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表示“变得”go/get/become/grow/turn作系动词用法区别go + adj. ---go是系动词,go作为系动词时,常构成go +adj."转变成",这个结构常表示情况变坏。go bad(指食品)变质go mad疯了go blind失明 go hungry挨饿 go cold发冷;变冷go wild 发狂 go bad(食物)变质 go red脸发红These eggs have gone bad. 这些鸡蛋变质了。The machines go wrong.机器出了毛病。He went almost mad/crazy when he heard the news. 他听到这个消息几乎发疯了。His illness is going worse.他的病情正恶化。Not having enough money, he had to go hungry. 没足够的钱,他得挨饿。【注意】go, get, become, grow, turn的区别这些词均可用作连系动词,都有“变,变得”之意,但用法有一定不同。(1)go通常表示由好变坏或由正常情况变成特殊情况。go bad/blind/mad/wrong变坏/变瞎/疯了/出毛病。(2)become和get表示的变化可以是由好到坏,也可以是由坏到好,强调变化过程的完成。become better/worse更好/更糟;get richer and richer变得越来越富(3)grow有“逐渐变化”的含义,强调变化的过程。grow tall长高;grow louder(声音)大起来(4)turn表示变为完全不同的事物,强调变化的结果。turn yellow变黄;turn gray变灰白His dreams came true at last.他的梦想最后实现了。The famous river finally ran dry.这条著名河流最后干涸了。

where boys become crocodile men文章

When does a teenager become an adult? In any countries, it happens on your 18th birthday, but in some parts of the world, you have to do something special to enter the world of adults.On the island of Papua New Guinea, the Niowra tribe lives near the Sepik River, which is full of crocodiles. The people believe that crocodiles made the Earth and its people. When it is time for teenage boys to become men, a "crocodile ceremony" take place.The boys are taken to a hut called "The Crocodile Nest". The hut is full of. Crocodile teeth and skulls. The boys are told to think of their crocodile "fathers and mothers" to help them to be strong and brave. Then they are beaten several times a day for six weeks and bamboo is used to make cuts on their chests and their backs. The boys play the drums together during their time in the hut-this helps them to feel that they not alone. The Niowra believe that this ceremony makes the boys stronger and braver, so that they can survive in the dangerous forest. They also say that the boys don"t feel the pain if they believe in their crocodile"fathers andmothers".And the amazing thing is that some of the boys sleep through the most painful parts of the ceremony!When the ceremony is over,there is singing and dancing and the crocodile men are given adult responsibilities in the village.

become an expert at 与become expert at 与

前面的有个an expert是指一个人,所以要加an后面的expert的主语是children是复数,所以不需要加an前面的expert是名词专家,后面跟的at在某个领域,指在某个领域是专家第二个expert是和expert at连用在一起的,意思为擅长或精通

wanna become horny..外国人和我这么说 是什么意思


become emperor是什么意思?

成为君主become emperor

翻译这句话哦:analysts say that the U.S. giant is likely to become little more than a niche player

随着google风声鹤唳,因其在香港不需删减自己的搜索结果而转向集中于其在香港的发展,分析家认为这家美国大公司在中国市场内将可能仅仅只是一个市场利基者。nicle 利基利基市场(国内翻译五花八门:缝隙市场、壁龛市场、缝隙市场、针尖市场,目前较为流行音译加意译:利基市场,哈佛大学商学院案例分析的中文版中也是采用这种译法),指向那些被市场中的统治者/有绝对优势的企业忽略的某些细分市场,指企业选定一个很小的产品或服务领域,集中力量进入并成为领先者,从当地市场到全国再到全球,同时建立各种壁垒,逐渐形成持久的竞争优势。利基战略,主要内容有选择一个合适的利基业务,确立中国乃至全球市场冠军的目标,采取切实有效的战略行动等。 市场利基者(Marker Nicher)也被称为市场补缺者,是指选择某一特定较小之区隔市场为目标,提供专业化的服务,并以此为经营战略的企业。 行业中的小企业专心致力于市场中被大企业忽略的某些细分市场,通过专业化经营来获得最大限度的收益,这种有利的市场位置被称为“利基”,而占据这种位置的企业就是市场利基者。 虽然在整体市场上仅占很少的份额,但比其他公司更充分地了解和满足某一细分市场的需求,能够通过提供高附加值而得到高利润和快速增长。 censor vt. 1. 删剪(书籍、电影等中被认为犯忌、违反道德或政治上危险的内容)

become a tour guide怎么读

英文原文:become a tour guide英式音标:[bɪˈkʌm] [ə; eɪ] [tʊə] [gaɪd] 美式音标:[bɪˈkʌm] [e] [tʊr] [ɡaɪd]



become a tour guide怎么读

【become a tour guide】【bɪˈkʌm ə "tʊə(r) "gaid】===========================================柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力

How to Become Pope 如何成为教皇 中英字幕

给你英文的‘script":Script:Let"s say you want to become pope, head of the Catholic Church and shepherd to over 1 billion faithful.What requirements must you have for this lofty position:1) Be a catholic and2) Be a man.Which seems a little thin… and, while it"s technically possible for a regular Sunday Catholic to become pope, the last time this happened was essentially never because becoming pope isn"t like becoming president, you can"t just run for office. Selecting the pope is an inside job and the men who do it are the cardinals, and while in theory they can select any catholic man to become pope, in practice they prefer to elevate one of their own.The last time a non-cardinal become pope was more than 600 years ago. So, while it isn"t an official requirement, it"s an unofficial, official requirement.Thus in order to be pope you"ll first need to be a cardinal and to do that you"ll need to start climbing the catholic corporate ladder.*Step 1: Become A Priest.Unlike some churches where you can fill out a form online and -- poof -- ordained. The Catholic Church treats becoming a priest as a real, you-need-training profession. So you"re going to require a lot of education: usually a college degree in Catholic Philosophy and then a masters in divinity.In addition to your educational qualifications, you must also be:A manUnmarried,Willing to remain celibate forever.�6�9If you meet these requirements, and have been working with the church, then you can be officially ordained as a priest. Which basically means you get to run a Catholic Church, or work with another priest who does.But, you want onward and to do that you need to take the job of the man who just made you a priest.Step 2: Become A BishopBishops are a much more select group: while there are about 400,000 catholic priests world wide, there are only about 5,000 bishops.While priests get churches, bishops get cathedrals, from which they oversee a number of local churches.To advance your career you must wait for a bishop in your area to be forced into retirement at age 75 or die sooner than that -- freeing up space for you.But you can"t just apply, because there"s already a secret list of potential bishops that"s updated every three years based on who the current bishops in your area think would make a good replacement for one of their own.To be on that list, in addition to the obvious requirement of being a pious person, you should also:Be least 35 years oldHave been priest for at least five yearsHave a doctorate in theology (or equivalent)Assuming you"re all these things, your name may, or may not be on the secret list. The local bishops then give that list to the pope"s ambassador for your country, known as the Apostolic Nuncio.The Nuncio picks three priests from the list, does in-depth research on them, conducts interviews and selects the one he thinks is best.But it"s not over, because the Nuncio sends his report to Vatican City and the congress of bishops who work there reviewing potential appointments from around the world.If the congress of bishops doesn"t like any of the three candidates, they can tell the Nuncio to start over: returning to the list, picking another three candidates -- doing more research, more interviews and sending off the results.When the congress of bishops is happy with one of the Nuncio"s candidates that name is given to the pope, who can reject the candidate and start the whole process over.It shouldn"t be a surprise that from a vacancy to a bishop"s replacement can take months and, on occasion, years.But assuming that a bishop in your area retired (or died) at the right time and you were on the secret list of good priestsand the Nuncio picked you and you made it through his interview and the congress of bishops approved you and the pope didn"t veto you -- poof now you"re now a bishop.But you"re still not on top. The penultimate promotion is...Step 3: Become A Cardinal.Despite the fancy name and snazzy red outfits to match cardinals are not the bosses of bishops, they are bishops, just with an additional title and additional responsibilities -- the most notable of which is electing the new pope.�6�0The only way to become a cardinal is to get to current pope to appoint you as one -- and of the 5,000 bishops, only about 200 are ever cardinals.But let"s say your ambition doesn"t go unnoticed by the pope and he makes you a cardinal -- now it"s time to play the waiting game for his death or retirement -- and with popes death is vastly more likely.When either happens the cardinals under the age of 80 are brought to Vatican City where they are isolated from the outside world -- presumably by taking away their cell phones and tablets and carrier pigeons. Once sequestered, the election of a new pope can begin.These elections are never exactly the same because the ex-pope leaves instructions on how he wants his replacement to be picked, but in general it works like this: four times a day the cardinals go to the Sistine Chapel to vote -- to become pope one of them must get a 2/3rds majority.There"s a big dose of mustn"t-be-too-hasty here as the cardinals don"t just raise their hands, or use a modern preferential voting system, but instead write down one name on a piece of paper stand before the alter and say a long latin phrase, before officially casting the ballot.Once all the cardinals have done this, the votes are counted and then burned.This why TV news stations covering the election of the pope use super-modern-hd-livestreaming cameras to look at a chimney. If the smoke is black, no new pope.The high victory threshold, and tediously slow voting process, is why it takes so long to elect a new pope. It"s usually at least two weeks of voting four times a day six days a week (with one day a week for prayer) but the record length is three years.Assuming you, eventually, win the support of your fellow cardinals, you have one final thing to do before becoming pope: pick yourself a new name.There is no formal rule, you can name yourself anything you like but it"s tradition to take the name of a previous pope.Upon your acceptance of the job, the final ballots are burned clean to make the smoke white and announce to the world that a new pope has been selected.So that"s the career path: be born into the right half of the population, become one of a billion catholics, then one of 400,000 priests, then one of 5,000 bishops, then one of 200 cardinals, wait for the current pope to die or retire, and convince 2/3rds of your fellow cardinals to select you as the one, the only pope.

a celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become known, then wears dark glasses to avo


英语become a network celebrity怎么翻译?

翻译为“成为网络名人”。celebrity 意思是“名人,名声”。network 作为名词,意思是“广播网,电视网;网络;联络网”。

可以说become an important event celebrated吗?

应该这样表达:become an important celebrated event

become famous 是什么意思?

be famous for 是因……而出名be famous as 是作为……而有名eg:YAO MING is famous as a player.

有一首英文歌的歌词是什么什么become the hardest thing


weak 反义词 put 过去式 become 过去式 mouse 复数形式 bus复数形式 where 同音词 eye 同音词 sit 现在分词

weak 反义词 strong put 过去式put become 过去式 became mouse 复数形式 micebus复数形式 buseswhere 同音词 weareye 同音词 Isit 现在分 sittingswim 现在分词 swimming

In that country,the rich ___ richer,the poor,poorer A become B.has become C.becomes becoming

A. the +adj.(形容词) 表示一类人,谓语动词用复数

they will never become totallyconfident是什么意思

17. D考查状语从句的连接词。句意:除非孩子们相信他们能够成功,否则他们将不会完全有自信。if如果;since自从; once—旦;unless除非。根据句意选D。

go, get, do, has, see, say, fall, roll, become, catch, make, 的过去式

went got did had saw said became made took sat came rose drank ate

what ann advocates just shows how divorced from reality she has become 是什么意思


what ann advocates just shows how divorced from reality she has become 是什么意思

你好,what ann advocates just shows how divorced from reality she has become 翻译成中文是:什么安的支持者只是显示了如何脱离现实,她已经成为——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

(新概念英语)Cats never become submissive ( ).


hope近义词 poor反义词 lucky反义词和副词 discuss名词 become过去式 lose过去式

wishrichunlucky luckilydisscussionbecamelost

come into 和 become into的区别



get作为“变的”时通常是非谓语 Outside it was getting light.外边天已经发白了turn为使动 The wheels were turning swiftly.轮子飞快地转动着become是“变为” Mr.Jones became headmaster last year.琼斯先生去年当了校长grow常指逐渐地变成新状态,强调渐变的过程 The company has grown rapidly in the last five years.这家公司近五年来迅速地发展壮大go作为连系动词,通常与形容词连用,指进入某种状态,从而发生变化,多指不好的状态 Fruit quickly goes rotten in hot weather.在热天, 水果会很快变质go down是下降的意思另外再补充一个 “come”侧重变化的经过或过程,多用于不良情况 This great prediction is coming true.这一伟大的预言即将成为事实

求划分下这英语的结构 Given the opportunity,he might well have become an outstanding cartoonist.


His ambition to become an astronaut deserves our


“ thinking positively can become a habit ”积极思考可以成为一种习惯的英语作文

Recently ,the importance of attitude has been brought into discussion .Faced with difficulties ,some people usually think positively ,while some do not .It is true that this is their own business and it is affected by many factors ,but one vital point is that we can benefit from our attitude if we always think positively .It is constantly happened that positive people can solve the same problem better and faster and they have a good chance of having a better relationship with others .What"s more ,thinking positively can become a habit .First of all ,we must have a great will to change our attitude .We"d better forget the negative past and remind ourselves of being positive. Always remember ,every little helps .Secondly ,we should start to make friends with positive people and learn from them .Let their positive attitude affect you .Tell them that you like them ,and you want to be a positive person just like them . Ask them to do you a favor .However ,the attitude cannot help you cope with everything .Keep in mind to practice the capability of many aspects. Try to solve the problem better.In short ,compared with negative attitude ,thinking positively can help us in our career and daily life .Personally ,I prefer to train myself to be positive ,

how to become an internet addict什么意思


His ambition to become an astronaut deserves our


his ambition to become an teacher deserves our su


many boys want to become acors,actors为什么用复数

很多男孩是复数, 他们成为艺人,艺人也是复数

have ability to do和become capable of doing有什么区别?

最大的区别在于have ability to do强调的是已经具备的能力(主要是指先天),而become capable of doing强调的是拥有了做某事的能力(主要是指后天)。中文也可以翻译出区别,have ability to do(拥有做某事的能力),become capable of doing(变得有能力做某事)

关于"will Chinese become glbal language"的英语作文

1As China becomes a global power, Chinese language will assume a greater global significance. That significance will extend over business, trade, culture and other areas. But, will Chinese have the influence of English now has? Will Chinese ever become the global language?After the year 1600, the British Empire began to spread English around the world. The process around a huge boost in the 20th century through the business, technology and postwar reconstruction. Beyond this, there were a number of quite extraordinary trends in culture, science and the arts that reinforces these developments. Either way, English now stands unchallenged as the world"s international language.English remains relevant today in every sphere of human life and activity. Though China"s economy is strong enough to significantly boost the cause of the Chinese. It seems unlikely that Chinese is going to displace English as the global language eventually. If that were to happen. It would arouse an entire linguistic and Cultural Revolution which does not seem feasible or practical. Interestingly, there is not much effort even from Chinese to promote their language on an international stage. They are happy to be able to speak their own language. But when it comes to international business .It is they who choose, the way the world does - in English.However it cannot be denied that till now Chinese is the most widely - spoken language in the world. But that is because of the huge China"s population, within and outside China. It seems quite improbably and far-fetched that the most widely-spoken language in the world will also become the most popular.2It is widely accepted that English,is the lingua franca* of theworld—the language of businessin a globalized economy. It isalso the language of the Internet,the most important technologycontributing to the rise ofglobalization and the resultingdominance of American English as the international language. Theascension* of English as the international language began with therise to a global power of the British Empire in the 19th and early20th century and was affi rmed and extended by the United States"taking the baton of world economic and military power from GreatBritain at the close of the Second World War. The consolidationof U.S. power, in particular with the end of the Cold War at theclose of the 20th century, meant that American English would bethe language of international communication for the foreseeablefuture.However, recently, with the rise of China as a global economic playeron the world scene, there has been talk of China"s challenging theUnited States" economic dominance and therefore the concomitant*rise of the Chinese language (specifically, Mandarin) as a rival toAmerican English as the world"s common language. Based onthe widely publicized fi gure of a 10% growth grate of the Chineseeconomy in the last decade, predictions have been made that,as China catches and surpasses the U.S. as the dominant globaleconomic power, Chinese will overtake English as the internationallanguage of business, technology and politics sometime in thiscentury, perhaps even in the next fi fty years.Nevertheless, as with many propositionsthat, when repeated enough times by alot of people are then taken for “facts,” thecoming economic challenge of China tothe U.S. and of Chinese to English as theinternational language is unlikely to happenany time soon. Lester Thurow, the notedMIT economist of globalization, recentlypublished his analysis of the 10% growth-rateclaim of the Chinese economy, and, usingthe Chinese government"s own statistics, heshowed convincingly that this fi gure is simplynot possible. In fact, the growth rate of theChinese economy for the last decade hasbeen more like 4% per annum, a fi gure notmuch above the U.S. growth rate of 3.5%during the same period. Using these morerealistic statistics, and assuming a constantaverage growth rate of about 4-5% annually,Thurow projects a Chinese contest of economic dominance, if it happens atall, to arrive no sooner than the 22nd century,not the twenty-fi rst3When I started considering this question a few years ago, it seemed like a complex question. The eventual outcome would be determined by a tangled stew of global sociological dynamics, trade and investment flows, migration patterns, economic growth rates, popular culture development and marketing, thought and opinion leadership, technology development, etc.I since have come to believe the answer is fairly simple: No, because Chinese is too difficult to learn and master as a second language.Certainly Chinese is an important language today, if for no other reason than because more than 1 billion people use it. And, it will remain important for many decades and probably centuries into the future. But, will large numbers of non-native speakers someday use it as a neutral, common language in order to converse with each other? Will corporate executives from France and Germany shift to Chinese when they meet to discuss business? How about students from Ghana and Thailand studying together in Canada? Or, government ministers from India and Australia discussing trade issues?I don"t believe so. And, those are the attributes that define a “global language”. 给你三篇参考一下吧

There are those words _ which we become acquainted in daily conversation. A,at B,with C,by D,throug

B此题考察的是 be aquainted with结构


become /bɪ"kʌm/ v. 变得,成为

become acquainted with是什么意思

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:become acquainted with开始熟悉;开始了解When did you first become acquainted with the Feldenstein case? 你什么时候知道费尔德斯特的案子 呢 ?祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

become acquainted with什么意思


Children who are over-protected by their parents may become ________. A.hurt B.spoiled C.d

B 试题分析:考查动词辨析:句意:过分受父母保护的孩子可能会被惯坏。spoil作为动词有“宠坏,溺爱”的意思,这里用动词的过去分词作形容词。hurt指对身体或感情上的伤害;damaged指被毁坏或破坏(好像多指物);harmed指被损害,被伤害,被危害。选B。

1. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _____.


become come keep sleep sweep leave make meet feel pay 它们的汉译 过去式 过去分词?速度 急用!

0成为became1来came2保持kept3睡觉slept4打扫swept5离开left6做 made7遇见met8感觉felt9付款paid

求一首歌,歌词好像是:It"s become so hard,You are bring back the real me

new classic - single versionOoohh, uh Oh, Oh Oh, yeah Ever tried to reach for something 曾经尝试过追求一些东西But it"s someone else"s dream? 但是最后好像只是别人的梦想Every step that you take forward 你向前的每一步Takes you right back where you"ve been 都会带你回到原点And then when you least expect it 然后当你破釜沉舟的出发And you tried about everything 当你尝试没一件事情Somebody hears your opinion 有些人听到了你的意见Somebody cares what you say 有些人开始在意你所说的You woke me up 你唤醒了我No longer tired 不再疲惫With you I feel inspired 有了你,我充满激情You helped me find my fire (uh) 你让我找到了我的生命之火You"re the new classic 你是的新的经典You"re the new PYT 你是新的PYTStands for pay young taking on the world 代表了青春的全力付出From the driver"s seat 从驾驶位置上看你You look so classic, fantastic是那样充满古典美When you own that floor Bring the beat back once more Let me see you do that, oh 让我看着你做这一切Tryin" to do it right 只是努力去做No rehearsal, it"s your life 不用彩排,这是你的生命本能When you"re doing this crazy dance 当你跳起这段疯狂的舞蹈Cuz you"re makin these crazy plans 你正在做这些疯狂的计划It"s just a dance, not a test 只是一个舞蹈,不是测试You put in work to be the best (oh) 你把一切都做好最好It"s a classic take on a brand new game 这个全新的游戏是一个新的经典Before the needle drops, they"re gonna know your name 瞬息之间,他们已经知道了你的名字When it gets old don"t lose the love 天亮前不会再失去爱You"re cold I"ll warm you up (you up)我来温暖冰冷的你Your fire"s hot enough, enough, enough, enough, enough 你的爱情火热十足You"re the new classic 你是的新的经典You"re the new PYT 你是新的PYTStands for pay young taking on the world 代表了青春的全力付出From the driver"s seat 从驾驶位置上看你You look so classic, fantastic是那样充满古典美When you own that floor Bring the beat back once more Let me see you do that, oh 让我看着你做这一切It"s become so hard 这一切看起来很复杂For me to be surprised 因为我是如此的惊奇You"re bringin back the real me 你找回了真正的我No judgement in your eyes 在你的眼里没有疑惑Cuz when I dance with you 当我和你跳舞的时候It"s how I speak the truth 我不知道如何讲出实情Just classic when we met 我们的遇见将成为经典Now you made me new 你使我焕然一新You"re the new classic 你是的新的经典You"re the new PYT 你是新的PYTStands for pay young taking on the world 代表了青春的全力付出From the driver"s seat 从驾驶位置上看你You look so classic, fantastic是那样充满古典美When you own that floor Bring the beat back once more(Bring the beat back once more) You"re the new classic 你是的新的经典You"re the new PYT 你是新的PYTStands for pay young taking on the world 代表了青春的全力付出From the driver"s seat 从驾驶位置上看你You look so classic, fantastic是那样充满古典美When you own that floor Bring the beat back once more Let me see you do that, oh 让我看着你做这一切You"re the new classic (yeah) 你是的新的经典You"re the new PYT (the new PYT) 你是新的PYTStands for paying young and took the chance to believe in me 代表着付出青春和全心全意的相信我

英语作文: If I become a teacher


英语阅读:《when accidents become inventions》


when accidents become inventions全文

fuc ..........k

……becomes even more accessible怎么翻译比较地道


he become even more famous其中为什么用even?



您好,become后面可以加名词或形容词。例如He will become a teacher.




become [bi"kʌm] vi. 成为;变得;变成vt. 适合;相称[ 过去式became 过去分词become 现在分词becoming ] become [bi"kʌm] v.1. enter or assume a certain state or condition2. undergo a change or development3. come into existenceWhat becomes has duration 4. enhance the appearance ofMourning becomes Electra 词组become one 成为一体,结合 become a member 成为一名成员/会员 become of 使遭遇…;…降临于;发生…情况 become a doctor 成为一名医生 become extinct 灭绝;绝种


vi. 成为;变得;变成vt. 适合;相称




become 在这里就可以理解为 is,变成,成为,是。是一个系动词。而你那个用法其实也可以,但是要加冠词。bacome a truth.


2021年【早起计划】第230天 《The Ugly Duckling》 A duck is sitting on five eggs. The eggs break and five baby ducks come out. The mother duck looks at her babies. She has four beautiful baby ducks. But one is different. It is big and grey. Its legs are very long. The mother duck doesn"t like it. "Go away!" she says to the different duck."You are not my baby."The different duck says goodbye and goes away. It"s sad. Then it sees the mother pig with her baby pigs. "Are you my mother ?" it asks. "No, I"m not your mother." says the mother pig .So the different duck goes away. Soon it sees a fox."Am I your baby?" the duck asks. "No, you are not my baby ." says the fox. "But I like you. I will make  you a dinner."The different duck runs away. It is very sad.It wants its mother. Then it hears a voice. "You are very beautiful. I am your mother."The different duck looks up. It is a big, white bird. It has a long neck."I am a swan, and you are a baby swan. You see, here are your brothers and sisiters. " says the withe birds."So, I"m not a different duck. I"m a swan." says the baby swan.Soon, the baby swan grows up. It becomes very beautiful. 来源于史前日耳曼语 , 最初的语义是"来 , 到" , 其现代意义come to be (变成)是在12世纪发展起来的。 词根词缀: be- 使 + come 来


1.be代表的是“已经成为”、“已经是”的意思。是指一种静态的结果。become代表的是“变成”、“成为”的意思,指的是一种变化过程。2. 应用中的区别。 例如:I was a lawyer and then i became a law consultant.我本来是律师后来我成了法律顾问 。


He become a leader. 他成为了领导。become 后面是宾语。


become是变成的意思,become 的动词用法 1. 基本文法说明这个动词的意思是「变成~;成为~」(=start to be),因此后面接的字不是名词就是形容词。例 He became famous when he was only a child. 他在小时候就出名了。 become 之后一般不接不定式表示“逐渐…” (此时可用 come, begin+不定式)。如:+不定式正:He began [came] to like English. 他开始喜欢英语起来。






如果是将来时态,那么翻译就是“将要变得越来越.”明显语意不对哦. become一般现在时 became 一般过去时 has/have became现在完成时 上句中 “become more and more” “ become”就是一般现在时






become英 [bɪˈkʌm] 美 [bɪˈkʌm] vi.变得; 变成; 变为,成为vt.变成; 适合,适宜; 相称,相当; 发生第三人称单数: becomes 现在分词: becoming 过去式: became 过去分词: become 双语例句1Does khaki become you? 卡其布适合你吗?2She thought constantly about her family; she might never know what had become of them. 她一直挂念着家人;她也许再也听不到他们的消息了。





is become 和 is becoming 这两个短语有何区别?

后者更强调一个不曾间断,时刻在变的过程,并且这种变化当下也正在进行中. 前者更强调一种结果性,更轻重于完成时态.


become是个及物动词,也可以作为不及物动词,Vi.变成,成为,开始变得 Vt.适合,同...相称,也可以作系动词,就是可以作为主谓宾的谓语

当be 与become有“成为”的意思时有什么的区别

be的意思是已经/本来就是了become的意思是原来不是,后来是例句:I was a lawyer and then i became a law consultant我本来是律师后来我成了法律顾问

become 的过去分词 是不是还是become

是的. 原型:become 过去式:became 过去分词:become 现在分词:becoming 这些是要烂熟于心的.


become 有逐渐变化的 逐渐成为的意思 通常与 进行时态连用如:It is becoming harder to find good hoursing for low-income families.




Become和because两者意思完全不一样。become,变成,变得。because(说明原因)因为,由于;(作出解释)因为,既然。become通常不用来表示未来的事,而表示变化过程已经完成。而because 表示的是必然的因果关系。




动词的ing形式和动词的过去分词形式。表示从一种状态到另一种状态的变化,有become+动词ing以及become+过去分词两种形式。系动词词义不完整,在句中不能单独使用(除省略句外),后面必须接有表语,系动词和表语一起构成合成谓语。become用作连系动词,意为“成为”,其后可接: 1.名词 They became great friends.他们成了莫逆之交。 He aims to become a computer expert.他打算当一名电脑专家。 She has become a painter of distinction.她成了一名杰出的画家。 2.形容词 She became very fond of her.她变得非常喜欢她了。 He soon became angry. 他过了一会儿就生气了。 She has become familiar with the house.她对这房子已变得很熟悉。 I"ve become used to a vegetarian diet.我已习惯于素食。 3.过去分词 They had just become engaged.他们刚刚订婚。 At last the truth became known to us.我们终于知道了真相。 The room soon became crowded.房间很快变得拥挤起来。 Jamie was becoming annoyed with me.杰米变得对我不高兴起来。 其后一般不接不定式 误:He became to be interested in biology. 正:He became interested in biology.他开始对生物感兴趣了。 误:Then we became to like him. 正:Then we began [came] to like him.于是我们开始喜欢他了。


I became a doctor 应为已经是结果了所以用过去式基本上很多答案说be是一种结果。而become是一种过程是很普遍的用法I become 语法上有问题~通常当你已经成为了用became所以仍然是一种结果


become /bɪ"kʌm/ v. 变得,成为


become 的动词用法 1. 基本文法说明这个动词的意思是「变成~;成为~」(=start to be),因此后面接的字不是名词就是形容词.例 He became famous when he was only a child. 他在小时候就出名了. become 之后一般不接...




在be与become的意思都是成为时,两者是可以互换的.如 be interested in和become interested in都是表示的是对……感兴趣,如果你非要说出他们的区别那就是前者强调状态,后者强调过程,但是在作业或考试中一般不会强调这一点,所以你大可以放心去写,这两者可以通用
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