barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-19 13:42:11




Customer is the most general word. A customer is someone who buys something from a particular shop. People who pay to use something such as a transport service can also be called customers : A customer came in and bought several jackets. |Customers are advised that the next train is delayed.

A client is someone who pays for a service : a hairdresser and her clients






customer 什么意思

2023-07-18 21:25:444


2023-07-18 21:26:152


customern.消费者One that buys goods or services.主顾:购买货物或享受服务的人Informal An individual with whom one must deal:【非正式用语】 家伙:必须与之打交道的人:a tough customer.强硬固执的家伙n.顾客, 主顾[口]人, 家伙用户, 交易人消耗器, 耗电器[口](空中加油的)受油机an awkward customer难对付的家伙a cool customer[口]又大胆又冷静的家伙; 厚脸皮的人a queer customer怪人a tough customer粗暴的[难对付的]家伙, 坚强的人, 身体结实健壮的人hot customer[口]脾气暴躁 的家伙rum customer[口]怪人; 难对付的家伙slippery customer[口]狡猾的无赖汉ugly customer[口]粗暴凶狠的人, 难对付的家伙account customer立有存款帐的顾主cash customer现金交易客户charge customer赊销顾客credit customers赊户, 信用顾客debit customers借方欠户, 债务者客户radioisotope customer放射性同位素用户regular customer老主雇customercus.tom.ern.One that buys goods or services.Informal An individual with whom one must deal:a tough customer.customercustom + -er 人customer用户, 订户customer用户customer买主customer顾客, 用户customer[5kQstEmE(r)]n.顾客;主顾家伙an odd customer古怪的家伙customer客户customer顾客又称“服务对象”。customer 用户,顾客,订户 customer n.顾主 customer n.顾客,消耗器 customer n.顾主 customer订货单位,订货方,订货人,顾客,客户,用户customer主顾,用户,顾客,客户,买主
2023-07-18 21:26:241


问题一:‘顾客"用英语怎么说‘顾客"这个单词 顾客 client;[贸易] customer更多释义>> [网络短语] 顾客 Customer;client;consumer 顾客服务 customer service;Customer service;client service 顾客第一 Customers are always right;Customers first;customer priority 问题二:消费者,顾客的英语单词是什么? 消费者consumers 顾客customers 问题三:业务员的英文单词是什么?? 业务员 *** an 2.counterman 3.Business member 4.Account Executive 问题四:优质客户用英文怎么说 premium clients VIP clients 问题五:如果对方已经知道我的真心,但不理睬,那该如何?我需要表白么? 那要看对方对你是否也有感觉,如果你觉得她也是爱你的话,就大方的告诉她,毕竟你是男生嘛,要主动一点啊,不要错过了再后悔。如果她对你没感觉,说不说也无所谓了。(个人观点,仅供参考) 问题六:向客户收钱,英文怎么讲? 10分 向客户收钱,那两个单词都不好, 用check us 比较恰当. 如果你实在要说那两个单词的话, require比较好,但,感觉有点吝啬, 怪怪的.
2023-07-18 21:26:311


问题一:消费者或者顾客用英语怎么讲 消费者 : 1. Consumer . . . l 不要卖你所能制造的产品,而是卖那些顾客想购买的产品,真正重视消费者(Consumer):在传统营销世界,由于科技水平的局限,企业决定产品项目时,自身的生产能力是首要考虑因素。 2. Customer . . . 即在旅游营销过程中,要研究消费者(Customer)的需要与欲望,用消费者代替旅游产品;要了解消费者为满足其需求所愿意付出的成本(Cost),对旅游者而言,这种成本除了产品价格外...3. end user . . . 值得注意的是,不少制造大厂也开始尝试发展ID能量,希望能藉此更贴近客户需求,但事实上,ID必须靠近末端消费者(end user),而贴近末端消费者更是品牌业者的核心价值,这也是品牌业者向来对ID掌握度较高的主因。问题二:消费者或者顾客用英语怎么讲? 我同意第二个人说的哈 问题三:“客户”用英语怎么说 在我们建筑行业里,客户也就是业主,我们一般叫client 或者owner。 问题四:“客人”用英文怎么说 Fans? 这也不是客人啊〉。。问题五:尊敬的顾客 英语怎么说啊? dear guest dear customer respectable guest/customer(很少会直接用“尊敬的”))问题六:“客户”英文翻译? Define 客户: [ kè hù ] 1. client Relative explainations:Examples: 1. 他们给客户散发传单。 They distributed leaflets to customers. 2. 这家银行现在给客户贷款比以前多了。 The bank is acmodating its customers more than it used to. 3. 做生意无捷径可走,只有那些千方百计赢得客户的人才能赢得生意。 There is no easy way to do business, and only those who do their best to win clients can win business. 4. 经理说他相信客户下周会来的。 The manager said (that) he believed (that) the client would e next week. 5. 有许多客户参观了我们公司。 There were many customers visited our pany. 6. 在你出国之前,应该先寄给客户一些样品。 You must send some sample to the customer before you go abroad.问题七:终端客户 英文怎么说 一般我们会说the end customer
2023-07-18 21:26:491


customer visitor guest
2023-07-18 21:27:003


2023-07-18 21:27:081


2023-07-18 21:27:194

现有一个数据库Sales,该库中有三个表: 客户表Customers:

--客户表Customerscreate table Customers( 客户ID int primary key, 客户姓名 varchar(20) not null, 客户公司 varchar(20), 库存 varchar(200), 客户电话 varchar(16) check(客户电话 like "123[0-9]{4}"))--订单表Orderscreate table Orders( 客户ID int, 产品ID int , 产品名称 varchar(20)not null, 定货数量 int not null, 总金额 decimal(8,2) not null, 下单时间 datetime not null , foreign key (产品ID) references Products(产品ID), foreign key (客户ID) references Customers(客户ID))--产品表Productscreate table Products( 产品ID int primary key, 产品名称 varchar(20) not null, 产品单价 decimal(5,2), 库存量 int)--(1)请根据客户表Customers的结构说明,用T-SQL语言创建该表(已创建)--(2)查询订单表Orders中下单时间在‘2012-01-01"至"2012-12-31"之间的客户ID,产品名称,定货数量和总金额select 产品名称,定货数量,总金额 from Orders where 下单时间 like "2012%"--(3)查询产品表Products中产品单价的最大值、最小值及平均值,并分别使用别名来显示结果select max(产品单价) as 单价最大值,min(产品单价) as 单价最小值,avg(产品单价) as 单价平均值 from Products--(4)创建名为v_cus_pro_ord的视图,获取总金额不小于5000的客户ID、客户名称、产品ID、产品名称、产品单价、定货数量、总金额及下单时间create view v_cus_pro_ord asselect o.客户ID,c.客户姓名,o.产品ID,o.产品名称,p.产品单价,定货数量,总金额,下单时间 from Orders o,Products p,Customers c where 总金额 >=5000 and o.客户ID=c.客户ID and o.产品ID=p.产品ID如有不懂,请继续追问
2023-07-18 21:27:371


2023-07-18 21:28:024

customers 后面接does 还是do

2023-07-18 21:28:363

退钱给顾客(Cash refunds to customers)为什么记入应收账款分类账控制账户借方

cash refunds是指客户在购买商品时多付的钱具体分录为Dr:Trade Recievable 100Cr:Inventory 100此时多记付了$5Dr:Cash 105Cr: Trade Receivable 105要将多收的冲销掉Dr: Trade Receivable 5Cr: Cash 5所以trade receivable就变成借记了
2023-07-18 21:28:481


有 customers n.客户;顾客(customer的复数)
2023-07-18 21:29:441


词根或者词缀记忆。customer是什么意思,customer的意思是n. 顾客,客户;主顾;<口>家伙customer 记忆方法customer的词根或词缀是: custom customer顾客n.custom 习惯 + er 表名词 → 习惯〔进商店的〕人 → 顾客customer 变化形式复数: customers所属分类: CET4TEM4考 研TOEFLCET6使用频率: 星级词汇:customer的词源和记忆技巧customer 顾客来自custom, 惯例,海关。原指海关官员,后指买者,顾客。
2023-07-18 21:29:521


during the middle of the month, since christmas fell on a friday, leading to a long weekend. a larger amount of customers were willing to spend more time to enjoy themselves which was the main reason our coffee sales were better than other times of the year. also due to the holidays, more parents brought their kids to the restaurant. noramlly, they will be here by 10am with their children for breakfast then moving on to the park area. when they"re tired, they"ll leave their kids at the children"s play area to play amongst themselves while the paretns come back for a cup of coffee and some cake. it is common to see the same customer during the breakfast time and tea time. the park has announced on their website about the event where: those with park member cards will have a 30% discount from the 5th to the 8th of the month. customers are always looking out for events like this and thus the middle of the month other than weekends, sales are not encouraging. but due to favarouble turns in events, during the last few day, a storm drove customers into the mall to seek cover. although it was only a short period of time (2-3 hours), we had a full house condition with even a queue at the door.although most of the customers came to have a drink and a piece of cake, there was one table which ordered 3 cups of coffee and bought a few bags of coffee beans, they have already spent more than $130. nearing the end of the year, it was observed that there are many China tourists as the weather here is more moderate and comfortable. most of our customers reflected that they will be more satisfied with the sale of rice.
2023-07-18 21:30:062


take note和make notes的区别答:一个客户和两个客户。takemorecustomers和makecustomer意思为客户,第一个是单数,一个客户,第二个为复数,两个客户,make和take是两个英语中常见的动词,make是指创造、制造或生产某物的过程,take则表示拿取、持有或采取
2023-07-18 21:30:142

the school shop,__customers are mainly students ,is closed for the hoildays. B.whose Dwhere,选哪个

如果是选whose,那么后面的从句就该变成修饰school shop 的owner 了
2023-07-18 21:30:234

写英语文章时,80% of customers和80% customers,哪个表达更准确呀

2023-07-18 21:30:483

以满足广大拥护的需要 翻译

in order to satisfy the requirements of the customers
2023-07-18 21:31:064

why customer care is is important to the business

in simply terms, panies that care about their customers will usually produce good products and provide better services to customers. business business (mercial profit-making pany) is about getting profit and generate revenue from CUSTOMERS. NO customer NO business. therefore, every business should be customer-focused. businesses that care about their customers will focus on customers" needs, therefore, will usually provides better services and products businesses that care about their customers will handle customers" plaints seriously, therefore, the customers will not bee unhappybusinesses that care about their customers will focus on customer satisfaction. satisfied customers are more loyal and stick with these businesse *** usinesses that care about their customers will regularly perform survey to understand who their customers are, what their customers need, how satisfied their customers are with the pany products and service *** usinesses will have high customer retention rate employees businesses that are customer focused, customer oriented should have their employees aligned with this business direction and every customer centric goals front-line employees working in customer services department or service centre should service their customers wholeheartedly just like they treat their family members or friends that they love. then, the customers can feel being best served employees that are trained with customer care normally have better performance than those who are not. business will run more effectively as a result employees will normally find ways to improve their services to customers customers customers will be better served customers attained high satisfaction customers will maintain the relationship with business customers return will generate more business (revenue) ### others pls do not copy my reply ,
2023-07-18 21:31:151

customer requirements和customer-specific requirements有什么区别

customers and specific customer requirements客户和客户的具体要求
2023-07-18 21:31:232


dear sir!
2023-07-18 21:31:335

valued customers是什么意思

2023-07-18 21:32:044

Serving the customers是什么意思

2023-07-18 21:32:135


可以。customer 英[ˈkʌstəmə(r)] 美[ˈkʌstəmɚ] n. 顾客,客户; 主顾; <口>家伙; [例句]Our customers have very tight budgets.我们的顾客很会精打细算。[其他] 复数:customers
2023-07-18 21:32:381


2023-07-18 21:32:451

Serving the customers是什么意思

2023-07-18 21:32:536


the customers who I have served或者my previous customers
2023-07-18 21:33:116

什么叫C-level customers?

C-level customers 通常指首席某某管之类的高管人员,比如首席执行官CEO,首席运营官COO等
2023-07-18 21:33:272

japanese customer中文翻译

They figure a smart young japanese on the board will help them sell more to japanese customers . 他们认为,董事会里有位能干的日裔年轻人,有助于向日裔顾客推销更多的商品。 Our japanese customer went out of business , but we were able to carry on relatively unharmed 我们的日本客户倒闭了,但我们还是能继续经营,没有受到很大的伤害。 The most fastidious japanese customers also admired by our precise service attitude . the basic to success mutual win is the tacit happy cooperation 面对我司严谨的服务态度,连最挑剔的日本客户都为之叹服 Mr ng , manager of a supermarket in tsim sha tsui , received a report on a missing rucksack from a japanese customer in the evening of january 12 this year 吴先生为尖沙咀一间超级市场经理,他于今年一月十二日黄昏接获一名日本籍顾客报称其背囊不知所踪。 Orders : the man who has experience in the design development of the manufacturing of the car , and has certain japanese knowledge , can municate with japanese customers , have been in japanese for three years 应聘要求:在汽车制造业有设计开发经验者,有一定的日语基础,日语能达到基本交流者优先考虑,可在日本工作三年以上者。 We continue to hold an optimistic view of the demand for golf products and expect increasing contribution to the golf bag sales to be forthing from our strategic alpance with the japanese partner . with the mencement of operation of our new golf bag factory , we will possess an enhanced capacity of up to 1 milpon advanced golf bags to meet the requirements of the customers , particularly the demanding japanese customers 高尔夫球用品市场的发展空间仍然大,集团将继续透过与日本合作伴的策略联盟开发日本市场,加上年产量达100万个的高尔夫球袋新厂房可生产高质素的高尔夫球袋,可迎合日本客的高要求,本人有信心集团本年度的整体业务将可回到正轨。 We continue to hold an optimistic view of the demand for golf products and expect increasing contribution to the golf bag sales to be forthing from our strategic alpance with the japanese partner . with the mencement of operation of our new golf bag factory , we will possess an enhanced capacity of up to 1 milpon advanced golf bags to meet the requirements of the customers , particularly the demanding japanese customers 高尔夫球用品市场的发展空间仍然庞大,集团将继续透过与日本合作伴的策略联盟开发日本市场,加上年产量达100万个的高尔夫球袋新厂房可生产高质素的高尔夫球袋,可迎合日本客_的高要求,本人有信心集团本年度的整体业务将可回到正轨。
2023-07-18 21:33:331

main customers什么意思

main customers主要客户;主要客户群;主要客户名例句1.Who are your main customers?你们主要的客户是谁?2.Our main customers source are from the exhibition .我们主要客户来源是展会。3.Main customers are supermarkets and big and small restaurants.主要客户是超市和各大小饮食店。4.Retail and private banking investors are the main customers, Mr Bertsch says.伯奇表示,主要客户是散户和私人银行投资者。5.Young people, as main customers, are the direct victims of this situation.蓝皮书称年青人将成为这种现状的直接受害者。
2023-07-18 21:33:401

英语rising customer expections怎么翻译?

2023-07-18 21:34:003

connected customers是什么意思

connected customers 连接的客户connected 英[ku0259"nektu026ad] 美[ku0259u02c8nu025bktu026ad] adj. 连接的,有关系的,有联系的; 连贯的; 有血统[婚姻]关系的; v. 连接( connect的过去式和过去分词); [例句]Have you ever had any skin problems connected with exposure to the sun?你曾因日晒出现过皮肤问题吗?[其他] 原型: connect
2023-07-18 21:34:141

the school shop,__customers are mainly students ,is closed for the hoildays. A which Bwhose Cwhen

2023-07-18 21:34:227

What the customers_____ from the company is that the goods ____ right to their homes.

2023-07-18 21:34:385

银行里Advance customers是指什么

不知是不是customer advance?如是,则表示预付账款。
2023-07-18 21:34:531

serve customers是什么意思

serve customers服务客户双语对照例句:1.There are powerful incentives to serve customers well, so why is service excellence still so rare? 企业有太多理由要服务好客户,那么,为什么优秀的服务依然不多见?
2023-07-18 21:35:033


  大家平时多阅读积累一些英语谚语,对我们的英语写作能力是很有帮助的。今日我就为大家整理了有关于简短英文谚语,供大家参考查阅,希望对大家有所帮助,一起来看看吧。    简短英文谚语   常说口里顺,常做手不笨。   it is often said that a *** ooth mouth is not a clumsy hand.   蚊子咬的怪,天气要变坏。   mosquitoes bite strange, the weather will deteriorate.   阳光是个宝,越晒人越好。   sunshine is a treasure, the more people are exposed to the sun, the better.   鸿雁叫一声,穷汉吃一惊。   the goose shouted, and the poor man was shocked.   有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相识。   fate thousands of miles to meet, no chance to know each other.   长江不拒细流,泰山不择土石。   the yangtze river does not refuse to flow, and mount tai does not choose earth and stone.   有车就有辙,有树就有影。   whenever there is a rut, there are trees and shadows.   天下无难事,只怕有心人。   nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who are willing to do it.   宁向直中取,不向曲中求。   better to go straight than to go straight.   长五月,短十月,不长不短二八月。   long may, short october, not short february and august.   稻多打出米,人多讲出理。   more rice es out, more people make sense.   要打当面鼓,不敲背后锣。   we should beat drums in front of us, not gongs behind us.   牛不知角弯,马不知脸长。   cows don"t know the corners, horses don"t know the faces.   取人之长,补己之短。   take advantage of one"s strengths and make up for one"s weaknesses.   种种甘薯种种稻,产量年年高。   sweet potatoes and rice yield increases year by year.   三里不一样乡,五里不一样俗。   three miles are not the same town, five miles are not the same vulgar.   一顿吃伤,十顿吃汤。   one meal hurts, ten meals soup.   饭前一碗汤,气死好药方。   a bowl of soup before dinner is a good prescription for breathlessness.   一日三大笑,有病也会好。   laugh three times a day and you"ll get well if you"re ill.   天上乌云盖,大雨来得快。   dark clouds cover the sky and heavy rain es quickly.   豆子饼劲大,棉籽饼劲和长。   bean cake is strong, cottonseed cake is strong and long.   水涨船高,风大树摇。   when the water rises, the boat rises and the wind blows, the tree sways.   无风起横浪,三天台风降。   there is no wind and waves, and typhoon falls in three days.   贪心如果太甚,很快就会掉入深渊。   if greed is too great, it will soon fall into the abyss.   雨后东风大,来日雨还下。   the east wind is strong after the rain, and it will rain tomorrow.   瓦块云,晒煞人。   clouds of tiles shake people.   虎死不变形,狼死不变性。   tigers die unchanged, wolves die unchanged.   小洞不补,大洞叫苦。    *** all holes do not mend, big holes plain.   捉奸捉双,捉贼捉脏。   catch *** erers, catch thieves, catch dirty.   直闪雨小,横闪雨大。   the direct flash rain is *** all, the horizontal flash rain is big.   秧摆风,种花生。   raise peanuts with seedlings in the wind.   沟泥、河泥、水杂草,都是省钱好料。   gully mud, river mud and water weeds are all good materials for saving money.   一人辛苦众人安。   everyone works hard and everyone is happy.   大榕树冬不落叶,兆春寒。   big banyan leaves do not fall in winter, auguring cold in spring.   谁人做皇帝,一样要纳粮。   whoever is emperor must pay for grain as well.   秧好一半禾,苗好七分收。   half of the seedlings are good, and the seedlings are good for seven cents.   尿是银子,粪是黄金。   urine is silver, dung is gold.   不干不净,吃了有病。   not clean, eating sick.   柱石脚下潮有雨。   at the foot of the pillars there was rain and tide.   清明前后,种瓜种豆。   before and after the qingming dynasty, melons and beans were planted.   高粱熟,收稻谷。   sorghum is ripe and rice is harvested.   朝食三片姜,如得人参汤。   three pieces of ginger are eaten as ginseng soup.   行百里者半于九十。   half of those who travel a hundred miles are ninety.   脑怕不用,身怕不动。   brain is afraid not to use, body is afraid not to move.   人为财死,鸟为食亡。   man dies for wealth, and bird dies for food.   强中更有强中手,一山还比一山高。   strong in the middle, strong in the middle, a mountain is higher than a mountain.   种麻没有巧,勤上水粪多锄草。   planting hemp is not skillful, and weeding is often done with water and feces.   吃吃喝喝,人走下坡。   eat and drink, people go downhill.   船载千斤,掌舵一人。   shipborne jacks, one man at the helm.   任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台。   let the wind and waves rise, sit on the fishing platform steadily.   人在人前闯,刀在石上荡。   people rush in front of people and knives swing on stones.   粪劲集中,力大无穷。   excrement is concentrated and its strength is infinite.   一日练,一日功,一日不练十日空。   practice one day, do one day, don"t practice ten days.   近山知鸟音,近水知鱼性。   close to the mountains, close to the water, close to the fish.   人要结实,土要疏松。   people need to be strong and soil loose.   久晴西风雨,久雨西风晴。   long sunshine and westerly wind and rain, long rain and westerly wind and sunshine.   烧火要空心,做人要真心。   fire should be hollow and life should be sincere.   手怕不动,脑怕不用。   hands are afraid of not moving, brains are afraid of not using.   河已渡过,桥儿再见。   the river has crossed. bye-bye to the bridge.   豆腐多了一包水,空话多了无人信。   tofu is a pack of water, empty talk is too much to be believed.   吃得快、咽得忙,伤了胃口伤了肠。   eating fast, swallowing busily, hurting appetite and hurting intestine.   山地直插,平地斜插。   mountainous straight insertion, flat slope insertion.   早茶夜酒黎明色,害己伤身是三灾。   the dawn of morning tea and night wine is three calamities.   青竹蛇一条够毒,泥皮蛇一洞无用。   a bamboo snake is poisonous enough, but a mud snake is useless.   早起多长一智,晚睡多增一闻。   how early to get up is wisdom, and how late to go to bed is news.   总爱发誓的人,往往最爱撤慌。   the person who always swears is always the one who likes to withdraw from panic.   人靠饭养,地凭粪壮。   people depend on food, and the ground depends on manure.   小暑不种薯,立伏不种豆。   no potatoes in summer, no beans in standing.   不怕学问浅,就怕志气短。   if you are not afraid of shallow learning, you are afraid of short ambition.   小水不防,大水难挡。    *** all waters do not prevent, big waters do not stop.   好汉不提当年勇。   a good man does not mention bravery.   三分种,七分管。   three species, seven in charge.   掘龙虹,不出三天大风雨。   dragon rainbow excavation, no more than three days of heavy wind and rain.   不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门。   don"t be afraid of ghosts knocking at the door.   师傅领进门,修行靠个人。   teachers lead in the door, and practice depends on individuals.   要想感冒少,常洗冷水澡。   if you want to have fewer colds, take a cold bath.   天早云下山,饭后天大晴。   it"s cloudy in the morning and sunny after dinner.   事大事小,身到便了。   things are big and *** all. it"s easy.   谁人不爱子孙贤。谁人不爱千钟粟。   no one loves his children and grandchildren. who does not love millet.   宠狗上灶,宠子不孝。   if a pet dog es to the kitchen, a pet is not filial.   不勤于事贪酒杯,明日事情推后日。   if you are not diligent in drinking, tomorrow will be delayed.   种田无它巧,粪是庄稼宝。   there is no other skill in farming, but manure is a crop treasure.   食多伤脾,忧多伤神。   eating hurts the spleen and worrying.
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hyde park怎么读

[haid pa:k]
2023-07-18 21:29:273

dota pink是谁

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叶卡捷琳娜二世(1729—1796年),俄国女皇(1762—1796年在位)叶卡捷琳娜二世最大的成就在俄国的对外侵略扩张上,这也是她对历史的主要影响。包括三次瓜分波兰,两次对土耳其的战争和一次对瑞典的战争,俄国都取得了胜利。语录:   假如我能够活到二百岁,全欧洲都将匍匐在我的脚下——叶卡捷琳娜二世   如果我们不同意减少残酷性和改善人们不可忍受的的生活状况,那么尽管我们反对,他们自己迟早也会这么做的。——叶卡捷琳娜二世   治理俄罗斯这样幅员辽阔的国家,只能用君主专制,舍此皆为下策。——叶卡捷琳娜二世
2023-07-18 21:29:333


这是各国语言的我爱你的意思.1 法语:jet` aime priscilla 2 德语:ich liebe dich priscilla 3 瑞士语:ich li dich 4 希腊语:s`agapo 5 犹太语:ani ohev otach 6 匈牙利语:szertlek 7 爱尔兰语:taim i`ngra leat 8 爱沙尼亚语:mina armadtansind 9 芬兰语:min rakastan sinua 10比利时佛兰芒语:ik zie graag 11意大利语:tiamo 12拉丁语:te amo vos amo 13拉脱维亚语:estevi milu 14荷兰语:ik hou van jou 15丹麦语:jeg elsker dig 16葡萄牙语:eu amo-te 17里斯本语:lingo gramo 18立陶宛语:tave myliu 19马其顿语:te sakam 20阿塞疆语:men seni sevirem 21孟加拉语:ami to may bhalobashi 22波兰语:kocham cie 23罗马尼亚语:te tu be besc 24英语: i love you 25捷克语:milujite 26马尔它语:inhobbok 27克罗地亚语:volim te 28缅甸语:chit pade 29中国语:wo ai ni 30柬埔寨语:bong salang oun 31菲律宾语:malal kita 32印度尼西亚语:saja kasih savdari 33日本语:kimi o aishiteru 34韩语:sa lang hei 35爪哇语:aku tresno marang sliromu 36老挝语:khoi huk chau 37马来西亚语:saya citamu 38蒙古语:bi chamd hairtai 39尼泊尔语:ma timilai maya 40波斯语:tora dost daram 41北印度语:main tumse pyar karta hoon 42俄罗斯语:ya vas lyublyu 43西班牙语:te amo te quiero 44古吉拉特语:hoon tanepvem karunchuun 45塞尔维亚语:volim to 46瑞典语:jag iskar dig 47土尔其语:seni seviyorum 48乌克兰语:ja vas kokhaju 49越南语:emye`u em 50冰岛语:eg elska tig 51肯尼亚语:nigwedete 52阿拉伯语:arabicana aheheka 53马达加斯加语:tiak ianao 54阿尔萨斯语:ich hoar dich gear 55亚美尼亚语:yes kezi seeroom 56巴伐利亚语:imog di narrisch 57亚述语:ana bayanookh 58他加禄语:mahal kita 59南非语:ek het joulief 60加纳语:me do wo 61埃塞俄比亚语:ene ewwdechaly 62北非柏尔语:lakb tirikh 63克里奥尔语:mon kon tanou 64豪萨语:ina sonki 65印度阿萨姆语:moi tomak bhal pan 66南亚泰米尔语:tamil n`an unnaik 67斯洛文尼亚语:ljubim te 68保加利亚语:ahs te obicham 69西班牙加泰语:t`estim 70索切尔克斯语:wise cas 71泰国语:chan rak khun 72乌尔都语:mein tumhay pyar karta hun 73新西兰毛里语:kiahoahai 74印度泰卢固语:neenu ninnu pra mistu`nnany 75爱斯基摩语:na gligivaget 76格陵兰岛语:asaoakit 77阿尔尼亚语:dna shume 78威尔士语:rwyndy garu di
2023-07-18 21:29:354

Deep Freeze在系统桌面上使用键盘快捷键CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F6会出现提示界面,其

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历史学家认为,除了彼得三世外,叶卡捷琳娜大帝在她的一生里有三位非常重要的男人,而这三位男人对叶卡捷琳娜最后夺得俄罗斯沙皇宝座有极大的贡献。斯坦尼斯瓦夫·波尼亚托夫斯基(Stanislaus Poniatowski),波兰贵族,曾为叶卡捷琳娜二世(时为彼得大公夫人)的情夫,他们曾生一女安娜公主(后夭折),在叶卡捷琳娜政变成功后,俄罗斯操纵波兰将波尼亚托夫斯基推举为波兰国王(斯坦尼斯瓦夫二世)。叶卡捷琳娜的情人众多,其中最著名的是近卫军军官格利高里·奥尔洛夫。他帮助叶卡捷琳娜实现了政变企图。他也是叶卡捷琳娜的次子阿列克谢的生父。叶卡捷琳娜的另一个著名情人是格利高里·波将金,他因“波将金村”(指为了粉饰太平而人工制造的布景式繁华景象)的典故为世人所熟知。叶卡捷琳娜生有两个儿子。长子保罗·彼得罗维奇出生于1754年,后来成为沙皇保罗一世。有谣传说他是叶卡捷琳娜与朝臣格利哥里·奥洛夫的私生子,但传闻站不住脚,因为保罗·彼得罗维奇无论相貌性格简直是其父彼得三世·费奥多罗维奇的翻版,彼得三世也并非传闻那样不能生育,曾与一情人有私生子。因为保罗太像彼得三世·费奥多罗维奇,所以叶卡捷琳娜二世十分讨厌他。伊丽莎白女沙皇对保罗是私生子的说法并不介意,并说“如果他真是私生子,那也不是我们家族中的头一个”。次子阿列克谢·格里戈里耶维奇·博布林斯基出生于1762年,生父为格利哥里·奥洛夫,出生后被立即送往侍从瓦西里·施库林家中抚养(施库林曾在孩子出生时把自己的住处付之一炬,以分散彼得三世皇帝的注意),他的出生成为彼得三世意图废后与叶卡捷琳娜皇后发动政变的导火索,阿列克谢长大后成为俄罗斯帝国少将军官,俄罗斯著名的制糖世家博布林斯基家族的奠基人。施库林也因此被叶卡捷琳娜封为侍从长,儿子后来成为俄军中将,两个女儿成为宫廷女官。女儿安娜·彼得罗夫娜出生于1757年,当时是皇储的彼得·费多罗维奇大公对女儿的出生表现得十分冷淡,表示这不是他的亲生女儿,但这个孩子毕竟是夫妇二人名义上的合法子女,因此被封为女大公,宫廷上下都对女大公的生父到底是谁表示怀疑,但还是在伊丽莎白女皇的主导下被认定为皇室血脉。1759年,安娜·彼得罗夫娜女大公因病夭折,年仅1岁4个月。伊丽莎白·波将金娜,塔夫里达公爵波将金之女,生母疑似叶卡捷琳娜二世。
2023-07-18 21:29:191


puck英 [pu028ck] 美 [pu028ck] n. 冰球(由硬橡胶制成);顽皮的小妖精;(英)鼠状定位器;欧夜莺;脾脱疽n. (Puck)人名;(德)普克 仙女龙 冰球 精灵龙短语brake puck 煞车圆片 ; 制动圆盘 ; 刹车圆块puck you 冰球您 ; 你拳 ; 正在翻译 ; 冰球你Balloon puck 气垫圆盘loose puck 待争夺球Jonas Puck 乔纳斯顽童digitizing puck 数字化仪游标 ; 数字化仪游标数位化指向器Mister Puck 百格先生 ; 恶作剧先生Wolfgng Puck 沃尔夫刚·帕克Puck Billiards 冰桌台球
2023-07-18 21:29:151

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2023-07-18 21:29:153

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