barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-19 13:40:57
TAG: 英文 单词

问题一:‘顾客"用英语怎么说‘顾客"这个单词 顾客

client;[贸易] customer更多释义>>


顾客 Customer;client;consumer

顾客服务 customer service;Customer service;client service

顾客第一 Customers are always right;Customers first;customer priority

问题二:消费者,顾客的英语单词是什么? 消费者consumers


问题三:业务员的英文单词是什么?? 业务员 *** an


3.Business member

4.Account Executive

问题四:优质客户用英文怎么说 premium clients

VIP clients

问题五:如果对方已经知道我的真心,但不理睬,那该如何?我需要表白么? 那要看对方对你是否也有感觉,如果你觉得她也是爱你的话,就大方的告诉她,毕竟你是男生嘛,要主动一点啊,不要错过了再后悔。如果她对你没感觉,说不说也无所谓了。(个人观点,仅供参考)

问题六:向客户收钱,英文怎么讲? 10分 向客户收钱,那两个单词都不好,

用check us 比较恰当.





customer 什么意思

2023-07-18 21:25:444


2023-07-18 21:26:152


customern.消费者One that buys goods or services.主顾:购买货物或享受服务的人Informal An individual with whom one must deal:【非正式用语】 家伙:必须与之打交道的人:a tough customer.强硬固执的家伙n.顾客, 主顾[口]人, 家伙用户, 交易人消耗器, 耗电器[口](空中加油的)受油机an awkward customer难对付的家伙a cool customer[口]又大胆又冷静的家伙; 厚脸皮的人a queer customer怪人a tough customer粗暴的[难对付的]家伙, 坚强的人, 身体结实健壮的人hot customer[口]脾气暴躁 的家伙rum customer[口]怪人; 难对付的家伙slippery customer[口]狡猾的无赖汉ugly customer[口]粗暴凶狠的人, 难对付的家伙account customer立有存款帐的顾主cash customer现金交易客户charge customer赊销顾客credit customers赊户, 信用顾客debit customers借方欠户, 债务者客户radioisotope customer放射性同位素用户regular customer老主雇customercus.tom.ern.One that buys goods or services.Informal An individual with whom one must deal:a tough customer.customercustom + -er 人customer用户, 订户customer用户customer买主customer顾客, 用户customer[5kQstEmE(r)]n.顾客;主顾家伙an odd customer古怪的家伙customer客户customer顾客又称“服务对象”。customer 用户,顾客,订户 customer n.顾主 customer n.顾客,消耗器 customer n.顾主 customer订货单位,订货方,订货人,顾客,客户,用户customer主顾,用户,顾客,客户,买主
2023-07-18 21:26:241


问题一:消费者或者顾客用英语怎么讲 消费者 : 1. Consumer . . . l 不要卖你所能制造的产品,而是卖那些顾客想购买的产品,真正重视消费者(Consumer):在传统营销世界,由于科技水平的局限,企业决定产品项目时,自身的生产能力是首要考虑因素。 2. Customer . . . 即在旅游营销过程中,要研究消费者(Customer)的需要与欲望,用消费者代替旅游产品;要了解消费者为满足其需求所愿意付出的成本(Cost),对旅游者而言,这种成本除了产品价格外...3. end user . . . 值得注意的是,不少制造大厂也开始尝试发展ID能量,希望能藉此更贴近客户需求,但事实上,ID必须靠近末端消费者(end user),而贴近末端消费者更是品牌业者的核心价值,这也是品牌业者向来对ID掌握度较高的主因。问题二:消费者或者顾客用英语怎么讲? 我同意第二个人说的哈 问题三:“客户”用英语怎么说 在我们建筑行业里,客户也就是业主,我们一般叫client 或者owner。 问题四:“客人”用英文怎么说 Fans? 这也不是客人啊〉。。问题五:尊敬的顾客 英语怎么说啊? dear guest dear customer respectable guest/customer(很少会直接用“尊敬的”))问题六:“客户”英文翻译? Define 客户: [ kè hù ] 1. client Relative explainations:Examples: 1. 他们给客户散发传单。 They distributed leaflets to customers. 2. 这家银行现在给客户贷款比以前多了。 The bank is acmodating its customers more than it used to. 3. 做生意无捷径可走,只有那些千方百计赢得客户的人才能赢得生意。 There is no easy way to do business, and only those who do their best to win clients can win business. 4. 经理说他相信客户下周会来的。 The manager said (that) he believed (that) the client would e next week. 5. 有许多客户参观了我们公司。 There were many customers visited our pany. 6. 在你出国之前,应该先寄给客户一些样品。 You must send some sample to the customer before you go abroad.问题七:终端客户 英文怎么说 一般我们会说the end customer
2023-07-18 21:26:491


customer visitor guest
2023-07-18 21:27:003


2023-07-18 21:27:081


2023-07-18 21:27:194

现有一个数据库Sales,该库中有三个表: 客户表Customers:

--客户表Customerscreate table Customers( 客户ID int primary key, 客户姓名 varchar(20) not null, 客户公司 varchar(20), 库存 varchar(200), 客户电话 varchar(16) check(客户电话 like "123[0-9]{4}"))--订单表Orderscreate table Orders( 客户ID int, 产品ID int , 产品名称 varchar(20)not null, 定货数量 int not null, 总金额 decimal(8,2) not null, 下单时间 datetime not null , foreign key (产品ID) references Products(产品ID), foreign key (客户ID) references Customers(客户ID))--产品表Productscreate table Products( 产品ID int primary key, 产品名称 varchar(20) not null, 产品单价 decimal(5,2), 库存量 int)--(1)请根据客户表Customers的结构说明,用T-SQL语言创建该表(已创建)--(2)查询订单表Orders中下单时间在‘2012-01-01"至"2012-12-31"之间的客户ID,产品名称,定货数量和总金额select 产品名称,定货数量,总金额 from Orders where 下单时间 like "2012%"--(3)查询产品表Products中产品单价的最大值、最小值及平均值,并分别使用别名来显示结果select max(产品单价) as 单价最大值,min(产品单价) as 单价最小值,avg(产品单价) as 单价平均值 from Products--(4)创建名为v_cus_pro_ord的视图,获取总金额不小于5000的客户ID、客户名称、产品ID、产品名称、产品单价、定货数量、总金额及下单时间create view v_cus_pro_ord asselect o.客户ID,c.客户姓名,o.产品ID,o.产品名称,p.产品单价,定货数量,总金额,下单时间 from Orders o,Products p,Customers c where 总金额 >=5000 and o.客户ID=c.客户ID and o.产品ID=p.产品ID如有不懂,请继续追问
2023-07-18 21:27:371


2023-07-18 21:28:024

customers 后面接does 还是do

2023-07-18 21:28:363

退钱给顾客(Cash refunds to customers)为什么记入应收账款分类账控制账户借方

cash refunds是指客户在购买商品时多付的钱具体分录为Dr:Trade Recievable 100Cr:Inventory 100此时多记付了$5Dr:Cash 105Cr: Trade Receivable 105要将多收的冲销掉Dr: Trade Receivable 5Cr: Cash 5所以trade receivable就变成借记了
2023-07-18 21:28:481


2023-07-18 21:29:233


有 customers n.客户;顾客(customer的复数)
2023-07-18 21:29:441


词根或者词缀记忆。customer是什么意思,customer的意思是n. 顾客,客户;主顾;<口>家伙customer 记忆方法customer的词根或词缀是: custom customer顾客n.custom 习惯 + er 表名词 → 习惯〔进商店的〕人 → 顾客customer 变化形式复数: customers所属分类: CET4TEM4考 研TOEFLCET6使用频率: 星级词汇:customer的词源和记忆技巧customer 顾客来自custom, 惯例,海关。原指海关官员,后指买者,顾客。
2023-07-18 21:29:521


during the middle of the month, since christmas fell on a friday, leading to a long weekend. a larger amount of customers were willing to spend more time to enjoy themselves which was the main reason our coffee sales were better than other times of the year. also due to the holidays, more parents brought their kids to the restaurant. noramlly, they will be here by 10am with their children for breakfast then moving on to the park area. when they"re tired, they"ll leave their kids at the children"s play area to play amongst themselves while the paretns come back for a cup of coffee and some cake. it is common to see the same customer during the breakfast time and tea time. the park has announced on their website about the event where: those with park member cards will have a 30% discount from the 5th to the 8th of the month. customers are always looking out for events like this and thus the middle of the month other than weekends, sales are not encouraging. but due to favarouble turns in events, during the last few day, a storm drove customers into the mall to seek cover. although it was only a short period of time (2-3 hours), we had a full house condition with even a queue at the door.although most of the customers came to have a drink and a piece of cake, there was one table which ordered 3 cups of coffee and bought a few bags of coffee beans, they have already spent more than $130. nearing the end of the year, it was observed that there are many China tourists as the weather here is more moderate and comfortable. most of our customers reflected that they will be more satisfied with the sale of rice.
2023-07-18 21:30:062


take note和make notes的区别答:一个客户和两个客户。takemorecustomers和makecustomer意思为客户,第一个是单数,一个客户,第二个为复数,两个客户,make和take是两个英语中常见的动词,make是指创造、制造或生产某物的过程,take则表示拿取、持有或采取
2023-07-18 21:30:142

the school shop,__customers are mainly students ,is closed for the hoildays. B.whose Dwhere,选哪个

如果是选whose,那么后面的从句就该变成修饰school shop 的owner 了
2023-07-18 21:30:234

写英语文章时,80% of customers和80% customers,哪个表达更准确呀

2023-07-18 21:30:483

以满足广大拥护的需要 翻译

in order to satisfy the requirements of the customers
2023-07-18 21:31:064

why customer care is is important to the business

in simply terms, panies that care about their customers will usually produce good products and provide better services to customers. business business (mercial profit-making pany) is about getting profit and generate revenue from CUSTOMERS. NO customer NO business. therefore, every business should be customer-focused. businesses that care about their customers will focus on customers" needs, therefore, will usually provides better services and products businesses that care about their customers will handle customers" plaints seriously, therefore, the customers will not bee unhappybusinesses that care about their customers will focus on customer satisfaction. satisfied customers are more loyal and stick with these businesse *** usinesses that care about their customers will regularly perform survey to understand who their customers are, what their customers need, how satisfied their customers are with the pany products and service *** usinesses will have high customer retention rate employees businesses that are customer focused, customer oriented should have their employees aligned with this business direction and every customer centric goals front-line employees working in customer services department or service centre should service their customers wholeheartedly just like they treat their family members or friends that they love. then, the customers can feel being best served employees that are trained with customer care normally have better performance than those who are not. business will run more effectively as a result employees will normally find ways to improve their services to customers customers customers will be better served customers attained high satisfaction customers will maintain the relationship with business customers return will generate more business (revenue) ### others pls do not copy my reply ,
2023-07-18 21:31:151

customer requirements和customer-specific requirements有什么区别

customers and specific customer requirements客户和客户的具体要求
2023-07-18 21:31:232


dear sir!
2023-07-18 21:31:335

valued customers是什么意思

2023-07-18 21:32:044

Serving the customers是什么意思

2023-07-18 21:32:135


可以。customer 英[ˈkʌstəmə(r)] 美[ˈkʌstəmɚ] n. 顾客,客户; 主顾; <口>家伙; [例句]Our customers have very tight budgets.我们的顾客很会精打细算。[其他] 复数:customers
2023-07-18 21:32:381


2023-07-18 21:32:451

Serving the customers是什么意思

2023-07-18 21:32:536


the customers who I have served或者my previous customers
2023-07-18 21:33:116

什么叫C-level customers?

C-level customers 通常指首席某某管之类的高管人员,比如首席执行官CEO,首席运营官COO等
2023-07-18 21:33:272

japanese customer中文翻译

They figure a smart young japanese on the board will help them sell more to japanese customers . 他们认为,董事会里有位能干的日裔年轻人,有助于向日裔顾客推销更多的商品。 Our japanese customer went out of business , but we were able to carry on relatively unharmed 我们的日本客户倒闭了,但我们还是能继续经营,没有受到很大的伤害。 The most fastidious japanese customers also admired by our precise service attitude . the basic to success mutual win is the tacit happy cooperation 面对我司严谨的服务态度,连最挑剔的日本客户都为之叹服 Mr ng , manager of a supermarket in tsim sha tsui , received a report on a missing rucksack from a japanese customer in the evening of january 12 this year 吴先生为尖沙咀一间超级市场经理,他于今年一月十二日黄昏接获一名日本籍顾客报称其背囊不知所踪。 Orders : the man who has experience in the design development of the manufacturing of the car , and has certain japanese knowledge , can municate with japanese customers , have been in japanese for three years 应聘要求:在汽车制造业有设计开发经验者,有一定的日语基础,日语能达到基本交流者优先考虑,可在日本工作三年以上者。 We continue to hold an optimistic view of the demand for golf products and expect increasing contribution to the golf bag sales to be forthing from our strategic alpance with the japanese partner . with the mencement of operation of our new golf bag factory , we will possess an enhanced capacity of up to 1 milpon advanced golf bags to meet the requirements of the customers , particularly the demanding japanese customers 高尔夫球用品市场的发展空间仍然大,集团将继续透过与日本合作伴的策略联盟开发日本市场,加上年产量达100万个的高尔夫球袋新厂房可生产高质素的高尔夫球袋,可迎合日本客的高要求,本人有信心集团本年度的整体业务将可回到正轨。 We continue to hold an optimistic view of the demand for golf products and expect increasing contribution to the golf bag sales to be forthing from our strategic alpance with the japanese partner . with the mencement of operation of our new golf bag factory , we will possess an enhanced capacity of up to 1 milpon advanced golf bags to meet the requirements of the customers , particularly the demanding japanese customers 高尔夫球用品市场的发展空间仍然庞大,集团将继续透过与日本合作伴的策略联盟开发日本市场,加上年产量达100万个的高尔夫球袋新厂房可生产高质素的高尔夫球袋,可迎合日本客_的高要求,本人有信心集团本年度的整体业务将可回到正轨。
2023-07-18 21:33:331

main customers什么意思

main customers主要客户;主要客户群;主要客户名例句1.Who are your main customers?你们主要的客户是谁?2.Our main customers source are from the exhibition .我们主要客户来源是展会。3.Main customers are supermarkets and big and small restaurants.主要客户是超市和各大小饮食店。4.Retail and private banking investors are the main customers, Mr Bertsch says.伯奇表示,主要客户是散户和私人银行投资者。5.Young people, as main customers, are the direct victims of this situation.蓝皮书称年青人将成为这种现状的直接受害者。
2023-07-18 21:33:401

英语rising customer expections怎么翻译?

2023-07-18 21:34:003

connected customers是什么意思

connected customers 连接的客户connected 英[ku0259"nektu026ad] 美[ku0259u02c8nu025bktu026ad] adj. 连接的,有关系的,有联系的; 连贯的; 有血统[婚姻]关系的; v. 连接( connect的过去式和过去分词); [例句]Have you ever had any skin problems connected with exposure to the sun?你曾因日晒出现过皮肤问题吗?[其他] 原型: connect
2023-07-18 21:34:141

the school shop,__customers are mainly students ,is closed for the hoildays. A which Bwhose Cwhen

2023-07-18 21:34:227

What the customers_____ from the company is that the goods ____ right to their homes.

2023-07-18 21:34:385

银行里Advance customers是指什么

不知是不是customer advance?如是,则表示预付账款。
2023-07-18 21:34:531

serve customers是什么意思

serve customers服务客户双语对照例句:1.There are powerful incentives to serve customers well, so why is service excellence still so rare? 企业有太多理由要服务好客户,那么,为什么优秀的服务依然不多见?
2023-07-18 21:35:033

如何用英语表达 大满贯 (指体育赛事里的)

Grand Slam北京时间1月27日,郑洁/晏紫在2006年的澳大利亚网球公开赛女双决赛中以2:1逆转头号种子雷蒙德/斯托瑟,为中国网球迎来第一个“大满贯”赛事的冠军头衔,送给了中国人民一个最好的新年礼物。 请看中国日报消息:It was the first time for China to win a Grand Slam final in any discipline and capped a breakthrough 12 months in which Yan and Zheng won two other doubles championships, at Hobart and Hyderabad last year. 句中的Grand Slam就是网球界常常提到的"大满贯赛事",包括the Wimbledon Tournament(英国温布尔登网球锦标赛)、the US Open(美国网球公开赛)、the Australian Open(澳大利亚网球公开赛)、the French Open(法国网球公开赛)。 "大满贯"同时也是网球、乒乓球等运动中同一赛季内赢得所有重要赛事的王冠称号。以网球为例,如果运动员在同赛季获得四大满贯赛事的冠军,即为获得"大满贯"。乒乓"大满贯"指的是获得过包括奥运会、世锦赛、世界杯在内的单打冠军。 Slam 最初是桥牌用语,指the winning of all the tricks during the play of one hand in bridge (在桥牌中全胜),现常用于体育赛事。
2023-07-18 21:26:351


2023-07-18 21:26:371


【专升本快速报名和免费咨询: 】福建中医药大学2022年专升本准考证打印时间及入口已经公布,具体内容如下:福建中医药大学2022年专升本准考证打印时间:3月14日至18日福建中医药大学2022年专升本准考证打印入口:福建省教育考试院专升本报名管理系统考生须于3月14日至18日凭本人账号和密码,自行登录福建省教育考试院网站“数字服务大厅-专升本招考-专升本报名及信息管理系统”栏目,如实填写并提交《福建省教育考试考生健康申明卡及安全考试承诺书》(请务必认真填写,仅限填报一次,点击确认后不得更改)后,打印本人准考证(准考证正、反两面在使用期间均不得涂改或书写)。2022年福建普通高校专升本考试时间安排表普通考生(含获奖考生)和建档立卡考生(含获奖考生)考试安排在2022年3月19日至20日进行,考试科目分为公共基础课和专业基础课。总分满分600分,其中公共基础课考2门,每门满分150分,专业基础课考1门,满分300分。推荐查看:福建专升本网课推荐查看:专升本题库日期时间考试科目备注3月19日(星期六)9:00—11:00大学英语公共基础课9:00—11:00专业基础英语(英语类)15:00—17:00高等数学、大学语文、无机与分析化学、植物学、人体解剖学与生理学3月20日(星期天)9:00—11:30专业基础课(美术类除外)专业基础课8:00—10:00美术类色彩10:30—12:30美术类素描专升本有疑问、不知道如何总结专升本考点内容、不清楚专升本报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:
2023-07-18 21:26:381


2023-07-18 21:26:392


2023-07-18 21:26:432

Grand slam 是棒球中的术语,求他的英语解释。也就是大满贯-全垒打。

Grand slan 又称为满垒全垒打,指在一垒,二垒,三垒三个垒包上都有跑垒员的情况下打出全垒打。满垒全垒打可以一口气拿下4分,是棒球比赛中一次击球获得分数最多的情形。
2023-07-18 21:26:432


2023-07-18 21:26:441

WIN10 IP Helper无法启用?

2023-07-18 21:26:301

grandslam 是什么品牌?

2023-07-18 21:26:283


天地有万古,此身不在得;人生只百年,此日最易过。 Heaven and earth have been forever, this body no longer; life is only a hundred years, this day is the most easy to pass. 人情反复,世路崎岖。 Human feelings over and over again, the road of the world is rugged. 文章做到极处,无有他奇,只是恰好;人品做到极处,无有他异,只是本然。 The article to the extreme, there is no strange, only just is better; character to the extreme, there is no difference between him, but only the nature. 遇沉沉不语之士,且莫输心;见悻悻自好之人,应须防口。 When you meet silent man, don"t lose your heart; when you see an angry man who does well, you must guard your mouth. 不责人小过,不发人阴私,不念人旧恶。 Do not blame people for small mistakes, do not send people private, do not read people"s past evil. 我有功于人不可念,而过则不可不念。人有恩于我不可忘,而怨则不可不忘。 I don"t care for I have been good for someone, but I very care for my mistake. I don"t forget to someone made merit for me, but I have to forget the complain. 心体光明,暗室有青天;念头暗昧,白日下有厉鬼。 Body and heart light, dark room in the sky; dark thoughts, evil spirits under the day. 势利纷华,不近者为洁,近之而不染者为尤洁。智械机巧,不知者为高,知之而不用者为尤高。 Snobbish and luxury, he who is not near there sure be good; and he who is near there and untainted is more good. Artifice and deceitful, he who does not know sure be good, he who knows and does not use is more good. 居逆境中,周身皆针砭药石,砥节砺行而不觉;处顺境中,眼前尽兵刃戈矛,销膏靡骨而不知。 In adversity, the body is acupuncture medicine stone, whetstone section and unaware; in prosperity, in front of the sword spear, pin paste and rot bone and do not know. 淡薄之士,必为浓艳者所疑。 The light will be suspected by the rich. 涉世无一段圆活的机趣,便是个木人,处处有碍。 There is no section of life"s pleasure, is a wooden man, obstacles everywhere. 老来疾病都是壮时招得;衰时罪孽都是盛时作得。 Old to disease are strong recruit; all bad evil are in their prosperity. 小处不渗漏,暗处不欺隐,末路不怠荒,才是真正英雄。 No small leakage, dark not deceiving hidden, end of road not idle shortage, that is the real hero. 处世不必邀功,无过便是功;与人不求感德,无怨便是德。 Life not take credit, no fault is better; with people do not feel virtues, no resentment is virtuous. 忧勤是美德,太苦则无以适性怡情;淡泊是高风,太枯则无以济人利物。 Care attendance is a virtue, but too bitter is not suitable for pleasure; indifference is high wind, but too dry is not benefit for people and things. 为恶而畏人知,恶中犹有善路;为善而急人知,善处既是恶根。 Did evil and fear people know, still the evil should be a good way; did good and anxious people know, that the good will be the root of evil. 盖世的功劳,当不得一个矜字;弥天的罪过,当不得一个悔字。 The world"s credit, there could not a pity word; for mortal crime, there should be no word of repentance. 立身不高一步立,如尘里振衣,泥中濯足,如何超达? If one does not stand tall and stand one step, just like shaking clothes in the dust or washing feet in the mud. How can one reach the goal? 一苦一乐相磨练,练极而成福者,其福始久。 A bitter and cheerful phase hone, practice extremely and become a blessing, and the blessing will began for a long time. 若言言悦耳,事事快心,便把此生埋在鸩毒中矣。 If words sweet, everything is fast mind, then this life buried in doves poison. 事穷势蹙之人,当原其初心;功成行满之士,要观其末路。 Things poor potential wall of the people, when its original mind; a successful man should see his end. 处世让一步为高,退步即进步的张本。 Let one step in life is high, backward is progress‘ arrange. 恩仇不可太明,明则人起携贰之志。 Enmity should not be too bright, too bright will make people have second thoughts. 德者才之主,才者德之奴。 Virtue is the master of talent, talent is the slave of virtue. 事事要留个有余不尽的意思,便是造物不能忌我,鬼神不能损我。 Everything to leave a more than endless meaning, then the creation can not avoid me, ghosts and gods can not hurt me. 醲肥辛甘非真味,真味只是淡。 Stuffed fat and bitter sweet are not true taste, true taste is only light. 害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无, 此戒疏于虑者。 Be careful not to harm others, and be careful not to neglect others. 处世不退一步处,如飞蛾投烛,羝羊触藩,如何安乐? Life does not take a step back, such as moths cast candles, bottle sheep touch fan, how be happy? 居轩冕之中,不可无山林的气味;处林泉之下,须要怀廊庙的经纶。 Living in the Xuan crown, can not be without the smell of the forest; at the foot of the forest spring, you need to cherish the scripture of the corridor temple. 志以淡泊明,而节从肥甘丧矣。 Ambition depends indifferent bright, and section from fat lost. 恩里由来生害,故快意时须早回头;败后或反成功,故拂心处切莫放手。 Kindness will be by afterlife harm, so happy must turn back early; after defeat or anti-success, so flick the heart and don"t let go. 无善而致人誉,不如无恶而致人毁。 It is better to bring reputation without good than to bring destruction without evil. 攻人之恶毋太严,要思其堪受;教人之善毋过高,当使其可从。 Don"t be too strict with an evil, consider it worthy; teach the good not to be too high, when it can be followed. 君子之心事,天青日白,不可使人不知。 The gentleman"s heart, sky green day white, can not make people don"t know. 图未就之功,不如保已成之业。 Better work done than work haven"t done. 待小人不难于严,而难于不恶;待君子不难于恭,而难于有礼。 Treat the villain is not difficult, and difficult not evil; it is more difficult to be courteous then to be flatter to a gentleman. 事业文章随身销毁,而精神万古如新。 Career and article with destruction, but spirit as old as new. 有才无德,如家无主而奴用事矣,几何不魍魉猖狂。 Have ability without virtue, such as home without a master and slave to do something, how do ghosts not run rampant. 情欲意识,尽属妄心消杀得,妄心尽而后真心现。 Lust consciousness belongs to the elimination of unconsciousness, and then end of the unconsciousness and there will be the sincerity. 待人宽一分是福,利人实利己的根基。 Treating others is a blessing, benefiting others is the foundation of self-interest. 能者劳而俯怨,何如拙者逸而全真。 What is the work of the almighty, when he is bent over, like that of unskilled, when he is all. 悔既往之失,亦要防将来之非。 Regret past mistakes, but also to guard against future mistakes. 功过不宜少混,混则人怀惰隳之心。 The merit and demerit should not be less mixed, mixed people bosom affection look at the heart. 功名富贵逐世转移,而气节千载一时。 Fame and wealth from generation to generation, but integrity of a thousand times. 作人无一点真恳的念头,便成个花子,事事皆虚。 As a man without a sincere thought, he becomes a flower, and everything is false. 神奇卓异非至人,至人只是常。 Magical extraordinary not to people, to people just often. 矝高倨傲,无非客气;降伏则客气下,而后正气伸。 Pity high disdainful, nothing more than polite; bow down politely, and then healthy atmosphere stretch. 一疑一信相参勘,勘极而成知者,其知始真。 A doubt and a true can be surveyed, and a knowledgeable person can know only true knowledge. 生长富贵从中的,嗜欲如猛火,权势似烈焰。 Those who grow in wealth are as strong as lust and as powerful as fire. 惊奇喜异者,终无远大之识;苦节独行者,要有恒久之操。 Surprise, joy, no great knowledge; he who walks alone on bitter festival should have eternal exercise. 心者修裔之根,未有根不植而叶荣茂者。 The heart of the root, no root does not plant and branches and leaves. 苦心中常得悦心之趣;得意时便生失意之悲。 Painstakingly often get the joy of the heart; while you are happy and could have some unhappiness. 奢者富而不足,何如俭者贫而有余。 What is a rich man without enough, like a poor man enough to spare. 鱼网之设,鸿则罹其中;螳螂之贪,雀又乘其后。 Net set, swan goose among them; the mantis"s greed is followed by the finch. 面前的田地要放得宽,使人无不平之叹;身后的惠泽要流得长,使人有不匮之思。 The field in front of you will be widened so that no one can sign; let benefit flow long after you, let men want not. 君子而诈善,无异小人之肆恶;君子而改节,不若小人之自新。 A gentleman and cheat good, no different than small person"s evil; a gentleman and change section, also no different than small person‘s innovation. 养弟子如养闺女,最要严出入,谨交游。 If raising a disciple is like raising a daughter, the most important thing is to be strict in visiting and making friends. 欲临死而无贪恋,须向生时事事看得轻。 To die without lust, we must look light on life. 君子欲无得罪于昭昭,先无得罪于冥冥。 The gentleman wants not to offend in the zhaozhao; first did not offend in the underworld. 福莫福于少事,祸莫祸于多心。 No happiness more than in a few things; no disaster more than over sensitive. 尚奇节不如谨庸行。 Like strange is not better than modesty. 宁有求全之毁,不可有过情之誉。 It is better to seek perfection than to have the reputation of love. 粪虫至秽变为蝉,而饮露于秋风;腐草无光化为荧,而耀采于夏月。 Faecal worm to toureze into cicada, and drink dew in the autumn wind; rotting grass dissolve into fluorescent, and flash in the summer months. 气象要高旷,而不可疏狂。 The weather should be high and open, but not lax. 风来疏竹,风过而竹不留声;雁度寒潭,雁去而潭不留影。 Wind to sparse bamboo, wind and bamboo leaves no sound; wild goose degrees cold lake, and the lake does not leave a picture. 清能有容,仁能善断,明不伤察,直不过矫,是蜜饯不甜,海味不咸,才是懿德。 Clean can have good face, benevolence can have good decide, clever does not hurt observation, straight but correct, is that candied fruit is not sweet, seafood is not salty, is wonderful virtue. 事来而心始现,事去而心随空。 Things come and thought carefully, use things gone and does not mind. 不可不知有生之乐,亦不可不怀虚生之忧。 We must know the joy of life, also must not cherish the worry of empty life. 天扼我以遇,吾享吾道以通之。 God met me, and I found my way to enjoy it. 君子之才华,玉韫珠藏,不可使人易知。 The talent of a gentleman, like jade and pearl hidden, do not easy let people know. 处治世宜方,处乱世当圆,处叔季之世当方圆并用。 When in good times appropriate for square; when in the trouble times appropriate for circle, while in the Qiuji times you have be square and circle. 行不去,须知退一步之法;行得去,务加让三分之功。 Do not go, notice step back; if you can go, you need to get three points. 宁谢纷华而甘淡泊,遗个清名在乾坤。 He who prefers to light rather than luxury, left a clear name in the universe. 闲中不放过,忙中有受用。 Idle not let go, busy have benefit. 祸不可避,去杀机以为远祸之方。 There is no escape from misfortune, but to kill is the best way. 尽得世间之常道,才堪论出世。 Only by attaining the common way of the world, can one be born. 开万善之门,无如寸心挹损。 Open the door of all good, even the heart has damage. 此心常放得宽平,天下自无险侧之人情。 This heart often put wide flat, the world should be no from the danger side of the human feeling. 受享毋逾分外,修持毋减分中。 Enjoy without exceeding the mark, no reduction in grade. 当是非邪正之交,不可少迁就,少迁就则失从违之正。 When the friendship between right and wrong, not less accommodation, less accommodation will be lost from the violation of right. 君子居常嗜好,不可太浓艳,亦不宜太枯寂。 A gentleman"s home hobby, not too colourful, also should not be too dry and lonely. 天地不可一日无和气,人心不可一日无喜神。 Heaven and earth should not be without harmony, people should not be without joy. 检饬之人,多为放肆者所忌。 Inspection of the people, more for unbridled avoid. 毋借公论以快私情。 Do not use public opinion to promote private affairs. 遍阅人情,始知疏狂之足贵;备尝世味,方知淡泊之为真。 弛得尘俗之肩,方可挑圣贤之担。 The shoulder of the dust, can pick the load of the sage. 气和暖心之人,其福亦厚,其泽亦长。 Harmony and warm heart of the people, that blessing is thick, that benefit is long. 遇朋友交游之失,宜剀切不宜优游。 In case of loss of friends, it is advisable to cut rather than keep company. 宠利毋居人前,德业毋落人后。 Favour is not in front of others, and virtue is not behind others. 栖守道德者,寂寞一时;依阿权势者,凄凉万古。 Obey morality, lonely at moment; depends a power, desolate of ages. 值利害得失之会,不可太分明,太分明则起趋避之私。 The value of the gains and losses will not be too clear, too clear is to avoid the private. 宁受一时之寂寞,毋取万古之凄凉。 Better a moment of loneliness than an eternity of desolation. 思立掀天揭地的事功,须向薄冰上履过。 If you want to make a great achievements, you have to overcome on thin ice. 纷扰固溺志之场,而枯寂亦槁心之地。 Disturbing will make your mind worry, and dry also let your heart die. 纤尘不染,方解开地网天罗。 Spotless, so can unlock tight encirclement. 完名美节,不宜独任,分些与人,可以远害全身。 The beauty festival, should not be alone, some with others, can far harm the whole body. 若业必求满,功必求盈者,不生内变,必招外忧。 If the work will be full, the work will be surplus, not internal change, will attract external worry.
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1. 小学五年级英语作文:续写 this is our playground. today is our sports Look,Mike is playing football with his friends.It is really exciting to watch Mike playing football because he plays very well. And at the other side of the playground,Ja乏长催短诎的挫痊旦花ne is playing badminton with her best friend,Jane.I get really lost in the game. I really like our sports day. 额,因为是小学五年级,所以我也不用什么定语从句什么的了,语法没有什么错误了 纯手工,所以剧情没什么看头 2. 小学五年级英语小作文10篇,内容不限 1、我的好朋友 My Good Friend My name is Daming.I have a good friend . Her name is Liu Yun. She lives in China . Her mather is a singer. She likes swimming. Her father is a TV reporter. He likes listening to mnsic. Liu Yun likes piaying the violin and riding her bike. Every morning , she goes to school on foot. Every evening, she reads newspaper ai home. Then she goes to bed at nine. This is my good friend Liu Yun. 2、我的家乡 I am from ShenZhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet. I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. I can play kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snow. How about you? 3、我 HI!My name is Tess. I am a girl. l can speak English very well.I like English very much. I am thin and tall. I am ten years old.I am lovely ,too. I look like a big pig.I like my tachers.I like my school.It"s big.It"s beautiful.It"s clean.There are three buildings in my school. One is school building .One is dance studio. The other is dormetory.There is a playground, too.We can play on it .I like everything!!!!! 4、最好的朋友 I have a best friend. She has long,straight,black hair,big,black eyes and a *** all nose.She is very thin and kind,she is cute,too. Her English and Chinese is very good.She is hard-working. She favorite season is summer,because it"s hot ,she can eat ice- cream.She like playing the piano ,reading books and singing songs. Who"s she? She is my best friend ---Sun Mengqi.She has a very good English name,too---Angle. 翻译: 我有个最好的朋友。 她有着长长的黑色直发,大大的黑眼睛和一个小鼻子。她很瘦,对人非常和蔼,她也很可爱。 她的英语和语文非常好。她学习十分认真。 她最喜欢的季节是夏季,因为夏天很热,她能吃冰淇凌。她喜欢弹琴,读书和唱歌。 她是谁?她就是我最好的朋友——孙梦琪。她还有一个很好听的英文名——Angle.(安琪儿) 5、我的家 My family lives in ShenZhen. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is tall and thin. He is a handsome man. He has big eyes. His hair is straight. He likes to watch TV and movies and read books. My mother works in an office. She cooks very well. She likes to read books, too. She is short and thin. My sister is a student. She is an independent girl. She is very graceful. I am a student, too. But I study in a junior high school. I go to school every weekend. I like to play dodge ball and listen to music very much. much. I like my family because each family member helps me a lot. 6、我的英语老师 In my life, Ms. Wang is the most important person to me. Her teaching skills are diverse. In class, she usually uses games and posters. She works hard for us. When other teachers rest, she still keeps working and working. When we are mischievous, she is good at giving systematic guidance. We are really grateful for what she has done for us. We want to say ”thank you” to her. 7、母亲节 Mother"s Day es on the second Sunday in May each year. On that day this year, I bought a sweater and some flowers for my mother to thank her for her hard work for me. Receiving my gift, my mother was very happy. 翻译:母亲节是五月的第二个星期日。 今年母亲节那天,我为母亲买了一件毛衣和一束鲜花作为礼物,感谢母亲为我付出的辛苦。母亲收到礼物后,非常高兴。 8、你喜欢我吗 Hello! Everyone. I"m a little rabbit. My name is Hanhan. Look! I"m very lovely. My eyes are red. My ears are long. My hair is white. My tail is short. I like carrots very much. I have a good friend. She"s my little master. Her name is Zhou Xun. We always play games together. I like her very much and she likes me, too. 9、钱 Money is indeed important, but money cannot buy everything. A miser may think that “money talks,” but if you only give your attention to making money, you may lose many things, such as health, friendship and love. I don"t think we should regard money as everything. Money is just a tool that can help us solve problems or enable us to live a fortable life. What we should do is to use it appropriately and not bee misers. This way, all of us can lead a happier lives. 10、保护水资源 Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday. We can"t live without water. Water is everywhere around us. At home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our teeth, to have a bath and so on. At work, people use water to put out fires, to grow vegetables, to make things in factories and so on. We also can swim in the sea. Water is important for us, isn"t it? A poem: Water 。 3. 小学五年级下册英语作文大全 五年级英语作文 The step of summer Lightly, lightly, summer girl is ing to the world with slim and graceful step …… The grass grows much greener than before. The flowers e out more beautiful than before. There are more leaves in the trees than before. Everything makes us more youthful. Acpany the first cry of the cicada and the first shout of the frog …… The world is full of melody. All the bother is taken away by it. 自己再修改一下啊 Gradually, gradually, the air temperature turns higher and higher. The lotuses in the lakes e out happily. The dragonflies are busy laying eggs …… Ah! Summer is really ing! 4. 小学五年级英语作文带翻译 my family Do you know my family? You don"t know? OK, let me intro you. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father, Kenh, he is a manager. Does he have any hobbies? Of course. He likes sport, especially table tennis. But my mother and I don"t like this hobby. He play table tennis very will. My mother, rose, she is a housewife. And she has the same hobby with a majority of other housewives—going shopping. I, Jessica, oh! I think I have a lot of hobbies! Drawing pictures, collecting stamps, reading books……OK, OK, I like drawing pictures, it"s the best! This is my family. Do you know now? 你知道我的家人?你不知道吗?好的,让我介绍你。 有三种人在我的家人。他们是我的爸爸,妈妈和一 我的父亲,午,他是一个经理。他是否有什么爱好?当然。他喜欢运动,尤其是乒乓球。但我和我的母亲不喜欢这个爱好。他打乒乓球。 我的母亲,玫瑰,她是一位家庭主妇。和她有相同的爱好与大多数其他的家庭主妇,逛商店。 我,杰西卡哦!我觉得我有很多的爱好!画画,集邮,看书。。好,好,我喜欢画画,这是最好的! 这是我的家人。你知道吗? 5. 求一篇英语作文(小学五年级的)四十个英文左右 1. Sunday,June 20th,2010 Cloudy It was Father"s Day today. And my father didn"t have to work on this weekend, so my mother invited us to the Renmin Park. We had much joy there and we were tired. We went to a resteraunt to have a nice dinner. It was a happy day. Happy Father"s Day. I love you, dad. 今天是父亲节,而且爸爸不用上班,所以妈妈邀请我们去人民公园玩,我们在那玩得十分开心也十分累。我们去一家餐馆吃了很棒的晚餐。今天真是快乐的一天。父亲节快乐!爸爸我爱你。 2.Last Summer Holiday, I went to Beijing with my parents (mother and father) by air. We visited many places of interst, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Imperial Palace and so on. My parents also take me to visit the Tsinghua University. They told me that it was the greatest university in China. 去年暑假,我的爸爸妈妈带我坐飞机去了北京。我们参观了很多名胜古迹,例如长城、颐和园、故宫等等。我妈妈爸爸还带我去参观了清华大学,他们说这是全国最棒的大学。 6. 五年级英语作文5篇 (不少于五句话) A day of my life (我的一天) I got up at 7 in the morning ,and my mother cooked me a delicous breakfast. 我早晨7点起床,我妈妈给我做了好吃的早餐。 After breakfast I went to play with my friends ,we went to the pool to play with the water.There was a lot of people in the pool. After lunch ,I did my homework . 吃过早饭 我去和我朋友去玩了,我们去游泳池玩水,游泳池人好多啊 午饭以后,我做暑假作业 At six o"clock ,my mother came back from work and bought a lot of food.After supper ,our family sat together and watch the tv, Now it"s near 9 PM and I need to go to bed .It"s normal but a happy day. 晚上6点,妈妈下班回家了 还买了好多好吃的,吃过晚饭后全家坐在一起看了电视,现在已经晚上9点了,我也要上床睡觉了 ,今天是个平常但快乐的日子。 7. 五年级英语作文 Now life is much better than before. Until now, people have enough to eat and no warm clothing. Poor people"s standard of living, and they do not have TV sets. Is now much better, and we at home can watch TV online. We can learn at home on the outside of news. Therefore, we have to cherish our life now. In the future must contribute to the country! 现在的生活比以前好多了。以前人们都吃不饱穿不暖。人们的生活水平很差,和他们没有电视看。现在好了很多了,我们在家里就可以看电视上网。我们在家里就可以了解到外面的新闻。所以我们要好好珍惜我们现在的生活。将来一定要为国家做贡献! 让我写小学作文可难为我了 呵呵 西网可以帮你! 8. 谁能帮我写一篇简短的英语作文(小学五年级) Hi,everyone. My name is Sally. I"m tall with long hair. I"m very bright and clever. I like English and Chinese,because I think they are interesting. But I don"t like math. There"s too much calculation for me to do, I have nowhere to hide. I don"t like art, either. Our teacher doesn"t teach us how to draw,but say a bunch of big words, which takes up most of the time we have. I feel very bored and annoyed about it.。 9. 小学五年级英语作文:My school day I usually get up at 6:15 in the morning. I go to school on foot at 7:00 .I often read English with my clas *** ates. We have eight classes every day. The first class begins at 7:50 am. I like all the classes, because my teachers can make the classes interesting. My favorite subject is English, so I join English Corner every week. I can speak English with many other students there. It"s very interesting and exciting. I think it"s helpful for me to learn English well. After class, I always play games with my friends. We play basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, ping-pong and so on. They are very relaxing. I like my lessons, my friends and my teachers. In a word, I love my school. I find my school life is more and more meaningful and colorful. My school life is wonderful, isn"t it?
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