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up to date latest

up-to-date最近的;最新的,它是强调在时间上刚刚,没有最高级 lates是late的最高级,所以没有最高级,late-later-the latest


lastest可以用来形容最近有什么事发生 up to date更趋向于最新的;更新;跟上时代潮流的这种感觉

davinci resolve studio(达芬奇) 15win10安装打不开


davinci resolve 11 lite(达芬奇调色)为什么导入不了视频

好像有视频条件,需要用视频转换器来转出MP4文件 然后才可以倒入我用的是 MacX Video Converter Pro 但其实下载哪个都无所谓啦





Leonardo da Vinci是什么意思

列奥纳多·达·芬奇 意大利语:Leonardo da Vinci

阅读理解Leonardo da Vinci

(1) The ____B______ could not paint because he had cut his hand.艺术家被砍掉手当然不能画画了 A. scientist B. artist(2) What language are you ____B_____? A. inventing B. studying只能说正在学习的一门语言(3) There were over a hundred people in the _________A__________. A. aircraft B. body在飞行器里面才会有上百人(4) ‘The Mona Lisa" is one of Leonardo"s greatest _________A_______. A. paintings B. inventions蒙娜丽莎是很有名的一幅作品2. Circle the correct answer:B文中说道没有人知道蒙娜丽莎是谁(1) Who was the Mona Lisa? A. Leonardo"s mother. B. No one knows. C. Leonardo"s friend. D. No one.(2) Leonardo da Vinci was different from Thomas Edison because ___D______.爱迪生仅仅是发明家而不是画家 A. Edison was Italian. B. Edison was an artist. C. Leonardo was not an inventor. D. Leonardo was a scientist and an artist.(3) When Leonardo died he was _________C____________.1519-1452=67 A. 52 years old B. more than 70 years old. C. more than 60 years old. D. only 50 years old.(4) Which is a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci?A A. ‘The Last Supper" B. ‘Mona Lisa"s Mother" C. ‘Jesus"s Last Meal" D. ‘The First Aircraft"3. Summary: Write each letter against the correct word in the box.inventions body greatest lived famousLeonardo da Vinci was one of the world"s ____greatest_____ scientists and artists. He ______lived_____ in Italy over four hundred years ago. He is _____famous______ for ‘The Mona Lisa", ‘The Last Supper" and many other paintings. He is also famous for his many _____inventions_____ and for his studies of the ______body_________.

DaVinci Resolve18什么时候发布


davinci resolve12 mac怎么设置中文版



在将近一个月的等待后,iPhone 12系列终于将与大众见面。苹果官方消息,其将在北京时间10月14日召开新品发布会,遗憾缺席9月的iPhone 12,届时有望亮相。在新机的影响下,为再冲击一次销量,老iPhone旗舰——iPhone11 Pro也迎来一波降价。如今,该机的256GB版本大降3500元,落至6426元。iPhone11 Pro的各方面配置都相当不错,充分体现了苹果的强大实力。与iPhone 11相比,在屏幕上iPhone11 Pro便有极大的提升。iPhone11 Pro搭载了1080P高清OLED屏幕,屏幕像素密度高达458ppi,呈现出的画面细节更为丰富。与仅有普清+326ppi的iPhone 11屏幕相比,画面效果更细腻,能给用户带来更沉浸式的视觉体验。同时,iPhone11 Pro为超视网膜XDR显示屏,更有HDR 10技术等的加持,表现亮眼。iPhone11 Pro的屏幕仅为5.8英寸,拿在手中十分小巧,配合188g的机身与8.1mm的厚度,再加之磨砂玻璃机身,iPhone11 Pro手感极佳,令人爱不释手。同时,搭载有苹果A13芯片的iPhone11 Pro,性能十分强悍,高帧运行游戏不在话下。并且,再配合上iOS系统,流畅度更是倍升。不俗的性能是许多用户选择iPhone的重要原因,而iPhone11 Pro没有令人失望。在续航时间上,iPhone11 Pro的提升也很是明显。其搭载了3190毫安时电池,比iPhone 11的3110毫安时电池稍大。据官方表示,iPhone11 Pro最长可以播放18个小时视频,表现不错。也就是说,iPhone11 Pro可以满足用户一天的中轻度使用。此外,iPhone11 Pro还支持18W快充与无线充电。可惜的是,快充充电头需要用户自行购买,这也是整个iPhone的一大通病。拥有后置三摄的iPhone11 Pro拍照实力同样不凡,在对高光的处理、动态范围等细节方面,更加的细腻。同时,其拥有2倍光变,并最高可实现6倍数码变焦。成像效果比iPhone 11更加强悍,并且对色彩控制里精准。IP68级别防水、NFC、双卡等功能,iPhone11 Pro自然不会缺席。整体而言,iPhone11 Pro足以撑起旗舰机的名号,各方面都没有短板。iPhone11 Pro不仅较iPhone 11更强,在许多方面也不输iPhone 12系列。据悉,本次iPhone 12全系电池缩水,iPhone 12 mini更是仅搭载了2227毫安时电池。因此,如今iPhone 11 Pro依然有自己的优势,仍是一款值得购买的机型。那么,对于iPhone11 Pro你怎么看呢?不妨留言告诉笔者。文/BU 审核/有鱼

davinci resolve需要什么配置

DaVinci Resolve 是一款功能强大的视频编辑软件,对电脑配置要求较高,以下是建议的最低配置:操作系统:Windows 10 / macOS 10.15.6 及以上处理器:Intel Core i5 / i7 / i9,AMD Ryzen 5 / 7 / 9 或更高显卡:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 / 1050 Ti / 1060 / 1070 / 1080 / 1650 / 1660 / RTX 2060 / 2070 / 2080,AMD Radeon RX 470 / 480 / 570 / 580 / Vega 56 / Vega 64 / Radeon VII 或更高内存:16GB 或更高存储空间:至少有 512GB 的硬盘空间请注意,实际上,DaVinci Resolve 的性能要求会根据你所处理的视频、特效和处理的数量而有所变化。如果你的视频较小,特效数量较少,那么较低的配置也可以运行软件。但如果你需要处理较大的视频文件和复杂的特效,较高的配置会更加流畅和稳定。



怎么评价DaVinci Resolve(达芬奇)的剪辑?

Resolve现在差不多已经进化到FCP+Color+一部分Audition+Motion+Compressor 这样的高集成化,这一做法的最大好处,就是你几乎可以将从原始素材的整理,直到最后成片的渲染特效包装等整个流程在一个软件里完成,效率自然大大提高。Resolve的调色使用的也是最先进的色彩科学和完备的调色工具,以及节点式的工作流程,并且并不与剪辑和特效相干扰,独立且能协作运用。Resolve的调色使用的也是最先进的色彩科学和完备的调色工具,以及节点式的工作流程,并且并不与剪辑和特效相干扰,独立且能协作运用。Resolve的剪辑工具与FCPX或PR在操作上有所不同,但原理相近,你也可以通过设置在Resolve上继续使用FCPX或PR的快捷键。在时间线的操作上,我觉得Resolve比FCPX要更完整和方便,尤其是考虑到镜头调色的色彩匹配这些环节,我会尽量在Resolve里完成剪辑工作,这会让我的调色工作大幅减少。FCP已经占据市场很多年,已有大量的第三方插件,Motion也非常简单易用,这是Resolve所不具备的,尽量它也支持像OFX这类插件,但数量还不够多。FCP更新速度远不及Resolve,所以这些比较结果也只是暂时,未来还要看各自发展。

I got the latest phone yesterday为啥用latest表示"最新的"?




求一首英文歌,歌词中有.there is no boundary....there is no boundary..

adam的 no boundaries就对了

英语作文,对Leonardo Da Vinci的理解,不要纯粹介绍的,要你对他人生的理解,600字左右,谢谢各位啊!!

As a great painter, Da Vinci"s works are known and appreciated by the world. No other artist of his time painted people or animals like him. He used perspective to show depth which is called "sfumato", helping to create a cloudy effect to suggest distance. His "Chiaroscuro" is a method using light and shade as a painterly effect. Also he liked to be loyal to the objective facts, putting more emphasis on depicting people"s inside, which made the drawing more vivid and real. His ways of painting was very unique in depicting people"s psychology through their facial expressions, gestures and motions. The perfect example may be the Last Supper, what people thought is vividly showed and we can tell who is the traitor through careful observation. Another hot topic of Da Vinci"s painting may be the Mona Lisa. Her mysteries smile is studied and discussed by countless people and interpreted by 2 voices: evil and kind. Also he used his ever questioning mind to bring together art and science. His Vitruvian Man especially showed his great talent in this part. He thought that everything is connected with each other. Just as his saying, "Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else." This exactly showed his unusual ways of thinking and great talent that other artists do not have.Mostly we know that Da Vinci was greatly admired for his artistic talent. Despite all the art achievements, he never lost his enthusiasm in other subjects. He liked to do research in many different areas. He wanted to understand everything he saw. So he spent his life studying and observing in order to develop a scientific understanding of the world. He wrote down all his thoughts and ideas in a series of small backwards notebooks which contained many very modern ideas. He designed weapons, machines, robots, helicopter and many other kinds of engineering devices, making drawings and explaining them with detailed notes. Many people thought that his scientific experiments were odd and some kind of evil magic and few of these designs were built during his lifetime. But they show his extraordinarily forward- thinking mind.Da Vinci represented the spirit of inquiry. When he recalled the time he got lost in the forest, his words gave me a deep impression. He said at that time he was affected by two emotions: the horror with the unknown in the darkness; the curiosity to advance. It was the two emotions contradicted in his mind that urged him to develop scientific ideas that were centuries ahead of his time. Being mysterious and talented, this legendary man has endured almost all the bitterness of human life but remembered and appreciated by the future generation.



DaVinci 界面太大,怎样缩放界面以及字体。


davinci resolve已停止工作怎么办?

当DaVinci Resolve停止工作时,可以尝试以下步骤进行解决:检查是否有软件更新,确保使用的是最新版本的DaVinci Resolve。关闭所有其他应用程序,确保系统有足够的资源运行DaVinci Resolve。尝试重新启动DaVinci Resolve,看看是否可以解决问题。如果问题仍然存在,可以尝试在DaVinci Resolve设置中重置用户数据,方法是在DaVinci Resolve启动页面上选择“Preferences”(首选项),然后在“User”(用户)选项卡下选择“Reset Saved Workspaces”(重置保存的工作区)。如果问题仍然存在,可以尝试卸载并重新安装DaVinci Resolve。如果以上步骤都没有解决问题,可以考虑与DaVinci Resolve的技术支持团队联系,以获取更多帮助和支持。总的来说,要解决DaVinci Resolve停止工作的问题,需要先找出问题的原因,然后逐一尝试各种解决方法,直到问题得到解决。

davinci resolve 与davinci resolve studio有什么区别

1.下载好数据包后,直接解压用鼠标双击“DaVinci_Resolve_Studio_15.0b2_Windows.exe”打开勾选你需要的安装的文件,点install开始2.进入安装向导后,点击“next”3.点击选择“Iaccept the agreement”同意相关协议,随后点击“next”4.选择安装位置,默认路径为“C:Program FilesBlackmagic DesignDaVinci Resolve”点击“browse”可更改目录,但是建议不要去更改保持默认即可,这样才方便等下的破解操作5.等待安装完成即可6.当安装结束后,点击“finish”即可退出安装向导

what else do you know about leonardo da vinci

Who was Leonardo da Vinci?You may answer without thinking:"He is the painter of Mona Lisa." What else do you know about him?Da Vinci was more than just a great artist in history.He"s also famous as a scientist and an inventor. Recently,the Grand Rapids Public Museum in the US had an exhibition to introduce this great talent. In one of the shows,named "Leonardo da Vinci"s Machines in Motion",visitors could see and touch 30 full-size machines built according to his sketches-including a crane (起重机) and a robot! Leonardo da Vinci was born to a rich family in Florence,Italy,in 1452.From childhood,Leonardo was given a good education and he showed talent at painting.By the age of 26,Da Vinci had already become a famous painter. However,he showed that he had multiple talents in 1482 when he began to work for the Duke of Milan as a chief engineer.In the duke"s military factories,Da Vinci developed an interest in war weapons. He designed many important machines,including helicopters and parachutes.He also drew and wrote about an armored car,which could carry eight men inside and allow them to fire weapons through holes in its walls.Da Vinci"s idea led to the mod- ern tank.Though Da Vinci never built many of the inventions he designed,some of the things he imagined in the late 1400s are in use today. As a scientist,Da Vinci was fascinated with the human body.He spent a whole year cutting up dead bodies in hospitals to learn about human anatomy (解剖).He made more than 200 drawings of bodies. Amazingly,Da Vinci wrote backward,so the easiest way to read his notes was to hold them up to a mirror! 1.Was Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo da Vinci? _________________________________________________ 2.When was Leonardo da Vinci born? _________________________________________________ 3.What did Leonardo da Vinci design? _________________________________________________ 4.Why did Leonardo da Vinci cut up dead bodies in hospitals? _________________________________________________ 5.What was Leonardo da Vinci according to the passage? _________________________________________________ 1.Yes. 2.In 1452. 3.Many important machines. 4.Because he wanted to learn about human anatomy. 5.Leonardo da Vinci was not only a great artist but also a famous scientist and an inventor. (答案不唯一) 是这个不?

如何评价Davinci Resolve 16?

个人觉得Davinci Resolve 16是一个功能强大,十分好用的调色软件。Davinci Resolve 16是世界上唯一一款将专业8K编辑,色彩校正,视觉效果和音频后期制作功能集于一身影视后期处理软件。它能随意的在编辑,颜色,效果和音频之间即时切换,具有简化的界面和革命性的新工具,可帮助您比以往更快地完成工作。Davinci Resolve 16界面上比前代更舒服,媒体库管理感觉清爽很多。同时整体响应比较流畅,至少相同硬件比PR流畅,颜色处理上感觉比PR方便几个数量级。而且性价比很高,正版Davinci Resolve Studio一次性授权2600块,属于咬咬牙买得起系列。就算不买,用免费Davinci Resolve也感觉大概有99%的功能开放使用,业余玩玩够用。

DaVinci Resolve 12 没有写入权限怎么办?

这个软件Windows版需求:Windows 7 Pro SP1, 64-bit至少 12 GB 内存至少一张的 NVIDIA 显卡,作为 CUDA 加速使用。可以使用:Quadro 4000, GeForce GTX 580, Quadro 5000 或 Quadro 6000.NVIDIA driver 280.26DeckLink HD Extreme 3D+ 采集卡,作为上屏查看用

Leonardo da Vinci是什么意思

列奥纳多达文西双语对照词典结果:Leonardo da Vinci(达)芬奇(1452-1519,意大利文艺复兴时期伟大画家,雕刻家,建筑学家); 以上结果来自金山词霸百科释义达芬奇 (Leonardo Da Vinci 1452-1519)是文艺复兴时期作卓越的代表人物,他的成就和贡献是多方面的。达芬奇出生在佛罗伦萨附近的一个小镇——芬奇镇。他是一位天才,他一面热心于艺术创作和理论研究,他研究如何用线条与立体造型去表现形体的各种问题;另一方面他也同时研究自然科学。达芬奇是意大利文艺复兴时期最伟大最著名的巨匠,他不仅是一位天才的画家,并且是大数学家、科学家、力学家和工程师,是一位多才多艺、全面发展的人。他有着多方面的才能,对人类作出过多方面的贡献。他不仅会画画,雕塑,建筑房屋,还会发明武器,设计过世界上第一个飞行机、他又是一个医学家、音乐家和戏剧家,而且在物理学…查看更多>>收起例句:1.Famous nappers have included bill clinton lance armstrong leonardo davinci and thomas edison. 爱打瞌睡的人中有些相当有名,包括美国总统克林顿、兰斯阿姆斯特朗、达芬奇和托马斯爱迪生等。2.Leonardo da vinci had talked about this, says nilsson, but watkins wastaking it further. 里昂那多达芬奇曾提及这个问题,尼尔森说,但沃特金斯则更进一步。3.Using computer scans she found that the face on the turin shroud and aself portrait of leonardo da vinci share the same dimensions. 她在使用计算机扫描之后发现,都灵裹尸布的遗像与列奥纳多达芬奇的自画像具有诸多相同的特点。4.To learn more about human anatomy, leonardo da vinci secretly dissectedcorpses. 为了得知更多人体解剖学的相关知识,达文西暗地里解剖尸体。5.The roman physician galen observed that images received by the two eyesare slightly different, as did leonardo da vinci many centuries later. 罗马医生盖伦观察说两个眼睛观察到的景象是不一样的,而关于这一点几个世纪后莱昂纳多达芬奇也发现了。





Leonardo Da Vinci 达芬奇的音标?


da vlncl是什么意思

Da Vincin.达芬奇 His style of painting is reminiscent of Da Vinci"s. 他的绘画风格像达·芬奇.

Davinci resolve16可以去掉原视频字幕吗?

不可以 只能局部替换且背景不复杂

davinci 是什么

davinci,译名达芬奇。达芬奇数字媒体处理器是信号处理解决方案,专为数字视频、影像和视觉应用而设计。达芬奇平台提供片上系统,包括视频加速器和相关外设。产品包括仅针对 ARM9 的低成本解决方案到基于数字信号处理器 (DSP) 的全功能 SoC。针对视频编码和解码应用进行了优化,可升级的达芬奇处理器系列还包括多媒体编解码器、加速器、外设和框架。


如何配置DAVINCI内存在DVEVM上,内存是256M,所以Codec中的例程都是按照256M内存进行配置的。而在,其他一些具体应用中,目标板的内存不一定为256M。所以,内存配置是Davinci开发板上一项重要的技术。 笔者公司的开发板是128M,根据相关的文档,重新配置,编译了程序。在128M开发板上成功运行了Video_copy例程。具体步骤如下: DDR内存是ARM和DSP共享的,从Ox80000000到0x90000000。内存分为了如下几部分: 1:Linux Partition:在ARM linux是按照4KB进行分页。这部分内存由linux独自使用,由于有虚拟内存,所以开发者不能直接操作内存。 2:CMEM: Contiguous Memory Allocator。用于ARM和DSP之间共享内存。由于linux上内存采用了虚拟机制,分配的内存可能不是连续的;而DSP端内存没有虚拟内存机制一块内存在物理上是连续的。因此,如果直接将一块内存作为参数传递给DSP端进行处理,就得不到正确的结果。因此CMEM就是解决这个问题而出现的。通过CMEM可以开辟连续的内存,用于ARM和DSP端共享内存。 3:The DDRALGHEAP and DDR Sections:用于CODEC动态开辟内存 4: DDR(DDR2在codec engine1.2):用于存放DSP端代码端和静态数据。 5:The DSPLINKMEM Section:用于DSPlink, 6:RESET_VECTOR:用于DSP RESET vector.必须128直接,起始地址必须是整数M. 因此:总内存=DSP server内存+CMEM+linux内存。后面,是笔者内存的具体配置: 具体步骤: 一 DSPlink 1.3需要从新编译才能够运行。编译步骤如下: 1进入<DVEVM>/dsplink_1_30_*/packages/dsplink目录 2打开config/all/CFG_Davinci.TXT 文件 3按照图进行修改。 4.修改 Linux/davinci_mvlpro4.0.mk 中 BASE_BUILDOS: 你的linux内核位置,以 "/lsp/ti-davinci"结尾. BASE_CGTOOLS: 你的ARM端工具位置. 以 " arm/v5t_le/bin"结尾。 5设置环境变量: export DSPLINK="你DSPlink位置" 6.编译 gmake -C gpp/src gmake -C dsp/src 7.拷贝到目标板dsplinkk.ko gpp/export/BIN/Linux/Davinci/RELEASE/dsplinkk.ko 二、 重新编译Codec server 1.进 examples/servers/video_copy 目录 2. 拷贝copy ../all_codecs/all.tcf to 到examples/servers/video_copy 目录 video_copy.tcf. 3.修改video_copy.tcf文件,参照上图 4.编译, gmake clean gmake 5。拷贝video_copy.x64p到目标板文件系统上。 三、 拷贝应用程序 1,进入examples/apps/video_copy/dualcpu/ 目录 2. 拷贝 app.out 可执行文件到目标板文件系统.(如果是DSPLink 1.40需要重新编译) 3. 拷贝 in.dat 到目标板文件系统 4. 拷贝cmemk.ko 到目标板文件系统.(位于你DVEVM安装目录下) 5. 拷贝loadmodules.sh 到目标板文件系统。 6. 修改loadmodules.sh 。 insmod dsplinkk.ko。后面不要参数。 insmod cmemk.ko。按照图上进行修改。 四、 运行程序 1.修改目标板的启动参数: setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200n8 root=/dev/nfs mem=64M..你其他参数.. 2.重新启动 3.执行./loadmodules.sh 4.执行./app.out. 如果一切正确显示成功。不清楚的地方参考SPRAAQ6.pdf文档



Da Vinci Leonardo课文翻译,不要用翻译器的谢谢昂。(手打很累昂)

能不能给我悬赏 /可怜 达芬奇(1452-1519)是一个意大利画家,发明家,音乐家,…(不认识 翻翻词典吧)和科学家 达芬奇出生在乡下,从小他就展现出极强的…和艺术天赋 随着他的长大 他学会了做许多不同的事情。他的画非常出名,其中一幅名叫蒙娜丽莎 或许是世界上最著名的画作了,他还有许多发明品 例如他的笔记本里就包含了许多有趣的飞行器的图纸。


Davinci 与 OMAP 的比较Davinci 器件和 OMAP 器件都有一些相似之处。它们都采用结合 ARM 核心与 TI DSP 核心的异类处理(heterogeneous-processing)架构。它们都支援标准应用编程介面(application- programming interface,API),这些 API 把驻留在每个核心的代码的开发和执行都封闭(encapsulate)和隔离起来。对於这两个器件家族,应用程式设计工程师可以使用他们熟悉的、以 ARM 核心为目标的工具,不必成为 DSP 专家就能利用整合的 DSP 核心。同样,DSP 程式设计工程师可以使用他们熟悉的、针对 DSP核心的工具,而不必去瞭解 ARM 核心。Davinci 和 OMAP 器件都使用属於 TI 第三方网路的一部分、且符合 eXpressDSP 的演算法,并且都支援一种主要的执行模式,它让ARM 扮演主控者(master)的角色,把 DSP 代码当作辅助运算器或一种从属的角色。但是,Davinci 技术与 OMAP 平台的区别是在於,Davinci 的目标是数位视频和音频应用,而不是行动应用,并且在软体发展支援方面,它是超越 OMAP 的革命性的一步。由於目标应用不同,这两种平台使用不同的 DSP 核心。OMAP 采用功率效率高的 C55x DSP 核心,而 Davinci 采用高性能的 C64x DSP 核心。另外,OMAP 器件使用 ARM925 核心,而 Davinci 器件使用 ARM926 核心。两组器件都整合了适合各自目标应用领域的不同周边组(peripheral set)。Davinci 器件中的整合式周边组包括视频处理子系统、串列介面和连接介面,以及几个记忆体介面和储存设备介面(图 1)。目标应用领域的不同,让这两种平台之间产生了上述的差别。Davinci 平台建立在 TI 公司从 OMAP 系统所学到的技术和商业教训基础。例如,Davinci 平台用 xDM 或 xDAIS-xDM(数位媒体专用 xDAIS)介面扩充了 xDAIS(eXpressDSP 演算法互通性标准)。 该介面影响著每个程式设计工程师对 Davinci 或 OMAP 系统的职责:对 ARM 的应用职责和对 DSP 的信号处理职责。但是,该介面是应用程式设计工程师用来载入、卸载和使用装载在 DSP 核心的演算法的机制。xDM 的一个重要目标是在各类演算法和来源或厂商之间,为多媒体编解码器实现一种随插即用的架构。它为每种多媒体编解码器定义了公共状态和参数,以便在无须改变 应用程式原始码的前提下,用一种编解码器来代替另一种编解码器,只有编解码器的配置代码需要改变。xDM 标准为视频、影像、语音、音频这四种编解码器类别定义,并为 xDAIS 规范增添了一组统一的 API。xDM 的 8 个普通介面是由上述各个编解码器类别的编码器和解码器所组成。xDM 还支援元资料解析(metadata parsing)、档案格式、定制处理等要求的扩充。这些 xDM API 为 xDAIS 定义的函数组增添了两个新函数——process()和control()。xDAIS 和 xDM 元件中的介面函数之呼叫命令(call order)很相似,唯一的例外是 xDM 取消了 algControl()方法。在和 xDM 演算法一起使用 xDAIS 演算法时,xDM control()方法代替了 algControl()方法。与 OMAP 的首次展示不同的是,Davinci 评估模组包括三种预先接线的(prewired) DSP/编解码器组合,开发者可在工作中使用它们。内含这些预先接线的编解码器,使开发者不必等待支援生产的(production- supported)编解码器的实现,就能评估系统的功能。这种评估模组包含一套工具组,它包括照相机、LCD、红外线遥控器、扬声器、硬碟驱动器(图 2)。该工具组包括了已储存在硬碟驱动器上的实用展示,以便能立即使用系统的编码、解码和联网功能。Davinci 和 OMAP 平台在首次展示方面的另一个区别是 ARM 核心的晶片级和板级开发资源的立即使用能力。Davinci 评估模组还包含开发工具和文件,以便让这些展示可以开始与运作。TI 公司之所以能包含这些元件,部分的原因是在於把开发环境限制在 Linux。DSP 核心专用开发工具是 Code Composer Studio 工具套件的一部分。TI 公司在2006 年 9 月底发布了两种工具来支援那些借助 Davinci 器件进行的开发。eXpressDSP 配置工具可帮助开发者把 xDM 编解码器整合到编解码引擎中,而在以前,系统整合商是人工的方法来执行该过程。另一种新工具是侵入性最小的 TMS320DM644x SOC 可视分析仪,它为单一时间线上的 ARM 核心和 DSP 核心撷取和显示资料,以便提供应用行为的系统视图(system view)。

DaVinci 在电脑上怎么安装



Davichi 爱情与战争tu ma po qi pa la pi ji mani ga mai dao yao man na gao qia naao dao kei nan gu luao ta gen yao jia man le su ying ninai gai dao qiang ma mang qiao nang jia duka gu lun nai gai ta ka wa kun ne li sai du yi sao lang gu layi ma chai ba jun qi yun cha liaoao xi na nu gu la yi sao sao qing gu wei gei qiao na ga wa saoni ga ta miao qia wa yi sao da gu su qi kei ni hang ma na kei ha na bu la tong mei liao gei niha ni miao yi sao tei ganu li qing gao un gao nitu ma po qi pa la pi ji mani ga mai dao yao man na gao qia naao dao kei nan gu luao ta gen yao jia man le su ying ninai gai dao qiang ma mang qiao nang jia duka gu lun nai gai ta ka wa kun ne li sai du yi sao lang gu layi ma chai ba jun qi yun cha liaoOh my lover Oh my you babyOh my lover Oh my you babyOh my lover Oh my you babyOh my lover Oh my you babygun lun da la qiao ma li san heihin su wei li nang gu nang gu deinei gei qiang ni dou qi sa mu lai dang neta li miao jia wa yi suang dang geiku gei ne mu mi ya nei sao ku dei sao ta gei lao cha lei jun gao mu la saotu ma mo qi pa la pi ji mani ga mai dao yao man na gao qia naao dao kei nan gu luao ta gen yao jia man le su ying ninai gai dao qiang ma mang qiao nang jia duka gu lun nai gai ta ka wa kun ne li sai du yi sao lang gu layi ma chai da jun qi yun cha liao



davinci 上有没有类似PR的Q,W的快捷键?(快速剪切前面和快速剪切后面)

直接改 ctrl+shift+[ 改成 Q 效果等于PR的Q


davinci,译名达芬奇。达芬奇数字媒体处理器是信号处理解决方案,专为数字视频、影像和视觉应用而设计。达芬奇平台提供片上系统,包括视频加速器和相关外设。产品包括仅针对 ARM9 的低成本解决方案到基于数字信号处理器 (DSP) 的全功能 SoC。针对视频编码和解码应用进行了优化,可升级的达芬奇处理器系列还包括多媒体编解码器、加速器、外设和框架。






davinci是畅享Z 5G,以下是手机参数:1.屏幕:6.5英寸,1670万色。2.拍照:后置三摄:4800万+800万+200万,三颗镜头组成的摄像系统具备了友商通常需要四颗摄像头才能具备的功能,超高清,超广角,大光圈虚化,微距。前置单摄:1600万像素,支持固定焦距。3.电池:22.5W超级快充+4000mAh大电池,精彩长相伴。4.性能:搭载天玑800芯片,7nm全新工艺,采用4× A76 2.0GHz+4×A55 2.0GHz,大小核的CPU架构,相比高通765G,多核性能提升10%;集成Trym MC4 GPU,有效改善手机使用过程中出现的发热、卡顿等问题,带来更流畅自如的游戏体验。可以登录华为商城官网了解更多参数及信息,进行选择。

意大利画家莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)

——学艺术·查资讯·上艺培—— 了解更多艺考资讯 关注贵州艺培网 / 达芬奇 全名Leonardo da Vinci 莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(1452—1519) 意大利画家 与拉斐尔,米开朗基罗齐名的意大利文艺复兴三杰之一 了解达芬奇的人都知道 他是一位天才 不仅是一位多才多艺的画家 同时还是预言家、雕塑家、发明家 哲学家、音乐家、医学家、生物学家 地理学家、建筑工程师、军事工程师他在很多领域都有建树 达芬奇最大成就的领域在绘画 其中代表作有《蒙娜丽莎》代表了文艺复兴时期的美学方向 该作品折射出来的女性的深邃与高尚的思想品质 反映了文艺复兴时期人们对于女性美的审美理念和审美追求画中美女名叫塞西莉亚·加拉拉尼 是米兰公爵最受宠的情妇 米兰公爵是达·芬奇的朋友 也是他绘画的经济赞助人《最后的晚餐》创作时间1494年-1498年,以《圣经》中耶稣跟十二门徒共进最后一次晚餐为题材。画面中人物的惊恐、愤怒、怀疑、剖白等神态,以及手势、眼神和行为,都刻画得精细入微,惟妙惟肖,是所有以此题材创作的作品中最著名的一幅。 在达·芬奇看来, 人类对艺术与科学的认识过程同样 “要以感性经验为基础, 而且是以最高贵的感觉——视觉为基础”, “我们的一切知识来源于知觉”, “绘画的确是一门科学,并且是自然的合法的女儿”。达芬奇的作品不多 但是每一个作品都是绝世之作 达芬奇晚年极少作画 一心专研科学 他的手稿从物理、数学到生物解剖 点击添加图片描述(最多60个字


可以申请免费使用。Davinci 是一个 DVAAS(Data Visualization as a Service)平台解决方案,面向业务人员/数据工程师/数据分析师/数据科学家,致力于提供一站式数据可视化解决方案。

【DA VINCI之博物馆】游走在两千年之间

《DA VINCI》由DA VINCI达芬奇家居出品,是一本以艺术、设计、生活方式为主要内容的中英文双语双月刊。定位为高端、前沿、时尚。杂志的精神是“生活艺术家”。我们倡导生活本身就是艺术,人人都该是生活的艺术家。杂志带给读者的感觉更多的是艺术性,及高品味的审美趣味,优雅轻松而兼具收藏价值。 说明:本文经《DA VINCI》杂志授权网络刊登,转载请注明“版权:《DA VINCI》杂志,转自:中华室内设计网” 欧洲建筑的本源在哪里?希腊。希腊建筑的精华在哪里?雅典卫城。雅典的建筑是能够赋予人精神激励的,当漫步在雅典卫城,我更加坚信这一点。 希腊的建筑都是带着几千年的故事的,邂逅新卫城博物馆,也许是卫城带给我们最大的震撼。 伊瑞克提翁神庙女像柱 玻璃制成的地板并不稀奇,但是在这里,我却触摸到了时光交错的感觉。当一步步走进新卫城博物馆时,两千多年的作坊、庭院、商店和小路……竟然都一一呈现在脚下。 在博物馆入口处,地板大多采用玻璃为原材料,对于尚未踏入博物馆的人来说,这已然是一种文化体验。奇怪的是,厚重的历史感本应产生的顶礼膜拜却在雅典阳光的照耀下渐渐散去,那些带有沧桑感的古希腊遗迹,在透明中变得亲切起来。 这种亲切感来得并不容易。上世纪九十年代,考古学家在对新卫城博物馆选址进行考察时以外发现了这片公元前四世纪到七世纪的遗迹。这个发现曾使博物馆的地址一度受到质疑,人们担心原有的估计会受到破坏。于是,100多根网状水泥柱成为博物馆的基底支柱,让整个博物馆在遗迹上空矗立起来,哪怕是在博物馆的三层,玻璃地板都可以让你越过人群,感受到脚下的历史。也正因如此,我们才能触摸到这种透明的亲切感。 穿披肩的少女,公元前530年 新卫城博物馆是一栋玻璃和混凝土构成的三层建筑,2004年1月动工,2007年9月竣工,2009年的6月20日,它在举世瞩目中轻起面纱。新卫城博物馆由来自纽约的瑞士裔建筑师伯纳德·屈米和希腊建筑师米哈利斯合作设计。六年前,屈米在全球性征集方案的竞争中胜出。这位旗帜鲜明的设计师坦言:“我希望这座博物馆最终呈现一种简约的、不刻意追求自身建筑完美的风格,参观的人能把他们的情绪和注意力更多地集中在馆内珍藏的文物上。 ” 帕特农神庙西侧雕带的残片,依次为波塞冬、阿波罗、阿 耳特弥思、阿芙洛蒂。 这是一座巧妙结合了古老和现代元素的建筑,它把雅典的悠久历史和现代活力联接在一起,这种感觉不是刻意而为之, 却有一种柔和的震撼。站在新卫城博物馆里,透过大扇玻璃窗,向北眺望是历经千年风雨的卫城,往南则是密密麻麻挤满各种建筑的雅典城区,置身其中仿佛有时空交错的感觉。那一刻,雅典在我心中的形象模糊起来:她是有着几千年历史的庄严女神,还是吹着口哨的时尚女孩? 两尊陶土胜利女神雕像,公元1世纪至3世纪 在新卫城博物馆里,雅典的形象色彩斑斓地重叠在一起。无论外观多么令人惊艳,一所博物馆的吸引力始终来自其内在的藏品。对于大街小巷遍布各式各样博物馆的雅典来说,新卫城博物馆则承载了“神圣之地”的辉煌。在新卫城博物馆 内,有关“高丘上的城邦”的4000多件文物首次集中展示。 远古艺廊一角 正如建筑设计者屈米所言,新卫城博物馆里所展示的艺术本身,与帕特农神庙,早在2500年前,就已经深深地联系在一起。在这里,4000多件文物被按照年代依次排列:自希腊远古时代到古罗马时代。我并不是特别懂得欣赏艺术品,但在一块公元前七世纪时古神殿顶下的雕刻前,我还是驻足良久。这是一块绘有雅典娜节壮丽游行队伍的帕特农神庙外墙檐壁,据说,这是希腊最珍贵的文物。与国内的博物馆不同,这些展品的外面没有玻璃罩,就是静静地站在我面前。透过博物馆顶层玻璃透射的日光,我仿佛感受到这些残痕碎片在几千年前的样子。偶尔抬头,不远处的卫城也在述说着她几千年来的沧桑。原来遥望古希腊当年的神光与所谓的神与英雄们对话,并没有那么难。 狄奥尼索斯剧院,女性舞者浮雕,公元前1世纪 在一个繁星点点的夜晚,余光中写下了一句略带矫情的诗:“今夜的天空很希腊。”今天,在帕特农神庙下的新卫城博物馆,在希腊神话历史与现代科技的强烈撞击中,我亦沉醉。 宁弗圣殿的陶土神像,公元前6世纪。 两尊陶土胜利女神雕像,公元1世纪至3世纪 在新卫城博物馆里,雅典的形象色彩斑斓地重叠在一起。无论外观多么令人惊艳,一所博物馆的吸引力始终来自其内在的藏品。对于大街小巷遍布各式各样博物馆的雅典来说,新卫城博物馆则承载了“神圣之地”的辉煌。在新卫城博物馆 内,有关“高丘上的城邦”的4000多件文物首次集中展示。 远古艺廊一角 正如建筑设计者屈米所言,新卫城博物馆里所展示的艺术本身,与帕特农神庙,早在2500年前,就已经深深地联系在一起。在这里,4000多件文物被按照年代依次排列:自希腊远古时代到古罗马时代。我并不是特别懂得欣赏艺术品,但在一块公元前七世纪时古神殿顶下的雕刻前,我还是驻足良久。这是一块绘有雅典娜节壮丽游行队伍的帕特农神庙外墙檐壁,据说,这是希腊最珍贵的文物。与国内的博物馆不同,这些展品的外面没有玻璃罩,就是静静地站在我面前。透过博物馆顶层玻璃透射的日光,我仿佛感受到这些残痕碎片在几千年前的样子。偶尔抬头,不远处的卫城也在述说着她几千年来的沧桑。原来遥望古希腊当年的神光与所谓的神与英雄们对话,并没有那么难。 狄奥尼索斯剧院,女性舞者浮雕,公元前1世纪 在一个繁星点点的夜晚,余光中写下了一句略带矫情的诗:“今夜的天空很希腊。”今天,在帕特农神庙下的新卫城博物馆,在希腊神话历史与现代科技的强烈撞击中,我亦沉醉。 宁弗圣殿的陶土神像,公元前6世纪。


华为davinci是什么型号 ?下面就一起来看看davinci是华为哪个型号吧。 华为davinci是华为畅享20pro型号。 华为畅享20 Pro的正面采用的是一块水滴屏,采用的是技术成熟护眼效果出色的LCD屏幕,并且这块屏幕支持90赫兹的屏幕刷新率,这是一个很大的亮点。另外,其前置摄像头为1600万像素,解锁方式采用的是当前解锁速度最快的侧边指纹解锁。 在背部,华为畅享20 Pro采用的是矩阵型的后置三摄,其主摄为4800万像素,超广角为800万像素,另外还有一个200万的凑数镜头。背面的设计上还是挺简约的,自家HUAWEI的Logo竖着放在左下角,背面盖板采用了渐变色的处理,在光的照射下,盖板上还会显示出不一样的光线。 其他方面,华为畅享20 Pro保留了耳机孔,处理器采用的是联发科天玑 800 处理器,是一款难得的全频段5G芯片。在电池上,华为畅享20 Pro的电池容量为 4000mAh,支持 22.5W 闪充。 以上就是华为davinci什么型号的内容,希望对各位有所帮助。



《The Mindandthe Brain》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Mind and the Brain》(Jeffrey M. Schwartz)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/17rQ1ZUP1qjenGsiON_Dw-w 提取码: 3fax书名:The Mind and the Brain作者:Jeffrey M. Schwartz出版社:Harper Perennial出版年份:2003-10-14页数:432内容简介:In his work treating patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz made an extraordinary discovery: by focusing their attention away from negative behaviors and toward positive ones, his patients were able to make permanent changes to their own neural pathways. In The Mind and the Brain Schwartz explores this power -- the power of the mind to shape the brain. Through research and case studies, he demonstrates the brain"s ability to be drastically rewired, not just in childhood but throughout life -- a paradigm-shifting discovery that could transform the treatment of every neurological dysfunction, from dyslexia to stroke. Schwartz"s landmark book challenges the idea that we are merely biologically programmed automatons and proves that we have the power to shape our brains and, consequently, our destiny -- a revolutionary insight that continues to provoke debate among those who care about the future of man"s role in the universe.

《魔女柔熙》主题曲 day by day 是谁演唱的?


Lesson #8 (From "Sunday In The Park With George") 歌词

歌曲名:Lesson #8 (From "Sunday In The Park With George")歌手:Mandy Patinkin&Paul Gemignani专辑:Sunday In The Park With GeorgeLRC之家制作Lesson 87A perfect alibiFirst listen and then answer the question.What was wrong with the man"s story?"At the time the murder was committed,I was travelling on the 8 o"clock train to London,"said the man."Do you always catch such an early train?"asked the inspector."Of course I do," answered the man."I must be at work at 10 o"clock.My employer will confirm that I was there on time.""Would a later train get you to work on time?"asked the inspector."I suppose it would,but I never catch a later train.""At what time did you arrive at the station?""At ten to eight.I bought a paper and waited for the train.""And you didn"t notice anything unusual?""Of course not.""I suggest," said the inspector,"that you are not telling the truth.I suggest that you did not catch the 8 o"clock train,but that you caught the 8.25 which would still get you to work on time.You see,on the morning of the murder,the 8 o"clock train did not run at all.It broke down at Ferngreen station and was taken off the linehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8398673









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求world‘s end dance hall 英文歌词

WORLD"S END DANCEHALL/ワールズエンドu30fbダンスホール作曲&编曲:wowaka(现実逃避P)原唱:初音ミク·巡音ル英译:らさ翻唱:眼镜·らさLRC:Naki·LaurantCross the borderline of black and white andClimb the stairway,up and up we go.Nothing good to do,just bored to death.hey,Can I take your hand and steal you awayStep and stumble,do you want to go onDon"t you worry,the alter is our floor.Toss and turn and dizzy up oursleves andKeep on dancing,you and me right here now.Bury the room with all the shrill calls,voicesSwirl the senses,down and down we go,Nothing good to do,just bored to tears.hey,Why don"t we make a clean breast of it nowFind the meaning of connecting with theae simple words,Reson of disliking without seeing hers,Finding it…finding it…no meaning,no resons.I gnash my teeth with my face smiling shy,I smile with my eyes shut and everything black.I don"t want to bore myself with all of that nonsenseHop"n step"n may I have this danceThis is the world"s end.shall we do the”one,two”Drink in all of this apocalyptismHow about a little taste of daze andTick and tack,the moment"s moving onShoot now,”say cheese!”,our time is running outRound and round and going round and roundIntoxicate.the world"s getting (high).A spactial jusst for you bystanders,Jump in the terminal,let"s start the race.Nothing good to do,just bored to death.hey,Can I take your hand and steal you awaySomething seems to be unusual,wrong.Shall we believe in what is called”our fateStep and stumble,do you want to go onNo,no,how about making a fool of ourselvesFind the meaning of repeating all these foolish moves,Reason to make steps as the music grooves,Finding it…finding it…no meaning,no resons.I just want to dance when I need a little blue,I just want to laugh when Ineed a little tear.I don"t want to hear anymore of that ego!Pop"n sense"n may I have this songBerore the world"s end.shall we sing the”un,deuxMy heart,it"s yours.can you hear the beat?No no,not yet,Iwon"t forgrt how.Oh my,look and see,what a lovely viewThere there,the world"s a monochrome highway.Crawl and creep,not a single plece will moveAnyhow,it"s dead,nothing"s going to change.Hop"n step"n may I have this danceThis is the world"s end.shall we do the”one,ywoDrink in all of this apocalyptismHow about a little taste of daze andTick and tack,the moment"s moving onShoot now,”say cheese!”,our time is running outFarewell,so long,have a nice dayGoodbye,to this world"s end(dancehall).

at the hop 歌词 Danny & The Juniors的老歌

u3000u3000(Artie Singer - Johnny Medora - Dave White)u3000u3000Bah-bah-bah-bah, bah-bah-bah-bahu3000u3000Bah-bah-bah-bah, bah-bah-bah-bah, at the hop!u3000u3000Well, you can rock it you can roll itu3000u3000You can slop and you can stroll it at the hopu3000u3000When the record starts spinnin"u3000u3000You chalypso* when you chicken at the hopu3000u3000Do the dance sensation that is sweepin" the nation at the hopu3000u3000Ah, let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Let"s go to the hop (oh baby)u3000u3000Let"s go to the hop (oh baby)u3000u3000Let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Come on, let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Well, you can swing it you can groove itu3000u3000You can really start to move it at the hopu3000u3000Where the jockey is the smoothestu3000u3000And the music is the coolest at the hopu3000u3000All the cats and chicks can get their kicks at the hopu3000u3000Let"s go!u3000u3000Ah, let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Let"s go to the hop (oh baby)u3000u3000Let"s go to the hop (oh baby)u3000u3000Let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Come on, let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Let"s go!u3000u3000[Instrumental Interlude]u3000u3000Well, you can rock it you can roll itu3000u3000You can slop and you can stroll it at the hopu3000u3000When the record starts spinnin"u3000u3000You chalypso* when you chicken at the hopu3000u3000Do the dance sensation that is sweepin" the nation at the hopu3000u3000Well, you can swing it you can groove itu3000u3000You can really start to move it at the hopu3000u3000Where the jockey is the smoothestu3000u3000And the music is the coolest at the hopu3000u3000All the cats and chicks can get their kicks at the hopu3000u3000Let"s go!u3000u3000Ah, let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Let"s go to the hop (oh baby)u3000u3000Let"s go to the hop (oh baby)u3000u3000Let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Come on, let"s go to the hopu3000u3000Let"s go!u3000u3000Bah-bah-bah-bah, bah-bah-bah-bahu3000u3000Bah-bah-bah-bah, bah-bah-bah-bah, at the hop!

and n years ago today run in the same groove,really is ironic什么意思

英文:and n years ago today run in the same groove,really is ironic中文: N年前的今天如出一辙,真是讽刺可能您的英文不是很完整,导致翻译的不畅通很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

faraday geometry什么意思











Dancehall是牙买加街头的一个舞种,Dancehall在最开始的时候是强调胸和腰的波动,然后慢慢的融合了不同的其他元素。现在dancehall经常会融合一些和hiphop、爵士、非洲舞蹈的元素。同时它也是一种即兴创作的舞蹈。Dancehall dance 分为dancehall queen和dancehall king。也就是女生跳和男生跳,牙买加人认为女生可以跳所有你想跳的,但是他们不可以接受一个男生去跳女生的move。之后Dancehall被传入法国等欧洲国家,这些国家在接受这种舞蹈的时候比较开放,一般不会拘泥于男女的区分。同时Dancehall也被认为是拉丁hiphop,这主要是因为它的旋律和感性的调子,它也是一种年轻一代表达他们关于影响当今拉美社会的问题的情感和思想的方式。Dancehall的音乐曲风是发展于80年代的,刚开始的时候叫做Ragamuffin,音乐的主要结构是Reggae,但是相对来说速度是非常快的,主要强调的是大鼓的重拍,和表演内容是DJ在台上以半唱半念饶舌在舞台上进行展示。

水树奈奈的代代木,演唱会中的Dancing in the velvet moon后的第2首歌叫什么名字?

直接给你全曲顺吧..BLUE SIDE:1. OPENING2. Astrogation3. still in the groove4. MC15. Happy Dive6. TRY AGAIN7. 空时计8. CHERRY BOYS SHOWCASE9. Dancing in the velvet moon10. Faith11. MC212. 砂漠の海13. deep sea14. COSMIC LOVE15. You have a dream16. MC317. 迷宫バタフライ18. MC419. Level Hi!20. STOMP21. Bring it on!22. Pray23. MC524. Orchestral Fantasia25. BAND BATTLE26. suddenly~巡り合えて~27. アオイイロ28. SUPER GENERATION29. MC630. POWER GATE31. 〔encore〕::What cheer?32. 〔encore〕::MC733. 〔encore〕::Nostalgia34. 〔encore〕::MC835. 〔encore〕::New Sensation36. 〔encore〕::ALL LINE UP37. 〔encore〕::end rollRED SIDE:1. OPENING2. Astrogation3. still in the groove4. MC15. Happy Dive6. TRY AGAIN7. 空时计8. CHERRY BOYS SHOWCASE9. Dancing in the velvet moon10. Faith11. MC212. White Lie13. ヒメムラサキ14. COSMIC LOVE15. You have a dream16. MC317. 赤いスイートピー18. MC419. BE READY!20. STOMP21. Bring it on!22. TRANSMIGRATION23. MC524. Orchestral Fantasia25. BAND BATTLE26. Justice to Believe27. MASSIVE WONDERS28. BRAVE PHOENIX29. MC630. ETERNAL BLAZE31. 〔encore〕::What cheer?32. 〔encore〕::MC733. 〔encore〕::Nostalgia34. 〔encore〕::MC8 35. 〔encore〕::ミラクル☆フライト36. 〔encore〕::ALL LINE UP37. 〔encore〕::end roll


Festival, Holiday & Vacation "Holiday"isaverypopulartopic.在学英语的过程中经常会谈这个话题,不同的国家有不同的节日、不同的习惯和不同的文化,谈论各自的Festival、聊聊怎么度过Holiday成了不同文化背景的人打开话匣子的好主题。单独说这三个词的意思,很容易定义:Festival是“节日,比如theSpringFestival(春节)。Holiday为“假日,休息日”,主要指按风俗习惯或法律规定的纪念日及休息日。其复数形式可表示延续一段时间的“假期”,美式英语中则习惯用单数。theChristmasholidays(圣诞节假期),theschoolholiday(学校的假期)。Vacation为“假期”,指放下工作与学习的一段常时间的休息时间,常可用holidays替换。如apaidvacation(带薪假期),thewintervacation/holidays(寒假),thesummervacation/holidays(暑假)。holiday是指“节假日”。较短的节假日一般用单数,较长的节假日单复数均可。在英国英语中表示“假期”时,vacation同holiday,但在美国英语中,vacation多指大学假期,且一般不用复数形式。 Sunday is a holiday. The summer holidays begin. They had a five day"s holiday. They had a five-day holiday. They had a holiday of five days. 搭配一:for holiday 度假 A French student went to London for his holiday. 搭配二:on holiday 正在休假 She is on holiday in France. [注意]表示放多少天假时,只能用 “a holiday of … days”, “…days" holiday”或 “…day holiday”. This summer we have 50 days" holidays. This summer we have a holiday of 50 (days). 搭配三:have/take/spend a holiday 度假 I spent my holiday in the village. 搭配四:summer vacation 暑假 搭配五:sick leave病假 [注意] leave多指军队等的假期,亦指病假。

Mandy . Lilian. Maggie. amanda. molly.用哪个英文名好呢


歌词好像是啥啥ohter day比较欢快英文歌

On The Radio 舞动精灵王族(Groove Coverage)

The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band的《Bad Blood》 歌词

歌曲名:Bad Blood歌手:The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band专辑:The Bestiality Of Bonzo Dog BandSupergrass - Bad BloodI"m losing sleepSo I walkThese dirty streetsI heal bad bloodRun throughThis neighborhoodI don"t get itThis bedAin"t filled with romanceThis life ain"t livingIt"s screaming in my faceAll rightOn my knees, yeahMuch too lateI don"t believe thatMany ???And all night long, yeahThe city"s dreamingI can"t forget youYou"re all I got, my loveOh, in the sideStreet shadowsI gotta hold my head upThere"s a staleStreet stenchGot a strangleholdOh milk and honeyWon"t heal my heartacheGotta take that chanceYeahAnd dance through lifeOn my knees, yeahMuch too lateI don"t believe thatMany ???And all night longThe city"s dreamingI can"t forget youIt"s all I got my loveOooohI"m on my knees, yeahMuch too lateI don"t believe thatMany ???And all night longThe city"s dreamingI can"t forget youYou"re allI got my loveOooohKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/2768064

The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band的《Postcard》 歌词

歌曲名:Postcard歌手:The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band专辑:The Bestiality Of Bonzo Dog BandJordin Sparks - PostcardIt"s pouring outside, and my roof is leakingI just let the raindrops bleed outThe ink from my notebook sheets, andToday"s a Thursday, and then it"s three days lateI marked on the calendar, and circled today"s dateThis is the last straw, this isn"t life hereI"m packing my dreams up, and leaving my nightmaresAnd they save the west til you feel the sunsetAnd there you"ll become a starSo I traded my skinny jeans for dreams and limousinesAnd I"m goneI"ll send you a postcard,Saying I"m alright (alright)On the back, that I"m in love with lifeI"ll send you a postcard,And sign my name in the starsMy radio"s turned up, a full tank in my carAnd I promise we"ll be togetherI"ll never say never,I"ll always remember goodbye"Cause I gotta goI"ll send you a postcardSmashing on the gas, 95 on the highwayGot about a thousand more miles to go,I might make it by FridayThe road"s never ending, I never slow pace, andThe choice is now all mine, for my destinationThey ask why I"m rushing, my dreams are waitingSo fasten your seatbelt, "cause I"m gonna make itAnd they save the west til you feel the sunsetAnd there you"ll become a starSo I traded my skinny jeans for dreams and limousinesAnd I"m goneI"ll send you a postcard,Saying I"m alright (alright)On the back, that I"m in love with lifeI"ll send you a postcard,And sign my name in the starsMy radio"s turned up, a full tank in my carAnd I promise we"ll be togetherI"ll never say never,I"ll always remember goodbye"Cause I gotta goI"ll send you a postcardI"ll send you a postcardTo whom it may concern, whoever this gets toThere"s no looking back, I took off my rearviewGot my hopes on the passenger sideThere"s only room for twoAnd I"ll..I"ll send you a postcard,Saying I"m alright (alright)On the back, that I"m in love with lifeI"ll send you a postcard,And sign my name in the starsMy radio"s turned up, a full tank in my carAnd I promise we"ll be togetherI"ll never say never,I"ll always remember goodbye"Cause I gotta goI"ll send you a postcardhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2768122


Buddy Holly---Everyday Everyday it"s a-gettin" closer Goin" faster than a roller coaster Love like yours will surely come my way A-hey, a-hey-hey Everyday it"s a-gettin" faster Everyone said, go ahead and her A-hey, a-hey-hey Everyday seems a little longer Every way love"s a little stronger Come what may Do you ever long for, true love from me Everyday it"s a-gettin" closer Goin" faster than a roller coaster Love like yours will surely come my way A-hey, a-hey-hey Everyday seems a little longer Every way love"s a little stronger Come what may Do you ever long for, true love from me Everyday it"s a-gettin" closer Goin" faster than a roller coaster Love like yours will surely come my way A-hey, a-hey-hey Love like yours will surely come my way END 本站歌词来自互联网

The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band的《Big Shot》 歌词

歌曲名:Big Shot歌手:The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band专辑:The Bestiality Of Bonzo Dog Bandbig shotbark psychosishexIt"s 3am,don"t know where we"re goingjust driving somewherefastAnd below the west wayWith ?chosen? hearts to clutch you backhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2768090

The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band的《Shirt》 歌词

歌曲名:Shirt歌手:The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band专辑:The Bestiality Of Bonzo Dog BandGucci Mane Ft. OJ Da Juiceman, Wooh Da Kid & Frenchie - Shirt Off(Chorus:)I take mha shirt off n all dha hoes stop breathin (x3)So Icy EntertainmentGot dammit I"m freezinMy shirt off (Burr) (x7)My Shirt off (whoosh) (x7)(Verse 1: Freachie)F-r-e-a-c-h-I-eI"m tatted up come find meA hundred thou so icyWe we poppin bottlesShowin thug loveIf you act up in the clubThen you knoe we throwin hollowsWut it dew partnaGet to close I spark yhaMha wrist inside the club is like a highlighted markerOn beats I"m a monsterSo icy I sponserThis mary jane got on the war like nina parkerI"m bout to kall WakkaTell him bring dha choppa(blat)Fuck Cee in the DrHe"ll be screamin like the operaIt"s hot as hell I gotta take off mha shirtMha car my gurls love to wear skirtsPaint color look like dirtNo shirts in dhat 08" Vert.(Chorus:)I take mha shirt off n all dha hoes stop breathin (x3)So Icy EntertainmentGot dammit I"m freezinMy shirt off (Burr) (x7)My Shirt off (whoosh) (x7)(Verse 2: Whoo Da Kid)Money doin sumphan to mha egoMore money I see I"m getting tatted like amigo (yea)White girl say she kan sniff a brick a dayI tell her eat dha cake eat dha cake Anna MaeGo Go Yhu betta clear the plate (yea)She said I think I"m dead (why)Kause I kant feel mha face (yea)And she think she gettin dolla"s 4rm dha kidAll she get is hard dick in she swallowin mha kidsI knoe dey feelin me kause I"m movin like a "G" moveN mha red in black skirt & her brand new prada matchin mha EvisuNo wife beater so I"m showin off mha sleevelessArt so I"m a kall it goin wif the breezes(Chorus:)I take mha shirt off n all dha hoes stop breathin (x3)So Icy EntertainmentGot dammit I"m freezinMy shirt off (Burr) (x7)My Shirt off (whoosh) (x7)(Verse 3: Gucci Mane)6-1 deepNo shirt no top (go)White chain bright laneVvs white rocks (blow)I"m a work ov art maneI"ll crush yoor ice gameThousand dolla"s lite maneNeed to rob a dice gameTatted like a white maneParty like a rock bandTha so icy bike gameMakin lames tuck chainsGot damn Gucci ManeYhu done did that shit againGoin knee deep in the earth so that yhu kan have a chainMy body wrote on like an essayBut homie no MexicanSo icy entertainmentYou kan write it on me maneIn the center of the stage wif no tank top (no no)For dha block I"m showin every tattoo I got (yea)(Chorus:)I take mha shirt off n all dha hoes stop breathin (x3)So Icy EntertainmentGot dammit I"m freezinMy shirt off (Burr) (x7)My Shirt off (whoosh) (x7)http://music.baidu.com/song/2767996

Buddy Holly Everyday 的歌词是什么

Buddy Holly Everyday Everyday it"s a-gettin" closer(每天 是 一块砖石) Goin" faster than a roller coaster(比一个滚动的雪撬还要快) Love like yours will surely come my way(你的爱正如我想的一样来到) A-hey, a-hey-hey Everyday it"s a-gettin" faster Everyone said, go ahead and her A-hey, a-hey-hey Everyday seems a little longer(每天看起来有点长) Every way love"s a little stronger(每条爱的路都点坚难) Come what may(正如想的那样来到) Do you ever long for, true love from me(你曾经期待吗?我的真爱) Everyday it"s a-gettin" closer Goin" faster than a roller coaster Love like yours will surely come my way A-hey, a-hey-hey (From: http://cn.clyric.com ) Everyday seems a little longer Every way love"s a little stronger Come what may Do you ever long for, true love from me Everyday it"s a-gettin" closer Goin" faster than a roller coaster Love like yours will surely come my way A-hey, a-hey-hey Love like yours will surely come my way

approach navigation data什么意思



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dark seeks light谁唱的

你问的是 转生成为贵族 的op曲吗?是二宫结衣唱的,很好听。
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