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kid in the dark 中文歌词和英文歌词

Kids In The Dark - All Time Low The kids in the dark The kids in the dark The kids in the dark The kids in the dark Here we are at the end of the road A road that"s quietly caving in (caving in) Come too far to pretend that we don"t We don"t miss where we started But looking back I see a setting sun And watch my shadow fade into the floor I am left standing on the edge And wondering how we got this far (How we got this far) They left us alone The kids in the dark To burn out forever Or light up the spark We come together State of the art We"ll never surrender We"re kids in the dark So let the world sing What a shame What a shame Beautiful scars on critical veins Come together State of the art We"ll never surrender The kids in the dark The kids in the dark (Kids in the dark) (Kids in the dark) Here we are at the top of the hill A hill that"s quietly crumbling Been a while since you dressed for the kill The kill that sent me tumbling Looking up I see a falling star And watch it"s fire burn into the floor And I am left standing on the edge And wondering why we fall so hard (Why we fall so hard) They left us alone The kids in the dark To burn out forever Or light up the spark We come together State of the art We"ll never surrender We"re kids in the dark So let the world sing What a shame What a shame Beautiful scars on critical veins Come together State of the art We"ll never surre nder Kids in the dark The kids in the dark Whoa whoa Whoa whoa (They left us alone) (The kids int he dark) (To burn out forever) (Or light up the spark) We come together State of the art We"ll never surrender We"re kids in the dark So let the world sing What a shame What a shame Beautiful scars on critical veins Come together State of the art We"ll never surrender Kids in the dark The kids in the dark The kids in the dark The kids in the dark Well never surrender The kids in the dark The kids in the dark

kubectl config client-key-data

https://banzaicloud.com/blog/kubeconfig-security/ The other common solution is mutual TLS authentication, which requires an HTTPS API server endpoint. In that case — in addition to the usual client-side validation of server certificates (either with a trusted CA, or an inline CA certificate in the certificate-authority-data field of the cluster section) — a client certificate is validated by the server. You can specify your certificate in the client-certificate-data field, or a filename in client-certificate. Similarly, client-key-data or client-key contain the unencrypted private key itself, and the path pointing to it. Authentication helpers can also serve both the certificate and the private key. One of the key features of our container management platform, Pipeline is its ability to create multi- and hybrid-cloud Kubernetes environments using cloud provider-managed K8s or our own CNCF certified Kubernetes distribution, PKE . Recently, customers have been asking for a way to bring their existing Kubernetes clusters (upstream or other distributions) under Pipeline"s management, in order to benefit from the features our platform offers. During the peer review of our new cluster import feature, we realized the potential security risk created by the common practice of sharing kubeconfig files. We reached out to the Kubernetes Security Team with our concerns and some possible solutions. We had previously been advised that this was not an urgent problem and that we should start a discussion around it by opening a public issue on the kubectl repo. However, we believe that the potential risks are considerable, as most users are not aware that kubeconfig files can lead to the execution of malicious shell commands and the exposure of local files. Thus, we collected our concerns, a list of potential exploits, as well as proposals to mitigate the issue. Here, we"re presenting these alongside a thorough explanation of why and how these work. </center> To better understand our concerns, let"s take an in-depth look at the features controlled by kubeconfig files. Kubeconfig files were the original configuration files for kubectl , the famous command line tool for managing Kubernetes clusters. Their primary use is to store Kubernetes contexts, built from definitions for accessing the API server (mainly endpoint URL and TLS config), and user or auth info (credentials, tokens or certificates). The file was not initially designed to be used for any other purpose, which is evident from things like a property that let"s you control the color of kubectl "s console output. The same configuration file is also used by other tools communicating with Kubernetes, for example, helm . Kubeconfig is read from ~/.kube/config by default, which can be overridden by the KUBECONFIG environment variable. The use context can be selected from those listed in the file, usually by a command line flag of the tool, or by the current-context field of the config. It is accepted practice of different services managing Kubernetes clusters to offer kubeconfig files for download. The files are typically saved to the user"s disk and selected via an environment variable. Additionally, services which use existing Kubernetes clusters (for example CI/CD systems) often ask for a kubeconfig from the user to construct an SDK client. There are two widely used methods for authenticating requests to the Kubernetes API server. Bearer tokens are simply sent in an HTTP header. You can specify them inline, using the token field of the user definition, or by using tokenFile (the only camelCase field), which reads the token from a single-line file on your local file system. You can use authentication helpers to acquire a token. It"s worth mentioning the core concept behind the tokenFile field, which is that it be widely used by in-cluster Kubernetes clients, like controllers and operators, in order to access a service account token mounted as a volume on the pod they"re running in. The other common solution is mutual TLS authentication, which requires an HTTPS API server endpoint. In that case — in addition to the usual client-side validation of server certificates (either with a trusted CA, or an inline CA certificate in the certificate-authority-data field of the cluster section) — a client certificate is validated by the server. You can specify your certificate in the client-certificate-data field, or a filename in client-certificate . Similarly, client-key-data or client-key contain the unencrypted private key itself, and the path pointing to it. Authentication helpers can also serve both the certificate and the private key. There are a few other authentication methods, which might also be used in combination with another. There are some use cases wherein you or your provider does not want to inline tokens or certificates to a kubeconfig file. Kubeconfig offers two solutions for the dynamic retrieval of volatile credentials from an external source. In the auth-provider section of a user definition you can select an auth provider by name ( gcp in this example). Providers implement token retrieval in an in-tree Kubernetes plugin. The implementation of the gcp and the exec plugins basically execute whichever command has been specified, and extract credentials and some metadata from the command"s standard output. The substituted fields are written to the kubeconfig file, and the command is executed only if the token has expired. There are a few auth provider plugins for specific services that use the provider"s SDK, which (we hope) won"t execute external commands on your machine. A similar effect can be achieved via the exec section. This is designed to run an arbitrary command with whatever arguments have been given. Unlike custom auth provider solutions, we have, here, a strict specification for the expected output format of the command, which is parsed by the Kubernetes client and substituted to the user field. This output is in a familiar format , from which returned status fields are substituted into the user definition. We"ve already mentioned how kubectl uses kubeconfig files. Let"s cover how other programs (for example administrative cli tools or out-of-cluster operators or controllers) connect to Kubernetes API servers. The easiest way of creating a Kubernetes client is to read a kubeconfig file (a shortened extract from the official examples, error handling omitted): If you want to create a client with specific, validated parameters, this won"t be so easy (and you won"t find an example in the docs). In short, anything . It can execute arbitrary code in the name of a user running kubectl (or other software using the SDK client). And, even if the shell code would be validated, local files (like credentials, tokens) could also be leaked to a malicious API server. This is also true of shell scripts, or any other software you download and execute from the internet. Similarly, untrusted Helm charts or manifest files are something that you might suspect of running commands on your (in this case remote) system. The issue is that most users are not aware that Kubeconfig files can lead to the execution of malicious shell commands or to the exposure of arbitrary files. Of course security-aware interactive users, or the developers of automated systems, might take care to inspect the contents of a kubeconfig file before use. But this is not something routinely identified as a vulnerable interface. Sending workloads to remote systems, or executing commands like kubectl version --kubeconfig=~/Downloads/my-cluster.yaml tends not to set off alarm bells. Neither the command line interface, or the API documentation, care enough about these vulnerabilities to remind you to use only trusted configs. Just to give you an idea of the scale of these vulnerabilities, let"s check some snippets from our PoC kubeconfigs. All of the listed examples can be extended with echo s, or via a mock on a remote site, to keep the config working normally without suspicious output. The .ssh folder of the typical Kubernetes administrator (especially their private key and their configured and known hosts) is always primo loot. This user is using the gcp auth plugin, which has a restriction on the use of multi-word arguments (it has been unusual to implement word splitting with a strings.Fields call since back in the days of DOS). Of course, the Bourne Shell has the power to do anything with a single word. Here we use _ as a field (word) separator, and a variable substitution to evaluate it. The example command effectively creates a tar archive of your .ssh folder, encodes it to base64 for easy parsing, and sends it to a remote host with curl. The most common way to use foreign kubeconfigs is to set the KUBECONFIG environment variable. In this case, the malicious kubeconfig can easily clean up after the first execution of the command. The tokenFile field, as discussed earlier, was originally designed by in-cluster clients, where the Kubernetes service account"s token is mounted to a single-line file. If that"s not enough, it can also be used to send arbitrary, single-line local file content of limited length in an HTTP header to a web server mocking a Kubernetes API server. No further explanation needed: This method of exploitation requires some environmental knowledge. You have to specify either an absolute path (where you would need to know the path of the user"s home), or the path of the kubeconfig file itself. For example, let"s assume that this kubeconfig file will be downloaded to a folder (like ~/Downloads ) in the user"s home. We chose the Azure access token file, because it is a single-line JSON, but it can become too long for practical exploitation (who knows why, but they store a bunch of expired temporary tokens). What can we do? In the short term, we can add some warnings to the documentation of Kubectl and the Go SDK, and create some tools/libraries for the validation of kubeconfig files. We"ve published a project that is a PoC for validating kubeconfig files. It can be used as a stand-alone tool before executing kubectl with a new config, and from Go code dealing with untrusted kubeconfigs. Check it out on Github: github.com/banzaicloud/kubeconfiger The kubeconfiger tool drops all potentially insecure field, and validates exec commands. We use a similar solution in the Banzai Cloud Pipeline platform. The idea, here, is to execute commands exclusively from the ~/.kube/bin (and maybe a similar global) directory. kubeconfiger is a proof of concept for the practical implementation of this restriction. Administrators or package installers may create symlinks, or install tools directly there. In the long term, this could be implemented in kubectl, and potentially in the Go SDK directly. Alternatively, a whitelist could be a text or yaml file outside the kubeconfig file, just like the /etc/shells of Unix systems. The kubectl tool could also offer an easy way for the inclusion of a command in the whitelist. There is no good reason to store the kubectl config and a list of clusters in the same place. If you override the KUBECONFIG variable, you want to be able to use a different set of contexts (typically a single one), not override your kubectl settings. We could create a “base” kubeconfig that is not easily replaced, and, unlike the normal kubeconfig, could be used to set sensitive values like a list of allowed commands. This might be controlled by a new environment variable and a default value. Then, this config could include a parameter for the restriction of those files that can be read by options like tokenFile outside the folder of the kubeconfig, or ~/.kube , or some other well-defined scope. This base config file could also be used, for example, to define the command whitelist. The idea could be extended by implementing a better API server access/credentials interchange format, which would be used in a way that was independent from the kubeconfig we know today. This would contain a single cluster and user definition, and may reside in a place like ~/.kube/cluster.d or context.d . That might make it possible to keep the above-mentioned sensitive flags in the kubeconfig, which is not supposed to be replaced with another configuration normally. The SDK client should have a replaceable interface for executing these commands. It could be used, for example, to control the environment variables to share, or to implement a restricted environment which these commands run inside of: for example, run in separate K8s Tasks. It could, of course, be used to deny the execution of commands, or provide a mock for testing. Banzai Cloud"s Pipeline provides a platform for enterprises to develop, deploy, and scale container-based applications. It leverages best-of-breed cloud components, such as Kubernetes, to create a highly productive, yet flexible environment for developers and operations teams alike. Strong security measures — multiple authentication backends, fine-grained authorization, dynamic secret management, automated secure communications between components using TLS, vulnerability scans, static code analysis, CI/CD, and so on — are default features of the Pipeline platform.


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client use of jquery outdated version 怎么办

client use of jquery outdated version 怎么办码启用了严格的模式,增加了处理原生 JavaScript 代码对错误的改善。var React = require("react-native");以上代码可以加载 react-native 模块,并将它赋予变量的反应。在你调用任何模块之前你需要把外部模块加载到你的文件中来。可以把它作为Swift 和 Objective-C 的导入库。var { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, Text,View,} = React;

.net引用assembly="System.Data.OracleClient, Version=,出现了问题


绝地求生your client version is 4.8.8.please exit the game and update to 4.7.9 to join game

我也是这样!!! 请问找到办法了吗?

It is the Open House Day.

Open house day 建筑开放日这是一个伦敦的传统节日。Open house day 由来已久 。每年9月的一个周六周日,你将有机会免费进入伦敦超过5400多座著名的大楼中一探究竟,并了解那些保存完好的建筑秘密。市内的很多平日不允许公众进入的建筑,此时都会对游客开放。

open house day是什么意思


We Are A Danger 歌词

歌曲名:We Are A Danger歌手:群星专辑:Kerrang! The Album 09 CD1群星 - We Are Ready一年一年的等待 我们看见未来一起用汗水来灌溉 五种色彩一天一天的等待 心情更加澎湃创造最大的舞台 最豪迈的时代这片土地已经准备好打开梦想起飞的跑道让全世界的目光 降落在我们的怀抱We Are Ready 把心和心都连在一起We Are Ready 把天与地都连在一起超越了自己 赢得一场光荣的胜利用时间纪念梦想的神奇We Are Ready一分一秒的等待 这刻终于到来漫天灿烂的烟花 在骄傲的盛开这个民族已经准备好带着笑容来向你问好让全世界的目光 降落在我们的怀抱We Are Ready 把心和心都连在一起We Are Ready 把天与地都连在一起超越了自己 赢得一场光荣的胜利用时间纪念梦想的神奇We Are Ready 把心和心都连在一起We Are Ready 把天与地都连在一起超越了自己 赢得一场光荣的胜利用时间纪念梦想的神奇We Are Readyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/20876223




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Kdata/金田 S3-128GB固态硬盘怎么样,性能如何



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请问vb代码 S = kData(20) * 256& + cData(21) 是什么意思,特别是“* 256&”不明白!

S 和 kData、cData是什么类型的? 应该字符串吧?&是字符串连接符,至于那个*256.。。不好说啊,移位吗= =


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how is the weather like today?

错的.询问天气有两种方法: 1.what is the weather like today? 2.How is the weather today? 祝楼主更上一层楼

dad是什么意思 dad意思是什么

1、DAD:日本新进的另类天皇级改装品牌。DAD,全名DAD collection,是日本新进的另类天皇级改装品牌GRASON的分公司,该品牌成立在1990年7月。 2、DAD:英语单词。dad是一个英语单词,可以用作名词,可以翻译为爸爸、爹爹,等等。 3、DAD:暴力迪吧同人角色。DAD,出自于Tasers制作的暴力迪吧同人作品DADNESS COMBAT中的人物,是一个生化巨人,身份是Hank、Jesus和Tricky的养父。一开始特征与普通第二代巨人并无二致,但摘下面罩后,Jesus看到他是忧郁脸。后来在第9集接受了“井上之力”后头上冒火,并更加强大。 4、DAD:二极管阵列检测器的一种。DAD又名PDAD,是photo-diode-array-detector的简写, 即图像二极管阵列检测器,属于紫外检测器的一种,用于高效液相色谱,气相的成分检测。

今天天气怎么样?how is the weather like today 的表达对不对?





dad有4种不同释义,具体如下:1、DAD:日本新进的另类天皇级改装品牌DAD,全名DAD collection,是日本新进的另类天皇级改装品牌GRASON的分公司,该品牌成立在1990年7月。2、DAD:英语单词dad是一个英语单词,可以用作名词,可以翻译为爸爸、爹爹,等等。3、DAD:暴力迪吧同人角色DAD,出自于Tasers制作的暴力迪吧同人作品DADNESS COMBAT中的人物,是一个生化巨人,身份是Hank、Jesus和Tricky的养父。一开始特征与普通第二代巨人并无二致,但摘下面罩后,Jesus看到他是忧郁脸。后来在第9集接受了“井上之力”后头上冒火,并更加强大。4、DAD:二极管阵列检测器的一种DAD又名PDAD,是photo-diode-array-detector的简写, 即图像二极管阵列检测器,属于紫外检测器的一种,用于高效液相色谱,气相的成分检测。扩展资料:DAD是GARSON旗下的部门,GARSON是日本VIP风格改装其中具有代表性的品牌,该公司成立在1990年7月,在这短短的二十多年的改装生涯里,不断大胆地推陈出新,打破传统的改装概念,使它在众多的改装公司里“独树一格”。近段时间年里,DAD在在日本、香港等地方受到热烈追捧。它的产品风格极尽豪华,还带有美国Hip Hop味道,大受日本本土车迷的喜爱。是日本天皇、日本山口组所有座驾中指定的改装品牌之一。 在近届车展中,DAD展出了一款全车镶满钻石的奔驰,轰动全世界。参考资料来源:百度百科-DAD:二极管阵列检测器的一种参考资料来源:百度百科-DAD:暴力迪吧同人角色参考资料来源:百度百科-DAD:英语单词参考资料来源:百度百科-DAD:日本新进的另类天皇级改装品牌

How is the weather today ? 回答

这是问天气的用语。回答为:It is sunny today.今天是个晴天。

How is the weather today?句子结构成分分析

句子结构:主 系 表 状the weather 主语is 系动词how 表语today 状语

为什么是how is the weather today

How is the weather today? 今天的天气咋样?相当于 What"s the weather like today?只要记住就好了。祝开心!

Craig David的jonny的中文歌词

歌曲:johnny 歌手:craig david 专辑:the story goes 翻译:又是要上学的一天他走出这扇门背起书包脚依然在地板上拖延被质问总是迟到的原因他无法思考该说些什么只是隐藏自己的青淤希望他们快点走开即使他的父母有他们自己的问题要处理真是令人左右为难但他宁可呆在家里放任自己,睡觉祈祷希望醒来时一切会有所改变但是一切照旧但你不是说你总是说我该大声说出来而且似乎你总能未卜先知因为我一直都告诉你Johnny欺负我才是我常迟到的原因(但你从来没有听)反而总是无休止的责备我为我从未做过的事情(为值得的事情)我甚至不想告诉你任何事以防变得更糟(正是如此你知道)每一次我说Johnny欺负我嗨,妈妈爸爸很伤心每一天都在重复像录音机的重放慢慢的下车Johnny等在门口像一个朋友微笑着招手 喊出他的名字胳膊揽住他的脖子小声说“现在把所有的零用钱给我”害怕大声吵闹请求他放过他只是承受着到来的一切每一次被殴感觉到痛尽管徒劳,他仍试着求救一回到家,不再害怕如果我要倾诉,就会告诉你(只要我需要,yeh)我不明白爱的方式朋友,你总是能在未晚之时提醒我所有的事情

The flowers in the garden__________sweet smellsyesterdayuff0e

【答案】:A[A]。考查固定搭配。9ive out发出(声音、气味等);give in屈服;come out出来(其后要跟介词0f后 才能再跟宾语)。

jogabilidade中文 翻译


Miles Davis的《Violet》 歌词

歌曲名:Violet歌手:Miles Davis专辑:Auraviolet歌:marble作词:micco 作编曲:菊池达也TVアニメ 「うみものがたり~あなたがいてくれたコト~」 OP君(きみ)といれば 君(きみ)といたら心(こころ)が安(やす)らぐ君(きみ)もそうで 君(きみ)も今(いま)安(やす)らげるって 言(い)ってくれたらいいのにそのまま 时间(じかん)さえも忘(わす)れそうなぐらい 自然(しぜん)だから指先(ゆびさき)から 零(こぼ)れ落(お)ちる violetよ小(ちい)さな梦(ゆめ) 描(えが)いてゆこう 二人(ふたり)でささやかな 言叶(ことば)が嬉(うれ)しい 染(そ)まってく空(そら)泣(な)き虫(むし)で いじわるでわがままだけれど君(きみ)が笑(わら)う 君(きみ)と今(いま)侧(そば)にいる 心(こころ)がふわり 軽(かる)いの溶(と)けてく 短(みじか)い日々(ひび)忘(わす)れそうなぐらい自然(しぜん)で远(とお)い夜(よる)は 零(こぼ)れ落(お)ちる violetよグラスに落(お)ちて 涙(なみだ)の粒(つぶ) 光(ひか)る一人(ひとり)でも 君(きみ)が心(ここ)にいるよ 染(そ)まってく空(そら)指先(ゆびさき)から 零(こぼ)れ落(お)ちる violetよ小(ちい)さな梦(ゆめ) 描(えが)いてゆこう 二人(ふたり)でささやかな 言叶(ことば)が嬉(うれ)しい 染(そ)まってく空(そら)http://music.baidu.com/song/9726383

NIKE Adidas 早期的平面广告 绝对高分


求PS游戏机上DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION 3 (劲舞革命3)里面的一首歌曲名

就是 silent hill

adidas 那个足球广告 孩子说的是哪个国家的语言?


One day a man saw a lady on...



可以改为:1). I was given a gift yesterday.2) I obtained a gift yesterday.

a day and a night 是多少小时啊


GIObal Anti-Age jour et nuit-day and night这句话的意思

日夜修护,全面抗衰老jour et nuit是法语,相当于day and night

I like that day,we were very happy.这个句子有拼写错误吗


midler bette ---night and day 歌词翻译


a day and a night 表示的是几小时啊? 有人说是24 但是答案为什么是12 悬赏20分


the manage made them work day and night充当什么成分

啥都不用填,选A./; / day and night固定短语,夜以继日地

miss you day and nighe什么意思


I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day.为什么night、day不是复数形式?

night and day或者day and night,都已经是习语,固定短语了,类似的还有day by day, week in and week out,等等。这样的短语我们记住就好。

day and night tara音译歌词

歌曲名:DAY and NIGHT歌手:Ak组合专辑:say that you love me-best of ny sweet electroBeatlesAnthology 1A Hard Days NightIts been a hard days night, and I been working like a dogIts been a hard days night, I should be sleeping like a logBut when I get home to you Ill find the things that you doWill make me feel alrightYou know I work all day to get you money to buy you thingsAnd its worth it just to hear you say youre going to give me everythingSo why on earth should I moan, cause when I get you aloneYou know I feel okWhen Im home everything seems to be rightWhen Im home feeling you holding me tight, tightOwww!So why on earth should I moan, cause when I get you aloneYou know I feel okYou know I feel alright

蔡健雅的day and night 中文歌词 拜托翻译的优美些,谢谢


手岛葵night and day 的歌词

小野丽莎和手岛葵都有唱,两个都很好听,建议楼主听一下。歌词:Like the beat beat beat of the tom-tomWhen the jungle shadows fallLike the tick tick tock of the stately clockAs it stands against the wallLike the drip drip drip of the raindropsWhen the summer shower is throughSo a voice within me keeps repeating you, you, youNight and day, you are the oneOnly you beneath the moon and under the sunWhether near to me, or farIt"s no matter darling where you areI think of youNight and day, day and night, why is it soThat this longing for you follows wherever I goIn the roaring traffic"s boomIn the silence of my lonely roomI think of youNight and day, night and day,Under the hide of meThere"s an oh such a hungry yearning burning inside of meAnd it"s torment won"t be throughTill you let me spend my life making love to youDay and night, night and dayNight and day, you are the oneOnly you beneath the moon and under the sunWhether near to me, or farIt"s no matter darling where you areI think of youNight and day, night and day,Under the hide of meThere"s an oh such a hungry yearning burning inside of meAnd it"s torment won"t be throughTill you let me spend my life making love to youDay and night, night and dayAnd it"s torment won"t be throughTill you let me spend my life making love to youDay and night, night and day 推荐听手岛葵的The Rose,很好听。

day and night 与 night and day 有区别吗?能够互换使用吗?

个会 不是很清楚的啊 很难的啊

all day and all night与day and night 辨析

all day and all night 表示偶尔一次day and night则表示经常,日日夜夜的意思 如he did housework all day and all night他做了一整天整夜的家务he works day and night他经常日日夜夜的工作


Nancy is a girl who is a little overweight.Her classmates often make fun of her big figure.So Nancy decide to lose weight.So,every day Nancy eats only a little rice for dinner,which worries her parents a lot.Nancy tells a lie to her parents that she feels good and doesn"t have an appitite for too much food.Day and night ,she looks forward to having a slim figure.She keeps on doing so for more than 6 month.Eventually,she succeeds.She is now a slim girl.However,she often feels tired and sleepy because going on a diet has damaged her overall health.

day and night英文歌

这里有一首 演唱是:Frank Sinatra 歌名: Night & Day LyricsLike the beat beat beat of the tom-tomWhen the jungle shadows fallLike the tick tick tock of the stately clockAs it stands against the wallLike the drip drip drip of the raindropsWhen the summer shower is throughSo a voice within me keeps repeating you, you, youNight and day, you are the oneOnly you beneath the moon or under the sunWhether near to me, or farIts no matter darling where you areI think of youDay and night, night and day, why is it soThat this longing for you follows wherever I goIn the roaring traffics boomIn the silence of my lonely roomI think of youDay and night, night and dayUnder the hide of meThere"s an oh such a hungry yearning burning inside of meAnd this torment wont be throughUntil you let me spend my life making love to youDay and night, night and day

I can catch you all of my mind,You are all I think of day and night.什么意思


Day And Night的歌词

Can I need you forever?Can I keep you close to meDay & Night?Too much of a good thingCould just never be enoughAnd it brings you downIt makes you fear you"ll lose it somehowAnd that"s how you make me feelAnd that"s how you make me feelSo can I need you in my life?Can I keep you close to meDay & Night?Can I need you forever?I wanna have you close to me Day & Night----I want something that"s beautifulA love full of emotions & desireAnd something oh so innocentAnd yet so far beyond wordsThat you can"t explain

辉星《day and night》音译歌词


day and night的造句是什么?

Students should not play computer games day and night.学生不能日以继夜地玩电脑游戏

the day and night和 day and night区别


day and night用什么时态


有day and night 的句子是什么时态?


求歌词:moutam top 就跟着一起来 没有什么阻挡着未来 day and night就你和我的爱是什么歌的歌词啊


Someday I ll Be Saturday Night

Someday I"ll Be Saturdaynight Hey, man I"m alive I"m takin" each day and night at a time Hey, man.我还活着,我要同时占有每一个白天和夜晚 I"m feelin" like a Monday but someday I"ll be Saturday night 我像是星期一 但某天我会是星期六的夜晚 Hey, my name is Jim, where did I go wrong Hey,我的名字是Jim,不知我哪里出了错 My life"s a bargain basement, all the good shit"s gone 我的生命好像廉价商品,所有的好运都离我而去 I just can"t hold a job, where do I belong 我无法保住我的工作,我能属于何处? I"m sleeping in my car, my dreams move on 我睡在我的车里,梦想还在继续 My name is Billy Jean, my love was bought and sold 我的名字是Billy Jean,我的爱情被出卖 I"m only sixteen, I feel a hundred years old 我只有16岁,但我感觉却像100岁 My foster daddy went, took my innocence away 我的养父走了,也带走了我的纯真 The street life aint much better, but at least I get paid 街头生活并不更好,但至少我有了收入 And Tuesday just might go my way 星期二也许只是继续我的路 It can"t get worse than yesterday 它不会比昨天更糟 Thursdays, Fridays ain"t been kind 星期四,星期五也不仁慈 But somehow I"ll survive 但毕竟我得以幸存 Hey man I"m alive I"m takin" each day and night at a time Hey, man.我还活着,我要同时占有每一个白天和夜晚 Yeah I"m down, but I know I"ll get by 我很沮丧,但我知道我可以挺过去 Hey hey hey hey, man gotta live my life Hey hey hey hey, man 必须好好过我的生活 Like I ain"t got nothin" but this roll of the dice 正如我能得到的只是这个骰子 I"m feelin" like a Monday, but someday I"ll be Saturday night 我像是星期一 但某天我会是星期六的夜晚 Now I can"t say my name, and tell you where I am 现在我不能说我的名字以及身在何外 I want to roll myself away, don"t know if I can 我想把自已卷走,不知我是否能做到 I wish that I could be in some other time and place 我希望自己可以在别的某个时间和地点 With someone elses soul, someone elses face 拥有别人的灵魂,别人的面孔 Oh, Tuesday just might go my way 星期二也许只是继续我的路 It can"t get worse than yesterday 它不会比昨天更糟 Thursdays, Fridays ain"t been kind 星期四,星期五也不仁慈 But somehow I"ll survive 但毕竟我得以幸存 Hey, man I"m alive I"m takin" each day and night at a time Hey, man.我还活着,我要同时占有每一个白天和夜晚 Yeah I"m down, but I know I"ll get by 我很沮丧,但我知道我可以挺过去 Hey hey hey hey, man gotta live my life Hey hey hey hey, man 必须好好过我的生活 I"m gonna pick up all the pieces and what"s left of my pride 我要拾起那些我残存的骄傲的碎片 I"m feelin" like a Monday, but someday I"ll be Saturday night 我像是星期一 但某天我会是星期六的夜晚 Saturday night 星期六夜晚 Here we go 我们一起去 Some day I"ll be Saturday night 某天我会是星期六的夜晚 I"ll be back on my feet, I"ll be doin" alright 我会回来,做好一切 It may not be tomorrow baby, that"s OK 也许不会是明天, baby,,没关系 I ain"t goin" down, gonna find a way, hey hey hey 我不会再沉沦,要去找一条路 Hey man I"m alive I"m takin" each day and night at a time Hey, man.我还活着,我要同时占有每一个白天和夜晚 Yeah I"m down, but I know I"ll get by 我很沮丧,但我知道我可以挺过去 Hey hey hey hey, man gotta live my life Hey hey hey hey, man 必须好好过我的生活 Like I ain"t got nothin" but this roll of the dice 正如我能得到的只是这个骰子 I"m feelin" like a Monday, but someday I"ll be Saturday night 我像是星期一 但某天我会是星期六的夜晚 I"m feelin" like a Monday, but someday I"ll be Saturday night Saturday night __________,all right, all right Saturday night 我像是星期一 但某天我会是星期六的夜晚 是的,星期六的夜晚 来自BON JOVI贴吧

句中有day and night用什么形式?

用于各种一般时态,如一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时。比如:The clock ticks day and night.She cried for her beloved day and night.

Kid Cudi 带有时间标签的day and night歌词

[ti:Day N Night (Nightmare)][ar:Kid Cudi][al:Man On The Moon: The End Of Day][00:02.00]Kid Cudi - Day N Night (Nightmare)[00:05.00]LRC by lzh, from jiangxi pingxiang[00:13.45]Day "n" nite (What, what?)[00:16.21]I toss and turn, I keep stressin" my mind, mind (What, what?)[00:19.72]I look for peace, but see, I don"t attain (What, what?)[00:23.16]What I need for keeps" this silly game we play, play[00:27.55]Now look at this (What, what?)[00:30.18]Madness to magnet keeps attracting me, me (What, what?)[00:33.76]I try to run, but see, I"m not that fast (What, what?)[00:36.97]I think I"m first but surely finish last, last[01:36.89][00:40.94]"Cause day "n" nite[02:48.84][02:34.85][01:53.06][01:39.00][00:57.55][00:43.85]The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at nite[02:38.55][01:42.98][00:46.94]He"s all alone through the day "n" nite[02:55.66][02:41.88][01:59.81][01:46.16][01:04.21][00:50.30]The lonely loner seems to free his mind at nite[03:05.77][02:58.91][02:44.98][02:03.34][01:49.12][01:07.43][00:53.89](A-a-at nite)[02:46.61][02:33.18][01:50.66][00:54.99]Day "n" nite[02:52.47][01:56.69][01:00.95]He"s all alone, some things will never change[01:09.41]Hold the phone (What, what?)[01:11.88]The lonely stoner, Mr. Solo Doe Low (What, what?)[01:15.29]He"s on the move, can"t seem to shake the shade (What, what?)[01:18.75]Within his dreams he sees the life he made, made[01:23.03]The pain is deep (What, what?)[01:25.76]A silent sleeper you won"t hear a peep, peep (What, what?)[01:29.12]The girl he wants don"t seem to want him too (What, what?)[01:32.66]It seems the feelings that she had are through, through[02:04.81]Slow mo (What, what?)[02:07.46]When the tempo slows up and creates that new, new (What, what?)[02:11.08]He seems alive though he is feelin" blue (What, what?)[02:14.43]The sun is shinin", man he"s super cool, cool[02:18.67]The lonely nites (What, what?)[02:21.42]They fade away, he slips into his white Nik"s (What, what?)[02:24.96]He smokes a clip and then he"s on the way (What, what?)[02:28.40]To free his mind in search of, to free his mind in search of[02:31.39]To free his mind in search ofUh, uhUh, uhUh, uh

days and nights 和day and night 有什么区别


谁知道一首歌,一个外国女歌手唱的英文歌,歌词里有:day and night......OH~

前面 是 咚咚咚 这个的么 是的话我知道

Night And Day And Night 歌词

歌曲名:Night And Day And Night歌手:Thomas Newman专辑:Pay It ForwardBeatlesAnthology 1A Hard Days NightIts been a hard days night, and I been working like a dogIts been a hard days night, I should be sleeping like a logBut when I get home to you Ill find the things that you doWill make me feel alrightYou know I work all day to get you money to buy you thingsAnd its worth it just to hear you say youre going to give me everythingSo why on earth should I moan, cause when I get you aloneYou know I feel okWhen Im home everything seems to be rightWhen Im home feeling you holding me tight, tightOwww!So why on earth should I moan, cause when I get you aloneYou know I feel okYou know I feel alrighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/54797985


歌词: 蔡健雅 - Day And Night------Can I need you forever?Can I keep you close to meDay & Night?Too much of a good thingCould just never be enoughAnd it brings you downIt makes you fear you"ll lose it somehowAnd that"s how you make me feelAnd that"s how you make me feelSo can I need you in my life?Can I keep you close to meDay & Night?Can I need you forever?I wanna have you close to me Day & NightI want something that"s beautifulA love full of emotions & desireAnd something oh so innocentAnd yet so far beyond wordsThat you can"t explain So can I need you in my life?Can I keep you close to meDay & Night?Can I need you forever?I wanna have you close to me Day & Night

有首歌里面带有day and ninght的是什么歌?

黄龄有首歌叫做《High歌 》,歌词里带Day And Night,歌词如下:moutain top 就跟着一起来 没有什么阻挡着未来 day and night 就你和我的爱 没有什么阻挡着未来 moutain top 就跟着一起来 没有什么阻挡着未来 day and night 就你和我的爱 没有什么阻挡着未来 moutain top 就跟着一起来 没有什么阻挡着未来 day and night 就你和我的爱 没有什么阻挡着未来 yi yi yi你不在我不在 yi yi yi 谁还会在 yi yi yi你不在我不在 yi yi yi 谁还会在 另外,蔡健雅就有首歌叫做《Day And Night》,歌词如下:can i need you forever?can i keep you close to meday night?too much of a good thingcould just never be enoughand it brings you downit makes you fear you"ll lose it somehowand that"s how you make me feeland that"s how you make me feelso can i need you in my life?can i keep you close to meday night?can i need you forever?i wanna have you close to me day night----i want something that"s beautifula love full of emotions desireand something oh so innocentand yet so far beyond wordsthat you can"t explain

day and night 歌手,歌词 一问

更新1: SORRY 不是你打的这首歌 歌曲刚开始头2句是唱 Can I need you in my life Can I keep you close to me day and night... Day and Night - Billie Piper All of the day All of the night You do the things that make me feel so right My shining star My shining light And thats the day and night babe It just aint the same When youre away You are my inspiration Im hangin on To every word you say Cos you are my motivation You make me feel so right Every day and night cos The only time I think of you Is every day and all night through Whenever I breathe youre on my mind Every day and night babe All of the day All of the night You do the things that make me feel so right My shining star My shing light And thats the day and night babe I need you tonight But youre not around I need to hear your voice baby Something feels strange Theres not a single sound I wish you were at my door babe You make me feel so right Every day and night cos The only time I think of you Is every day and all night through Whenever I breathe youre on my mind Every day and night babe All of the day All of the night You do the things That make me feel so right My shining star My shining light And thats the day and night babe Gotta let me know Oh yeah When youre ing home You know you make me feel so right Every day and night Cos the only time I think of you Is every day and all night through Whenever I breathe youre on my mind Every day and night babe All of the day all of the night You do the things that make me feel so right My shining star My shining light And thats the day and night babe Day and Night - Billie Piper All of the day All of the night You do the things that make me feel so right My shining star My shining light And thats the day and night babe It just aint the same When youre away You are my inspiration Im hangin on To every word you say Cos you are my motivation You make me feel so right Every day and night cos The only time I think of you Is every day and all night through Whenever I breathe youre on my mind Every day and night babe All of the day All of the night You do the things that make me feel so right My shining star My shing light And thats the day and night babe I need you tonight But youre not around I need to hear your voice baby Something feels strange Theres not a single sound I wish you were at my door babe You make me feel so right Every day and night cos The only time I think of you Is every day and all night through Whenever I breathe youre on my mind Every day and night babe All of the day All of the night You do the things That make me feel so right My shining star My shining light And thats the day and night babe Gotta let me know Oh yeah When youre ing home You know you make me feel so right Every day and night Cos the only time I think of you Is every day and all night through Whenever I breathe youre on my mind Every day and night babe All of the day all of the night You do the things that make me feel so right My shining star My shining light And thats the day and night babe Can I need you in my life Can I keep you close to me day & night Time has wandered off yet we still felt it was fast We"ve clearly embraced but it still seems as if it"s unreal Yet I already fell for you helplessly fell for you So can I need you in my life Can I keep you close to me day & night Can I need you forever I wanna have you close to me day & night How can I explain this sensation? In love hopes and wants are both guesses It turns out the simple wants are Many reactions derived from love both beautiful and weak 参考: powersugoi/tingdong/song?song=42

day and night什么意思及同义词

意思:白天和夜晚, 日日夜夜同义词:night and day

DAY and NIGHT 歌词

歌曲名:DAY and NIGHT歌手:Ak组合专辑:say that you love me-best of ny sweet electroBeatlesAnthology 1A Hard Days NightIts been a hard days night, and I been working like a dogIts been a hard days night, I should be sleeping like a logBut when I get home to you Ill find the things that you doWill make me feel alrightYou know I work all day to get you money to buy you thingsAnd its worth it just to hear you say youre going to give me everythingSo why on earth should I moan, cause when I get you aloneYou know I feel okWhen Im home everything seems to be rightWhen Im home feeling you holding me tight, tightOwww!So why on earth should I moan, cause when I get you aloneYou know I feel okYou know I feel alrighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/28209633

day and night 中文意思



歌曲名称:DAY & NIGHT专辑名称:I Do Believe歌手姓名:蔡健雅发行时间:2001-1-1发行公司:环球唱片专辑语种:国语 导演: Teddy Newton语言: 英语制片国家/地区: 美国上映日期: 2010-06-18又名: 阳光昼与阴郁夜 / 白天与夜晚 / 日与夜 / Day and Night 《昼与夜》作为迪士尼/皮克斯动画长片《玩具总动员3》的加映片在北美影院放映。这部短片由《铁巨人》(The Iron Giant)故事板艺术家、《超人总动员》(The Incredibles)和《魔术师与兔子》(Presto)角色设计师泰迪·纽顿(Teddy Newton)执导,这也是他个人在皮克斯的导演处女作。《昼与夜》讲述了个性非常阳光的“昼”遇到了情绪低沉的陌生人“夜”,一开始他们对对方都充满了怀疑和恐惧,很快就把事情给搞糟了,但随着对彼此了解的加深,他们也很快发现了对方身上独特的品质,并意识到他们两个其实只是同一个世界的两个不同窗口,成为朋友的昼与夜开始对世界有了全新的认识。这部动画短片和皮克斯以前的动画短片都不一样,它不是纯粹的电脑CG动画,也不是纯粹的传统手绘风格,而是有机的把这两种风格结合在了一起:具体说来,“昼”和“夜”这两个角色... (展开全部)  《昼与夜》作为迪士尼/皮克斯动画长片《玩具总动员3》的加映片在北美影院放映。这部短片由《铁巨人》(The Iron Giant)故事板艺术家、《超人总动员》(The Incredibles)和《魔术师与兔子》(Presto)角色设计师泰迪·纽顿(Teddy Newton)执导,这也是他个人在皮克斯的导演处女作。《昼与夜》讲述了个性非常阳光的“昼”遇到了情绪低沉的陌生人“夜”,一开始他们对对方都充满了怀疑和恐惧,很快就把事情给搞糟了,但随着对彼此了解的加深,他们也很快发现了对方身上独特的品质,并意识到他们两个其实只是同一个世界的两个不同窗口,成为朋友的昼与夜开始对世界有了全新的认识。这部动画短片和皮克斯以前的动画短片都不一样,它不是纯粹的电脑CG动画,也不是纯粹的传统手绘风格,而是有机的把这两种风格结合在了一起:具体说来,“昼”和“夜”这两个角色是二维平面的,而透过他们的身体看到的景物全都是电脑CG动画。

day and night什么意思


day and night是什么意思


day and night是什么意思


no zuo no dai give me five是什么意思

不作死就不会死耶! give me five就是击掌 可以理解为耶


百度 有道 翻译 , 我感觉不错。 你可以在那上边查查你说的2个词




据我所知, Virtuoso (我猜题主说的Cadence指的是Virtuoso或者icfb) 和MMSIM/ICC/DC (我猜题主说的Synopsys是指这些软件中的一个) 在出现的时候, 家用机(PC)还没有如此强大的计算能力, 所以在最早期的EDA工具开发中, 逐渐适用了Server, 也即Sun OS和Linux后来Sun OS挂了(基本也就相当于Linux了), 所以目前很多的EDA Tool依然是基于Linux的. 但是, 很大一部分的工具已经开始向Windows Server 改进了.(Virtuoso 61x已经支持Windows Server了, 虽然Bug多多~; MMSIM很早就随着FPGA系列软件渗入Windows了, 只是可能不直接显示Synopsys商标; )其他一些题主没有提到的优秀的软件(譬如COMSOL, HMSS, ADS等) 早已在Windows 里站稳脚跟. 只是Virtuoso 和 一部分大型的Synopsys软件依然需要依靠Server才能跑, 所以停留在了Linux模式. 个人认为, Linux下的命令行模式进行这些大操作反而方便, 至于电路图或者版图只需辅助以相应的GUI即可; 相比之下, Windows 下的PSpice让我用的痛不欲生... 虽然GUI相比好看很多, 但是模拟的精度和速度... 还是停留在200+ nm比较好... 另外就是这种主流大型软件价格是针对公司/学校这种地方的。 这些地方主流的大型服务器也都是linux(详情可以去看看为什么主流服务器是Linux)这些软件一般给学校等教育场所一些较为便宜的license server, 比如$5000 一年, 足够绝大多数layout/simulation/tapeout 使用了标准商用价格基本是 15,000/lic / year。 我不认为有人会自己闲着无聊去买。所以也不会有针对pc的开发。


我所了解的:1. 只要是mask上的图案,肯定不透光,因为那个地方是铬。2. layout上某层为dark表示该处不透光(即暗),所以对应到wafer上是保留该处PR(对正胶而言)。3. layout上某层为clear表示该处 透光(即亮),所以对应到wafer上是去掉该处PR(对正胶而言)。4. layout上图案变成mask图案是由clear或dark参数决定。dark就是以后wafer上面要保留下来的(不是曝光的窗口),clear就是要开出来的,要曝光显影掉的。比如你版图上画的M1,金属连线当然是要保留下来的;NW当然是要开出窗口的,所以一般都是clear的1Darkand Clear :TW 和 JP 定义可能有不同,但很多情况是相同2 关键是maskshop 与foundry 对Darkand Clear 的定义必须一致3 tapeout data (GDS)已包含对刻蚀区与非刻蚀区的定义Darkand Clear : 动词或操作(并不针对mask 透光区glass,不透光区Cr 状态的描述)Clear : 请在制作mask时,保持GDS 数据中刻蚀区与非刻蚀区原样,不得改变(mask 与GDS数据的刻蚀区与非刻蚀区必须完全一致)Dark和clear就是定义你的所画的图形,将来做成光罩对应的部分是chrome,还是glass.

Sunday Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Sunday Girl歌手:Blondie专辑:Atomic/AtomixBlondie - Sunday GirlI know a girl from a lonely streetCold as ice cream but still as sweetDry your eyes sunday girlHey I saw your guy with a different girlLooks like he"s in another worldRun and hide sunday girlHurry up hurry up and waitI stay away all week and still I waitI got the bluesPlease come see what your lovin means to meShe can"t catch up with the working crowdThe weekend mood and she"s feeling proudLive in dreams sunday girl"Baby I would like to go out tonight""If I go with you my folks"ll get uptight"Stay at home sunday girlHey, I saw your guy with a different girl.Looks like he"s in another world.Run and hide, sunday girl.When, I saw you again in the summer time,If your love was as sweet as mine,I could be sunday"s girl.Hurry up, hurry up and wait.I stay away all week and still I wait.I got the blues.Please come see,What your lovin means to me.Hurry up!Hurry up, hurry up and wait.I got the blues, please, please..Please come see,What you do to me.I got the blues..Hurry up!Hurry up, hurry up and wait.Hurry up!Please come see,What you do to me.http://music.baidu.com/song/36511243
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