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Download 一般人叫 "当" "dang " 就是下载的意思


“电饼铛”里这个“铛”字念:[ chēng ],读chēng时,指烙饼或做菜用的平底浅锅,如:饼铛;也可指温器,如:酒铛、茶铛。读dāng时,可作为名词使用,意为金属制作的物品,如锒铛(锁系囚人的铁索)、“足履革屣,耳悬金铛”(女子的耳饰);也可作为象声词使用,指撞击金属器物等发出的声音。拓展资料:铛 [chēng]:诗句:鼎铛玉石,金块珠砾,弃掷逦迤。——唐· 杜牧《阿房宫赋》相关词语:饼铛、铫铛、瓦铛、石铛、油铛、酒铛。铛 [dāng]诗句:足履革屣,耳悬金铛。——《北史》相关词语:锒铛、响铛铛、锒铛入狱。参考资料:铛—百度百科


势不可挡dang发三声。势不可挡是一个汉语词语,读音是shì bù kě dǎng,是指来势迅猛,不可抵挡。出处:《晋书·郗鉴传》:“群逆纵逸,其势不可当,可以算屈,难以力竞。”示例:众将见西岐士马英雄,势不可挡,并无一筹可展,半策可施。(明·许仲琳《封神演义》第二十八回)势不可挡造句1、毕竟,势不可挡,巨大无比的力量驱使着。2、强大的土石流,势不可挡,就连吸一口气转一转头都困难。3、席卷着他的人潮势不可挡,万马奔腾,全球化势不可当。4、这场运动如急风暴雨,他终于来到巴士底监狱外面的场院里。5、这是势不可挡的时代潮流。6、网际网路流行后,毫不留情,势不可挡,纵横大江南北。7、历史车轮滚滚向前,势不可挡。8、这个学期班上转来了一位新生,他的学习劲头很猛,来势汹汹,势不可挡。


小凹,拼音为xiǎo āo。凹有两个意思,即周围高,中间低,与“凸”相对; 意同“洼”(多用于地名)。“凹”字读āo, 如在“凹陷”中读āo 。只在某些地名中读wā 。


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dang 当有什么组词



dāng dàng dang[ dāng ]1.充任,担任:充~。担(dān)~。~之无愧。2.掌管,主持:~家。~权。~政。3.正在那时候或那地方:~时。~代。~初。~今。~即(立即)。~年。~街。~院。4.面对着:~面。~机立断。首~其冲。5.相称,相配:旗鼓相~。~量(liáng)。6.应该:应~。理~。老~益壮。7.抵敌:万夫不~之勇。8.判罪,意为处以相当的刑罚:该~何罪。9.顶端,头:瓦~。10.象声词,金属撞击的声音。[ dàng ]1.合宜:恰~。适~。妥~。2.抵得上,等于:一个人~俩人用。3.姑且作为:~做。长歌~哭。安步~车。4.认为:我~你已经回家了。5.在同一时间:~日。~年。~世。6.吃亏,受骗:上~。7.抵押:抵~。押~。典~(用实物作抵押向当铺借钱)。[ dang ]后缀。龙潜庵 《宋元语词集释u2022题记》:“当,作为人称的附缀,如‘吾当"、‘卿当"、‘尔当"之类。”相关组词当真 应当 每当 上当 担当 当时 当天 当初 勾当 适当 恰当 家当 妥当 允当编辑于 2016-11-07百度智能云_图像识别_高精度识别能力值得一看的文字识别相关信息推荐精准识别超过十万种物体和场景,多项高精度的识图能力,和相应的API服务.24小时云端高稳定服务,宕机率低,服务可用性高达99.95%cloud.baidu.com广告— 你看完啦,以下内容更有趣 —哪款电子词典好-京东电子教育,学习好帮手!哪款电子词典好,「京东电子教育」趣味学习,贴心护眼,全面解析,高端体验,学习更easy!

电饼铛读 cheng还是dang , 还是都可以,大家平时怎么读



一个口字加一个当字,可以使用搜狗输入法将该字打出来,具体操作步骤如下:1.首先,下载并安装搜狗输入法,如图所示:2.其次,使用sogou输入法并输入“ u”,如下图所示:3.接着,继续输入koudang,如图所示:4.最后,就可以找到需要的字“口当”,这个字在位置1,选择它就可以成功打出来了。

当(dang) 可以怎样组词?



一般读 当(dang)第一声)日读 当(dang)第四声)日,就是当做 当掉 典当的意思




档四声[dàng] 部首:木五笔:SIVG笔画:10繁体:档[解释]1.存放案卷用的带格子的橱架。 2.分类保存的文件、材料等。 3.件,桩。 4.(商品、产品的)等级。

最近挺火的词 dang 是什么意思

duang 是加特效的意思。2015年2月24日前后,一部由成龙代言的曾被工商部门打假的广告再次被网友们挖出来进行了新一轮恶搞。而这次恶搞的主要内容则是将成龙和庞麦郎的《我的滑板鞋》进行了神一般的同步成《我的洗发水》[1] ,一句“Duang”成了网络上最新最热门的词语。


党 (Dǎng,Zhǎng )一 姓氏源流 1 出自姒姓,是禹王的后裔,为夏王朝全族的子孙,所以历史上称党姓出自夏的后代。属于夏禹后裔的党姓世居党项。 党姓出自夏朝,居住在党项的王族多姓党。另外一支党姓出自姬姓,在春秋时 期,晋国公族大夫的封邑在上党,其后世子孙便以封地名作为了姓氏。还有一支党 姓出自任姓,相传春秋时鲁国大夫党氏,是黄帝的小儿子禹阳的后裔,因为他的封 邑名为党,所以也称党氏。党湛是清朝的一位名士,他常对人讲:“人生须做天地 间第一等事,为天地间第一等人。” 2 源于党项族。党项族是我国古代西北的少数民族。党项人汉化改单姓,遂取族名首字为姓为党姓。 二 迁徙分布 党姓的望族居住在冯诩(今天的陕西省境内)。 三 郡望堂号 【郡望】 冯翊郡:根据《姓氏考略》和《郡望百家姓》的记载:党氏望出冯翊郡。汉武帝太初元年设置“左冯翊”的行政区,与“右扶风”和“京兆伊”合称“京畿三辅”。三国魏将左冯翊改为冯翊郡。相当于今天的陕西省韩城以南、白水以东、渭水以北的地区。 【堂号】 忠武堂:宋朝党进,因为征伐太原而有功劳,所以他被任命为忠武军节度使。他身形魁梧,忠心老实。 四 历史名人 1、 党国柱:明朝人。 2 、党进:宋代武士。 3、 党怀英:金朝人,文学家。

电饼铛的铛字 是念cheng 还是dang啊 急 在线等


Ghostdancing 歌词

歌曲名:Ghostdancing歌手:Simple Minds专辑:5 Album Set (Remastered) (Sons and Fascination/New Gold Dream/Sparkle in the Rain/Once Upon a Time/Street Fighting Years)Cities, buildings falling downSatellites come crashing downI see them falling out the skies like eaglesAll mirrored glass and shattered egosBut in a corner of the world we"d meet to laugh and drink and plan our sequels"Cause in the alleyways and bars downtownThey"re singing up from here to there can we goThis city comes alive at night, see these city walls are heavingAnd if these old city walls should crash, amid the rubble you"d find us breathingCome say what you see in me"Cause boy, I believe in youCome say what you"re seeingAll gone just ghost dancing, going all the way throughYou talk about the LebanonYou tell me "bout the Dawn in EdenYou talk about South AfricaI tell you about the Irish childrenYou say one more Polish Knight could come and blow away the doors to FreedomAnd if Mother Ethiopia could blow away the tears that we see runO blow them away,Blow, blow awayWe Will blow them awayO blow, blow awayBlow, blow awayBlow, blow awayCome say what you see in me"Cause boy, I believe in youCome say what you"re seeingThey"re all gone just ghost dancing, going all the way throughYou know I believe in youOh yes I believe, you know I believe in youYou say you believeI believe, I believe, going all the way through, yeahCome take me back home, come on and take me awayGhost DancingThe car pulled up, the girl she jumped inThe boy he wore a medal that was shining from his skinWith the windows pulled up, their radio tuned inShe"s hitting from the stars, he"s hitting for the moonShe said, one last kiss while you look across the LandMove it into overdrive and take me by my handWhen the car broke, the rebels saw smokeand they all went to heaven in a stupid fantasy, goTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/29133972


dancing前面填at还是in要给出句子才能判断。be good at dancingdo well in dancing



唱歌跳舞的英文singing and dancing例句

  你是不是也是一个音乐爱好者呢?你是不是闲来无事就喜欢唱歌跳舞?下面是我为你整理的唱歌跳舞的英文,希望大家喜欢!   唱歌跳舞的英文   singing and dancing   singing and dancing例句   1. One could hear them singing and dancing merrily out in the street.   人们在外面的街道上都能听到他们欢快的歌舞声.   2. They were singing and dancing to celebrate this joyful occasion.   他们唱着、跳着庆祝这令人欢乐的时刻.   3. The young man alternated singing and dancing.   那年轻人一会儿唱,一会儿跳.   4. Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports.   我们中有些喜欢唱歌跳舞, 而另一些人则喜爱运动.   5. Singing and dancing, people celebrated the National Day.   人们载歌载舞庆祝国庆.   6. One could hear them singing and dancing merrily.   人们可以听到他们欢快的歌舞声.   7. Mathews and Tyler are singing and dancing.   马修斯和泰勒在唱歌跳舞.   8. On her wedding day, the daughter hired an all - female singing and dancing group to perform.   婚礼当天, 裁缝师的女儿请了一个女歌舞团到场表演.   9. We enjoyed ourselves around the fire by singing and dancing.   我们围着火边唱边跳都陶醉了.   10. Thousands of people are singing and dancing in the street today.   今天有成千上万的人在街上载歌载舞.   sing的常见用法   vt.& vi.唱,歌唱,吟诵;   vi.(鸟)鸣; 嗡嗡叫; 呜呜作响; 发嗖嗖声   v.耳鸣; 〈诗〉作诗; 歌颂,赞美,称赞; 唱着使u2026   n.呜呜声,嗖嗖声; 〈美口〉歌唱会;   1. She didn"t know anything about music but she liked to sing.   虽然她对音乐一无所知,但却爱唱歌。   2. You can sing along to your favourite Elvis hits.   你可以跟着一起唱你最喜爱的“猫王”的热门歌曲。   3. Some people tried to sing, but their voices soon died raggedly away.   一些人试图唱歌,但他们的声音很快就陆续消失了。   4. He started to speak in a nasal sing-song voice.   他开始用一种带有鼻音的、抑扬顿挫的声调说话。   5. We heard a voice sing out in a clear, sharp tone.   我们听到了一阵清脆嘹亮的歌声。   6. Go on, then, sing us a song!   那么,来吧,给我们唱首歌!   7. I sing about love most of the time.   我大多唱爱情歌曲。   8. She wanted to hear him sing in person.   她想听他现场演唱。   9. How about a nice sing-along around the piano?   围在钢琴边来个合唱怎么样?   10. Read the on-screen lyrics and sing along.



当铺 字数字数


da 三声

Elisa的《Dancing》 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing歌手:Elisa专辑:Then Comes The SunDancingby ElisaleonwikiTime is gonna take my mindand carry it far away where I can flyThe depth of life will dim my temptation to live for youIf I were to be alone silence would rock my tears"cause it"s all about love and I know betterHow life is a waving featherSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I know that I"ll be living soonMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd you see that I can"t stop shakingNo, I won"t step back but I"ll look down to hide from your eyes"cause what I feel is so sweet and I"m scared that even my own breathOh could burst it if it were a bubbleAnd I"d better dream if I have to struggleSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt meI"m dancing in the room as if I was in the woods with youNo need for anything but musicMusic"s the reason why I know time still existsTime still existsTime still existsSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt meSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8297339



dancing 这首歌的中文翻译。大神们帮帮忙

Time is gonna take my mind 时光它带走了我的思绪 and carry it far away where I can fly 带到了我能自在飞翔的远方 The depth of life will dim my temptation to live for you 生活深不可测,它几乎使我生存的热情黯淡 If I were to be alone 若我注定要孤独一人 silence would rock my tears 无边寂静会让我泪流 "cause it"s all about love and I know better 没有爱寸步难行 How life is a waving feather 生命轻如翩飞的羽毛 So I put my arms around you around you 因此我要抱紧你,抱紧你 And I know that I"ll be living soon 相信不久后我就会重生 My eyes are on you they"re on you 我凝视着你,一刻不离 And you see that I can"t stop shaking 全身止不住地颤抖 No, I won"t step back but I"ll look down to hide from your eyes 我不会后退,但要逃离你的注视 "cause what I feel is so sweet and I"m scared that even my own breath 梦想就像泡沫,如此美丽却又如此脆弱 Oh could burst it if it were a bubble 哪怕是轻柔呼吸,也会让它瞬间幻灭 And I"d better dream if I have to struggle 如果必须苦苦挣扎,我情愿在梦中 So I put my arms around you around you 因此我要抱紧你,抱紧你 And I hope that I will do no wrong 希望我没有做错 My eyes are on you they"re on you 我凝视着你,一刻不离 And I hope that you won"t hurt me 希望你不要伤害我 I"m dancing in the room as if I was in the woods with you 我在屋子中央起舞,就如同和你在树林中相拥 No need for anything but music 音乐之外,一无所求 Music"s the reason why I know time still exists 曼妙天籁让我感到时间依然存在 Time still exists 时间依然存在 Time still exists 时间依然存在 So I put my arms around you around you 因此我要抱紧你,抱紧你 And I hope that I will do no wrong 希望我没有做错 My eyes are on you they"re on you 我凝视着你,一刻不离 And I hope that you won"t hurt me 希望你不要伤害我 So I put my arms around you around you 因此我要抱紧你,抱紧你 And I hope that I will do no wrong 希望我没有做错 My eyes are on you they"re on you 我凝视着你,一刻不离 And I hope that you won"t hurt me 希望你不要伤害我

Elisa的《Dancing》 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing歌手:Elisa专辑:ElisaDancingby ElisaleonwikiTime is gonna take my mindand carry it far away where I can flyThe depth of life will dim my temptation to live for youIf I were to be alone silence would rock my tears"cause it"s all about love and I know betterHow life is a waving featherSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I know that I"ll be living soonMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd you see that I can"t stop shakingNo, I won"t step back but I"ll look down to hide from your eyes"cause what I feel is so sweet and I"m scared that even my own breathOh could burst it if it were a bubbleAnd I"d better dream if I have to struggleSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt meI"m dancing in the room as if I was in the woods with youNo need for anything but musicMusic"s the reason why I know time still existsTime still existsTime still existsSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt meSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/53668746

Elisa的《Dancing》 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing歌手:Elisa专辑:Soundtrack "96-"06Dancingby ElisaleonwikiTime is gonna take my mindand carry it far away where I can flyThe depth of life will dim my temptation to live for youIf I were to be alone silence would rock my tears"cause it"s all about love and I know betterHow life is a waving featherSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I know that I"ll be living soonMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd you see that I can"t stop shakingNo, I won"t step back but I"ll look down to hide from your eyes"cause what I feel is so sweet and I"m scared that even my own breathOh could burst it if it were a bubbleAnd I"d better dream if I have to struggleSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt meI"m dancing in the room as if I was in the woods with youNo need for anything but musicMusic"s the reason why I know time still existsTime still existsTime still existsSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt meSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/53652162



Elisa的《Dancing》 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing歌手:Elisa专辑:Caterpillar - Itunes VersionDancingby ElisaleonwikiTime is gonna take my mindand carry it far away where I can flyThe depth of life will dim my temptation to live for youIf I were to be alone silence would rock my tears"cause it"s all about love and I know betterHow life is a waving featherSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I know that I"ll be living soonMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd you see that I can"t stop shakingNo, I won"t step back but I"ll look down to hide from your eyes"cause what I feel is so sweet and I"m scared that even my own breathOh could burst it if it were a bubbleAnd I"d better dream if I have to struggleSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt meI"m dancing in the room as if I was in the woods with youNo need for anything but musicMusic"s the reason why I know time still existsTime still existsTime still existsSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt meSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8272179

Elton Adams的《Dancing》 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing歌手:Elton Adams专辑:Elton AdamsDancingby ElisaleonwikiTime is gonna take my mindand carry it far away where I can flyThe depth of life will dim my temptation to live for youIf I were to be alone silence would rock my tears"cause it"s all about love and I know betterHow life is a waving featherSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I know that I"ll be living soonMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd you see that I can"t stop shakingNo, I won"t step back but I"ll look down to hide from your eyes"cause what I feel is so sweet and I"m scared that even my own breathOh could burst it if it were a bubbleAnd I"d better dream if I have to struggleSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt meI"m dancing in the room as if I was in the woods with youNo need for anything but musicMusic"s the reason why I know time still existsTime still existsTime still existsSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt meSo I put my arms around you around youAnd I hope that I will do no wrongMy eyes are on you they"re on youAnd I hope that you won"t hurt mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10285966

dancing 这首歌的中文翻译。

Time is gonna take my mind 时光它带走了我的思绪 and carry it far away where I can fly 带到了我能自在飞翔的远方 The depth of life will dim my temptation to live for you 生活深不可测,它几乎使我生存的热情黯淡 If I were to be alone 若我注定要孤独一人 silence would rock my tears 无边寂静会让我泪流 "cause it"s all about love and I know better 没有爱寸步难行 How life is a waving feather 生命轻如翩飞的羽毛 So I put my arms around you around you 因此我要抱紧你,抱紧你 And I know that I"ll be living soon 相信不久后我就会重生 My eyes are on you they"re on you 我凝视着你,一刻不离 And you see that I can"t stop shaking 全身止不住地颤抖 No, I won"t step back but I"ll look down to hide from your eyes 我不会后退,但要逃离你的注视 "cause what I feel is so sweet and I"m scared that even my own breath 梦想就像泡沫,如此美丽却又如此脆弱 Oh could burst it if it were a bubble 哪怕是轻柔呼吸,也会让它瞬间幻灭 And I"d better dream if I have to struggle 如果必须苦苦挣扎,我情愿在梦中 So I put my arms around you around you 因此我要抱紧你,抱紧你 And I hope that I will do no wrong 希望我没有做错 My eyes are on you they"re on you 我凝视着你,一刻不离 And I hope that you won"t hurt me 希望你不要伤害我 I"m dancing in the room as if I was in the woods with you 我在屋子中央起舞,就如同和你在树林中相拥 No need for anything but music 音乐之外,一无所求 Music"s the reason why I know time still exists 曼妙天籁让我感到时间依然存在 Time still exists 时间依然存在 Time still exists 时间依然存在 So I put my arms around you around you 因此我要抱紧你,抱紧你 And I hope that I will do no wrong 希望我没有做错 My eyes are on you they"re on you 我凝视着你,一刻不离 And I hope that you won"t hurt me 希望你不要伤害我 So I put my arms around you around you 因此我要抱紧你,抱紧你 And I hope that I will do no wrong 希望我没有做错 My eyes are on you they"re on you 我凝视着你,一刻不离 And I hope that you won"t hurt me 希望你不要伤害我

问首韩女团的歌,歌词节奏有...dancing, .... dancing, 靠结尾的部分有个女的飚高音。

少女时代 dancing queen

Dancing In The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing In The Light歌手:blutengel专辑:Gothic Spirits 9Blutengel-dancing in the light★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师You wanna go out tonightYou put your black dress onJust a little make-up and the red lipstick, tooSo you"re walking down the streetsYou do not feel the rain on your skinYou go to your favourite clubYou feel like a hunter in this nightYou"re dancing to the music, you feel the beatYou move your body and you feel the heatEverybody"s looking at you tonightWhen you"re dancing in the lightYou"re dancing to the music, you feel the beatYou move your body and you feel the heatEverybody"s looking at you tonightWhen you"re dancing in the lightLook at me, I am the mistress of the nightSee me dancing, see me moving in the lightYou will never get me "cos I"m dancing with myselfI don"t want you to touch me"cos I"m the solitary girlWhy did you not see it coming?You couldn"t run awayIt happened so suddenlyYou couldn"t speak a wordHe pushed your head to the floorHe touched you everywhereYou taste your blood on your tongueYou"re laying naked in the rain...You"re dancing to the music, you feel the beatYou move your body and you feel the heatEverybody"s looking at you tonightWhen you"re dancing in the lightLook at me, I am the mistress of the nightSee me dancing, see me moving in the lightYou will never get me "cos I"m dancing with myselfI don"t want you to touch me"cos I"m the solitary girlLook at me, I am the mistress of the nightSee me dancing, see me moving in the lightYou will never get me "cos I"m dancing with myselfI don"t want you to touch me"cos I"m the solitary girlhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59806620

Dancing In The Rain 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing In The Rain歌手:脉冲专辑:情绪中国 II CD1I Saw You Walking In The Rain剑南制作湖北.宜昌I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.Tossing and turninganother sleepless nightthe rain crashes against my window pane.Jumpde into my carand drive too farthat moment I knew I would never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.Now here you are begging to meto give our love another tryMore than love you and I always willbut darlingright now I"ve got to say good-bye.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.Ling...MM: Hi baby what"s your day today?GG: I love you,I want you, baby.MM: you miss me? Well , I missed you tooGG: hey, come on babyMM: I missed you so much that I followed you todayGG: What? you followed me?MM: Yeah, that"s right. I saw you with that girl.GG: what girl?MM: Walking on the street,kissing her,MM: holding her hand and now you come back to me ?MM: No ,baby, forget you but I love you ,MM: and I can"t see you no more.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handshttp://music.baidu.com/song/21556113

Dancing In the Rain 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing In the Rain歌手:Hilary Weeks专辑:Every StepI Saw You Walking In The Rainby:邦邦制造I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.Tossing and turninganother sleepless nightthe rain crashes against my window pane.Jumpde into my carand drive too farthat moment I knew I would never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.Now here you are begging to meto give our love another tryMore than love you and I always willbut darlingright now I"ve got to say good-bye.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.Ling...mm: Hi baby what"s your day today?GG: I love you,I want you, baby.mm: you miss me? Well , I missed you tooGG: hey, come on babymm: I missed you so much that I followed you todayGG: what? you followed me?mm: Yeah, that"s right. I saw you with that girl.GG: what girl?mm: Walking on the street,kissing her,holding her hand and now you come back to me ?No ,baby, forget you but I love you ,and I can"t see you no more.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.and I"ll never be the same......I saw you (and her)walking in the rainhttp://music.baidu.com/song/19008442

Dancing In The Rain 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing In The Rain歌手:水木年华专辑:70.80水木年华--dancing in the rain词、曲:卢庚戌在这一无所有天空里一个人在太阳下哭泣爱若真在现实中死去不如让它活在幻梦里多想纵身一场大雨里再也感觉不到了哭泣在这没有爱的世界里活着比死更需要勇气Dancing in the rainFlying in the rainNever never feeling the painDancing in the rainDying in the rainForever ever being being free欢迎光临 天下网http://music.baidu.com/song/812108

Dancing In The Rain 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing In The Rain歌手:水木年华专辑:DJ·Mix 跳舞专辑水木年华--dancing in the rain词、曲:卢庚戌在这一无所有天空里一个人在太阳下哭泣爱若真在现实中死去不如让它活在幻梦里多想纵身一场大雨里再也感觉不到了哭泣在这没有爱的世界里活着比死更需要勇气Dancing in the rainFlying in the rainNever never feeling the painDancing in the rainDying in the rainForever ever being being free欢迎光临 天下网http://music.baidu.com/song/23224463


  Dancing in the Sky的中文翻译  Dancing in the Sky  在天空中跳舞  双语例句  1  We would ski against snowflakes dancing in the sky.  俺们将在空中雪花漫舞时滑雪。  2  The snowflakes are from the heaven, dancing in the sky bringing us a happy new year.  雪花依然在空中曼舞,纷纷扬扬,她们飘自天国,带着吉祥的信函,奔向你我的新年。  3  To see a rainbow, sea sunset, to Tokyo to see cherry blossoms dancing in the sky.  想看到彩虹,海上日落,去日本的东京看樱花飞舞。

那位高人知道Elisa 《dancing》歌词的中文翻译?



求首英文歌。是女的唱的,电音,歌词里有句dancing in the dark ,听起来感觉很撩人

阿黛儿。rolling in the deep


《Dancin》是Aaron Smith、Luvli和Krono演唱的歌曲,歌曲歌词:Get up on the floorDancing all night longGet up on the floorDancing till the break of dawnGet up on the floorDancing till the break of dawnGet up on the floorDancingAll the timeMy baby you on my mindAnd I don"t know whyYeah but the feeling is fineCan"t you seeHoney you are for meThough it weren"t meant to beDancing in the moonlightGazing at the stars so brightHolding you until the sunriseSleeping until the midnightGet up on the floorDancing all night longGet up on the floorDancing till the break of dawnGet up on the floorDancing till the break of dawnGet up on the floorDancingDancing is what to doDancin"s when I think of youDancin"s what clears my soulDancin"s what makes me wholeDancing is what to doDancin"s when I think of youDancin"s what clears my soulDancin"s what makes me wholeEverytime when I look in your eyesThat smile was crying that you were mineDo you know your love is true I knowYou are the bestThing that has happened to meGet up on the floorDancing all night longGet up on the floorDancing till the break of dawnGet up on the floorDancing till the break of dawnGet up on the floorDancingDancing is what to doDancin"s when I think of youDancin"s what clears my soulDancin"s what makes me wholeDancing is what to doDancin"s when I think of youDancin"s what clears my soulDancin"s what makes me wholeGet up on the floorDancing all night longGet up on the floorDancing till the break of dawnGet up on the floorDancing till the break of dawnGet up on the floorDancingGet up on the floorDancing all night longGet up on the floorDancing till the break of dawnGet up on the floorDancing till the break of dawnGet up on the floorDancingDancing is what to doDancin"s when I think of youDancin"s what clears my soulDancin"s what makes me wholeDancing is what to doDancin"s when I think of youDancin"s what clears my soulDancin"s what makes me wholeDancing is what to doDancin"s when I think of youDancin"s what clears my soulDancin"s what makes me wholeDancing is what to doDancin"s when I think of youDancin"s what clears my soulDancin"s what makes me whole人物经历:Luvli,歌手,代表专辑有《Shimmy (Explicit)》。她曾出现在亚伦·史密斯(Aaron Smith)的热门单曲“Dancin"”中,该单曲在2006年1月荣登英国前40名。该单曲在2006年初登上了Billboard Hot Dance Airplay排行榜的前十名。

英语翻译FULL CORPORATE OFFER (FCO)Offer ID:Date:We,“____________?

哥子 你是不是等得急? 但是翻你这么多,一分都没挣的,让我们寒心啦. 如果要翻译的话,多给点分,加我QQ 837726713 另附,我也是做外贸的,4,可不可以少点,2,楼主忒小气了,一分都没有。,1,英语翻译 FULL CORPORATE OFFER (FCO) Offer ID: Date: We,“____________”,with full legal and corporate responsibility,and under penalty of perjury,with full knowledge of the act of fraud; and as the Seller,are ready,willing and able to deliver the herein offered metal under the following terms and conditions: MODITY: ORIGIN: GRADE: SIZES/LENGTHS: QUANTITY: PRICE: PAYMENT: DELIVERY TERMS: SHIPMENTS: INSPECTION: PROCEDURE: 1.The Seller,“______”,provides Full Corporate Offer (this document) to the Buyer. 2.Buyer signs,seals and sends to “__________” the Full Corporate Offer along with Buyer"s ICPO bank endorsed and the Seller (“________”) being authorized for it"s verification. 3.Buyer"s account is probed and/or verified.When satisfactory,Draft Contract with full Buyer"s and Seller"s banking details to be sent to the Buyer for negotiations. 4.Buyer and Seller sign and seal the contract and exchange by fax.Hard Copies can be exchanged by courier (if necessary). 5.Buyer"s bank confirms readiness to tran *** it the funds to be used as advance payment. 6.Seller"s bank confirms readiness to accept the funds,to issue Advance Bank Guarantee and 2% Performance Bond to Buyer"s Bank along with tran *** ission of Proof of Product. 7.Buyer"s and Seller"s banks exchange the instruments and finalize banking procedure. 8.Shipments mence as per contract. VALIDITY:This offer is valid subject to Buyer"s confirmation as per cl.2 of the PROCEDURE on or before ___ Seller"s signature & stamp Buyer"s signature & stamp


背景 随着互联网的发展,应用服务中的定时任务数量日益增加,常规的垂直应用架构已无法应对,分布式服务架构势在必行。同时,也迫切需要一个分布式任务调度系统来管理分布式服务中的定时任务。 单一应用架构 当网站流量很小时,只需一个应用,将所有功能都部署在一起,以减少部署节点和成本。此时,在该应用中的定时任务如果不多还好,但是一旦比较多,则意味着每次更改一个定时任务的执行时间,就需要重新部署一遍整个应用,导致整个应用停滞一段时间。 垂直应用架构 当访问量逐渐增大,单一应用增加机器带来的加速度越来越小,将应用拆分为互不相干的几个应用来提升效率。此时,相应的任务也会被垂直拆分,每次更改任务带来的影响相应减少。 分布式服务架构 当垂直应用越来越多,应用之间可能会出现不可避免的交互,此时,将核心业务抽取出来,形成单独的服务,各式各样的服务逐渐形成稳定的服务中心,使得前端应用能更快地响应多变的市场需求。此时,用于提高业务复用及整合的分布式服务框架是关键,同时,由于服务独立,则一般能做到定时任务独立的情况,因此,任务的更改对于整体系统的影响小之又小。 分布式任务调度 在分布式服务架构的基础上,由于独立业务的数量可能很多,此时如果定时任务单独在该服务中实现,很可能会出现难以管理的情况,且避免不了定时任务更改导致的业务重启,因此,一个独立的分布式任务调度系统是很必要的,可以用来全局统筹管理所有的定时任务,同时,将任务的配置单独抽离出来作为该分布式任务调度系统的功能,就能做到定时任务的更改不影响任何业务,也不影响整个系统。 架构设计 设计思想 以Dubbo核心,将调度单独抽象出来,成为一个调度中心,调度中心本身不承担实现任何业务逻辑,只是单纯依据调度配置来发起调度请求 将任务抽象成为ExecutorService,由任务执行者来实现具体的任务,并且负责接收调度请求并执行,这样设计可以将任务与调度中心完全解耦,提高整个系统的扩展性,方便接入 将调度中心对任务执行者的一些调用操作提取出来,形成一个单独的管理控制台,可以用来查看任务执行情况,同时该管理控制台通过H5实现,并提供对外Restful API,方便扩展与接入 通过各种中间件,实现一些必须的操作,例如告警,监控,日志收集统计等操作,完全对整个系统安全性,稳定性的保障 调度中心集群通过Zookeeper存储每个Schedular的一致性HashCode,以此来分配Job与Schedular之间的关系:新增的Job将会通过每个Schedular的一致性HashCode获取其对应的Job数,依据Job数的大小以及Schedular的相关属性来计算每个Schedular的权重,根据权重的大小来确定当前新增的Job应该被分配到哪个Schedular上。 当新增Schedular之后,该新增的Schedular的Job正常为0,因此,正常状态下,该新增的Schedular的权重会比较大。 同时,调度中心通过Zookeeper对Schedular实现主备切换,确保系统稳定性 系统组成 Schedular 基于Quartz实现调度,提供对执行者操作的接口,用于操作任务调度配置,调度触发等操作;自身不参与任务逻辑的实现,不会受限于任务 执行者 负责接收调度中心发起的调度请求,实现相应业务逻辑,完成任务执行,同时会对任务逻辑进行切面处理,记录相应日志并在任务结束后发送给调度中心 管理控制台 管理控制台负责展示任务状态,执行情况,任务执行日志等报表数据,同时可以通过管理控制台配置新增任务,操作任务的状态,暂停/恢复等;另外,提供对外Restful API与H5的接入 Dubbo Monitor 实时监控调度中心接口调用情况,统计调度频次,成功失败,QPS等,能通过这些报表数据来优化任务调度,优化系统 ELK 通过ELK(ElasticSearch+Logstash+Kibana)来收集调度中心以及各执行机的执行日志,并加以分析统计,形成报表,可以方便提供观察 Alarm 报警系统,通过Chronograf控制台配置告警规则,在出现问题时第一时间通过Kapacitor进行邮件与短信报警,可以有效提高错误提示的及时性并且降低错误发生到错误解决过程中消耗的时间,降低生产环境造成的损失,告警数据通过业务仪表盘获取。例如:可以配置线上机器的cpu当前使用率,设置阀值50%,策略为超过设置阀值时短信告警,此时当线上某台机器cpu超过50%时,即会发送短信告警 业务仪表盘 通过打点的方式,来实时收集接口监控数据,通过logstash传输到kafka,通过kafka再分发到jstorm进行处理,处理完之后再存储到influxdb,形成业务仪表盘,最后通过Grafana控制台产生监控报表 配置中心 整个系统各服务,通过配置中心统一管理相应配置,形成分布式配置管理机制,方便系统内各服务的配置一致性以及准确性 在配置完之后,就可以实现自己的任务逻辑了 接入之后,可以通过日志管理控制台线上实时查看任务执行状态 另外,由于有告警系统,在任务执行异常时,会产生告警邮件与短信,实时发送,告知任务接入者与相应研发人员 配置中心属性配置 特性 支持动态暂停/恢复任务 任务状态停止时,任务将不再被触发,若任务在执行过程中被暂停,则正在执行的任务不会被阻塞(由于任务执行结果状态中存在超时失败状态,因此如果点击暂停按钮时阻塞了当前正在执行的任务,会使当前任务的执行状态变为超时,不符合超时状态真正的意义),会延迟停止,即等到当前任务执行完再真正停止任务 调度中心基于Quartz实现,通过Zookeeper实现主备隔离,保证调度中心HA 当活跃节点宕机,冷备节点就会载入所有活跃节点中正在调度状态的任务,成为新的活跃节点,保证任务调度的准确执行 执行机支持集群部署,任务分布式执行,通过调度中心统一调度 执行机负载均衡,默认根据任务在某个执行机上的执行次数计算执行机调度权重,按照权重来选择本次任务调度分发给哪台执行机,实现负载均衡,可手动更改执行机选择策略 执行机集群方式, failover,failfast,failsafe,failback,forking,默认为failover(故障切换),调用失败时,重试其他服务器;failfast(快速失败),只会发起一次调用,不会重试,失败立即报错;failsafe(失败安全),出现异常时,直接忽略;failback(失败恢复),调用失败时,定时重发,直到成功,重启会丢失; forking,并行调用多个执行机,只要一个成功即返回 分片任务,支持任务分片,通过参数发送给任务执行机,执行机可以通过判断参数来进行分片作业的开发,同时支持动态分片,以分片参数和执行机为纬度进行分片,支持动态扩容执行机以及分片参数 例如,某张订单表按照订单ID来进行简单纬度分片,且以取模3来进行分片,则可以设置三个分片参数,(0,1,2),执行机在通过context拿到其中的一个分片参数之后可以对该分片参数做判断,来做具体的数据操作,例如当拿到的分片参数为0时,则对于0相应的分片做数据查询操作,依次类推 再例如,某张订单表按照订单ID和Status来进行二维分片,ID取模以3来进行分片,状态以成功,失败两种状态来进行分片,此时就可以设置6个分片参数,({‘id":0,"status":0},{‘id":1,"status":0},{‘id":2,"status":0},{‘id":0,"status":1},{‘id":1,"status":1},{‘id":2,"status":1}),执行机在通过context拿到其中的一个分片参数之后,就可以对其json参数进行判断,来实现分片操作 任务执行一致性,每次任务只会被一个执行机所执行;对于分片任务,在执行机集群部署时,一次任务调度将会广播触发对应集群中相应数量的执行器执行一次任务,同时传递分片参数,可根据分片参数开发分片任务。 当分片参数大于执行器数量时,将会按照执行器路由策略,使得当前分片任务的某个或者某几个执行机执行多个分片的任务 例如:当前分片任务分片参数为(a,b,c),当前任务执行机有3台(A,B,C)时,则会均匀随机得将分片参数发送给某一台执行机,且三台执行机一次只接收一个分片参数,做一次任务处理,即(a->A,b->B,c->C)|(a->A,b->C,c->B)|(a->B,b->A,c->C)|(a->B,b->C,c->A)|(a->C,b->A,c->B) |(a->C,b->B,c->A); 当任务执行机只有2台(A,B)时,每次任务调度时,某台执行机会收到两个分片参数,并分别处理这两个分片参数,即(a->A,b->B,c->A)|(a->A,b->B,c->B)|(a->B,b->A,c->A)|(a->B,b->A,c->B); 而当任务执行机大于分片参数个数,为4台(A,B,C,D)时,(a->A,b->B,c->C)|(a->A,b->C,c->D)|(a->A,b->D,c->B)| (a->B,b->C,c->D)|(a->B,b->D,c->A)|(a->B,b->A,c->C)|(a->C,b->A,c->B)|(a->C,b->B,c->D)| (a->C,b->D,c->A)|(a->D,b->A,c->B)|(a->D,b->B,c->C)|(a->D,b->C,c->A),而统计下来,不管是执行机数目大于或者等于或者小于分片参数数目,被分发给执行机的分片参数始终是保持一致的(每台执行机接收到的总的分片参数是均匀的) 告警系统,系统接入内部告警系统,任务失败时支持邮件,短信,钉钉,电话等告警 弹性扩容缩容,调度中心将会实时探测任务执行机,因此一旦有执行机上线或者下线,都将会被探测到,而如果未被调度中心探测到,则可以进行手动探测执行机,而在探测到执行机之后,下次调度将会重新分配任务 任务依赖,支持配置任务依赖关系,当父任务在执行完成之后会自动触发子任务的执行例如:有两个任务,分别为A和B,而B的执行条件为确认A任务执行完,B才能执行,否则,B任务不执行,此时的依赖关系就是B任务依赖A任务,此时在A任务配置完之后,设置B任务为依赖任务,而依赖关系则是A;又例如有6个任务,分别是A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,B,而B任务的执行需要确保A1-5这5个任务都执行完,B任务才执行,此时,B的依赖关系就是B任务依赖于A1-5,此时在配置完A1-5这5个任务之后再设置B为依赖任务,依赖关系则是A1-5 支持运行时查看任务执行情况,任务数量,调用次数,执行器数量等统计信息异常执行恢复机制,有时会遇到不可控情况,即执行机在执行后的执行结果因为网络断开等不可控因素导致不能发送给调度中心,此时能通过异常执行恢复机制临时记录,在下次执行机正常启动时重试发送给调度中心调度手动触发手动执行,特殊需求下,可能会要求调度可以手动执行,例如调度任务失败之后可能需要手动执行一次调度来补偿 并行/串行策略,当定时时间远大于任务执行时间时,可以使用并行策略,任务异步调用执行,提高任务调度精确度;当任务执行时间可能大于定时时间,却需要任务按照某个定时规则定时调度时,可以使用串行策略,调度中心调度的当前任务的上一次触发,如果没有执行完,则当前执行机的下一次定时时间点时不会被触发,当且仅当任务执行结束,以防止某些持续性定时任务的时间不确定性导致异步触发时的数据混乱的情况发生,例如:某一任务的定时时间为10秒钟,但是任务本身可能会出现执行超过10秒的情况,而超过时,如果出现两个时间点的任务并行执行时会出现数据混乱的情况,此时就可以使用串行策略,确保当前执行机上一个任务未执行完,不会触发新的执行 支持调度接口数据监控,产生监控报表,便于观测。 总结 对于互联网公司来说,时间就是金钱,效率决定一切。本系统在接入到8月初将近3个月的时间内,表现不凡,调度了约100万次,给公司内部各服务实现任务调度提供了便利。 原文

求VOA英语的原文。开头是THIS is the VOAspecial english education report.Today,in our foreign ...

知道是什么时间的VOA啊 这个网址有每天的VOA 你可以看看 也许有http://52en.com/voa_se/


while (true) 在搞鬼,你的这个死循环有什么用呢?



Doorami Park . 2NE1 DARA 妹妹 MBLAQ天动姐姐 想要知道她的资料。




有首英文歌 男的唱的 歌词从MONDAY唱到SUNDAY 很好听 可是不知道叫什么 谁知道啊

waiting for love

Tuesday making love是什么歌的歌词

seven days 歌手:Craig David On my way to see my friendswho lived a couple blocks away from me (owh)As I walked through the subwayit must have been about quarter past threeIn front of mestood a beautiful honey with a beautiful bodyShe asked me for the timeI said it??d cost her her namea six digit number & a date with me tomorrow at nineDid she decline? NoDidn??t she mind? I don??t think soWas it for real? Damn sureWhat was the deal? A pretty girl aged 24So was she keen? She couldn??t waitCinnamon queen? let me updateWhat did she say? She said she??d love torendezvousShe asked me what we were gonna dosaid we??d start with a bottle of moet for twoChorusMondaytook her for a drink on Tuesdaywe were making love by Wednesdayand on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on SundayI met this girl on Mondaytook her for a drink on Tuesdaywe were making love by Wednesdayand on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on SundayVerse 2Nine was the timecos I??ll be getting mineand she was looking fineSmooth talkershe told meShe??d love to unfold me all night longOoh I loved the way she kicked itfrom the front to back she flipped (back she flipped it, ooh theway shekicked it)And I oh oh I yeahhope that she??d carecos I??m a man who??ll always be thereOoh yeahI??m not a man to play around babyOoh yeahcos a one night stand isn??t really fairFrom the first impression girl hmm you don??t seem to be like thatCos there??s no need to chat for there??ll be plenty for thatFrom the subway to my homeendless ringing of my phoneWhen you feeling all aloneall you gotta dois just call me call meChorusMondaytook her for a drink on Tuesdaywe were making love by Wednesdayand on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on SundayI met this girl on Mondaytook her for a drink on Tuesdaywe were making love by Wednesdayand on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on SundayBridge(Break it down, uh break it down)Since I met this special ladyooh yeahI can??t get her of my mindShe??s one of a kindAnd I ain??t about to deny itIt??s a special kind thingwith you-oh...ChorusMondaytook her for a drink on Tuesdaywe were making love by Wednesdayand on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on SundayI met this girl on Mondaytook her for a drink on Tuesdaywe were making love by Wednesdayand on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday去拜访我的朋友 他就住在离我几个街区的地方 我穿过地下铁 这时应该是三点一刻 在我的面前 是一为美丽的甜心,有着美丽的身体 她向我询问时间 我说这可是有条件的 用你的名字,六位的电话号码以及明天九点与我的约会来交换 她拒绝了吗? 不 她介意吗?我不这么认为 这是真的吗?毫无疑问 这是一个什么交易?一位24岁美丽女子 她是狂热的吗?我想她迫不及待 她是桂色女王吗?让我更加进步吧 她说了什么吗?她说她愿意赴约 她说我们用什么来庆祝 我说就让我们开一瓶MOET,为了我们俩 (Chorus)副歌: 星期一 带她去喝一杯在星期二 我们ML在星期三,星期四,星期五 然后在星期六,我们的热情冷却 星期一我遇见这个女孩 星期二我们去喝茶 星期三我们ML一直到星期五 星期六我们的热情冷却 (Verse 2)主段2 九点是当时的时间 因为我将要得到我的 她看起来也不错 作为一个平静的谈话者 她告诉我 她想整晚都让我展开,伸直 我喜欢她敲打的感觉 从前到后她在翻滚 oh oh yeah 我希望她是在意的 因为我是一个男人,我会爱她 oh yeah 因为我是一个男人,一个并非花心的男人 oh yeah 因为一夜情真的不公平 当第一眼看见你,宝贝,我就知道你不是那样的女孩 因为没有必要闲聊,闲聊的时间多的是 从地铁到我家 手机的玲声不断 当你感觉到孤单 你要做的是 给我打电话 打电话 (Chorous)副歌 (重复) (Bridge)桥段 我遇见了这位与众不同的女子 我无法忘记她 她很特别 我不否认 这是特别的事情...

关于Valentine Day英语阅读翻译

每年的2月14日是情人节。这一天,人们都会给自己的爱人赠送情人节礼物。情人节也是一个向心爱的人表白,告诉他你有多爱他的特殊时机。 这一天,很多人都向心爱的人赠送用心形的盒子装着的糖果。鲜花也可以作为情人节礼物。还有很多人给爱人送写着甜言蜜语的情人节卡片。 你可以猜到在美国每年的情人节谁会收到最多的情人节卡片吗?是母亲还是父亲?是姐妹还是兄弟?是叔叔还是婶婶?或者是特殊的朋友?都不是! 母亲的确会收到很多卡片,但是收到卡片最多的是学校的老师。你知道谁送的卡片最多吗?是孩子们。孩子们在2月14日情人节这一天送的卡片的数量是成人的5倍。

求阿杜的《Valentines Day》的歌词

Valentine"s DayMy insides all turn to ash, 我的心瞬间化为So slow. 慢慢的And blow away as I collapse, 随着我倒下而随风飘散So cold. 刺骨的寒冷A black winter been away, 我看见From sight. 黑色的冬季已经离去Another darkness over day, 黑暗随即降临That night. 那个夜晚And the clouds above move closer, 天空的离我如此之近Looking so dissatisfied. 那么阴郁But the harvest wind kept blowing, blowing. 狂风一个劲不断的刮I used to be my own protection, 我总是会保护好自己But not now. 但这次不会"Cause my path has lost direction, 因为我已经失去方向Somehow. 不知何故A black winter cue away, 我看见From sight. 黑色的冬季远远暗示Another darkness over day, 黑暗随即降临That night. 那个夜晚天空的离我如此之近And the clouds above move closer,Looking so dissatisfied. 那么阴郁And the ground below grew colder, 地下越来越冰冷As they put you down inside. 当他们把你埋葬之后But the harvest wind kept blowing, blowing. 狂风一个劲不断的刮So now you"re gone, 你走之后And I was wrong. 我完全崩溃I never knew what it was like, 我永远不知道那意味着什么To be alone on a Valentine"s Day, 孤单的情人节To be alone on a Valentine"s Day. 孤单的情人节I used to be my own protection, 我总是会保护好自己But not now. 但这次不会"Cause my path has lost direction, 因为我已经失去方向Somehow. 不知何故My insides all turn to ash, 我的心瞬间化为So slow. 慢慢的And blow away as I collapse, 随着我倒下而随风飘散So cold. 刺骨的寒冷A black winter been away, 我看见From sight. 黑色的冬季已经离去Another darkness over day, 黑暗随即降临That night. 那个夜晚And the clouds above move closer, 天空的离我如此之近Looking so dissatisfied. 那么阴郁But the harvest wind kept blowing, blowing. 狂风一个劲不断的刮I used to be my own protection, 我总是会保护好自己But not now. 但这次不会"Cause my path has lost direction, 因为我已经失去方向Somehow. 不知何故A black winter cue away, 我看见From sight. 黑色的冬季远远暗示Another darkness over day, 黑暗随即降临That night. 那个夜晚天空的云朵离我如此之近And the clouds above move closer,Looking so dissatisfied. 那么阴郁And the ground below grew colder, 地下越来越冰冷As they put you down inside. 当他们把你埋葬之后But the harvest wind kept blowing, blowing. 狂风一个劲不断的刮So now you"re gone, 你走之后And I was wrong. 我完全崩溃I never knew what it was like, 我永远不知道那意味着什么To be alone on a Valentine"s Day, 孤单的情人节To be alone on a Valentine"s Day. 孤单的情人节I used to be my own protection, 我总是会保护好自己But not now. 但这次不会"Cause my path has lost direction, 因为我已经失去方向Somehow. 不知何故

St. Valentines Day 怎么读


急急急,求Valentines Day的起源故事

起源  说法一:公元3世纪,罗马帝国皇帝克劳迪乌斯二世在首都罗马宣布废弃所有的婚姻承诺,当时是出于战争的考虑,使更多无所牵挂的男人可以走上争战的疆场。一名叫瓦仑廷(Sanctus Valentinus)的神父没有遵照这个旨意而继续为相爱的年轻人举行教堂婚礼。事情被告发后,瓦仑廷神父先是被鞭打,然后被石头掷打,最后在公元270年2月14日这天被送上了绞架被绞死。14世纪以后,人们就开始纪念这个日子。现在,中文译为“情人节”的这个日子,在西方国家里就被称为 Valentine"s Day ,用以纪念那位为情人做主而牺牲的神父。   说法二:据说瓦伦丁是最早的基督徒之一,那个时代做一名基督徒意味着危险和死亡。为掩护其他殉教者,瓦沦丁被抓住,投入了监牢。在那里他治愈了典狱长女儿失明的双眼。当暴君听到着一奇迹时,他感到非常害怕,于是将瓦沦丁斩首示众。据传说,在行刑的那一天早晨,瓦沦丁给典狱长的女儿写了一封情意绵绵的告别信,落款是:From your Valentine (寄自你的瓦伦丁)。当天,盲女在他墓前种了一棵开红花的杏树,以寄托自己的情思,这一天就是2月14日。自此以后,基督教便把2月14日定为情人节。   说法三:在古罗马时期,2月14日是为表示对约娜的尊敬而设的节日。约娜是罗马众神的皇后,罗马人同时将她尊奉为妇女和婚姻之神。接下来的2月15日则被称为“卢帕撒拉节”,是用来对约娜治下的其他众神表示尊敬的节日。   在古罗马,年轻人和少女的生活是被严格分开的。然而,在卢帕撒拉节,小伙子们可以选择一个自己心爱的姑娘的名字刻在花瓶上。这样,过节的时候,小伙子就可以与自己选择的姑娘一起跳舞,庆祝节日。如果被选中的姑娘也对小伙子有意的话,他们便可一直配对,而且最终他们会坠入爱河并一起步入教堂结婚。后人为此而将每年的2月14日定为情人节。   说法四:来源于古罗马的牧神节(Lupercalia Festival)   这个说法是基督教会庆祝这一天是为了把古罗马的牧神节(每年的2月15日庆祝,为了保佑人、田、牲畜的生产力)基督教化。   在罗马人崇拜的众神中,畜牧神卢波库斯(Lupercus)掌管着对牧羊人和羊群的保护。每年二月中,罗马人会举行盛大的典礼来庆祝牧神节。   那时的日历与现在相比,要稍微晚一些,所以牧神节实际上是对即将来临的春天的庆祝。也有人说这个节日是庆祝法乌努斯神(Faunus),它类似于古希腊人身羊足,头上有角的潘神( Pan ),主管畜牧和农业。   随着罗马势力在欧洲的扩张,牧神节的习俗被带到了现在的法国和英国等地。人们最乐此不疲的一项节日活动类似于摸彩。年轻女子们的名字被放置于盒子内,然后年轻男子上前抽取。抽中的一对男女成为情人,时间是一年或更长。   基督教的兴起使人们纪念众神的习俗逐渐淡漠。教士们不希望人们放弃节日的欢乐,于是将牧神节(Lupercalia)改成瓦沦丁节( Valentine"s Day),并移至二月十四日。这样,关于瓦沦丁修士的传说和古老的节日就被自然地结合在一起。这一节日在中世纪的英国最为流行。未婚男女的名字被抽出后,他们会互相交换礼物,女子在这一年内成为男子的Valentine。 在男子的衣袖上会绣上女子的名字,照顾和保护该女子于是成为该男子的神圣职责。 情人节传说故事   相传有个古罗马青年基督教传教士圣瓦伦丁,冒险传播基督教义,被捕入狱,感动了老狱吏和他双目失明的女儿,得到了他们悉心照料。临刑前圣瓦伦丁给姑娘写了封信,表明了对姑娘的深情。在他被处死的当天,盲女在他墓前种了一棵开红花的杏树,以寄托自己的情思。这一天就是2月14日。现在,在情人节里,许多小伙子还把求爱的圣瓦伦丁的明信片做成精美的工艺品,剪成蝴蝶和鲜花,以表示心诚志坚。姑娘们晚上将月桂树叶放在枕头上,希望梦见自己的情人。通常在情 人节中,以赠送一枝红玫瑰来表达情人之间的感情。将一枝半开的红玫瑰作为情人节送给女孩的最佳礼物,而姑娘则以一盒心形巧克力作为回赠的礼物。   关于邱比特跟情人节的关系,上述辞典说:“邱比特(拉丁文cupido,意思是欲望、爱),罗马爱神,相当于希腊爱神厄洛斯。他通常由一个可爱的小男孩所代表,背部长有两只翅膀,眼睛给布蒙住,手持弓箭。”   《世界书籍百科全书》提供进一步资料表明关于情人节的起源,其实众说纷纭。该百科全书指出:“据说在公元200期间,罗马皇帝克劳狄二世禁止年轻男子结婚。他认为未婚男子可以成为更优良的士兵。一位名叫华伦泰的教士违反了皇帝的命令,秘密为年轻男子主持婚礼。……传闻说华伦泰于公元269年2月14日被处决。据《天主教百科全书》指出,公元496年,教宗圣基拉西乌斯一世在公元第五世纪末叶废除了牧神节,把2月14日定为圣华伦泰日。”这个节日现今以“圣瓦伦廷节”——亦即情人节——的姿态盛行起来。   14世纪以后,人们就开始纪念这个日子。现在,中文译为“情人节”的这个日子,在英语里被称为Valentine"s Day,用以纪念他。   不管情人节的真正起源如何,这个习俗源于古代的信仰,得以基督教国的“圣人”来命名。

请问 valentine`s day 中文歌词是什么亚?

哦 我找到你要的歌词了。。这首歌很好听哦Linkin Park Valentine"s Day歌词:My insides all turned to ash / So slowAnd blew away as I collapsed / So coldA black wind took them away / From sightAnd now the darkness over day / that nightAnd the clouds above move closerlooking so dissatisfiedbut the heartless wind kept blowing, blowingI used to be my own protection / But not nowCause my path had lost direction / SomehowA black wind took you away / From sightAnd now the darkness over day / That nightAnd the clouds above more closerlooking so dissatisfiedand the ground below grew colderas they put you down insidebut the heartless wind kept blowing, blowingSo now you"re goneAnd I was wrongI never knew what it was likeTo be alone[Valentine"s Day lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]On a Valentine"s DayOn a Valentine"s DayOn a Valentine"s DayOn a Valentine"s DayOn a Valentine"s DayI used to be my own protection On a Valentine"s Day/ But not nowOn a Valentine"s DayCause my mind has lost direction On a Valentine"s Day/ somehowOn a Valentine"s DayI used to be my own protection On a Valentine"s Day/ But not nowOn a Valentine"s DayCause my mind has lost direction On a Valentine"s Day/ somehow心跳如此之慢,万念俱灰; 内心如此之冷思绪混乱碰撞; 黑色的寒冬从内心深处吹过; 那天晚上之后自己被灰色占据了; 乌云步步紧逼 如此的沮丧 无情之风不停的吹啊吹 我已经喜欢了自我保护,但今天却是例外 因为我莫名的迷失方向 黑色的寒冬从内心深处吹过 那天晚上之后自己被灰色占据了 乌云步步紧逼 如此的沮丧 脚底下升起了冰寒 你已渗入我心 无情之风不停的吹啊吹 你已离我而去 我知道我错了 从来没有想过结局会是这样 陷入孤独... 在那个情人节...在那个情人节... 在那个情人节...在那个情人节... 在那个情人节...在那个情人节... 在那个情人节...在那个情人节... 在那个情人节...在那个情人节... 在那个情人节...在那个情人节...

valentines day什么意思

  “情人节”是每年的2月14日,是西方传统的节日之一,也是庆祝爱情的节日。在情人节这一天,人们通常会送礼物、巧克力、鲜花等给自己的爱人,或者在一起度过浪漫的时光。这个节日最初起源于古罗马时期,据说是为了纪念基督教殉道者圣瓦伦丁而设立的。圣瓦伦丁据说是一位传说中的神父,他因为违反罗马皇帝克劳狄斯的禁令,私自为年轻恋人举行婚礼而被处决,后来被尊为“爱情守护神”。  虽然“情人节”最初起源于西方,但是在今天的全球范围内都被庆祝。节日期间,商家们通常会打折促销,参与者也会在社交媒体上分享他们的庆祝活动和礼物。虽然有些人认为情人节只是一个商业化的节日,但是对于那些庆祝它的人来说,这是一个表达爱意和感激之情的机会。  无论你是在情人节送礼物庆祝,还是选择在其他时间表达你的爱意,重要的是让你的恋人感受到你的爱和关心。这个节日可以提醒我们要珍惜我们身边的人,让我们更加关注那些我们深爱的人。





Little Darling (I Need You) 歌词

歌曲名:Little Darling (I Need You)歌手:Marvin Gaye专辑:Moods Of Marvin Gaye - MotownSelect.comRedlight King - Little DarlinQQ : 349777127Hey now little darlinKeep this dream aliveHey now little darlinI know you"ve sacrificedHey now little darlinDon"t turn your heart to stoneHey now little darlinLet me take you homeShe had a hard lifeIt"s really not fairHides behind her smileAnd a deep cold stareThe time on her feetTook the bounce in her stepShe"s been let downBy every man she"s metLoosin her sympathyNo more tearsNow she"s gettin olderThe dream disappearAnd the waves won"t stopMan she"s runnin hotShe keeps gettin looksBy everyone on the blockFriday nights she needs a rideTwenty bones to get a danceBabe I"m not loosin my mindI still think we got a chanceHey now little darlinKeep this dream aliveHey now little darlinI know you"ve sacrificedHey now little darlinDon"t turn your heart to stoneHey now little darlinLet me take you homeIf they keep comin at youI"ll stand in the wayWe don"t have to run nowWe don"t have to stayCause even in a pinchI can still make it workYou know where to find meTell me where it hurtsBaby leave a light onYou know me so wellWe can hit the highwayThis time it won"t failGo get your thingsI"ll grab the wheelYou know I still got itAnd you still got the feelSunday night we"re gonna rideForty bones to fill the tankLeave the past far behindYou won"t even have to blinkHey now little darlinKeep this dream aliveHey now little darlinI know you"ve sacrificedHey now little darlinDon"t turn your heart to stoneHey now little darlinLet me take you homeTake it homeI remember way back when you had everythingAnd the diamonds were in your eyesI didn"t always know what you meant to meNow I"ll never leave you behindBaby you"re my darlinBaby you"re my darlinHey now little darlinKeep this dream aliveHey now little darlinI know you"ve sacrificedHey now little darlinDon"t turn your heart to stoneHey now little darlinLet me take you homeTake it homeRedlight King - Little DarlinQQ : 349777127http://music.baidu.com/song/14860990

Little Darling 歌词

歌曲名:Little Darling歌手:The Rubettes专辑:The Best OfRedlight King - Little DarlinQQ : 349777127Hey now little darlinKeep this dream aliveHey now little darlinI know you"ve sacrificedHey now little darlinDon"t turn your heart to stoneHey now little darlinLet me take you homeShe had a hard lifeIt"s really not fairHides behind her smileAnd a deep cold stareThe time on her feetTook the bounce in her stepShe"s been let downBy every man she"s metLoosin her sympathyNo more tearsNow she"s gettin olderThe dream disappearAnd the waves won"t stopMan she"s runnin hotShe keeps gettin looksBy everyone on the blockFriday nights she needs a rideTwenty bones to get a danceBabe I"m not loosin my mindI still think we got a chanceHey now little darlinKeep this dream aliveHey now little darlinI know you"ve sacrificedHey now little darlinDon"t turn your heart to stoneHey now little darlinLet me take you homeIf they keep comin at youI"ll stand in the wayWe don"t have to run nowWe don"t have to stayCause even in a pinchI can still make it workYou know where to find meTell me where it hurtsBaby leave a light onYou know me so wellWe can hit the highwayThis time it won"t failGo get your thingsI"ll grab the wheelYou know I still got itAnd you still got the feelSunday night we"re gonna rideForty bones to fill the tankLeave the past far behindYou won"t even have to blinkHey now little darlinKeep this dream aliveHey now little darlinI know you"ve sacrificedHey now little darlinDon"t turn your heart to stoneHey now little darlinLet me take you homeTake it homeI remember way back when you had everythingAnd the diamonds were in your eyesI didn"t always know what you meant to meNow I"ll never leave you behindBaby you"re my darlinBaby you"re my darlinHey now little darlinKeep this dream aliveHey now little darlinI know you"ve sacrificedHey now little darlinDon"t turn your heart to stoneHey now little darlinLet me take you homeTake it homeRedlight King - Little DarlinQQ : 349777127http://music.baidu.com/song/8537817

Little Darling 歌词

歌曲名:Little Darling歌手:The Rubettes专辑:The Very Best OfRedlight King - Little DarlinQQ : 349777127Hey now little darlinKeep this dream aliveHey now little darlinI know you"ve sacrificedHey now little darlinDon"t turn your heart to stoneHey now little darlinLet me take you homeShe had a hard lifeIt"s really not fairHides behind her smileAnd a deep cold stareThe time on her feetTook the bounce in her stepShe"s been let downBy every man she"s metLoosin her sympathyNo more tearsNow she"s gettin olderThe dream disappearAnd the waves won"t stopMan she"s runnin hotShe keeps gettin looksBy everyone on the blockFriday nights she needs a rideTwenty bones to get a danceBabe I"m not loosin my mindI still think we got a chanceHey now little darlinKeep this dream aliveHey now little darlinI know you"ve sacrificedHey now little darlinDon"t turn your heart to stoneHey now little darlinLet me take you homeIf they keep comin at youI"ll stand in the wayWe don"t have to run nowWe don"t have to stayCause even in a pinchI can still make it workYou know where to find meTell me where it hurtsBaby leave a light onYou know me so wellWe can hit the highwayThis time it won"t failGo get your thingsI"ll grab the wheelYou know I still got itAnd you still got the feelSunday night we"re gonna rideForty bones to fill the tankLeave the past far behindYou won"t even have to blinkHey now little darlinKeep this dream aliveHey now little darlinI know you"ve sacrificedHey now little darlinDon"t turn your heart to stoneHey now little darlinLet me take you homeTake it homeI remember way back when you had everythingAnd the diamonds were in your eyesI didn"t always know what you meant to meNow I"ll never leave you behindBaby you"re my darlinBaby you"re my darlinHey now little darlinKeep this dream aliveHey now little darlinI know you"ve sacrificedHey now little darlinDon"t turn your heart to stoneHey now little darlinLet me take you homeTake it homeRedlight King - Little DarlinQQ : 349777127http://music.baidu.com/song/8569625

Little Darlin 歌词

歌曲名:Little Darlin歌手:Redlight King专辑:Something for the PainRedlight King - Little DarlinQQ : 349777127Hey now little darlinKeep this dream aliveHey now little darlinI know you"ve sacrificedHey now little darlinDon"t turn your heart to stoneHey now little darlinLet me take you homeShe had a hard lifeIt"s really not fairHides behind her smileAnd a deep cold stareThe time on her feetTook the bounce in her stepShe"s been let downBy every man she"s metLoosin her sympathyNo more tearsNow she"s gettin olderThe dream disappearAnd the waves won"t stopMan she"s runnin hotShe keeps gettin looksBy everyone on the blockFriday nights she needs a rideTwenty bones to get a danceBabe I"m not loosin my mindI still think we got a chanceHey now little darlinKeep this dream aliveHey now little darlinI know you"ve sacrificedHey now little darlinDon"t turn your heart to stoneHey now little darlinLet me take you homeIf they keep comin at youI"ll stand in the wayWe don"t have to run nowWe don"t have to stayCause even in a pinchI can still make it workYou know where to find meTell me where it hurtsBaby leave a light onYou know me so wellWe can hit the highwayThis time it won"t failGo get your thingsI"ll grab the wheelYou know I still got itAnd you still got the feelSunday night we"re gonna rideForty bones to fill the tankLeave the past far behindYou won"t even have to blinkHey now little darlinKeep this dream aliveHey now little darlinI know you"ve sacrificedHey now little darlinDon"t turn your heart to stoneHey now little darlinLet me take you homeTake it homeI remember way back when you had everythingAnd the diamonds were in your eyesI didn"t always know what you meant to meNow I"ll never leave you behindBaby you"re my darlinBaby you"re my darlinHey now little darlinKeep this dream aliveHey now little darlinI know you"ve sacrificedHey now little darlinDon"t turn your heart to stoneHey now little darlinLet me take you homeTake it homeRedlight King - Little DarlinQQ : 349777127http://music.baidu.com/song/16666358


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求一首慢节奏的抒情英文歌,歌词好像是baby tonight wanna dance,tonigh


英属哥伦比亚大学的地址:2053 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T 1Z2,中文怎么翻译?

中文怎么翻译为2053 Main Mall加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华市主购物中心V6T 1Z2。Main Mall不用翻译,被学校主要建筑物夹着的道路就叫main mall。以主干道为基准,东西分别有east mall、west mall,靠近海边的低地,有lower mall。不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia,简称UBC,又译“英属哥伦比亚学”等)始建于1908年,前身为麦吉尔大学不列颠哥伦比亚分校(McGill University College of British Columbia)。于1915年获批独立,是加拿大著名的公立研究型大学,环太平洋大学联盟、Universitas 21和英联邦大学协会成员之一,是不列颠哥伦比亚省历史最悠久的大学,学校位于温哥华市。扩展资料作为加拿大三大顶级研究学府之一,它提供多种教学大纲(课程)和学习机会,并允许学生自由选课,以适应各种学者。UBC定期邀请国际知名学者、科学家到该校作学术报告,学生在这里可以了解当今的学术动态。学校设有农业经济学、动物学、森林资源管理、计算机学、营养学、石油勘探工程、地理学、艺术、英语、历史、德语研究等70多个专业,能授予学士、双学士、硕士及博士学位。中等和特殊教育的教师培训及法学、医学和牙科的职前培训也是学校的教育内容之一。参考资料来源:百度百科-不列颠哥伦比亚大学


vancouver 是指温哥华市 bc 是指温哥华所在的省canada 加拿大,温哥华所在的国家

dancing king exo百度云


EXO dancing king 百度云


exo dancingking 百度云谢谢


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