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do you still remember the days

你把先行词 the day 放到定语从句中,we spent 【the day】,做定语从句的宾语,因此用关系代词that 或which 换一个句子,I still remember the day ____ I joined the army. the day 做I joined the army 【on the day】的状语,就用关系副词when 欢迎追问.

Carpenters的《Saturday》 歌词

歌曲名:Saturday歌手:Carpenters专辑:The CarpentersSaturdayCarpentersSaturdaybegan just the same as other daysBut ended up different in many waysLove is in my world since SaturdayMornin" came but somehow it didn"t seem the sameThe sadness of Friday had somehow changedTo the happy sounds of Saturday Saturday,ever-loving SaturdayI whistle to bluebirdsI tried to tell them how you brought me sunshineMy head"s filled with new wordsThat sing to the sounds of happy day after FridayCome and see the flowers of love she gave to meThe touches of laughter and harmonyTo the happy sounds of Saturday Saturday,ever-loving SaturdayMy head"s full of new wordsSing to the sounds of theday after Friday Day after Friday Repeatthe flowers of love she gave to meThe touches of laughter and harmonyTo the happy sounds of Saturday Saturday,ever-loving SaturdaySaturday, Saturday,ever-loving Saturday

Donderdag的《Saturday》 歌词

歌曲名:Saturday歌手:Donderdag专辑:Saturday (Single)Kids In Glass Houses-Saturday★ lrc 编辑:妙一法师And I wish I could sleepBut I"m tired, down, dirty in these borrowed sheetsIt"s been a weekAnd I"ve been singing to my feet, yeahBut I won"t admit defeat tilSaturday, Saturday, Saturday(When you come by)For your informationI love my demonsCause they keep me company, yeahI"ve grown to love my new routineBut on my better days, better days, better daysConsider yourself one of my best friendsConsider yourself one of my enemiesOh enemiesAnd I wish I could speakWe spend the last half hour in the back roomCelebrating meAnd now I feel a little cheap, yeahBut I won"t admit defeat tilSaturday, Saturday, SaturdayAnd it"s not one of my better days, better days, better daysConsider yourself one of my best friendsConsider yourself one of my enemiesOh enemiesShow a little skin and make a millionFor a little soul and make a million moreA million moreWhen I grow up, woahI wanna be famous, woahAnd when you grow up, woahWill you still blame usAnd I wish I could see thatBut I"m tired, down, dirty in these borrowed sheetsIt"s been a bitch of a week, yeahSaturday, Saturday, SaturdayConsider yourself one of my best friendsConsider yourself one of my enemiesOh enemiesShow a little skin and make a millionFor a little soul and make a million moreShow a little skin and make a millionFor a little soul and make a million more★ lrc 编辑:妙一法师

刀剑神域短篇《 the day before》《the day after》温泉篇以及《天青色的妖精》这些篇的txt,云盘可保存

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name ....after后是加宾格代词吗??

name (作为动词的时候)后可以加名词的 比如: They named their child John. 但是如果name后直接要加人称的话,则需用宾格 比如:He named her Kate.after 后不一定一定要用宾格,因为after既可以做介词,也可以做副词 比如说:(做副词)They lived happily ever after. The day after, he apologized. (做介词)the day after tomorrow the week after next .......

the day after tomorrow和the day before yesterday前+in么?




A young man and a young woman were sitting behind?

应该有上下文吧?were sitting是过去进行时

A young man and an old man were waiting for a bus at a station.


the day after tomorrow where will you be?

用虚拟语气: If "The Day After Tomorrow"were true.Where would you be?如果影片"后天"是真的,你会在哪里?

tomorrow, the day after tomorrow

一般英文中没有大后天的说法,如果你要表达大后天这个意思,就用星期几来表达,如今天星期一,那么大后天就是this wednesday,如果今天星期六,那么大后天就是next monday. 如果是叙述一件事,就说是three days from now或是three days after/later.

很困难的初中英语 直接引语变间接引语 the day after tomorrow 要改为什么?

the day after tomorrow 意思是在明天后的一天 可以改成the third day of that day 或者是two days later 也可以

the day after tomorrow 前加什么介词

不用加介词,因为它们就像yesterday ,today 一样,没有说on today 吧.比如说 Today is sunday .Yesterday is sunday.The day before yesterday is sunday .而不说 On today is sunday .On the day before yesterday is sunday.

Countries tend to specialize in the production and export of those goods and services


what,s the matter for the young man意思?

What"s the matter for the young man?年轻人怎么了?

the day after tomorrow中文是什么意思


What day is it the day after tomorrow里的the day是什么

the day after tomorrow 是一个词组。意思是后天。去掉了the day 还是后天吗?



the day after tomorrow at night

My uncle is coming to my home the day after tomorrow.这个句子是对的 确切的日期,几月几号,星期几,之类的时间名词前加 on; 确切的时刻,几点几分之类的时间名词前加 at; 以及at night; 固定短语中,in the morning/afternoon/evening 中用 in; 但是 today,tomorrow,yesterday,the day before yestery,the day after tomorrow,tonight,next(week/month/year/星期几等),last (week/month/year/星期几等),this(morning/afternoon/evening 等) ,之前不用介词


after[指地点]在...之后one after another 一个挨着一个地[指顺序]在...后面day after day 一天一天地追赶, 探求run after her 追赶她询问; 打听Your uncle asked after you. 你叔父询问了你的情况。[指时间]在...之后;...以后After supper we went to see a film. 晚饭后我们去看了一场电影。由于; 因为; 考虑到After the impertinent way you acted, who could like you? 由于你那鲁莽的做法, 谁还能喜欢你呢?虽然; 尽管After all we have said, he still won"t change his mind. 尽管我们说了那么许多, 他还是不愿改变他的想法。仿照; 模仿This fable was written after the manner of Aesop. 这部寓言是仿照《伊索寓言》写成的。(级别, 重要性)次于Milton is placed after Shakespeare among English poets. 在英国诗人当中, 密尔敦的地位次于莎士比亚。⑩按照He was named after his father. 他是以其父亲的名字命名的。⑾合乎He was a boy after the hopes and expectations of his parents. 他是一个没有辜负父母期望的(好)孩子。习惯用语After you! 您先请!After you with... 您...完了让我ask after 问候inquire after 问候be after sb. 追赶某人; 寻找某人[某物] 追[缠]着某人 妄想得到(别人的东西), 觊觎get after sb. 追赶某人; 寻找某人[某物] 追[缠]着某人 妄想得到(别人的东西), 觊觎be after sth. 追赶某人; 寻找某人[某物] 追[缠]着某人 妄想得到(别人的东西), 觊觎get after sth. 追赶某人; 寻找某人[某物]追[缠]着某人 妄想得到(别人的东西), 觊觎ever after 从此以后一直...ever afterwards 从此以后一直...例句:after death or after an event. 在死亡后或者某个事件之后。after a comparative adj 用于比较级的形容词之后After a few minutes 过了一会儿After sales customer service 售后服务After they are seated 母女就座之后Go after a job 寻求职业Go after the championship 争取赢得冠军hydropower station after dam 坝后水电站Run after a pickpocket 追捕一个扒手The day after June 六天后的那天

the day befor tomorrow,与the day after yesterday 什么区别?


为什么 the day before yesterday 和the day after tomorrow 前面没有或不用介词


day after tomorrow(是怎么理解为〈后天的〉)

首先先理解三个词的含义day就是一天的意思,after是.之后的意思,而tomorrow是明天的意思,而英文一般用倒装所以把day放在前面,再用介词after连接,整体的意思就是 明天的后一天, 这里提醒一下时一般要加上the,即the day after tomorrow

The day after tomorrow 歌词

歌曲名:The day after tomorrow歌手:Saybia专辑:LentekriebelsPlease tell me why do birdssing when you"re near mesing when you"re close to meThey say that I"m a foolfor loving you deeplyloving you secretlyBut I crash in my mindwhenever you are neargetting deaf, dumb and blindjust drowning in despairI am lost in your flameit"s burning like the sunand I call out your namewhenever you are gonePlease tell me why can"t Ibreathe when you"re near mebreathe when you"re close to meI know, you know I"m lostin loving you deeplyloving you secretlysecretlyBut I crash in my mindwhenever you are neargetting deaf, dumb and blindjust drowning in despairI am lost in your flameit"s burning like the sunand I call out your namewhenever you are goneTomorrow(say it all tomorrow) I"ll tell it all tomorrow(say it all tomorrow) or the day after tomorrow(say it all today) I"m sure I"ll tell you thenWell, I crash in my mindwhenever you are neargetting deaf, dumb and blindjust drowning in despairWell, I am lost in your flameit"s burning like the sunand I call out your namethe moment you are gone

the day befor tomorrow,与the day after yesterday 什么区别?

我个人觉得没有区别的 这两个表达都是可以用:today 来说的 另外我觉得这样说也没有实际的意义 不是吗 一般是说 the day after tomorrow 后天 the day before yesterday 前天

求电影后天(the day after tomorrow)的几句经典台词

Tom:What do you think"s gomna happen to us. Jack:What do you mean? Tom:I mean us,civilization,everybody. Jack:Mankind survived the last Ice Age. We"re certairly capadle of surviving this one. All depends on whether or not we"re able to learn from our mistakes. I sure as hell would lik a chance to learn from mine. Tom:You did everything you could. Jack:I was thinking abou Sam. Tom:Jack,you know the chance of Sam. Jack:I made my son a promise. I"m going to keep it.汤姆:你认为的gomna发生在我们身上。杰克:你是什么意思?汤姆:我的意思是我们文明,每个人。杰克:人类生存上一个冰期。我们certairly capadle生存的这一个。一切都取决于是否我们能够从错误中吸取教训。我当然会为地狱力的机会,我的学习。汤姆:你做了一切可以。杰克:我想,阿布萨姆。汤姆:杰克,你知道萨姆的机会。杰克:我把我儿子的承诺。我要保留它。

the day after tomorrow in the moring 怎么翻译



  恩,那是新疆很著名的一个街舞团体,就叫DSP!  dsp舞团个人简介及舞团历史  舞团成立于2000年12月23日,前身为新疆大学ice cream组合.组合在刚成立时  只是用一些简单hiphop动作来进行表演,经过三年的发展已经发展成一个于oldschool,  newschool为一身的,综合性的hiphop团体.现在舞团有团员11名,dsp组合成员5名.  1.斯坎旦(alex)  综合能力最全面的一个舞者,对hiphop文化有很深的了解,非常的underground.前ice cream成员.  旺韩老师的poping高徒之一,个性鲜明buggypoper.除了poping还擅长locking,breaking,house,shake,  hiphop等等.也是全国名列前某的freestyle(街头篮球)表演者之一.非常难得的hiphop天才.  2.图尔洪江(risen)  擅长locking,hiphop.在上海念书的同时常年在旺韩老师手下学习hiphop.在今年上海baleno街舞大赛中  获得第三名,雪碧杯街舞大赛获得第二名.是第一个在内地大赛中领队获得成绩的新疆人.是dsp的骄傲,  也是新疆人的骄傲.  3.伊夏(jomo)  非常有天赋的newschool舞者,拥有很好的形象,不过更为出重的是他对新事物的理解能力,和接受能力.  擅长hiphop,house,shake,poping.是那种在舞台上让人绝对放心的舞者.希望以后做事更认真一点.  4.阿里木(allen)  典型的lockingdancer,具备locking所需要的所有条件,对音乐有独特的见解.表现的舞蹈充满活力预激情.  唯一的缺点就是非常的懒,希望不要浪费自己的天赋.  5.阿伊努尔(moon)  有一年半的舞龄,虽不会经常在公众场合露面,不过risen出色的locking,hiphop已经被她完整的掌握,  相信在上大学之后可以为dsp出更多的力.  6.茹斯坛木(ross)  表现欲望超强的oldschooldancer,喜欢breaking.不过最难  得就是的涂鸦.通过的涂鸦它表现自己对hiphop文化的了解.  7.迪力(dili)  富有很强的表现力的hiphopdancer,15岁就开始和哥哥(普开)一起跳舞.前ice cream主力队员.  是新疆最好的女舞者,凭自己的努力她现在已经在上海外国语大学念书,并且在tnt crew进行培训.  相信不久我们就会在玄武堂的表演中看到她的  8.阿了卡姆(alkam)  综合能力强,hiphop是它的专场,台上总是表现得很成熟,换句话说,我们没见过他跳错动作  现在是天津nankai大学的高才生,已经在天津有了自己的hiphop学习班.  9.阿里亚(Aaliyah)  乐感非常好的hiphopdancer,有很好的表现能力,因为以前学过国标所以jazz hiphop是她的拿手好戏.  也是dsp的第一夫人:)  10.凯撒尔 (Kaysar)  最近新加入的一名成员,是以locking 为主的hiphop dancer. 有很大的潜力,相信不久的将来会有很大进步。  11.怕尔哈提 (parry)  也是不久前加入的新成员,以poping为主的dancer.很刻苦。  12.队长 普开(tony)  一个为hiphop放弃工作的无业游民,整天在家无所事事,发发此类的无聊贴子.

英文 After 所有用法与中文意思!看例句一次搞懂

英文 After 所有用法 你都知道了吗?after 是介系词,最常见的用法就是「在…之后」的意思,不过英文 after 有超多用法,跟 after 有关的英文片语也不少,本篇文章要教学 after 所以的用法,如果你还不知道 after 的各种用法跟中文意思,那就赶快来看这篇文章吧! 下面教学英文 after 所有用法与中文意思。 内容目录 英文 After 用法、中文意思 After 用法1. after (时间、地点或顺序)在…之后 After 最常用的用法,是表达时间、地点、或顺序的「在…之后」的意思。 例: I"m going to meet up with Jenny after 3 hours. 三小时后我要跟珍妮见面。 (表达时间:在…之后) 例: This building is right after the ABC Coffee shop. 这种建筑就在ABC咖啡店后面。 (表达地点:在…之后) 例: I"m right after you. 我就在你后面。 (表达位置:在…之后) 「在…之后」是 After 最基本的用法,可以在几点之后、在某个人事物的后面、在某个时间点后面,在几天之后、在某个建筑物的后面…等等,用法非常广泛。 例: There"s a good film on the day after tomorrow. 后天有一部不错的电影。 例: Shall we have a swim after lunch? 午饭后我们去游泳吗? 例: The bank is just after the park. 银行就在公园的后面。 另外,After后面也可以接子句,当作连接词用。 例: After I left him a message, he phoned me immediately. 我给他留言后,他立即给我打电话。 After 用法2.After you. 你先请 After you 这句英文片语,你会很常在电影里面听到。After you 的意思是指「你先请」的意思。 After you = You go first. I"ll follow. 你先请的意思。 例: After you. 你先请 After 用法 after *** /sth 追赶、追捕 be after *** /sth 虽然从字面上的意思,会像是在某人后面,但是在警匪片里面,你应该会常听到 be after 这个英文片语。也就是表达在追捕、追赶某人的意思。 例: The police are after him. 警方正在追捕他。 例: I"m after him. 我在追赶他。 After 用法 after day 日复一日 day after day 的中文意思主要是「日复一日」的意思。day after day 从字面上看,就是一天过去之后又一天,一天又接在一天后面,用来形容日子「一天又一天过」的意思。 例: I couldn"t stand sitting at a desk day after day. 我受不了日复一日地坐在办公桌前。 例: I can"t just be working day after day. 我不能只是日复一日地工作。 After 用法5.right after 就在….的后面 right after 的意思其实就是「 就在….的后面」的意思。 例: He"s right after you. 他就在你后面。 例: I"ll go right after lunch. 我午饭后马上去。 After 用法6.after all 毕竟、终究 After all 也是一个很常出现的英文片语,After all 大致上有两个用法,中文意思可表达为终究或是毕竟的意思。 例: I do like him – after all, he is my brother. 我当然喜欢他,毕竟她是我哥哥呀。 例: The rain has stopped, so the game will go ahead after all. 雨已经停了,所以比赛还会继续下去。 例: Why don"t you invite Jenny? After all, you do work with her every day. 你为什么不邀请珍妮? 毕竟,您每天都和她一起工作。 After 用法 after 以…命名 Name after 本身意思是指「以…命名」的意思,直接看句子理解比较快。 例: She was named Jenny after his grandfather. 他以祖父的名字命名为珍妮。 上面的例句意思是,她被取名为珍妮,加上 after 之后,可以理解为,以她的祖父的名字来取名。所以就变成,以她祖父的名字命名为珍妮的意思。 例: I named my son"s name after my father. 我以我父亲的名字来替我儿子取名。 After 用法8.take after *** 跟某人相似、很像某人(外表或个性) take after *** 是一个英文片语,是指:跟某人相似、很像某人(外表或个性)的意思。当你要说某人跟谁很像的时候,可以用 take after 这个英文片语。 例: You took after your father. 你跟你爸很像。 例: You took after your mother. 你跟你妈很像。 After 用法9.before and after 之前与之后 before and after 也是很常听到的一组英文片语。before and after 从字面上看的意思是之前与之后的意思,通常表达的意思就是无论是之前还是之后。 例: Now women work both before and after having their children. 现在,妇女在生孩子之前和之后都在工作。 例: She"s so beautiful both before and after 30 years old. 她在30岁之前和之后都很漂亮。 After 用法10.happy/happily ever after 从此幸福快乐 在童话故事里面,你应该会很常听到,男主角或女主角从起幸福快乐的活着…,happy/happily ever after 表达的意思就是指「从此幸福快乐」的意思。 例:They lived happily ever after. 从此以后,他们幸福地生活 例: Jenny and I lived together happily ever after. 珍妮和我从此幸福快乐地生活在一起。 After 用法11.look after 照顾 look after 也是一个很常见的跟 after 有关的英文片语,look after 的意思是指「照顾」的意思。 例: Can you look after my cat while I"m gone? 我不在的时候,你可以帮我照顾我的猫吗? 例: I"ll look after you. 我会照顾你。 例: I"ll look after Jenny. 我会照顾珍妮。 After 用法 after another 相继、一个接一个 one after another 从字面上的意思理解,是指一个在另一个后面,其实意思就是指「一个接一个」的意思。 例: Please line up one after another. 请一个接一个地排队。 例: I"ll eat cakes one after another until the box is finished. 我要一个接一个地吃蛋糕,直到盒子吃完为止。 After 用法13.shortly after 短暂地在…之后;就在…之后 after 前面也可以加上shortly,.shortly afte 用来表达:才在….之后,就….的意思。 例: Shortly after you left the office, your wife called. 你才离开办公室没多久,你老婆就打来了。 例: She arrived shortly after us. 她在我们之后没多久就到了。 上面就是英文 After 所有用法与中文意思啦!赶快学起来吧。 after all 用法, after before 用法, after being 用法, after that 用法, after 的 用法, afterward 用法, before after 用法, before and after 用法, look after 用法, name after 用法, one after another 用法, only after 用法, right after 用法, shortly after 用法, until after 用法

The Day After Tomorrow David Archule 唱的 求中文歌词翻译

非专业翻译,措辞等有翻译不妥之处请原谅David Archuleta - The Day After Tomorrow Street lights turning on just like the sun 街灯亮着,像阳光一样闪耀No shadows trying to knock me down tonight 今晚没有阴影可以把我打倒My walk is like a run, to you 我疾步奔向你Windows like a broken crystal ball 窗玻璃像打碎的水晶球Show me the missing pieces of my life 向我展示生活中遗失的碎片And now I want them all, with you 现在我想要回全部,与你同在Breathing faster,更快的呼吸I Count the hours till the Day after tomorrow 我数着时间等待后天的到来I can hardly wait 我几乎不能等待It"s getting closer now, closer now 越来越近,越来越近The day after tomorrow 后天It"s getting closer now, closer now 越来越近,越来越近Ohh my walk is like a run to you 噢,我疾步奔向你This story can"t be fictional 故事不能虚构This chapter"s only got two pages left 这一章还有两页就结束And I will write it all, with you 我会记录全部,与你同在Breathing faster, I 更快的呼吸Count the hours till the 我数着时间等待后天的到来Day after tomorrow后天 I can hardly wait 我几乎不能等待It"s getting closer now, closer now 越来越近,越来越近The day after tomorrow 后天It"s getting closer now, closer now 越来越近,越来越近Ohh my walk is like a run to you 噢,我疾步奔向你I"m not awake 我仍未醒来Suddenly, I know the way 一瞬间,我曾找到了路And I can"t feel it now 现在我感觉不到它Cause I was lost 因为我迷路了The past forgotten 遗忘了过去I can"t go back to yesterday-ayyy 我回不到昨天The day after tomorrow 后天I can hardly wait 我几乎不能等待(下边就和副歌一样了,你对照上边的翻译看一下吧)It"s getting closer now, closer now The day after tomorrow It"s getting closer now, closer now Ohh my walk is like a run The day after tomorrow I can hardly wait It"s getting closer now, closer now The day after tomorrow It"s getting closer now, closer now Ohh my walk is like a run to you

the day after tomorrow是什么意思

the day after tomorrow是后天的意思

the day after tomorrow is Saturday是什么意思?

The day after tomorrow is Saturday.后天是星期六。

the day after tuesday is w( ).


Super Junior 的《Y.M.C.A》到底是什么意思?

基督教青年会(Young Mens "s Christian Association)的缩写。

I t will be Sunday the day after next对吗


补全句子。What day is the day after t_______?


为什么next day前不加the,而the day after tomorrow前可以加the

next day前面也可以加the 记的话别死记 如果要说"作业明天会做完"就是Next day,homework will be done 如果要说(我是想起了一句歌词)"上个圣诞节 我把爱给你 但偏偏第二天 你把它给了别人"Last Christmas,I gave you my love.But the very next day,you gave it away" 只要你这个day是 指定的 就要加the


after 不同,介词 在……之后have有 ,look 看 是动词

The day after Tuesday is_____


根据首字母填空:the day after thursday is f( )

The day after Thursday is Friday



the day after today什么意思


the day after today什么意思


the day after day 是什么意思


the day after tomorrow的翻译?

是指明天后的那一天如Today is Sunday, it"s Tuesday the day after tomorrow.

the day after tomorrow是什么意思



The Day After Tomorrow位于句首,不要求倒装。这句话放句首,可以用来表达轻松的语气,或者强调一个前置的词语。例如:The Day After Tomorrow,I will go to the park. 明天以后,我将去公园。

the day befor tomorrow,与the day after yesterday 什么区别


the day later和 the day after 有什么区别


英语The day after that怎么翻译?


the next day&the day after有什么区别?

the next day第二天the day after +如the day after tomorrow,后天

she returned the day after,这个the day after是什么意思?什么以后的一天?

day after = day after tomorrow (后天)


the day after 就是第二天

Theory of a Deadman的end of the summer歌词翻译

Here we are at the end 最终我们来到这里say goodbye to all your friends像你所有的朋友告别here we go waching the sun go round一起看日出日落sitting on a roodtop making time stop坐在圣坛上,就让时间停留在这一刻i never want to come back down我不想再回到这never want to come down不想在失望中彷徨Its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾its the end of it all也是一切得结尾those days are gone its over那些日子已经远去now were moveing on是该继续往前走的时候了Its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾but we"ll see it all again但我们会再次重温so hold on till this moment till then所有要坚持到那一刻的到来its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾Here we standin the middle of an empty street我们站在空荡荡的路中央tell me where you want to go告诉我你想去往何方i""ll tell you thatswhere i want to be我会告诉你那正是我所向往的地方say goodbye to the warm breeze向暖暖的微风告别we could be almost anywhere我们可能会在任何地方i ll miss you till the next time下次我可能会错过你I hope i see you there我只希望你在这里I hope i see you back here.只希望你能回到这里Its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾its the end of it all也是一切得结尾those days are gone its over那些日子已经远去now were moveing on是该继续往前走的时候了Its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾but we"ll see it all again但我们会再次重温so hold on till this moment till then所有要坚持到那一刻的到来its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾rides almost over旅程即将结束its getting colder天气渐渐变冷take one last look再回首before it passes by在擦肩而过的时候before it passes you by在与你擦肩而过的时候Its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾its the end of it all也是一切得结尾those days are gone its over那些日子已经远去now were moveing on是该继续往前走的时候了Its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾but we"ll see it all again但我们会再次重温so hold on till this moment till then所有要坚持到那一刻的到来its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾Its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾its the end of it all也是一切得结尾those days are gone its over那些日子已经远去now were moveing on是该继续往前走的时候了Its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾but we"ll see it all again但我们会再次重温

I never go past the theatre but i think of his last performance怎么翻译!


I never go past my old school but I think of mr. li.咋翻译?顺便再解释一下

这句话有问题,逻辑不对。一般来说是这样的:I never go past my old school without thinking of Mr. Li.每次经过母校,我都会想起李老师。never...without双重否定供参考

End Of The Summer 歌词

歌曲名:End Of The Summer歌手:Theory Of A Deadman专辑:Scars & SouvenirsEnd Of The SummerTheory of a DeadmanHere we areat the endsay goodbye to all your friendshere we go waching the sun go roundsitting on a roodtop making time stopi never want to come back downnever want to come downIt"s the end of the summerit"s the end of it allthose days are gone its over now were moveing onIt"s the end of the summerbut we"ll see it all againso hold on till this moment till thenit"s the end of the summerHere we standin the middle of an empty streettell me where you want to goi""ll tell you thats where i want to besay goodbye to the warm breezewe could be almost anywhereI"ll miss you till the next timeI hope i see you thereI hope i see you back here.It"s the end of the summerit"s the end of it allthose days are gone its over now were moveing onIt"s the end of the summerbut we"ll see it all againso hold on till this moment till thenit"s the end of the summer end of the summerrides almost overit"s getting coldertake one last lookbefore it passes by befor it passes you byIt"s the end of the summerit"s the end of it allthose days are gone its over now were moveing onIt"s the end of the summerbut we"ll see it all againso hold on till this moment till thenIt"s the end of the summerit"s the end of it allthose days are gone its over now were moveing onIt"s the end of the summerbut we"ll see it all againso hold on till this moment till thenIt"s the end of the summerthe end of the summer

many textbooks are not witten in then kind of English that we speak every day 是什意思


Do you know what American students have to do in their schools? In America, at the beginning of...


为什么游戏结束时是game over,不是game end,有区别吗?


是go pass the river还是go past the river?

前者是错的,后者才是对的.因为go . pass两个都是动词。



Apple has entered the textbook market. The tech giant introduced iBooks textbooks a couple of w...

不唯一Apple has introduced iBooks textbooks into market to allow students to carry lighter backpacks. However, it takes time for digital books to replace traditional books because it"s not realistic for every student to own an ipad. 试题分析:题目要求1.以约30个词概括上文的主要内容 2.以约120个词就“电子教科书能否代替传统教科书”的话题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:(1)比较电子教科书和传统教科书各自的优势;(2)你认为将来电子教科书能否代替传统教科书呢?为什么?这道题目要求比较严格,所以在写作之前一定要看清题目。题目还要求1.作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。写作时尽量使用自己不会的单词、词组和句型,同时也要注意使用一些高级语法和句型,使自己的文章更有文采。点评:本文属于根据原文内容写作,动笔前,一定要认真阅读原文,并理解内容。认真看清题目要求,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果。

go past the bridge还是go over the bridge?

是go past the bridge 才可行. over表示“在……之上”,与参照物有一定的距离.如灯在桌子上方就是The light is over the table. go over还容易被理解成一个固定短语,意思是仔细检查,察看;复习,重做.

大学英语阅读理解 can computer replace teacher?

Can computers replace teachers?A Steve Jobs didn"t think that technology alone could fix what troubles Americaneducation. It"s worth remembering that in the wake of last week"s breathlesscoverage of Apple"s new iBooks platform, which the company promises willcompletely change how students use and experience textbooks. Under Apple"s plan,companies and individuals will be able to self-publish textbooks, ideally creating awider range of content. Students will be able to download and use these books on aniPad much like they would use a regular textbook — including highlighting passages,making notes and pulling out passages or chapters that are especially important tothem. Apple says it also plans tocap the price of textbooks available through iBooksat $14.99, a significant departure from the price of many textbooks now.B Critics were quick to criticize Apple for not being revolutionary enough. Formerschoolmaster and current ed-tech (教育技术)investor Tom Vander Ark blamedApple for not thinking past textbooks, which he considers hopelessly 20th century.Others worried that Apple"s real goal wasn"t to open up the textbook industry but tocontrol it and profit from it through restrictive licensing agreements and a platformthat dominates the market. I"m sure the for-profit company"s shareholders will behorrified at that news.C Let"s slow down. Textbooks or tools that look a lot like textbooks aren"t goinganywhere anytime soon. And since high-quality educational material isn"t cheap togenerate, simply tearing down distribution barriers will only go so far in reducing thecosts of producing good content. Lost in the heated claims, however, is a morefundamental question: What have educational technology efforts accomplished todate and what should we expect?D As a field, education is easily misled by technological promises. Textbooks?Thomas Edison saw movies as a way to replace them. In a prelude (序幕)to today"sdebates, therecord player and film strip were praised as technologies that couldreplace live teaching. These days, conservatives are in love with the idea thattechnology will not only shrink the number of in-classroom teachers but make theteachers" unions out of date.E The experience to date is less impressive and more worrisome considering thebillions that have been spent on technology in schools in the past few decades.Interactive whiteboards have been around since the early 1990s and done little totransform how teachers teach, and computers are often not matched with classroominstruction, even though 90 percent of classrooms around the country have them.Still, in the United States, according to the data of the Department of Education from2009, just 61 percent of students use computers to prepare texts “sometimes oroften" and just 45 percent do more complicated tasks, for instance to "solveproblems, analyze data, or perform calculations" on a regular basis.F Usage aside, there is not enough evidence that technology is improving learning -even the cheerleaders are reduced to arguing that various education technologytools are obvious rather than supported by much evidence. And when you watch,say, high school students use the Internet to prepare research papers, it"squestionable whether technology --especially when coupled with poorly trainedteachers --isn"t doing more to enable the superficial rather than open up richersources of information for students.G The reasons for the slow pace of change are as obvious as they are stubborn.Altering classroom and school practice in our wildly decentralized education systemis always a slow process. Many teachers are not familiar with technology or how touse it in the classroom, and high-quality training programs - either in schools ofeducation or as part of teachers" ongoing professional development -are rare. Asalways, there are few guides for educators to determine which products are anygood.H There is, of course, still promise in educational technology. When DreamboxLearning, an online math program for elementary-aged students, offered me a freetrial to check it out, I did what I usually do with new educational tools - I put it to theultimate group of critics: my kids. Dreambox combines real content with aninteractive format so kids are learning even when they think they"re just playinggames. I"ve looked at a variety of products, and it"s one of the best in terms ofpowerful instruction. In a short time, it substantially boosted my kids" mathachievement. (They have a great teacher, too.) As for engagement? Maybe too much.One of my daughters woke me up at 5:00 a.m. the other day because she wanted todo math.I Yet even a top-shelf product can only help live teaching. Despite Dreambox"s overallgood functionality, there are places where students can become frustrated—notbecause they don"t know how to do the basic math, but because the directions forthe online activity are confusing. Likewise, technology is bringing back the idea of the“flipped classroom (翻转课堂)"with the teacher acting as a “guide on the side"rather than the primary source of instruction. I say “back" because, ironically, talk ofdevaluing the teacher as content provider has been a fixture (固定特色)ofprogressive educationthought for a century. Another variation of the flipped-classroom idea is to use technology to explain concepts at home and to useclassroom time differently. Again, a lot of potential, but only with keen attention toinstructional quality. Much of the online content available today merely copies thedull instruction already available in too many of our nation"s schools.J As a parent and an analyst, I want technology that includes rich content or enablesstudents to access it. And I want technologies that are engaging for students butactually teach them something. Plenty of applications fail on one side or the other.And as with lots of offline schoolwork, there are time wasters that aren"t helpinganyone learn much of anything. If anyone tells you an ed-tech tool has “gamingelements”,make sure it"s not just a game.K American education desperately needs a thorough change that goes far beyondupgrading computers in the classroom. It"s the last major American field relativelyuntouched by technology. But Jobs was right: Technology by itself won"t fix whattroubles our schools. He saw teachers" unions and old-fashioned practices as the bigbarriers. Perhaps, but I"d argue they are symptoms of our larger inattention toinstructional quality. The bells and whistles of technology, for all its promise,aredistracting us from this mundane but essential reality.


weather是名词,指的是天气. windy是形容词,意思是有风的,多风的. 比如: A:What"s the weather today? B;It"s windy.


ever luxury曾经奢华luxury[英][u02c8lu028cku0283u0259ri][美][u02c8lu028cɡu0292u0259ri, u02c8lu028cku0283u0259-]n.奢侈,豪华; 奢侈品,美食,美衣; 乐趣,享受; 不常有的乐趣(或享受、优势); adj.奢华的,豪华的; 复数:luxuries双语例句By all accounts he leads a life of considerable luxury.据说他的生活颇为奢侈。Middle class accounts for 38% of global luxury goods spending, according to recent estimates from Goldman Sachs.近期,据高盛(Goldman Sachs)估算,中产阶级约占全球奢侈品消费人群的38%。She was brought up in an atmosphere of luxury and wealth.她在锦衣玉食的环境中长大。

My Deliverer 歌词

歌曲名:My Deliverer歌手:Rick Elias专辑:Songs That Defined A Decade: Volume 3 Christian Hits Of The 90"SMandisa - My DelivererI was so helplessWhere did the light goI had no hope leftDeep down in my soulI was watchin"I was waitin"I was prayin"I was stayin" down on my kneesThat"s right where You found meMy Deliverer, You rescued me from all that held me captiveMy Deliverer, You set me freeNow I"m alive and I can liveSo every moment I will give you praiseMy DelivererOoh my DelivererThere"s no pretendingI can"t do it myselfI"m so dependentLord I need Your helpI"ll be watchin"I"ll be waitin"I"ll be prayin"I"ll be stayin" down on my kneesThat"s right where You"ll find meMy Deliverer, You rescued me from all that held me captiveMy Deliverer, You set me freeNow I"m alive and I can liveAnd every moment I will give you praiseLa la la la la I need YouYou know whatever I"m goin" throughI"ll be watchin"I"ll be waitin"I"ll be prayin"I"ll be stayin" down on my kneesThat"s right where You"ll find meMy Deliverer, You rescued me from all that held me captiveMy Deliverer, You set me freeNow I can liveMy Deliverer, I"m no longer captiveMy Deliverer, You gave Your life that I might liveSo every moment I will give you praiseYeah my DelivererI"m gonna give You praiseMy Deliverer

explusion fuse C/W holder 如何翻译

explusion保险丝s / w持有人

Why Textbooks Are Here to Stay

Textbooks represent an 11 billion dollar industry, up from $8 billion in 2014. Textbook publisher Pearson is the largest publisher — of any kind — in the world. 教科书是一个价值高达110亿美元的产业,2014年时其产业价值为80亿美元。教材出版商培生(Pearson)是世界各类出版商之首.It costs about $1 million to create a new textbook. 打造一本全新的教材需花费约100万美元。A freshman textbook will have dozens of contributors, from subject-matter experts through graphic and layout artists to expert reviewers and classroom testers. 一本新生教材将需要十几位撰稿人,从题材专家到插图排版设计师,从审查专家到课堂测试员。Textbook publishers connect professors, instructors and students in ways that alternatives, such as open e-textbooks and open educational resources, simply do not. 教材出版商将教授、老师和学生连接到一起,这是替代性选择——如开放式电子教科书和开放式教育资源——所做不到的。This connection happens not only by means of collaborative development, review and testing, but also at conferences where faculty regularly decide on their textbooks and curricula for the coming year. 这种连接不仅通过合作开发、审查和测试的方式实现,而且还形成于那些全体教师定期决定来年教科书和课程的会议上。It is true that textbook publishers have recently reported losses, largely due to students renting or buying used print textbooks. 的确,教材出版商近期公布了亏损状况,这很大程度上是由于学生租书或者购买二手纸质教材导致的。But this can be chalked up to the excessively high cost of their books — which has increased over 1,000 percent since 1977. 但这有可能是因为高昂的课本价格,从1977年以来,课本价格已经上涨了10倍以上。A restructuring of the textbook industry may well be in order. But this does not mean the end of the textbook itself. 教科书产业的重组很可能势在必行,但这并不意味着教科书的终结。While they may not be as dynamic as an iPad, textbooks are not passive or lifeless. For example, over the centuries, they have simulated dialogues in a number of ways. 教科书虽然不像平板电脑一样具有活力,但也并不是被动或毫无生气的。比如说,过去的几百年以来,教科书一直以多种方式模拟对话。From 1800 to the present day, textbooks have done this by posing questions for students to answer inductively. That means students are asked to use their individual experience to come up with answers to general questions. 从1800年至今,教科书都是通过提出问题,让学生做出归纳性回答的这种方式来实现这一点的。这意味着学生们被要求用自己的个人经验来回答一般性问题。Today"s psychology texts, for example, ask: "How much of your personality do you think you inherited?" while ones in physics say: "How can you predict where the ball you tossed will land?" 例如,当今的心理学课本会问:“你认为自己的个性有多少是遗传的?”而物理教材则会问:“你如何预测自己扔的球会落在哪里?”Experts observe that "textbooks come in layers, something like an onion." 专家指出,“教科书是一层一层的,就像洋葱一样。”For an active learner, engaging with a textbook can be an interactive experience: Readers proceed at their own pace. They "customize" their books by engaging with different layers and linkages. 对于主动学习者而言,阅读教科书是一种交互式体验,读者可以按照自己的节奏进行阅读,通过接触不同的层面和内在关联,他们使课本成为了“定制”的产物。Highlighting, Post-It notes, dog-ears and other techniques allow for further customization that students value in print books over digital forms of books. 荧光标记、便利贴、书页折角和其他小手段让进一步定制得以实现,而这正是学生更看重纸质书而不是电子书的原因。

几句话都有better 的英文歌

Joy Unspeakable - Mandisa.This is not another song about all we"ve done wrongWe already knowI think it"s time for us to find the freedom in the trustOf letting go.Let"s take some timeTo thank Him for the blessingsLet"s go big tonightWith all our hearts adore Him.With joy unspeakableLet"s get on our feetMoving to the beatWave our hands high in the airCelebrate His loveGrace that is enoughGive Him all of our caresWith joy unspeakableJoy unspeakable.Let"s raise our voices to the One because He is worthy ofAll of our praiseHe"s given us a second chance, turned our sadness into danceWe have been changed.Let"s take this timeTo thank Him for the blessingsLet"s go big tonightWith all our hearts adore Him.With joy unspeakableLet"s get on our feetMoving to the beatWave our hands high in the airCelebrate His loveGrace that is enoughGive Him all of our caresWith joy unspeakableJoy unspeakableWith joy unspeakableJoy unspeakable.You and I were made for moreCan"t imagine what"s in storeWe were meant to soarLike an eagleLeave religion at the doorRaise the roof and shake the floorLet"s get loud and let"s exploreJoy unspeakable uff08unspeakableuff09Joy unspeakable uff08unspeakableuff09.Joy unspeakableLet"s get on our feetMoving to the beatWave our hands high in the airCelebrate His loveGrace that is enoughGive Him all of our caresWith joy unspeakableJoy unspeakableUnspeakableJoy unspeakableUnspeakableJoy unspeakable.We"ve got to celebrateWe"ve got to celebrateJoy unspeakableWe"ve got to celebrateWe"ve got to celebrateJoy unspeakable.[

Redeemer (How Long) 歌词

歌曲名:Redeemer (How Long)歌手:Mandisa专辑:Beth Moore Presents Songs Of DeliveranceKutless - RedeemerOh Lord, You"re beautifulYour face is all I seeAnd when Your eyes, are on this childYour grace abounds to meThere is a redeemer,Jesus God"s own SonPrecious Lamb of God MessiahHoly OneThank You oh my FatherFor giving us Your SonAnd leaving Your Spirit tillThe work on earth is doneThank You oh my FatherFor giving us Your SonAnd leaving Your Spirit tillThe work on earth is doneHallelujah...

My Deliverer 歌词

歌曲名:My Deliverer歌手:Mandisa专辑:Premiere Performance Plus: My DelivererMandisa - My DelivererI was so helplessWhere did the light goI had no hope leftDeep down in my soulI was watchin"I was waitin"I was prayin"I was stayin" down on my kneesThat"s right where You found meMy Deliverer, You rescued me from all that held me captiveMy Deliverer, You set me freeNow I"m alive and I can liveSo every moment I will give you praiseMy DelivererOoh my DelivererThere"s no pretendingI can"t do it myselfI"m so dependentLord I need Your helpI"ll be watchin"I"ll be waitin"I"ll be prayin"I"ll be stayin" down on my kneesThat"s right where You"ll find meMy Deliverer, You rescued me from all that held me captiveMy Deliverer, You set me freeNow I"m alive and I can liveAnd every moment I will give you praiseLa la la la la I need YouYou know whatever I"m goin" throughI"ll be watchin"I"ll be waitin"I"ll be prayin"I"ll be stayin" down on my kneesThat"s right where You"ll find meMy Deliverer, You rescued me from all that held me captiveMy Deliverer, You set me freeNow I can liveMy Deliverer, I"m no longer captiveMy Deliverer, You gave Your life that I might liveSo every moment I will give you praiseYeah my DelivererI"m gonna give You praiseMy Deliverer

How Much (High Key Performance Track Without Background Vocals) 歌词

歌曲名:How Much (High Key Performance Track Without Background Vocals)歌手:Mandisa专辑:Premiere Performance Plus: How MuchMandisa - How MuchHow much, how muchDo you really know how much, how muchWell, let me tell you how much, how much you are lovedThese words go out to anyonewho"s ever felt so unlovableI"d just like to say to youThat lie is so not trueThis message is for the broken downThey say you can"t turn your life aroundNo matter what you doWell, that lie is so not trueTake the depths of the deepest ocean and go deeperTake the top of the tallest tower and go higherTake the best day that you"ve ever hadTry to imagine better than thatAnd it still don"t come closeTo how much you are lovedDon"t worry about what you"ve doneGod"s love goes out to everyoneAnd here"s the wonderful, beautiful truthThat includes me and youSo, let it find you where you areWrap its arms around your weary heartAnd all the love you"re longing forYou"ll find all that love and more


梦 总不够漫长可是我们 总需要梦想爱 能让人受伤可是我们 还是念念不忘你的感情太无常 不管怎样我知道温柔的恋曲 该怎么唱你的感情太轻狂 不管怎么你曾停靠 我肩膀(music)雨 下得再漂亮可是我们 要面对阳光爱 会让人失望可是我们 仍充满向往你的感情太无常 不管怎样我知道温柔的恋曲 该怎么唱你的感情太轻狂 不管怎么你曾停靠 我肩膀(music)可能我还不够坚强至少我 我不怕哀伤可能不曾爱到天亮至今曾 分享过月光可能我还不够坚强至少我 我不怕哀伤可能不曾爱到天亮至今曾 分享过月光你的感情太无常 不管怎样我知道温柔的恋曲 该怎么唱你的感情太轻狂 不管怎么你曾停靠 我肩膀既然不能地老天荒我眼泪怎么流浪总有个停泊的地方


Mandisa - Stronger Mandisa -强Hey, heard you were up all night 嘿,听说你整晚没睡Thinking about how your world ain"t right 思考你的世界不是正确的And you wonder if things will ever get better 你想知道事情会变得更好And you"re asking why is it always raining on you 和你问为什么你总是下雨When all you want is just a little good news 当所有你想要的只是一个小的好消息Instead of standing there stuck out in the weather 而不是站在那里滞留在天气Oh, don"t hang your head 哦,不要低头It"s gonna end 这是要结束God"s right there 上帝就在那里Even if it"s hard to see Him 即使很难看到他I promise you that He still cares 我向你保证,他仍然在乎When the waves are taking you under 当海浪带你在Hold on just a little bit longer 抓住一点时间了He knows that this is gonna make you stronger, stronger 他知道这将会使你更强大,更强The pain ain"t gonna last forever 疼痛不会永远持续下去And things can only get better 和事情只会更好Believe me 相信我This is gonna make you stronger 这将会使你更强大Gonna make you stronger, stronger, stronger 会使你更强大、更强、更强Believe me, this is gonna make you ... 相信我,这是会让你……Try and do the best you can 试着做最好的你可以Hold on and let Him hold your hand 等等,让他握住你的手And go on and fall into the arms of Jesus 和继续落进了耶稣的武器Oh, lift your head it"s gonna end 哦,提起你的头,它将会结束Even when you just can"t feel Him 即使你只是感觉不到他"Cause if He started this work in your life 因为如果他开始这项工作在你的生活He will be faithful to complete it 他将忠实于完成它If only you believe it 如果只有你相信它He knows how much it hurts 他知道这是多么伤人And I"m sure that He"s gonna help you get through this 而且我相信,他会帮你度过难关In time it"s gonna get better 随着时间的推移,它会变得更好This is gonna make you stronger, stronger, stronger 这将会使你更强大、更强、更强Believe me, believe me 相信我,相信我Gotta hold on just a little bit longer 必须抓住一点时间了It"s only gonna make you stronger 它只会让你变得更强

usher twisted歌词大意

Let me put my shades on让我把我的阴影Everybody come around每个人都来You got it twisted你把它扭了Now tell me where you wanna do me, damn right现在告诉我你想做什么,该死的权利You got it twisted你把它扭了You introduced it, you know I don"t play你介绍的,你知道我不玩You had me looking stupid, but I let it cope away你让我看起来很笨,但我却让它消失了That booty substitued it, guess that made it okay赃物取代它,想让它好You had me stuck on stupid, but I let it cope away你让我陷入了愚蠢的,但我让它处理掉I suffer from dilusion, I should put myself away我受到稀释,我应该把自己All the time and money I"ve spent我花了所有的时间和金钱Can"t believe what I"m in, it ain"t right不能相信我在什么,这是不正确的If I comeback, you promise it"s gon be you and me如果我回来,你保证这将是你和我And they say, whatever他们说,无论You got it twisted你把它扭了Now tell me where you wanna do me, damn right现在告诉我你想做什么,该死的权利You got it twisted你把它扭了You introduced it, you know I don"t play你介绍的,你知道我不玩You had me looking stupid, but I let it cope away你让我看起来很笨,但我却让它消失了That booty substitued it, guess that made it okay赃物取代它,想让它好You had me stuck on stupid, but I let it cope away你让我陷入了愚蠢的,但我让它处理掉I suffer from dilusion, I should put myself away我受到稀释,我应该把自己How come I everytime I coo around为什么我每次我COO周围Just so happen you around, you got it showed out就这样发生在你身边,你得到了它表明It ain"t right, uh这不是正确的,嗯And all that thing in your head和你所有的东西在你的头Closing your lips, shaking your hips闭上你的嘴,摇晃你的臀部Everytime you go out每次你出去You got it twisted你把它扭了Now tell me where you wanna do me, damn right现在告诉我你想做什么,该死的权利You got it twisted你把它扭了You introduced it, you know I don"t play你介绍的,你知道我不玩You had me looking stupid, but I let it cope away你让我看起来很笨,但我却让它消失了That booty substitued it, guess that made it okay赃物取代它,想让它好You had me stuck on stupid, but I let it cope away你让我陷入了愚蠢的,但我让它处理掉I suffer from dilusion, I should put myself away我受到稀释,我应该把自己Hey all the girls, all the girls嘿,所有的女孩,所有的女孩Make sure your skirt ain"t too tight确保你的裙子不太紧What we doing, is gon have a lot of fun我们所做的,是会有很多乐趣With me and you, tonight, come on今晚,我和你,来吧You gotta twist it till you love it你必须扭转它直到你喜欢它Then twist it to the right然后将它拧到右边Twist it like you love it像你爱它Go twist it day and night去扭转它的白天和黑夜Twist it till you love it扭转它直到你喜欢它Then twist it to the right然后将它拧到右边Twist it like you love it像你爱它Go twist it day and night去扭转它的白天和黑夜You got it twisted你把它扭了Now tell me where you wanna do me, damn right现在告诉我你想做什么,该死的权利You got it twisted你把它扭了You introduced it, you know I don"t play你介绍的,你知道我不玩You had me looking stupid, but I let it cope away你让我看起来很笨,但我却让它消失了That booty substitued it, guess that made it okay赃物取代它,想让它好You had me stuck on stupid, but I let it cope away你让我陷入了愚蠢的,但我让它处理掉I suffer from dilusion, I should put myself away我受到稀释,我应该把自己

pp助手里面的一首铃声stronger好听的女声 歌名叫什么




为什么是on the street corner而不是on the cornerof the street
