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10days remaining

remaining 可以做形容词,“剩下的,剩余的”;或者表示remain 的现在分词.所以remaining days是“剩下的日子”的意思. 而remained 是remain的过去式或过去分词,是动词,意思是“保留,保持”,所以在这里如果用renmained days 意思就变了.



remaining days中为什么是用现在分词,能用remained吗?或者days reminded这样对吗

remaining 这里不是现在分词,它有形容词词性,adj 剩下的

seize the day是什么意思


seize the day,carpe diem中文是什么意思

seize the day,carpe diem抓住今天,及时行乐双语对照例句:1.Seize the day, indeed. 事实上,我们得把握每一天。 2.We should seize the day when it came. 我们应该抓住这一天。

Carpe diem,Seize the day ——《死亡诗社》

前天到昨天,两天下午看完了这部电影《死亡诗社》,心里一直想记录点什么,但是就是不知道怎么记,记什么,从哪里开始,今天下午,又想重新看这部电影,又看了一半。我觉得对我触动很大的是,整个故事的节奏从欢快到最后的悲剧,犹如过山车一般。也许我也跟随着captain ,在他的引导下,释放自己,找寻自己,但却在最终的现实中被泼了冷水,所以情绪一直不高,很想找个发泄的地方,却没有出口。在这个故事中,基丁老师的教学方法,颠覆了以往的传统,他带领学生参观陈列室学习“珍惜时间”、让学生撕掉书本前沿跳出框架看诗歌、让学生站在桌子上换个角度看待事物、带学生在体育中学习诗歌、让学生三人走路来理解“顺从”和自我,他的不同的教学方法里,蕴含着深刻的哲学意味,在一个个课程中,打开学生身上的枷锁,让他们能更自由地去探索思想,寻找自由的自我,活出生命的意义,这远比成为一位社会上流人士更重要。在过程中,我最喜欢的几段, 珍惜时间,珍惜当下,不要为了你的恐惧、你的害怕、你的胆怯、你的犹豫而虚度短暂的时光,抓住手中的时间,把握每一次的机会。找自己,这个话题一直是我关注的。我是谁,我要到哪里去,也是我不断在自问的问题,每当我陷入低迷,自问的时候,都会发现自己恢复能量,因为我知道我要什么,我要成为什么样的人,我要做什么。Frost的这首诗,是我非常喜欢的,也是我读完后觉得非常贴合我的。我选择走人少的这一条,注定了我与别人的不同,即使更加艰苦、困难,但是我选择、我愿意,而找到自己的节奏,不被别人带偏,是我现在很需要的。最近听了太多外面的声音,让我变得很焦躁很浮躁,因为我的节奏因为外面的声音而乱了,这不是我想要的,我需要找回自己的节奏,然后继续前进,只有这样,我才能更专注、更自如地去生活工作和学习。 这段内容也非常贴合一个短片: 不要让任何人扰乱你的时间表 这段内容,初看觉得我都懂,但是再看会发现我需要学习。一旦我觉得自己懂了什么,就应该换个角度再来看一看。这句话让我警醒自己,我现在觉得熟练的、掌握的东西是不是真如我想象中那样,换句话说,根本没有所谓的我懂了,因为这永远是片面的,不可能饱和的。所以对待教学,时刻保持空杯、不断改变角度(怎么改变我还没懂),才能更好地精进自己。当然,基丁老师的教学方法,不拘泥于传统,而是进行了创新和融合,尤其是体育是诗歌的组合,让我看到了无限可能,学科的融合,形式的融合,最终都是为了达到教学的目的,更好地去达到教学的目的而设计的,所以我的眼光也不应该局限着,而应该更开放地多看,多想,多融合,既在真实生活中,又在真实的教学情境中。

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1956version Plot Around1872,anEnglishgentlemanPhileasFogg(DavidNiven)claimshecancircumnavigatetheworldineightydays.Hemakesa20,000wagerwithseveralskepticalfellowmembersofhisLondongentlemen"sclub,theReformClub, Togetherwithhisresourcefulvalet,Passepartout(Cantinflas),FoggsetsoutonhisjourneyfromParisviaballoon.Meanwhile,suspiciongrowsthatFogghasstolenhis20,000fromtheBankofEngland.PoliceInspectorFix(RobertNewton)issentoutbythebankpresident(RobertMorley)toarrestFogg.Hopscotchingaroundtheglobe,FoggpausesinSpain,wherePassepartoutengagesinacomicbullfight.InIndia,FoggandPassepartoutrescueyoungwidowPrincessAouda(ShirleyMacLaine)frombeingforcedintocommittingsuicidesothatshemayjoinherlatehusband.ThethreesomevisitHongKong,Japan,SanFrancisco,andtheWildWest.Onlyhoursshortofwinninghiswager,FoggisarresteduponreturningtoLondonbythediligent,ifmisguidedInspectorFix. Thougheventuallyexoneratedofthecharges,hehaslosteverything—excepttheloveofthewinsomeAouda.ButsalvationisathandwhenPassepartoutrealizesthat,bycrossingtheInternationalDateLine,theyhavegainedaday.ThereisstilltimetoreachtheReformClubandwinthebet,whichhedoes. DavidNiven-PhileasFogg Cantinflas-Passepartout ShirleyMacLaine-PrincessAouda RobertNewton-Mr.Fix 2004version Plot Thefilmstartswithaman(laterknowntobeJackieChan),robbingandescapingfromtheBankofEngland.Toescapefromthepolice,hebecomesservanttoPhileasFogg(SteveCoogan),ascientisttryingtobreakthe50mphspeedbarrier.Aftersucceedingtodoso,andPassepartout(thenameJackieusesasFogg"sservant)succeedingtoavoidthepolice,theyheadtotheRoyalAcademyofScience.HereFoggiscallednamesbyother"brilliantminds",inparticularthebombasticLordKelvin(JimBroadbent),whobelievesthatallisknownthatcanbeknown.Inhisblindrage,Foggplacesabettoseeifitwaspossible(ashiscalculationssaid)totravelaroundtheworldin80days.Ifhewon,he"dbecomeleaderoftheRAS(RoyalAcademyofScience)andifhedidn"thewouldteardownhislabandneverinventanythingagain. PassepartoutandPhileasretreattoPhileas"homewherehemournsonhisfoolishdecision,yetPassepartoutsaidhebetinsomethinghebelievedin,andthatmadethebetinnowayfoolish.Withoutlosingamoment,theytakeacarriageandleaveLondon,aftercrossingwithInspectorFix(EwenBremner),whowashiredtostopthemfromtravelingaroundtheworld. TheythentraveltoParis,wherePassepartouthastoevademinionssentbythemurderousfemalesoldierGeneralFangoutafterwhathestolen:theJadeBuddha,whichisasignofgoodfortune.PretendingtotakePhileastoaconventionwithThomasEdison,heleadshiminsteadtoanArtSchool,wherePhileasmeetsMonique(CéciledeFrance).Realisinghowbusyhisbossis,Passepartoutfightstheminionsusingeverymaterialavailable:canvas,brushes,bucketsofpaint,etc...MeanwhilePhileasandMoniquediscussMonique"spaintingsof"impossiblethings",suchasdogsplayingpoker.ThisiswhenPhileasseesapaintingofamanwithwings.TomakeamachinethatcouldallowmentoflywasalwaysPhileas"sdream,andhefelttouched.AllofasuddenPassepartoutreturnsandtellshisbossthey"relate.Thethreeofthem(Moniquewentwiththemaswell)jumpedintoabigballoonandcuttheropes.PassepartouthadtojumpoutasaladyhadoneofPhileas"bags.Oncethebagwasretrievedhegrabbedalongerropeandbegantoclimb. TheythentraveledtoTurkey,wheretheyweregreetedbynoneotherthanPrinceHapi(ArnoldSchwarzenegger).HeretheyrelaxedinapoolbutHapionlyallowedthetwoboystoleave,forMoniquewouldstaytobehis7thwife(oneforeachdayoftheweek).Thetwoguysdidleave,butjustbeforeexitingthepalace,theytiltedHapi"sstatueofhimselfnakedandheldtightlysothatitwouldnotactuallyfallover(andbreak).TheyorderedMoniquetojointhem(andHapiagreed)andthenfortheguardstodroptheweapons(Hapiagreedyetagain),andthenforeverybodytogetinside(Hapiagreed).Phileaswaspreparingtogiveyetanotherorderbeforebreakingthestatue"srightarm,hethenletgoofthestatuewhichultimatelyfellandbroke.PassepartoutandMoniquegrabbedtheluggageandran,wherePhileas(stillinshockandholdingthearm),stoodstillafewmomentsthenranaswell.BythetimetheywereoutsidePassepartouttookthearmoffPhileasandusedittoblockthedoors. BythistimetheRoyalAcademyleaderLordKelvinwasfurious,whennewscamethatitwasPhileas"sservantthathadstolentheJadeBuddha.HefoundFoggstupider,ashewascarryingthethiefwithoutknowing.Allofasudden,LordSalisburycameupwithamarvelousidea:MaybePhileasdidknow,andthat"swhyhefledEngland.WhenwordcametheyhadpastTurkey,theywarnedIndia(theirnextstop)topreparetotakethem. NowinIndia,PassepartoutsawawantedflyerwithhimandPhileas,andwarnedhisbossandMonique.Disguisedaslocalwomen,theyfooledthePolice,yetnottheminionsPassepartouthadmetinParis.OnehungMoniquelikeacoatonapeg,whileanotherfoughtPassepartoutusingchainshehadwrappedaroundhisbody.Phileaswaslefttofightthefirstone,usingawalkingstick.Henoticedabuttonandoutoffoneendcameasextant,whichusedtocutaropewhichmadealargeclothfallontheminion.ForPassepartoutitwasn"tsoeasy,asheranintoFixwhoputhiscuffsonhimandhimself,sotheyweretiedbythewrists(thelargebullywasn"tthereatthetime).Whenthebullycamebackhefoughtthetwoofthemwhohadnochoicebuttorun,butwereabletoknockhimout.Fixalsogotknockedoutintheprocess.TheythendisguisedFixasaregularEnglishmanratherthanEnglishInspector,andshouted"that"sthemanwhostolethebankofEngland!".Nowunsurewheretogoto,forthetrainswereguardedandtheshipsonlylefttootherBritishcolonies,PassepartouthadtheideaofescapingtoChina. KnowingChinaashedid,Passepartoutledthemtohisvillage,wheretheywerehappilygreeted.Heremoreminionsarrived,butforoncePassepartoutwasnotalone,ashehadthehelpof9"tigers",legendarywearriorswhohadlearnttofightbyobservinganimals"behaviour.BytheendPassepartoutrevealedhimselftobeLauXing,oneofthe10tigers,andthathehadusedPhileastoreturnthemagicalJadeBuddhatohisvillage,whichitwouldlookoverandprotect.MoniquereveleadshealsoknewthissinceTurkey,andPhileaswasheartbroken. Phileasnowfelthewastocontinuealone,andthisiswhathedid.HetraveledtoSanFrancisco,wherehewasfooledbyafalse"sicklady"whointheendstolehisluggageandmoney.Leftalonetoliveinthestreets,Phileasknewnotwhattodo,untilhewasfoundbyLauXingandMonique,whohelpedhimcontinuethejourneybycrossingthedesertwithhim. ItwasherethattheyfoundtheWrightbrothers(brothersOwenandLukeWilson),andthe3inventorsdiscussedtheflyingmachine.Takingalookattheplans(whichWilburWrightclaimedtobehissillybrother"sdoing),Phileasfoundthembrilliantandsuggestedafewmerechanges(Wilbursaidhewasproudofhisbrotherandhadalwaysbelievedinhim). LauXing(stillcalledPassepartoutbecauseofforceofhabitontheotherpeople"spart),MoniqueandPhileas"nextstopwasNewYork,whereamassivecrowdwhohadplacedbetsforagainstPhileaswinning,greetedthemandmadeitimpossibleforthemtopassandreachtheirship.Apolicemanallowedthistobepossible,bytakingthemthroughabuildinghecalledashortcut.Heremoreminionsawaitedthem,readyforonelastface-off.TheyknewPhileasdidn"thavetheJadeBuddhahoweverifPhileaswonthebet,theirbossLordKelvinwouldlosehispositionintheRASandcouldn"tpaythemfortheirduties. AmajorbattlebetweenthethreefriendsandGeneralFangandherminionsstartedintheworkshopwherethestatueoflibertywasmade,withLauXingusinghisskilltostophisenemiesandtheothertwousingluck.Intheendthethreefriendswerevictorious,orsoitseemed,astheminionshadstalledthemenoughtomakethemlosetheirshiptoEngland. Phileasfeltlikehehadlost,buttheothertwosaidtheymightstillmakeitiftheycaughtthenextship.Phileasknewtheunlikelihoodofthisyetchosetocarryon.Theoldshipwasownedbyasailorwhohadlostbothhisnipplesinanattackbyashark.Phileastoldthecaptaintheyweren"tgoingfastenough,andafteralotoftalking,hemanagedtoconvincethecaptaintolethimbuildaplaneoutoftheoldwoodfromtheship,inexchangeforanewshipandasurgerytogivehimnewnipples. Thebuildingstartedandsoonwasover.UsingthechangedWrightbrother"splans,Phileasbuiltamachinethatseemedtowork.OnitwasLauXing(pedaling),Phileas(driving),andMonique(commenting).ThemachinewasworkingfineandsoontheyreachedLondon.Then,themachinebegantofallapartandtheyhadacrash-landinginfrontoftheRAS.Phileaslookedathiswatch,andrealisedhehadfailed.Itwasjustpast12o"clockandhewassupposedtobethereat12. LordKelvin,victorious,proclaimshimselfthevictor.However,intheprocessheinsultstheQueenofEngland,whoisnearbylistening.Hewasarrested. Phileasisalsoluckyenoughnottohavelostthebet;heisonedayearlythankstocrossingtheinternationaldateline,yetbelievedhimselflatebecauseofanerroronthepartofLauXing.HeascendsthestairsoftheAcademyandthereembracesMonique. Cast Listedintheordertheyappearinthecredits: JackieChanasthePassepartout SteveCooganasPhileasFogg CéciledeFranceasMonique JimBroadbentasLordKelvin RogerHammondasLordRhodes KathyBatesasQueenVictoria ArnoldSchwarzeneggerasPrinceHapi JohnCleeseasGrizzledsergeant WillForteasPoliceofficer OwenWilsonasWilburWright IanMcNeiceasCol.Kitchener LukeWilsonasOrvilleWright RobSchneiderasaHobo MarkAddyasSteamercaptain EwenBremnerasInspectorFix MarshaYuen MaggieQasFemaleScorpionagent SammoHungasWongFeiHung Mars KarenJoyMorris(akaKarenMok)asGen.Fang DanielWuasBakMei RichardBransonasHotairballoonoperator FrankCoraci(thefilm"sdirector)asWealthydapperpedestrian AdamGodleyasMr.Sutton MacyGrayasSleepyFrenchwoman MichaelKuroiwaasScorpionagent NatalieDeniseSperlasStunningwoman WolframTeufel DonTheerathadaasHo/10Tigers MichalYoun RobertFyfeasJeanMichel

留学申请表里有个Date results expected (if applicable)是什么意思


Tsubasa Wo Kudasai 歌词

《Tsubasa Wo Kudasai》词曲:Hayley Westenra专辑:《Hayley Sings Japanese Songs》演唱:Hayley WestenraI, I have a dreamA dream of you and meWe"re flying high aboveWe"re soaring over seaBless me with some wingsFor I, so want to flyThese precious white wingsWill take me soaring highTo the sun that lights the dayTo the clouds that drift awayOnly then will I be freePast the city lights and hazeThrough the autumn trees ablazeIn the sky, I am truly freeJust you and meWe"re high above the treesThe wind is in my hairThe ocean breeze takes meTell me, what can I do?To earn, earn me some wings?Some precious white wingsTo help me live my dreams


2010-2011年MBC《花束》2011年 SBS《Starking》2010-2011年MBC Every1 《我们恋爱了》 敏雅、智海、Yura固定出演2010年10月1日 MBC《女人改变世界 – Wonder Woman》 4期 敏雅出演2011年01月01日、01月08日 KBS《百分满分》 敏雅出演2011年01月08日 KBS《百分满分》敏雅出演 2011年02月08日 SBS《强心脏》 敏雅出演2011年02月15日 SBS《强心脏》敏雅出演2011年05月14日 KBS《全国偶像运动会》敏雅、智海出演2011年05月21日 KBS《全国偶像运动会》敏雅、智海、亚荣出演2011年05月26日 内地节目《韩国印象》全体出演2011年06月02日 内地节目《韩国印象》全体出演 2011年05月07日 Mnet Director"s Cut S2 EP13 (敏雅+素珍)2011年05月21日 Mnet Director"s Cut S2 EP14 (敏雅+素珍)2011年07月16日 SBS《starking》 惠利 智海 敏雅 出演2011年07月17日 SBS《挑战千曲》全体出演2011年08月03日 MTV TheShow 敏雅MC2011年08月07日 KBS《出发梦之队》敏雅 素珍出演2011年10月06日 KBS《Hello Baby4》全体出演2011年11月06日 SBS 《Gag Tonight》 全体出演2011年11月17日《周末偶像》 全体出演 2011年12月06日《Shin-Dong Show》亚荣 素珍 敏雅 出演2011年12月12日 日本《Channel A》演艺Inside2011年12月15日 KBS《Shin-Dong Show》亚荣 素珍 敏雅 出演2011年12月24日 《济州之旅》平安夜在日本Mnet播送2011年12月30日 日本《Channel A》演艺Inside2012年01月04日 《Mnet Wide News》 素珍主持2012年01月06日 日本《Channel A》演艺Inside2012年01月13日 日本《Channel A》演艺Inside2012年01月22日 春节特辑《偶像明星弹围棋大赛》冠军2012年01月23日 KBS春节特辑《太子妃计划-王室的复活》素珍出演2012年01月24日 《MBC.偶像明星田径游泳锦标赛》节目在24日播出2012年01月12日 《Music On Top》 由敏雅担任特别MC2012年02月16日 日本韩爱情少女第二子弹2012年02月11日 SBS《StarKing》敏雅 素珍 Yura2012年02月14日 SBS《强心脏》上(情人节特辑) 敏雅出演2012年02月21日 SBS《强心脏》下 敏雅出演2012年03月20日 日本韩爱情少女第二子弹后续 Fan Mission2012年04月04日 “柯南:黑暗时代”首映会2012年04月11日 电影《蜡笔小新》宣传活动2012年04月17日 挑战千曲、mtv the show2012年05月12、19日 JTBC神话放送(敏雅)2012年10月01日 Miss&Mr Idol 选拔大会(素珍、yura、敏雅、)

格鲁克歌剧《奥菲欧与尤丽狄茜》中的dance of the blessed spirits是指哪一段

是发生在第二幕Orfeo来到冥府寻找妻子,在那里休息的幽灵们听到他的歌声后边唱边跳,把Euridice领来交给了这一场景。 Blessed Spirits可以译为“善良的幽灵”,据希腊神话中说,白银时代的人们死后变成Blessed Spirits,在冥府栖息。


daughter[英][u02c8du0254:tu0259(r)][美][u02c8du0254tu025a]n.女儿; 产物,后代; (某地的)妇女; [生]子代; adj.女儿般的; [生]第一代的; 子代的; 复数:daughters

Amanda Jenssen的《Leon》 歌词

歌曲名:Leon歌手:Amanda Jenssen专辑:Hymns For The HauntedAmanda Jenssen - Léon.Airborne cars on televieThe land is longing for the seaPack my gravity and harmI travel heavy with the dawn.Our past was the last that I sawBeen riding this train foreverCan""t sail back to drown in the blameThe rail track is howling your name.La la LéonLa la LéonYou should have leftWhen my ghost evolvedLa la LéonLa la LéonI""m never worth itWho loves the crow.Zip-codes, farmers, weed or woodThe road leads never where it shouldBistro, pockets full of rainThe world looks pretty from a train.A scene from where dreams have been hungA house from when oldies where youngSafari from golden to greyI""m sorry I threw you away.La la LéonLa la LéonYou should have leftWhen my ghost evolvedLa la LéonLa la LéonI""m never worth itWho loves the crow.MotionShould have let youMotionShould have let youMotionShould have let you glowMotionShould have let youMotionShould have let youMotionShould have let you go.La la LéonLa la LéonYou should have leftWhen my ghost evolvedLa la LéonLa la LéonI""m never worth itWho loves the crow.http://music.baidu.com/song/31271855

darkness ; prediction ; attributable 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法..




哲学高手请进!!! 麻烦介绍一下 Paulo Freire (巴西教育家) 的著作 "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"

Pedagogy of the Oppressed Ch 3问题与讨论日期:92.5.10(W6)地点:台中东海大学教育研究所会议室申:对於翻译部分有些问题。在对话的第三个基础:对於人们有高度的信心。比照原文是hope,指的应该是对人性的希望而不是人们的信念faith。新版的书有五点:love、humanity、faith、hope、critical thinking。 廖:hope和faith都有,所以应该是五个基础。赵:第二部分「革命领导者」这里提到:教育不是由”A for B”,也不是”A about B”,而是A with B。其中A about B廖老师翻成「周围」不知道大家是怎样去了解这个部分?我是翻成「关於」,也就是说教育不是由A为B所做的事,也不是由A来做有关B的事情,而是A跟B一起做的事。释:不管是for或是about都是单方面的,只有with是同时完成的。黄:这里with呼应到真正的教育是老师跟学生都要cooperative,而且要一起完成的。廖:没错。申:A for B应该是父权式的、慈善性的教育。about是客体化,把他变成thing在教学。With是说要共学,师生的权力关系要调整。廖:在探究的过程里面,好像看不到学生的进来?看不到对象?申:这里是说要有被研究者的参予。基本上被研究者有参予的权利,必须要让他进来。再来,就方法论的角度来看是要去分析,是专业人员indispensable act。申:word是一个关键。延续前面几次讲的problem-posing和dialogical,就方法论和知识论的角度来讲,第一个要检讨的就是word,因为对话最重要的工具就是word。但是word又不希望纯粹只是被reduce成符号,word应同时有两个性质:反省、行动。从语言学来说,它有能指和所指,而且要同时存在。我们要了解真实世界会透过naming,naming的过程会形成好几个符号系统,必须要从符号里面去了解真实reality是怎样透过符号去建构出来的。当我们去reflect然后给一个新的perspective的时候,problem自然会出现,然后才会去改变interpretation,产生naming的行动。举个例子来说「独角兽有几只角」,或是「独角兽有几只脚」?基本上这个问题是没有意义的,因为没有人看过真正的独角兽;它的name和所对应到的reality是有问题的。又比如说问西方人「木鱼有几种煮法」,我们知道木鱼根本不是鱼,可是从名字的解读会误以为木鱼是鱼而去思考这个问题,但事实上这个问题是不具有意义的。因此符号所建构的真实社会会让我们去问一些所谓的问题,但却是没有意义的问题。所以提问的时候,第一个要考虑的是word,再来是word和reality的关系,才有办法reflection。昱:回应刚刚所讲的,有次我们学姊买了一堆零食回家,她国小二年级的儿子就说这些全部是「进口」的,但事实上这些零食并不是从国外进口的,所以学姊就问他为什麼这麼说,他儿子就回答说:「这些等一下全都要进我的口,所以是”进口”的。」进口这一个词对一般人来说是指贸易往来的意思,可是对学姊的儿子来说却是有不同的解读。另外,上星期我们(暨大)外籍新娘识字班教「走进厨房」这一课,有个学员竟然把要教的单字全都先写好了,我问她怎麼先写了?她回答说是因为她看到这些字很熟悉,觉得很简单,所以就先写好了。所以当我们在提到word的时候,如果这个word对他的生活产生影响,那是会有不同的意义。申:前面两章提到要dialogical和problem-posing,第三章则是要解释他的方法论跟知识论是怎麼进行的。首先,要进行dialogical一定要有word作为工具。当word能表示世界的时候,就具备reflection,也就是能represent这个世界。这里回应到人跟动物的不同。这个世界透过字的再呈现跟重新组织,事实上也形塑了这个世界。如果不做reflection,就会有意识型态再制的问题,copy上层的意识型态。要了解到什麼是真正的dialogical,才能以爱心、信心等五个元素去转化,不然就只是语言哲学。所以Freire所说的「对话」是有特定义含的,并不是老师和学生在课堂上讲话就是对话那麼简单,要有reflection和action。人能represent世界所以和动物不同。所以这里应该是Freire方法论的建构。赵:Freire是透过和农民互动的经验,来形成他对教育的认识。黄:dialogical是一个比较规范性的,和一般的communication不一样。我在读这一章的时候,最困难的是这一章的第一页「word」的部分,他提到word有两个面向:reflection和action,不晓得这是属於哪个语言学派?申:这个不是语言学里面的。如果从纯粹的语言学来讲,有语法和语意等。语言学有好几个学派,如认为符号对应到的是真实存在的东西,能指与所指示相对应的。但是word在用的时候,不同情境又有不同的意函。例如我对黄崇宪老师说你是坏人,这是有道德谴责的意思。但如果情侣间讲这句话,却有不同的意思。Word和世界的关系事实上是有很多不同的构面,但对Freire来说是有word要有action和reflection两个dimension才称的上是dialogical。廖:word举例来说「我们要健康,台湾要美丽」说这样一句话,但却没有行动,那只是漂亮的一句话。但事实上这样的一句话是隐含reflection,思考我们要怎样的环境。黄:一般我们谈word不会给这个概念那麼大的意函,好像是生命中不可承受之重。赵:那是因为Freire面对的是不识字的农民,所以在那样的context之下他要去强调word的重要性。他是要农民透过识字,产生力量去改变现状,所以特别强调word。申:这是一部分原因,另一部分原因可能是他写这本书时是70年代,语言哲学兴盛,所以引用来作为说明的基础。黄:书中提到「speak a true is to transform the world」,这样的一句话太沉重。我们平常讲话不就要不停的去action和reflection?!如果我们讲一句真话,就是在transform the world。申:所以和Freire讲话是不能开玩笑的。昱:过去我们叫原住民「青番」的时候,他们是处於一个不平等的状态;现在叫他们原住民的同时,他们也能够有平等的对待。又如法师曾提到外籍新娘应改成「新移民者」,那这样是不是就是一种naming?黄:没错,原住民是六○年代的正名运动,因为语言反应结构背后的不平等。申:事实上正名运动背后有一种意识型态,命名的过程中是一种imposition,就是我把我的认知、对世界的认识强加在你身上。释:这是需要经过长时间的reflection才会有action出来。申:成教界在发展的时候是否有照Freire的方法论去做?这样的方法论经过30年后是否经过验证?这样的方法是否是普世皆可的?文莹:世新大学田露西老师带几个研究生和中学老师组一个工作坊,用Freire的方法来进行。但在进行提问式的教育时,老师们因得不到答案而显得更不之所措。Freire自己也声称他的东西是不可移借的,是「here and now」的;他要大家不要重复他所做的,要考虑到脉落情境的问题。研究者和参予者也反省到他们对Freire的东西其实也不是很了解。廖:如Freire所说的,一切从现实出发。所以任何场域都是可以实践的,但前提是要契合脉落情境。

league 与association有什么区别 为什么NBA的发展联盟不叫NBDA?


inspection data是什么意思

inspection data [释义] 检验数据; 全部释义>>[例句]On the basis of inspection data and life estimation the analysis and evaluation to the reactor was carried out.为此,在检验数据的基础上,参考寿命评估的资料,对容器进行了分析与评定。

FDA认证 翻译成英文

The FDA certification

inspection date中文是什么意思

inspection date 网络释义 检验日期海上撤离系统检查 marine evacuation system inspection 检验日期 (inspection date): 检验单位 (service station): 15.基于8个网页-相关网页 验货日期 检查日期 正在翻译



old some are dancing women and怎么连词成句?

你好,很高兴为你解答:Some old women are dancing and…一些老妇人在跳舞词汇释义Some一些,若干; 某些,部分,有的; 好些; 不少的; 相当多的; 有些人,有些事物; 部分; 有的; 有些; 若干; (用于数词前,意同approximately)大约,差不多; 稍微; 有点old women老婆; 老妈; 像管家婆似的男人; old woman的复数dancing跳舞; 舞蹈; 跳…舞; 跳跃; 雀跃; 轻快地移动; dance的现在分词


Y2J…YOO young jin That"s the way~ We came straight game wit it straight off the chain wit it Look but can"t touch we the illest true pimps of it. Collaboration locked with military fusion Takin-ova- Da globe w/out any hesitation Envision total domination. Taking circus out With Sniper Scope precision. So just back up back up yo way up way up Or you"ll get yoself *** acked up! Like 2 Pac we hit"em up~! Too cold to hold yo we too hot to handle Ladies are you ready bout to hitcha wit dis scandal~ Clock strikes it"s elve O clock Bodies movin dance flo"s hot You shake it so dangerous Girl your so dangerous Looked straight in--to your eyes. Desire burning up my mind (It"s you) You know want to don"t be shy oh girl Girl don"t try to stop this flow. Back up on it nice and slow The stage is set so just let go.. Baby girl don"t say no Move yo body! Don"t think about no one else! Groove to the music let the rhythm take control. Rock that body! You know how we party~ Yeah! Just you and me Pop! Let"s get it Crunk tonight! ("Lets go") I know what I know what I know I show By the time I finish you"ll be scrnming for more Time for us to show everybody watsup takin all the ladies with a single look. Don"t try to step pistol whipped is how you"ll end flippin the script I just dun dun it again Ain"t nobody! even e close to us It"s the real deal so scandalous Now Let See who can get down Groove yo body let"s getdown. The stage is set so just let go. Baby girl don"t say no Show down let"s party! Don"t think about no one else! Groove to the music let the rhythm take control. Rock that body! You know how we party~yeah! Just you and me Pop! Let"s get it Crunk tonight! Girl you know that I want you So why you frontin on me like it"s nothing mo than just a game. Girl I know what you"re feelin now But baby please just show me how~! Yo baby boo you know what you do Shakin that thang left and right makin all dem boys drool. Sweat rollin like-hot wax on a candle Getting me thinking bout how I"m about to handle it cus yo lips be so fresh n so clean But understand that I"m the man I"ll give you whatcha need sayin please Tickle you soo good you"ll buckle up in yo knees Yeah------- (It"s you) Just ride tonite ! Just grind tonite ! Just ride me right ! Move your body! Don"t think about no one else! Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh- Get that money! Time to taste that honey now Everybody"s down let"s Party all night long! Show down let"s party! Don"t think about no one else! Groove to the music let the rhythm take control. Rock that body! You know how we party Yeah! Just you and me Pop! Let"s get it Crunk tonight! 参考: .music.yahoo/


From V&WE Special Thanks to Doris&kerricanness 01 SCANDALY2Ju2026YOO, young jin That"s the way~We came straight game wit it, straight off the chain wit it,Look but can"t touch, we the illest true pimps of it. Collaboration locked with military fusion, Takin-ova- Da globe w/out any hesitation, Envision total domination.Taking circus out With, Sniper Scope precision.So just back up back up, yo way up way up, Or you"ll get yoself smacked up! Like 2 Pac, we hit"em up~!Too cold to hold, yo we too hot to handle,Ladies are you ready bout to hitcha wit dis scandal~ud0dcuc591uc774 uc7a0ub4e4uba74, uc5b4ub460uc758 uc9c0ubc34 uc2dcuc791ub3fc..Baggyub97c ub0b4ub824 uc785ub294 uac83 uc2a4ub2c8ucee4ub97c uc2e0ub294 uac83uc624ub298ubc24, ub0b4 ubb34ub300uc5d4 uc0c8 ubc14ub78cuc774 ubd88uae4c? (It"s you) ub0b4 ubab8uc9d3 ud558ub098ub85cub3c4 ucda9ubd84ud574Girl, I get you. stuck on me...ub0b4uac8c ub208uc744 ub5bcuc9c0ub9c8ub9acub4ecuc740 ub0b4 uc804ubd80uc778uac78... ub0b4 ubab8 uc548uc5d0 uc788ub294uac78...Hot step, show me! ub124 uc804ubd80ub97c uac78uc5b4ubd10..ud130uc9c8 uac83 uac19uc740 ub124 uc5f4uc815uc774 ub290uaef4uc838Break that away! uac10ub2f9ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294uac78.. Just you and me, Pop!! Let"s get it on! tonight"Lets go"I know what I know what I know I show,By the time I finish you"ll be scrnming for moreuc228uc774 uba4euc5b4 ubc84ub9b4 uac83ub9cc uac19uc740 ub108 ube68ub824 ub4e4uc5b4uac00ub294 ubaa8ub4e0 uc2dcuc120ub4e4Don"t try to step, pistol whipped is how you"ll endflippin the script I just dun dun it againuadf8uac83ub9ccuc73cub860 uc544uc9c1 ubaa8uc790ub77c uc774uc81c uc2dcuc791ub418ub294 ub098uc758 Crunky pop!Now, Let See who, can get down ub0b4uac8c ub208uc744 ub5bcuc9c0ub9c8uc74cuc545uc740 ub0b4 uc2ecuc7a5uc778uac78 ub0b4 uac00uc2b4 uc548uc5d0 uc788ub294 uac83Show down, let"s party ub124 ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 ubcf4uc5ecuc918 ud604ub780ud55c ub108uc758 ucda4 ud55cuacc4ub294 uc5c6ub294uac78Pump your body! uac10ub2f9ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294uac78 Just you and me, Pop!! we got to battle tonightub09c ub108ub97c uc544ub294uac78 ucda4 uc548uc5d0uc11c uc790uc720ub85cuc6b4 uafc8ub3c4, uc228uc26cub294uac78 uadf8 ubcf4ub2e4ud45cud604ud558uace0 uc2f6ub358 ubaa8ub4e0 uac83 ub124 ubab8 uc548uc5d0 ub179uc544 uc788uc5b4Yo baby boo, you know what you do,Shakin that thang left and right, makin all dem boys drool. Sweat rollin like-hot wax on a candle,Getting me thinking bout how I"m about to handle it cus yo lips be so fresh n so cleanBut understand that I"m the man, I"ll give you whatcha need, sayin pleaseTickle you soo good, you"ll buckle up in yo kneesYeah---------(It"s you)Just ride tonite ! Just grind tonite ! Just ride me tonite !Show down, let"s party ub124 ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 ubcf4uc5ecuc918 Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Pump your body! uac10ub2f9ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294uac78, ud55cuc5c6uc774 ud0c0uc62cub77c Let"s party all night long-Hot step, show me! ub124 uc804ubd80ub97c uac78uc5b4ubd10..uac70uc9d3uacfc uac19uc740 ub0b4 uc5f4uc815uc774 ub290uaef4uc838Break that away! uac10ub2f9ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294uac78..Just you and me, Pop!! Let"s get it on! tonight-

美国偶像里Adam Lambert 是个GAY吗????

当然不是了 他就是有些小性感 像RAIN 一样

吴建豪&安七炫的《Scandal》 歌词

歌曲名:Scandal歌手:吴建豪&安七炫专辑:2006 Ringback Tone Champion Mandarin SongsKang Ta&VannessBY一直追随VANNESS五年的Asther。。。VANNESS(RAP):Y2J…YOO, young jin That"s the way~We came straight game wit it,straight off the chain wit it,Look but can"t touch, we the illest true pimps of it.Collaboration locked with military fusion,Takin-ova- Da globe w/out any hesitation,Envision total domination.Taking circus out With, Sniper Scope precision.So just back up back up, yo way up way up,Or you"ll get yoself smacked up! Like 2 Pac,we hit"em up~!Too cold to hold, yo we too hot to handle,Ladies are you ready bout to hitcha wit dis scandal~KANGTA:Clock strikes it"s twelve O clock,Bodies movin dance flo"s hotYou shake it so dangerous, Girl your so dangerousLooked straight in--to your eyes.Desire burning up my mind(It"s you) You know want to don"t be shy oh girlGirl don"t try to stop this flow.Back up on it nice and slowThe stage is set so just let go..Baby girl don"t say noMove yo body! Don"t think about no one else!Groove to the music, let the rhythm take control.Rock that body! You know how we party~ Yeah!Just you and me, Pop! Let"s get it Crunk tonight!(Lets go)VANNESS(RAP)I know what I know what I know I show,By the time I finish you"ll be scrnming for moreKANGTA:Time for us to show everybody watsup,takin all the ladies with a single look.VANNESS(RAP):Don"t try to step, pistol whipped is how you"ll endflippin the script I just dun dun it againAin"t nobody! even come close to us,It"s the real deal so scandalousNow, Let See who, can get down,Groove yo body let"s getdown.The stage is set so just let go.Baby girl don"t say noShow down let"s party! Don"t think about no one else!Groove to the music, let the rhythm take control.Rock that body! You know how we party~yeah!Just you and me, Pop! Let"s get it Crunk tonight!KANGTA:Girl you know that I want you,So why you frontin on me like it"s,nothing more than, just a game.Girl I know what you"re feelin now,But baby please just show me how~!VANNESS(RAP):Yo baby boo, you know what you do,Shakin that thang left and right,makin all dem boys drool.Sweat rollin like-hot wax on a candle,Getting me thinking bout how I"m about to handle itcus yo lips be so fresh n so cleanBut understand that I"m the man,I"ll give you whatcha need, sayin pleaseTickle you soo good, you"ll buckle up in yo kneesVANNESS(RAP)Yeah---------(It"s you)Just ride tonite ! Just ride tonite !Just ride me right !Move yo body!Don"t think about no one else! Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Get that money! Time to taste that honey nowEverybody"s down, let"s Party all night long!Show down let"s party! Don"t think about no one else!Groove to the music, let the rhythm take control.Rock that body! You know how we party Yeah!Just you and me, Pop! Let"s get it Crunk tonight!http://music.baidu.com/song/7279689

Scandal (Chinese Ver.) 歌词

歌曲名:Scandal (Chinese Ver.)歌手:kangta 吴建豪专辑:Scandal [Repackage]Kang TaBY一直追随VANNESS五年的Asther。。。VANNESS(RAP):Y2J…YOO, young jin That"s the way~We came straight game wit it,straight off the chain wit it,Look but can"t touch, we the illest true pimps of it.Collaboration locked with military fusion,Takin-ova- Da globe w/out any hesitation,Envision total domination.Taking circus out With, Sniper Scope precision.So just back up back up, yo way up way up,Or you"ll get yoself smacked up! Like 2 Pac,we hit"em up~!Too cold to hold, yo we too hot to handle,Ladies are you ready bout to hitcha wit dis scandal~KANGTA:Clock strikes it"s twelve O clock,Bodies movin dance flo"s hotYou shake it so dangerous, Girl your so dangerousLooked straight in--to your eyes.Desire burning up my mind(It"s you) You know want to don"t be shy oh girlGirl don"t try to stop this flow.Back up on it nice and slowThe stage is set so just let go..Baby girl don"t say noMove yo body! Don"t think about no one else!Groove to the music, let the rhythm take control.Rock that body! You know how we party~ Yeah!Just you and me, Pop! Let"s get it Crunk tonight!(Lets go)VANNESS(RAP)I know what I know what I know I show,By the time I finish you"ll be scrnming for moreKANGTA:Time for us to show everybody watsup,takin all the ladies with a single look.VANNESS(RAP):Don"t try to step, pistol whipped is how you"ll endflippin the script I just dun dun it againAin"t nobody! even come close to us,It"s the real deal so scandalousNow, Let See who, can get down,Groove yo body let"s getdown.The stage is set so just let go.Baby girl don"t say noShow down let"s party! Don"t think about no one else!Groove to the music, let the rhythm take control.Rock that body! You know how we party~yeah!Just you and me, Pop! Let"s get it Crunk tonight!KANGTA:Girl you know that I want you,So why you frontin on me like it"s,nothing more than, just a game.Girl I know what you"re feelin now,But baby please just show me how~!VANNESS(RAP):Yo baby boo, you know what you do,Shakin that thang left and right,makin all dem boys drool.Sweat rollin like-hot wax on a candle,Getting me thinking bout how I"m about to handle itcus yo lips be so fresh n so cleanBut understand that I"m the man,I"ll give you whatcha need, sayin pleaseTickle you soo good, you"ll buckle up in yo kneesVANNESS(RAP)Yeah---------(It"s you)Just ride tonite ! Just ride tonite !Just ride me right !Move yo body!Don"t think about no one else! Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Get that money! Time to taste that honey nowEverybody"s down, let"s Party all night long!Show down let"s party! Don"t think about no one else!Groove to the music, let the rhythm take control.Rock that body! You know how we party Yeah!Just you and me, Pop! Let"s get it Crunk tonight!http://music.baidu.com/song/51941811

Michael Card的《Scandalon》 歌词

歌曲名:Scandalon歌手:Michael Card专辑:80 S Ultimate CollectionKang Ta&VannessBY一直追随VANNESS五年的Asther。。。VANNESS(RAP):Y2J…YOO, young jin That"s the way~We came straight game wit it,straight off the chain wit it,Look but can"t touch, we the illest true pimps of it.Collaboration locked with military fusion,Takin-ova- Da globe w/out any hesitation,Envision total domination.Taking circus out With, Sniper Scope precision.So just back up back up, yo way up way up,Or you"ll get yoself smacked up! Like 2 Pac,we hit"em up~!Too cold to hold, yo we too hot to handle,Ladies are you ready bout to hitcha wit dis scandal~KANGTA:Clock strikes it"s twelve O clock,Bodies movin dance flo"s hotYou shake it so dangerous, Girl your so dangerousLooked straight in--to your eyes.Desire burning up my mind(It"s you) You know want to don"t be shy oh girlGirl don"t try to stop this flow.Back up on it nice and slowThe stage is set so just let go..Baby girl don"t say noMove yo body! Don"t think about no one else!Groove to the music, let the rhythm take control.Rock that body! You know how we party~ Yeah!Just you and me, Pop! Let"s get it Crunk tonight!(Lets go)VANNESS(RAP)I know what I know what I know I show,By the time I finish you"ll be scrnming for moreKANGTA:Time for us to show everybody watsup,takin all the ladies with a single look.VANNESS(RAP):Don"t try to step, pistol whipped is how you"ll endflippin the script I just dun dun it againAin"t nobody! even come close to us,It"s the real deal so scandalousNow, Let See who, can get down,Groove yo body let"s getdown.The stage is set so just let go.Baby girl don"t say noShow down let"s party! Don"t think about no one else!Groove to the music, let the rhythm take control.Rock that body! You know how we party~yeah!Just you and me, Pop! Let"s get it Crunk tonight!KANGTA:Girl you know that I want you,So why you frontin on me like it"s,nothing more than, just a game.Girl I know what you"re feelin now,But baby please just show me how~!VANNESS(RAP):Yo baby boo, you know what you do,Shakin that thang left and right,makin all dem boys drool.Sweat rollin like-hot wax on a candle,Getting me thinking bout how I"m about to handle itcus yo lips be so fresh n so cleanBut understand that I"m the man,I"ll give you whatcha need, sayin pleaseTickle you soo good, you"ll buckle up in yo kneesVANNESS(RAP)Yeah---------(It"s you)Just ride tonite ! Just ride tonite !Just ride me right !Move yo body!Don"t think about no one else! Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Get that money! Time to taste that honey nowEverybody"s down, let"s Party all night long!Show down let"s party! Don"t think about no one else!Groove to the music, let the rhythm take control.Rock that body! You know how we party Yeah!Just you and me, Pop! Let"s get it Crunk tonight!http://music.baidu.com/song/2622868

dare innovative是什么品牌


The Click的《Scandalous》 歌词

歌曲名:Scandalous歌手:The Click专辑:Game RelatedKang Ta&VannessBY一直追随VANNESS五年的Asther。。。VANNESS(RAP):Y2J…YOO, young jin That"s the way~We came straight game wit it,straight off the chain wit it,Look but can"t touch, we the illest true pimps of it.Collaboration locked with military fusion,Takin-ova- Da globe w/out any hesitation,Envision total domination.Taking circus out With, Sniper Scope precision.So just back up back up, yo way up way up,Or you"ll get yoself smacked up! Like 2 Pac,we hit"em up~!Too cold to hold, yo we too hot to handle,Ladies are you ready bout to hitcha wit dis scandal~KANGTA:Clock strikes it"s twelve O clock,Bodies movin dance flo"s hotYou shake it so dangerous, Girl your so dangerousLooked straight in--to your eyes.Desire burning up my mind(It"s you) You know want to don"t be shy oh girlGirl don"t try to stop this flow.Back up on it nice and slowThe stage is set so just let go..Baby girl don"t say noMove yo body! Don"t think about no one else!Groove to the music, let the rhythm take control.Rock that body! You know how we party~ Yeah!Just you and me, Pop! Let"s get it Crunk tonight!(Lets go)VANNESS(RAP)I know what I know what I know I show,By the time I finish you"ll be scrnming for moreKANGTA:Time for us to show everybody watsup,takin all the ladies with a single look.VANNESS(RAP):Don"t try to step, pistol whipped is how you"ll endflippin the script I just dun dun it againAin"t nobody! even come close to us,It"s the real deal so scandalousNow, Let See who, can get down,Groove yo body let"s getdown.The stage is set so just let go.Baby girl don"t say noShow down let"s party! Don"t think about no one else!Groove to the music, let the rhythm take control.Rock that body! You know how we party~yeah!Just you and me, Pop! Let"s get it Crunk tonight!KANGTA:Girl you know that I want you,So why you frontin on me like it"s,nothing more than, just a game.Girl I know what you"re feelin now,But baby please just show me how~!VANNESS(RAP):Yo baby boo, you know what you do,Shakin that thang left and right,makin all dem boys drool.Sweat rollin like-hot wax on a candle,Getting me thinking bout how I"m about to handle itcus yo lips be so fresh n so cleanBut understand that I"m the man,I"ll give you whatcha need, sayin pleaseTickle you soo good, you"ll buckle up in yo kneesVANNESS(RAP)Yeah---------(It"s you)Just ride tonite ! Just ride tonite !Just ride me right !Move yo body!Don"t think about no one else! Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Get that money! Time to taste that honey nowEverybody"s down, let"s Party all night long!Show down let"s party! Don"t think about no one else!Groove to the music, let the rhythm take control.Rock that body! You know how we party Yeah!Just you and me, Pop! Let"s get it Crunk tonight!http://music.baidu.com/song/7986907

Tribal Dance (Extended) 歌词

Tribal Dance演唱:2 Unlimitedby: pater_PanFeel the forceThis is your chanceTo get control and do the tribal dancePeople started dancing a long time agoThe bass was fast, but then again it was slowSoul, house, rhythm and bluesIt doesn"t matter what music you chooseStrike up a dance, this is your chanceTo come with me and do the tribal dance!You"ve got to move itFeel the temperature, into the rhythmLet the fire burn!So get into it-- get into the tranceThis is the rhythm of the tribal dance, the tribal dance!It started with a tribe who discovered the vibeWho moved to the rhythm just the way they likedYou hear the treble, you hear the bassThe r-a-y, yeah is on the caseFeel the fire, feel the flameDo your thing now, don"t be ashamedI have to go now, no offenseI"ve hooked you up into the tribal dance!Get it into it! Get into it! Get into the trance!You"ve got to move itFeel the temperature, into the rhythmLet the fire burn!So get into it-- get into the tranceThis is the rhythm of the tribal dance, the tribal dance!Take your chance! (Rep3) Tribal dance!Tribal dance, tribal dance!You"ve got to move itFeel the temperature, into the rhythmLet the fire burn!So get into it-- get into the tranceThis is the rhythm of the tribal danceYou"ve got to move itFeel the temperature, into the rhythmLet the fire burn!So get into it-- get into the tranceThis is the rhythm of the tribal dance, the tribal dance!http://music.baidu.com/song/57044333

有一首歌名字是dangerous。是几年前的了。是欧美的以为女星唱的。节奏感很强。开头为:so so so dangerous



so so so scandalousyou know you wanna sing with us (mm-hmm)that"s why you know you should be scared of us (mm-hmm)non stop looks to killstraight talk sex appealone touch gives me chills and we ain"t even close yetrough neck all aroundinking all over townshow me how you get down cause we ain"t even close yetyou got me feeling and you got me feeling weaklisten as i speak cause i"m careful as i creepyou got me going crazy and you know i can"t sleepyou function your moves and you hypnotize meyou got me trembling like a little baby girlyou"re so special, you"re like diamonds and pearlsyou got me spinning and you got me in a twirlyou"re my number one baby and you come to rock my worldyou"re dangerous, just get it offthe way you move so scandalousit"s all about the two of usa one night stand just ain"t enoughi need some stimulation babya little conversation maybeyou gotta spend a long night crazythere goes my babyscandalous, so scandalous scandalous so so so scandaloushot stuff, head to toewhere you go, no one knowscute smile planted on and we ain"t even close yetsolid as a rockhow many ways can you hit the spotshow me what you got cause we ain"t even close yetyou got me feeling and you got me feeling weaklisten as i speak cause i"m careful as i creepyou got me going crazy and you know i can"t sleepyou function your moves and you hypnotise meyou got me trembling like a little baby girlyou"re so special, you"re like diamonds and pearlsyou got me spinning and you got me in a twirlyou"re my number one baby and you come to rock my worldyou"re dangerous just get it offthe way you move so scandalousit"s all about the two of usa one night stand just ain"t enoughi need some stimulation babya little conversation maybeyou gotta spend a long night crazythere goes my babyscandalousso scandalous scandalous so so so scandalousa little conversation goes a long wayshow a little patiencethat you are here to stayso show me that you"re game ohyou"re dangerous just get it offthe way you move so scandalousit"s all about the two of usa one night stand just ain"t enoughi need some stimulation babya little conversation maybeyou gotta spend a long night crazythere goes my babyyou know you wanna sing with us that"s why you know you should be scared of us you know you wanna sing with usthat"s why you know you should be scared of us[00:00.00]支持爱听,就把aiting推荐给三个QQ好友[ti:Scandalous][ar:Mis-Teeq][al:Eye Candy][offset:500][00:01.20]So, so, so scandalous[00:25.10]Straight talk sex appeal[00:27.44]One touch gives me chills and we ain"t even close yet[00:32.28]Rough neck all around[00:34.53]Inking all over town[00:36.99]Show me how you get down[00:38.98]Cos we ain"t even close yet[00:41.50]You got me feening and you got me feeling weak[00:43.22]Listen as I speak cos I"m careful as I creep[00:45.59]You got me going crazy and you know I can"t sleep[00:47.98]No fortune your moves and you hypnotise me[00:52.84]You"re so special, you"re like diamonds and pearls[00:55.20]You got me spinning and you got me in a twirl[01:01.67]Just get it up[01:02.77]The way you move so scandalous[01:05.01]It"s all about the two of us[01:07.69]A one night stand just ain"t enough[01:12.97]A little conversation maybe[01:15.32]You got me spinning out like crazy[01:28.08]So, so, so scandalous[01:29.46]Hot stuff, head to toe[01:32.24]Where you go, no one knows[01:34.67]You smile playing the dough and we ain"t even close yet[01:39.48]Solid as a rock[01:41.84]How many ways can you hit the spot?[01:44.16]Show me what you got "cos we ain"t even close yet[01:48.72]You got me feening and you got me feeling weak[01:50.92]Listen as I speak cos I"m careful as I creep[01:52.79]You got me going crazy and you know I can"t sleep[01:55.23]No fortune your moves and you hypnotise me[01:59.98]You"re so special, you"re like diamonds and pearls[02:02.44]You got me spinning and you got me in a twirl[02:08.91]Just get it up[02:10.14]The way you move so scandalous[02:12.27]It"s all about the two of us[02:14.81]A one night stand just ain"t enough[02:20.20]A little conversation maybe[02:22.54]You got me spinning out like crazy[02:34.67]So, so, so scandalous[02:36.79]A little conversation goes a long, long way[02:46.14]Show a little patience[02:50.62]That you are here to stay[02:55.76]So show me that you"re game oh[02:58.50]You"re dangerous[02:59.46]Just get it up[03:00.59]The way you move so scandalous[03:02.82]It"s all about the two of us[03:05.33]A one night stand just ain"t enough[03:10.63]A little conversation maybe[03:13.06]You got me spinning out like crazy[03:18.60]Just get it up[03:19.74]The way you move so scandalous[03:22.03]It"s all about the two of us[03:24.57]A one night stand just ain"t enough[03:29.83]A little conversation maybe[03:32.12]You got me spinning out like crazy

thus the decision-making process is fundamental to management.这里的to能换成of或for吗?为什么要加to

不正规的话可以换成for。都能理解习惯用语be fundamental to关键是那个更好

fat. cat. dat. tall. 哪个a 的发音不同?


study day中文是什么意思]


good good stay day day up 是什么意思


(2/2) Day day happy !是什么意思?谁能翻译一下。




好好学习 天天向上 good good Sunday day day up 好像不能这样表达 为什


day day day day. hoilday是什么歌曲


good good study day day up还有那些像这样的句子!


三菱通讯连接头中DA,DB DG SLD 什么意思


三菱通讯连接头中DA,DB DG SLD

是CClink模块,没错吧 CClink模块:DA通讯A线,DB通讯B线,DG(FG)通讯公共端,SLD是屏蔽层.内部SLD和DG其实是联通的. CClink的专业电缆连接,按上面的端子接线,所有站并联在一起,在头尾两端各并联一个终端电阻,物理连接就好了.

lt was all my fault Tiled什么意思 Good good study day day up什么意思

It was all my fault, 意思是“都是我的错”后面一句是中国式英语,生硬翻译过去的,一般是用来搞笑的,意思是好好学习天天向上。

One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farme

谁有掉进井里的驴子这篇英语完形填空的题和答案 急!!! 直接给原文行不?

good good stay day day up 啥意思

正确的应该是Good Good Study,Day Day Up.意思是好好学习,天天向上。

i will good good study ,so that i will day day up......什么意思



不是的,正确的表达应该是Work hard and make progress everyday.

good good study, day day up 出自是哪个电影里说的


对联good good study day day up

下联:bad dad luck year year go.横批:all be best


好乐Day(Holiday)(假日时光)  INTRO: Everybody, it"s holiday today. Are you ready?(各位,今天是假日,你们准备好了吗?)  Everybody are you ready?PARTY PARTY,(你们准备好了吗?派对派对!)  Everybody let"s go party, it"s holiday holiday.(大家一起派对,现在是假日时间)  Let"s go to party(让我们享受派对)  DAY DAY Y DAY YI DAY DAY (DAY DAY YI DAY YI DAY DAY)  today 又是 Saturday (今天又是星期六)  我们can go party on 网 卡拉 ok (我们可以开派对 上网 唱卡拉OK)  Teacher teacher常常 say (老师们常常说)  good good study, day day up(好好学习 天天向上)  那些 no 是today的thing (那些都不是今天的事)  Give me one 矿泉 water(给我一杯矿泉水)  我不会no three no four (我不会不三不四)  我有so clever 脑袋一个 (因为我有一个聪明的脑袋)  一起play, 一起two (一起玩儿,一起二)  我们两个who 跟 who (我们两个谁跟谁呀)  给这世界一点colour see see (让我们给这个世界一点颜色看看)  我好想day day都是 holiday (我好想天天都是假日)  Where good where cool我们where stay (我们哪儿好,哪儿凉快哪儿呆着)  NO work NO learn, Love谁谁(不用工作 不用学习 爱谁谁)  Crazy crazy ok ok (疯一下 疯一下 OK OK)  我好想 day day都是 holiday ( 我好想天天都是假日)  I"m good? I"m bad ?I"m sorry (我好?我坏?那就对不起咯)  NO 心NO 肺,let me free (没心没肺,让我自由玩乐)  Give Me give me DAY DAY YI DAY YI DAY DAY (给我 给我 DAY DAY YI DAY YI DAY DAY)  DAY DAY YI DAY YI DAY DAY (DAY DAY YI DAY YI DAY DAY)  today 又是 Saturday (今天又是星期六)  我们can go party on 网 卡拉 ok (我们可以开派对 上网 唱卡拉OK)  Teacher teacher常常 say (老师们常常说)  good good study, day day up(好好学习 天天向上)  那些 no 是today的thing (那些都不是 今天的事)  Give me ne 矿泉 water(给我一杯矿泉水)  我不会no three no four (我不会不三不四)王蓉独创“掀裙舞”我有so clever 脑袋一个 ( 因为我有一个聪明的脑袋)  一起play, 一起two (一起玩儿,一起二)  我们两个who 跟 who (我们两个谁跟谁呀)  给这世界一点colour see see (让我们给这个世界 一点颜色看看)  我好想day day都是 holiday (我好想 天天都是假日)  Where good where cool我们where stay (我们哪儿好 哪儿凉快 哪儿呆着)  NO work NO learn, Love谁谁(不用工作 不用学习 爱谁谁)  Crazy crazy ok ok (疯一下 疯一下 OK OK)  我好想 day day都是 holiday (我好想天天都是假日)  Where good where cool我们where stay (我们哪儿好,哪儿凉快哪儿呆着)  NO work NO learn, Love谁谁(不用工作 不用学习 爱谁谁)  Crazy crazy ok ok (疯一下 疯一下 OK OK)  I"m good? I"m bad ?I"m sorry (我好?我坏?那就对不起咯)  NO 心NO 肺,let me free (没心没肺的 让我自由)  Give Me give me DAY DAY YI DAY YI DAY DAY(给我 给我 一个得得以得的假日吧)  DAY DAY YI DAY YI DAY DAY(DAY DAY YI DAY YI DAY DAY)  DAY DAY YI DAY YI DAY DAY party party(DAY DAY YI DAY YI DAY DAY)  DAY DAY YI DAY YI DAY DAY(DAY DAY YI DAY YI DAY DAY)  DAY DAY YI DAY YI DAY DAY(DAY DAY YI DAY YI DAY DAY)Holiday!(假日时光!)

Good good study,day day up,什么意思


今天的天气预报如何?翻译what"S the weather forecast for today?为什么要加上for?气象预报员说会下雨。

for 是一定要加的,what+do/be+主语+介词 是一个固定搭配。对于时态问题,要看它是直接引语还是间接引语而定!(1)the weatherthe weatherman says it"ll be rainy.(2)the weatherman says ,“it"ll be rainy.”(3)the weatherman said it would be rainy.(4)the weatherman said,“ it"ll be rainy.”

有一个十多岁的男歌手自己写了一首歌,其中有一句是 "good good study day day up"这首歌叫什么??

就叫 好好学习天天向上... 是鬼鬼写的. 很可爱 ..

为什么中英文不能直接对译 ? 例如 好好学习 天天向上 - Good good study, day day up

你可以想象一下,你听到一句英文,每个词都懂,都知道什么意思,但是放在一起整句就不知道了……不如说“love me love my dog”爱屋及乌难道能理解成“爱我,爱我的狗”???


接楼主的:day day up You see see,you see see.Mountain people mountain sea. Long time no see. 其他暂时想不起来了

java中 :Good good study,好好学习,天天向上,Day day up这句话如何把里面的英文提取出来,求代码


good good study,day day up是谁翻译的?

显然不能,...您这句子叫Chinglish,中国式英语. 好好学习,天天向上的正确译法应该是 Study well and make progress every day. 至于good good study那个...纯属娱乐.请采纳。

good good study day day up这话英语国家的人听得懂么?

应该是听不懂,除非是略懂中文的。Study hard and make progress every day.

Good good study, day day up 好好学习天天向上

1.we two who and who? 咱俩谁跟谁啊? 2.how are you?how old are you? 怎么是你,怎么老是你? 3.you me you me 彼此彼此 4.you give me stop! 你给我站住 5.konw is know noknow is noknow. 知之为知之,不知为不知 6.watch sister 表妹 7.dragon born dragon,chicken born chicken,mouse"s son can make hole!! 龙生龙,凤生风,老鼠的儿子会打洞! 8.american chinese not eough 美中不足 9.one car come one car go,two car pengpeng,people die 车祸现场描述 10.heart flower angry open 心花怒放 11 If you want money,i have no. if you wang life,i have one! 要钱没有,要命一条。 12 I call li old big. toyear 25 我叫李老大,今年25 13.you have two down son 你有两下子 14.as far as you go to die 有多远,死多远!! 15,I give you face you don"t wanna face,you lose you face,i turn my face 给你脸你不要脸,你丢脸,我翻脸 16good dood study,day day up 好好学习天天向上 17.human moutain,human sea人山人海 18.University大学 — 由你玩四年 19.you me you me 彼此彼此 20.you give me stop! 你给我站住满意请采纳

good good study day day up这话英语国家的人听得懂么?


good good study,day day up.是什么意思,请再举出这种类型的句子!


三菱通讯连接头中DA,DB DG SLD

是CClink模块,没错吧 CClink模块:DA通讯A线,DB通讯B线,DG(FG)通讯公共端,SLD是屏蔽层.内部SLD和DG其实是联通的. CClink的专业电缆连接,按上面的端子接线,所有站并联在一起,在头尾两端各并联一个终端电阻,物理连接就好了.

"good good study day day up",这句话是标准的中国式英语吗?


mysql 中 timestamp 和date类型能不能比较

datetime1. 占用8个字节2. 允许为空值,可以自定义值,系统不会自动修改其值。3. 实际格式储存(Just stores what you have stored and retrieves the same thing which you have stored.)4. 与时区无关(It has nothing to deal with the TIMEZONE and Conversion.)5. 不可以设定默认值,所以在不允许为空值的情况下,必须手动指定datetime字段的值才可以成功插入数据。6. 可以在指定datetime字段的值的时候使用now()变量来自动插入系统的当前时间。结论:datetime类型适合用来记录数据的原始的创建时间,因为无论你怎么更改记录中其他字段的值,datetime字段的值都不会改变,除非你手动更改它。timestamp1. 占用4个字节2. 允许为空值,但是不可以自定义值,所以为空值时没有任何意义。3. TIMESTAMP值不能早于1970或晚于2037。这说明一个日期,例如"1968-01-01",虽然对于DATETIME或DATE值是有效的,但对于TIMESTAMP值却无效,如果分配给这样一个对象将被转换为0。4.值以UTC格式保存( it stores the number of milliseconds)5.时区转化 ,存储时对当前的时区进行转换,检索时再转换回当前的时区。6. 默认值为CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(),其实也就是当前的系统时间。7. 数据库会自动修改其值,所以在插入记录时不需要指定timestamp字段的名称和timestamp字段的值,你只需要在设计表的时候添加一个timestamp字段即可,插入后该字段的值会自动变为当前系统时间。8. 以后任何时间修改表中的记录时,对应记录的timestamp值会自动被更新为当前的系统时间。结论:timestamp类型适合用来记录数据的最后修改时间,因为只要你更改了记录中其他字段的值,timestamp字段的值都会被自动更新。看完这个比较你就知道用哪个好啦我们公司一般用datatime,可控性比较强

三菱通讯连接头中DA,DB DG SLD 什么意思?





problem-retrieving-XML-data检索数据问题retrieve 英[rɪˈtri:v]美[rɪˈtriv]vt. 取回; 恢复; [计] 检索; 重新得到;vi. 找回猎物;n. 取回; 恢复,挽回; [计] 检索;[网络] 读取; 获取;[例句]He reached over and retrieved his jacket from the back seat.他伸手从后座上取回了自己的夹克。[其他] 第三人称单数:retrieves 现在分词:retrieving 过去式:retrieved 过去分词:retrieved

good good study ,day day up 这不是中式英语么?为什么有人说对???

long time no see 时被认证了

good good study ,day day up .从语法上来讲正确吗?


laden on board the vessel date什么意思?

装船日期 on board the vessel网络释义on board the vessel:装到船上

Good Good Study~~~ Day Day Up是什么意思

好好学习 天天向上这是错误的英语说法,中国式英语

good good study . day day up这句话对吗?什么意思啊!

应该对啊 我在某些书上有看到过

good good study day day up什么意思

good good study day day up好好学习,天天向上!中式英语双语例句1Horse horse tiger tiger, good good study day day up!马马虎虎,好好学习,天天向上!2We need the conscientious study and steadfastly personhood, good good study, day day up!我们需认认真真学习、踏踏实实做人,好好学习,天天向上!

“good good study,day day up”是什么意思

中试英语 :好好学习天天向上

good good study,day day up.是什么意思

good good study day day up 好好学习天天向上 例句筛选1.Finally, I wish everybody: good good study, day day up!最后,祝愿大家:好好学习,天天向上! 2."Good good study, day day up" , although small, but bear in mind.“好好学习,天天向上”,虽小字,但会谨记在心。

goodgoodstudy daydayup什么意思

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