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Invoice date和 Loading date有什么关系


美国银行信用卡的payment due和 Closing date是什么意思

美国银行信用卡的payment due意思是:到期应付款。Closing date意思是:截止日期。详细解释:payment 英[u02c8peu026amu0259nt] 美[u02c8pemu0259nt] n. 付款,支付; 报酬,报答; 偿还; 惩罚,报应; [例句]Thousands of its customers are in arrears with loans and mortgage payments.有数千客户拖欠其贷款和抵押贷款还款。closing 英[u02c8klu0259u028azu026au014b] 美[u02c8klou028azu026au014b] adj. 结尾的; 结束的; n. 终结; 结尾辞; v. close(关闭)的现在分词形式; [例句]He entered RAF service in the closing stages of the war.战争快要结束的时候,他加入了英国皇家空军。date 英[deu026at] 美[det] n. 约会; 日期,日子; 时代,年代; (北非和西亚常见的海枣树的) 海枣; vt. 过时; 使…显老; 显示出…时代(或年龄); 鉴定…的年代; vt. 与人约会,相约; [例句]What"s the date today?今天是几号?

Date Due是截止日期吗?


PO中due date正确意思是?


艾薇儿经典语录 Everyday life inspires me

Everyday life inspires me. 生活的每一天都在激励我。 If you hate me, you"re the loser,not me. 如果你恨我,那么你就是失败者,而不是我。 It"s okay to be different and it"s important to believe in yourself. 你可以与众不同,并且要相信自己。 If she doesn"t shut her mouth ,I"ll shut it for her. 如果她不闭上她的嘴,我会去帮她闭上。(04年与希拉里·杜夫发生争端) I"m a fighter, I may be small but I"m tough. 我是个斗争者!也许我一个人很渺小,但我很强硬。 Life is like a roller coaster, live it, be happy, enjoy life! 生活就像过山车,乐在其中,享受它吧! If you"re different,embrace it.Don"t be afraid to experiment pared to people. But it"s one of those things that you"re al)如果我成了足够耀眼的大明星,人们会开始拿别人来和我作比较。 You"re tryin" to be cool. You look like a fool to me. 你总是想装酷。但在我看来,你很像个傻瓜。 Sometimes I drive so fast,Just to feel the danger .I what"s been out there for a while, definitely. 我应经不同于以前那段时间的自己了!这是毫无疑问的! It"s important to remember where we came from and just how lucky we are to be here. 永远不要忘记我们来自哪里。我们需要知道的只是我们来到这里是多么地幸运。 艾薇儿经典 Everyday life inspires me. 生活的每一天都在激励我。 If you hate me, you"re the loser,not me. 如果你恨我,那么你就是失败者,而不是我。 It"s okay to be different and it"s important to believe in yourself. 你可以与众不同,并且要相信自己。 If she doesn"t shut her mouth ,I"ll shut it for her. 如果她不闭上她的嘴,我会去帮她闭上。(04年与希拉里·杜夫发生争端) I"m a fighter, I may be small but I"m tough. 我是个斗争者!也许我一个人很渺小,但我很强硬。 Life is like a roller coaster, live it, be happy, enjoy life! 生活就像过山车,乐在其中,享受它吧! If you"re different,embrace it.Don"t be afraid to experiment pared to people. But it"s one of those things that you"re al)如果我成了足够耀眼的大明星,人们会开始拿别人来和我作比较。 You"re tryin" to be cool. You look like a fool to me. 你总是想装酷。但在我看来,你很像个傻瓜。 Sometimes I drive so fast,Just to feel the danger .I what"s been out there for a while, definitely. 我应经不同于以前那段时间的自己了!这是毫无疑问的! It"s important to remember where we came from and just how lucky we are to be here. 永远不要忘记我们来自哪里。我们需要知道的只是我们来到这里是多么地幸运。 艾薇儿 艾薇儿,英文:Avril Ramona Lavigne etimes I drive so fast,Just to feel the danger .I pared to people. But it"s one of those things that you"re always gonna get. And then if I"m big one day, people will start comparing other people to me. 我讨厌被拿来和别人比较。但这是我总是遇到的事。如果我成了足够耀眼的大明星,人们会开始拿别人来和我作比较。 I"ve learned what"s important in life. 我已经知道了生活中什么才是重要的。(这句话出自和D分手之后VV登上的第一本杂志--《Savvy》的封面,V似乎是在告诉大家她已经脱离的离婚的阴霾 ……) 艾薇儿的经典语录大全 1、我是个斗争者!也许我一个人很渺小,但我很强硬。 人生大全 2、名气是一个大笑话。明星需要停止把他们自己看得太重了。 3、我讨厌被拿来和别人比较。但这是我总是遇到的事。如果我成了足够耀眼的大明星,人们会开始拿别人来和我作比较。 4、我已经知道了生活中什么才是重要的。 5、你可以与众不同,并且要相信自己。 6、有时我把车开的超快,只是为了体验危险。我有时也想大声尖叫,这可以让我觉得自己还活着。 7、永远不要忘记我们来自哪里。我们需要知道的只是我们来到这里是多么地幸运。 8、如果你恨我,那么你就是失败者,而不是我。 9、生活的每一天都在激励我。 10、我会成为布兰妮而且比他更好! 11、有时候我觉得我的吉他是我的疗养师。 12、生活就像过山车,乐在其中,享受它吧! 13、我感觉自己真的很开心,我按照自己喜欢的方式生活。 14、我纹身、抽烟、喝酒、说脏话,但我知道我是好姑娘。真正的绿茶喜欢装无辜、装清纯、喜欢害羞、喜欢穿粉色衣服。男人肤浅,都只看表面。所以,他们只能错过好姑娘,然后被绿茶骗得痛不欲生。只有女人才能看出谁他妈是真正的绿茶。 15、如果你与众不同,接受它。不要害怕尝试你自己的时尚。 16、你总是想装酷。但在我看来,你很像个傻瓜。 17、我应经不同于以前那段时间的自己了!这是毫无疑问的! 18、我曾经站在一个镜子前介绍我自己。 19、如果她不闭上她的嘴,我会去帮她闭上。


This coffee company thinks it can beat Starbucks in China ① After barely a year in business , Luckin Coffee is challenging Starbucks in one of the US coffee giant"s top markets. ② About 2,000 Luckin outlets have sprung up across China over the last year. That includes a store in Beijing"s Forbidden City, the historic cultural site from which Starbucks was famously evicted more than a decade ago. ③ Luckin plans to have 4,500 outlets by the end of 2019, which would take it ahead of Starbucks to become China"s biggest coffee chain. It"s luring customers with cheap prices and savvy use of technology, which is forcing Starbucks to up its game . ④ In August, Starbucks teamed up with Alibaba, China"s largest e-commerce company, to launch home delivery services. A month later, Luckin announced its own tie-up with another major Chinese internet company, Tencent. ⑤ The rapid ascent of Luckin to challenge the US chain shows how Chinese upstarts are increasingly rivaling Western brands in one of the world"s top consumer markets. ▍词汇拓展 1. beat: vt. 打败;战胜 adj. 疲惫的;精疲力尽的 vt. 打败;战胜 He beat me at chess. 他下棋赢了我。 I finally beat her in that match. 我在那场比赛中最后打败了她。 adj. 疲惫的;精疲力尽的 · 近义词 tired/exhausted I"m beat. 我累坏了。 Come over and sit down – you must be dead beat. 快过来坐下吧,你肯定累坏了。 beat around/about the bush 拐弯抹角 Stop beating about the bush and tell me what you want. 别绕来绕去了,有话直说。 2. barely: adv. 刚刚;差点儿不够 The girl looked barely 10 years old. 那个女孩看起来也就刚刚满10岁。 3. in business: 经营,运营;在商界 You can"t stay in business without cash. 没有现金,你无法运营。 In business, it"s every man for himself. 在商言商,人各为己。 put someone out of business 让某人无法经营/关店歇业 4. outlet: n. 门店;零售店 Outlets n. 奥特莱斯 奥特莱斯最早诞生于美国,是英文 Outlets 的中文音译,其英文原意是“出口、出路、排出口”的意思,在零售商业中专指由销售名牌过季、下架、断码商品的商店组成的购物中心,因此也称为“品牌直销购物中心”。 5. spring up: 兴起;如雨后春笋般涌现 I don"t know why such new gifted people have sprung up in my life. 我不知道怎么回事,在我的周围一下子涌现了那么多有才华的新人。 6. evict: vt. 驱逐 They were unable to pay the rent, and were evicted from their home. 他们付不起房租,所以被赶出了门。 They refused to leave and were evicted by force. 他们拒绝离开,结果被强行赶走。 7. lure: vt. 引诱 · attract 是“吸引注意力”,但 lure 更强调“诱惑性” 8. savvy: adj. 聪明的;能应对实际情况的 · having common sense and good judgement 9. up one"s game: 升级竞争 · up: vt. 升级 · game: n. 玩儿法,招儿;比赛;游戏 You got game? 你有招儿吗? 10. team up with: 跟……合作 I just want to team up with people who share my value. 我只想跟三观一致的人合作。

C# 处理DataTable 重复数据

你可以用HashSet<T>来存储已存在的行 检索速度会快很多 代码如下 不知道你的机子什么配置 我的机子Debug模式100000行数据 用了232毫秒using System;using System.Data;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Diagnostics; namespace ConsoleApplication1{ class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataTable.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] { new DataColumn("A"), new DataColumn("B"), new DataColumn("C"), new DataColumn("D") }); for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++) { dataTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { 0, 0, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" + i.ToString(), 0 }); dataTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { 0, 0, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" + (50000 - i).ToString(), 0 }); } Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Reset(); stopwatch.Start(); Console.WriteLine("DataTable行数:{0}", dataTable.Rows.Count); HashSet<string> hash = new HashSet<string>();//.NET 3.0以上使用 //Dictionary<string, int> dic = new Dictionary<string, int>();//.NET 2.0可以用这个 for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++) { //if (dic.ContainsKey(dataTable.Rows[i][2] as string))//.NET 2.0 //{ // dic.Add(dataTable.Rows[i][2] as string, 0); //} if (!hash.Contains(dataTable.Rows[i][2] as string)) { hash.Add(dataTable.Rows[i][2] as string); } else { dataTable.Rows.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("用时:{0}毫秒", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); Console.WriteLine("DataTable行数:{0}", dataTable.Rows.Count); Console.ReadKey(); } }}


从json数组中得到java数组,可以对该数组进行转化,如将JSONArray转化为String型、Long型、Double型、Integer型、Date型等等。 分别采用jsonArray下的getString(index)、getLong(index)、getDouble(index)、getInt(index)等方法。

printf("%d ", sizeof (struct date)+sizeof(max));帮我解释一下这个题的意思?

输出 结构体date 加 共用体别名为DATA占有内存的大小.

外贸里面 LC TT DP DA BG 是什么?

LC:Letter of credit 信用证T/T:电汇DP:付款交单DA:承兑交单BG:bonus guarantee红利保障

what date is double ninth festival?怎样回答

September 9th

typedef union {long i; int k[5]; char c;} DATE; struct data { int cat; DATE cow; double dog;} too;

楼主,有答案了吗?我觉着struct data { int cat; DATE cow; double dog;} too;>>>>>>sizeof(struct date)+sizeof(max)=(20+20+20)+20=80。{DATE cow; int cat; double dog;} >>>>>>>sizeof(struct date)+sizeof(max)=(20+4+8+(8))+20=60。{ int cat; double dog;DATE cow;}>>>>>>>>sizeof(struct date)+sizeof(max)=(4+(4)+8+(4)+20)+20=60。望赐教。

typedef union { long i;int k[5];char c; }DATE; struct date { int cat;DATE cow;double dog; }too;

sizeof(max)是求max类型的大小,max的类型是union结构,在union结构中所有变量共用同一个空间,在这个union中,i占4 个字节,k[5] 占20个字节,c占1个字节,因为是共用同一个空间,所以union 的大小按最大的变量k[5]来算,占20个字节。 在struct date结构中,cat占4个字节,cow占20个字节,dog占8个字节,合起来就是32个字节。 sizeof(struct date)+sizeof(max) 等于20+32 等于52


delphi TDate,Time存储方式本质上也是以double来存储的。用整数部分表示日期,小数部分表示时间。TDateTimePicker有上面三种属性。二、delphi TDateTimePicker的kind属性设置为dtkDate用于显示日期,第二个kind设置为dtkTime用于显示时间,但是不能同时显示的。三、用DateTimePicker.Date和Time的值要注意:取Date要用trunc取整得到,取Time要用frac取小数得到。四、DateTimePicker的Date,Time,DateTime三者是相等的。新建一个工程放入一个TDateTimePicker、两个TEdit、两个按钮,并设置两个按钮的事件代码如下{DateTimePicker1的日期和时间设置为:2010-03-26 13:00:00}procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); //取出Date部分,并判断它的值vart:TDateTime;begint:= DateTimePicker1.Date;Edit1.Text:=DateTimeToStr(t);end;procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); //判断取Date和DateTime是否相等beginif DateTimePicker1.Time = DateTimePicker1.DateTime thenbeginEdit2.Text:="相等"endelsebeginEdit2.Text:="不相等";end;end;可以看到虽然我们的代码中只取了Date或是Time,但是它们的值和DateTime的值是相等的。所以如果你用如下代码{DateTimePicker1的日期和时间设置为:2010-03-26 13:00:00}procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); //取出Date部分,并判断它的值vart:TDateTime;begint:= DateTimePicker1.Date + DateTimePicker1.Time;//t:= trunc(DateTimePicker1.Date)+frac(DateTimePicker1.Time);//这才是等到DateTimePicker1的日期和时间Edit1.Text:=DateTimeToStr(t);end;结果是:2120-6-21 2:00:00相当于是把DateTimePicker1的时间和日期乘以2了,并不是说DateTimerPicker的Date+Time就和DateTime相等。而用 trunc取整数部分 加上 frac取小数部分 函数,两者取出来的和就会和原来相等。

以下不是数值类的数据类型的是A:Integer B:Singer C:Double D:Date?

在你的这套题里面,Date 不是数值类型,答案是D


if(obj instanceof Integer){}else if(obj instanceof String){}

两对情侣约会叫double date 那三对情侣一起约会呢?

Triple date?

double date 什么意思

double date ①意思如下:两对男女一起的约会 双重约会QQ双重约会(Double date):看看并且它也必须和法律作斗争。的扑克游戏! 对对碰 四人约会 双约会②例如:It was the double date we had looked forward to more than any other. 这是一个我们期待已久的两对夫妻的约会。Maybe you could bring your friend Harry and we could go on a double date. 也许你能把你那朋友哈利带来见面。我们可以弄一次双会面。But I cant stop thinking about him so Im hoping that tonight, on this double datewe are going on, I will be too distracted by Sarah. 但是我就是不能中止对他的思念,我是如此的急迫地盼望着双人约会的这个夜晚的降临。③相关短语如下:double-date 参加两对约会Double Date Rate 使用双倍数据传输技术 ; 双倍数据传输技术 ; 双倍资料速率 ; 双倍数据速率Drunk double date 醉双枣分享

double date 什么意思

定义一个double型的变量,叫date ,8个字节


JS中String型别转换Date型别 1、比较常用的方法,但繁琐,参考如下: 主要使用Date的构造方法:Date(int year , int month , int day) <script> var str1 = "2009-8-9"; var arr1 = str1.split("-"); var date1 = new Date(arr1[0],parseInt(arr1[1])-1,arr1[2]); var str2 = "2009-8-4"; var arr2 = str2.split("-"); var date2 = new Date(arr2[0],parseInt(arr2[1])-1,arr2[2]); alert(date1>date2);true </script> 2、相对简便的方法,参考如下: var str = "2005-12-15"; var d = new Date(str.replace(/-/g, "/")); Example: <script> var s = "2010-09-11"; var s1 = "2010-09-12"; var d = new Date(s.replace(/-/g,"/")); var d1 = new Date(s1.replace(/-/g,"/")); var m = (d1.getTime()-d.getTime())/(1000*60*60); alert(m); 24 </script> 怎样把date型别转换为string型别 Date型别转String 与 String转Date型别,这个型别在jsp/servlet中要手动转换,而在struts2 中会自动转换 SimpleDateFormat 是一个以与语言环境有关的方式来格式化和解析日期的具体类。它允许进行格式化(日期 -> 文字)、解析(文字 -> 日期)和规范化 :blogs./android-5/archive/2012/05/12/2533652. 详细可以参考这个,有图解教程,希望可以帮到你 如何把string型别转换成date型别 data预设有toString() 输出格林威治时间,比如说Date date = new Date(); String toStr = date.toString(); 输出的结果类似于: Wed Sep 16 19:02:36 CST 2012 你要输出yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss这种格式的话, 使用SimpleDataFormat类 比如 Date date = new Date(); String dateStr = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss").format(date); System.out.println(dateStr); 输出结果像下面这样: 2009-09-16 07:02:36当然啦,你也可以把:hh:mm:ss去掉,输出的结果也就只有年-月-日了delphi中string型别与decimal型别转换 可以尝试以下方法: TryStrToFloat(String, Float); 该函式返回布林值,表示转化是否成功,STRING表示需要转化的STRING型别变数,FLOAT则是接收转化后值的FLOAT型别的变数。 java中怎样把一个date型别转换成String型别? data预设有toString()输出格林威治时间 你要输出yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss这种格式的话,使用SimpleDataFormat类 比如 Date date = new Date(); System.out.println(date); String dateStr = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss").format(date); System.out.println(dateStr); 输出结果像下面这样: Wed Sep 16 19:02:36 CST 2009 2009-09-16 07:02:36 在java中如何将String型别转换成java.sql.Date型别 String str="1989-11-23 12:25:20"; java.sql.Date date=java.sql.Date.valueof(str); 这样是可以转换的,但是前提是str的日期格式要和资料库中的一样,上面是MySql的,其他的如Oracle就和这个不一样了 java中double型别转换为String型别? String类中本身提供方可以将几乎所有的基本型别转换为String型别可以这么呼叫String.valueOf(222.222); 这个方法返回的就是double对应的字串 示例程式码如下 package .lk.simpleDeveloper.test;public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { double d = 12.25; String str = String.valueOf(d); System.out.println(str); }} java中怎样将一个String型别转换为Date型别的? 在Java中,常见的时间转换通常为从String型别转化为date型别或者倒过来,在转换的时候,我们可以自定义时间的格式,如下: 假如我们要自定义时间型别为yyyy-MM-dd,此时我们可以先自定义格式:SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); 这一句是必须的,不可少的。然后我们通过呼叫dateFormat的parse(String s)方法,将s从String型别转换为时间型别的,如果我们呼叫dateFormat的format(Date d)方法,就可以将d从日期型别转换为String型别。


datax字段名不一样如下,解决属性名和字段名不一致的问题,数据库中的字段 新建一个项目,拷贝之前,测试实体字段不一致的情况,对应字段的字段名可以不一样,但是字段类型需要一致,比如都是string,double,date或objectId类型。

Dane Cook的《Nightmare》 歌词

歌曲名:Nightmare歌手:Dane Cook专辑:Harmful If SwallowedI had this weird dream man.And yanno how you like have a nightmare and it"s so intense,even your leg tries to wake you up.Your leg"s like,"GET UP!"Your leg kicks awake. And you wake up.I- this was the dream right. I was being chase by a giant crab.It"s not funny. This huge like 50 foot crab.He was chasing me down a beach and he was doing thatcrab run where he was like. and snapping at me with his little snappers.And he was all night long. he was trucking.He was doing like 100 miles an hour.You know like when you"re bring chased by a killer or a beast?In the dream they can run as fast as they want but you can"t fucking-you"re like AH COME ON I CAN"T MOVE.But the fucking crab is like eh. and his eyes were up here and therewas lighting shooting out of its eyes and he was wearing little loafers orsomething. I dunno. Oh my leg just fucking went "GET UP!"And I woke up for like a second and they I went right back into the fuckingdream. Which only happens witha nightmare.You never like wake up like yanno it"s like if you"re having sex withCindy Crawford. Yyou know how you like wake up and you pretendyou"re not awake? Yanno? Try to trick yourself.Oh no! I"m not awake I"m in Cancun with Cindy. NOOO.But I fell back into the into the dream and the crab was like waiting for me.He was like UGH. And i was like NOT AGAIN! All night long.And then I woke up and I called my buddy Mike.Yanoo I had to tell somebody like he picks up the phone.I"m like "Dude I had the weirdest dream last night."And he goes all concerned, "What was you dream?"I go,"I was being chased by a giant crab.""What?! Dude What?!"All the sudden he"s like hold on and I hear like pages.OK I go dude what are you doing? I have a dream book.I"m looking up crabs to see what they represent in my dream book.Right so all the sudden he goes like this,"Dude, Crabs! Hold on Crabs. Uh crab.um uh it represents.Dude you"re gay! That"s why you were running away cuz a crabrepresents sexuality cuz it doesnt know which way you fucking-and that"s why you ran away. You were running away from your gayness!"I said what about the lightning? Uh emphasizes the gay!That"s what it says if there"s lighting around the crab you"re super gaythat"s what it says here. Super gay. He wasn"t wearing loafers was he?OH NO! Cuz that would mean you were mega ultron gay like a superhero gay!http://music.baidu.com/song/14195683

it is such hot day today还是it is so hot a day today

1 后者2. A


double date[200];long i,j=0;for(i=2;i<=200;j++,i+=2) date[j]=1.0/(i*(i+1)*(i+2));

我取到个时间,但是它是DATE类型的,即typedef double DATE;请问如何转换为其它类型的时间格式,如CTime型

DATE转成time_t ,CTime有构造函数可以直接用time_t类型做参数。time_t 最终应该是__int64 ,从double转过来应该不会丢失什么。

go on a double date是什么意思?



不是表面的意思。“double date”意思如下:四人约会、两对男女一起的约会、双重约会。例句:It was the double date we had looked forward to more than any other.这是一个我们期待已久的两对夫妻的约会。A double date can be a great way to meet interesting people.双重约会是一个可以让你遇见有意思的人的好的方法。

double date 什么意思


double date 什么意思

double date n. 双约会,四人约会(两对情侣一同赴约); double adj. 两倍的;加倍的;双的;成双的;成对的;供两者用的;双人的; date n. 日期;日子;年代;时期;时候;会晤时间;约见时间; v. 注明日期;写上日期;确定年代;过时;不流行 扩展资料   Is that a single or a double you want?   你要的是单人房间还是双人房间?   We need double the amount we already have.   我们需要现有数量的`两倍。   We need to fix a date for the next meeting.   我们得为下次会议定个日期。   The work will be carried out at a future date.   这项工作将来再做。   The exhibition contains some of his best work to date.   这个展览有他迄今为止一些最好的作品。

Double Date是啥意思


寻中岛美夹的《glamorous day》的歌词



ACT: 表示连接状态。DATA:表示数据传输状况。OPT: 光纤接口。PWR: 电源状态。光端机,就是光信号传输的终端设备。由于目前技术的提高,光纤价格的降低使它在各个领域得到很好的应用(主要体现在安防监控),因此各个光端机的厂家就好比是雨后春笋般发展起来。但是这里的厂家大部分技术并不是完全成熟,开发新技术需要耗资和人力、物力等,这些生产厂家多是中小企业,各品牌也先后出现。但是质量上还是差不多的,国外的光端机好但是价格昂贵,因此,国内厂家把生产光端机转型出路了,用来满足国内需要。

分析句型You discuss the matter quickly and agree she will take a halfday。

You主语,discuss谓语动词,the matter宾语,quickly副词discuss sth.讨论某事是discuss(及物动词)的一种用法句型是主谓宾,Sb. do sth.and连接副词 do sth and do sthagree动词,agree that+宾语从句,that可以省略宾语从句中主语she,will do表将来,take a halfday是花费半天,take some time是take的一种用法,表示花费多少时间。So所以,放在句首you主语,tell谓语,tell sb that + 宾语从句(that可以省略)是tell的一种用法。宾语从句中it主语,is谓语。整句意思是 你快点讨论这件事,同意她花半天时间做。所以你告诉她这是不可能的。

Day by day, one by one翻译程中文是什么意思

Day by day :一天又一天 one by one:一个接一个(按顺序)

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可以。直接在app store内搜索candy crush soda soga第一个就是。点击获取安装就可以了

为什么app store里没有candy crush soda


有哪些类似day after day ,on and on这种词组?


《Tuesdays with Morrie》

这本书是作者(一位在世俗生活里如鱼得水的记者)和他尊敬的大学教授之间的故事。老教授在古稀之年患上了ALS(渐冻人病),在肉体一天一天被病魔夺去的过程里,用了14个星期二与他的这位记者学生展开最后一课之旅,他们在这课程中谈论人生中必须要面对的:世界、事业、金钱、爱、悔恨、孩子、老去、死亡和原谅等问题。 老教授的名字叫Morrie,面对着死亡,他从一个观察者的角度去观察死亡是什么,为他生命的最后时光带来了怎样的体验。他积极的人生态度影响着很多人,包括这位叫做Mitch的记者学生。Mitch曾经是Morri很喜爱的学生,毕业之后很多年都不曾与Morrie有过联系,沉溺于世俗成功的追求之中并做的风声水起。偶然的一天,他通过一个电视节目看到了生病的老师坦然地向世人展现他面对死亡的各种状态,开车去探望。从此便开始了他们14个周二的相约。在陪伴Morrie的这段时光里,作者内心对于人生的很多困惑被Morrie举重若轻地一一化解,作者也开始重新思考自己的人生,并一点一点做出改变。 如果说这是一大碗的心灵鸡汤,那么,这碗鸡汤是那么清淡又营养丰盛。我们每一位读者都可以与Mitch一起在每一个周二的课堂上聆听Morrie用生命的真实体验解答我们关于生命的各种疑问与困惑。温暖又感动。 以下文摘: Morrie had ALS( amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig"s disease) and the doctor guessed he has two years left. Morrie deciced to study himself in his slow and patient dimise.Watch what happens to him. Learn with him. He was intent on proving that the word "dying" was not synonymous with "useless". He is a small man who takes small steps, as if a strong wind could, at any time, whisk him up into the clouds. In his graduation day robe, he looks like a cross between a biblical prophet and a Christmas elf. He has sparkling blue-green eyes, thinning silver hair that spills onto his forehead, big ears, a triangular nose, and tufts og graying eyebrows. Although his teeth are crooked and his lower ones are slanted back-as if someone had once punched them in- when he smiles it"s as if you"d just told him the first joke on earth. "The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn"t work, don"t buy it." The1st Tuesday, we talk about world. The 2nd Tuesday, we talked about feeling sorry for yourself. The 3rd Tuesday, we talked about regrets: death、fear、aging、greed、marriage、family、society、forgiveness、a meaningful life The 4th Tuesday, we talked about death: You know what is death, you know how to live. The 5th Tuesday, we talked about family: love. Without love,we are birds with broken wings. There is no experience like having children. And there is no substitute for it. You cannot do it with a friend. You cannot do it with a lover. If you want the experience of having complete responsibility for another human being, and learn how to love and bond in the deepest way, then you should have children. The 6th Tuesday, we talked about emotions: The 7th Tuesday, we talked about fear of aging: As you know, you learn more If you stayed at 22,you"d always be as ignorant as you were at 22. Aging is not just decay, you know. It"s growth. It"s more than the negative that you"re going to die, it"s also the positive that you understand you"re going to die, and that you live a better because of it. The 8th Tuesday, we talked about fear of money: Do the kinds of things that come from the heart.When you do, you won"t be dissatisfied, you won"t be envious, you won"t be longing for somebody else"s things. On the contrary, you"ll be overwhelmed with what comes back. The 9thTuesday, we talked abouthow love goes on: The10thTuesday, we talked about marriage: The11thTuesday, we talked about our culture: Every society has its pwn problems, the way to do it, I think, isn"t to run away. You have to work at creating your own culture. The12thTuesday, we talked about forgiveness: Forgive yourself before you die, then forgive others. The13thTuesday, we talked about the perfect day: Death ends life, not a relationship. The14thTuesday, we say goodbye: Sometimes, when you"re losing someone,you hang on to whatever tradition you can.

求EDA数字秒表(显示99秒)设计 0~99,99~0,的程序


Baking soda 和baking powder 的区别

Baking soda,碳酸氢钠, 俗称“小苏打”,一种白色粉末,最常见的小苏打用途是烘烤膨松剂,做饼干的时候加上会使饼干酥脆。Baking powder,是一种复合膨松剂,又称为发泡粉和发酵粉,可以是面类快速发酵。泡打粉溶于水,在加热时会释放出气体,使面食膨胀达到松软的效果。Baking soda是使饼干更加酥脆,Baking powder使面包更加松软,这就是明显的区别。

little by little day by day是什么歌词

歌曲名:Heaven [Little By Little]歌手:Theory Of A Deadman专辑:Scars & SouvenirsTheory of a Deadman - Heaven (Little By Little)BY Kevin Boul & Larry ChengNow don"t you be afraidWe can always talk aboutNo need to medicatecuz I know you"re strong without itYou got me through the daysWhen I thought I couldn"t face itLet me count the waysThe love we have you can replace itJust hold on, I"m not that strongThere"s a little piece of heavenRight here where you arehe fact that you keep tryingis what sets you apart.Help me find the reasonand I"ll help you find the wayto get rid of all your painlittle by little, day by dayNow, you"re far awayand I"m alone to cry about itIt"s not a better place,when you die and leave me here to sayHold on, I was never that strongThere"s a little piece of heavenRight here where you arehe fact that you keep tryingis what sets you apart.Help me find the reasonand I"ll help you find the wayto get rid of all your painlittle by little, day by dayYou"ll get strongerif you need me, I"m not far awaySo, just hold onI"ll help you find a wayI"ll help you find the wayThere"s a little piece of heavenRight here where you arehe fact that you keep tryingis what sets you apart.Help me find the reasonand I"ll help you find the wayto get rid of all your painlittle by little, day by daylittle by little, day by dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7704615

帮忙翻译下这首歌哈 《Little by little 》---Blue Foundation

被困在了一个地方硬在中间 走在煤 夹在洞,整理了灵魂的斯芬克司和谜一样 你看不见我一点一点波纹包围 一点一点 一点一点他是我唯一的救主 生活在一个无区 寻找答案 无论他走到扩大圈子,表面的生活,身体的镜子 骑马的胸前有甲如火,与热连接起来,我的信徒 让你的低语,把你柔软的耳畔响起 一点一点 一点一点他是我唯一的救主 住在一个无zonee 寻找答案 无论他走到 他是我唯一的救主 站在一个无区 等候回答 寒冷刺骨

{Blue Foundation} little by little歌词中文翻译!!!

停留在硬地在中间,走在煤 Caught in holes, sorting the souls like the Sphinx and the riddle陷入黑洞,排序的灵魂像和狮身人面像之谜 Your invisible ripples surround me little by little你看不见的波纹环绕箱一点点 He"s my only saviour他是我的唯一的救世主 Living in a stateless zone生活在一个无国籍区 Searching for an answer寻找答案 Everywhere he goes他接着各地 Widening circles, the surface a living, physical mirror扩大各界,表面生活,身体镜子 Connecting fire with the fever, reflecting, I"ma believer连接火灾的热,反映了,我相信 Let the whispers enfold you, pull you nearer and nearer让窃窃私语拥抱你,拉你接近 Little by little一点点 He"s my only saviour他是我的唯一的救世主 Standing in a stateless zone站在无国籍区 Waiting for the answer等待答案 Frozen to the bone冻死骨对不起了,我是在谷歌上找的,那里有然后开翻译的。至于少的我可能漏了~~~不好意思。。。

The summer holidays are coming soon. I plan to go to? ____ ____ _________...

1 I"d like to beijing2 It"s hot in summer but cold in winter3 By airplane(看你多远了)4 with my friends or my parents5 The Summer palace and the Great Wall6 是money吧,2000yuan7 My camera

summer holiday is coming soon.这句话表达正确吗

summer holiday is coming . 这句话就完整了。 加了soon就画蛇添足。 soon 是不久的含义, 一般用于一般将来时。

我想问一下富士康2ada intel ivy bridge-h61主板能不能插2400的ram

1 H61不支持2400频率的内存2 吃鸡不光看内存大小,也要看处理器和显卡

Is your birthday coming soon? 的肯定回答?

yes ,I am

your birthday is coming soon

从中文的角度来看,没有错.但是外国人不这么说的. A:Is your birthday coming soon! B:Yes,it is . 这个问句中主体是birthday,如果你回答的是i am,就显得有点不合适了



求一首歌,歌词是kiss me darling kiss me

就叫做kiss me

新概念 70 Red for danger 最后一句如何分析

甚至好像连牛也在为他感到遗憾,因为它一直同情地看着醉汉,直到他的背影消逝,才重新将注意力转向斗牛士。 第一个问题,第一个for是表原因,作连词,后面的当然就是一个从句啊第二个问题,its只是定语啊,怎么会别扭呢,强调公牛的注意力


 糖尿病肾病是由糖尿病引起的肾脏损伤,以往用DN(diabetic nephropathy)表示,2007年美国肾脏病基金会(NKF)制定了肾脏病生存质量指导指南,简称NKF/KDOQI。. 该指南建议用DKD(diabetic kidney disease)取代DN。. 2014年美国糖尿病协会(ADA)与NKF达成共识

J1签证上的expiration date指什么?可以在美国停留多久

到期时间。J-1签证有多种类别,各类J-1签证持有人可以在美国停留的时间也各不相同,从6个月至5年不等。J-1签证是一种非移民签证,签发给来美国参加美国国务院批准的“交流访问者计划(Exchange-Visitor Programs)的各类外籍人士。j1签证有个问题要注意,中国30年前和美国签署的协议要求:所以中国公民持J1签证访美,签证到期后必须回国服务两年。这个协议至今有效。也就是说回国后要两年不能再因私出国。如果必须因公出国要提交国家备案,申请豁免。反正手续有点麻烦。国家主要是怕人才流失。

EXP DATE中文是什么意思?

有效期 有效期至截止日期保质期 都是!

Expiration Date代表什么?

expiration date 截止期,有效期

护照上标注的expiration date是什么意,

expiration date是过期时间

Expiration Date是什么意思

截止日期; 产品有效期



expiration date是什么意思啊?

保质期(expiration date)的英文缩写是EXP。产品的保质期是指产品的最佳食用期。产品的保质期由生产者提供,标注在限时使用的产品上。在保质期内,产品的生产企业对该产品质量符合有关标准或明示担保的质量条件负责,销售者可以放心销售这些产品,消费者可以安全使用。保质期不是识别食物等产品是否变质的唯一标准,可能由于存放方式,环境等变化物质的过早变质。所以食物等尽量在保质期未到期就及时食用。扩展资料:其他日期的英文单词:一、生产日期生产日期的英文单词为:Date of manufacture,缩写为PD。生产日期是指商品在生产线上完成所有工序,经过检验并包装成为可在市场上销售的成品时的日期和时间。现在大多数企业都逐渐把产品的生产日期和生产批号统一化。二、有效期有效期的英语单词为:Term of validity,缩写为:Exp。药品的有效期是指药品在规定的贮藏条件下质量能够符合规定要求的期限。药效损失10%所需的时间.如有效期规定为2002年12月,就是指这批生产的药品至2002年12月31日前仍然有效。参考资料:百度百科-保质期参考资料:百度翻译-expiration date

expiration date是什么意思?

保质期(expiration date)的英文缩写是EXP。产品的保质期是指产品的最佳食用期。产品的保质期由生产者提供,标注在限时使用的产品上。在保质期内,产品的生产企业对该产品质量符合有关标准或明示担保的质量条件负责,销售者可以放心销售这些产品,消费者可以安全使用。保质期不是识别食物等产品是否变质的唯一标准,可能由于存放方式,环境等变化物质的过早变质。所以食物等尽量在保质期未到期就及时食用。扩展资料:其他日期的英文单词:一、生产日期生产日期的英文单词为:Date of manufacture,缩写为PD。生产日期是指商品在生产线上完成所有工序,经过检验并包装成为可在市场上销售的成品时的日期和时间。现在大多数企业都逐渐把产品的生产日期和生产批号统一化。二、有效期有效期的英语单词为:Term of validity,缩写为:Exp。药品的有效期是指药品在规定的贮藏条件下质量能够符合规定要求的期限。药效损失10%所需的时间.如有效期规定为2002年12月,就是指这批生产的药品至2002年12月31日前仍然有效。参考资料:百度百科-保质期参考资料:百度翻译-expiration date


AIX默认使用RDAC,从5.3-07以后是MPIO,AIX6.1也是MPIO,往往应用于中低端存储阵列,像DS系列,使用mpio_get_config -Av查看。sdd和sddpcm是DS8000系列,SVC等高端和虚拟化存储阵列使用的多路径软件,现在基本上都使用sddpcm。sdd查看命令是datapath query devicesddpcm查看命令是pcmpath query device.

到期日(expiration date)


我收到了一盒美国产的药,上面写着expiration date:250738-01 exp 09/11,请问药的有效期到什么时候?




Expiration Date是什么意思?


expiration date什么意思

expiration date到期日期截止日期双语对照词典结果:expiration date[英][u02ccekspu026au02c8reu026au0283u0275n deit][美][u02ccu025bkspu0259u02c8reu0283u0259n det]n.截止日期; 产品有效期; 例句:1.It may be tough for send-a-box services to innovate so frequently that they avoid anexpiration date. “寄送礼盒型订付”服务可能很难频繁创新,从而避免自己遭到过期淘汰的命运。

expiration date是什么意思

expiration date 英[u02ccekspu026au02c8reu026au0283u0275n deit] 美[u02ccu025bkspu0259u02c8reu0283u0259n det] n. 截止日期; 产品有效期; [例句]Check the expiration date on your passport.检查一下你护照上的截止日期。

Expiration Date是什么意思啊啊?

expiration daten.(食物的)有效期 到期日;截止日期;有效期限例句筛选1.three, four years later, about to enter the expiration date.四年后,即将进入的到期日期。2.Why would you drink that? It was more than a week past the expiration date.你为什么要喝那个?已经过期一周了。3.Expiration date: 2 years. -- From the packaging of a Chinese brand ofmedicine.失效日期:两年——中国品牌药品包装。

Expiration Date代表什么?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Expiration Date到期日期权或期货合约失效的一天。  对于各个投资领域内的专业人员,包括基金经理、证券分析师、财务总监、投资顾问、投资银行家、交易员等等,CFA非常重要;它直接证明了你的职业素养和能力,被投资业看成一个“黄金标准”,这一资格被认为是投资业界中具有专业技能和职业操守的承诺。考生考过CFA对自己将会有很大帮助。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

Expiration date 什么意思呢


HELP,请问信用卡的Expiration Date是什么意思


Expiration Date翻译成中文是什么意思啊?


Call Date是什么意思?

call date 英[kɔ:l deit] 美[kɔl det] [词典] 提前赎回日; [例句]There is no best time to text or call after a date, so stop over-analyzing it.约会后没有所谓的发短信或打电话的最佳时间,所以不要在这个问题上过度分析。



Mr Mrs Miss 与 sir madam 的区别

Mr、Mrs、Miss一般都用在姓氏前,Mr XX表XX先生,Mrs XX为XX女士(已婚),Miss XX为XX小姐(未婚),还有Ms,Ms XX表XX女士(婚否未知)sir和madam为先生和女士的统称,一般用在正式发言场合~


C:/SYstem/MAil (手机信息保存路径,把信息路径保存到MMC卡,可以删除,省几十K) C:/SYstem/Apps/chat (聊天室) C:/SYstem/Apps/Manua/VideoEditor (视频剪辑) C:/SYstem/Data/ /AHLE (互联网) /cbs (未知意义,每次开机后都有小许的增大。重命删除,开机自动会生成回) /midp2 (同上的答案,求懂的朋友可以告诉意义) /IMHistory (聊天室) Almsvr.dat (闹钟文件) Applications.dat (手机设置,不要删除,否则。。。。) backundimage.mbm (墙纸) bookmarks.db (书签,互联网记录) Calendar (日历,待办事项记录) ccatorage.db (聊天室) ColckApp.dat (时钟) Cntmodel.ini (未知意义,可以删除,开机自动生成回) Calcsoft (计算机) Notepad.dat (记事本) NsmIDMsettings.db (聊天室,有两个相同名称文件,其中一个是1。62K的这个是同步处理) Template.n31 (短信常用短语模板) Pinboard (捷径) VnitConVerter.ini (单位换算) mediaplayer.dat (视频播放记录) SabedDecksI.db (未知意义,可以删除,开机自动生成回)下面是C盘 系统文件夹下的文件C:systemAppsC:systemAppsApplnstAppinst.ini 这个文件是用来记录安装软件的信息,随着软件安装的增多而增大。C:systemAppsPhotoAlbumPhotoAlbum.ini 图片浏览器的初始化文件C:systemAppsprofileAppdbProfile.db手机的数据库文件,用来记录安装软件的信息,随着软件安装的增多而增大。C:systemAppsSystemExplorer 这个文件夹就是SeleQ软件的安装文件夹C:systemootdata 手机导入数据文件夹。文件夹中的CommonData.D00、FirstBoot.dat 、HALData.dat、LocaleData.D01、SIMLanguage.dat这5个文件大小固定不变的,分别为17b、0b、16b、70b、4b。其中SIMLanguage.dat是记录SIM卡语言种类的。C:systemData这个文件夹记录程序初始化或运行时的数据的。C:SystemDateAHLE互联网C:systemDatacbs 这个文件夹下有两个dat文件,其中cbs0.dat的大小不变,为71bC:SystemDatemidp2未知意义,每次开机后都有小许的增大。重命删除,开机自动会生成回C:systemDatasaveddecks 这个文件夹默认为空,作用与手机服务商的网络有关。C:systemDatawapstore 这个文件夹主要用来存储用WAP上网时的一些设定和网页缓存。C:systemDataApplications.dat程序数据记录C:systemDataackgroundimage.mbm保存在系统中的墙纸图片文件C:systemDataBookmarks.db 书签数据文件,用来记录WAP地址。C:systemDataCACerts.dat 安装各种软件的证书文件诺C:systemDataCalcsoft自带的计算器C:systemDataCalendar 手机自带的日历C:systemDataCLOCKAPP.dat 时钟设定存档文件C:systemDataCntModel.ini 电话本初始化文件C:systemDataContacts.cdb 电话本数据文件,随着电话本记录的增多而增大。C:systemDataLogdbu.dat手机的通讯数据文件,包括来电,去电,通话时间,GPRS流量等等。C:systemDatamedialPlayer.dat多媒体播放器RealOne播放机。C:systemDatamms_seting.Dat彩信设置全C:SystemDatemusic.db 音乐播放器C:systemDataNITZ.dat 默认大小为1bC:systemDataNotepad.dat记事本C:systemDataPinboard 捷径C:systemDataSavedDecks.db C:systemDatasmsreast.dat smssegst.dat手机的短信设定存档文件C:systemDataTemplate.n01手机短信信模版文件C:systemDataUnitConverter.int手机自带的单位转换器初始化文件C:systemDataVoCoSModelData.db 和媒体声音有关的数据文件C:systemDatawapreast.dat WAP设定存档文件,初始化大小为59b。C:systemfavourites 收藏夹,初始化为空。C:systemfavouritesxx.lnk 快捷键增加的文件位置及名称C:systeminstall文件夹中还会有你安装的软件的sis记录文件C:systeminstallinstall.log 在手机中安装软件的日志文件。C:Systemlibs 软件连接文件和库文件,DLL文件诺基亚C:systemMail 短信息存储文件夹。C:SystemMIDIets JAVA程序文件C:systemMtm信息设置目录C:System ecogs 存放关联方式文件的目录C:systemSchedulesSchedules.dat 待办事宜数据文件。C:systemShareddata手机功能设定文件,包括手机设备设置、通话设置、连接设置、时间设置、网络设置等。更改Tools-Settings里面的设置后,这个文件夹里的文件就会发生变化。C:SystemTemp 存储临时文件的文件夹,初始化为空。C:SystemSystem.ini 系统初始化配置文件。C:SytstemBackup.xml 备份数据


(Davichi) uc0acub791ud558ub294 uc0acub78cuc544 (相爱的人啊)gin haruui kkeuteseo kkeonaeboneunnae maeumsoge kkok sumgyeodun iyagimeon hutnal eonjenganeun dorabomyeoeoryeomputan gieoge nan useum jitgetjibomnare hyanggiga ttatteutan baramigeudae derigo wa nae yeopeuro antnesaranghaneun sarama nareul gieok mot haedona honjaman baraeon motnan sarangiraedoijeya honjatmal. manhi johahaetdagobabo gateun najiman cham saranghaetdagogeunare geudaereul baraeon naldeureunyeogi nae maeumsoge noraega doeeosaranghaneun sarama nareul gieok mot haedona honjaman baraeon motnan sarangiraedoijeya honjatmal. manhi johahaetdagobabo gateun najiman cham saranghaetdagonae kkumgateun sarama gieokhaji anhadobarami i bomnari neol jakku deryeowahanadulssik kyeojineun uri chueogeul ijeeoneudeot nae soneuro kkeoyaman hajimanhanassik tto hanassikijeogagireul

let me dance音译歌词

Let Me Dance (Feat. Teddy) - Lexy () HOOK. Let me dance to dance to you my love RAP1. Let"s go SONG1. (Get closed to me, Just dance to me) HOOK. Let me dance to dance to you my love RAP2. You so beautifaul NO All night long lexy come on girl Let me here you sing my song SONG2. (Get closed to me, Just dance to me) lexy Let me dance to dance to you my love (I feel the same the way youdo) LEXY Let me talk to talk to ypu my girl ( ) One and only girl you the only my life Let me dance to dance to you my love ( ) ( ) 补充: 《Let me dance》 HOOK let me dance to dance to you my love ]郴 荤尔篮 呈 挥捞具 呈客 犊荐 犊荐 绝绢 唱 快府 荤尔篮 康盔洒 RAP go 呈客 传捞 嘎篮 弊 鉴埃俊 弊措 葛嚼俊 抄 圈迭 馆秦 亲惑 捞矾衬绊 汞瘤父 玫父俊 抄积 贸澜捞具 割锅 富秦 澄 父唱扁僳鳖瘤 抄 何矫盖 瘤抄 苞芭绰 促 公矫秦 聪 啊娇加 表篮 浇悄俊 郴啊 登绢临膊 荐欺盖 快府 荤尔篮 富捞具 辫吝硅俊 蝴唱绰 促捞酒肺档 混 荐啊 绝窜 富捞具 惩 唱父狼 康盔茄 己葛 付府酒 SONG 捞固 呈档 舅绊 乐瘤 郴霸 捞 付澜 促 聪扮俊 乐绰 吧 get close to me. just dance to me) 恐抄歹 林绊父 酵瘤 弊霸 歹 青汗茄 唱狼 荤尔牢吧 HOOK let me dance to dance to you my love 郴 荤尔篮 呈 挥捞具 i feel the same the way you do) 呈客 犊荐 犊荐 绝绢唱 快府 荤尔篮 康盔洒 RAP 呈狼 固家俊 郴 付澜篮 吝刀 呈扼搁 亮酒 酒抚促款 备加 you so beautiful 见捞 阜洒匙 唱甫 官扼焊绰 呈俊 弊 传蝴俊 no 捌沥付 捞力 郴啊 聪扮俊辑 康盔洒 澄 瘤懦膊 抄抄 青汗秦 聪啊 乐绢林绰 巴父栏肺 青汗秦 捞府客 郴 颊阑 棱绊 勉阑 苗夸 捞广捞 哎锭鳖瘤 榴败夸 all night long LEXY come on girl let me hear you sing my song 歹 亮酒窍绰 扒瘤 歹 荤尔窍绰瘤 葛滴 何龙 绝绢 get close to me, just dance to me) 恐抄歹 林绊父 酵瘤 弊霸 歹 青汗茄 唱狼 荤尔牢吧 HOOK let me dance to dance to you my love 郴 荤尔篮 呈挥捞具 i feel the same the way you do) 呈客 犊荐 犊荐 绝绢唱 快府 荤尔篮 康盔洒 LEXY 捞力 朝 官扼毫 炼陛歹 促啊客 矫埃捞 酒鳖客 let me talk to talk to you my girl ]郴 荤尔绰 呈 挥捞具(郴 荤尔篮 呈具) 呈狼 葛电 酒悄阑 郴啊 代绢临膊 代绢林扁焊窜 郴啊 措脚 酒颇临膊 康盔配废 呈狼 扮俊 乐绢临膊 乐绢林扁焊窜 第俊辑 瘤难临膊 荤尔篮 罐栏搁 罐阑荐废 扁盒亮篮 郴 僳何甫 拎档 酒滨瘤 臼篮 坷流 茄 荤恩 蜡老茄 荤恩 one and only girl you the only my life let me dance to dance to you my love 郴荤尔篮 呈挥捞具(唱狼 荤尔篮 呈具) 唱客 犊荐 犊荐 绝绢唱 快府 荤尔篮 康盔洒(郴 荤尔 康盔洒) let me dance to dance to you my love 郴荤尔篮 呈挥捞具(唱狼 荤尔篮 呈具)

George Dalaras的《Monos》 歌词

歌曲名:Monos歌手:George Dalaras专辑:Sta Tragoudia Pou Sou Grafo"Mono"heyyeahwe had everything vinyl and monoand we looked the other wayman we were so dumbis the the part in the book that you wrotewhere i gotta come and save the daydid you miss medid you miss meyeah yeah yeahwell they say that rock is deadthey"re probably right99 girls in the pitdid it have to come to thisoh god you owe me one more songso i can prove to you that i am so much better than himoh god please listen fasthere comes the crashwe"re gonna rise abovewe gotta smash it upyou won"t abandon us againheygive us brilliant boys we wanna fuck manfull of ecstacy hard drugs and bad luckyeah yeah yeahturn the lights back onit burns so hardbut you won"t burn longthree chords in your pocket tonightare you you the onewith the spark to bring my punk rock backi dont think sooh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say your sorry againoh god you owe me one more songso i can prove to you that i am so much better than himoh god i"d give you anything to hear you say that i was right and you were wrongoh god before i leave this lifeno and eightball isn"t lovea hookers never gonna comejust give it back to meblow out all of the lights to nightyeah2 million miles down the PCHand now he"s gonei slashed his tiresi bled his brakesit had to be donetheir handjob lives were just too cruelyeah mercy was donewe drown them all in their swimming poolsrun away run away run away yeahoh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say that you were wrong againoh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say that i am so much better than himoh god you owe us one more songjust get out of my lifeand see the world as it really isis this just a sad slide showcan"t make a hooker comean eightball isn"t lovei need one thing thats devinelet me hear it tonightlethttp://music.baidu.com/song/2647862

The Best Damn Thing 歌词

歌曲名:The Best Damn Thing歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:The Best Damn Thing/Under My SkinAvril Lavigne-The Best Damn ThingAlbum:The Best Damn ThingLet me hear you say hey hey heyAlright, now let me hear yousay hey hey hoI hate it when a guy doesn"t get the doorEven though I told him yesterdayand the day beforeI hate it when a guydoesn"t get the tabAnd I have to pull my money outand that looks badWhere are the hopes,where are the dreamsMy Cinderella story sceneWhen do you thinkthey"ll finally seeThat you"re not not notgonna get any betterYou won"t won"t won"tyou won"t get rid of me neverLike it or not even thoughshe"s a lot like meWe"re not the sameAnd yeah yeah yeahI"m a lot to handleYou don"t know troublebut I"m a hell of a scandalMe I"m a sceneI"m a drama queenI"m the best damn thingthat your eyes have ever seenAlright Alright yeahI hate it when a guy doesn"t understandWhy a certain time of monthI don"t want to hold his handI hate it when they go out and we stay inAnd they come home smelling liketheir ex-girlfriendBut I found my hopesI found my dreamsMy Cinderella story sceneNow everybody"s gonna seeThat you"re not not notgonna get any betterYou won"t won"t won"tyou won"t get rid of me neverLike it or not even thoughshe"s a lot like meWe"re not the sameAnd yeah yeah yeahI"m a lot to handleYou don"t know troublebut I"m a hell of a scandalMe I"m a scene I"m a drama queenI"m the best damn thingthat your eyes have ever seenGive me an A,always give me what I wantGive me a V,be very very good to meR, are you gonna treat me rightI, I can put up a fightGive me an L,let me hear you scream loudOne two three fourWhere are the hopes,where are the dreamsMy Cinderella story sceneWhen do you thinkthey"ll finally seeThat you"re not not notgonna get any betterYou won"t won"t won"tyou won"t get rid of me neverLike it or not even thoughshe"s a lot like meWe"re not the sameAnd yeah yeah yeahI"m a lot to handleYou don"t know troublebut I"m a hell of a scandalMe I"m a scene I"m a drama queenI"m the best damn thingthat your eyes have ever seenLet me hear you say hey hey heyAlright, now let me hearyou say hey hey hoI"m the best damn thingthat your eyes have ever seenhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9373384
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