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有个老外跟我说You son of a bitch

2023-07-20 21:38:47




son of a bitch 骂人的话,婊子的儿子




Son of beach是什么意思?

biao zi 的意思!或者gou.娘养的意思!求采纳
2023-07-20 19:33:264

you are the son of the beach的意思

应该是son of a bitch~ 翻译呢LS说的。
2023-07-20 19:33:355


2023-07-20 19:34:304


2023-07-20 19:34:514


在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家或多或少都使用过游戏名字吧,下面是小编为大家整理的有关劲舞团游戏名字相关内容,欢迎大家分享。1、默小妖2、撕心裂肺的笑3、苍颜雪4、ζ男人也会不坚强5、二货▓不讲理~6、这需要大智慧7、柳暗花明又一村姑8、怪怪怪咖πd9、地狱★男爵10、该玩儿的年纪却动了心11、劈腿时代何来真爱12、o仰望13、俄跟沵相识麻·14、初恋未满15、心痛不如旧痛@16、帘外雨潺潺17、い男人不狠灬18、烟消ゞ云散19、▃▂走鐹菂蕗_﹏ゥ20、天使的诱惑21、也好也不好i22、雪天使23、路荒遗24、﹏浅蓝铯dē爱。25、失眠症患者26、素念。27、|摩蝎蓙﹎28、-惯性迷醉,29、爷—全球通辑30、‵欠缺的记忆31、如果你也听说32、-牭个魜d"箹椗*33、宁彩蝶34、нo独一нo无二35、我是发光体i36、┾断┡ē誸37、坐怀不乱38、﹎℡蝶灬唯爱39、°酒醉人心碎40、罗纳尔哆啦A梦41、小小的太阳42、超负荷43、据说地球没我不转44、②④K纯屌丝45、三岁该四岁了i46、冋╰忆20147、妖颜惑众ˉ48、叫我嘎哈49、你与时光皆薄情50、赫赫╮无名51、气可鼓不可泄52、[人善被狗欺]53、文嫣月54、诗颜希55、素面朝天也很美i56、Ω糖果果☆57、街角〞哼情歌58、本宫不死尔等终是妃59、冰糖葫芦娃60、浅若夏沫゛61、⑩ハ岁尐哖轻62、℡泚ㄝ£哆凊63、憎厌她64、de意の尐女生65、初衷不变i66、我不是坏女孩67、平凡之路@68、风悠婉69、嘴巴子过来70、梦在深巷71、寂寞烟的瘾72、我继续孤单…73、僮哖d囘忆§☆74、爷只是神话ㄨ75、楠木青城°76、诡异的血瞳77、时光臾凉78、把你搂在怀里79、|′b!谁,都勇敢¨の80、奉旨泡妞81、墨言夕82、◇﹏茴亿83、卸下头具的脸84、谈天谈地不谈情85、继续我的骄傲86、谁爱的比较深87、夏馨婷88、笑里藏刀我不会@89、づ待陌上花开90、肆意的年华っ91、不耀眼#92、惯xng背叛93、敢卍涐°涐去94、捍卫,这段请95、假装╮狠欢乐96、看不清`有谁在〃97、爱情,请稍候98、语言玩家╰╮99、SonOfBeach100、繁华街头的烟花以往绚丽过101、蓝之泪102、不会回头不会深爱。103、冷眼旁观你们的纠缠暧昧104、幽梦ゞ影105、?生死亦别离106、承蒙时光不弃107、 ̄綄美尐妖づ108、思钱想厚°109、撕掉虚伪也许我会好过110、霸气丶AICE111、゛厌丗沉沦ゝ112、不后悔113、碧夙月114、离又弃115、慢慢的我不再被你想起!116、无人区玫瑰117、四好少年118、这个调调の专属me119、山庙里的蚊子120、入你眼i121、你也会失态122、叛逆少年放肆的梦123、淡定の不自然124、 ̄ ̄ ̄蠢蠢蠢蠢蠢ˊ纯洁゜125、墨玲珑126、刷新残情127、沫小蝶128、萌妹纸129、劳资的人你别动130、Love╭ァ专属x131、丿①个亽灬战伇132、醉若熙133、高傲的发霉134、灬潇尐爷ご135、夏至未至136、纯清♂尔男孩137、鱼的第秒重生138、来日方长139、﹌我指着太阳说日¤140、ご沉默菋噵ご141、时光深存少年梦i142、不再回头143、狼心狗肺猪肾人腰144、闷热的晚风。145、满天星146、単裑Dê⑦タづ147、笙,糹苄148、人丑嘴不甜长得磕碜还没钱149、╰相知"相遇ぃ永相随150、我的人你别碰151、季菀月152、你瞎啊撞我心上来153、拥抱的问号154、谁人骨155、你光之处皆是我伤156、Toxic157、昨夜梦已尽〞158、绝对爆破159、温文尔雅°你不配ベ160、┊佐岸|佑转┊161、烟·陪伴↘哥162、平平淡淡多好163、℡泚ㄝ£哆凊164、一齐走到最终165、妃弄墨166、勇者灬霸气167、最爱的阿宝色168、唯爱年华ぺ灬babyル169、ˋ◤蒾纞﹒170、堇年。171、没药别说有病i172、Deathwing173、举悲到凌尘ゅ174、℡玩玩你而已。175、她的他”176、平平淡淡の17年177、__▂>>爱像云ゞ178、亚特兰斯少年∮179、愚叆ゞζiΠg180、极炎神武181、出尔反尔╮182、||丶至尊↘少年﹌183、"_&伈sǐ,!184、颜小艾185、纯粗粮▓小姐186、メiao炫虎187、与你共苦188、永远不知疲惫的追逐189、囍如初190、离开你我不在乎191、雷伊哟192、《爱格,》193、不完美的独特194、孟婆‘我渴了"195、沉默只为笑的炫196、蝶恋々婲197、楚琳晗198、乖乖囡199、为了你都愿意200、ぺ镓长里短ぺ201、bùwàngchūxīn202、℡伪装丶止不住的心跳203、□。三分淑女范er204、"My!ove-205、酒醒-心任醉206、偲想抛弃灵魂207、Deacn抱抱208、╭ァ拖油瓶209、守⒈份坚持210、小胖耍格斗211、高调゛的小骄傲212、`岁月催人老213、尾奏坏☉天使214、⒒楼D-日记215、望月漪216、劲舞游戏名字大全217、小●▂●清纯218、小兄弟**219、掐指一算姑娘你命里缺我220、闪客快打221、醉月胧222、死亡★天尊223、﹏④叶草224、不愿主动225、_蓝莓咘丁_226、时光斑驳了容颜227、壹恍若隔世。228、Xiμ荣229、你是我的小宇宙※230、⑦玥鈤晴231、哥特式丶悲伤232、皈依233、凉薄梦234、嚣张不犯法卍235、一个人没什么不好236、安朵°237、长久温柔238、‘&(尐儍苽-℡239、Σ匰身ァ公饚З240、柒墨姬241、丿飓风丨灬战242、黑白式格调243、百思不得骑姐244、几度难眠245、陪你到世界终结246、女Sir与悍匪247、最终DE魂魄248、彼此相顾无言249、念小兮250、訁巟暗匴迣鎅251、走好不送252、那叫范儿253、夏末凉城空余心254、秒杀feelゼ255、我素E控~256、_花样年华。257、烈酒只对我温喉258、残影杂念259、夜若泪260、韵之竹261、还不至于262、依恋某深挚情263、劲舞游戏名字大全264、玩了Tutu会很屌265、花落╮君离开266、气质哥267、_漆黒辷爿268、狂虎霸道天269、人不犯二枉少年270、选萚↘躱避嗳271、?闷▼*-272、鞋纸虽美,但不合脚ㄋ〞273、乱世佳人274、醉人消烟▌275、我是神人!276、柒柳舞277、你追捧的゛EXO278、伴你不279、。__眼泪啲錵吙"280、原谅至无可转寰281、油饼豆浆282、蜜蔻mical283、-ī种依赖-ī种依靠284、庑─※ぺ┭极285、做自信女人286、紫洛雨287、醉荭颜288、帅气十里289、站在坟前勾引鬼290、别调戏我细心我非礼你291、〢ヽ粘人的心动292、单身﹌贵族℡293、梦の之翼294、绝版虎帝295、行ㄕ赱禸╮296、╰胭脂俗粉゛297、我把整颗心给你,你却嫌腥298、┽→謌的"咾嘙很酷﹏299、慕染汐300、迷路的男人301、一向很安静302、[空白]303、你别掉泪你最珍贵304、一般男儿一般叼305、爱有时很平淡306、小小孩配有爱307、狮子不会因为狗叫而回头308、有一种爱叫离不开309、诺言是用编的310、妄自菲薄丶311、那伤伴我成长312、゛⒏喓长dà﹏313、死后在我坟前弄个wifi314、钮祜禄甄嬛≡°315、▼骑着毛驴撞交警ッ316、┏零下↘℃┫317、☆ヾ枫叶318、放她走319、隐匿微笑320、绝しovの321、v⒈残,伤322、无线网卡是牛牌的323、格斗King~324、摘①嗰苹淉325、沈卿黛326、姬羽怜327、[↗κiらs~]`~▲328、如花壹样笑。329、无奈灬为谁而迷茫330、稻草人331、欲盖弥章°332、寂寞总说无所谓333、因为是傻瓜334、我的眼没有瞎第二次335、男人的丶背影336、毒霸全球337、纤幽梦338、爱悄然离线339、格式化丶过去340、偲λ洂憔悴丶341、o^┢┦apΡy^^342、╰—骚里骚气·Jian人范儿343、╭尛儍苽o○344、ǐˇlёmōл伈情345、优柔寡断346、生气撒娇耍赖皮347、欢|深夜回家348、〆一个芣咋帅气の男亾〆一个芣咋妸嗳のㄝ亾349、梦菲儿350、南萱儿351、一个亾溡想起沵352、颤抖的回眸353、乐小妖354、波霸DE老侃355、换我追你i356、-不浪漫罪名357、错把shi当饭囧358、满脸褶子359、黎月殇360、╮ωǒㄖ勹惢乚361、子当归362、忘旧难363、韩冰云364、爱情恐惧症。365、浅巷墨漓°366、爱Д卜单荇ね367、叼着棒棒糖闯天下368、▇▇▇▇刮开试试369、青春没有了370、ぶ牛仔↘酷371、我穷可是我有质气372、花寂月373、情绪莫名冷淡374、高傲的自我375、じòぴé↘乖乖囡376、非洲小白脸377、か骚年,请珍惜那个女孩378、此人多半有病379、飘梦昭380、一纸巟哖381、做个容嬷嬷一样毒的女人∝382、╰辉煌童年ゞ383、不再联系了384、冉黧绕385、我配你的美丶386、越简单越浪漫゛387、男人该有的傲388、爷丶妞看上你了389、够狠才Man390、我一向苦念于你391、孤魂灬忠影392、凤紫菱393、@个性*男孩@394、葬爱395、乄嘿︶ㄣ你挡396、哥辉煌之时就是迩避难之日397、№→吖吖★僮398、ˉc如果忘了爱399、迩无可代替_400、心死了,还能在生吗401、深入骨zI里ゝ402、画中仙403、翠の烟寒404、最爱你的朋友405、冥枫流火406、爱世界也要爱自我。407、瞌睡の虫408、天真时的童话409、oぃ汏尐姐410、成琪儿411、↘夕嗳oO412、夏之心413、丧心病狂-414、恋の绝歌415、柬埔寨·农民416、失恋岂止天。417、奔雷拳418、ゞ与青春期作战つ419、久溺深海淹死活该420、⑨o后玩世不恭421、陌然希尔422、何曾轻言放下423、一袋萌宠i424、Aager·龙灬神425、妞丶你白里透红爷丶你与众不一样426、我是老好人。427、海枯石烂纯属扯淡428、万人中央数你最亮429、农村人都善良430、DΑìsㄚ431、有一种思念叫做避而不见432、素幕倾433、君为红颜醉°434、兄弟是一生一世的435、欲戴皇冠手拿权杖占你为王436、活该孤独437、骨z里的傲438、陌柳玲439、染色的温柔‖440、卸下情场441、⒏謧⒏弃442、夶掱牵尛掱443、βèn苯小孩444、那些错过的年华,445、从心开始@446、丶最最终的温纯447、心若悲寂448、我装A装C不装B449、◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽450、如梦似幻ゝ451、苹瓂淂嗳452、滚,离莪远点453、冷约@回归线454、起床困难户~zZZ455、劲舞游戏名字大全。456、游龙战神巛Evonne457、与我常在458、姐的心事尔等岂懂459、ζ死性不改的男人ゝζ猫性不改的女人ゝ460、形同"陌路×461、爱如何释怀462、浅诉肆念463、Breath(呼吸)464、我是爸爸的心跳!465、潮流街◆痛苦466、冰若霜467、A刊凯子468、光的温度。ゞ469、妖娆╬═ⅷ宅男470、〆﹏与我无关471、の丶太阳叔叔こ亚泽472、至尊★霸主473、我女神我骄傲i474、蹋上丶光棍路475、冬天丶欢乐(476、爱我还是她477、心宽何处不桃源478、雀巢咖啡有点甜°479、唯⒈のsē彩480、⒉冄⒋号481、没心没肺活着不累@482、拜金阿娘﹏483、昔ㄖDêㄝ畀484、大叔爱萝莉485、全国帅比代表486、低调ヾ也是一种夸耀487、携子之手丶与子下酒。488、魂断红颜489、那些年,做的脑残梦。490、好兄弟;干一杯491、遗失ぜ的ァ完美~492、梦醒无他-493、丿叱咤灬丨风云494、我不努力谁给我未来495、相信我或者滚496、可惜没如果497、默↘小莫498、深情似狗何必狗咬狗!499、~⑨ч囸囲囚500、独活i您还可以点击底部客服咨询八字起名、周易起名、公司店铺起名,还有宝宝起名,我们会根据宝宝出生年月日和时间,为宝宝起一个带着好运的好名字!
2023-07-20 19:35:071


沙滩之子是一句骂人的话。因为bitch与beach的发音一样,骂人沙滩之子,意思就是the son of bitch。bitch[英][bu026atu0283][美][bu026atu0283]n.母狗; 淫妇; 牢骚事; 坏女人; vi.埋怨; 发牢骚; 挖苦; (背后)说坏话; vt.把…搞糟; 弄坏; 抱怨; 埋怨; beach[英][bi:tu0283][美][bitu0283]n.海滩,海滨; 岸上的沙子和卵石; vt.将…拖上岸; 将滑艇拖到小屋前面的岸边
2023-07-20 19:35:262

Come to papa,you son of a beach是什么意思

应该是son of bitch到爸爸这边来,你个小王八蛋
2023-07-20 19:35:343


FuckSon of a beachand so on
2023-07-20 19:35:502


2023-07-20 19:36:064


2023-07-20 19:36:274


2023-07-20 19:36:365


bitch 【音标】:[bit?]一般指的是"Biao子,荡妇"之类的粗俗称谓.例如son of bitch.一些美剧经常能听到,而且常常会被[Bi~~]屏蔽音屏蔽.
2023-07-20 19:36:505


  如果说美国有一个过山车的摇篮,那么它就是纽约的科尼艾兰。美国的第一部过山车1884年在这里诞生。对于过山车迷来说,这里是他们的“麦加圣城”。科尼艾兰仍保留着1927年建造的最早的木质过山车“飓风号”(Crystal Beach Cyclone)。  今天木质过山车产生的神奇效果是在上个世纪20年代所无法想象的。美国辛辛那提市附近的Kings Island游乐园里面有一个“Son of Beast”——“野兽之子”木质过山车(有钢支撑)开创了令人震撼的新高度,它高66米,长2143米,最高时速126公里,上下有65米的落差,造价据估计2000万美元,能同时供3辆过山车运行,每辆可载36人。它甚至还有一段木质过山车界唯一的垂直循环轨道,这是一个创举,因为人们曾认为这对木质过山车来说是根本不可能的。不过最终还是因为安全上的考虑(见下)于2006年12月拆除了这段垂直循环轨道。这座过山车也于2012年10月被完全拆除。  在过山车兴起的早期,只有传统的木质过山车。今天,过山车家族已经有约30名成员,包括金属过山车、悬挂式过山车、竖立式过山车以及穿梭式过山车等等。  木制过山车的轨道类似于传统的列车铁轨。在大多数过山车中,车厢的轮子采用了与列车相同的凸缘设计,即车轮内部形成一个凹形结构,使车厢不致滚到轨道外面去。车厢还有另一组轮子(有的只是一根安全杆),它们在轨道下方滚动。这可以防止车厢飞到空中。  随着20世纪50年代钢管轨道的引入,过山车领域发生了巨大的变化。顾名思义,钢管轨道由一对很长的钢管组成。支撑这些钢管的是一个坚固的上层结构,它重量较轻,是由比轨道钢管稍粗的钢管或梁搭建而成的。 在钢制过山车中,列车车轮一般由聚亚安酯或尼龙制成。除了有传统的车轮安置在钢管轨道的正上方,车厢还有其他一些车轮,分别运行于轨道的底部和侧面。这种设计使车厢能够稳固地卡在轨道上,这在列车穿过轨道的盘旋和弯道时是极为重要的。在紧张的行驶过程中,这些轮子确保过山车不会脱离轨道。  过山车的轮子一般是由聚亚安酯或尼龙制成的,但是这种材料在高速行驶中磨损得很快,所以研制一种新型高质量的材料成为过山车设计者们急于解决的问题。  在钢制过山车中,列车车厢既可以像传统的木制过山车那样停留在轨道上,也可以像滑雪缆车那样,吊挂在车厢顶部的轨道上。在悬挂式过山车中,悬挂的列车能以一个转动接头为轴进行摆动,从而增加了一种向两侧的运动。而在悬挂翻转式过山车中,悬挂的列车则稳固地连接在轨道上,使设计师能更准确地控制车厢的运动方式。  与木制轨道不同,钢管轨道不是由各个小部件组装而成的。与使用预制钢梁的摩天大楼类似,它是由一些曲线型的大型模块预制的。通过钢制造工艺可生产出平滑的曲线型轨道,使过山车能沿轨道坡度向各个方向运动。在木制过山车中,当车体滚过连接木制轨道各部件的接头时会发出嘎嘎声,使运行过程产生停顿感。而在钢制过山车中,轨道的各个部件被完美地焊接在一起,使车体的运行极为平稳。任何一位过山车爱好者都会告诉您,每种感受都有与众不同的魅力。  历史最悠久的公司是犹他州克利尔菲尔德的飞箭动力公司(Arrow Dynamics,现已被S&S Power收购),该公司以其生产的环状轨道的巨大落差和突然转向而著称。  过山车(Roller coaster,或又称为云霄飞车),是一种机动游乐设施,常见于游乐园和主题乐园中。拉马库斯·阿德纳·汤普森(LaMarcus Adna Thompson)是第一个注册过山车相关专利技术的人(1885年1月20日),并曾制造过数10个过山车设施,因此被誉称为“重力之父”(Father of Gravity)。过山车虽然惊悚恐怖,但是基本上是非常安全的设施。
2023-07-20 19:37:072

some beach是什么意思

你不会是想问son of bitch吧……
2023-07-20 19:37:226


理论上来讲,过山车的每个座位的体验都是不同的。通常,过山车的最后一排是最刺激的。(正向上坡的往复式过山车不同,因为这样下坡的时候车头即变成了车尾,所以车头是最刺激的。)过山车在下滑的时候做的是加速运动。这样,在下坡时,通过轨道同一个位置的时候,车尾的速度会比车头快很多。车尾的总体速度、失重体验和过山丘时候的凌空时间长短,都要比车头更刺激一些。视觉效果基本不会影响到刺激程度,因为除了第一排,过山车其他座位的视觉效果是差不多的。扩展资料:历史起源:如果说美国有一个过山车的摇篮,那么它就是纽约的科尼岛(Coney Island)。美国的第一部过山车1884年在这里诞生。对于过山车迷来说,这里是他们的“麦加圣城”。科尼岛(Coney Island)仍保留着1927年建造的最早的木质过山车“飓风号”(Crystal Beach Cyclone)。今天木质过山车产生的神奇效果是在20世纪20年代所无法想象的。美国辛辛那提市附近的Kings Island游乐园里面有一个“Son of Beast”——“野兽之子”木质过山车(有钢支撑),开创了令人震撼的新高度,它高66米,长2143米,最高时速126公里,上下有65米的落差,造价据估计2000万美元,能同时供3辆过山车运行,每辆可载36人。它甚至还有一段木质过山车界唯一的垂直循环轨道,这是一个创举,因为人们曾认为这对木质过山车来说是根本不可能的。不过最终还是因为安全上的考虑于2006年12月拆除了这段垂直循环轨道。这座过山车也于2012年10月被完全拆除。参考资料:百度百科——过山车
2023-07-20 19:37:371

son of beach什么意思?

英文有一个常用的骂人短语是“son of bitch”,“bitch”发音与“beach”相似,所以就被网友恶搞成“son of beach”,意为沙滩之子。资料拓展:翻译是在准确、通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。其内容有语言、文字、图形、符号和视频翻译。其中,在甲语和乙语中,“翻”是指的这两种语言的转换,即先把一句甲语转换为一句乙语,然后再把一句乙语转换为甲语。“译”是指这两种语言转换的过程,把甲语转换成乙语,在译成当地语言的文字中,进而明白乙语的含义。二者构成了一般意义上的翻译,让更多人了解其他语言的含义。
2023-07-20 19:38:021

son of beach什么意思?

英文有一个常用的骂人短语是“son of bitch”,“bitch”发音与“beach”相似,所以就被网友恶搞成“son of beach”,意为沙滩之子。资料拓展:翻译是在准确、通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。其内容有语言、文字、图形、符号和视频翻译。其中,在甲语和乙语中,“翻”是指的这两种语言的转换,即先把一句甲语转换为一句乙语,然后再把一句乙语转换为甲语。“译”是指这两种语言转换的过程,把甲语转换成乙语,在译成当地语言的文字中,进而明白乙语的含义。二者构成了一般意义上的翻译,让更多人了解其他语言的含义。
2023-07-20 19:38:191


英文有一个常用的骂人短语是“son of bitch”,“bitch”发音与“beach”相似,所以就被网友恶搞成“son of beach”,意为沙滩之子。资料拓展:翻译是在准确、通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。其内容有语言、文字、图形、符号和视频翻译。其中,在甲语和乙语中,“翻”是指的这两种语言的转换,即先把一句甲语转换为一句乙语,然后再把一句乙语转换为甲语。“译”是指这两种语言转换的过程,把甲语转换成乙语,在译成当地语言的文字中,进而明白乙语的含义。二者构成了一般意义上的翻译,让更多人了解其他语言的含义。
2023-07-20 19:38:371


“沙滩之子”,这是我最近刚刚听到的一种说法。前几天,看了哥伦比亚大学中国留学生新春晚会,其中的一个群口相声调侃了2011年中国的大事小事。其中的一句:“你就是传说中的沙滩之子呀”。我一开始并未反映过来,何为“沙滩之子”呀?于是,我询问了博学的度娘……“沙滩之子”直译是:sun of beach。你是沙滩的孩子,用叫兽的说法:“当别人喜欢你,觉得你是个好小伙时,就会用这个提法。”当然,关于叫兽的这种说法,我没有考证,就不好做过多的评述。奥,对了叫兽关于“沙滩之子”的经典调侃有一段视频,结尾我会把网址贴上。当然,今天我们的主题不是“沙滩的孩子”。叫兽就是叫兽,彪悍的人生无需解释,叫兽的个人魅力和天生丽质在“sun of beach”中体现的淋漓尽致。“沙滩之子”,其实大家都知道的,“sun of beach”是“son of bitch”的谐音。所以,“son of bitch”才是今天是今天的主题。“son of bitch”直译是“。这就让我感到一丝神奇,在东西方文化发展、兴盛、传播、交融的过程中,总会有一些令人惊奇的交集,也许这就是人类的共性吧!其实,当我第一次知道“son of bitch”意思时,我就在想,咱们汉语方言里的“狗娘养的”是不是一个舶来词呢?因为,大家都知道汉语里面有很多的舶来词,比如:咖啡,沙发等等。这就涉及到“son of bitch”的来源问题。
2023-07-20 19:38:541


“沙滩之子”,这是我最近刚刚听到的一种说法。前几天,看了哥伦比亚大学中国留学生新春晚会,其中的一个群口相声调侃了2011年中国的大事小事。其中的一句:“你就是传说中的沙滩之子呀”。我一开始并未反映过来,何为“沙滩之子”呀?于是,我询问了博学的度娘……“沙滩之子”直译是:sun of beach。你是沙滩的孩子,用叫兽的说法:“当别人喜欢你,觉得你是个好小伙时,就会用这个提法。”当然,关于叫兽的这种说法,我没有考证,就不好做过多的评述。奥,对了叫兽关于“沙滩之子”的经典调侃有一段视频,结尾我会把网址贴上。当然,今天我们的主题不是“沙滩的孩子”。叫兽就是叫兽,彪悍的人生无需解释,叫兽的个人魅力和天生丽质在“sun of beach”中体现的淋漓尽致。“沙滩之子”,其实大家都知道的,“sun of beach”是“son of bitch”的谐音。所以,“son of bitch”才是今天是今天的主题。“son of bitch”直译是“。这就让我感到一丝神奇,在东西方文化发展、兴盛、传播、交融的过程中,总会有一些令人惊奇的交集,也许这就是人类的共性吧!其实,当我第一次知道“son of bitch”意思时,我就在想,咱们汉语方言里的“狗娘养的”是不是一个舶来词呢?因为,大家都知道汉语里面有很多的舶来词,比如:咖啡,沙发等等。这就涉及到“son of bitch”的来源问题。
2023-07-20 19:39:011


beach 名词 沙滩即如we often play on the beach.我们经常在沙滩上玩。
2023-07-20 19:39:092


“沙滩之子”,这是我最近刚刚听到的一种说法。前几天,看了哥伦比亚大学中国留学生新春晚会,其中的一个群口相声调侃了2011年中国的大事小事。其中的一句:“你就是传说中的沙滩之子呀”。我一开始并未反映过来,何为“沙滩之子”呀?于是,我询问了博学的度娘……“沙滩之子”直译是:sun of beach。你是沙滩的孩子,用叫兽的说法:“当别人喜欢你,觉得你是个好小伙时,就会用这个提法。”当然,关于叫兽的这种说法,我没有考证,就不好做过多的评述。奥,对了叫兽关于“沙滩之子”的经典调侃有一段视频,结尾我会把网址贴上。当然,今天我们的主题不是“沙滩的孩子”。叫兽就是叫兽,彪悍的人生无需解释,叫兽的个人魅力和天生丽质在“sun of beach”中体现的淋漓尽致。“沙滩之子”,其实大家都知道的,“sun of beach”是“son of bitch”的谐音。所以,“son of bitch”才是今天是今天的主题。“son of bitch”直译是“。这就让我感到一丝神奇,在东西方文化发展、兴盛、传播、交融的过程中,总会有一些令人惊奇的交集,也许这就是人类的共性吧!其实,当我第一次知道“son of bitch”意思时,我就在想,咱们汉语方言里的“狗娘养的”是不是一个舶来词呢?因为,大家都知道汉语里面有很多的舶来词,比如:咖啡,沙发等等。这就涉及到“son of bitch”的来源问题。
2023-07-20 19:39:371

谁知道,son of a beach是啥意思啊,我同学经常说

son of a bitch: 婊子养的,极坏的人;讨厌的工作骂人的话希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)
2023-07-20 19:39:451


2023-07-20 19:39:542


沙滩之子原型是“the son of a bitch”因为beach和bitch的发音类似,所以许多人都当做是“the son of a beach”,就类似于中文里的谐音吧有“son of the beach”。这其实不是骂人的话。意思是“沙滩之子”是赞美、夸赞他人帅气的话。 bitch和beach的发音实际上是不同的沙滩之子原型是“the son of a bitch”因为beach和bitch的发音类似,所以许多人都当做是“the son of a beach”,就类似于中文里的谐音吧。拓展资料son of a bitch英[su028cn u0254v u0259 bu026atu0283]美[su028cn u028cv e bu026atu0283][词典] <俚>狗娘养的; 家伙; 讨厌的工作; 浑蛋;[例句]I"m coming for you, you son of a bitch.我来了,你这狗娘养的。[其他] 复数:sons of bitchesson of a beach英[su028cn u0254v u0259 bi:tu0283]美[su028cn u028cv e bitu0283][词典] 海滩之子;[例句]I don"t even know the lady and she call me"son of a beach"!我不认识这个女士,但她称呼我“沙滩之子”!(他听错了
2023-07-20 19:40:011


beach是什么意思?Beach 动词是定居,名词是沙滩的意思。
2023-07-20 19:40:203

SOME OF BEACH 谁能知道这是什么意思吗?

2023-07-20 19:40:292


英文有一个常用的骂人短语是“son of bitch”,“bitch”发音与“beach”相似,所以就被网友恶搞成“son of beach”,意为沙滩之子。沙滩之子是一句骂人的话。因为bitch与beach的发音一样,骂人沙滩之子,意思就是the son of bitch。bitch[英][bu026atu0283][美][bu026atu0283]n.母狗; 淫妇; 牢骚事; 坏女人;vi.埋怨; 发牢骚; 挖苦; (背后)说坏话;vt.把…搞糟; 弄坏; 抱怨; 埋怨;beach[英][bi:tu0283][美][bitu0283]n.海滩,海滨; 岸上的沙子和卵石;vt.将…拖上岸; 将滑艇拖到小屋前面的岸边资料拓展:翻译是在准确、通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。其内容有语言、文字、图形、符号和视频翻译。其中,在甲语和乙语中,“翻”是指的这两种语言的转换,即先把一句甲语转换为一句乙语,然后再把一句乙语转换为甲语。“译”是指这两种语言转换的过程,把甲语转换成乙语,在译成当地语言的文字中,进而明白乙语的含义。二者构成了一般意义上的翻译,让更多人了解其他语言的含义。
2023-07-20 19:40:481

Lol 想改个好看又霸气的英语名 你们有么? 带上解释!

My dadlegendary
2023-07-20 19:41:2210


2023-07-20 19:41:472


哎,全是骂人的话,头两句是英文son of bitch狗*(娘*养的,fuck you ass爆 你 菊 花,后两句,楼主是傻(b),没有小jj,都是谐音 ,楼主不要误会我骂你,很辛苦才弄好这个答案
2023-07-20 19:42:212

you san of beach 正确翻译成汉语什么意思?

你这没写错吧。。。。。。。。?????????????? 你是不是想问" you son of bitch" ? 这是骂人的啊
2023-07-20 19:42:293


It was a fine day.The sun shined in the blue sky.The weather was really nice.I went to the beach with my parents and my little brother.At the beautiful beach,my mother sat under a big umbrella,she read a book and drank lemonade.My father swam in the sea .I thought he was very brave.My brother collected shells on the beach happily.He ran here and there.I made sandcastles instead of looking for shells like my little brother.It was great fun.At lunch time we had a picnic on the beach.We had fruit,bread with cheese,chicken wings,soft drinks and some ice-cream.After lunch we took a motorboat around the sea.I really liked the pretty view in the sea.
2023-07-20 19:42:391


---- Look, a group of kids are lying on the beach.
2023-07-20 19:42:462

I am a beach什么意思?

你肯定是在电影中看到这句话。原文的beach应该是bitch son of bitch是一句骂人的话。就是biaozi这里就不翻译了。字幕组在翻译的时候卖了萌,没用bitch这个词。
2023-07-20 19:42:541

I went to beach and I saw 帮忙写作文

you son of a bitch
2023-07-20 19:43:012


1.I like summer best because I can swim in summer. In summer my parents often take me to the beach. We swim in the sea, walk on the beach and eat delicious sea food. It is really cool. There are lots of fruit and vegetables in summer, and the summer holiday is also in summer. So I like summer very much. 我最喜欢夏天因为我可以游泳。在夏天,我父母经常带我去海滩,我们在海里游泳,在沙滩上漫步并吃美味的海鲜,这相当棒。夏季有很多的蔬菜和水果,而且暑假也在下天,所以我非常喜欢夏季。2. I like playing table tennis very much. I often play it with my friends after school and on weekends. It brings me lots of happiness. I think playing table tennis is one of the best ways of keeping health. 我非常喜欢打乒乓球。我经常放学后和在周末和朋友打乒乓球。它给我带来了很多快乐。我想打乒乓球是最好的保持健康的锻炼方式。3. After schoolTeenagers has a lot of time after school. Some students like playing sports, such as basketball, football,table tennis and so on. I think it"s a good way of spending their time. But some students spend their time playing computer games. I don"t think it"s right because if they spend too much time on computer games, it"s bad for their health. Students must spend most time on theri study and something good for their health. So I think sudents should go home at once after school and finish doing their homework, review their new lessons. If they have time, they can read some books, surf the internet or play sports.自己的习作,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*). 有不懂的地方可以问我,或从“我的回答”中你可以找到你所想写的作文哟
2023-07-20 19:43:241


  在学习、工作或生活中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,以下是我整理的七年级英语作文7篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 七年级英语作文 篇1   .My Day(我的一天)   I get up early at six every day. After doing some morning exercises, I read English for twenty minutes. At seven I have breakfast. After breakfast I take my schoolbag and go to school. Our class begins at eight, and we have four classes in the morning. After lunch at 12 o"clock, I take a short rest in the classroom. We have three more classes in the afternoon.After school at five , I go back home. I often help my mother do some housework. Sometimes I watch TV. After dinner, I begin to do my homework. Then I take a shower. I go to bed at nine thirty. 七年级英语作文 篇2   This is our house.It`s nice and big!It`s a warm world. All family are live in it. Ha!This is my parents`room.It`s big.My father is sit on the this chair.My mother is sleep on this bed. This is my room.It`s big,too.It`s name`s "Ann park" beacause it`s very lovely and interisting.This is my desk.Everyday I do homework here.This is my bed.It`s pink beacause pink is my favourite couler. This is our sitting room.It`s tidy.It has a table,four chairs,a TV,a mat and a flower.We often sing songs here and watch TV here. This is our book room.It`s big but small than the sitting room.It has many many wonderful books.We are read books and newspapers here. This is our bathroom .It`s big.We take baths,wash faces and brush teeth here. Our house!Our warm world!I love U!   这是我们的房子。很高兴和大!这是一个温暖的世界。所有家庭都住在这。哈!这是我父母它。它是大的。我的父亲是坐在这把椅子上。我妈妈是睡在这张床。这是我的房间。它很大。它的名字叫“安公园”因为它很可爱和乐趣。这是我的办公桌。每天我都在做作业。这是我的床。因为它是粉红色的粉红色是我最喜欢的外壳。这是我们的客厅。它是整洁。它有一张桌子,四把椅子,一个电视,一个垫子和一朵花。我们经常在这里唱歌和看电视。这是我们的书的房间。它比客厅大,但小。它有许多美妙的书。我们在这里读书和报纸。这是我们的浴室。它是大的。我们洗澡,洗的脸和刷牙。 我们的房子!我们的温暖的世界!我爱你! 七年级英语作文 篇3   Christmas is one of the most important celebrations of the year for the western countries. It falls on the twenty- fifth of December and has the same importance as Chinese New Year to people with English backgrounds. The celebration is for the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the son of God in Christianity. Now days Christmas is no longer only celebrated by the Christians, but by most people from all over the world.   On the twenty- fourth of December everyone gets excited for it"s the day before Christmas which is called Christmas Eve. The children are usually sent to bed early and are warned that “Santa Claus will only come and give you a present if you be good.” The younger kids actually believe that Santa will come down the chimney on the sleigh that"s pulled by his reindeers. Food like short bread and beer are prepared for Santa when he comes, however most times parents just eat them. Some children put socks and sacks up for the holding of the presents (that their parents put in).   Rise and shine on Christmas morning! The children are always the first ones to wake up, some even do at four. Present wrappers everywhere! They look into their presents with a big smile on their face and oh dear….I hope no one"s disappointed. I feel sorry for anyone that got pink underwear. Children play while dinner is prepared by the adults. The Christmas dinner are usually eaten together by relatives. The tradition of Christmas pudding and roosters are usually eaten with deserts afterwards. The rest of the day is usually games and fun before the good days all come to an end.   I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 七年级英语作文 篇4   Happy family   I have happy family, it is my father, my mother and me.   My father is very fat, he is a civil servant, he works very hard.. Father is very funny, put my family very happy. I"m very happy.   My mother is very thin, she is civil servant, too. She is a good cooker, she cooks food for everybody. She is quiet, and she likes books and swimming.   I"m a little girl in the family, maybe I"ll be a writer. I like hamburger, chips, books, swim.   This is my happy family!   班主任评语:Very good!This is a good speech!今天有了很大的进步,继续努力!只要你用心写,也可以写出很多的,继续加油!要开心一点,心情好了就可以学得更好! 七年级英语作文 篇5   Good environment can make people feel happy and fit . To improve the environment means to improve our life.   好的环境能让人感到快乐和健康。为了改善环境的手段来改善我们的生活。   We should plant more trees and flowers around us . We shouldn"t cut them down . We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.   我们应该在我们周围种植更多的树木和鲜花。我们不应该削减下来。我们应该阻止工厂向河里倾倒废水和废气到空气。   Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins. Never spit in public. Don"t draw on public walls. It"s our duty to protect the environment.   当我们看到垃圾在地上,我们应该把它捡起来,把它扔进垃圾箱。不要在公共场所吐痰。不要在公共场所的墙上画画。保护环境是我们的职责。 七年级英语作文 篇6    一、描写朋友、自己或家人的喜好   1、 Dear friend,   My name is Sally. I am from China. I want a pen pal in Australia. I am 14 years old. I have no brothers or sisters in my family. MY favorite subject in school is science, because I think it"s very interesting. I like playing the piano and playing basketball on weekends. How about you? Can you write and tell me something about yourself?   Yours   Sally   2、 My name is Wang Lin . Now I live in Hangzhou , China. I want to find a pen pal in England. I"m now 14 years old . I speak Chinese .And I can speak a little English. I like sports ,swimming is my favorite . I also like playing the computer games . My favorite subject in school is math. I like to go to movies with my friends. My favorite movie is Beauty and Beast . Now I live with my parents .   Can you write to me soon ?   Wang Lin   3、 I have a good friend, his name is Bill. He is from Sydney, Australia.   Now he lives in Beijing with his parents. He is 14 years old and his birthday is in October. He speaks English and he can speak a little Chinese. He has lots of friends in Beijing. He often plays soccer after school with them. It"s his favorite sport. He likes Chinese action movies very much. He thinks they are interesting. He favorite actor is Jet Li.   4、 Jenny is an American girl She is 13 years old. She is very tall and a little thin. She has long black straight hair. She is a good-looking girl .She likes wearing a red T-shirt and blue pant. She likes singing and dancing. Her favorite singer is Gloria Green. She thinks Gloria is great. Look! Jenny is coming. She is not wearing a red T-shirt today. She is wearing a red dress.   5、 My favorite animal is a cat. I have a cat in my family. Her name is Mimi, I think she is from China. She is two years old now. She likes to eat fish every day. She is kind of lazy, but she is very cute. I like to palsy with it after school.   6、 Lin Tao usually goes to the zoo with his parents. He likes to see animals. In his room there are many toys. Most of them are boy animals. All kinds of animals in his room are his good friend. Every day he plays with them. Sometimes he asks his friends to his home to play. On vacation or weekends he like to see the monkeys and elephants in the zoo, and the dolphin show is his favorite.   7、 Jim likes Zhejiang food because it"s delicious. He can"t stand   Sichuan food because it"s very hot(辣). He likes Guangdong food. He doesn"t mind Beijing food and he sometimes eat it . He doesn"t like Human food because it doesn"t agree with him (它不合他的"口味)。   8、I like playing basketball .It"s very interesting . I often play it with my friends. It"s a team work.. Everyone needs to work together with others. (每个人都需要和别人合作). I can also make many new friends in the game. My favorite basketball player is Yao Ming. He is very tall and plays basketball very well. I want to play in NBA one day like him.   9、This is a popular person. Most(大多数) people like him. He"s not young ,about 50 years old . But he looks kind of funny. He has a round face (脸) with round eyes , a big mouth and short black hair . He likes telling jokes and makes people laugh(笑). Do you know who he is ? He is Mr. Bean   10、Tom, Nancy , Lily and Jack are my good friends .They all love to watch different TV shows. Tom likes sports, so he likes sports shows. Nancy watches comedies and she loves sitcoms. But Lily can"t stand them .She just likes game shows. Jack doesn"t like sitcoms either. He enjoys talk shows. So you know they are all TV shows fans.(他们都是电视迷)    二、描写方位的短文   My home is on Center Street . On Center Street, there is a restaurant, a KFC and a library. The KFC is between the library and the restaurant.   Across from the KFC is a pay phone. A bank is next to the pay phone. The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue. A hotel is in front of the supermarket.    三、用进行时态描写的各种短文   1、 It is Sunday. The Turners are free and they are staying at home .They are doing different kinds of things. Mr Turner is mending his car. Mrs Turener is sitting at the table . She is drinking. Bob is talking on the phone . Nancy is sitting near the pool. She is watching the dog swimming. They are having a good time .   2、 It is a fine Sunday. There are many people in the park. They are playing happily (高兴地). Some are playing beach volleyball on the beach .A man is lying on the chair .A man is swimming .He can swim very well. A man is talking with him .He is learning from him (向他学习游泳).Everyone is having a good time .   3、 Look at the picture .There are some boys in the picture. They are playing basketball .Near them under the tree, two girls are reading a book . Who are working near the house ? Two boys and a girl. Can you see the birds in the tree? I think they are singing . They are having a good time .   4、 It is New Year"s Day. The weather is sunny but cold. Lucy"s family are all at home . Lucy is talking to Scott on the phone. Her father is playing basketball outside. Her mother is busy cooking. Her   sister, ,Mary , is watching TV, and her brother , Jeff, is playing computer games. They are all having a good time.   5、 It"s Sunday morning .My mother and I are gong to the park. There are a lot of people in the park. Some children are running. A dog is running after them . Four women are sitting there They are talking. Two girls are playing with a big bal near them ..Three old men are standing under a big tree. They are watching the children. There is a river there. Many young people are dancing near it. There is a boat on the river. And an old man is sitting in the goat. He is dishing. Everyone in the park is having a good time. We are having a good time, too.    四、天气预报的短文   Good morning ! Here"s the weather report for some big cities in the world . Beijing is cloudy . It"s very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out . In Hong Kong there"s beautiful sunshine.(阳光灿烂). People will feel cool in the daytime. It is sunny in New York , but there"s a strong wind (大风) in the afternoon. It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot. The day after tomorrow (后天) will be sunny. That"s the weather report for today . Thank you for listening .(谢谢收听)    五、描写人物的短文   There are three people in Jim"s family . Mr. Green is his father . He is fat and he has short straight hair . He wears glasses . He is watching TV. His mother is Mrs. Green . She is a woman of medium height . She has 七年级英语作文 篇7   I have a good weekend.On Saturday morning,I do my homework. After lunch, I go shopping with mymother. At about five o"clock, I go to play basketball with my friend. On Sunday, I watch a football game on TV. I often help my mother do housework. I watch TV with my parents in the evening. Then I go to bed at nine o"clock. I"m very happy on weekends.   我有一个美好的周末。星期六早上,我做我的作业。午饭后,我和我的母亲去购物。大约5点,我和我的朋友一起玩篮球。星期天,我在电视上观看足球比赛。我经常帮助妈妈做家务。晚上我和我的父母看电视。然后我在九点钟去睡觉。周末我很快乐。
2023-07-20 19:43:331

求一首歌名:英文版女生唱的非主流歌曲,有点怀旧的感觉 内容大概有:you like like mecan you fiell car

可能是pretty boy
2023-07-20 19:43:414


首先,我们也许可以把“科幻片”(science fiction film)定义为包含着某种因素的电影:这些因素是基于科学(包括现有的科学和假设的科学)而假想出来的;在今天的世界中,它们是不可能发生的,或还没有发生的。科幻片与魔幻片、灵异片的不同之处在于,其被幻想出来的因素必定有一个科学理性的支持,哪怕这个科学依据看起来很疯狂。比如《时光倒流七十年》(Somewhere in Time,1980)可以被称作一部科幻片,因为片中的主人公回到过去是借由一种在影片中被科学证实了的催眠术。而《土拨鼠日》(Groundhog Day,1993)就不是科幻片,因为影片并没有把男主角突然被迫反复过着同一天的理由告知观众;如果影片向我们解释:那是因为他的时间机器出了故障,那么这就能成为一部科幻片。乔治里叶的《月球之旅》是电影史上最早的一部科幻片。科幻片,顾名思义即“科学幻想片”,是“以科学幻想为内容的故事片,其基本特点是从今天已知的科学原理和科学成就出发,对未来的世界或遥远的过去的情景作幻想式的描述。” 科幻片从诞生之初便与科幻小说缔结了不解之缘,如梅里爱拍摄的《月球旅行记》,改编自两部科幻小说《从地球到月球》和《月球上的第一批人》;威尔斯的《隐身人》、斯蒂文森的《化身博士》、柯南道尔的《失去的世界》等科幻小说被搬上银幕后,引发了系列电影拍摄,科幻文艺中常见的题材,如科学狂人、星际旅行、时空穿梭等在此时出现,形成最初的套路。好莱坞则延续了改编科幻小说的传统,如《侏罗纪公园》、《人猿星球》、《少数派报告》、《星际舰队》等,并将其迅速发展成为重要的片种。目前国内对科幻片的态度基本是从科学与幻想相结合的角度,或者电影的奇观本性进行谈论。如邵牧君在评论中称“科幻电影的妙处即在于只要某种科学设想一露头,它就能虚构出原则上是可能产生的模式世界中的人和事,从而在一定程度上刺激或活跃了人们的想象。” 也有部分观点认为科幻片与神话故事有关,或将“神话”作为一个描述性词汇,用以形容“科幻片”,但均认为科幻片与科学无关,只是恐怖片的变种。如美国电影理论家V.索布恰克及其著作《银幕上的外层空间——美国科幻电影》,称科幻电影与科学“根本没有关系”;周传基则发表评论,指“所谓的科幻片只不过是现代封神榜”,《星球大战》是“最古老的神话故事,亦即没有任何信息量的陈词滥调,骑士与公主”。 尽管如此,普遍的观点还是认为,“当科学观念、艺术想象和电影手段三者结合时,科幻电影随之产生。” H.弗兰克给科幻片下的定义是:“所描写的是发生在一个虚构的、但原则上是可能产生的模式世界中的戏剧性事件”。其主题基本有如下四种:宗教与反叛主题、凡尔纳式科学享乐主义主题、权力与秩序主题、罪恶与拯救主题。从电影史的发展来看,尽管“科幻电影”一词出现于1926年左右,但是早在电影诞生之时,科幻片的雏形就已随之产生,如法国导演梅里爱的《月球旅行记》(1902年)、《太空旅行记》(1904年)和《海底两万里》(1907年)。纵观科幻片的发展,除了早期的法国电影之外,美国科幻电影自诞生后,就以迅猛的势头成为主力,无论是资金、技术,还是经验和文学积累,其他国家都无法望其项背。20世纪50年代是科幻片的第一个高潮。为其繁荣提供动力的,是科技尤其空间技术取得重大突破,以及二战结束之后冷战思维的影响和人类对前途的恐惧感,如罗伯特.怀斯的《地球停转之日》(1951年)。随着越战结束,各种运动蓬勃兴起,以及电脑技术的迅速发展,70年代迎来了科幻片的第二个高潮。以法国的《阿尔发城》、前苏联的《索那里斯》以及库布里克的《2001:漫游太空》(1968年)为先导,直至卢卡斯的《星球大战》(1977年)形成气候,科幻片也从B级制作逐渐升为A级大制作。80年代中后期以来,数字技术的飞速进步,工业化信息化社会的到来以及消费观念的变化,科幻片在掀起第三次高潮的同时也被末世情结所占据。以詹姆斯.卡梅隆的《终结者》(1984年)拉开黑色序幕,经过斯皮尔伯格的《侏罗纪公园》(1993年)、凯文.雷诺兹的《未来水世界》(1995年)、吕克.贝松的《第五元素》(1997年)等影片的缀联,直到沃卓斯基兄弟的《黑客帝国》(1999~2003年),均呈现出注重视听、表象的特点,末日景象纷纭而至。与此同时,为了最大限度上迎合各种口味的观众,类型的拼贴和融合已经成为科幻片的一个重要特征,许多影片并非严格意义上的科幻片,但却在某种程度上毫无质疑地具备科幻元素。科学技术的发展为实现幻想提供了保证,也能成为新的科学幻想的源泉。科幻电影的有趣现象是,它在想象空间中,最先进的科技所表现的,常常与古老的神话有关,甚至直接选取神话为己所用,如《黑客帝国》、《少数派报告》、《X战警》等。恰如皮洛所言:“一个发展电影和神话的比喻手段的新时代已经开始。”我们可以把好莱坞科幻片的历史划分为这样几个阶段 一、19世纪末到1920年代:好莱坞科幻片的成长期。19世纪末,带有科幻色彩的影片几乎和娱乐电影同时在法国诞生,比如1895年的《机器屠夫》,1897年的《一位20世纪的外科医生》等。但这些影片也许更像是在使用电影技术变魔术。直到1902年法国人梅里埃推出《月球旅行记》(Le Voyage dans la Lune),才标志着第一部真正意义上的科幻电影出现。1910年代,欧洲国家,尤其是法国和英国,似乎在拍摄关于外星人和未来战争的题材的科幻片上一马当先。不过随着好莱坞制片厂制度的出现和发展,美国在科幻电影制作上奋起直追,生产了《科学怪人》(Frankenstein,1910)、《化身博士》(Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,1913)等影片,更值得一提的是于1916年生产的一部长达105分钟的《海底两万里》(20,000 Leagues Under the Sea),它开创了水下摄影的先河。到了1920年代,美国科幻片开始和欧洲分道扬镳。和德国《大都会》(Metropolis,1927)等欧洲科幻片相比,好莱坞科幻片更注重传奇的情节、快捷的节奏、惊险的动作和高超的特技。这一时期好莱坞科幻片代表作有《失落的世界》(The Lost World,1925)和《神秘岛》(The Mysterious Island,1929)等。 二、1930年代和1940年代:好莱坞科幻片的成熟期。从1930年代开始,好莱坞科幻片开始偏爱带有恐怖、悲观和浪漫色彩的疯狂科学家主题,并且开始连篇累牍地拍摄科幻电影系列片。比如,这一时期出品了《科学怪人》(1931)、《科学怪人的新娘》(The Bride of Frankenstein,1935)和《科学怪人的儿子》(The Son of Frankenstein,1939),类似的还有《化身博士》系列和《飞侠哥顿》系列(Flash Gordon)。而《隐身人》(The Invisible Man,1933)和《金刚》(King Kong,1933)都是当时产生的名作,它们延续并发展了好莱坞电影在特技运用和情节安排上的长处,并已经产生了独特的程式。到了1940年代,由于二战的影响,好莱坞科幻片处于一个止步不前但却相对稳定的状态,在这个十年中生产的科幻片几乎都是从前题材的“后续系列”,比如《隐身女人》(The Invisible Woman,1940)、《隐身人归来》(The Invisible Man Returns,1940)和《隐身人复仇记》(The Invisible Man"s Revenge,1944)。不过,这也同时巩固了好莱坞科幻片的叙事模式。在1943年上映的《蝙蝠侠》(The Batman)中,日本科学家成为了邪恶的敌人,将好莱坞科幻片和战争宣传结合在了一起,这也是这一时期的特点。 三、1950年代和1960年代:好莱坞科幻片的繁荣期。1950年代,也许是冷战笼罩在人们心理上的恐惧阴影加强了人们的想象力,好莱坞在此期间产生了大量科幻片佳作,它们常以外星人、怪兽或核战争为主题,也更加依赖特技的运用。比如《地球停转之日》(The Day the Earth Stood Still,1951)、《X放射线》(Them!,1953)、《两万英寻下的怪兽》(The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms,1953)、《火星人入侵》(Invaders From Mars,1953)、《外星人大战地球》(The War of the Worlds,1953)、《盗尸者入侵》(Invasion of the Body Snatchers,1956)、《惑星历险》(Forbidden Planet,1956)、《苍蝇》(The Fly,1958)和讲述核战争的《海滨》(On the Beach,1959)等。冷战对好莱坞科幻片的影响持续到了1960年代,比如1968年的《太空登月记》(Countdown)就以美苏军备竞赛为想象的源泉。但正是在1960年代,产生了科幻片历史上的经典之作《2001太空漫游》(2001: A Space Odyssey,1968)。这部美英合拍的影片无论在故事情节、思想内涵还是特技效果上都达到了相当的高度。 四、1970年代和1980年代:好莱坞科幻片在特技和故事之间保持平衡的时代。特技的使用对好莱坞科幻片而言从来都是举足轻重的,而随着视觉效果技术的发展,特技和故事之间的张力逐渐开始加大。究竟应该怎样将两者完美地结合起来?很多导演做出了他们的尝试。乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)的《THX1138》(THX1138,1971)和《星球大战》(Star Wars,1977)、伍迪·艾伦(Woody Allen)的《傻瓜大闹科学城》(Sleeper,1973)、史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)的《第三类接触》(Close Encounters of the Third Kind,1977)以及雷德利·斯科特的《异形》(Alien,1979)无疑是70年代几个成功的范例。到了80年代初和80年代中期,好莱坞科幻片的特技效果制作给观众带来了前所未有的神奇体验,而同时这些科幻电影又能提供给他们一个值得品味的故事。比如乔治·卢卡斯在80年和83年相继推出气势宏大的《星球大战:帝国反击战》(Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back)和《星球大战:绝地归来》(Star Wars: Return of the Jedi),史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格温情脉脉的《ET外星人》(E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial,1982),詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron)的《终结者》(The Terminator,1984)以及罗伯特·泽米基斯(Robert Zemeckis)的《回到未来》(Back to the Future,1985)等。 五、1990年至今:好莱坞科幻片在高科技中探索前进随着计算机技术的应用,好莱坞科幻片开始大量倚赖电脑合成影像(CGI),并将其发挥至极,但在同时却忽视了故事本身的重要性。90年代以后的好莱坞科幻片在故事上乏善可陈,在视觉效果则上富有极大的冲击力,画面也更加精美逼真。《独立日》,《侏罗纪公园》系列,《星战前传》第一部(Star Wars: Episode I-The Phantom Menace,1999)和第二部(Star Wars: Episode II- Attack of the Clones,2002)等影片将观众培养得对那些花费高昂的特技大场面甚至开始司空见惯起来。当令人眼花缭乱的电脑特技在银幕上趋向于饱和的时候,好莱坞科幻片也同时开始迷失了方向。随着科技的进步,好莱坞科幻片开始探索新的主题,比如克隆技术和智能机器人对人类社会的深远影响。曾经有人说过,科幻电影是关于“变化的电影”,从上世纪30年代诞生科幻电影开始,近20年的时间里,影坛都在表现对于二战的恐惧以及对新生科技的兴奋好奇;到了60年代,科幻电影成为对冷战揭示、批判最深刻的电影类型;80年年代,《E.T.:外星人》这样的科幻片回应了整个时代回归家庭与人性的主题;90年代,好莱坞乐观积极的心态影响着科幻电影的走势;到了21世纪,各种天灾人祸不断出现,日本强地震的威力、核辐射的危机时刻牵动人们的心脏,法美英三国炮轰利比亚的战火让无数平民居无定所…战胜生命无常的无力感成为人类的生存本能giootlg_w,好莱坞的科幻电影开始着力表现不可预测的灾难,《洛杉矶之战》就是满足了人类对忧患的心理需求:资源紧缺、暴力战争、人性光辉、未知外星生物,这些都在在激化人类的危机意识,类似于《洛杉矶之战》这类的软科幻硬写实的灾难战争电影成为科幻片未来发展的大势。换句话说,科幻电影始终是和时代特点紧紧结合在一起,非常及时,同时又非常精炼地表现了时代的主题,也正是因为如此,《洛杉矶之战》才把如此众多的观众吸引到电影院去一探究竟。
2023-07-20 19:44:491


排名 - 周数 - 销量/千 - 专辑名 - 艺人名001 - 48 - 3,868 - I DREAMED A DREAM - Susan Boyle002 - 21 - 2,968 - RECOVERY - Eminem003 - 42 - 2,768 - NEED YOU NOW - Lady Antebellum004 - 52 - 2,228 - THE FAME - Lady GaGa005 - 34 - 1,966 - MY WORLD 2.0 - Justin Bieber006 - 10 - 1,951 - MY CHRISTMAS - Andrea Bocelli007 - 52 - 1,771 - FEARLESS - Taylor Swift008 - 52 - 1,597 - MY WORLD (EP) - Justin Bieber009 - 03 - 1,578 - SPEAK NOW - Taylor Swift010 - 52 - 1,478 - THE E.N.D. (THE ENERGY NEVER DIES) - Black Eyed Peas011 - 43 - 1,436 - THE ELEMENT OF FREEDOM - Alicia Keys012 - 52 - 1,352 - PLAY ON - Carrie Underwood013 - 51 - 1,332 - THE FAME MONSTER (EP) - Lady GaGa014 - 31 - 1,247 - SOLDIER OF LOVE - Sade015 - 52 - 1,238 - CRAZY LOVE - Michael Buble016 - 22 - 1,161 - THANK ME LATER - Drake017 - 52 - 1,159 - THE FOUNDATION - Zac Brown Band018 - 33 - 1,132 - RAYMOND V. RAYMOND - Usher019 - 52 - 1,068 - BATTLE STUDIES - John Mayer020 - 45 - 1,009 - ANIMAL - Ke$ha 021 - 45 - 990 - RATED R - Rihanna022 - 34 - 901 - THIS IS IT (OST) - Michael Jackson023 - 52 - 845 - GLEE: SEASON ONE: THE MUSIC VOL.1 - Soundtrack024 - 37 - 825 - STRONGER (WITH EACH TEAR) - Mary J Blige025 - 52 - 794 - LADY ANTEBELLUM - Lady Antebellum026 - 49 - 768 - GLEE: SEASON ONE: THE MUSIC: VOL.2 - Soundtrack027 - 52 - 764 - REVOLUTION - Miranda lambert028 - 25 - 761 - THE FALL - Norah Jones029 - 50 - 751 - FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT - Adam Lambert030 - 30 - 741 - NOW 32 - Various031 - 38 - 738 - THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON - Soundtrack032 - 37 - 687 - OCEAN EYES - Owl City033 - 24 - 681 - TO THE SEA - Jack Johnson034 - 38 - 681 - REBIRTH - Lil" Wayne035 - 33 - 679 - ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE SQUEAKUEL - Soundtrack036 - 27 - 668 - NOW 33 - Various037 - 43 - 629 - UNTIL THE WHOLE WORLD HEARS - Casting Crowns 038 - 29 - 629 - TIME OF OUR LIVES EP - Miley Cyrus039 - 52 - 586 - NUMBER ONES - Michael Jackson040 - 12 - 578 - TEENAGE DREAM - Katy Perry 041 - 52 - 576 - WIDE OPEN - Jason Aldean042 - 52 - 566 - DARK HORSE - Nickelback043 - 51 - 564 - RELAPSE - Eminem044 - 44 - 544 - THE BLUEPRINT 3 - Jay-Z045 - 29 - 537 - BATTLE OF THE SEXES - Ludacris046 - 35 - 522 - WE ARE YOUNG MONEY - Young Money047 - 47 - 522 - KISS AND TELL - Selena Gomez & the Scene048 - 31 - 518 - STILL STANDING - Monica049 - 26 - 504 - GLEE: THE MUSIC: VOL.3 SHOWSTOPPERS - Soundtrack050 - 52 - 504 - ONLY BY THE NIGHT - Kings Of Leon051 - 47 - 502 - READY - Trey Songz052 - 09 - 490 - PASSION PAIN AND PLEASURE - Trey Songz053 - 09 - 485 - A THOUSAND SUNS - Linkin Park054 - 28 - 481 - LIVE AT THE TROUBADOUR - Carole King & James Taylor055 - 17 - 472 - TEFLON DON - Rick Ross056 - 51 - 470 - LEARN TO LIVE - Darius Rucker057 - 50 - 463 - SAVE ME SAN FRANCISCO - Train058 - 17 - 452 - TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE - Soundtrack059 - 52 - 447 - LEAVE THIS TOWN - Daughtry060 - 07 - 446 - I AM NOT A HUMAN BEING - Lil Wayne061 - 29 - 446 - B.O.B. PRESENTS: THE ADVENTURES OF BOBBY RAY - B.O.B.062 - 52 - 442 - TAYLOR SWIFT - Taylor Swift063 - 22 - 442 - NOW 34 - Various064 - 52 - 439 - FUNHOUSE - Pink065 - 30 - 438 - IRON MAN 2 (OST) - AC/DC066 - 31 - 435 - SOUTHERN VOICE - Tim McGraw067 - 20 - 432 - BEFORE I SELF DESTRUCT - 50 Cent068 - 28 - 417 - SEX THERAPY: THE SESSION - Robin Thicke069 - 04 - 412 - THE INCREDIBLE MACHINE - Sugarland070 - 11 - 409 - TAYLOR SWIFT HOLIDAY COLLECTION EP - Taylor Swift071 - 28 - 396 - THE ORACLE - Godsmack072 - 35 - 395 - CONTRA - Vampire Weekend073 - 08 - 394 - YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE - Zac Brown Band074 - 52 - 391 - AWAKE - Skillet075 - 07 - 387 - HEMINGWAY"S WHISKEY - Kenny Chesney076 - 16 - 376 - NIGHTMARE - Avenged Sevenfold077 - 11 - 372 - NOW 35 - Various 078 - 26 - 369 - THE STATE VS RADRIC DAVIS - Gucci Mane079 - 26 - 368 - BROTHERS - Black Keys080 - 15 - 368 - THE SUBURBS - Arcade Fire 081 - 11 - 365 - ASYLUM - Disturbed 082 - 06 - 365 - HOPE FOR HAITI NOW - Various083 - 34 - 360 - SIGH NO MORE - Mumford & Sons084 - 29 - 360 - I AM…SASHA FIERCE - Beyonce085 - 28 - 355 - ANOTHER ROUND - Jaheim086 - 08 - 354 - NOEL - Josh Groban087 - 06 - 351 - PEACE ON EARTH - Casting Crowns088 - 25 - 347 - THE CIRCLE - Bon Jovi089 - 32 - 346 - PLASTIC BEACH - Gorillaz090 - 09 - 346 - IF ON A WINTER"S NIGHT - Sting091 - 52 - 342 - DOIN" MY THING - Luke Bryan092 - 21 - 337 - GLEE: THE MUSIC: JOURNEY TO THE REGIONALS (EP) - Soundtrack093 - 42 - 332 - WOW HITS 2010 - Various094 - 49 - 330 - BRAND NEW EYES - Paramore095 - 29 - 330 - HERE I AM - Marvin Sapp096 - 50 - 324 - WOLFGANG AMADEUS PHOENIX - Phoenix097 - 04 - 323 - COME AROUND SUNDOWN - Kings Of Leon098 - 51 - 322 - THE RESISTANCE - Muse099 - 18 - 322 - MOJO - Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers100 - 01 - 318 - THE GIFT - Susan Boyle101 - 37 - 318 - TONIGHT - Tobymac102 - 40 - 317 - DEAR AGONY - Breaking Benjamin103 - 33 - 317 - HAYWIRE - Josh Turner104 - 47 - 310 - THE SOUND OF MADNESS - Shinedown105 - 12 - 308 - BACK TO ME - Fantasia106 - 52 - 308 - GREATEST HITS - Journey107 - 36 - 299 - HANNAH MONTANA: THE MOVIE - Soundtrack108 - 40 - 296 - TWILIGHT - Soundtrack109 - 17 - 296 - UNTITLED - R.Kelly110 - 52 - 295 - AMERICAN SATURDAY NIGHT - Brad Paisley111 - 24 - 293 - THEM CROOKED VULTURES - Them Crooked Vultures112 - 42 - 293 - THE ESSENTIAL - Michael Jackson113 - 13 - 290 - GRAFFITI - Chris Brown114 - 15 - 288 - SHE WOLF - Shakira 115 - 18 - 286 - KRIS ALLEN - Kris Allen116 - 42 - 284 - THIS IS WAR - 30 Seconds To Mars117 - 25 - 282 - THE BRIDGE - Melanie Fiona118 - 08 - 280 - HANDS ALL OVER - Maroon 5119 - 21 - 276 - NEW AMERYKAH PART TWO: RETURN OF THE ANKH - Erykah Badu120 - 26 - 275 - CRAZY HEART - Soundtrack121 - 17 - 274 - KIDZ BOP 18 - Kidz Bop Kids122 - 38 - 274 - SO FAR GONE (EP) - Drake123 - 02 - 273 - MY KINDA PARTY - Jason Aldean124 - 15 - 272 - VALLEYS OF NEPTUNE - Jimi Hendrix 125 - 37 - 270 - EASTON CORBIN - Easton Corbin126 - 34 - 267 - BROKEN BELLS - Broken Bells127 - 48 - 264 - MAN ON THE MOON: THE END OF DAY - Kid Cudi128 - 15 - 263 - THE LAWS OF ILLUSION - Sarah McLachlan129 - 42 - 261 - DEFYING GRAVITY - Keith Urban130 - 15 - 260 - CAN"T BE TAMED - Miley Cyrus131 - 42 - 252 - #1"S…AND THEN SOME - Brooks & Dunn132 - 44 - 251 - BREAKTHROUGH - Colbie Caillat% ^+ |7 j+ M; f1 M2 y133 - 10 - 250 - GOOD EVENING NEW YORK CITY - Paul McCartney134 - 10 - 249 - NIGHT CASTLE - Trans-Siberian Orchestra135 - 17 - 241 - MALICE N WONDERLAND - Snoop Dogg136 - 33 - 240 - JASON DERULO - Jason Derulo137 - 35 - 238 - THRILLER - Michael Jackson138 - 26 - 237 - KIDZ BOP 17 - Kidz Bop Kids139 - 14 - 237 - BIONIC - Christina Aguilera 140 - 13 - 236 - INTIMACY: ALBUM III - Kem141 - 10 - 235 - 2010 GRAMMY NOMINEES - Various142 - 33 - 235 - KEEP ON LOVING YOU - Reba McEntire143 - 43 - 235 - WAKING UP - OneRepublic144 - 08 - 235 - A YEAR WITHOUT RAIN - Selena Gomez & the Scene 145 - 48 - 233 - LEGEND - Bob Marley & the Wailers146 - 13 - 232 - GLEE: THE MUSIC: THE POWER OF MADONNA (EP) - Soundtrack147 - 34 - 229 - BLACKSUMMERS"NIGHT - Maxwell148 - 42 - 228 - GREATEST HITS II - Kenny Chesney149 - 26 - 227 - SHOCK VALUE II - Timbaland150 - 40 - 227 - LOVE ON THE INSIDE - Sugarland151 - 38 - 226 - THE MAN I WANT TO BE - Chris Young152 - 47 - 224 - WAR IS THE ANSWER - Five Finger Death Punch 153 - 39 - 224 - LIFE STARTS NOW - Three Days Grace 154 - 19 - 223 - SCREAM - Ozzy Osbourne155 - 18 - 218 - HILLBILLY BONE (EP) - Blake Shelton 156 - 08 - 215 - CHRISTMAS: 25TH ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION - Mannheim Steamroller157 - 47 - 210 - CHRONICLE:THE 20 GREATEST HITS - Creedence Clearwater Revival158 - 23 - 207 - THE GENEROUS MR LOVEWELL - MercyMe159 - 23 - 207 - GREATEST HITS - Foo Fighters160 - 05 - 207 - CHARLESTON SC 1966 - Darius Rucker161 - 42 - 205 - THAT LONESOME SONG - Jamey Johnson162 - 13 - 205 - SOULBOOK - Rod Stewart163 - 06 - 204 - GOLD AND GREEN - Sugarland164 - 31 - 204 - UNSTOPPABLE - Rascal Flatts9 Y. S- T5 H: O. Z( L165 - 48 - 203 - GREATEST HITS - Guns N"Roses166 - 25 - 203 - MEMENTO MORI - Flyleaf167 - 25 - 203 - GET OFF ON THE PAIN - Gary Allan168 - 19 - 199 - FEVER - Bullet For My Valentine169 - 13 - 197 - CAMP ROCK 2: THE FINAL JAM - Soundtrack170 - 19 - 196 - DISTANT RELATIVES - Damian Marley & Nas171 - 34 - 196 - IT"S TIME - Michael Buble172 - 24 - 192 - BACKSPACER - Pearl Jam173 - 12 - 191 - BUFFET HOTEL - Jimmy Buffett174 - 25 - 189 - BLACK GIVES WAY TO BLUE - Alice In Chains175 - 10 - 188 - KALEIDOSCOPE HEART - Sara Bareilles 176 - 13 - 186 - EXILE ON MAIN STREET - Rolling Stones 177 - 13 - 186 - GOD WILLIN" AND THE-CREEK-DON"T-RISE - Ray Lamontagne & the Pariah Dogs 178 - 22 - 183 - AMERICAN RIDE - Toby Keith179 - 15 - 182 - THE SEA - Corinne Bailey Rae180 - 09 - 182 - GUITAR SONG - Jamey Johnson181 - 18 - 179 - ALL OR NOTHING - Jay Sean182 - 13 - 177 - SIR LUSCIOUS LEFT FOOT: THE SON OF CHICO DUSTY - Big Boi183 - 19 - 176 - EUPHORIA - Enrique Iglesias184 - 12 - 176 - VERSUS (EP) - Usher185 - 08 - 175 - LET IT SNOW (EP) - Michael Buble186 - 08 - 174 - GUITAR HEAVEN: THE GREATEST GUITAR CLASSICS OF ALL TIME - Santana 187 - 41 - 173 - THA CARTER III - Lil" Wayne188 - 27 - 172 - CALL ME IRRESPONSIBLE - Michael Buble189 - 39 - 172 - CAGE THE ELEPHANT - Cage The Elephant190 - 08 - 171 - GLORY IN THE HIGHEST: CHRISTMAS SONGS OF WORSHIP - Chris Tomlin191 - 16 - 170 - FULL CIRCLE - Creed 192 - 07 - 170 - CHRISTMAS CHEERS - Straight No Chaser193 - 01 - 169 - MAN ON THE MOON II: THE LEGEND OF MR RAGER - Kid Cudi 194 - 12 - 169 - FREIGHT TRAIN - Alan Jackson 195 - 16 - 168 - SONGS FROM THE HEART - Celtic Woman196 - 10 - 168 - ECHO - Leona Lewis 197 - 21 - 167 - UP ON THE RIDGE - Dierks Bentley198 - 34 - 167 - THE SCRIPT - The Script199 - 06 - 166 - BULLETS IN THE GUN - Toby Keith200 - 18 - 163 - JUDGE JERROD AND THE HUNG JURY - Jerrod Neimannbillboard 2010专辑榜top200全榜
2023-07-20 19:45:031


2023-07-20 19:45:134

初中生 英文诗 关于樱花的

I sat on the flint wallUnder cherry blossomBlue sky and gentle breezeGinger cat strollingMy glasses hit the groundAnd Frank trod on themThe bin bag was torn openRevealing yesterday"s curryBlackbird intrepidGull keenly screechingPigeons saving the WestAnd chicken tikka madrasCrystal Meth and Black Eyed PeasPaul McCartney wading through mudCherry blossom quiversIn the mild caress of a benign windThe blue door is painted wellBut is rotting fastOnly it rots fast for yearsAnd for two weeks under a beautiful pink parasolOld fire guard and broken potsUncle Ben"s burnt riceAnd fried liceStirred with a pink petal supriseBig pebbles from the beachWith monsters in permanent inkAnd A4 lists of garage bandsWith potential from a few years backHumming a nonsensical tuneUnder the blush canopyWith a mug of putrid green vile liquidIn my electric petal wonderlandSunday morning with strong musclesAnd a crazy coloured goatI travel the flinty highwayTo the seat under the cherry blossomThere I feel in touch with the three planesThe floor, the middle and the skyBlistered feet and pudgy waistWith my head in the clouds of smog.But through the hazeIn the middle distance standsA small creature, a humanMy seven year-old son, Saint-Jeanne, in a toga"Mama" he says soflty"Look at the blossom of the cherry,"It is beautiful"And I hug him.第二首:The Cherry Blossom Blooming New life hanging flora from the tree, buds of living pink on the retina—reflecting perfectdoses of red-shifted spectrato mimic all in the skies:the ruby-stained, screaming, stretching away of starlight"s elongated bleeding.What Hubble must have seen,his pin-focused eyestabbing through glassinto darkness enveloping cold:a murdered heaven,sanguinarystreaking,retreating in every direction.第三首:In Your AbsenceNot yet summer,but unseasonable heatpries open the cherry tree.It stands there stupefied,in its sham, pink frills,dense with early blooming.Then, as afternoon coolsinto more furtive winds,I look up to seea blizzard of petalsrushing the sky.It is only April.I can"t stop my own lifefrom hurrying by.The moon, already pacing.
2023-07-20 19:45:251


1. 英语句子大全加翻译短句 1、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 2、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won"t make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 3、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 4、We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time. The most urgent is to take the most beautiful scenery; the deepest wound was the most real emotions.我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。 走的最急的是最美的景色,伤的最深的是最真的感情。 5、Time would heal almost all wounds. If your wounds have not been healed up, please wait for a short while. 时间几乎会愈合所有伤口,如果你的伤口还没有愈合,请给时间一点时间! 6、There"s a difference between "love" and "like". If you like a flower you will pick it, but if you love a flower, you will water it every day. 爱与喜欢是有区别的。如果你喜欢一朵花,你会摘下它,但你要是爱它,你会每天灌溉它。 7、No need to have a reason to love you. Anything can be a reason not to love you.喜欢你,不需要理由;不喜欢你,什么都可以成为理由。 8、Life is sad at times, but it is up to you to make your own life happy.生活有时是令人沮丧的,但你可以努力让自己的过得开心。 9、Never think hard about past. It brings tears… Don"t think more about future.Itbringsfears… Live this moment with a smile. It brings cheers.不要太想念过去,因它会给你带来悲伤;不要太思考未来,因它会带给你恐惧;用微笑活在当下,它会带来喜乐。 10、No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. No matter how sad you may be, believe, that happiness is waiting.不管雨下多久,最终彩虹总会出现。 不管你有多难过,始终要相信,幸福就在 不远处。11、Life isn"t about waiting for the storm to pass. it"s about learning to dance in the rain.人生不是坐等暴风雨过去,而是学会在雨中起舞。 12、Three solutions to every problem: accept it, change it, leave it. If you can"t accept it, change it. If you can"t change it, leave it. 有三个方法可以解决所有的问题。接受,改变,放开。 不能接受那就改变,不能改变,那就放开。 13、Because the things you"re scared of are usually the most worthwhile.每天都尝试去一件你害怕的事情,因为,你所害怕的事情,往往是最值得的。 14、The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.人生的目标就是要好好地活,尝尽世间百态,勇敢积极地去体验新的、丰富的经历。 15、Sometimes, we need a little tears to clear the mist in our eyes, a little assurance to clear the doubts in our head, a little hug to nurse our aching heart.有时候,我们需要一点眼泪去洗掉眼中的迷雾,一点保证去扫去脑中的怀疑,一点拥抱去疗愈受伤的心,一点休息去继续前行。 16、When life give you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. 当生活给你一百个理由哭泣时,你就拿出一千个理由笑给它看。 17、Use your smile to change the world. Don"t let the world change your smile.用你的笑容去改变这个世界,别让这个世界改变了你的笑容。 18、When I wake up every morning, the greatest joy is gazing upon you and sunshine, that is the future I desire.每天早上醒来,最大的愉悦就是看到你和阳光都在,这就是我想要的未来。 19、Life only comes around once. So make sure you"re spending it the right way, with the right ones.生命只有一次,我们要以正确的方式,和正确的人一起度过。 20、When you wake up in the morning, set a goal that today you must be better than yesterday. Do it everyday, grow better! 早上醒来时,给自己定个目标:今天一定要比昨天好!每天坚持,一定会大有收获。 2. 英语翻译词组短句要求所翻译出的内容都可做单独的标题来使用,对仗 1 拥有自己的专属画廊 Have own exclusive gallery.2 从今天做起 Starting from today 3 现在的灵感 将来的桎梏 Current inspirations will be future shackles.4 来自未来世界的想象 Come from future imagination of the world.5 专访英国插画大师 Have a special visit to English great illustrator.6 风格使然 Style is the same as before7 雅格布森(人名)。 3. 50条英语常用短句加翻译 1、on account of… 因为…,由于… 2、account for… 说明…的原因 3、on the basis of… 根据…,在…的基础上 4、in any case无论如何,总之 5、in case of… 假使…,万一… 6、in no case决不 7、make sense讲得通,有意义 8、a great/good deal of大量(修饰不可数名词) 9、influence on影响 10、reply to…回答…,答复… 11、once upon a time从前 12、once in a while偶尔,有时 13、refer to…参考…,查阅…,涉及…,提到… 14、depend on…取决于… 15、devote to… 奉献…,致力于… 16、insist on…坚持… 17、look forward to… 盼望…,期待… 18、have something to do with…和…有点关系 19、have nothing to do with…和…毫无关系 20、be fed up with…对…感到厌烦 21、in detail详细地说 22、be accustomed to习惯于 23、be aware of…意识到… 24、be characterized by…以…为特征 25、be composed of…由…组成 26、be concerned about…关心…,挂念… 27、be determined to do something决心做… 28、be equal to…等于… 29、be identified as…被认为是… 30、be satisfied with对……满意,满足于… 31、as far as somebody be concerned 就。而言 32、as to… 至于…,关于… 33、be beneficial to… 有利于…,有益于… 34、adapt oneself to…=adjust oneself to…使自己适应于… 35、attribute…to…把…归因于…,认为…是…的结果 36、concentrate on…集中注意力于… 37、on the contrary与之相反 38、in detail详细地 39、deprive somebody of something剥夺某人某物 40、in essence本质上 41、inform somebody of something通知某人某事 42、major in主修… 43、in favor of… 有利于…,赞成…,支持… 44、in consequence因此,结果 45、in conclusion最后,总之 4. 英语短语大全加翻译200个 be on fire 在。。着火 be on holiday 在假期中 be on show 展览 be poor in 在。。差 be popular with sb 深受。。欢迎 be prepared for 为……做好准备 be proud of 为。。而自豪 be ready (for) 为……做好准备 be rich in 在。。充足;富含。.. be satisfied/content with 对……感到满意 be seated 坐下;坐着 be strict with(in) 对某人(物)要求严格 be sure about/of 确信;有把握 be terrified at 被……吓一跳 be tired of sth/doing sth 厌倦做某事 be tired with/from 因。。感到厌倦 be torn open 被撕开 be unfit for 不合适,不称职,不胜任 be used to do 。。 被用来作某事 be used to sth/doing sth 习惯做某事 be weak in/at在。。弱 be worth doing 值得做。。 be wrong with 出毛病,不对头 beat…to death把。..打死 because of 因为;由于 before long 不久 beg one"s pardon 企求 begin…with 从。。开始 believe in 信任,信仰 belong to 属于 beyond help 不可挽救的 beyond hope 没有希望的 blow away 刮走;吹走 break away from 脱离。。 break down 分解,机器等坏了;身体跨了 break in插话;强行进入 break into 闯入 break off 打断;折段 break out 爆发,突然发生 break the law 违法,犯法 break the habit of doing 改掉…的习惯 break the rule 违反规定 break up 分解,腐蚀,驱散 break with 与。。断绝关系 bring down 使到下;降低 bring in 引来,引进;吸收 bring on 使前进 bring out 说明,阐明 bring up 教育;培养;提出 burn down 把。。烧成平地;烧光 burn。to the ground 把。。烧成平地 by accident 偶然 by air 乘飞机 by and by 不久,不久以后 by day 日间;白天里 by far 很,极 by hand 手工地 by means of 通过这种方式 by mistake 由疏忽所致 by sea 乘船 by spaceship 乘宇宙飞船 by the end of 在结束之前 by the side of 在。。附近 by the way 顺便说 by this means 通过这种方式 by turns 轮流,交替 call at some place 访问某地 call back 回电话 call for 去取(某物); 去接(某人);要求,需求 希望我的回答你能满意并采纳,谢谢! 5. 唯美的英语句子和短语加翻译 It"s not where you are today that counts. It"s where you are headed. 你现在的位置并不重要,重要的是你前进的方向。 Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be. 和我一起老去吧,最好的还没有到来呢 Good mood will have good scenery, good vision will have a good find, good thinking will have a good idea. 好心情才会有好风景,好眼光才会有好发现,好思考才会有好主意。 Stand tall and none can look down to you. 站得足够高,就没人能看低你。 The last one, can not turn, do not turn, turn over the dirt will be lost in his eyes. 过去的一页,能不翻就不要翻了,翻落了灰尘会迷了双眼。 The quickest and simplest way to wreck any relationship is to listen to gossip. 破坏关系的最快最简单的方法就是听信谣言。 My future husband is definitely a Luchi, otherwise how have yet to find me.我以后的老公绝对是个路痴,不然怎么到现在也没有找到我。 Times and broken dreams, to be buried together constantly fermenting, can not stop.时光和破碎的梦想,被埋葬在一起不停地发酵,无法停止。 6. 十五个简单的英语句子,十几个单词左右,要翻译 He as well as I is responsible for it. 不但是我,他对这件事也有责任。 2. Her zest for life is as great as ever. 她对生活的极大乐趣一如既往。 3. To act as coxswain or serve as coxswain for. 做舵手或为…做艇长 4. As useless as fishing for the moon in the lake 水中捞月一场空 5. the readership for printed matter, as for a book 印刷品,如书籍等的读者 6. To become prepared for or as if for war. 动员起来使得为了战争或仿佛为了战争而准备好 7. As well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb. 偷大偷小都是贼。 8. It is meant for foreigners as well as for Singaporeans. 不只是e68a84e799bee5baa631333335333765指外国人,还指新加坡人。 9. Answers will be marked for neatness as well as for accuracy. 回答要简练而正确。 10. Do this as much for yourselves as for those around you. 谨慎为之不仅是为你们俩,也是为你们周围的人。 7. 经典英文短句{带翻译} 珍藏已久的句子。 分享给你。 God works. 上帝的安排。 Not so bad. 不错。 No way! 不可能! Don"t flatter me. 过奖了。 Hope so. 希望如此。 Go down to business. 言归正传。 I"m not going. 我不去了。 Does it serve your purpose? 对你有用吗? I don"t care. 我不在乎。 None of my business. 不关我事。 It doesn"t work. 不管用。 Your are welcome. 你太客气了。 It is a long story. 一言难尽。 Between us. 你知,我知。 Sure thing! 当然! Talk truly. 有话直说。 I"m going to go. 我这就去。 Never mind. 不要紧。 Why are you so sure? 怎么这样肯定? Is that so? 是这样吗? Come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎么不讲道理。 When are you leaving? 你什么时候走? You don"t say so. 未必吧,不至于这样吧。 Don"t get me wrong. 别误会我。 You bet! 一定,当然! It"s up to you. 由你决定。 The line is engaged. 占线。 My hands are full right now. 我现在很忙。 Can you dig it? 你搞明白了吗? I"m afraid I can"t. 我恐怕不能。 How big of you! 你真棒! Poor thing! 真可怜! How about eating out? 外面吃饭怎样? Don"t over do it. 别太过分了。 You want a bet? 你想打赌吗? What if I go for you? 我替你去怎么样? Who wants? 谁稀罕? Follow my nose. 凭直觉做某事。 Cheap skate! 小气鬼! Come seat here. 来这边坐。 Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请。 You ask for it! 活该! You don"t say! 真想不到! Get out of here! 滚出去! How come… 怎么回事,怎么搞的。 Don"t mention it. 没关系,别客气。 It is not a big deal! 没什么了不起! thousand times no! 绝对办不到! Who knows! 天晓得! Have a good of it.玩的很高兴。 Don"t let me down. 别让我失望。 It is urgent. 有急事。 Can I have this. 可以给我这个吗? It doesn"t take much of you time. 这不花你好多时间。 Drop it! 停止! Bottle it! 闭嘴! There is nobody by that name working here.这里没有这个人。 Easy does it. 慢慢来。 Don"t push me. 别逼我。 Come on! 快点,振作起来! What is the fuss? 吵什么? Still up? 还没睡呀? It doesn"t make any differences. 没关系。 It is a deal! 一言为定! Take a seat! 请坐! Here ye! 说得对! It can be a killer. 这是个伤脑筋的问题。 Don"t take ill of me. 别生我气。 It"s up in the air. 尚未确定。 I am all ears. 我洗耳恭听。 Right over there. 就在那里。 Get an eyeful. 看个够。 Here we are! 我们到了! I lost my way. 我迷路了 Say hello to everybody for me. 替我向大家问好。 Not precisely! 不见得,不一定! That is unfair. 这不公平! We have no way out. 我们没办法。 That is great! 太棒了! You are welcome! 别客气! I"m bored to death. 我无聊死了。 Bottoms up! 干杯! Big mouth! 多嘴驴! Can-do. 能人。 Don""t play possum! 别装蒜! He neither drinks nor smokes. 他既不喝酒也不抽烟。 Make it up! 不记前嫌! Watch you mouth. 注意言辞。 Any urgent thing? 有急事吗? Good luck! 祝你好运! Make it. 达到目的,获得成功。 I"ll be seeing you. 再见。 I wonder if you can give me a lift? 能让我搭一程吗? It is raining. 要下雨了。 I might hear a pin drop. 非常寂静。 Don"t get loaded. 别喝醉了。 Stay away from him. 别*近他。 Don"t get high hat. 别摆架子。 That rings a bell. 听起来耳熟。 Play hooky. 旷工、旷课。 I am the one wearing pants in the house. 我当家。 Get cold feet. 害怕做某事。 Good for you! 好得很! Go ahead. 继续。 Help me out. 帮帮我。 Let"s bag it. 先把它搁一边。 Lose head. 丧失理智。 He is the pain on neck. 他真让人讨厌。 Do you have straw? 你有吸管吗? Don"t make up a story. 不要捏造事实。 Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 小别胜新婚。 She make a mess of things. 她把事情搞得一塌糊涂。 He has a quick eye. 他的眼睛很锐利。 Shoot the breeze. 闲谈。 Tell me when! 随时奉陪! It is a small world! 世界真是小! Not at all. 根本就不(用)。 Let"s play it by ear. 让我们随兴所至。 Wait and see. 等着瞧。 Why so blue? 怎么垂头丧气? What brought you here? 什么风把你吹来了? Hang on! 抓紧(别挂电话)! Leave me alone. 别理我。 Chin up. 不气 ,振作些。 You never know. 世事难料。 I stay at home a lot. 我多半在家里。 She"ll be along in a few minutes. 他马上会过来。 I"m not it a good mood. 没有心情(做某事)。 He is a fast talker. 他是个吹牛大王。 Daring! 亲爱的! She is still mad at me. 她还在生我的气。 I"ll get even with him one day. 我总有一天跟他扯平 Hit the ceiling. 大发雷霆。 She"s got quite a wad. 她身怀巨款。 I don"t have anywhere to be. 没地方可去。 I"m dying to see you. 我很想见你。 I swear by the God. 我对天发誓。 Nothing tricky. 别耍花招。 You might at least apologize. 你顶多道个歉就得了。 Price is soaring, if it goes on like this, we shall not be able to keep the pot boiling. 物价直线上升,这样子下去,我们锅里可没什么东西煮饭。 None of you keyhole。
2023-07-20 19:35:581


2023-07-20 19:36:024


“三件大事”: 完成了新民主主义革命,实现了民族独立、人民解放 完成了社会主义革命,确立了社会主义基本制度 进行了改革开放新的伟大革命,开创、坚持、发展了中国特色社会主义 “三大成就”: 开辟了中国特色社会主义道路 形成了中国特色社会主义理论体系 确立了中国特色社会主义制度
2023-07-20 19:36:062


give awayright away
2023-07-20 19:36:072

东北话 teng一会

2023-07-20 19:35:534

I just saw you open your eye.帮忙分析句子成分,谢谢。

I主语saw动词,谓语you宾语open your eyes动词短语,作you的状语
2023-07-20 19:35:523


take away
2023-07-20 19:35:512