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没有开启自动更新功能。倒数日days matter是一个帮你记录生活中重要日子的小工具。days matter的数字更新需要在设置中开启自动更新功能。非常多的用户都在使用这款软件来提醒自己重要时间。






daysmatter是苹果自带的,iPhone Days matter正数方式是在倒计时年月份那设置的,正数需要当天以前的时间才能开始计算。 Days Matter是来自App Store的一款软件,需要在app store下载使用 App Store 下载应用和游戏使用 App Store 可以在 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch、Apple TV 或 Mac 上购买和下载应用,重新下载以前的购买内容等等。

days matter 中文意思是什么



那是因为你是把它安装在内存卡上了 安装在手机里就行了

皇冠Sport/Sedan/Estate最新消息 将于2023-2024年陆续发布

易车讯 日前,我们从相关渠道获得了皇冠家族旗下Sport、Sedan、Estate三款新车的最新消息,其中Sport和Sedan将会在2023年正式发布,Estate将会在2024年正式发布,预计其中的部分,或者是全部车型,有可能会引入中国市场销售。皇冠Sport预计会在2023年夏季正式发布,新车预计会是一款有着与宝马X3和奥迪Q5L相似定位的中型SUV产品,主打丰田最新的家族式设计,预计会拥有更具豪华感的内饰,可能会搭载2.4T发动机和2.4T混动系统。皇冠Sedan预计会在2023年秋季正式发布,新车拥有与丰田Mirai相同的车身比例和轮廓,预计长度可能超过5000毫米,轴距超过2900毫米,大概率基于前置后驱平台打造,可以说是最正统的新一代皇冠轿车,同时有传言称,在燃油和混动版之外,该车或许还可能推出纯电版。皇冠Estate的发布时间会更晚一些,可能会在2024年春季到来,该车是一款融合了SUV和旅行车设计的跨界产品,应该会提供三排座椅,满足全家出行需求,未来可能会同时提供混动、插混和纯电车型。易车超级评测体系重磅上线!专业、硬核、全面的汽车评测内容云集,易车年度车型榜单新鲜出炉!上易车App搜索“超级评测”,等你来看!

iphone 6的days matter在哪?

若您的设备是iPhone6且运行的是iOS系统,Days Matter应用可以在App Store中下载并使用。 您可以通过打开App Store应用并搜索“Days Matter”来查找和安装此应用程序。

adidas 系列产品的clima等代表什么

clima是ADIDAS特有的技术````简单理解为透气的科技`多用于衣服和鞋adiprene+是鞋上的一种缓震胶,为黄色固体至于adi star ,supernova只是鞋的名称而已```



Days Matter用法

这个不用设置,直接日期过了就会变成已经过了多少天。比如今天是11月13日,如果你设置一个11月15日的事件,那么15日之前days matter上都会显示“距离什么什么多少多少天”,而16日之后,该事件就会自动变成“什么什么已经过了多少天”了,且显示天数预览小方块为橙色(事件日期倒数时为默认蓝色)

Days matter 图标的右上角数字可以去掉吗?强迫症。。。伤不起。。




days matter 怎么设置去除历史上的今天




为什么我苹果上的days matter。倒计时不能显现在桌面上


为什么我的days matter图标没有显示标志天数啊?




days matter为什么会一直显示天数









cadal的资源不仅包含中文电子书,还包括古籍、英文图书。“大学数字图书馆国际合作计划”(China Academic Digital Associative Library, CADAL)由国家投资建设,作为教育部“211”重点工程,由浙江大学联合国内外的高等院校、科研机构共同承担,项目负责人为浙江大学潘云鹤院士。CADAL项目建设的总体目标是:构建拥有多学科、多类型、多语种海量数字资源的,由国内外图书馆、学术组织、学科专业人员广泛参与建设与服务,具有高技术水平的学术数字图书馆,成为国家创新体系信息基础设施之一。CADAL中可查看古籍、民国期刊、现代图书、音视频、满铁、地方志、侨批的数量,并可点击跳转对应的检索结果页。“特藏库”,可看到民国文献大全、甲骨数字化、老照片及简介信息,并可以点击进入对应的外部数据库。“书单推荐”,可以进行书单分享、收藏、点赞、进入书单操作,点击“换一批”会更换推荐书单。“共建共享单位”,可看到共建单位,共享单位的数量,并可以点击跳转详细列表页面,同时还可以看到中国、亚洲、欧洲、北美四个地区的图书馆列表。并可点击跳转列表页面,点击“更多”进入到共建共享单位更多页面。登录:注册成功后,用户切换到“登录”页面或者点击右上角“登录”按钮,进入到登录页面,支持扫码登录和密码登录,用户可以选择对应的登录方式进行登录。检索:首页搜索框,下方展示最近搜索的检索词,左侧下拉可限定搜索条件,包括“名称”、“作者”等,检索框中输入检索词,点击右侧搜索按钮即可进入检索结果页,搜索包含两部分:系统内搜索、扩展搜索,默认是系统内搜索,即检索范围为CADAL资源。



days matter怎么用

day是名词,表示“一天”day"s 表示“一天的” 比如:a day"s work 一天的工作days" 表示“X天的” 比如:two days" work 两天的工作 它是有day的复数形式构成的,由于复数形式最后一个字母已经是S,所以不用再在右上角的一撇之后再加个S了

怎么把days matter显示在手机桌面上 安卓系统

1、首先在手机中打开days matter,设置任意的纪念日,如下图所示。2、回到手机桌面上,长按days matter,进入编辑模式。3、然后点击加号打开组件库,如下图所示。4、然后找到days matter组件,点击打开详情。5、点击“添加小组件”,将days matter放置到桌面上。6、回到手机桌面,长按days matter小组件,点击“编辑小组件”。7、选择一个日期,也就是显示在手机桌面上的日期。8、到这里,就可以使用days matter组件了,随时随地查看纪念日。

days matter怎么用?

工具:iPhone 8操作系统:iOS 14.4.1软件:days matter1、在手机app srote中下载并打开倒数日,进入倒数日界面。2、进入倒数日页面后,点击屏幕右上方的加号,添加新的倒数日。3、进入添加页面后,根据需求按要求填写相关信息,并设置相关信息。4、添加并设置完成后,点击屏幕上方的保存按键,即倒数日设置完成。5、返回倒数日主页面,可以在列表页可看到刚刚设置的倒数日。6、在手机的状态栏可以看到设置好的days matter,如下图所示:

days matter是什么软件?

软件版本:倒数日Days Matter 1.3。我们可以使用倒数日Days Matter APP记录已经多少天。打开手机上的倒数日Days Matter,在右上角找到添加按钮,添加一个新的日子。记住,如果是想要设置类似于情侣在一起的天数这类的纪念日的话,需要输入你们在一起当天的日期,比如2020年7月7日你们相爱的话,就输入这个日期。然后将倒数本选择为“纪念日”,打开置顶,选择需要重复的时间间隔后保存即可。这时,在一起的天数就会显示在主界面,并且显示的颜色为橙色,这是因为是纪念过去的时间为橙色,而对未来的倒计时则是蓝色的。点击设置好的计时后,可以设定更加精美的主题并保存至相册,方便用户们分享至朋友圈或其它社交平台。你也可以点击数字,来更换显示的时间格式,可以在年、月、周、日中进行挑选。而点击BigDay后,用户们就能够查看到更加具体的纪念日信息,100天、200天、300天、1周年等。

苹果days matter怎么弄到桌面上

days matter弄到桌面的方法如下:工具/原料:iPhone SE2、iOS14.2、days matter1.4。1、打开手机已安装的days matter。2、点击界面右上角【+号】,添加新日期。3、添加完成后,点击【完成】按钮。4、返回手机桌面,长按空白位置,进入【编辑模式】。5、在库里找到【days matter】,点击添加。6、选择自己喜欢的风格,点击【添加小组件】。7、在屏幕任意位置点击,退出编辑模式。

The school newspaper______(reporter)the speech contest in detail yesterday(用所给单词的适当形式填空


days matter重复是什么意思

days matter重复是重复提醒的意思。例如你的生日就可设置为每1年重复一次,就是今年的过完了,不用在重新设置,明年还会继续提醒。Days Matter支持重复事件,可设置年、月、周、天重复事件,方便一次设置,多年生效,极大的提高了效率。倒数日设置提醒方式方法:演示设备:iPhone 6s手机,系统IOS 12.4App:倒数日·Days Matter,版本号0.9.1121、打开倒数日。2、进入Days Matter首页,点击有上角+。3、进入添加新日子,然后输入日子的名称,这里输入老婆生日。4、然后点击第二栏“目标日”,选择日期。4、这里选择10月16号。5、然后点击打开“分类”。6、再选择纪念日即可。7、继续点击“重复”栏打开,根据你的需要选择重复方式。8、这里选择的是每年重复方法。9、剩下的“置顶”、“提醒”方式根据你的需要设置即可,设置好以后点击“保存”即可。10、这样就设好了一个重要日期了。


封建制是君主制的一种,君主制分君主封建制、部分君主制(政教合一)、君主立宪制。 君主制由君主,包括国王、皇帝、天皇、苏丹等担当国家元首。君主拥有至高无上的权力,君主的意志就是法律,不受任何约束。君主实行终身制,并且是世袭的。这种政治制度已有四五千年的历史。古代的奴隶制国家、封建制国家、多实行这种专制制度。 封建制又称分封制,是古代的帝王将自己开拓的疆土,分封给自己的同姓和有功的臣民,让他们在分封的疆土上建立诸侯国,以屏天子,也称“封土建国”,并按天子、诸侯、大夫、士、庶民的等级世袭爵位的一种政治制度。 就我国来说,从秦始皇统一天下开始,就实行中央集权下的郡县制,也可称为君主制下的郡县管理,基本没有分封。所以从狭义上来讲,中国从那时已经结束了封建时代,而进入了中央集权时代。后来汉高祖开国,为了安抚功臣,分封与郡县相结合,后经七王之乱,汉武撤藩。自此,中国几乎总是以郡县为主,分封为辅。然而封王权利已经有很大的收缩。

to see what data the error report contains,click here 谁知道这句话是什么意思, 专业的来说说··

看看什么数据错误报告包含 点这里看看错误的数据包含什么 点这里 大概就是意思 以后像这样看不懂的英语 直接在线翻译


beregardas后接形容词属于固定用法,用来. 视为用作形容词,是词类的一种。主要用来描述或修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、状态、特征或属性。它常用作定语、表语或补语。2. 语法是语言的组织规律。当任何人使用一种语言时,不管他是否学过语法,他都必须遵守这种语言。另外,总结语法本身的规律也可以加深我们对语言的理解,从而真正后面可以接名词,也可以接形容词,这是固定用法。



Never Gonna Dance Again这首歌歌词以及翻译成中文?

歌曲地址: http://podcache.cctv.com/published1/2007/10/09/pub1191922958019.mp3演唱组合Sugababes-Never Gonna Dance Again歌词:Circles on the floor, I"m getting down, low But things ain"t right, you"re gone, I"m losing ground, no Do you remember when your heart was mine? It"s all I ever think when it comes to you and I No I can"t feel right, I"ll be good and seal the deal The rhythm can"t just go its the only thing I feel (oh) And so I"m never gonna dance again, I lost my rhythm when you said it"s over, And as the final record starts to play, I feel the dance floor turning colder, And so I"m never gonna dance again, Cause all the music in my world has faded, Oh no it"s never gonna be the same, I guess the moves just never made it Some first time, I"ll work, I"ll find A picture perfect painting that I store in my heart We were so bright to know we couldn"t get it right Our bodies are in twain now I can"t get you off my mind As we dance you know our feelings show You oughtta know you got me As we dance we know my heart"s exposed Now I"m alone you lost me baby And so I"m never gonna dance again, I lost my rhythm when you said it"s over, And as the final record starts to play, I feel the dance floor turning colder, And so I"m never gonna dance again, Cause all the music in my world has faded, Oh no it"s never gonna be the same, I guess the moves just never made it I"m getting down but the rhythm"s all wrong The record goes around, they"re playing our song I gave into the groove but its giving me pain There"s nothing you can do for me Mr. DJ And so I"m never gonna dance again, I lost my rhythm when you said it"s over, And as the final record starts to play, I feel the dance floor turning colder, And so I"m never gonna dance again, Cause all the music in my world has faded, On no it"s never gonna be the same, I guess the moves just never made it Its over, its over And so I"m never gonna dance again 翻译:在地板上画着圈圈 我伤心沮丧 一切皆不如意,你走了 我彻底失利了,不要阿 还记得以前你眼里只有我的日子吗? 当回忆涌上心头,脑里全是那时的画面 不,我没法好起来,除非将那个约定彻底封藏 唯一可以感受的音乐节拍也无法让我振作起来 [我不再能跳舞 当你说一切结束,我丢失了我的节拍 当最后的一张唱片开始响起 我感到舞池的地板开始冷却 我不再能跳舞 因为我的世界里音乐已经黯然失色 不,一切都不复从前 我试着想起舞步,可永远无法跳好] 第一次,我会努力寻找 心里驻留的是我们多么完美的画面 我们都如此聪明,为何就是不能解决好问题 我俩的身材如此般配,我实在无法将你忘怀 当我们一起跳舞,你知道我俩有多来电 你该知道你已将我捕获 现在,宝贝,你失去了我,我好孤单 [...] 我伤心沮丧,音乐的节拍全部踩错 唱片旋转着,他们在播放我们的歌 我深醉其中,可感到的是深深的痛 你什么也帮不了我,亲爱的DJ [...] 都结束了,结束了 我不再能跳舞


memory of love bright day爱的美好日子生词memory 英[u02c8memu0259ri]美[u02c8mu025bmu0259ri]n. 记忆,记忆力; 回忆,往事; [计] 存储器,内存;[网络] 记忆; 回忆; 内存;[例句]All the details of the meeting are fresh in my memory.我对会议的所有细节都记忆犹新。[其他] 复数:memoriesbright day [词典] 晴天;[网络] 明亮的一天;[例句]I invited her to enjoy the beautiful scene on a bright day.我邀请她共度这个良辰美景。

请教关于租车保险中的damage excess

车辆碰撞险补充保障:Damage Excess Refund 简称DER由第三方保险公司提供保障。选购此项服务后,租期内发生事故后您被租车公司要求赔偿车辆损坏的起赔额时,您预先向租车公司支付起赔额部分的金额,凭事故证 明和交费单,第三方保险公司可以事后为您办理这部分费用的返还。请注意,购买此项服务后,请不要再在租车公司柜台购买此类保险(也有用户理解为“全 险”),以免重复购买。通常是按天收取费用且须支付对应税费。

小米OTG 支持外置 dac 声卡吗

你好,既然看到了,就复制一遍吧这并非不能解决的问题,请自行谷歌USB Audio Recorder Pro这款APP能让大部分安卓3.2及以上,支持标准USB2.0 OTG规范的安卓手机 识别常见外置声卡,甚至连CM6631这类生僻的异步DAC芯片也能识别!此软件是国外某工作室开发的,号称能支持大部分满足上述需求的手机,能识别大部分常见DAC芯片。想要外置DAC工作则只能用此软件播放音乐。但遗憾的是,本人实测华为手机(也是高通方案)通过此软件能完美识别USB声卡,并正常工作,但小米不行,估计是MIUI的问题,MIUI阉割精简了部分内容,原生安卓是没有问题的

where did you go last saturday?怎么回答?很急

可以回答:I went to the park last saturday.



where did you go last Sunday?怎么回答

I went to the market


从别处看来的也许对你有用:西城中文网,进入网站自动下载 http://www.westlife.cn/songsdown/Go.asp?ID=131&Url=1 或者直接复制到迅雷下载 下载地址: http://www.westlife.cn/songs/wma_wlcn/02_coast_to_coast/10_Soledad.wma 我再次被你搞晕了~~ 当我想要伴奏带,可是网上又下不到的时候,我会: 1、播放这首歌曲 2、用千千静听自带的均衡器消除原音(人声) 3、打开Windows录音机,录下只有音乐的那一段(也可以是整首) 4、生成WAV格式 5、用MP3转换软件转成MP3格式的就~~~OK了~大功告成~ 建议用豪杰超级解霸3000自带的MP3格式转换器。





La Soledad 歌词

歌曲名:La Soledad 歌手:pink martini专辑:SympathiqueViniste a miComo poesia en la cancionMostrandomeUn nuevo mundo de pasionAmandomeSin egoismo y sin razonMas sin saberQue era el amorYo protegi mi corazonEl sol se fueY yo cantando tu cancionLa soledadSe aduena de toda emocionPerdonameSi el miedo robo mi ilusionViniste a miNo supe amarY solo queda esta cancionViniste a miComo poesia en la cancionMostrandomeUn nuevo mundo de pasionAmandomeSin egoismo y sin razonMas sin saberQue era el amorYo protegi mi corazonEl sol se fueY yo cantando tu cancionLa soledadSe aduena de toda emocionPerdonameSi el miedo robo mi ilusionViniste a miNo supe amarY solo queda esta cancionhttp://music.baidu.com/song/17899830

求Laura Pausini的La solitudine的西班牙语版La soledad的歌词

If only you could see the tears in the world you left behind 如果你能看见你在世间遗留下的眼泪该多好! If only you could heal my heart just one more time 如果你能再次愈合我的心灵该多好! Even when I close my eyes ,There"s an image of your face 即使我闭上我的眼睛也会看到你脸颊的浮影. And once again I come I"ll relise ,You"re a loss I can"t replace 让我在次感受你对为而言无法取代的遗失. Shane (All): Soledad ,It"s a keeping for the lonely Since the day that you were gone 孤独,那是自从你离我而去之后没有间断的孤寂! Why did you leave me Soledad 为何你留我独自一人? In my heart you were the only ,And your memory live on 在我心目中你是永恒与唯一的回忆 Why did you leave me 为什么你要离我而去 Bryan: Soledad 孤独 Shane: Walking down the streets of nothingville ,Where our love was young and free 漫步在没有人烟的街道,一条充满我青春自由的爱的街道 Can"t believe just what an empty place ,It has come to be 一个无法另人置信的空间已经悄然降临 Shane: I would give my life away ,If it could only be the same 如果有机会的话我将付出我的生命! Cause Ican"t still the voice inside of me (ooh) ,That is calling out your name 因为我不能抚平内心呼唤你名字的心声的那道涟漪! (Calling out your name) All (Mark): Soledad (soledad),It"s a keeping for the lonely Since the day that you were gone (you were gone) 孤独,那是自从你离我而去之后没有间断的孤寂 Why did you leave me soledad 为何你留我独自一人? In my heart you were the only ,And your memory live on (on) 在我心目中你是永恒与唯一的回忆 Why did you leave me 为什么你要离我而去 Shane: Soledad Mark: Time will never change the things you told me yeah 时间不会改变你的我的承诺 After all we"re meant to be love will bring us back to you and me 毕竟我们的爱意会引领我们回到过去的你和我 Bryan: If only you could see 但愿你能知晓这一切~ All (Bryan): Soledad (soledad) 孤独 It"s a keeping for the lonely 没有间断的孤寂 All (Mark): Since the day that you were gone (you were gone) 自你离我而去之后 Why did you leave me ,Soledad (oh no) 为何你留我独自一人 ? In my heart you were the only ,And your memory live on (oh no) 在我心目中你是永恒与唯一的回忆 Why did you leave me (Soledad 〕 为什么你要离我而去 参考资料:百度知道






死心吧...才不叫抄袭这个问题我之前也回答过了8小节相同那才叫抄袭下面是我之前答的-------------------------------------------------------------晕...下了听真的好像- -!又有人毁了懒虫的歌....这个世界疯狂了,说真的,那么多结局都说明了,估计说出去也没人管,还有一帮nc歌迷说你“不爱国”月X之上可以抄blue的all rise说民谣,勇X的心可以抄sp的crazy说摇滚8小节相同才算抄袭...什么垃圾规定,早对中,国某些人失望了,恶心-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------有时候是个人都听的出来的,专家说不是,那就不是咯讽,刺得要死,听听我收藏的sp和汪X的“合奏”吧http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/J2P445SWZC8/其实都一个道理,反正着都 不 叫 抄 袭 !

Lola Soledad 歌词

歌曲名:Lola Soledad歌手:Alejandro Sanz专辑:ParaíSo ExpressAlejandro Sanz.-.Lola SoledadTuvo mil historias y olvidó olvidarlesMalgastó caricias en los despertaresRellenó enteritos mil y un pasaportesY ahora vengo yo a bajarla de ese viajeEstudió carreras en los corredoresSólo le queda mi amor pa" graduarseLola se ha sentido sola entre un millónY murmura una canciónLola la y loLolaSe quedó atrapada en su dolorLola Lola y loSol a solYo le traje besos por aquellos bosquesY un vestido con lunares de coloresYo lloré en pedazos noches delantalesInventé caminos puentes y horizontesVámonosLolaTú ya no estás sola aquí estoy yoHazme un sitio en tu canciónLola la y loLolaDeja tu tristeza y vámonosJuntos los dosTengo un lugar mejorQue nadie te castigue en un rincónLas tragedias deja que se vayanVales másYa no serásLola soledadTuvo mil historias y olvidó olvidarlesSólo le queda mi amor pa" graduarseVámonosLola, tú ya no estás sola aquí estoy yoHazme un sitio en tu canciónLola la y loLolaDeja tu tristeza y vámonosLola Lola y loSol a solLola Lola y loSol a solLola Lola y loSolahttp://music.baidu.com/song/661891


西班牙文,孤独的意思 Soledad 歌词Shane:If only you could see the tearsIn the world you left behindIf only you could hear my heartJust one more timeEven when I close my eyesThere"s an image of your faceAnd once again I come to realiseYou"re a loss I can"t replaceShane (All):SoledadIt"s a keeping for the lonelySince the day that you were goneWhy did you leave me soledad?In my heart you were the onlyAnd your memory lives onWhy did you leave me?Bryan:SoledadShane:Walking down the streets of NothingvilleWhere our love was young and freeCan"t believe just what an empty place it has come to beShane:I would give my life awayIf it could only be the sameCos I can"t still the voice inside of me (ooh)That is calling out your name(Calling out your name)All (Mark):Soledad (soledad)It"s a keeping for the lonelySince the day that you were gone (you were gone)Why did you leave me soledad?In my heart you were the onlyAnd your memory lives on (on)Why did you leave meShane:SoledadMark:Time will never change the things you"ve told me yeahAnd after all we"re meant to beLove will bring us back to you and meBryan:If only you could seeAll (Bryan):Soledad (soledad)It"s a keeping for the lonelyAll (Mark):Since the day that you were gone (you were gone)Why did you leave me soledad? (oh no)In my heart you were the onlyAnd your memory lives on (oh no)Why did you leave me (soledad)All:Soledad (soledad)It"a keeping for the lonely (keeping for the lonely)Since the day that you were goneWhy did you leave me soledad? (ooh why did you leave me)Soledad (soledad)In my heart you were the only (heart you were the only) (Mark: ooh)And your memory lives on (lives on)Why did you leave meSoledad (soledad)Why did you leave me soledad?多希望你可以知道 你离开之后 我的悲伤 多希望你可以再次为我疗伤 每当我闭上双眼 总无法忘却你的身影 再一次 我深深了解 你永远无人可以取代 孤独 自从你走的那一天 我的悲伤没有止尽 为何离我而去 你是我心中的唯一 你我的记忆永远无法抹去 为何离开我 孤独 走在大街上 那时我们的爱苗 才渐渐滋长 不敢相信一切竟变得如此空虚 我愿意抛弃生命 只要一切回到从前 我无法抹去记忆中你的声音 这是我对你爱的呼唤 (合唱) 时间不会改变你我的誓约 因为我们真心相属 爱会让一切再回到从前 只希望你能看见

Soledad It is a keeping for the lonely

孤独,那是自从你离我而去之后没有间断的孤寂 ,其实这是一首歌的名字,歌曲如下:Soledad,it is a keeping for the lonely (2009-04-25 22:10:06)转载▼标签: 娱乐 分类: 乱七八糟 If only you could see the tears in the world you left behind,If only you could heal my heart just one more timeEven when I close my eyes ,There"s an image of your faceAnd once again I come to realise ,You"re a loss I can"t replaceSoledad ,It"s a keeping for the lonely Since the day that you were goneWhy did you leave meSoledad,In my heart you were the only ,And your memory lives onWhy did you leave me ,Soledad Walking down the streets of nothingvilleWhere our love was young and freeCan"t believe just what an empty place ,It has come to beI would give my life away ,If it could only be the sameCause Ican"t still the voice inside of me (ooh) ,That is calling out your name (Calling out your name)  Soledad (soledad),It"s a keeping for the lonely Since the day that you were gone (you were gone)Why did you leave me soledadIn my heart you were the only ,And your memory live on (on)Why did you leave meSoledad ,Time will never change the things you told me yeahAfter all we"re meant to be love will bring us back to you and meIf only you could seeSoledad (soledad) It"s a keeping for the lonelySince the day that you were gone (you were gone)Why did you leave me ,Soledad (oh no)In my heart you were the only ,And your memory live on (oh no)Why did you leave me (Soledad 〕  Soledad (soledad)It"a keeping for the lonely (keeping for the lonely)Since the day that you were goneWhy did you leave me soledad? (ooh why did you leave me)Soledad (soledad)In my heart you were the only (heart you were the only) (Mark: ooh)And your memory lives on (lives on)Why did you leave meSoledad (soledad)Why did you leave me soledad?如果你能看见你在世间遗留下的眼泪该多好!如果你能再次愈合我的心灵该多好!即使我闭上我的眼睛也会看到你脸颊的浮影.让我再次感受你对我而言无法取代的遗失.孤独,那是自从你离我而去之后没有间断的孤寂!为何你留我独自一人?在我心目中你是永恒与唯一的回忆为什么你要离我而去Soledad,漫步在没有人烟的街道,一条充满我青春自由的爱的街道一个无法另人置信的空间已经悄然降临如果有机会的话我将付出我的生命!因为我不能抚平内心呼唤你名字的心声的那道涟漪!孤独,那是自从你离我而去之后没有间断的孤寂为何你留我独自一人?在我心目中你是永恒与唯一的回忆为什么你要离我而去Soledad,时间不会改变你我的承诺毕竟我们的爱意会引领我们回到过去的你和我但愿你能知晓这一切孤独没有间断的孤寂自你离我而去之后为何你留我独自一人?在我心目中你是永恒与唯一的回忆 为什么你要离我而去

贡戈拉的诗作《孤独》原文 Gongora Soledad 原文谁有 谢谢!


急!!!例句中secondary intent 和fluctuation的意思是什么? 这几句话怎么翻译?

不缝合,保持伤口开放,让伤口逐渐自行愈合(wound healing by secondary intention)fluctuation [] 波动感


if only you could see the tears多希望你可以看到我的悲伤in the world you left behind在你离开我以后if only you could heal my heart多希望你还能为我疗伤just one more time只要一次足以even when i close my eyes每当我闭上眼睛there"s an image of your face就会想起你的每一个表情and once again i come to realize再一次让我深深了解到you"re a loss i can"t replace无人能取代你all: Soledad孤独it"s a keeping for the lonely一直持续的孤独since the day that you were gone从你离开我的那一天why did you leave me为什么悄然离开in my heart you were the only在我心中你永远是唯一and your memory lives on你的一举一动深深的埋在我的脑海Soledad孤独Brian: Soledad孤独Shane: walking down the street走在大街上of nothing Ville似乎对我们来说小镇是空虚的where our love was young and free在那里我们的爱纯洁而又自由can"t believe just what an empty place不敢相信在这空虚的地方it has come to be我们的爱也变的空虚了i would give my life away我愿意放弃我的生命if it could only be the same只希望能回到从前cause i can"t still the voice inside of me因为我无法忘记记忆里你的声音 that is calling out your name这是我对你爱的呼唤all: Soledad孤独(Brian: Soledad)Shane: Soledad孤独mark: time will never change the things you told me时间无法抹去你给我的誓言 after all we"re meant to be因为我们的心是连在一起的love will bring us back to you and me爱会让我们再次回到从前Brian: if only you could see如果你能听到我的呼唤all: Soledad孤独(Shane: Soledad)it"s a keeping for the lonely一直持续的孤独

Carlos Gardel的《Soledad》 歌词

歌曲:Soledad歌手:westlifeIf only you could see the tearsIn the world you left behindIf only you could heal my heartJust one more timeEven when I close my eyesThere"s an image of your faceAnd once again I come to realiseYou"re a loss I can"t replaceSoledadIt"s a keeping for the lonelySince the day that you were goneWhy did you leave meSoledadIn my heart you were the onlyAnd your memory lives onWhy did you leave meSoledadWalking down the streetsOf NothingvilleWhere our love was young and freeCan"t believe just what an empty placeIt has come to beI would give my life awayIf it could only be the sameCause I can"t still the voice inside of meThat is calling out your nameTime will never change the things you told meAfter all we"re meant to beLove will bring us back to you and meIf only you could seehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2561190


Soledad Shane: If only you could see the tears In the world you left behind If only you could hear my heart Just one more time Even when I close my eyes There"s an image of your face And once again I come to realise You"re a loss I can"t replace Shane (All): Soledad It"s a keeping for the lonely Since the day that you were gone Why did you leave me soledad? In my heart you were the only And your memory lives on Why did you leave me? Bryan: Soledad Shane: Walking down the streets of Nothingville Where our love was young and free Can"t believe just what an empty place it has come to be Shane: I would give my life away If it could only be the same Cos I can"t still the voice inside of me (ooh) That is calling out your name (Calling out your name) All (Mark): Soledad (soledad) It"s a keeping for the lonely Since the day that you were gone (you were gone) Why did you leave me soledad? In my heart you were the only And your memory lives on (on) Why did you leave me Shane: Soledad Mark: Time will never change the things you"ve told me yeah And after all we"re meant to be Love will bring us back to you and me Bryan: If only you could see All (Bryan): Soledad (soledad) It"s a keeping for the lonely All (Mark): Since the day that you were gone (you were gone) Why did you leave me soledad? (oh no) In my heart you were the only And your memory lives on (oh no) Why did you leave me (soledad) All: Soledad (soledad) It"a keeping for the lonely (keeping for the lonely) Since the day that you were gone Why did you leave me soledad? (ooh why did you leave me) Soledad (soledad) In my heart you were the only (heart you were the only) (Mark: ooh) And your memory lives on (lives on) Why did you leave me Soledad (soledad) Why did you leave me soledad? 多希望你可以知道 你离开之后 我的悲伤 多希望你可以再次为我疗伤 每当我闭上双眼 总无法忘却你的身影 再一次 我深深了解 你永远无人可以取代 孤独 自从你走的那一天 我的悲伤没有止尽 为何离我而去 你是我心中的唯一 你我的记忆永远无法抹去 为何离开我 孤独 走在大街上 那时我们的爱苗 才渐渐滋长 不敢相信一切竟变得如此空虚 我愿意抛弃生命 只要一切回到从前 我无法抹去记忆中你的声音 这是我对你爱的呼唤 (合唱) 时间不会改变你我的誓约 因为我们真心相属 爱会让一切再回到从前 只希望你能看见麻烦采纳,谢谢!

In Da Club [Shake Sh*T Up] [Copyright Main Mix] 歌词

歌曲名:In Da Club [Shake Sh*T Up] [Copyright Main Mix]歌手:Copyright&Mr. V And Miss Patty专辑:Defected Clubland Adventures - 10 Years In The House, Volume 1No shorty, it"s Beyonce,We gon" party like, it"s ya birthday,We gettin" naughty like, it"s ya birthdaySo put ya drink up in the air if you look sexy!I"m the chick with the hot ish, manolo blahnik,Jimmy choo kicks, killin" it, who you with?Me & my girls at the party with the diamond zinati"sI"m that classy mami with the Marilyn Monroe body.I"m that fly chick 5*6 Marc Jacob miniGhetto fabolous, glamourous, its effortlessMake up light, we with my pastel LouisDesigner scarf, work of art, rockin" vintage GucciYou can find me in the club, sippin" on some bub,Daddy I got what you need you"s a sexy little thug,Don"t wanna be your girl I ain"t lookin for no love,So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.You can find me in the club, sippin" on some bub,Daddy I got what you need you"s a sexy little thug,Don"t wanna be your girl I ain"t lookin for no love,So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.My nails my hair my diamond rings,Shining with all my fancy things,My crib my car my clothes my jewels,Why you mad? Cause I came up and I ain"t changed.I"m that girl wearing chanel pearls,Chandeliers in my ears from Bailey Banks and BiddleYa feelin my style, ya feelin my flowHair sheek, smells sweet, like flow to flow?I"m the lady sipping baileys while I strut like a modelIf the ladies wanna hate me I jus send them a bottleI kno I got it but don"t flaunt it even though brothas want it,Dancin" dirrty while I"m flirtin, "cause he" checkin" up on me.You can find me in the club, sippin" on some bub,Daddy I got what you need you"s a sexy little thug,Don"t wanna be your girl I ain"t lookin for no love,So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.You can find me in the club, sippin" on some bub,Daddy I got what you need you"s a sexy little thug,Don"t wanna be your girl I ain"t lookin for no love,So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.My nails my hair my diamond rings,Shining with all my fancy things,My crib my car my clothes my jewels,Why you mad? Cause I came up and I ain"t changed, ohhhohhh, ohhh ohhh, ohhh!ohhh, ohhh ohhh, ohhh.ohhh, ohhh ohhh, ohhh!ohhh, ohhhoooooooooooooooooooooowww!! (into hook)You can find me in the club, sippin" on some bub,Daddy I got what you need you"s a sexy little thug,Don"t wanna be your girl I ain"t lookin for no love,So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.You can find me in the club, sippin" on some bub,Daddy I got what you need you"s a sexy little thug,Don"t wanna be your girl I ain"t lookin for no love,So come give me a hug, sexy little thug.http://music.baidu.com/song/7794881


soledad的中文翻译 若是你能看见那泪水 流淌在你身后的世界 若是你能抚慰我的心 哪怕只这最后的一次 纵然我闭上我的双眼 也依然有你萦绕在心 忽然,再次地,我意识到 你已成为我生命中再也无法填补的空缺 Soledad 是从你离去那天起 对寂寞执著的镇守 告诉我为何离我而去 Soledad 你是我心中永远的唯一 你的记忆会因而长存 告诉我为何离我而去 徜徉在乌有镇的街上 彼时我们的爱尚新鲜自由 可我现在不敢相信 它竟如此空旷落寞 我愿意放弃我生命 只要一切能到过去 因为不堪忍受心中 总在呼喊你的名字 时间流驶 不变的是你曾经的话语 我们是早已注定 相爱让我们重新回到我和你 若是你能看得见


If only you could see the tears, in the world you left behindIf only you could heal my heart, just one more timeEven when I close my eyes, there"s an image of your faceAnd once again I come to realize, you"re a loss I can"t replaceShane (All):Soledad, it"s a keeping for the lonely since the day that you were gone.Why did you leave me?Soledad, in my heart you were the only, and your memory lives on.Why did you leave me?Bryan:SoledadShane:Walking down the streets of nothingville, where our love was young and freeCan"t believe just what an empty place, it has come to beI would give my life away, if it could only be the sameCause I can"t still the voice inside of me (Ooh), that is calling out your name(Calling out your name)All(Mark):Soledad(Soledad), it"s a keeping for the lonely since the day that you were gone (you were gone)Why did you leave me?SoledadIn my heart you were the only, and your memory lives on (On)Why did you leave me?Shane:SoledadMark:Time will never change the things you told me (yeah)After all we"re meant to be,love will bring us back to you and meBryan:If only you could seeAll(Bryan):Soledad (Soledad)It"s a keeping for the lonelyAll (Mark):Since the day that you were gone (You were gone)Why did you leave me, Soledad(Oh no)In my heart you were the only, and your memory lives on (Oh no)Why did you leave me? (Soledad)SoledadAll:Soledad(Soledad)It"s a keeping for thelonely (Keeping for the lonely)Since the day that you were goneWhy did you leave me Soledad? (Ooh why did you leave me)Soledad (Soledad)In my heart you were theonly (Heart you were the only) (Mark: Ooh)And your memory lives on (Lives on)Why did you leave me?Soledad (Soledad)Why did you leave me?Soledad If only you could see the tears, in the world you left behind但愿你能看到那些眼泪,在你留下的这个世界If only you could heal my heart, just one more time但愿你能治愈我的心,再一次就够了Even when I close my eyes, there"s an image of your face即使当我闭上双眼,看见的还是你的身影你的脸And once again I come to realize, you"re a loss I can"t replace于是我才再次想起,你是我无法弥补的损失Shane (All):Soledad, it"s a keeping for the lonely since the day that you were gone.从你走后,我便开始了孤独的守候Why did you leave me?你为何要离我而去?Soledad, in my heart you were the only, and your memory lives on.在我心中你就是唯一,你走了却留下记忆。Why did you leave me?你为何要离我而去?Bryan:SoledadShane:Walking down the streets of nothingville, where our love was young and free走在无人小镇的大街上,想起我们的爱曾经年轻放荡Can"t believe just what an empty place, it has come to be于是想都不敢想,它如今竟成了这副空荡模样I would give my life away, if it could only be the same如果一切能从头开始,我愿意付出我的生命Cause I can"t still the voice inside of me (Ooh), that is calling out your name(Calling out your name)因为我止不住内心的声音,一遍一遍呼唤你的姓名(呼唤你的姓名)All(Mark):Soledad(Soledad), it"s a keeping for the lonely since the day that you were gone (you were gone)从你走后,我便开始了孤独的守候(自你走后)Why did you leave me?你为何要离我而去?SoledadIn my heart you were the only, and your memory lives on (On)在我心中你就是唯一,你走了却留下记忆(留下记忆)Why did you leave me?你为何要离我而去?Shane:SoledadMark:Time will never change the things you told me (yeah)时间永远不会改变那些你曾对我诉说的一切After all we"re meant to be,love will bring us back to you and me你我相爱是注定,爱会带着我们回到过去Bryan:If only you could see但愿你能知晓这一切All(Bryan):Soledad (Soledad)It"s a keeping for the lonely我便开始了孤独的守候All (Mark):Since the day that you were gone (You were gone)自你走后(你走后)Why did you leave me, Soledad(Oh no)你为什么要走(哦不)In my heart you were the only, and your memory lives on (Oh no)在我心中你就是唯一,你走了却留下记忆Why did you leave me? (Soledad)你为何要离我而去?SoledadAll:Soledad(Soledad)It"s a keeping for thelonely (Keeping for the lonely)我便开始了孤独的守候Since the day that you were gone自从你走后Why did you leave me Soledad? (Ooh why did you leave me)为何你要离我而去?(噢为什么你离我而去)Soledad (Soledad)孤独(孤独)In my heart you were theonly (Heart you were the only) (Mark: Ooh)在我心中你就是唯一(你就是唯一)(噢)And your memory lives on (Lives on)你走了却留下记忆(留下记忆)Why did you leave me?你为何要离我而去?Soledad (Soledad)Why did you leave me?你为何要离我而去?Soledad


Soledad 歌词 Shane: If only you could see the tears in the world you left behind 如果你能看见你在世间遗留下的眼泪该多好! If only you could heal my heart just one more time 如果你能再次愈合我的心灵该多好! Even when I close my eyes ,There"s an image of your face 即使我闭上我的眼睛也会看到你脸颊的浮影. And once again I come to realise ,You"re a loss I can"t replace 让我再次感受你对我而言无法取代的遗失. Shane (All): Soledad ,It"s a keeping for the lonely Since the day that you were gone 孤独,那是自从你离我而去之后没有间断的孤寂! Why did you leave me Soledad 为何你留我独自一人? In my heart you were the only ,And your memory lives on 在我心目中你是永恒与唯一的回忆 Why did you leave me 为什么你要离我而去 Bryan: Soledad 孤独 Shane: Walking down the streets of nothingville ,Where our love was young and free 漫步在没有人烟的街道,一条充满我青春自由的爱的街道 Can"t believe just what an empty place ,It has come to be 一个无法另人置信的空间已经悄然降临 Shane: I would give my life away ,If it could only be the same 如果有机会的话我将付出我的生命! Cause Ican"t still the voice inside of me (ooh) ,That is calling out your name 因为我不能抚平内心呼唤你名字的心声的那道涟漪! (Calling out your name) All (Mark): Soledad (soledad),It"s a keeping for the lonely Since the day that you were gone (you were gone) 孤独,那是自从你离我而去之后没有间断的孤寂 Why did you leave me soledad 为何你留我独自一人? In my heart you were the only ,And your memory live on (on) 在我心目中你是永恒与唯一的回忆 Why did you leave me 为什么你要离我而去 Shane: Soledad Mark: Time will never change the things you told me yeah 时间不会改变你我的承诺 After all we"re meant to be love will bring us back to you and me 毕竟我们的爱意会引领我们回到过去的你和我 Bryan: If only you could see 但愿你能知晓这一切~ All (Bryan): Soledad (soledad) 孤独 It"s a keeping for the lonely 没有间断的孤寂 All (Mark): Since the day that you were gone (you were gone) 自你离我而去之后 Why did you leave me ,Soledad (oh no) 为何你留我独自一人 ? In my heart you were the only ,And your memory live on (oh no) 在我心目中你是永恒与唯一的回忆 Why did you leave me (Soledad 〕 为什么你要离我而去 All: Soledad (soledad) It"a keeping for the lonely (keeping for the lonely) Since the day that you were gone Why did you leave me soledad? (ooh why did you leave me) Soledad (soledad) In my heart you were the only (heart you were the only) (Mark: ooh) And your memory lives on (lives on) Why did you leave me Soledad (soledad) Why did you leave me soledad?


分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 明星 >> 欧美明星 问题描述: 西城男孩soledad的翻译,要准确啊! 解析: If only you could see the tears/多希望你可以知道 in the world you left behind/你离开之后我的悲伤 If only you could heal my heart/多希望 just one more time/你可以再次为我疗伤 Even when I close my eyes/每当我闭上双眼 there"s a image of your face/总无法忘却你的身影 And once again I e to realise/再一次我深深了解 you"re a loss I can"t replace/你永远无人可以取代 Soledad/孤独 It"s a keeping for the lonely/自从你走的那一天 Sine the day that you were gone/我的悲伤没有止尽 Why did you leave me/为何离我而去 Soledad/孤独 In my heart you were the only/你是我心中的唯一 And your memory lives on/对你的记忆永远无法抹去 Why did you leave me/为何离开我 Soledad/孤独 Walking down the streets of nothing village/走在大街上 When the love was young and free/那时我们的爱苗才渐渐滋长 Can"t believe just what an empty place/不敢相信 it has e to be/一切竟变得如此空虚 I would give my life way/我愿意抛弃生命 if it could only be the same/只要一切回到从前 Cause I can"t still the voice inside of me/我无法抹去记忆中你的声音 That is calling out your name/这是我对你爱的呼唤 Time will never change the thing you told me/时间不会改变你我的誓言 After all we"re meant to be/因为我们真心相属 Love will bring us back to you and me/爱会让一切回到从前 If only you could see/只希望你能看见






如果只有你能看到的眼泪 在世界上留下你 如果只有你能医治我的心 只有更多的时间 即使我闭上眼睛 有一个形象,你的脸 我再次来实现 你是一个损失我不能取代 索莱达 这是一个维持的孤独 由于一天,你去 你为什么要离开我 索莱达 在我的心里你是唯一 和你的记忆生命 你为什么要离开我 索莱达 走在街上 的Nothingville 我们的爱情是年轻人和自由 不能相信什么样的一个空位置 它已成为 我会给我的生活距离 如果它只能是相同的 原因我不能的声音仍然在我 这是呼唤你的名字 索莱达 这是一个维持的孤独 由于一天,你去 你为什么要离开我 索莱达 在我的心里你是唯一 和你的记忆生命 你为什么要离开我 索莱达 时间永远不会改变的事情你告诉我 毕竟我们打算 爱使我们回到你和我 如果只有你可以看到 索莱达 这是一个维持的孤独 由于一天,你去 你为什么要离开我 索莱达 在我的心里你是唯一 和你的记忆生命 你为什么要离开我 索莱达 这是一个维持的孤独 由于一天,你去 你为什么要离开我 索莱达 在我的心里你是唯一 和你的记忆生命 你为什么要离开我 索莱达


"soledad"是西班牙语单词了,是"孤寂","孤独""一个人寂寞"的意思, 他们这首歌里的一段歌词的中文对照意思,可以看看:)~~ Soledad It is a keeping for the lonely Since the day that you were gone Why did you leave me soledad? In my heart you were the only And your memory lives on Why did you leave me soledad? 孤寂 它是为孤独者所准备的一种赠品 自从你离开的那时起 为什么你要让我陷入孤寂 在我的心中你始终都是唯一 你的记忆总存活在我的心里 为什么你要让我陷入孤寂 中文全歌词为: 多希望你可以知道 你离开之后 我的悲伤 多希望你可以再次为我疗伤 每当我闭上双眼 总无法忘却你的身影 再一次 我深深了解 你永远无人可以取代 孤独 自从你走的那一天 我的悲伤没有止尽 为何离我而去 你是我心中的唯一 你我的记忆永远无法抹去 为何离开我 孤独 走在大街上 那时我们的爱苗 才渐渐滋长 不敢相信一切竟变得如此空虚 我愿意抛弃生命 只要一切回到从前 我无法抹去记忆中你的声音 这是我对你爱的呼唤 (合唱) 时间不会改变你我的誓约 因为我们真心相属 爱会让一切再回到从前 只希望你能看见 从最后一段看来,你把soledad译作一个女孩的名字“索莱达”似乎也很有意味




是西班牙语中孤独的意思 我也很喜欢这首歌哦~~~~ 孤独(唯一) 多希望你可以知道,你离开之后,我的世界在哭泣。 多希望你可以为我的心疗伤,哪怕只有一次就好。 甚至每当我闭上双眼,总也无法忘记你的脸庞。 再一次,我深深了解,你永远无人可以取代。 soledad 自从你走的那一天,我的孤独便没有止尽。 为何离我而去? soledad 你是我心中的唯一。 你我的记忆永远无法抹去,为何离我而去? soledad 走在空无一人的城郊小道上, 那时我们的爱情幼苗,才渐渐成长。 不敢相信这一切竟变得如此虚无。 我愿抛弃生命,只要一切回到和从前一样。 我无法停止我内心的声音,它在呼唤你的名字! soledad 自从你走的那一天,我的孤独便没有止尽。 为何离我而去? soledad 你是我心中的唯一。 你我的记忆永远无法抹去,为何离我而去? soledad 时间永远不会改变你对我说的一切, 毕竟我们真心相属。 爱会让一切再回到从前,只是--希望你能看见满意请采纳


soledad,是westlife(西城)的一首很好听个歌,很多人都在猜soledad是什么意思? 很多的人都认为soledad就是西班牙语,也就是“孤独的”意思,刚开始我也觉的就是“孤独的”的意思,可是我想我错了,真的,我想我真的是错了. soledad翻译成中文是“孤单的”的意思,而“孤单的”是形容词啊,无论是英文还是汉语形容词的后面都是要加修饰的名词或要修饰的动作啊!而这却这是一个soledad,后面什么都没有的,英语是出自拉丁语的,而欧洲的语言基本上都是出自拉丁语的,既然英语都是形容词后面加名词或动词,我想西班牙语也不例外 而歌词中,soledad的后面什么都没有的啊!只是空荡荡的,引出下文和承接上文,而soledad引出的下文,如果你翻译成“孤单的”的话你看看,例:Soledad It"s a keeping for the lonely我的孤独便没有止尽 Since the day that you were gone 自从你走的那一天 Why did you leave me为何离我而去 Soledad In my heart you were the only你是我心中的唯一 And your memory lives on你我的记忆永远无法抹去 Why did you leave me为何离我而去 这就像一个人对另一个人的倾诉,如果强硬翻译成“孤单的”的话,我想意思就太别扭了吧!如果说这是一个人的名字你就会觉的很通顺的意思啊!上下文连接也很利索,也不别扭的,更重要的是,全文都是英语为什么就偏偏这个单词是西班牙语呢???与其说这是西班牙语“孤单的”的意思不如说这是一个人的名字.

西城男孩 《soledad》歌曲的中文翻译是啥?





soledad,是westlife(西城)的一首很好听个歌,很多人都在猜soledad是什么意思? 很多的人都认为soledad就是西班牙语,也就是“孤独的”意思,刚开始我也觉的就是“孤独的”的意思,可是我想我错了,真的,我想我真的是错了. soledad翻译成中文是“孤单的”的意思,而“孤单的”是形容词啊,无论是英文还是汉语形容词的后面都是要加修饰的名词或要修饰的动作啊!而这却这是一个soledad,后面什么都没有的,英语是出自拉丁语的,而欧洲的语言基本上都是出自拉丁语的,既然英语都是形容词后面加名词或动词,我想西班牙语也不例外 而歌词中,soledad的后面什么都没有的啊!只是空荡荡的,引出下文和承接上文,而soledad引出的下文,如果你翻译成“孤单的”的话你看看,例:Soledad It"s a keeping for the lonely我的孤独便没有止尽 Since the day that you were gone 自从你走的那一天 Why did you leave me为何离我而去 Soledad In my heart you were the only你是我心中的唯一 And your memory lives on你我的记忆永远无法抹去 Why did you leave me为何离我而去 这就像一个人对另一个人的倾诉,如果强硬翻译成“孤单的”的话,我想意思就太别扭了吧!如果说这是一个人的名字你就会觉的很通顺的意思啊!上下文连接也很利索,也不别扭的,更重要的是,全文都是英语为什么就偏偏这个单词是西班牙语呢?与其说这是西班牙语“孤单的”的意思不如说这是一个人的名字. 1 人名 2 孤寂(名词)-这种说法最多



一首英文歌女生唱的开头是you happy什么monday

my boyfriend is gay


还有不想长大那段是莫扎特的,比你贱借鉴MJ BILLIE JEAN,这怎么算抄袭捏?翻唱和抄袭是两个概念吧

跪求西城男孩My Love和Soledad的歌词和中文对照




西城男孩so le dad的英文歌词及中文翻译,谢谢

Soledad Shane: If only you could see the tears In the world you left behind若你可以看见,你离去后,这世界的泪水If only you could hear my heart 若你可以再次听见,我的心跳Just one more time Even when I close my eyes 即使我闭上眼,依然能见你的脸There"s an image of your face And once again I come to realise 我再次意识到,你没人能取代You"re a loss I can"t replace Shane (All): Soledad It"s a keeping for the lonely Since the day that you were gone 从你离去的那一天,这世界只剩下孤独Why did you leave me soledad? 为什么离开我In my heart you were the only And your memory lives on 在我心中,你是我的唯一,你我的往事,历历在目Why did you leave me? 为什么离开我Bryan: Soledad Shane: Walking down the streets of Nothingville 走在Nothingville的街道上Where our love was young and free 就在这地方,那时候我们的爱缓缓绽放,自由自在Can"t believe just what an empty place it has come to be 真的不敢相信,转眼间,这里的一切已不再Shane: I would give my life away If it could only be the same 如果这一切还能回到从前,我愿付出我的生命Cos I can"t still the voice inside of me (ooh) That is calling out your name (Calling out your name) 我无法抑止心中的那个声音,深深呼唤你的名字All (Mark): Soledad (soledad) It"s a keeping for the lonely Since the day that you were gone (you were gone) Why did you leave me soledad? In my heart you were the only And your memory lives on (on) Why did you leave me Shane: Soledad Mark: Time will never change the things you"ve told me yeah And after all we"re meant to be即使是时间,也永远无法改变你告诉我的那些事,因为你我,命中注定Love will bring us back to you and me 爱会将你我带给彼此Bryan: If only you could see 但愿你能明白All (Bryan): Soledad (soledad) It"s a keeping for the lonely All (Mark): Since the day that you were gone (you were gone) Why did you leave me soledad? (oh no) In my heart you were the only And your memory lives on (oh no) Why did you leave me (soledad) All: Soledad (soledad) It"a keeping for the lonely (keeping for the lonely) Since the day that you were gone Why did you leave me soledad? (ooh why did you leave me) Soledad (soledad) In my heart you were the only (heart you were the only) (Mark: ooh) And your memory lives on (lives on) Why did you leave me Soledad (soledad) Why did you leave me soledad?

西城男孩coast to coast专辑中soledad这首歌是什么意思 是那个国家的语言?

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