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Super Junior-M 到底有多少成员?有哪些?



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super junior成员介绍是什么?

Super Junior成员有:1、曺圭贤1988年的曺圭贤出生于韩国首尔市芦原区,在队中担任主唱和领舞。曺圭贤是韩国男歌手、主持人,同时也是音乐剧演员。2、崔始源1987年的崔始源,身兼歌手、演员还有模特多重身份,韩国江南区生人。他是Super Junior成员,同时也是及其子组合Super Junior-M的成员。3、金厉旭1987年的金厉旭出生于韩国仁川广域市富平区上谷洞。是一位流行乐男歌手、音乐剧演员,同时也是节目主持人。4、金希澈1983年出生的金希澈,是韩国江原道横城郡生人,毕业于韩国尚志大学计算机科学技术专业研究生学位。在2002年的SM Starlight Casting System选拔中,金希澈进入了韩国SM娱乐有限公司。5、金钟云1984年的金钟云,大家都叫他艺声,出生地是韩国忠清南道天安市新芳洞。是韩国流行乐歌手和音乐剧演员,同时也有节目主持人身份。6、李晟敏1986年的李晟敏,是韩国京畿道高阳市生人。作为歌手、影视演员之外,还兼备音乐剧演员和电台DJ身份。7、李东海1986年的李东海,出生地是韩国全罗南道木浦市龙塘洞。李东海是位创作型歌手,同时也是影视演员。8、李赫宰李赫宰又叫银赫,出生于1986年的韩国京畿道高阳市。能歌善舞,不但是韩国男歌手和演员,也是舞者和电台DJ,还是节目主持人。9、利特本名朴正洙的利特,在Super Junior组合中担任队长。利特出生于1983年的韩国首尔,是韩国仁荷大学放送演艺学科的博士。10、申东熙1985年出生的申东熙艺名神童,是韩国庆尚北道闻庆市人。他不但是歌手、演员,还是舞者和电台DJ,多才多艺也能胜任节目MC。

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利特(第五) 生日:1983年7月1日希澈(第九) 生日:1983年7月10日韩庾(第十三) 生日:1984年2月9日艺声(第一) 生日:1984年8月24日墙仁(第十) 生日:1985年1月17日神童(第八) 生日:1985年9月28日晟敏(第十一) 生日:1986年1月1日银赫(第七) 生日:1986年4月4日东海(第三) 生日:1986年10月16日始源(第六) 生日:1987年2月10日历旭(第四) 生日:1987年6月21日SI(第十二) 生日:1987年8月21日奎贤(第二) 生日:1988年2月3日

super junior成员年龄排序?

super junior成员的年龄排序及生日如下:1、利特(uc774ud2b9),本名朴正洙(ubc15uc815uc218),1983年7月1日出生于韩国首尔恩平区延新内,韩国歌手、节目主持人、演员,韩国男子组合Super Junior及其子组合Super Junior-T、Super Junior-Happy成员,在队中担任队长。2、金希澈(uae40ud76cucca0),1983年7月10日出生于韩国江原道横城郡。韩国歌手、演员、节目主持人、电台DJ、歌曲作词家,韩国男子组合Super Junior及其子组合Super Junior-T成员之一。3、韩庚(已退团),1984年2月9日生于黑龙江省牡丹江市,中国内地影视男演员、流行乐歌手、舞者、商人、赛车手,毕业于中央民族大学舞蹈系。2005年,作为Super Junior唯一的中国籍成员正式出道,并成为第一位正式在韩国出道的中国人。2009年,与SM公司解约并回国发展。4、金钟云(uae40uc885uc6b4),艺名艺声(uc608uc131),1984年8月24日出生于韩国忠清南道天安市新芳洞,韩国流行乐歌手、音乐剧演员、节目主持人,男子演唱组合Super Junior及其子组合Super Junior-K.R.Y.、Super Junior-Happy成员 。5、金永云(uae40uc601uc6b4,又译金英云),艺名强仁(uac15uc778),1985年1月17日出生于韩国首尔西大门区弘恩洞,韩国歌手、演员、电台DJ、节目MC,男子演唱组合Super Junior及其子组合Super Junior-T、Super Junior-Happy成员。6、申东熙(uc2e0ub3d9ud76c),艺名神童(uc2e0ub3d9),1985年9月28日出生于韩国庆尚北道闻庆市,韩国男歌手、演员、舞者、电台DJ、节目MC,男子演唱组合Super Junior及其子组合Super Junior-T、Super Junior-Happy成员之一。7、李晟敏(uc774uc131ubbfc),1986年1月1日出生于韩国京畿道高阳市,韩国歌手、影视演员、音乐剧演员、电台DJ,男子演唱组合Super Junior及其子组合Super Junior-T、Super Junior-Happy、Super Junior-M成员。8、李赫宰(Lee Hyuk Jae),艺名银赫(Eun Hyuk),1986年4月4日出生于韩国京畿道高阳市,韩国男歌手、演员、舞者、电台DJ、节目主持人,男子演唱组合Super Junior及其子组合Super Junior-T、Super Junior-Happy、Super Junior-M、Super Junior Donghae & Eunhyuk成员。9、崔始源(Choi Siwon),1986年4月7日出生于韩国首尔江南区,韩国男歌手、演员、模特,男子演唱团体Super Junior及其子组合Super Junior-M成员。10、李东海(Lee Dong Hae),1986年10月15日出生于韩国全罗南道木浦市龙塘洞。韩国流行音乐创作型男歌手、影视演员,男子演唱组合Super Junior及其子组合Super Junior-M、Super Junior Donghae & Eunhyuk成员。11、金厉旭(Kim Ryeo Wook),1987年6月21日出生于韩国仁川广域市富平区上谷洞,韩国流行乐男歌手、音乐剧演员、节目主持人,男子演唱组合Super Junior及其子组合Super Junior-K.R.Y.、Super Junior-M成员。12、金起范(Kim KiBum),1987年8月21日出生于韩国首尔特别市,美籍韩国歌手、演员。2005年,随组合Super Junior正式出道。2009年起暂停参加Super Junior团体歌唱及唱片宣传活动,并专注戏剧发展。2015年8月,金起范与SM娱乐公司合约期满,宣布离开SM公司。13、曺圭贤(Cho Kyu Hyun),1988年2月3日出生于韩国首尔市芦原区,韩国男歌手、主持人、音乐剧演员,韩国男子组合Super Junior及其子组合Super Junior-K.R.Y.、Super Junior-M成员,在队中担任主唱、领舞。

Super Junior 成员

1.利特.希澈.韩庚.艺声.强仁.神童.晟敏.银赫.东海.始源.厉旭.起范.圭贤 朴正洙 出生日期:1983年07月01日 身高体重:179cm / 59kg 队中职务:队长、副唱、副Rapper 所属子组合:Super Junior-T(队长)、Super Junior-Happy(队长) 其他活动: MC、DJ 行星名称:PJS. Wings 金希澈 出生日期:1983年07月10日 身高体重:179cm / 60kg 队中职务:副唱、副Rapper 所属子组合:Super Junior-T 其他活动:MC、DJ、演员 行星名称:Heenim 金钟云 出生日期:1984年08月24日 身高体重:179cm / 60kg 队中职务:主唱 所属子组合:Super Junior K.R.Y.(队长)、Super Junior-Happy 其他活动:MC、DJ、舞台剧演员 行星名称:Art Like Vocals KJ 金英云 出生日期:1985年01月17日 身高体重:180cm / 65kg 队中职务:副唱 所属子组合:Super Junior-T、Super Junior-Happy 其他活动:MC、DJ、演员 行星名称:No. 1 Handsome Guy 申东熙 出生日期:1985年09月28日 身高体重:179cm / 90kg 队中职务:主领舞、主Rapper 所属子组合:Super Junior-T、Super Junior-Happy 其他活动:MC、DJ、演员 行星名称:ShinsFriends 李晟敏 出生日期:1986年01月01日 身高体重:175cm / 57kg 队中职务:副唱、主领舞 所属子组合:Super Junior-T、Super Junior-Happy、Super Junior-M 其他活动:DJ、演员、舞台剧演员 行星名称:Beautiful Min 李赫宰 出生日期:1986年04月04日 身高体重:178cm / 58kg 队中职务:主领舞、主Rapper 所属子组合:Super Junior-T、Super Junior-Happy、Super Junior-M 其他活动:MC、DJ、舞台剧演员 行星名称:Jewel Hyuk 李东海 出生日期:1986年10月15日 身高体重:177cm / 60kg 队中职务:副唱、副Rapper、主领舞 所属子组合:Super Junior-M 其他活动:演员 行星名称:HAELOVE 崔始源 出生日期:官方:1987年02月10日 身高体重:183cm / 60kg 队中职务:副唱、形象担当 所属子组合:Super Junior-M 其他活动:演员、模特儿 行星名称:Soldier of Light u2020 Siwon 金厉旭 出生日期:1987年06月21日 身高体重:173cm / 58kg 队中职务:主唱 所属子组合:Super Junior K.R.Y.、Super Junior-M 其他活动:舞台剧演员 行星名称:White"s Heart Wook 金起范 出生日期:1987年08月21日 (1987-08-21)(24岁) 身高体重:179cm / 58kg 队中职务:主Rapper 其他活动:演员、模特儿 入行经历:2002年SM Entertainment Starlight Casting System 「行星」名称:KimKibum 曺圭贤 出生日期:1988年02月03日 (1988-02-03)(23岁) 身高体重:180cm / 68kg 队中职务:主唱、主领舞 所属子组合:Super Junior K.R.Y.、Super Junior-M 其他活动:S.M. THE BALLAD、舞台剧演员、MC 入行经历:2005年Chin Chin青少年歌谣祭 「行星」名称:Beloved GameKyu 图片参考:imgcld.yimg/8/n/HA00459479/o/701112080051013873409020 1.晟敏2.神童3.利特4.圭贤5.始源6.艺声7.银赫8.东海9.希澈10.丽旭 4.应该5使 因为整亲条腰 5 图片参考:imgcld.yimg/8/n/HA00459479/o/7011120800510138734090812 图片参考:imgcld.yimg/8/n/HA00459479/o/7011120800510138734091218 参考: 本人系ELF(SUPER JUNIOR)有D维基.百度揾 利特系要服役咖~SJ入面只有韩庚,起范和圭贤唔洗~ 庚宝唔系韩国人,起范系美国公民,圭贤就有气胸~ 利特应该好像希大咁做公益兵:)


排序如下:李特:1983年7月1日;希澈:1983年7月10日;韩庚:1984年2月9日;艺声:1984年8月24日;强仁:1985年1月17日;神童:1985年9月28日;晟敏:1986年1月1日;恩赫:1986年4月4日;东海:1986年10月15日;始源:1987年2月10日;丽旭:1987年6月21日;基范:1987年8月21日;奎贤:1988年2月3日。Super Junior演艺经历:2005年11月6日,Super Junior正式出道,于韩国SBS电视台音乐节目《人气歌谣》首次登台表演出道曲《Twins (Knock Out)》;11月11日,发行单曲《You Are The One》;12月5日,发行首张韩语正规专辑《SuperJunior 05》;12月12日,专属综艺节目《Super Junior Show》首播 ;12月16日,Super Junior与东方神起合作发行了圣诞合集单曲《Show Me Your Love》。2006年5月27日,曺圭贤加入Super Junior;5月,专属综艺节目《Super Junior Full House》及《美少年宿舍大骚动》首播;6月2日,Super Junior官方歌迷会E.L.F(Ever Lasting Friends)的名称公开发表;6月17日,发行单曲《U》;6月25日,Super Junior凭借单曲《U》首次获得韩国SBS电视台音乐节目《人气歌谣》冠军,随后《U》连续3周获得该音乐节目第一位;8月21日,KBS电台节目《Super Junior Kiss The Radio》开播,由利特、银赫担任DJ ;11月5日,Super Junior第一个子组合Super Junior-K.R.Y.在韩国出道,由艺声、厉旭和圭贤组成 ;年底,在金唱片大赏、首尔歌谣大赏、MKMF及SBS歌谣大战中获得新人赏。



Super Junior神童的个人资料

的训练数据集中没有对SuperJunior中任何成员的详细个人描述。但是,SuperJunior神童的真名是李东海(Lee Dong-hae),出生于1986年10月15日,是韩国男子组合SuperJunior成员之一。他是一位歌手、演员和主持人,出道以来备受关注。李东海是韩国界中备受瞩目的艺人之一,他有多才多艺的才能,曾经在音乐、电视和电影领域都取得了成功。他的音乐才华不仅在SuperJunior的歌曲中表现出色,还推出了个人歌曲和专辑。此外,演员,他参演了多部电视剧和电影,如《时间》、《死亡预言》、《海上牧云记》等。他还曾担任过多个综艺节目的主持人,包括《梦想综艺团》和《权御天下》。

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자꾸만 그대가 많이 그리워져요 总是不断的想起她사랑이 이렇게 아픈 줄 정말 몰랐었죠 真的不知道原来爱情这么伤너무 사랑해서 그댄 떠나갔지만 很爱她但是却离开了我나의 가슴은 멈춰있네요。我的心脏要停止了一般아직 사랑하는데 많이 보고싶은데 还是很爱你还是很想你그댄 내게 돌아올 수 없나요 你不能回到我的身边了么사랑해 그댄 내게 올 순 없나요我爱你,你不能回到我的身边了吗그대가 보고파서 죽을 것만 같은데 我太想你仿佛要死了一般내 가슴이 닳아서 아픔도 느낄 수 없어 我的心已经碎了感觉不到疼痛제발 돌아와 줘요 사랑해요 求你回来吧,我爱你다시 올 것 같은데 매일 기다리는데 觉得你好像还会回来每天都在等你차마 내 맘 감출 수가 없네요 我掩饰不了我的真心사랑해 그댄 내게 올 순 없나요 我爱你,你不能回到我的身边了吗그대가 보고파서 죽을 것만 같은데 我太想你 仿佛要死了一般내 가슴이 닳아서 아픔도 느낄 수 없어 我的心已经碎了感觉不到疼痛제발 돌아와 줘요 사랑해요 请回到我的身边吧 ,我爱你그댄 미친 듯이 불러보지만 我想疯了一样的呼唤你슬픈 눈물만이 대답하네요 回答我的确只有眼泪미안해 그댈 많이 아프게 해서 对不起我让你很痛苦영원히 그대 곁을 지켜주며 살게요 我要永远的在你身边守护你내심장이 다쳐서 사랑도 멈출 수 없죠 我的心已经受伤停止不了对你的爱그대 없이 나는 안되나봐요 没有你我活不下去제발 돌아와 줘요 사랑해요 请回来我的身边吧,我爱你

over last few years要加the吗

你好,是需要加上the的。the last few years是固定搭配。拓展 the有以下几种用法:1. 用以特指某(些)人或某(些)事物;2. 表示世界上宇宙中独一无二的事物;3. 用在序数词和形容词最高级前;4. 表示方向、方位等。1. 用以特指某(些)人或某(些)事物This is the house where Lu Xun once lived.这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子。2. 用于指谈话双方都明确所指的人或事物Open the door, please.请把门打开。3. 用以复述上文提过的人或事物(第一次提到用“a或an”,以后再次提到用“the”)Once there lived a lion in the forest. Every day the lion asked small animals to look for food for him.从前森林里住着一只狮子。这只狮子每天都要小动物们为他寻找食物。4. 用在序数词和形容词最高级前January is the first month of the year.一月份是一年当中的第一个月。Shanghai is the biggest city in China.上海是中国最大的城市。5. 表示世界上宇宙中独一无二的事物the sun 太阳the earth 地球the sky 天空the world 世界6. 指由普通名词构成的专有名词the West Lake 西湖the Great Wall 长城the United States 美国the United Nations联合国7. 表示方向、方位in the east 在东方in the front 在前面in the bottom 在底部on the right 在右边8. 在海洋、江河、湖泊、山脉、海峡、海湾等地理名词前the Pacific Ocean 太平洋the Yellow River 黄河the Tianshan Mountains 天山山脉the Taiwan Straits 台湾海峡9. 在姓氏复数前,表示一家人The Bakers came to see me yesterday.贝克一家昨天来看我。The Greens are having dinner at home.格林一家正在家里吃晚饭。10. 和某些形容词连用,使形容词名词化,代表一类人或物the poor 穷人the rich 富人the sick 病人the wounded 伤员the good 好人the beautiful 美丽的事物11. 用在表示阶级、政党的名词前the working class 工人阶级the Communist Party of China 中国共产党12. 用在the very强调句中This is the very book I want.这就是我想要的那本书。13. 固定用法the+比较级+the+比较级,表示越.....越......14. 表示演奏乐器时,乐器的前面要加theplay the piano弹钢琴play the violin拉小提琴注:中国乐器名词前不与冠词连用: erhu(二胡)15. 某些固定的表达法in the morning 在早上go to the cinema 去看电影all the year round 一年到头on the way to 前往……的路上16. the加单数可数名词可以表示一类人或事物The horse is a useful animal. 马是一种有用的动物。注:像这类句子还有如下两种写法1) A horse is a useful animal.2) Horses are useful animals.17. 句型(v+sb.+prep.+the+身体某一部位)中要用 the,而不用人称代词take sb. by the arm抓住某人的手臂hit sb. in the face打某人的脸be red in the face脸红注:如上等结构中,名词前要用the18. 特指双方都明白的人或物Take the medicine.把药吃了。19. 与复数名词连用,指整个群体They are the teachers of this school.(指全体教师)They are teachers of this school. (指部分教师)20. 表示所有,相当于物主代词,用在表示身体部位的名词前She caught me by the arm.她抓住了我的手臂。21. 用在某些由普通名词构成的国家名称、机关团体、阶级等专有名词前the People"s Republic of China 中华人民共和国the United States 美国22. 用在某些习惯用语中at the same time 同时 by the way 顺便问一句for the present 暂时 go to the cinema 看电影in the end 最后 in the dark 在黑暗中,不知道in the least 一点,丝毫 in the open 在野外in the past 在过去 in the long run 从长远来看in the event of 万一 in the morning 在上午in the way 挡道,碍事 on the whole 总体上on the other hand 另一方面 on the contrary 相反地out of the question 不可能23.在中国传统节日前The Spring Festival春节The Dragon Boat Festival端午节The Mid-autumn Festival中秋节注:不使用定冠词的情况:三餐前,四季,球类活动前不加the。

谁有Taylor Swift的Back to December的中文歌词?拜托了

I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我 How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢? I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了 You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多 We small talk, work the weather 我们简短的对话着,关于工作和天气 Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么 Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得, Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害 You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠 Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天 When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开 And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天 All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光 I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容 And realized I loved you in the fall 秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你 And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来 With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里时,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗 You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱 And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And change my own mind 然后,我改变自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月 I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑 So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好 And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中 That September night; 那个九月的夜晚 The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣 Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个梦想般的假设 Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想 If you loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你 I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能 So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身 And change my own mind 改变自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月 All the time 一直都是

泰勒斯威夫特那首Back to December 歌词的意思是什么?

I"m so glad you made time to see me   很高兴你抽出时间来看我   How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family?   过的好吗?告诉我,你的家人呢?   I haven"t seen them in a while   我已经很久没有看见他们了   You"ve been good, busier than ever   (听你说)你过得挺好,比过去更忙了   We small talk: work and the weather   (结果)我们谈的却只有工作和天气   Your guard is up and I know why   你有顾忌,我知道原因 Because the last time you saw me   因为上次见我的情景   Will still burn in the back of your mind   依然让你的心隐隐作痛   You gave me roses and I left them there to die   你给我玫瑰,我却让她们就这样消逝    So this is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你的面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December all the time   我一直都好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom ain"t nothin" but missin" you   (时间)证明了自由却只能让我更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December, turn around and make it alright   想回到十二月,转过身,重来一次   I go back to December all the time   一直都好想回到十二月   These days I haven"t been sleepin"   这些天我一直辗转难眠   Stayin" up playin" back myself leavin"   (脑中)一直回放着我的离去   When your birthday passed and I didn"t call   你的生日过了,我却连电话都没打给你   Then I think about summer, all the beautiful times   我回忆着夏天,所有的美好时光   I watched you laughin" from the passenger side   坐在副驾驶上看着你的笑容   And I realized I loved you in the fall   我意识到秋天来临时我依然爱着你   Then the cold came, the dark days   而当冬天(寒流)来临,那些黑暗的日子   when fear crept into my mind   恐惧渐渐潜入我的心里时   You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye   你给了我你所有的爱,我给的却只有那一句"再见"   So this is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December all the time   我一直好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom means nothin" but missin" you   自由了,剩下的却是更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December   我想回到十二月   turn around and change my own mind   转过身,改变我的决定   I go back to December all the time   我一直好想回到十二月   I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile   想念你棕褐色的皮肤,你甜甜的微笑   So good to me, so right   那么美好,那么适合   And how you held me in your arms that September night   还有九月的那天晚上你是如何拥我入怀   The first time you ever saw me cry   (那是)你第一次看到我哭泣   Maybe this is wishful thinking   也许这是一厢情愿的想法   Probably mindless dreaming   或者只是愚蠢的梦想   If we loved again I swear I"d love you right   如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的好好的爱你   I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t   我想改变这一切回到过去,但我不能   So if the chain is on your door, I understand   如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解   This is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你的面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December   我好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom means nothin" but missin" you   自由了,剩下的却是更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December, turn around and make it alright   好想回到十二月,转过身,重来一次   I go back to December turn around and change my own mind   好想回到十二月,转过身,改变我的决定   I go back to December all the time   我一直都好想回到十二月   All the time   一直都好想

American Hi-Fi的《scar》 歌词

歌曲名:scar歌手:American Hi-Fi专辑:live from tokyoI could hang aroundyou could let me down againbut it"s killing meI can"t waste a sound againyou"ll break me if you canyou"ll break me if you canchorus:drag me down againit"s hard to be your scara frozen satelliteyou never got that farit"s hard to be your scarbe cool like youevery sorry lieI can"t live that down noso you"ll wait and seeI"m caught between the seam and meyou"ll break me if you canyou"ll break me, break me if you canrepeat chorusI could hang aroundyou could let me downdrag me down againit"s hard to be your scara frozen satelliteyou never got that far (never got that far)so drag me down againit"s hard to be your scara frozen satelliteyou never got that far (never got that far)never got that far (never got that far)never got that far

急求taylor《back to December》翻译…

[亲爱的 INK 我也百度到了一份给你】 Back To December    / translated by Tony MJ I"m so glad you made time to see me   很高兴你抽出时间来看我   How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family?   过的好吗?告诉我,你的家人呢?   I haven"t seen them in a while   我已经很久没有看见他们了   You"ve been good, busier than ever   (听你说)你过得挺好,比过去更忙了   We small talk: work and the weather   (结果)我们谈的却只有工作和天气   Your guard is up and I know why   你有顾忌,我知道原因 小美女和小狼Because the last time you saw me   因为上次见我的情景   Will still burn in the back of your mind   依然让你的心隐隐作痛   You gave me roses and I left them there to die   你给我玫瑰,我却让她们就这样消逝    So this is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你的面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December all the time   我一直都好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom means nothin" but missin" you   (时间)证明了自由却只能让我更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December, turn around and make it alright   想回到十二月,转过身,重来一次   I go back to December all the time   一直都好想回到十二月   These days I haven"t been sleepin"   这些天我一直辗转难眠   Stayin" up playin" back myself leavin"   (脑中)一直回放着我的离去   When your birthday passed and I didn"t call   你的生日过了,我却连电话都没打给你   Then I think about summer, all the beautiful times   我回忆着夏天,所有的美好时光   I watched you laughin" from the passenger side   坐在副驾驶上看着你的笑容   And I realized I loved you in the fall   我意识到秋天来临时我依然爱着你   Then the cold came, the dark days   而当黑暗来临,寒冷袭来   when fear crept into my mind   恐惧渐渐潜入我的心里时   You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye   你给了我你所有的爱,我给的却只有那一句"再见"   So this is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December all the time   我一直好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom means nothin" but missin" you   自由了,剩下的却是更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December   我想回到十二月   turn around and change my own mind   转过身,改变我的决定   I go back to December all the time   我一直好想回到十二月   I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile   想念你棕褐色的皮肤,你甜甜的微笑   So good to me, so right   那么美好,那么适合   And how you held me in your arms that September night   还有九月的那天晚上你是如何拥我入怀   The first time you ever saw me cry   (那是)你第一次看到我哭泣   Maybe this is wishful thinking   也许这是一厢情愿的想法   Probably mindless dreaming   或者只是愚蠢的梦想   If we loved again I swear I"d love you right   如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的好好的爱你   I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t   我想改变这一切回到过去,但我不能   So if the chain is on your door, I understand   如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解   This is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你的面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December   我好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom means nothin" but missin" you   自由了,剩下的却是更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December, turn around and make it alright   好想回到十二月,转过身,重来一次   I go back to December turn around and change my own mind   好想回到十二月,转过身,改变我的决定   I go back to December all the time   我一直都好想回到十二月   All the time   一直都好想

谁知道Taylor Swift 的back to december的英文歌词

And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切

back to december 泰勒 英文歌词 只要英文的不要带中文

Taylor Swift - Back To December (US Version)I"m so glad you made time to see meHow"s life? Tell me, how"s your family?I haven"t seen them in a whileYou"ve been good, busier than everSmall talk: work and the weatherYour guard is up and I know why Because the last time you saw me will still burn in the back of your mindYou gave me roses and I left them there to dieSo this is me swallowing my pride, standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you, wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December, turn around and make it alrightI go back to December all the time These days I haven"t been sleepin"Stayin" up playin" back myself leavin"When your birthday passed and I didn"t callAnd I think about summer, all the beautiful timesI watched you laughin" from the passenger side andI realized I loved you in the fallThen the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mindYou gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbyeSo this is me swallowing my pride, standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you, wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December, turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the time I miss your tan skin, your sweet smileSo good to me, so rightAnd how you held me in your arms that September nightThe first time you ever saw me cryMaybe this is wishful thinkingProbably mindless dreamingIf we loved again I swear I"d love you rightI"d go back in time and change it but I can"tSo if the chain is on your door, I understandThis is me swallowing my pride, standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to DecemberIt turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you, wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December, turn around and make it arighti go back to December turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the time All the time

《Back to December》真的是泰勒·斯威夫特写给泰勒·洛特纳的道歉曲吗?


back to december歌词翻译

I"m so glad you made time to see me 很高兴你抽出时间来看我 How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 过的好吗?告诉我,你的家人呢? I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了

back to december完整翻译

back to decemberI"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我How"s life?Tell me,how"s your family?最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢?I haven"t seen them in a while 我已...

有谁知道back to December 这首歌的创作背景?

《Back to December》是专辑《Speak Now》正式发行的第二首歌,是已泄露的第四首,泄露的前三首为《Mean》,《Mine》,《Speak Now》。歌曲全长04:43秒,由Taylor亲自创作。斯威夫特的单曲《Back to December》则被认为是写给当红男星泰勒·洛特纳(Taylor Lautner)的道歉曲。斯威夫特曾在2009年底与泰勒-特洛一起拍摄电影《Valentine"s Day》,随后二人的恋情曝光,但在12月份时二人友好分手。斯威夫特在说到这首歌时表示:“这首歌献给一位男士,他理应得到更多。他对于我可以说无可挑剔,我们二人曾经有过一段完美的关系,可当时我却没有非常用心对待他。”

back to december的歌词

[ti:back to december][ar:taylor swift][al:speak now ][by:活在当下]taylor swift - back to december (us version)i"m so glad you made time to see mehow"s life? tell me, how"s your family?i haven"t seen them in a whileyou"ve been good, busier than eversmall talk: work and the weatheryour guard is up and i know why because the last time you saw me will still burn in the back of your mindyou gave me roses and i left them there to dieso this is me swallowing my pride,standin" in front of you, sayin" i"m sorry for that nightand i go back to december all the timeit turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you,wishin" i"d realized what i had when you were minei go back to december, turn around and make it alrighti go back to december all the time these days i haven"t been sleepin"stayin" up playin" back myself leavin"when your birthday passed and i didn"t calland i think about summer, all the beautiful timesi watched you laughin" from the passenger side andi realized i loved you in the fallthen the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mindyou gave me all your love and all i gave you was goodbyeso this is me swallowing my pride,standin" in front of you, sayin" i"m sorry for that nightand i go back to december all the timeit turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you,wishin" i"d realized what i had when you were minei go back to december,turn around and change my own mindi go back to december all the time i miss your tan skin, your sweet smileso good to me, so rightand how you held me in your arms that september nightthe first time you ever saw me crymaybe this is wishful thinkingprobably mindless dreamingif we loved again i swear i"d love you righti"d go back in time and change it but i can"tso if the chain is on your door, i understandthis is me swallowing my pride,standin" in front of you, sayin" i"m sorry for that nightand i go back to decemberit turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you,wishin" i"d realized what i had when you were minei go back to december, turn around and make it arighti go back to december turn around and change my own mindi go back to december all the time all the time

back to december完整翻译


泰勒61斯威夫特的《BACK TO DECEMBER》 的歌词和意思?

I"m so glad you made time to see me   很高兴你抽出时间来看我   How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family?   过的好吗?告诉我,你的家人呢?   I haven"t seen them in a while   我已经很久没有看见他们了   You"ve been good, busier than ever   (听你说)你过得挺好,比过去更忙了   We small talk: work and the weather   (结果)我们谈的却只有工作和天气   Your guard is up and I know why   你有顾忌,我知道原因 Because the last time you saw me   因为上次见我的情景   Will still burn in the back of your mind   依然让你的心隐隐作痛   You gave me roses and I left them there to die   你给我玫瑰,我却让她们就这样消逝    So this is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你的面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December all the time   我一直都好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom ain"t nothin" but missin" you   (时间)证明了自由却只能让我更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December, turn around and make it alright   想回到十二月,转过身,重来一次   I go back to December all the time   一直都好想回到十二月   These days I haven"t been sleepin"   这些天我一直辗转难眠   Stayin" up playin" back myself leavin"   (脑中)一直回放着我的离去   When your birthday passed and I didn"t call   你的生日过了,我却连电话都没打给你   Then I think about summer, all the beautiful times   我回忆着夏天,所有的美好时光   I watched you laughin" from the passenger side   坐在副驾驶上看着你的笑容   And I realized I loved you in the fall   我意识到秋天来临时我依然爱着你   Then the cold came, the dark days   而当冬天(寒流)来临,那些黑暗的日子   when fear crept into my mind   恐惧渐渐潜入我的心里时   You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye   你给了我你所有的爱,我给的却只有那一句"再见"   So this is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December all the time   我一直好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom means nothin" but missin" you   自由了,剩下的却是更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December   我想回到十二月   turn around and change my own mind   转过身,改变我的决定   I go back to December all the time   我一直好想回到十二月   I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile   想念你棕褐色的皮肤,你甜甜的微笑   So good to me, so right   那么美好,那么适合   And how you held me in your arms that September night   还有九月的那天晚上你是如何拥我入怀   The first time you ever saw me cry   (那是)你第一次看到我哭泣   Maybe this is wishful thinking   也许这是一厢情愿的想法   Probably mindless dreaming   或者只是愚蠢的梦想   If we loved again I swear I"d love you right   如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的好好的爱你   I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t   我想改变这一切回到过去,但我不能   So if the chain is on your door, I understand   如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解   This is me swallowing my pride   这次我咽下我的骄傲   standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that night   站在你的面前,为那天晚上(的事)向你道歉   And I go back to December   我好想回到十二月   It turns out freedom means nothin" but missin" you   自由了,剩下的却是更加想念你   wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mine   真希望那时的我能明白当我们在一起时我所拥有的   I go back to December, turn around and make it alright   好想回到十二月,转过身,重来一次   I go back to December turn around and change my own mind   好想回到十二月,转过身,改变我的决定   I go back to December all the time   我一直都好想回到十二月   All the time   一直都好想

我想要baCK to December的中文

Back to DecemberTaylor SwiftI"m so glad you made time to see me 谢谢你能特地抽出时间来看我How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family?最近过得如何?你的家人们怎么样?I haven"t seen them in a while我已经有一段时间没有见过你们了You"ve been good,busier than ever你说自己还不错,只是比以前忙了一点We small talk, work ,and the weather我们局促的谈论着日常的工作和天气Your guard is up and I know why你始终心存芥蒂,我想我知道原因Because the last time you saw me大概你最后一次见我的情景It still burned in the back of your mind依然在你的内心深处灼烧着你You gave me roses and I left them there to die你送给我玫瑰,而我却任由它们枯萎So this is me swallowing my pride,所以此刻我咽下我所有的傲慢Standing in front of you saying在你面前面对着你说I"m sorry for that night那晚我真的不该如此And I go back to December all the time,我无时无刻都祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing you回归了自己的自由,却只剩对你的思念充斥着空虚Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine我多希望我可以在与你在一起时意识到我拥有着的是多么美好的一切I go back to December, turn around and make it all right我祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月,转回我执意离开的背影,让所有事情都回归正确的轨迹I go back to December all the time我一直都祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月These days I haven"t been sleeping这些时日我一直辗转无眠Staying up playing back myself leaving彻夜回想我离开时的情景When your birthday passed and I didn"t call,直到你的生日过去,我都没有打来电话Then I think about summer, all the beautiful times,接着我回想起了夏日的那些美好的时光I watched you laughing from the passenger side我看着副驾驶座上的你的笑容And I realized I loved you in the fall在秋天来临时,我发觉自己已经深深的爱上了你And then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind随后恐惧就这样潜入我的心里,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗和冰冷You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye你给予的是全部的爱,我丢下的却只是一句告别So this is me swallowing my pride,所以此刻我咽下我所有的傲慢Standing in front of you saying在你面前面对着你说I"m sorry for that night那晚我真的不该如此And I go back to December all the time,我无时无刻都祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing you回归了自己的自由,却只剩对你的思念充斥着空虚Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine我多希望我可以在与你在一起时意识到我拥有着的是多么美好的一切I go back to December, turn around and make it all right  我祈望着可以再次回到那个十二月,转回我执意离开的背影,让所有事情都回归正确的轨迹

Taylor swift的歌曲《Back to December》的歌词加中文翻译?

  I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我  How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢?  I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了  You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多  We small talk, work the weather 我们简短的对话着,关于工作和天气  Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么  Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得,  Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害  You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝  So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊  Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道  I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起  And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月  It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你  Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么  And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切  And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的  I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月  These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠  Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天  When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开  And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天  All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光  I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容  And realized I loved you in the fall 秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你  And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来  With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里时,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗  You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱  And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见  So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊  Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道  I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起  And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月  It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你  Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么  And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切  And change my own mind 然后,我改变自己的想法  I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月  I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑  So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好  And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中  That September night; 那个九月的夜晚  The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣  Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个梦想般的假设  Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想  If you loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你  I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能  So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解  So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊  Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道  I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起  And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月  It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你  Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么  And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身  And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的  I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身  And change my own mind 改变自己的想法  I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月  All the time 一直都是  这是TAYLOR 写给狼人的歌。

求Taylor swift的Back to december的歌词!有中文意思最好!

translated by lineI"m so glad you made time to see me 真高兴你能抽出时间来看我How"s life? Tell me how"s your family 告诉我,近来如何,家人都平安吧?I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经有很长时间没有见他们了You"ve been good, busier than ever 你的事业一帆风顺,忙碌更胜从前Small talk, work and the weather 我们闲聊着,谈着工作天气等零碎小事Your guard is up and I know why 你明显加强了戒备,其中缘由我心知肚明Because the last time you saw me is still burned in the back of your mind 因为上次我俩见面的痛楚,依旧在你心底挥之不去You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你赠与我玫瑰,我却任由它们枯萎凋零So this is me swallowing my pride standing in fron of you saying I"m sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I"d realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and make it all right 真希望能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重头来过I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月These days I haven"t been sleepin 这些天来我都辗转难眠Stayin up playing back myself leavin 脑海中一直浮现出当初我离开的场景When your birthday passed and I didn"t call 当你的生日到来的时候,我却没有打电话给你庆生Then I think about summer all the beautiful times 脑海里又回忆起当年夏日,美好时光宝贵I watched you laughin from the passenger side 我看着你开心地在人行道上漫步And realized I loved you in the fall 随后的秋天,我不可救药的爱上了你And then the cold came the dark days when fear crept into my mind 可是寒冬降临,黑暗的日子随之而来,忧惧占据了我的心头You gave me all your lovin all I gave you was goodbye 你用你的爱呵护我,而我所回赠的却只有绝情的分手So this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I"d realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and change my own mind 真希望能回到那年十二月,改变我错误的想法I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile 我无比想念你那黝黑的肌肤,真挚的微笑So good to me so right 你对我的好And how you held me in your arms that September night 那年九月的晚上你把我挽在胸前又是如此美好The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看到我流泪的时候Maybe this is wishful thinkin 也许这只是我一番痴心妄想Probably mindless dreamin 或许这只是我幼稚天真的痴想If we loved again I swear I"d love you right 如果我们还有机会相爱的话 我发誓我会好好对你的I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会回到过去改变自我,可惜已经太晚了So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你依旧拒绝我的话,我很理解This is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December 我回到那年十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I"d realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and make it all right 多希望我能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重新来过I go back to December turn around and change my own mind 我要回到那年十二月,改正我错误的想法,改变过错I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月all the time 一直都想made by lineBack To December - Taylor Swift

Back to December歌词和翻译

I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我 How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢? I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了 You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多 We small talk, work in the weather 我们简短的对话着,情绪却像天气般善变 Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么 Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得, Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害 You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠 Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天 When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开 And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天 All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光 I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容 And realized I loved you in the fall 秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你 And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来 With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里是,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗 You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱 And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里 Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And change my own mind 然后,我改变了自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月 I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑 So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好 And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中 That September night; 那个九月的夜晚 The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣 Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个能够实现的假设 Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想 If we loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你 I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能 So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身 And change my own mind 改变了自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月 All the time 一直都是 是这个了。

关于 back to december

Back To December - Taylor SwiftI"m so glad you made time to see meHow"s life? Tell me how"s your familyI haven"t seen them in a whileYou"ve been good, busier than everSmall talk, work and the weatherYour guard is up and I know whyBecause the last time you saw me is still burned in the back of your mindYou gave me roses and I left them there to dieSo this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and make it all rightI go back to December all the timeThese days I haven"t been sleepinStayin up playing back myself leavinWhen your birthday passed and I didn"t callThen I think about summer all the beautiful timesI watched you laughin from the passenger sideAnd realized I loved you in the fallAnd then the cold came the dark days when fear crept into my mindYou gave me all your lovin all I gave you was goodbyeSo this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeI miss your tan skin, your sweet smileSo good to me so rightAnd how you held me in your arms that September nightThe first time you ever saw me cryMaybe this is wishful thinkinProbably mindless dreaminIf we loved again I swear I"d love you rightI"d go back in time and change it but I can"tSo if the chain is on your door I understandThis is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to DecemberIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and make it all rightI go back to December turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeall the time

Back to December 歌词

歌曲名:Back to December歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:Speak Now (Karaoke Version)Back To December - Taylor SwiftI"m so glad you made time to see meHow"s life? Tell me how"s your familyI haven"t seen them in a whileYou"ve been good, busier than everSmall talk, work and the weatherYour guard is up and I know whyBecause the last time you saw me is still burned in the back of your mindYou gave me roses and I left them there to dieSo this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and make it all rightI go back to December all the timeThese days I haven"t been sleepinStayin up playing back myself leavinWhen your birthday passed and I didn"t callThen I think about summer all the beautiful timesI watched you laughin from the passenger sideAnd realized I loved you in the fallAnd then the cold came the dark days when fear crept into my mindYou gave me all your lovin all I gave you was goodbyeSo this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeI miss your tan skin, your sweet smileSo good to me so rightAnd how you held me in your arms that September nightThe first time you ever saw me cryMaybe this is wishful thinkinProbably mindless dreaminIf we loved again I swear I"d love you rightI"d go back in time and change it but I can"tSo if the chain is on your door I understandThis is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to DecemberIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and make it all rightI go back to December turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeall the timeBack To December - Taylor Swift

歌曲 Back To December 里讲述的什么故事?

这首歌是泰勒斯威夫特写给她已分手的男友--当红男星泰勒-洛特纳(《暮光之城》男二号)的道歉曲。斯威夫特曾在2009年底与泰勒-特洛一起拍摄电影《Valentine"s Day》,随后二人的恋情曝光,但在12月份时二人友好分手。斯威夫特在说到这首歌时表示:“这首歌献给一位男士,他理应得到更多。他对于我可以说无可挑剔,我们二人曾经有过一段完美的关系,可当时我确没有非常用心对待他。” 歌词翻译:I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢?I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多We small talk, work in the weather 我们简短的对话着,情绪却像天气般善变Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得,Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容And realized I loved you in the fall 秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里是,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切And change my own mind 然后,我改变了自己的想法I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中That September night; 那个九月的夜晚The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个能够实现的假设Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想If we loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身And change my own mind 改变了自己的想法I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月All the time 一直都是

Back to December的背景故事是什么

《Back to December》是写给当红男星泰勒-洛特纳(Taylor Lautner)的道歉曲。斯威夫特曾在2009年底与泰勒-特洛一起拍摄电影《Valentine"s Day》(情人节,也是部明星云集的电影),随后二人的恋情曝光,但在12月份时二人友好分手。Taylor Swift在说到这首歌时表示:“这首歌献给一位男士,他理应得到更多。他对于我可以说无可挑剔,我们二人曾经有过一段完美的关系,可当时我却没有非常用心对待他。”

泰勒·斯威夫特 back to December 歌词

Taylor Swift - Back to December



pedestrian 跟passer-by区别?

pedestrian是行人的意思。马路上的行人。外国很多警示牌都用pedestrian这个词。而passer-by指的是过路人,指得是单个一个人.说个例句吧:Police asked passers-by if they had seen the accident happen.(警察询问过路的人是否见到事故发生的经过)

tyler dean 唱的 taylor Swift 是为泰勒写的吗 ,知道的可以详细说下吗。


the last brother什么意思

the last brother江湖最后一个大佬最后一个兄弟双语例句1The last thing that your brother, hey, do not say!过去的事情是你的兄弟,嘿嘿,不说!

Taylor 的 Brought Up That Way 和 Back to December 说的是她自己的故事吗


Back to december和Love story的中文意思~ Taylor Swift 还有什么好听的歌????

回到12月 爱情故事 好听的mine , enchanted, stay beautiful

在 back to december 这首歌里 有 it is too late 这歌词吗


back to december歌词 有标准时间 有中文翻译 有英文

Back To December - Taylor SwiftI"m so glad you made time to see me 真高兴你能抽出时间来看我How"s life? Tell me how"s your family 告诉我,近来如何,家人都平安吧?I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经有很长时间没有见他们了You"ve been good, busier than ever 你的事业一帆风顺,忙碌更胜从前Small talk, work and the weather 我们闲聊着,谈着工作天气等零碎小事Your guard is up and I know why 你明显加强了戒备,其中缘由我心知肚明Because the last time you saw me is still burned in the back of your mind 因为上次我俩见面的痛楚,依旧在你心底挥之不去You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你赠与我玫瑰,我却任由它们枯萎凋零So this is me swallowing my pride standing in fron of you saying I"m sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I"d realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and make it all right 真希望能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重头来过I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月These days I haven"t been sleepin 这些天来我都辗转难眠Stayin up playing back myself leavin 脑海中一直浮现出当初我离开的场景When your birthday passed and I didn"t call 当你的生日到来的时候,我却没有打电话给你庆生Then I think about summer all the beautiful times 脑海里又回忆起当年夏日,美好时光宝贵I watched you laughin from the passenger side 我看着你开心地在人行道上漫步And realized I loved you in the fall 随后的秋天,我不可救药的爱上了你And then the cold came the dark days when fear crept into my mind 可是寒冬降临,黑暗的日子随之而来,忧惧占据了我的心头You gave me all your lovin all I gave you was goodbye 你用你的爱呵护我,而我所回赠的却只有绝情的分手So this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I"d realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and change my own mind 真希望能回到那年十二月,改变我错误的想法I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile 我无比想念你那黝黑的肌肤,真挚的微笑So good to me so right 你对我的好And how you held me in your arms that September night 那年九月的晚上你把我挽在胸前又是如此美好The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看到我流泪的时候Maybe this is wishful thinkin 也许这只是我一番痴心妄想Probably mindless dreamin 或许这只是我幼稚天真的痴想If we loved again I swear I"d love you right 如果我们还有机会相爱的话 我发誓我会好好对你的I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会回到过去改变自我,可惜已经太晚了So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你依旧拒绝我的话,我很理解This is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that night 我放下我高傲的自尊,想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December 我回到那年十二月It turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin you 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishin I"d realized what I had when you were mine 多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I go back to December turn around and make it all right 多希望我能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重新来过I go back to December turn around and change my own mind 我要回到那年十二月,改正我错误的想法,改变过错I go back to December all the time 我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月all the time 一直都想

back to december中文翻译


back to december的歌词和中文翻译谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我 How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢? I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了 You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多 We small talk, work in the weather 我们简短的对话着,情绪却像天气般善变 Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么 Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得, Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害 You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠 Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天 When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开 And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天 All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光 I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容 And realized I loved you in the fall 秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你 And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来 With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里是,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗 You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱 And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里 Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And change my own mind 然后,我改变了自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月 I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑 So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好 And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中 That September night; 那个九月的夜晚 The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣 Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个能够实现的假设 Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想 If we loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你 I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能 So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我把自己的骄傲吞到肚子里 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had to blow that night 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身 And change my own mind 改变了自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月 All the time 一直都是 是这个了。

Back to December歌词(不需翻译)

Back To DecemberTaylor SwiftI"m so glad you made time to see meHow"s life? Tell me how"s your familyI haven"t seen them in a whileYou"ve been good, busier than everSmall talk, work and the weatherYour guard is up and I know whyBecause the last time you saw meis still burned in the back of your mindYou gave me roses and I left them there to dieSo this is me swallowing my pride standing infront of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and make it all rightI go back to December all the timeThese days I haven"t been sleepinStayin up playing back myself leavinWhen your birthday passed and I didn"t callThen I think about summer all the beautiful timesI watched you laughin from the passenger sideAnd realized I loved you in the fallAnd then the cold came the dark dayswhen fear crept into my mindYou gave me all your lovin all I gave you was goodbyeSo this is me swallowing my pride standing infront of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeI miss your tan skin, your sweet smileSo good to me so rightAnd how you held me in your arms that September nightThe first time you ever saw me cryMaybe this is wishful thinkinProbably mindless dreaminIf we loved again I swear I"d love you rightI"d go back in time and change it but I can"tSo if the chain is on your door I understandThis is me swallowing my pride standing infront of you saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to DecemberIt turns out freedom ain"t nothin but missin youWishin I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December turn around and make it all rightI go back to December turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeall the time 希望满意~~

求Taylor Swift 《Back to december》吉他谱

《Back To December》歌词的中文翻译。

I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我 How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢? I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了 You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多 We small talk, work the weather 我们简短的对话着,关于工作和天气 Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么 Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得, Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害 You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠 Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天 When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开 And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天 All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光 I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容 And realized I loved you in the fall 秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你 And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来 With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里时,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗 You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱 And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And change my own mind 然后,我改变自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月 I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑 So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好 And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中 That September night; 那个九月的夜晚 The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣 Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个梦想般的假设 Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想 If you loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你 I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能 So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身 And change my own mind 改变自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月 All the time 一直都是这是TAYLOR 写给狼人的歌。望采纳。

Back to December--Taylor Swift 要表达什么

我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢?我已经很久没有看见他们了你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多我们简短的对话着,关于工作和天气你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么因为你还清楚的记得,上一次,我对你的伤害你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝我咽下我的自尊站在你的面前,说道对于那一晚,我真的对不起我一直试图回到那个十二月自由了,剩下的却只有想念你我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么我回到那个十二月, 改变一切把所有是事情都变成正确的我一直都试图回到那个十二月最近,我一直辗转无眠彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天我就是这样的离开我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天那些美好的时光我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你然后,寒冷就这样袭来当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里时,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗你给了我你所有的爱我给你的却是 再见我咽下我的自尊站在你的面前,说道对于那一晚,我真的对不起 我一直试图回到那个十二月剩下的却只有想念你我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么我回到那个十二月, 改变一切然后,我改变自己的想法我一直试图回到那个十二月我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑你对我是那么的好还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中那个九月的夜晚你第一次看见我哭泣也许这是一个梦想般的假设一个没头没脑的梦想如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解我咽下我的自尊 站在你的面前,说道对于那一晚,我真的对不起 我一直试图回到那个十二月自由了,剩下的却只有想念你我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么我回到那个十二月, 转过身把所有是事情都变成正确的我回到那个十二月。转过身改变自己的想法我试图回到那个十二月一直都是 希望能帮到你

back to december的英文介绍,用英文来介绍这首歌的资料或者背景。

"Back to December" is a song by American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift. The song was written by Swift and produced by Nathan Chapman, and Swift. It was sent to country radio on November 15, 2010, by Big Machine Records as the second single from Swift"s third studio album, Speak Now. According to Swift, "Back to December" is the first time she ever apologizes to someone in a song. Upon its release as a promotional single, critics speculated that the song is about Taylor Lautner, Swift"s ex-boyfriend, although neither Swift nor Lautner has confirmed nor denied these allegations. "Back to December" is considered an orchestral country pop ballad and its lyrics are a remorseful plea for forgiveness for breaking up with a former lover."Back to December" was critically acclaimed by critics, who regarded it as one of the highlights of Speak Now. Critics have praised the song for its expressive lyrics, its indelible melody, and Swift"s vocal improvement. The song enjoyed commercial success in United States, debuting at number six on the Billboard Hot 100, and at number seven in Canada, and at number three on the Billboard Hot Country Songs. Internationally, the song received moderate success, peaking at number twenty-four in New Zealand, and number twenty-six in Australia.The song"s accompanying music video was directed Yoann Lemoine, which laments the aftermath of a break-up between Swift and her boyfriend during one snowy morning. The music video garners mixed to positive receptions from critics, who praise the spectacular visual sense in portraying the somber mood although, in general, its inadequate narrative is being criticized. Following promotion, Swift has performed "Back to December" in several live appearances, notably at the 44th annual Country Music Association Awards and at the 38th American Music Awards.

Back to December的中文是什么


求Talor swift的"back to december"歌词及翻译。

back to december(回到十二月)I"m so glad you made time to see me.真高兴你能抽出时间来看我How"s life, tell me how"s your family?告诉我,近来如何,家人都平安吧?I haven"t seen them in a while.我已经有很长时间没有见他们了You"ve been gone, busier then ever.你的事业一帆风顺,忙碌更胜从前。We small talk, work and the weather我们闲聊着,谈着工作天气等零碎小事Your guard is up and I know why.你明显加强了戒备,其中缘由我心知肚明Cause the last time you saw me 因为上次我俩见面的痛楚Is still burned in the back of your mind.依旧在你心底挥之不去You gave me roses and I left them there to die.你赠与我玫瑰,我却任由它们枯萎凋零So this is me swallowing my pride, 我放下我高傲的自尊Standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that night, 想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time.我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月Turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing you, 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishing that I"d realized what I had when you were mine.多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I"d go back to December, turn around and make it all right.真希望能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重头来过I go back to December all the time.我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月These days I haven"t been sleeping这些天来我都辗转难眠Staying up playing back myself leaving, 脑海中一直浮现出当初我离开的场景When your birthday passed and I didn"t call. 当你的生日到来的时候,我却没有打电话给你庆生And I think about summer, all the beautiful times脑海里又回忆起当年夏日,美好时光宝贵I watched you laughing from the passenger side我看着你开心地在人行道上漫步Realized that I loved you in the fall.随后的秋天,我不可救药的爱上了你Then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind.随后寒冬降临,黑暗的日子随之而来,忧惧占据了我的心头You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye. 你用你的爱呵护我,而我所回赠的却只有绝情的分手So this is me swallowing my pride, 我放下我高傲的自尊Standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that night, 想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December all the time.我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月Turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing you, 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishing that I"d realized what I had when you were mine.多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I"d go back to December, turn around and make it all right.真希望能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重头来过I go back to December all the time.我无时无刻都想回到那年十二月I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right, 我无比想念你那黝黑的肌肤,真挚的微笑,你对我的好And how you held me in your arms that September night, 那年九月的晚上你把我挽在胸前又是如此美好The first time you ever saw me cry.你第一次看到我流泪的时候Maybe this is wishful thinking, 也许这只是我一番痴心妄想Probably mindless dreaming或许这只是我幼稚天真的痴想If we loved again I swear I"d love you right.如果我们还有机会相爱的话 我发誓我会好好对你的I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t我会回到过去改变自我,可惜已经太晚了So if the chain is on your door, I understand.如果你依旧拒绝我的话,我很理解So this is me swallowing my pride, 我放下我高傲的自尊Standing in front of you saying I"m sorry for that night, 想当面对你说,那个晚上我真的很抱歉And I go back to December.我回到那年十二月Turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing you, 事实证明孑然一身只会加重我对你的思恋Wishing that I"d realized what I had when you were mine.多么希望我能早意识到我当初拥有的美好I"d go back to December turn around and make it alright.多希望我能回到那年十二月,纠正过错,重新来过I"d go back to December turn around and change my own mind.我要回到那年十二月,改正我错误的想法,改变过错I go back to December all the time.我无时无刻都想回到那年的十二月All the time一直都想

有谁知道back to December 这首歌的创作背景?

《Back to December》是专辑《Speak Now》正式发行的第二首歌,是已泄露的第四首,泄露的前三首为《Mean》,《Mine》,《Speak Now》.歌曲全长04:43秒,由Taylor亲自创作. 斯威夫特的单曲《Back to December》则被认为是写给当红男星泰勒·洛特纳(Taylor Lautner)的道歉曲.斯威夫特曾在2009年底与泰勒-特洛一起拍摄电影《Valentine"s Day》,随后二人的恋情曝光,但在12月份时二人友好分手.斯威夫特在说到这首歌时表示:“这首歌献给一位男士,他理应得到更多.他对于我可以说无可挑剔,我们二人曾经有过一段完美的关系,可当时我却没有非常用心对待他.”

Back to december的英文原版歌词

I"m so glad you made time to see meHow"s life? Tell me, how"s your family?I haven"t seen them in a whileYou"ve been good, busier than everWe small talk, work and the weatherYour guard is up, and I know whyBecause the last time you saw meIs still burned in the back of your mindYou gave me roses, and I left them there to dieSo this is me swallowing my prideStanding in front of you, saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing youWishing I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December, turn around and make it alrightI go back to December all the timeThese days, I haven"t been sleepingStaying up, playing back myself leavingWhen your birthday passed, and I didn"t callThen I think about summer, all the beautiful timesI watched you laughing from the passenger sideAnd realized I loved you in the fallAnd then the cold came, the dark daysWhen fear crept into my mindYou gave me all your love, and all I gave you was goodbyeSo this is me swallowing my prideStanding in front of you, saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing youWishing I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December, turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeI miss your tan skin, your sweet smileSo good to me, so rightAnd how you held me in your arms that September nightThe first time you ever saw me cryMaybe this is wishful thinkingProbably mindless dreamingBut if we loved again, I swear I"d love you rightI"d go back in time and change it, but I can"tSo if the chain is on your door, I understandThis is me swallowing my prideStanding in front of you, saying I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to DecemberIt turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missing youWishing I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December, turn around and make it alrightI go back to December, turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the time, all the time



泰勒·斯威夫特 back to December 歌词



I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我 How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢? I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了 You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多 We small talk, work the weather 我们简短的对话着,关于工作和天气 Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么 Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得, Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害 You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠 Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天 When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开 And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天 All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光 I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容 And realized I loved you in the fall 秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你 And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来 With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里时,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗 You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱 And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And change my own mind 然后,我改变自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月 I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑 So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好 And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中 That September night; 那个九月的夜晚 The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣 Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个梦想般的假设 Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想 If you loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你 I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能 So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身 And change my own mind 改变自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月 All the time 一直都是

What are you going to do this weekend? 一 . If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my friends.



1、sight -- “光景”.既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观(多指人工的事物,如大建筑史迹等有名的处所),又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数.如:a sad sight悲惨的场景 ,see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹.它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于:当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜.2、view -- “景色”.普遍用语,常指从远处或高处看到的景象,属于scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换.如:The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观.The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色.3、scenery -- “景致”、“外景”,指某地乃至国家总的外景或外貌,尤指美丽的乡间景色.如:The scenery of this country is unparalleled.这个国家的风景无与伦比.4、scene -- “景色”.指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,可与view通用,但还包括其中的人及活动在内.如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕.


scenery单词记忆法:◆记忆方法一:谐音:新挪威 舞台布景表现的是新挪威风景。◆记忆方法二:分析:s——像美女;ce——“厕”的拼音;ne——“那”的拼音;ry——“人妖”的拼音首字母。记忆:美女在厕所里跟那个人妖一起欣赏天然风光。

scenary 与 scenery

scenary 场景,指(歌剧的)一场scenery n.风景, 景色


scenery,scene,view,landscape 这一组名词都有"景色"的意思. scenery n.风景,景色,舞台布景,强调从美的角度看,某个国家或地区的总体外貌. Each year,we spend our vacation in the mountains and enjoy the scenery.我们每年到山区渡假,并欣赏那里的风景. scene n.指从远处看到的某一具体景色、景象,也可以指人物的活动场面;(犯罪的)地点,现场. They stood gazing the happy scene of children playing in the park.他们站在那里,注视着孩子们在公园里玩耍的场景. view n.指从远处或窗户看到的视野范围内的风景;观点,看法. Our house has a view of the park.我们的房子可以看到公园的景色. landscape n.(自然的)风景,景色;风景画. The landscape seen from the mountains is green and beautiful.站在群山之巅看到的是一片美丽的绿色.




  作为一个名词,scenery它什么时候指的是不可数名词,又是什么时候表示的是可数名词呢?以下是我给大家带来scenery可数名词用法,以供参阅。    scenery可数用法   scenery指“总体的、全部的风景”,表示的是室外的、自然存在的美丽景色; 指“布景”时,表示的是整个舞台的布置。   当指风景时是不可数名词。   当指舞台的相关东西时是可数名词。   scenery的用法辨析   scenery的用法辨析1:   sight, scene, scenery, view, landscape这 组词 都有“景色、风景”的意思,其区别是:   sight 侧重指旅游观光的风光,包括城市景色或自然风光景色。也指人造景物或奇特的景色。   scene 指具体的、局部的或一时的景色,可以是自然形成的,也可人工造成的。   scenery 指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景。   view 普通和词,多指从远处或高处所见的景色。   landscape 多指在内陆的自然风光。   scenery的用法辨析2:   scene, view, scenery, landscape这组词都有“景色”的意思,其区别是:   scene n.指从远处看到的某一具体景色、景象,也可以指人物的活动场面;(犯罪的)地点,现场。   They stood gazing the happy scene of children playing in the park.他们站在那里,注视着孩子们在公园里玩耍的场景。   view n.指从远处或窗户看到的视野范围内的风景;观点,看法。   Our house has a view of the park.我们的房子可以看到公园的景色。   scenery n.风景,景色,舞台布景,强调从美的角度看,某个国家或地区的总体外貌。   Each year, we spend our vacation in the mountains and enjoy the scenery.我们每年到山区渡假,并欣赏那里的风景。   landscape n. (自然的)风景,景色; 风景画 。   The landscape seen from the mountains is green and beautiful.站在群山之巅看到的是一片美丽的绿色。   scenery英语例句   1. The higher we climbed, the more awe-inspiring the scenery became.   我们爬得越高,风景越是让人叹绝。   2. The route took us through scenery quite inaccessible to the motorist.   这条路线带我们穿越了驾车者难以抵达的风景区。   3. The island offers such a wide variety of scenery and wildlife.   这个岛屿拥有丰富多样的景致及种类繁多的野生动植物。   4. Sometimes they just drive slowly down the lane enjoying the scenery.   有时他们只是沿着小路慢慢地开车,欣赏两旁的风景。   5. A change of scenery might do you the power of good.   换个地方或许对你大有裨益。   6. The flowers were colourful and the scenery magnificent.   花儿五颜六色,景色蔚为壮观。   7. The passengers were enthralled by the scenery.   乘客们为景致所吸引。   8. The scenery is magnificent.   景色壮丽。   9. The tranquil beauty of the village scenery is unique.   这乡村景色的宁静是绝无仅有的.   10. The scenery for the play must have cost too much.   那出戏的舞台布景一定很费钱.   11. I prowled around the lake admiring the beautiful scenery.   我在湖边徘徊,欣赏美丽的景色.   12. These houses seem to blend into the surrounding scenery.   这些房屋似乎与周围的景色融为一体了.   13. Lash the scenery up ready for the next act.   用绳子把布景固定住,准备演下一场.   14. Guilin is known throughout the world for its scenery.   桂林以山水著称于世.   15. Whoever passes here would stop to admire the scenery.


解析单词scenery是什么意思风景;景色;风光eg: The scenery of the Grand Canyon is out of description.大峡谷的景色简直无法用语言来形容。Suzhou and Hangzhou are famous for their beautiful scenery.苏州和杭州因为其美景而闻名。舞台布景eg: The director is not pleased with the scenery.导演不满意这种舞台布景。The audience were attracted by the scenery at first sight.观众第一眼就被舞台布景给吸引了。


三者意思基本相同,有细微之处不同scene、scenery、sight和view都有景象的含义。scene--指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕。a beautiful mountain scene in front of the guest house.The boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene. 港中的船只构成美丽的景色。The scene of sunset was very beautiful. 日落的景色是非常美的。 scenery--指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。如:The scenery as one travels by boat along the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvellous.坐船游览长江三峡的时候,两岸的风景美不胜收。The scenery of this country is unparalleled. 这个国家的风景无与伦比。The train moved slowly south through flat, drab mainline scenery. 火车穿过干线两侧风景单调乏味的地区,缓缓地向南驶去。 sight--则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,多指人工的事物,又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数。如:a sad sight悲惨的场景see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹。它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜。 view--常指从远处或高处看到的scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换。如:The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观。The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色。There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel window. 从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到秀丽的山景。It was our first view of the ocean. 这是我们第一次看见海洋。


scenen.场面,现场; (戏剧的)一场; 景色,风景; 事件sceneryn.风景,景色; 舞台布景; 风景画; 舞台面sightn.视力; 看见; 视野; 景象vt.看见,发现; 瞄准; 观察; 调准瞄准器vi.(用仪器)瞄准; 观察viewn.看法; 风景; 视域; [建筑学]视图vt.看; 看待

scenery scene view sight 作景色讲有何区别

scene、scenery、sight和view都有景象的含义。scene指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕。a beautiful mountain scene in front of the guest house.scenery指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。如:The scenery as one travels by boat along the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvellous.坐船游览长江三峡的时候,两岸的风景美不胜收。sight则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数。如:a sad sight悲惨的场景see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹。它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜。view常指从远处或高处看到的scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换。如:The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观。The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色。近义词---View, Scenery, Scene, SightView(n.)---“景色”。普遍用语。指目中所望见的景色。Scenery(n.)---“景色”,“外景”。指一个地方乃至一个国家的整个外景或外貌。Scene(n.)---“景色”。可与view通用,但多包括了其中的人及其活动。Sight(n.)---“光景”。多指人工的事物,比如大建筑史迹等有名的处所。例:There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到秀丽的山景。It was our first view of the ocean.这是我们第一次看见海洋。The scenery of this country is unparalleled.这个国家的风景无与伦比。The train moved slowly south through flat, drab mainline scenery.火车穿过干线两侧风景单调乏味的地区,缓缓地向南驶去。The boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene.港中的船只构成美丽的景色。The scene of sunset was very beautiful.日落的景色是非常美的。We will go and see the sights of New York.我们要去看看纽约的名胜。The Imperial Palace is one of the sights of China.故宫是中国名胜之一。sight指“景色”是可数名词时,往往指眼见的景色,如供人游览的“景”和“名胜”,但尤指人工制成的景。One of the beautiful sights is the castle.那城堡是美景中的一个。  scenery是个不可数名词,含不管是否映入眼帘的风景。The road passes through the most charming scenery.这条大路穿过极为迷人的风景区。  view和scene所表达的景色都是scenery中的一部分,往往指自然景色。如:Do you enjoy the ten famous views of the West Lake?你喜欢西湖十景吗?There is a lovely view from this window .从这个窗子可以看到一片秀丽的景色。There is a happy scene of children playing in the garden.孩子们在花园里玩耍,好一派欢乐的景象。  另外,scene还可指舞台的场景。

英语作文 talk about the person you met for the first

well,the person i would like to talk about is my old friend Cristina, who had moved to LA with his parent about 5 years ago.we are best friend during my childhood, We met each other last month,I hadn"t seen her for..4-5 years when I bumped into her during a rock festival... She was so changed, lots of pierces on her face, beer in one hand, cigarrette in the other... I was shocked. I remebered her as the Britney Spears kind of girl, she was keep on sports, she loved dancing, she"s a punker!


walkers 更多的一种表达动词的意思。比如:步行者比爬行者运动的要快The walkers moved faster than the crawlers pedestrian 更多是作为一种名词出现。就是一种称呼,一类人群。比如:在洛杉矶很少见到步行者。In Los Angeles a pedestrian is a rare specta两种都可以,这个取决于你想表达哪一种思想。


  scene、scenery、sight和view都有景象的含义。  scene--指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕。  a beautiful mountain scene in front of the guest house.  The boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene. 港中的船只构成美丽的景色。  The scene of sunset was very beautiful. 日落的景色是非常美的。  scenery--指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。  如:The scenery as one travels by boat along the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvellous.坐船游览长江三峡的时候,两岸的风景美不胜收。  The scenery of this country is unparalleled. 这个国家的风景无与伦比。  The train moved slowly south through flat, drab mainline scenery. 火车穿过干线两侧风景单调乏味的地区,缓缓地向南驶去。  sight--则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,多指人工的事物,又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数。如:a sad sight悲惨的场景see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹。它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜。  view--常指从远处或高处看到的scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换。  如:The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观。  The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色。  There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel window. 从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到秀丽的山景。  It was our first view of the ocean. 这是我们第一次看见海洋。


scene - 情景,很少有“风景”的意思.landscape - 风景,也可以是地形,看语境.scenery - 几乎都是“风景”的意思scenery n.风景,景色,舞台布景,强调从美的角度看,某个国家或地区的总体外貌.Each year,we spend our vacation in the mountains and enjoy the scenery.我们每年到山区渡假,并欣赏那里的风景.scene n.指从远处看到的某一具体景色、景象,也可以指人物的活动场面;(犯罪的)地点,现场.They stood gazing the happy scene of children playing in the park.他们站在那里,注视着孩子们在公园里玩耍的场景.view n.指从远处或窗户看到的视野范围内的风景;观点,看法.Our house has a view of the park.我们的房子可以看到公园的景色.landscape n.(自然的)风景,景色;风景画.The landscape seen from the mountains is green and beautiful.站在群山之巅看到的是一片美丽的绿色.


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