的人、能干的人选拔出来,讲求诚信,培养和睦(气氛)。 2、所以人们不单奉养自己的父母,不单抚育自己的子女,要使老年人能终其天年,中年人能为社会效力,让年幼的孩子有可以健康成长的地方,让老而无妻的人、老而无夫的人、幼而无父的人、老而无子的人、残疾人都能得到社会的供养,男子有职务,女子有归宿。 3、对于财货,人们憎恨把它扔在地上的行为,却不一定要自己私藏;人们都愿意为公众之事竭尽全力,而不一定为自己谋私利。因此奸邪之谋不会发生,盗窃、造反和害人的事情不发生。所以大门都不用关上了,这叫做理想社会。


  “大道之行也,天下为公”的译文是:在大道施行的时候,天下就是公有的。“大道之行也,天下为公”出自文言文《大道之行也》,选自《礼记》。《礼记》又叫做《小戴礼记》《小戴记》,成书于汉代,全书共二十卷四十九篇。  《大道之行也》的原文   大道之行也,天下为公。选贤与能,讲信修睦。故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜、寡、孤、独、废疾者皆有所养,男有分,女有归。货恶其弃于地也,不必藏于己;力恶其不出于身也,不必为己。是故谋闭而不兴,盗窃乱贼而不作,故外户而不闭。是谓大同。  译文   在大道施行的时候,天下是人们所共有的,把品德高尚的人、能干的人选拔出来,讲求诚信,培养和睦气氛。所以人不只是敬爱自己的父母,不只是疼爱自己的子女,要使老年人能终其天年,中年人能为社会效力,幼童能顺利地成长,使老而无妻的人、老而无夫的人、幼年丧父的孩子、老而无子的人、残疾人都能得到供养。男子有职务,女子有归宿。反对把财物弃置于地的浪费行为,不是为了占为己有;人们都愿意为公众之事竭尽全力,而不一定为自己谋私利。因此奸邪之谋不会发生,盗窃、造反和害人的事情不发生。所以门从外面带上,而不从里面闩上,这叫做理想社会。


“大道之行也,天下为公。”As the Chinese saying goes, “A just cause should be pursued for common good.”Joy高斋翻译CATTI和MTI分享:春风化雨,春华秋实。Heaven rewards those who work hard, and flowers in spring come to fruition in autumn.事者,生于虑,成于务,失于傲。Careful planning and concrete actions lead to success, while complacency results in failure.天下大同,协和万邦。All people under the heaven are of one family and all nations should live in harmony.行之力则知愈进,知之深则行愈达。Practice enriches knowledge. More knowledge leads to better practice.艰难困苦,玉汝于成。Success only comes through hard work.治世不一道,便国不法古。There is more than one way of governance and the ancient way is not the only way to govern a nation.周虽旧邦,其命维新。Even an established nation like Zhou still regards self-renewal as its mission.察势者智,驭势者赢。Those who recognize the trend are wise and those who ride the trend will win.中国有句古话,“兄弟同心,其利断金”。A Chinese proverb also says, "When brothers are of the same mind, they have the power to cut through metal."中国古人说:“交得其道,千里同好,固于胶漆,坚于金石。As an ancient Chinese saying goes, “A partnership forged with the right approach defies geographical distance; it is thicker than glue and stronger than metal and stone.”德国谚语说,一个人的努力是加法,一个团队的努力是乘法。A German saying goes to the effect that, "Those who work alone, add; those who work together, multiply."我们要以“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”的信心,以“千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金”的恒心,推动“一国两制”在香港的实践取得更大成就。We are fully confident that we are able to "ride the wind and cleave the waves", and achieve even greater success in the practice of "One Country, Two Systems" in Hong Kong through persistent and unrelenting efforts like sifting through sand thousands of times to find gold.中国俗语称,“艰难困苦,玉汝于成”。China has a saying, "Adversity makes one stronger, just as polishing makes jade finer."哈萨克斯坦有句谚语,“有团结的地方,定有幸福相随”。As a saying in Kazakhstan goes, where there is solidarity, happiness will follow.“法与时转则治,治与世宜则有功。As an old Chinese saying goes, “Order prevails when laws shift with the passage of time; success comes when rules meet the needs of their age.”小智治事,大智治制。As the Chinese saying goes, people with petty shrewdness attend to trivial matters, while people with vision attend to governance of institutions.“大道之行也,天下为公。”As the Chinese saying goes, “A just cause should be pursued for common good.”“新故相推,日生不滞。”An ancient saying goes, “the world moves on in a never-ending process of the new replacing the old.”上下同欲者胜。As one saying goes, “success comes to those who share in one purpose”.中国人历来主张“世界大同,天下一家”。The Chinese people have always believed that the world is a commonwealth.“明镜所以照形,古事所以知今。”As the saying goes, “The mirror reflects ourselves and the past sheds lights on the present.”正所谓“得众则得国,失众则失国”。As the saying goes, “He who wins over the people wins the country; he who loses the people loses the country.”“水能载舟,亦能覆舟。”There is an old saying: “The water that keeps a ship afloat can also upset it.”中国人常说,要想富,先修路。As a Chinese saying goes, build road first if you want to become rich.“君子务本,本立而道生。”As a Chinese saying goes, “A gentleman puts basic principles first, which will illuminate the way forward.”“志合者,不以山海为远。”As a Chinese saying goes, “Even mountains and seas cannot distance people with common aspirations.”“根之茂者其实遂,膏之沃者其光晔。”As an ancient Chinese scholar once observed, "Only with deep roots can a tree yield rich fruit; only filled with oil can a lamp burn brightly."“海不辞水,故能成其大。”To quote a Chinese saying, "The ocean is vast because it rejects no rivers."“红日初升,其道大光。”"The red rising sun will light up the road ahead."他有一句名言:“攀上一座高山后,你会发现,还有更多的高山等着你去攀登。”Let me quote one of his famous sayings, "After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb."“相知无远近,万里尚为邻。”As a Chinese poem reads, "Good friends feel close to each other even when they are thousands of miles away."“国之交在于民相亲,民相亲在于心相通。”Friendship, which derives from close contact between the people, holds the key to sound state-to-state relations.中国有一句类似的谚语叫做“人心齐,泰山移”。A Chinese saying contains a similar message, “People with one mind and heart have the power to move a mountain.”有句沃洛夫谚语说,“每个人都是他人的慰藉”。这同中国人常说的“我为人人,人人为我”是同样的意思。“Nit, nit ay garabam (Man is the remedy of man)”, says a Wolof proverb. Similarly, there is a Chinese saying to the effect of “one for all, all for one”.早在2500多年前,中国古代伟大的思想家孔子就说:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?”Over 2,500 years ago, Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher, had this to say: "What a joy to have friends coming from afar!"“桃李不言,下自成蹊。As a Chinese saying goes, "Peaches and plums do not speak, but they are so attractive that a path is formed below the trees."中国古语讲:“不积跬步,无以至千里。”阿拉伯谚语说,“金字塔是一块块石头垒成的”。欧洲也有句话:“伟业非一日之功”。An ancient Chinese saying goes, "A long journey can be covered only by taking one step at a time". Similarly, there is an Arab proverb which says that the Pyramid was built by piling one stone on another. In Europe, there is also the saying that "Rome wasn"t built in a day."“路遥知马力,日久见人心。”A Chinese proverb has it that, "Just as distance tests a horse"s strength, time will reveal a person"s sincerity."“孔子登东山而小鲁,登泰山而小天下”。Mencius, another ancient Chinese philosopher, aptly observed, "When Confucius looks down from the peak of the Dongshan Mountain, the local Kingdom of Lu comes into view; when he looks down from the peak of Mount Tai, the whole land comes into view."儒家倡导“大道之行,天下为公”,主张“协和万邦,和衷共济,四海一家”。An integral part of Chinese civilization, Confucianism believes that “a just cause should be pursued for the common good” and champions harmony, unity and a shared community for all nations.中国的先人们早在2500多年前就认识到:“苟利于民,不必法古;苟周于事,不必循俗”。A Chinese philosopher recognized as early as over 2,500 years ago that one doesn"t have to follow a beaten path if he wishes to benefit the people and one doesn"t have to observe old conventions if he wishes to get things done.“天行有常”,“应之以治则吉”。An ancient Chinese classic teaches that heaven has its own law and those who embrace it will prosper.“积土而为山,积水而为海。”As a Chinese saying goes, "A mountain is formed by accumulation of earth and an ocean is formed by accumulation of water."天道酬勤,日新月异。It is only natural that hard work pays off, and it brings changes for the better every day.“安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜!”"If only I could get tens of thousands of mansions! I would house all the poor people who would then beam with smiles(ancient Chinese poet Du Fu)."九层之台,起于累土。“A nine-storey tower begins with a pile of earth.”不驰于空想、不骛于虚声we have to avoid the distractions of unsubstantial ideas and superficial fame.“等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春。”As an old Chinese poem goes, "When I glance at the visage of vernal breeze, I know that a thousand flowers of purple and red set spring aglow."海南有一首民歌唱道:“久久不见久久见,久久见过还想见。”To quote the lyrics of a Hainan folk song, "It has been a long time since we last met, and I hope it will be a long time before we have to part."天道酬勤,春华秋实。Heaven rewards those who work hard, and flowers in spring come to fruition in autumn.老挝人常说“一根柴棍烧不成旺火,一根木棍围不成篱笆”,中国人讲“众志成城”、“众人拾柴火焰高”。As a Lao saying goes, one piece of firewood does not make high flames, and a single wood stick does not make a fence. The Chinese believe that people, if united, are as strong as a fortress, and flame runs high if everyone adds wood to it.中国俗语称,“艰难困苦,玉汝于成”。越南有句俗语,“莫见浪头高,放下手中桨”。China has a saying, "Adversity makes one stronger, just as polishing makes jade finer." A Vietnamese saying says, "Do not put down your oar just because the waves run high."








裴迪(716-?),唐代诗人,河东(今山西)人。官蜀州刺史及尚书省郎。其一生以诗文见称,是盛唐著名的山水田园诗人之一。与大诗人王维、杜甫关系密切。早年与“诗佛”王维过从甚密,晚年居辋川、终南山,两人来往更为频繁,故其诗多是与王维的唱和应酬之作。“寒山转苍翠,秋水日潺谖。倚仗柴门外,临风听暮蝉。渡头余落日,墟里上孤烟。复值接舆醉,狂歌五柳前。”这首号称“诗中有画”的诗篇就是闲居辋川时王维答赠裴迪的。受王维的影响,裴迪的诗大多为五绝,描写的也常是幽寂的景色,大抵和王维山水诗相近。 裴迪 裴迪的诗文归山深浅去,须尽丘壑美。莫学武陵人,暂游桃源里。——唐代·裴迪《崔九欲往南山马上口号与别 / 留别王维 / 送崔九》 崔九欲往南山马上口号与别 / 留别王维 / 送崔九 归山深浅去,须尽丘壑美。 莫学武陵人,暂游桃源里。 唐诗三百首 , 离别规劝来过竹里馆,日与道相亲。出入唯山鸟,幽深无世人。——唐代·裴迪《辋川集二十首。竹里馆》 辋川集二十首。竹里馆 来过竹里馆,日与道相亲。出入唯山鸟,幽深无世人。落日松风起,还家草露晞。云光侵履迹,山翠拂人衣。——唐代·裴迪《辋川集二十首。华子冈》 辋川集二十首。华子冈 落日松风起,还家草露晞。云光侵履迹,山翠拂人衣。查看更多裴迪的诗文>>


《大道之行也》是出自西汉礼学家戴圣编著的《礼记》中的一篇散文。此文是为阐明儒家思想中“大同”社会的基本特征和古人追求的“天下为公”的理想社会模式。 《大道之行也》翻译 在大道施行的时候,天下是人们所共有的,把品德高尚的人、能干的人选拔出来,讲求诚信,培养和睦气氛。所以人不只是敬爱自己的父母,不只是疼爱自己的子女,要使老年人能终其天年,中年人能为社会效力,幼童能顺利地成长,使老而无妻的人、老而无夫的人、幼年丧父的孩子、老而无子的人、残疾人都能得到供养。男子有职务,女子有归宿。反对把财物弃置于地的浪费行为,不是为了占为己有;人们都愿意为公众之事竭尽全力,而不一定为自己谋私利。因此奸邪之谋不会发生,盗窃、造反和害人的事情不发生。所以门从外面带上,而不从里面闩上,这叫做理想社会。 《大道之行也》原文 大道之行也,天下为公。选贤与能,讲信修睦。故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜、寡、孤、独、废疾者皆有所养,男有分,女有归。货恶其弃于地也,不必藏于己;力恶其不出于身也,不必为己。是故谋闭而不兴,盗窃乱贼而不作,故外户而不闭。是谓大同。(矜同:鳏)


  “大道之行也”这句话中的“行”指施行。“大道之行也”的意思是:大道施行的时候。“大道之行也”出自《礼记》,全文阐述了“大同”社会里的美好前景,寄托了儒家崇高的社会理想,表达了古代人民对美好社会的幸福憧憬。   《大道之行也》的原文   大道之行也,天下为公。选贤与能,讲信修睦。故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜、寡、孤、独、废疾者皆有所养,男有分,女有归。货恶其弃于地也,不必藏于己;力恶其不出于身也,不必为己。是故谋闭而不兴,盗窃乱贼而不作,故外户而不闭。是谓大同。   译文   在大道施行的时候,天下是人们所共有的,把品德高尚的人、能干的人选拔出来,讲求诚信,培养和睦气氛。所以人不只是敬爱自己的父母,不只是疼爱自己的子女,要使老年人能终其天年,中年人能为社会效力,幼童能顺利地成长,使老而无妻的人、老而无夫的人、幼而无父的人、老而无子的人、残疾人都能得到供养。 男子有职务,女子有归宿。反对把财物弃置于地的浪费行为,不是为了占为己有;人们都愿意为公众之事竭尽全力,而不一定为自己谋私利。因此奸邪之谋不会发生,盗窃、造反和害人的事情不发生。所以门从外面带上,而不从里面闩上,这叫做理想社会。


By chances(in a chance):通常使用在不太容易或可能的情形下的偶然,比如两个天南地北的人,居然在很偶然的情形下认识了。luckily(by luck):使用在某种已知困难程度下的偶然,比如一个身体不好的女人偶然的成功怀孕了。Coincidently(in a coincident):使用在几率概率比较小情况下的偶然,比如玩游戏套竹圈圈,套上奖品的极微小、不经心的偶然供你参考


Ah ah ah ahhh该死的我要他妈的she了噢,见鬼, 噢.耶Fack fack faaaack我c.c我要she了she了Verse 1我从来没见过像她这样见鬼的东西这个biaozi能够扭曲的像柔软体操演员一样在我的jb上戴上避孕套当然就是那样这个婊子不知道堕胎是什么所以我不能she在里面像色情明星Jenna一样xj吧c,我要she了我认为橡胶没感觉但是里面是他妈的又湿又软c,我开始she了我喷出一堆,而她还没有开始她达到高潮了我正在c她,噢,上帝噢,别那么做,别停下不要让我停下,别停噢,等一会儿.噢,噢 fack我要他妈的c了Verse 2:Oh wow oh aww我现在需要抽根烟我是如此他妈的热情火辣,你是如此的热情似火噢.天哪我要facking fack不是c我在说fackF A C K F A C Kfack fack facking 让我反常oh yeah 宝贝他们都称我为"怪"先生让我叫你三声姐姐吧来玩3p吧我是带尖的你是如此一个欠c的宝贝我要和你上床我要c你剃完毛的b噢 该死我又要去了我要c了I"m gonna facckin cum Oh shit, oh yeah Fack fack faaaack Fack I am I am, I"m going to come I"m cuming I never seen no shit like this This bitch can twist like a damn contortionist Condom on my dick Of course it is This bitch don"t know what abortion is! So I can"t come in her F**ks like a porn star, Looks like Jenna Fack I"m gonna (Cum) I think my rubbers coming off But oh, it"s so f**kin wet and soft F**k I"m gonna start letting off I"m squirting, but she"s not getting off And she"s on top I"m gonna f**king, Oh God! Oh don"t do that Don"t stop Stop, don"t, I don"t mean - don"t stop Ah, wait a minute Oh ohh fack I"m gonna f**king cum Ah ah ah ahhh Oh God damn I"m gonna f**kin cum Oh shit, oh yeah Fack fack fack Fack I am I am, I"m going to cum I"m cuming Oh wow ooh boot leg cow Ooh ow I need a cigarette now Oh I"m so f**king hot and your so f**kin hot Oh my God I wanna f**king fack No, not f**k I said fack F-A-C-K F-A-C-K Fack, fack, fack, facking freak me! Oh yeah girl, si baby They call me Mr. Freaky Let"s call your sister - threeway Have some threesome Me so horny And your such a f**kin babe I wanna go down on you F**k you shave! Oh goddamn Here I go again I"m gonna cum, I am Ah ah ah ahhh Oh goddamn I"m gonna fackin cum Oh shit, oh yeah Fack fack fack Fack I am I am, I"m going to cum I"m cuming Okay I"m done I already cum twice You ain"t gonna make me cum I"m all out of gas Not so fast Ah, your finger just went in my ass! Ahh, that hurts! Take it out now! Oh... Wait a minute no put it back in... In in in This don"t mean I"m gay, I don"t like men... I like boobs Boobs, boobs Now, see that gerbil Grab that tube Shove it up my butt Let that little rascal nibble on my asshole Oh yeah, right there, right there Uhhh, I"m cuming Oh yeah Fack I just cum again Okay, pull it out now Oh fack yeah Wait he"s not out He"s still crawling around up there Oh fack I think it"s stuck Oh but it feels so f**king good Ah ah ah ahhh Oh god damn I"m gonna fackin cum Oh shit, oh yeah Fack fack fack Fack I am I am, I"m going to cum I"m cuming Shove a gerbil in your ass through a tube Shove a gerbil in your ass through a tube Shove a gerbil in your ass through a tube Shove a gerbil in your ass through a tube Eew, eew, eew, eew.

accidental什么意思及同义词 翻译accidental的意思

英音 ["æksi"dentl] ;,美音 ["æksi"dentl] ;,副词 意外的,偶然的 ,副词 accidentally,occurring or appearing or singled out by chance,without intention (especially resulting from heedless action),a musical notation that makes a note sharp or flat or natural although that is not part of the key signature,associated by chance and not an integral part,accidental accentuated 【医】 偶发性杂音 ,accidental accuracy 随机精度 ,accidental ejecta 外源喷出物,偶然喷出物 ,accidental host 偶栖宿主 ,accidental species 偶然种 ,accidental amputation 【医】 意外切断, 偶然切断 ,accidental membranae 【医】 假膜 ,accidental activation 意外起动 ,accidental death benefit 人寿保险的意外死亡双重赔偿条款 ,accidental sampling 随机取样法 ,accidental a. 意外的,偶然的,cc abbr. (= cubic centimeter) 立方厘米abbr. (= Carbon Copy) 副本(email中的抄送),CC on Copy, 抄送[域] Cocos Islands , 科科斯羣岛,Cc 共路信令,methyloccccus 甲基球菌属,Boccaccio 卜伽丘(Giovanni, 1313-1375, 文艺复兴时期意大利作家, 《十日谈》的作者),cccs ,(美农业部)商品信贷公司,dccc num.罗马数字 800,mdccclxxxviii num.罗马数字 1888,mdcccxcix num.罗马数字 1899





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谁能翻译一下eminem的welcome 2 hell

我先把歌词发上来,假如你要翻译版本的话你可以在百度视频里查,就OK了Eminem Ft. Royce Da 5′9″ – Welcome 2 Hell 歌词[Intro]Yeah, told you we"d be backWelcome 2 Hell[Eminem]There"s a switch, I flip, emotions cut offSo cold I done froze my butt offAnd this ain"t even the tip of the iceberg yetIt"s like squirting a squirt gun in the ocean, fuck offOther words I didn"t put a dent in the game comparedTo the damage I"ve yet to doAs long as you still have feelings to hurtI"ll be around as long as you let me get to youLong as I got two balls to palmI"ll be the bomb, you"re just a false alarmGet scared little pissantsAnd see if I don"t come along and stomp your farmThunder and lightning, rain, hailSleet with a tornado"s the kind of brainstorm I getSo when the wind starts blowing, shitTalking about going in? Going insane is more like itWizard of words when he spits hazardous with itLike a disastrous blizzardSo you better listen quick fast don"t miss itYeah, go ahead little prick bastard, diss itBut when you get hit with a sick ass explicit flowDon"t ask how much of his passion is it that goes in itJust know, that all he knows is thisIt"s better to kick ass than kiss itDick dastardly of audacityMental capacity, unmatched it has to be stoppedBut it can"t be, but man I can"t just keepDoing them like that or no one will rap with meExcept one, you asked who is it?[Royce]Guess who just came through the blast, you bitchesWith the ratchet, the book of MatthewA book of matches, lighting them under white linenYou about to have to admit it, they pass you the micAsked you to spit it, you got handed your own assYour ass in your own hands, I"m sure they gon" laughWhen you"re going to the bathroom with itNow with what would you come against usBetter be something with a big foot pedigreeEasily these are the reasonsThat we need to be in your prayersEach region breeds some MCs that wanna beWhich means they wanna breath our airWith these ideas, anybody thinkin"That the game don"t need, the Bad and the Evil regimeThat"s like saying that bad boy Piston team didn"t need Isaiah[Eminem]Sip piss and bleed, this is a different breed of MCsI swear, better be aware, there"s too much at stakeAnd to find someone this raw on a beat is rareYou can kiss my ass and the shit stains on my underwear that I don"t even wear[Royce]This gotta be no fairThis like hittin" the lottery, oh yeahWho you know hotter there gotta be no pairShotty that I got a lobotomy, your hairClassic, smack it, smother it, read it and weep itAnd perhaps you"ll have no rebuttalin"In fact, you seein" me in this rapAnd it"s like saying Tila Tequila can sing like Jasmin Sullivan[Eminem]Back to bash her skull againPush a bitch out the Aspen until I get the fuck out of Dodge (Dodge Aspen)Shouldn"t have to explain my metaphorsYou has-beens are duller than color books that ain"t colored inSecond and third, fourth wind, gotta another winHere they come again, none other than, Bad and EvilAlso known as Saddam and Osama BinIt"s been a long timeBut I bet neither one of us have felt sicker than we do right nowAnd we only get iller with timeMe and Nickel fucking shit up on the dime so tellin" us to pipe downIt"s like talking to a meth headBruce Willis on his death bed, last breath with an infectionFighting it while he"s watching internet pornAbout to meet his death with an erectionMy God, what I mean isDavid Carradine jacking his penis in front of his tripodChoking his own neck, what part you don"t get?I"m saying I die hard[Royce]When you listen to my bars, nothin" but the F-I-R/ EComin" out your iPod (we) come up in a placeChicks heads start spinning like motherfuckin" white walls[Eminem]Got your mother suckin" my balls(While we) fuck each other, we punch each other in the eyeballsAnd I never say I"m sor-ry, the Five-Nine and the Fire Marshall(We) spit with an intensity to shut shit down in the industryTwo different entities, with a propensityTo put these N-U-T-S up inside of your fucking mouthWelcome to the CD



谁知道 古诗的翻译 的翻译

李白和杜甫的诗篇经成千上万的人传颂,现在读起来感觉已经没有什么新意了 我们的大好河山每代都有才华横溢的人出现,他们的诗篇文章以及人气都会流传数百年。