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明天考试,求大神帮我写一篇英语作文。作文题目是(does technology do good o?

2023-07-23 00:00:45

Possible essay:

Does Technology Do Good or Harm to Society?

Technology has become an essential part of human life, providing us with various tools and gadgets that enhance communication, convenience, and productivity. However, the impact of technology on society is not always positive, as it may also create new problems and challenges.

On the one hand, technology has brought many benefits to people"s lives. For example, the Internet has revolutionized the way we access information, connect with others, and participate in global events. Social media platforms have enabled us to share our thoughts, interests, and experiences with a wider audience, and to stay connected with friends and family regardless of distance or time zones. Mobile devices have made it possible to work, study, and entertain ourselves on the go, freeing us from the limitations of fixed locations and schedules.

Furthermore, technology has also contributed to scientific discoveries, medical advancements, and environmental sustainability. Through advanced research tools and innovative applications, scientists can explore new frontiers of knowledge, find cures for diseases, and preserve natural resources. Moreover, technology can facilitate the transition to renewable energy, reduce carbon emissions, and mitigate the impact of climate change.

On the other hand, technology has also created some negative effects on society. For instance, the overuse of technology can lead to addiction, isolation, and mental health issues, affecting people"s well-being and social skills. The proliferation of fake news, hate speech, and cyberbullying on the Internet can fuel misinformation, division, and prejudice, eroding the trust and cohesion of communities. The reliance on automation, artificial intelligence, and advanced robotics can also result in job loss, income inequality, and ethical dilemmas, raising concerns about the future of work and the role of human agency.

Therefore, it is important to recognize both the benefits and drawbacks of technology and to use it responsibly and ethically. Educating people on how to use technology in a safe, healthy, and productive way should be a priority, as well as fostering critical thinking, media literacy, and digital citizenship skills. Governments and organizations should also provide regulations and guidelines that ensure the ethical and transparent use of technology, protect people"s privacy and rights, and promote a sustainable and inclusive development.

In conclusion, technology is a double-edged sword that can bring both good and harm to society, depending on how we use it. By harnessing its potential positively and avoiding its pitfalls, we can build a better future for ourselves and for future generations.


Does Technology Do Good or Harm?

Technology has become an integral part of our lives, transforming the way we live, work, and communicate. It has brought immense convenience and efficiency, but also raised concerns about its impact on society. The question remains: Does technology do more good or harm?

On one hand, technology has revolutionized various aspects of our lives. It has improved communication, connecting people across the globe and breaking down geographical barriers. Through social media and online platforms, we can share ideas, collaborate, and foster a sense of global community. Additionally, technology has advanced medical research, leading to breakthroughs in treatments and saving countless lives.

Moreover, technology has enhanced education, making learning more interactive and accessible. With the internet, students can access a vast amount of information, engage in online courses, and connect with experts in their fields. This opens up opportunities for lifelong learning and skill development.

On the other hand, technology has its drawbacks. It has given rise to concerns about privacy and security. With the proliferation of digital devices and online platforms, personal information can be easily accessed and misused. Cybersecurity threats, such as hacking and identity theft, pose risks to individuals and organizations.

Furthermore, technology has led to increased sedentary lifestyles and reduced face-to-face interactions. People are spending more time on screens, leading to concerns about physical health and social isolation. Additionally, the rapid advancement of technology has led to job displacement and inequality, as automation replaces certain tasks and skills.

In conclusion, technology is a double-edged sword. It has undoubtedly brought numerous benefits, improving communication, healthcare, and education. However, it also comes with challenges such as privacy issues, sedentary lifestyles, and job displacement. To harness the positive potential of technology while mitigating its negative impacts, it is crucial to prioritize responsible use, ethical considerations, and ongoing dialogue about its effects on society. Ultimately, how technology affects us depends on how we embrace and adapt to its advancements.


Some say technology is a blessing; others say it"s a curse.

Today, thanks to exponential growth in processing power, storage, and

bandwidth, we have the ability to do things that were literally

impossible just a few years ago.

But, there is bad technology, like all kinds of weapons.

So it"s not about whether

technology is good or bad; it"s about what we decide to do with

technology that matters.,2,明天考试,求大神帮我写一篇英语作文。作文题目是(does technology do good o

明天考试,求大神帮我写一篇英语作文。作文题目是(does technology do good or evil)。内容是以下要求,跪求啊!!!



vt. 使缓和,使减轻 同义词comfort , obtundvi. 减轻,缓和下来 同义词to alleviate , ease off
2023-07-22 13:59:271


2023-07-22 13:59:351


solace 指在麻烦或者悲伤中使精神获得振奋或得到安慰,后面的宾语可以使是表示麻烦、忧伤等的抽象名词,也可以是表示人的具体名词或代词,如: solace their sadness. 抚平他们的悲伤。(宾语是抽象名词) solace oneself with whisky. 那忧伤的人以威士忌酒浇愁。 (宾语是反身代词) solace him with a hot cup of coffee. 用一杯热咖啡安慰他。(宾语是表示人的代词)mitigate 指使精神在力度或强度上得到缓和,其宾语只能是表示麻烦、悲伤、病痛或生气等的抽象名词。如: mitigate pain 减轻疼痛 mitigate suffering 减缓痛苦, mitigate grief 减缓忧伤 mitigate anger 平息愤怒 mitigate harm 降低伤害 console 对悲伤或痛苦中的人给予慰藉,其宾语只能是表示人的具体名词。如: console a friend in grief 在朋友忧伤时予以慰问 console a woman on the death of her husband; 对死去丈夫的女人进行慰问;
2023-07-22 14:00:331


(1)relax; relieve; remove. (2)cf. 疏解:1. mediate.2. ease up; mitigate; make sth. less difficult (bitter, etc.); relieve (traffic congestion, etc.). (2)至于指顶花(digitalis),又名毛地黄,却是提炼强心剂的原料,可以象征纾解和希望。 (3)这个“纾解”有感情在里面 重在这个“纾”字 它既和 “疏”近义 又和 “抒”近义。一字两意。既可以是疏通的意思,又是抒发的意思。我们都知道只有人才能抒发感情 动物和植物和事物都是不能抒发感情的。再有一个更重要的就是“纾解”只是缓解了 还需要继续。它和”疏解“是近义词,但“疏解是完全解决了的意思。
2023-07-22 14:00:581


2023-07-22 14:01:134


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2023-07-22 14:02:134


2023-07-22 14:02:244


东西很好 但是容易买到假的官网买 正品的唯一渠道百度婕斯 第一个就是 点进去推荐人写wanghuanjun就可以购买 也可以加入婕斯
2023-07-22 14:02:3311

新视野大学英语chance favors the prepared

2023-07-22 14:03:192


tools -- internet options -- advanced(工具----internet选项---高级) enable memory protection to help mitigate online attacks(启用内存保护以阻止在线攻击) tools -- internet options -- security (工具----internet选项---安全 ) enable protected mod (启用保护模块) user accounts(用户账号) turn user account control on or off (打开或关闭用户账号控制) never notify(不再提醒)
2023-07-22 14:03:381


force majeure clause
2023-07-22 14:04:044


额~是关于固井方面的,我就是SLB的 回头帮你请教一下固井部门的大婶~希望能给你帮助
2023-07-22 14:04:335

请帮我翻译一下 英语

独任仲裁员认为,既然双方选择了奥地利法律,合同是由销售公约管辖的国际销售奥地利,一缔约国的法律。对于交付的货物,但没有支付,仲裁员认为,卖方有权对他们的价款。至于由卖方出售,以减轻其损失,仲裁员认为,卖方的权利,以及是否可能,责任减轻损失。因此,卖方发现有权之间的合同价格与替代售价差异。仲裁员还认为,从付款日期应计利息的价格,是因为。由于双方协议规定,买方在收到支付每张发票,从该收据,这10天内发生的每张发票后发布之日起计利息。此外,仲裁员认为,由于利率管辖的事项,但销售公约未明确解决的,应当在规定解决办法的上销售公约所依据的一般原则。谈到艺术。 78和第74条,仲裁员发现,全额赔偿是基本销售公约的一般原则之一。研究还发现,在商人之间的关系,预计卖方,由于延迟付款,通常会诉诸于本国的实践方面的支付货币的利率,银行信贷。这种货币可以是卖方的国家的货币,或任何其他外国currenc辎商定各方。仲裁员认为,艺术的申请。国际统一私法协会国际商事合同原则7.4.9会导致同样的结果。获利率平均是卖方的国家(奥地利)最优惠利率就支付货币(美元和德国马克)。
2023-07-22 14:04:483


We feel really sorry to receive your negative feedback. In order to reduce your losses to the minimum, we are giving you a full refund as well as the book; hopefully this would mitigate our negligence. We have limited ratings because this is a new shop, we value your feedback very much. We guarantee that we shall provide better quality service in future, and ensure that this kind of incidents will not be repeated. Once again, we would like to extend our sincere apology to you.
2023-07-22 14:05:143


Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule.
2023-07-22 14:05:323


【专升本快速报名和免费咨询: 】1、手机市场份额To start, with the astonishing advancing rate of technological progression and innovation in recent years, cutting-edge technology (尖端技术) has been applied to domestic-made phone, and China"s independent mobile phone brands have risenby leaps and bounds (突飞猛进地), which fundamentally enhances its cost performance and competition.首先,随着近几年科技进步和创新以令人震惊的速度向前发展,尖端技术被广泛应用到国产手机生产制作中。这从根本上提高了国产手机的性价比和竞争力。因此,中国的自主手机品牌以一种很快的速度崛起。2、我国汽车产量In addition, it must be pointed out that with people"s disposable income growing and the price of domestically-produced cars falling significantly, domestic automobiles enter more and more families as a necessary means of transportation, thus promoting the automobile industry.另外,必须指出的是,随着国民可支配收入的增加,以及国产汽车价格的大幅下降,汽车作为一种必要的交通工具进入越来越多的家庭,从而推动了汽车行业的发展。From my perspective, as a result of the boom in the automobile industry, the total number of vehicles in cities has witnessed a great increase, raising concerns about the environmental pollution and the traffic jam. Therefore, we should take effective measures to, if not avert, mitigate such problems.依我之见,汽车行业的繁荣造成城市里的汽车的总量大增,引起环境污染、交通拥堵等令人担忧的问题。所以,我们要采取有效措施,缓解乃至避免这些问题。 专升本有疑问、不知道如何总结专升本考点内容、不清楚专升本报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:
2023-07-22 14:05:401


It"s my pleasure. You can have a look at if you have free time that can mitigate your pressure.
2023-07-22 14:05:484


1 She walk around the stores one by one ,finaly she payed for her esssentials at a price that she can afford.2 She never talk to me other than ask me for something.3 You should aim at doing a good job for good .4 She was tied to take care her diseased father at home .5 This road was designed to mitigate the busy traffic.6 society is made up by a wide variety of pepole,somebody good ,somebody bad,and somebody between them.
2023-07-22 14:06:235


2023-07-22 14:07:262

用adjust to 怎么造句,带翻译。

Sam quickly adjusted to the rugged life of a frontier mining town.塞姆很快适应了边境矿区的艰苦生活。
2023-07-22 14:07:513


2023-07-22 14:08:111


2023-07-22 14:08:261


  1、reduce pressure :减轻压力   2、durelieve stress:缓解压力   3、alleviate one"s pressure :缓解压力   4、ease one"s pressure :减轻压力   5、mitigate one"s pressure:缓解压力
2023-07-22 14:08:321


reduce是一种主观的减少、降低,主语是使减少的外力,to make something smaller or less in size, amount, or price; decrese是一种客观的减少、下降,主语是减少的东西(size, amount, or price etc.),to go down to a lower level, or to make something do this.
2023-07-22 14:08:401

缓解问题的英文 应该是怎么写呢? 是mitigate the issues吗?还是有什么更好的呢?

2023-07-22 14:08:483


1、宽畅释义:⑴ [free from worry;happy;cheerful] ∶心情开朗愉快,胸怀舒畅⑵ [spacious;wide]∶宽阔空敞2、宽敞释义:⑴ [spacious;roomy;commodious]∶宽阔;宽大。寺庙宽敞⑵ [free from worry;happy;cheerful]∶心情变好,犹宽畅心里感到宽敞了许多。3、宽绰释义:⑴ [spacious;commodious]∶空间宽阔,不狭窄。这间屋子很宽绰。⑵ [comfortably off;well-off]∶宽裕,财用富足有余。手头儿不宽绰。4、宽大释义:⑴ [roomy;spacious;wide;loose]∶面积或容积大的。宽大的候车室。⑵ [lenient;magnanimous]∶大度;宽厚,不苛刻。宽大政策。5、宽宏,宽宏,宽弘释义:⑴ [magnanimous;generous;broad-minded]∶心胸开阔,度量大度量宽宏。⑵ [spacious;wide]∶宽阔 宽宏的夹树道扩展资料宽字释义1、〈形〉舒缓;延缓 [relieve]如:宽延(宽缓,延缓);宽柔(宽缓和柔);宽快(畅快,舒服;衣服肥大);宽缓(委婉和缓)2、〈名〉宽度,广度 [breadth;width]如:这条河有一里~;国旗的~是长的三分之二;球场的~和长都有严格规定3、〈动〉放松;放宽 [loose;relieve]衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。——宋·柳永《凤栖梧》又如:宽制(放宽法制);宽律(放宽刑律);宽放(放宽);宽限(宽延期限)4、〈动〉宽免;宽恕 [mitigate and annul;pardon]杀人者不死而伤人者不刑,是谓惠暴而宽贼也。——《荀子·正论》又如:宽贳(宽恕;宽赦);宽护(宽恕庇护);宽减(从宽减免);宽缓(宽容而不急迫)5、〈动〉减轻 [lighten;relax]宽徭役。——《盐铁论·诛秦》又如:宽征(减轻或缓征赋税);宽痛(减轻痛苦);宽徭(减轻徭役)
2023-07-22 14:09:081


2023-07-22 14:09:183


问题一:手头宽松 里 手头 的意思 手头 指人一时的经济情况 问题二:宽松是什么意思 宽松?[kuān sōng] 宽松,汉语词汇。 指宽绰;不拥挤;富裕。如:日子过好了,手头宽松了。 注音: kuān sōng 中文名 宽松 外文名 less crowded 注音 ㄎㄨㄢ ㄙㄨㄙ 拼音 kuān sōng 基本解释 [less crowded]∶宽绰;不拥挤。 列车开动以后,拥挤的车厢略为宽松了一些。 问题三:手头是什么意思 1.伸手可以拿到的地方 2.正在做或待做的事 3.指人一时的经济情况 问题四:“松”是什么意思? 1、种子植物的一属,一般为常绿乔木,脂可提取松香或松节油等。种子可榨油和食用:~针。~脂。~香。~子。 2、稀散,不紧密,不靠拢,与“紧”相对:捆得太~。土质~软。蓬~。宽~。疏~。~懈。 3、放开:~手。~绑。~心。 4、用瘦肉做成的茸毛或碎末形的食品:肉~。鱼~。 5、姓或名。 互相称呼时要看语境,一般就是姓或名。 问题五:色松手书上,保巴斯是什么意思? 保健老师一松和篮球(basketball)队员空松 问题六:哎,这段时间手头太紧了!紧是什么意思 顾名思义:紧,意为不宽松 手头紧:手头不宽松,生活有点拮据,但还可以勉强维持,只是没有其他的付出能力了 问题七:周公解梦见说的拔攉是什么意思 周公解梦结果。梦见解说的拔攉:展现你亲切和缓的解说态度,才能达成沟通的目的!你已能慢慢打开自己的内心,去相信对方,和对方分享心中的感受。手头呈现宽松的状态,因此你在消费时就会变得比较随性。在工作/学业上的人缘相当的好,能得到他人的协助。 问题八:第一次牵女孩手跟她说头一次牵,结果她松来了这是什么意思! 她不喜欢你呗 问题九:宽字有多少种意思? 部首笔画 部首:宀 部外笔画:7 总笔画:10 五笔86:PAMQ 五笔98:PAMQ 仓颉:JTBU 笔顺编号:4451222535 四角号码:30212 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+5BBD 基本字义 1. 横的距离大,范围广,与“窄”相对:~广。~阔。~绰。~敞。~度。~旷。~窄。 2. 使松缓:~心。~衣。~解。~慰。 3. 不严厉,不苛求:~待。~宏。~厚。~松。~容。~恕。~仁。~赦。 4. 富裕:~裕。 5. 姓。 6. 阔 详细字义 〈形〉 1. (形声。从宀( mián),表示与房屋有关,苋( kuān)声。本义:房屋宽敞) 2. 同本义 [spacious] 宽,屋宽大也。――《说文》 府寺宽敞。――《后汉书u30fb刘般传》 3. 又如:宽厂(宽敞);宽空(宽畅,不阻塞);宽转(宽敞有余地) 4. 广阔;面积大。与“狭”相对 [broad;wide] 云水洞庭宽。――张祜《送韦整尉长沙》 5. 横的距离大[wide] 阶庭宽窄才容足。――白居易《题新居寄元八》 6. 又如:宽乡(指地广人稀之地);宽平(指宽阔平坦之处);宽衍(宽阔平坦) 7. 度量宽宏;宽厚 [lenient] 宽兮绰兮。――《诗u30fb卫风u30fb淇奥》。传:“宽能容众。” 言宽以居之。――《易u30fb文》 宽而栗。――《书u30fb皋谟》。郑注:“谓度量宽宏。” 文帝宽,不忍罚。――《汉书u30fb吴王刘濞传》 宽哉,不被于利。――《韩非子u30fb说林下》 不知将军宽之至此也。――《史记u30fb廉颇蔺相如列传》 宽厚而爱人。――汉u30fb 贾谊《过秦论》 陈明选宽厚呕煦。――清u30fb 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》 8. 又如:宽洪(心胸宽阔器量大);宽猛相济(指施政时要宽严相辅而行);宽民(待民众宽厚,不苛刻);宽泽(宽仁有恩德);宽绰(宽弘广大。多指器量) 9. 舒缓;延缓 [relieve]。如:宽延(宽缓,延缓);宽柔(宽缓和柔);宽快(畅快,舒服;衣服肥大);宽缓(委婉和缓) 10. 宽坐(多坐一会儿。留坐的敬词)宽松;松弛。紧的反义词 [loose] 虽褐宽博,吾不惴焉。――《孟子u30fb公孙丑上》 11. 又如:宽余(肥大,宽松);宽褪(过分肥大);宽衫(古人穿在外面的长袍,具有普通礼服的性质) 12. 多;富裕 [abundant] 以二人居室十间,公田一顷,宽然有余矣。――洪亮吉《治平篇》 13. 又如:宽饮(劝酒之词。表示请人多喝些酒) 〈名〉 1. 宽度,广度 [breadth;width]。如:这条河有一里宽;国旗的宽是长的三分之二;球场的宽和长都有严格规定 〈动〉 1. 放松;放宽 [loose;relieve] 则械系不稍宽。――清u30fb 方苞《狱中杂记》 2. 又 终亦稍宽之。 衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。――宋u30fb 柳永《凤栖梧》 3. 又如:宽制(放宽法制);宽律(放宽刑律);宽放(放宽);宽限(宽延期限) 4. 宽免;宽恕 [mitigate and annul;pardon] 杀人者不死而伤人者不刑,是谓惠暴而宽贼也。――《荀子u30fb正论》 遂宽其同气之罪。――唐u30fb 李朝威《柳毅传》 5. 又如:宽贳(宽恕;宽赦);宽护(宽恕庇护);宽减(从宽减免);宽缓(宽容而不急迫) 6. 减轻 [lighten;relax] 宽徭役。――《盐铁论u30fb诛秦》 7. 又如:宽征(减轻或缓征赋税);宽痛(减轻痛苦);宽徭(减轻徭役) 8. 宽慰;宽解 [console]。如:宽勉(宽解勉励);宽譬(劝慰宽解,使人消解愁闷) 9. 卸脱;解......>>
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1、宽畅释义:⑴ [free from worry;happy;cheerful] ∶心情开朗愉快,胸怀舒畅⑵ [spacious;wide]∶宽阔空敞2、宽敞释义:⑴ [spacious;roomy;commodious]∶宽阔;宽大。寺庙宽敞⑵ [free from worry;happy;cheerful]∶心情变好,犹宽畅心里感到宽敞了许多。3、宽绰释义:⑴ [spacious;commodious]∶空间宽阔,不狭窄。这间屋子很宽绰。⑵ [comfortably off;well-off]∶宽裕,财用富足有余。手头儿不宽绰。4、宽大释义:⑴ [roomy;spacious;wide;loose]∶面积或容积大的。宽大的候车室。⑵ [lenient;magnanimous]∶大度;宽厚,不苛刻。宽大政策。5、宽宏,宽宏,宽弘释义:⑴ [magnanimous;generous;broad-minded]∶心胸开阔,度量大度量宽宏。⑵ [spacious;wide]∶宽阔 宽宏的夹树道扩展资料宽字释义1、〈形〉舒缓;延缓 [relieve]如:宽延(宽缓,延缓);宽柔(宽缓和柔);宽快(畅快,舒服;衣服肥大);宽缓(委婉和缓)2、〈名〉宽度,广度 [breadth;width]如:这条河有一里~;国旗的~是长的三分之二;球场的~和长都有严格规定3、〈动〉放松;放宽 [loose;relieve]衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。——宋·柳永《凤栖梧》又如:宽制(放宽法制);宽律(放宽刑律);宽放(放宽);宽限(宽延期限)4、〈动〉宽免;宽恕 [mitigate and annul;pardon]杀人者不死而伤人者不刑,是谓惠暴而宽贼也。——《荀子·正论》又如:宽贳(宽恕;宽赦);宽护(宽恕庇护);宽减(从宽减免);宽缓(宽容而不急迫)5、〈动〉减轻 [lighten;relax]宽徭役。——《盐铁论·诛秦》又如:宽征(减轻或缓征赋税);宽痛(减轻痛苦);宽徭(减轻徭役)
2023-07-22 14:09:321


Here is a list of suggestions for using chemical knowledge to address environmental pollution:Develop and implement advanced treatment technologies for wastewater treatment plants, such as using chemical flocculants to remove pollutants from wastewater.Promote the use of environmentally friendly chemical processes in industrial production to reduce emissions of hazardous substances and reduce pollution.Develop and promote biodegradable materials and products to replace traditional plastics, which can help reduce plastic waste in the environment.Use advanced analytical techniques, such as mass spectrometry and chromatography, to identify and quantify pollutants in the environment and improve the accuracy of environmental monitoring.Develop and implement innovative technologies for soil remediation, such as using chemical oxidation and reduction to remove organic pollutants.Promote the use of green chemistry principles in the development and production of chemicals to minimize waste and pollution.Develop and promote renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind power, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change.Use chemical sensors and monitoring systems to detect and track environmental pollutants in real-time, which can help identify pollution sources and reduce environmental harm.Develop and promote sustainable farming practices that minimize the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which can reduce soil and water pollution.Collaborate with government agencies, academic institutions, and industry partners to develop and implement effective policies and regulations to reduce environmental pollution and promote sustainable development.These suggestions highlight the importance of using chemical knowledge to address environmental pollution and promote sustainable development. By implementing these strategies, we can work together to create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world for future generations.如果我的回答对您有所帮助,希望能够获得您的采纳!感谢支持!
2023-07-22 14:09:401


2023-07-22 14:09:482


问题一:减轻心理压力用英语怎么说 stress relieving 问题二:减小学习压力用英语怎么说 Relieve the pressure from study. 问题三:如何减轻压力英语作文 How to Reduce Stress Stress is an inevitable part in our normal life. Many kinds of things, such as natural disasters, war and death can cause too much stress in our life. But according to a psychologist, on a day-to-day basis, stress may result from the *** all things: takingan exam, waiting in line, and having too many things to do in a limited time. We all need stress to add flavor, challenge, and opportunity to life, but too much stress can seriously affect our physical and mental well-being, It reduces the body's immunity and harms the brain, If the stress lasts a long time, it may cause physical illness, insomnia, headaches, backaches, ulcers, high blood pressure-even heart disease. When stress does occur, it's important to recognize and deal with it. There ore some methods we can try. A large number of physical activities can reduce onxiety. Shoring our stress with others can be enormously helpful. Making time for fun such os listening to music may be good medicine. Sometimes even crying is on efficient way to releose stress.问题四:"减轻压力"用英语五种表达法,谢谢 reduce pressure depress alleviate one"s pressure ease one"s pressure mitigate one"s pressure 第一种最常用. 记得采纳啊问题五:缓解压力的英文怎么写啊 relieve stress 希望采纳问题六:如何减轻压力英语作文 How to Reduce StressDirections: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a position on the topic How to Reduce Stress。 You should write at least 100 words, and base your position on the outline given in Chinese below。1.产生压力的原因。2.压力对人身心健康的危害。How to Reduce StressStress is an inevitable part in our normal life。 Many kinds of things, such as natural disasters, war and death can cause too much stress in our life。 But according to a psychologist, on a day-to-day basis, stress may result from the *** all things: taking an exam, waiting in line, and having too many things to do in a limited time。We all need stress to add flavor, challenge, azk168nd opportunity to life, but too much stress can seriously affect our physical and mental well-being, It reduces the body's immunity and harms the brain, If the stress lasts a long time, it may cause physical illness, insomnia, headaches, backaches, ulcers, high blood pressure-even heart disease。When stress does occur, it's important to recognize and deal with it。 There ore some methods we can try。 A large number of physical activities can reduce onxiety。 Shoring our stress with others can be enormously helpful。 Making time for fun such os listening to music may be good medicine。 Sometimes even crying is on efficient way to releose stress。原文地址:......>>
2023-07-22 14:09:551


要求保留贷款发放人的股权组别,以缓解委托-代理链条对于最终借款人的信息收集和监测的负面影响。equity tranche 英文也称为 first-loss tranche 中文意思都是【股权组别】
2023-07-22 14:10:141


普通人买东西都会存在讨价还价的心理,商家为了满足消费者这样的心理,把商品价格进行降价,以期更好的达到促销的目的!将商品的原有价格进行百分比的换算后卖出.  计算方法:原价×(折扣÷10)优惠 :  汉语拼音:yōu huì  形容词  英文:〖preferential〗  惠:给好处。比一般优厚:优惠价|优惠条件|殷勤晓谕,优惠困穷。 减免  jiǎnmiǎn  [mitigate or annul the punishment;reduce or remit the taxation] 减少或取消  减免考试
2023-07-22 14:10:241


With the popularity of computer networks, development of network technology, as well as consumers" concept of upgrading the online shopping is becoming a major mode of the daily lives of people shopping, e-commerce will rise.As e-commerce model in C2C mode, is a major platform for online shopping, because of asymmetric information, online payment security, and e-commerce supply chain caused by the after-sales service rights and responsibilities are not clear and other reasons, caused by the buyerC2C online shopping and the seller between a crisis of confidence from the surface of the development of C2C e-commerce model, the study of effective methods and measures to mitigate this mistrust has important practical significance.
2023-07-22 14:10:324


2023-07-22 14:10:412


ANSWER:都有帮助,但帮助都非常有限。所谓联想法指的是利用谐音、拆分等手段,将英语单词联想为某个与之意思相关的汉语单词来辅助记忆。比如,“ambulance谐音是‘俺不能死",所以意思叫救护车”、“adamant可以拆开看作是adam‘亚当"和ant‘蚂蚁",而亚当和蚂蚁都很坚定,所以adamant叫‘坚定的"”都是典型的联想法。联想法记单词确实是有一定理论依据的:研究发现,人在记忆信息时,通常是记忆的内容越有意义则记忆效果越好,如记忆文章比记同样长度的、没有意义的音节记忆效果好得多。因此联想法可以帮助学习者把相对不那么有意义的外语单词转变为相对更有意义的母语单词,从而提高记忆效率。但联想法最大的问题在于,并不是每个英语单词都可以让人很自然地联想到与之意思相关的汉语词。英语里像hysteria这种意思叫歇斯底里,谐音也是歇斯底里的情况是极为少见的(歇斯底里这个汉语词其实根本就是hysteria音译过来的),大多数的联想其实都像上面举的ambulence和adamant差不多:前者勉强还有点像那么回事,而后者则完全是生拉硬拽胡思乱想。而且,即使是前面说的联想法可以帮助学习者把外语单词对应为更有意义的母语单词这一用途,也仅仅对几乎没学过英语的人有比较明显的效果,学习者英语水平越高则效果越差,对高水平的学习者而言效果微乎其微。因为在后者看来,英语单词的构词和发音方式都已足够熟悉,其有意义程度已经很高,此时去花心思去记很可能是生拉硬拽的联想远不如直接把单词记住自然。这也是为什么越高水平的学习者对联想法接受度越低。因此对于联想法我个人建议,英语初学者可以多借助联想,而高阶学习者则应少用联想;此外,对于比较自然的联想(如hysteria这样天生就是个谐音的情况)则不用白不用,但如果找不到自然的联想方式的话,还是直接死记硬背比较好。而所谓词根词缀法(又叫词源法),指的是利用以词根词缀为主的词源信息去记单词。词根词缀统称词素,语言学上的定义一般为“能独立表示意思的最小单元”。比如propel(“推动”)这个单词从构词上讲是由前缀pro-(表示“向前”)和词根pel(来自拉丁语pellere,表示“推”)构成。其中pro-和pel都有各自的意思,因此为词素,但字母p本身没有实际意思,因此不为词素。再比如,包含词根pel的单词还包括repel(“击退;使反感”;其中前缀re-在这里表示“回去”,因此其字面意思为“推回去”)、expel(“驱逐”;前缀ex-表示“向外”,因此其字面意思为“向外推”)等。词根词缀法的支持者声称,由于单词是由词根词缀组成的,因此掌握了词根词缀之后可以轻松地掌握单词。但实际上这一说法是有严重问题的,因为第一,很多单词是没有词根词缀的,比如apple。第二,很多时候一个词根只会在一个单词及其派生词里出现,所以用途非常有限,比如mitigat(“缓和”)这个词根基本上只在mitigate(“缓和”)、mitigator、mitigating这几个词里出现过,此时为了记这些单词而去记这个词根显然是没有意义的,因为直接去记单词要方便得多。第三,即使已经知道一个单词的词根,也不一定能借此去助记单词的意思,因为很多时候单词由词根词缀推出的字面意思和其实际意思可能有很大区别,甚至表面上看来完全没关系(比如你能想像mercy“手下留情”这个词的词根merc表示的意思是“商品、贸易”吗),此时与其花费大量时间精力去追根溯源研究单词究竟如何从字面意思一步步发展到今天实际意思,远远不如直接死记硬背把单词记住方便快捷。第四,借助词根词缀背单词的一个基本前提是掌握足够多的词根词缀,但问题在于词根词缀相关知识庞大而复杂,掌握起来非常不容易,因此靠词根词缀背单词很多时候是不划算的。词源知识的错综复杂和变幻莫测程度简直可以说是令人发指:首先同一个词根在不同单词中的写法可能完全不同(比如你能看出来mischievous“淘气的”和capital“首都”是来自同一个词根的单词吗?),其次拼写相同的字母组合实际上有可能是完全不同的词根(比如solitary“单独的”和console“安慰”中的sol分别来自solus“单独”和solari“安抚”),因此很难想象学习者会有时间和精力去充分掌握这些知识。所以,我说词源对背单词帮助有限并不是因为它没用(毕竟多掌握一些词汇知识无论如何都不是坏事),而是因为这种方法的投入和产出严重不成比例,划不来。个人认为词根词缀唯一有实践意义的用途在于,通过词根词缀可以把单词串到一起去记,尤其是把生词和已经掌握的单词联系到一起,从而使学习者可以借助旧单词去掌握新单词,提高一些记单词的效率。比如对于前面举的propel、repel、expel的例子,如果这些单词一个都不认识的话则应先死记硬背记住至少一个,而如果已经认识其中一个的话,借助词根pel去记剩下两个以及其他来自pel的单词(dispel, compel, propeller, repellent等)比起全都死记硬背要容易一些。所以说,鉴于词根词缀的主要用途在于帮助学习者利用旧单词去学新单词,所以只有需要掌握大量单词的学习者才有理由去了解词根词缀。如果你背单词只是为了过四级的话,完全不需要借助词根词缀,因为四级大纲只有四千多个词(其中两千还是高中大纲里有的),对于记这点单词而言研究词根带来的负担远大于帮助(这也是为什么中学和非英语专业的大学课堂上几乎都不会讲词根词缀)。只有当你需要掌握特别多的单词时(比如说你想在GRE或者SAT考试里取得高分,或者你是英语专业的——这几种情况一般都需要你有至少一万的词汇量),掌握词源知识所带来的收益才抵得上成本。此外,即使是对于需要掌握词根的学习者,通常也只需要掌握在单词中最常见和最直观(比如上面举的pel)的十几个到几十个词根,至于其他那些少见的和莫名其妙的则完全不需要管。毕竟学习词根本质上是在研究词源,所以这不是普通学习者应该过分投入精力的事。
2023-07-22 14:10:511


The book which has the greatest impact on me is called Silenced. It vividly depicts how a group of deaf and mute children were treated after sexual haras *** ent. After finishing this book I realised that even though we cannot change our fate we may let ourselves not be changed by our fate by standing firm in our beliefs and conscience. Also through this book I can deeply feel the helplessness of the powerless in society as well as the indifference of the majority to the injustice of society. They make me ire to help the needy as much as I can when I have the ability so as to reduce their suffering. 影响我最深的书叫《熔炉》。 The book “The Crucible” gives me the deepest impressiveness. 本书讲一班聋唖儿童被性侵后的遭遇。 This book talks about the experience of the deaf-mute children who was sexually abuse 此书令我明白到既然无法改变我们的命运 唯有继续坚持自己的信念及良知 不要令命运改变我们。 It makes me understand that if the destiny we cannot change because of the fate. The only way go on our life is to insist the belief and conscience from our heart and do not bend the knee to the heartbreak fate even changing the dignity of our own. 另外 《熔炉》亦令我深深体会到弱势社群面对强权的无助及大部份人对社会不公义的冷漠。 Besides “The Crucible” again shows me the realization of the social vulnerable group is under the brutality and a lot of people in the society allow the unconcernedness on this unfairness. 令我立志在有能力时全力帮助弱势社群 减轻他们所受的苦。 This gives me strength to determine my goal to help the social vulnerable group inside our society and tries to relieve their sorrow. 2014-06-13 19:07:12 补充: The only way go on our life is to insist the belief and conscience from our heart and do not bend the knee to the heartbreak fate even changing the dignity of our own. Affect my deepest book called "melting pot." The book stresses encountered a group of deaf children are sexual openmouthedness post. This book made u200bu200bme understand Since it is impossible to change our destiny only to continue to adhere to their beliefs and conscience do not make me change destiny Who. In addition the "melting pot" made u200bu200bme deeply appreciate the power of the disadvantaged face and most helpless people on social injustice Indifference. When I was determined to have the ability to help the disadvantaged effort to alleviate their sufferings. The book that taught me lessons is called Yiom Lo(熔炉). This tells the sufferings after sexual abuse to a group of mute and deaf childred. This told us that since the defect is unchangeable we should insist our own belief and determination to true and wrong. Therefore we can make our future and fate. Besides this I relisead deeply that the disadvantaged minorities are facing treatment of injustice from powerful bodies. I ired to give hands to the needy in order to mitigate their sufferings when i am able to.
2023-07-22 14:10:581

急!510(k)注册中indication for use和intended use有什么区别

这个是我在美国食品药品监督管理局上面查到的,希望有用哈"Intended Use" refers to the functional capability of the device. It also refers to the objective intent of the person legally responsible for the labeling of the device。"Indications" are the disease(s) or condition(s) the device will diagnose, treat, prevent, cure, or mitigate and a description of the target population ...还需要更为详细的信息,可以参见
2023-07-22 14:11:071

汽车的好处 英语作文

    With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by bus. The popularization of private car has many advantages. 随着现代科技的发展,私人汽车对普通人来说已不再是奢侈品,越来越多的人们自己驾车上班而不是选择乘坐公共汽车.私人汽车的普及有许多好处. First, it is very convenient and time-saving ,you can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for working.Second,it can also improve the traffic structure,and help to mitigate the stress of the traffic.Third, the popularization of private car can help to promote the car industry and any other interrelated industries. 首先,这很方便省时.你可以自己开着车前往工作地点,不必等侯拥挤的公交车,而且担心会迟到.第二,这也有利于优化交通结构,帮助减轻交通压力.第三,私家车的流行有助于汽车产业及其他相关产业的发展. I believe that in the future the private car will become the most important vehicle and we cann"t live without it. 我相信不久的将来私家车会成为最重要的交通工具,我们日常生活都会离不开他.
2023-07-22 14:11:281


Just a few days ago,I was going online at home .when I saw a great nummber of nwes about the car accident I got very shocked.It is one of the most terrible things in the world not only for the victims itself but also for the others. In theose car accidents said above most partly lead by drunk driving ,the drivers had drunk a lot before they started to drive ,so awful and terrible for they doing that dangerous behaivor. for the sake of safety of youself and for the happiness of your family never do drunk driving in your life!还有这个Mel Gibson was arrested by the Los Angeles County Sheriff"s Department in Malibu, Calif. for suspicion of DUI. Bail was set at $5,000. A spokesman for the Los Angeles Country Sheriff"s Department told TMZ, "Mel Gibson was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence. " With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by bus. The popularization of private car has many advantages.First, it is very convenient and time-saving ,you can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for working.Second,it can also improve the traffic structure,and help to mitigate the stress of the traffic.Third, the popularization of private car can help to promote the car industry and any other interrelated industries. I believe that in the future the private car will become the most important vehicle and we cann"t live without it.
2023-07-22 14:11:362


u3000u3000With the development of the modern technologyuff0cprivate car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary peopleuff0cmore and more people drive to work instead of going by bus. The popularization of private car has many advantages.Firstuff0c it is very convenient and time-saving uff0cyou can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for working.Seconduff0cit can also improve the traffic structureuff0cand help to mitigate the stress of the traffic.Thirduff0c the popularization of private car can help to promote the car industry and any other interrelated industries. I believe that in the future the private car will become the most important vehicle and we cann"t live without it.
2023-07-22 14:11:431


With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by bus.The popularization of private car has many advantages.First, it is very convenient and time-saving ,you can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for working.Second,it can also improve the traffic structure,and help to mitigate the stress of the traffic.Third, the popularization of private car can help to promote the car industry and any other interrelated industries.
2023-07-22 14:11:531


If I were to start a business, there are several factors that I would consider. Firstly, I would look at the market demand and whether there is a need for the product or service that I want to offer. This would involve conducting market research and understanding the competition.Secondly, I would consider the financial viability of the business. I would need to determine the start-up costs, ongoing expenses, and projected revenue. This would involve creating a budget and developing a business plan.Thirdly, I would consider the resources that I have available, such as skills, experience, and networks. I would need to assess whether I have the necessary expertise to run the business and whether I can leverage my existing contacts to help me succeed.Lastly, I would consider the potential risks and challenges associated with starting a business. This would involve identifying potential obstacles and developing contingency plans to mitigate them.Overall, starting a business requires careful consideration of a range of factors. By taking a systematic approach, I believe that I can increase my chances of success and achieve my entrepreneurial goals.
2023-07-22 14:12:012


Technology has had a profound impact on our lives in recent years. From smartphones to social media, it seems that we are constantly connected to technology in some way. In this essay, I will discuss how technology has changed our lives in a variety of ways, both positive and negative.One of the most obvious ways that technology has changed our lives is through communication. We can now communicate with people all over the world in real-time, thanks to tools like email, instant messaging, and video chat. This has made it easier for us to stay in touch with friends and family, no matter where they are located. It has also made it easier for businesses to connect with customers and to collaborate with other companies.Another way that technology has changed our lives is through entertainment. We now have access to a wide variety of entertainment options, from streaming movies and TV shows to playing video games online. This has made it easier for us to find the content that we enjoy and to access it from anywhere, at any time.Technology has also had a significant impact on the way that we work. Many jobs can now be done remotely, thanks to tools like video conferencing and cloud computing. This has made it easier for people to work from home or from anywhere in the world, which can be a great way to achieve a better work-life balance.While technology has many benefits, there are also some negative aspects to consider. One of the biggest concerns is the impact that technology can have on our mental health. Social media, in particular, has been linked to feelings of anxiety and depression, as people compare themselves to others and feel pressure to present a perfect image online.Another concern is the impact that technology can have on our privacy. With so much of our personal data being collected by companies, there is a risk that our information could be used in ways that we do not approve of. This is a significant concern, particularly as more and more of our daily activities are tracked and monitored by technology.Despite these concerns, I believe that technology has had a positive impact on our lives overall. It has made communication easier, provided us with access to a wealth of entertainment options, and made it easier for us to work and be productive. However, it is important that we are aware of the potential negative effects of technology and take steps to mitigate them, so that we can continue to benefit from all that technology has to offer.In conclusion, technology has changed our lives in many ways, both positive and negative. While there are certainly concerns to consider, I believe that the benefits of technology far outweigh the drawbacks. As we continue to embrace new technologies and explore new ways of using them, I am excited to see how they will continue to shape our lives in the years to come.
2023-07-22 14:12:101


2023-07-22 14:12:3010

什么是考试高频词 背出来才能征服GMAT阅读

什么是GMAT阅读高频词?所谓高频词,就是指在GMAT阅读考试中,经常出现的词汇。经过GMAT老师和考生的总结整理,可以发现这些词汇往往关系到对于阅读题目的快速理解和关键词答案提示,如果能掌握好会对提高阅读成绩起到很大的作用。如何运用GMAT高频词?1. 首先要找到一份合适的整理资料,高频词的总结整理资料到处都有,在资料的准备上面宜精不宜多,如果有搭配的文章进行解析则会有助于理解和记忆,比较推荐这类资料。2. 找到好资料还要学会正确的使用。背诵是第一步,不要只背词汇,最好结合实际的例句进行联想记忆,彻底弄清楚其含义。这样在考试时才能第一时间做出正确反应。新GMAT必备高频词整理according to, accurate, adapt, adaptability, adaptable, adaptation, adequate, admittedly, aggregate,alternative, analogous, analogously, analysis, analyze, approach, approximate, arbitrarily, arbitrary, arguably, argue, argument, assume, assumption.balanced, basis, behavior, belief, cascading, categorize, cause, characteristic, commensurately, compare, comparison, compatible, competing, complex, complexity, concede, conceive, conceivably, conclude, conclusion, condition, conditional, conditionally, consequence, consequently, consider, consideration, consistent, consistently, contrary, in contrast, controversy, controversial, converse, conversely, convincing, convincingly, corollary, corrective, correspondingly, counteract, counterproductive, critical, criticism, criticize, cumulative, decidedly, deduce, deduction, define, definition, demonstrably, demonstrate, design, despite, determination, determine, detrimental, discernible, discover, discuss, discussion, disputable, dispute, distinct, distinguish, domain, due to.eliminate, entail, entity, environment, equally, equivalence, equivalent, establish, estimate, evaluate, evaluation, event, evidence, examination, examine, except, exception, exhibit, exhibition, exist, existential, experience, experiment, explain, explanation, explicit, exponential, failure, familiar, feasible, footnote, granted, guarantee, hence, hypothesis, hypothesize, hypothetical, idea, identical, illogical, impact, implication, implicit, implies, imply, incompatible., inconsistent, increase, in addition to, in fact, in order to, in particular, in response to, in the guise of, indeed, indicates, indisputable, indisputably, induce, induction, inextricably, infeasible, infer, inform, insight, insightful, instability, instead, intangible, intensify, intensified, interpret, interpretation, intractable, investigate, investigation.justification, justify, knowledge, likelihood, likely, limitation, limited, logical, magnitude, matched, maximize, maximum, measure, measurement, method, minimize, minimum, mitigate, model, moreover, multiple, nearly, necessary, negative, negatively, negligible, nevertheless, numerical, notable, notwithstanding, novel, observation, observe, offset, on the other hand, optimum, otherwise, ostensibly, outweigh, overestimate, paradigm, particular, particularly, parameter, pattern, penultimate, percent, percentage, permanently, pertinent, phase, phenomenon, positive, positively, possibility, possible, possibly, potentially, predict, previously, primarily, primary, probability, probable, probably, problem, problematic, process, propensity, proves,rationale, reason, reasoning, recently, redesign, reduce, redundant, regardless of, relation, relative, relatively, reliability, require, requirement, requires, research, respective, respectively, result, reveal, rigorous, rigorously, riskier, salient, science, severe, severity, significantly, similarly, simultaneous, since, specific, specifically, specified, specify, speculate, speculative, stable, stability, still, stipulate, strengthen, strictly, structure, structured, study, subsequent, subsequently, substantially, success, successive, sufficient, sufficiently, suggest, summarize, suppose, supposition, susceptibility, susceptible, systemic, tangible, technique, temporarily, theoretical, theories, theory, therefore, thus, tractable, tradeoff, traditional, truth, ultimately, unconditional, undeniably, underestimate, understand, understanding, undoubtedly, unfamiliar, uniformly, unique, unless, unmatched, unquestionably, unstable, unusual, valid, validate, validity, variance, variation, weaken, weigh, yield
2023-07-22 14:13:331


2023-07-22 14:13:453

对照win7 ie8 翻译中文,谢谢

1,先设置下IE8的浏览器,工具 - Internet选项 - 高级里面,取消启用内存保护帮助减少联机攻击前面的勾(这步很关键解决无法输入密码很关键)2,工具 - - 安全里面,去掉启用保护模式3,帐户控制里面,设置提示等级为最低,控制面板里面的用户帐户,更改用户账户控制设置,进去后设置从不通知大概就是这样,装淘宝出问题了?
2023-07-22 14:13:554