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我才装了系统。请教高手PPStream 和BitComet什么意思?


很多人都已经知道了可以借助NETSTAT -AN来查看当前的连接与开放的端口,但NETSTAT并不万能,比如你的Win95遭到OOB攻击的时候,不等NETSTAT你就已经死机了。为此,出现了一种特殊的小工具——端口监听程序。端口监听并不是一项复杂的技术,但却能解决一些局部问题,当OOB攻击风行的时候,有些程序员期望借助端口监听的简单方式堵住这一漏洞,于是就有了象ICMPWATCH、ANTINUKE、NUKENABER等工具,而后来BO、NETBUS等流行起来,也有人试图通过NUKENABER来监听12345、31337这样的端口,来发现木马并防止黑客的攻击,后来出现的一些专门针对BO设计的程序,如BS120的前期版本也主要是依靠端口监听的方法,当然随着木马的日趋泛滥和木马Server端端口的可定义性,这种方法还是被放弃了。 不过值得一提的是ANTINUKE,这虽然是一个只有几十K的小程序,但他带有一个反击的功能,就是说,会用OOB攻击的方式反击发包向你139端口的人,而且它会使HACKTEK这样的扫描器在扫描到139时发生溢出而终止,大家不妨实验一下。 NUKENABER的优点在于他可以监听多个端口,Port magic也有这样的功能。 另外需要说明的是,端口监听还用于实现对共享目录访问的监测和控制,我们都知道远程访问一台机器的共享目录实际是访问139端口,那么只要对本机139的监听就可以察觉对远程的访问请求,这样的软件有很多,如ProtectX、NetAlert等等,他们的功能比较近似,都可以记录或显示试图连接你机器的IP地址并发出警告,可以让你选择拒绝还是允许。 有些端口监听工具,不仅可以被动监听,也提供了一些有意思的功能,比如fakeserv让你的机器开放多个端口,使扫描者误认为你开放了Wingate、TELNET等多种服务,忙了一塌糊涂,结果才发现是个骗局。不仅浪费时间,而且还被你记录了IP。还有的让你的机器开放12345、31337等端口,待到有人用木马的客户端连接上来时,就发给他警告信息或利用木马本身的漏洞让他死机。 端口扫描器的缺陷就是只能监视固定的端口,面对越发恶劣的安全环境,仅仅凭借简单的端口监控程序是不够的。

Bitcomet 0.59是什么程序呀?


bitcomet 是什么软件?有什么作用?可以卸载掉吗?







磁盘缓存过多。1、点击进入到比特彗星软件,在软件上方菜单栏中可以找到“工具”,点击工具展开工具的下拉子菜单,在子菜单找到“选项”。2、点击“选项”,弹出选项的窗口页面,在选项窗口的网络连接中全局最大下载速度设置为1500 全局最大上传速度设置为50 。3、然后选项窗口中的磁盘缓存中将磁盘缓存最小值设置为6M,磁盘缓存最大值设置为1024M,减小磁盘缓存当空闲物理内存低于设置为50M,将每个HTTP链接磁盘缓存大小设为512KB,然后将在最大最小值范围内自动调整缓存大小上打上钩。4、然后将已完成里面不要留文件,将下载好后立即删除任务,但是不要删除文件。5、种子越多,你载的速度自然就快了,如果没有种子的话,那下载速度自然就很慢了。那么只能通过删除下载任务并且下载其他的种子,来提高下载速度了。扩展资料BitComet(比特彗星)一个强大的BT下载软件,独有的长效种子功能,能显著提高下载速度,延长种子寿命。种子市场,用户可以共享任务列表,也可以浏览下载其他人共享的任务。HTTP/FTP下载,应用领先的P2P技术,大大减轻下载服务器负担,显著提高下载速度。BitComet(比特彗星)是一个完全免费的BitTorrent(BT)下载管理软件,也称BT下载客户端,同时也是一个集BT/HTTP/FTP为一体的下载管理器。BitComet(比特彗星)拥有多项领先的BT下载技术,有边下载边播放的独有技术,也有方便自然的使用界面。最新版又将BT技术应用到了普通的HTTP/FTP下载,可以通过BT技术加速您的普通下载。



BITCOMET 是什么格式?????






BitComet 翻译成中文是什么/?


Bitcomet 是什么意思





tracker服务器是BT下载中必须的角色。一个BT client 在下载开始以及下载进行的过程中,要不停的与 tracker 服务器进行通信,以报告自己的信息,并获取其它下载client的信息。心看完bt原理的就知道bt下载的中心是bt的tracker服务器,也是上面第二张图所演示的。bt下载一开始,首先要连接到中心的tracker服务器,在tracker中心服务器上获得,其他用户ip地址后,才开始连接到其他用户开始下载!问题是有时候经常连接不到中心服务器,其实不要担心,bt客户端在第一次连接不到tracker服务器服务器的话,会再次尝试连接的,所以bt下载没有开始话要多等一会!假如你觉得bt的tracker服务器发回来的下载用户太少,那么bt的tracker服务器是可以手动添加的。而tracker服务器服务器会提供很多端口来提供下载


不是很清楚,遇到这种无法分辨的网站最好先前不要访问,免得造成损失 还有你可以通过电脑管家进行检测一下的, 电脑安装好管家,开启上网保护,如果遇到钓鱼网站可以及时的检测出来。

good girl和bitch的差异,求分析,还有怎么判断

good girl是夸人的,bitch是骂人的。。一个是褒义一个是贬义。。都是形容女生的。比如you are a good girl,you are a bitch。


星展银行现在好像是不行的,以下是为您找到的答案国际信用卡付款步骤现已接受Visa、MasterCard及JCB卡付款;提醒:建议使用IE浏览器进行支付 温馨提示:1、淘宝以外的交易不能使用国际信用卡;2、虚拟商品暂不支持国际信用卡付款;3、交易金额小于1元人民币不能使用国际信用卡;4、购买宝贝时勾选了“运费险”不能使用国际信用卡支付。使用信用卡付款操作步骤如下:第一步:请您去到您要购买的商品页面, 选择您需要的数量,选择立即购买,若需要在同家店铺购买多样商品,可以先加入购物车后再去购物车进行结算。第二步:填写收货地址等信息, 建议在拍下之前先跟卖家联络,确认运送方式和快递资费。第三步:请选择”信用卡”,再选择“选择其他”,点击Visa/MasterCard/JCB;第四步:点击“下一步”进入到信用卡支付信息输入页面。第五步:点击“确认付款”,完成支付。





蕾哈娜出的新歌bitch better have my money是什么意思怎么回事

整合时下热门的元素,魔性的嗓音在各路工业噪音synth下依然有化腐朽为神奇的凌驾感。最重要的是在保持了Icon度之後,她越发棱角分明,甚至有些凶猛尖锐。Bitch Better Have My Money - Rihanna Yeah, yeahYeah, yeahMoo-la-lahYeah, yeahBitch better have my money!Y"all should know me well enoughBitch better have my money!Please don"t call me on my bluffPay me what you owe meBallin" bigger than LeBronGive me your moneyWho y"all think y"all frontin" on?Like blah, blah, blahLouis XIII and it"s all on me,nigga you just bought a shotKamikaze if you think thatyou gon" knock me off the topShit, your wife in the backseatof my brand new foreign carDon"t act like you forgot,I call the shots, shots, shotsLike blah, blah, blahPay me what you owe me,don"t act like you forgotBitch better have my money!Bitch better have my money!Pay me what you owe meBitch better haveBitch better haveBitch better haveBitch better haveBitch better have my money!Turn up to Rihannawhile the whole club fuckin" wastedEvery time I drive by,I"m the only thing you"re playin"In a drop top, doin" hundred,y"all in my rearview mirror racin"Where y"all at? Where y"all at?Where y"all at?Like blah, blah, blahLouis XIII and it"s all on me,nigga you just bought a shotKamikaze if you think thatyou gon" knock me off the topShit, your wife in the backseatof my brand new foreign carDon"t act like you forgot,I call the shots, shots, shotsLike blah, blah, blahPay me what you owe me,don"t act like you forgotBitch better have my money!Bitch better have my money!Pay me what you owe meBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have my money!Bitch better have my money!Pay me what you owe meBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have my money!Bitch better have my money!Bitch better have my money!Bitch Bitch better have my money!Bitch Bitch better have my money!

bitch betta have my money这首歌的歌词翻译是什麼?

Yeah, yeah 耶耶 Yeah, yeah 耶耶 Moo-la-lah 牟啦啦 Yeah, yeah 耶耶 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Y"all should know me well enough 你们可是清楚姐的脾气 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Please don"t call me on my bluff 可别说我在吓唬你们 Pay me what you owe me 把欠我的都还给我 Ballin" bigger than LeBron 姐可比勒布朗还有钱 Give me your money 碧池 把钱交给我 Who y"all think y"all frontin" on? 你以为你在冲谁皱眉头 Like blah, blah, blah 还以为你多有种似的 Louis XIII and it"s all on me, 人头马 姐全买单 nigga you just bought a shot 你只买得起一杯吧 Kamikaze if you think that 不要以为你是神风特攻队 you gon" knock me off the top 能将我赶下台 Shit, your wife in the backseat 要知道你的妹子坐在 of my brand new foreign car 我全新座驾的后座上 Don"t act like you forgot, 可不要装作你忘了 I call the shots, shots, shots 老娘才是有话语权的老大 Like blah, blah, blah 还以为你自己多有种似的 Pay me what you owe me, 把欠我的都还给我 don"t act like you forgot 可别装你忘了 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Pay me what you owe me 把欠我的都还给我 Bitch better have 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Turn up to Rihanna 直到老娘出现 while the whole club fuckin" wasted 这才像是个狂欢的派对 Every time I drive by, 每次姐我开车驶过 I"m the only thing you"re playin" 我才是唯一的大牌好吗 In a drop top, doin" hundred, 在下降,做几百 y"all in my rearview mirror racin" 我开着敞篷跑车 你们只能在我屁股后头追 Where y"all at? Where y"all at? 你们算老几 你们算老几 Where y"all at? 你们算老几 Like blah, blah, blah 还以为自己多有种似的 Louis XIII and it"s all on me, 人头马 姐全买单 nigga you just bought a shot 你只买得起一杯吧 Kamikaze if you think that 不要以为你是神风特攻队 you gon" knock me off the top 能将我赶下台 Shit, your wife in the backseat 要知道你的妹子坐在 of my brand new foreign car 我全新座驾的后座上 Don"t act like you forgot, 可不要装作你忘了 I call the shots, shots, shots 老娘才是有话语权的老大 Like blah, blah, blah 还以为你自己多有种似的 Pay me what you owe me, 把欠我的都还给我 don"t act like you forgot 可别装你忘了 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Pay me what you owe me 把欠我的都还给我 Bitch better have my 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Pay me what you owe me 把欠我的都还给我 Bitch better have my 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch Bitch better have my money! 碧池 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch Bitch better have my money!... 碧池 碧池 最好快点还我钱出处

蕾哈娜出的新歌bitch better have my money是什么意思怎么回事


bitch better have my money歌词翻译


有suck you bitch这一说吗,是什么意思呢?

你好son of bitch狗。娘养的满意请采纳谢谢

fuck off bitch 是什么意思?

Shameless bitch!

有个老外跟我说You son of a bitch


迅雷,快车(FlashGet),BitComet, 哪个下载好


what the hell you fuking bitch 什么意思

what the hell you fuking bitch 说某人是一个婊子 母狗 Shut up! 闭嘴 我最喜欢这句 You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! You"re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! I hate you! 我讨厌你! Get lost.滚开! It"s none of your business. 关你屁事! You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!



bubblegum bitch什么意思?


bitch is hypocritical是什么意思


you are a bitch是什么意思

您好:you are a bitch你是一个婊子双语对照例句:1.Sometimes you are really a bitch. 有时候你真是混蛋。----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Salaba bitch?

恩 是的 婊子养的!!骂人的话


  如果有看外国的一些片子,那一定见过这个单词bitch,这个单词的意思是婊子,你们知道有关于这个单词的 俚语 吗?下面我就要来介绍有关于这个单词的俚语,一起来看看吧。   “BITCH”是一个强大的词,它可以用作名词,也可以用作动词或形容词,它几乎受到了所有英语为非母语的人误解。它可以是好玩的,与性别有关的,或者暴力的。它也可以是无礼的,中立的,甚至能够用在女人身上。但是在99%的例子中,“Bitch” 不能够翻译成“妓女”。    维基 百科 说:   单词“bitch”,字面意思指的是一只母狗,它是英语中常用的俚语,尤其是作为诋毁语用到人身上,通常是女人。它通常指的是好斗的、不可理喻的、粗鲁地入侵的或好攻击的人。   让我们来一探究竟吧。下面是如何使用BITCH的 方法 。    基本上从来没有妓女的意思   人们常常接受的“son of a bitch” 的翻译(“婊子养的”)是容易让人误解的,并且它不能够完全代表母语为英语的人在 其它 情况下是如何使用bitch这个单词的。即使是“son of a bitch”这句话,我敢说这种表达按照同样的方式翻译成西班牙语或是葡萄牙语(“hijo de puta/ filho de puta”),也并不能让我想到bitch指的是母亲或是妇女。   唯一例外的是《美国黑帮》说唱音乐,它里面单词“bitch”有衍生的更加贬义的用法(妓女),通常把女人比作“婊子和妓女”(hoe指的是妓女)。下面有很多例子:   Bitch的字面意思是母狗。这里没什么好解释的。这个完全是字面意思,并且这可能是这个单词唯一的非口语化的用法。   称一个女人为 Bitch有3种不同意思    1.一个烦人的不快的女人   称一个女人为bitch绝对是不礼貌的,但是在很多情况下,它并没有“whore(妓女)”那么恶劣。例如:(a)他没有给餐馆小费,因为他说他的女服务员WAS A BITCH(是个烦人的女人)。(b)我不知道她怎么了。她就是BEING A BITCH(让人不愉快)。   注意:“She is a bitch.”(永久的,现在时)比说“she is being a bitch”(临时状态,进行时) 更加无礼。同样地,称一个女人是个bitch是很不友好的,所以注意你的言辞。   2.妓女   说唱音乐即Rap似乎是唯一使用“bitch” 表示“妓女”的语境。说唱音乐中“bitch” 的使用是个有争议的、复杂的问题,这个我不打算立刻探究清楚。在我个人看来,一般来说,说唱音乐里这种用法展示了完全不恰当的对待女人的态度,任何人都不应该模仿。看看着名歌手Dr. Dre和Snoop Dogg提出的“unified bitch theory ”。    3.一个有权利的女人   这是一个新兴的女权主义的定义,最近也变的越来越常见了:“在一篇关于女权主义的 文章 中,它能够表示一个强势或者自信的女人,这个女人可能会让男人感到威胁。”看看流行的Meredith Brooks的歌曲,“bitch”,这首歌的歌词很好的诠释了这个意思。   称一个男人为 Bitch


you son of bitch

gossip girl里面有个歌曲,歌词有i am a bitch ,还有一句有b-i-t-c-h,

Plastiscines - Bitch在qq音乐里可以搜到


son of bitch 狗娘养的

sun of a bitch是什么意思

第一个单词应该是son, 就是 “gou niang养的”的意思,是骂人的




是不是The show

wet ass bitch是什么意思?

《WAP》Frank Ski------------------------------------------Whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseCardi B:I said certified freak seven days a weekWet-ass pussy make that pullout game weakAhYeah yeah yeah yeahYeah you fuckin with some wet-ass pussyBring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussyGive me everything you got for this wet-ass pussyCardi B:Beat it up nigga catch a chargeExtra large and extra hardPut this pussy right in your faceSwipe your nose like a credit cardHop on top I wanna rideI do a kegel while its insideSpit in my mouth look in my eyesThis pussy is wet come take a diveTie me up like Im surprisedLets roleplay Ill wear a disguiseI want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garageMake it cream make me screamOut in public make a sceneI dont cook I dont cleanBut let me tell you how I got this ringMegan Thee Stallion:Gobble me swallow me drip down the side of meQuick jump out fore you let you get inside of meYeahI tell him where to put it never tell him where Im bout to beIll run down on him fore I have a nigga runnin meTalk your shit bite your lipAsk for a car while you ride that dickWhile you ride that dickYou really aint never gotta fuck him for a thangHe already made his mind up fore he cameAyy uhNow get your boots and your coat for this wet-ass pussyHe bought a phone just for pictures of this wet-ass pussyClick clickPay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet-ass pussyNow make it rain if you wanna see some wet-ass pussyCardi B:Look I need a hard hitter need a deep strokerNeed a Henny drinker need a weed smokerNot a garter snake I need a king cobraWith a hook in it hope it lean overHe got some money then thats where Im headedPussy A1 just like his creditHe got a beard well Im tryna wet itI let him taste it now he diabeticI dont wanna spit I wanna gulpI wanna gag I wanna chokeI want you to touch that lil dangly thingThat swing in the back of my throatMy head game is fire punani DasaniIts goin in dry and its comin out soggyI ride on that thing like the cops is behind meI spit on his mic and now he tryna sign me wooMegan Thee Stallion:Your honor Im a freak bitch handcuffs leashesSwitch my wig make him feel like he cheatinPut him on his knees give him somethin to believe inNever lost a fight but Im looking for a beatingIn the food chain Im the one that eat yaIf he ate my ass hes a bottom-feederBig D stand for big demeanorI could make ya bust before I ever meet yaIf it dont hang then he cant bangYou cant hurt my feelings but I like painIf he fuck me and ask Whose is itWhen I ride the dick Ima spell my name ahCardi B:Yeah yeah yeahYeah you fuckin with some wet-ass pussyBring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussyGive me everything you got for this wet-ass pussyNow from the top make it drop thats some wet-ass pussyNow get a bucket and a mop thats some wet-ass pussyIm talkin wap wap wap thats some wet-ass pussyMacaroni in a pot thats some wet-ass pussy huhFrank Ski:Theres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this house

Avril的runaway歌词中是不是有一句life can be a bitch……



"run+bitch" 是一种比较时尚的印花元素,意为“追求和平和奔跑生命的态度”,从文字本身来看并没有贬义,更多的是追求积极向上和自由奔放的生活态度。不过根据不同的语境和文化背景,有些人可能会将其解读为带有贬义或者冷嘲热讽的符号,可能会引起歧义。所以在出门前穿着具有个人化元素的衣物时,需要谨慎考虑所传达的信息,避免给他人带来负面影响。


这这这 分开的话 就是滚吧贱人的意思









son of the bitch是错误语法吗


you son of a bitch什么意思


美剧中除了son of bitch 之外,是不是还有句类似son nima bitch的话?

没有= =nima是尼玛吗

Sb. god damned fucking son of bitch.是什么意思

语法错误,应该是son of a bitch

英语里除了son of gun坏小子,son of bitch还有哪些son of啥?

son of God救世主son of adam男子son of heaven天子

son of bitch有没有a

没有的!以前我不透露姓名的某总统骂人也就只说 某某是SOB

son of a bitch 怎么来的? 这句话的来源是什么?

。。 狗 。。 什么什么什么

son of a bitch 和son of the bitch有区别吗

这个属于习语,所以用法是固定的,如果你就是单纯的想骂人的话,就是son of a bitch如果你真的在做一个描述或介绍句的话,一般都是要有情景的。比如你们之前提到了一男,和一女,然后你说:He is the son of the bitch. 他就是那个婊子的儿子。就这样

son of bitch的读音? son of bitch的意思?

"son of bitch" 的读音为 [sʌn əv bɪtʃ],其中 "son" 发音为 [sʌn],"of" 发音为 [əv],"bitch" 发音为 [bɪtʃ]。"son of bitch" 是一个较为粗俗的英语词组,意思是 "混蛋"、"恶棍" 或者 "畜生" 等,通常被用来指责或侮辱某人。这个词组有时也可以用来形容一些不好的事情或者不愉快的经历。需要注意的是,由于这个词组比较粗俗,不适合在正式场合或者与陌生人交往时使用。

son of a bitch是什么意思? 英语口语




your son of bitch 什么意思


you son of bitch


son of a bitch怎么读?最好音译成汉语


The son fo the bitch 是什么意思

是the son of bitch骂人的话...就是字面上的意思...son-儿子...bitch什么意思自己查一下就知道了= =

son of a bitch 是什么意思?




到底是son of the bitch还是son of bitch或是son of a bitch

son of bitch

son of bitch中文

son of a bitch 直译是狗婆娘的子, 通常用来形容很让人讨厌的人. 要谨慎使用。通常视为一种很强的侮辱。The son of a bitch insulted my family. 那狗混蛋侮辱我家人.有时, 亦可以用作一种惊叹的表达词Son of a bitch! I didn"t even see that car pull out.Son of a bitch! 我没看到那车驶出来.

son of bitch 还是son of a bitch ?口语里是不是都可以啊?

都可以,一般用的比较多的是you son of a bitch

son of a bitch啥意思


找一首歌,歌词有look at me mom i look like a ,bitch

我觉得是 We can‘t stop。。。总觉得你记错歌词来着。。我看了追问这样觉得的。。It"s our party we can do what we wantIt"s our party we can say what we wantIt"s our party we can love who we wantWe can kiss who we wantWe can sing what we wantRed cups and sweaty bodies everywhereHands in the air like we don"t careCause we came to have so much fun nowBet somebody here might get some nowIf you"re not ready to go homeCan I get a “Hell, no!”?Cause we"re gonna go all night"til we see the sunlight, alrightSo la da di da diWe like to partyDancing with MollyDoing whatever we wantThis is our houseThis is our rulesAnd we can"t stopAnd we won"t stopCan"t you see it"s we who own the night?Can"t you see it"s we who "bout that life?And we can"t stopAnd we won"t stopWe run things, things don"t run weDon"t take nothing from nobodyYeah, yeahIt"s our party we can do what we wantIt"s our party we can say what we wantIt"s our party we can love who we wantWe can kiss who we wantWe can sing what we wantTo my home girls here with the big buttShaking it like we at a strip clubRemember only God can judge yaForget the haters cause somebody loves yaAnd everyone in line in the bathroomTrying to get a line in the bathroomWe all so turned up hereGetting turned up, yeah, yeahSo la da di da diWe like to partyDancing with MileyDoing whatever we wantThis is our houseThis is our rulesAnd we can"t stopAnd we won"t stopCan"t you see it"s we who own the night?Can"t you see it"s we who "bout that life?And we can"t stopAnd we won"t stopWe run things, things don"t run weDon"t take nothing from nobodyYeah, yeahIt"s our party we can do what we wantIt"s our party we can say what we wantIt"s our party we can love who we wantWe can kiss who we wantWe can sing what we wantIt"s our party we can do what we want toIt"s our house we can love who we want toIt"s our song we can sing if we want toIt"s my mouth I can say what I want toSay yeah, yeah, yeah, ehhAnd we can"t stopAnd we won"t stopWe run things, things don"t run weDon"t take nothing from nobodyYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, ehh

nice try bitch什么意思

nice try不错的尝试/得了吧bitchn.母狗;淫妇;牢骚事;坏女人vi.埋怨;发牢骚;挖苦;(背后)说坏话vt.把…搞糟;弄坏;抱怨;埋怨

后会无期是sunofbitch 还是sun of beach

sun of beach阳光沙滩

unapologetic bitch造句 unapologetic bitchの例文

" Unapologetic Bitch " is a reggae pop song, with a dancehall groove, air horns, miptary drum beats and dub sirens in its instrumentation. In December 2014, some reports suggested that the album was set to be named " Unapologetic Bitch ", since it was the title of one of the thirteen track demos that leaked to the Inter in December 2014, as well as the hashtag that she used frequently on Instagram while working on the album. However, she later confirmed the album to be titled " Rebel Heart ", while releasing six pleted tracks as pre-order for the album on iTunes Store, on December 20, 2014, as an " early Christmas gift " to avoid more material being leaked . " Unapologetic Bitch " was among the six tracks and it was revealed that Diplo produced it. It"s difficult to find unapologetic bitch in a sentence. 用 unapologetic bitch 造句挺难的

unapologeticbitch中文歌词翻译 已经在此处翻译完毕了,如果您对歌词感到满意的话,是否可以给英文歌词翻译吧点个关注呢


歌名应为《Fuckin‘ Perfect》。《Fuckin‘ Perfect》歌手:P!nk所属专辑:《Fuckin" Perfect》发行时间:2010-12-14歌词对照:Made a wrong turn 重犯错误 Once or twice 一回两回 Dug my way out 翻出我的过去 Blood and fire 血与泪 Bad decisions 错误抉择 That"s alright 没什么 Welcome to my silly life 这就是我他X的人生 Mistreated this place 被虐待,错位人生, Misunderstood 没人理解 Miss knowing it"s all good 迷失方向也无所谓 It didnt slow me down. 但这并不表示我很衰 Mistaking 错误 Always second guessing 不止一次 Underestimating 太看得起我 Look I"m still around 瞧,我还是那样! Pretty, pretty please 赞 赞 赞吧 Dont you ever, ever feel 你是否 是否了解 Like you"re less than 比你少一点 Fucking perfect 赞爆了吧 Pretty, pretty please 赞 赞 赞吧 If you ever, ever feel 你是否 是否了解 Like you"re nothing 就像你的平平凡凡 You"re fucking perfect to me 对我来说赞爆了! You"re so mean 你的嘴 When you talk 有时真的很贱 About yourself, you were wrong 对你来说 你做错了 Change the voices in your head 改变你固有的观念吧 Make them like you instead 变成让他们喜欢的人 So complicated 确实太复杂 Look how we all make it 你要改变得多费劲 Filled with so much hatred 心里满是愤世嫉俗 Such a tired game 这种无聊的游戏 It"s enough 真的受够了 I"ve done all I can think of 我已经尽我所能 Chased down all my demons 跟我来做坏美眉 I"ve seen you do the same 你也一样 Oh 哦 Pretty, pretty please 赞 赞 赞吧 Dont you ever, ever feel 你是否 是否了解 Like you"re less than 比你少一点 Fucking perfect 赞爆了吧 Pretty, pretty please 赞 赞 赞吧 If you ever, ever feel 你是否 是否了解 Like you"re nothing 就像你的平平凡凡 You"re fucking perfect to me 对我来说赞爆了! The whole worlds scared 他人随我怒目而视 So I swallow the fear 我却毫无畏惧 The only thing I should be drinking 我所需要的就是 Is an ice cold beer 来一杯啤酒加冰 So cool in line 耍人很帅 And we try, try, try 但我已感到厌烦 But we try too hard 但我们太努力尝试 And it"s a waste of my time 这仅仅是浪费时间 Done looking for the critics 想要听规劝, Cause they"re everywhere 却满地指责 They don"t like my jeans 他们任我我天生狂人, They don"t get my hair 连我的一根头发丝也看不顺眼 Exchange ourselves 麻醉自己 And we do it all the time 我们整天只能这样 Why do we do that? 为什么我们要这样? Why do I do that? 为什么我们要这样? Why do I do that? 为什么我们要这样? Yeeeeaaaahhh 耶 Oooooooh 哦 Oh baby pretty please 赞 赞吧 Pretty, pretty please 赞 赞 赞吧 Dont you ever feel 你是否 是否了解 Like you"re less than 比你少一点 Fucking perfect 赞爆了吧 Pretty, pretty please 赞 赞 赞吧 If you ever, ever feel 你是否 是否了解 Like you"re nothing 就像你的平平凡凡 You"re fucking perfect to me 对我来说赞爆了! You"re perfect, you"re perfect 你很赞 你很赞 Pretty, pretty please 赞 赞 赞吧 If you ever, ever feel 你是否 是否了解 Like you"re nothing 你的平平凡凡 You"re fucking perfect to me 对我来说赞爆了!


Made a wrong turn once or twiceDug my way out, blood and fireBad decisions, that"s alrightWelcome to my silly lifeMistreated, misplaced, misunderstoodMiss "No way, it"s all good"It didn"t slow me down.Mistaken, always second guessingUnderestimated, look I"m still aroundPretty, pretty please, don"t you ever, ever feelLike you"re less than fucking perfectPretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feelLike you"re nothing, you"re fucking perfect to meYou"re so mean when you talkAbout yourself. You were wrongChange the voices in your headMake them like you insteadSo complicatedLook happy, You"ll make itFilled with so much hatredSuch a tired gameIt"s enough, I"ve done all I could think ofChased down all my demonsI"ve seen you do the samePretty, pretty please, don"t you ever, ever feelLike you"re less than fucking perfectPretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feelLike you"re nothing, you"re fucking perfect to mewhole The world"s scared, so I swallow the fearThe only thing I should be drinking is an ice cold beerSo cool in line and we try try try but we try too hardAnd it"s a waste of my timeDone looking for the critics, cause they"re everywhereThey don"t like my jeans, they don"t get my hairExchange ourselves and we do it all the timeWhy do we do that, why do I do that (why do I do that)I"m Pretty, pretty, prettyPretty, pretty please, don"t you ever, ever feelLike you"re less than fucking perfectPretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feelLike you"re nothing, you"re fucking perfect to me(You"re perfect, you"re perfect)Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feelLike you"re nothing, you are fucking perfect to me


你去搜百度嘛。“布兰妮 百度百科”。那里她的一切信息都有很详细的解说,会找到你想要的答案吧。

Gimme More里Britney说bitch是对那些别人说的,还是骂自己


一首英文歌 里面经常出现过 【bitch】 的 不是布兰妮的【 Gimme More】 跪求!!

Scream & Shout??
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