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Only that factory( )yesterday( )this kind of machines. A we visited;produces B did we visit;does it


It doesn’t matter who has hurt you or beat you down. What matters is who can make you smile again




Does the man like playing basketball best?(改为同义句)

Is playing basketball the man"s favourite?

请各位大大翻译(用翻译软件回答的死全家)This does not indicate receip

这并不表示是USPS的收据或者是发出包裹的实际日期。如果/当 有货运状态的信息将会提供(给你)。其它信息,如果有的话,会全天定期地进行更新。请你稍后再试。供参考。

选择最佳答案_he come back?a.haveb. does c.has d.having


Who uff08 uff09 a volleyballuff1fTom uff08 uff09 a.have does b.has d

Who uff08has uff09 a volleyballuff1fTom uff08 hasuff09

a,do b,is c,has d,does那个属于不同类


__________Class 2__________more boys than Class 5? A.Has;have B.Have;has C.Does;has D.Does;have




a,do b,is c,has d,does那个属于不同类


haven't和doesn't have有什么区别


What harm does meteorological disasters ?

What harm does meteorological disasters ?(1)暴雨:山洪暴发、河水泛滥、城市积水; (2)雨涝:内涝、渍水; (3)干旱:农业、林业、草原的旱灾,工业、城市、农村缺水; 气象灾害(4)干热风:干旱风、焚风; (5)高温、热浪:酷暑高温、人体疾病、灼伤、作物逼熟; (6)热带气旋:狂风、暴雨、洪水; (7)冷害:由于强降温和气温低造成作物、牲畜、果树受害; (8)冻害:霜冻,作物、牲畜冻害,水管、油管冻坏; (9)冻雨:电线、树枝、路面结冰; (10)结冰:河面、湖面、海面封冻,雨雪后路面结冰; (11)雪害:暴风雪、积雪; (12)雹害:毁坏庄稼、破坏房屋;(13)风害:倒树、倒房、翻车、翻船;(14)龙卷风:局部毁坏性灾害;(15)雷电:雷击伤亡;(16)连阴雨(淫雨):对作物生长发育不利、粮食霉变等. (17)浓雾:人体疾病、交通受阻;(18)低空风切变:(飞机)航空失事; (19)酸雨:作物等受害。(1) the storm: a flash floods, floods, city water;(2): flood, waterlogging waterlogging;(3): agriculture, forestry, grassland drought drought, industry, city, rural water; meteorological disaster(4): dry foehn wind, dry hot wind;(5) high temperature, heat wave: the summer heat, human diseases, burns, crop forced maturity;(6) of tropical cyclone, rainstorm, flood: the wind;(7) damage: because of the strong cooling and low temperature cause crop, livestock, fruit trees;(8): frost damage crops, livestock, freezing, water pipe, oil pipe freezing rain; (9): wire, branches, icy pavement;(10): the river, lake, sea ice and snow after freezing, ice on the road; (11): the snow storm, snow snow;(12) hail: the destruction of crops, destruction of houses;(13): down the tree, but the real wind, overturned, overturned;(14) the tornado: local destructive disaster;(15) the lightning: lightning casualties;(16) even in the rainy (Yin Yu): on crop growth adversely, grain mildew.(17) the fog: human disease, traffic;(18): the low-level wind shear (aircraft) air crash;(19) the acid rain: Crop damage.我们该如何面对气象灾害(翻译成英文)学:学习有关各种灾害知识和减灾知识;听:经常注意收听国家和地方政府发布的灾害信息,不听信谣传; 备:做好个人、家庭的各种行动准备和物质、技术准备; 察:注意观察周围的自然变异现象; 报:一旦发现某种异常的自然现象,不必惊恐,但要尽快向有关部门报告,请专业部门作出判断; 抗:灾害一旦发生,应发扬大无畏精神,组织大家和个人自卫; 避:灾前作好个人和家庭躲避和抗御灾害的行动安排,选好避灾的安全地方,一旦灾害发生,个人要组织大家进行避灾; 断:在救灾行动中,首先要切断可导致次生灾害的电、火、煤气等灾源; 救:要掌握一定的医疗救护知识,准备一些必备药品,以便在灾害期间医疗系统不能正常工作的情况下,及时自救和救治他人。Learning: learning about the various disasters and disaster mitigation knowledge knowledge;Listen: often listen to a disaster information released by the state and local government, do not listen to rumors;Preparation: personal, family all ready for action and material, technical preparation;Observation: observe the natural variation around;Quote: once found some unusual natural phenomenon, don"t panic, but should report to the relevant departments as soon as possible, please professional departments judgement;Anti: once the disaster occurs, we should carry forward the dauntless spirit, all organizations and individuals;Avoid: pre disaster for individuals and families to evade and resist disaster action arrangement, safe place to avoid disaster, once the disaster, people will organize everyone to avoid disaster;fault: in relief operations, first of all to cut off the electricity, fire, gas can cause secondary disasters such as source;Save: to master certain knowledge of first aid, to prepare some necessary medicines, so that in times of disaster medical system can not work normally, the timely rescue and treatment of others

My father后面是不是加does


Does it often rain______ spring thereuff1f look at those birds_______ the tree.

好可气我来说个详细的吧,按照语法,"季节,星期,月份,三餐"之前不用冠词,所以: 在春天------in spring 所以这题in spring但美式英语中,在春天------in the spring 另外,当季节是特指时,要加定冠词the . 如:在2006年的春天------- in the spring of 2006in the tree和on the tree译成汉语都是“在树上”之意,但所表示的含义是不一样的。in the tree多指外界的事物或人在树上,而非树木自身所长;而on the tree则多指树自身所有,长在树上的东西。所以外来之物选择 in

does it dften rain in your city in spring

前面有个 does,后面要接动词原型

does it often rain there in spring的同义句

Is it often rainy there in Spring?

求英语老师及学霸~it does no good to doing 这个是固定搭配嘛?


does it often rain there in spring为什么用rain

你觉得应该用什么词?或者用什么形式呢?不太明白这个句子里的意思是问“那个地方是不是春天常下雨”,那么这个肯定是用一般现在时,那么采用 do+动词原形 的形式啊,那么问句的话就是把do提前到句首,而且这里是问天气方面的,it对应的用does,那么rain还是用原形的啊.这样说,你明白了吗?


waiting for the biggest moon.

shadoerocket 怎么更换路线


英语问法 is this seat taken? 还是does this seat ta


英语It does not make sense怎么翻译

It does not make sense.它毫无意义。

How does our earth turn better 为题的作文,初三水平,今天要的,谢谢

The earth is our home. We should be kind to it. How does our earth turn better? Here are some tips. Firstly, we should enhance our awareness of the importance of environmental protection. Secondly, as a student, we shouldn"t litter paper and empty bottles everywhere. We should keep our environment clean and tidy. Thirdly, we can plant more kinds of trees in our spare time, they can make fresh air. In a world, protecting the environment is very urgent. It is everyone"s responsibility. We should try our best to make our earth better and better.望采纳,祝开心!


Christmas Eve 否定句和疑问句用does,属于第三人称单数。亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!

有so he can/is/does这种用法。但请问有没有neither he can/is /does这种用法?

so does he/so he does/he does so/so it is with him的区别

So does he. 某人如此, 他也如此.So he does.(赞同别人的说法)他的确如此.He does so. 他做了这事.(但用过去式更好 He did so . )So it is with him. 他的情况也一样.当前面既有肯定又有否定或两个谓语时用So it is/was with sb.也可以用So it is the same with sbLi Mei likes English and she doesn"t like maths . So it is (the same ) with him. 再如: I go to school every day. So does he.A: He likes English . B: So he does.A: Did he go to the park yesterday ? B: Yes, he did so .A: She likes English and is also good at Chinese . B: So it is with him.(= He likes English and is also good at Chinese,too . )

so/neither does he 与 so/neither he does 有什么区别?


so he does 和so does he的区别?

你好,so he does表示:所以他是;so does he表示:他也是。望采纳。


1 他也是2 强调他怎么怎么。。。

so does he和so he does的区别

一、对于这两者的区别,涉及到了如下知识点:在表示“A如此”,“B也如此”时用so+助动词+主语,如 1、He goes to school every day.So do I.他每天上学,我也如此.2、He is fourteen.So am I.他十四岁,我也十四.3、He can speak English.So can I.我也会.二、对别人情况加以肯定时常用so+主语+助动词 如:1、The students work hard.So they do.同学们学习努力,他们确实努力.2、He is good at maths.So he is.他善长数学,他确实善长数学.掌握了他们的用法区别,区分so he does和so does he 也是很容易的事情了.

he sure is 和 so he does 一样吗


讨论: So he does or So he is


“so he is”、“so is he so does he”和“so he does”的区别?

对于这两者的区别,涉及到了如下知识点:在表示“A如此”,“B也如此”时用so+助动词+主语,如1、He goes to school every day.So do I.他每天上学,我也如此.2、He is fourteen.So am I.他十四岁,我也十四.3、He can speak English.So can I.我也会.对别人情况加以肯定时常用so+主语+助动词如:1、The students work hard.So they do.同学们学习努力,他们确实努力.2、He is good at maths.So he is.他善长数学,他确实善长数学.掌握了他们的用法区别,区分so he does和so does he 也是很容易的事情了.

英语中So的倒装句,其中对上文表示”肯定“的有“So I do"和"so he does",究竟这两句有何区别?


so he does 是什么意思?


so does he和so he does的区别?


so he is和so is he so does he和so he does的区别

对于这两者的区别,涉及到了如下知识点:在表示“A如此”,“B也如此”时用so+助动词+主语,如1、He goes to school every day.So do I.他每天上学,我也如此.2、He is fourteen.So am I.他十四岁,我也十四.3、He can speak English.So can I.我也会.对别人情况加以肯定时常用so+主语+助动词如:1、The students work hard.So they do.同学们学习努力,他们确实努力.2、He is good at maths.So he is.他善长数学,他确实善长数学.掌握了他们的用法区别,区分so he does和so does he 也是很容易的事情了.

so does he和so he does的区别

一、对于这两者的区别,涉及到了如下知识点:在表示“A如此”,“B也如此”时用so+助动词+主语,如 1、He goes to school every day.So do I.他每天上学,我也如此.2、He is fourteen.So am I.他十四岁,我也十四.3、He can speak English.So can I.我也会.二、对别人情况加以肯定时常用so+主语+助动词 如:1、The students work hard.So they do.同学们学习努力,他们确实努力.2、He is good at maths.So he is.他善长数学,他确实善长数学.掌握了他们的用法区别,区分so he does和so does he 也是很容易的事情了.

so he does 和so does he的区别是什么?

1、结构不同so does he是“so+助动词/情态动词+主语”。so he does与“so+主语+助动词/情态动词”。He went to see his friend yesterday. 他昨天去看朋友了。—So he did. 的确如此。He couldn"t do it, and neither could she. 他做不了这事,她也做不了。2、含义不同so does he前者表示所说的主语和前面主语的情况一样,所谈到的是两个人或物,意为“他也是这样”;so he does后者所谈为同一人或物,说话者表示同意前者的观点,意为“的确如此”。Li Lei likes sports. 李雷喜欢运动。So he does and so do I. 他的确喜欢,我也是的。3、用法不同so does he用来说明前半句的情况也同样适用于后者。so he does用于加强语气,,表示后者赞同前者的意见,只是进一步强调前句内容。前后句的主语指的是同一个人或物。He passed the exam, and so did I.他和我都通过了考试。He will speak at the meeting tomorrow. 他明天将在会上发言。

so he is和so is he so does he和so he does的区别

他也是 表示肯定

What does he take with him为什么要him?


does anyone else sign up? 语法 有问题吗

对的,其实就是Does anyone else know about that的省略,这样一般是口语的对话多用,平时上英文课老师也会经常说的一句话

so do i和so does i

你好,只有so do I , 绝对没有so does I .但是有so does he / she / it .

The ladder doesn’t look safe.为什么用safe,不用safely?

你好,这是英语中的固定搭配,look/taste/smell / feel 这一类的动词,后面跟形容词, 不跟副词。比如: look safe 看起来安全,taste good 味道很棒, 不是用 taste well .feel smooth 感觉光滑,不是用 feel smoothly请采纳!

how was your school trip?为什么用was而不用does


how long does the spring festival last?该怎样回答?

The Spring Festival lasts fifteen days.学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

He ------ does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man 为什么填who,帮忙分析一下句子结构


what time is the class over .和What time does the class begin.为什么一个用is ,一个用does呢?

因为is后面跟形容词,而over是形容词。does后面跟动词,begin 是动词。



who does knows him和who knows him的区别?

Who knows him ? 谁认识/知道他 而 Who does know him ? 意思是谁确实认识他? does起强调作用.请采纳

who knows和who does know一样吗?


sweetbox 的how does it feel中文歌词

不知道sweetbox 的how does it feel,只知道AVRIL的
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