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意大利人名Daniela Rizzo的中文译名是什么?

丹尼洛 利佐




shit happen sever day 不顺心的事发生的日子shit大便,这里的意思是糟糕的事。

the grand mediocrity of today 是什么意思?求答案

【分析】句子主干为:The grand mediocrity of today / means that / natural selection has lost 80% of its power in upper-middle-class India. “everyone being the same in survival and number of off-spring”是插入部分,是对the grand mediocrity of today的一个补充说明。“compared to the tribes”分词短语作状语,修饰“that”引导的宾语从句,表示that引导从句所说明的情况在the tribes同样地发生了。(这里注意compared to与compared with的区别。compared to侧重于表达“相当于、等同于”的含义;compared with侧重于表达“与……?相比较”的含义。)【翻译】今天的普通大众,每个人有着同样生存机会和同样数量的后代,这意味着,自然选择在印度上流社会已经?失去了80%以上的影响,在一些部落里情况也是一样。

有一首英文歌 有一句是 day other day 还有一句是 where were you go 跪求!!

Any Other Day 吧

网王插曲wondfuIdays里有一句歌词是brand new story,这是什么意思啊?不要百度...

brand new story 意为 全新的故事而且,提醒一下,是 wonderful day [ 无""s""] 美好的一天

katelyn tarver唱个首brand new day 求中文歌词


brand new day歌词网球王子


standard enthalpy of formation

更新1: But it had 2 mole in the pound from the equation........ since this is the enathalpy change of formation is it necessary to /2 in the calculation? i"ll wer in more details. 2H2S(g) +3O2 (g) ------> 2H2O (l) + 2SO2 (g) ︿              ︿ |              | |              | (1/4)S8(s) + 2H2(g) + 3O2(g) -------- according to Hess law total enthalpy change is constant no matter which reaction pathway is taken. therefore enthalpy change of this reaction = - (enthalpy change of formation of reactants) + (enthalpy change of formation of products) notice the direction of arrows. make an *** ogy: you have to go from reactants to products but you can"t go directly. you have to take an alternative pathway. so only way you get is to go via "reverse of formation of reactants" followed by "along the formation of products". therefore calculate the sum of enthalpy changes of formation of all reactants (E1) and sum of enthalpy changes of formation of all products (E2). enthalpy for reaction = E2 - E1. when tackling this kind of question be sure to draw the WHOLE diagram including all reactions. you must be able to draw a cycle connecting all chemicals end-to-end. ask if you"re still confused. The question must give you the standard enthalpy of the pounds. The total standard enthalpy of product - total standard enthalpy of reactant that"s the wer.

to the brand new day什么意思


it takes two days 和it spends two days区别

前一句的主语为it ,此处代指时间.意为时间用去了两天.第二句中动词spend的主语一般是 人,所以第二句中it变的没有意义,一般也不这样表达,在现在的中国学习的英语中,第二句会被认为错.祝好好学习天天向上啊,

yeu lai tu dau歌词音译


Mika的《Love Today》 歌词

歌曲名:Love Today歌手:Mika专辑:Dodgy Holiday EpDoom da da di da di Doom da da di da di【Love Today】MikaEverybody"s gonna love today,Gonna love today, gonna love today,Everybody"s gonna love today, gonna love todayAnyway you want to,Anyway youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.I"ve been crying for so long,Fighting tears just to carry on,But now,But now,Its gone away.Hey girl why can"t you carry on,Is it "cause you"re just like your mother,Little tike, like to tease for fun,Well you aint gonna tease no other,Gonna make you a lover,Everybody"s gonna love today,Love today, love today,Everybody"s gonna love today,Anyway you want to,Anywhere youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.Girl with a groove with the big bust on, big bust on,Wait till your mother and your papa"s gone,Papa"s gone,Momma, momma papaShock shock me,Shock shock me,Shock shock.Everybody"s gonna love today,Gonna love today, gonna love today,Everybody"s gonna love today, gonna love todayAnyway you want to,Anyway youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.Yeah she"s a lover and she"s mighty fine ,Give her a dollar and she"ll make you smile,Hooker,Walk a looker,Walk away!Carry dresses like a kid for fun,Licks her lips like they"re something other,Tries to tell you life has just begun,But you know she"s gettin sumthing otha,Than the love from her motherEverybody"s gonna love today,Gonna love today, gonna love today,Everybody"s gonna love today, gonna love todayAnyway you want to,Anyway youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.Girl with a groove with the big bust on, big bust on,Wait till your mother and your papa"s gone,Papa"s gone,Momma, momma papaShock shock me,Shock shock me,Shock shock.Everybody"s gonna love today,Gonna love today, gonna love today,Everybody"s gonna love today, gonna love todayAnyway you want to,Anyway youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.(Doom da da di da di Doom da da di da di......)Everybody"s gonna love today,Gonna love today, gonna love today,Everybody"s gonna love today, gonna love todayAnyway you want to,Anyway youv"e got to,Love love me,Love love me,Love love.(Doom da da di da di Doom da da di da di......)http://music.baidu.com/song/8018957

上古卷轴3审判席 DCL之前的任务是不是跟晨风主线一样? 根据任务提示走到 ilunibi 没见到DagothGares?

你指的是主线剧情?晨风主线:玩家作为上古英雄nerevar转世,在迪德拉领主Azura预言的指引下完成7大考验,成为nerevarine并在这个过程中证明自己,拯救晨风。当然很讽刺的是,正是因为玩家的行为导致了晨风的最终毁灭和数千年来晨风的守护者--审判席三神的凄惨结局。DLC Tribunal主线:玩家成为nerevarine后遭到刺杀,之后在一系列的调查下来到晨风大陆首都哀伤之城,逐步发现自己前世遇害的真相,并最终手刃了审判席三神之一,也是杀死玩家前世nerevar的凶手之一:Almalexia。此前,Almalexia杀死了另外一位审判席神祗:Sotha Sil。Bloodmoon主线:海尔辛的血月预言象征着一场大狩猎的到来,很不幸,玩家成为了狩猎目标之一,最终Nerevarine成功逃脱海尔辛的狩猎,反过来击退了海尔辛分身,算是拯救了血月吧。

一首英文女声慢歌,很舒服,很空灵,中间一直重复一句好像是I darling the star. i


求一首英文歌dance dang dance dang


什么是交叉检验(K-fold cross-validation)

K层交叉检验就是把原始的数据随机分成K个部分。在这K个部分中,选择一个作为测试数据,剩下的K-1个作为训练数据。 交叉检验的过程实际上是把实验重复做K次,每次实验都从K个部分中选择一个不同的部分作为测试数据(保证K个部分的数据都分别做过测试数据),剩下的K-1个当作训练数据进行实验,最后把得到的K个实验结果平均。InK-fold cross-validation, the original sample is randomly partitioned intoKsubsamples. Of theKsubsamples, a single subsample is retained as the validation data for testing the model, and the remainingKu22121 subsamples are used as training data. The cross-validation process is then repeatedKtimes (thefolds


up left X up left Y low right X low right Y 利用左下角的XY坐标和右上角的XY坐标为指定的一个范围。

android dagger2在fragment中怎么用

在component中inject fragment就好@Activity@Component(dependencies = AppComponent.class, modules = {HomeModule.class, ActivityModule.class})public interface HomeComponent { void inject(HomeFragment fragment);}

英语作文.my. view. on. holiday160字

A seven day long holiday has flown away. Mourning my happy hours during the vacation, I`ve been looking forward to winter holidays. People around me seemed to have enjoyed the vacation, too. Then, is it fair that people have the same amount of holidays regardless of their occupations?Nevertheless, divergent views emerge on the matter in question. Some people are of the opinion that laborers should have the same length of holiday. They hold the view that people are born equal and should be treated equally. The same amount of leisure time may eliminate the unfairness among people who might be upset psychologically if otherwise. At first sight, it may seem to be an attractive idea, but it doesn`t bear much analysis.To begin with, people do different kinds of jobs featuring different labor intensity and so the time needed to refresh their physical condition varies. For example, blue collar workers may work longer hours before they get tired physically, while white collar workers such as doctors and teachers are more mentally stressed. Unable to work continuously as long as those physical labor workers, white collars need more time to pull through the mental weariness than physical tiredness. All in all, people in different jobs assume different responsibilities and have different degrees of pressure.Secondly, different tasks and duties are required for different professions, resulting in the variety of holiday periods for people in different walks of life. Some employees cannot have their legal holidays and even have to work overtime, such as policemen, construction workers and people in the service line.Those professions just can`t be interrupted for a mornent;other wise the

reaccomodate 什么意思

re accomodate重新适应

Today many Chinese people want to improve their English in different ways


Mandarin Chinese是什么意思

意思:(中国)官话;(中国)国语;普通话官话[欣赏·纠错] 公司稿件中翻英 译作赏析 正方翻译... ... Mandarin Chinese (中国)官话;(中国)国语 mandarin collar 旗袍领 mandarin duck[动] 鸳鸯双语例句权威例句Mandarin Chinese and Azeri language broadcasts on radio also stopped today. 普通话和阿塞拜疆语无线电广播也于今天停止。www.hxen.comFor centuries, each building, called a tulou in Mandarin Chinese, would house anentire clan, virtually a village. 几个世纪以来,每一座土楼(普通话)都居住着整个家族的成员,相当于一个村落。


Mandarin的词源是:梵语Mantri→马来语Menteri→葡萄牙语Mandarim→英语MandarinMantri和Menteri的意思是官方的、官员。马来语里“官话”这个词的意译是“Bahasa Menteri”,葡萄牙人占领马六甲的时候从马来人口中学到了这个词,转换城葡萄牙语Mandarim。

panda和giant panda有区别吗



Mandarin的词源是:梵语Mantri→马来语Menteri→葡萄牙语Mandarim→英语MandarinMantri和Menteri的意思是官方的、官员。马来语里“官话”这个词的意译是“Bahasa Menteri”,葡萄牙人占领马六甲的时候从马来人口中学到了这个词,转换城葡萄牙语Mandarim。

选择题:A Chinese man went to London for his holiday. .....


英语作文beijing two-day tour

u3000As the captain of China,Beijing has been the most popular city of china.So more and more people want to visit Beijing.I think the best time to visit Beijing is spring ,for the weather of that time is very fine ,neither too hot nor too cold .The warm wind will make you fell happy.Many people visit Beijing for it"s beautiful sence and cultural inheritance .If you want to have a enjoyable journey ,I suggest you to pay a visit to the Great Wall,the Summer Palace ,the Olympic Park and many other place



hold 与 accommodate 表示容纳的时候的区别

两者没有多大差别;hold 可以用于小的容器(比如瓶子),也可以大的(比如房间,体育馆等); accommodate 一般指大的(room, building 等)


英汉翻译 accomodatev. 容纳,留宿,使...适应

accommodate 与 accomodate是不是一个词?有何区别?

accommodatevt.供应, 供给, 使适应, 调节, 和解, 向...提供, 容纳, 调和vi.适应accomodatev.容纳,留宿,使...适应词典没有提供说accomodate是变体之类的信息,应该不是一个词,范围有区别在google上搜索accomodate,会提示是不是要找accommodate,但是同时,有许多网站坚持采用accomodate的拼法,发现大多是北美的网站采用,可见accomodate是一个已经成形的拼法,因此应该是两个词


accomodatev.容纳,留宿,使…适应; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I also thought this means they would essentially know everything that we knew to better "accomodate" our needs. 我还认为这意味着,我们为更好“满足”需求所知道的所有东西,他们基本都知道。

英文作文:A Film Review of Kung Fu Panda100字

Among all kinds of movies, Kung Fu Panda is my favorites。Watched <KungFu Panda> with my father last night, unsurprisingly, the theater was full and it was composed of a mixture of adults and young kids, almost the whole crowd stayed for the end credits, which was quite rare occurence nowadays. The story is simple, Po is a cuddly roly-poly panda, he has a dream that one day, he"ll become a beloved warrior to fight alongside the legendary "Furious Five" and save the world. Yet in fact, he works everyday in his family"s noodle shop, which run by his father, a loosey-necked goosey, Mr. Ping, who hopes his son will take over the shop one day. Unexpectedly, Po was chosen by Master Oogway to fulfill an ancient prophecy - defeat the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung. The "Furious Five" (Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey) and even Po"s master ShiFu resent his undeserved opportunity, they want to crush him in training. Po"s totally lack of skill and his extreme awkwardness makes that more interesting. So, here comes the story of how Po live up to his destiny. Might like others, I was expecting a funny comedy that make everyone laugh, but I have to say, what it shows really beyond what we expected. The animation is very rich and the colors are crisp and bright. The action sequences are breath-taking, I don"t feel like seeing human performing martial arts wearing animal suits, but each animal"s move is totally unique. Also, the movie shows a lot of ancient Chinese wise of "Zen", master Oogway told Po "Yesterday is histroy, Tomorrow is a mystery, but Today, is a gift, that"s why it called present." and the last chat with master ShiFu about the power of believing. "Kung Fu Panda" look very good

急 ,Molecular dating什么意思?(生物学的翻译)

Molecular dating分子测定年龄[年代]不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】



one day when a farm crossed the river with his donkey carring salt.


kung fu panda是一部什么样的电影?

Kung fu panda is an American action comedy film with Chinese kung fu as its theme.(《功夫熊猫》是一部以中国功夫为主题的美国动作喜剧电影。)The film is set in ancient China, and its landscape, scenery, costumes and food are all full of Chinese elements.(影片以中国古代为背景,其景观、布景、服装以至食物均充满中国元素。)The story tells the story of a clumsy panda determined to become a martial arts master.(故事讲述了一只笨拙的熊猫立志成为武林高手的故事。)Directed by John Stephenson and mark osborne, the film is produced by merry schabbe.(该片由约翰·斯蒂芬森和马克·奥斯本执导,梅丽·莎科布制片。)扩展资料《功夫熊猫》剧情介绍:故事发生在很久以前的古代中国,而且要从一只喜欢滚来滚去、滚来滚去的大熊猫身上说起。话说熊猫阿宝是一家面条店的学徒,虽然笨手笨脚,也勉强算是谋到了一份职业,可是阿宝天天百无禁忌地做着白日梦,梦想着自己有一天能够在功夫的世界里与明星级的大人物进行一场巅峰之战。别看阿宝所在的“和平谷”一派欣欣向荣的安详景象,其实是一个卧虎藏龙的风水宝地,先不说五大功夫高手皆坐镇于此,更有一大师级别的宗师在这里隐居,可是在一场特殊的比武大会上胜出的人要代表“和平谷”将邪恶的大龙永久地驱除出去,啥都不会的阿宝却在经历了一系列阴差阳错之后屏雀中选,让所有人都大跌眼镜。


dash :n.破折号;冲撞 vt.使…破灭;猛撞;泼溅 vi.猛冲;撞击 bash:vt.猛击,痛击;怒殴 n.猛烈的一击,痛击 狂怒击 lad:n.少年,小伙子;[口]家伙 梯形图 左前降支 chap:n.小伙子;家伙;龟裂 vt.使皲裂 vi.皲裂




区别就是这两种芯片的功率不同,生产批次的不同, TDA的芯片功率要大一些18W, TA的功率小一点15W左右,所以一般来说会使用TDA的芯片

David Davidson & Russell Davis的《Lady》 歌词

歌曲名:Lady歌手:David Davidson & Russell Davis专辑:Beautiful Strings: 24 Timeless Melodies Featuring ViolinLadyKenny RogersLadyOn your night the shining harberAnd I love youYou have made me what I amAnd I am yoursMy love,there"s so many waysI want to say I love youLet me hold you in my arms forever moreYou have gone and made me such a foolI am so lost in your loveAnd all we belong togetherWon"t you believe in my soulLadyFor so many years I thoughtI"d never find youYou have come into my life and made me wholeForever let me wake to see youEach and every morningLet me hear you whisper softly in my earIn my eyes I see no one else but youThere"s no other love like our loveAnd yes,oh yesI"ll always want you need meI"ve waited for you for so longLadyYour love is the only love I needAnd beside me is where I want you to be"Cause my love, there is something I want you to knowYou"re the love of my lifeYou"re my ladyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/24575428

Integration at the second stage of the secondary level 什么意思


One of his friends_____his daughter someimes A.visiting B.is visiting C.visitor D.visits

选VISITS,ONE OF所以是第三人称单数 SOMETIMES,所以是一般现在时 所以选D

Davidson & Davis的《Lady》 歌词

歌曲名:Lady歌手:Davidson & Davis专辑:HeartstringsLADY(hear me tonight)ModjoLady hear me tonight"Cos my feeling is just so rightAs we dance by the moonlightCan"t you see you"re my delightLady I just feel likeI won"t get you out of my mindI feel loved for the first timeAnd I know that it"s true I can tell by the look in your eyesLady hear me tonight"Cos my feeling is just so rightAs we dance by the moonlightCan"t you see you"re my delightLady I just feel likeI won"t get you out of my mindI feel loved for the first timeAnd I know that it"s true I can tell by the look in your eyesLady hear me tonight"Cos my feeling is just so rightAs we dance by the moonlightCan"t you see you"re my delightLady I just feel likeI won"t get you out of my mindI feel loved for the first timeAnd I know that it"s true I can tell by the look in your eyesLady hear me tonight"Cos my feeling is just so rightLady I just feel likeI feel loved for the first timeLady hear me tonightCan"t you see you"re my delightLady I just feel likeI won"t get you out of my mindLady hear me tonight"Cos my feeling is just so right......http://music.baidu.com/song/2670920


madamKK: []DJ: []n.1. (对妇女的恭敬称呼)夫人,太太,小姐Can I help you, madam?夫人,我能为您效劳吗?2. (大写)(正式书信中对妇女的尊称)女士3. (大写)(用于职称或姓名前面的称呼)女士,夫人4. (妓院的)老板,鸨母[C]5. 【口】主妇[C]ladyKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 女士,夫人,小姐"A lady wants to see you, sir.""先生,一位女士想见你。"2. 淑女,家世好的女子,贵妇人She is the daughter of an earl, a lady by birth.她是伯爵的女儿,生来就是一位贵族小姐。3. 【口】妻子4. 女恋人;情妇5. (大写)(英国对贵族妻女的尊称)...夫人;...小姐6. (大写)公共女厕所,女盥洗室[P][J]


woman 女人 对于女的的书面化的称呼lady 小姐,是年轻的那种,比较正式madam 女士,岁数在30岁左右或以上。就差不多像中文里面的区别。。。

data Integration是什么意思


跪求一首歌,其中一句歌词是:darling darling stay by me。

歌名:Stand By Me唱过这首歌的人很多,原唱貌似是Ben E. King试听:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/43yQM70mcq8/下载:http://cgi.music.soso.com/fcgi-bin/m.q?w=Stand+By+Me+Ben+E+King&p=1&source=1&t=1

请问(lai dai)学名也叫狼 怎么写?


英语作文 你是李华,你的英国笔友Danny给你发来电子邮件询问有关 地球一小时的情况

Dear Donny: Happy to receive your emaill! how are you going these days? There are something about ONE HOUR OF EARTH following: ONE HOUR OF EARTH is an activity which is raised by WWF in order to resolve the change of climate in 2007,it has been one of the biggist climate activities all over the world now .The activity is just supposed to ask people in Sydney to turn off the light.To our gratifiy ,at 8:30pm on 28th March,2013,all the people on earth did it! In my opinions,the activity is so great for climate that every one should take part in it .After all ,we have only a earth! Looking forward to your early reply! Yours sincerely Lihua

What do people usually do the Earth hour day翻译成中文

地球一天的一小时人们通常做什么What do people usually do the Earth hour day

mark it on your calendar是什么意思

mark it on your calendar在你的日历上标记例句1.Sure. I"ll mark it on my calendar so I don"t forget.当然可以。我会记在记事本上以免忘记。2.Here are two dates to circle on your calendar.这儿有两个日期圈在你的日历上。

one day和some day的区别

一、意思不同 1、one day意思:一天;一日 2、some day意思:总有一天;有朝一日 扩展资料   二、用法不同   1、one day用法:基本意思是“一天”,指二十四小时长的一段时间,是可数名词。也可指“日间,白天”,既可用作可数名词,又可用作不可数名词,通常不加冠词。   例句:   One day he just upped and left.   有一天他突然就离开了。   2、some day用法:作代词用作主语,谓语动词的"数应依其所代替的名词的单复数形式而定。   例句:   Some day I will reciprocate your great kindness to me.   总有一天我会报答你对我的厚爱。   三、侧重点不同   1、one day侧重点:用于一般过去时。   2、some day侧重点:用于一般将来时。

we comeback home today变成过去式的句子?

You cameback home thatday?

on this day,people will come back home and reunite with family,Wherever they are work英语有错吗

wherever they work.中间的are不能用。


damnmamamia歌名是《妈妈咪呀!》。是KARA迷你六辑《Day&Night》的主打歌曲,由热门音乐制作人二段横踢操刀,是具有成员们特色的强劲舞曲。中文名妈妈咪呀外文名Mamma Mia所属专辑Day&Night歌曲时长03:32发行时间2014-08-18歌曲歌词[ti:Mamma Mia][ar:Kara]


英语怎么读?I majored in scientific English, and then promoted to cross the artistic category. Is that ok? Henan region

Hardly ever _____ get a good job these days without a good education.




lovely day朴信惠的,简单点的音标

SAI秒西 内该我 叫哟 my shine na 哇搜 公JO巧楼 怒那该GO ki 塔里GO嗯哟~ nei do 秒内葛带喊给 love shot 内哇搜 公JO巧楼 内里gu秒 胡搜居高就 买都莫类 图怒你 no man kei 里 go 都no 类 do gi 高丽 卡不死 mi so 里期内爱哟 l wanna love you I wanna leed you ki得都 呢 gi 哪有那马nu 内给哇哟 巧干弄他 噶哇哟 吗mu卡其哇哟 Everyday lovely day 马恩搜三 巧to go该哟 candy bo 哈 逮 ko 吗,撒狼黑 to go爱哟 na 波 被JO麽能高楼肖 拉拉 ,内dita,哈萨gi to 农业来米搜 马力毕巧 gi 那都莫来卡斯米 到TO kou 阁僚 to mu 麦 阿里KI高聊 ,一咋nu 马还不来哟 I wanna love you I wanna leed you ki得都 呢 gi 哪有那马mu 内给哇哟 巧干弄他 噶哇哟 吗mu 卡其wa哟 Everyday lovely day 马恩搜三 巧to go该哟 candy bo 哈 逮 ko 吗,撒狼黑 gao 该爱哟 wanna love you wanna leed you ga 那就来哟 lovely day 奶奶nu ga 哇来哟 哟哇哈该黑 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 没爱嘿饱满to 高压 candy bo 哈 逮 ko 吗,撒狼黑 to 高爱哟

问一下车友们, 帕加尼 zonda( Cinque Roadster) 和 zonda F 的区别在哪里 ?


北京夜店vics有首happy birthday的歌


求Vivir Mi Vida这首歌的歌词的中文翻译 mark anthony 唱的

Mi vida sin tu amor seracomo un camino queno sabe a donde va失去你的爱,我的生命将变得不知去向solo un recuerdo del pasadouna historia que ha llegado a su final唯一留下的是对过去的那份回忆和那段已经结束的故事MI vida sin tu amor serala de un amante con un roto corazon失去你的爱,我的生命就仿佛是那内心破碎的情郎mi vida sin tu amor es barco en alta marsin puerto ni ilusion失去你的爱,我的生命就仿佛是那波涛汹涌的大海里出现的一只小船,没有港湾,也没有希望Mi vida sin tu amor no es masque el crudo invierno de mi soledaden el silencio de la inmensidadun alma que no encuentra su lugar失去你的爱,我的生命就是那寂寞的冬天,无限的宁静,是那灵魂,迷失了归宿Mi vida sin tu amor no es masque el tibio abrazo que no volverasera la soledad de estar sin ti失去了你的爱,我的生命就是那无法重温的拥抱,是那失去你后的寂寞yo sin tu amor, yo sin tu amor no se vivir没有你的爱,失去了你的爱,我无法生存Mi vida sin tu amor seracomo un enigma que no tiene solucion失去你的爱,我的生命就仿佛是那没有答案的谜语vida sin tua mor es nube que se vatu adios se la llevo失去你的爱,我的生命就是天边的云朵,即将消散,带走了你对我的道别Mi vida sin tu amor no es masque el crudo invierno de mi soledaden el silencio de la inmensidadun alma que no encuentra su lugar失去你的爱,我的生命就是那寂寞的冬天,无限的宁静,是那灵魂,迷失了归宿Mi vida sin tu amor no es masque el tibio abrazo que no volverasera la soledad de estar sin ti失去了你的爱,我的生命就是那无法重温的拥抱,是那失去你后的寂寞yo sin tu amor, yo sin tu amor no se vivir没有你的爱,失去了你的爱,我无法生存

小学英语作文my birthday

My birthday is on last Friday.My family members held a birthday party for me in that day.Many friends that I invited came to my house to celebrate with me together. I played some interesting games with them and they sent me some birthday gifts after playing games. The most birthday present that I love is a storybook from my mom . I felt happy because I had a very well birthday party in that day...   我的生日 我的生日是8月8日,在我过生日的那天,妈妈给我煮了五个鸡蛋,说:“过生日吃鸡蛋就会圆圆满满的。” 吃饭的时候,妈妈说:“祝你生日快乐,以后要好好学习,不要懒惰。” 爸爸也说祝我生日快乐,他说:“我的女儿是最棒的。”这句话让我很感动。 爸爸妈妈很爱我,我也爱妈妈爸爸。 My birthday My birthday is on August 8, in my birthday that day, my mother gave me cooked five eggs, said: "the birthday to eat eggs will circle circle full." Time of have a meal, the mother said: "I wish you a happy birthday, later to study well, don"t lazy." Dad also say happy birthday to me, he said, "my daughter is the best." This sentence touched me. Mom and dad love me, I love my mom and dad.   My birthday Today is my birthday, and I invited all my friends to attend my birthday party. At the party, we shared the birthday cake first, then we sang songs, danced and took many photos. We had so good a time that we nearly fot the time. At 11 pm, we had to end the party. I love this day! 参考资料:英语牛人团   my school my school is ... primary school. it"s in ... village, ...district,... city.there are many trees and grass in my school. there are ... students and ... teachers in my school. i love my school very much. my birthday my birthday is on jan./feb./mar./june/may/july/aug./sept./oct./nov./dec..... on my birthday, most of my relatives ,friends and my parents give gifts to me. my parents buy a birthday cake for me. most of my relatives, friends, my parents and i e eat birthday cake together. i am very happy in my birthday.

When We Dance 歌词

歌曲名:When We Dance歌手:Gilbert Bécaud专辑:Faut Faire AvecJoana Zimmer - When we danceAlbum: My innermost (2005)When we dancewe"re like the moon and the sunmoving together as onejust you and Iwhen we danceit"s like we"re walking on airlove is a secret we sharein the heat of the nighttake me, turn me, hold me, forevertell me, we"ll be like this together,forever moreI can feel my senses come aliveI can see the fire in your eyesI get so excited when we danceI love, I love it when we danceAll of my emotions lose controlI am not afraid of letting goBaby, I"m in heaven when we danceI love, I love it,"cause everything is perfectwhen we dancewhen we danceout here under the starsI know I"m safe in your armsyou"re all I needwhen we danceeven our shadows embracethere is no time, no spacewhen you"re with metake me, turn me, hold me, forevertell me, we"ll be like this together,forever moreI can feel my senses come aliveI can see the fire in your eyesI get so excited when we danceI love, I love it when we danceAll of my emotions lose controlI am not afraid of letting goBaby, I"m in heaven when we danceI love, I love it,"cause everything is perfectwhen we dancetake me, turn me, hold me, forevertell me, we"ll be like this together,forever moreI can feel my senses come aliveI can see the fire in your eyesI get so excited when we danceI love, I love it,I love, I love it when we dancewhen we danceAll of my emotions lose controlAll of my emotions lose controlI am not afraid of letting goI am not afraid of letting goBaby, I"m in heaven when we danceBaby, I"m in heaven when we danceI love, I love it,"cause everything is perfectwhen we dancewhen we dancewhen we dancewhen we dancehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2676687


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Everybody Knows I Love You歌手:lovebugs歌词:Tell me, baby 告诉我宝贝When we first got together 我们第一次在一起的时候When you first came around 第一次你在身边的时候I don"t remember 我都记不起了We"ve been so long together 我们在一起这么久了So long the talk of the town 我们在小镇里快乐的交谈Everybody knows I love you, baby 每个人都知道我爱你,宝贝儿Everybody knows I really do 每个人都知道我真的是这样做的Everybody knows you"re still my lady 每个人都知道你是我的女人Everybody knows, god, it"s true 每个人都知道。上帝呀··这些都是真的Come on baby 来吧,宝贝Before the love starts fading 在爱终结之前Before the love is all gone 在爱情结束之前Move on closer 我们靠近点吧We got to make it happen 我们让爱擦出火花We got to get it on 我们就一直这样下去Everybody knows I love you, baby 每个人都知道我爱你,宝贝儿Everybody knows it"s all I do 每个人都知道,我就是这样做的Everybody knows I don"t mean maybe 每个人都知道。我不想说是也许Everybody knows, except you 每个人都知道,除了你以外You don"t even know I still care about you 你不知道我现在还是多么在乎你You don"t even know about a thing I feel 你不知道我对这些事情的感受You don"t even know when I dream about you 你不知道我在梦里见到你You"re almost here for real 你就像真的在我面前一样(Everybody knows) when I call your name 《每个人都知道>当我呼唤你的名字的时候(Everybody knows) no, it ain"t no game 《每个人都知道》这个不是游戏(Everybody knows) when I see your face 《每个人都知道》当我凝视着你的脸庞(Everybody knows) oh, it"s you I can"t replace 《每个人都知道》哦,就是你·我不能拒绝Everybody knows I love you, baby 每个人都知道我爱你,宝贝儿Everybody knows I really do 每个人都知道我真的是这样做的Everybody knows you"re still my lady 每个人都知道你是我的女人Everybody knows, except you 每个人都知道,除了你以外You don"t even know I still care about you 你不知道我现在还是多么在乎你You don"t even know about a thing I feel 你不知道我对这些事情的感受You don"t even know when I dream about you 你不知道我在梦里见到你You"re almost here for real 你就像真的在我面前一样You"re almost here for real 你就像真的在我面前一样Everybody knows 每个人都知道的

有一首歌曲, ding ding ding ding dang dang dang 旋律架子鼓,请问是什么歌

ding……是超火的神曲《Ding Dong Song叮当歌》销魂又洗脑。这是一首英文歌曲。董佩佩 是1956年李丽华主演的电影《恋之火》的插曲。翻译过来的歌词:叮咚!叮咚!每一 次你说:爱我吧!叮咚! 叮咚!但愿我不会等太久听见我的铃铛叮咚叮咚.... .SuzieWong苏丝黄可算是一个传奇, 但是她是属真还...。明明是冷冷清清的茶园为什么还有叮叮当当的声音听不出是远还是近分不出是梦还是真好像是一串音 打乱着我的心明明是模模糊糊的黄昏为什么还有进进出出的灯影看不出是喜还是景分不出是梦还是真好像是一支箭 穿透了我的心窗外不在有凄凄切切地幽灵只听到喜鹊叫鸣今夜的清风吹来了第二春又把夏晨的夜莺吹醒明明是模模糊糊的黄昏为什么还有进进出出的灯影看不出是喜还是景 分不出是梦还是真好像是一支箭 穿透了我的心穿透了 我的心。

Suzi (Wants Her All Day What?) 歌词

歌曲名:Suzi (Wants Her All Day What?)歌手:Extreme专辑:Extreme Ii - PornograffittiThis is not a movieThings just ain"t the same as your favourite videoTry standing back and move menext to you"s a very nice place to goTalk talk to Suzie!"I went through a million choices."Talk, Set it up for Suzie!"I listened to a million voices"And they said..."Don"t let me down" they saidDon"t let me down again"No no...Countdown, countdown, countdown to the disappointment"I"m yours, tonight!"Countdown, countdown, countdown to the disappointment"I"m yours, tonight!"Oh no no noRead not what the stars sayThere"s an evil lurking round every doorIt"s not enough to make you leave meAnd I never wanted you to goTalk talk to Suzie!"I went through a million choices"Talk, Set it up for Suzie!"I listened to a million voices"And they said..."Don"t let me down" they said"Don"t let me down" they said"Don"t let me down again"No no...Countdown, countdown, countdown to the disappointment"I"m yours, tonight!"Countdown, countdown, countdown to the disappointment"I"m yours, tonight!"Our time is nearly goneSo take another breathAnd taste this one more time again(One more time again)Countdown, countdown, countdown to the disappointment"I"m yours, tonight!",Countdown, countdown, countdown to the disappointment"I"m yours, tonight!"Hunhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2164496



unity导入工程提示:TerrainData is missing splat texture (0,1,2,3),怎么回事


dami lovato"in case "中英歌词

In CasePictures in my pocket我口袋里的照片Are faded from the washer在洗衣机里褪色I can barely just make out your face我仅能认出你的脸Food you saved for later你为了以后储存的食物In my refrigerator都塞在我的冰箱It"s been too long since later never came你说的"以后"从来没有到I know我知道One day eventually总有一天终究会如此Yeah, I know耶 我知道One day I"ll have to let it all go总有一天我必须对这一切放手But I keep it just in case但我留住一切 只为了"万一"Yeah, I keep it just in case耶 我留住一切 只为了"万一"In case万一You don"t find what you"re looking for你找不到你在寻找的In case万一You"re missing what you had before你想念你曾拥有过的In case万一You change your mind, I"ll be waiting here你改变心意 我会在这等你In case万一You just want to come home你只是想要回家Strong enough to leave you我够强壮才能离开你But weak enough to need you但却也够软弱让我需要你Cared enough to let you walk away我够关心才能让你就这样离开I took that dirty jacket我拿着那件肮脏的夹克From the trash right where you left it那件从你留下的垃圾里找到的夹克"Cause I couldn"t stand to see it go to waste因为我不能支撑住自己看着一切被浪费I know我知道One day eventually总有一天终究会如此Yeah, I know耶 我知道One day I"ll have to let it all go总有一天我必须对一切放手But I keep it just in case但我留住这一切 只为了"万一"Yeah, I keep it just in case耶 我留住这一切 只为了"万一"In case万一You don"t find what you"re looking for你找不到你在寻找的In case万一You"re missing what you had before你想念你曾拥有过的In case万一You change your mind, I"ll be waiting here你改变心意 我会在这等你In case万一You just want to come home你只是想要回家In case万一You"re looking in that mirror one day总有一天你会看着镜子And miss my arms想念我的双臂How they wrapped around your waist它们如何搂着你的腰I say that you can love me again我说"你能再爱上我"Even if it isn"t the case就算这一切根本没有"万一"Ohhh喔~You don"t find what you"re looking for你找不到你在寻找的Ohhh喔~You"re missing my love你想念我的爱You don"t find what you"re looking for你找不到你在寻找的In case万一You"re missing what you had before你想念你曾拥有过的In case万一You change your mind, I"ll be waiting here你改变心意 我会在这等你In case万一You just want to come home你只是想要回家In cass万一Yeah, ooooo耶~ 呜~

The wheat____ cut three days ago A、were B、has been C、had D、was



标准SQL的update语句三种用法: 一、环境:MySQL-5.0.41-win32WindowsXPprofessional二、建立测试环境:DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_test; CREATE TABLE t_test ( bs bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, username varchar(20) NOT NULL, password varchar(20) default NULL, remark varchar(200) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (bs) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk; INSERT INTO t_test VALUES (1,"lavasoft","123456",NULL); INSERT INTO t_test VALUES (2,"hello",NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO t_test VALUES (3,"haha",zz,tt); 三、测试1、set一个字段在表t_test中设置第二条记录(bs为2)的password为"***"。updatet_testtsett.password="***" wheret.bs=2;2、set多个字段在表t_test中设置第一条记录(bs为1)的password为"*"、remark为"*"。updatet_testtsett.password="*",t.remark="*" wheret.bs=1;3、setnull值在表t_test中设置第三条记录(bs为3)的password为null、remark为null。updatet_testtsett.password=null,t.remark=null wheret.bs=3;


这两个表存在主外键关联么?还是说就是通过字段djh来关联的?试试这个吧:--若是一对一的关系update zd_djdcb a set a.zdzmj = (select b.jzmj from zd_zjdxx where b.djh = a.djh);--若为一对多的关系,假设zd_djdcb对应zd_zjdxx为一对多,要求是等于,那么你就需要给zd_zjdxx表以更明确的查询条件,例如: zd_djdcb a set a.zdzmj = (select max(b.jzmj) from zd_zjdxx where b.djh = a.djh); --取最大值 zd_djdcb a set a.zdzmj = (select min(b.jzmj) from zd_zjdxx where b.djh = a.djh); --取最小值 zd_djdcb a set a.zdzmj = (select avg(b.jzmj) from zd_zjdxx where b.djh = a.djh); --取平均值 字段限数值型 zd_djdcb a set a.zdzmj = (select sum(b.jzmj) from zd_zjdxx where b.djh = a.djh); --取求和值 字段限数值型 zd_djdcb a set a.zdzmj = (select b.jzmj from zd_zjdxx where b.djh = a.djh and ...); --and后为其他条件--------------------------------上方第一个等号后面的括号,对应的叫子查询。算是一个很简单的update语句,自己多看书多练练就融会贯通了。


soulmate灵魂伴侣confidant知己知己 [ zhī jǐ ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义[ zhī jǐ ]1.彼此相互了解而情谊深切:~话。~的朋友。2.彼此相互了解而情谊深切的人:海内存~,天涯若比邻。




Yes. Mather,s Day is in May.Ah? Is Mather,s Day in May?

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