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tps eclipse里面的ptv,ptv2指的是什么

ptv是量贩ktv的升级,一般情况下量贩ktv是可以唱K,可以吃自助餐,可以娱乐聚会,但有没有发现通常有人唱歌的时候,也有人玩聚会ktv游戏?同时有人在一边玩手机?这个时候PTV就有效果了,因为在ptv(Party ktv)是可以玩主题游戏的,譬如可以玩电子游戏,可以在包厢看足球,可以玩cosplay等等,而且ptv装修要比ktv好多了,因为可以玩主题聚会游戏的缘故。




看看windows栏中的set view选项

myeclipse 怎么取消palette





使用myeclipse编写javaweb程序,最好自己配置JDK+tomcat(也就是使用自己安装的jdk和tomcat,而不是myeclipse自带的)。好了废话不多说,打开myeclipse,选择File——>new——>Web Project。创建web project,也可以把鼠标放到工程下的空白处,然后点击右键,之后创建web工程。在跳出的创建web界面中,输入项目名,其它的默认就好,点击finish。创建好web项目后,展开项目,可以看到如下的web目录结构,它们的基本功能介绍如图右边。src是java源文件,JRE后面可以看到是自己安装的JDK还是myeclipse自带的JDK。打开index.jsp。可以看到html和jsp的相关代码,可以修改它,让它显示不一样的内容。如果是第一次使用myeclipse,你会发现上面显示jsp代码字体太小。那么如何修改字体大小:window——>Preferences——>General——>Appearance——>Colors and Fonts——>Basic——>Text Font。如图,点击Edit,之后选择字体大小,类型。最后点击确定,Apply,Ok。字体修改就可以了。接下来就是发布。如图,点击如下的发布按钮,选择要发布的工程,然后点击Add添加服务器。在选择服务中,选择自己的安装的tomcat的,当然如果你没有配置过,那也只能使用Myeclipse自带的tomcat了。开启tomcat服务。打开的是你上一步选择的那个tomcat,比如上一步选自己安装的,那这一步就一定开启自己安装的tomcat。具体操作如下图,开启的信息会在Console显示。最后就是访问web程序,打开浏览器,打开地址栏,输入如下地址(这是没修改过tomcat端口号和虚拟目录的情况),回车。看到jsp显示的内容,成功了(我的jsp文件是经过修改,所以大家显示的内容不一样没关系)。

Eclipse在打开的时候,总是提示更新“Updating classpath container。。。”, 如何设置

1. Window --> Preferences --> General --> Startup and Shutdown -->找到"Automatic Updates Scheduler " 项去掉前面的勾。(不要看上面三个复选框,要在下面列表框里面靠下面一点找到); 2.Window --> Preferences --> Install/Update -->Automic Updates -->找到“Automaically find new updates and notify me”项去掉前面的勾。 3. MyEclipse --> Preferences -->genernal-->network Connections 把选项改为手动的,选择Manual proxy configuration。 4.Windows > Preferences > MyEclipse > Community Essentials, 把选项 "Search for new features on startup"的前勾去掉即可. myeclipse7.1/myeclipse8: 1.Window --> Preferences --> General --> Startup and Shutdown -->找到"Automatic Updates Scheduler " 项去掉前面的勾。(不要看上面三个复选框,要在下面列表框里面靠下面一点找到); 2.Window --> Preferences --> Myeclipse Enterprise Workbench --> Maven4Myeclipse --> Maven --> "Download repository index updates on startup" 去掉前面的勾。 这样设置完以后,打开myeclipse时,右下角不会一直显示在update的进度条,开始会比较卡的现象也有很大的改观

MyEclipse8.x为什么一打开就出现Updating indexes更新!如何关闭?

myeclipse启动时会去加载一些模块,检查一些插件是否需要更新还有工作空间的建立等等,所以启动时会显得比较慢,单知道这些后我们可以针对其进行优化1、去除不需要加载的模块 一个系统20%的功能往往能够满足80%的需求,MyEclipse也不例外,我们在大多数时候只需要20%的系统功能,所以可以将一些不使用的模块禁止 加载启动。通过Windows - Preferences打开配置窗口,依次选择左侧的General - Startup and Shutdown,这个时候在右侧就显示出了Eclipse启动时加载的模块,可以根据自己的实际情况去除一些模块。 windows–>perferences–>general–>startup and shutdown 关掉没用的启动项: WTP :一个跟myeclipse差不多的东西,主要差别是 WTP 是免费的,如果使用myeclipse,这个可以取消 Mylyn:组队任务管理工具,类似于 CVS ,以任务为单位管理项目进度,没用到的可以取消 Derby:一种保存成 jar 形式的数据库,我没用到,取消 一大排以 MyEclipse EASIE 打头的启动项:myeclipse 支持的服务器,只选自己用的,其他取消,比如我只选了tomcat6.x 2、取消MyEclipse在启动时自动验证项目配置文件 默认情况下MyEclipse在启动的时候会自动验证每个项目的配置文件,这是一个非常耗时的过程, 可以在Preferences窗口依次选择 MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench - Validation,然后在右侧的Validator列表中只保留 Manual 项就可以了(Manual全部勾选,Bulid项只留下第一项)。 如果需要验证的时候只需要选中文件,然后右键选择 MyEclipse - Run Validation就可以了。 windows–>perferences–>myeclipse–>validation 把 除了manual 下面的全部点掉,build下只留 classpath dependency Validator 手工验证方法: 在要验证的文件上,单击鼠标右键–>myeclipse–>run validation 3、去掉拼写检查(如果你觉的有用可以不去) 拼写检查会给我们带来不少的麻烦,我们的方法命名都会是单词的缩写,他也会提示有错,所以最好去掉,没有多大的用处: windows–>perferences–>general–>validation->editors->Text Editors->spelling myeclipse 打开 jsp 的默认编辑器不好,会同时打开预览 windows–>perferences–>general–>editors->file associations, 把默认改成 MyEclipse JSP Editor() 原默认的jsp编辑器是 MyEclipse Visual JSP Designer,顾名思义,此编译器是jsp可视化编辑器,对于初学者有很多的帮助, 但修改此项的默认编辑器其实可以提高启动速度) 4、关闭自动更新 如果是myeclipse7.5: (1)关掉maven自动更新: window-preferences-MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench-Maven4MyEclipse-Maven, 关闭所有Download和Update开头的选项,共四项(去掉前面的勾) (2)关闭更新调度:window –> preferences –> General –> Startup and Shutdown –> Automatic Updates Scheduler(去掉前面的勾) (3)window –> preferences –>Myeclipse Dashboard,关闭Show……on start 5、加大JVM的非堆内存 打开 myeclipse.ini -startup ../Commonpluginsorg.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.101.R34x_v20081125.jar --launcher.library ../Commonpluginsorg.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.0.101.R34x_v20080731 -clean -configuration configuration -vm -vmargs -Xmx384m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=96m 以上是我的myeclipse.ini,需要修改是 -Xmx,-XX:MaxPermSize,-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize, 将这三项的值调大,但并不是越大越好,曾经在相同的条件下做过测试(内存2GB),-Xmx,-XX:MaxPermSize的值为384m时比512m 时要快(视具体的计算机而定), -Xmx,-XX:MaxPermSize的值设为同样大小且两者之和不能超出你的计算机本身的内存大小 6、window-preferences-MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench-Maven4MyEclipse-Maven,将Maven JDK改为电脑上安装的JDK,即不使用myeclipse提高的JDK 登记add按钮,选择你的电脑上的JDK即可(注意:不是JRE,我的值为:Java6.014) 7、window-preferences-MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench-Matisse4Myeclipse/Swing,将Design-time information(dt.jar) location 改用电脑安装的JDK的dt.jar (即不使用myeclipse提供的dt.jar,我的值为:C:Java6.014libdt.jar) 经过以上的优化,myeclipse的启动时间可以减少 2/3,Tomcat的启动速度可以减少1/2(视具体情况而定), 特别6,7两项的优化效果最明显, 如果只进行前5项,优化的效果有限,短期内确实可以提高启动速度,但是大概半个月后又会变的很慢(具体原因不明) 另外,使用myeclipse一段时间后,就会产生很多项目,即使这些项目是处于关闭状态,myecliose在启动时也会加载这些项目,这个过程会花费很多时间,所以,建议将不用的项目都delete掉,用的时候再 import


window->preferences->General->Startup and Shutdown 把右侧列表中 “Automatic Updates Scheduler” 取消选择

化学中 eclipsed-stacked 什么意思?

是完全重叠堆积的意思。比如乙烷的构象,从侧面看时当两个碳原子上的三条碳氢键完全重叠时就是eclipsed conformation。而stacked就意味着这里所说的不一定是某个化合物的构象,而很可能是在说分子间的那种排列堆叠方式。你没给上下文所以很难帮你判断,但如果你给出上下文我就立刻可以帮你确认清楚。

求各位大神解答下eclipse java neon怎么用



现在最新的是mars 也就是eclipse4.5版本, 亲身经历还是用eclipse helios 4.3 ,有很多插件在luna上都装不上去。无奈换回helios版本了,

eclipse php 语言汉化包 neon,mars,luna下哪个

进入到eclipse安装目录下,有一个.eclipseproduct文件,用记事本打开,就可以知道版本了后面version=的值就是版本。Eclipse 3.1 版本代号 IO 【木卫1,伊奥】 Eclipse 3.2 版本代号 Callisto 【木卫四,卡里斯托 】Eclipse 3.3 版本代号 Eruopa 【木卫二,欧罗巴 】 Eclipse 3.4 版本代号 Ganymede 【木卫三,盖尼米德 】Zeus 带去为众神司酒的美少年Eclipse 3.5 版本代号 Galileo 【伽利略】 伽利略发明的望远镜,他发现木星有四个卫星(其实是众多木卫中的最大的四个,现称伽利略卫星)。Eclipse 3.6 版本代号 Helios 【太阳神】希腊神话中的太阳神赫利俄斯Eclipse 3.7 版本代号 Indigo 【靛青】Indigo Children是指深蓝孩童。地球上似乎存在一种新的人种----“深蓝孩童”。(不知道有没有关系)Eclipse 4.2 版本代号 Juno 【朱诺】朱诺是Jupiter/朱比特之妻,朱比特的意思是木星Eclipse 4.3 版本代号 Kepler 开普勒】行星运动的三大定律Eclipse 4.4 版本代号 Luna 【露娜,月神】Eclipse 4.5 版本代号 Mars4.6 neon4.7oxygen


Eclipse Neon 2是Eclipse IDE(集成开发环境)的一个版本,它于2016年12月发布。它是Eclipse平台的第四个定期发布,建立在Eclipse 4.6 (Neon)发布上,对IDE进行了改进和修补。该版本包括了各种更新和改进,如内存利用优化,提高搜索和代码编辑速度等。因此,如果您需要更好的稳定性和改进的性能,您可以考虑使用Eclipse Neon 2。

求eclipse neon安装教程

步骤如下:一、JDK的安装配置:1、从Oracle官网下载JDK安装包,如jdk-8u92-windows-i586版本(这是32位版本,64位系统请下载64位版本)。2、安装包下载完成后,双击安装包进行安装,安装路径可以使用默认路径,即C:Program FilesJava。3、安装完成后,还需要进行环境变量的配置,在系统环境变量的用户变量里面添加一个变量名为JAVA_HOME环境变量。4、在变量值处填写上JDK安装目录的bin文件夹的路径,即C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_92。5、再添加一个变量名为Path的变量,变量值填写为%JAVA_HOME%in;即可。至此,JDK的配置就算完成了。二、Eclipse的安装:Eclipse的安装比较简单,在Eclipse官网上下载一个Eclipse Neon的压缩包,然后解压到任意目录,然后找到解压后的eclipse.exe文件即可运行(前提是计算机上需要有Java运行环境)。还有不懂再追问。

eclipse java neon 和jee neon有什么区别?

本质没什么不同,同一个版本的eclipse,集成了不同的插件,开发环境有针对性的不同eclipse java neon 开发普通java应用 也可以添加其它插件jee neon应试是集成了web开发插件

eclipse mar 和neon有什么区别?

具体如下:本质没什么不同,同一个版本的eclipse,集成了不同的插件,开发环境有针对性的不同。eclipse java neon 开发普通java应用 也可以添加其它插件。jee neon应试是集成了web开发插件。知识拓展:eclipse mars是什么版本:mars为4.5。Eclipse 3.1 IO,木卫一,伊奥 2005。Eclipse 3.2 Callisto,木卫四,卡里斯托 2006。Eclipse 3.3 Europa,木卫二,欧罗巴 2007。Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede,木卫三,盖尼米得 2008。Eclipse 3.5 Galileo,伽利略,2009。Eclipse 3.6 Helios 太阳神 2010。Eclipse 3.7,Indigo,靛蓝 2011。Eclipse 4.2,Juno,朱诺 2012。Eclipse 4.3 Kepler,开普勒,2013。

eclipse mar 和neon有什么区别

为了帮助网友解决“eclipse mars和neon的区别”相关的问题, 通过互联网对“eclipse mars和neon的区别”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:RT,我想知道:eclipse mars和neon的区别,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:base(name) { } public override void Add(Component c) { Console;)Form formPreview = new Form();public Leaf(string name) .WriteLine(new string(&#39.WriteLine(&quot.WriteLine("Cannot add to a leaf";),depth)+name); } public override void Remove(Component c) { Console;-"Cannot remove to a leaf" } public override void Display(int depth) { Console

eclipse java neon和jee neon有什么区别?

eclipse java neon和jee neon的区别是:本质没什么不同,同一个版本的eclipse,集成了不同的插件,开发环境有针对性的不同,eclipse java neon 开发普通java应用,也可以添加其它插件jee neon是集成了web开发插件。eclipse-jee-neon-3指定使用jdk1.8的原因是:因为java向下兼容,使用java8也并不影响你的工作,你可以指定java8采用7或者更低版本的方式进行编译,然后eclipse是基于jre运行的,为了支持java8的开发,肯定会采用新的编译器进行编译,就导致java7的JRE无法运行高版本编译的eclipse的class文件,所以就只能指定更高版本的jdk。

eclipse 怎么样将试图切换到navigate

你的Linux 什么版本?貌似现在 Linux 已经没这种问题了啊?以前是很多系统函数库对输入法支持很不好,导致设置什么的特别容易出错。

申请vps时需要提供的域名是干什么的,自己没有的话是不是还要去买一个? 网址:https://clients.thrustvps







Using BasicAuth with SolrJIn SolrJ, the basic authentication credentials need to be set for each request as in this example:SolrRequest req ;//create a new request object req.setBasicAuthCredentials(userName, password); solrClient.request(req);Query example:QueryRequest req = new QueryRequest(new SolrQuery("*:*")); req.setBasicAuthCredentials(userName, password); QueryResponse rsp = req.process(solrClient);


没有。又重新找了乐手,杨策老崔走了以后,click也是有演出的。简介Ricky(瑞奇),出生于河北石家庄,中国内地男歌手,Click#15乐队主唱兼吉他手。2011年,发起组建华丽摇滚乐队Rickysixx Project以及Flaming Heat,担任主唱兼吉他手;2015年,组建Click#15,并担任乐队主唱兼吉他手。2017年,随Click#15发行首张音乐EP《疯客感官》;同年,随Click#15举行“疯客感官2017全国巡演”。2018年,随Click#15推出单曲《Get Funky》。2019年,随Click#15参加音乐综艺节目《乐队的夏天》,最终获得第四名。

table 组件中 render 怎么绑定click事件

render: (h, params) => { return h("div", [ h("Button", { props: { type: "text", size: "small" }, on: { click: () => { this.updateRole(params.index) } } }, "编辑") ]) }

eclipse 中 如何设置 velocity 模板中 字体颜色

先安装eclipse velocity插件。然后依次点击 windows -> preferences -> Velocity Web Edit这里就可以设置字体颜色了。


今日我在eclipse上运行Map/Reduce框架进行数据分析的时候遇到了一个很奇怪的错误: 一开始我发现运行程序之后也没在控制台报错,也生成了目标目录,但一直出不来统计好的数据文件。 我先通过位置标记输出来判断各个类的加载是否正常, 发现Map是可以正常加载执行的,但是Reduce一直无法加载执行。 然后我通过设置,让其在运行时显示日志信息,再运行。 文末会分享设置显示日志信息的方法。 这一次便发现了如下的报错: 日志中的报错信息: java.lang.Exception: org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.reduce.Shuffle$ShuffleError: error in shuffle in localfetcher#1at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LocalJobRunner$Job.runTasks( org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LocalJobRunner$ by: org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.reduce.Shuffle$ShuffleError: error in shuffle in localfetcher#1at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LocalJobRunner$Job$ java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source)at Source)at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)at Source)Caused by:(1)] E:/tmp/hadoop-Alan%20Yang/mapred/local/localRunner/Alan%20Yang/jobcache/job_local214639494_0001/attempt_local214639494_0001_m_000003_0/output/file.out.indexat (2)] org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SpillRecord.<init>( org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SpillRecord.<init>( org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SpillRecord.<init>( org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.reduce.LocalFetcher.copyMapOutput( org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.reduce.LocalFetcher.doCopy( 16:19:02,616 INFO [org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job] - Job job_local214639494_0001 failed with state FAILED due to: NA2017-07-12 16:19:02,663 INFO [org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job] - Counters: 22File System CountersFILE: Number of bytes read=62223FILE: Number of bytes written=176635984FILE: Number of read operations=0FILE: Number of large read operations=0FILE: Number of write operations=0HDFS: Number of bytes read=898750946HDFS: Number of bytes written=0HDFS: Number of read operations=140HDFS: Number of large read operations=0HDFS: Number of write operations=10Map-Reduce FrameworkMap input records=2629660Map output records=2626091Map output bytes=26260910Map output materialized bytes=31513152Input split bytes=1210Combine input records=0Spilled Records=2626091Failed Shuffles=0Merged Map outputs=0GC time elapsed (ms)=496Total committed heap usage (bytes)=7754743808File Input Format Counters Bytes Read=163038920 按照通常的排错思路,后面的错误往往是前面的错误导致产生的,所以我先入为主的直接去搜索 error in shuffle in localfetcher的解决办法,发现几乎都在说是内存的问题。百般尝试始终是毫无成效。 后来当我往下看的时候发现其实日志给出了大概的错误原因,是路径的问题。这一下子就找到了正确的方向。通过查找资料,发现有的朋友通过修改默认的路径即可解决,我尝试了一下,结果只是换个路径报错而已。这就耐人寻味了,我再自己看了看这条报错信息,里面用到了我的Windows的用户名,但是中间的空格变成了%20,在路径中出现%这意味着什么?配过环境变量的人都知道。我一下子恍然大悟。很有可能是Windows用户名的问题。所以我去修改了Windows本机的用户名,把空格去掉。一下子就解决了!!! eclipse控制台不显示MapReduce程序日志的解决方法: 使用Hadoop2.6.0,在eclipse下面调试mapreduce程序的时候,控制台不打印程序运行时的日志,而是显示如下信息: log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.[Hadoop] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. log4j:WARN [hadoop] See noconfig for more info. 说明没有配置log4j.properties文件。这虽然不影响程序的正常运行,但是看不到日志难免不爽。解决方法:把Hadoop2.6.0的安装目录下面的/etc/hadoop/目录下面的log4j.properties文件拷贝放到MapReduce工程的src目录下面。

请教英语高手,请问两个ff重叠时英语口语发音和一个f发音有什么不同?ff再末尾的时候 例如cliff wolff等等

你好! 首先需要说的是,我们根据单词的音标确定其发音。如果音标相同,口语发音则一样。 接着说你提到的问题。在词尾时ff 与f 都是发 [f] 音,音标一样,所以发音时一模一样。 更多的带ff的词:词尾:off, puff,sniff,stiff; 词中:differ, different, coffee, offer 不管词中还是词尾,ff的发音都是 [f]。 祝学习进步! Best wishes!

spiral clicker怎么改中文





一、介绍 storm提供了两种运行模式:本地模式和分布式模式。本地模式针对开发调试storm topologies非常有用。 Storm has two modes of operation: local mode and distributed mode. In local mode, Storm executes completely in process by simulating worker nodes with threads. Local mode is useful for testing and development of topologies 因为多数程序开发者都是使用windows系统进行程序开发,如果在本机不安装storm环境的情况下,开发、调试storm程序。如果你正在为此问题而烦恼,请使用本文提供的方法。 二、实施步骤 如何基于eclipse+maven调试storm程序,步骤如下: 1.搭建好开发环境(eclipse+maven,本人使用的是eclipse Kepler 与maven3.1.1) 2.创建maven项目,并修改pom.xml,内容如pom.xml(机器联网,下载所需的依赖jar) Github上的pom.xml,引入的依赖太多,有些不需要, 3. 编写storm程序,指定为本地模式运行。本文提供的程序是wordcount 重要的是LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster();这一句Config conf = new Config();conf.setDebug(true);conf.setNumWorkers(2);LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster();cluster.submitTopology("test", conf, builder.createTopology());Utils.sleep(10000);cluster.killTopology("test");cluster.shutdown();pom.xml文件<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>storm.starter</groupId> <artifactId>storm-starter</artifactId> <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version> <packaging>jar</packaging> <properties> <>UTF-8</> </properties> <repositories> <repository> <id>github-releases</id> <url></url> </repository> <repository> <id></id> <url></url> </repository> </repositories> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>junit</groupId> <artifactId>junit</artifactId> <version>4.11</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>storm</groupId> <artifactId>storm</artifactId> <version></version> <!-- keep storm out of the jar-with-dependencies --> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>commons-collections</groupId> <artifactId>commons-collections</artifactId> <version>3.2.1</version> </dependency> </dependencies></project>storm程序package storm.starter;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Map;import storm.starter.spout.RandomSentenceSpout;import backtype.storm.Config;import backtype.storm.LocalCluster;import backtype.storm.StormSubmitter;import backtype.storm.topology.BasicOutputCollector;import backtype.storm.topology.OutputFieldsDeclarer;import backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder;import backtype.storm.topology.base.BaseBasicBolt;import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields;import backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple;import backtype.storm.tuple.Values;/** * This topology demonstrates Storm"s stream groupings and multilang * capabilities. */public class WordCountTopology { public static class SplitSentence extends BaseBasicBolt { @Override public void execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector) { try { String msg = input.getString(0); System.out.println(msg + "-------------------"); if (msg != null) { String[] s = msg.split(" "); for (String string : s) { collector.emit(new Values(string)); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) { declarer.declare(new Fields("word")); } } public static class WordCount extends BaseBasicBolt { Map<String, Integer> counts = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); @Override public void execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector) { String word = tuple.getString(0); Integer count = counts.get(word); if (count == null) count = 0; count++; counts.put(word, count); collector.emit(new Values(word, count)); } @Override public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) { declarer.declare(new Fields("word", "count")); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder(); builder.setSpout("spout", new RandomSentenceSpout(), 5); builder.setBolt("split", new SplitSentence(), 8).shuffleGrouping( "spout"); builder.setBolt("count", new WordCount(), 12).fieldsGrouping("split", new Fields("word")); Config conf = new Config(); conf.setDebug(true); if (args != null && args.length > 0) { conf.setNumWorkers(3); StormSubmitter.submitTopology(args[0], conf, builder.createTopology()); } else { conf.setMaxTaskParallelism(3); LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster(); cluster.submitTopology("word-count", conf, builder.createTopology()); Thread.sleep(10000); cluster.shutdown(); } }}package storm.starter.spout;import backtype.storm.spout.SpoutOutputCollector;import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext;import backtype.storm.topology.OutputFieldsDeclarer;import backtype.storm.topology.base.BaseRichSpout;import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields;import backtype.storm.tuple.Values;import backtype.storm.utils.Utils;import java.util.Map;import java.util.Random;public class RandomSentenceSpout extends BaseRichSpout { SpoutOutputCollector _collector; Random _rand;@Override public void open(Map conf, TopologyContext context, SpoutOutputCollector collector) { _collector = collector; _rand = new Random(); } @Override public void nextTuple() { Utils.sleep(100); String[] sentences = new String[]{ "the cow jumped over the moon", "an apple a day keeps the doctor away", "four score and seven years ago", "snow white and the seven dwarfs", "i am at two with nature" }; String sentence = sentences[_rand.nextInt(sentences.length)]; _collector.emit(new Values(sentence)); } @Override public void ack(Object id) { } @Override public void fail(Object id) { } @Override public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) { declarer.declare(new Fields("word")); }}




这个是提示你没有安装MSSQl 2012的驱动扩展。 从Sql Server 2008开始,不再支持PHP自带的驱动程序,需要使用微软提供的驱动程序。此驱动程序抛弃了mssql系列函数,只能使用sqlsrv和pdo的方式进行连接操作。 步骤1:下载微软Sql Server官方驱动程...

mild climate什么意思

mild climate意思是:温和的气候

求文 哈利波特同人《secrets》《eclipse》 猫爪有的话给个链接 拜托~ 邮箱


decline 和 shrink 的区别?

decline降低;shrink缩减,减少,carbon footprint碳排放量降低指的是程度, 减少一般指的是具体数量。故该题答案应该选B.

Eclipse SVN中“覆盖/更新”和“回复”有什么区别?


单词辨音 noticed raised saved climbed ed的发音 注明音标!谢谢

noticed ["nu0259u028atu026ast]raised [reu026azd]saved [seu026avd]climbed [klau026amd]除了第一个发[t]音以外,其他的ed都发[d]音。-ed有三种发音:[t] [d] [id],若该单词以轻辅音结尾,则-ed发轻辅音[t];若该单词以浊辅音或元音结尾,则-ed发浊辅音[d];若该单词以t或d结尾,则-ed发音为[id]。




1创建maven工程,新建project,右键选择New Project,勾选快速创建选项,这个选项可以快速创建简单的maven工程。2项目创建成功后,项目目录主要有:主代码目录、主资源目录、测试代码目录、测试资源目录、输出目录(代码编译存放的目录)。3添加项目依赖,查找项目依赖通常有两种方式:1. 直接在eclipse上查找,2. 在私服nexus上查找再复制依赖信息到pom.xml中。在eclipse中查找右键项目或pom.xml,输入关键信息查找,选中要引入的构件,点OK就可以自动引入。4在nexus中查找依赖,打开nexus输入关键信息点击查找按钮,在搜索结果中找到对应的jar包,复制右下角的那段信息到pom.xml的dependencies下,如图所示。5在MyEclipse上运行mvn命令,右键项目选择Run As--》Maven clean。mvn命令有很多,简单说明下比较常用的命令:1. clean 用于清理输出目录target/2. compile用于编译项目主代码 3. test 用于编译运行测试代码4. package 接受编译好的代码,打包成可发布的模式5. install 将包安装到maven本地仓库6. Deploy将最终的包复制到远程仓库执行以上命令时,clean是不会自动执行的,因为clean和其他5个命令是不同的生命周期,因此需要使用组合命令。6在MyEclipse中运行组合命令,右键项目选择Run As--》Maven build...7前面介绍了怎么运行一些命令,现在讲下怎么样运行实例。在主代码目录和测试目录上添加代码。8运行命令clean install,运行结果如图所示,从结果可以看到,命令运行成功,运行了一次测试并且运行通过,同时,将jar打包到项目的target目录下,也安装到maven的的本地仓库上了。9将jar包部署到私服nexus上,在pom.xml中添加一些配置,最后发布运行命令


The monkeys are climbing trees and they eating bananas.

怎么将XML的数据通过XSL的格式在HTML中显示出来, 我用的是eclipse 哪位大大可以详细的讲解下

你尝试这样设置下Window-->Preferences-->General-->Editors-->File Associations 将xml文件的默认打开方式设置成IE之类的

clinics of surgery是sci么

clinics in surgery是外科诊所的意思,而SCI即科学引文索引,sci即科学引文索引,由美国科学信息研究所创建的,收录文献的作者、题目、源期刊、摘要、关键词,不仅可以从文献引证的角度评估文章的学术价值,还可以迅速方便地组建研究课题的参考文献网络。凭借独一无二的引证途径和全面的科学数据,,然后通过统计大量的引文,如果说引频次数高,就说明这一篇论文在所研究的领域当中产生了重要的影响。

outdated client是什么意思







climb英语意思是:攀登。climb 英 [klaɪm]     美 [klaɪm]    v. 攀登;爬;上升。n. 爬;攀爬处。The road climbs steeply for several miles.这条路有几英里向上倾斜得很陡。The value of imports has climbed sharply in the last year.去年进口货物的价值急剧上升。用法:climb的基本意思是“攀登,向上爬”,是指步行或用手脚(也可借助工具)向上攀登,也可指日月的上升。引申可表示在社会地位上“钻营”“向上爬”; 在非正式用语中可作“匆忙或费力地穿衣或脱衣”解,此时常与介词into连用; 也可指货币“增值”。climb用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,可接down, on, out of和up等,表示动作的方向。


climb造句如下:1、I calculate to climb that mountain。我打算爬那座山。2、They can be trained to climb on top of an archway or over your doorway。他们可以训练攀登再加上一拱门或以上您的门口。3、The only way to climb a rope is hand over hand。爬绳的惟一办法就是两手交替往上爬。4、Without speaking,we shuffle along the aisle and climb down the metal stairway。大家一言不语地拥过走道,下了金属的楼梯。5、Who would have expected that he could climb up that steep cliff?这么陡的峭壁, 谁知他竟爬上去了?6、I can not climb up。我爬不上来了。7、To climb suddenly and sharply,Used of an airplane。陡升突然而急剧地上升,用于飞机。8、It is exhilarating to climb mountains。登山令人振奋。9、Scott,23,lifts his head first。He shakes Whitney,25,and they climb their feet。23岁的斯科特先抬起头来,接着他摇醒了25岁的惠特尼,他们要起床了。10、Oh,let is climb up there and see its nest。哦,让我们爬上去看看它的巢吧。

Linux系统NFS服务限定client端用户的额度, 怎么做?


Zend Studio 和 Zend Studio for Eclipse 什么明区别?

Zend Studio for Eclipse 调试功能强大好用! 不解释,自己体会


1--log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for loggerThe reason why you see this message is that your log4j configuration file(i.e. log4j.xml or is NOT found in the classpath. Placing the log4j configuration file in the applications classpath should solve the issue.2--log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. You have not initialised log4j properly. Try reading the online log4j manual or by adding a file to your classpath (to a directory which is on the classpath to be precise).3--javax.jbi.messaging.MessagingException: Could not find route for exchange: InOut..the problem you don"t register your service?

让eclipse像idea一样使用 .sout

使用了一段时间idea之后发现使用 a.sout 和 nums.for 这样的快捷键特别好用,于是就想在eclipse中也找找有没有这样的功能,找了半天只找到了最普通 sysout、foreach 等等功能,没有找到 a.sout 这样的使用方法,不过两个IDE对照发现了postfix这个选项,一下解决了问题,具体方法如下 首先如下图,找到Window->Preferences->Java->Editor->Content Assist->Advanced选项,然后把图中框起来的部分打上勾,这个就是允许使用Java后缀模板,因为eclipse中本来就是允许使用 .sout 来快捷输入的,只是这个选项没有开,要手动配置,确实没有idea那么人性化。 勾选上上边这个功能之后就可以尝试了,效果如图:




菜单上 Window > Custom Perspective,如果你的 eclipse 有中文汉化包的话就不知道翻译成汉字是什么样子的。


  在Eclipse中安装和使用TFS插件过程: 在Eclipse中安装插件的方法其实都一样,安装TFS的步骤如下:  下载TFS插件。你可以到微软的下载中心,下载TFS插件。  下载完毕之后,打开Eclipse。  点击Help菜单中的Install New Software选项。  在弹出的安装窗口中,选择“Add”,然后给出刚才下的插件的路径。如下图所示:  选择完文件之后,界面如下图所示,然后点击OK。  接下来就可以很顺畅的点下一步了,安装完之后重启Eclipse。  重启后的Eclipse,在Windows->Preferences->Team里,你就可以看到Team Fundation Server这一项了。  打开show views,在Windows->Show View->Others里。弹出如下窗口,选择Team Fundation Server下的Team Explorer。


window-preferences-搜索content assist-auto activation delay修改一下就好了。



the climber failed in his attempt to reach the summit什么意思

the climber failed in his attempt to reach the summit 全部释义和例句>> 攀登者未能达到顶峰summit 英[u02c8su028cmu026at] 美[u02c8su028cmu026at] n. 顶点; 高层会议; 最高阶层; adj. 最高级的; 政府首脑的; [例句]Yesterday no fewer than thirty climbers reached the summit.昨天至少30名攀登者登上了顶峰。[其他] 复数:summits 形近词: summat semmit

summit climax有什么区别?

climax cli.max AHD:[kl “m 2;ks”] D.J.[6kla!7m#ks] K.K.[summit A series of statements or ideas in an ascending order of


window-->show view -->navigator打开你的工作目录就看见了


您好,提问者: 1、先说长连接吧,如果TCP协议的话长连接可以通过心跳包来实现。 2、推送的话,这个可以弄一个定时器,来控制线程,推送发送完毕,线程stop()。


private static CloseableHttpClient httpclient;//请求配置static { RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom().setSocketTimeout(60000).setConnectTimeout(60000).setConnectionRequestTimeout(10000).build();// 设置请求和传输超时时间 PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager phccm = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager(); phccm.setMaxTotal(800);// 连接池最大并发连接数 phccm.setDefaultMaxPerRoute(400);// 单路由最大并发数 httpclient = HttpClients.custom().setDefaultRequestConfig(requestConfig).setConnectionManager(phccm).setRetryHandler(new DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler()).build();}方法中直接调用httpclient.execute(new HttpGet("xxx"));

Slick Shoes的《Cliche》 歌词

歌曲名:Cliche歌手:Slick Shoes专辑:RustyPaper AeroplanesThe Day We Ran Into the SeaOnce upon a timeAll your thoughts were the same as mineWe were good as gold together and the stars would alineBut lightening might never strike twiceAnd sparks might never flyBut it"s a cliche and that"s all i haveTry to get over you but I can"tCliche not anything moreBut that"s what I loved you forAnd though the songs have been sung beforeI sing alongTo everyoneIn those autumn dayWe"s hide away in the same cafesWatching the colours burn and simmer and get blown awayBut rain pours down over this townAnd life gets in the way.But it"s a cliche and that"s all i haveTry to get over you but I can"tCliche not anything moreBut that"s what I loved you forAnd though the songs have been sung beforeI still long for youMy first tatooMy right and wrongYou are my favourite songCoz lightening might never strike twiceAnd sparks might never flyBut rain pours down over this townAnd life just passes byAnd it"s a cliche but that"s all i amTry to get over you but I can"tCliche not anything moreBut that"s what I loved you forAnd it"s a cliche but that"s all i amTry to get over you but I can"tCliche not anything moreBut that"s what I loved you forAnd though the songs have been sung beforeI sing alongTo everyone

求:暮光之城3(月食-eclipse)的英文台词 3Q

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 暮光之城3:月食Who"s there?!Who"s there?!What do you want?!<i>Some say the world will end in fire.</i><i>Some say in ice...</i>From what I"ve tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire.But if I had to perish twice...I think I know enough of hate,To say that, for destruction,Ice, is also great.And would suffice.You know, I"ve got an english final.I gotta focus.Marry me.No.Marry me.Change me.Okey I will if you marry me, It"s called a compromise.It"s just called coercion.It"s not fair.Marriage is just...Is a piece of paper.Where I am from, it"s the way one says, "I love you".Where I come from, at my age...It"s the way one says, "I just got knocked up".So, you"re worried about what people will think.You know, it"s two out of three marriages end in divorce.Well, I think you"ll find the...Vampire, human divorce rate is a little lower.Just marry me.I can"t.I have to be back at four.Four o"clock on the dot.That kid trying to brown nose me now or something?He has a name. And now he"s too punctual for you?Okey...You understand why you"re being punished, right?- I know, I put you through hell. - Yes, you did.But I have other reasons, for grounding you.Like...I just want you to get some separation from him.Dad, there is nothing you can say.Edward is in my life.Yeah, I"m gathering that.So, alright. How about this? I"ll make you a deal.You"re not grounded anymore, if...You use your new found see some of your other friends too,Like... Like Jacob.He"s going through a really tough time right now,His Dad"s really worried about him.I remember when that was you.You needed a friend, Jake was there.<i>Hey, it"s Jake. Leave a message.</i>Jacob hadn"t talk to me in weeks.I wanted to fix it, he just...He wouldn"t give me the chance.<i>"I miss you too. Doesn"t change anything."</i>You scared me.You"re going now to the reservation.How"d you -- ? Alice...Hey, did you do this to my truck?Bella, you have to understand. Your safety is everything to me.Jacob is not gonna hurt me!Not intentionally, but the wolves have no control...Edward! I have...Until graduation, to see him.And I"ll be one of you, and he"ll hate me forever.I"m sorry.- Hey. - Just in time. Alright, check it out.- Alright, let"s see what you got. - My fellow students.- Cool. - Right?- Wow. - Okey, right? -- Cute.We are the future. Anything is possible......If you just believe. - Nice.Blah, blah, blah...- Perfect. - And got your self a speech.No, this will be my speech.When I want everyone to throw diplomas at my head.So... Thank you.Ya gotta embrace the cliches, Jess.They have the bread and butter of all valedictorians.And that is why you are not valedictorian.And Jess doesn"t need cliches. Speech is gonna be epic.Epic? It"ll change lives.I decided to throw a party.After all, how many times we gonna graduate high school?A party? At your place?- I"ve never seen your house. - No one"s ever seen their house.A nother party, Alice?- It"ll be fun. - Yeah.That"s what you said last time.- Hey, Angela. - Yes.Do you need some help with those?I know you know what she saw. Tell me.It was nothing.You looked worried.Just that everyone would notice how strange Alice is.I think that ship sailed long ago.I wonder what"s wrong.There"s someone missing in Seattle, over a year ago.Charlie is doing what he can, but...Do you know something about this?We"ve been tracking the situation in Seattle for a while.Unexplained disappearances, killings...If the situation gets anymore conspicuous,the Volturi will step in.If they go to Seattle, they can come here.- They can see I"m still human. - We won"t get that far.But we"ll go to Seattle if we have to.I"ll fax these down the first thing.Thank you.- Hey. - Hey.- You"re ready for dinner? - Yeah.It is still just... you and I, alright?No, I"m just dropping her off.- See you later. - Bye.Oh... Bella.My parents wanted to remind you about the...Airline ticket you got for your birthday.What airline ticket?A round trip ticket to see Mom in Florida.Wow, that was generous.And it expires soon, they say you might wanna use it this weekend.Well, I can"t just drop everything and go.It might be your last chance to see her before you graduate.Well. It might not be a bad idea.get out of the town for a couple of days,get some distance.Yeah, I wouldn"t mind seeing Mom...As long as you use the companion ticket.Wait, just two tickets?Super, That makes me really happy.<i>I did wanna see my Mom.</i><i>I wanted to know that her life was full by satisfying</i>Aren"t you gonna miss this?Don"t you just feel the vitamin D soaking up in your pores?Yeah, I"m gonna miss this.You know, colleges in Florida are a lot sunnier.I"m just saying, if you go to university of Alaska...I"m never gonna see you.They have a really great science program.You mean Edward program.The way he watches you...It"s like he"s willing to leap in front of you,and take a bullet or something.Is that a bad thing?It"s an intense thing.You"re different with him.If he moves, you move. Like magnets.I don"t know, we"re just...In love. I get it.I just want to make sure,you"re making the right choices for you.You know, cause you"re the one who"s gonna have to live with him.Alright, enough with the heavy.- Mom. - Congraduation.I didn"t want you to spending you"re money.I didn"t, come on.Are these all our old trip T-shirts? - Emm. -- Get out!I saved"em all. I thought they"d make a good quilt.To keep you warm up in Alaska.Remember this one? Ensanada.- The snake pit. - Yep.But this one is my favourite. Here...The three-headed lobster in Maine.- This is amazing. - No, honey. I"m glad you"ve like it.I just figured, you know, when you get older, have kids,We can add to it. Maybe go visit...the world"s largest catsup bottle or something.- Thanks - Oh...I"m glad you like it.I just thought, you should have a little piece of me, up there in Alaska.- Mom. - Yeah.- I miss you. - Oh, honey. I miss you too.You sure this is where you saw her?She"s almost here.On your left!Wait! She"s in their territory.She"ll get away!No she won"t!Emmett, no!Did you regret going?No.It was really great to see my mom. Just really hard saying goodbye.- It doesn"t have to be goodbye. - Is that why you ask me to go?You thought I was gonna change my mind.I"m always hoping for that.What?If I asked you to stay in the car, would you?Of course not.Hey.- Charlie said you left town. - Yeah. To visit my Mom, why?Just checking to see if you"re still human.I"m coming here to warn you.If your kind come on our land again...Wait, what?- You didn"t tell her? - Just leave it alone, Jacob.Tell me what?Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding,there is nothing to worry about.Listen to you.Did you lie to get her out of town, too?You should leave. Now.She has a right to know.She is the one the red-head wants.Victoria?- Alices"s vision. - I was trying to protect you.By lying to me.Okey. We"re gonna talk about this, but...You!Why haven"t you called me back?I had nothing to say.- Well, I have tons. Hold on. - Hey.Bella.- Edward, you have to trust me. - I do trust you.It"s him I don"t trust.Lose the grin, Jacob. We"re just going for a ride.Hold on tight.Are you sure, this is a good idea?I"m a "vampire girl", remember?- Look who"s back. - Whatup, Bella?- Quil, you too? - Yep. Finally made the pack.I"m glad you"re here, Bella.Maybe we can get a break from Jake"s obsessive inner monologue."I wish Bella would call".- "I wish Bella wouldn"t call". - "Maybe I should call Bella"."Maybe I should call Bella and hang up".Alright, you can shut up now.Bella, this is Leah Clearwater. Harry"s daughter.Hey. I"m really sorry about your father.If you"re here to torture Jacob some more, feel free to leave.

谁能告诉我:c-myc、cyclinE的中文名称是什么?英文全称是什么? 非常感谢!

c-myc基因是myc基因家族的重要成员之一,c-myc基因既是一种可易位基因,又 是一种多种物质调节的可调节基因,也是一种可使细胞无限增殖,获永生化功能,促 进细胞分裂的基因,myc基因参予细胞凋零,c-myc基因与多种肿瘤发生发展有关. cyclin E是细胞周期蛋白E

谁能告诉我:c-myc、cyclinE的中文名称是什么?英文全称是什么? 非常感谢!

"It was similar to myelocytomatosis viral oncogene (v-Myc). Thus, the newfound cellular gene was named c-Myc."它和骨髓细胞瘤病毒癌基因(v-Myc)类似,因此新发现时该基因称为c-Myc(应该是cellular-myelocytomatosis viral oncogene)

跪求英语作文,题目:longing for a purer climate of doing business outlines


Lionel Richie的《Climbing》 歌词

歌曲名:Climbing歌手:Lionel Richie专辑:Louder Than Words12.ClimbingBY BOBBY.CHIANG12.ClimbingClimbing to the topI"ll tell you anything you wantWe"re on this planetary journey to a place beyondThe independent minds will tell youThe colors you should wearBut know the game of lifeIs just a game of solitaireClimbing to the topThe ones you love will come and goWhen you lose you sacrificeChasing the rainbowAnd if you should climb this magic ladderThe story will unfoldJust remember when you reach the topAll that glitters is not goldTime, just take the timeWhat you think is what you findYou know the answersYou"re no ordinary dancerFace the changes you go throughHave the faith in what you doYou know the answersYou"re no ordinary dancerClimbing to the topI"ll tell you anything you wantWere on this planetary journeyTo a place beyondYou can climb the highest mountainSwim the deepest seasThe only thing that mattersIs you will find your destinyYou know the answersYou"re no ordinary dancerYou know the answersYou"re no ordinary dancerClimbing to the topI"ll tell you anything you wantYou"re on an imaginary journeyTo a place beyondYou can climb the highest mountainSwim the deepest seasThe only thing that mattersIs you will find your destiny

ionic 使用 Leaflet,click事件失效

项目需求:使用Ionic1做混合App开发,使用Leaflet提供地图服务 遇到问题:地图上的click事件在Ionic App中不生效,在浏览器(PC和移动端)都可以 通过在Leaflet的github Issue 上搜索,有人遇到类似问题,解决方案是在地图的容器上加属性data-tap-disabled="true",如下: 通过加这个属性,我的问题也解决了。后面查了一下ionic.bundle.js源码,其中2624行开始的注释有解释,Ionic Tap System 与 Google Map 和 Leaflet Maps等有touch detection system的第三方库有冲突,为解决这个冲突,可以禁用Ionic Tap System:

NC_Client_1.5.0_07.exe在哪下载? 用友E-HR系统在家里的电脑登陆吗?


clinical pathway是什么意思

clinical pathway 的意思有:临床护理路径、临床路径、临床路径的、临床途径。



thrift 先建立连接,server关闭 client还能发送数据吗

你的server端建立一次只接收一次数据就关闭,client端也是发送一次数据就关闭连接,这样效率比较低,而且对socket资源也比较浪费,当然,如果你不在意socket资源消耗或者有特殊需求的话,一次会话交换一次数据未尝不可。下面改为建立一次连接传送多次数据:server端if(listen(sockfd,5)==-1) {fprintf(stderr,"Listen error:%s a",strerror(errno));exit(1);}while(1) {sin_size=sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);if((new_fd=accept(sockfd,(struct sockaddr *)(&client_addr),&sin_size))==-1) {fprintf(stderr,"Accept error:%s a",strerror(errno));exit(1);} fprintf(stderr,"Server get connection from %s ",inet_ntoa(client_addr.sin_addr));do{ if((nbytes=read(new_fd,buffer,1024))==-1) {fprintf(stderr,"Read Error:%s ",strerror(errno));exit(1);} if(nbytes == 0) // Client closed.break; buffer[nbytes]="";printf("Server received %s ",buffer);}while(1);close(new_fd);}client端if(connect(sockfd,(struct sockaddr *)(&server_addr),sizeof(struct sockaddr))==-1) {fprintf(stderr,"Connect Error:%sa ",strerror(errno));exit(1);}do{buffer[0] = 0;printf("Please input char: ");fgets(buffer,1024,stdin);fflush(stdin);write(sockfd,buffer,strlen(buffer));}while(buffer[0] != " ");close(sockfd);这个程序同时只能处理一个客户连接,一般服务器程序中,收到连接请求后,会起一个子进程单独一个会话(do...while循环内部分)。




n.诊所;(医院的)门诊部;门诊时间;会诊时间;私人诊所;专科医院;门诊治疗部;临床实习;讲习班,培训班,研习班。读音:英 [u02c8klu026anu026ak]、美 [u02c8klu026anu026ak]。短语搭配:dental clinic 牙科诊所,牙科诊室;牙科门诊部。mayo clinic 梅约诊所(美国一家医院)。health clinic 卫生所;健康中心;保健室。outpatient clinic 门诊诊所。fever clinic 发烧筛检站;发烧门诊。双语例句:You should not be afraid to discuss your concerns with your GP or the clinic staff.你不应该害怕讨论您的关注与你的家庭医生或诊所的工作人员。Because I help you solve each problem one after the other, the clinic improves your pronunciation issues one by one.因为我帮你解决问题后,其他的每个人,诊所提高你的发音的问题一个接一个。In order to prevent this,I referred her to our Anxiety Clinic.为了防止这一点,我将她转移到了我们的“焦虑诊所”。

mayo clinic 具体位置在哪里


an error occured attempting to install client 怎么解决

解决办法: 只需要将 http改为https,然后在IE上打开,安装即可 问题如下 前段时间重装windows后,github就用不了,现在想重装,一直遇到一个问题。 提示如下an error occured attempting to inst

org.eclipse.milo 这是什么包

[html] view plain copy <dependency> <groupId>org.eclipse.milo</groupId> <artifactId>client-examples</artifactId> <version>0.1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency>


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