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Serving the customers是什么意思

2023-07-19 13:43:25




1. Robots work 24 hours a day serving

the customers

who come in.



2. The

revenue you will receive after the discount cover most variable costs of serving

the customers.



3. The staff have

been very complimentary, and so have the customers.




Serving the customers





Metso Paper will start serving the customers immediately after the agreement has becomeeffective.





Serving the customers







customer 什么意思

2023-07-18 21:25:444


2023-07-18 21:26:152


customern.消费者One that buys goods or services.主顾:购买货物或享受服务的人Informal An individual with whom one must deal:【非正式用语】 家伙:必须与之打交道的人:a tough customer.强硬固执的家伙n.顾客, 主顾[口]人, 家伙用户, 交易人消耗器, 耗电器[口](空中加油的)受油机an awkward customer难对付的家伙a cool customer[口]又大胆又冷静的家伙; 厚脸皮的人a queer customer怪人a tough customer粗暴的[难对付的]家伙, 坚强的人, 身体结实健壮的人hot customer[口]脾气暴躁 的家伙rum customer[口]怪人; 难对付的家伙slippery customer[口]狡猾的无赖汉ugly customer[口]粗暴凶狠的人, 难对付的家伙account customer立有存款帐的顾主cash customer现金交易客户charge customer赊销顾客credit customers赊户, 信用顾客debit customers借方欠户, 债务者客户radioisotope customer放射性同位素用户regular customer老主雇customercus.tom.ern.One that buys goods or services.Informal An individual with whom one must deal:a tough customer.customercustom + -er 人customer用户, 订户customer用户customer买主customer顾客, 用户customer[5kQstEmE(r)]n.顾客;主顾家伙an odd customer古怪的家伙customer客户customer顾客又称“服务对象”。customer 用户,顾客,订户 customer n.顾主 customer n.顾客,消耗器 customer n.顾主 customer订货单位,订货方,订货人,顾客,客户,用户customer主顾,用户,顾客,客户,买主
2023-07-18 21:26:241


问题一:‘顾客"用英语怎么说‘顾客"这个单词 顾客 client;[贸易] customer更多释义>> [网络短语] 顾客 Customer;client;consumer 顾客服务 customer service;Customer service;client service 顾客第一 Customers are always right;Customers first;customer priority 问题二:消费者,顾客的英语单词是什么? 消费者consumers 顾客customers 问题三:业务员的英文单词是什么?? 业务员 *** an 2.counterman 3.Business member 4.Account Executive 问题四:优质客户用英文怎么说 premium clients VIP clients 问题五:如果对方已经知道我的真心,但不理睬,那该如何?我需要表白么? 那要看对方对你是否也有感觉,如果你觉得她也是爱你的话,就大方的告诉她,毕竟你是男生嘛,要主动一点啊,不要错过了再后悔。如果她对你没感觉,说不说也无所谓了。(个人观点,仅供参考) 问题六:向客户收钱,英文怎么讲? 10分 向客户收钱,那两个单词都不好, 用check us 比较恰当. 如果你实在要说那两个单词的话, require比较好,但,感觉有点吝啬, 怪怪的.
2023-07-18 21:26:311


问题一:消费者或者顾客用英语怎么讲 消费者 : 1. Consumer . . . l 不要卖你所能制造的产品,而是卖那些顾客想购买的产品,真正重视消费者(Consumer):在传统营销世界,由于科技水平的局限,企业决定产品项目时,自身的生产能力是首要考虑因素。 2. Customer . . . 即在旅游营销过程中,要研究消费者(Customer)的需要与欲望,用消费者代替旅游产品;要了解消费者为满足其需求所愿意付出的成本(Cost),对旅游者而言,这种成本除了产品价格外...3. end user . . . 值得注意的是,不少制造大厂也开始尝试发展ID能量,希望能藉此更贴近客户需求,但事实上,ID必须靠近末端消费者(end user),而贴近末端消费者更是品牌业者的核心价值,这也是品牌业者向来对ID掌握度较高的主因。问题二:消费者或者顾客用英语怎么讲? 我同意第二个人说的哈 问题三:“客户”用英语怎么说 在我们建筑行业里,客户也就是业主,我们一般叫client 或者owner。 问题四:“客人”用英文怎么说 Fans? 这也不是客人啊〉。。问题五:尊敬的顾客 英语怎么说啊? dear guest dear customer respectable guest/customer(很少会直接用“尊敬的”))问题六:“客户”英文翻译? Define 客户: [ kè hù ] 1. client Relative explainations:Examples: 1. 他们给客户散发传单。 They distributed leaflets to customers. 2. 这家银行现在给客户贷款比以前多了。 The bank is acmodating its customers more than it used to. 3. 做生意无捷径可走,只有那些千方百计赢得客户的人才能赢得生意。 There is no easy way to do business, and only those who do their best to win clients can win business. 4. 经理说他相信客户下周会来的。 The manager said (that) he believed (that) the client would e next week. 5. 有许多客户参观了我们公司。 There were many customers visited our pany. 6. 在你出国之前,应该先寄给客户一些样品。 You must send some sample to the customer before you go abroad.问题七:终端客户 英文怎么说 一般我们会说the end customer
2023-07-18 21:26:491


customer visitor guest
2023-07-18 21:27:003


2023-07-18 21:27:081


2023-07-18 21:27:194

现有一个数据库Sales,该库中有三个表: 客户表Customers:

--客户表Customerscreate table Customers( 客户ID int primary key, 客户姓名 varchar(20) not null, 客户公司 varchar(20), 库存 varchar(200), 客户电话 varchar(16) check(客户电话 like "123[0-9]{4}"))--订单表Orderscreate table Orders( 客户ID int, 产品ID int , 产品名称 varchar(20)not null, 定货数量 int not null, 总金额 decimal(8,2) not null, 下单时间 datetime not null , foreign key (产品ID) references Products(产品ID), foreign key (客户ID) references Customers(客户ID))--产品表Productscreate table Products( 产品ID int primary key, 产品名称 varchar(20) not null, 产品单价 decimal(5,2), 库存量 int)--(1)请根据客户表Customers的结构说明,用T-SQL语言创建该表(已创建)--(2)查询订单表Orders中下单时间在‘2012-01-01"至"2012-12-31"之间的客户ID,产品名称,定货数量和总金额select 产品名称,定货数量,总金额 from Orders where 下单时间 like "2012%"--(3)查询产品表Products中产品单价的最大值、最小值及平均值,并分别使用别名来显示结果select max(产品单价) as 单价最大值,min(产品单价) as 单价最小值,avg(产品单价) as 单价平均值 from Products--(4)创建名为v_cus_pro_ord的视图,获取总金额不小于5000的客户ID、客户名称、产品ID、产品名称、产品单价、定货数量、总金额及下单时间create view v_cus_pro_ord asselect o.客户ID,c.客户姓名,o.产品ID,o.产品名称,p.产品单价,定货数量,总金额,下单时间 from Orders o,Products p,Customers c where 总金额 >=5000 and o.客户ID=c.客户ID and o.产品ID=p.产品ID如有不懂,请继续追问
2023-07-18 21:27:371


2023-07-18 21:28:024

customers 后面接does 还是do

2023-07-18 21:28:363

退钱给顾客(Cash refunds to customers)为什么记入应收账款分类账控制账户借方

cash refunds是指客户在购买商品时多付的钱具体分录为Dr:Trade Recievable 100Cr:Inventory 100此时多记付了$5Dr:Cash 105Cr: Trade Receivable 105要将多收的冲销掉Dr: Trade Receivable 5Cr: Cash 5所以trade receivable就变成借记了
2023-07-18 21:28:481


2023-07-18 21:29:233


有 customers n.客户;顾客(customer的复数)
2023-07-18 21:29:441


词根或者词缀记忆。customer是什么意思,customer的意思是n. 顾客,客户;主顾;<口>家伙customer 记忆方法customer的词根或词缀是: custom customer顾客n.custom 习惯 + er 表名词 → 习惯〔进商店的〕人 → 顾客customer 变化形式复数: customers所属分类: CET4TEM4考 研TOEFLCET6使用频率: 星级词汇:customer的词源和记忆技巧customer 顾客来自custom, 惯例,海关。原指海关官员,后指买者,顾客。
2023-07-18 21:29:521


during the middle of the month, since christmas fell on a friday, leading to a long weekend. a larger amount of customers were willing to spend more time to enjoy themselves which was the main reason our coffee sales were better than other times of the year. also due to the holidays, more parents brought their kids to the restaurant. noramlly, they will be here by 10am with their children for breakfast then moving on to the park area. when they"re tired, they"ll leave their kids at the children"s play area to play amongst themselves while the paretns come back for a cup of coffee and some cake. it is common to see the same customer during the breakfast time and tea time. the park has announced on their website about the event where: those with park member cards will have a 30% discount from the 5th to the 8th of the month. customers are always looking out for events like this and thus the middle of the month other than weekends, sales are not encouraging. but due to favarouble turns in events, during the last few day, a storm drove customers into the mall to seek cover. although it was only a short period of time (2-3 hours), we had a full house condition with even a queue at the door.although most of the customers came to have a drink and a piece of cake, there was one table which ordered 3 cups of coffee and bought a few bags of coffee beans, they have already spent more than $130. nearing the end of the year, it was observed that there are many China tourists as the weather here is more moderate and comfortable. most of our customers reflected that they will be more satisfied with the sale of rice.
2023-07-18 21:30:062


take note和make notes的区别答:一个客户和两个客户。takemorecustomers和makecustomer意思为客户,第一个是单数,一个客户,第二个为复数,两个客户,make和take是两个英语中常见的动词,make是指创造、制造或生产某物的过程,take则表示拿取、持有或采取
2023-07-18 21:30:142

the school shop,__customers are mainly students ,is closed for the hoildays. B.whose Dwhere,选哪个

如果是选whose,那么后面的从句就该变成修饰school shop 的owner 了
2023-07-18 21:30:234

写英语文章时,80% of customers和80% customers,哪个表达更准确呀

2023-07-18 21:30:483

以满足广大拥护的需要 翻译

in order to satisfy the requirements of the customers
2023-07-18 21:31:064

why customer care is is important to the business

in simply terms, panies that care about their customers will usually produce good products and provide better services to customers. business business (mercial profit-making pany) is about getting profit and generate revenue from CUSTOMERS. NO customer NO business. therefore, every business should be customer-focused. businesses that care about their customers will focus on customers" needs, therefore, will usually provides better services and products businesses that care about their customers will handle customers" plaints seriously, therefore, the customers will not bee unhappybusinesses that care about their customers will focus on customer satisfaction. satisfied customers are more loyal and stick with these businesse *** usinesses that care about their customers will regularly perform survey to understand who their customers are, what their customers need, how satisfied their customers are with the pany products and service *** usinesses will have high customer retention rate employees businesses that are customer focused, customer oriented should have their employees aligned with this business direction and every customer centric goals front-line employees working in customer services department or service centre should service their customers wholeheartedly just like they treat their family members or friends that they love. then, the customers can feel being best served employees that are trained with customer care normally have better performance than those who are not. business will run more effectively as a result employees will normally find ways to improve their services to customers customers customers will be better served customers attained high satisfaction customers will maintain the relationship with business customers return will generate more business (revenue) ### others pls do not copy my reply ,
2023-07-18 21:31:151

customer requirements和customer-specific requirements有什么区别

customers and specific customer requirements客户和客户的具体要求
2023-07-18 21:31:232


dear sir!
2023-07-18 21:31:335

valued customers是什么意思

2023-07-18 21:32:044


可以。customer 英[ˈkʌstəmə(r)] 美[ˈkʌstəmɚ] n. 顾客,客户; 主顾; <口>家伙; [例句]Our customers have very tight budgets.我们的顾客很会精打细算。[其他] 复数:customers
2023-07-18 21:32:381


2023-07-18 21:32:451

Serving the customers是什么意思

2023-07-18 21:32:536


the customers who I have served或者my previous customers
2023-07-18 21:33:116

什么叫C-level customers?

C-level customers 通常指首席某某管之类的高管人员,比如首席执行官CEO,首席运营官COO等
2023-07-18 21:33:272

japanese customer中文翻译

They figure a smart young japanese on the board will help them sell more to japanese customers . 他们认为,董事会里有位能干的日裔年轻人,有助于向日裔顾客推销更多的商品。 Our japanese customer went out of business , but we were able to carry on relatively unharmed 我们的日本客户倒闭了,但我们还是能继续经营,没有受到很大的伤害。 The most fastidious japanese customers also admired by our precise service attitude . the basic to success mutual win is the tacit happy cooperation 面对我司严谨的服务态度,连最挑剔的日本客户都为之叹服 Mr ng , manager of a supermarket in tsim sha tsui , received a report on a missing rucksack from a japanese customer in the evening of january 12 this year 吴先生为尖沙咀一间超级市场经理,他于今年一月十二日黄昏接获一名日本籍顾客报称其背囊不知所踪。 Orders : the man who has experience in the design development of the manufacturing of the car , and has certain japanese knowledge , can municate with japanese customers , have been in japanese for three years 应聘要求:在汽车制造业有设计开发经验者,有一定的日语基础,日语能达到基本交流者优先考虑,可在日本工作三年以上者。 We continue to hold an optimistic view of the demand for golf products and expect increasing contribution to the golf bag sales to be forthing from our strategic alpance with the japanese partner . with the mencement of operation of our new golf bag factory , we will possess an enhanced capacity of up to 1 milpon advanced golf bags to meet the requirements of the customers , particularly the demanding japanese customers 高尔夫球用品市场的发展空间仍然大,集团将继续透过与日本合作伴的策略联盟开发日本市场,加上年产量达100万个的高尔夫球袋新厂房可生产高质素的高尔夫球袋,可迎合日本客的高要求,本人有信心集团本年度的整体业务将可回到正轨。 We continue to hold an optimistic view of the demand for golf products and expect increasing contribution to the golf bag sales to be forthing from our strategic alpance with the japanese partner . with the mencement of operation of our new golf bag factory , we will possess an enhanced capacity of up to 1 milpon advanced golf bags to meet the requirements of the customers , particularly the demanding japanese customers 高尔夫球用品市场的发展空间仍然庞大,集团将继续透过与日本合作伴的策略联盟开发日本市场,加上年产量达100万个的高尔夫球袋新厂房可生产高质素的高尔夫球袋,可迎合日本客_的高要求,本人有信心集团本年度的整体业务将可回到正轨。
2023-07-18 21:33:331

main customers什么意思

main customers主要客户;主要客户群;主要客户名例句1.Who are your main customers?你们主要的客户是谁?2.Our main customers source are from the exhibition .我们主要客户来源是展会。3.Main customers are supermarkets and big and small restaurants.主要客户是超市和各大小饮食店。4.Retail and private banking investors are the main customers, Mr Bertsch says.伯奇表示,主要客户是散户和私人银行投资者。5.Young people, as main customers, are the direct victims of this situation.蓝皮书称年青人将成为这种现状的直接受害者。
2023-07-18 21:33:401

英语rising customer expections怎么翻译?

2023-07-18 21:34:003

connected customers是什么意思

connected customers 连接的客户connected 英[ku0259"nektu026ad] 美[ku0259u02c8nu025bktu026ad] adj. 连接的,有关系的,有联系的; 连贯的; 有血统[婚姻]关系的; v. 连接( connect的过去式和过去分词); [例句]Have you ever had any skin problems connected with exposure to the sun?你曾因日晒出现过皮肤问题吗?[其他] 原型: connect
2023-07-18 21:34:141

the school shop,__customers are mainly students ,is closed for the hoildays. A which Bwhose Cwhen

2023-07-18 21:34:227

What the customers_____ from the company is that the goods ____ right to their homes.

2023-07-18 21:34:385

银行里Advance customers是指什么

不知是不是customer advance?如是,则表示预付账款。
2023-07-18 21:34:531

serve customers是什么意思

serve customers服务客户双语对照例句:1.There are powerful incentives to serve customers well, so why is service excellence still so rare? 企业有太多理由要服务好客户,那么,为什么优秀的服务依然不多见?
2023-07-18 21:35:033

如何清除冰点还原精灵Deep Freeze密码

这样只有每次重启电脑就还原,在重启电脑,我们的目的就是为了把 系统盘下的Persi0。本文转自深度技术论坛,在用U盘在PE下把 Persi0,在网上和各个论坛里面搜索的结果是只有重新安装系统.sys这个文件替换掉,大家可以借用朋友的电脑安装一个和你电脑上一样版本号的冰点还原,大多数就是因为删除Persi0.sys这个文件、粘贴.sys这个文件是最不明智的做法,我们分别来讲一下,我不能保证Persi0,Deep Freeze经过层层的加密,也可以按照上面所说的办法在PE下把Persi0.sys文件!现在系统处于未还原状态,那就干脆绕过密码这一关.sys文件,现在我可以 大声对他们说NO,Windows XP是不可以替换掉Persi0,而且还一闪一闪的,除非管理员起了大家一下子就能猜到的密码,废话不多说了.sys这个文件丢失造成的,再说?那么恭喜你.020.我们在PE下利用一个没有密码的Persi0.sys文件的通用 性.sys文件放到根目录.sys文件,虽然本文的方法仍然是不能在windows下直接破解冰点. 如果你按Ctrl Shift Alt F6或按住Shift双击Deep Freeze图标呼不出冰点。5:1,大不了在给它卸载了就是了,替 换掉要破解的那个Persi0,大家可以下载附件中我给的这个Persi0,自己有两台电脑 就在好不过了,即使拿到了Persi0。 在此和大家分享一下我的成果.sys这个文件或者Persi0!破解成功.30。6、复制.sys这个文件拷贝进去,(我的实验结果可以证明这 点)3,大家的愿望就是获得它的密码,不行大家就在另一个电脑 上安装相同版本号的冰点还原在拷贝Persi0.sys这个文件)事实证明删除Persi0,如果可以就更好了.sys文件是没有密码的,和大家一样以前遇见的问题是、粘贴)操作的,因为在Windows XP状态下是不允许进行打开.我们就说说大家使用冰点还原遇见的问题.18175鉴于版本的差异。2,把这个文件放到U盘里面在PE下替换掉系统根目录里 面的Persi0. 冰点还原的密码存放在系统盘下的Persi0.sys这个文件的、复 制!当然获得密码概率是有的,Persi0.我给的这个Persi0.sys文件中,这两个问题。4,以前被冰点还原害惨了,如果我的这个文件不行的话,这也是没有办法的办法.首先大家电脑的硬盘上要安装PE或者U盘PE启动系统都可以,要获得密码没有专业的知识基本上不可能对玩黑客的人来说最头疼莫过于冰点还原了,在看看屏幕右下脚的Deep Freeze图标是不是出现了,注意版本号相同,还有就是Ctrl Shift Alt F6或按住Shift双击Deep Freeze图标呼不出冰点.sys这个文件! (我说的干掉不是删除Persi0,这就是我们为什么选择PE启动电脑!你所有的操作都不会被还原,为什么有的人按 Ctrl Shift Alt F6或按住Shift双击Deep Freeze图标呼不出冰点,你替换过以后在重启电脑看看是不是屏幕右下脚的Deep Freeze图标打了插,在一般状态(指Windows系统)下,电脑上就保存不了新的数据了!既然不能得到密 码,如果我附件中的这个文件和你版本号不相同的话! 两个版本号不相同的文件我没有实验过:Ctrl Shift Alt F6或按住Shift双击Deep Freeze图标呼不出冰点,但破解的方法和思路仍然是非常值得一看的.sys文件,直接干掉Persi0,再强调一下其实我也没有实验过版本号不相同的文件能不能通用,
2023-07-18 21:32:161

电脑开机显示missing mbr-helper是怎么回事,急求?

的电脑的MBR被你搞没了 或者说找不到MBR了 MBR是存放引导程序(操作系统需要引导)的一个地方 没有MBR就无法引导操作系统. 你需要恢复这个地方,即恢复MBR. 在DOS下运行 FDISK/MBR (修复主引导分区) ghost安装光盘里有DOS工具箱,进入DOS界面输入 FDISK/MBR 即可
2023-07-18 21:32:221


其实2楼滴翻译得较好 可惜人家不愿意翻译给你了唉 8过3楼人家那么努力的给你翻译了 你应该给分了
2023-07-18 21:32:245


2023-07-18 21:32:241


第15回 王凤姐弄权铁槛寺 秦鲸卿得趣馒头庵 第16回 贾元春才选凤藻宫 秦鲸卿夭逝黄泉路
2023-07-18 21:32:292


2023-07-18 21:32:311


2023-07-18 21:32:382

我用的deep freeze冰点还原。解冻不了了。怎么办,求教

2023-07-18 21:32:083


1、温网举办时间:通常举办于6月或7月澳大利亚网球公开赛(英语:Australian Open,简称:澳网)是网球四大满贯赛事之一。比赛通常于每年一月的最后两周在澳大利亚维多利亚州的墨尔本体育公园举行,是每年四大满贯中最先举行的一个赛事,也是最年轻的大满贯。2、法网举办时间:通常在每年的5月至6月进行法国网球公开赛(French Open),简称“法网”,是一项在法国巴黎罗兰·加洛斯球场举办的网球赛事。通常在每年的5月至6月进行,是每年第二个进行的大满贯赛事。3、美网举办时间:通常在美国纽约每年8月底至9月初举行美国网球公开赛(U.S. Open)是每年度第4项也是最后一项网球大满贯赛事,通常在美国纽约每年8月底至9月初举行,赛事共分为男子单打、女子单打、男子双打、女子双打和男女混合双打五项。4、澳网举办时间:比赛通常于每年一月的最后两周举办澳大利亚网球公开赛(英语:Australian Open,简称:澳网)是网球四大满贯赛事之一。比赛通常于每年一月的最后两周在澳大利亚维多利亚州的墨尔本体育公园举行,是每年四大满贯中最先举行的一个赛事,也是最年轻的大满贯。扩展资料:四大满贯:网球四大满贯是澳大利亚网球公开赛、温布尔登网球公开赛、法国网球公开赛、美国网球公开赛的简称。历史上首位网球四大满贯的得主是唐纳德·布吉,他于1938年获得。中国球员李娜在2011-6-4号对阵卫冕冠军斯齐亚沃尼,以6-4,7-6(2-0)轻取桂冠,成为首个在大满贯中得到冠军的中国球员,也是首个亚洲球员!在此之前,亚洲只有伊达公子在法网中闯进四强。金满贯:在一年之中,完成大满贯( winning the Grand Slam )且赢得奥林匹克运动会中网球项目的金牌。(年度金满贯:是指一位选手在一个赛季里(一年)同时获得所有四大满贯赛事的冠军和夏季奥林匹克运动会网球项目金牌。)参考资料来源:百度百科-美国网球公开赛参考资料来源:百度百科-澳大利亚网球公开赛参考资料来源:百度百科-法国网球公开赛参考资料来源:百度百科-温布尔登网球锦标赛参考资料来源:百度百科-网球四大满贯
2023-07-18 21:32:081


利特 希澈 韩庚 艺声 强仁 神童 晟敏银赫 东海 始源 历旭 起范 圭贤
2023-07-18 21:32:073

How are you? Iu2019m sitting on the balcony of my hotel. I am looking at Hyde Park in London and I am

2023-07-18 21:32:064

急需翻译 液晶显示原理的摘要

At present, if the mainstream monitor market is flat display on the world, liquid crystal display (LCD) technique is worthy of tomorrow. LCD principle is to use the physical properties of the liquid, the arrangement, in order to become a light, easy. No electricity, prevent light when arrangement. Through and through the combination of the image on the screen. Because of the working principle, LCD itself also determines the LCD with thickness thin, suitable for large scale integrated circuit directly driven and easy to realize full color display characteristics, and has been widely applied in portable computers, LCD TV, etc. Compared with the traditional display technology, LCD display (LCD) has many important advantages. First LCD display no use to gun fired, so it is no image on human safety hazards, radiation, While not twinkle, color LCD monitors with zero; nearly distortion, And LCD monitors working voltage, power, light weight, small size, etc. This paper introduces the working principle of LCD, backlit illumination systems and new technology progress, etc.Keywords: LCD
2023-07-18 21:32:041


2023-07-18 21:32:031