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A cat"s ability to survive falls is based on fact.


A cat"s ability to survive falls is based on fact.的falls是名词吗?

对滴,意思是 猫从高空中坠落后生还的能力


你打开stackloss这个内置数据库>stackloss有4列数据,那么你plot他们就相当于两两做plot,一共16幅图。对角线的4幅是名称Air.Flow Water.Temp Acid.Conc. stack.loss那么比如第2行第3幅图就是Water.Temp Acid.Conc (水温和酸碱环境)的散点图。其实面对多列数据,plot运行的就是pairs的功能,所以结果和pairs是一样的如果你只需要其中一幅(还是第2行第3幅图),就>plot(stackloss[2],stackloss[3]) 谁在横坐标,谁在前



identification badge 是什么意思

identification是“身份证明;鉴定,验明,认出;认同”之意思;badge是“徽章,证章;标记,标识;象征”之意。所以identification badge可以理解为“识别标志”。

linux cat /proc/mounts的内容中rsize=65536是什么意思?

rsize和wsize,一般在网络文件系统里面有较大意义,尤其是NFS文件系统。 这2个值指的是文件系统的读写数据块大小,也就是文件系统每一次读写的最大数据块大小。注意和磁盘的blocksize不是一个概念。 在不同的linux发行版,这2个值的上限不一样。单位是字节。 比方rsize = 65535,那么读取655350字节的数据,文件系统底层必须读10次才能读完。虽然说这2个值对应用层来说是透明的,但是如果设置的不合理,会影响文件系统的性能。

我的项目Problems下查看Target runtime apache tomcat v6.0 is not defined

项目上右键-----属性“Properties”-----"Targeted Runtimes"--- 取消掉tomcat v6.0前面的选中,重新选择Eclipse里面有的服务,如Tomcat7等。


dedicated英 [ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd] 美 [ˈdɛdɪˌketɪd] adj. 专用的;专注的,投入的;献身的 v. 奉献(dedicate的过去式和过去分词)


1、词性不一样devote为及物动词,dedicate为不及物动词。2、侧重意义不同dedicate是较正式的用词,通常指献身于崇高的事业或活动。He dedicated his life to serving the people.他毕生致力于为人民服务。devote较为普通的用词,指把生命、精力、时间等用于某一目标、事业等。She devoted her attention to her work.她专心于工作。3、dedicate的被动词dedicated多用于指组织、机构、报刊杂志等专用于;devote的被动词devoted多用于指物品专用于。The magazing is dedicated to science as all its articles deal with scientific matters.这本杂志是有关科学的专门杂志,所有文章都讲述科学问题。Evening courses for adultys range from classes devoted to basic skills to classes for graduate univsersity degrees.为成人开设的夜校课程范围从基本技能课程直到大学研究生学位课程。

devote 和 dedicate的区别。

这两个词都含“奉献”、“献身”的意思。● dedicate 正式用词,指某人对高尚的事业坚定的决心和信念,并为其奉献一切,乃至生命。devote 普通用词,指决心把全部身心、精力、时间等献给某一目标、人或事业,并不十分强调对理想的奉献,而更多地强调出于热心,爱好而奉献。两者只是意义侧重不同,常可替换。常用结构是:dedicate /devote…… to…… 。to 为介词,常接sth. 或doing sth.。1)She dedicated /devoted all her life to the welfare of women and children.她把一生都献给了妇女和儿童福利的事业。2)He started to study ecology and decided to devote /dedicated his whole life to the science.他开始研究生态学,并决心把整个生命奉献给这门科学。3)He has devoted /dedicated himself to teaching since he graduated from the college in 1962. 一九六二年他大学毕业后一直献身于教育工作。4)I want to see all of us dedicate ourselves to the principles for which we fought.我希望看到所有的都人献身于我们为之奋斗的原则中去。5)She gladly gave up her part-time job to devote herself entirely to her art.她欣然辞去了兼职工作,全身心地投入到她的艺术中去。dedicate还可以用于表示把某物献给某人以表示爱戴或纪念。1)I dedicate this volume in token of affection and gratitude to my uncle.我将这套册子献给我叔叔谨表示对他的深爱积和感激。 2)The film is dedicated to those who gave their lives for the cause of liberation.这部电影献给那些为解放事业献出了生命的人们。3)She dedicated her first album to Woody Allen. 她把自己的第一张专辑献给了伍迪·艾伦。● 这两个词的被动结构还可以用于表示“专用于”,dedicated多用于指组织、机构、报刊杂志等专用于;devoted多用于指物品专用于。1)The magazing is dedicated to science as all its articles deal with scientific matters.这本杂志是有关科学的专门杂志,所有文章都讲述科学问题。 2)Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) is an organization dedicated to assisting developmentin the world"s poor countries. 海外志愿服务是一个致力于援助世界上最贫困的国家的组织。3)They have developed 160 000 hectares of plantations devoted to oil palm, tea, cocoa and banana.他们开发了16万公顷的种植园,专门种植致油棕榈、茶、可可和香蕉。4)Evening courses for adultys range from classes devoted to basic skills toclasses for graduate univsersity degrees.为成人开设的夜校课程范围从基本技能课程直到大学研究生学位课程。● devote 还可以用于表示“把“时间、精力、金钱等)花在……上面”,其结构是:devote ……to(doing)sth.,相当于spend 的用法,但spend的结构是: spend …… on sh. 或spend …… (in) doing sh. 。1)He devoted much of his time and effort to the improvement of the device.He devoted much of his time and effort to improving the device.他把他的大部分时间和精力花在的改进装置上。 2)He spends much of his time and effort on the improvement of the device.He spendsmuch of his time and effort (in) improving the device.他把他的大部分时间和精力花在的改进装置上。 3)Web publication of course notes allows teachers to spend less class time (in) lecturing and to devote more time to discussion.网络出版的课程笔记可使教师花较少时间用于授课而把更多时间用于讨论。 4)The constitution requires the government to devote one-fifth of its spending to education.宪法要求政府把开支的五分之一投放到教育。

★be dedicated to和be devoted to的区别和用法

sb be devoted to sth 献身于/专注于某事devote sb to (doing) sth 使某人注意某事..devote是及物动词 第一种形式主语是I的话 要是用第二种形式表达 就是 devote myslef to do 只是这个时间长了 就 不这么用了 可以把devoted 看成一个形容词dedicated 努力工作的,专注的,投入的 = working hard at sth because it is important to you,是committed 的同义词; 从英语释义看指的是人的工作态度 They are dedicated to their work.从英语释义看指的是人的devoted 挚爱的,忠诚的 = having great love for sb/sth and being loyal to them 从英语释义看指的是人的内在品质 They are devoted to their children/ dedicated to / devoted to doing sth 都正确,只不过意思有区别。


dedicate1 为某一特殊用途而奉献:dedicated their money to scientific research.把他们的钱用于科学研究2 致力:承诺一特定的想法或承诺采用一特定的行动:dedicated ourselves to starting our own business.See Synonyms at devote 我们开始经营自己的买卖3 首次向公众展示:dedicate a monument.为一座博物馆举行落成仪式devote1 奉献:将(某人的时间、精力或自己)完全奉献给某项特别的活动、事业、目标或某个人2 作…专用:为一个特定的目的或用途而拨出:land devoted to mining.土地留做采矿用3 贡献:通过或似乎通过立誓或隆重的行为贡献;奉献:a temple devoted to Apollo.一座奉献给阿波罗的庙宇dedicate to:通常用dedicate sth. to(把某物奉献给…) devote to:主要用devote oneself to(把自己奉献给…事业)

devote 和 dedicate的区别

dedicatevt.奉献,献身; (为表示感情或敬意将著作、乐曲、艺术作品等)题献给(某人、某事业等)(to); (在书、音乐或作品的前部)题献辞; 以…供奉; 第三人称单数:dedicates过去分词:dedicated现在进行时:dedicating过去式:dedicateddevotevt.把…奉献(给),把…专用(于); 奉献; 第三人称单数:devotes过去分词:devoted现在进行时:devoting过去式:devoted


dedication英 [dedɪ"keɪʃ(ə)n]美 [,dɛdɪ"keʃən]n. 奉献;献身更多释义>>[网络短语]Dedication 奉献,尽心尽力,贡献love dedication 爱的奉献dedication to 献身,恪尽职守,尽心地

devotion 和 dedication 有什么区别?

dedication 精力方面的专一,不分心devotion 宗教方面的虔诚

单词辨析:abandon,abnegate, relinquish, waive, abdicate,back out, forego/forgo, desert,, forsake

额 你是在考GRE类反么= =abandon:放弃,放纵之意 :give over unrestrainedlyabnegate:弃绝 克己 主要是强调自制力relinquish:收手 放弃 强调主动放弃对自己有益的waive:搁置之意 强调从经常从事的动作中暂停下来 cause a suspensionabdicate:这个比较正式了 是强调辞职和退位 也即relinquish (sovereignty)back out:退出做某事 不参与 无什么特殊的forego/forgo:这个就是比较中古一点的英语了 还是放弃什么东西 没什么特殊的desert:强调遗弃吧 比较常用 forsake:这个有遗弃啊 放弃 还有断绝念头的意思 、综上所述- - 觉得除了 forgo这类的比较古典的说法 一般都会用到 但是还是有formal与否的区别 楼主使用的时候还是要自行判断good luck~

vocation,profession 有什么区别

profession [prE5feFEn] n. 职业, 专业, 表白, 宣布 vocation [vEu5keiFEn] n. 召唤, 号召, 天命, 天职, 特殊的适应性, 才能, 行业, 职业

kings don"t abdicate, they dare in their sleep怎么翻译

kings don"t abdicate, they dare in their sleep国王不退位,他们敢在他们的睡眠


abduct--------The police caught the terrorist who tried to abduct the girl for ransom.警察抓住了那个企图拐走这女孩以便勒索赎金的恐怖分子。abnormal-----That is simply abnormal. 那简直是反常的。abstain--------He abstained from voting at the end of the debate.辩论结束投票时,他弃权了。aboun--------- 没见过诶……==abdicate-------However, there is no serious sign the erratic leader might abdicate.尽管如此,现在还没有迹象表明这个古怪的领导人有可能会退位。absond---------也木有见过诶……ert--------------是什么?abhor----------He was a man who abhorred violence and was deeply committed to reconciliation...他是一个憎恶采用暴力而坚决主张和解的人。averse----------The selfish person is averse to helping others.这个自私的家伙不愿意帮助人。abminable-----你确定没打错?

kings do not abdicate they dare in their sleep是什么意思









abdicate 指的是职务,工作方面的放弃,不如说某个工作自己不想做了。Tom abdicates his manager position.abstain 指的是戒除,一般指不想上瘾。如Tom abstains smoking.



各位大侠们,请问master degree和bachelor,graduate diploma, graduate certificate都分别是什么意思,

下面解释以我国相关文凭作为参考标准。1、master"s degree ,硕士学位;经过二/三年硕士研究生阶段学习毕业获得学士学位。2、bachelor"s degree ,学士学位;一般经过四年本科阶段学习毕业获得学士学位。3、Graduate Diploma,硕士预科;这个文凭我国没有。它是介于学士和硕士之间、类似于硕士预科的课程。作为硕士桥梁课程:比如我们国内的大学毕业生,想要去新西兰转专业读硕士课程的话,一般不能被硕士课程所直接接收,因此需要通过GD课程来转换,在GD课程一年的时间里学习该专业的本科核心课程,打好坚实的专业基础。那么升入硕士阶段学习之后,学习就游刃有余了。比如,经济学、金融学、市场营销、人力资源管理、文科、理科专业等等。4、graduate certificate,研究生结业证书,这个文凭我国没有。即研究生结业证书,是一种一年制的衔接研究生课程的课程,毕业后颁发graduate certificate,是针对那些不能直接申请硕士课程的留学生的一种类似于硕士预科的课程,毕业后,即可申报硕士课程。5、目前国内认可的只有master"s degree和bachelor"s degree,而diploma和Certificate现在在国内还不被认可。因此只有bachelor"s或master "sdegree才能通过认证。所以如果拿到diploma和Certificate的同学是无法办理学历认证的,更不能办理master degree认证。



Qualification中有四个选项diploma 、college、 bachelor 、master,diploma和college是指什么学位呢?

diploma 文凭 n. 毕业证书,学位证书;公文,文书;奖状 vt. 发给…毕业文凭 毕业文凭college 大学 n. 大学;学院;学会 理工科大学 bachelor 本科 n. 学士;单身汉;(尚未交配的)小雄兽 学士学位master 主人 n. 硕士;主人;大师;教师 adj. 主人的;主要的;熟练的 vt. 控制;精通;征服


是<nyan cat>.中文是彩虹猫. 在国外Youtube视频网站上曾排行过点击率前五名.全程是一只灰色的小猫尾巴后面拖着一条彩虹一直跑,唱着"nyannyannyan"无限循环~原版是3分钟结束,现在已经出了6小时版本,10小时版本,还有100小时版本.纯为了挑战忍耐力,毅力,接受力等一切不知名的原因(笑)基本就是这些了.纯手打,没有任何复制粘贴.希望这是你想要的答案 :)

nyan cat是什么

彩虹猫 是一款Android平台可爱的休闲游戏

C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataTencentQQPCMgrVulFileVer.xml文件损坏该如何修






请问老友记中非比拍 smelly cat的mtv是在哪一季的哪一集?

《Friends》剧本(第二季)217 The One Where Eddie Moves In [Scene: Joey"s new apartment. Everyone but Chandler is there. Joey has decorated the place with tons of tacky stuff.]JOEY: Huh? So whaddya think? Casa de Joey. Huh? I decorated it myself.ROSS: Get out.ALL: No.MONICA: [looking at some kind of glass sculpture thing] Wow Joey, this is, uhh...JOEY: Art.MONICA: Art it is.ROSS: [looking at a glass table with a panther shaped base] Look, check this out. Is it a coffee table, is it a panther? There"s no need to decide.RACHEL: [holding a pillow made out of 4 inch red fur] Hey, nice pillow. So now tell me, is this genuine Muppet skin?PHOEBE: [looking at a water sculpture that looks like a window with rain running down it] Hey, excellent, excellent water-table thing. JOEY: Thanks, yeah. I love this but ya know what, it makes me wanna pee.PHOEBE: Yeah, well me too, yeah. I think that"s the challenge.JOEY: Hey, how come, uhh, Chandler didn"t come?ROSS: Well uh, it"s cause he had a thing with, wi-, with the thing.JOEY: Right, I go-, I got it.PHOEBE: So why don"t ya show us the rest of your casa?JOEY: Yeah. Uh, oh, OH, the best part, c"mon. [leads them to the bathroom, gestures towards toilet, everyone stares, uncomprehending] Heh?RACHEL: Hey, nice toilet.JOEY: No no no, behind it.ROSS: Wha-, you have a phone in here?JOEY: That"s right, I have a phone in here.MONICA: Joey, promise me something.JOEY: Yeah.MONICA: Never call me from that phone.OPENING TITLES [Scene: Central Perk. Monica, Chandler, and Ross are seated. Rachel is walking over with coffee and a piece of pie.][Someone bumps into Rachel and she drops the pie in a guy"s hood that"s seated at the table. She improvises by using the plate as a saucer for the coffee.]RACHEL: OK, here we go. Honey, I"m sorry, they were all out of apple pie, someone just got the last piece.[Phoebe enters]PHOEBE: Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. You are not gonna believe this. I have just been discovered.CHANDLER: Now wait a minute, I claimed you in the name of France four years ago.PHOEBE: Anyway, OK, now promise you won"t like, freak out and say how great this is until I"m done, OK.ALL: OK.PHOEBE: OK. I just met this producer of this like, teeny record company, who said that I have a very fresh, offbeat sound and she wants to do a demo of Smelly Cat.ALL: [congradulating her and celebrating]PHOEBE: I told you not to do that yet. And, she wants to do a video.ALL: [celebrating more]PHOEBE: I"m not done yet, OK. God. OK, if that goes well, they may even want to make an album.[everyone is quiet, unsure if she"s done or not]PHOEBE: I"m done now.ALL: [celebrating][the guy with the pie in his hood get up to leave]RACHEL: Oh God. Ross, OK, if you care about me at all, you will get the pie out of the man"s hood.ROSS: Get the what?RACHEL: Pie in the hood, pie in the hood. Go.[Ross goes over behind the guy and grabs the pie out of his hood as he leaves]GUY: What"re you doing?ROSS: I"m sorry, my pie was, was in your hood. Now I just have to get the coffee out of that guy"s pants and I"ll be back in the hospital by 7. [swats at an imaginary insect by his head, guy leaves promptly][Scene: Monica and Rachel"s apartment. Monica is outside the bathroom yelling at Ross who"s in the bathroom.]MONICA: Damnit Ross, get your butt out of the bathroom.ROSS: Calm down, I"m blow drying.[Rachel enters with laundry and starts folding]MONICA: Blow drying what, you have no hair.RACHEL: What"s goin" on?MONICA: Your boyfriend has been in there for over an hour. I can"t believe it, it"s like I"m living with him again. He"s here when I go to sleep, he"s here when I wake up, he"s here when I want to use the shower, ughh. It"s like I"m sixteen all over again .RACHEL: Well, you"re not sixteen, you"re both adults now.MONICA: GET OUT YOU DUFUS!!RACHEL: Or ya know, he"s rubber and you"re glue.ROSS: [comes out] All yours.MONICA: I hope you cleaned your hair out of the drain.ROSS: [in a childish voice] I hope you cleaned your hair out of the drain.MONICA: Shut up.ROSS: [childish voice] Shut up.MONICA: Cut it out.ROSS: [childish voice] Mi-mi-mii.[Monica goes in the bathroom]RACHEL: [sarcastically] I"ve never wanted you more.[Scene: Chandler"s apartment. Chandler is sitting on the bar wearing huge dog-slippers]CHANDLER: So, whaddya say boys, should I call him? [squeezes the ear of one of the slippers and it barks] Well, ya know what they say. Ask your slippers a question... you"re going crazy.[Joey"s apartment, phone rings]JOEY: Hello.CHANDLER: Hey.JOEY: Hey!CHANDLER: Listen, I"m, I"m sorry I didn"t make it over there today.JOEY: Oh, that"s OK. You uh, you had a thing.CHANDLER: Yeah well, I hear the place looks great.JOEY: Ahh, forget about it, I"m havin" a ball. How"s the apartment doin"CHANDLER: Oh hey, it"s, it"s terriffic. I mean it"s a regular space... fest.JOEY: Oh, well great.CHANDLER: Yeah I just... wanted to call and say hey.JOEY: Well OK then. [oven timer goes off behind Chandler] Was that the oven timer?CHANDLER: That"s right my friend. It"s time for...BOTH: Baywatch!! [both turn on TV"s]JOEY: Oh, can you believe they gave Stephanie skin cancer?CHANDLER: I still can"t believe they promoted her to lieutenant.JOEY: Naa, you"re just sayin" that "cause you"re in love with Yasmine Blepe.CHANDLER: Well, how could anyone not be in love with Yasmine Blepe?JOEY: Hey, hey, they"re runnin"CHANDLER: See, this is the brilliance of the show. I say always keep them running. All the time, running. Run. Run Yasmine, run like the wind.[Scene: Central Perk. Joey is sitting between Monica and Phoebe.]MONICA: But I thought you wanted to live by yourself.JOEY: I did. I thought it"d be great. I figured I"d have like, time alone with my thoughts but, ya know, it turns out I don"t have as many thoughts as you"d think.PHOEBE: Joey, why don"t you talk to Chandler about moving back?JOEY: You really think he"d take me? I mean, we had a pretty good talk last night but, when I moved out, I hurt him bad.MONICA: I promise you, he would definitely want you back.[Scene: Chandler"s apartment. Chandler is sitting between Rachel and Ross.]ROSS: I"m telling you, there"s no way he"s moving back.CHANDLER: But we had one of the greatest talks we ever had last night. I mean it was, it was like when we first started living together.ROSS: Look, I know you don"t want to hear this right now but, we"ve seen him in his new place, alright. And he"s happy, he"s, he"s decorated.RACHEL: Look, Chandler, he has moved on, OK, you have to too.CHANDLER: But...ROSS: No. You"re just gonna have to accept the fact that you"re just friends now, OK, you"re not... rommmates anymore.[Scene: Recording studio. Phoebe is getting ready to record Smelly Cat.]PRODUCER: OK Phoebe, you ready to try one?PHOEBE: OK. [singing] Smelly cat, smell-ly cat, what are they feeding you? Smelly cat [back up singers start singing smelly, smelly, smelly, smelly behind her] Oh woah, oh my God. I mean like, who was that?PRODUCER:They"re your backup singers... beind you.PHOEBE: OH!! Oh I thought they were just watching me. You know, like at, like at an aquarium, ya know.PRODUCER: Alrighty. From the top.PHOEBE: OK. [singing] Smelly cat, smell-ly cat, what are they feeding you? Smelly cat [back up singers - smelly, smelly, smelly, really bad smelly cat, it"s not your fault] OK, sorry. I"m just, I"m just not getting that everyone um, gets how smelly this cat acually is. I just think that maybe if we could talk about this, "cause I need to feel that you really care about the cat.PRODUCER: Honey, uh we, we can talk about this. It"s just that it"s costing about a hundred dollars a minute to be in here.PHOEBE: Oh OK. So, um, the cat stinks but you love it, let"s go.[Scene: Monica and Chandler"s apartment. Ross is on the phone.]ROSS: No, there is no way he was a velociraptor. No Tony, look at the cranial ridge, OK. If Dino was a velociraptor, he would have eaten the Flintstones. Yeah, yeah. [Monica comes out of her room] Oh, were you takin" a nap?MONICA: I was.ROSS: Oh I-, Oh wait, Tony can you hang on? That"s the other line. [gets the other line] Hello. Oh yeah she"s here but uh, can she call you back? OK thanks. [hangs up the other line] Call Joanna. [back on with Tony] Hi.MONICA: Did she leave a number?ROSS: Did you see me write one down?MONICA: I don"t have her number, butt-munch.ROSS: Well, she"ll call back, don"t be such a baby.MONICA: I"m not a baby, you"re the baby.ROSS: Look, you wanna get off my back?MONICA: You wanna get out of my face?ROSS: Wait hold on Tony, hold on. [answers second line] Hello. Hi, yeah no, she"s right here. Um hold on. [gets first line] Hi Tony, can I call you back? That"s uh, that"s my sister"s boyfriend.MONICA: Give me that.ROSS: OK.MONICA: Hi sweetie, look before I forget, did I leave my diaphram at your place? Hi mom. [she starts throwing oranges at Ross who"s looking pleased with himself][Scene: Chandler"s apartment. Chandler is sitting on the bar, bouncing a ball against the door. Joey walks in right as he throws the ball and catches it.]JOEY: Hey.CHANDLER: So uhh, how"s the palace?JOEY: You know it"s funny you should mention that "cause I was thinkin"... what"s with the boxes?CHANDLER: Oh, uhh, actually I uh, have some news.EDDIE: Hey Chan, is that Joey guy gonna come by and pick up his moose hat or should I just toss it out?CHANDLER: Well, uh, why don"t you ask him yourself. Joey, this is my new roommate Eddie.EDDIE: Nice to meet ya.JOEY: Likewise. Uh, I"ll take that. [grabs moose hat] It"s what I came for. So, this is new. Where"d you two meet?EDDIE: At the uh, supermarket, in the uh, ethnic food section. I helped him pick out a chorizo.JOEY: Wow.CHANDLER: Well you know, we got to talking and uh, he said he needed a place and I had a spare room.JOEY: Oh, now it"s a spare room?CHANDLER: Well yeah, in that it"s not being used and I... have it to spare.JOEY: Well I uh, got what I came for. [puts on moose hat] I"ll uh, I"ll see you guys.CHANDLER: Hey Jo. When"d you start usin" mousse in your hair?EDDIE: [annoying laugh] Is this guy great or what?JOEY: Yeah, yeah he is. [leaves][Scene: Monica and Rachel"s apartment. Monica, Rachel, and Ross are there.]MONICA: I can"t believe he has a new roommate. Who is this guy?ROSS: Uh, Eddie something. He just met him.RACHEL: It"ll never last, he"s just a rebound roommate.[Pheobe enters]PHOEBE: Hey.ALL: Hey.PHOEBE: Oh, check it out, oh check it out. It"s Smelly Cat the video.ALL: [cheer]PHOEBE: Now OK, I haven"t seen it yet so, if you don"t like it, well, so what, none of you ever made a video. [puts the tape in] OK.[The video is a very dramatic episode with an obviously dubbed voice for Phoebe. Everyone watches in disbeliefe]PHOEBE: Oh my God.ROSS: I know.PHOEBE: I sound amazing. I, I, I"ve never heard myself sing before. I mean, except in my own head. Oh, this is so cool, now I can hear what you hear.RACHEL: Pretty uhm, different huh?PHOEBE: Oh, I am sorry but I am incredibly talented.[Scene: Chandler and Eddie"s apartment. Joey stops by. Chandler is reading the paper and Eddie is fixing eggs.]EDDIE: Hi Joey, what"s goin" on man?JOEY: Eddie.CHANDLER: Morning.JOEY: Morning. I just uh, came by to pick up my mail. [looks for the mail on the table by the door, it"s not there] Where"s the mail?CHANDLER: Oh it"s uh, over there on the table.JOEY: You don"t keep it over here on this table any more?CHANDLER: No, Eddie likes to keep it over there.EDDIE: Alright, here you go my friend. Eggs a-la Eddie, huh?CHANDLER: Oh, ooh.JOEY: Huh.CHANDLER: What?JOEY: No I just uh, thought you liked your eggs with the bread with the hole in the middle, a-la me.CHANDLER: Well I do, but uh, Eddie makes them this way and, well they"re pretty darn good.EDDIE: Well you guys, I"m outta here. See ya pals.CHANDLER: See ya. [Eddie leaves]JOEY: So how you two gettin" along?CHANDLER: Oh, I couldn"t be happier.JOEY: Great, well, I"m happy for ya. [picks up the orange juice carton and it"s empty] Alright that"s it. He just comes in here, Mr. Jonny Neweggs, with his, his, his movin" the mail and his, his "see ya pals". And now there"s no juice. There"s no juice f or the people who need the juice and want the juice. I need the juice.CHANDLER: There"s another carton right over there.JOEY: Hey, this isn"t about juice anymore, alright man.CHANDLER: Alright, so what"s it about?JOEY: Eggs. Who"s eggs do you like better, his or mine, huh?CHANDLER: Well I like both eggs equally.JOEY: Oh come on. Nobody likes two different kinds of eggs equally. You like one better than the other and I wanna know which.CHANDLER: Well what"s the difference? Your eggs aren"t here anymore, are they? You took your eggs and you left. You really expect me to never find new eggs?[Scene: Monica and Rachel"s apartment. Ross and Monica are fighting over the remote.]MONICA: I wanna watch Entertainment Tonight.ROSS: Tough noogies, we"re watching Predators of the Serengetti.RACHEL: Would you guys stop.MONICA: It"s my TV.ROSS: Wha-, oh, quit it

technology application是什么意思

technology application_百度翻译technology application 技术应用 [例句]Explain the rotary-kiln incineration system and technology application.说明液体废弃物焚化处理系统及其技术应用.请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助









tender和delicate的区别是 什么啊?



name :共享线程池的名字。这是Connector为了共享线程池要引用的名字,该名字必须唯一。默认值:None; namePrefix :在JVM上,每个运行线程都可以有一个name 字符串。这一属性为线程池中每个线程的name字符串设置了一个前缀,Tomcat将把线程号追加到这一前缀的后面。默认值:tomcat-exec-; maxThreads :该线程池可以容纳的最大线程数。默认值:200; maxIdleTime :在Tomcat关闭一个空闲线程之前,允许空闲线程持续的时间(以毫秒为单位)。只有当前活跃的线程数大于minSpareThread的值,才会关闭空闲线程。默认值:60000(一分钟)。 minSpareThreads :Tomcat应该始终打开的最小不活跃线程数。默认值:25。 executor :表示使用该参数值对应的线程池; minProcessors :服务器启动时创建的处理请求的线程数; maxProcessors :最大可以创建的处理请求的线程数; acceptCount :指定当所有可以使用的处理请求的线程数都被使用时,可以放到处理队列中的请求数,超过这个数的请求将不予处理。


tomcat5.5官方文档说明:maxSpareThreads:在线程池开始停止不必要的线程之前,允许存在的未使用请求处理线程的最大数量。 默认值为50。maxThreads:此连接器将创建的请求处理线程的最大数量,因此,它确定可以处理的同时请求的最大数量。 如果未指定,则此属性设置为200。官方解释比较清楚了。

tomcat 7.0 maxthreads设置多大

根据你的安装路径e: omcat7incatalina.bat 添加如下语句: set JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xss256k -XX:PermSize=128M -XX:MaxNewSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m


software 是软件application 是应用,不太一样

怎么解决 this application was configured to use a bundled java

怎么解决 this application was configured to use a bundled java线程A等待线程B的数据,线程B等待线程A的数据,互相等待,就会陷入阻塞,这也是一种线程阻塞。 阻塞状态是正在运行的线程遇到某个特殊情况。例如,延迟、挂起、等待I/O操作完成等。 进入阻塞状态的线程让出CPU,并暂时停止自己的执行。线程进入阻塞状态后,就一直等待,直到引起阻塞的原因被消除,线程又转入就绪状态,重新进入就绪队列排队。

complain的现在分词形式 education有复数形式吗

complain的现在分词complaining education是没有复数形式的

aaron cater 老友记


英语impressive education怎么翻译?

您好翻译如下;impressive education令人印象深刻的教育

请问大佬有Bongo cat Mver V0.1.6 Mac版软件百度云资源吗

链接: 提取码: r4pt 软件名称:BongocatMverV0.1.6Mac版语言:简体中文大小:13.59MB类别:系统工具介绍:BongocatMverMac版是一款十分受大众喜爱的桌面美化工具。BongocatMverMac版支持苹果电脑,用户可以直接通过键盘按键与可爱的小猫进行互动。用户还可以根据自己的设计更改小猫的形象,有需要的小伙伴快来下载使用吧!    

mercator fellow 什么意思

Mercator词典墨卡托(Gerhardus,1512-1594,佛兰德Flanders 的地理学家,地图制作家)fellow英 [ˈfeləʊ]   美 [ˈfeloʊ]  n.同伴;男子;(大学的)研究员;(某些学院或大学的)董事adj.同伴的;同事的;同类的;同情况的vt.使…与另一个对等;使…与另一个匹敌

especially ,extremely,actually,excatly,completely等的区别


obviously,what is vividly portrayed in the picture does carry rather significant implications


manufacture ,construct ,make ,fabricate,creat ,invent区别

其实你可以去查字典,上面的例句自己体会一下.我说一下我的理解哈. manufacture有制造的意思,一般用在工厂啊什么的. construct是构建的意思,比如建筑啊,或者构建一个系统什么的. make的意思就很多了,一般指做一个东西,有些习惯的用法,比如 make a piece of cake fabricate是编造编织的意思,编织布料可以用,编造谎言可以同它. creat创造的意思.creat比invent用法广泛一些,创造的一个新的方法,外国人很喜欢这个词. invent一般指发明创造,比如爱迪生发明了电灯.

mention 和communicate分别是什么意思


communication initiative是什么?


satisfied,salisfiring,satisfy,satisficatuin的区别 是satisfication

satisfy 动词 满足” satisfied是satisfy的过去分词形式表被动,satisfying是satisfy的现在分词形式,表主动.这两个词使用是要看它与主语的关系 satisfication是名词“满意,满足”很好区分吧~


satisfy 动词 “满意,满足”satisfied是satisfy的过去分词形式表被动,satisfying是satisfy的现在分词形式,表主动。这两个词使用是要看它与主语的关系satisfication是名词“满意,满足”很好区分吧~


communicate 英[kəˈmju:nɪkeɪt] 美[kəˈmjunɪˌket] vt. 传达,表达; 显示:清晰地揭示; 表明; 传染:扩散; vi. 通讯; 交际; 相连;相通; [例句]I like to communicate with my family .我喜欢和我的家人沟通。


adj. 交流的;通信的v. 交流;传播(communicate的现在分词);传递communicating communicate   [kə"mju:nikeit]vt.1.communicate的变形vt.1.传递;传达;传播,传染;传送:Shool children often communicate colds to each other.学校的孩子们常常互相传染感冒。2.传授;告知,通知:to communicate knowledge to children向儿童传授知识He communicated the whole story to me.他把事情的整个过程都告诉我了。vi.1.交流思想、信息;交际,交往;联络,联系;通讯;通话:We learn a language in order to communicate.我们学习一种语言是为了交流思想。We can communicate with people in most parts of the world by telephone.我们可以通过电话与世界大部分地区的人民联系。2.顺利表达,传情,传神;感染:He didn"t communicate his ideas well in his speech.他在讲话中没有把自己的思想表达透彻。3.相连;相通;连接:The living room communicates with the dining room.起居室与饭厅相通。短语变形vt. communicated communicatingcommunicating communicate   [kə"mju:nikeit]vt.1.communicate的变形vt.1.传递;传达;传播,传染;传送:Shool children often communicate colds to each other.学校的孩子们常常互相传染感冒。2.传授;告知,通知:to communicate knowledge to children向儿童传授知识He communicated the whole story to me.他把事情的整个过程都告诉我了。vi.1.交流思想、信息;交际,交往;联络,联系;通讯;通话:We learn a language in order to communicate.我们学习一种语言是为了交流思想。We can communicate with people in most parts of the world by telephone.我们可以通过电话与世界大部分地区的人民联系。2.顺利表达,传情,传神;感染:He didn"t communicate his ideas well in his speech.他在讲话中没有把自己的思想表达透彻。3.相连;相通;连接:The living room communicates with the dining room.起居室与饭厅相通。短语变形vt. communicated communicating

identificate 有这个单词没

没有identificate这个单词。identification 扩展词汇 英 [aɪˌdentɪfɪ"keɪʃn]     美 [aɪˌdentɪfɪ"keɪʃn]    n. 确认;鉴定;识别;身份的证明identify 核心词汇 英 [aɪ"dentɪfaɪ]     美 [aɪ"dentɪfaɪ]    vt. 鉴定;识别,辨认出,认出;认明;把…看成一样vi. 认同;感同身受


identification[aIˌdZntəfə`kєʃən; aiˌdєntifiˋkєiʃn]《identify 的名词》名词1 a. 同一,同一的证明; 身份证明,身份确认b. 证明身份的证件,身份证2 a. 同一化,成为一体的感觉[with]b. ‘精神分析"认同,视为同一


n. 指示器;[试剂] 指示剂;[计] 指示符;压力计indicator 指示器,指标,指示剂dial indicator 针盘指示表,度盘式指示表,千分表direction indicator 方向标,中心指示器,方向指示器


1. 认识这个词(基础篇) 词:indictive 英英释义:showing that something will happen, is true, or exists 例句:Their failure to act is indicative of their lack of interest. 2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇) “indicative”常用作形容词,和 indicate 意思相近,表示“表明““反映出”,是一个较为正式的高频单词。我们之前还学过它的名词形式 indicator, 可以把这两个词放到一起来学,丰富表达的多样性。当我们想总结一个现象背后的原因时就可以用到它,下面我们通过几个例子掌握它的用法。 indicative 的最常见用法是 A is indicative of B,表示 A 反映了 B 的状态。比如因为没有兴趣,所以没有行动就可以说成: Their failure to act is indicative of their lack of interest. 我们常说“左眼跳财”,用英文可以说成: An old Chinese saying goes: the twitching of the left eyelid is indicative of the coming of good fortune. 我们还常说“相由心生”,也就是说一个人的外表往往可以反映出他的内心感受,因此可以说成: Physical appearance is indicative of how a person feels. 《经济学人》中也经常用到 indicative,比如: 1)Expectations of rising prices are indicative of expectations for more demand, more spending, and ultimately more production and hiring. 2)Critics of Mr Netanyahu"s government say the nation-state law is indicative of its efforts to make Israel less democratic and more illiberal. 3)In Chinese culture, good handwriting was long seen as indicative of moral fibre, knowledge of characters was synonymous with learning itself, and calligraphy was a great art.(这里的 indicative 可以和 synonymous 一起学习) 复习:synonymous, indicator (点击单词可直接跳转)3. 从认识到会用(作业) 1)翻译下面的句子: 这一行为表明了她的态度。 (参考翻译:This behavior is indicative of her attitude.) 她额头上的皱纹表面她成年累月的焦虑。 Her brow is indicative of  her anxiety of years .



过敏原indicator band啥意思啊中文

indicator band指示器带双语例句The Simple Indicator for Speech Frequency Band 简易语音频宽演示仪


indicating[英]["ɪndɪkeɪtɪŋ][美]["ɪndɪkeɪtɪŋ]n.指示,标志; v.指示; 标示( indicate的现在分词 ); 象征; 表明或暗示…的可能性; 例句:1.Her arms showed green patches, indicating heavy internal bleeding. 她的胳膊出现了青斑,表明有严重的内出血。


indicate 英[ˈɪndɪkeɪt] 美[ˈɪndɪˌket] vt. 表明,标示,指示; 象征,暗示,预示; [医] 显示需要做…的治疗; [例句]A survey of retired people has indicated that most are independent and enjoying life对退休人员的调查表明,大部分人都自食其力,享受生活。[其他] 第三人称单数:indicates 现在分词:indicating 过去式:indicated过去分词:indicated


indicator的意思:标志,迹象;方向灯,转向指示灯;指示器,显示器;指示剂;指示(物)种。短语PH indicator 酸碱指示剂 ; pH指示剂 ; 指示剂 ; 酸指示redox indicator [试剂] 氧化还原指示剂 ; 氧化还原指示 ; 氧indicator species [生物] 指示种 ; 指示物种 ; 指标种dial indicator 针盘指示表 ; 度盘式指示表 ; [机] 千分表 ; 刻度盘指示器Indicator function [数] 指示函数 ; 指示函數Liquid Indicator 液位计 ; 流体流动指示器 ; 液面计 ; 液面指示计economic indicator [计划] 经济指标 ; 经济目标同根词词根: indicateadj.indicative 象征的;指示的;表示…的indicant 指示的;表示的indicatory 表示的;指示的n.indication 指示,指出;迹象;象征indicative 陈述语气;陈述语气的动词形式indicant 指示物vt.indicate 表明;指出;预示;象征




过敏原indicatorband的意思是:指示器带indicator读法 英[ˈɪndɪkeɪtə(r)]  美[ˈɪndɪkeɪtər]  n.指示信号;标志;迹象;指示器;指针;转向灯;方向灯短语:1、laggingindicator 滞后指标;迟滞指标;拉后指标2、biologicalindicator 指示剂;指示生物;生物学指标3、positionindicator 位置指示器4、keyperformanceindicator 关键绩效指标5、indicatorlamp 指示灯;表示灯;度盘灯扩展资料indicator的同根词:indicateindicate读法 英 ["ɪndɪkeɪt]  美 ["ɪndɪket] vt.表明;指出;预示;象征词语用法:1、indicate还可表示“在仪表盘上显示出?”,接表示读数或量度等的名词作宾语。indicate表示“指明,表明”时,多半是指明一个具体情况的存在或是一些看起来是真的事情。2、indicate后可接that从句。indicate可指“标志,象征”。词义辨析:indicate,pointout,show这组词(组)都有“表示”“表明”的意思。其区别在于:1、pointout更强调“指出”。2、show通常用于一眼就可以看清的东西,多用于有意识的行为。3、indicate常用于无意识的行为。


indicating[英]["ɪndɪkeɪtɪŋ][美]["ɪndɪkeɪtɪŋ]n.指示,标志; v.指示; 标示( indicate的现在分词 ); 象征; 表明或暗示…的可能性; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The index has been negative indicating weaker demand for five consecutive quarters. 相关指数也连续5个季度呈现负数表明需求不断减弱。
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