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1 my family picture2 look at 3 at the weekend4 play football5 play basketball6 visit a museum7 walk along the street8 fond of swimming9 visit their friends10 by the way11 an art lesson12 look for13 listen to music14 come and join my party15 come with me16 play with me17 a pair of blue jeans18 one of her friend19 some of her friends20 many her friends21 all of her friends22 on the playground23 a lot of 24 continue for two hours25 how many classrooms26 water the tree27 a cup of water28 on foot29 by bus30 by bike


I wanted to know when do you think we will have the sponsorship for 2 months and the analysis of your Marketing Team regarding the Ovarium Product

中英文 翻译







1 a:我想每个人都知道怎么样游泳 b:有没有关于这台电脑的说明? c:我认为这张图片告诉我们水果对生命的重要性2 自从 li wang 的爸爸从北京大学毕业后,他就在这里教英文 请把这本书给第一个来的人 尽管很晚了,他们仍在工作3 我是个远程教育的学生 你必须时刻记住不要在考试中作弊我们的老师一直鼓励我们要勇敢的说英文




有很多个,你自己挑选吧(因为每个人的需要不同的) (1)金山快译 http://www.5udm.com/downinfo/235.html 金山快译2006专业版 完美免激活版 软件大小:80.72 MB 软件语言:简体中文 软件类别:常用工具 / 免费软件 / 翻译软件 运行环境:Win2003, WinXP, Win2000, NT, WinME, Win9X 界面预览: 添加时间:2005-8-31 15:29:15 更新时间:2005-8-31 15:29:15 软件评级: 会员级别:匿名用户 下载统计:本日:4584 本周:16059 本月:6897 总计:185651 软件简介: 金山快译 专业版 -更聪明的中日英快速翻译家! 采用已有16 年历史、历经 9 次升级的最新AI人工智能翻译引擎,这次会不会给我们带来全新的感受呢? 《金山快译2006》是全能的汉化翻译及内码转换新平台,具有中日英多语言翻译引擎,以及简繁体转换功能,可以帮您快速解决在使用电脑时英文、日文以及简繁体转换的问题。 《金山快译2006》的全文翻译器采用快译最新的多语言翻译引擎、全新的翻译界面。不仅扩充了翻译语种的范围,有效提高了全文翻译的质量;而且在易用性方面也有了很大的提高。 新的引擎可以进行简体中文、繁体中文与英文、日文间的翻译,包括:简体中文-〉英文、繁体中文-〉英文、英文-〉简体中文、英文-〉繁体中文、日文-〉繁体中文、日文-〉简体中文。翻译界面一改以往翻译界面的固定化模式,提供多种界面模式;操作方面将常用功能按钮化,用户不需要再到多层菜单中去选择常用的功能,节省了操作时间。 产品主要特色: 一.全新AI翻译引擎,字库全面扩充,翻译品质整体提升(新): 采用已有16 年历史、历经 9 次升级的最新AI人工智能翻译引擎,支持更多的档案格式,包括PDF、TXT、Word、Outlook、Excel、HTML网页、RTF和RC格式文件。直接翻译整篇文章,搭配多视窗整合式翻译平台,是英文/日文网页、Office文件翻译的首选软件。新增中文姓名自动判断功能。字库文法全面扩充,字库增加12600个词条,增加文法3040条规则,令翻译更智能。 二.网页翻译快速、简单、准确(增强): 1.快速——打开网页,点击快译浮动控制条上“译”按钮,2秒钟内即可完成“英中” 、“日中”翻译,网页版式保持不变,用户可根据翻译过来的内容直接点击所需内容。 2.简单——使用翻译插件功能可以在浏览器上内嵌插件,无需启动程序,只需点选IE工具栏上相应按钮就能完成各种翻译功能。 3.准确 ——用户还可启用“高质量全文翻译”,将网页内容拷贝粘贴,即可实现高质量的翻译。 三.英文简历/文章的写作和翻译易如反掌(增强)返回目录: 1.在 word 中内嵌工具栏,可快速将文章进行中英 / 英中翻译。“全文翻译器”采用最新多语言翻译引擎,用户只需在 “全文翻译器”中打开相关文件或粘贴文章内容,就能马上实现高质量的翻译。甚至还支持批量文件翻译。 2.提供“英文写作助理”能使用户快速正确的拼写单词。它可以使用在任何文本编辑器中,显示出与拼写相似的单词列表以及单词释义,同时还可自动识别大小写。用户可迅速找到需要输入的单词。该写作助理可以脱离快译单独运行,启动和切换类似其他输入法,随时可以调用。 四.最佳非中文软件使用伴侣,汉化转码样样行(增强): 1 附增1000个常用软件汉化包,针对200多个常用英文软件深度汉化,启动快译“永久汉化”即可得到相关软件的永久中文版。 2 智能多语言内码转换(简体中文、繁体中文、日文)支持软件和文档的转码,去除乱码困扰。 五.多达80个专业词库,专业翻译更准确(增强): 1.对专业辞书进行了增补修订,实现了针对医学、法律、财经、工商管理、商业等80个专业的英汉、汉英翻译特别优化。中英、英中、日中专业翻译更准确。 六.翻译特色:采用新一代人工智能文法解析,可以处理复合句及倒装句等变化句型,绝非一般逐字翻译软件所能比拟。 英翻中: * 特别处理数字翻译;例如, “1.4 billion” 翻译成 “ 十四亿 ” * 特别处理关系代名词子句、关系副词子句及连结词子句。 * 提供智能型词性判断 例如, “The car parks at the car park”, 前面的 park 是动词,后面的 park 是名词。 中翻英: * 特别处理数字翻译,具有正确的断字功能。例如, “ 六百二十万四千 ” 翻译成 “6,204,000” * 提供音译 ( 汉语拼音 ) 及地址翻译功能。 日翻中: * 自动判别动词、助动词、形容词及形容动词的语尾变化。 * 可翻译各种时式,及常体、敬体文章。 * 正确的断字功能,尤其是一长串的连续平假名文字。 * 与金山快译以前版本相比,包含更多更新的外来语单字 (2)英汉互译王 V2006 注册绿色特别版 : http://green.crsky.com/Software/Catalog56/2867.html (3)用不着下载软件,GOOGLE网站的在线翻译,感觉翻译得挺准,比金山快译要好得多 http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=zh-CN (4)http://www.worldlingo.com/en/products_services/worldlingo_translator.html 支持 多种 语言 在线翻译 和EMIAL翻译 完全免费


如何进行How to carry on如何进行How to carry on






手机下载翻译软件哪个最好用? 根据您的使用需要来决定,如果是出国使用建议选择谷歌翻译软件。 如果是在国内使用有道翻译官、百度翻译和金山词霸都是不错的选择。以下是详细介绍: 1、谷歌翻译,这是一个谷歌提供的免费软件,可以实现全球上百种的即时翻译,常用的语言都能够翻译处理,支持任意两种语言之间的字词、句子翻译。 除了简单的输入外,还支持拍照翻译、取词翻译和语音翻译等方法; 2、有道翻译官,这是一款网一大早的词典翻译工具,支持在线和离线翻译。同样支持摄像头的图像取词实时翻译,可以直接翻译路牌和餐厅菜单; 3、百度翻译,同样是支持多个国家语言之间的相互翻译。 也是能够提供语音翻译、拍照翻译和离线翻译功能。比较好的中英文翻译软件有哪些, 我用 灵格斯翻译家 灵格斯 在360软件 翻译软件中评分是最高的 灵格斯(Lingoes)是一款简明易用的免费翻译与词典软件,支持全球超过60多个国家语言的互查互译、支持多语种屏幕取词、索引提示和语音朗读功能,是新一代的词典翻译专家。 灵格斯是一个强大的词典查询和翻译工具。它能很好地在阅读和书写方面帮助用户,让对外语不熟练的您在阅读或书写英文文章时变得更简单更容易。 灵格斯 灵格斯提供了最直观的使用方法,帮助你快速查询包括英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、俄语、中文、日语、韩语在内的60多种语言的翻译结果。使用灵格斯创新的屏幕取词功能,您只需将鼠标移动到屏幕中的任何有单词的位置,按下Ctrl键,灵格斯就能智能地识别出该单词的内容及其所属的语言,即时显示出相应的翻译结果。并且这一切都不会干扰你当前正在进行的工作。 灵格斯拥有当前主流商业词典软件的全部功能,并创新地引入了跨语言内核设计及开放式的词典管理方案,同时还提供了大量语言词典和词汇表下载。 英语翻译软件哪个好用一点 翻译软件的好坏还是自己使用过才知道,比如我自己一直在用的手机翻译软件【语音翻译器】我就觉得很不错。 1:选择翻译模式,在翻译工具总共有语音翻译和文本翻译两种翻译模式,那么我们该如何选择呢?建议大家使用语音翻译模式,因为语音翻译显得正式,并且更加方便。 2:选择语种和目标语种,源语种为中文,但是中文有中文繁体和中文简体的区分,小伙伴们可以根据自己的说话口音进行选择,而目标语种我们选择英语即可。 3:开始进行翻译,点击最下角的中文按钮,开始说话,录音结束后点击完成按钮,进入翻译页面。再次提醒大家,在于英国人交流时一定要事先了解对方的民族文化,比如“星期五”和“13”这两个数字是英国人非常忌讳的,数字“666”他们也很不喜欢。 4:翻译结果会在语音播放的同时也会有文字的出现,如果事先没有调大音量,对方没有听清,没有关系,我们可以点击文字中的喇叭,进行重复播放。 5:在我们的手机翻译工具“语音翻译器”中带有英语翻译中文的功能,点击下角的英文按钮,说出英文,开始进行英语对中文的翻译。 6:如果是较为喧哗的场合,你可以与外国人通过文字的形式交流,点击文本框,里面有一个文字全屏展示功能。 7:收藏夹,点击文本框中的收藏按钮后,你可以在左上角的设置按钮中找到收藏夹,在这里对你所收藏的文本进行各种编辑。 什么翻译软件好用? 现在最好用的翻译软件是: Dr.eye 译点通8.0专业版 这是一套结合中、英、日三向语言翻译的工具软件,采用最新的翻译核心技术,内含丰富的数据库,新增加时代英英/英汉双解大辞典,让您用英文的角度思考及学习英文,英文程度快速提升;再加上全新规划的书信助理功能,收录了470个英文商用书信范本,让您在职场上多了一个不可或缺的英文秘书;搭配IBM的TTS英文语音技术,计算机说给您听,还可以将英文的数据转成声音文件,让您更灵活地运用;全文翻译新增加翻译记忆引擎,除了让您快速了解外国文件的内容,更让记忆的结果贴近您个人的需求,嵌入式翻译支持的软件包涵Microsoft Office软件、Outlook软件、Acrobat软件的PDF格式档案、MSN等软件;定期的新字扩充让您的辞典内容最新最完整,全新规划的语言学习功能,让您从单词到句子跟着真人学习,效果马上可见,还能任意出题,随时检测自己的语言能力,另外提供软件工具列面板的更换,让您可随心情的不同,选择您喜欢的面板,这样一套丰富完整的工具肯定可以帮助您快速地掌握最新的致胜先机、有效地提升您的语言能力及工作效率。 一、基本功能: 即时翻译 鼠标即指即译,支持中英、英中、中日、日中等多向互译。 即时写作 英汉、汉英、日中、中日,同步辅助输入。可提高书写速度,准确拼写出不懂的词汇。 即时辞典 海量中、英、日词典词库,扩充最新英汉、汉英医学、金融辞典。 多语输入法 可随意输入 简体、繁体、英文、日文,并可随意选择输出简中、繁中、英、日文字,并具有联想及自建词组功能。 书信助理 提供全新行销、业务、招聘/应聘等17种类别,共470个常用英文商用书信范本内容,同时提供经典的商用书信例句供选择。 即时语音 无论是中、英、日三种语言的单字、句子还是整篇文章,电脑都可读给你听。 生字笔记 可随时摘录中英日的单词单字,并分别放与不同生词笔记本中,方便学习记忆。 多语浏览 对于日常办公中有其他语种需求的商务人士,帮助您在简体中文操作系统下轻松浏览简、繁、英、日(JIS、EUC)、韩五种文字内码的转换和显示。 二、翻译功能: 全文翻译 专业、智能、快速翻译引擎,支持整句、整段及全文翻译,翻译可读性强。 网页翻译 支持简体、繁体、英文、日文间的多向互译,快速准确。 文件翻译 支持中、英、日三语文件批量双向互译,并支持*.txt、*、*、*.doc、*.xls、*.ppt、*.rtf等文件格式。 选中翻译 可对任意选择的一句或一段话(1000字以内)进行中、英、日三语互译。 界面翻译 轻松快速地将英文软件的界面翻译为中文界面。 三、学习功能: 单词通 按小学、中学、大学、TOEFL、GRE分为不同等级,搭配美式真人发音,提供默写测试和听说训练,帮您随时巩固、提升单词量。 句型通 提供常用句型的人性化学习环境。提供超过三千句美式真人发音,可听、可看、可练习、可测验,搭配句型详解,在工作的空隙,让您轻松学习常用英语句型。 语音通 “真人语音复读机 ”功能。提供美式真人语音课程,强化课件复读、跟读、听写训练等功能的培训,针对内容断句,可调整语音速度,全面提升您看、听、读、写、译的能力。 下载地址:rj100/?fsid=71&id=3377 金山词霸2007和金山快译2007这两款软件我都买了正版盒装的。用着还可以,就是金山快译2007翻译效果实在不敢恭维。关于这两款软件的介绍我给你官方网站的地址你自己看看吧:cp.iciba/index.shtml 手机学英语软件哪个好? 我是一名英语过了大学六级的学生,学英语用软件是学不会的,分享一些方法你参考一下吧 英语的学习方法如下 我们来看看英语是由什么组成的。 1 字母,2读音,3单词,4语法 一一进行解释。 1. 26个字母是组成单词的基本要素之一。 2. 48个音标是单词读音的基本要素之二。 3.上面两个搞定后, 就剩下单词与语法了。 我们来假设一下,看看哪个更是句子的核心。 假设1:如果你对语法不理解,单单靠记忆单词学英语。 就会有:give you color to see see(给点颜色你看看) 完全是中式英语,外国人是看不懂的。 假设2:如果你理解语法。 就会有: Because you waited too long to make your move, and now you"re in the friend zone. (因为你拖太久才行动,现在只能待在”朋友区”) 你就会知道,英语是先做完一个动作再接着做一个动作(以动词为依据)。 上面句子 第一个动作(动词为wait):you waited too long(你等待得太久) 第二个动作(动词为make):to make your move(去行动) to是用来隔开两个动作。 第三个动作(动词为are): you"re in the friend zone(你待在”朋友区”)。 4.总结 显示,我们中国人学英语是缺少一个语感,我们的生活圈子中没有这样的英语交流环境,只能以语法去理解英语句子中的单词排版规律了(通俗地说就是单词在句子中的位置) 还有网上的东西让人眼花缭乱,我觉得“英语年华的空间”里面的日志还是不错的,让我受益非浅。我没有过英语六级之前,天天都泡在他的日志里面学习,获得了很多书本上没有见过的英语知识,确实值得英语学习者借鉴学习。“英语年华的空间”。百度一下就可以看到在页面上的第一条了。 5.关于尾声 学英语靠的是坚持,不能三天打鱼两天晒网,只要坚持就会看到希望。如果不坚持,一辈子(100年)都学不会,如果坚持,半年后的英语就已经很厉害了。加油,祝你成功! 好用的学英语软件有哪些? 好用的学英语软件有:”朗易思听、不背单词、每日英语听力、TED、Seed、DAKA、扇贝单词、百词斩、英语趣配音、英语魔方秀、网易有道词典、金山词霸等软件。“ 朗易思听的优点是:“在朗易思听的音频资料库中包含了大量的英语听力教材,当前主流英语考试范题,当红的英语演讲以及经典的口语会话材料。有益于更深层次的听力练习。相比市面上的其他软件,朗易思听做的确实是比较独到。 各种英语学习软件APP或者和英语有关的软件使用过很多,但是因为手机内存不大,就会卸载一些软件,虽然给大家推荐了这么多学习软件,但其实我自己经常使用比较高的两三个而已,具体还要看个人习惯。 每个人学习习惯不同,适合的软件也就不同。因此每人需要什么样子的软件需要长时间去学习,从而找到最适合自己的那款学习软件。



farewell 告别 welfare 福利 中英文意思 就是对不上号





When I, thought I knew you 我本以为我了解您 Thinking, that you were true 以为您是公正的 I guess I, I couldn"t trust (而现在)我想我,我不再会信赖你 Called your bluff, time is up 我要揭露你的虚张声势,时间已经到了 "Cause I"ve had enough 因为我已经受够了! You were, there by my side 你曾站在我旁边 Always, down for the ride 总被我列入乘车的名单 But your, joy ride just came down in flames 但你的好运到头了 "Cause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmm 因为你的贪婪可耻地将我出卖 After all of the stealing and cheating 在所有偷和欺骗之后 You probably think that I hold resentment for you 你或许认为我会永远地诅咒你仇恨你 But, uh uh, oh no, you"re wrong 但是,噢噢,噢不,你错了 "Cause if it wasn"t for all that you tried to do 因为如果不是由于你试图所做的一切 I wouldn"t know just how capable I am to pull through 我不会发现我在困难中所喷发的能量 So I wanna say thank you 所以我想谢谢你 "Cause it makes me that much stronger 因为你的所作所为使我更强大 Makes me work a little bit harder 令我比以往更加地努力 It makes me that much wiser 你也使我更加智慧 So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我成为一位斗士 Made me learn a little bit faster 你还使我更快地学习 Made my skin a little bit thicker 使我更加坚强 Makes me that much smarter 使我更加聪明 So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我成为一位斗士 Oh, ohh

Black Eyed Peas的I gotta feeling 中英文歌词

歌曲名称:I Gotta Feeling歌手:Black Eyed Peas语言:英语所属专辑:One More Love发行时间:2010-11-22歌曲时长:3分54英文歌词:I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed PeasI gotta feelingThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good good nightI gotta feelingThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good, good nightI gotta feelingThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good good nightI gotta feelingThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good good nightI gotta feelingI gotta feelingThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good good nightI gotta feelingThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good good nightI gotta feelingI gotta feelingI gotta feeling中文歌词:我感觉-黑眼睛的豌豆我的感觉那今晚将是一个好夜晚那今晚将是一个好夜晚那将是一个很好的夜晚我的感觉那今晚将是一个好夜晚那今晚将是一个好夜晚那将是一个很好的夜晚我的感觉那今晚将是一个好夜晚那今晚将是一个好夜晚那将是一个很好的夜晚我的感觉那今晚将是一个好夜晚那今晚将是一个好夜晚那将是一个很好的夜晚我的感觉我的感觉那今晚将是一个好夜晚那今晚将是一个好夜晚那将是一个很好的夜晚我的感觉那今晚将是一个好夜晚那今晚将是一个好夜晚那将是一个很好的夜晚我的感觉我的感觉我的感觉

I Gotta Feeling的歌词中英文都要哈

歌词:发送歌词到手机 I gotta a feeling that tonight"s gonna be a good night That tonight"s gonna be a good night That tonight"s gonna be a good good night (repeat) I gotta a feeling that tonight"s gonna be a good night That tonight"s gonna be a good night Tonight"s the night night Let"s live it up I got my money Let"s spend it up Go out and smash it Like Oh My God ump off that sofa Let"s get get OFF I know that we"ll have a ball If we get down And go out And just loose it all I feel stressed out I wanna let it go Lets go way out spaced out And loosing all control Fill up my cup Mozoltov Look at her dancing Just take it off Lets paint the town We"ll shut it down Let"s burn the roof And then we"ll do it again Lets Do it (repeat) And live it up Coz I gotta a feeling that tonight"s gonna be a good night That tonight"s gonna be a good night That tonight"s gonna be a good good night (repeat) Coz I gotta a feeling that tonight"s gonna be a good night That tonight"s gonna be a good night Tonight"s the night let"s live it up I got my money Lets spend it up Go out and smash it Like Oh My God Jump off that sofa Lets get get OFF Fill up my cup (Drink) Mozolotov (Lahyme) Look at her dancing (Move it Move it) Just take it off Lets paint the town We"ll shut it down Lets burn the roof and then we"ll do it again lets do it (x3) let"s live it up Here we come here we go we gotta rock Easy come easy go now we on top Feel the shot body rock Rock it don"t stop Round and round up and down around the clock Monday Tuesday Wednesday & Thursday (do it) Friday Saturday Saturday & Sunday (do it) beat beat beat it up you know what i say party everyday party everyday I gotta feeling that tonight"s gonna be a good night that tonight"s gonna be a good night that tonight"s gonna be a good good night I gotta feeling that tonight"s gonna be a good night that tonight"s gonna be a good night that tonight"s gonna be a good good night

我要黑眼豆豆的I Gotta Feeling 中英文对照歌词

I gotta a feeling that tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good good night (repeat)I gotta a feeling that tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightTonight"s the night nightLet"s live it upI got my moneyLet"s spend it upGo out and smash itLike Oh My Godump off that sofaLet"s get get OFFI know that we"ll have a ballIf we get downAnd go outAnd just loose it allI feel stressed outI wanna let it goLets go way out spaced outAnd loosing all controlFill up my cupMozoltovLook at her dancingJust take it offLets paint the townWe"ll shut it downLet"s burn the roofAnd then we"ll do it againLets Do it (repeat)And live it upCoz I gotta a feeling that tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good good night (repeat)Coz I gotta a feeling that tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightTonight"s the nightlet"s live it upI got my moneyLets spend it upGo out and smash itLike Oh My GodJump off that sofaLets get get OFFFill up my cup (Drink)Mozolotov (Lahyme)Look at her dancing (Move it Move it)Just take it offLets paint the townWe"ll shut it downLets burn the roofand then we"ll do it againlets do it (x3) let"s live it upHere we comehere we gowe gotta rockEasy comeeasy gonow we on topFeel the shotbody rockRock it don"t stopRound and roundup and downaround the clockMonday Tuesday Wednesday & Thursday (do it) Friday Saturday Saturday & Sunday (do it) beat beat beat it upyou know what i sayparty everydayparty everydayI gotta feeling that tonight"s gonna be a good nightthat tonight"s gonna be a good nightthat tonight"s gonna be a good good nightI gotta feeling that tonight"s gonna be a good nightthat tonight"s gonna be a good nightthat tonight"s gonna be a good good night我有一种感觉今晚将是一个美好的夜晚 今晚将是一个美好的夜晚 今晚将是一个很美很美的晚安(重复)我有一种感觉今晚将是一个美好的夜晚 今晚将是一个美好的夜晚 今晚的夜晚 夜晚 让我们欢乐 我拿着我的钱 让我们去尽情消费走出去粉碎它 像我的天啊 人民运动联盟抵消沙发 让我们脱离 我知道,我们将有一个球 如果我们得到了 走出去 以及公正的放松这一切 我觉得要强调了 我想让它去 让走出去的间隔 所有的控制和松动 填补我杯子 Mozoltov 看她跳舞 只要它关闭 让涂料镇 我们将其关闭 让我们燃烧的屋顶 然后我们将再次这样做 它可以让你(重复) 和欢乐 怎么今晚要去是一个美好的夜晚 今晚将是一个美好的夜晚 今晚将是一个很美很美的晚安(重复) 怎么我有一种感觉,今晚将是一个美好的夜晚 今晚将是一个美好的夜晚 今晚的夜晚 让我们欢乐 我得到我的钱 让花钱最多 走出去粉碎它 像我的天啊 跳下的沙发 让获得脱离 填补我国杯(饮料) Mozolotov ( Lahyme ) 看她跳舞(将其移至) 只要它关闭 让涂料镇 我们将其关闭 让烧伤屋顶 然后我们将再次这样做 可以做到这一点(的X3 )让我们欢乐 在这里,我们来 我们开始吧 我们来摇滚 简单来 容易去 现在,我们最 感觉杆 体岩石 摇滚它不停止 团团 向上和向下 24小时 星期一星期二星期三和星期四(做) 星期五星期六周六和周日(做) 击败击败击败它 你知道我说 党的日常 党的日常 我有一种感觉今晚将是一个美好的夜晚 今晚将是一个美好的夜晚 今晚将是一个很美很美的晚安 我有一种感觉今晚将是一个美好的夜晚 今晚将是一个美好的夜晚 今晚将是一个很好的晚安

Have A Drink On Me 中英文歌词翻译



  I think this summer over a very meaningful day,in addition to the study of computers outside,also tried a new aerobic exercise -YOGA,I love this sport, so I learned an optimistic face life,but also to correct my bad shape,for my future learning and life will be very helpful,I love YOGA,with the hope more people will join me to try this new movement.今年暑假过得非常有意义我觉得今年暑假过的非常有意义,每天除了学习计算机以外还尝试了新的有氧运动-YOGA,我非常热爱这项运动,它让我学会了乐观的面对生活,还纠正了我的不良体形,对我今后的学习及生活都有很大的帮助,我爱YOGA,希望有更多的人和我一起尝试这项新的运动。初中英语暑假作文


beige 米色  black 黑色  brown 咖啡色  cream 雪白  khaki 卡其色  grey 灰色  navy 丈青色  offwhite 灰白色  palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色  palegreen 苍绿色  paleturquoise 苍绿色  palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色  pansy 紫罗兰色  papayawhip 番木色  peachpuff 桃色  peru 秘鲁色  pink 粉红  plum 杨李色  powderblue 粉蓝色  purple 紫色  red 红色  rosybrown 褐玫瑰红  royalblue 宝蓝色  rubine 宝石红  saddlebrown 重褐色  salmon 鲜肉色  salmon pink 橙红色  sandy beige 浅褐色  sandybrown 沙褐色  sapphire 宝石蓝  scarlet 猩红色  seagreen 海绿色  seashell 海贝色  shocking pink 鲜粉红色  sienna 赭色  silver 银白色  skyblue 天蓝色  slateblue 石蓝色  slategray 灰石色  smoky gray 烟灰色  snow 雪白色  springgreen 春绿色  steelblue 钢蓝色  stone 石色  tan 茶色  teal 水鸭色  thistle 蓟色  tomato 番茄色  turquoise 青绿色  turquoise blue 翠蓝色  violet 紫色  wheat 浅黄色  white 白色  wheat 土黄色  whitesmoke 烟白色  winered 葡萄酒红  yellow 黄色  yellowgreen 黄绿色


Unbreakable 真爱无敌 You took my hand 你执起我手 touched my heart 牵动我心 held me close 紧紧拥抱我 You were always there 你总是守侯着我 by my side 在我身旁 Night and day 日日夜夜 through it all 自始至终 Baby come what may 亲爱的,不管发生什么 Swept away on a wave of emotion 抛开情绪的波澜起伏 Oh,we"re caught 哦,我们陷入了 in the eye of the storm 情感的风暴中 And whenever you smile 每当你微笑 I can hardly believe 我几乎不敢相信 that you"re mine 你属于我 Chorus<1>--- 齐(1) This love is unbreakable 此爱无坚不摧 It"s unmistakable 此爱完美无缺 And each time I look in your eyes 每当我凝视你的双眸 I know why 我就明白为何 this love is untouchable 此爱超脱凡俗 A feeling my heart jist can"t deny 我的心无法抗拒这种感觉 Each time I look in your eyes 每次我凝视你的双眸 oh baby,I know why 哦宝贝,我就明白为何 this love is unbreakable 此爱无坚不摧 Shared the laughter 分享欢笑 Shared the tears 分享泪水 We both know 我们都心知肚明 We"ll go on from here 你我将从此白头偕老 "Cause together we"re strong 因为在一起我们变得坚强 In my arms 我的臂弯 that"s where you belong 是你最终的归属 I"ve been touched by 我曾经被 the hands of an angel 天使的双手抚摩 I"ve been blessed by 我已被 the power of love 爱的力量所祝福 And whenever you smile 每当你微笑 I can hardly believe 我几乎不敢相信 that you"re mine 你属于我 Chorus<2>--- 齐(2) Through fire and flame 这份无坚不摧的爱经得起熊熊烈焰的考验 When all this is over 当一切沉埃落定 Our love still remains 我们的爱仍将继续 Each time I look in your eyes 每次我凝视你的双眸 oh,baby.I know why 哦,宝贝,我就明白为何 this love is unbreakable 此爱无坚不摧


took my hands, touched my heart held me close, you were always there by my side, night and day through it all, baby come what may swept away on a wave of emotion oh we"re caught in the eye of the storm and whenever you smile i can hardly believe that you"re mine believe that you"re mine this love is unbreakable it"s unmistakable and each time i look in your eyes i know why this love is untouchable a feeling my heart just can"t deny each time i look in your eyes, oh baby i know why this love is unbreakable share the laughter, share the tears we both know we"ll go on from here cuz together, we are strong in my arms, that"s where you belong i"ve been touched by the hands of an angel i"ve been blessed by the power of love and whenever you smile i can hardly believe that you"re mine this love is unbreakable it"s unmistakable each time i look in your eyes i know why this love is untouchable a feeling my heart just can"t deny each time you whisper my name, oh baby i know why this love is unbreakable through fire and flame when all this is over our love still remains this love is unbreakable it"s unmistakable each time i look in your eyes i know why this love is untouchable a feeling my heart just can"t deny each time you whisper my name, oh baby i know why cuz each time i look in your eyes, oh baby i know why this love is unbreakable end this love is unbreakable it"s unmistakable and each time i look in your eyes i know why this love is untouchable a feeling my heart just can"t deny each time i look in your eyes, oh baby i know why this love is unbreakable 这首歌很好听阿! WL的,旋律很感人 采取了我的手, 被接触我的心脏 使我紧密, 您那里总是 在我的边、夜和天以前 通过它全部, 婴孩不管怎样 清扫在一阵情绪波动 oh we"re 捉住了在风暴的眼睛 并且每当您微笑 我能几乎不相信you"re 矿 相信you"re 矿 这爱是不会破损的 it"s 无误 并且每次我看在您的眼睛 我知道为什么 这爱是达不到的 我的心脏正义can"t 否认的感觉 每次我看在您的眼睛, oh 婴孩 我知道为什么 这爱是不会破损的 分享笑声, 分享泪花 我们两个知道we"ll 继续从这里 cuz 一起, 我们是强的 在我的胳膊里, that"s 您属于的地方 i"ve 由天使的手接触 i"ve 由爱的力量保佑 并且每当您微笑 我能几乎不相信you"re 矿 这爱是不会破损的 it"s 无误 每次我看在您的眼睛 我知道为什么 这爱是达不到的 我的心脏正义can"t 否认的感觉 每次您耳语我的名字, oh 婴孩 我知道为什么 这爱是不会破损的 通过火和火焰 当所有这是结束 我们的爱仍然遗骸的 这爱是不会破损的 it"s 无误 每次我看在您的眼睛 我知道为什么 这爱是达不到的 我的心脏正义can"t 否认的感觉 每次您耳语我的名字, oh 婴孩 我知道为什么 cuz 每次我看在您的眼睛, oh 婴孩 我知道为什么 这爱是不会破损的 末端 这爱是不会破损的 it"s 无误 并且每次我看在您的眼睛 我知道为什么 这爱是达不到的 我的心脏正义can"t 否认的感觉 每次我看在您的眼睛, oh 婴孩 我知道为什么 这爱是不会破损的 大概!!!求采纳

untouchable中英文歌词taylor swift

Untouchable like a distant diamond sky触摸不透 这感觉就像遥远的星空I"m reaching out and I just can"t tell you why我试着去接近 我却不能告诉你这是为什么I"m caughtup in you我不自觉的喜欢上你I"m caught up in you我不自觉的喜欢上你Untouchable触摸不透Burning brighter than the sun这感觉比太阳灼烧还要热烈And when you"re close I feel like coming undone当你在我身边的时候 我感觉我都要失去控制了In the middle of the night在深夜When I"m in this dream我的梦魇里It"s like a million little stars那漫天的小星星都在Spelling out your name显示你的名字You gotta come on,come on你快来吧 快来吧Say that we"ll be together说我们要在一起Come on,come on来吧 来吧Little taste of heaven我的情绪很低落It"s half fulland I won"t wait here all day已经过了半天 我不会再继续等下去I know you"re saying that you"ll be here anyway虽然我知道你说你会来的But you"re untouchable但是你是那么触摸不透Burning brighter than the sun这感觉比日光灼烧还要强烈And now that you"re close I feel like coming undone现在你在我身边 我都要失控了In the middle of the night在深夜When I"m in this dream我的梦魇里It"s like a million little stars那漫天的小星星都在Spelling out your name显示你的名字You gotta come on,come on你快来吧 快来吧Say that we"ll be together说我们要在一起Come on,come on来吧 来吧OhIn the middle of the night在深夜里We could form this dream我们可以做这样的梦I wanna feel you by my side我希望能感觉到Standing next to me你在我身边You gotta come on,come on你快来吧 快来吧Say that we"ll be together说我们要在一起Come on,come on来吧 来吧Little taste of heaven我的情绪很低落I"m caught up in you我不自觉的喜欢上你Oh,oh,ohBut you"re untouchable但是你是那么触摸不透Burning brighter thanthesun这感觉比日光灼烧还要强烈Now that you"re close I feel like coming undone现在你在我身边 我都要失控了In the middle of the night在深夜When I"m in this dream我的梦魇里It"s like a million little stars那漫天的小星星都在Spelling out your name显示你的名字You gotta come on,come on你快来吧 快来吧Say that we"ll be together说我们要在一起Come on,come on来吧 来吧Oh,ohIn the middle of the night在深夜里When I"m in this dream我们可以做这样的梦It"s like a million little stars那漫天的小星星都在Spelling out your name显示你的名字You gotta come on,come on你快来吧 快来吧Say that we"ll be together说我们要在一起Come on,come on,come on来吧 来吧In the middle of the night在深夜里We can form this dream我们可以做这样的梦I wanna feel you by my side我希

Teardrops on my guitar 的中英文对照歌词

Taylor Swift《Tear drops on my guitar》的中英文歌词Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t see德鲁看着我, 我假装开心一笑,掩饰着That I want and I"m needing everything that we should be我想要,我需要我们应该有的全部I"ll bet she"s beautiful, that girl he talks about我打赌他说的那个女孩肯定很漂亮, And she"s got everything that I have to live without她拥有我不能得到的一切Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it"s so damn funny德鲁跟我说话, 我笑起来,因为真的很好笑That I can"t even see anyone when he"s with me他跟我在一起时, 我居然谁也看不到He says he"s so in love, he"s finally got it right,他说他在热恋中, 他终于得到了命中注定的人I wonder if he knows he"s all I think about at night他知道吗, 他占据我夜晚时分脑子的全部He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar他使我的泪珠落在吉他上The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star这唯一让我一直向许愿星许愿的人He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在小车中总唱的那首歌, 却不知我为什么那样做Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can"t breathe?德鲁经过我身旁, 他知道我难以呼吸吗?And there he goes, so perfectly,他那样走着, 多完美The kind of flawless I wish I could be我希望我也可以那样无瑕She"d better hold him tight, give him all her love她最好把他握紧, 给他她所有的爱Look in those beautiful eyes and know she"s lucky cause望进那双美丽的眼睛, 要知道她很幸运因为He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar是他使我的泪珠落在吉他上The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star这唯一让我一直向许愿星许愿的人He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在小车中总唱的那首歌, 却不知我为什么那样做So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light我独自回家, 关了灯I"ll put his picture down and maybe我把他的相片放下, 也许Get some sleep tonight今夜可以安眠He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar他使我的泪珠落在吉他上The only one who"s got enough for me to break my heart唯一能让我心碎的人He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在小车中总唱的那首歌, 却不知我为什么那样做He"s the time taken up, but there"s never enough他是我想抓住的时间, 但是却永远也不够And he"s all that I need to fall into..他是我所需要的所有Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t see.德鲁看着我, 我假装开心一笑,掩饰着

上海4 5星级酒店中英文名字对照有没有啊?


求john nash94年在诺贝尔颁奖典礼上的发言? 最好是中英文版的~

I"ve always believed in numbers.In the equations and logics that lead to reason .But after a lifetime of such pursuits .I ask,what truly is logic?Who decides reason?My quest has taken me through the physical,the metaphysical,the delusional,and back.And I have made the most important discovery of my career .The most important discovery of my life .It is only the mysterious equations of love that any logical reasons can be found .I"m only here tonight because of you .You are the reason I am .You are all my reasons .Thank you .

美国国歌 象征 flagstaff motto 中英文介绍 急!!!




典范英语7 18梗概(中英文均可)

On Daniel"s birthday, he woke up and found a big box by his bed. It looked like a kennel. Suddenly Daniel cried ‘A dog! "He wanted a dog for a long time. He jump out of the bed and run to the box quickly and open the kennel door.But that wasn"t a real dog, so Daniel doesn"t like it, but his mum like it very much, and hope Daniel can like it too. However, Daniel let Micro to back to his kennel and don"t let him out again, Micro was very sad.One day, Micro starts thinking, he wants to be a real dog. Than Micro follow mum to the park. At there Micro saw the real dog, he ready to learn from the real dogs, than, Daniel will like him. He follows a dog call Scruffy, and learns a lot. He back to home when mum back. At home , he show mum he"s learn, but mum can"t understand , and kick Micro to the rubbish bin .When Daniel come back, he don"t found Micro, than mum tell him she put it to the rubbish bin and tell him the things to him.Suddenly Daniel is interested in Micro and run to the rubbish bin to put it on. Daniel likes Micro very much now.(The King of Football) Pelé born in a small billage. Pelé"s father was a professional footballer, but a serious injury meant that he never made much money from the game. So Pelé"s family was quite poor. Pelé did lots of jobs to help his parents. But he also played football in the streets with his friends.He decided he wanted to be a footballer like his father, but his mum didn"t like the idea.But nothing can going to stop Pelé making his dream come true. He played for several local teams when he was 15. Pelé"s mother cried when Pelé told her. It meant her son would have to leave home to live in the city. Pelé was homesick too. But he stuck it out, and he soon had his reward. He scored a goal in his first game for the team.He scored 32 goals for his club and people call him “The Black Pearl”In Pelé"s first World Cup, he won the Cup and is the champions of the world! But in his second World Cup, Pelé got an injury, so he was out of the tournament. Pelé watched sadly as Brazil went on to win the cup without him. He wondered if he would ever play for Brazil again. He did recover, and he did play for Brazil again in 1966"s World Cup. But everything went wrong for Brazil and for Pelé. He became injured again and was fouled time after time. Brazil lost-they were out.In his last Word Cup, he did his best and won the World Cup and he go out of the football. People call him “The King of Football”!(Arctic Hero)When Matthew as a boy, he always longed for adventure. At the age of 12, he raw away to sea. He joined a ship as a cabin boy, peeling potatoes and cleaning the decks. He left when he was 18,he had already traveled the world.A few years later Matthew was working in a shop when he met an explorer called Robert Peary. Robert offered him a job, as his servant, working in the jungles of Central America. Matthew was keen to travel again, so he took the job.When they in Greenland, Matthew quickly learned to speak Inuit and became good friends with the people. They called him” Matthew-the-kind-one”. They learned how to fish for charr and hunt for seals. They learned to build igloos and make clothes and boots from animal skins. They also learned to build sledges and drive teams of husky dogs. In fact, Matthew soon became an expert sledge driver.Despite the dangers, Robert and Matthew bravely went back to the Arctic again. But Robert got a frostbitten. He was in such pain that he couldn"t walk or even stand. So they must wait. Three more times they tried to reach the Pole. Each time they were beaten back by blizzards or melting ice.In 1908 Robert and Matthew sailed from New York to make their fifth attempt to reach the Pole. On their way north, they stopped in Greenland to buy the huskies, furs and equipment that they needed. They also visited several villages to hire Inuit men and women to come with them and help them on their last journey. They happened a lot of thing on their way. When they back home Cook want to be the Arctic Hero, but at last, Matthew was the Arctic Hero.(Pioneer Girl The story of Laura Ingalls Wilder)Laura was born in Wisconsin, America, on 1867/2/7. He lived in a little log house in the middle of the big woods. There was Pa, Ma, my older sister Mary, and Laura. Jack was one of the important members. Laura loved it very much. The big woods were dangerous. There were bears and panthers out there. It was a wild, wild place.One day, Ma out to find food, but meet a bear! But the bear wasn"t make Ma danger, it was at surprised as they were. In 1869, they left their safe little house to the new lands in the West. But Jack had gone when they were swim crossed the rivers. By the time they camped for the night, and Jack found them. Their rolled at the prairies, and it is a good place to live. One day, Pa gone hunting, two fierce-looking men walked into their house. They had feathers in their hair and stood very still. Ma baked them cornbread. We were all silent. Then they left. Pa told them they were Indians were not our enemies.Some times later, they lived on Plum Creek in a home dug out of bank. And Pa began to grow crops. They had to start school. Now Laura was 7 and she was at school that she met her greatest enemy. In summer, grasshoppers came and ate everything Pa had planted, and he feel was very sad. In winter, terrible blizzards froze them. Ma gave birth to a baby boy-but then he died. Worst of all, Marry was so ill she became blind.One year, the winter was bad. One morning we found the cows with their heads frozen o the ground! They had to be cut free. And it get colder and colder and the snowstorms began. They lasted all day and night. So they moved into a house in town, then into one room of the house in town.When Laura was 15, she became a teacher. Soon she started to write books. She would become books for children to read


(Burning、Maria Arredondo)(死一样痛过、mc梦)(残缺、李炜)(The Piano Duet、僵尸新娘、钢琴曲)(凌晨两点、PD Blue)(Gloomy Salad Days、万芳) 典型滴90后歌曲哦、


  信用证条款基本都是大同小异,那么英文的信用证条款如何写呢,接下来我为大家整理了信用证条款中英文对照。希望对你有帮助哦!  信用证条款中规格   1/1 指只有一张电文   40A: Form of documentary credit 跟单信用证形式   IRREVOCABLE 不可撤消的信用证   20: Data of issue   12345678 信用证号码   31C: Date of issue 开证日   2002XXXX   31D: Date and place of expiry 信用证有效期   2002XXXX   BENEFICIARYu2019S COUNTRY 有效地   50: Applicant 信用证开证审请人(你们的客户名)   ABC CO., LTD.   CHINA   59: Beneficiary 受益人(你们公司名)   EFG CO., LTD.   ADDRESS   32B: Currency code amount 信用证项下的金额   USD XXXXXXX,   41D: Available with 议付适用银行   ANY BANK   BY NEGOTIATION 任何议付行   42C: Draft at 开汇票   XXX DAYS AFTER SIGHT   FOR FULL INVOICE VALUE 见票XXX天付款(发票全额)   42A: Drawee 付款人   ABOCCNBJXXX   AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA, XXX BRANCH 某农业银行某支行   43P: Partial shipment 是否允许分批装运   ALLOWED 可以   43T: Transshipment   ALLOWED 允许转运   44A: Taking charge 装船港口   XXXXXX PORT   44B: For transportation to 目的港   CHINESE PORT   44C: Latest date of shipment 最后装船期   2002XXXX   45A: Description goods and/or services 货物/服务描述   GENERAL MERCHANDISE 日用品   46A: Documents required 须提供的单据文件   1.COMMERCIAL INVOICE IN TRIPLICATE 一式三份商业发票   2.FULL SET OF CLEAN ON BOARD B/L MARKED FREIGHT PREPAID MADE OUT TO ORDER OF SHIPPER AND NOTIFYING APPLICANT 全套已装船清洁提单,标明运费预付,收货人一栏填根据发货人指示,通知开证审请人   3.PACKING LIST IN DUPLICATE 装箱单一式二份   47A: Additional conditions 附加条件   1.AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA SINGAPORE BRANCH IS ASSIGNED TO DISCOUNT THE L/C 中国农业银行为指定的付款行   2.AFTER NEGOTIATION BANK HAS SENT TESTED TELEX TO ISSUING BANK CERTIFYING DOCUMENTS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE L/C TERMS AND INDICATION INVOICE VALUE,THEN NEGOTIATION BANK IS AUTHORIZED TO CLAIM REIMBURSEMENT BY TESTED TELEX/SWIFT FROM AGRICULTRUAL BANK OF CHINA SINGAPORE BRANCH AT SIGHT BASIS. SINGAPORE BRANCH WILL EFFECT PAYMENT WITHIN 5 WORKING DAYS.   议付行发电传给开证行确认单证相符,并指示发票金额,然后以SWIFT电码或电传的形式授权中国农业银行新加波支行付款给收益人,新加波支行将在五个工作日内履行付款义务   71B: Charges 开证以外产生的费用   ALL BANKING CHARGES OUTSIDE OF   THE ISSUING BANK (EXCEPT FOR THE   DISCOUNT INTEREST AND DISCOUNT   CHARGES) ARE FOR BENEFICIARYu2019S   ACCOUNT 开证行以外产生的费用由信用证收益人负担(票据贴现利息与折扣除外)   常见信用证条款要求   48: Period for presentation 单据提交期限   DOCUMENTS MUST BE PRESENTED WITHIN   XX DAYS AFTER LATEST SHIPMENT DATE   BUT WITHIN THE VALIDITY OF THIS CREDIT   在信用证有效期内,最迟装运期后XX天内,向银行提交单据   49: Confirmation instruction   WITHOUT 不保兑   53A: Reimbursement Bank 偿付行   ABOCSGSG   78: Instructions to pay/account/negotiation bank 指示付款行 ? 议付行   1.A DISCREPANCY(IES) FEE OF USDXX.00 WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM THE PROCEEDS IF THE DOCUMENTS ARE PRESENTED WITH A DISCREPANCY(IES). 如果单据提交有差异,差额将从信用额里扣除 2.ALL DOCUMENTS SHOULD BE DESPATCHED TO US (ADDRESS:XXXXXXX)IN ONE LOT BY COURIER SERVICE.   所有单据应一次性通过快件形式发给我们   72: Sender to receiver information 说明   THIS CREDIT IS ISSUED SUBJECT TO UCP500 (1993 REVISION)   本信用证跟据跟单信用证通一惯例UCP500(1993 年版)开出   one original and four photocopies of the commercial invoice showing standard export packing and also showing non-quota when a non-quota item is shipped.   出具一式四份标准出口包装的商业发票,若为无配额商品,则需另出无配额证明   one origianl and three photocopies of inspection certificate issued by hymin park of min woo international inc.   出具一式三份由hymin park of min woo international inc.签发的商检证书   a fax letter by angela stating that one full set of non-negotiable documents was received.   Angela传真声明需出具一整套不可议付之单证   one origianal and three photocopies of beneficiary"s certificate certifying that a production sample was sent to the attention of ruth plant or Albert elkaim of buffalo jeans ,400 L sauve west, montreal , quebec   一式三份的受益人产品样品之 证明书 寄至工厂或是此地址: Albert elkaim of buffalo jeans ,400   sauve west, montreal , quebec h3l 1z8 (好像是加拿大的一个地址)   one original and three photocopies of packing list. 装箱单一式三份   full set of original marine bills of lading clean on board or multimode transport documents clean on board plus 2 non-negotiable copies issued by air sea transport inc.. weihai, china made out or endorsed to order of bnp paribass(canada) marked freight collect, notify general customs brokers attn linda 514-876-1704   全套清洁已装船的海运提单或是清洁已装船之多式联运提单需加两份由air sea transport inc签发的不可议付单据副本.提单需注明由bnp paribass(Canada)付费,通关联系人 Linda,电话514-876-1704   one original and three photocopies of certificate of export licence of textile products showing the year of quota which must correspond to the year of shipment except in the case of non-quota which an export licence is not required.   出具一式三份的纺织品出品许可证明书,年度配额须与年度出货一致,其中无需配额要求除外.   one original and three photocopies of certificate of origin.   一式三份的原产地证书   one original and three photocopies of canada customs invoice.   一式三份的加拿大海关发票   a fax letter by albert elkaim,michel bitton, ruth plant,kathy alix,nancy whalen,marjolaine martel,mimi bernola,anna sciortino,jennyfer hassan or charles bitton stating a sample was received."p N0_ X H:V v B   albert elkaim,michel bitton, ruth plant,kathy alix,nancy whalen,marjolaine martel,mimi bernola,anna sciortino,jennyfer hassan or charles bitton这些人传真声明的可接受之样品   letter from shipper on their letterhead indicating their name of company and address,bill of lading number,container number and that this shipment,including its container,does not contain any non-manufactured wooden material, tonnage, bracing material, pallets, crating or other non-manufactured wooden packing material.   托单需注明托运人公司,地址,提单号,货柜号,及装载量,包括非木质包装之排水量,托盘,板条箱或 其它 非木质包装材料   信用证条款中英文对照   DOCUMENTS REQUIRED 45A   1、 FULL SET CLEAN SHIPPED ON BOARD SHIPPING COu2019S BILL OF LADING ISSUED TO THE ORDER OF OMDURMAN NATIONAL BANK, SAGGANA BRANCH MAKED FREIGHT PREPAIK AND NOTIFY APPLICANT.   2、 SIGNED COMMERCIAL INVOICE IN FIVE ORIGINAL AND THREE COPIES DULY CERTIFIED TRUE AND CORRECT.   3、 PACKING LIST IN ONE ORIGINAL AND FOUR COPIES.   4、 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN ISSUED BY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CHINA CERTIFY THAT THE GOODS ARE OF CHINESE ORIGIN.   1、 全套清洁提单。   2、 签单的商业发票,5份正本,3份复印件   3、 装箱单1正,4副   4、 原产地证,并加盖商会章   ADDITIONAL COND. 47A   1、 INSURANCE COVERED LOCALY BY BUYERS.   2、 DOCUMENTS ISSUED PRIOR TO THE DATE OF ISSUANCE OF THIS L/C ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE.(早于开证前的文件不接受)   3、 PAYMENT AND NEGOTIATION OF DOCUMENTS UNDER RESERVE GUARANTEE OR INDMNITY ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE.   4、 NEGOTIATIONS MUST BE RECORDED ON THE ORIGINAL L/C   5、 ALL DOCUMENTS MUST BEAR OUR(THIS) L/C NUMBER   6、 FORWARDERS AND HOUSE B/LADING/ A.W.B. IS NOT ACCEPTABLE UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY US.   7、 DOCUMENTS NEGOTIATED/FORWARDED FOR PAYMENT BY A BANK Q.WHER THAN OUR NOMINATED CORRESPONDENT, SHALL BE TREATED AS DISCRPPANT DOCUMENTS AND SHALL BE HANDLED AS APPROVAL/COLLECTION DOCUMENTS   8、 DOCUMENTS FORWARDED FOR APPROVAL OR PAYMENT WITHOUT ANY LIABILITY “ARTICLE 14” ON OUR PART.   9、 NEGOTIATION BANK MUST CERTIFY ON THE COVERING SCHEDULE DISCREPANCIES,OTHERWISE THE COCUMENTS WILL BE CONSIDERED AS COLLECTION DOCUMENTS WITHOUT ANY NOTIFICATION “ARTICLE 14(D)” FROM OUR SIDE.   10、 THE NEG, BANK IS AUTHORIZED TO TAKE UP DOCUMENTS AND SEND THEM IN TWO SEPRATE LOTS BY CURIER SERVICES TO OUR ADDRESS.   11、 UPON RECEIPT AT YOUR COUNTERS OF TESTED MSG.FROM THE NEG.BANK STATING RECEIPT OF ABOVE DOCUMENTS ISSUED IN STRICT CONFORMI TY WITH PRESENT L/C TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND SUCH DOCUMENTS   DESPATCHED DIRECTLY TO US. YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO EFFECT PAYMENT AS PER L/C TERMS AND CONDITIONS.   12、 GOODS SIZE: AS PER P/I NO.20041223+20041223B+20041223C+20041223D DD.23.12.2004 AND MARKED: HAFEZ ELSAYED ELBARBARY CO.LTD., SUDAN.   13、 ONE SET OF NON-NEGOTIABLE COCUMENTS TO BE SENT TO THE APPLICANT WITHIN 10 DAYS OF SHIPMENT BENEFICIARYu2019S CERTIFICATE TOGETHER WITH ORIGINAL COURIERS RECEIPTS (DHL OR TNT) TO ACCPMPANY THE ORIGINAL LINE(PTE) LTD.   14、 SHIPMENT TO BE EFFECTED IN CONTAINER WITH PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL LINE( PTE ) LTD.   15、 L/C TO BE CONFIRMED IF SO REQUESTED BY BENEFICIARY   "J E N)P A w IN THE EVENT THAT THIS CREDIT EXPIRED UNUTILIZED NO CHAGRES WILL BE PAID BY US ARTICLE (18/C) OF UCP 500 IS NOT APPLICABLE HERE.   议付记录在正本L/C上。   每份单据上都必须有L/C号。   6)未经我方同意,货代提单,不予接受。   单据的提交和议付,按照CHARTER 14我方不负任何责任。   议付银行有权收取单据,并且通过航空快递,分开两个包裹寄到我们的地址。   产品规格:按照形式发票。NO........,并且要求有麦头:......公司。   13)在正本单据寄出后,10天内寄一份不可议付单据给开证人。以邮递单据为准。   14)由PTE公司用集装箱船运。   如果受益人提出确认L/C而导致的信用证过期,我方不承担任何费用。UCP500条款(18/C)在这里不适用。   +A FEE OF USD 80 IS TO BE DEDUCTED FROM EACH DRAWING FOR THE ACCOUNT OF BENEFICIARY.IF DOCUMENTS ARE PRESENTED WITH DISCREPANCY9(IES)   如果呈递的单据存在不符点,不符点处理费80美元由受益人负担。   ++2 PERCENT AND -2 PERCENT IN QUANTITY AND AMOUNT ACCEPTABLE   数量和金额允许2%的增减幅度   +TIME DRAFTS SHALL BE PAID AT SINGHT FOR THE FACE AMOUNT   远期汇票将按照票面金额见票即付   +DISCOUNT CHARGES AND ACCEPTANCE COMMISSIONS IN QUESTION ARE FOR ACCOUNT OF BUYER   贴现费和承兑费由买方负担。   +IN THE EVENT THAT DOCUMENTS PRESENTED UNDER THIS CREDIT ARE DETERMINED TO BE DISCREPANT,WE MAY SEEK A WAIVER OF SUCH DISCREPANCY(IES) FROM THE APPLICANT AT OUR SOLE DISCRETION.   UNLESS PRIOR COMTRARY INSTRUCTIONS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED FROM THE PRESENTER,WE MAY RELEASE DOCUMENTS TO THE APPLICANT WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO YOU UPON THEIR WAIVER OF DISCREPANCIES.   IN SUCH EVENT,THE PRESENTER AND/OR BENEFCIARY SHALL HAVE NO CLAIM AGAINST US.   本信用证项下,即便是呈递的单据认定存在不符点,我们有权寻求申请人对于不符点的弃权,除非收到来自交单人的反对的指示。一旦我们收到申请人的弃权,我们不再通知你们,将向申请人释放单据。一旦放单,交单人或受益人无权向我们主张权利。   +ALL DOCUMENTS MUST BEAR OUR CREDIT NUMBER.   所有的单据必须显示信用证号码。   +ALL DOCUMENTS MUST BE ISSUED IN ENGLISH UNLESS OTHERWISE STIPULATED.   所有的单据必须以英文出具,除非另有规定。   DETAILS OF CHARGES: 详细费用   +ALL BANKING COMMISSIONS AND CHARGES INCLUDING REIMBURSEMENT COMMISSIONS OUTSIDE SOUTH KOREA ARE FOR ACCOUNT OF BENEFICIARY   所有的在南韩之外的银行费用,包括偿付费,由受益人承担。   + DOCUMENTS MUST BE PRESENTED FOR NEGOTIATION WITHIN 7DAYS AFTER DATE OF SHIPMENT BUT WITHUN CREDIT VALIDITY   单据必须在装运日期7日内,而且在信用证的有效期内呈递议付。   CINFIRMATION: WITHOUT   未保兑   INSTRUCTIONS:   指示   +THE AMOUNT OF EACH NEGOTIATION/DRAWING MUST BE ENDORSED ON THE REVERSE OF THIS CREDIT AND NEGOTIATION/PRESENTINIG BANK MUST CERTIFY THE SAME ON THE COVERING SCHEDULE.   每次提款必须在信用证的背面记录,议付行必须在附函上证明此事。   +ALL DOCUMENTS MUST BE MAILED TO DAEGU BANK,LTD.   BUSINESS PROCESS SUPPORT DEPT DEPT 17FL,   118,SUSEONG-2-GA,SUSEONG-GU,   DAEGU,706-712 SOUTH KOREA   IN ONE LOT BY COURIER MAIL.   所有的单据必须邮寄至   +UPON RECEIPT OF THE DRAFT AND DOCUMENTS COMPLIED WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CREDIT,WE SHALL REMIT THE PROCEEDS ACCORDING TO THE NEGOTIATING BANKu2019S INSTRUCTION   一旦收到符合信用证条款的汇票和单据,我们将根据议付行的指示汇付款项。 猜你喜欢: 1. 关于中英文对照的日常英语对话 2. 英语故事带翻译欣赏 3. 形式发票的中英文范文 4. 报关相关词汇中英对照 5. 金融文章中英文对照 6. 关于英语故事短文带翻译


剧情?还是整本书中文:《辛德勒的名单》(Schindler"sList),是一部由由斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格执导,1993年上映的美国电影,根据澳大利亚小说家托马斯·科内雅雷斯所著的《辛德勒名单》改编而成。影片真实的再现了德国企业家奥斯卡、辛德勒在第二次世界大战期间保护1200名犹太人免法西斯杀害的,真实的历史事件。获得第66届奥斯卡十二项提名,夺得最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳改编剧本、最佳艺术指导、 最佳摄影、最佳剪辑、最佳原著音乐七项大奖 。除奥斯卡奖外,该片还获得七个英国电影和电视艺术学院奖、三个金球奖。英文:"Schindler"s list" (Schindler"sList), is a film directed by Stephen Spielberg,released in 1993 USA film, according to the Australian novelist Thomas Konejares"s "Schindler"s list" adapted. The film a true German entrepreneur Oscar, Schindler in the Second World War to protect free fascist killed 1200 Jews, true historical events. Get sixty-sixth (1993) Oscar twelve nominations, winning best picture, best director, best adapted screenplay,best art direction, best cinematography, best film editing, best original musicaward seven. In addition to the Oscar prize, the film also won seven BritishAcademy of film and Television Arts Awards, three golden globe awards.

justin bieber所有歌曲的歌词,中英文



1、于连看见一只雄鹰从头顶上那些巨大的山岩中展翅高飞,在长空中悄然盘旋,不时划出一个个巨大的圆圈。于连目不转睛的凝视着这只猛禽。其动作的雄健与安详令他怦然心动。他羡慕这种力量,他羡慕这种孤独。2、但是他年轻的血沸腾着不允许他在这种烟雾似的梦幻中浪费太多时光。他已经厌倦了这虚无缥缈的占有,他渴望抓住梦境。3、人们做着最残忍的事,却没有残忍的精神。4、敢讲极猥亵的趣闻,而且是纤毫毕露,绘声绘色,机制和才华都要贬值百分之二十。5、在与法律之前,合乎“自然的”只有狮子的力量,或者动物饥寒时的需要,更简单地用一个字表示,便是“欲”。6、着曾是拿破仑的命运,有朝一日,这也会是他的命运吗?7、新事物的香味太过浓郁,他们虚脱的头脑受不了,必须靠时光冲淡这一味道。艺术品一定要积满成年灰尘后才会有人领悟。8、对于一个二十岁的青年。他对世界的憧憬,以及如何在这个世界上有所作为,是压倒一切的。9、然而谁又会想到这如姑娘一般白皙、温柔的容貌背后,竟会隐藏着一种宁可死去一千次也要飞黄腾达的坚如磐石的决心。10、在热情的激昂中,灵魂的火焰才有足够的力量把造成天才的各种材料熔冶于一炉。1, Yu Lian saw an eagle from the top of those huge rocks in the wings, in the sky quietly circling, from time to time to draw a huge circle. Julien stared at the bird of prey. The actions of the heroic and peace to his heart. He admired the strength, and he admired the loneliness.2, but his young blood was boiling, and he was not allowed to waste too much time in such smoky dreams. He was tired of this possession with no reality whatever he is eager to grasp the dream.3, people do the most cruel thing, but there is no cruel spirit.4, dare to speak very racy anecdotes, but is clearly revealed, and the mechanism of talent to hit off, the depreciation of twenty percent.5, with the law before, in line with "natural" only the strength of a lion, or animal Jihan when necessary, simply use a word that is "to".6, once was Napoleon"s destiny, one day, this also can be his destiny?7, the smell of new things is too strong, their exhausted minds can not stand, and must dilute the taste by time. A work of art must be full of adult dust before anyone can comprehend it.8, for a young man of twenty. His vision of the world, and how to make a difference in the world, is overwhelming.9 however, who would think of this as a girl usually white, gentle appearance behind a hidden, would die one thousand times to resolve the successful in the official career as solid as rocks.10, in the passionate passion, the flame of the soul has enough power to melt all the materials that make genius.




中文名:昨日重现外文名:Yesterday Once More所属专辑:Now & Then歌曲原唱:Carpenters歌词When I was young当我年少时I"d listen to the radio我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最心爱的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile令我笑容满面Those were such happy times那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago就在不久以前How I wondered where they"d gone我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again但是它们又回来了Just like a long-lost friend像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅When they get to the part当他们唱到Where he"s breaking her heart他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry真的令我痛哭流涕Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)Looking back on how it was in years gone by回首它是如何在岁月中走远And the good times that I had以及我曾有过的欢乐时光Makes today seem rather sad使得今天似乎更加悲伤So much has changed一切都变了It was songs of love that I"d sing to then这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌And I memorize each word我记住的每个字眼Those old melodies那些古老旋律Still sound so good to me对我仍然那么动听As they melt the years away好像融掉了岁月Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅All my best memories我所有的美好回忆Come back clearly to me清晰地浮现Some can even make me cry有些令我哭了Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-o《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现),是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。

auld lang syne的歌词〔中英文都有〕谢谢!

中文歌词:怎能忘记旧日朋友心中能不怀想旧日朋友岂能相忘友谊地久天长友谊万岁 朋友 友谊万岁举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长我们曾经终日游荡在故乡的青山上我们也曾历尽苦辛到处奔波流浪友谊万岁 朋友 友谊万岁举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长Music......我们也曾终日逍遥荡桨在绿波上但如今却已劳燕分飞远隔大海重洋友谊万岁 万岁朋友 友谊万岁举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长我们往日情意相投让我们紧握手让我们来举杯畅饮友谊地久天长友谊万岁 万岁朋友 友谊万岁举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长友谊万岁 万岁朋友 友谊万岁举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长友谊万岁 万岁朋友 友谊万岁举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长 英文歌词:should auld acquaintance be forgot,and never brought to mind?should auld acquaintance be forgot,and auld lang syne!for auld lang syne, my dear,for auld lang syne,we"ll tak a cup o" kindness yet,for auld lang syne.and surely ye"ll be your pint stowp!and surely I"ll be mine!and we"ll tak a cup o" kindness yet,for auld lang syne.for auld lang syne, my dear,for auld lang syne,we"ll tak a cup o" kindness yet,for auld lang syne.we twa hae run about the braes,and pou"d the gowans fine;but we"ve wander"d mony a weary fitsin" auld lang syne.for auld lang syne, my dear,for auld lang syne,we"ll tak a cup o" kindness yet,for auld lang syne.we twa hae paidl"d in the burn,frae morning sun till dine;but seas between us briad hae roar"dsin" auld lang syne.for auld lang syne, my dear,for auld lang syne,we"ll tak a cup o" kindness yet,for auld lang syne.and there"s a hand, my trusty fere!and gie"s a hand o" thine!and we"ll tak" a right gude-willie waught,for auld lang syne.for auld lang syne, my dear,for auld lang syne,we"ll tak a cup o" kindness yet,for auld lang syne.

Auld Lang Syne的中英文歌词!谢谢如题 谢谢了

怎能忘记旧日朋友 心中能不欢笑 旧日朋友岂能相忘 友谊地久天长 友谊万岁 朋友 友谊万岁 举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长 我们曾经终日游荡在故乡的青山上 我们也曾历尽苦辛 到处奔波流浪 友谊万岁 朋友 友谊万岁 举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长 (music) 我们也曾终日逍遥 荡桨在微波上 但如今已经劳燕分飞 愿歌大海重洋 友谊万岁 万岁朋友 友谊万岁 举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长 我们往日情意相投 让我们紧握手 让我们来举杯畅饮 友谊地久天长 友谊万岁 万岁朋友 友谊万岁 举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长 友谊万岁 万岁朋友 友谊万岁 举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长 友谊万岁 万岁朋友 友谊万岁 举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长 Auld lang syne 《友谊地久天长》英文歌词 Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, for the sake of auld lang syne. If you ever change your mind, but I living, living me behind, oh bring it to me, bring me your sweet loving, bring it home to me. bring it home to me.Yeah~ Yeah~ Darling you know I laughed when you left, but now I know that I only hurt myself. Please bring it to me,bring your sweet sweet love, bring it home to me, bring it home to me. For auld lang syne my dear, for auld lang syne, we"ll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne


怎能忘记旧日朋友心中能不怀想旧日朋友岂能相忘友谊地久天长友谊万岁 朋友 友谊万岁举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长我们曾经终日游荡在故乡的青山上我们也曾历尽苦辛到处奔波流浪友谊万岁 朋友 友谊万岁举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长Music......我们也曾终日逍遥荡桨在绿波上但如今却已劳燕分飞远隔大海重洋友谊万岁 万岁朋友 友谊万岁举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长我们往日情意相投让我们紧握手让我们来举杯畅饮友谊地久天长友谊万岁 万岁朋友 友谊万岁举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长友谊万岁 万岁朋友 友谊万岁举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长友谊万岁 万岁朋友 友谊万岁举杯痛饮 同声歌颂友谊地久天长 Auld Lang Syne Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot And days of auld lang syne? And days of auld lang syne, my dear, And days of auld lang syne, Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And days of auld lang syne? We twa ha"e run aboot the braes And pu"d the gowans fine, We"ve wander"d mony a weary foot, Sin auld lang syne. Sin auld lang syne, my dear, Sin auld lang syne, We"ve wander"d mony a weary foot, Sin auld lang syne? We twa ha"e sported i" the burn, From morning sun till dine, But seas between us braid ha"e roar"d Sin" auld lang syne. Sin auld lang syne, my dear, Sin auld lang syne, But seas between us braid ha"e roar"d Sin auld lang syne? And here"s a hand, my trusty frien", And gie"s a hand o" thine; We"ll take a cup of kindness yet, For auld lang syne. For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We"ll take a cup of kindness yet, For auld lang syne.


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Graduation 的中英文对照歌词?

Graduation (Friends Forever)歌词大意 我们曾整夜讨论以后的生活,谈论25岁时我们会在哪里 我常常想时间会永远不变,常常想事物会亘古永久 可是当今年离开,我们就不再回来 不会再一起结伴出游,因为我们都将有自己的生活轨迹 如果你有什么要说,现在就说吧,因为你不再有机会 因为我们在一直往前走,不能放慢脚步 记忆那样清晰,像在播放无声电影 我常常想起六月的那个夜晚,我对爱还了解太少,但它却来得那样快 我和你,我们获得了浪漫跟自信。我们呆在家里煲着电话粥 我们那样激动,也那样的胆怯,自嘲自乐,愤青似的调侃生活的不公 这就是那时的感受 (合唱) 当生活继续,我们记得所有在一起的时光 当生活改变,无论发生什么我们依然永远是朋友 若我们找到一份好工作,赚很多很多的钱 当我们回顾今天,是否还会为今天玩笑发笑? 我们还会记得在学校里学到的一切么? 是否还努力打破每一条规则? 是否聪明的小鲍比会成为股票经纪人? 是否海泽尔会找到一份工作而不受她黝黑皮肤的影响? 我常常,常常想这并不是再见 而坚持认为这正是我们展翅飞翔的时机 这就是那时的感受 (合唱) 啦啦啦啦……我们依然是永远的朋友 明天我们是否会像现在一样考虑问题? 我们能否在社会上生存?我们能否小有成就? 我猜我想的这一切永远都不会结束 突然我们都好像变成了成熟的男人女人 是否过去会像影子一样将我们包围? 是否这些记忆会随着我的离开而褪色? 我常常,常常想这并不是再见 而坚持认为这正是我们展翅飞翔的时机 (合唱)(重复) graduation (friends forever)so we talked all night about the rest of our liveswhere we"re gonna be when we turn 25i keep thinking times will never change.keep on thinking things will always be the samebut when we leave this year we won"t be coming backno more hanging out cause we"re on a different trackand if you got something that you need to sayyou better say it right now cause you don"t have another daycause we"re moving on and we can"t slow downthese memories are playing like a film without soundand i keep thinking of that night in junei didn"t know much of love but it came too soon and there was me and youand then we got real coolstay at home talking on the telephone we"d get so excited, we"d get so scaredlaughing at ourselves thinking life"s not fairand this is how it feels...as we go on, we rememberall the times we had togetherand as our lives change, come whateverwe will still be, friends foreverso if we get the big jobsand we make the big moneywhen we look back nowwill our jokes still be funny?will we still remember everything we learned in school?still be trying to break every single rulewill little brainy bobby be the stockbroker man?can heather find a job that won"t interfere with her tan?i keep, i keep thinking that it"s not goodbyekeep on thinking it"s a time to flyand this is how it feels....as we go on, we rememberall the times we had togetherand as our lives change, come whateverwe will still be, friends forever(la la la la la la la la……)(we will still be

Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love For you的中英文对照歌词

If I had to live my life without you near me如果我必须过着没有你的生活The days would all be empty日子将会变得空虚The nights would seem so long夜晚看似变得漫长With you I see forever oh so clearly和你在一起,我无疑地看清永恒I might have been in love before我应该是永远存在着爱心But it never felt this strong但从没像这样强烈过Our dreams are young And we both know我们都知道,我们的梦想有着活力they"ll take us where we want to go它们会告诉我们,我们想要去的地方Hold me now抓紧我Touch me now触摸我I don"t want to live without you我不想过没有你的生活Nothing"s gonna change my love for you没有什么能够改变我对你的爱You ought to know by now how much I love you你现在应该知道我爱你有多深One thing you can be sure of你可以确定的一件事I"ll never ask for more than your love就是我永远不会要求比你的爱更多的东西Nothing"s gonna change my love for you没有什么能够改变我对你的爱You ought to know by now how much I love you你现在应该能体会到我爱你有多么的深The world may change my whole life through世界可以彻底改变我的一生But nothing"s gonna change my love for you但是,没有什么能改变我对你的爱If the road ahead is not so easy即使前方的路不是那么的简单Our love will lead the way for us我们的爱会为我们引领方向Just like a guiding star像一盏指路的灯I"ll be there for you if you should need me如果你有可能需要我,我会在那里支持你You don"t have to change a thing你不需要改变I love you just the way you are我爱你,就像你爱我一样So come with me and share the view那么就伴随我一起欣赏美景I"ll help you see forever too我会帮你看到永远Hold me now抓紧我Touch me now触摸我I don"t want to live without you我不想过没有你的生活Nothing"s gonna change my love for you没有什么能够改变我对你的爱You ought to know by now how much I love you你现在应该知道我爱你有多深One thing you can be sure of你可以确定的一件事I"ll never ask for more than your love就是我永远不会要求比你的爱更多的东西Nothing"s gonna change my love for you没有什么能够改变我对你的爱You ought to know by now how much I love you你现在应该能体会到我爱你有多么的深The world may change my whole life through世界可以彻底改变我的一生But nothing"s gonna change my love for you但是,没有什么能改变我对你的爱多深Nothing"s gonna change my love for you没有什么能够改变我对你的爱You ought to know by now how much I love you你现在应该能体会到我爱你有多么的深One thing you can be sure of你可以确定的一件事I"ll never ask for more than your love就是我永远不会要求比你的爱更多的东西Nothing"s gonna change my love for you没有什么能够改变我对你的爱You ought to know by now how much I love you你现在应该能体会到我爱你有多么的深The world may change my whole life through世界可以彻底改变我的一生But nothing"s gonna change my love for you但是,没有什么能改变我对你的爱多深各种求采纳昂~~

林俊杰的Always online 歌词,和歌词中英文翻译,和英文谐音。


典范英语6 皮皮公主的假期 求主要内容 要8~10句话的 中英文都要 好的加分 在此谢谢了。

When Princess Pip discovers she is going on holiday to a boring castle she demands to go home.However,on the way, her maid Daisy shows her how much fun the seaside can be and Pip decides she does"t want to go home after all!


第一部:.羽加迪姆勒维奥萨 漂浮咒 Wingardium Leviosa.阿拉霍洞开开门咒 Alohomora.腿立僵停死锁腿咒 Locomotor Mortis.统统石化石化咒 Petrificus Totalus第二部:乌龙出洞 Serpensortia一忘皆空遗忘咒 Obliviate咒立停Finite Incantatem急急现形现形咒 Aparecium咧嘴呼啦啦 Rictusempra.塔朗泰拉舞 Tarantallegra第三部:除你武器缴械咒 Expelliarmus滑稽滑稽 Riddikulus我庄严宣誓我没干好事I solemnly swear that I am up to no good恶作剧完毕 Mischief managed防雨防湿 Impervius快快复苏 Enervate呼神护卫守护神咒 Expecto patronus瓦迪瓦西发射咒 Waddiwasi第四部:消隐无踪 Deletrius速速变大 Engorgio速速缩小 Reducio荧光闪烁 Lumos给我指路指路咒 Poine me阿瓦达索命索命咒 Avada Kedavra魂魄出窍夺魂咒 Imperio障碍重重障碍咒 Impedimenta昏昏倒地 Stupefy门牙塞大棒 Densaugeo火烤热辣辣 Furnunculus词典飞来 Accio Dictionary火弩箭飞来 Accio Firebolt飞来飞去 Accio钻心剜骨钻心咒 Crucio兰花盛开 Orchideous飞鸟群群 Avis粉身碎骨粉碎咒 Reducto奖杯飞来 Accio声音洪亮 Sonorus悄声细语 Quietus尸骨再现 Morsmordre闪回前咒 Prior Incantato火焰熊熊 Incendio力松劲泄 Relashio恢复如初 Reparo四分五裂 Diffindo第五部:清理一新 Scourgify箱子移动 Locomotor trunk青蛙飞来 Accio frog无声无息 Silencio试卷飞来 Accio魔杖飞来 Stupefy快快禁锢 Colloportus大脑飞来 Accio brain盔甲护身 Protego预言球飞来 Accio Prophecy摄神取念 Legilimens门托斯 Portus收拾 Pack盔甲护身 protego原形立现 specialis revelio恢复如初 reparo四分五裂 diffindo倒挂金钟 levicorpus金钟落地 liberacorpus闭耳塞听 muffliato愈合如初 epliskey万弹齐发 oppugno神锋无影 sectumsepra清水如泉 aguamenti统统石化 petrificus totalus除你武器 expelliarmus粉身碎骨 reducto阿瓦达索命 avada kedavra钻心腕骨 crucio昏昏倒地 stupefy障碍重重 impedimenta速速禁锢 incarcerous荧光闪烁 lumos音标神马的 没找到


歌曲:Young Wild And Free演唱:Snoop Dogg、Wiz Khalifa英文歌词:[Chorus]So what we get drunkSo what we smoke weedWe"re just having funWe don"t care who seesSo what we go outThat"s how its supposed to beLiving young and wild and free[Wiz Khalifa ]Uh, Uh huhSo what I keep ‘em rolled upSaggin" my pants not caring what I showKeep it real with my n-ggasKeep it player for the hoesAnd look clean dont it?Washed it the other day, watch how you lean on itGive me some 501′s jeans on and roll joints bigger than King Kong"s fingersAnd smoke them hoes down "till they stingersYou a class clown and if I skip for the day I"m with you b-tch smokin" grade A[Snoop Dogg ]Yeah, uh you know what?It"s like I"m 17 againPeach fuzz on my faceLookin", on the caseTryna find a hella tasteOh My God, I"m on the chaseChevy, its gettin" kinda heavy, relevant, sellin" itDippin" away, time keep slippin" awayZip in the safe, flippin" for payTippin" like I"m drippin" in paintUp front four blunts, like “Khalifa put the weed in a J”Chorus x 1[Wiz Khalifa]And I don"t even careCause if me and my team in thereThere"s gonna be some weed in the airTell "em Mac[Snoop Dogg]Blowin" everywhere we goin" and now you knowin"When I step right up, get my lighter so I can light up[Wiz Khalifa]That"s how it should be doneSoon as you thinkin" you"re downFind how to turn things aroundNow things are lookin" up[Snoop Dogg]From the ground up, pound up, this Taylor GangSo turn my sound up and mount up and do my thang[Wiz Khalifa]Now I"m chillin", fresh outta class, feelin"Like I"m on my own and I could probably own a buildingGot my own car, no job, no childrenHad a science project, me and Mac killed it[Snoop Dogg]T-H-C, M-A-C, D-E-V, H-D-3, high as meThis is us, we gon" fussAnd we gon" fight and we gon" rollAnd live off lifeChorus x 1[Wiz Khalifa - Bridge]Yea, roll one, smoke oneWhen you live like this you"re supposed to partyRoll one, smoke one, and we all just having funSo we just, roll one, smoke oneWhen you live like this you"re supposed to partyRoll one, smoke one, and we all just having funChorus x1

i see the light ,when will my life begin,something that i want的中英文歌词,

i see the light ,when will my life begin,something that i want我能看到曙光,当我的生活重新开始之时,那就是我渴望的东西

求WESTLIFE的How does it feel中英文歌词对照,谢谢了!


求joe 的歌the love scene 中英文歌词。谢谢啦。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

The Love Scene(爱情场景) joeYeah Ooh...hoo...ooh...Well, well, well, well, well, babyHoo...hoo...babyMmm...hmm...mmm...mmm...Listen, baby (这些就不用翻了吧 )(Take one) Baby lyin" on the bed,Exotic fantasies goin" through her head(场景1) 我亲爱的就躺在床上,一些奇怪的想法开始出现在她脑中(Take two) I jump into my SL6,I gotta make my way to the crib mad quick(场景2 )我打开了我的SL6(某牌子音响吧), 我要用我自己的方法让床high的更快(Take three) I see my baby as I step inside,She"s staring at me with those bedroom eyes(场景3)我一进去就看到了她,她正用朦胧的眼神看着我(Take four) Honey sippin" on some Chardonnay,The sex is even better when she"s feeling that way我的爱人正在小口抿着夏敦埃酒,当她那样想的时候**的感觉会更好All I want to do right now is love her down (Ooh)我想做的所有,就是和她**I don"t give a damn about who hears the sound (Ooh...)我不在乎谁会听到这些声响We"ll be in the groove until the sun comes up (Yeah)我们要一直持续,直到天亮Together we"ll get lost inside the love我们就这样一起沉浸在爱情中Let"s make a love scene, steamy and blue让我们来完成这个爱的场景,又湿又huangErotic memories for an audience of two是我们俩个爱的记忆And we"ll make a love scene, let the foreplay begin让我们来做这个场景,让它从前戏开始And replay each moment again and again and again然后重复每一个瞬间,一遍又一遍(Take five) The Jacuzzi"s just "bout ready for us,We step into the water and you tremble at my touch(场景5)按摩浴缸已经准备好了。我们进入了浴缸而且你因我的抚摸而颤抖(Take six) I see you gettin" steamin" hot。Girl, it ain"t just the bubbles that"s been hittin" the spot( 场景6)我看到你好像都让蒸汽发热了。亲爱的,可不仅仅是那些泡泡在触你的**Take it off, take it off, take it off till you get enough (Whoa...whoa...whoa...whoa...)脱下吧,都脱下吧,直到你觉得已经满足Anyway that you like, it"s okay, come and get my love (Whoa...oh...ho...ho...yea...)你想要怎样我都可以,来吧,来得到我的爱Ooh, I"m gonna keep lovin", I"m gonna keep lovin" you, baby(When the curtain drops) Oh我要继续爱你,继续爱你baby(当帘子掉下的时候)We won"t stop (We won"t stop), we won"t stop (Whoa...oh...baby)我们不要停~(不要停)Girl, I"m down to take a sip from your cup (No, no, no, no, no, no, no)亲爱的,我要继续往下,在你的杯子那里啜饮If you drink from my fountain of love (Oh, ho)如果你在我的爱泉里畅饮"69 was a very good year (Do you remember, girl)1969是一个非常好的时间(女孩 你还记得吗)If you know what I mean, my dear (Ooh, baby)如果你明白我的意思,亲爱的翻译完了 呵呵~


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书虫系列《The Phantom of The Opera 歌剧院的幽灵 》读后感【中英文对照】

The ghost of the opera theatre The story was written by a Franch author who was named Guyston Lerocs. the silly story was about a famous actor who was disfigured .He lived along in the basement ,and he built a country for himself,he was a sick freak and a innocent monster. And then,he abducted a beautiful actree ,and tried to rape her,possessed her. But the beautiful actree didn"t liked to be treat like that,and her boyfriend didn"t allowed.The young lovers against with the demon. at last,demon surrendered,he allowed the birch loved anyone else,and set"em free.and shot himself. And express the sentiment: 1.If a guy fell in love with a silly slut ,he should allowed the birch loved anyone else,and set"em free. 2.Besides,love is a thing which is belong to some beautiful young man,if you"re ugly,you have no chance to love,and no right to love. you shall killed yourself,or you must be killed by the heros just like a evil devil.

《The Phantom Of the Opera》读后感,中英文对照

 Do you believe in ghosts? Maybe yes or no. Although I don"t believe in them, I love reading stories about ghosts.    In the story The Phantom of the Opera, an unbelievable event happened. A dancer met a ‘ghost" in the dark corridor. It crossed the wall and came up to her. At first, people thought it was a shadow. However, as the evidences accumulated, people had to trust the existence of the ‘ghost"for many people died because of the ‘ghost"。 People got frightened. In the end, we found that the ‘ghost" was actually a man called Erik. He committed suicide finally. What a poor man!    Erik was so ugly that no one would like to be a friend of his. I think he was simply short of love and care. He just wanted to get a little love but no one paid attention to this. No matter where he went, people only screamed and ran away. Even his mum gave him a mask which was the only present from her. In fact, Erik was a great man, in spite of his ugly face. He was like an innocent child, who just needed a little love.    In my opinion, people shouldn"t get far from others because of their faces. Nowadays, a number of people only value others" appearances. I think we should give our love to more people. Don"t let appearances misguide you ,maybe the heart is good and honest.The story happened in Paris of the 18th century , some people only cared about appearances. Most people were used to thinking of ugly things evil and dirty. How shallow they were! We should avoid paying too much attention to appearances. A wonderful soul is much more important.    In fact, not only the ‘ghost" in the story needs love , we need love, too. Why don"t we love each other and find others" strong points. Also, we should be kind and understand each other. Then we can make world a better place! Let"s do it from now on.你相信鬼吗?也许是或不,虽然我不相信他们,我喜欢读鬼故事。在歌剧的幽灵,一个令人难以置信的事件发生。一个舞者在黑暗的走廊里遇见了一个“幽灵”。它穿过了墙,走到她。起初,人们认为这是一个阴影。然而,随着证据的积累,人们不得不相信“ghost"for死了很多人的存在,因为那“鬼”的人吓坏了。最后,我们发现,“鬼”实际上是一个叫埃里克的人。最后他自杀了。可怜的人!埃里克太丑了,没人愿意做他的朋友。我认为他只是短暂的爱和关心。他只是想得到一点爱,但没有人注意到这一点。不管他去哪儿,人们只尖叫着跑开了。即使他的妈妈给了他一个面具,这是唯一的礼物从她。事实上,埃里克是一个伟大的人,尽管他丑陋的脸。他像一个无辜的孩子,只需要一点点的爱。在我看来,人们不应该远离别人,因为他们的脸。如今,一些人只看重别人的外表。我想我们应该把我们的爱给更多的人。别让外表误导你,也许内心是善良的。故事发生在巴黎的第十八个世纪,有些人只在乎外表。大多数人都习惯于认为丑陋的东西,邪恶和肮脏。他们多么浅薄!我们应该避免过分关注外表。一个美好的灵魂更重要。事实上,不只是“鬼”的故事需要爱,我们需要爱,太。我们为什么不爱对方,寻找别人的长处。而且,我们应该互相理解,互相理解。然后,我们可以使世界成为一个更好的地方!让我们从现在开始吧。希望对你有帮助,还望采纳,谢谢!!!

跪求迈克尔杰克逊的human Nature 的中英文歌词


photoshop 工具栏中英文对照表


photoshop 工具栏中英文对照



M 是矩形选取 V 是移动 L 是套索 W是魔棒 裁切是C 切片是K 印章是S 修复画笔是J 画笔是B 历史纪录画笔是I 橡皮是E 渐变是G 涂抹是R 加深是O 路径选择是A 文字是T 钢笔是P 矩形工具是U 注释是N 吸管是I 抓手是H 缩放是Z 是不是要这个? 你把鼠标停在工具上一会,他自己不就能显示出来了么? 一、File-(文件) 1.New-(新建) 2.Open-(打开) 3.Open As-(打开为) 4.Open Recent-(最近打开文件) 5.Close-(关闭) 6.Save-(存储) 7.Save As-(存储为) 8.Save for Web-(存储为Web所用格式) 9.Revert-(恢复) 10.Place-(置入) 11.Import-(输入) -(1)PDF Image -(2)Annotations-(注释) 12.Export-(输出) 13.Manage Workflow-(管理工作流程) -(1)Check In-(登记) -(2)Undo Check Out-(还原注销) -(3)Upload To Server-(上载到服务器) -(4)Add To Workflow-(添加到工作流程) -(5)Open From Workflow-(从工作流程打开) 14.Automate-(自动) -(1)Batch-(批处理) -(2)Create Droplet-(创建快捷批处理) -(3)Conditional Mode Change-(条件模式更改) -(4)Contact Sheet-(联系表) -(5)Fix Image-(限制图像) -(6)Multi -(7)Picture package-(图片包) -(8)Web Photo Gallery 15.File Info-(文件简介) 16.Print Options-(打印选项) 17.Page Setup-(页面设置) 18.Print-(打印) 19.Jump to-(跳转到) 20.Exit-(退出) http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/22976268.html

Justin bieber one time的中英文歌词



Filter-(滤镜) 1.Last Filter-(上次滤镜操作) 2.Artistic-(艺术效果) -(1) Colored Pencil-(彩色铅笔) -(2) Cutout-(剪贴画) -(3) Dry Brush-(干笔画) -(4) Film Grain-(胶片颗粒) -(5) Fresco-(壁画) -(6) Neon Glow-(霓虹灯光) -(7) Paint Daubs-(涂抹棒) -(8) Palette Knife-(调色刀) -(9) Plastic Wrap-(塑料包装) -(10) Poster Edges-(海报边缘) -(11) Rough Pastels-(粗糙彩笔) -(12) Smudge Stick-(绘画涂抹) -(13) Sponge-(海绵) -(14) Underpainting-(底纹效果) -(15) Watercolor-(水彩) 3.Blur-(模糊) -(1) Blur-(模糊) -(2) Blur More-(进一步模糊) -(3) Gaussian Blur-(高斯模糊) -(4) Motion Blur-(动态模糊) -(5) Radial Blur-(径向模糊) -(6) Smart Blur-(特殊模糊) 4.Brush Strokes-(画笔描边) -(1) Accented Edges-(强化边缘) -(2) Angled Stroke-(成角的线条) -(3) Crosshatch-(阴影线) -(4) Dark Strokes-(深色线条) -(5) Ink Outlines-(油墨概况) -(6) Spatter-(喷笔) -(7) Sprayed Strokes-(喷色线条) -(8) Sumi 5.Distort-(扭曲) -(1) Diffuse Glow-(扩散亮光) -(2) Displace-(置换) -(3) Glass-(玻璃) -(4) Ocean Ripple-(海洋波纹) -(5) Pinch-(挤压) -(6) Polar Coordinates-(极坐标) -(7) Ripple-(波纹) -(8) Shear-(切变) -(9) Spherize-(球面化) -(10) Twirl-(旋转扭曲) -(11) Wave-(波浪) -(12) Zigzag-(水波) 6.Noise-(杂色) -(1) Add Noise-(加入杂色) -(2) Despeckle-(去斑) -(3) Dust & Scratches-(蒙尘与划痕) -(4) Median-(中间值) 7.Pixelate-(像素化) -(1) Color Halftone-(彩色半调) -(2) Crystallize-(晶格化) -(3) Facet-(彩块化) -(4) Fragment-(碎片) -(5) Mezzotint-(铜版雕刻) -(6) Mosaic-(马赛克) -(7) Pointillize-(点状化) 8.Render-(渲染) -(1) 3D Transform-(3D 变换) -(2) Clouds-(云彩) -(3) Difference Clouds-(分层云彩) -(4) Lens Flare-(镜头光晕) -(5) Lighting Effects-(光照效果) -(6) Texture Fill-(纹理填充) 9.Sharpen-(锐化) -(1) Sharpen-(锐化) -(2) Sharpen Edges-(锐化边缘) -(3) Sharpen More-(进一步锐化) -(4) Unsharp Mask 10.Sketch-(素描) -(1) Bas Relief-(基底凸现) -(2) Chalk & Charcoal-(粉笔和炭笔) -(3) Charcoal -(3) Chrome-(铬黄) -(4) Conte Crayon-(彩色粉笔) -(5) Graphic Pen-(绘图笔) -(6) Halftone Pattern-(半色调图案) -(7) Note Paper-(便条纸) -(8) Photocopy-(副本) -(9) Plaster-(塑料效果) -(10) Reticulation-(网状) -(11) Stamp-(图章) -(12) Torn Edges-(撕边) -(13) Water Paper-(水彩纸) 11.Stylize-(风格化) -(1) Diffuse-(扩散) -(2) Emboss-(浮雕) -(3) Extrude-(突出) -(4) Find Edges-(查找边缘) -(5) Glowing Edges-(照亮边缘) -(6) Solarize-(曝光过度) -(7) Tiles-(拼贴) -(8) Trace Contour-(等高线) -(9) Wind-(风) 12.Texture-(-(纹理) -(1) Craquelure-(龟裂缝) -(2) Grain-(颗粒) -(3) Mosained Tiles-(马赛克拼贴) -(4) Patchwork-(拼缀图) -(5) Stained Glass-(染色玻璃) -(6) Texturixer-(纹理化) 13.Video-(视频) -(1) De -(2) NTSC Colors 14.Other-(其它) -(1) Custom-(自定义) -(2) High Pass-(高反差保留) -(3) Maximum-(最大值) -(4) Minimum-(最小值) -(5) Offset-(位移) 15.Digimarc -(1)Embed Watermark-(嵌入水印) -(2)Read Watermark-(读取水印)

katy perry的ET的中英文歌词

You"re so hypnotizing你令人神魂颠倒Could you be the devil, could you be an angel.你可能变成魔鬼,你可以变成天使Your touch magnetizing你的触摸很有磁性Feels like going floating, leave my body glowing就像在漂流,我的身体通红They say be afraid他们说害怕你You"re not like the others, futuristic lovers你和别人不一样,我的未来情人Different DNA, they don"t understand U不一样的基因,他们都不懂你You"re from a whole other world你来自一个完全不同的世界A different dimension不同的维度You open my eyes你让我大开眼界And I"m ready to go我准备走了Lead me into the light把我带进 光 里吧Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我Take me, ta-ta-take me带上我,带-带-带上我Wanna be your victim我可以被你杀死Ready for abduction准备好被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的You are so supersonic你是超声波的Wanna feel your powers想感受你的力量Stun me with your lasers用你的激光吓我Your kiss is cosmic你的吻是宇宙的Every move is magic每个动作都是神奇的You"re from a whole other world你来自一个完全不同的世界A different dimension不同的维度You open my eyes你让我大开眼界And I"m ready to go我准备走了Lead me into the light把我带进 光 里吧Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我Take me, ta-ta-take me带上我,带-带-带上我Wanna be your victim我愿意做你的牺牲品Ready for abduction准备好被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的There is transcendental这是超乎经验的On another level在另一个层面上Boy, you"re my lucky star男孩,你是我的幸运星I wanna walk on your wave length我想要与你合拍And be there when you vibrate当你摇摆不定的时候我会在那儿For you I risk it all为你我不惧怕任何危险Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me吻我,吻-吻-吻我Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison用你的爱注射我 用你的毒填满我Take me, ta-ta-take me带上我,带-带-带上我Wanna be your victim我愿意做你的牺牲品Ready for abduction准备好被你诱惑Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural它是神奇的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Extraterrestrial来自外星的Boy, you"re an alienBoy,你就是个外星人Your touch so foreign你的触摸很陌生It"s supernatural它是神奇的Extraterrestrial

极地特快 when christmas comes to town的中英文歌词

La La La La .....啦,啦,啦,啦……I"m wishing on a star对着星星有些许个愿望And trying to believe在恋爱中并有点点相信Love has some even though it"s far爱情有些遥远He"ll find me Christmas Eve在恋爱中会等着我Have guess that Santa"s busy?有没有猜想圣诞老人一定很忙碌?Whatever never come around任你知道他的未来见过I think of him when Christmas comes to town每当圣诞来到城镇之上我就会想他Have the best time of the year?一年中有没有最好的时光?Love has everyone comes home所有人都藏着爱情的家Along with all this Christmas cheer藏着世界上的爱人Was it hard to be alone?有没有说着远离和人间?Putting up the Christmas tree with friends who come around装饰圣诞树后和好友会有些爱意It"s so much fun when Christmas comes to town多么快乐,当夕阳西下的时候Presents for the children it was sunny and the hot孩子们的礼物都藏着在晴朗又热的天气里All the things I"ve heard about but never really seen藏着在晴间多云的天气里 却从没看风景Will have no one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve is it有没有无人躲在恋爱钟爱一生Hoping Santa"s on his way藏着希望谈恋爱的路上Would you present for the children it was wrapped in red and green?藏着孩子们准备的礼物又会有些藏着五颜六色?All the things Would youI"ve heard about but never really seen to it?所有这些 都是听说却从未亲眼见证No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve没有人会在这个圣诞前夜入睡Hoping Santa"s on his way希望圣诞老人在来的路上When santa"s sleigh bells ring当圣诞老人的雪橇铃声响起Have would listen all around?愿意从倾听说四周?The herald angels sing天使们在歌唱I never hear a sound可是我从未听到一丝音符And all the dreams of children孩子们一定梦乡的时候Once lost will all be found天气很热后都将被寻回That"s all I want when Christmas comes to town那就是我所有的愿望,当圣诞来到小镇上That"s all I want when Christmas comes to town那就是我所有的愿望,当圣诞来到小镇上

喝酒的危害有那些?要中英文对译的拜托了各位 谢谢

1Higher intake of alcohol have a serious injury on memory, attention, sense, the function and the emotional responses . Drinking too much can cause inarticulate, blurred vision, loss of balance force. 摄入较多酒精对记忆力、注意力、判断力、机能及情绪反应都有严重伤害。饮酒太多会造成口齿不清,视线模糊,失去平衡力。 2Drinking a lot of people will get a cardiomyopathy, the heart can cause muscle weakness and damage, and fibrosis, a serious impact on cardiac function. 大量饮酒的人会发生心肌病,即可引起心脏肌肉组织衰弱并且受到损伤,而纤维组织增生,严重影响心脏的功能。 3 drinking much one time will lead to acute symptoms of gastritis, for a large number of alcohol intake can lead to more serious chronic gastritis. 一次大量饮酒会出现急性胃炎的不适症状,连续大量摄入酒精,会导致更严重的慢性胃炎。 4Alcohol will appear male sperm quality; for women during pregnancy, even a small amount of alcohol, will also increased the risk of physical defects to unborn baby. 酒精会使男性出现精子质量下降;对于妊娠期的妇女,即使是少量的酒精,也会使未出生的婴儿发生身体缺陷的危险性增高。


Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽 Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her. On the way, she met (遇见) a wolf. That"s a good idea. Little Red Riding Hood, the flowers are so beautiful. Why not pick (采集) some? Help! Help! The wolf went to her grandma"s house and swallowed (吞下) her up whole. What are you doing, dear grandma? I"m just waiting to eat you, silly girl. In grandma"s house, Little Red Riding Hood found that grandma"s ears, eyes and mouth were all very big. z~ z~ z~ The wolf jumped up and swallowed up Little Red Riding Hood. And then, he fell into a deep sleep. Thank you, sir. A hunter passed (经过、路过) by. He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved.

you found me中英文对照歌词

http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/88229265.html ,借花献佛,呵呵

有里知花的I cry的歌词?最好有中英文对照。



1、看不见你时,你分外美丽。 When you can"t see you, you are beautiful. 2、我爱你,我是个怪物,但我爱你。 I love you, I am a monster, but I love you. 3、我的心因为爱情的痛楚要胀裂开来。 My heart is bursting with love"s pain. 4、我只知道当时我十分肯定她永远离开了我。 I only knew that I was sure she would leave me forever. 5、他撕碎了我的心,而你不过撕碎了我的生活。 He tore my heart, but you broke my life. 6、我生命之光,我欲念之火。我的罪恶,我的灵魂。 Light of my life, fire of my loins. My sins, my soul. 7、我就在阳光下融化了,手里那本书成了无花果树叶子。 I melted in the sun, the book became a fig tree leaves. 8、我的生命之光,我的欲念之火,我的罪恶,我的灵魂。 The light of my life, fire of my loins, my sin, my soul. 9、人性中的道德感是一种义务,而我们则必须赋予灵魂以美感。 The moral feeling of human nature is an obligation, and we must endow the soul with the sense of beauty. 10、我们不仅生活在思想的世界中,而且也生活在物质的世界中。 Not only do we live in the world of thought, but also in the world of matter. 11、她会年老色衰,但我不在乎。只要见她一面,万般柔情仍会涌上心头。 She will grow old, but I don"t care. Just to see her, love will still be in my heart. 12、而后是懊悔、是哭着赎罪时刺心的温存、是卑躬屈膝的爱、是感情修好的绝望。 It is regret, is crying when sin to stab the heart of tenderness, love, affection is the bow and scrape it despair. 13、我在想野牛和天使,在想颜料持久的秘密,预言家的十四行诗,艺术的避难所。 I think the buffalo and the angel, in secret to durable pigments, prophetic sonnets, the refuge of art. 14、她可以褪色,可以枯萎,怎样都可以,但只要我看她一眼,万般柔情便涌上心头。 She would fade and wither, do, but as long as I look at her, love will be in my heart. 15、春天用黄色、绿色、淡红色装点塞耶街的时候,洛丽塔再也无可挽回地一心只想演戏。 In the spring with yellow, green, light red decorate Thayer street, Lolita never again to save the heart just want to act. 16、我抚摸着我胸骨上的一块刺痛,那就是她披着秀发的头曾有一两次靠在我的心房的地方。 I touched the pain in my chest. It was the place where she had one or two times in my hair. 17、我爱你,我是个怪物,但我爱你。我卑鄙无耻、蛮横残忍,等等等等。但我爱你,我爱你! I love you, I am a monster, but I love you. I am arrogant and so on, mean and having no sense of shame and cruel. But I love you, I love you! 18、你可以嘲笑我,可以威胁逐出法庭,但我仍要高喊出我的真理,直到我窒息,将我掐得半死。 You can laugh at me, and can threat was banished from the court, but I still want to shout the truth, until I suffocate, choke me half to death. 19、当时我耳边响起一片儿童的欢笑声,令我心灰意冷的不是身边没有洛丽塔,而是笑声里没有她。 At that time my ears a piece of children"s laughter, make me frustrated not around there is no Lolita, but laughter without her. 20、我现在想到欧洲野牛和天使,想到颜料持久的秘密,想到预言性的十四行诗,想到艺术的庇护所。 I now think of aurochs and angels, think of the secrets of durable pigments, think of the prophetic sonnets, think of art of the sanctuary. 21、每当我追溯自己的青春年华时,那些日子就像是暴风雪之晨的白色雪花一样,被疾风吹得离我而去。 Whenever I look back to their youth, like the days when is the snowstorm in the morning of white snow, like the winds were blowing away from me. 22、我于是暗自思忖,那些忠实的小人儿如何能忘掉一切、一切,当我们这些老情人对她们的每一寸美好都仍那般珍爱的时候。 Then I secretly to contemplate, the faithful villain how can forget everything, everything, when those of us old lover on every inch of the good they are still the treasure. 23、苍白,臃肿,混俗,腹中是别人的骨肉,但我爱她。她可以褪色,可以萎谢,怎样都可以。但我只要看她一眼,万般柔情涌上心头。 Pale, bloated, mixed vulgar, belly is someone else"s blood, but I love her. She would fade and wither, how can. But I"m only a glimpse of love in my heart. 24、因为我在世上最讨厌的就是团体活动,那种好似把身上汗毛浓密和身上光溜溜的人以一种数量不断增加的平凡方式混在一起,集体沐浴。 Because I am in the world the most annoying is group activity, kind of like the body hairy and found the naked to a growing number of ordinary way mixed together, a collective bath. 25、我正在想到欧洲的野牛和天使,颜料持久的秘密,预言家的十四行诗,艺术的避难所。这便是我想到的,我能够和你共享的永恒,我的洛丽塔。 I"m thinking of bison and angels, paint enduring secret prophetic sonnets, the refuge of art. This is what I think of, I can share with you forever, my Lolita. 26、在这个年龄限内的女孩子是否都是性感少女呢?当然不是。否则我们这些熟谙此道者,我们这些孤独的过客,我们这些癖色贪花之人,岂不早就癫狂了。 Are the girls in this age limit all sexy girls? Certainly not. Otherwise, those of us who are familiar with this, we the lonely traveler, we these addiction color is greedy for a flower. Wouldn"t that be long gone insane. 27、我唯一怨恨的就是我不能掏出我的洛丽塔的心,不能把贪婪的嘴唇伸向她稚嫩的子宫,她隐秘的心田,她绚丽的肝脏,她马尾藻式的肺,她相仿的两瓣可爱的臀。 I only resentment is I can take out my Lolita heart, not the voracious lips to her tender uterus, secrecy of her heart, her beautiful liver, she Sargassum lung, she is similar to the two halves of the lovely hip. 28、然而,我却是瘦高个、骨节宽粗、长满绵羊般胸毛的亨伯特·亨伯特,浓黑的眉毛,奇特的口音,在他小伙子式优雅的微笑后面,潜藏的是一个污水沟般腐臭的魔鬼。 However, I was tall and skinny, Beck wide, covered with the sheep like chest Humbert Humbert, thick black eyebrows, a queer accent, behind the smile he man elegant, hidden is the devil in a sewage ditch like rancid. 29、我望着她,望了又望。一生一世,全心全意,我最爱的就是她,可以肯定,就像自己必死一样肯定,她可以褪色,可以枯萎,怎样都可以。但我只望她一眼,万般柔情,便涌上心头。 I looked at her, looked and hope. Life wholeheartedly, I love the most is her, to be sure, like yourself will die as sure. She could fade and wither, how can. But I just look at her, tenderness, then my heart. 30、就在一刹那,我们疯狂地、笨拙地、毫无羞怯、痛苦难忍地相爱了;同时还是无望地,我必须补充说;因为相互占有的狂乱只有靠实际吸吮、融合彼此灵魂和**的每一分子,才能平息下来。 In a moment, we frantically, clumsily, shamelessly, agonizingly fell in love and hopeless, I must add that; because of mutual possession frantic only by actual sucking, fusion per molecule of each other"s soul and flesh, can calm down. 31、我的美人俯身躺下了,向我,向我圆睁充血的一千只眼睛展示她微微抬起的肩胛骨,展示她沿着脊骨的弯曲呈现的花蕾,展示她紧绷绷、窄窄的臀穿在黑衣里显示出的膨胀,还有她那双女学生式的大腿。 My beauty leaned down, to me, to me staring congestion of a thousand eyes show her slightly raised shoulder blades, showing her along the spine bending Psent bud, showing her taut, narrow nates clothed in black shows the expansion, as well as her schoolgirl thighs. 32、我用手蒙住脸,滚烫的热泪第一次潸然而下。我感觉到泪水流过我的手指间,流下面颊、灼痛了我。我的鼻子阻塞了,而泪水却止不住。这时,她轻轻地摸了摸我的手腕。“你别再碰我,否则我就要死了。”我说。 I put his hand over his face, tears flowing down the first hot. I feel the tears flowing through my fingers down her cheeks, burning my. My nose is blocked, but my tears can"t stop. At this moment, she touched my wrist gently. "Don"t touch me, or I"ll die." I say. 33、我最爱的就是她,可以肯定,就像自己必死一样肯定。昔日的如花妖女,现在只剩下枯叶回乡,苍白,混俗,臃肿,腹中的骨肉是别人的,但我爱她,她可以褪色,可以萎谢,怎样都可以,但我只看她一眼,万般柔情,涌上心头。 I loved her, certainly, I will die, as sure as. Former flowery siren, now only leaves in their hometowns, pale, mixed vulgar, bloated, belly flesh is someone else"s, but I love her, she can fade, can fade, how can, but I just see her one eye, the tender, Chung heart. 34、在早晨,她就是洛,普普通通的洛,穿一只袜子,身高四尺十寸。穿上宽松裤时,她是洛拉。在学校里她是多丽。正式签名时她是多洛雷斯。可在我的怀里,她永远是洛丽塔。洛丽塔,我的生命之光,我的欲念之火。我的罪恶,我的灵魂。 In the early morning, she is the Luo, Pu ordinary Luo, wear a sock, height four feet ten inches. Wear loose pants, she was lola. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores when she was officially signed. But in my arms, she will always be Lolita. Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sins, my soul. 35、我望着她,望了又望。一生一世,全心全意。我最爱的是她,可以肯定,就像自己必死一样肯定。当日的如花妖女,现在只剩下枯叶回乡。苍白,混俗,臃肿,腹中是别人的骨肉。但我爱她。她可以褪色,可以萎谢,怎样都可以。但我只要看她一眼,万般柔情,涌上心头。 I looked at her, looked and hope. Whole life, heart and soul. I love her, to be sure, as they will die as sure. On the same day as parthenopipes, now only leaves home. Pale, mixed vulgar, bloated belly is someone else"s blood. But I love her. She would fade and wither, how can. But I have only one eye, her tenderness, in my heart. 36、我看着她,看了又看,我知道,就像我知道我必死无疑那样清楚,我是如此的爱她,胜过我所看到的所能想象到的地球上的任何事物。她以前是一个妖女,现在却像一片枯叶。但是我爱她,这个洛丽塔,苍白、臃肿、混俗,怀着别的男人的孩子,她可以褪色,可以枯萎,我不在乎,但我只要看她一眼,万般柔情,涌上心头。 I looked at her, and looked at it again and again, I know, as far as I know I will certainly die as well, I loved her more than anything I have ever seen or imagined the earth. She was a woman, now like a dead leaf. But I loved her, this Lolita, pale, bloated, mixed vulgar, was carrying another man"s child. She could fade and wither, I don"t care, but as long as I look at her, all the tenderness, Chung on the heart. 37、我们期望我们的朋友遵循我们为他们所定下的这个或那个合乎逻辑的、传统的模式。我们把这一切都在脑子里安排好了,我们平时见到某个人的机会越少,每次听到说起他的时候检验一下他是多么依头顺脑地与我们对他所抱的看法相符,我们就越是感到满意。任何一点对于我们所规定的命运的偏离都会叫我们觉得不仅反常,而且不道德。 We expect our friends to follow this or that logical, traditional model that we have set for them. We put all this all in my head arranged, we usually see someone less chance, every time I hear spoken of his time check he is how according to head along the brain with our opinion of him the match, the more we are satisfied. Any deviation from the fate we set for us will make us feel not only abnormal, but also immoral.


1. 大学英语课程描述(出国留学需要) 简 介: 本专业旨在培养适应我国企业改革和发展需要,德、智、体全面发展,具有良好的知识结构,较高的管理素质和较强的创新精神,能独立从事企事业部门管理工作的管理人才。培养重点在于现代管理理论、创新的管理模式、现代信息手段应用以及全球化观点与我国企业管理实践的有机结合,以期通过向我国工商界输送具有创新精神的新生力量,推动我国企业管理水平的提高。 本专业主要从组织管理、营销管理、人力资源管理、国际企业管理等工商企业管理的主要职能以及计算机和信息技术的应用等方面教学和训练来体现我校工商管理专业的特点,使学生成为能适应现代生产经营与科技进步,具备分析企业包括财务和会计等在内的各类门体的综合能力的专业管理人才。 在培养方面要求学生不仅要按计划学好管理理论及实务课程,还要在信息技术、计算机及网络应用、外语及数学等方面打好扎实的基础,具备较高的现代管理技能、自学习和自组织的创新能力。 学生在完成两年的基础课和管理类必修课学习后,可以从工商管理、旅游管理、市场营销、人力资源管理等四个方面选择专业方向,进行专业知识的学习和相关能力的培养。 发展方向: 就业前景 随着管理教学的普及和不断深入,去年,我国各种管理人员总数达3800万人,其中包括了国家机关的公务员600万人,在未来20年内,即2020年前,我国将继续持管理人员数量大国的地位,中国所需各类管理人员1000-1300万人,是中国就业人数较多的行业和热门职业。 薪酬待遇 从事管理工作的人员,薪金不定。一般在经济领域从事管理工作的人员年薪高于在 *** 机构中从事管理工作人员的年薪。 *** 机构高级管理人员的年薪高于一般管理人员,而且差距较大。 *** 机构的管理人员年薪约在1万-2万元;经济领域的管理人员年薪约在1.2万-10万元。有的在外资企业或民营大型企业集团的高级管理人员的年薪可达到几百万元。到21世纪,我国管理人员的薪金将不断提高,是各行业中增长幅度最快的职业之一。 从业条件 现代化管理方法有几百种,主要应用在管理上的有几十种,如果统论、控制论、信息论、大系统理论、系统工程、市场经济学、价值工程、时态逻辑理论等。在21世纪,科学技术的竞争是知识、人才的竞争。要实现先进的管理目标,关键在于抓好人才的管理机制和培养一大批掌握具有现代管理素质的人才。由于管理这门科学的复杂性,因此,要求管理人员不仅要具备过硬的组织协调、分析判断、开拓创新能力,而且要有特殊的素质和气魄。 应聘须知 选择管理岗位,对世界经济和科技信息要敏感,迅速收集分析、正确处理并及时作出相应的对策。因此,要求应聘管理职务的人员首先要具备较强的管理能力,并具有运用现代管理手段进行管理的才能,掌握电脑技术和网络技术。在个人素质方面,要具备较高的管理和组织协调能力,以及规划能力和应变能力,还要求有较好的自控能力。 课程介绍: 一、专 科: 国考课:大学语文、马克思主义哲学原理、计算机基础、基础英语、高等数学 市考课:管理学原理、企业会计、管理实务、企业经营战略概论、经济法概论 校考课:各校自行安排 二、专升本: *** 思想概论、外语[英语(二)、日语(二)、俄语(二)任选一门]、高等数学(二)、管理系统中计算机应用、管理学原理、国际贸易理论与实务、财务管理学、金融理论与实务、企业经营战略、组织行为学、质量管理(一)、企业管理咨询、毕业论文 2. 美国留学,课程描述 商务英语专业要中英文的,以下是课程名称。另外帮我看看我这些课程的英文名称是否正确 基础英语1-4 Essential English 1-4 (essential是根本的,必要的意思) Basic English 商务函电 Foreign Economic Contract Documents in Writing Business Letters 国际经济英语与经济报刊选读 International Economics in English & Newspaper Reading in English International Economy English& Selected Reading for economy journal (报刊包括专杂志和报纸,属可以用journal表示) 3. 中文翻译成英文----专业描述 It aim at accounting speciality it train it is socialist market Germany in which the economic constructions need, intelligently, develop in an all-round way at body. In morals of political ideology: Support the basic line of the party, have spirit that serves the people wholeheartedly, observe disciplines and obey laws, there are good social public morality and professional ethics; In professional knowledge and ability: Possess knowledge such as accountant, auditing, financial administration, tax, respect of engaged in accountant"s, auditing, financial administration, tax preparinging etc. works in and can be in the enterprises and institutions, and the high-quality inter-disciplinary talent engaged in teaching, scientific research of the relevant field; Body respect: Healthy, energetic. Main professional course includes economics, accounting principle, financial accountant, cost accounting, financial administration, auditing, senior financial accountant, management, piling and assembling and *** ysis, tax accounting, accounting for management, western financial accountant, accounting system design, accounting by EDP, operations research of financial accounting,etc.. 4. 英语课程描述 二楼的中文简介很赞啊,那我来补充一下Course Descriptions的格式吧! 一般说来一个完整的Course Description可分为三部分:名称、学时和大纲,具体格式如下: Course Descriptions 1. English Writing * credits, ? lessons(或hours,视各个学校情况而定)/week(*和?处楼主应该有具体数字) The aim of this course is to develop the preliminary writing ability of students, which includes the writing of synopsises, summaries, essays, and simple practical writings. (此处翻译二楼。其实简介写清楚这门课是干什么的、有什么目的就够了;如果想写得长一点,可以写具体的课程安排,举例见下) Week 1: An Introction to English Writing Week 2: Word Choice and Sentence Structure Week 3: Synopsis and Summary Week 4: Paragraph and Essay Week 5: Descriptive Writing Week 6: Narrative Writing Week 7: Expository Writing Week 8: Argumentative Writing(都是根据二楼简介瞎掰的) 2. The Society and Culture of English-Speaking Countries * credits, ? lessons/week …… 3. ……(以此类推) 总之老外喜欢精细具体有据可循的介绍,而且很看重学分,至于抽象的介绍两三句就够了:) 5. 急求出国留学申请材料----课程描述(英文) 情况差不多,也是国内大学没这个材料但是国外大学申请时候非要提交。百渡:夫子英文课程描述。目前已经顺利完成减免学分并完成海外大学的选课。希望也能帮到你 6. 英语翻译 英语专业 课程描述 体育:Physical Ecation 口语 Spoken English 泛读:Extensive Reading综合英语:Comprehensive English我只知道这几个,并且保证是很官方的~关于你的第二个问题:是的,必须要你成绩的中文和英文翻译各一份,拿到你们学校的留学服务中心或者外事处什么的,让人家审核以后,会给你开个“材料审核单”上面会给你盖学校的公章~如果你不在中国的话,翻译好东西,让你同学什么的帮忙去审一下也是可以的。本人就是做这个审核工作的。^_^注意一定要课程名称和分数都要对应,审核很严格的哦~ 7. 大学课程英文简介!!急!!真的很急!! 高等数学2A - High Level Mathematics 2A 建筑环境与能源应用工程概论 - Construction Environment and Energy Engineering Technology(省去”概论“用”技术“取代。概论这种东西翻译成英文听起来很像初学者) 大学化学 - Chemistry (省去大学,因为对方已经知道你是大学) 画法几何与工程制图 - Geometry and Technical Drawing 大学英语读写译,大学英语听力,大学英语口语 - Professional English Study (合并这三个科目,并改为”专业英语“,因为国外听力,读书这种事情是小学生做的,你那样写人家反而会觉得很好笑) 这些是你的课程标题,至于详细简洁这些还不够(虽然我是学设计的,我知道你的课程大致内容,但美方不一定知道)。如果你能用中文介绍你的科目,我还能帮你翻译一次。 8. 商务英语专业用英语描述 The main direction of business English is to cultivate a solid English language foundation and a systematic knowledge of international business management theory. 翻译:商务英语专业方向主要培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和较系统的国际商务管理理论知识。 It has strong practical skills and can be translated in foreign trade, foreign affairs, culture, news publishing, ecation, scientific research, touri *** and other departments. Senior English professionals in management, teaching, and research. 翻译:具有较强的实践技能,能在外贸、外事、文化、新闻出版、教育、科研、旅游等部门从事翻译、管理、教学、研究工作的英语高级专门人才。 The concept of "Business English" has been starting from today, and the starting time is not short. 翻译:“商务英语”的概念从提出到今天,起始时间已经不短了。 However, under the trend of internationalization, the English learning market is surging. Today, many training institutions have used Business English as their main training program. 翻译:但在国际化大趋势下,英语学习市场风起云涌的今天,很多培训机构又把商务英语作为了其主要的培训项目。 (8)英语专业中英文课程描述扩展阅读: 商务英语专业就业前景: 随着中国入世,众多的外国企业将在中国寻求发展的机会,而中国的企业迎来了走向世界的机遇,商业外贸领域获得了长足的发展。在这种环境下,企业之间的相互沟通和交流成为了彼此合作的重要条件。 与此同时,随着我国外贸体制改革的深化,出口经营资格实行了登记和核准制,这将使更多的企业拥有自 *** 。据调查,从目前我国的外贸出口量估计,未来五年内具有外贸出口权的公司将在现有的基础上再增加18万家,到那时我国将有36万家以上的具有进出口权的公司。 根据我国现有的具有进出口权的公司所拥有的人才的平均比例算,我国至少还需要180万的外贸人才为企业服务,而其中对商务英语人才的需求占的比重相当大。据预测,在未来10年里,英语类人才尤其是商务英语专业的人才将是最受欢迎的10类热门的人才之一。 9. 急求以下课程的英文版课程描述!! 补充:描述啊,我知识有限,不能用英文描述大部分的科目,可是我觉得名字本身就是很好的描述了。而且同一个科目可以学习的方面有很多,像摄影技术,我并不知道你学的是摄影的哪一方面,因此不能给你描述。 应用数学Application Mathematics 马克思主义政治经济学原理Marxist Principles of Political Economy 演讲与口才Speech and Eloquence 申论 我不知道是什么 “思政课”社会实践"Ideological and Political Ecation" social practice, 公文写作,Document Writing, 摄影技术,Photography, 形势与政策,Situation and Policy 管理学Management, 企业管理学Enterprise management. 计算机导论Introction to Computer Science 操作系统Operating system (Linux), 网络数据库技术与应用Neork database technology and applications, 网站开发技术Web site development technology 网络侦查与安全技术Neork detection and security technologies, 局域网组建与维护Local Area Neork and maintenance, 网络安全技术应用Neork security technology, 数据安全与恢复Data security and recovery, 动画设计Animation, 网站规划与工程设计Site planning and engineering design 计算机网络技术Computer Neork Technology, 网页设计Web Design, Linux组网技术Linux neorking technology, 计算机英语Computer English(有这门课?) 计算机信息的加密与解密Computer encryption and decryption, 计算机辅助设计Computer-aided design, 无线局域网技术Wireless LAN technology, 图形与图像处理Graphics and image processing. 10. 寻求以下几门课程的英文课程描述 就业与法(法学院) Employment and Law (Law School) 商务礼仪 Business Etiquette 创意产业经济学(工商管理学院) Creative Instry Economics (Business Administration) 工程训练(Ⅲ)(市场营销) Engineering Training (Ⅲ) (marketing) *** 思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 管理思想史(工商管理学院) Mao Zedong Thought and theoretical system of sociali *** with Chinese characteristics Introction to History of Management Thought (Business Administration) 职业生涯导航 大学写作 社交礼仪 Navigation writing career, the University of Social Etiquette 家用电器原理与维修(文科班) Principle and maintenance of household appliances (Arts Stream) 希望能帮到你~



i saw you walking in the rain 的歌词谁有?要中英文互译的


速求i so you中英文歌词

《i so you》I saw you (and her) walking in the rainYou were holding hands and I will never be the same  Tossing and turning another sleepless nightthe rain crashes against my window paneJumped into my car didn‘t drive too farthat moment I know I would never be the sameI saw you (and her) walking in the rainYou were holding hands and I will never be the same I saw you (and her) walking in the rainYou were holding hands and I will never be the same Now here you are begging to meto give our love another tryBoy I love you and I always willbut darling right now I‘ve got to say goodbyeI saw you (and her) walking in the rainYou were holding hands and I will never be the sameW: Hi baby how was your day today?M: I love you,I want you, baby.W: you miss me? Well , I missed you tooM: hey, come on babyW: I missed you so much that I followed you todayM: what? you followed me?W: Yeah, that‘s right. I saw you with that girl.M: what girl?W: Walking on t“我让你”我看见你(和她)在雨中行走你手牵着手,我将不会同过去一样 翻动的另一个不眠之夜对我的窗户,雨崩溃窗格跳进了我的车没有驱动器太远那一刻我知道我永远也不会相同我看见你(和她)在雨中行走你手牵着手,我将不会同过去一样我看见你(和她)在雨中行走你手牵着手,我将不会同过去一样现在,在这里你是我乞求给我们的爱别人尝试男孩我爱你,我总是会但是亲爱的,现在我得说再见我看见你(和她)在雨中行走你手牵着手,我将不会同过去一样宽:喜婴儿如何,今天是你的?米:我爱你,我想你,孩子。宽:想念我?嗯,我也想念你们米:嘿,来的婴儿宽:我错过了你这么多,我跟着你今天米:是什么?你跟着我?宽:是的,没错。我看见你的那个女孩。米:是什么女孩?宽:行走在T 是这个吗?兄弟? 不是的话在追问我我帮你找找




歌曲名:The day you went away 歌手名:M2M 噢,我真不相信事情竟会这样 well i wonder could it be 当我梦中见到你的时候 when i was dreaming about you baby 亲爱的你也梦见了我吗? you were dreaming of me 也许你认为我疯狂, call me crazy 或者说我太傻, call me blind 在所有的一切都结束了,仍然深陷痛苦之中不可自拔是多么的愚蠢。 to still be suffering is stupid after all of this time 也许我失去所爱对某些人来说反而是一种好结果。 did i lose my love to someone better 那个她会象我一样的爱你, and does she love you like i do 是的,像我一样,你知道我是真的真的的很爱你。 i do, you know i really really do 啊!我有太多的心里话想要对你说 。 well hey so much i need to say 我将永远的孤独。 been lonely since the day 当你离开我的那天, the day you went away 我是很悲伤也很难过但这一切都是真的。 so sad but true 你是我这一生的唯一, for me there"s only you 我痛哭流涕 , been crying since the day 从你离开我的那天起。 the day you went away 我永远记得那一刻, i remember date and time 9月20日 第2个星期日 9点25分 , september twenty second sunday twenty five after nine 在走廊上,你的样子 in the doorway with your case 彼此默默的看着 no longer shouting at each other 只有眼泪还在我们的脸上静静的流着, there were tears on our faces 曾经发生在我们之间的那些美好回忆 and we were letting go of something special 永远永远也不会再有了。 something we"ll never have again 我明白了,我猜我真的真的想明白了。 i know, i guess i really really know 为什么我们从来都不知道珍惜所拥有的直到永远的失去它。 why do we never know what we"ve got till it"s gone 我将如何承受这种痛苦。 how could i carry on 现在,我不得不说,我是真的真的失去了你。 because i have been missing you so much i have to say

monster 的中英文对照歌词。

Ever since I could rememberEverything inside of me,Just wanted to fit in (oh oh oh oh)I was never one for pretenders,Everything I tried to be,Just wouldn"t settle in (oh oh oh oh)If I told you what I was,Would you turn your back on me?And if I seem dangerous,Would you be scared?I get the feeling just because,Everything I touch isn"t dark enoughIf this problem lies in meI"m only a man with a chamber who"s got me,I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside meA monster, a monster,I"ve turned into a monster,A monster, a monster,And it keeps getting stronger.Can I clear my conscience,If I"m different from the rest,Do I have to run and hide? (oh oh oh oh)I never said that I want this,This burden came to me,And it"s made it"s home inside (oh oh oh oh)If I told you what I was,Would you turn your back on me?And if I seem dangerous,Would you be scared?I get the feeling just because,Everything I touch isn"t dark enoughIf this problem lies in meI"m only a man with a chamber who"s got me,I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside me.A monster, a monster,I"ve turned into a monster,A monster, a monster,And it keeps getting stronger.I"m only a man with a chamber who"s got me,I"m taking a stand to escape what"s inside me.A monster, a monster,I"ve turned into a monster,A monster, a monster,And it keeps getting stronger

nature Imagine Dragons中英文歌词。

Well, you hold the line只有你还没有放弃When every one of them is giving up or giving in, tell me当其他所有人都停止了尝试 被挫折磨尽了希望In this house of mine我所在之处Nothing ever comes without a consequence or cost, tell me凡事皆有因果报应 没有什么得来轻而易举 所以告诉我Will the stars align?星星是否会排列成线Will heaven step in? Will it save us from our sin? Will it?上帝之手是否会介入 更改冥冥中的定数 将我们从犯下的罪恶中解救"Cause this house of mine stands strong而我无所顾忌 因为我建立的国度会永恒伫立That"s the price you pay这就是你要付出的代价Leave behind your heartache, cast away不要沉溺于眼下的心碎 抛之脑后告诉自己Just another product of today这不过是今天遇到的又一小事而已Rather be the hunter than the prey别再学猎物般逃窜 要像猎人一样主动出击And you"re standing on the edge,现在你站在悬崖的边缘Face up "cause you"re a抬起头面对 因为你Natural生来如此A beating heart of stone就像坚石般强有力的心跳You gotta be so cold你要学着变得冷酷坚硬To make it in this world在这个世界寻到自己的立足之地Yeah, you"re a natural这就是你的天性使然Living your life cutthroat在残酷的竞争中生存You gotta be so cold你要学着变得冷酷坚硬Yeah, you"re a natural是的 这就是你的天性Will somebody是否有人能够

求katy perry最新歌 《 E.T》 的中英文歌词~~~~~!!!!!!!!

You"re so hypnotizing 你让人神魂颠倒 Could you be the devil, could you be an angel. 分不清你究竟是圣洁的天使还是诱惑众生的魔鬼 Your touch magnetizing 你不经意的触碰带来的是无尽的吸引 Feels like going floating, leave my body glowing 像是在漂流一般不真实,让我身躯绯红 They say be afraid 人们总是惧怕著你,不敢靠近You"re not like the others, futuristic lovers 但我明白你和别人完全不同,你是我科幻的未来恋人 Different DNA, they don"t understand U 你有著完全不同的基因,他们所有人都不懂你You"re from a whole other world 因为你来自一个与普通人完全不同的世界 A different dimension 生存在不同的次元 You open my eyes 你让我大开眼界 And I"m ready to go 我已经做好准备 Lead me into the light 把我带到光线中,带我走吧 Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me 以炽热的温度吻我 Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison 将你的爱注射入我的身体,用你的毒液浸满我 Take me, ta-ta-take me 带我离开这个世界 Wanna be your victim 我甘愿做你的牺牲品 Ready for abduction 已经准备好迎接你的诱惑 Boy, you"re an alien 亲爱的,你是来自外星的生物 Your touch so foreign 你带来的触感如此特别,如此未知 It"s supernatural 它是超自然的 Extraterrestrial 来自遥远宇宙中 You are so supersonic 你由超声波交织而成 Wanna feel your powers 无比想感受到你磅礴的力量 Stun me with your lasers 所以用你的镭射刺激我吧 Your kiss is cosmic 你的吻就是宇宙 Every move is magic 每个动作都魔力非凡 You"re from a whole other world 因为你来自一个与普通人完全不同的世界 A different dimension 生存在不同的次元 You open my eyes 你让我大开眼界 And I"m ready to go 我已经做好准备 Lead me into the light 把我带到光线中,带我走吧 Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me 以炽热的温度吻我 Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison 将你的爱注射入我的身体,用你的毒液浸满我 Take me, ta-ta-take me 带我离开这个世界 Wanna be your victim 我甘愿做你的牺牲品 Ready for abduction 已经准备好迎接你的诱惑 Boy, you"re an alien 亲爱的,你是来自外星的生物 Your touch so foreign 你带来的触感如此特别,如此未知 It"s supernatural 它是超自然的 Extraterrestrial 来自遥远宇宙中 There is transcendental 我还从未体会过 On another level 这种在全新高度上的感觉 Boy, you"re my lucky star 宝贝你是我的幸运星 I wanna walk on your wave length 我希望合上你的波长 And be there when you vibrate 当你艰难摇晃时及时出现 For you I risk it all 为了你我无所畏惧,付出一切 Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me 以炽热的温度吻我 Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison 将你的爱注射入我的身体,用你的毒液浸满我 Take me, ta-ta-take me 带我离开这个世界 Wanna be your victim 我甘愿做你的牺牲品 Ready for abduction 已经准备好迎接你的诱惑 Boy, you"re an alien 亲爱的,你是来自外星的生物 Your touch so foreign 你带来的触感如此特别,如此未知 It"s supernatural 它是超自然的 Extraterrestrial 来自遥远宇宙中 Extraterrestrial 来自遥远宇宙中 Extraterrestrial 来自遥远宇宙中 Boy, you"re an alien 亲爱的,你是来自外星的生物 Your touch so foreign 你带来的触感如此特别,如此未知 It"s supernatural 它是超自然的 Extraterrestrial 来自遥远宇宙中


对土木工程的发展起关键作用的,首先是作为工程物质基础的土木建筑材料,其次是随之发展起来的设计理论和施工技术。每当出现新的优良的建筑材料时,土木工程就 会有飞跃式的发展。 人们在早期只能依靠泥土、木料及其它天然材料从事营造活动,后来出现了砖和瓦这种人工建筑材料,使人类第一次冲破了天然建筑材料的束缚。中国在公元前十一世纪 的西周初期制造出瓦。最早的砖出现在公元前五世纪至公元前三世纪战国时的墓室中。砖和瓦具有比土更优越的力学性能,可以就地取材,而又易于加工制作。 砖和瓦的出现使人们开始广泛地、大量地修建房屋和城防工程等。由此土木工程技术得到了飞速的发展。直至18~19世纪,在长达两千多年时间里,砖和瓦一直是土木工程的重要建筑材料,为人类文明作出了伟大的贡献,甚至在目前还被广泛采用。 钢材的大量应用是土木工程的第二次飞跃。 十七世纪70年代开始使用生铁、十九世纪初开始使用熟铁建造桥梁和房屋,这是钢结构出现的前奏。 从十九世纪中叶开始,冶金业冶炼并轧制出抗拉和抗压强度都很高、延性好、质量均匀的建筑钢材,随后又生产出高强度钢丝、钢索 。于是适应发展需要的钢结构得到蓬勃发展。除应用原有的粱、拱结构外,新兴的桁架、框架、网架结构、悬索结构逐渐推广,出现了结构形式百花争艳的局面。 建筑物跨径从砖结构、石结构、木结构的几米、几十米发展到钢结构的百米、几百米,直到现代的千米以上。于是在大江、海峡上架起大桥,在地面上建造起摩天大楼和高耸铁塔,甚至在地面下铺设铁路,创造出前所未有的奇迹。 为适应钢结构工程发展的需要,在牛顿力学的基础上,材料力学、结构力学、工程结构设计理论等就应运而生。施工机械、施工技术和施工组织设计的理论也随之发展,土木工程从经验上升成为科学,在工程实践和基础理论方面都面貌一新,从而促成了土木工程更迅速的发展。 十九世纪20年代,波特兰水泥制成后,混凝土问世了。混凝土骨料可以就地取材,混凝土构件易于成型,但混凝土的抗拉强度很小,用途受到限制。 十九世纪中叶以后,钢铁产量激增,随之出现了钢筋混凝土这种新型的复合建筑材料,其中钢筋承担拉力,混凝土承担压力,发挥了各自的优点。 二十世纪初以来,钢筋混凝土广泛应用于土木工程的各个领域。 从三十年代开始,出现了预应力混凝土。预应力混凝土结构的抗裂性能、刚度和承载能力,大大高于钢筋混凝土结构,因而用途更为广阔。土木工程进入了钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土占统治地位的历史时期。混凝土的出现给建筑物带来了新的经济、美观的工程结构形式,使土木工程产生了新的施工技术和工程结构设计理论。这是土木工程的又一次飞跃发展。 建造一项工程设施一般要经过勘察、设计和施工三个阶段,需要运用工程地质勘察、水文地质勘察、工程测量、土力学、工程力学、工程设计、建筑材料、建筑设备、工程机械、建筑经济等学科和施工技术、施工组织等领域的知识 ,以及电子计算机和力学测试等技术。因而土木工程是一门范围广阔的综合性学科。随着科学技术的进步和工程实践的发展,土木工程这个学科也已发展成为内涵广泛、门类众多、结构复杂的综合体系。 土木工程是伴随着人类社会的发展而发展起来的。它所建造的工程设施反映出各个历史时期社会经济、文化、科学、技术发展的面貌,因而土木工程也就成为社会历史发展的见证之一。 远古时代,人们就开始修筑简陋的房舍、道路、桥梁和沟澶,以满足简单的生活和生产需要。后来,人们为了适应战争、生产和生活以及宗教传播的需要,兴建了城池、运河、宫殿、寺庙以及其他各种建筑物。 许多著名的工程设施显示出人类在这个历史时期的创造力。例如,中国的长城、都江堰、大运河、赵州桥、应县木塔,埃及的金字塔,希腊的巴台农神庙,罗马的给水工程、科洛西姆圆形竞技场(罗马大斗兽场),以及其他许多著名的教堂、宫殿等。 产业革命以后,特别是到了20世纪,一方面社会向土木工程提出了新的需求;另一方面,社会各个领域为土木工程的前进创造了良好的条件。因而这个时期的土木工程得到突飞猛进的发展。在世界各地出现了现代化规模宏大的工业厂房、摩天大厦,核电站、高速公路和铁路、大跨桥梁、大直径运输管道长隧道、大运河、大堤坝、大飞机场、大海港以及海洋工程等等。现代土木工程不断地为人类社会创造崭新的物质环境,成为人类社会现代文明的重要组成部分。 土木工程是具有很强的实践性的学科。在早期,土木工程是通过工程实践,总结成功的经验,尤其是吸取失败的教训发展起来的。从17世纪开始,以伽利略和牛顿为先导的近代力学同土木工程实践结合起来,逐渐形成材料力学、结构力学、流体力学、岩体力学,作为土木工程的基础理论的学科。这样土木工程才逐渐从经验发展成为科学。 在土木工程的发展过程中,工程实践经验常先行于理论,工程事故常显示出未能预见的新因素,触发新理论的研究和发展。至今不少工程问题的处理,在很大程度上仍然依靠实践经验。 土木工程技术的发展之所以主要凭借工程实践而不是凭借科学试验和理论研究,有两个原因:一是有些客观情况过于复杂,难以如实地进行室内实验或现场测试和理论分析。例如,地基基础、隧道及地下工程的受力和变形的状态及其随时间的变化,至今还需要参考工程经验进行分析判断。二是只有进行新的工程实践,才能揭示新的问题。例如,建造了高层建筑、高耸塔桅和大跨桥梁等,工程的抗风和抗震问题突出了,才能发展出这方面的新理论和技术。在土木工程的长期实践中,人们不仅对房屋建筑艺术给予很大注意,取得了卓越的成就;而且对其他工程设施,也通过选用不同的建筑材料,例如采用石料、钢材和钢筋混凝土,配合自然环境建造了许多在艺术上十分优美、功能上又十分良好的工程。古代中国的万里长城,现代世界上的许多电视塔和斜张桥,都是这方面的例子。Plays a key role in the development of civil engineering, is the first civil construction materials as the basis for engineering material, followed by the subsequent development of the design theory and construction technology. Whenever there is a fine new building materials, civil engineering will be a leap type development.People can only rely on the early Earth, wood and other natural materials in the construction activities, and later appeared in brick and tile that artificial materials, so that the first human to break the shackles of natural building materials. Chinese in Eleventh Century BC in the early Western Zhou Dynasty created the tile. The first brick in the fifth Century BC to the third Century BC, the tomb of the Warring States period. Brick and tile has superior mechanical properties,soil can obtain raw material locally, and easy to manufacture.Emergence of brick and tile so that people began to widely, a large number of housing construction and urban flood control engineering. This civil engineering technology has been rapid development. Until 18 ~ nineteenth Century, as long as two thousand years, brick and tile has been a major civil engineering construction materials, made a great contribution to the human civilization, and was also widely used in the present.A large number of applications of steel products is the second leap in civil engineering. In seventeenth Century 70 time began using pig iron, the early nineteenth Century began to usewrought iron bridges and the construction of housing, which is a prelude to the emergence of steel.From the beginning of the mid nineteenth Century, the metallurgical industry smelting and rolling out high tensile and compressive strength, good ductility, uniformity of the quality of construction steel, then produce high-strength steel wire, steel wire. And meet the needs for development of steel structure has been booming. In addition to the application of the original beam, arch structure, the new truss, frame, grid structure, and gradually promote the suspension structure,the form of the structure of a hundred flowers contend in beauty situation.From the brick building long-span structure, stone structure, wood structure of a few meters, the development of tens of meters to 100 meters of steel structures, several hundred meters, 1000 meters until modern. So the bridge in the river, channel, since the construction of skyscrapersand high-rise tower on the ground, even in the laying of underground railway, to create ahitherto unknown.To meet the development needs of the steel structure engineering, on the basis of Newton"s mechanics, material mechanics, structural mechanics, structural engineering design theory would emerge as the times require. Theoretical design of machinery, construction technology and organization construction also development, civil engineering from the experience of rising to become science, both in engineering practice and theoretical basis for a new, which led tomore rapid development of civil engineering.In nineteenth Century 20, Portland cement concrete was made. Concrete aggregate can obtain raw material locally, easy to concrete structures forming, but the tensile strength of concrete is very small, limited use. By the middle of the nineteenth Century, the surge in steel production,followed by a composite building material of this new type of reinforced concrete, which bear the tension steel, concrete bear the pressure, to play their respective advantages. Since the beginning of twentieth Century, each field of reinforced concrete is widely used in civilengineering.From the beginning of the thirty"s, the prestressed concrete. The crack resistance, stiffness and bearing capacity of prestressed concrete structure, much higher than the reinforced concrete structure, which uses broader. Civil engineering into the reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete dominant historical period. Concrete brings the structural form of new economic,aesthetic to the building, civil engineering so that a theory of new construction technology and engineering structure design. This is a leap in the development of civil engineering.A project to build the facilities in general to go through investigation, design and construction in three stages, need to discipline the use of geological prospecting projects, hydro geological survey, engineering survey, soil mechanics, engineering mechanics, engineering design,building materials, construction equipment, engineering machinery, building the economy, and the construction technology, construction and other fields of knowledge, as well as the computer and mechanical testing technology. Civil engineering is therefore a broad range of integrated disciplines. With the development of science and technology development and engineering practice, the civil engineering disciplines have also been developed into a comprehensivesystem of broad connotation, category numerous, complicated structure.Civil engineering is accompanied by the development of human society and the development of.It works in the construction of facilities reflect the face of social and economic development,technology, science, culture in every historical period, so the civil engineering has become one of the social and historical development of the witness.In ancient times, people began to build simple houses, roads, bridges and water channel, to meet the simple life and production needs. Later, people in order to adapt to the war, productionand dissemination of religious life and the need to build the city, canals,, palaces, temples and other buildings.Many well-known works shown in this historical period of human creativity. For example, Chinathe Great Wall, Dujiangyan, the Grande Canale, the Zhaozhou Bridge, the Yingxian Wood Tower, the Pyramid of Egypt, Greece"s Parthenon, Rome"s water supply project, Kolo Sim Arena(Rome Coliseum), and many other famous churches, palaces.After the industrial revolution, especially in twentieth Century, on one hand, the society puts forward new requirements to the civil engineering; on the other hand, each field of the society to create good conditions for the advancement of civil engineering. Thus this period of civil engineering has make a spurt of progress of development.In the rest of the world in the modern large-scale industrial plants, skyscrapers, nuclear power plants, highways and railways, long-span bridge, large diameter pipelines long tunnel, the Grande Canale, big dams, big airport, port and marine engineering etc.. Modern civil engineering to create a new physical environment for the human society, has become an important part of modern civilization of human society.Civil engineering is a very practical subject. In the early days, through the civil engineering practice, summing up successful experience, especially draw lessons from the failure of developed. From the beginning of seventeenth Century, with Galileo and Newton as a combination of pilot with the mechanics of the modern civil engineering practice, gradually formed the mechanical material mechanics, structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, rock mass, as the basis of the theory of civil engineering discipline. This experience in civil engineering from the gradually developed into a science.In the process of the development of civil engineering, engineering practice often first experience in theory, engineering accidents often show a new unforeseen factors, triggering a new theory of research and development. Yet many engineering problems, still rely on practical experience in the very great degree.

求英格兰民歌--long long ago的中英文对照歌词



Dribbler 盘球手 电脑控制球员会比较粘球(对玩家无效用) Dribble-Keep 盘带控制 电脑拿球时能控好足球(玩家控制好象不容易丢球) Positioning 位置感 捕捉好位置的能力强,门前抢点强 Reaction 前插 能够突然启动跑位,直塞球接应强,但易越位 Playmaker 中场核心 该队员持球时,全员进攻意识增加 Passer 传球手 直塞威胁性、准确性更大 Striker 射手 擅长最后一击,比如直塞造成的机会 1 vs 1 Shoot 擅长单刀球 单刀球容易进球 Post Player 柱式中锋 擅长在禁区内抢头球,可以在里面策应摆渡,禁区内一脚触球也准 Line Positioning 反越位 对方造越位时可进行反越位 Middle Shoot 中距离射门 其实貌似这个叫擅长远射更好,因为远射高手都有这特技 Side Player 边路球员 擅长边路活动 Centre Player 中路 擅长中路活动 PK.Kicker 擅长点球 点球不会射出门框范围 One-Touch 一脚触球 第一时间处理球能力强 Outside 外脚背 外脚背处理球更优秀 Man-Mark 盯人 盯人战术执行强 sliding 铲球 铲球成功率高 Covering 补位 当队友被突破(或区域漏防时),会积极补防 D-Line control 后防统率 使后防线统一,方便执行造越位战术 PK Keeper 擅长扑点球 电脑控制时扑点球成功率高 1 vs 1 Keeper 擅长扑单刀 扑单刀球成功率高 Long Throw 大力界外球 界外球时抛得更远 现在已经有中文版下载了下一个就方便了


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