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没错,其实差别就在 COUNT(orders.订购单号) AS 订单数 和 COUNT(*) AS 订单数他俩的唯一区别就是,如果有订单号为NULL的情况下COUNT(orders.订购单号)不把这个空计算在内,而COUNT(*)则把这个空值也算做有效

employee quota是什么意思

employee quota的释义,网络释义: 员工配额

If we catch an employee stealing, they are...

这种问题属于英语的使用习惯的问题。在英语里,属于定理,规定,规则,制度之类的问题,统一只使用一般现在时。所以这句话只能用are gived,不是根据语意来确定语态的。

泰国签证中"employment prohibited"什么意思


employment prohibited意思


tax-paying employed person什么意思

taxpaying employed person:纳税从业人员; employed vt. 雇佣(employ的过去分词) adj. 被雇用的 person n. 人;身体;容貌,外表;人称 扩展资料   例句:   You"re self-employed, I gather.   我想你是个体经营吧。   Both parents were gainfully employed.   双亲都曾是做的"有酬工作。   We want more support for the self-employed.   我们需要更多给个体经营者的支持   She"s a sensible sort of person.   她属于那种通情达理的人。   He"s the one person I can trust.   他是我唯一可以信赖的人。   The price is $40 per person.   价格为每人40元。

My mother is a selp-employed person 英文作文 50字


a self-employed jobber, he was always building things out of odds and ends这句话什么意思啊


Self-employment 自主创业可行吗?

尽管有不利方面,我认为从自由和保障方面看自主创业仍是值得一试的。世界经济和就业市场前景仍不明朗,将命运掌握在自己手中也许是最好的选择。The more I look around me, the more self-employment seems to be the way to go for many people. I"m not sure if this is just my observation or if it"s indeed a global phenomenon, so I"d like to discuss it with you.There are two reasons why self-employment seems to be the way to go:NecessityMany people lose their jobs because of the recent financial crisis. I read many stories about people with high salary who suddenly found themselves out of work and found it difficult to get new jobs. For them, self-employment could be the only way to go because the job market isn"t as good as it was.OpportunityMany other people choose self-employment not because of necessity but because of opportunity. They find that self-employment gives them more freedom and flexibility, not to mention the potentially big financial reward they could get. I am an advocate of self-employment and over time I become more and more convinced because of the stories I hear from people around me. I often hear about those who lose their jobs and how it could take them months to get new jobs, if ever. I imagine that if only more people went through the path of self-employment, I would hear less such stories.More specifically, here are some reasons why I advocate self-employment:Your income source won"t depend on one partyIf someone works for a company, his boss could fire him and eliminate his income source. I don"t know about you, but I don"t feel comfortable giving the control of my entire income to someone else. Being self-employed means that nobody can fire you.Your income won"t drop to zero if something bad happenedIf someone got fired from his work, his income practically dropped to zero. Those who are self-employed won"t experience that. Sure, you might lose clients, but it"s unlikely that you lost all of your clients at once. If something bad happened, it wouldn"t be drastic. Instead of having your income dropped to zero, it would drop gradually and therefore give you time to work on something else.You can cut work-related expensesSince you work on your own, you have more control over the way you work. This often translates to saving on work-related expenses such as transportation costs.Your have more control over your timeIn most cases, you can arrange your own work time. This flexibility means that it will be easier for you to allocate time for other things in your life.Your reward is more proportional to your effortWhen you are in a corporate environment, providing twice as much value doesn"t necessarily mean getting twice as much reward. But when you work on your own, that can happen more easily. You contact with the market directly so any extra value you provide is more likely to be rewarded.The Internet opens new opportunitiesThe Internet allows you to deliver your value directly to those who need it without any middleman. In addition, the Internet helps you aggregate potential demand. Let"s say you have a specific skill that only02one in a million people need. Without the Internet, it will be difficult to find even one client in your local area. But thanks to the Internet, you now have access to over 6000 potential clients. It means that your ability to make a living from that specific skill increases exponentially.The first and the second reasons are the most important, in my opinion. Self-employment can give you more security. You are less likely to suddenly fall into a deep financial trouble because of lost income.Of course, there are also negative aspects of self-employment. First of all, it"s not easy to start a self-employment career. It could be difficult to get consistent income in the beginning because of the difficulty to find clients. You might also need to work harder than when you work for a company since you are now on your own.That being said, I think the freedom and security is still worth it. With the world and the job market becoming more unpredictable, having your destiny in your own hand seems to be the best alternative.This is just my opinion, of course. I"m interested to hear yours. What do you think?

self employed worker是什么意思

自己雇佣自己 可以理解为自己创业的人 也可理解为个体户。


The following facts are known about him:He uses his own tools to do his job[self employed]He normally waits to be given work by others[employed]If something goes wrong the company and not Timothy pays to fix the problem[employed]Timothy can choose when he works[self-employed]He cannot choose who he works with[employed]Timothy‘s work is very closely controlled by others[employed]不用犹豫~答案100%正确。表示要解释才和我说吧~我比较懒散解释的说笑纳答案哦

i’m selfemployed.是什么意思


the self-employed是什么意思?

个体经营的,就是自己做生意的人 self是自己 employed是被雇佣 self-employed就是自己雇自己,个体经营者


self-employed美 [.self u026am"plu0254u026ad]英 [.self u026am"plu0254u026ad]adj.个体经营的;单干的;自由职业的;自雇的 自由职业者;自雇者;自雇人士例句筛选1.Work for yourself To be self-employed can be lonely, and is likely to be hardwork.为自己工作自己当老板可能会很孤单,而且可能工作繁重。2.Fashion designers used to be self-employed earlier now find a number of careeropportunities open for them.如今时装设计师发现许多数量的就业时机为他们翻开。

The A-levels that employers 82_least are psychology and sociology.


Employment Offer Letter是劳动合同吗?


oracle问题是 Employees表内的一个 DepartmentID字段添加个外键在Departments表中 DepartmentID是主键。

foreign key reference 的必须是主键或者外键你看下Employees(DepartmentID)怎么定义的,是不是有问题

But for the fact that China _ also affected by the global economic crisis,we _fewer unemployed work

would have down fewer workerdown算什么呢?


frictionallyunemployed摩擦失业frictionally ["friku0283u0259nu0259li] adv. 摩擦地,带有摩擦地frictionally confined 摩擦约束 frictionally driven 摩擦推动的 frictionally slipping contact 摩擦滑动接触




unable unbelievable uncomfortable impossible immoral dishonest disagree discover dismiss disconnect disarmunfinished(未完成的) undoubted(无疑的) unemployment(失业) unabashed(不害羞的) unaccessible(难亲近的) unaccountable(不能说明的) unadjusted(未调整的) unaffiliated(非附属的) unhealthy(不健康的) dislike dislove unfinished(未完成的) undoubted(无疑的) unemployment(失业) unabashed(不害羞的) unaccessible(难亲近的) unaccountable(不能说明的) unadjusted(未调整的) unaffiliated(非附属的) unhealthy(不健康的) uncomfortable(不舒服的) unbelievable(难以置信的) dislike(不喜欢) dismiss(解雇) dishonest(不诚实的) disconnect(分离;断开) disarm(消除) disagree(不同意) discover(发现)

unemployed和not employed的区别

从词义上说,unemployed = not employed。unemployed 的词典解释就是 not employed。但它们在句子中的词性和句子功能则不完全一样。unemployed 除了是形容词,可以用作定语、表语和宾语补足语外,还可以是名词。而 not employed 只是形容词,也只能作表语和宾语补足语。至于在特定句子里选哪一个,要看用在句子的什么地方,是否合乎语法或习惯表达方式。




【答案】:A1.选项 A画线字母读[i],其他选项画线字母读[i:]。



4. 用DataGrid显示、更新、删除数据库Northwind中Employees表

<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> <%@ Import NameSpace="System.Data.SqlClient" %> <script laguage="VB" runat="server"> sub page_load(sender as Object,e as EventArgs) Dim myConnection As SqlConnection Dim myCommand As SqlCommand Dim ds as DataSet "1.connect to sql server myConnection = New SqlConnection( "server=localhost;database=Northwind;uid=sa;pwd=" ) myConnection.Open() la1.text="Connection Opened!" "2.Create a table myCommand = New SqlCommand( "CREATE TABLE [test] ([id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[name] [char] (10) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,[sex] [char] (10) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL )", myConnection ) myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() la2.text="New table created!" "2 添加纪录 myCommand = New SqlCommand( "Insert into [test] (name,sex) values( "黄志文","男" )", myConnection ) myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() la3.text="New Record Inserted!" "3 更新数据 myCommand = New SqlCommand( "UPDATE [test] SET name="Smith" where name="李明"", myConnection ) myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() la4.text="Record Updated!" "4 删除数据 myCommand = New SqlCommand( "delete from [test] where name="Smith"", myConnection ) myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() la5.text="Record Deleted!" "5 用DataGrid显示数据 myCommand = New SqlCommand( "select * from [test]", myConnection ) MyDataGrid.DataSource=myCommand.ExecuteReader() MyDataGrid.DataBind() end sub </script> <html> <body> <asp:label id="la1" runat="server" /><br> <asp:label id="la2" runat="server" /><br> <asp:label id="la3" runat="server" /><br> <asp:label id="la4" runat="server" /><br> <asp:label id="la5" runat="server" /><br> <ASP:DataGrid id="MyDataGrid" runat="server" BorderColor="black" BorderWidth="1" GridLines="Both" CellPadding="3" CellSpacing="0" Font-Name="Verdana" Font-Size="10pt" HeaderStyle-BackColor="#aaaadd" AlternatingItemStyle-BackColor="#eeeeee" > </asp:DataGrid> </body> </html>

Return On Capital Employed (ROCE)代表什么?

已动用资本回报率(ROCE),英文全称是Return on capital employed,又可称作投资回报率(ROI,Return on investment)或净资产回报率(RONA,Return on net assets)。

Return On Investment (ROI)与Return On Capital Employed(ROCE)的区别是什么

Return on investment (%) = Net profit ($) / Investment ($)ROCE = Net Operating Profit After Tax / Capital Employed (Capital Employed represents the capital investment necessary for a business to function. It is not just assets, but of capital investment.)They two are similar, just depends on how you define investment or net profit.

You are not entitled to unemployment benefit if you have never worked.


independent contractor和employee区别

People such as lawyers, contractors, subcontractors and auctioneers who follow an independent trade, business, or profession in which they offer their services to the public, are generally not employees. However, whether such people are employees or independent contractors depends on the facts in each case.通常律师,承包商,分包商,拍卖商等,有自己的独立的业务,或者从事公益事业,不被称为employee(雇员),但也要视具体的情境。The general rule is that an individual is an independent contractor if you, the person for whom the services are performed, have the right to control or direct only the result of the work and not the means and methods of accomplishing the result.总的原则是,为你服务的这个人,若你对他的权利只局限在控制或指挥事情的结果,而控制不了达到这个结果采取的方式方法,这个人就是independent contractor。


这是怎么审核的啊 不是问题也进来了 无语



employee advances是什么意思

employee advances的中文翻译employee advances 员工的进步




// 调试过了.强烈要求加分哈class Employee{ private int id; private String sex; private String name; private String duty; private float salary; private int holidays; public int money=0; public Employee(int id,String sex,String name,String duty, float salary,int holidays) { this.setId(id); this.setSex(sex); this.setName(name); this.setDuty(duty); this.setSalary(salary); this.setHolidays(holidays); } public void setId(int id) { this.id=id; } public int getId() { return this.id; } public void setSex(String sex) { this.sex=sex; } public String getSex() { return this.sex; } public void setName(String name) { this.name=name; } public String getName() { return this.name; } public void setDuty(String duty) { this.duty=duty; } public String getDuty() { return this.duty; } public void setSalary(float salary) { this.salary=salary; } public float getSalary() { return this.salary; } public void setHolidays(int holidays) { this.holidays=holidays; } public int getHolidays() { return this.holidays; } public void display() { System.out.println("姓名: "+this.name+", 性别: "+this.sex+", 职务: "+this.duty); } public int getDecMoney(int day) { if(day<=3) { this.money=day*30; }else { if(day>3) { this.money=day*50; } } return this.money; }}public class Main{ public static void main(String args[]) { Employee p=new Employee(001,"男","张三","经理",3000,7); p.display(); System.out.println("该员工因请假天扣除工资"+p.getDecMoney(7)+"元"); }}






package com.test;public class Employee { private String name; private int id; private String address; private double salary; public Employee(){ //无参构造器 } public Employee(String name,int id,String address,double salary){ //构造器 this.name = name; this.id = id; this.address = address; this.salary = salary; } public double js(){ //计算工资的方法 return 0; } public String print() { //输出员工基本信息 return "姓名:" + name + " 职工号:" + id + " 地址:" + address; } public String getName() { //对一些属性的设置和修改方法 return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int id) { this.id = id; } public String getAddress() { return address; } public void setAddress(String address) { this.address = address; } public double getSalary() { return salary; } public void setSalary(double salary) { this.salary = salary; } public static void main(String[] args) { ZsEmp z = new ZsEmp(); z.setName("正式员工"); z.setId(1001); z.setAddress("China"); LsEmp l = new LsEmp(); l.setName("临时员工"); l.setId(1002); l.setAddress("China"); Employee[] emps = new Employee[2]; emps[0] = z;emps[1] = l; for(Employee e : emps){ System.out.println(e.print()+",他的工资:"+e.js()); } } }class ZsEmp extends Employee{ //正式员工 @Override public double js() { double s = 3000; //不知道具体的计算方法是怎样,这里简单写了 return s; }}class LsEmp extends Employee{ //临时员工 @Override public double js() { double s = 1000; return s; }}




employee读法: 英 [u026amu02c8plu0254u026ai;u02ccemplu0254u026au02c8i:]美 [u026amu02c8plu0254u026ai;u025bmplu0254u026au02c8i]n. 雇工;雇员造句:(1)雇工A teacher or employee has the right of authorship, but only a slender portion of the profits.署名权虽然给了教职工,但事实上,教职工真正得到的经济利益相当微薄。(2)雇员An attorney is your employee, in a manner of speaking 律师也可以说是你的雇员。Social workers say the average caseload is 32 families per employee.社会工作者说,雇员的平均工作量是每人32个家庭。




employee [u026amu02c8plu0254u026ai:] 职员的意思。谐音记忆法 姨母泼了椅子 加上意思的记忆就是姨母泼了职员坐的椅子。(结果椅子是湿了) 解决请采纳,有问题可以继续提问。


employee 英式音标: [emplu0252u026au02c8iu02d0; emu02c8plu0252u026aiu02d0; u026am-] 美式音标: [u026amu02c8plu0254u026ai] i就相当于I


/* 用C++实现的代码*/#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Employee {private: char *name,*address,*city,*postCode;public: Employee(char *_name,char *_address,char *_city,char *_postCode) { name = _name; address = _address; city = _city; postCode = _postCode; } void change_name(char *_name){ name = _name; } void display() { cout << "name : " << name << endl; cout << "address : " << address << endl; cout << "city : " << city << endl; cout << "postcode : " << postCode << endl; }};int main(int argc,char *argv[]){ Employee *e = new Employee("zhangsan","chang d d","beijing","100056"); e->display(); e->change_name("lisi"); e->display(); delete e;}




这两个意思看起来差不多但有一个重要的区别Freelance它的一个意思就是一直为不同的雇主提供短的,一件一件的工作, 一般是指作者或记者为几家不同杂志,报纸投稿Self-Employed 说白了就是没有老板的意思, 自己干自己的, 有个小公司, 或者干脆没工作而美其名.问题再补充:多次,短期性辅导, 给不同的雇主可以说是freelance

英语employee morale怎么翻译?

employee morale翻译过后,它的中文意思是:雇员士气

Employee Specification 怎么翻译?


employee engagement是什么意思

employee engagement员工敬业度 员工对企业的忠诚度例句:1.And while the approach can build employee engagement, knowledge of financials when business is bad can create anxiety among workers. 此外,这种做法固然可以提高员工对企业的忠诚度,但是当经营状况不佳时,让员工了解财务信息可能会导致人心惶惶。

employee engagement是什么意思


employee engagement是什么意思

employee engagement员工敬业度;员工参与;员工投入;员工敬业例句:In addition, this paper explores the effective leadership behavior to improveemployee engagement. 第三,进一步对提升员工工作投入的有效领导行为模式进行探索。2Employee engagement has great effect on the enterprise performance and thecompetitiveness of the enterprise. 员工敬业度对企业绩效及企业的竞争力有着重要的影响。3My team participated in an effective action planning session following last year"semployee engagement survey. 我的团队在去年员工敬业度调查之后参加了高效的行动计划会议。

not in education,employment or training什么意思


experience on,embark on, employ in 的区别



employ,hire,rent employ 多指商店或公司长期雇员的雇用. hire 日常用语ue004指以工作量计酬雇用人员的雇用. rent 一般指房屋、地产等的租借.

hire与employ的区别 hire,employ都有雇佣~聘用的意思,它们区别在哪?

hire是短期雇佣 employ是长期,正式雇佣

sql server 2000查询哪些employee没有dependent。并查询哪些employee的dependent多于2个人

1.select * from employee where dependent_id is null;2.不明白你是什么意思,是查询那些dep的emp多于2人吧..... 如果是select dependent_id,count(dependent_id) from employee group by dependent_id having count(dependent_id)>2;

employee well-being名词解释

employee well-being 员工福利

Therefore,other things ( ) equal,the number of workers that employers want decreasea.


employee recognition是什么意思

employee recognition员工识别



简历中的employer name 是什么


Do you want to be an employee or employer,why?


求问推荐人的title,employer和relationship to you 应该怎么填

你是什么推荐呢,title 头衔是什么,是经理,教师或是其他什么, employer 雇主呢? relationship to you跟你的关系是什么,叔侄,朋友,同事,等等,你看你自己用于干嘛的,主要在你。


是workers吧...打错吧? worker是工人 employee是 雇员 employer,是雇主, 应该解决问题了吧

your current employer是什么意思


Employer Reference 是什么意思

Employer Reference的意思为:“雇主推荐”、“雇主证明”的意思,一般是离开某一个公司的时候,雇主向别的用人单位推荐的时候使用的一种资质证明,表明某个人在某方面能力不错,值得雇用。祝学习进步,请采纳,谢谢!

employer contribution中文是什么意思

employer contribution_百度翻译employer contribution [词典] 雇主供款;[例句]If your employer offers a match for a retirement-plan contribution, contribute enough to get at least some of that so you don"t pass up free money



有人填过安大略省网申的吗? activity那块 employer怎么填



我感觉这种单词像employer和employee所表示的是雇主和受雇人的关系,例如,采访者是interviewer,而受采访者是interviewee,没有这种关系的一般不会用ee 这种后缀.




boss(老板,强调级别) employer(雇主,强调雇佣关系)满意请采纳





美国学校申请里面,父母有一个title 还有一个employer,怎么填?我父母都是经理。

title职位头衔 填经理manageremployer 雇佣人 填你父母所在公司名字



employer employor



公司的名字 就可以了


理解英语,要从英语角度理解才更深刻:1、employer的英语释义: a person or firm that employs workers2、hirer的英语释义: a person responsible for hiring workers因此,可以看出,employer既可以指“人”,也可以指“公司”;而hirer指“人”。所以,employer指的是:雇佣你的人,或者雇佣你的公司;而hirer指的是:雇佣你的人。

Current Employer是什么意思

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