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be rewarded with .如何造句?谢谢。

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:. Some believe that, since childhood, we are rewarded with food for being good. 一些人认为,从小我们就以食物作为奖励。

Good deeds are rewarded with kindness_2000字

Because the ant fell into the river and was in danger, the big bird gave the ant a *** all kindness of wood, in exchange for the big bird to be safe in the difficult place. This is called good deeds and good rewards. There is a boy, in his hunger and cold, no one to help the situation, he desperate to the street to the last home for help. At this time, he fot that he was standing in front of the door to beg. Did not expect the girl said: you wait a moment, she handed the boy towel, let him dry the rain wet hair, and handed him a cup of hot milk. A few years later, the boy became a famous doctor. Once, he was surprised to find that a patient to be operated on was actually the angel, but the medical operation cost was beyond her affordability. The doctor immediately operated in person. After the operation was successful, the girl opened the medical bill and could not help crying. Medical expenses - a cup of hot milk. It never occurred to the girl that a *** all act of kindness many years ago turned out to be the bill to save her life. This can‘t help but remind me of the story about the shipbuilder and the shipowner. A *** all act of kindness of the boatman received gratitude and reward from the shipowner. Of course, good deeds and good rewards are beeen o people. There are also many people who do good deeds but can not get good rewards. Can"t help the old lady, let a person feel cold, why do their good behavior can‘t get return and affirmation, but let people sue in court? The “mind my own business” victims are not grateful to those who are desperate to save themselves, but are indifferent. If everyone does not have a sense of gratitude, who dares to do good things if it goes on like this for a long time? Good deeds and good retribution, first of all, es from the kindness of one side, but also from the gratitude of the other side. Without this gratitude, it is very difficult to have a good reward. The good deeds emphasized here are not material thanks. Those who do good deeds often need a kind of affirmation from the heart. With these affirmations, good deeds will be recycled again, and goodness will begin to pass on. The world will not bee indifferent and cold-blooded. Life is like wine, or strong, or fragrant, because good deeds and good rewards, it bees mellow; life is like a song, or high, or low, because it is good at good retribution, it bees melodious; life is picturesque, or bright, or elegant, because it is good at repaying, it bees beautiful. Being good at repaying is related to the harmonious society and the *** ooth realization of the Chinese dream. Let"s start philanthropy, let‘s leverage the Chinese dream! Let"s start good report, let‘s realize the Chinese dream!

his efforts were reward with success

答案:C 翻译:他的努力得到了成功的回报. 1.enjoy“喜欢/享受”,句意不通,排除B; receive意思是“收到/接待”,句意同样不通,排除D. 2.award做动词时,意思是“奖励/授予”,而reward准确意思是“酬谢/奖赏/报答”. 此题答案以C reward最佳. 3.两者还有一个区别如下: award sb sth = award sth to sb; reward sth to sb for (doing) sth = reward sb with sth for (doing) sth

good is rewarded with good

好人有好报. Give cake and ale to perfect soul. 好心未必有好报. The road to hell is paved with good intention. 这种观点认为世上有一套道德体系,善有善报恶有恶报(b乔治F.威尔) the sense that there is a moral economy in the world,that good is rewarded and evil is punished(bGeorge F.Will) 这种观点认为世上有一套道德体系,善有善报恶有恶报(乔治F.威尔) the sense that there is a moral economy in the world,that good is rewarded and evil is punished(George F.Will) 不用谢.善有善报,上次你也帮助过我. That"s all right.One good turn deserves another.Last time you helped me. 善有善报. One good turn deserves another. 善有善报. Do well and have well. 恶有恶报,善有善报. Bad deeds,as well as good,may redound on the doer. 善有善报,恶有恶报. Bad deeds,as well as good,may rebound upon the doer. [谚]发什么声音,有什么回声(善有善报,恶有恶报). As the call,so the echo.

be rewarded with be rewarded for区别

be rewarded with 只能跟sth.作宾语;而 be rewarded for 可以跟sth.或sb.作宾语

be rewarded with be rewarded for区别

be rewarded with 只能跟sth.作宾语;而 be rewarded for 可以跟sth.或sb.作宾语

be rewarded with是什么意思

be rewarded with得到…的奖赏; 例句:1.Use these steps for both days and you will be rewarded with over twenty days of easy family meals. 按照以下步骤进行两天的工作,你就能有二十几天不必为家人的三餐费心了。2.To encourage them to grow these reflective crops, farmers could be rewarded with carbon credits. 我们可以通过“碳奖赏”之类的方式让农民更乐于种植高反射率作物。

wait for 与 wait with区别和用法


在字典里看到这样一句话 I am utterly puzzled what to do with it. 为什么这里的puzzled后面没有介词?


one day a dog with a piece of meat in his mouth was crossing a plank over a stream意思是什么?was...


make bricks without straw是什么意思

make bricks without straw巧妇难为无米之炊双语对照词典结果:make bricks without strawv.做无米之炊; 无米作炊; 例句:1.You are no longer to supply the people with straw for making bricks; let them go andgather their own straw. 你们不可照常把草给百姓做砖,叫他们自己去捡草。2.His hands are as red as freshly boiled lobster from handling hot bricks from a kiln withoutproper protective gloves. 由于在从砖窑取砖块的时候,没有手套的保护,他的双手通红,就想煮熟了的龙虾

make bricks without straw是什么意思

make bricks without straw巧妇难为无米之炊make bricks without strawv.做无米之炊; 无米作炊; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.You are no longer to supply the people with straw for making bricks; let them go and gather their own straw. 你们不可照常把草给百姓做砖,叫他们自己去捡草。

After growing up on a cattle ranch without running water or electricity帮忙看看语法和主从句?



quakewithfear的意思是:解释:因恐惧而颤抖。一、网络释义点此查看quakewithfear的详细内容 怕得发抖...nowthat既然quakewithfear怕得发抖put/throwintoprison把投进监狱,使坐牢... 怕的发抖...indetail详细地quakewithfear怕的发抖looksomebodyintheeye注视(某人),直视(某人)...quakewithfear的相关临近词quake、quakelaw点此查看更多关于quakewithfear的详细信息

stick to do还是stick to doing?,stick with 与stick to

10分钟内有问必答前往下载满意回答Stick to sth 不放弃或不改变某事物,坚持或维持某事物给出的例句:――would you like some wine?你喝点葡萄酒吗?------No, I"ll stick to beer,thanks.不,我还是喝啤酒吧。 We don"t want to hear your opinion; stick to the facts.我们不想听你的想法,只讲事实。Stick with sb/sth继续支持某人(某事),保持与某人(某事)的联系给出的例句:I"m sticking with my original idea.我坚持我原来的主张。Stick with me, and you"ll be all right.有事你来找我就没问题了。

stick to/ stick with/ stick with sb/ sth区别

Stick to sth 不放弃或不改变某事物,坚持或维持某事物例句:1、——would you like some wine?你喝点葡萄酒吗? ——No, I"ll stick to beer,thanks.不,我还是喝啤酒吧。 2、We don"t want to hear your opinion; stick to the facts.我们不想听你的想法,只讲事实。Stick with sb/sth继续支持某人(某事),保持与某人(某事)的联系例句:1、I"m sticking with my original idea.我坚持我原来的主张。2、Stick with me, and you"ll be all right.有事你来找我就没问题了

stick to和stick with的区别是什么?

Stick to和Stick with 都有“坚持……”的意思,有时可互换,但它们的用法不同。1、stick to+sth 意思是“不放弃或不改变某事物,坚持或维持某事物; 坚持……(以达到某目的)”。如:1). I stick to my opinion for all that. =Istick with my opinion for all that . 尽管如此,我还是坚持我的意见。2). I always stick to my promises. 我一贯信守诺言。3).Stick to me, or you"ll get lost. Stick with me , or you "ll get lost . 跟着我走,不然你会迷路的。2、stick with+sb/名词/动词现在分词,意思是“ 继续支持某人(某事),保持与某人(某事)的联系; 坚持做(某事)”。如:Practicing is tiresome, but stick with it and some day you will be a good pianist.练琴是叫人很厌烦的,但继续练下去,终有一天你将成为一位好钢琴家。

stick to 和stick with有何区别


Stick to和Stick with的区别

Stick to sth 不放弃或不改变某事物,坚持或维持某事物给出的例句:――would you like some wine?你喝点葡萄酒吗?------No, I"ll stick to beer,thanks.不,我还是喝啤酒吧。 We don"t want to hear your opinion; stick to the facts.我们不想听你的想法,只讲事实。Stick with sb/sth继续支持某人(某事),保持与某人(某事)的联系给出的例句:I"m sticking with my original idea.我坚持我原来的主张。Stick with me, and you"ll be all right.有事你来找我就没问题了。

talk about sth with sb和talking about sth with sb 的区别

两者无意义上的区别,只不过是动词的形式不同。前者是动词原形,可在句子里充当谓语;后者是动词ING形式,可在句子里充当定语、宾语、状语等。用法:1.Wouldyouliketotalkaboutitwithme?(谓语)你乐意跟我说说这事吗?2.Ienjoytalkingabout itwithyou.(宾语)我很乐意跟你说说这事。3.Doyouknowthemantalkingaboutthematterwithme?(定语)你认识那个和我说事的人吗?

talking about、talking to和talking with的区别及用法

答:talk是“谈”,about是“关于”,to是‘对着",with是‘和...一起", 所以talk about 相当于汉语的“谈论”,宾语可以是事情,与可以是人, talk to是“对...谈话”,宾语是人,常为上级对下级. talk with是“和..交谈”,宾语是人,同辈,或当同辈来看.

talking about,talking to和talking with的区别及用法

talking about就是说 讲述/谈论某些事情 譬如 Mike and Jane are talking about their frist trip to China next month.Mike 还有 Jane 在谈论他们下个月的第一次中国之旅。Talking to就是向某人说话啊譬如 I talked to him about my French course yesterday.我昨天和他说了关于我法语课程的事情Talking with 就是和谁说话啊 Mr.Row is talking with his boss.Row和他老板正在聊天.

talking about、talking to和talking with的区别及用法

答:talk是“谈”,about是“关于”,to是‘对着",with是‘和...一起", 所以talk about 相当于汉语的“谈论”,宾语可以是事情,与可以是人, talk to是“对...谈话”,宾语是人,常为上级对下级. talk with是“和..交谈”,宾语是人,同辈,或当同辈来看.

Her eyes sparkled with happiness,这个sparkle为啥要用过去式滴啊?


sparkle with tears什么意思

回答和翻译如下:Sparkle with tears.眼泪闪闪发光。

请帮忙翻译一句句子 要用到sparkle with词组

It"s really a boring episode during the speech sparkled with amusing witticism.

hop with the jet set 歌词

歌曲名:hop with the jet set歌手:dead kennedys专辑:bedtime for democracyI say, come on!To pleasures unknownWhere we fly to when we are all boredC"mon for the rideAnd hop with the jet set tonightWe"ll sun ourselves red down in Montego BayHotel-hired guards keep the natives awayDead KennedysWe wanna save the whalesWe"ll go watch them feed,Buzz around them in boats"Til they won"t breedJust here for the rideThen we hop with the jet set tonightCheck out them Indians" ancestral artSome of that would look cute up on our wallsYeah, suit it just fineWhen you hop with the jet set tonightWe"ll hire out some poachers to go steel their dollsWho cares if they"re sacred-they look awful cuteNational Geographic found a stone age tribeLet"s feed them their first hot dogs on filmWon"t that be a prizeTo show the jet set tonight"Aren"t they cute, aren"t they pure:"Muse subscribers back homeNext weekend the junta exterminates themBack home by the sea at our outdoor cafeOur chameleon tongues catch the flies in the airhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14071296

为什么可以用括号中的语法? With the development of science,mor


why are you so upset with me 歌词

Bro, not upset... is OBSESSED..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjeRk_GxcqMMariah (Speaks):"Why you so obsessed with me?"So Oh Oh So OhhhWill the real MC please step to the mic?MC- You need an MC, place to beMC the MCAll up in the blogsSay we met at the barWhen I don"t even know who you areSay we up in your houseSayin" I"m up in your carBut you in LA and I"m out at Jermaine"sI"m up in the A- you"re so so lameand no one here even mentions your nameIt must be the weed, it must be the Ecuz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin"Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me?Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth- still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional, you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin yo, you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your time?Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?And all the ladies sing, all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh ObsessedYou on your job, you hittin" hardAin"t gon feed you, gon" let you starveGraspin" for air I"m ?You out of breath, hope you ain"t waitinTellin" the world how much you miss meBut we never were so why you trippin"You a mom and pop, I"m a corporationI"m the press conference, you a conversationOoh boy why you so obsessed with me?Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth- still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional, you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin yo, you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your time?Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?And all the ladies sing, all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed

对。。。很着迷 be obsessed with 、be fascinated with 都可以吗。求例句谢谢

be obsessed withDespite such a long history, analysts continued to be obsessed with the idea of a split in the alliance.be fascinated with If you look back into history , you will certainly be fascinated with many quaint customs and cultures. 如果你回顾历史,你肯定会被许多奇异的风俗习惯所吸引。

Be obsessed with

对,其实她说如果能恢复正常,怎么样都可以,肯定会好好珍惜生活,狠命地做数学,连每一分每秒都会如饥似渴地祈福地过。 多年以后,她回忆起那个时候,不能想象那是个什么样的状态。 寻找着各种各样的鸡汤和动力来转移自己内心的慌乱。 一天最好的时光是在早晨5:40刚起床的时候,最清醒,最舒适,这时候,大脑什么都没有。她厌恶住宿,每晚睡前都恐惧做噩梦,但幸好,一次也没有做过噩梦,每次都是幻想的美梦。 我们看一个人,当与他共同相处时,其实是有点细思极恐的,因为,表面上,你们在交谈,实际上他心里在想些什么,你心里在想些什么,根本又是另一个世界。你永远不知道他真实的世界。 她想自己也是这样,而且大脑里的杂乱的思想更异于常人,没有一节课是认真听的,全都在疯狂的害怕,害怕别人的感受。 当她很敬重也很喜欢的一位语文老师跟她说: “顾安啊,我没觉得你有什么问题,状态很好啊。” 她心里一惊,怎么会。突然仔细回想自己的一天,和同学们说说笑笑,做任何事都很积极认真,尤其是眼神,一如既往的专注,但所有人都不知道,这都是假的,你永远不知道一个人表面上是这样,心里是什么样子的。心里是一片杂草丛生的荒原,乱极了,似千百种思绪一针一线纠葛着她的每一根神经。 她害怕自己那次实在忍不住偷看化学考试的事被那个女生发现,害怕自己暗恋的同班同学沈湛会知道自己作弊的事情,因为那个女生恰巧是沈湛的初中同学。她知道这件事绝对是她自己不对,化学一窍不通,可是又一题不会,实在忍不住诱惑,伸长脖子瞧了前面同学试卷一眼,而恰巧那个女生一脸鄙夷地瞪了回来。她想她的一世英名就要毁于一旦了,特别是在她喜欢的男生面前。每当看见那个女生和沈湛在开水房或楼梯上偶遇聊天,她都不住地瑟瑟发抖,心里砰砰跳,一下子坠入深渊。 在这所重点学校,作弊是要开除的,但幸好那是一场难度很大的普通月考,监考老师似看见又像没看见,但之后她心虚与监考老师对视了一秒,心里兵荒马乱,她又害怕那位监考老师会告诉她的班主任,那位班主任本身就是属于新概念的班主任,平日里应该最讨厌她这种比较保守,一天到晚拼命学习,成绩也没见的多好的学生。 她同时也害怕自己极度讨厌的男生于瑞会报复自己,因为在一次早自习后她狠狠地骂了他一顿,可能仅仅是觉得他看起来很粗俗,班上都在不约而同地排挤他,不,怎么会仅仅是因为这个原因呢,明明是他在教室前播放那个其他学校的丑闻视频,分明是不尊重女性而且还打扰到了还没去食堂吃早饭的、留在教室里同学的学习。但幸好那个男生并没有反驳她,只是默默地离开了讲台,她想肯定是知道自己错了,但越想又越害怕,又安慰自己,他不过是长的凶狠了一点,是个有礼貌的人,你骂他,他也没回你啊。 不对不对,啊…受不了了,能不能别想这么多了! 她疯狂地查找心理知识,对啊,这不是心理问题是什么。 这是什么情况呢,一般来说,人的内心,此刻是什么东西都没有的,就这样该吃吃该喝喝,但她却是由无数的杂乱的思绪充斥在每一分每一秒,就要爆炸了。 害怕别人的否定,害怕别人的看法,自己无时无刻不在幻想别人如何看待自己的。 “如果我考上了年级第一,或是说成绩很好,那肯定没问题了,一定是我成绩平平,才有那么多自卑。” 她安慰自己道。 每一天的伪装自己,每一天的立下毒誓,再瞎想就怎么怎么的,可是没有一种方法是可行的。那种恐怖感是可以在做着做着数学试卷,内心极度慌乱,双手紧紧发冷,怎么也赶不走那些害怕的思绪,怎么也不能集中在印刷的数字上。 父母也很着急,说,只要我们安快乐就好,啥也没关系。 可关键是,她根本没有快乐的感觉,根本没有对生活的动力,她唯一清楚也绝望的就是这一点,她对生活没有兴趣了,两眼深处是麻木的,在与自己的思绪斗争着一天又一天,她很累,却又被迫地继续望着白天里的黑夜。 喜欢、讨厌、学业、否定、自卑,无数的思绪如胶水般把她黏在一个世界里的黑暗的小角落,怎么挣扎也逃不了。好比她小时候好奇苍蝇被黏在粘纸上的样子,她现在不也是那只无力的苍蝇吗,虽然也和那只平凡的苍蝇一样,无论怎样也要挣脱,不停地扭动着劳累的身躯。 “致未来的安:如果你以后恢复正常了,一定要拼命学数学,拼命学习,因为我现在想学习都不能学,瞎想总是阻碍我,很累。” 她写着那几个字,眼前的一切完全是未知的。 会有那一天吗?我还会什么都不想地过着这一刻吗?实在是太难受了。 她又迷茫地想着这些。 “Be obsessed with是痴迷的意思,同学们注意好,现在我们看这个单词……” 痴迷?痴迷。痴迷。 他肯定会讨厌我吧… 他会报复我吧… 我那么普通,他又是那么优秀… 走神完全是情理之中,她此刻已经魂不知神不知地沉溺在可怕的思绪中。 会好吗? 多年以后,她又听到“Be obsessed with ”,是大学老师说,这个词多是贬义的,被某种想法困扰,不理智地痴迷一样东西。 痴迷?贬义? 中学老师好像没说过,她脑袋随性地一歪,思考着。 等等,有点不对劲,她有点意识到了一段早已尘封的记忆。 因为过于痛苦,所以大脑选择遗忘,但还有很深的无法抹去的印记。 痴迷那不就是,那时候的我吗。她一愣,已走神了几秒。 好像是白天基本坐在那看似最认真的学习,其实根本不在听课,虽然很想听课,但一个字都听不进去。 好像是很喜欢一个人,又很讨厌一个人,喜欢和讨厌到了极端又很麻烦。 好像,后来看了很多书,佛书,甚至什么什么讲金刚经,关键是看的如饥似渴,贪嗔痴慢疑,想要的东西太多了,太贪了,甚至白天上课只要一慌乱,就祈福。 那也是因为一节苦涩的数学课上,突然想到了“阿弥陀佛”四个字,于是才动的念头。 但肯定的是最重要的是那本书,一本心理书。 不过,可能比书更重要的是时间吧。 时间能治愈一切。 很可怕不是吗,她暗想,那时候的自己花了整整一年才慢慢开窍。 如今的顾安已经快忘记了喜欢的沈湛和讨厌的于瑞,还有那件悔恨的事,甚至她无奈地自嘲那时候,还特地找了那个女生,说,同学,对不起,我化学考试偷看了你,真的对不起,她哭丧着脸,实在忍不住内心对自己鞭打无数次的自责,结果那个女生说,你认错了吧。 原来全是一个人的自导自演的世界。 “安,其实当你意识到即使是自己喜欢的沈湛也不完美的时候,就不必太追求完美,你本来就是那样虚伪胆小懦弱有各种各样的缺点,对,我就是那样,怎么了,我就是那样不完美。管他呢!” 她写着这样的话,希望那时候的她能继续坚持下去,渡过时间,来到现在。

be obsessed with是什么意思

be obsessed with痴迷于…; 迷了心窍; 例句:1.American girls may be obsessed with celebrity, but they are no less fascinated bythemselves. 美国女孩子也许迷恋明星,但她们同时一点也没忘记欣赏自己。 2.Product managers should be obsessed with optimising a product to achieve thebusiness goals while maximising return on investment. 为了达到商业的目标同时又要使投资回报最大化,产品经理需要常常热衷于如何挖掘他们的产品价值。

be obsessed with是什么意思

be obsessed with痴迷于…; 迷了心窍; 例句:1.American girls may be obsessed with celebrity, but they are no less fascinated by themselves. 美国女孩子也许迷恋明星,但她们同时一点也没忘记欣赏自己。2.Product managers should be obsessed with optimising a product to achieve the business goals while maximising return on investment. 为了达到商业的目标同时又要使投资回报最大化,产品经理需要常常热衷于如何挖掘他们的产品价值。

obsessed with you啥意思

obsessed with you迷恋你例句:1.Because I"m obsessed with you. 因为你让我这么着迷。2.First of all, I am obsessed with you. 首先,我很迷恋你。

MC的新歌Obsessed中这句歌词why you so obsessed with me从语法角度看对吗?不用加be动词吗?


be obsessed with是什么意思

be obsessed with痴迷于…; 迷了心窍; 例句:1.American girls may be obsessed with celebrity, but they are no less fascinated bythemselves. 美国女孩子也许迷恋明星,但她们同时一点也没忘记欣赏自己。2.Product managers should be obsessed with optimising a product to achieve thebusiness goals while maximising return on investment. 为了达到商业的目标同时又要使投资回报最大化,产品经理需要常常热衷于如何挖掘他们的产品价值。

sergio得without u歌词中文意思,求大神指教!

歌曲名称:Without u 歌曲原唱:青山玛黛作词:Thelma Aoyama/Komei Kobayashi作曲:YUTA/IKI 中文翻译歌词:虽然我们已经分开许久,但是我还想继续呆在这里让我告诉你我此刻的感受吧自从你离开我的那一夜起我的心就变得如此空虚此时此刻 我独自坐在这里知道你再也不会回来了每天我都想从没有你的记忆中清醒过来我知道现在说这些太晚太困难但是我真的不想让你走让我紧紧抱着你让我深深爱着你宝贝 你会再给我最后一次机会吗?我不想让你离开 我不想说再见我只想要你 你的全部没有你的爱我活不下去你不在这里我都不能呼吸你是我唯一想要的所以 宝贝,难道你不愿意给这份爱一次机会吗?这就是结局,这就是再见。再见了。YO:宝贝,已经这么久了我知道我必须离开因为爱已经在消逝了很显然它已经消逝了但是你是它唯一遗失的那是来自我内心深处的呼声你是找个世界上的唯一真实但是你不得不离开了我想让你回来此刻我是多么需要你所以我向你倾诉的一切现在重现在我的记忆里透过雨水(泪水?)我知道它们都将重现我不能放你离去让我紧紧拥住你让我紧紧抱着你让我深深爱着你宝贝 你会再给我最后一次机会吗?我不想让你离开 我不想说再见我只想要你 你的全部是我真的不得不让你走吗?我不想让你离开我还能做什么没有你的爱我活不下去你不在这里我都不能呼吸你是我唯一想要的也许我现在问太多了但是我仅仅只想再见你一面如果你也是这么深深的爱恋再来不及之前让我知晓吧 宝贝

jaw ; straw ; withdraw ; drawer 这英语用谐音怎么读?

jaw 脚【四川话的发音jio ,但是发重音,四声】straw 死卓【重音落卓,四声】withdraw 闻日卓【重音落卓,四声】drawer 卓儿【重音落卓,四声】

take one tablet daily with a meal


be born with与be talented in区别


Should it be ____ 18.16 ? A. multiply by B. multiplied by C. multiply with D. multiplied with

multiply by是固定搭配,此处是被动句



Have you ever seen a horse with toes(脚趾)?Millions of years ago, horses had many toes. They had

小题1:A小题2:D小题3:B小题4:A小题5:C 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了马在多年来的进化情况。小题1:根据第一段They had four toes on each front foot. They had three toes on each back foot.计算可知4*2+3*2=14,选A。小题2:联系前一句After a long time, horses had only one hard toe on each foot.描述及常识,可知这个单词指的是马蹄,故选D。小题3:根据第二段At first, it was very hot in the forest. 描述,可知选B小题4:根据第一段The horses were no bigger than the cats.描述,可知那是马比猫不大,故选A。小题5:这篇短文主要介绍的马的体型及马蹄的变化,故选C,多年以来马改变了很多。点评:本文浅显易懂,层次分明,学生很容易把握文章中心内容。答题中注意带着问题阅读短文,一般就能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案。

python 提示IndexError: index 10 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 10

You try to index outside the range:for s in range(0, M+1):t[s] = t_min + k*sChange to:for s in range(M):t[s] = t_min + k*sAnd it works.You create t with length of M:t = np.linspace(t_min, t_max, M) So you can only access M elements in t.Python always starts indexing with zero. Therefore:for s in range(M):will do M loops, while:for s in range(0, M+1):will do M+1 loops.


warnwithsth接触某事不对warn with 警告,警示某事

No rose without a thorn. 的英文意思解释


there is no rose without a thorn什么引申意思啊?

玫瑰 虽然漂亮 ,但是也有伤人的危险. 任何事物都有两面性.

nets with only one pin怎么解决


求《Gone with The Wind 乱世佳人》里的30个单词&词组【真心着急!!】

一Rhett Butler: I"m not asking you to forgive me. I"ll never understand or forgive myself. And if a bullet gets me, so help me, I"ll laugh at myself for being an idiot. There"s one thing I do know... and that is that I love you, Scarlett. In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you. Because we"re alike. Bad lots, both of us. Selfish and shrewd. But able to look things in the eyes as we call them by their right names.巴特勒:我不是在让你原谅我。我永远不会理解和原谅自己。倘若一颗子弹击中我,那么我便得救了。我会嘲笑自己是个白痴。我只知道一件事,那就是我爱你,斯嘉丽。尽管你和我还有整个愚蠢的世界即将支离破碎,我爱你。因为我们是相似的。我们都运气不佳、自私而精明,但都能正视现实,敢说真话。Rhett Butler: Scarlett! Look at me! I"ve love you more than I"ve ever loved any woman and I"ve waited for you longer than I"ve ever waited for any woman.巴特勒:斯佳丽!看着我!我对你的爱比对任何女人的爱都深,而且为你等待的时间最长。Scarlett: Let me alone!斯佳丽:让我一个人呆着!Rhett Butler: Here"s a soldier of the South who loves you, Scarlett. Wants to feel your arms around him, wants to carry the memory of your kisses into battle with him. Never mind about loving me, you"re a woman sending a soldier to his death with a beautiful memory. Scarlett! Kiss me! Kiss me... once...巴特勒:斯佳丽,我是一位爱你的南方士兵。希望你能敞开怀抱,想带着亲吻的记忆投身战场。这与爱我无关,你是用美好记忆将战士送向死亡的女子。斯嘉丽!吻我!吻我……一次。二1. Mama says,“Stupid is as stupid does.”“ 妈妈说:‘做傻事的才是傻瓜"。2. If God intended everybody to be the same, he"d have given us all braces on our legs.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话,他会给每人一双脚掌。3. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you"re going to get.人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力,你永远不知道下一块将会是什么口味。4. You got to put the past behind you before you can move on.你只有忘记以往的事情,才能够继续前进。5.Miracles happen every day. 奇迹每天都在发生。6.I don"t know if we each have a destiny, or if we"re all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze.我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。7.Death is just a part of life, something we"re all destined to do.死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要面对的一件事 。8.If there is anything you need, I will not be far away.只要你需要,我就在这里。三1. Well,as far as brains go,I got the lion"s share.(论聪明才智,我有狮子的天赋。)2. A king"s time as ruler rises and falls like the sun.(国王作为统治者总是像太阳一样升起落下。)3. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.(你所见到的事物都存在着非常微妙平衡的关系。)4. I"m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn"t mean you looking for trouble!(我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢。勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸!)5. Look at the stars. The great kings of the past look down on us from those stars.(看那些星星,过去伟大的国王会从那些星星那儿俯视我们。)6. That"s the stupidest thing I ever heard.(这是我听过的最蠢的话!)7. You know, having a lion around might not be such a bad idea.(你知道的,有只狮子在身边或许是个不错的主意。)8. You know the law. Never ever mention that name in my presence. I"m the king!(你知道这儿的法律的。在我面前绝对不准提那个名字,因为我才是国王!)9. Don"t you understand? You are our only help.(你还不明白吗?你是我们唯一的希望。)10. What happened to you? You are not the Simba I remember!(你到底是怎么了?你不再是我记忆中的辛巴了!)

She woke up with a start by 为什么不用was waken up


2021-8-4 Knowledge - How to Keep Your Throat Healthy With 6 Easy Tips

from: https://www.diamondentclinic.com/how-to-keep-your-throat-healthy-with-6-easy-tips/ 保护嗓子健康的6个简单小技巧 How to Keep Your Throat Healthy With 6 Easy Tips Practice Good Health Habits To Avoid Getting Sick We rarely give much thought to our throat unless it begins to hurt, feel dry, or make no sounds when you wake up. When this happens, we go from not giving our throats much thought to not giving much thought to anything else. Especially when we feel pain every time we swallow. Then we run around looking for something to take to help it return to normal. During flu and cold season, most of us are getting better at preparing to head off as many germs as possible. We build up our immune system, get a flu shot, wash our hands more often, and learn to direct our cough and sneezes into our bent arms. You can"t be a part of the human race and not come into contact with all sorts of germs and people who are sick. Practicing good health habits is the best way to avoid getting sick. Six Ways to Keep Your Throat Healthy Your throat is a finely tuned structure of tissues, nerves, glands, and blood vessels. It needs looking after. If you overuse some of the delicate organs and tissues of the throat, you"ll end up with problems or even damage to those organs and tissues. Learning how to take care of your throat is easy, and in most cases, the benefits are well worth the effort. Here are six of my favorite ways of keeping your throat healthy. 1. Protect Your Throat From Cold Temperatures Get in the habit of wearing a scarf around your neck to keep the throat area warm. Do you know that the neck is one of the* most* overlooked sources of heat loss? Anywhere from 40-50% of our body heat can be lost from the surface of the head and neck. Changes in extreme temperatures, such as going from a heated car into the cold outside and vice versa, should be avoided when possible. 2. Avoid Sharing Eating Utensils Don"t ever drink from the same glass, cup, or bottle that someone else is using, as you may be at risk of cross-contamination. The same is true for sharing eating utensils and even napkins. 3. Clean Your Toothbrush One source of infection that is overlooked by most people is the toothbrush. Left overnight, it can be a potential source of a problem for the throat and mouth. Every morning, before brushing the teeth, soak your toothbrush in a glass of hot salt water (a teaspoon will suffice). This will help to disinfect the toothbrush and also helps keep it clean. Replace your toothbrush or toothbrush head regularly. The ADA recommends replacing your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months and sooner if the brush becomes frayed. It"s also a good idea to store your toothbrush upright and avoid storing in closed containers. Keep your toothbrush in a dry climate instead of a moist environment which is conducive to microorganisms. 4. Gargle With Salt Gargle every night with a mixture of warm water and salt. Just a pinch of salt will do. During cold and flu season, this is a habit that will help to disinfect the mouth and throat. This is a timeless remedy, in fact — your grandmother probably knew the benefits of making this a habit. If you catch a sore throat early enough, salt water will give you fast relief. Bonus tip : Salt water can also be used to clear a stuffy nose. Just lightly sniff the above mixture into each nostril. You"ll instantly begin breathing better through the nose. 5. Use Honey and Ginger to Protect Your Throat One of the very best ways to protect the throat is with ginger juice and honey. After a good brush in the morning, squeeze a little fresh ginger juice (3-4 ml) with 5 ml of honey, and see for yourself what a good insurance policy this is for protecting your throat all day. 6. Vocal Warm-Ups for Professionals and Teachers Daily vocal warm-ups are a must for singers, speakers, doctors, actors, and the like. However, not just any warm-ups will do. In fact, some warm-ups can do more damage to the throat than not engaging in any at all. 我们鲜有会非常关心自己的嗓子,除非它开始疼、感觉到干、早晨醒来发不出来声。当这些发生时,我们就会从不对自己的嗓子关心到不对其他事情关心。尤其是当我们每次下咽的时候都感到疼。然后我们就会找让我们可以回归正常的方法。 在流感季和寒冷季节,我们都会更好的尽可能的准备阻拦病菌。我们建立了自己的免疫系统,接种流感疫苗,更经常地洗手并且学会直接将咳嗽和喷嚏打到我们弯曲的胳膊中。 你不能成为人类竞赛的一环并且也不能加入到所有类型的病菌与病人交互之中。养成良好的健康习惯是远离生病的最佳方式。 你的嗓子是一个很好的调节器对于组织、神经、腺体、血管来说。如果你过度使用喉咙的娇嫩器官和组织,你会造成许多问题,甚至破坏这些器官和组织。 学习如何保护你的嗓子很容易,并且在大多数情况下,这些好处是很值得的,这里有六个我最爱的方法来保证你的嗓子健康。 养成脖子上围围巾来保护喉咙区域温暖的习惯。它需要被照顾。你知道脖子是最容易被忽视的热量流失的源头吗?我们全身40-50%的热量从头部和脖子流失。改变极端温度时,比如从一辆温暖的车中到寒冷的外面时,反之亦然,都应当尽可能的避免。 不要与其他人使用同一个玻璃杯、茶杯或者是碗,因为你可能会有交差感染的风险。同样也适用于不要共用餐具甚至餐巾纸。 感染的一个来源对于大多人来说是忽视牙刷。过了一整夜,它可能是喉咙和嘴的潜在问题源。每天早晨,在刷牙前,把你的牙刷泡在一杯热盐水中(一茶勺足以)。这将帮你给牙刷消毒,并且也帮你清洁牙刷。 定期更换牙刷或者牙刷头。ADA(American Dental Association)建议每三或四个月更换你的牙刷,如果刷头磨损的话尽早更换。将牙刷竖着放是一个好的方法并且避免放在一个封闭的盒子中。保证你的牙刷在干燥的环境中而不是更有利于微生物的潮湿的环境下。 每晚使用盐和温水漱口。就一小撮盐就可以。在寒冷和流感季时,这个习惯会帮你给嘴和喉咙消毒。这是一个古老的补救措施,事实上——你奶奶可能都知道这个习惯的好处。如果你尽早的发现喉咙痛,盐水可以给你最快的解脱。 红利建议:盐水也可以用于清除鼻塞。只要轻轻将上述混合物吸入鼻孔。你的鼻子就立即开始呼吸顺畅。 保护嗓子最好的方法之一就是用姜汁和蜂蜜。在早晨刷好牙之后,榨一点姜汁(3-4ml)混合5ml的蜂蜜,然后你自己看这是多么好的保险单,它可以保护你一整天。 大部分歌手、演说家、医生、演员等等来说声乐热身的日常是必不可少的。然而,并不是所有的热身都需要做。事实上,一些热身可能会非但没有完全锻炼反而会损伤嗓子。 head off 拦截 germs 细菌 immune 免疫 cough 咳嗽 sneezes 打喷嚏 tuned 调节 tissues 组织(皮肤组织) tissue 薄纸、蜘蛛网、蜘蛛丝 nerves 神经(医)胆子 glands 腺体 blood vessels 血管 vessels 船只 容器 delicate 精美的 娇嫩的 秀气的 纤弱的 organs 器官 end up with problems 最终遇到问题 vice versa 反之亦然 Utensils 餐具 cross-contamination 交叉感染 potential 潜在的 soak 浸泡 suffice 够了 合格 满足 disinfect 消毒 杀菌 frayed 磨损 Dental 牙科 upright 直立 耿直 conducive 有利于 microorganisms 微生物 a pinch of 一小撮 sore 疮 疼 溃疡 疡 nostril 鼻孔 squeeze 挤 压榨 压缩 拥挤 turmeric 姜黄 relieving 缓解 cayenne pepper 卡宴胡椒 Vocal 声乐 浊音 are a must for 是必须的 and the like 之类的 vibrations 震动 loose 松动 疏松 活络 buzzing 嗡嗡声 giggle 傻笑 嘻 痴笑 belly 腹部 yawning 打哈欠 Imitate 模拟 siren 警笛 vowel 元音

英语谚语:Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark 中文意思: 早睡早起。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Empty vessels make the greatest sound 空桶响声大。 Enough is as good as a feast 知足常乐。 Envy assails the noblest the winds howl around the highest peak 高位遭人妒,高峰招风吹。 Equivocation is first cousin to a lie 支支吾吾,其言必诈。 Errors like straws upon the surface flow; he who would search for pearls must dive below 错误像稻草,漂浮在水面。欲觅珍珠者,须往水下潜。 Even Homer sometimes nods 人非圣贤,孰能无过。 Even the walls have ears 隔墙有耳。 Every advantage has its disadvantage 有利必有弊。 Every bean has its black 人人有其缺点。 Every bird likes its own nest 人爱其家。 英语谚语: Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark 中文意思: 早睡早起。

How long ago _____playing with soldiers?


I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus.这里的为什么加realized

realized 意识到 意思是我震惊的意识到with是表示伴随状态 意识到的同时伴随着震惊 所以用with

serve sb with sth和sever sth to sb 意思一样吗

serve 虽然是“服务”的意思,在这里的解释为“招待”.serve sb with sth 和 serve sth to sb 意思都一样,就是说 "拿 sth 来招待 sb ”比如 the host serve everyone with champagne,主人开香槟酒招待大家

be mild with什么意思

be mild with 和蔼可亲mild 英[mau026ald] 美[mau026ald] adj. 轻微的; 温柔的; 温暖的; (味道) 不浓的; n. 淡味麦芽啤酒; [例句]Teddy turned to Mona with a look of mild confusion泰迪表情略带困惑地向莫娜求助。

英语 keep secrets with sb 这个搭配对吗

不对 应该是keep secrets to Sb.


主语+谓语+宾语该句意思是我和她分享秘密,share sth with sb表示和某人分享某物

No garden is without weeds 没有不长草的园子 什么含义

指没有什么事物是完美的.这里的weed 指的是杂草. 通常在议论文中用于转折写出某一事物的缺点.

英语谚语:No garden without its weeds 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: No garden without its weeds 中文意思: 有利必有弊。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: If there were no clouds we should not enjoy the sun 吃得苦中苦,方知甜中甜。 If the sky fll (or falls) we shall catch larks 异想天开 If they say you are good ask yourself if it be ture 若有人称赞你,要自问对不对。 If things were to be done twice all would be wise 事事倘能做两次,人人都可称明智。 If two men ride on a horse one must ride behind 两人同骑一马,必有一人在后。 If we are bound to forgive an enemy we are not bound to trust him 如果我们决定宽恕一个敌人,但决不能相信他。 If we cannot get what we like we have to like what we can get 随遇而安。 If wise men play the fool they do it with a vengeance 智者干傻事,愚蠢到极点。 If wishes were horses beggars might ride 愿望不等于事实。 If you agree to carry the calf they"ll make you carry the cow 得寸进尺。 英语谚语: No garden without its weeds 中文意思: 有利必有弊。


Tom loves to play with Tess.

No garden without weeds 这句话什么意思


revert with confirmation

烦请您看上面的附件. 请在三天(包括今天)内针对以上规定的条款和条件通过电子邮件的形式回复您的确认信息,否则则视为无效.

they had a video with all the ligh-lights of the festival at a stand in the lobby to the library.


英语作文题目 nothing succeeds without a strong will 怎么写?

It is quite obvious that there is no difficult thing (nothing difficult) in the world. if you make up your mind to do it, you will certainly accomplish your end. That stands to reason. If you want to achieve something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitious, you must work hard, make efforts and get prepared. Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to visit you. The difference between a man who succeeds and one who does not lies only in the way each treats opportunities. The successful person always makes adequate preparations to meet opportunities as they duly arrive. The unsuccessful person, on the other hand, works little and just waits to see them pass by. In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, but only those who are prepared adequately and qualified highly can make use of them to achieve their purpose.

The man with a new idea is a crank until idea succeeds 是谁说的?


Natalie _______fault with the way her husband eats?

Natalie is always finding fault with the way her husband eats.D是没有错误的,但不是最佳答案。be+always+doing,也就是always用于进行时态,一般表示赞赏、反对、或埋怨find faults找岔子;埋怨娜塔莉总是对她丈夫的饮食方式吹毛求疵。又如You are always coming late.你老迟到。



银魂阿通的出道歌kazmy with ネクロマンサーズ在哪一集当得开场曲?


uv disharge designed with nail 什么意思

UV discharge designed with nail.对应的中文意思:用指甲/钉子设计的紫外放电。designed with nail 过去分词短语做discharge的定语。

Within Temptation《Murder》的歌词中英对照

太多太长谋杀我一直围绕这些恶性在于忽略了真相,我越来越近,我全副武装。我追杀你,通过你身后的大黑洞,我约削减你的翅膀“因为我一直在寻找,已经打破了你在哪里我会带你出去,你当我关闭我杀了他们,我就行了,我把我的灵魂净化,我犯的罪生活我跟着他们都和我将他们带来,无论走到哪我右后方有无处可去,你的头就行了,有没有绳索你的时间不多了,所以,你会去哪里当我会杀了你的灵魂,我做你的方式,我会让你的世界我从没想过你会走这么远[?] 你不相信什么说,在审判的日子,我不相信所有的迹象,但不安全你会不会在这里留下了一劫"原因我已经找到了已经打破了你在哪里,我会带你出去当我靠近你,在我杀了他们,我把我的灵魂就行了,我净化罪这我公司承诺在生活中,我会跟随他们,还要把他们无论走到哪我右后方有无处可去,你的头就行了,有没有绳子,你的时间不多了,所以你会在哪里当我会杀了你的灵魂,你不能感到疼痛,我是徒劳的尖叫下沉到海底,你不能从这里打破链打破,我杀了他们,我把我的灵魂就行了我净化了我的罪,我犯在生活中,我会跟着他们,而且还要把他们无论走到哪我右后方有无处可去,你的头就行了,有没有绳子,你的时间不多了所以,你会在哪里,我会去当谋杀你的灵魂

be occupied with造句

he is occupied with his work.他忙于他的工作 这个用法和be busy with 是一样的

be occupied with 和 be occupied in doing 意思

忙于做某事,专心于;忙碌等同于 be busy with sth 和be busy in doing sth.

be occupied with doing sth? 是不是错了?


be occupied with的用法

1. 忙于做,专心于2. 忙碌3. 被……所占据 1. The citizens seem to be occupied with their own business, and even the pedestrians look so leisurely.街上的市民各做各的活儿,行人也都从容不迫。 2. Increase their sincerity, so that with all humility and contrition they may turn to Thy kingdom and be occupied with service to the world of humanity.增进他们的诚挚,以使他们怀着全然谦卑和悔悟转向祢的天国,竭力为人类世界服务。 3. It seemed to him sometimes that they were all rejoicing as he was himself, and were only trying to conceal that joy, by pretending to be occupied with other interests.有时候,他又觉得,所有的人都同他一样高兴,只不过他们尽力掩饰这种高兴,假装他们的兴趣在其他方面罢了。

be occupied with和be occupied in分别什么意思哦?

be occupied in doing sth/with sth牛津高阶译为,无暇,忙碌例句,she is occupied in looking after /with 3 children.她忙于照料3个孩子。

be occupied with和be occupied in分别什么意思哦?

be occupied in doing sth/with sth 牛津高阶译为,无暇,忙碌 例句,she is occupied in looking after /with 3 children. 她忙于照料3个孩子.

be occupied with和be engaged with的区别和用法?

be occupied with 忙于做某事。be engaged with 与某人订婚

请问是be occupied with还是be occupied by?

by 被占据with的话应该是被用什么占据

be occupied with 和 be preoccupied with有什么区别?能否举例说明

be occupied with sth忙于做某事be preoccupied with被。。。迷住,被。。占据思想eg.1、He is fully occupied with his three children. 他完全忙于照顾他的三个小孩了。 2、He is always preoccupied with money. 他总是财迷心窍。
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