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《dark horse》katyperry的,歌词?

I knew you were 我知道你会来 You were gonna come to me 你会来找我的 And here you are 来吧 But you better choose carefully 但是你要慎重选择 Cause I-I-I 因为 I"m capable of anything 我能给你我的u2f00切 Of anything u2f00切 And everything 所有u2f00切 [Pre-Chorus] Make me your Aphrodite 让我做你的u2f25神(Aphrodite,等 同于维纳斯,性与爱的u2f25神) Make me your one and only 让我做你的唯u2f00 But don"t make me your enemy 别让我做你的敌u2f08 Your enemy 你的仇敌 Your enemy 你的死敌 [Chorus] So you wanna play with magic? 想要感受我的魔u2f12吗? Boy, you should know what you"r e falling for 男孩,你应该知道你中的是什么计 Baby, do you dare to do this? 宝贝,你够胆吗? Cause I"m coming at you like a da rk horse 因为我是u2f00匹向你狂奔的野马 Are you ready for? 你准备好了吗? Ready for? 准备好了吗? A perfect storm? u2f00场完美的风暴? Perfect storm? u2f00场席卷你的风暴? Cause once you"re mine u2f00旦你属于我 Once you"re mine 你将永远u2f82服于我 There"s no going back 这u2f46法回头 [Interlude] Hey! [etc.] 嘿! [Verse 2: Katy Perry] Mark my words 打上我的烙印 This love will make you levitate 我的爱会让你飞向天际 Like a bird 像u2f00只鸟 Like a bird without a cage u2f00只挣脱牢笼的鸟 We"re down to earth 让我们回到地u2faf If you choose to walk away 如果你想要离开? Don"t walk away 请不要离开 [Pre-Chorus - Variation] It"s in the palm of your hand now baby 你u2f3f中还握有选择权,宝贝u2f09 It"s a yes or a no? 是或否 No maybe 不允许有或许 So just be sure 快做出你的决定 Before you give it up to me 在你把权利交予我之前 Up to me 交给我 Give it up to me 把权利给我交出来 [Chorus] [Verse 3: Juicy J] Uh, she"s a beast 啊,她真是匹野兽 I call her Karma 我说她就是我的姻缘 She eat your heart out 她侵蚀你的u2f3c脏 Like Jeffrey Dahmer 像u2f00个嗜u2f8e狂魔 (Jeffrey Dahmer,美国u2f00个杀u2f08 狂,吃过u2f08什么的) Be careful u2f29u2f3c点 Try not to lead her on 不要试着去哄骗她 Shawty"s heart is on steroids 她的u2f3c很坚硬(steroids,类固 醇,健u2f9d增肌u2f64,此处指你狸的u2f3c 是练过的) Cause her love is so strong 因为她的爱很强烈 You may fall in love 你也许会坠u2f0a爱河 When you meet her 当你遭遇到她 If you get the chance you better k eep her 如果你把握住机会请珍惜她 She swears by it but if you break her heart 千万不要伤她的u2f3c She turn cold as a freezer 否则她将会像极冰u2f00样冷艳 That fairy tale ending with a knig ht in shining armor 童话的结尾总有u2f00位伟u2f24的骑u2f20 She can be my Sleeping Beauty 她会成为我的睡美u2f08 I"m gon" put her in a coma (Woo!) 我要让她(爽到)昏迷 Damn, I think I love her 妈蛋,我想我是爱上她了 Shawty so bad 真是个坏辣妹 I"m sprung and I don"t care 我不在乎我是否快要断裂了 She ride me like a roller coaster 她骑在我u2f9d上就像过u2f2d车(观u2fb3坐 莲u2f46误) Turn the bedroom into a fair 卧室仿佛仙境u2f00般 Her love is like a drug 她的爱就像是迷幻药 I was tryna hit it and quit it 我就试试看会致命吗 But lil mama so dope 但这毒性令u2f08眩晕 I messed around and got addicte d 我已经混乱了但这感觉真爽爽爽爽 爽 [Chorus] So you wanna play with magic? 想要感受我的魔u2f12吗? Boy, you should know what you"r e falling for 男孩,你应该知道你中的是什么计 Baby, do you dare to do this? 宝贝,你够胆吗? Cause I"m coming at you like a da rk horse 因为我是u2f00匹向你狂奔的野马 Are you ready for? 你准备好了吗? Ready for? 准备好了吗? A perfect storm? u2f00场完美的风暴? Perfect storm? u2f00场席卷你的风暴? Cause once you"re mine u2f00旦你属于我 Once you"re mine 你将永远u2f82服于我 There"s no going back

to be number one 歌词

To Be Number One 力争第一 This is what we"ve worked for all our lives 我们奋斗终生 Reaching for the highest goal we can 只为登上颠峰 We choose to give it all 我们不惜一切 When competition calls 只为赛场一搏 Time records the Victory in our hearts 时光将胜利铭刻于心中 To win or lose is not the only thing 成败得失都已无关紧要 It"s all in how we play the fairest game 一切只为那精彩的比赛 This is the chance we take 机不可失 Reaching for the top 登上颠峰 Time records the Victory in our hearts 时光将胜利铭刻在心中 To be number one 力争第一 Running like the wind 狂飙似风 Playing hard but always playing fair 竭尽全力却不犯规 (oh Year) (哦耶) To be number one 力争第一 Winning again and again 捷报频传 Reaching higher 更进一步 Through Italian sky 直上云霄 This is what we"ve worked for all our lives 我们奋斗终生的目标 Shining like a shooting star at night 如流星一般闪耀夜空 We"ve got to give it all 我们愿意付出所有 When we hear the call 迎接挑战 Time records the viictory in our hearts 时光将胜利铭刻在心中 To be number one! 力争第一!

lena anderson又叫什么名字

lena anderson又叫布莱尔·艾芙瑞。莉娜·安德森,又名布莱尔·艾芙瑞,1998年1月28日出生于美国德克萨斯州达拉斯,在弗吉尼亚州长大,美国演艺界著名的美女、顶级人气演员。身高185cm,体重约55kg。莉娜·安德森曾经打了10年的排球,也曾从事一些建模工作,而且还是小有名气的模特,拥有连欧美人都极其羡慕的高挑身段,同时拥有玉骨冰肌和吹弹可破的天使容颜,上帝亲吻过的性感声音。在一次访谈中,莉娜表示男朋友至少和她一样高,同时要有幽默感且充满自信的。人物经历2018年Lena Anderson莉娜·安德森在推上公布了自己微信和微博之后,她的粉丝都要将她的微信加爆了,也因此开始将粉丝转移到微博上,不过这种状况也只维持了半个月,毕竟人家的语言实在是太难懂了,有种对牛弹琴的味道。2019年与知名华人厂商进行了合作,片中,主编对Lena进行了采访,Lena坦诚自己最初进入这个行业是为了寻求自由和金钱,但是她也想尝试不同的感受。2020年人气正旺的Lena Anderson莉娜·安德森忽然宣布引退。


LenAnderson的代表作品有:1. 《Cowboy Funeral》- 2008年。2. 《Deception》- 2000年。3. 《Finish Line: A Cruise Down Memory Lane》- 2005年。以上是LenAnderson的代表作品,希望对您有所帮助。

to be number one什么意思

应该是电影名: 跛豪望采纳

lena anderson什么意思?

lena anderson是顶级人气演员。莉娜·安德森(Lena Anderson),又名布莱尔·艾芙瑞(Blaire Ivory)1998年1月28日出生于美国得克萨斯州达拉斯,在弗吉尼亚州长大,美国演艺界著名的美女、顶级人气演员。身高185cm,体重约55kg,体型32-26-36。莉娜·安德森(Lena Anderson)曾经打了10年的排球,也曾从事一些建模工作,而且还是小有名气的模特,拥有连欧美人都极其羡慕的高挑身段,同时拥有玉骨冰肌和吹弹可破的天使容颜,上帝亲吻过的性感声音。在一次访谈中,莉娜表示男朋友至少和她一样高(6英尺),同时要有幽默感且充满自信的。ena anderson隐退原因与现状如下:2019年10月,莉娜·安德森突然隐退,据说是肾炎原因,可见,再好的身体也经不住工作的摧残,工作诚可贵,身体价值更高啊。也有说是因为实现了金钱自由、物质自由,想回归到平淡而正常的生活,不得不说,这样的做法才是智慧和美貌并存的巅峰女神莉娜·安德森。目前,莉娜·安德森专注于绘画和写作,还计划在洛杉矶买了一栋房子。粉丝们非常希望她复出,她为了表示自己的决心,在推特发布了自己的短发形象,连妆都没怎么化,整一个素面朝天的感觉,说明她下定决心要走上新的人生。

imprimer是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

v. t. 1. 印, 压印:imprimer ses pas dans la neige 在雪中印下足迹imprimer la marque d"un cachet sur de la cire 在火漆上打上封印的印记imprimer un motif en relief (en creux) 压印凸形(凹形)图案imprimer des dessins sur une étoffe 在布上印图样imprimer une étoffe [引]印制花布2. 盖(章), 盖(印):imprimer un cachet sur de la cire 在火漆上盖封印3. 印刷; 印制; [引]出版, 发表:imprimer un livre à mille exemplaires 把一本书印一千册[宾语省略]Il écrit, mais n"a pas encore imprimé. 他从事写作, 但还没有出版过作品。 imprimer un auteur (un écrivain) [引]出版一个作家的作品4. 传递, 给予(运动, 速度等):imprimer un mouvement de rotation à un volant 使飞轮转动imprimer un grand essor à l"économie nationale 把国民经济搞上去5. [转]给以… 印象; 把… 印进; 使铭记:souvenirs imprimés dans la mémoire 牢记在心中的回忆6. [转]赋予(特性等)s"imprimer v. pr. 1. (被)印刷; 在印刷中:Ce livre s"imprime en ce moment 这书此时正在印刷中, 2. (被)铭刻, (被)铭记常见用法imprimer un souvenir dans la mémoire de qqn在某人的记忆中留下一个回忆

Premiere CS6 在用户文件夹里的CONTENTS文件夹里是什么内容?可以删除么?




you should get over me歌词

I hear you"re taking the town againHavin" a good timeWith all your good-time friendsI don"t think that you think of meYou"re on your own nowAnd I"m alone and freeI know that I should get on with my lifeBut a life lived without youCould never be rightChorus:As long as the stars shine downFrom the heavensLong as the rivers runTo the seaI"ll never get over youGetting over meI try to smile so the hurt won"t showTell everybodyThat I was glad to see you goBut the tears just won"t go away(Won"t go away..)Loneliness found meLooks like it"s here to stayI know that I oughta find someone newBut all I find is myselfAlways thinkin" of youChorusOh!No matter what I doEach night"s a lifetime to live throughI can"t go on like this(I need your touch)You"re the only one I"ll ever love)Oh, oh.. Ah....Ooh.....Ooh.....Ooh.....And asLong as the stars shine downFrom the heavensLong as the rivers runTo the seaI"ll never get over youGetting over meI"ll never get over youGetting overNever get over you...Getting overI"ll never get over youGetting over me



外贸中L/C,negotiation under reserves or against bank guarantee prohibited什么意思?


如何判断短信是否发送成功 iccisms.sendtextforsubscriber

  源码SmsManager类里有个方法可以用来发送长短信,代码如下:  public void sendMultipartTextMessage(  String destinationAddress, String scAddress, ArrayList parts,  ArrayList sentIntents, ArrayList deliveryIntents) {  if (TextUtils.isEmpty(destinationAddress)) {  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid destinationAddress");  }  if (parts == null || parts.size() < 1) {  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid message body");  }  if (parts.size() > 1) {  try {  ISms iccISms = ISms.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("isms"));  if (iccISms != null) {  iccISms.sendMultipartText(destinationAddress, scAddress, parts,  sentIntents, deliveryIntents);  }  } catch (RemoteException ex) {  // ignore it  }  } else {  PendingIntent sentIntent = null;  PendingIntent deliveryIntent = null;  if (sentIntents != null && sentIntents.size() > 0) {  sentIntent = sentIntents.get(0);  }  if (deliveryIntents != null && deliveryIntents.size() > 0) {  deliveryIntent = deliveryIntents.get(0);  }  sendTextMessage(destinationAddress, scAddress, parts.get(0),  sentIntent, deliveryIntent);  }  }

you should get over me歌词

Jessica Wolff - You Should Get Over MeLeave my keys in the hallway And close that door Don"t wanna hear that you"re hurtin" Won"t pet you anymoreI was blind, too numb to see Just what our life turned out to be I had to get out You burnt the inside of meYou should get over me I don"t want your company, or anything Dry your tears "cause we were Never meant to beYou should get over me I don"t need your misery, you make me sick Dry your tears and move on You should get over meOur road has come to end and nowDon"t want you hereDon"t even try to affect meWith your pathetic tearsYou were blind, too dumb to seeThat you and me could never beYou have your freedomTake it and be freeYou should get over me I don"t want your company, or anything Dry your tears "cause we were Never meant to beYou should get over me I don"t need your misery, you make me sick Dry your tears and move on You should get over meTry to forget me and move onEven if you think that I"m wrongGo on, erase me from your phone nowDon"t try to call me "cause I am goneYou should get over me I don"t need your misery, you make me sick Dry your tears and move on You should get over meYou should get over me I don"t want your company, or anything Dry your tears "cause we were Never meant to beYou should get over me I don"t need your misery, you make me sick Dry your tears and move on You should get over meYou should get over meI don"t want you companyYou should get over me

外贸中L/C,negotiation under reserves or against bank guarantee prohibited什么意思?


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[Angular Material完全攻略] Day 04 - MatButton、MatButtonToggle和MatRipple

今天我们要来介绍Angular Material按钮(button)的使用方法,按钮可以说是一切互动介面的基本,只要按下了按钮,所有事情都可能会发生,也因此设计良好的按钮是非常重要的,除了让事情发生外,也要让使用者能够明确的知道按钮背后的意义,今天就让我们看看Material Design中按钮的设计思维,以及如何在Angular Material如何轻易地达到这些设计的目标吧! 在 Material Design的Button的设计指南 中,按钮主要分为3种类型: 除了扁平化的按钮是为了在画面上有协调的感觉以外,其他的按钮设计都是为了凸显自身的存在,因此在设计上也都会呈现阴影的感觉,让视觉上更加清楚。 在Angular Material中,所有的按钮都放置在MatButtonModule中,因此使用时记得加入这个Module 由于按钮在网页上的存在极具意义,Angular Material在设计上并未把按钮封装成component,而是以directive的方式附著在 <button> 或 <a> 标签上,并透过样式的变化让原来的 <button> 或 <a> 标签具有Material Design的风格。 扁平化按钮是最基本的按钮样式,使用上非常简单,在原来的button或a标签上加上 mat-button 即可 这时候在画面上看起来会完全没有按钮的感觉,而只是个文字的存在,但当滑鼠移到按钮上时,则会看到比较深色的背景,按下去时则会产生互动的涟漪效果。 当然,我们也可以使用 color 属性来改变按钮的颜色,同时也可以使用 disabled 属性禁止按钮被点选。 效果如下: 比起扁平化的按钮,凸起的按钮会有明显的反差,也会有比较深的阴影效果,以凸显按钮的存在,凸起的按钮需要加上mat-raised-button 效果如下: 要替按钮加上Icon本身是一件很简单的事情,在标签内加上 <mat-icon> 就可以了,例如: 效果如下: 不过如果我想只想要icon,不要搭配文字呢? 结果: 这样有点问题的是,左右留白太多了好像有点浪费空间,毕竟只想要icon的按钮通常就是为了能够节省空间啊!这时候可以使用专门为了呈现icon的 mat-icon-button 来解决这个问题: 结果: 看起来就单纯许多,如果希望凸显这个按钮,我们可以先用 mat-raised-button 将它变成更明显的按钮,在使用 mat-icon-button 改变成为左右不留白的样式 结果: 可以看到按钮的留白就移除了,边角也变成了圆形的,只有Icon的单一按钮用这样的呈现方式感觉还不错! 接下来要介绍的是预设就是圆形的floating action button,我们使用到 mat-fab 这个directive: 效果如下: 可以发现一件事情,在没有指定颜色的时候, mat-fab 的样式与accent颜色是一样的,可以见得floating action button本身的设计理念就是为了凸显它的存在感,这刚好与accent的概念是用来强调这里有东西的颜色概念一样,不得不佩服Angular Material设想得非常周到。 mat-fab 本身应为圆形且要凸显的效果,整个按钮看起来会比较大,但对于比较小的区块中要使用时反而会显得太过突兀,这时候我们也可以使用 mat-mini-fab 来产生比较小的floating action button 跟原来的按钮比较效果如下: mat-mini-fab 产生的按钮样式跟一般的按钮高度就会一样,因此看起来会跟使用 mat-raised-button 加上 mat-icon-button 的组合技有一样的效果,不过在语义上则是不一样的东西。 以上就是整个Angular Material中的按钮基本用法,并不会非常困难,主要就是几个directives,依照不同的情境决定使用方式;接下来要介绍的是类似按钮却不是按钮的东西,叫做按钮开关(button toggle)。 按钮开关基本上不是按钮,反而比较类似checkbox,偏偏它又不像checkbox是表单控制项,可以搭配ngModel使用,因此单一的按钮开关使用上会比较没有意义,而是使用一个群组式的按钮开关,应用层面比较广 mat-button-toggle 放在MatButtonToggleModule中,使用前记得加入这个Module,加入后我们可以直接在画面上使用 结果如下: 可以看到每次点下去,就有切换开关的效果。 mat-button-toggle 这个component本身还有如 checked、value、disabled 等属性可以使用,我们将在下一个Button Toggle Group中一起混著使用 mat-button-toggle-group 可以放置多个 mat-button-toggle ,并且依照被选取的mat-button-toggle来决定自己的值是什麽,我们可以设计一个简单的画面如下: 在上面的程式中,第一段ButtonToggleGroup中我们使用value为每个 mat-button-toggle 中设定所属的值,并且设定 checked="true" 来设定预设选取的效果、以及 disabled 来设定禁止点选,接著透过template reference取得ButtonToggleGroup的value值,也就是里面真正被开启的按钮值。 第二段ButtonToggleGroup中我们加入了 mutiple ,让里面的ButtonToggle可以复选,另外加上了 vertical="true" 改变排列方式,不过在复选时我们无法直接使用buttonToggleGroup.value来取得值,因此只能各自取得里面的ButtonToggle的选取状态。 效果如下: 关于ButtonToggleGroup中 mutiple 的设定,值得注意的是没有加上 mutiple 时,我们可以直接取用其中的value,来得到被选取的状态,同时也支援使用ngModel;加上 mutiple 后,由于不会有资料传入value中,因此ngModel也因此无法使用了。 详细的其他属性可以参考 ButtonToggle的API文件 。 介绍一个官方文件没有提到,但官方source code的demo app有示范的一个有趣的东西,也就是涟漪效果,这个效果主要用在按钮上面,在许多其他元件也可看到这个特效的踪影,在刚刚的介绍中我们也看到了按下按钮后会产生的特效;实际上这个特效有写成一个directive,让我们可以在不同地方使用,而且能调整许多细节。 首先加入MatRippleModule后,我们先来个简单的版本,直接用一个div并加上 mat-ripple 这个directive就好! 我们在这边加上了一个class的设定 position和transaition是必要的,其他可以依照情况设定,只要有这样的设定,立刻就可以为我们的画面加上涟漪效果啦! 除了基本的设定外, mat-ripple 还有其他属性可以设定,让画面呈现更加不一样,以下是 mat-ripple 的主要属性 例如以下程式码,我们可以在画面上产生数个粉红色且扩散速度慢的涟漪点。 结果如下: 我们也能从程式里面去直接触发涟漪的产生,如下: ripple.launch 的前两个参数为涟漪点产生的位置,但目前这个计算会跑掉,所以我们在第三个参数中设定相关属性时将centered设为true,强制从中心点开始,另外这边我们加了一个persistent为true,代表涟漪点产生后不会自动淡出。我们可以透过 fadeOutAll() 把所有涟漪点都淡出。 效果如下: 是不是很有趣啊! 今天我们介绍了非常实用的元件- 按钮 ,按钮可以说是一切互动的开始,透过按钮我们可以期待会有事情发生,而在Material Design中对于按钮的设计也是一门学问,如何在低调与奢华的按钮之间选择,影响了使用者对画面的观感。 除此之外我们也介绍了 开关型的按钮 ,这种按钮在特定的情境下会非常实用。 最后我们额外介绍了文件目前没有的 涟漪效果 ,这个效果在许多元件中都能看到,因此拉出来变成一个独立的directive也是件正常不过的事情,除此之外 mat-ripple 还能有许多更细部的设定,让效果更加丰富。 在介绍过几个实用的元件及功能后,明天开始我们就要开来组合各种元件,并且完成各式各样的画面啦!! 本日的程式码GitHub: 分支:day-04-mat-button

怎么用material studio计算物质随温度变化的密度

用material studio计算物质随温度变化的密度方法:  ①模拟一个温室内温度场,温室外不是计算区域,但是温室与外界肯定存在自然对流换热,这是时候你可以给定一个外界来流温度和换热系数来计算。  ②因为对流换热系数和固体材料物性本身没什么关系,基本上都是气流速度和形状等方面的影响,所以铝和空气表面的换热系数是不存在的,,在fluent里你需要处理成流固耦合界面,选择coupled边界条件,这样子表面对流换热系数是fluent根据流场信息自己会计算的。material studio软件的介绍  Materials Studio是专门为材料科学领域研究者开发的一款可运行在PC上的模拟软件。它可以帮助你解决当今化学、材料工业中的一系列重要问题。支持Windows 98、2000、NT、Unix以及Linux等多种操作平台的Materials Studio使化学及材料科学的研究者们能更方便地建立三维结构模型,并对各种晶体、无定型以及高分子材料的性质及相关过程进行深入的研究。material studio软件的用途  多种先进算法的综合应用使Materials Studio成为一个强有力的模拟工具。无论构型优化、性质预测和X射线衍射分析,以及复杂的动力学模拟和量子力学计算,我们都可以通过一些简单易学的操作来得到切实可靠的数据。material studio软件的结构  Materials Studio软件采用灵活的Client-Server结构。其核心模块Visualizer运行于客户端PC,支持的操作系统包括Windows 98、2000、NT;计算模块(如Discover,Amorphous,Equilibria,DMol3,CASTEP等)运行于服务器端,支持的系统包括Windows2000、NT、SGIIRIX以及Red Hat Linux。浮动许可(Floating License)机制允许用户将计算作业提交到网络上的任何一台服务器上,并将结果返回到客户端进行分析,从而最大限度地利用了网络资源。

澳洲移民SOL里2339 Other Engineering Professionals 指哪些专业

ANZSCO 2339 其他工程专业人员职业列表u2022 233911 航空工程师 Aeronautical Engineeru2022 233912 农业工程师 Agricultural Engineeru2022 233913 生物医学工程师 Biomedical Engineeru2022 233914 工程技师 Engineering Technologistu2022 233915 环境工程师 Environmental Engineeru2022 233916 造船工程师(澳洲)和造船设计师(新西兰)Naval Architect (Aus) / Marine Designer (NZ)u2022 233999 工程专业人才 Engineering Professionals nec233911 航空工程师 AERONAUTICAL ENGINEER u2022 执行并监督与飞机设计、研发、制造及维修相关的工程工作。可能要求注册和执业证书 Performs and supervises engineering work concerned with the design, development, manufacture,maintenance and modification of aircraft for flight. Registration or licensing may be required.Skill Level: 1u2022 具体职业 Specialisations:u2022 航空工程人员 Aeronautical Engineering Officer (Navy)u2022 航天工程师 Aerospace Engineeru2022 航天工程人员-航空(空军)Aerospace Engineer Officer - Aeronautical (Air Force)u2022 航天工程人员-军备(空军)Aerospace Engineer Officer - Armament (Air Force)u2022 航天工程人员-电子设备(空军)Aerospace Engineer Officer - Electronics (Air Force)u2022 航空电子系统工程师 Avionics Systems Engineer u2022 兵器航空工程人员(海军) Weapons Aeronautical Engineering Officer (Navy)233912 农业工程师 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERu2022 可替换职位 Alternative Title:u2022 自然资源工程师 Natural Resources Engineeru2022 执行并监督与农业用地,建筑,机械设备利用开发相关的工程工作。或许要求注册证或执业证书 Performs and supervises engineering work related to the use and development of agricultural land, buildings, machines and equipment. Registration or licensing may be required. Skill Level: 1233913 生物医学工程师 BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER u2022 运用物理,工程,数学,计算机,物理化学及材料学知识解决生物方面和人类疾病预防的问题。或许要求注册证或执业证书 Applies knowledge and methodology of physics, engineering, mathematics, computing, physical chemistry and materials science to problems in biology and the treatment and prevention of human disease. Registration or licensing may be required.Skill Level: 1u2022 具体职业 Specialisations:u2022 生物工程师 Bioengineeru2022 临床工程师 Clinical Engineeru2022 医药工程师 Medical Engineer233914 工程技师 ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGISTu2022 分析并修正新的和现有的工程技术,并将技术用于工程项目测试和实施。或许要求注册证或执业证书 Analyses and modifies new and existing engineering technologies and applies them in the testing and implementation of engineering projects. Registration or licensing may be required. Skill Level: 1u2022 具体职业 Specialisations:u2022 航空工程技师 Aeronautical Engineering Technologistu2022 农业工程技师 Agricultural Engineering Technologistu2022 生物医学技师 Biomedical Engineering Technologistu2022 化学工程技师 Chemical Engineering Technologistu2022 工业工程技师 Industrial Engineering Technologistu2022 采矿工程技师 Mining Engineering Technologist233915 环境工程师 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER u2022 评估工程项目对空气,水,土壤和噪音的影响,规划并设计设备和安全处理废料方法的,评估造成长期环境问题的原因。可能要求注册证或执业证书 Assesses the impact on air, water, soil and noise levels in the vicinity of engineering projects, plans and designs equipment and processes for the treatment and safe disposal of waste material, and assesses what may cause problems for the environment in the long-term. Registration or licensing is required.Skill Level: 1233916 造船工程师(澳洲)和造船设计师(新西兰) NAVAL ARCHITECT (AUS) / MARINE DESIGNE R (NZ )u2022 设计并监督轮船和浮式结构物的建造与修理。可能要求注册证或执业证书 Designs and oversees the construction and repair of marine craft and floating structures. Registration or licensing may be required.Skill Level: 1233999 工程专业人员(其他未分类) ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS NECu2022 该类别包括其他未分类的过程技术人员 。可能要求注册证或执业证书 This occupation group covers Engineering Professionals not elsewhere classified. Registration or licensing may be required.Skill Level: 1u2022 该类职业 Occupations in this group include:u2022 机电一体化工程师 Mechatronics Engineeru2022 产品设计工程师 Product Design Engineer

negotiation under reserve是什么意思

negotiation under reserve英 [nu026au02ccgu0259u028au0283i:u02c8eu026au0283u0259n u02c8u028cndu0259 riu02c8zu0259:v] 美 [nu026au02ccɡou0283iu02c8eu0283u0259n u02c8u028cndu025a ru026au02c8zu025av] 词典保结押汇网络议付行有保留地议付了单据; 数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道1Negotiation/ payment under reserve of against an indemnity prohibited, in that case, negotiation should be processed under our approval. 禁止在有担保条件下的议付/付款,如果在这种情况下,议付应该在我们的许可下进

Flutter Button(按钮)

在 Flutter 里有很多的 Button,包括了:MaterialButton、RaisedButton、FloatingActionButton、FlatButton、IconButton、ButtonBar、DropdownButton 等。 一般常用的 Button 是 MaterialButton、IconButton、FloatingActionButton。 MaterialButton 是一个 Materia 风格的按钮。 一般来说,如果需要点击事件,就要嵌套一个 Button,因为 Container、Text 等组件都没有点击事件。 RaisedButton 与 MaterialButton 类似。 FlatButton 与 MaterialButton 类似,不同的是它是透明背景的。如果一个 Container 想要点击事件时,可以使用 FlatButton 包裹,而不是 MaterialButton。因为 MaterialButton 默认带背景,而 FlatButton 默认不带背景。 IconButton 顾名思义就是 Icon + Button 的复合体,当某个 Icon 需要点击事件时,使用 IconButton 最好不过。 其外,还有已经定义好的 Icon Button:CloseButton、BackButton。他们都有导航返回的能力。 FloatingActionButton 是一个浮动在页面右下角的浮动按钮。 在 Scaffold 里使用的时候,它是一个浮动状态的按钮,在其他地方使用,就不会浮动了。 ButtonBar 是一个布局组件,可以让 Button 排列在一行。

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- -你要游戏还是里番

Justin Bieber 的歌love Me中文翻译是什么

Justin Bieber - Love Me (Prod. by Frank E) 我的朋友都说我习惯简单思考 而你就是我的唯一 我想我应该是个爱情白痴 因为事实上 你知道的,我从不背叛因为你是上天派遣给我的天使 所以宝贝,你不能背叛我 我的钱就是你的 给你再多一点,是因为我爱你, 而我就是你的最佳归属 只要站在这里 我保证亲爱的,你比我的任何东西都重要 爱我吧, 说你爱我 欺骗我吧 哦,就这样做 亲吻我吧 说你想我 说一切我乐意听的 说你爱我

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justing bieber的 love me歌词

My friends say I"m a fool to think我朋友说我思考的很简单(很蠢)that you"re the one for me我觉得你是我的I guess I"m just a sucker for love我猜,我对爱情感冒Cuz honestly the truth is因为坦白的讲,这就是事实That you know I"m never leavin你知道的,我永远都不会抛弃你Cuz you"re my angel sent from above你是老天送我的天使Baby you can do no wrong宝贝,你做的每一件事都是对的My money is yours我的钱就是你的Give you little more because I love ya, love ya给你更多一点,因为我爱你,爱你!With me, girl, is where you belong和我在一起,这就是你的归宿Just stay right here只要呆着这里!I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya, above ya我保证,我的亲爱的,不会有任何事物能驾驭你,比你重要Love me, love me爱我,爱我吧Say that you love me快说你爱你!Fool me, fool me欺骗我,(就算是)欺骗我吧Oh how you do me噢,你就这么做吧!Kiss me, kiss me亲亲我,亲亲我!Say that you miss me快说你想我了Tell me what I wanna hear告诉我一切我想要听的Tell me you love me告诉我你爱我!Love me, love me爱我,爱我吧!Say that you love me告诉我你爱我!Fool me, fool me欺骗我,(就算是)欺骗我吧Oh how you do me这就是你所要做的Kiss me, kiss me亲亲我,亲亲我Say that you miss me告诉我你想我了Tell me what I wanna hear告诉我一切我想要听的Tell me you love me告诉我你爱我!People try to tell me人们试图劝我But I still refuse to listen但我拒绝听Cuz they don"t get to spend time with you应为他们没有和你在一起过A minute with you is worth more than a thousand days without your love, oh your love和你在一起的一分钟比一千个没有你的日子更值得,喔,你的爱!Baby you can do no wrong宝贝,你做的一切都是对的!My money is yours我的钱就是你的钱!Give you little more because I love ya, love ya给你更多一点因为我爱你,爱你!With me, girl, is where you belong女孩,和我在一起,就是你的归宿Just stay right here只需要呆在这里I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya, above ya我保证我的宝贝,没有任何事物能驾驭你,比你重要Love me, love me爱我,爱我吧Say that you love me说你爱我Fool me, fool me欺骗我,(就算是)欺骗我吧Oh how you do me喔,就这么做吧Kiss me, kiss me亲亲我亲亲我!Say that you miss me告诉我你想我了Tell me what I wanna hear和我说一切我想听的Tell me you love me告诉我你爱我Love me, love me爱我,爱我吧!Say that you love me快说你爱我Fool me, fool me欺骗我,(就算是)欺骗我吧Oh how you do me你就只需要这样做Kiss me, kiss me亲亲我,亲亲我吧Say that you miss me告诉我你想我了Tell me what I wanna hear告诉我一切我想听的Tell me you love me告诉我你爱我My heart is blind but I don"t care我的心是盲目的,但是我不在乎Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappeared因为当我和你在一起,一切都消失了And every time I hold you near每次我靠近你I never wanna let you go, oh我就不想让你走,喔!Love me, love meSay that you love meFool me, fool meOh how you do meKiss me, kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love meLove me, love meSay that you love meFool me, fool meOh how you do meKiss me, kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me

Justin bieber的love me中英对照歌词

love meMy friends say I"m a fool to thinkThat you"re the one for meI guess I"m just a sucker for love‘Cuz honestly the truth is thatYou know I"m never leavin"‘Cuz you"re my angel sent from aboveBaby you can do no wrongMy money is yoursGive you little more because I love ya, love yaWith me, girl, is where you belongJust stay right hereI promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above yaLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me, Kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you (love me)Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me, Kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me u love mePeople try to tell meBut I still refuse to listenCuz they don"t get to spend time with youA minute with you is worth more thanA thousand days without your love, oh your loveBaby you can do no wrongMy money is yoursGive you little more because I love ya, love yaWith me, girl, is where you belongJustin Bieber Love Me lyrics found on Just stay right hereI promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above yaLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.My heart is blind but I don"t care‘Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappearedAnd every time I hold you nearI never wanna let you go, ohLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me我的朋友说我是个傻瓜思考 那你是为我一个 我想我只是一个爱吸盘 "Cuz诚实的事实是, 你知道我从来leavin" "Cuz你是我的天使从上面发 宝贝你不会有错 我的钱是你的 给你多一点,因为我爱亚,爱亚 我,姑娘,你是属于 就留在这儿 我发誓我亲爱的我会凌驾于亚诺廷。上述亚 爱我,爱我 说你爱我 骗我,骗我 噢你能帮我 亲亲我,亲亲我 说你想念我 告诉我,我想听听 告诉我你(爱我) 爱我,爱我 说你爱我 骗我,骗我 噢你能帮我 亲亲我,亲亲我 说你想念我 告诉我,我想听听 告诉我爱我ü 人们试图告诉我 但我仍然不听 Cuz他们没有得到陪伴你的时间 与你一分钟的价值超过 一千天,没有你的爱,哦,你的爱 宝贝你不会有错 我的钱是你的 给你多一点,因为我爱亚,爱亚 我,姑娘,你是属于 就留在这儿 我发誓我亲爱的我会凌驾于亚诺廷。上述亚 爱我,爱我 说你爱我 骗我,骗我 噢你能帮我 吻我,吻我 说,美想念我 告诉我,我想听听 告诉我你爱我。 爱我,爱我 说你爱我 骗我,骗我 噢你能帮我 吻我,吻我 说,美想念我 告诉我,我想听听 告诉我你爱我。 我的心是盲目的,但我不在乎 "Cuz当我与你的一切已经消失 每次我认为你靠近 我再也不想让你走,噢 爱我,爱我 说你爱我 骗我,骗我 噢你能帮我 吻我,吻我 说,美想念我 告诉我,我想听听 告诉我你爱我。 爱我,爱我 说你爱我 骗我,骗我 噢你能帮我 吻我,吻我 说,美想念我 告诉我,我想听听 告诉我你爱我

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Oh oh it"s JBMy friends say I'm a fool to thinkThat you're the one for meI guess I'm just a sucker for love'Cuz honestly the truth is thatYou know I'm never leavin''Cuz you're my angel sent from aboveBaby you can do no wrongMy money is yoursGive you little more because I love yaLove yaWith me girl is where you belongJust stay right hereI promise my dear I'll put nothin above yaAbove yaLove me Love meSay that you love meFool me Fool meOh how you do meKiss me Kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love meLove me Love meSay that you love meFool me Fool meOh how you do meKiss me Kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me u love mePeople try to tell mebut I still refuse to listen'Cuz they don't get to spend time with youA minute with you is worth more thanA thousand days without your loveOh your loveOhBaby you can do no wrongMy money is yoursGive you little more because I love yaLove yaWith me girl is where you belongJust stay right hereI promise my dear I'll put nothin above yaAbove yaLove me Love meSay that you love meFool me Fool meOh how you do meKiss me kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what i wanna hearTell me you love meLove me Love meSay that you love meFool me Fool meOh how you do meKiss me kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what i wanna hearTell me you love meMy heart is blind but I don't care'Cuz when I'm with you everything has disappearedAnd every time I hold you nearI never wanna let you goOhLove me Love meSay that you love meFool me Fool meOh how you do meKiss me kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what i wanna hearTell me you love meLove me Love meSay that you love meFool me Fool meOh how you do meKiss me kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what i wanna hearTell me you love me

love me justin bieber 中英文歌词

My friends say I"m a fool to think我朋友说我思考的很简单(很蠢)that you"re the one for me我觉得你是我的I guess I"m just a sucker for love我猜,我对爱情感冒Cuz honestly the truth is因为坦白的讲,这就是事实That you know I"m never leavin你知道的,我永远都不会抛弃你Cuz you"re my angel sent from above你是老天送我的天使Baby you can do no wrong宝贝,你做的每一件事都是对的My money is yours我的钱就是你的Give you little more because I love ya, love ya给你更多一点,因为我爱你,爱你!With me, girl, is where you belong和我在一起,这就是你的归宿Just stay right here只要呆着这里!I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya, above ya我保证,我的亲爱的,不会有任何事物能驾驭你,比你重要Love me, love me爱我,爱我吧Say that you love me快说你爱你!Fool me, fool me欺骗我,(就算是)欺骗我吧Oh how you do me噢,你就这么做吧!Kiss me, kiss me亲亲我,亲亲我!Say that you miss me快说你想我了Tell me what I wanna hear告诉我一切我想要听的Tell me you love me告诉我你爱我!Love me, love me爱我,爱我吧!Say that you love me告诉我你爱我!Fool me, fool me欺骗我,(就算是)欺骗我吧Oh how you do me这就是你所要做的Kiss me, kiss me亲亲我,亲亲我Say that you miss me告诉我你想我了Tell me what I wanna hear告诉我一切我想要听的Tell me you love me告诉我你爱我!People try to tell me人们试图劝我But I still refuse to listen但我拒绝听Cuz they don"t get to spend time with you应为他们没有和你在一起过A minute with you is worth more than a thousand days without your love, oh your love和你在一起的一分钟比一千个没有你的日子更值得,喔,你的爱!Baby you can do no wrong宝贝,你做的一切都是对的!My money is yours我的钱就是你的钱!Give you little more because I love ya, love ya给你更多一点因为我爱你,爱你!With me, girl, is where you belong女孩,和我在一起,就是你的归宿Just stay right here只需要呆在这里I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya, above ya我保证我的宝贝,没有任何事物能驾驭你,比你重要Love me, love me爱我,爱我吧Say that you love me说你爱我Fool me, fool me欺骗我,(就算是)欺骗我吧Oh how you do me喔,就这么做吧Kiss me, kiss me亲亲我亲亲我!Say that you miss me告诉我你想我了Tell me what I wanna hear和我说一切我想听的Tell me you love me告诉我你爱我Love me, love me爱我,爱我吧!Say that you love me快说你爱我Fool me, fool me欺骗我,(就算是)欺骗我吧Oh how you do me你就只需要这样做Kiss me, kiss me亲亲我,亲亲我吧Say that you miss me告诉我你想我了Tell me what I wanna hear告诉我一切我想听的Tell me you love me告诉我你爱我My heart is blind but I don"t care我的心是盲目的,但是我不在乎Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappeared因为当我和你在一起,一切都消失了And every time I hold you near每次我靠近你I never wanna let you go, oh我就不想让你走,喔!Love me, love meSay that you love meFool me, fool meOh how you do meKiss me, kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love meLove me, love meSay that you love meFool me, fool meOh how you do meKiss me, kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me以上歌词都同上翻译了。。。





JQuery:$(dom).context 是什么?


谁有justin bieber love me 中英文歌词

高清中文字幕视频: bieber - love meoh oh its jbmy friends say i"m a fool to thinkthat you"re the one for mei guess i"m just a sucker for love"cuz honestly the truth is thatyou know i"m never leavin""cuz you"re my angel sent from abovebaby you can do no wrongmy money is yoursgive you little more because i love yalove yawith me, girl, is where you belongjust stay right herei promise my dear i"ll put nothin above yaabove yalove me, love mesay that you love mefool me, fool meoh how you do mekiss me, kiss mesay that you miss metell me what i wanna heartell me you love melove me, love mesay that you love mefool me, fool meoh how you do mekiss me, kiss mesay that you miss metell me what i wanna heartell me u love mepeople try to tell mebut i still refuse to listen"cuz they don"t get to spend time with youa minute with you is worth more thana thousand days without your loveoh your loveohbaby you can do no wrongmy money is yoursgive you little more because i love yalove yawith me, girl, is where you belongjust stay right herei promise my dear i"ll put nothin above yaabove yalove me, love mesay that you love mefool me, fool meoh how you do mekiss me, kiss mesay that u miss metell me what i wanna heartell me you love melove me, love mesay that you love mefool me, fool meoh how you do mekiss me, kiss mesay that u miss metell me what i wanna heartell me you love memy heart is blind but i don"t care"cuz when i"m with youeverything has disappearedand every time i hold you neari never wanna let you goohlove me, love mesay that you love mefool me, fool meoh how you do mekiss me, kiss mesay that u miss metell me what i wanna heartell me you love melove me, love mesay that you love mefool me, fool meoh how you do mekiss me, kiss mesay that u miss metell me what i wanna heartell me you love me

justin bieber的love me歌词翻译


求justinbieber的Everyday Love歌词。

 歌手名:justin bieber  歌曲名:love me  Justin Bieber - Love Me (Prod. by Frank E)  Oh oh its jb  My friends say I"m a fool to think  我的朋友都说我习惯简单思考  That you"re the one for me  而你就是我的唯一  I guess I"m just a sucker for love  我想我应该是个爱情白痴  ‘Cuz honestly the truth is that  因为事实上  You know I"m never leavin"  你知道的,我从不背叛  ‘Cuz you"re my angel sent from above  因为你是上天派遣给我的天使  Baby you can do no wrong  所以宝贝,你不能背叛我  My money is yours  我的钱就是你的  Give you little more because I love ya, love ya  给你再多一点,是因为我爱你,  With me, girl, is where you belong  而我就是你的最佳归属  Just stay right here  只要站在这里  I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above ya  我保证亲爱的,你比我的任何东西都重要  Love me, Love me  爱我吧,  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我吧  Oh how you do me  哦,就这样做  Kiss me, Kiss me  亲吻我吧  Say that you miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you (love me)  说你爱我  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  噢,就这么做吧  Kiss me, Kiss me  亲吻我  Say that you miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me u love me  说你爱我  People try to tell me  人们试图告诉我  But I still refuse to listen  但是我还是拒绝聆听  Cuz they don"t get to spend time with you  因为他们不值得我花时间  A minute with you is worth more than  和你在一起的一分钟都弥足珍贵  A thousand days without your love, oh your love  1000个没有你的爱的日日夜夜  Baby you can do no wrong  宝贝,你不要背叛我  My money is yours  我的钱就是你的  Give you little more because I love ya, love ya  给你多一点,因为我爱你  With me, girl, is where you belong  我就是你的最佳归属  Just stay right here  就待在这  I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above ya  我保证,你比我的一切都重要  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  噢就这样做吧  Kiss me , kiss me  亲吻我  Say that u miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you love me.  说你爱我  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  噢,就这么做吧  Kiss me , kiss me  亲吻我  Say that u miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you love me.  说你爱我  My heart is blind but I don"t care  我的心已经坏了,但是我不在乎  ‘Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappeared  因为和你在一起,所有的东西都消失了  And every time I hold you near  每当我靠近你  I never wanna let you go, oh  我就不想让你离开我,噢  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  哦,就这么做吧  Kiss me , kiss me  亲吻我  Say that u miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you love me.  说你爱我  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  哦,就这么做吧  Kiss me , kiss me  亲吻我  Say that u miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you love me  说你爱我

LA PERLA 的中文意思是什么

La perla 在西班牙语和意大利语里是珍珠的意思。La perla 也是意大利的一个顶级奢侈品的品牌。LA PERLA集团创立于1954年,它不仅出品最尊贵的内衣裤、海滩装、长统丝袜、连衣裙、晚礼服等,还生产顶级的高跟鞋,香水与眼镜。创始人:Ada Masotti 选我吧,please。

android 关于BaseAdapter里的context,该怎么解决

你是在你的BaseAdapter中拿不到Context的引用吗?这个Context的引用你可以卸载你的Adapter的构造方法里面啊,如:private Context mContext;public TestAdapter(Context context){ mContext = context;}然后你不是在Activity里面要新建这个Adapter吗?你就可以:TestAdpater adapter = new TestAdapter(this);将Activity的引用传给Adpater,为什么可以这样呢?是因为Activity就是Context的子类,Context是Activity的父类,所以可以这样传引用

justin bieber《love me》歌词双语

oooooooh. oooooooooooh (its jb)My friends say I"m a fool to thinkthat you"re the one for me我的麻吉都说我认为你是我的真爱是个白痴I guess I"m just a sucker for love我说我只是个情场新手"Cuz honestly the truth is that因为凭良心说真正的答案就是这样子 you know I"m never leavin"你暸我永远不会离开你"Cuz you"re my angel sent from above因为打从心底我就知道你会是我的天使Baby you can do no wrong宝贝你永远都没错My money is yours我的荷包为你而开Give you little more because I love ya, love ya给你再多只因为我就是爱你With me, girl, is where you belong宝贝 你的真命天子只有我Just stay right here和我永远在一起吧I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above ya我发誓永远都爱你Love me, Love me爱我 爱我Say that you love me大声说你爱我Fool me, Fool me哄我 哄我Oh how you do me喔拜托拜托Kiss me, Kiss me亲我 亲我Say that you miss me大声说你想我Tell me what I wanna hear大声说我想听的Tell me you (love me)大声说 (你爱我)Love me, Love me爱我 爱我Say that you love me大声说你爱我Fool me, Fool me哄我 哄我Oh how you do me喔拜托拜托Kiss me, Kiss me亲我 亲我Say that you miss me大声说你想我Tell me what I wanna hear大声说我想听的tell me u love me大声说 (你爱我)People try to tell me麻吉试著劝我but I still refuse to listen但我不想听他们废话Cuz they don"t get to spend time with you因为他们从没和你相处过A minute with you is worth more thana thousand days without your love, oh your love就算只拥有你一分钟也比千百个日子没有你那样值得Baby you can do no wrong宝贝你永远都没错My money is yoursGive you little more because I love ya, love ya给你再多只因为我就是爱你With me, girl, is where you belong宝贝 你的真命天子只有我Just stay right here和我永远在一起吧I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above ya我发誓永远都爱你Love me, Love me爱我 爱我Say that you love me大声说你爱我Fool me, Fool me哄我 哄我Oh how you do me喔拜托拜托Kiss me, Kiss me亲我 亲我Say that you miss me大声说你想我Tell me what I wanna hear大声说我想听的tell me u love me大声说 (你爱我)Love me, Love me爱我 爱我Say that you love me大声说你爱我Fool me, Fool me哄我 哄我Oh how you do me喔拜托拜托Kiss me, Kiss me亲我 亲我Say that you miss me大声说你想我Tell me what I wanna hear大声说我想听的tell me u love me大声说 (你爱我)My heart is blind but I don"t care就算看不见我也不care"Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappeared因为和你在一起任何事都能抛之脑後And every time I hold you near而每分每秒我只想紧紧抓住你待在我身边I never wanna let you go, oh我不想让你离开我Love me, Love me爱我 爱我Say that you love me大声说你爱我Fool me, Fool me哄我 哄我Oh how you do me喔拜托拜托Kiss me, Kiss me亲我 亲我Say that you miss me大声说你想我Tell me what I wanna hear大声说我想听的tell me u love me大声说 (你爱我)Love me, Love me爱我 爱我Say that you love me大声说你爱我Fool me, Fool me哄我 哄我Oh how you do me喔拜托拜托Kiss me, Kiss me亲我 亲我Say that you miss me大声说你想我Tell me what I wanna hear大声说我想听的tell me u love me大声说 (你爱我)

Justin Bieber love me中文歌词的谐音肯求大家了 现在我要练习这首歌给点谐音吧 行不?


Justin Bieber的《Love Me》歌词

My friends say I"m a fool to thinkThat you"re the one for meI guess I"m just a sucker for love‘Cuz honestly the truth is thatYou know I"m never leavin"‘Cuz you"re my angel sent from aboveBaby you can do no wrongMy money is yoursGive you little more because I love ya, love yaWith me, girl, is where you belongJust stay right hereI promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above yaLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me, Kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you (love me)Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me, Kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me u love mePeople try to tell meBut I still refuse to listenCuz they don"t get to spend time with youA minute with you is worth more thanA thousand days without your love, oh your loveBaby you can do no wrongMy money is yoursGive you little more because I love ya, love yaWith me, girl, is where you belongJustin Bieber Love Me lyrics found on Just stay right hereI promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above yaLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.My heart is blind but I don"t care‘Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappearedAnd every time I hold you nearI never wanna let you go, ohLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me噢。。。。我的朋友说我是个傻瓜思考那你是为我一个我想我只是一个爱吸盘虽然诚实,你知道我从来leavin""Cuz你是我的天使从上面发宝贝你不会有错我的钱是你的给你多一点,因为我爱亚爱雅我,姑娘,你是属于就留在这儿我发誓我亲爱的我会凌驾于亚诺廷以上亚爱我,爱我说你爱我骗我,骗我噢你能帮我亲亲我,亲亲我说你想念我告诉我,我想听听告诉我你爱我爱我,爱我说你爱我骗我,骗我噢你能帮我亲亲我,亲亲我说你想念我告诉我,我想听听告诉我爱我ü人们试图告诉我但我仍然不听虽然他们没有得到陪伴你的时间与你一分钟的价值超过一千天,没有你的爱哦你的爱哦宝贝你不会有错我的所有都是你的。。。

日本动漫《银河五虎将》的ED:《Ture Answer》 歌手是:Joelle

银河五虎将日本名字:ガイスターズ英语名字:Guystairs-Fractions of the Earth求的歌曲分别是OP:WINGSED:Ture Answer 歌手是:Joelle日本网站:1.含故事内容、图片及人物介绍银河五虎将日文官方网站,含故事内容及人物介绍原作 Frame Entertainment co.,ltd シリーズ构成 安达 成彦 キャラクターデザイン ゴトウマサユキ メカニックデザイン Frame Entertainment "Geisters Design Team" 美术监督 针生 胜文 撮影监督 冈崎 英夫 音响监督 铃木 佑子 音响効果 西村 睦弘 音响制作 ザックu30fbプロモーション 录音スタジオ 整音スタジオ 整音スタジオ 川井 宪次 监督 伊藤 浩二 配音:ディーンu30fbホノス 関 智一 アルキオンu30fbファーマ 远近 孝一 シャイu30fbタンナ 半场 友恵 クリスu30fbウェスタ 细野 雅世 ビクトルu30fbデキウス 小西 克幸 レオンu30fbウィルトス 松本 大 イナムナu30fbユーノ 横尾 まり エレシィアu30fbユーノ 白石文子 ランバルトu30fbフィデス 郷里大辅 カリカルu30fbシャマレル 大竹 宏 ウルパu30fbシャマレル 江川央生 ガu30fbンジャ 水野龙司 ダビu30fbハズル 室园丈裕 ピーラ 渡辺ゆみ子


java中的类context 上下文其实是一个抽象的概念。我们常见的上下文有Servlet中的pageContext,访问JNDI时候用的Context。写过这些代码的人可能比较容易理解,其实他们真正的作用就是承上启下。比如说pageContext他的上层是WEB容器,下层是你写的那个Servlet 类,pageContext作为中间的通道让Servlet 和Web容器进行交互。再比如访问JNDI的Context,他的上层是JNDI服务器(可能是远程的),下层是你的应用程序,他的作用也是建立一个通道让你能访问JNDI服务器,同时也让JNDI服务器接受你的请求,同样起到交互作用。


laperla是意大利的奢饰品品牌。LA PERLA不仅仅出品最尊贵的内衣裤、海滩装、长筒丝袜、连衣裙、晚礼服等等,还生产顶级的高跟鞋与香水。LA PERLA下属还有诸如MALIZIA、MARVEL、GIORGIO PERLA男装,JOELLE睡袍等副牌。因其高贵的风格和悠久的历史,被业内誉为内衣商品中的“劳斯莱斯”。经过多年发展,LAPERLA的出现,不仅改变了意大利的内衣潮流,亦把这股风气感染至世界各地。LaPerla于德国,法国,西班牙及美国等地均拥有分支及独立入口商。而LaPerla当然也于世界多个城市开设了专门店,其中包括米兰,罗马,纽约,伦敦,莫斯科及香港等国际大都会。从2014春夏开始,LAPERLA发布了新一季风格,展现时尚前卫、充满魅力的女性形象,随后成为大多数时尚杂志的基调。新季LAPERLA风格采用典型的时尚场所和气氛,将内衣与鞋类、珠宝、夹克和帽子等配饰相结合,走出卧室的私人空间,进驻到客厅、露台和花园。

Justin Bieber的《Love me》中文歌词……

Oh oh its jb 哦 哦 我是JBMy friends say I"m a fool to think That you"re the one for me 我想你成为我的唯一经常被我朋友说这想法很愚笨I guess I"m just a sucker for love 我猜我只不过是个爱情白痴"Cuz honestly the truth is that 因为事实上也是这样You know I"m never leavin" 你知道我未曾离开过"Cuz you"re my angel sent from above 因为你就是我的天使(这感觉)从心底犹然而生Baby you can do no wrong 宝贝你不会做错My money is yours 我的钱都是你的Give you little more because I love ya 给我多一点因为我爱你呀Love ya 爱你 呀With me, girl, is where you belong 和我在一起,宝贝,这就是你属于的地方Just stay right here 你只要一直呆在这I promise my dear I"ll put nothing above ya 我向你保证亲爱的我不会受任何事的影响Above ya 不受影响 呀Love me, Love me 爱我, 爱我Say that you love me 说你爱我Fool me, Fool me 骗我,骗我Oh how you do me 哦 你要怎样对我Kiss me, Kiss me 亲吻我,亲吻我Say that you miss me 说你想我Tell me what I wanna hear 说我想听的话Tell me you love me 说你爱我Love me, Love me 爱我,爱我-----重复People try to tell me 人们尝试告诉我but I still refuse to listen 但是仍然不想听"Cuz they don"t get to spend time with you 因为他们开始不为你花费时间A minute with you is worth more than 和你在一起一分钟比任何事都来的有意义A thousand days without your love 一千天没有你的爱Oh your love 哦 你的爱重复-----My heart is blind but I don"t care 我迷茫 但我不在乎"Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappeared 因为当我和你在一起所有的(烦恼)都消失了And every time I hold you near I never wanna let you go 并且无论何时我都让你清晰的知道我从来都不愿意让你离开我Oh 哦Love me, Love me 爱我 ,爱我Say that you love me 说你爱我---------重复Fool me, Fool me Oh how you do me Kiss me, kiss me Say that u miss me Tell me what i wanna hear Tell me you love me Love me, Love me Say that you love me Fool me, Fool me Oh how you do me Kiss me, kiss me Say that u miss me Tell me what i wanna hear Tell me you love me

Justin Bieber的love me歌词翻译

楼上有一点错的地方哦~~ 额。。恕我直言吧。。。Say that you love me的意思是:说你爱我有一段你写的是快说你爱你

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黄大炜的《Terminate》 歌词

歌曲名:Terminate歌手:黄大炜专辑:David 黄Submitted by:LTXFF-TerminateDrop!All that is dead around meLifeless in the wake of catastropheBurning in my mind I am not deceivedJudgement into my own mortalityNow that the soul is freeI servered ties of man and machineNow that the soul is freeI bled my heart of all it can bleedLighting the spark igniting the fuseDestroyed the lies and saw absolute truthFrom out of darkness and into the lightThe future is wide open and is on my sideNow that the soul is freeI servered ties of man and machineNow that the soul is freeI bled my heart of all it can bleedYou can"t stop itYou can"t kill itAnd it won"t stop comingUntil you"re deadNow that the soul is freeI servered ties of man and machineNow that the soul is freeI bled my heart of all it can bleedNow that the soul is freeI servered ties of man and machineNow that the soul is freeI bled my heart of all it can bleed

it is,that is,there is的区别是什么

它是 那是 那有 说不清啦

There is ______(rain)on a_____(rain)day.(用适当形式填空)

rain / rainy

tom sat there with his mouth wide open中文意思

with作伴随状语,open这里作形容词,表示嘴巴张着的一种状态. 如果用opening的话,语法上是对的,但是意思却变成了:嘴巴正张开着.与整个句子的表达状态不符,所以C选项更好. 个人想法是这样的,以前我也纠结过这个问题~~~~

This is That is There is It is 的分别



I like rainy day 意为我喜欢雨天

it is,that is,there is的区别是什么,请举类说明

it is :表示这是……,它是……,如it is my book这是我的书,it is my petdog这(它)是我的宠物狗。也表示陈述句回答“是的”如 Is it(that) your mobile phone?那是你的手机吗---Yes,it is .是的that is :表示那是,通常指较远的东西,或者别人手上的东西.如:That is love那就是爱。 Are you going to get rid of them ?你打算杀了他们吗?---That"s right.你说对了。there is:那里有……/这里有……如:There is a pair of shoes under the desk.桌底下有一双鞋子。

I think that it is a flower这句话为什么要加is?

因为that后应该是一句话,如果没有is,后面句子就缺少谓语,就不成宾语从句了。当然你也可以删掉that,这时可不用is。I think it a flower. 这时it是宾语,a flower是宾语补足语。

it is,that is,there is的区别是什么,请举类说明

it is:代表它是.比如我指着一本书说:It is a book.that is:代表那是.比如问:What"s that?就答:That is a book.这里的that就是特指问句中的.其实it is 和that is没有什么本质上的区别平时对话或考试中一般不会那么详...


鉴定 一下真假


wha treader,sandy? 什么踏浪,桑迪?wha treader,sandy? 什么踏浪,桑迪?wha treader,sandy? 什么踏浪,桑迪?

at times she wishes she had never left是什么句式

She wishes后接宾语从句,wish后接虚拟语气,在这里表示对过去的假设!


cook 动词:烹调 做饭;名词:厨师(主厨:chef)cooker 名词:厨具(就是做饭用的东西……)综上所述,两者是有本质性的不同的……


1、地理概念不同:我们最常用的就是America,这个词原本指“美洲”,因为美国的崛起,现在大部分情况下指“美国”,相比USA或者是US,America更侧重于地理概念,表示美国这片土地。2、场合不同:US是United States的缩写,意思是“合众国”。我们经常可以在一些英文报刊上看到标题中加黑加粗的US,非常醒目。在相对正式的场合,特别是涉及到政治和外交的时候,基本上都会使用United States或者是US而不是America. 比如:U.S. president:美国总统 U.S. citizen:美国公民.3、范围不同:而USA,则是最正式最完整的美国说法,全称是 the United States of America,翻译为“美利坚合众国”,由于比较长,而且颇为正式,所以在日常生活中不太常用。USA使用最多的,应该是在奥运会等体育赛事上了,这与国际体育赛事管理机构的规定有关,体育赛事等使用的国家简写必须使用ISO标准。ISO:国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization)扩展资料美国的英文表达方式汇总:1、United States2、USA3、America4、American5、Yankeedom6、Yankeeland7、UA8、United States Of America9、U.S.A.10、U.S.11、U-S12、The States13、The United States14、Beat generation15、Delmarva16、The U.S.A.17、Home of the brave18、The United States of America [USA]19、The America20、The United States [US]



sometime,at times,every now...

个人理解:SOMETIMES=有时(冇赞 冇踩) AT TIMES系有条件A嘅有时 如果条件A出现得密 AT TIMES可以系时时 NOW AND AGAIN系一而再 再而三 次数唔多 但令人反感. EVERY NOW AND THEN系强调一路都系咁(时间长度) 冇变... 所以用得最多系SOMETIMES. at times every now and then now and again这三个 phrases 意思相同. sometime有另外一个意思. SOMETIME (adverb) = at a time in the future or in the past although you do not know exactly when or the time has not yet been decided. 在某一时候; 日后 改天; 迟早 总有一天 Let"s get together sometime. 有时间我们聚一下吧 (future) It happened sometime last month. 此事发生在上月的某个时候. (past) SOMETIME (adjective) = former 以前的 He is my sometime boss. 他是我从前的上司 Do not confuse sometimes with sometime. Sometimes is an adverb of frequency. It me “on some occasions” “more than once". (past present or future) I sometimes went skiing when I lived in Sweden. 我有时会去滑雪 当我住在瑞典时. AT TIMES = sometimes but not often 有时,偶尔 He"s a real gentleman though a little pompous at times. 他可是个君子,虽然有时略显得傲慢了些 EVERY NOW AND THEN = NOW AND AGAIN = sometimes but not regularly or often 有时,偶尔 不时地 I write to him every now and then. 我有时写信给他 Every now and again she went upstairs to see if the baby was still asleep. 她时而到楼上看看婴孩是否还在睡着 题外: To 回答者: TOMING88: No offence Tung Kin Wah sometime Chairman of this country. Your phrase may be grammatically correct but you ………… First you spelt his name wrong. I guess you meant *** ~ .前中国香港特首 Chairman of this country 国家主席 ????? Tung Chee Hwa the sometime chief executive of the Hong Kong S.A.R. of China 参考: Longman English Dictionary sometime=adv.not know exactly=I saw him sometime last Winter. adj.what *** d used to be=Tung Kin Wah sometime Chairman of this country. at times=when sth happens eg What are you doing at times? every now&then=each alternate one every other one eg. We see &meet each other every now&then. now&again=(every)now&again=from time to time occasionally;eg(Every)now&again she checked to see if the baby was still sleeping.

Steve Jobs was also a good example of The America

Steve Jobs was also a good example of The American Dream乔布斯也是美国梦的典范!



... at times, ... at others表示什麽意思? times有时,间或Everyone may make mistakes at times. 每个人不时都会犯错误。 at others其他人等

Boogie Wonderland 歌词

歌曲名:Boogie Wonderland歌手:Earth. Wind & Fire&The Emotions专辑:The Essential Earth, Wind & FireBoogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandMidnight creeps so slowly into hearts,Of men who need more than they getDaylight deals a bad hand,To a woman that has laid to many betsThe mirror stares you in the face and says"baby, uh uh it don"t work"You say your prayers through you don"t careYou dance and shake the hurtDance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandSound fly through the nightI chase my vinyl drams to boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandAll the love in the world can"t be goneAll the need to be loved can"t be wrongAll the records are playingAnd my heart keeps saying"boogie wonderland, wonderland"Dance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandAll the love in the world can"t be goneAll the need to be loved can"t be wrongAll the records are playingAnd my heart keeps saying"boogie wonderland, wonderland"Dance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandI find romance when i start to dance in boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderlandDance boogie wonderland

WONDERLAND feat.ライムライト 歌词

歌曲名:WONDERLAND feat.ライムライト歌手:AZU专辑:YOU & I feat. LOVE LOVE LOVE「WONDERLAND feat.ライムライト」作词∶AZU, ライムライト作曲∶AZU, ライムライト歌∶AZUWow Lookin", Hearin", Smellin" babyBaby, with you  WONDERLAND It"s very special summer day.手を繋ぐのも踌躇 What do you think of me?気がかりは二人のDistance手がかりを探すよWONDERLANDOh このまま君を连れさって Oh just now, You hold my hands My baby... 触れたい  Your heartyo 君の忘れかけた恋のドア仆の持つカギでそっと开けば二人の居た世界は... Wonder...魔法のよう もうずっとこうしてたいよ...Don"t stop 胸の高鸣るまま重ねていたい It"s only, baby your love几つになっても君と歩きたい场所Never ending story. WONDERLAND 青い空が2人照らし出す様に辉きはじめるDestiny夏の日差し浴びて太阳の下でTrue love story WONDERLAND Oh baby 梦の様な时を过ごしていたい君といつまででもこのままで Merry-go-round ずっと回して...いっそAll night二人乗せて 刻むよ时计はそう 止まらずに Hoo...Dreaming with you...この场所で始まる 君とのLove story生まれる恋はSlowly Your special day大人になっても君とはしゃぎたい场所Never ending story. WONDERLAND 魔法かけて胸がトキメクほどの光溢れる Fantasy.连れて行って虹が架かる楽园へTrue love story. WONDERLAND 迷わないで见つめ続けていたい君をいつまででも YEAH夏の阳射しよりShineそう君のSmileがSunshinePlease...OK Yeah仆に委ねて Don"t worry手を広げてPlease...OK Please...OK my baby几つになっても君と歩きたい场所Never ending story. WONDERLAND 青い空が2人照らし出す様に辉きはじめるDestiny.大人になっても君とはしゃぎたい场所Never ending story. WONDERLAND 魔法かけて胸がトキメクほどの光溢れる Fantasy.连れて行って虹が架かる楽园へTrue love story. WONDERLAND 迷わないで见つめ続けていたい君をいつまででも【 おわり 】


WonderlandHey(嘿) Come on in(进来吧)Don"t be late for the show now(别迟到了)We"re(我们)Outta Space(从空间)We"re gonna go with the flow now(我们要随波逐流,现在)Yeah(是啊)向左 向右 将身体融入呢个节奏无人会怕丑 喺饮醉之后如果觉得热即管解开钮扣动作开始有啲挑逗 脚步开始好似有啲飘浮我大胆要求 你对孅孅玉手尽量喺我背后漫游我要知 你对我有意思快啲话我知你用紧嘅香水系乜嘢牌子OOOMG U SO PRETTY有啲乜嘢需要即管开口话我知Hey Boo You"re so fine (嘿宝贝你那么好)Enticing me I"m a make you mine(诱惑我我让你成为我的)Like a diamond in the rough,you shine(像钻石,你的光芒)You define what"s ill,leave the rest behind(你的定义是什么病了,剩下的背后)I"ma make you, my lady and maybe(我会让你,我的夫人,也许)We can make some babies(我们可以做一些婴儿)My Bonnie, partners in crime(我的邦妮,狼狈为奸)We"ll be together for the whole nine(我们会在一起整整九)come on come on...来吧来吧…)Ooow It"s so realOoow是如此的真实)All the people getting" ready(所有人准备就绪)Yeah(是啊)I can"t wait(我等不及了)I can fell it getting closer(我能感觉到它越来越近)你故意接近我的脚步香槟开得正好我献上更自信的态度这个我为午夜以后制造Oh yeahMy spirit"s high in the Milky WayTimeless mind going through stargatesThe beat carry me into another worldVenus DeMilo now is my special girl Porcelain setSo flush, she"s so wet Showered in MoetAnd her vibe don"t quit so I can"t forgetShe like “Rap me a song I like street poets”Light the beat, just keep on stompingEvery night we keep on rockingThrough the mind we"re para gildingJust one life, just keep on flyingDay and night, my minds restoringAll the time, its freedom callingSimple mind, life needs installingHigher self, my minds recalling你我继续继续跳舞眼里闪光将我升高我报以甜笑来控诉不应 一杯醉倒 (为午夜以后制造)你我继续继续跳舞气派触感竟这么好纵有美貌更是懊恼怎么 输给你好 (共你堕进夜与雾)见到你一刻感觉就快休克本来追女仔都有啲心得而家彷佛唔知讲乜手心又湿个心又急你跳舞跳到身湿男仕们为你争执继续跳舞 我愿意做你水泡你配合我 我配合你既舞步一阵间去边度饮多两杯就知道时间仲早醉咗仲好最好你投入我怀抱气氛已经热到爆灯完全感受到你体温尽情开心 烟花插住香槟燃烧呢一刻又使乜太认真She like my vibe, yeh I like her vibe tooI like her vibe, yeh And she like my vibe tooShe gonna ride, cause she like to ride tooWe have tonight, yeh,Let"s party through the roof你我继续继续跳舞两个身躯感应得到你看我而我亦有数开心 应该趁早 (共你堕进夜与雾)welcome


Janice : Hey Come on in 嗨,进来吧 Don"t be late for the show now 别赶不上现在这场秀 We"re Outta Space 我们位置不够用 We"re gonna go with the flow now (Yeah) 我们现在将要紧随潮流Sir JBS:Hey Boo You"re so fine 你这么美好 Enticing me I"m a make you mine 诱惑着我,想把你变成我所有 Like a diamond in the rough, 像颗未经雕琢的钻石 you shine 你很闪耀 You define what"s ill, 你定义什么是邪恶 leave the rest behind 并超越其他人 I"ma make you, my lady and maybe 我要把你变成我的女人 We can make some babies 也许我们还会生几个小孩 My Bonnie, partners in crime 我的姑娘,我的共犯 We"ll be together for the whole nite 我们会整晚都在一起Janice: Ooow It"s so real 这多么真实 All the people getting" ready Yeah 所有人都准备好了 I can"t wait 我不能再等 I can feel it getting closer 我能感觉它就要来了Ghost Style:Oh yeah My spirit"s high in the Milky Way 我的情绪高涨到银河 Timeless mind going through 永恒的思想 stargates 穿越星星之门 The beat carry me into another world 这节奏将我带到另一个世界 Venus DeMilo now is my special girl 维纳斯德米罗 现在是我的特别女孩she"s standing on a sea shell Porcelain set 她站在一套海边贝壳样子的瓷器上 So flush, she"s so wet 带着红晕,她全身湿透 Showered in Moet 在酩悦香槟里洗澡 And her vibe don"t quit so I can"t forget 她的香气没有离开,我不能忘记 She like "Rap me a song I like street poets" 她说”给我rap一首吧,我喜欢街头诗人“Drunk: Light the beat, just keep on stomping 点亮节奏,就继续踏着舞步 Every night we keep on rocking 每晚我们都继续摇滚 Through the mind we"re paragilding 我们用想象在空中滑翔 Just one life, just keep on flying 生命只有一次,只要不断飞翔 Day and night, my minds restoring 日与夜,我的思绪在复原 All the time, its freedom calling 一直以来,它的自由在召唤 Simple mind, life needs installing 简单的想法,生命需要安置 Higher self, my minds recalling 更自恋,我的思绪在回忆Ghost Style:She like my vibe, yeh 她喜欢我的感觉 I like her vibe too 我也喜欢她的感觉 I like her vibe, yeh 我喜欢她的感觉 And she like my vibe too 她也喜欢我的感觉 She gonna ride, cause she like to ride too 她将要骑着,因为她喜欢驾驭 We have tonight, yeh, 我们拥有今晚 Let"s party through the roof 让我们开派对响彻屋顶