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2023-07-29 07:01:52

dear me 有两个意思


比如肚子叫了之后, 会把手放在肚子上然后说dear me, sorry about that.




1、Outside, Bruce glanced at his watch: "Dear me, nearly oneo"clock."


2、"Ooh dear me, that"s a bit of a racist comment isn"t it."


3、Newton remarked, " Dear me, I thought I had not dined, but I see have. "

牛顿说: “ 哎呀, 我原以为我还没吃饭, 可是看来我已经吃过了。 ”

4、Dear me, can"t you walk quicker? A snail by comparison is supersonic.

天哪, 你就不能走得快点 吗 ?跟你比,蜗牛爬都是超音速的了。


dear me 有两个意思

1. 身体出怪声音后可以说的,表示惊讶, 不故意的,礼貌

比如 肚子叫了之后, 会把手放在肚子上然后说 dear me, sorry about that.

2. 还有,看到令人惊讶的东西也可以说




名词 1. 注意,观察。2. 话,言语;评论,意见。及物动词 1. 注意到,看见,觉得,发觉。2. 说,讲;陈述(注意到的事情等)。 I remarked the heat as soon as I entered the room. 一进房间就觉得热。 as remarked above 如上所述;前面已说过。不及物动词 1. 留意。2. 评论,谈论,议论 (on, upon)。
2023-07-28 06:04:161

But this does not matter, for, as he has often remarked, one is never too old to learn

2023-07-28 06:05:101


  像你明白这样的句子,我们怎么用英文表达?下面是我给大家整理的你明白的英文是什么,供大家参阅!   你明白的英文是什么   Do you understand?   英语的10种表达你明白了吗   1. Are you with me? 都明白了吧?   2. Do you know what I mean? 你懂我意思吧?   3. You"ve got the picture? 你明白了吗?   4. Do you understand? 懂了吗?   5. Got it? 明白了吗?   6. Are you following me? 你跟上我说的了吗?   7. You know what I am talking about? 你知道我在说什么吗?   8. Am I understood? 我说明白了吗?   9. Are you clear? 你都清楚了吗?   10. Did I make myself clear enough? 我都说明白了吗?   你明白的英语例句   1. What I did for you was free, gratis, you understand?   我为你所做的一切都是免费的,无偿的,你明白吗?   2. She was a bit stuck up, know what I mean?   她有点自命不凡,你明白我的意思吧?   3. People are supposed to mix, do you understand?   人们应该互相交际,你明白吗?   4. They"ve turned sensible, if you take my meaning.   他们变得通情达理了,如果你明白我的意思的话。   5. You see where I"m coming from?   你明白我的意思了吗?   6. Could you catch her meaning?   你明白她的意思 吗 ?   7. Did you get what I mean?   你明白我的意思了 吗 ?   8. " Do you see it? " he demanded urgently.   “ 你明白了 吗 ? ” 他急切地问道.   9. If you flinch, I"ll kill you . Do you understand that?   你要是缩头不干, 我就宰了你, 明白 吗 ?   10. Do you get how damned cheeky that was?   现在你明白了吧?   11. Jumping on a dead level was his strong suit, you understand?   从平地往上跳,是他的拿手戏, 你明白 吗 ?   12. I want you to know that I"m not ungrateful, Frank.   我希望你明白,我并不是无情无义的, 法兰克.   13. You understand what that means, landlord!   反正你明白这个意思, 掌柜的!   14. You know what I mean -- a squib or two saying that it"s going to take place. "   你明白我的意思 -- 来上两三句说明何时何地有这么场演出就行了. ”   15. Jacques Three pacifically remarked, " He is so much in your mind, see you, madame. "   雅克三号息事宁人说, “ 那是因为你心里老挂着那个人, 你明白么, 老板娘. ”   
2023-07-28 06:05:171

as he has often remarked

这句话里as he has often remarked是插入语,补充说明,所以as he has often remarked前后都要加逗号隔开. 原话可以改为:But this does not matter,for one is never too old to learn. 但这没关系,因为正如他常说的那样,活到老学到老.
2023-07-28 06:05:261


  无所谓是一种抒发感慨的词,表达对某些事情不在乎的看法。例句:我吗?无所谓。随他们怎么办全好。那么你知道无所谓用英语怎么说吗? 接下来跟着我来学习一下吧。   无所谓的英语说法1:   indifferent   无所谓的英语说法2:   whatever   无所谓的英语说法3:   doesn"t Matter   无所谓相关英语表达:   无所谓真伪 neither has truth nor falsity   都无所谓 Nothing matters   反正无所谓 It doesn"t matter   无所谓的英语例句:   1. I"ll come with you if you like. I might as well.   如果你想的话,我会和你在一起来。我无所谓。   2. Scientists call this the "it won"t affect me" syndrome.   科学家把这种现象称为“我无所谓”的典型表现。   3. The Editor takes a cavalier attitude to the concept of fact checking.   《编辑》杂志对于核对事实这一点采取无所谓的态度。   4. There is no right or wrong way to do these exercises.   做这些练习的 方法 无所谓对错。   5. Garland tried to appear casual, but he couldn"t conquer his unease.   加兰努力装出无所谓的样子,可是他没法克服自己的局促不安。   6. It doesn"t matter if you win or lose.   你是赢是输都无所谓。   7. These materials can"t be said to have much value as historical records.   这些材料无所谓有什么史料价值.   8. She shrugged, feigning nonchalance.   她耸耸肩, 装出一副无所谓的样子.   9. Money means nothing to him.   金钱对他来说是无所谓的.   10. It doesn"t matter to me.   这对我无所谓.   11. Imagination is, of its very nature, unmoral.   想象, 就其本质来说, 无所谓道德或不道德.   12. "Shoddy workmanship these days," he remarked. "No matter, it will still bear my weight."   “现如今的做工实在是差劲,”他说,“无所谓了,好歹还撑得住我的体重。”   13. I want to play for a top club and I don"t mind where it is.   我想为顶级俱乐部踢球,至于在哪里踢无所谓。   14. We don"t mind who gets the credit so long as we don"t get the blame.   谁受到表扬无所谓,只要我们不挨批就好。   15. Whether I"ve got a moustache or not it"s all the same to me.   我留不留胡子都无所谓。
2023-07-28 06:05:351


2023-07-28 06:05:4415

我们已经备注了,我们已经记下你方的提醒了,英语怎么翻译?这样翻译对吗:we have noted

We have already remarked.we have already wrote down your remind.
2023-07-28 06:06:115


很有趣 似乎完全看不懂 猜测一下吧 顺便校正一下but it does not matter.just as he often mentioned, it is never too old to learn.翻译: 没关系 正如他经常提到的那样 活到老学到老
2023-07-28 06:06:284

英语翻译 (讨论)

杰佛逊觉得现在不必被已失去效用的传统所束缚。他说道,“没有哪个社会能制定一种永久的惯例,乃至永久的法律。地球属于活着的这一代。”他既不惧怕新的思想,也不害怕未来。“有多少痛苦是由那些从未发生过的事情引起的啊?!”他说,“我总往最好的方面想,而不是最坏。我掌舵着我的希望之船,驶离恐惧。” 杰佛逊觉得现在不必被已失去效用的传统所束缚。他说道,“没有哪个社会能制定一种永久的惯例,乃至永久的法律。地球属于活着的这一代。”他既不惧怕新的思想,也不害怕未来。“有多少痛苦是由那些从未发生过的事情引起的啊?!”他说,“我总往最好的方面想,而不是最坏。我掌舵着我的希望之船,驶离恐惧。”
2023-07-28 06:06:482

One is never too old to learn是什么意思

2023-07-28 06:06:585

《悲惨世界》第六章中“美和适用是一样有用的” 英文原文是什么?有没有其他翻译版本?

"Madame Magloire," retorted the Bishop, "you are mistaken. The beautiful is as useful as the useful." He added after a pause, "More so, perhaps." “马格洛大娘,”主教回答说,“您弄错了。美和适用是一样有用的。”停了一会,他又加上一句:“也许更有用些。”我就只有英文版的,不过雨果的作品应该有法文版的,可以去书店找找。
2023-07-28 06:07:232


2023-07-28 06:07:3511

“set”后是用“to do sth”还是“doing sth”?

set 后是用to do sth。set to do动手干(认真开始干,争论,拳赛,殴斗)。to do sth用来表达即将发生的事情,而doing sth用来描述正在发生的事情。下列动词或词组后面都可以接doing:admit 承认 appreciate 感激 avoid 避免 complete完成 consider认为 delay 耽误deny 否认 detest 讨厌 endure 忍受 enjoy 喜欢 escape 逃脱 fancy 想象 finish 完成。set to,中to是介词,表示认真着手干。一般用set out to do或set about 。We have achieved what we set out to do.我们已经达成了原初的目标。He has achieved what he set out to do three years ago.他已经实现了他3年前的奋斗目标。"I have", he remarked with pardonable pride, "done what I set out to do."“我已经,”他以情有可原的骄傲语气说,“完成了我要做的。”Now you are set to do something interesting: create a bucket, say, add a movie to it, and then obtain a special limited-time-available URL.现在可以执行一些有趣的操作了:例如,创建存储段、添加一个影片,然后获取一个有时间限制的URL。Milan and Juventus are set to do battle on the transfer market for Uruguayan defender Martin Caceres.米兰和尤文图斯准备在转会市场上为了乌拉圭后卫马丁.卡塞雷斯竞争。
2023-07-28 06:08:021

A) statedB) remarkedC) saidD) told

【答案】:C答案:C[试题分析] 习惯用法。[详细解答] 所填词显然表示“据说……”,这里只能用 said,故答案为C。
2023-07-28 06:08:461

选择题 英语

1、A remarkable 显著的; 卓越的; 异常的,引人注目的,; 非凡的,非常(好)的;这题只是单纯考单词意思而已。2、B applying 施加压力,其他单词都没有这个意思3、B circumstances 决不,无论如何,在任何情况下。 经典词组-,-
2023-07-28 06:08:571


Unit8It has often been remarked that the saddest thing about youth is that it is wasted on the young. Reading a survey report on first-year college students, I recalled the regret, "If only I knew then what I know now."The survey revealed what I had already suspected from informal polls of students both in Macon and at the Robins Resident Center: If it (whatever it may be) won"t compute and you can"t drink it, smoke it or spend it, then "it" holds little value.According to the survey based on responses from over 188,000 students, today"s college beginners are "more consumeristic and less idealistic" than at any time in the 17 years of the poll. Not surprising in these hard times, the students" major objective "is to be financially well off". Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life. Accordingly, today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting. Interest in teaching, social service and the humanities is at a low, along with ethnic and women"s studies. On the other hand, enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer science is way up. That"s no surprise either. A friend of mine (a sales representative for a chemical company) was making twice the salary of college instructors during her first year on the job—even before she completed her two-year associate degree. "I"ll tell them what they can do with their music, history, literature, etc.," she was fond of saying. And that was four years ago; I tremble to think what she"s earning now. Frankly, I"m proud of the young lady (not her attitude but her success). But why can"t we have it both ways? Can"t we educate people for life as well as for a career? I believe we can. If we cannot, then that is a conviction against our educational system—kindergarten, elementary, secondary and higher. In a time of increasing specialization, more than ever, we need to know what is truly important in life. This is where age and maturity enter. Most people, somewhere between the ages of 30 and 50, finally arrive at the inevitable conclusion that they were meant to do more than serve a corporation, a government agency, or whatever. Most of us finally have the insight that quality of life is not entirely determined by a balance sheet. Sure, everyone wants to be financially comfortable, but we also want to feel we have a perspective on the world beyond the confines of our occupation; we want to be able to render service to our fellow men and to our God. If it is a fact that the meaning of life does not dawn until middle age, is it then not the duty of educational institutions to prepare the way for that revelation? Most people, in their youth, resent the Social Security deductions from their pay, yet a seemingly few short years later find themselves standing anxiously by the mailbox. While it"s true all of us need a career, preferably a prosperous one, it is equally true that our civilization has collected an incredible amount of knowledge in fields far removed from our own. And we are better for our understanding of these other contributions—be they scientific or artistic. It is equally true that, in studying the diverse wisdom of others, we learn how to think. More importantly, perhaps, education teaches us to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs. Weekly we read of unions that went on strike for higher wages, only to drive their employer out of business. No company, no job. How short-sighted in the long run. But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve our moral sense. I saw a cartoon recently which depicts a group of businessmen looking puzzled as they sit around a conference table; one of them is talking on the intercom: "Miss Baxter," he says, "could you please send in someone who can distinguish right from wrong?" In the long run that"s what education really ought to be about. I think it can be. My college roommate, now head of a large shipping company in New York, not surprisingly was a business major. But he also hosted a classical music show on the college"s FM station and listened to Wagner as he studied his accounting. That"s the way it should be. Oscar Wilde had it right when he said we ought to give our ability to our work but our genius to our lives. Let"s hope our educators answer students" cries for career education, but at the same time let"s ensure that students are prepared for the day when they realize their short-sightedness. There"s a lot more to life than a job.
2023-07-28 06:09:061


为您解答为您解答where引导状语从句that don"t make sense...changes是定语从句,修饰questions这个先行词like that就是介宾短语做后置定语修饰questions,表示类似上面所述但你未写出的问题
2023-07-28 06:09:162


新概念英语2选择题答案:Lesson 1: bcbdc adbac ccLesson 2: cdcca bbadc dbLesson 3: cacac bccba bbLesson 4: dbabb acbca ccLesson 5: cadbc dabcb bdLesson 6: dacdd adaba daLesson 7: bccda cdacb abLesson 8: dbbac cbbad bbLesson 9: cbdaa bbdbb dcLesson 10: addcb cacac caLesson 11: bbbab ccacc bdLesson 12: ccadd adacd aaLesson : 13 bdbca bbcaa adLesson 14: bcacd bcbcb bbLesson 15: dbcbc dadcc cbLesson 16: aadab adadd daLesson 17: dbbdc cbaac adLesson18 : Bdbdb cdcac cbLesson 19: Adccd bcbca ccLesson 20: Bcbbc bcacc daLesson 21 : cdcda cbbad ccLesson 22: dbddb dacda bbLesson 23: aaacc addbb adLesson 24: baaca acccb abLesson 25: cbbab cdbaa daLesson 26: adcbc ddabd bdLesson 27: dcddd baddc ccLesson 28: cdbbc dbdcd baLesson 29: bccbd babbb cbLesson 30: aadab cccda ddLesson 31: dbaca adabc acLesson 32: cccbb cadad bcLesson 33: dbdac bbccc acLesson 34: dabca dcbcb caLesson 35: adadd adaba ddLesson 36: addcd ccbad ccLesson 37: cbbbb dacdb baLesson 38: bcaac bddba ddLesson 39: dacdd abacc abLesson 40: ccbca acbbb bdLesson 41: aacdc bbada cbLesson 42: dddbb cddac daLesson 43: bbaad daccd acLesson 44: cbccc bdaba bdLesson 45: bdabb dcbcb dbLesson 46: acdda cbcad caLesson 47: dabad aaddc acLesson 48: cbcba cbbda bcLesson 49: dabab ccacc aaLesson 50: dbacc aadbb cdLesson 51: bcddd adcad dbLesson 52: bccab dcbac bdLesson 53: cdacc cdcda ccLesson 54: dbdbd badcb ddLesson 55: aabda acabd abLesson 56: cacca cabbc ccLesson 57: abbbb dcdcb daLesson 58: bdaac bdcad bdLesson 59: dbddd abada abLesson 60: bacbc babac adLesson 61: bacca dcabb ddLesson 62: addcd ccbda dbLesson 63: dbaab ddacd caLesson 64: ccccb bccab bbLesson 65: adbbc aadcc bdLesson 66: cbaad aabab baLesson 67: daddd dbbad ddLesson 68: bbcdb bbccc aaLesson 69: abcbb ddaab cdLesson 70: dbccd bcacd dcLesson 71: bdbbc cdbbc baLesson 72: acadb accdb adLesson 73: cadac dadaa dbLesson 74: baccd cacbc abLesson 75: cabdb abbdd ccLesson 76: dbdaa bbacb ddLesson 77: acabc dddaa baLesson 78: acbbc acbab caLesson 79: bdcca dbada acLesson 80: cbdad cadcc dbLesson 81: daadb bdcbd bdLesson 82: abadc cdaac bdLesson 83: bacca bcbcd abLesson 84: ccabd cccda cdLesson 85: ddbab abdbb dcLesson 86: bcabb bdcab bcLesson 87: cdcda ccada adLesson 88: cbbcc abbcc cbLesson 89: aadad dadbd dbLesson 90: bccca bcbad ddLesson 91: dbcbc dbbcb cbLesson 92: bcdcb abbad caLesson 93: cdbac ccdcb dbLesson 94: abcba dacda bcLesson 95: dabad cdcac dcLesson 96: dccba dcdab cb 新概念英语第二册第二单元课后练习的答案 Lesson 25 2 1.Both my sister and I went shopping. 2.We not only got very tired but very hungry as well. 3.It was three o"clock and we could not get lunch so we had a cup of tea. 3 1c 2b 3b 4a 5b 6c 7d 8b 9a 10a 11d 12a Lesson 26 1 B believe...are joking...don"t know...know...believe...forget...looked...are u trying... u live...don"t know 2 "Look!"she said,"isn"t that man drunk?" "I think we should cross the road,"answered her husband. "It"s too late now,"she replied. "Eh,you two.Look where you"re going,"called the drunk . "Can"t u walk in a straight line?" 3 1a 2d 3c 4b 5c 6d 7d 8a 9b 10d 11b 12d Lesson 27 2 1.put their toys away 2.put you up 3.put my shoes on 4.put down 5.putting out 6.put up 7.put off 8.put up with 3 1d 2c 3d 4d 5d 6b 7a 8d 9d 10c 11c 12c Lesson 28 1 A has just bought(1.2);has had(1.3);has parked(1.4);has not been able(1.5);has put up(1.6); have not had(1.7);has put(1.8);have ever seen(1.9);has been turned(1.10) 2 2.who/that 3.whose 4.which 5.that/which 3 1c 2d 3b 4b 5c 6d 7b 8d 9c 10d 11b 12a Lesson 29 1 A What happened:flew(1.6);landed(1.8);landed(1.9);wanted(1.10);did not take(1.11) What has happened:has bought(1.1);has begun(1.1);has flown(11.7-8);has just refused(11.9-10) 2 1.bring 2.fetch 3.refused 4.deny 5.Very 3 1b 2c 3c 4b 5d 6b 7a 8b 9b 10b 11c 12b Lesson 30 1 D 1.Refrigerators are necessary in hot countries. 2.Which river is the longest,the Nile,the Amazon,or the Mississippi? 3.Heyerdahl crossed the Pacific on a raft. 4.Why is Britain sometimes called the United Kingdom? 5.We sailed up the Red Sea and then went through the Suez Canal. 2 1a 2a 3d 4a 5b 6c 7c 8c 9d 10a 11d 12d Lesson 31 2 1.experienced 3.job 3 1d 2b 3a 4c 5a 6a 7d 8a 9b 10c 11a 12c Lesson 32 2 One day...a thing...a fax...a form...a fax of one word... 3 1c 2c 3c 4b 5b 6c 7a 8d 9a 10d 11b 12c Lesson 33 1 A 1.The girl set out from the coast. 2.She jumped into the sea. 3.She seam to the shore. B 2.from/out of 3.(up)to 4.for/from 8.from C (sample answers) 1.A bird flew into the room. 2.The parachutist jumped from the aeroplane. 3.The child pointed at the fat lady. 4.Put the milk in the refrigerator. 2 1.the other day 2.passed 4.past 3 1d 2b 3d 4a 5c 6b 7b 8c 9c 10c 11a 12c Lesson 34 2 1.on 3.out 3 1d 2a 3b 4c 5a 6d 7c 8b 9c 10b 11c 12a Lesson 35 1 C 1.mean...Do u understand 2.used to smoke...dose not smoke 3.was completed 4.have not seen 5.dropped...was crossing 2 2.such as 4.such 6.such a 7.such an 3 1a 2d 3a 4d 5d 6a 7d 8a 9b 10a 11d 12d Lesson 36 1 C 1.We are going to leave at six o"clock. 2.I am going to pay these bills tomorrow. 3.Are you going to write to him? 4.She is not going to look for a new job. 5.When are you going to buy a new car? 2 1.firm 2.watched 3.look at 4.aolid/firm 5.firm 3 1a 2d 3d 4c 5d 6c 7c 8b 9a 10d 11c 12c Lesson 37 2 1.holding...looking forward to 2.look out 3.look...up holding 5.look...up 6.held...looking forward to 3 1c 2b 3b 4b 5b 6d 7a 8c 9d 10b 11b 12c Lesson 38 2 A 1.I had no sooner left the house than it began to rain. 2.We had no sooner hung the picture on the wall than it fell down. B 1.continuously 2.continually 3 1b 2c 3a 4a 5c 6b 7d 8d 9b 10a 11d 12d Lesson 39 1d 2a 3c 4d 5d 6a 7b 8a 9c 10c 11a 12b Lesson 40 1 1.were 2.tries 3.will burn 4.would have to 5.lost not apologize 7.were 8.won 9.would not be 10.could 2 2.does...makes 3.doing...making 4.made...did 3 1c 2c 3b 4c 5a 6a 7c 8b 9b 10b 11b 12d Lesson 41 1 C 1.mustn"t 2.mustn"t 3.needn"t 4.needn"t 5.mustn"t 2 1.remarked 2.noticed 3.remarks 4.notice 3 1a 2a 3c 4d 5c 6b 7b 8a 9d 10a 11c 12b Lesson 42 1 A 1.had had a long walk(1.1) 2.have a rest(1.2) have a look(1.4) 4.had our first glimpse(1.6) B 1.had a ride 2.was having a look 3.had a wash 4.had am 5.had a fight 6.have had a quarrel 7.had another try 8.having a rest 9.have a smoke 10.have a good sleep 2 1.pick it up 2.pick up 3.pick out 4.pick up 3 1d 2d 3d 4b 5b 6c 7d 8d 9a 10c 11d 12a Lesson 43 1 A were able to take(1.3);could...get over(1.6);was then able to rise(1.8); would be able to reach(1.9);was able to fly(1.10) 2 last home once the moment times 6.was at a loss 7.At first 3 1b 2b 3a 4a 5d 6d 7a 8c 9c 10d 11a 12c Lesson 44 1 A tried to steal(1.4);started running(1.5);continued to run(1.7);needs mending(1.10) B see 2.working 3.ironing leave argue/arguing come 7.seeing 8.knocking 9.waiting rain/raining 11.working 12.taking 2 1.(sample sentences) In the last minutes orf the race,Jim caught up with the leader and passed him. 2.The famer shouted at the children and they ran way. 3 1c 2b 3c 4c 5c 6b 7d 8a 9b 10a 11b 12d Lesson 45 1 A had been lost(11.1-2);must have been found(11.3-4);was not returned(1.4); had been wrapped(1.6);was sent(1.9);was paid back(1.10) C 1.A meal has been prepared for you. 2.The book will be translated into English. 3.A telegram must be sent to him. 4.The fire had been put out before the fire brigade arrived. 5.The cat was given some milk to drink. 2 1.back 2.robbed...stole 3.back 4.stole 5.robbed 3 1b 2d 3a 4b 5b 6d 7c 8b 9c 10b 11d 12b Lesson 46 1 A arrived at Sydney(1.1);could account for the fact(1.3);accurred to one(1.4); was astonished at what(1.5);was so surprised at being(11.6-7); had been confined to the wooden box(1.9); B 1.with 3.with 4.for 9.for 12.with 13.with 15.for 16.for 17.with 18.for 20.with 22.with 27.for 29.for 31.for 34.for 39.with 40.for 2 1a 2c 3d 4d 5a 6c 7b 8c 9a 10d 11c 12a Lesson 47 1 C 1.will have finished 2.broke 3.were 4.could D 1.mustn"t 2.needn"t E 1.I asked George what those people were looking at. 2.George answered that he did not know.He thought a new road was being built and that it would be finished soon. 3.I told George that all those people were silly because they were looking into an empty hole. 4.George said that some piople enjoy/enjoyed watching others work. 5.Half an hour passed.George told me to hurry up as we had been there for half an hour. He added that there was nothing to see in an empty hole. 6.i answered that I didn"t want to go yet because it was very interesting. 2 1d 2a 3b 4a 5d 6a 7a 8d 9d 10c 11a 12c Lesson 48 1 A 1.which 2.denied 3.fetched 4.too 6.One...a...who 7.past 9.watching 10.continually 11.remarked 12.robbed B (sample sentences) I"m sorry to cause you such trouble. Have you ever seen such beartiful pictures before? It"s such a nice day that we can"t stay indoors! I"m feeling so tired that I shall have to stop work. C 1.He had no sooner come home than they rang him up from the office. 2.The plane had no sooner taken off than it returned to the airport. D 1.made 3.make 5.Do 6.make 7.made 8.does E 1.ou 有好东西,大家分享!祝你成功!
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B. hesitateB. no; cannot D. to be dropped; to become b. motionedD. classified B. nor did he ever find out C. a few… little D. should have had D. depresses A. chances
2023-07-28 06:10:351


1、经常的英语:often,英 [??fn] 美 [???fn]。2、人们经常谈到两者的相似之处。The similarities between the two have often been remarked on。3、这种疾病经常潜伏多年而不被察觉。The disease often goes/ remains undetected for many years。4、从前的夏天,我们经常泛舟湖上。We used to go sailing on the lake in summer。
2023-07-28 06:10:431


1. After he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening. 时间状语从句 意思是“退休后,他把大部分时间用在园艺上”。after 引导时间状语从句。2.I have just received a letter from my old school, informing me ( that my former headmaster, Mr. Stuart Page,will be retiring next week.) 括号中that 引导的从句为非谓语现在分词informing 的宾语从句。3. All those who have contributed towards the gift will sign their names ina large album which will be sent to the headmaster"s home. 主句话的意思是: “凡是出钱凑份子为校长买礼物的人都在一本大的纪念簿上签名,这个纪念簿将会被送到校长家里。” 句子的主语是 All those 谓语动词是will sign 宾是 their names. in a large album 状语。who have contributed towards the gift 定语从句修饰 all those. which will be sent to the headmaster"s home 也是定语从句修饰 albumWho 4。 .and for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillinglyto school. (当我们不愿去上课时,他给予我们和蔼可亲的鼓励) when we went so unwillingly to school. 时间状语从句; he gave us 省略引导词的定语从句修饰 encouragement 5. It is a curious coincidence that the day before his retirement, Mr.Pagewill have been teaching for a total of forty years. ( 这真是奇妙的巧合!佩奇退休那一天,刚好是他从事教学工作整整四十周年的纪念日) It 形式主语; that the day before his retirement, Mr.Page will have been teaching for a total of forty years. 是真正主语从句。
2023-07-28 06:10:511


"你可以看到, "一个朋友说过,对我来说,有一天, "我们是多么观察彼此" ? "不, "我说: "我不能说我已经注意到它。 "好, "说,我的朋友, "你总是观察我和我在做的,我不喜欢它,所以我提醒诸位的,它在未来的时候,我觉得你看我的!
2023-07-28 06:10:592


work 行得通。就是1000种行不通的材料。例句:It works!
2023-07-28 06:11:333

there you go什么意思?

2023-07-28 06:11:538


当1954年11月份,英国首相丘吉尔迎来他80大寿之际,收到了著名的现代艺术家葛拉汉.萨瑟兰赠予的一幅肖像。肖像由国会为他预定并付款,用以表彰他对二战所做的卓越贡献。 丘吉尔夫妇深为这份热情所感动,因而他们决不允许赠画人看出来他们实际上是多么地不喜欢这幅肖像。“我在画里显得蠢极了——简直一点不像我!” 丘吉尔私下曾说.在公众场合. 他却把肖像评价为“现代艺术的杰作”. 这时只有他的朋友才会会心一笑:他们心知肚明丘吉尔压根就不欣赏现代艺术。 可是丘吉尔对这幅肖像如此耿耿于怀,他夫人终究还是将画毁掉了。丘吉尔于1965年1月,以90高龄逝世。1977年,夫人也随他而去。他们去世不久, 公众就知道了他们对肖像的处置结果, 热烈的争论爆发了.可想而知作者是多么地沮丧. 恼羞成怒的艺术界声称,破坏画作属于犯罪行为. 历史学家则对这份珍贵史料的永久灭失感到遗憾. 所有人一致认为,丘吉尔并没有权利毁坏画作. 他们做得对吗? 相当部分的公众认为如果肖像令人不快,则所有人有权任意处置画作. 历史上这种问题已被提起多次: 艺术品的权利人是谁?被画人, 所有权人, 捐赠人, 还是作画者? 当画作是历史人物的肖像时, 应由历史学家所言,由人物后代享有权利么?? 另一问题也值得关注: 谁有资格来决定肖像怎么画? 葛拉汉.萨瑟兰告诉丘吉尔:我将“如我所见”为你作画,并拒绝向展示未完的作品,丘吉尔在创作全程没机会看作品一眼. 作品完成后,他才发觉自己被葛拉汉.萨瑟兰化成了一个面目阴沉的,显露病态的疲倦老头. 不喜年老的丘吉尔自然深受伤害。但奇怪的是,很多欣赏过的(包括作者)却说肖像是杰作。它有被画人想的那么糟糕吗?谁来裁判?众所周知,不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。人到底能比他人更了解自身么? 以上问题,至今仍无所有人满意的答案。
2023-07-28 06:12:542


当许多私立学校集中更多于价值时,公立学校移动朝测试标准。 国家政府要求学术成功和考试接受作为school"s表现的一次关键测量。 有低测试分数的学校在金钱面对惩罚(处罚)例如减少管理他们的学校。 并且,甚而各自的老师被分级关于怎样they"re他们的学生为这些测试做准备。<br/>“We集中了教孩子如何的太多接受这些考试, ” co
2023-07-28 06:13:052

Mr. Page will have been teaching for a total of forth years.

2023-07-28 06:13:132

电脑高手帮忙!我在运行输入命令行里看到有rundll32 netplwiz.dll,UsersRunDll,是什么东西?

2023-07-28 06:09:581


2023-07-28 06:09:591


2023-07-28 06:09:591

歌词 我不能不想不想

我现在哪都不想去MP3歌词:跟你一起吃饭 跟你一起看电影 跟你一起唱歌曲你就像是我的天使 而我是你的金主打一通电话 我就去接你 我不是送Pizza的但是我好像是你的Lucky 你弃养的Lucky你的素颜 你的Nubra 我从来没去嫌脱掉高跟鞋 你身高立刻矮半截我现在哪都不想去 在家独自把泪滴我不想刷牙 我不想洗澡 我只想喝醉 醒来再喝醉我现在哪都不想去 你却跟别人去踏青我希望下雨 我希望打雷 我希望雨水带走这一切我现在哪都不想去我现在哪都不想去我现在哪都不想去我现在哪都不想不想不想不想不想不想不想不想不想去我不想不想不想不想不想不想不想不想不想不想不想不想不想不想~不去!
2023-07-28 06:09:591

xampp mysql怎么用 输入命令行

2023-07-28 06:10:001


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2023-07-28 06:10:061

mac 重启后 XAMPP下的apache无法启动

mac重启后,XAMPP下的apache无法启动,如下图:原因:因为系统自带的apache抢先起来了 解决办法:运行sudo apachectl stop,再来xampp启动即可
2023-07-28 06:10:071


2023-07-28 06:10:083

休息一下如何? ____ _____ _____ _____ _____?或_____ _____a break?

How about having a rest?或How about a break?本题为征求意见。也可:Shall we have a break?
2023-07-28 06:10:085


可以是人名,通常解释为:担1. Why shouldn"t Dan eat the cake?After all, he baked it.为什么丹不该吃蛋糕?不管怎么说还是他做的呢。2. Sam and Dan have another great week, coming in fifth place.Sam和Dan这周表现也不错,取得第五名
2023-07-28 06:10:102


2023-07-28 06:09:521


方法/步骤1 今天运行XAMPP启动MySQL数据库时出现错误:21:37:31 [mysql] Status change detected: stopped21:37:31 [mysql] Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly.21:37:31 [mysql] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies, 21:37:31 [mysql] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.21:37:31 [mysql] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check21:37:31 [mysql] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues21:37:31 [mysql] If you need more help, copy and post this21:37:31 [mysql] entire log window on the forumss2 有遇到这类问题的朋友可以试试小编的方法,反正我是解决了。 打开你的xampp安装目录,这里小编把它安装在D:Program Filesxampp目录。3 下拉鼠标,找到Mysql文件夹,这里就是你的本地MySQL数据库,点击打开。4 继续打开data文件夹,data一般是指保存数据的文件夹,也可能是软件生成的临时文件夹。5 这里有个文件名为 ibdata1 的文件 ,ibdata就是用来储存文件的数据的。这里我们把它删除掉。6 重新运行XAMPP程序,启动MySQL数据库。 系统提示:Status change detected: running说明MySQL数据库启动成功。7 再次进入D:Program Filesxamppmysqldata文件目录我们可以看到,系统又重新生成了一个 ibdata1 文件。
2023-07-28 06:09:521


witness的用法如下:一.用作名词1.目击者固定词组witnessofwitnesses (at the scene)of the accident事故(现场)的目击者2.证人adefence/prosecution witness被告的/原告的证人a witness for the defence/prosecution被告的/原告的证人二.用作动词1.目击(当场见到某事物)witnessanaccident,amurder,aquarrel目击一事故、谋杀事件、一场争吵例句:We were witnessing the most important scientific development of thecentury.我们亲眼见到本世纪最重要的科学进展。2.为别人签署(文件)时作证(尤指自己也同时签字者)
2023-07-28 06:09:511

when can I take a break ,sir?Well,___you have finished your work.

——when can I take a break ,sir?——Well,(until) you have finished your work.(先生,我可以休息一下么? 好的,但是前提是你要把你的工作完成。(until在此就是表示直到你把你的工作完成才可以休息。。)) Not until 也可以,如果这个空不限制所填的单词的个数,就可以用Not until 或者until。都是表示直到(完成工作)才可以(休息)的休息之意
2023-07-28 06:09:514


dan是一个多义词,所代表的意思分别是:1、Dan指的是美国DJ、音乐制作人:来自美国的DJ Dan长久以来一直是个备受瞩目的DJ和制作人,早在90年代初期,Dan就已经开始在洛杉矶当地的舞场或派对播放当时还很冷门的techno。2、Dan指的是力学单位:daN的英文就是DecaNewton。deca表示十, 十倍的意思,Newton就是牛顿。3、Dan指的是王啸坤所创建的音乐厂牌:2009年3月,王啸坤成立了自己的音乐厂牌dan蛋。2009年3月15日-4月25日,DAN生·王啸坤2009春季全国公路巡演。相关内容:在水肺潜水小区中,DAN 是一个致力贡献于潜水安全、教育与研究的组织。DAN 于 1980 年在美国 Duke University Medical Centre成立。开设了 24 小时紧急支持热线,提供信息给受伤的潜水人和照料他们的医疗人员,协助潜水意外事故的治疗。为了筹募经费,DAN成立了会员计划。起初服务只限于提供订户一本潜水事故手册和定期通讯 Alert Diver,一本探讨有关各种潜水安全问题的刊物。
2023-07-28 06:09:471


2023-07-28 06:09:441


答案一 这表明这个文件没有找到了,不过应该不是系统该有的文件,直接从注册表中搜索c:windowsycejpy77.dll,然后将搜索到的项清空,或者删除就可以了 需要从安全模式操作才可以 答案二 RUNDLL应该是个木马,被删了,但模块还在。点开始-运行 输入“regedit”回车,打开的是注册表,要小心操作哦。“编辑”-“查找”输入“RUNDLL”回车 把查出的C:windowssystem32msibmRUNDLL删去。有几个删几个。OK 它一般在这两个位置下面: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionpoliciesExplorerRun HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun 看看可以吗 灵活运用一下 答案三 一般是病毒的尸体~ 简单,让它自动恢复就可以了。 方法: 选择C盘“属性”/点击“工具”,选择“查错/开始检查”,然后勾上“自动修复文件系统错误、扫描并试图修复坏扇区”,再点击“开始”即可。 然后重启,电脑会在启动时检查硬盘,并自动恢复丢失的小文件。(系统本身有备份的,所以能自动恢复) 在运行中输入:msconfig.exe,把其启动项的勾去掉,就可以了。 找不到指定模块,那是因为,把木马的模块给删除了,当然后你找不到了,如果还能找到,那说明木马没有删除。当说找不到指定模块,应该说是好事,不需要大惊小怪。 以上只代表个人观点。 也有可能是系统文件丢失,一般不会。在开始菜单的运行中运行sfc,插入系统光盘修复吧。 或者用安装盘引导,用修复安装。 实在不行了先在故障恢复台或DOS下删除这个文件,再覆盖安装。 教你一个简单的方法 在运行窗口敲入如下命令: regsvr32 C:windowssystem32msapi32.dll /u 运行后就不会再有烦恼了!!! 答案四 DLL是Dynamic Link Library的缩写,意为动态链接库。在Windows中,许多应用程序并不是一个完整的可执行文件,它们被分割成一些相对独立的动态链接库,即DLL文件,放置于系统中。当我们执行某一个程序时,相应的DLL文件就会被调用。一个应用程序可有多个DLL文件,一个DLL文件也可能被几个应用程序所共用,这样的DLL文件被称为共享DLL文件。DLL文件一般被存放在C:WindowsSystem目录下。 1、如何了解某应用程序使用哪些DLL文件 右键单击该应用程序并选择快捷菜单中的“快速查看”命令,在随后出现的“快速查看”窗口的“引入表”一栏中你将看到其使用DLL文件的情况。 2、如何知道DLL文件被几个程序使用 运行Regedit,进入HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosrftWindowsCurrent-VersionSharedDlls子键查看,其右边窗口中就显示了所有DLL文件及其相关数据,其中数据右边小括号内的数字就说明了被几个程序使用,(2)表示被两个程序使用,(0)则表示无程序使用,可以将其删除。 3、如何解决DLL文件丢失的情况 有时在卸载文件时会提醒你删除某个DLL文件可能会影响其他应用程序的运行。所以当你卸载软件时,就有可能误删共享的DLL文件。一旦出现了丢失DLL文件的情况,如果你能确定其名称,可以在Sysbckup(系统备份文件夹)中找到该DLL文件,将其复制到System文件夹中。如果这样不行,在电脑启动时又总是出现“***dll文件丢失……”的提示框,你可以在“开始/运行”中运行Msconfig,进入系统配置实用程序对话框以后,单击选择“System.ini”标签,找出提示丢失的DLL文件,使其不被选中,这样开机时就不会出现错误提示了。 如果你是98或XP系统:点开始---运行---输入msconfig----启动,在里面找到c:windownssystem32hkvl.dll,然后把它前面的勾去掉试试。 确认后会提示你是否重启机器,此时重不重启都可以,当你下次在开机时就不会出现该错误提示了 答案五 杀毒后在启动项里的残留 开始--运行输入msconfig在启动项里去掉DTSERV~1.DLL 这是因为你删掉了某个文件,并且他已经被设置为自动运行,所以他会提示你找不到程序。你首先进MSCONFIG在运行里找,看有没有Dtserv~1.dll的加载项,有的话就把前面的勾勾去掉。 如果没有的话 手动在注册表去掉键值: 从开始->运行, 输入 regedit 打开窗口上,点菜单栏文件,导出命名先备份一次你的注册表。 然后点击编辑->查看 输入 DTSERV~1.DLL 把找到的键值删除 按F3继续,直到完成。 重启就应该没有了。
2023-07-28 06:09:441


———————————————— witness
2023-07-28 06:09:443

电话响一男一女对话 外国 歌曲超伤感歌曲.mp3sorrow rain歌词hello 你好 it is me, Jash 是我,JASH what"s happen 什么事 I think we should take a break 我想我们得暂时分开 Ok, I see 好的 我明白了 babby, i am so sorry 宝贝,我很抱歉 Don"t told me sorry.... I am just not good enough 不要对我说抱歉,是我不够好 no no, it"s not like that, it was not your"s Jash"s......But can"t right now, you know 不不.........不是那样 这不是你的错,是我的错 但是现在不行......你明白吧 i understand, maybe you should take a break. 我懂,或许你只是现在需要分开 Well right now here, take care yourself ok 好的,就这样了 照顾好自己 I know, you too. 我明白,你也是 OK, bye 好吧, 再见 bye bye 再见 [RAP] 为何今夜也是难以入睡 或许是因为想起了你 我真的很累 孤独 艰难的生活的我 心就像撕成碎片 原本纯真的爱 最后变成误会 把我和你结束 快烧断的烟 喝醉的身体 我在彷徨 我象风中摇荡的秋千 大街上放出来的伤感歌曲 一边唱着回家 WHY WHY WHY 为什么爱会变成这样 WHY WHY WHY 为什么爱会变成这样 Oh I want think about free aright. 音译: why /in bo li ba bu mu jia /mu li lu len me why/ in 波里巴不木加/木里路了len没 no lun sen gen na gi he so ku de no 伦森跟那gi赫索库碟 ma li hi mi ten de /we len we 吗里hi米ten得/喂len喂 in bo ge sa lang ong ne in波ge撒郎ong ne ka su mi ji zong jiu me 卡素米集总就没 xi si le sa lang ge ji mei /o hei/ no wu li du no gang me 西斯了撒郎给集没/哦嘿/no唔里读no刚没 go long bu ji gong me go龙不集功没 qio bu li so mei /na/do hong no ge me qio不里so没/那/do红no给没 yo gu li /ye so ku /li me su pu do li 有古里/也索库/里没素普do里 ou no ye so qi bu lu go la ga me 哦no也索起不路go啦嘎没 why why why why why why qi jiang pa sa lang hi ma ki sang ma kas wow 起将怕撒郎嘿吗ki桑吗卡斯喔 why why why why why why qi jiang pa sa lang hi ma ki sang ma kas wow 起将怕撒郎嘿吗ki桑吗卡斯喔 Oh I want think about free aright. Oh I want think about free aright. [唱] BABY 可能永远也看不到你 我真的很累 不知道爱会这么累 风中响起你的声音 还在耳边围绕 音译: baby da xi bo su ob gai qio baby打西波素ob盖qio ma ni yi do lou so you 吗你一do楼so有 sa lang hi lang ge /gu lo gai yi no jiu mo la jiu 撒郎嘿郎给/古咯盖一no就莫啦就 ba li su gai wo li lun /no ye mo so li 吧里素盖我里伦/no也莫so里 a jiu go /mu ga ye lu mi ne 啊就go/木嘎也路米ne CK: 听 耳机里还在放的 是你给我唱过的歌 一个人走在两人走过的街边 再静静想最后一遍 熟悉的脸 雾水又打湿双眼 我的世界 空了画面 你还会不会出现 距离越来越远 寂寞不停扰乱 两颗心在变 像断开的线 你的肩膀现在是谁在靠着 寒冷的夜 有没有人在你身边 帮你泡杯热的牛 给你温柔 抱你睡着 贴近你很暖的背 你身上古龙水的气味 梦里孩子气般颓废 待在空掉的房间 来不及 看回忆带着伤痕一点一点沉沉往下
2023-07-28 06:09:432


2023-07-28 06:09:391


xampp的意思是:XAMPP(Apache+MySQL+PHP+PERL)是一个功能强大的建站集成软件包。这个软件包原来的名字是 LAMPP,但是为了避免误解,最新的几个版本就改名为 XAMPP了。它可以在Windows、Linux、Solaris、Mac OS X 等多种操作系统下安装使用,支持多语言:英文、简体中文、繁体中文、韩文、俄文、日文等。许多人通过他们自己的经验认识到安装 Apache 服务器是件不容易的事儿。如果想添加 MySQL、PHP 和 Perl,那就更难了。XAMPP 是一个易于安装且包含 MySQL、PHP 和 Perl 的 Apache 发行版。XAMPP 的确非常容易安装和使用:只需下载,解压缩,启动即可。
2023-07-28 06:09:371