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#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <malloc.h>void main(){//char* cs1 = "Hello ";char* cs1 = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*6);*cs1 = "H";*(cs1+1) = "e";*(cs1+2) = "l";*(cs1+3) = "l";*(cs1+4) = "o"; *(cs1+5) = "";char cs2[6] = {"w","o","r","l","d",""};strcat(cs1,cs2);printf("%s ",cs1);system("pause");}strcat处理的字符串,都必须有结束标记的 后面必须带一个""还有就是*(cs1+1) 你没赋值




char kk[8] = "11";char* kkl = "22";这样就行了


先明白strcat函数的定义:定义strcat 即 Strings Catenate,横向连接字符串。语法 combinedStr= strcat(s1, s2, ..., sN)描述 将数组 s1,s2,...,sN 水平地连接成单个字符串,并保存于变量combinedStr中。如果任一参数是元胞数组,那么结果 combinedStr 是一个元胞数组,否则,combinedStr是一个字符数组。其实它的作用很简单就是将多个字符连接成单个字符串,关键在于这个语句中括号里面的内容,"D: hesisdatagamitcoordinate" 加了单引号的,就说明单引号里面的内容为:字符串 ,下面的"" 与".org" 相同都只是字符串而已,原样输出即可。 置于接下来的 yr 和 model 肯定是先前人为定义的变量,里面肯定储存了某些字符串信息的。那么这个语句最终实现的结果是:将“ D: hesisdatagamitcoordinateyr的值model的值.org” 存于变量filename 中看程序部能光看一句,这样这个语句事实上完成了 一个文件的创建,便于接下去程序中实现 调用路径中的文件数据 或 修改。ps:如果你学过C语言这个对你来说应该不难


#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>char* mycat(char* s1,const char* s2){ char *tyr = s1; s1[strlen(s1)]=s2[strle(2)]; return tyr;}


原型extern char *strcat(char *dest,char *src);用法#include <string.h>在C++中,则存在于<cstring>头文件中。功能把src所指字符串添加到dest结尾处(覆盖dest结尾处的"")并添加""。说明src和dest所指内存区域不可以重叠且dest必须有足够的空间来容纳src的字符串。返回指向dest的指针。



c++ strcat函数怎么用

原型  extern char *strcat(char *dest,char *src); 用法  #include <string.h> 功能  把src所指字符串添加到dest结尾处(覆盖dest结尾处的"")并添加""。 说明  src和dest所指内存区域不可以重叠且dest必须有足够的空间来容纳src的字符串。     返回指向dest的指针。 举例   char str4[] = "Hello world";   char str5[] = "Hello World";   cout << strcat(str4,str5) << endl;会出错,因为str4没有足够的空间下面是我自己的一个实现,不足之处,还望指正!!!复制代码代码如下:#include "stdafx.h"#include <iostream>#include <assert.h>using namespace std;//连接字符串char* mystrcat(char* destStr,const char* srcStr) //如果两个字符串是同一个字符串呢?{ assert(destStr != NULL && srcStr != NULL); char* temp=destStr; while(*destStr != "") { ++destStr; } while(*destStr++ = *srcStr++) NULL; return temp; //为了实现链式操作,将目的地址返回}int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){ char str1[25] = "Hello world"; char str2[] = "Hello World"; cout << mystrcat(str1,str2) << endl; return 0;}




连接字符串的函数。。。楼主写的命令意思是把变量名为name的字符串与数字"i"连接。。。例如若名字name="楼主";当i=3时,函数就输出 楼主3具体可以参考matlab的help文件a = "hello "b = "goodbye"strcat(a, b)ans =hellogoodbye另外提醒一下,num2str意思是把数字转为字符串

matlab 中 strcat函数的用法

D盘下目录"D: hesisdatagamitcoordinate,yr变量所表示的值,model,yr各表示的变量,文件扩展名.org最后生成文件名为各部分的组合,如D: hesisdatagamitcoordinatexy,








strcat函数作用是把src所指向的字符串(包括“”)复制到dest所指向的字符串后面(删除*dest原来末尾的“”)。保证*dest足够长,以容纳被复制进来的*src。*src中原有的字符不变。strcat是把两个字符串合并到一起,比如str1[30] = "Hello";str2[] = " China";strcat(str1, str2);则str1的内容就变成"Hello China"。扩展资料:在C中,函数原型存在 <string.h>头文件中。在C++中,则存在于<cstring>头文件中。把src所指向的字符串(包括“”)复制到dest所指向的字符串后面(删除*dest原来末尾的“”)。要保证*dest足够长,以容纳被复制进来的*src。*src中原有的字符不变。返回指向dest的指针。src和dest所指内存区域不可以重叠且dest必须有足够的空间来容纳src的字符串。参考资料来源:百度百科-strcat



the revolution that turned education sentimental 文章的翻译


什么是sentimental education

sentimental education情感教育是 一本书,一部电影下面是作者的简介 居斯塔夫·福楼拜(1821-1880),19世纪法国现实主义文学大师。生于法国西北部卢昂城的一个医生世家。童年在父亲的医院里度过,因此他以后的文学创作明显带有医生的细致观察与剖析的痕迹。1841年进入巴黎大学法学院学习。1843年他在法科考试中失败,次年又突发神经官能症,从此中断学业,常年住在父母的克鲁瓦塞庄园,期间他开始尝试创作长篇小说。1846年福楼拜的父亲和妹妹卡罗莲去世,福楼拜将妹妹的女儿接到自己身边,尽心照顾母亲和外甥女,终身未娶。1880年5月8日,他因患脑溢血去世。 福楼拜是继巴尔扎克、斯汤达之后19世纪法固批判现实主义文学的第三位杰出代表。他在艺术上另辟蹊径,形成了自己独特的艺术风格,创造了所谓"纯客观"的艺术,丰富和发展了19世纪的现实主义。主要作品有长篇小说《包法利夫人》、《情感教育》,短篇小说《淳朴的心》,剧本《女性》等。

求Autodesk Fabrication CAMduct2014 教程 最好有自定义三维模型的教程

楼主 学会没 我以为想学

fabrication parts是什么意思


machining 和 fabrication 在制造业在意思上有何不同呢?

机加工: machining, (对原材料、半成品等做各种工作, 使符合规定要求): fabrication

生长中的海淀光合公园 / InstinctFabrication本色营造

周星 鲁冰 周星 鲁冰 北京在过去20年里发展迅速,而公共公园的发展相对缓慢,现有大部分的公园缺乏高质量的空间和持续吸引人们离开家里享受自然的功能。海淀光合公园突破传统旨在激励人们享受户外活动,将先进科学技术整合到一个常规的休闲公园框架中。公园于2018年11月建成其第一期,2021年随着第二期的建成,有序地向公众开放和展示一个干预和生长同步,随着时间变化的公共空间。该项目位于北京的西北角海淀北部新区,这里有华为、联想、百度等一批世界知名的高 科技 企业。公园的实施不仅为这个快速发展的地区增加了优质的公共空间,还引入了超越公园一般特征的创新和互动体验。 Beijing has grown rapidly in the past 20 years and as open space diminished, parks often were not planned for. Existing parks lack quality space and modern programs that attract people from their homes to enjoy nature. Beijing Longfor G-Park is a landscape intervention designed to motivate people to enjoy the outdoors, integrating advanced technologies in a recreational park framework. The site is located at the northwest corner of Beijing, where a number of Hi-tech, world-renowned enterprises have located including HUAWEI, LENOVO, BAIDU, and others. The implementation of the park not only added a quality public space for this rapidly growing region, it also introduced an innovative and interactive experience beyond the general characteristics of a park. 公园入口 鲁冰 楼颖 设计总平面图 Instinct Fabrication 鲁冰 渗透自然的公园 A NATURAL PARK 被保留的原生杨树林 楼颖 雨水花园 鲁冰 鲁冰 公园靠近北京的西山,这是一个人口密度相对较低的区域,充满了自然属性,包括丰富的树木森林,蜿蜒的小溪和广阔的农田。同时,北京海淀北部新区的科创特点启发了我们对关于非传统公园定义的研究,并融合了园区周围高 科技 公司的先进技术。设计和材料调色板保持简单,具有现代铺装、反光水景和先进的灌溉系统,这些材料除了与技术互补外,还与这种自然环境融为一体。公园的硬质景观和植被设计成相互对比,分别用白色和绿色体现。统一一致的外观将座椅、活动草坪、数字水幕、枫树矩阵、互动水景、户外会议室和移动运动盒子组成的多样化功能体验统一在一起。 The characteristics of the Beijing Haidian Hi-Tech district inspired us to research beyond non-traditional park components and blend the advanced technologies of the high-tech companies surrounding the site. The design and material palette were kept simple in order to replicate the sleekness of today"s technology, featuring modern paving, reflective water features, and an advanced irrigation system. The park is surrounded by a mountainous background in northwest zone of Beijing, an area less developed and full of natural attributes including established tree forests, a meandering creek, and expansive agrarian fields. The materials, in addition to complementing technology, also blends with this natural environment. The park"s landscape and vegetation were design to contrast with each other, represented in white and green respectively. The continuous and consistent appearance unites the perse program experience consisting of seating, event lawn, digital water curtain, maple tree matrix, interactive water feature, outdoor meeting room, and mobile recreation box. 楼颖 蜿蜒的白墙创造了一系列的空间,提供了全景视角来观察公园的周围环境,特别是背景中的山脉 - 西山,北京的标志性自然资源。 The meandering white walls create a series of spaces and offer 360 view angles to the park"s surroundings, particularly of the mountains in the background, West Mountain, a signature nature resource in Beijing. 周星 鲁冰 可自我持续的公园 A SELF-SUSTAINED PARK 鲁冰 水资源再利用系统 Instinct Fabrication 自给自足的系统是这个公园的核心,在这个系统中,景观可以为其运营和维护提供充足的电力和水。这一概念是通过太阳能薄膜技术实现的,该技术收集能量和水存储模块设备,重复利用雨水,创造一个自我可持续的低碳生态循环。蓄水模块将公园表面的雨水收集到地下蓄水装置,容量大到足以再用于灌溉和其他用水。水模块与太阳能薄膜产生的能量集成在一起,由中央控制台激活,并自动打开灌溉系统。 A self-sustaining system is the central program of the park, in which the landscape can self-supply power and water for its operation and maintenance. The concept is realized through solar thin-film technology that harvests energy and water storage module devices that reuse stormwater, creating a self-sustainable low-carbon ecological cycle. The water storage module collects the rainwater from the surface of the park to the underground water storage device, with a capacity large enough to be reused for irrigation and other water use. The water module, integrated with the solar film energy produced, is activated by the central console and turns on the irrigation system automatically. 楼颖 周星 太阳能发电利用系统 Instinct Fabrication 由于太阳能薄膜的特殊纹理,放置和整合到一个合适的景观界面是一个挑战。为了获得足够的阳光,避免人们直接接触以正常运作,它被整合到公园的系统中,并放置在展馆、灯具、人行道和垃圾桶的顶部。太阳能薄膜是一种无污染、低能耗、柔性的清洁能源技术,重量轻,适用于多种产品。随着全球对环保、低碳排放、 健康 安全和实用性的日益重视,将这一技术应用到景观环境中对人们的生活环境和生活体验具有积极的作用。 Due to the special texture of the solar film, it is a challenge to place and integrate into a suitable landscape interface. In order to receive enough sunlight and avoid direct human contact to properly function, it was integrated in the park"s system and placed on top of the pavilion, lamps, pavements, and trash cans. Solar thin film is a clean energy technology that is non-polluting, lowers energy consumption, flexible, and its lightweight makes it applicable to a variety of products. With increasing global emphasis on environmental protection, low carbon emissions, health and safety, and practicality, applying this technology to the landscape environment plays a positive role in people"s living environment and life experience. 中央控制台显示屏 周星 太阳能设备 高尔夫印记 鲁冰 可调温座椅 鲁冰 充满活力体验的公园 A FUN PARK 周星 水景将人们与景观联系起来,激发人们与水的互动。多层次的面板模块捕获动力并将其转换为电力,存储在中央集线器中,按下后转移到喷水口,从而引发水流的喷射。 The water feature connects people to the landscape and inspires people to activate water motion. The staggered panel module captures and converts power to electricity, stored in the central hub and transferred to water jets when pressed. 数控水帘 周星 鲁冰 室外会议盒子 周星 互动骑行装置 鲁冰 互动骑行装置 鲁冰 互动音乐装置 鲁冰 公园还可容纳各种用途,从运动、慢跑、活动、会议到教育和互动项目,丰富了该地区居民和邻近高 科技 公司工作者的休闲生活体验。 The park also accommodates perse uses from sports, jogging, events, meetings to educational and interactive programs. It becomes the new destination in the region for residents and the workers from adjacent High-Tech companies. 鲁冰 后记 AFTERWORDS 从2018年底项目落成,这个公园不但经历了季节更替,同时也见证了疫情时代。在过程中,设计单位和业主多次回访,几经修正和提升完善,不断更新着我们对可持续理念与前沿技术应用的理解。我们也多次以使用者的身份重新参与这个空间的使用,既欣喜于公园对周边人群的贡献,也体会到了疫情共存的时代下,人们对 健康 和智慧的公共空间的向往。 The Haidian G-Park is one of prototypes for future park development, integrating technology with nature. Since its opening in 2018 , thousands of people and several IT companies visiting the park have marveled over the park"s unique features. It has become the district"s premier destination This park challenges traditional notions of how landscapes engage people, inspiring society and promoting the economic development of the district. The design of this park is an innovative model influencing future designs that incorporate interactive experiences in an outdoor environment. 鲁冰 项目名称:海淀光合公园 项目地点:北京市海淀北部新区 景观面积:11,500 业 主 方:北京市海淀区园林局 北京龙湖 景观设计:Instinct Fabrication 本色营造 智能化设计及设备:甲板 科技 太阳能设备:汉能 景观施工单位:重庆森城(一期)北京世纪立成(二期) 景观摄影: 鲁冰 周星 楼颖 高尔夫印记



Oceanography has been defined as “The application of all sciences to the study of the sea”.



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我们学校将举办主题为with our communication的活动英语翻译

How to Communicate with Parents Our parents are responsible for us .So then we should focus on ways to make our relationship better. The best way to do that, in my opinion, is to learn to really communicate with our parents. Here are my ideas to make it easier to communicate with parents. First, you must always keep in mind that they are your parents and that you have to respect them. If you made a mistake, recognize it, admit it, and apologize. If they did something wrong to you point it out to them without getting loud or disrespect them in any way and explain to them the things which they did wrong and how it made you feel. Remember that what they want is only the best for you.Second, listen to what they have to say because parents are wiser at things and are always trying to protect us even though it might hurt you. Put yourself in their shoes and when talking to them don"t say anything which might be held against you. Don"t let your anger put down your character.Third,tell your parents how much you love them.Besides,Take part in family activities. Doing things together makes relationships stronger. In one word, communication is the key to a better relationship.

environmentalist; projector;application 这英语在美式英语中怎么读? 求谐音的读法...

这三个词都是多音节。individualism 含 in-di-vi-dual-ism 五个音节,重音在倒数第三个音节 vi 上,dual 的 d 颚化为 [ddj,最后的 -ism 是名词后缀,可参照音标谐音为“音代微几欧呃雷子目”。candidate 含 can-di-date 三个音节,第一个音节重读,可谐音为“克安迪带特” 。materialist 含 ma-te-rial-ist 四个音节,倒数第三个音节重读,-ist 是形容词后缀,可谐音为“莫替呃瑞呃雷斯特”。


TSE和BSE证明:TSE和BSE是同一样东西,只是以前叫TSE,现在叫BSE的多了些,指的是传染性海绵状脑病,即疯牛病. 旨在证明你所生产的产品没有使用动物或人血液来源的原材料,或者使用了你可以论证它在成品中的不存在.出口时到商检局申请办理

除了cat 和timberland还有什么牌子的靴子?


If you think education is expensive,try ignorance的翻译。

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance的翻译是如果你认为教育是昂贵的,那就试试无知吧,可以使用教育的价值去反驳他。回答可以是Education is very valuable. Although education takes a long time and costs a lot, it is much better than being an ignorant person.教育是很有价值的,虽然教育需要经过很长的一段时间,还要付出很多的成本,但是这总比做一个无知的人要好得多。教育是一种思维的传授,而人因为其自身的意识形态,又有着另样的思维走势,所以,教育当以最客观、最公正的意识思维教化于人,如此,人的思维才不至于过于偏差,并因思维的丰富而逐渐成熟、理性,并由此走向最理性的自我和拥有最正确的思维认知,这就是教育的根本所在。教育也是一种教书育人的过程,可将一种最客观的理解教予他人,而后在自己的生活经验中得以自己所认为的价值观。教育,是一种提高人的综合素质的实践活动。

如何反驳这句话If you think education is expensive, try ignorance!


svn relocate 命令

用cornerStone的时候提交是报错 403 先考虑是不是权限到期,确认权限没有问题之后考虑是svn的问题,在网上查了下,需要relocate。 首先到svn项目根目录下 svn info 查看当前目录的svn地址 url,确认没有问题。 之后命令 svn switch --relocate url url 搞定。

用try catch语句判断字符串是否为数字 java

String str = "123";try{ boolean isNumber = Number.class.isAssignableFrom(str.getClass());}catch(Exception e){}



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supplier qualification是什么意思

supplier qualification供应商资格双语对照例句:1.Support the supplier qualification and material substitution process with product and application knowledge. 运用产品应用知识支持供应商资质认证和材料替代程序。



Jscript的问题 this.location.href=

可以用这个思路:<a href="你要跳转的页面" target="help" onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup("out");" onClick="MM_nbGroup("down","navbar1","index_r3_c14","images/index_r3_c14_f3.gif",1);"", "help", "resizable=1, scrollbars=1, status=0, location=0, directories=0, menubar=0, toolbar=0,top=60,left=60");"><img name="index_r3_c14" src="images/index_r3_c14.gif" border="0" alt=""></a>把上面的target 设置成你的最大的框架的ID 我这里是help你的应该是你自己定义的ID号就可以实现你要的效果了


communicate在中学中一般考查这两种用法:1. 做不及物动词时,意思是“通讯,沟通,交流”。其常用搭配为:communicate with somebody,意思是“和某人沟通/交流/通话”。当然如果句意不含“和某人”之意时,当然也可以不加with。如:She often communicates with her mother by phone. 她经常用电话和妈妈交流/沟通/通话。再如:She likes communicating by phone. 她喜欢用电话交流。2. 做及物动词时,意思是“传达,传递”。其常用搭配是:communicate sth to somebody,即“把...传达/传递给某人”。此时其后一般就不加with...了。如:People now communicate greetings to each other by email or mobile phone.现在人们通常使用电子邮件或手机传递问候。如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

communicate with 和communicate to 的区别?

communicate with 指沟通交流,强调互动性communicate to 后一般跟sb. 传递(讯息等)给某人 强调一方对另一方,主动性

论文里面 communicated by 什么意思

沟通 剩下的凑字数字数字数字数.......

communicate with一般过去时造句(两个)谢谢

翻译如下communicate with一般过去时造句(两个)I communicated with him yesterday. 我昨天同他通信。I communicated with you in skilled English. 我用娴熟的英语与你沟通。


communicate 英[ku0259"mju:nu026akeu026at] 美[ku0259u02c8mjunu026au02ccket] vt. 传达,表达;显示:清晰地揭示;表明;传染:扩散 vi. 通讯;交际;相连;相通 第三人称单数:communicates;过去分词:communicated;现在分词:commu... [例句]I like to communicate with my family.我喜欢和我的家人沟通。




communicate造句如下:1、This room communicates with another room .这间屋子和另外一间屋子相通。2、He also communicated to the argentines .他也向阿根廷方面通报了。3、Rat-fleas communicate a disease to man .鼠蚤会把疾病传染给人。4、I was on the point of communicating with him by paper .我正要写信跟他联系。5、Any such observations must be communicated promptly .任何上述结论必须迅速上报。6、He communicated the letter to the king"s ministers .他把这封信的情况报告了政府。7、His cheerfulness communicated itself irresistibly .他的兴致不可抗拒地感染了别人。8、Your people and mine could hardly communicate .你们的人和我们的人是没法打交道的。9、He communicated it to my lady .他把这事跟我夫人谈了。10、Then you would advise me not to communicate with him ?那么您是劝我不要同他通信了?11、I asked your sister to communicate my wishes to you .我请你的妹妹向你转达我的祝愿。


communicate是动词,没有可数不可数之分。 communicate: v.(与某人)交流(信息或消息、意见等);沟通;传达,传递(想法、感情、思想等); 第三人称单数: communicates现在分词: communicating过去式: communicated过去分词: communicated 扩展资料   Her nervousness was communicating itself to the children.   她紧张不安的`情绪传递给了孩子们。   They communicated entirely by gesture.   他们完全用手势交流。   Family therapy showed us how to communicate with each other.   家庭疗法指导我们彼此之间的沟通交流。   He was never good at communicating with the players   他不善于和队员们进行沟通。


communicate是规则动词,按规则去变化就是了。三单 communicates现在分词 communicating过去式 communicated过去分词 communicated


"communicate" 的过去式是 "communicated"。以下是一些关于 "communicate" 的过去时态的例句:1. We communicated our concerns to the manager at the meeting yesterday.昨天在会议上,我们向经理传达了我们的关切。2. Sarah communicated her ideas effectively during the presentation last week.上周在演讲中,Sarah有效地传达了她的想法。3. The team members communicated with each other through email and phone calls.团队成员通过电子邮件和电话沟通。4. He communicated his decision to resign to his supervisor yesterday.昨天他向他的主管传达了他辞职的决定。5. The company"s vision and values were communicated to all employees through a company-wide email.公司的愿景和价值观通过全员邮件向所有员工传达。


vi. 通讯,传达;相通;交流;感染vt. 传达;感染;显露


沟通的意思,反义词的话我觉得应该是自闭( Autism )希望能帮到你。



英语 commnnicate翻译用法

they have Littlechance to communicate with each other。communicate with sb




第一个:谈论,比较正式的有意义的话题第二个:交流,可以是学术感情范围比第一个更大第三个:聊天,这个就偏向于比较私人了,就像网上的聊天室,就叫chat room

论文里面 communicated by 什么意思

communicated by沟通拼音双语对照双语例句1Also receive any other useful information, particularly that communicated by the judicial authorities.还收取任何其他有用资料,特别是司法当局提供的资料。


communicate是个动词 其名词形式是communication 有复数形式communications

What is communicate?

What is communicate?什么是沟通?双语例句1What is the applicants capacity to communicate in English? 申请人用英语交际的能力如何?


communicate应该读作[kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt]。一、什么是communicate?Communicate是一个英文单词,意思是“交流”,“沟通”,“传达信息”。二、communicate的用法1、当动词使用时,经常和介词with或者to连用。例如:He communicated with the team about the new project.She communicates her ideas to her colleagues through email。2、当名词使用时,通常形容技能、能力或者行为。例如:Good communication is essential for a successful relationship.The manager"s communication skills helped him lead the team effectively。三、如何提高communication的能力?1、听取别人的意见:当与他人交流时,要倾听他们的意见,理解其观点,并在自己的想法之外考虑其他可能性。2、注意身体语言:通过身体语言传达细微的感觉和情感,包括面部表情、手势、姿势等。3、沟通前先做好准备:在开始与他人沟通之前,准备清晰的信息和目的以及可能的回应。4、练习说话:练习演讲和公开演讲,以提高口头沟通技巧。保持简单:将信息简洁地传达出去,避免使别人混淆。拓展知识——英语中的其他常用类似单词communicate-交流;collaborate-合作;negotiat-谈判;correspond-通信;articulate-表达清晰;convey-传达;connect-联系;interact-互动;express-表达;dialogue-对话。


communicate with sb


communicate英 /ku0259u02c8mjuu02d0nu026akeu026at/ 美 /ku0259u02c8mjuu02d0nu026akeu026at/


communicate 英[ku0259u02c8mju:nu026akeu026at] 美[ku0259u02c8mjunu026au02ccket] vt. 传达,表达; 显示:清晰地揭示; 表明; 传染:扩散; vi. 通讯; 交际; 相连; 相通; [例句]My natural mother has never communicated with me我的亲生母亲从未和我联系过。[其他] 第三人称单数:communicates 现在分词:communicating过去式:communicated 过去分词:communicated


communicate[英][ku0259u02c8mju:nu026akeu026at][美][ku0259u02c8mjunu026au02ccket]vt.传达,表达; 显示:清晰地揭示; 表明; 传染:扩散; vi.通讯; 交际; 相连; 相通; 第三人称单数:communicates过去分词:communicated现在进行时:communicating过去式:communicated例句:Of course, rethinking the way people communicate is standard for the social network. 当然,重塑人们的交流方式正是社交网络的本分。



localization 和 location 的区别 定位

localization 定位(过程)location 位置

什么是visa application



2020-09-02 在Rodeo的入场大厅里,看到有一柜台在售卖一种似曾相识的东西。 那应该是在新版的走遍美国中见到的。当时好像是小伙子给初识的女孩买的。不过在那个节目中,女孩最后意向却是小伙子那离婚过的、更加成熟的、还带着一个孩子的哥哥。看得真是叫人心碎! 话说回来,当时看剧时没注意它是个什么东西。这个场合下,终于得到了答案。它的名字是Dreamcatcher. 这个饰物如果用作保护婴儿的话,似乎那网是起主要作用的一部分。 现在成为了美国土著文化的一项标识物。这个饰物被有心的导演用在新版走遍美国中,可见其用心。 在网上更有改造后的版本,比如下图是用纯银打造。 In some Native American and First Nations cultures, a dreamcatcher or dream catcher is a handmade willow hoop, on which is woven a net or web. The dreamcatcher may also include sacred items such as certain feathers or beads. Traditionally they are often hung over a cradle as protection. Wikipedia 以下的材料回答了几个重要的问题: Traditional, authentic dream catchers were made from wooden hoops, with thread webbing, handmade beads, leather, and feathers. Organic, natural materials are essential. They would be a few inches wide at most, and certainly wouldn"t be the bright, colorful and over-the-top dream catchers you find in cheap holiday gift shops. The huge, plastic dream catchers with vividly bright faux feathers are a commercialized version of the original Native American dream catcher – more on why you shouldn"t buy these below. How the traditional dreamcatcher works varies slightly from one legend to another, but the meaning is always similar: to catch harmful thoughts or bad dreams and keep you safe with good dreams and positive thoughts while you sleep. Dream catchers were originally made for very small children and babies, so they could be hung just above their cribs. The legend focuses on Asibikaashi, the spider woman. She was the spiritual protector of the Ojibwe people, protecting the children from harm. As their people spread further across the land, Asibikaashi found it harder to protect everyone from far away. So, the dream catcher was created. The web within the willow hoop, like a spider"s web, would catch any bad thoughts or spirits lingering around – not specifically for bad dreams. From here, the legend branches out with different meanings and stories depending on who"s telling the history of dream catchers. Dreamcatchers are closely tied to heart-warming and noble legends of Native Americans – so is it right for people around the world to buy dreamcatchers on a whim or simply because they"re “pretty”? The dreamcatcher should be a symbol of unity among Native American communities, not an over-commercialized and misused plastic decoration, made in China, and eventually forgotten in a landfill site. This is where cultural appropriation comes in. It is controversial, and frankly offensive in our opinion, to adopt a piece of tradition from one culture without even trying to understand and respect the origins and meaning behind it. Cultural appreciation , on the other hand, should be commended. Owning a dreamcatcher, understanding and respecting the meaning behind it, and supporting the Native American people is to be commended. That"s why we recommend you buy dreamcatchers from traditional Native American craftspeople – you"ll find them for sale in Indian territory across the US and Canada, just look for tribal giftshops or attend Native Indian events to learn more about the culture as well. For online resources to buy authentic dreamcatchers from, check out this list from Native Languages . The dreamcatcher itself is also a symbol – the perfectly round hoop is a symbol of the circle of life, the sun, and the moon. The soft, downy feathers (often owl feathers) are the ladders that good dreams float down into your mind. Furthermore, the number of points where the webbed thread touches the inside of the hoop is symbolic. 13 points represent the phases of the moon, 8 for the spider woman"s legs, 7 for the prophesies, 6 for the eagle, and 5 for a star. Sacred beads and tokens can also be added amongst the feathers. Finally, the gems or stones in the dreamcatcher can represent good dreams or, if there"s a single stone, represent the creator of the world.

teach 和educate区别




catapult zombies怎么打

弱点:叶子保护伞,被地刺一击必杀,具体介绍如下:投石车僵尸(CATAPULT ZOMBIE)。速度:约2.5s走完一格。强壮度:780+70。特点:向植物投掷篮球。弱点:叶子保护伞,被地刺一击必杀。注:如果被篮球攻击的植物受南瓜头保护,篮球会优先攻击南瓜头内的植物。相关设定:开着投石车的僵尸,生命力中等,移动速度慢,特技是碾压植物(开进来碾3格,在投篮球20个或一行没有植物之后继续)和投篮球攻击直线最后一颗植物,投篮速度1.4秒/个,威力20,开上地刺直接爆,投篮可被保护伞挡,篮球投完之后开进碾压植物,直到爆炸为止。

英语concatenate string怎么翻译?

concatenate string可以翻译为:连接字符串






  1、cat英音[kt],美音[kt]。   2、cat基本解释:n.猫;猫科动物;狠毒的女人;爵士乐爱好者;vt.把(锚)吊放在锚架上;〈俚〉寻欢,宿娼。   3、变化形式:复数cats,第三人称单数cats,过去式catted,过去分词catted,现在分词catting。





cat can读音是否相同




coke 和cat读音一样的吗?


cut cat的读音一样吗?都怎么读

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