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  【试验设计】:x0dx0a  试验设计(DOE,DESignated Operational Entity),也称为实验设计。从20世纪20年代费希尔(R.A.Fisher)在农业生产中使用试验设计方法以来,试验设计方法已经得到广泛的发展,统计学家们发现了很多非常有效的试验设计技术。20世纪50年代,日本统计学家田口玄一将试验设计中应用最广的正交设计表格化,在方法解说方面深入浅出为试验设计的更广泛使用作出了众所周知的贡献。x0dx0ax0dx0a  【DOE的作用】:x0dx0a  试验设计在工业生产和工程设计中能发挥重要的作用,主要有:x0dx0a  1、提高产量;x0dx0a  2、减少质量的波动,提高产品质量水准;x0dx0a  3、大大缩短新产品试验周期;x0dx0a  4、降低成本;x0dx0a  5、试验设计延长产品寿命。x0dx0ax0dx0a  在工农业生产和科学研究中,经常需要做试验,以求达到预期的目的。例如在工农业生产中希望通过试验达到高质、优产、低消耗,特别是新产品试验,未知的东西很多,要通过试验来摸索工艺条件或配方。如何做试验,其中大有学问。试验设计得好,会事半功倍,反之会事倍功半,甚至劳而无功。x0dx0a  如果要最有效地进行科学试验,必须用科学方法来设计。所谓试验的统计设计,就是设计试验的过程,使得收集的数据适合于用统计方法分析,得出有效的和客观的结论。如果想从数据作出有意义的结论,用统计方法作试验设计是必要的。当问题涉及到受试验误差影响的数据时,只有统计方法才是客观的分析方法。这样一来,任一试验问题就存在两个方面:试验的设计和数据的统计分析。这两个课题是紧密相连的,因为分析方法直接依赖于所用的设计。x0dx0a  摘自:天行健咨询








  一、实验设计(DOE)的使用  实验设计(design of experiments,DOE)用于检验和优化过程、产品、服务或解决方案的绩效。它主要用来帮助了解不同条件下产品或过程的行为。DOE最独特之处就在于它能够使你通过实验来计划和控制变量,与按照“经验观察”方式仅仅收集和观察现实世界中的事物是截然不同的。在6sigma组织中,DOE有着非常广泛的应用,天行健咨询公司分析了它能帮助企业解决以下问题:  1、评估顾客声音系统,在不烦扰顾客的情况下寻找产生有效反馈的最佳方法组合;  2、评估诸因素以将引起某一问题或缺陷的“重要”根本原因分离出来;  3、试行或检验可能的解决方案组合,以寻求最佳改进策略;  4、评价产品或服务的设计以确认潜在的问题并从开始就减少存在的缺陷。  尽管DOE用于事物要比用于人更容易,但在服务环境下进行实验设计仍是可能的。可是,这些实验设计趋向是“现实世界”的试验,在这些试验中,变量在实际过程中加以控制,然后将其结果进行比较。  二、实验设计(DOE)的基本步骤  1、确认要评价的因素  你希望从实验中了解些什么?对过程或产品的可能影响是什么?在选择因素时要切记:试验更多因素不仅会带来获取额外数据的利益,也会增加成本和复杂性,对二者进行权衡很重要。  2、界定检验因素的“水平”  对速度、时间和重量等诸如此类的变量因素,试验水平的数量可以无限多。因此,你不仅要选择所要采用的数值,而且还要确定希望试验多少不同的水平。在离散型数据情况下,试验水平可能是两选一的。  3、建立一个实验组合排列  在实验设计中,通常希望避免采用每一变量都单独试验的“每次一个因素”(one-factor-at-a-time,OFAT)的办法。通常是试验一系列因素水平组合以得到对所有因素都具代表性的数据。这些可能的组合或排列可以由统计软件工具产生或查表得到,借助它们可以帮你避免对每一可能的组合都进行试验。  4、在规定的条件下进行实验  关键是要避免其他一些未被检验的因素影响结果。  5、评价结果和结论  如果你要从实验设计数据中发现模式或得出结论,那么像方差分析和多元回归之类的工具是必需的。从实验数据中你可能会得到非常明确的答案,也可能会产生新问题,从而需要另外的实验加以测试。  内容摘自:天行健咨询公司

实验设计 (DOE) 培训如何促进您的业务发展?

如何运用实验设计 (DoE) 促进您的业务发展?1、识别业务问题业务中的实验设计始于提出一个实证问题,这个问题可以通过实验来回答。我们的绩效管理体系如何降低年度员工流失率?我们的绩效管理体系在多大程度上提高了员工的积极性?员工激励如何提高组织绩效都是DOE可以开始调查的实证问题。2、适应观察变化让我们以一家零售店为例,它推出了新的小册子,让客户了解他们的特价优惠。他们可能首先使用带有吸引人的标语的小册子,以了解客户是否很好地理解它们。带有吸引人标语的小册子将成为测试案例。可以根据观察设计实验。DOE帮助企业适应变化,看看是否可以实施这种变化,产生“客户开始购买折扣优惠”的预期结果。3、考虑相互作用与传统实验相比,实验设计的最大优点是可以分析各种因素对反应的协同影响。当许多因素共同作用时,找出能够产生最大影响的因素组合至关重要。团队需要仔细确定他们想要测试的交互的优先级。如果您使用DOE软件,最好针对所有可能的因素交互作用运行实验。4、在观察中确定替代方案如果客户无法确认您的特别折扣优惠,让我们试试大一些的小册子,上面有吸引人的小标语。这是第二种选择或新的自适应策略。这就是DOE如何协助创建、评估和提出业务所需的变更。DOE协助制定新的战略变化,以获得预期的业务成果。




  【试验设计】:x0dx0a  试验设计(DOE,DESignated Operational Entity),也称为实验设计。从20世纪20年代费希尔(R.A.Fisher)在农业生产中使用试验设计方法以来,试验设计方法已经得到广泛的发展,统计学家们发现了很多非常有效的试验设计技术。20世纪50年代,日本统计学家田口玄一将试验设计中应用最广的正交设计表格化,在方法解说方面深入浅出为试验设计的更广泛使用作出了众所周知的贡献。x0dx0ax0dx0a  【DOE的作用】:x0dx0a  试验设计在工业生产和工程设计中能发挥重要的作用,主要有:x0dx0a  1、提高产量;x0dx0a  2、减少质量的波动,提高产品质量水准;x0dx0a  3、大大缩短新产品试验周期;x0dx0a  4、降低成本;x0dx0a  5、试验设计延长产品寿命。x0dx0ax0dx0a  在工农业生产和科学研究中,经常需要做试验,以求达到预期的目的。例如在工农业生产中希望通过试验达到高质、优产、低消耗,特别是新产品试验,未知的东西很多,要通过试验来摸索工艺条件或配方。如何做试验,其中大有学问。试验设计得好,会事半功倍,反之会事倍功半,甚至劳而无功。x0dx0a  如果要最有效地进行科学试验,必须用科学方法来设计。所谓试验的统计设计,就是设计试验的过程,使得收集的数据适合于用统计方法分析,得出有效的和客观的结论。如果想从数据作出有意义的结论,用统计方法作试验设计是必要的。当问题涉及到受试验误差影响的数据时,只有统计方法才是客观的分析方法。这样一来,任一试验问题就存在两个方面:试验的设计和数据的统计分析。这两个课题是紧密相连的,因为分析方法直接依赖于所用的设计。x0dx0a  摘自:天行健咨询




试验设计(design of experiment)。也称为实验设计。数理统计的一个分支。关于如何按照预定目标制订适当的实验方案,以利于对实验结果进行有效的统计分析的数学原理和实施方法。一个实验的设计,即对实验的一种安排,需要考虑实验所要解决的问题类型、对结论赋予何种程度的普遍性、希望以多大功效作检验、试验单元的齐性、每次试验的耗资耗时等方面,选取适当的因子和相应的水平,从而给出实验实施的具体程序和数据分析的框架。试验设计内容:产品质量的高低主要是由设计决定的,一个好的试验设计包含几个方面的内容。第一是明确衡量产品质量的指标,6σ管理强调用数据说话,所以这个质量指标必须是能够量化的指标,在试验设计中称为试验指标,也称为响应变量 (response variable)或输出变量。第二是寻找影响试验指标的可能因素(factor) ,也称为影响因子和输入变量。因素变化的各种状态称为水平,要求根据专业知识初步确定因素水平的范围。第三是根据实际问题,选择适用的试验设计方法。试验设计的方法有很多,每种方法都有不同的适用条件,选择了适用的方法就可以事半而功倍,选择的方法不正确或者根本没有进行有效的试验设计就会事倍而功半。第四是科学地分析试验结果,包括对数据的直观分析、方差分析、回归分析等多种统计分析方法,这些工作可以借助Minititab软件完成。




  【试验设计】:x0dx0a  试验设计(DOE,DESignated Operational Entity),也称为实验设计。从20世纪20年代费希尔(R.A.Fisher)在农业生产中使用试验设计方法以来,试验设计方法已经得到广泛的发展,统计学家们发现了很多非常有效的试验设计技术。20世纪50年代,日本统计学家田口玄一将试验设计中应用最广的正交设计表格化,在方法解说方面深入浅出为试验设计的更广泛使用作出了众所周知的贡献。x0dx0ax0dx0a  【DOE的作用】:x0dx0a  试验设计在工业生产和工程设计中能发挥重要的作用,主要有:x0dx0a  1、提高产量;x0dx0a  2、减少质量的波动,提高产品质量水准;x0dx0a  3、大大缩短新产品试验周期;x0dx0a  4、降低成本;x0dx0a  5、试验设计延长产品寿命。x0dx0ax0dx0a  在工农业生产和科学研究中,经常需要做试验,以求达到预期的目的。例如在工农业生产中希望通过试验达到高质、优产、低消耗,特别是新产品试验,未知的东西很多,要通过试验来摸索工艺条件或配方。如何做试验,其中大有学问。试验设计得好,会事半功倍,反之会事倍功半,甚至劳而无功。x0dx0a  如果要最有效地进行科学试验,必须用科学方法来设计。所谓试验的统计设计,就是设计试验的过程,使得收集的数据适合于用统计方法分析,得出有效的和客观的结论。如果想从数据作出有意义的结论,用统计方法作试验设计是必要的。当问题涉及到受试验误差影响的数据时,只有统计方法才是客观的分析方法。这样一来,任一试验问题就存在两个方面:试验的设计和数据的统计分析。这两个课题是紧密相连的,因为分析方法直接依赖于所用的设计。x0dx0a  摘自:天行健咨询




DOE简介美国联邦法规(10 CFR 430)已明定出:凡是进入美国市场的外接式电源供应器,都应达到最小能效等级:level IV且在产品上明确标示出。不仅如此,也强制要求制造商、品牌商向DOE提交两份重要声明文件。第一是产品达到联邦法规在能效要求的符合性宣告(Compliance Statement),第二是产品的首次证书报告(First Certification Report),两份文件均须透过邮寄方式,递送至美国能源部(DOE,Department of Energy)。文件准备需按照DOE公布之格式填写,其中证书报告可委由第三方单位代表制造商/品牌商提交。文件上提报之资讯应涵盖每个单一型号的产品类别(product class)、制造商/品牌商名称、效能(%)、无载时功率消耗(W)及额定输出功率(W)。Anbotek可做美国DOE6级能效认证标准依据:美国联邦法规:10CFR429和10CFR430.其中10CFR429规定了样品选用规范和报告规范;10CFR430规定了测试方法和符合性宣告规范


试验设计(DOE)的类型有 1.全因子DOE 2.分部DOE






DOE(Design of Experiment)试验设计:一种安排实验和分析实验数据的数理统计方法;试验设计主要对试验进行合理安排,以较小的试验规模(试验次数)、较短的试验周期和较低的试验成本,获得理想的试验结果以及得出科学的结论。试验设计源于1920年代研究育种的科学家Dr.Fisher的研究, Dr. Fisher是大家一致公认的此方法策略的创始者。如果想对DOE有更深入地理解,请参见有关DOE论述及专著进行学习。


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How Dose It Feel How Does It Feel你的感觉 True lovers never take it slowly真正的恋人总是迟疑不决 When they"ve found the one and only 当他们找到唯一的真爱 Nothing can replace this feeling没有事物能够取代这种感觉 Knowing someone loves you那种知道有人爱你的感觉 It"s painted with the pain and glory它以痛苦与荣光绘制而成 Taking from a known sad story取材于古老悲伤的故事 Laying out my life before me在我面前展示我的一生 Fearing the unknown害怕未知的事物 Sharing never showed me much appeal而分享从未吸引过我 And now I"m only praying it"s for real但是如今我却真心的祈祷 So how does it feel 所以你有什么感觉 When I hold you in my arms当我拥你入怀 And you"re lying next to me 当你躺在我身边 Never wanting you to leave 我不想让你离开 Until I"ll tell you how it feels直到我告诉你 To be cradled like my dreams我如梦境般被抚慰 And to know that you love me被你所爱的感觉 No more wasting time in asking other people不愿再浪费时间询问别人 How does it feel你的感觉如何 How does it feel你的感觉究竟如何 Forever taken you for granted我不曾视你为理所当然 You give me everything I wanted 你给了我想要的一切 I"m so afraid that I might lose you我好害怕失去你 But time will let us see但是时间会让我们看见 If everything is real I"m feeling如果我的感觉属实 Well maybe we"ve been only dreaming或者我们只是做梦 And if it"s gonna die to save it如果它必须付出生命来维护 Cos baby I believe因为宝贝我相信 Nothing in the world could make it right世上没有什么可以做对 Cos baby loving you brings me to life因为宝贝爱你使我获得重生 Woah, woah, woah喔,喔,喔 Nothing in the world could feel this right世界上再没有东西使我感觉如此美好 Cos baby you"re the best thing in my life因为宝贝你是我生命中最好的礼物 How does it feel你的感觉如何 When I hold you in my arms当我拥你入怀 And you"re lying next to me 当你躺在我身边 Never wanting you to leave 我不想让你离开 Until I"ll tell you how it feels直到我告诉你 To be cradled like my dreams我如梦境般被抚慰 And to know that you love me被你所爱的感觉 No more wasting time in asking other people不愿再浪费时间询问别人 How does it feel你的感觉如何

求WESTLIFE的How does it feel中英文歌词对照,谢谢了!


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What___do____they___do_____every day? They___do____their housework. ___Is_____the boy clever? Yes,___he is._____.He___does_____his homework by hinself. What___does____the cat often play with? It often__play___with a ball. How often___does____she brush her teeth? she_brushes___her teeth twice a day ___Is___the girl naughty? No,___she isn"t._____.she is helpful. _____Can_______birds fly?Yes,___they can___. ___Can___they swim?No,___they can"t____. ____Does_____Cindy read story books every week? No,____she dosn"t_____. ____Am_____I tall and beautiful? Yes,____you are____. What____do____Bill and you do at home? We often____make_____the bed.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问(*^__^*)

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What Doesn’t Kill You 歌词

歌曲名:What Doesn"t Kill You歌手:Kelly Clarkson专辑:2011年7月欧美新歌速递Q 981626865you know the bed feels warmersleeping here aloneyou know i dream in colorand do the things i wantyou think you got the best of methink you had the last laughbet you think that everything good is gonethink you left me broken downthink that i"d come running backbaby you don"t know me, cause you"re dead wrongwhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerstand a little tallerdoesn"t mean i"m lonely when i"m alonewhat doesn"t kill you makes a fireput that thing on lighterdoesn"t mean i"m over cause you"re gonewhat doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, strongerjust me, myself and iwhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerstand a little tallerdoesn"t mean i"m lonely when i"m aloneyou heard that i was starting over with someone newbut told you i was moving on over youyou didn"t think that i"d come backi"d come back swingingyou try to break mebut you seewhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerstand a little tallerdoesn"t mean i"m lonely when i"m alonewhat doesn"t kill you makes a fireput that thing on lighterdoesn"t mean i"m over cause you"re gonewhat doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, strongerjust me, myself and iwhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerstand a little tallerdoesn"t mean i"m lonely when i"m alonethanks to you i got a new thing startedthanks to you i"m not a broken heartedthanks to you i"m finally thinking bout meyou know in the end the day to left was just my beginningin the end…what doesn"t kill you makes you strongerstand a little tallerdoesn"t mean i"m lonely when i"m alonewhat doesn"t kill you makes a fireput that thing on lighterdoesn"t mean i"m over cause you"r gonewhat doesn"t kill you makes you stronger, strongerjust me, myself and iwhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerstand a little tallerdoesn"t mean i"m lonely when i"m alonewhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerjust me, myself and iwhat doesn"t kill you makes you strongerstand a little tallerdoesn"t mean i"m lonely when i"m alone i"m alone

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how does pollution affect insects facts?

How does pollution affect insects facts? We own everything and living things on the pla are facing some bad changes such as the effects of Global Warming;and Pollution affected the natural Environment e As we know some insects are living inside the trees forests dirty water or the shores. Under this situation once the Pollution has ruined the natural circumstances such as the trees the woods and the living places for the insects. Then they might vanish gradually. 我们在地球上拥有的一切包括所有生物,正面临一些恶性变化。例如受全球暖化的影响,污染影响了自然环境等等。 正如我们所知,一些昆虫是在树、森林、污水或海岸生存的。在这种情况下,一旦污染破坏了自然环境,如树木、树林等的昆虫生活场所。随后他们可能会逐渐消失。 谨供参考 谢谢!???? ______How does polution affect insects_____ ----------(An Attempt to Answer Only since your method are different from mine)----------- When pollution affects mankind it is actually affecting insects.If affecting men then it is affecting insects. The facts briefly are water and air in the atmosphere. Pollution makes dirty and destroys the purity or sanctity (=holiness sacredness saintliness.) of many things. When rivers polluted with filthy waste from factories the polluted water enables insects unfit to drink. When exhaust fumes from motor-cars etc the polluted air-fumes enables innsects unfit to breath.We can learn the recent news-facts from Beijing China.Okay !? Either polluting or being polluted will make the insects and other sorts of *** all animals eg ant fly w spider lizard crawing creatures die.There will be no more honey or food available; so much so that 80% of our food disappeared on our dinning table so said the reported news recently. That which will make men die.Hence affecting insects affecting mankind is the conclusion .

does she wanttobuyacard,改为陈述句

. She wants to buy a car,这就是陈述句

what does he think of the rock music


your life does not get better

Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change 你的生活并没有得到更好的偶然变化,用It Gets Better get better by change 改变得更好 我是来自于“百度资源共享”芝麻团的团长:善良的我啊你 答案满意请采纳谢谢思密达

does it get better than this?的意思是什么

it 是指这餐饭。 this 指 泡面这句话的意思是,难道还有比这个更糟的吗?


What roles does a tour a guy play in his her a job?导游在他的工作中扮演什么角色?

How do you get to school? I ride my bike. How does she get to school? She usually takes the bus.


does money talk是什么意思

主语:money 钱 ,动词:talk 说话,谈话句式是疑问句,一般现在时。翻译过来是:钱能说话吗?

TPO 27 听力Lecture第3篇 第2题What point does the professor make when she compares blues whales to

Professor: The largest animals today don"t live on land. But in the ocean where food is easier to find, a blue whale, … well, large animals can"t easily get rid of excess body heat. But for an oceangoing whale, that"s not a problem. For a 100-ton land animal, it can be. 教授说,现在体型最大的动物生活在海里,因为海里更容易觅食,而且大型动物很难甩掉身上多余的热量,但这对鲸鱼来说不成问题,对重 100 吨的陆地动物来说就是个问题了。所以教授把蓝鲸与大型陆地动物相比较是为了说明海洋环境减少了大型动物会遇到的食物和甩掉热量的问题,所以选择 D。

little fish does not eat big fish是什么意思


what do you mean what does your father do 为什么一个用


What does your mean?和what do you mean 哪个对?为什么?


What does your mean?和what do you mean 哪个对?为什么?


急求!英语短文 What does new technology bring us?(新科技带给我们什么?)

Good life!

以“where does your time go”为题写一篇120词的英语作文

Where Does Time Go?You get caught up in the business of theday-to-day. You say you don"t have enough time.你每天都忙忙碌碌的。你总说时间不够用。Yet, the question isn"t where you arespending your time…But rather, where should you be spending your time?但问题并不在于时间都花哪里去了。你更应该关心的是时间应该花在哪?Often, we think we don"t have a choiceabout our time. Yet, we always have a choice. Where should you be spending yourtime?我们总觉得时间对每个人都是公平的,我们无法选择。但实际上我们可以选。应该在哪花更多的时间?Here are 10 Things You Should beChoosing to Spend More Time on…下面你应该花更多时间的10件事1. Your Family你的家庭Our family is the reason that we do somany things in life. Work, jobs, and more. Yet ironically,we then neglect the very people that we are working so hard to provide for. Ifyou don"t spend time with your family, you will lose the chance to spend timewith them at all. Many people learn this the hard way.我们做的一切、工作,等等这些都是为了一个我们的家庭。然而具有讽刺意味的是,我们经常忽视了这些人,而他们正是我们努力工作的目的。如果不花点时间在家人身上,你会彻底失去和他们一起相处的机会。很多人都有过这样的痛苦教训。2. Taking Care of Yourself照顾好自己I know many people whose professionallives are very extremely successful, but behind the scenes their personal livesare a disaster. This is a house of cards waiting to fall down. And iteventually does. Take care of your personal business first.我知道很多人的职业生涯极其成功,但光鲜背后他们的个人生活却十分糟糕。他们就像一个摇摇欲坠的纸房子,最终真的就轰然倒塌。先照顾好自己吧。3. Exercising锻炼身体Maintaining your physical health is oneof the most important things you can do. Your body allows you to do everythingelse, keep it in the best shape you can. (And yes, you do have time toworkout.)保持身体健康是最重要的事情之一。只有身体好,你才能做其他的事情。(而且,你必须得要有锻炼身体的时间。)4. Thinking思考When was the last time you just sat andthought? (Very difficult if you have kids…) Quiet thinking time can be magical.It clears our heads and lets us realize what is important to us. Spend sometime just thinking. About your goals… where you are… and where you want to go.你上次坐着思考是什么时候?(有了孩子之后更难了...)短暂思考时间会带给你神奇的感受。它会让我们的大脑思路更清晰,让我们意识到什么才是重要的。花点时间想一想,你的目标、你在哪里、你想去哪里。5. Writing写作I am a big believer that everyone shouldwrite. Most people don"t after they leave school. Yet, writing is an invaluableway of clarifying your thinking, expanding your imagination, and stretchingyour mind. Many people want to write a book… do it. Even if your story is justto keep a journal, practice getting your thoughts out of your head.我强烈认为每个人都应该写作。很多人毕业之后根本就不再写东西了。但是写作是能理清思绪的好办法。很多人想写书,那就去写。即使你的故事只能写个日记,但请练习用文字表达自己的思绪吧。6. Playing玩When was the last time you played?Played a game. Played for fun. Played just to enjoy time with those that matterto you. (See #1.) Playing renews your energy and boosts all areas of your life.你上次玩是什么时候?玩个游戏吧,开心的玩。和那些对你重要的人玩(比方说跟你的家人)。玩能够恢复精力,提高生活的方方面面。7. Planning做计划Everyone needs a plan. Otherwise, youwill be wandering through life aimlessly. Taking time to plan, saves time. Itreduces stress. And it makes you more efficient.每个人都需要计划。否则你的人生会很没有追求。花点时间做个计划来节省时间。可以减轻压力,使你更加有效率。8. Organizing整理东西You create your own problems and lifefriction when you are disorganized What do you need to clean up? Your car? Thegarage? Your desk? Organization leads to action. And no, piles are notorganization.当你不整理时,麻烦和烦恼也来了。你需要清洁什么?车子、车库还是桌子?整理是需要行动的,把东西都堆起来可不叫整理哦。9. Giving to Others帮助别人You may say, “I don"t have time formyself, how I am supposed to give it to others?” Yet, one of the biggestsecrets in life is that you get what you give. Make sure you give and helpthose around you.你也许会说:“我自己都没时间了,怎么可能还去帮助别人?” 生活最大的一个秘密在于你得到的都是你付出的。一定要给予,帮助你身边的人。10. Preparing做好准备Planning is good, but taking action toprepare is the next step. Preparation is all about action. Don"t just know whatis ahead of you, but prepare to do it. Read the materials in advance. Do thehomework. Be ready.

歌曲:where does my heart beat now

楼主好,不知道你要这翻译做什么用?我听Celine的歌有十几年的时间了,这首老歌也是我上初高中时唱得最欢的,当时对歌词并没有什么深刻的理解,随着年龄的增长,再听这首歌的感受也越来越深了。不过现在印象最深的还是很多年前发行的那张多伦多演唱会中,Celine深情演唱这首歌的场景...好了,先翻译一下你要求的这一段:where do silent hearts go?沉寂的心该何去何从(这一句其实是上一小节的末句)where does my heart beat now我的心跳在何方where is the sound那跳动的声音又在哪里That only echoes through the night那些是夜晚陪伴我的全部where does my heart beat now我的心跳在何方i can"t live withoutwithout feeling it inside感觉不到心跳的我又怎么能生存where do all the lonely hearts go孤单的心都去了哪里整首歌的翻译如下:(是我根据另一位大虾提供的答案修改的,加上了一些我所理解的Celine对这首歌情感的演绎)So much to believe inWe were lost in time如此多的信仰使我们在时间中迷惘Everything I neededI feel in your eyes我所需要的一切都能在你的眼神中觉察Always tought of keepingYour heart next to mine曾经一直坚信,能让你的心永远与我心相伴But now that seems so far away但现如今,这一信仰却显得那么渺茫Don"t know how love could leave Without a trace如此迷惑,该怎样才可以让爱没有伤痛的消逝Where do silent hearts go?沉寂的心又该何去何从where does my heart beat now我的心跳在何方where is the sound那跳动的声音又在哪里That only echoes through the night那些是夜晚陪伴我的全部where does my heart beat now我的心跳在何方I can"t live withoutWithout feeling it inside感觉不到心跳的我又怎么能生存Where do all the lonely hearts go孤单的心都去了哪里Candle in the water就像水里的蜡烛Drifting helplessly无助的摇摆Hiding from the thunder从斥责中躲起来Come and rescue me请来救赎我吧Driven by hunger在渴望的驱使下Of the endless dream在无休止的梦中I"m searching for the hand that I can hold我不断找寻我可以牵住的手I"m reaching for the arms that let me know找寻那我所熟悉的臂弯Where do silent hearts go?可那沉寂的心又去了哪里呢Where does my heart beat now我的心跳在何方Where is the sound那跳动的声音又在哪That only echoes through the night那些是夜晚陪伴我的全部Where does my heart beat now我的心跳到底在哪里I can"t live withoutWithout feeling it inside没有它我又该怎么活Where do all the lonely hearts go孤单的心都去了哪里Where do all the lonely hearts go孤单的心都去哪里了Then one touch overcomes the silence就在那个时刻一个感动战胜了沉默Love still survives爱还在救赎Two hearts needing one another两颗心彼此需要Give me wings to fly赋予我翅膀去飞翔Where does my heart beat now我的心跳在何方Where is the sound那声音又在哪里That only echoes through the night整个夜里它们是陪我的所有Where does my heart beat now我的心跳到底在哪I can"t live withoutWithout feeling it inside没有它我又该如何生存I"ve got someone to give my heart to我已经遇见了他,能将我心托付I Feel it getting stronger and strongerAnd stronger而且我的感觉越来越强烈And I feel inside我能深深感觉到Hearts are made to lastTill the end of time感情终于被肯定,直到天荒地老


refer to是固定搭配,不能去掉

【CS起源】正版STEAM显示"this steam account does not own this game"

对 !说得对!!



明天考试,求大神帮我写一篇英语作文。作文题目是(does technology do good o?

Some say technology is a blessing; others say it"s a curse. Today, thanks to exponential growth in processing power, storage, and bandwidth, we have the ability to do things that were literally impossible just a few years ago. But, there is bad technology, like all kinds of weapons. So it"s not about whether technology is good or bad; it"s about what we decide to do with technology that matters.,2,明天考试,求大神帮我写一篇英语作文。作文题目是(does technology do good o 明天考试,求大神帮我写一篇英语作文。作文题目是(does technology do good or evil)。内容是以下要求,跪求啊!!!

Does Mike like English or Music 怎么回答

Does Mike like English or Music回答方法如下:MIke like Music。这句话的意思是Mike喜欢英语还是音乐,回答Mike喜欢音乐,即MIke like Music。这个属于英语中的选择疑问句,主要是4中问句:英语疑问句的种类有4种,1、一般疑问句,例如:Do you like black? Yes,I do。2、特殊疑问句,例如:What fruit do you like?I like apples。3、选择疑问句,例如Which one do you like,the banana or the orange?I like the orange。4、反意疑问句,例如:It"a cat, isn"t it?No, it isn"t。


Does Mike like autumn?肯定回答Yes, he does.否定回答No, he doesn"t.


这句话时态是一般现在时态,does +主语+动词原形like…?是一般现在时态的一般疑问句结构。



迈克看起来什么样?英语What does Mike look like?还是What is Mi


what does Mike like?与what does Mike like?的区别?


What does Mike (like)?

jerk"s question



How is she going to the shopping mall和How does she going to shopping mall一样吗?



what does “fall” mean 翻译为:"fall”是什么意思?【附】fall 英[fu0254:l] 美[fu0254l] v. 跌倒; 落下; 减少; 沦陷; n. 秋天; 落下; 瀑布; 减少; [网络] 秋; 落; 下跌; [例句]Her father fell into the sea after a massive heart attack.她父亲在一次严重的心脏病发作后坠入海中。[其他] 第三人称单数:falls 现在分词:falling 过去式:fell 过去分词:fallen

网站首页出现Directory Listing Denied This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.


‘Directory Listing Denied This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to b ’什么意思?

你好 是你网站默认文件找不到。我也遇到Directory Listing Denied 这样的情况我的是因为网站后台里面 网站设置管理》静态目录配置及文件重建设置》静态文件后缀名里面你可以设置asp,html,shtml,htm 几种格式的任一种我的以前设置的html,会出现你上面提到的错误,后来修改成htm就好了。你可以尝试修改一下,希望能帮到你!

What does your dream house look like?英语作文

My dream house must got all kinds of facilities,high-tech products available,when I need to do something,it can always meet my there"s a 100 inch TV,set in a special movie house in my house,in that case my house should be large enough,and if i want to see different kinds of movie,like 3D one,a machine can be used for playing this kind of movie.It is what my dream house looks like


am-was is-was are-were do/does-did have/has-had go-went come-came see-saw win-won run-ran make-made fly-flew put-put give-gave write-wrote swim-swam (but不是动词)bring-brought另外:cut-cut shut-shut hit-hit set-set read-readmeet-met sleep-slept spend-spent hear-heard find-found get-got light-lit say-said buy-bought fight-fought think-thought hold-held sit-sat stand-stood tell-told shine-shone drink-drank drive-drove eat-ate wear-wore take-took forget-forgotring-rang sing-sang ride-rode wake-woke speak-spoke break-broke show-showed blow-blew know-knew throw-threw draw-drew rise-rose begin-began hurt-hurt```这可是百分之百原创啊``一个个打上去的``希望楼主加油学英语哟,英语是快乐的~

()()()()()e() Does your


e-friend, your, where, does, live(?)

选does your friend 是第三人称单数

以some say that the internet does more harm than g

Network education also easy to cause the adolescent"s dependence excessively, teenagers get the direct experience of lack of practice, on the Internet after some people think that everything can be got from the Internet, actually otherwise, because the normal process of the youth is cannot be replaced; Network education is not like the past education or mainstream media, can be controlled, it"s no authority, no dominant, diversity in bring youth information at the same time, for not fully cultivate correct judgment ability, the ability of independent analysis of teens, affect adolescent physical and mental healthy growth; And convenience and, due to network, make teenagers more hydrophobic real interpersonal communication, social activities, easy to adolescents emotional indifference, a "closed" status; In addition, the network after all is "virtual community", and contrast with realistic society, will affect the teenagers in the ability to survive in real life. The good and bad are intermingled, overrun of network information, spam impact on students" overall quality; Network transmission become induce students" outlook on life, world outlook, the values of conflict and anomie, the important factors, such as virtual net love, let the students not doing things is deceived; Network technology such as network addiction, autism by-product gives false action variation, some students psychological and physiological disorders, physical and mental damage; Use of network language to strengthen the students" language power of expression, the impact of national culture accomplishment. The harm of network video games:According to media reports, at least 10% of the primary and middle school students addicted to the Internet video games. Experts point out that teenagers once addicted to the Internet video games, can produce more and more strong psychological dependence repeatedly, when it cannot operate in mood irritability, depression and other symptoms. Network video game is a way of entertainment of primary and middle school students, but addicted to playing online video games have a lot of harm, for the eyesight, nerve damage, such as the flexibility of the brain down, influence the academic record; Induce troublemakers, extorting money, fight affray, participate in gambling violations and even crime. Li Tianben is a performance character cheerful, good students, but since learned to play video games, a few days have been fascinated by the stuff. To go to school with small game to play, in the home computer. Black square, jump as dangling pieces, not cast out. Later, in order to play this game he often play truant, lived in the Internet bar, also borrow money to buy a card to your classmates. Complete one day, the game, of the net friend to his invitation, surf the Internet to get money together to often surf the Internet. Lee day consented, a few days later, tian-he li his friend partnership robbery caught the police station. Playing computer games, it takes time, if a lot of time playing computer games, then, we used the time to study is bound to greatly reduce, unless it is the genius of study without a look at will, for the rest of us, study result not descend just strange! Secondly, play computer games, especially over a long period of time to play, is very harmful to our eyesight and health, when you are addicted to computer games bring you joy, your eyesight also in imperceptible in day to day a recession, when you finally wake up, already too late! May have to get on you used to have a healthy body. Playing computer games special waste of money, as a student of we, pocket money mainly rely on our parents adult, imagine, whose parents are willing to give money so let"s go on the Internet to play games? So, in order to be able to enter Internet cafes to play computer games, we are bound to our parents, or we"ll patchwork, out to make money, where there are thought to study, some students even to the point of no return of crime because of this, this is why? The development of online games, chat program update ceaselessly, make the control of poor people addicted to the Internet, some people in Internet cafes playing games spends several hours at a what"s more, in the net cafe is like a home, food and drink, sleep all, trinity ChengHuo, 51 groups of connected to the Internet to play games. Staring eyes, highly concentrated, is persistent, but people in happy enjoy network bring to them at the same time, it completely ignores network step by step, the devil is eroding the health of the people, also some people in the network provide us convenient platform, using the net friend of ignorance, take some unethical means to cheat, criminal cases in our country, because of the network crime and make up a significant portion of the tragedy. In this rapidly developing information age, we have to admit that the network bring a lot of convenience to our life but also added a lot of trouble. 1, network for teenagers to form the correct outlook on life, values and world view exists potential threats. Network is an endless "net", content, the good and bad are intermingled, the teenagers on the Internet frequent contact with western rhetoric, cultural ideas, which makes their minds of the Chinese traditional culture, concept and China"s mainstream ideology form conflict, tilting youth outlook on life, values and world view, and even blindly follow the west, in the long run, to our country youth ideology will have the effect of osmosis, to form a potential threat to social stability. 2, the Internet has made many teenagers addicted to the virtual world, reality, make some teenagers ruined school. Differs from the real society, teenagers face on the Internet is a virtual world, it not only meet the needs of the teenagers have all kinds of information, also give interpersonal left a vast space for imagination. In a constantly changing packaging new image to chat, make friends and participate in the network game, etc., which are more likely to succeed and others" attention, free speech, again not bound by any laws and regulations and laws, and not in real life pressure and responsibility, the virtual world of these features, which many teenagers would rather all night all day and indulge in vain environment rather than face the real life. And unlimited bubble on the Internet for a large impact on their daily study and life, light person decreased vision, the spirit of malaise, academic performance decline, the person that weigh waste studies. How to overcome addiction? (1) improve self-discipline ability, sets up the lofty ideal, cultivate social responsibility. (2) efforts to create successful record in reality develop self-esteem and self-confidence. (3) develop a wide range of interests and hobbies, more contact with the outside world, and enrich the content of the life, take an active part in social practice. (4) more than talk with parents and teachers, in life and learning for their help and guidance, psychological treatment should be carried out if necessary. (5) with a healthy attitude to network, and so on.

这两句话语法上有什么区别?when is the film start?与when does the film star?

前一个似乎应该写成 when is the film started? 这样就好从语法理解两句的区别了.,1,When is the film starting? When does the film start?,2,第一句话估计是你杜撰的,语法没有错,但文理不通; 第二句话,OK,1,第一句根本不对,0,这两句话语法上有什么区别? when is the film start?与when does the film start?

what does he look like?回答he looks sad 对吗

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