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Demi Lovato - Catch Me 中英文对照歌词

Before I fall too fast以前我坠落地太快了 Kiss me quick, but make it last 快吻我,但让它持续 So I can see how badly this will hurt me 这样我就可以看见这伤害我有多么严重 When you say goodbye当你说再见时 Keep it sweet, keep it slow 保持它甜蜜,让它缓慢 Let the future pass, and don"t let go 让未来过去,别松手 But tonight I could fall too soon 但是今晚我可能坠落太快 To this beautiful moonlight 这个漂亮的月光 But you"re so hypnotizing但是你如此让人陶醉 You"ve got me laughing while I sing 你使我笑着唱歌 You"ve got me smiling in my sleep 你使我微笑着入眠 And I can see this unraveling 我能看见这个破裂 And your love is where I"m falling 你的爱让我坠落 But please don"t catch me 但请不要抓住我 See this heart won"t settle down 看到这颗心平静不下来 Like a child running scared from a clown 像一个孩子害怕一个小丑 I"m terrified of what you"ll do 我害怕你将要做什么 My stomach screams just when I look at you 我的胃大叫只是当我看着你 Run far away so I can breathe 我只有跑得远远的才能呼吸 Even though you"re far from suffocating me 即使你远离了窒息了的我 But I can"t set my hopes to high 但我不能抱有希望 Cuz every hello ends with a goodbye 因为每个“你好”结束在“再见” But you"re so hypnotizing 但是你如此让人陶醉 You"ve got me laughing while I sing 你使我笑着唱歌 You"ve got me smiling in my sleep你使我微笑着我入眠 And I can see this unraveling 我能看见这个破裂 Your love is where I"m falling 你的爱让我坠落 But please don"t catch me 但请不要抓我 So now you see why I"m scared 所以现在你知道为什么我觉得很害怕 I can"t open up my heart without a care 没有你的关心我无法敞开心扉 So here I go, it"s what I feel 因此在这里,我走了,这是我的感觉 And for the first time in my life I know it"s real 在我的生命中,我第一次知道那是真实的 But you"re so hypnotizing 但是你如此让人陶醉You"ve got me laughing while I sing 你使我笑着唱歌 You"ve got me smiling in my sleep你使我微笑着我入眠 And I can see this unraveling 我能看见这个破裂 Your love is where I"m falling 你的爱让我坠落 But please don"t catch me 但请不要抓我 If this is love please don"t break me 如果这就是爱,请别打断我 I"m giving up so just catch me 我要放弃了这样才能抓住我

soulmate 大意是 精神伴侣,灵魂伴侣的意思,求近义的中英文词组

英文近义词组(及翻译):alter ego 另一半companion 伴侣confidant 心腹知己(男)confidante 心腹知己(女)friend 朋友heart"s desire 心之所向helpmate 助手,伴侣,配偶 kindred soul 心心相印kindredspirit 心心相印lover 爱人one"s promised one 心灵归宿partner 伴侣true love 真爱中文近义词组:知音 知己 另一半 知心爱人 心腹朋友 心腹知己 心心相印 志同道合心灵伴侣 心灵归宿 人生归宿 知心伙伴 最爱 真爱 天造地设之合 灵魂伴侣 形影不离


L7 Be held the columned peristyle and the sculptured pediment of the new Pathenon (当人们举目向雅典卫城望去),看到新落成的巴特农神庙那周围列柱的中厅和以雕刻装饰的山形墙时 L158 The Hellenophiles endowed the physical town with a marmoreal chastity ,a purity and a rationality. 偏爱希腊的人们赋予物质的城镇以大理石般的纯洁、高雅和理性 L159 No pallid esthetes, no mousy bureaucrats ,produced these violent visual contrasts ,or these high intensities of color that survive today only in rock and sky and sea. 任何苍白无力的唯美主义者,任何胆小如鼠的官僚绅士,都不能创造出如此强烈鲜明对比,也不能创造出如今只存在于山岩、天空和大海中那种高强度色彩。 L17 AS it collapsed in the city as one descended from the Acropolis to the marketplace ,or picked one "s way,more by instinct than by any visible guides ,through the tangle of walled alleys and blind streets that took one to one"s destination. 正如人们从雅典卫城走下来,到街头闹市时,美感兴奋会在城市环境中崩溃一样,也像人们不顾任何明确的目标随心所欲游荡在街巷中,任这些大街小巷把自己引到什么目的地去。 P159L28 There Is no better place to confront the paradoxical relation between the mind and the body through which it expresses itself, the social body that becomes a humanized landscape or a city ,than in the Greek polis, above all in Athens. 没有任何一个地方能像希腊城邦,首先像雅典勇敢正视人类精神和社会机体二者之间复杂关系了,人类精神通过社会机体得以充分表现,社会机体变成了一片人性化了的景色。 P160 L30 The mighty rock that raised these buildings to the sky ,a rock whose blue and pink tints contrast with the marble above ,and whose craggy outlines ,even when capped by a sheer wall, contrast with the sublime geometry of the temples. 这些巨大的山岩支撑了这些建筑使之耸入云霄,这些青色和锗石色的山岩同其上方的大理石建筑形成鲜明对照,这些山岩参差不平的轮廓线,即使其顶部筑有陡峭的高墙,也同神 庙建筑物壮丽的几何形体形成对照。 P161 L36 Its rocky sides were apt for defense rather than for building ;so the task of the architect was not to weaken its contours or to facilitate movement ,but to exploit the chance advantages of ledges and platforms,arranging buildings and monuments with no effort to achieve visual coherence or a climactic sequence except in the siting of the most important temple at the top. 它周围的岩石坡面很适于战争防卫而不适于建筑,因而建筑师的任务并不应去削弱它的外形轮廓,或者表现动感,而在于利用山岩上突出的部分或平坦的地方这类天然条件来安排建筑物和纪念物,并不刻意追求视觉的整体感或高潮序列的要求。 No axis,no continuity ,no visual progression :no attempt at symmetry ,either ,except in the individual building ,open to view and finished on all four sides ,changing in form with the changing angle of approach. 没有总的建筑中轴线,没有连续感,没有视觉的渐进,也不追求对称形式,建筑物完全暴露在视野之内,四面都多经修饰,形式随走近时视角变化而变化。 P162 there was even a sophisticated exploitation of the visual possibilities of a devious,irregular approach. 巧妙利用了那种弯弯曲曲不规则通道的视觉效果。 1. The Roman Empire ,the product of a single expanding urban power center ,was itself a vast city-building enterprise. 罗马帝国是单纯扩张城市权利中心 的产物,它本身就是一个非常广大的城市建设企业。 2. The foundation stones of the Roman town were quarried mainly from two other cultures ,the Etruscan and the Hellenic. 罗马城镇所使用的文化基石主要采自两种其它文化,即古伊特鲁里亚文化及古希腊文化。 3. The city, partly for religious ,partly for utilitarian reasons ,took the form of a rectangle . 部分缘于宗教,部分缘于功利主义,采用矩形形式 4. The typical mark that distinguished Rome from Hellenistic cities of the same general character was the layout of its two principal streets ,the cardo ,running north and south ,and the decumannus ,running east and west. This axial type of town ,with its two main streets crossing at right angles near the center. is an old form. 与具有相同特色的希腊化城市的典型区别在于它那两条主要街道的布局方式,一条是南北走向,另一条是东西走向,这种以两条大街呈直角在市中心附近相交叉的轴式城镇,是一种很古老的形式。 5. From the Hellenistic town the Roman received a pattern of esthetic order that rested on a practical base: the formally enclosed agora, with its continuous structures, the poad unpoken street lined with buildings, and the theater. 从希腊化城镇中学到了基于实践基础的美学形式:形式上封闭的广场,广场四周连续的建筑,宽敞的通衢大街,两侧成排的建筑物,还有剧场。 6. There is indeed a sound reason for thinking of medieval plans as usually more informal than regular .This was because rugged rocky sites were more frequently utilized ,for they had decisive advantages for defense until effective cannon fire became possible in the sixteenth century.Since streets were not adapted to wheeled traffic and neither water pipes nor sewage drains needed to be provided for ,it was more economical to follow nature"s contours than to attempt to grade them down: note the tilt of the poad market place in Siena .By building on barren hilly sites, moreover ,the thrifty citizens did not encroach on the richer ag ricultural bottom land. 有充分理由认为,中世纪的规划不是整齐端正,而常常是不规则的,这是因为一些多岩石的、崎岖不平的地区,常被利用,因为在16世纪以前没有炮火的年代里,这种地区在防御上占有绝对优势。由于街道规划不需要考虑车辆交通,也不需要提供上、下水道,所以按照自然地形建设要比平整这个地区后建设更经济而方便。请看一看意大利锡耶纳倾斜的 广阔的市场场址,而且,利用荒秃秃的山旁地带进行建设,可不占用富饶的可利用河水灌溉的农田。 7. The other source of the organic curves in the medieval town was the emphasis on its central core. Lavedan goes so far as to say that “the essential fact of medieval urbanism is the constitution of the city in such a fashion that all the li nes converge toward a center, and that the contour is usually circular :this is what contemporary theorists call the radio-concentric system. 中世纪城镇上街道多呈曲线的另一原因是由于强调市中心的核心作用,拉维丹甚至说,“中世纪城市规划的要点是把城市结构表现为各条道路都集中到市中心,平面的轮廓线常常是圆形,就是现代理论家们称之为放射同心圆系统的形状。

Groove Coverage - She中英文对照歌词

She hangs out every day near by the beach 她经常去海滩走走 Havin"a harnican fallin"asleep 手中拿着啤酒(海涅根)就这样入睡 She looks so sexy when she"s walking the sand 她在沙滩上走路的姿势非常性感 Nobody ever put a ring on her hand 还从来没有人成功向她求婚 Swim to the oceanshore fish in the sea 在浪里游泳在海中捕鱼 She is the story the story is she 她就是故事,故事就是她 She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky 她对着天上的月亮和星星唱歌 Shining from high above you shouldn"t ask why 为什么它们在天空中闪耀,你已知道答案 She is the one that you never forget 她就是那个你忘不了的人啊 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 她是来自天堂的天使 Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl 哦,她才是真正的原因,上帝为什么造女孩 She is so pretty all over the world 她是世界上最可爱的人 She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum 她让鼓点变得更有旋律 She comes in the morning and the evening she"s gone 她清晨而出,日落即走 Every little hour every second you live 在你生命的每分每秒 Trust in eternity that"s what she gives 相信她带给你的永恒信念 She looks like Marilyn, walks like Suzanne 她长得象玛丽莲,走路像苏姗妮 She talks like Monica and Marianne 她说话像莫尼卡和玛丽安妮 She wins in everything that she might do 她做的每件事都能成功 And she will respect you forever just you 而且她会永远维护你,是的只有你 She is the one that you never forget 她就是那个你忘不了的人啊 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 她是来自天堂的天使 Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl 哦,她才是真正原因,上帝为什么要造女孩 She is so pretty all over the world 她是世界上最可爱的人 She is so pretty all over the world 她是世界上最可爱的人啊 She is so pretty 她真可爱 She is like you and me 她就像你,就像我 Like them like we 就像他们,就像我们 She is in you and me 她就在你心中,就在我心中 She is the one that you never forget 她就是那个你忘不了的人啊 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 她是来自天堂的天使 Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl 哦,她才是真正原因,上帝为什么要造女孩 She is so pretty all over the world 她是世界上最可爱的人 (She is the one) She is the one (就是她啊)就是她 (That you never forget) That you never forget (你永远忘不了啊)你永远忘不了 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 她是来自天堂的天使 She"s the reason (oh she must be the reason) why God made a girl 她才是真正的原因(哦,她一定是真正的原因)上帝为什么要造女孩 She is so pretty all over the world (oh...) 她是世界上最可爱的人啊 Na na na na na ….呐,呐,呐

befour - how do you do 中英文歌词是什么哦?

I see you comb your hair 我看见你在梳头 And gimme that grin 朝我一笑 It"s making me spin now, spinnin" within 于是我的世界开始晕眩 Before I melt like snow 在我像雪一样融化以前 I say "hello, how do you do?" 我对你说:你好 I love the way you undress now, baby, begin 喜欢你宽衣的方式,亲爱的,开始吧 Do you caress, honey, my heart"s in a mess 开始爱抚我,亲爱的,我心如乱麻 I love your blue-eyed voice 喜欢你的蓝眼睛你的声音 Like tiny Tim shines thru 就像tiny Tim在闪耀 How do you do ? 你好 Well, here we are 我们在这里 Crackin" jokes in the corner of our mouths 破碎的玩笑常挂在我们的嘴角 And I feel like I"m laughing in a dream 然而我感觉自己时常在梦里发笑 If I was young 如果我还年轻 I could wait outside your school 我将守在你学校的门口,默默等待 Cos your face is like the cover of a magazine 因为你美丽的脸,就像杂志的封面女郎 (Refrao) How do you do, do you do 你好 The things that you do ? 这一切都是你所为吗 No one I know could ever keep up with you 我所认识的人中没有人能及你的 How do you do ? 你好 Did it ever make sense to you To say "Bye, bye, bye" ? 说再见的时候你感觉到我的问候了吗 I see you in that chair with perfect skin 我看见你躺在椅子上,美丽动人 Well, how have you been, baby, livin" in sin ? 曾经的你,怎样在罪恶里生活呢 Hey, I gotta know 我想知道 Did you say "hello, how do you do ?" 你说过你好吗 How do you do ? 你好 Well, here we are 我们在这里 Spending time in the louder part of town 在喧嚣的镇上生活 And It feels like everything"s surreal 一切都如此不真实 When I get old I will wait outside your house 当我老去,我会守在你的屋外,静静等待 Cos your hands have got the power meant to heal 因为只有你充满魔力的手,能够抚平我的创伤


LacrosseLacrosse is a team sport of Native American/First Nations Iroquois origin played using a small rubber ball (62.7mm-64.77mm,140g-147g), and a long-handled stick called a crosse or lacrosse stick. It is often played as a contact sport. The head of the lacrosse stick is strung with loose mesh designed to catch and hold the lacrosse ball. Offensively, the objective of the game is to score by shooting the ball into an opponent"s goal, using the lacrosse stick to catch, carry, and pass the ball to do so. Defensively, the objective is to keep the opposing team from scoring and to gain the ball through the use of stick checking and body contact or positioning. The sport has four major types:men"s field lacrosse, women"s lacrosse, box lacrosse and intercrosse. The sport consists of four positions: midfield, attack, defense, and goalie.袋棍球(长曲棍球)袋棍球(Lacrosse),又译长曲棍球、棍网球或兜网球,是一种使用顶端具有网状袋子的长棍作为持球工具的团队球类运动。起源于北美印第安人部落,原本不限人数,最多可达双方各一千余人。移民至此的法国人发现后,加以改良并制订规则,因而形成今日的状态。主要流行于北美地区,加拿大将本运动比为冰球,是该国的夏季国球


《欢乐颂》的原诗(德语)有多个中文版本,其中最著名的是:欢乐女神,圣洁美丽,灿烂光芒照大地,我们心中,充满热情,来到你的圣殿里!你的力量能使人们消除一切分歧,在你光辉照耀下面,人们团结成兄弟。和中文版一样,英文版也有许多。 English for "Ode to Joy"("Ode An Die Freude")Beethoven"s 9th SymphonyO friends, no more these sounds!Let us sing more cheerful songs,more full of joy!Joy, bright spark of divinity,Daughter of Elysium,Fire-inspired we treadThy sanctuary.Thy magic power re-unitesAll that custom has divided,All men become brothersUnder the sway of thy gentle wings.Whoever has created An abiding friendship,Or has wonA true and loving wife,All who can call at least one soul theirs,Join in our song of praise;But any who cannot must creep tearfullyAway from our circle.All creatures drink of joyAt nature"s breast.Just and unjustAlike taste of her gift;She gave us kisses and the fruit of the vine,A tried friend to the end.Even the worm can feel contentment,And the cherub stands before God!Gladly, like the heavenly bodiesWhich He set on their coursesThrough the splendor of the firmament;Thus, brothers, you should run your race,As a hero going to conquest.You millions, I embrace you.This kiss is for all the world!Brothers, above the starry canopyThere must dwell a loving Father.Do you fall in worship, you millions?World, do you know your creator?Seek him in the heavens;Above the stars must He dwell.第二个版本A Song of JoySalvation"s free, glad joy to allOf Adam"s fallen race;We"ll tell to all both far and nearOf saving, keeping grace. Refrain:There"s joy, glad joy,Now flowing from above;There"s joy, glad joyIn the fullness of His love.From wells of everlasting joyOur strength by faith we bring;The joy that thrills my ransomed soulCan make the dumb heart sing. How sweet the soul that"s purged as pureAs gold without alloy;How peaceful is the flowing streamOf deep, eternal joy. I"ll live for Christ through this dark world,And faithful I will be;The joy I know that keeps my soulShall last eternally. 第三个版本Come sing a song of joy For peace shall come my brotherSing, sing a song of joy For men shall love each otherThat day will dawn Just as sure as hearts that are pure Are hearts set free No man must stand alone With hands held out before him Reach out and take them in yours With love that endures for evermore Then sing a song of joy For love and understanding---- Instrumental Interlude ----Come sing a song of joy Of freedom tell the storySing, sing a song of joy For mankind in his gloryOne mighty voice that will bring A sound that will ring for evermore Then sing a song of joy For love and understanding Come sing a song of joy Of freedom tell the storySing, sing a song of joy For mankind in his gloryOne mighty voice that will bring A sound that will ring for evermore Then sing a song of joy For love and understanding


励志格言中英文对照(三) 1、Not ignorance, but the ignorance of ignorance, is the death of knoforts and hopes.Bacon 幸运中并非不搀杂各种担心与烦恼,而厄运中也并非不存在欣慰与期望。培根 18、On life"s earnest battle they only prevail, ething. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。知道后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。 21、For all pain helps to make us rise, hohing. 天生我才必有用。 41、Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people. 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。励志格言中英文对照(二) 励志格言中英文对照(二) 1、He that can read an meditate es from experience alone. 知识来自实践。 10、Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud. 知识使人谦虚,无知使人骄傲。 11、Knowledge is power.Bacon 知识就是力量。培根 12、Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. 知识是宝库,而实践是开启宝库的钥匙。 13、Knowledge is the food of the soul.plato 知识是心灵的食粮。柏拉图 14、Knowledge, in truth, is the great sun in the firmament. Life and power are scattered with all its beams.Daniel the mistakes of others and prevent your own. 前人犯错,后人戒。 20、Learn to creep before you leap. 先学爬,后学跳。(循序渐进) 21、there is no royal road to learning. 学问之道无捷径。 22、 fruit. 学习根苦果甜。 25、Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to dropback. 学习如逆水行舟,不进则退。 26、Learning without thought is useless; thought without learning is dangerous. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 27、There is no end to learning. 学无止境。 28、Ignorance is the curse of God, knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.William Shakespeare 无知乃是罪恶,知识乃是我们借以飞向天堂的翅膀。莎士比亚 29、It is harder to conceal ignorance than to acquire knowledge. 掩盖无知要比学到知识更难。(励志名言)励志格言中英文对照(四) 励志格言中英文对照(四) 1、Failure is the mother of success.Thomas paine 失败乃成功之母。 2、For man is man and master of his fate. 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。 3、The unexamined life is not pass.John Ruskin 生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。罗斯金 7、e to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.J.H. Neas Addison 强者能同命运的风暴抗争。爱迪生 26、He ebody else.J. Burroughs 一个人可以失败很多次,但是只要他没有开始责怪旁人,他还不是一个失败者。巴勒斯励志格言中英文 1、懦弱的背后,是强忍的坚强。 Strong behind cowardice, drowning. 2、当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。 When you can fly, do not have to give up fly. 3、珍惜你所拥有的,遗忘你所没有的。 Cherish what you have, forget what you don"t. 4、人生最大的错误是不断担心会犯错。 The biggest mistake in life is the unceasingly worried about making mistake. 5、实现明天的惟一障碍,是对今天的怀疑。 The only limit to our realization of tomorrow is for today"s suspicions. 6、才须学也。非学无以广才,非志无以成学。 Just must learn also. Not learn beyond range only, not beyond into learning. 7、没有坚强意志的人,决不可能担任天下大事。 Without a strong will, never as a world event. 8、人生路漫长,指不顶谁疯狂,指不定谁辉煌。 Life long, who refers to not crazy, who quite brilliant. 9、一个真正而且热切地工作的人总是有希望的。 A true and earnest work there is always hope. 10、芸芸众生,孰不爱生?爱生之极,进而爱群。 Sentient beings, is not love life? Love life,, but, in turn, flock together. 11、不要老在别人面前倾诉你的困境袒露你的脆弱。 Don"t always pour out your difficulties in front of other people share your fragile. 12、不要浪费你的生命,在你一定会后悔的地方上。 Don"t waste your life, in a place you would be sorry for it. 13、坚持就是胜利。胜利不重要,重要的是能坚持。 Adhere to is victory. Victory is not important, the important thing is to insist on. 14、不要为它的结束而哭,应当为它的开始而笑。 Don"t cry for it came to an end, smile because it began. 15、不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果的。 Don"t lose confidence, as long as perseverance, we will have results. 16、珍惜一切时间,用于有益之事,不搞无谓之举。 Cherish all the time, for good things, don"t do meaningless. 17、我们经历挫折,是因为上天不允许我们停止努力。 We experience setbacks, because god does not allow us to stop trying. 18、真心的对别人产生点兴趣,是推销员最重要的品格。 Genuine interest in others point, is the most important character of the salesman. 19、任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单。 Any one thing, as long as willing, always simple. 20、相信就是强大。怀疑只会抑制能力,而信仰却是力量。 Believe is strong. Doubt will only inhibition, and belief is power. 21、人生就像游泳,如果一旦停止了搏击,你就会沉沦下去! Life is like swimming, if once stopped the fight, you will go down the drain! 22、每一个成功者都有一个开始。勇于开始,才能找到成功。 Every successful person has a start. Start bravely to find a success. 23、挫折经历的太少,所以总是把一些琐碎的小事看的太重。 Frustrating experience too little, so always put too much weight on some trivial things. 24、大海因为波澜壮阔而有气势,人生因为荆棘坎坷而有意义。 The sea as spectacular and imposing manner, because the thorns bumpy but meaningful life. 25、一个人若想学会滑冰,那么他一定要做好在冰上摔跤的准备。 If a person want to learn skating, so he must be ready to wrestling on the ice. 26、向他的头脑中灌输真理,只是为了保证他不在心中装填谬误。 To his brains of direction inside instill the truths, just in order to ensure that he is not loading errors. 27、理想是美好的,但没有意志,理想不过是瞬间即逝的彩虹。 Ideal is good, but there is no will, ideal rainbow is but a fleeting moment. 28、我们缺少的不是机会,而是在机会面前将自己重新归零的勇气。 We do not lack opportunity, but in front of the opportunity to zero courage again. 29、受到再大的打击,只要生命还在,请相信每天的太阳都是新的。 Hit by the again big, as long as life is still there, please believe that the sun is new every day. 30、一个人如果不能从内心去原谅别人,那他就永远不会心安理得。 If a person can"t from the heart to forgive others, that he will never feel at ease. 格言中英文 1、改变性格,就能改变命运! Change character, can change the destiny! 2、量变引起质变,知识重在积累。 Quantity influences quality, and knowledge accumulates. 3、做自己该做的,拿自己该拿的。 Do you have to do, take you should take. 4、科学没有国境,但科学家有祖国。 Science without borders, but scientists have the motherland. 5、再直的筷子,插进水里也是弯的。 Straight chopsticks again, inserted into the water and bent. 6、成功者永不放弃,放弃者永不成功。 Winners never quit and quitters never succeed. 7、富人靠资本赚钱,穷人靠知识致富。 The rich rely on the capital to make money, the poor grew rich from knowledge. 8、只有伟大的人格,才有伟大的风格。 Only the great personality, have a great style. 9、好动与不满足是进步的第一必需品。 Active and discontent is the first necessity of progress. 10、运气就是机会碰巧撞到了你的努力。 Luck is the opportunity to happen to hit your efforts. 11、机会留给有准备的人,付出必定有回报。 To have the opportunity to prepare the people, the pay will be rewarding. 12、人生就像选择题,总有一个答案适合你。 Life is like a multiple choice, there is always an answer for you. 13、成功的关键在于相信自己有成功的能力。 The key to success is to believe that he has the ability to succeed. 14、有很多人是用青春的幸福作成功代价的。 There are a lot of people is the cost of the successful youth happiness. 15、良好的生活习惯对人的一生都至关重要。 Good living habits of people"s whole life is very important. 16、伟大的精力只是为了伟大的目的而产生的。 Great energy is just for a great purpose. 17、人生就像打电话,不是你先挂就是我先挂! Life is like a phone call, not you hang up is I hang up! 18、所谓没有时间,是因为没有很好地利用它。 The so-called no time, because there is no very good use of it. 19、只有不断找寻机会的人才会及时把握机会。 Only by constantly look for opportunities will timely grasp the opportunity. 20、要铭记在心:每天都是一年中最美好的日子。 To write it on your heart that every day is the happiest day in a year. 21、世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。 There is no desperate situation, only people with a slough of despond. 22、钱可以帮穷人解决问题,却帮富人制造问题。 Money can help the poor to solve problems, but help the rich manufacturing problems. 23、心念一转,万念皆转;心路一通,万路皆通。 A change of mind mannen all turn; All heart, wan road. 24、行动不一定带来快乐,而无行动则决无快乐。 Action may not bring happiness, and no action is definitely not happy. 25、不要浪费你的生命,在你一定会后悔的地方上。 Don"t waste your life, in a place you would be sorry for it. 26、我们心中的恐惧,永远比真正的危险巨大的多。 The fear of our heart, forever is more than the real danger of huge. 27、人生就像钟表,可以回到起点,却已不是昨天! Life is like clocks and watches, can return to the starting point, but has not yesterday! 28、无论头上是怎样的天空,我准备承受任何风暴。 No matter how head is sky, I"m ready to withstand any storm. 29、我们可以失去童年,但是千万不可以失去童心。 We can lose our childhood, but never lose the childlike innocence. 30、人生如瀑布,惊险一霎那,此后便是平坦的前途。 Life is like a waterfall, thrilling appears, and then the future of the flat. 英文励志名言名句(中英文对照) 英文励志名言名句(中英文对照) 1、Keep on going never give up! 勇往直前, 决不放弃! 2、The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today、 对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好! 3、The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man、 伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟大的人。 4、Sharp tools make good work、 工欲善其事,必先利其器。 5、Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow、 今日事今日毕! 6、Theres only one corner of the universe you can be sure of improving, and thats your own self、 这个宇宙中只有一个角落你肯定可以改进,那就是你自己。 7、Dont aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally、 如果你想要成功,不要去追求成功;尽管做你自己热爱的事情并且相信它,成功自然到来。 8、All things come to those who wait、 苍天不负有心人。 9、Victory wont come to me unless I go to it、 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。 10、A man is not old as long as he is seeking something、 A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams、 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。 11、Cease to struggle and you cease to live、 生命不止,奋斗不息。 12、The man who has made up his mind to win will never say impossible 、 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说不可能的。 13、Live a noble and honest life、 Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again、 过一种高尚而诚实的生活。当你年老时回想起过去,你就能再一次享受人生。 14、All things in their being are good for something、 天生我才必有用。 15、The good seaman is known in bad weather、 惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。名句作为警示自己的句子,希望以上《励志格言中英文对照(三)》内容对您有所帮助,如果还想获取更多名句内容可以点击 中英文的唯美短句 专题。


  请注意~ 此号与上面的“灰鹦鹉1991”为同一人,因字数太多不得不换号回答 采取的话请采取此号 谢谢!O(∩_∩)O  Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes  Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes  Silver white winters that melt into Springs  These are a few of my favorite things  When the dog bites  When the bee stings  When I"m feeling sad  I simply remember my favorite things  And then I don"t feel so bad.  -------------------------------------  DO RE MI  Let"s start at the very beginning  A very good place to start  When you read you begin with ABC  When you sing you begin with Do Re Mi  Do Re Mi Do Re Mi  The first three notes just happen to be Do Re Mi  Do Re Mi  Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti  Let"s see if I can make it easier  Do - a deer a female deer  Re - a drop of golden sun  Mi - a name I call myself  Fa - a long long way to run  So- a needle pulling thread  La - a note to follow so  Ti - a drink with jam and bread  That will bring us back to Do  Do - a deer a female deer  Re - a drop of golden sun  Mi - a name I call myself  Fa - a long long way to run  So- a needle pulling thread  La - a note to follow so  Ti - a drink with jam and bread  That will bring us back to Do  - a deer a female deer  Re - a drop of golden sun  Mi - a name I call myself  Fa - a long long way to run  So- a needle pulling thread  La - a note to follow so  Ti - a drink with jam and bread  That will bring us back to Do  Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do So Do  So Do La Fa Mi Do Re  So Do La Fa Mi Do Re  So Do La Ti Do Re Do  So Do La Ti Do Re Do  Now let"s put it all together  So Do La Fa Mi Do Re  So Do La Ti Do Re Do  When you know the notes to sing  You can sing most anything  When you know the notes to sing  You can sing most anything  Do - a deer a female deer  Re - a drop of golden sun  Mi - a name I call myself  Fa - a long long way to run  So- a needle pulling thread  La - a note to follow so  Ti - a drink with jam and bread  That will bring us back to Do  Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti  Do Do Ti La So Fa Mi Re  Do Mi Mi Mi So So  Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti  Do Mi Mi Mi So So  Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti  When you know the notes to sing  You can sing most anything  Do - a deer a female deer  Re - a drop of golden sun  Mi - a name I call myself  Fa - a long long way to run  So- a needle pulling thread  La - a note to follow so  Ti - a drink with jam and bread  That will bring us back to  So Do La Fa Mi Do Re  So Do La Fa La So Fa Ti Re Ti Do  So Do  -------------------------------------  THE LONELY GOATHERD  High on a hill was a lonely goatherd  Laiodelaiodelahi hoo  Loud was the voice of the lonely goatherd  Laiodelaiodeloo  Folks in a town that was quite remote heard  Laiodelaiodelahi hoo  Lusty and clear from the goatherd"s throat heard  Laiodelaiodeloo  Ho ho Ladiodeliho  Ho Ho ladiodelay  Ho ho ladiodeliho  ladiodelideliholay  A prince on the bridge of a castle moat heard  Laiodelaiodelahi hoo  Men on a boat with a load to tote heard  Laiodelaiodeloo  Men in the mists of a chapel dote heard  Laiodelaiodelahi hoo  Men drinking beer with the foam afloat heard  Laiodelaiodeloo  One little girl in a pale pink coat heard  Laiodelaiodelahi hoo  She yodeled back to the lonely goatherd  Laiodelaiodeloo  Soon her mama with a gleaming gloat heard  Laiodelaiodelahi hoo  What a duet for a girl and goatherd  Laiodelaiodeloo  MMMMMMMM  odelayhi  odelayhihi  odelayhi  Oh Oh Oh Oh Ladiodeliho  Oh oh ladiodelay  Oh Oh Oh Oh ladiodeliho  ladiodeliholay  One little girl in a pale pink coat heard  Laiodelaiodelahi hoo  She yodeled back to the lonely goatherd  Laiodelaiodeloo  Soon her mama with a gleaming gloat heard  Laiodelaiodelay mmm mmm  What a duet for a girl and goatherd  Laiodelaiodeloo  Happy are they ladio ladiliho oh ladioladilayhihoo  Soon their duet will becoma a trio  ladiodelaiodeloo  odelayhi  odelayhi  odelayhihi  odelayhi  odelayiodelay  odelayiodelay  odelayiodelay  odelayiodelayiodelay  Wooo!  -------------------------------------  SO LONG, FAREWELL  There"s a sad sort of clanking from the clock in the hall  and the bells in the steeple too.  And up in the nursery an absurd little bird is popping up to say cukoo!  Cukoo! Cukoo!  Regretfully they tell us  But firmly they compel us to say goodbye to you.  So long Farewell Aufwiedersehn Goodnight  I hate to go and leave this pretty sight  So long farewell Aufwiedersehn Adeiu  Adeiu Adeiu to yieu and yieu and yieu  So long farewell Au "voire Aufwiedersehn  I"d like to stay and taste my first champagne  So long farewell aufwiedersehn goodbye  I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye Goodbye  I"m glad to go I cannot tell a lie  I flit I float I fleetly flee I fly  The sun has gone to bed and so must I  So long farewell aufwiedersehn goodbye  Goodbye  Goodbye  Goodbye  Goodbye  -------------------------------------  CLIMB EVERY MOUNTAIN  Climb every mountain  Search high and low  Follow every byway  Every path you know  Climb every mountain  Ford every stream  Follow every rainbow  Till you find your dream  A dream that will need  All the love you can give  Every day of your life  For as long as you live  Climb every mountain  Ford every stream  Follow every rainbow  Till you find your dream  A dream that will need  All the love you can give  Every day of your life  For as long as you live  Climb every mountain  Ford every stream  Follow every rainbow  Till you find your dream  -------------------------------------  SOMETHING GOOD  Perhaps I had a wicked hildhood  Perhaps I had a miserable youth  But somewhere in my wicked miserable past  There must have been a moment of truth  For here you are standing there loving me  Whether or not you should  So somewhere in my youth or childhood  I must have done something good  Nothing comes from nothing  Nothing ever could  So somewhere in my youth or childhood  I must have done something good.  For here you are standing there loving me  Whether or not you should  So somewhere in my youth or childhood  I must have done something good  Nothing comes from nothing  Nothing ever could  So somewhere in my youth or childhood  I must have done something good.  Nothing comes from nothing  Nothing ever could  So somewhere in my youth or childhood  I must have done something , something good  -------------------------------------  EDELWISS  Edelweiss, Edelweiss  Every morning you greet me  Small and white clean and bright  You look happy to meet me  Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow  Bloom and grow forever  Edelweiss,Edelweiss  Bless my homeland forever.  Small and white clean and bright  You look happy to meet me  Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow  Bloom and grow forever  Edelweiss,Edelweiss  Bless my homeland forever.  Perhaps I had a wicked hildhood也许我的童年很调皮  Perhaps I had a miserable youth也许我曾在痛苦中度过少年时代  But somewhere in my wicked miserable past但是,在那调皮痛苦的昔日  There must have been a moment of truth一定有片刻的真实。  For here you are standing there loving me因为你就在这儿,站在那,爱着我  Whether or not you should不管你是否应该,你爱着我在我的童年,  So somewhere in my youth or childhood或者是在少年时  I must have done something good我一定是做了好事。  Nothing comes from nothing不会无中生有  Nothing ever could从来不曾有过  So somewhere in my youth or childhood所以在我的童年或者是少年时  I must have done something good.我一定是做了好事  For here you are standing there loving me你就在这,站在那,爱着我。  Whether or not you should不管你应不应该。  So somewhere in my youth or childhood在我的童年我的青春少年时  I must have done something good我一定做了好事  Nothing comes from nothing不会无中生有  Nothing ever could从来不曾如此  So somewhere in my youth or childhood在我的童年,我的青春少年时  I must have done something good.我一定做了什么好事。  Nothing comes from nothing不会无中生有  Nothing ever could从来不曾如此  So somewhere in my youth or childhood在我的童年,我的青春少年时  I must have done something , something good我一定做了什么好事  孤独的牧羊人  高高的山顶上有个牧人 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞  他放着歌声在嘹亮的歌唱 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞  牧童的歌声清脆嘹亮 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞  歌声在甜美的城里回荡 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞  啊~ 嘞哦嘞 啊~ 嘞哦嘞 啊~ 嘞哦嘞  小城的王子在听他歌唱 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞  挑担的客人在听他歌唱 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞  雨天的客人在听他歌唱 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞  饮酒的人们在听他歌唱 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞  穿红色衣裳的小小姑娘听到 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞  她跟着牧人一起歌唱 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞  姑娘的妈妈在侧耳倾听 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞  牧人和姑娘的二重唱 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞  哦得来依 哦得来依 哦得来依  啊~~~~嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 ~~~~~~~~~~~~  穿红色衣裳的小小姑娘听到 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞  她跟着牧人一起歌唱 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞  姑娘的妈妈在侧耳倾听 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞  牧人和姑娘的二重唱 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞  哦来依哦~~~~~~~~~~~~  哦得来依 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞 ~~~~~~~~~~~~  CLIMB EV"RY MOUNTAIN  Climb every mountain  Search high and low  Follow every byway  Every path you know  Climb every mountain  Ford every stream  Follow every rainbow  "Till you find your dream  A dream that will need all the love you can give  Every day of your life for as long as you live.  Climb every mountain  Ford every stream  Follow every rainbow  "Till you find your dream  A dream that will need all the love you can give  Every day of your life for as long as you live.  Climb every mountain  Ford every stream  Follow every rainbow  "Till you find your dream  我翻越那层峦叠嶂的群山,  不知疲倦追寻梦想;  我跋涉在每一条道路上,  哪怕是条偏僻小径。  我翻越那层峦叠嶂的群山,  跋山涉水追寻梦想;  我追逐每一道七色彩虹,  直到梦想成真。  这是一个需要全力以赴的梦想,  它让我生命里的每一天都绽放光芒。  我翻越那层峦叠嶂的群山,  跋山涉水追寻梦想;  我追逐每一道七色彩虹,  直到梦想成真。  这是一个需要全力以赴的梦想,  它让我生命里的每一天都绽放光芒。  我翻越那层峦叠嶂的群山,  跋山涉水追寻梦想;  我追逐每一道七色彩虹,  直到梦想成真。  雪绒花,雪绒花,  每天清晨你问候我。  小而白,  洁又亮,  见到我你面露喜色。  雪白的花朵,  你开放成长,  永远开放、成长。  雪绒花,雪绒花,  要永远保佑我的国家。  小而白,  洁又亮,  见到我你面露喜色。  雪白的花朵,  你开放成长,  永远开放、成长。  雪绒花,雪绒花,  要永远保佑我的国家。  ---Do-re-mi  让我们从头开始来学习,最好是从这儿起  学英文必须先念ABC,学唱歌必须先练习哆来咪  哆来咪!哆来咪就从这三个音符学起  哆来咪,哆来咪,哆来咪发嗦啦梯.  "哆"是一只小母鹿,"来"是一束阳光  "咪"是称呼我自己,"发"是路程远又长  "嗦"是穿针引线,"啦"就是跟在"嗦"后面  "梯"是茶点味道香,然后再把哆来唱  啊,啊,啊,"哆"是一只小母鹿  "来"是一束阳光,"咪"是称呼我自己  "发"是路程远又长,"嗦"是穿针引线  "啦"就跟在"嗦"后面,"梯"是茶点味道香  然后再把哆来唱.  哆来咪发嗦啦梯哆

stephen king 写过那些小说?全的 ,最好有书名的中英文对照。谢谢啦

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急需关于critical thinking 和 creative thinking 的实例及相关论文 中英文均可 谢谢哈!

在美国,critical thinking是一个非常重要、出现频率很高的词,在学校里经常听到老师、学生们这么强调,可能已经到了陈词滥调的地步。我手头一本高中世界史教科书上,每章后面的练习的题目样式,第一是名词解释,然后是名词辨识、回答问题,最后一项就总是Critical thinking. Critical thinking的中文流行翻译是“批判性思维”,但我觉得并不很贴切。Critical一词的希腊词源是动词krinō,意思是“挑选、决定和判断”,krites 是观察家、法官、仲裁人之意,kritikos 是指有观察、思考和决定能力的人。所以,英文中critical也有几个意思,评论、批判、挑剔、选择标准苛刻、审慎的、严谨的、经得住校勘的、重要的、不可缺少等等意思。而中文的“批判”听上去实在颇多贬义,就像不是好态度似的。所以有人竟写文章说我们要从“批判性思维”进入到“建设性思维”,实际上这个词的英文原意跟破坏和捣乱——所谓建设的反面简直毫无联系。只是不轻信别人,强调经过自己的分析、论证和试验,挑选你认为最重要的和正确的,强调人的独立思考和判断能力。这是一种逻辑思考能力,也许也是一种人格能力乃至政治权利,因为自己选择和评判往往也意味着自己负责,如果人不希望别人对自己负责也不希望自己对自己负责,就不需要这种自己思考的能力,别人说什么你听、你服从就是了,最后自然由发命令的人来负责一切。为什么美国文化特别强调critical thinking,估计跟它的民主政治和个人主义价值观也有关。而中国为什么没有这种思路、这种强调,跟中国的政治形式和价值观也有关。我个人非常喜欢这个词。28岁在美国第一次听见这个词的时候,真是激动万分。当时就有一种如沐春风、整个世界都被照亮和打开的感觉。以前的很多困惑和想法都茅塞顿开、迎刃而解。大部分老师喜欢爱提问题的学生,尤其问题提得聪明尖锐又充满建设性和怀疑精神,那是对老师也有促进和提高作用的。总是照本宣科回答问题,把老师的讲课一字不漏地复述,老师未必喜欢。如果被老师夸奖“This is a good question,你提了个好问题”,那是比听到老师夸奖“你答得很对”更值得得意和高兴的。所以我这种爱提问题、讨厌死记硬背、什么都不肯轻信、喜欢跟老师平起平坐的学生,在这里终于如鱼得水。不过真正要做到critical还是很不容易的,要想学生critical,首先老师就要critical。以前强调学生要有“评判式思维”(我暂时的翻译),现在则强调老师也要时刻做到自我反省、自我挑战。一个人要有评判,首先要有大量信息和知识储备,然后有一定的挑选原则、趣味和理由,大家一起来有创造性、有建设性地教、学一些东西,教师和学生一起成长。这对教师的素质要求很高。真得很费脑力、精力、需要大量动力。填鸭式教学法其实最容易了。但只会填鸭式教学法的老师无疑在美国校园里不大容易混得下去。每学期结束让学生不记名、标准化填写的教学质量评估表还是很让一些老师们害怕的。老师教得好不好,学生们全明白。美国的学生对老师往往比老师对学生更不客气,要起分数来理直气壮;学生的评价不好,老师真可能下一年就不会被续聘,而且以后找工作也有麻烦(不过这种制度也有它的弱点就是了。美国这一套体制真是环环相扣、阴险的很。每找一份工作,一定要起码3封推荐信,下任老板直接打电话给上任老板问职员的情况再普遍不过,如果一份工作不好好干,下一份就很难了。)。回到对老师和学校的要求上来。最近看了一本书,Education for thinking《为了思考的教育》就提到这个困难。书中讲到现在大多数学校的功能是灌输知识、技术训练、考试训练以进入更高一层学校或筛选人才、公民教育和人格教育这四大项,而对思考能力和方法的训练并没得到很好的贯彻和实施,虽然美国也是critical thinking 天天讲、年年讲。书中强调了思考的两项主要过程:查询和争论。然后很有操作性地一步步指导和辨析了教师应该如何在课堂里鼓励和组织学生进行有效的知识查询和集体辩论。希望通过这些方法提高学生的评判思维能力,以给学生带去一种终身学习、思考和解决问题的能力。Google来的维基百科上的定义是:Critical thinking consists of a mental process of analyzing or evaluating information, particularly statements or propositions that people have offered as true. It forms a process of reflecting upon the meaning of statements, examining the offered evidence and reasoning, and forming judgments about the facts.大意是,评判式思维是一种脑力程序,包括分析、评估信息,尤其是那些通常被当成真理和常识来推介的一些判断和陈述。对那些证据、推理进行重新检查,反省那些判断的原意,然后对于某些信息和事实提出自己的评判。也就是说,critical thinking的结果并没有一个正确和统一的答案,关键看你推理的过程是否合理,而且看你自己所站的角度。也因此,个人角度的精确陈述和思考与分析的程序非常重要。随手翻开手头的历史教科书,一道“评判式思维”的思考题是:如果你生活在过去的美索布达米亚平原,你是愿意生活在自由独立的苏美尔城邦国家,还是愿意生活在波斯帝国一统江山的时代?解释你的理由。这样的思考题会郑重出现在中国的历史教科书中,要求学生写上3页纸的论文,并作为期末考试的成绩吗?我实在怀疑。更可爱的是,那历史教科书的前言里,就花大量篇幅教学生如何写一篇论文,应该如何去找资料、如何立论、如何正反面地证明自己,如何运用种种逻辑推理方式,如何反驳反面观点。我真是掩卷长叹,在中国念研究生似乎都没有看见这样详细和到位的论文写作指导。而类似的论述文写作,在我的中学时代,是由语文课程去完成的。现在反省一下,我真的觉得中国的课程设置也有值得思考之处。论文写作真的也应该在历史、伦理学、政治学和哲学课上教,而不仅仅是灌输给我们知识(这正是中国历史和政治课的全部内容);而语文课反倒应该侧重于培养学生的文学欣赏和审美能力。手头还有一本美国高中“文学”教材,完全就是按fiction和nonfiction的文体分类,要求学生掌握各种文学概念,并仿照例文进行诗歌、短篇小说和艺术评论创作。可惜,我记忆中从小学到高中,上了12年语文课,从来没有一个语文老师给我们布置过这样一个作业:写一首诗。在高中的时候,经常要求写作“论诚实的重要”之类,这样的题目,说老实话,跟语言和文学有什么关系?为什么不放在思想品德课上学?提起中国的思想品德和政治课,我恐怕又要——算了,不提了。还是再回到评判式思维吧,不知道中国什么时候才能真正引进这个概念,把critical thinking ,至少在校园里,变得像“高考”一样重要。也把学习文史哲等文科课程,当成真正与学生个人发展和素质教育切身相关的一项如此有趣而富有挑战性的活动?Experts: student"s creative thinking important [r1] Agrowing number of experts in the educational field suggest that a student"s creative thinking should be included in judging whether a student is deveveloping soundly or not. The sample study, carried out late last year in 20 middle schools and colleges in Beijing, was organized by the Chinese Youth League Central Committee and the Chinese Association for Science and Technology. For a long time, people, including parents and even some teachers, usually regard a good student simply as "getting high marks" in courses and keeping school rules or obeying teachers" orders. Some students are still criticized by their parents even though they get a mark of 99. But according to the sample survey, nearly 75.5 percent of the 1,800 surveyed students believed that creativity and invention are of great importance to a student"s growth of personality and independent thinking. And more than half of the college students surveyed said the current educational system cannot effectively arouse their creativity to the full. More and more teachers and experts have realized, according to the survey, that developing a students" creativity will greatly help the training of people for the country"s modernization, and thus should be included in the regular teaching programme.

哪位好心的同学给一篇 纽约时报文章(中英文对照)加文章的读后感 急求急求!!!万分感谢。


律政俏佳人 中英文简介

  艾莉-伍兹(Elle Woods,里斯-威瑟斯潘饰,Reese Witherspoon)过着无忧无虑的生活,可以说她是应有尽有。她是一个来自热带夏威夷的女孩,女大学生联谊会会长,在她 大学的日历上她是“六月小姐”,但首先她是一个天生丽质的金发碧眼美女。  艾莉正在与学校中最酷的男孩华纳(Warner,马修-戴维斯饰,Matthew Davis)恋爱,并一心一意想做他的新娘----华纳-亨廷顿三世夫人(Mrs. Warner Huntington III)。但是,有一个问题使华纳对艾莉的求婚欲说还休,那就是:艾莉除了金发碧眼的美貌外实在没有什么可吸引人的。  在洛杉矶艾伦-斯班林(Aaron Spelling)街对面长大对于某些人来说可能意谓着什么,但对东海岸贵族出身的华纳一家人来说什么也算不上。因此,当华纳打点行装前往哈佛法学院与一个预备班的旧情人团聚时,艾莉明白了自身的不足。她也竭尽全力考进了哈佛大学,决定要赢回华纳的心。但是法学院与她以前的舒适环境——池边的草地、林荫道实在是天壤之别。艾莉有生以来第一次必须进行一场战斗----为了她心爱的人、为了她自己、也为了那些每天都无休止地承受着羞辱的金发碧眼美女。自从选择律师的职业以后,艾莉积极刻苦进取,并用正义与社会中的种种丑恶现象作斗争,最终在一次法庭上的精彩审问不仅使案件水落石出,也一举成名,华纳-亨廷顿三世再次向她说爱,但被她宛然拒绝,她要开始属于她自己的新的生活。  Elle Woods的毕业演讲:  "On our very first day at Harvard, a very wise professor quoted Aristotle "The law is reason free from passion". Well, no offense to Aristotle but in my three years at Harvard, I have come to find that passion is a key ingredient to the study and practice of law and of life. It is with passion, courage of conviction and strong sense of self that we take our next step into the world. Remembering that first impression are not always correct, you must always have faith in people, and most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself.  Congratulations, Class of 2004, we did it!"

为什么中英文不能直接对译 ? 例如 好好学习 天天向上 - Good good study, day day up

你可以想象一下,你听到一句英文,每个词都懂,都知道什么意思,但是放在一起整句就不知道了……不如说“love me love my dog”爱屋及乌难道能理解成“爱我,爱我的狗”???

有没有 Don`t push me的中英文对照版的歌词

Im a love em and leave em 我是爱情小动物,也是爱离开的小动物 Touch and tease em kinda girl 喜欢接触和挑逗,我就是这种女孩 Im the perfect type 我是完美类型 For one wild night 对一个疯狂的夜晚来说 (意思是:若只想要一个疯狂的夜晚,找我就是最完美的) Yeah, I suffocate quick 是的,我很快就厌烦了 Does that make me a bitch? 这表示我是个婊子吗? I dont really care, no 我不在乎,一点也不 Well your roses were sweet 是的,你的玫瑰很美 Really swept me off my feet 真的让我开心得站不住 But I start to choke 但我吓抽了 When you say lets elope 当你说:让我们私奔吧 Yeah, I suffocate quick 是的,我总是很快就厌烦 (此处“厌烦”使用的这个词本意是“窒息”) Does that make me a bitch 这表示我是个婊子吗? I dont really care, no, no, no 那我也不在乎,一点也不,一点也不,一点也不 Dont push me so hard, dont push me so far 不要催促我这么紧,不要催促我这么多 Dont cage me in, dont tie me down 不要把我关进笼子,不要把我捆绑 (意为:不要约束我) Dont push me so hard, dont push me so far 不要催促我这么紧,不要催促我这么多 Dont cage me in, dont tie me down 不要把我关进笼子,不要把我捆绑 (注释:push本意为:从后向前推某物,重点在于“向前推”,我翻译 为催促。用于人的时候,暗含强迫某人接受道德规范或传统价值观之意, 举例说明:女儿是事业型女性,不想在30岁前结婚,妈妈就整天 劝女儿嫁人要趁年轻漂亮,这里就可以说:妈妈在push女儿。 个人认为:这首歌中表现是,女孩拒绝男人的垃圾道德观, push一词的使用是非常准确、巧妙、经典、生动而且有艺术表现力的) Can we take a bubble bath have a drink and a laugh 让我们一起洗个泡泡浴,喝点酒,再大笑一场 Enjoy what we have and then leave it to the past 享受我们现在拥有的,享受完就永远忘了它 Cause I dont give a damn 因为我不认为这有什么大不了 Maybe youre the perfect man 也许你是一个完美的男人 Thats not how this story goes 但我不想就这么发展 You can write me fat checks for the diamonds for my neck 当然了,你可以给我写张大大支票,给我买个吊脖子上的钻石 Buy a big fat ring, I prefer Tiffany"s 再买个大大戒指,顺便说,我喜欢蒂芬妮牌 Cause I dont give a damn 我不认为这有什么大不了 Baby youre the perfect man 宝贝,你是一个完美的男人 Thats not how this story goes 但我不想就这么发展 No, no 不想,不想 (注释:大大支票和大大戒指里的“大大”有嘲讽意味,是“傻大傻大的”,这个词fat意为“非常肥胖”“油肥油肥的”“脂肪”,经常用来骂人) Dont push, push me so hard 不要这么紧迫地催促我 Dont push me so farno (2x) 不要这么疯狂地催促我 And I"m not trying to be giving you a bitter pill, no I! 我不想给你一丸苦药吞,我真的不想! And I don"t wanna make you promises I can"t fullfill, no I... 我不想给你我实现不了的承诺,我真的不想…… Dont push me, dont push me, dont push me, dont push me down 不要催促我,不要催促我,不要推我,都把我推到了! Dont cage me inoh 不要把我关进笼子 Dont push me I dont wanna be tied down 不要推(或者“催促”)我,我不想被束缚 Dont push me so hard, yeah, dont push me so far, no, no 不要催促我这么紧,不要催促我这么多,不要,不要 Dont cage me in, come on, dont tie me down 不要把我关进笼子,拜托好吗,不要束缚我


歌曲:Scream Scream文本歌词:歌手:Usher歌曲:Scream歌词出处:http://www.5nd.comScreamUsherUsher, babyYeah, we did it againAnd this time I"mma make you screamUSHER! Yeah, manI see you over there, so hypnoticThinking "bout what I do to that bodyI get you like ooh baby babyOoh baby baby, ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby babyGot no drink in my handBut I"m wastedGetting drunk of the thought of you nakedI get you like ooh baby babyOoh baby baby, ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby babyAnd I ain"t trying to fight it, to fight itBut you"re so magnetic, magneticGot one life, just live it, just live itNow relax, sing it on your backIf you wanna scream, yeahLet me know and I"ll take you thereGet you going like ah-oohBaby baby ooh baby babyAh-ooh baby baby ooh babyIf you wanna turn rightHope you"re ready to go all nightGet you going like ah-oohBaby baby ooh baby babyAh-ooh baby baby ooh babyIf you wanna screamYeah, come onKill the lights, shut ‘em offYou"re electricDevil eyes telling me come and get itI have you like oohBaby baby ooh baby babyAh-ooh baby baby ooh baby babyGirl tonight you"re the preyI"m the hunterTake you here, take you thereTake you wonderImagine me whispering in your earThen I wanna,take off your clothes and put something on yaAnd I ain"t trying to fight it, to fight itBut you"re so magnetic, magneticGot one life, just live it, just live itNow relax, sing it on your backIf you wanna scream, yeahLet me know and I"ll take you thereGet you going like ah-oohBaby baby ooh baby babyAh-ooh baby baby ooh babyIf you wanna turn rightHope you"re ready to go all nightGet you going like ah-oohBaby baby ooh baby babyAh-ooh baby baby ooh babyIf you wanna screamOut, louder, scream louderLouder, louder, louderHey, tonight I scream, I"m on needIf you wanna scream, yeahLet me know and I"ll take you thereGet you going like ah-oohBaby baby ooh baby babyAh-ooh baby baby ooh babyIf you wanna turn rightHope you"re ready to go all nightGet you going like ah-oohBaby baby ooh baby babyAh-ooh baby baby ooh babyIf you wanna scream


婚纱礼服(英国)有人说,这是结束,直到它结束但我认为这是真正的结束了什么,我不得不说,我让你去之前>听简直不敢相信自己的布莱恩"要保持冷静,冷静当我听到你和他的 BR />尖叫失控BR />,所有我能想到的,不,不,不,他不会伤害我的关注这么久,地狱没有! 我知道,我们已经完成了,不关我的事,但如何... 两个人wildin“从只有几个星期布莱恩"出来让我感到什么是真实的,是不是太晚了?<BR / (哦,哦,宝贝)宝贝,听你的心我不会让你失望因为你现在是我的女人我们分开的时候, 我们的爱将会生活行为... 我从来没有感觉到如此强烈的生活可能会导致我们永远的祝福,如果我们知道,我们属于彼此不要担心,只是增长,我们去BR /> 我可以看到你的婚纱礼服(我看你走你的婚纱礼服) 你可以看到婚纱礼服婚纱礼服我从来就不是完美但我从来没有让他去一个点,我REGIN“放肆”...... />黄金“你不舒服您不接受声称一切安好这样做是不可能知道我你晚上太阳...... />以某种方式向你靠近,你觉得我冲了,这让我感到这是它可能永远不会为时已晚(哦,啊,啊)宝贝,听你的心我不会让你失望的BR />因为你是我的女人现在我们分开的时候,我们的爱会生活... 我从来没有感觉到如此强烈的生命可能会导致我们永不落幕的一种幸福,如果我们只知道我们属于彼此不要担心,起来,我们去了BR /> />你你的婚纱礼服我可以看到你的婚纱礼服(我看你去了。在你的婚纱礼服...)... />我可以看到你的婚纱礼服(OH YEH)宝贝,你会不会后悔来了,我们将启动,牵着我的手如此美丽 BR />幸福的家庭更美好的生活人生的旅途中,我们传播爱和种子的深入如此之深,我们的心我从来没有觉得坚强的生活可能会导致如果我们只是知道我们属于彼此不要担心,因为我们去给你参考你的幸福永不落幕的在你的婚纱礼服,婚纱礼服你永远不能把我可以看到你在你的婚礼礼服,绝不放过超过哦,(从BBCN交流)


When I, thought I knew you 我本以为我了解您 Thinking, that you were true 以为您是公正的 I guess I, I couldn"t trust (而现在)我想我,我不再会信赖你 Called your bluff, time is up 我要揭露你的虚张声势,时间已经到了 "Cause I"ve had enough 因为我已经受够了! You were, there by my side 你曾站在我旁边 Always, down for the ride 总被我列入乘车的名单 But your, joy ride just came down in flames 但你的好运到头了 "Cause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmm 因为你的贪婪可耻地将我出卖 After all of the stealing and cheating 在所有偷和欺骗之后 You probably think that I hold resentment for you 你或许认为我会永远地诅咒你仇恨你 But, uh uh, oh no, you"re wrong 但是,噢噢,噢不,你错了 "Cause if it wasn"t for all that you tried to do 因为如果不是由于你试图所做的一切 I wouldn"t know just how capable I am to pull through 我不会发现我在困难中所喷发的能量 So I wanna say thank you 所以我想谢谢你 "Cause it makes me that much stronger 因为你的所作所为使我更强大 Makes me work a little bit harder 令我比以往更加地努力 It makes me that much wiser 你也使我更加智慧 So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我成为一位斗士 Made me learn a little bit faster 你还使我更快地学习 Made my skin a little bit thicker 使我更加坚强 Makes me that much smarter 使我更加聪明 So thanks for making me a fighter 所以感谢你使我成为一位斗士 Oh, ohh


After all you put me through Fighter在经历过你所让我经历的一切之后You"d think I"d despise you你已经觉得我会鄙视你 But in the end, I wanna thank you但是最后我还是要谢谢你"Cause you made me that much stronger那是因为你让我变得如此坚强When I, thought I knew you当我自以为很了解你Thinking, that you were true想法简单的以为你是单纯的I guess I, I couldn"t trust我猜想我自己无法信任你Called your bluff, time is up那是因为时间已经揭穿了你的骗局"Cause I"ve had enough所以我已经受够了You were, there by my side你曾经在我身边的时候Always, down for the ride常常都是以自己为中心But your, joy ride just came down in flames然而你慢慢的就没有了激情"Cause your greed sold me out in shame, mmhmm因为你的贪婪,无耻地将我出卖after all of the stealing and cheating经历这些被你的偷窃和欺骗后You probably think that I hold resentment for you你大概会了解到我已经开始怨恨你But, uh uh, oh no, you"re wrong但是,哼,哼,不是那样,你想错了"Cause if it wasn"t for all that you tried to do如果不是因为你所的所做所为I wouldn"t know, just how capable我就不会知道我到底有多大能力I am to pull through渡过难关So I wanna say thank you所以我要谢谢你"Cause it因为这段经历Makes me that much stronger让我变得坚强Makes me work a little bit harder让我变得更加努力工作It makes me that much wiser让我变得更加聪明So thanks for making me a fighter所以谢谢让我变成了一名斗士Made me learn a little bit faster让我学习得更加快Made my skin a little bit thicker让我的脸皮变得很厚Makes me that much smarter让我变得更加厉害So thanks for making me a fighter所以谢谢让我变成了一名斗士Oh, oh, oh, ohOoh, yeah, ohhNever, saw it coming从来没有,朝明天看All of, your backstabbing不少于,你用卑鄙的手段对待我Just so, you could cash in正是如此,我要将你对现On a good thing before I"d realize your game在我了解你的游戏之前居然以为那是件美好的事情I heard, you"re going round我听说,你四处游荡Playing, the victim now装扮,成受害者But don"t, even begin但是,根本别想开始Feeling I"m the one to blame装作好像是我的过失"Cause you dug your own grave那么现在你自己掉进了自己挖的坟墓中After all of the fights and the lies在所有的谎言和战争之后"Cause you"re wanting to haunt me面对我你应该神鬼出没But that won"t work anymore但是这关系就再也持续不下去了No more, uh uh, it"s over绝对不再,哼哼,一切都该结束了"Cause if it wasn"t for all of your torture如果不是因为你对我的折磨I wouldn"t know how, to be this way now我也不会知道现在用什么方法去报复你And never back down因为绝对不回头So I wanna say thank you所以我想感谢你"Cause it因为经历的这些Makes me that much stronger让我变得坚强Makes me work a little bit harder让我变得更加努力工作It makes me that much wiser让我变得更加聪明So thanks for making me a fighter所以谢谢让我变成了一名斗士Made me learn a little bit faster让我学习得更加快Made my skin a little bit thicker让我的脸皮变得很厚Makes me that much smarter让我变得更加厉害So thanks for making me a fighter所以谢谢让我变成了一名斗士How could this man I thought I knew我曾经自以为很了解的男人Turn out to be unjust, so cruel怎么会变得如此不公平,如此残忍Could only see the good in you过去只能看到你的好的一面Pretended not to see the truth假装看不到你真实的一面You tried to hide your lies你设法去掩饰你的谎言Disguise yourself伪装你自己Through living in denial通过现实中的否定But in the end you"ll see最终你会明白You, won"t, stop, me你永远都不能阻止我了I am a fighter and I我是一名斗士(I"m a fighter)I ain"t gon" stop我不会停止前进(I ain"t gon" stop)There is no turning back我不会走回头路I"ve had enough, yeah...我已经成熟了Makes me that much stronger让我变得坚强Makes me work a little bit harder让我变得更加努力工作(Oh, ooh yeah, ooh yeah)It makes me that much wiser让我变得更加聪明So thanks for making me a fighter所以谢谢让我变成了一名斗士Made me learn a little bit faster让我学习得更加快Made my skin a little bit thicker让我的脸皮变得很厚Makes me that much smarter让我变得更加厉害So thanks for making me a fighter所以谢谢让我变成了一名斗士。Thought I would forget (thought I)以为我已经忘记了这些痛苦的回忆I remember (ohh)但是我又想起来了"Cause I remember (ohh)是的,我又想起来了I remember我又想起来了


Fighter After all you put me through You"d think I"d despise you But in the end, I wanna thank you "Cause you made me that much stronger Well I, thought I knew you Thinking, that you were true I guess I, I couldn"t trust Called your bluff, time is up "Cause I"ve had enough You were, there by my side Always, down for the ride But your, joy ride just came down in flames "Cause your greed sold me out in shame, mmhmm After all of the stealing and cheating You probably think that I hold resentment for you But, uh uh, oh no, you"re wrong "Cause if it wasn"t for all that you tried to do I wouldn"t know, just how capable I am to pull through So I wanna say thank you "Cause it Makes me that much stronger Makes me work a little bit harder It makes me that much wiser So thanks for making me a fighter Made me learn a little bit faster Made my skin a little bit thicker Makes me that much smarter So thanks for making me a fighter Oh, oh, oh, oh Ooh, yeah, ohh Never, saw it coming All of, your backstabbing Just so, you could cash in On a good thing before I"d realize your game I heard, you"re going round Playing, the victim now But don"t, even begin Feeling I"m the one to blame "Cause you dug your own grave After all of the fights and the lies "Cause you"re wanting to haunt me But that won"t work anymore No more, uh uh, it"s over "Cause if it wasn"t for all of your torture I wouldn"t know how, to be this way now And never back down So I wanna say thank you "Cause it Makes me that much stronger Makes me work a little bit harder It makes me that much wiser So thanks for making me a fighter Made me learn a little bit faster Made my skin a little bit thicker Makes me that much smarter So thanks for making me a fighter How could this man I thought I knew Turn out to be unjust, so cruel Could only see the good in you Pretended not to see the truth You tried to hide your lies Disguise yourself Through living in denial But in the end you"ll see You, won"t, stop, me I am a fighter and I (I"m a fighter) I ain"t gon" stop (I ain"t gon" stop) There is no turning back I"ve had enough, yeah... Makes me that much stronger Makes me work a little bit harder (Oh, ooh yeah, ooh yeah) It makes me that much wiser So thanks for making me a fighter Made me learn a little bit faster Made my skin a little bit thicker Makes me that much smarter So thanks for making me a fighter Thought I would forget (thought I) I remember (ohh) "Cause I remember (ohh) I remember 战士 通过我对你过去的种种了解,我要开始轻视你。 但是最后我还是要谢谢你,那是因为你让我变得如此坚强。 当我自以为很了解你,想法简单的以为你是单纯的。 我猜想我自己无法信任你,那是因为时间已经揭穿了你的骗局。 所以我已经受够了。 你曾经在我身边的时候,常常都是以自己为中心。 然而你慢慢的就没有了激情,你的贪婪让我感到羞耻。 经历这些被你的偷窃和欺骗后,你大概会了解到我已经开始怨恨你。 但是,哼,哼,不是那样,你想错了。 如果让你的所作所为仅仅只是抱怨的话,那么我将不知道该说些什么,只是没这能力。 所以我要渡过难关,所以我要谢谢你。 因为这段经历。 让我变得坚强,让我变得更加努力工作, 让我变得更加聪明,所以谢谢让我变成了一名战士。 让我学习得更加快,让我的脸皮变得很厚。 让我变得更加厉害,所以谢谢让我变成了一名战士。 从来没有,朝明天看。不少于,你用卑鄙的手段对待我。 正是如此,我要将你对现。 在我了解你的游戏之前居然以为那是件美好的事情。 我听说,你四处游荡。玩弄,这些受害者。 但是现在这些受害者,不会那么简单的为你开始了。 如果说过去是我的过失。 那么现在你自己掉进了自己挖的坟墓中。 在所有的谎言和战争之后,面对我你应该神鬼出没。 但是这关系就再也持续不下去了。 绝对不再。哼哼。一切都该结束了。 就拿你对我折磨来说就已经结束了。 我也不想知道现在用什么方法去报复你。 因为绝对不回头。 所以我想感谢你。 因为经历的这些。 让我变得坚强,让我变得更加努力工作, 让我变得更加聪明,所以谢谢让我变成了一名战士。 让我学习得更加快,让我的脸皮变得很厚。 让我变得更加厉害,所以谢谢让我变成了一名战士。 这就是我曾经自以为很了解的男人,我觉得不公平,如此残忍。 过去一直都只看到你的好的一面,但是虚假永远都不是真实。 你设法去掩饰你的谎言,伪装你自己。 通过现实中的否定。 最终你会明白,你永远都不能阻止我了。 我是一名战士,我不会停止前进。 我不会走回头路,我已经成熟了。 让我变得坚强,让我变得更加努力工作, 让我变得更加聪明,所以谢谢让我变成了一名战士。 让我学习得更加快,让我的脸皮变得很厚。 让我变得更加厉害,所以谢谢让我变成了一名战士。 以为我已经忘记了这些痛苦的回忆,但是我又想起来了。 是的。我又想起来了。

求布兰妮shatered glass 歌词(最好有中英文对照)

SHATTERED GLASS 歌词中英歌手:布兰妮SHATTERED GLASS 碎玻璃Did I wake you? 我吵醒你了吗Were you sleepin"? 你刚正睡觉吗Were you still in the bed? 你还在睡吗Or is a nightmare 或者只是梦魇Keepin" you up instead? 让你清醒Oh baby, are you feelin" guilty 宝贝,你感到内疚吗For what you did? 为了你做的事If you think you"re hurtin" 如果你觉得受伤You ain"t seen nothin" yet 不会视而不见Was it really worth it? 真的值得吗Was she everything 她是你的全部That you were lookin" for? 是你要找的人Feel like a man 感觉像个男人I hope you know that 希望你知道You can"t come back 你不能回头"Cause all we had 因为我们的所有Is broken like shattered glass 已经像玻璃一样支离破碎You"re gonna see me 你会见到我In your dreams tonight 在今晚的梦中My face is gonna 我的面容将会Haunt you all the time 常常浮现I promise that 我保证You gon" want me back 你会希望我回来When your world falls apart 当你的世界破碎Like shattered glass 如碎玻璃Glass 玻璃Glass 玻璃Glass 玻璃Are you havin" trouble 你是否有问题Focusin" throughout the day? 一整天精神恍惚Do you find yourself 是否发现自己Still callin" my name? 还在叫我的名字Do you wish you could 是否希望可以Rewind time and take it back? 让时间倒回收回过去I bet you realized 肯定你意识到That she ain"t half the woman I am 她还不如我的一半Was it really worth it? 真的值得吗Was she everything 她是你的全部That you were lookin" for? 是你要找的人Feel like a man 感觉像个男人I hope you know that 我希望你知道You can"t come back 你不能回头"Cause all we had 因为我们的所有Is broken like shattered glass 已经像玻璃支离破碎You"re gonna see me 你会见到我In your dreams tonight 在今晚的梦中My face is gonna 我的面容会Haunt you all the time 常常浮现在你眼前I promise that 我保证You gon" want me back 你会希望我回来When your world falls apart 当你的世界破碎Like shattered glass 就像碎玻璃资讯来源 : 百度百科

求Trading Yesterday——Shattered的中英文歌词

Yesterday I died, tomorrow"s bleeding 我在昨日死亡,明日血流汩汩 Fall into your sunlight 降落在你的阳光里 The future"s open wide beyond believing 未来辽阔开展,超越信仰 To know why hope dies 去明白希望一一死去的原因 Losing what was found, a world so hollow 失去了原本已经找到的,一个空洞的世界 Suspended in a compromise 被如此的妥协给身陷泥淖 The silence of this sound is soon to follow 那道声音的静息,如此迅速降临 Somehow sundown 不知怎麼的,日落时分 And finding answers 寻找一个解答的过程 Is forgetting all of the questions we call home 让我们忘却所有致电回家时,会提出的问题 Passing the graves of the unknown 走过无数无名者的墓碑 As reason clouds my eyes, with splendor fading 那些理由如云般遮蔽了我的双眼,光芒逝褪 Illusions of the sunlight 阳光的幻影 And the reflection of a lie will keep me waiting 以及谎言的镜像,将让我持续等待 Love gone for so long 道别,爱情离去 This day"s ending is the proof of time killing all the faith I know 今日的结束,确证无疑了时间会抹煞一切我所深知的信念 Knowing that faith is all I hold 并让我了解,信念是我仅仅所有的了 And I"ve lost who I am 我已不知自己是谁 And I can"t understand 而且又无法明白 Why my heart is so broken 为什麼我的心如此破碎 Rejecting your love 拒绝了你的爱 Without love gone wrong 於是这份感情不会走向错误 Life 生命 Less words 无须言语 Carry on 继续走下去吧 But I know 但我知道 All I know 我也只知道 Is that the ends beginning 终点已经展开 Who I am from the start 在开始的时候,我的身分 Take me home to my heart 是让我返家找回心灵的原因 Let me go 让我走吧 And I will run 我将起跑 I will not be silenced 我不会保持沉默 All this time spent in vain 所有耗给一无所有的时间 Wasted years 浪费年月 Wasted gain 浪费所有 All is lost 如今一切无所剩 Hope remains 只有希望独存 And this war"s not over 而这场战争,却不会因此结束 There"s a light 一道光芒 There"s the sun 以及太阳 Taking all the shattered ones 将那些气若游丝的人们带走 To the place we belong 带到一个我们所归属的地方 And his love will conquer 他的爱,将占据该地 And I"ve lost who I am 我已不知自己是谁 And I can"t understand 而且又无法明白 Why my heart is so broken 为什麼我的心如此破碎 Rejecting your love 拒绝了你的爱 Without love gone wrong 於是这份感情不会走向错误 Life 生命 Less words 无须言语 Carry on 继续走下去吧 But I know 但我知道 All I know 我也只知道 Is that the ends beginning 终点已经展开 Who I am from the start 在开始的时候,我的身分 Take me home to my heart 是让我返家找回心灵的原因 Let me go 让我走吧 And I will run 我将起跑 I will not be silenced 我不会保持沉默 All this time spent in vain 所有耗给一无所有的时间 Wasted years 浪费年月 Wasted gain 浪费所有 All is lost 如今一切无所剩 Hope remains 只有希望独存 And this war"s not over 而这场战争,却永不结束 There"s a light 一道光芒 There"s the sun 以及太阳 Taking all the shattered ones 将那些气若游丝的人们带走 To the place we belong 带到一个我们所归属的地方 And his love will conquer 他的爱,将占据该地 Yes his love will conquer all 他的爱,将占据该地的全部 Yesterday I died, tomorrow"s bleeding 我在昨日死亡,明日血流汩汩 Fall into your sunlight 降落在你的阳光里

“The Broken Ones” 的中英文歌词。


求 泽野洪之 ready to go 中英文歌词。

<中文版>月色如海星光起舞梦开遍满山崖迫不及待长出了一片海寄给春暖花开是谁在等待赶快大摇大摆 爱起来自己主宰 趁现在 别发呆微笑能把所有阴霾覆盖谁能比我们更帅爱是唯一的热带Are you ready to goAre you ready to goAre you ready to go谁能比我们更帅爱是唯一的热带Are you ready to goAre you ready to goAre you ready to go人山人海每双眼睛都是一抹水彩每颗种子都有它的未来许下洁白期待是谁在等待赶快大摇大摆 爱起来自己主宰 趁现在 别发呆微笑能把所有阴霾覆盖谁能比我们更帅爱是唯一的热带Are you ready to goAre you ready to goAre you ready to go谁能比我们更帅爱是唯一的热带Are you ready to goAre you ready to goAre you ready to go谁能比我们更帅爱是唯一的热带Are you ready to goAre you ready to goAre you ready to go谁能比我们更帅爱是唯一的热带Are you ready to goAre you ready to goAre you ready to go谁能比我们更帅爱是唯一的热带Are you ready to goAre you ready to goAre you ready to go谁能比我们更帅<英文版>The night is youngSo are we so come onlets have some funSending out a message toeveryoneto all around the worldIt doesn"t matter ifits east coast west coastnorth or southEverybody hands upLet it outIts all the sameWhen love is in the airWe"re gonna dance like FridaynightCrank the music up two timesAre you ready to goAre you ready to goAre you ready to goWe"re gonna dance like FridaynightCrank the music up two timesAre you ready to goAre you ready to goAre you ready to goThe time is rightCome on everybody enjoy yourlifeLet the music and the beattake you for a rideinto the morning lightIt doesn"t matter ifits east coast west coastnorth or southEverybody hands upLet it outIts all the sameWhen love is in the airWe"re gonna dance like FridaynightCrank the music up two timesAre you ready to goAre you ready to goAre you ready to goWe"re gonna dance like FridaynightCrank the music up two timesAre you ready to goAre you ready to goAre you ready to goWe"re gonna dance like FridaynightCrank the music up two timesAre you ready to goAre you ready to goAre you ready to goWe"re gonna dance like FridaynightCrank the music up two timesAre you ready to goAre you ready to goAre you ready to goWe"re gonna dance likeFriday night

RTA《Ready to go》中英文歌词




求X-Japan的Art of life的歌词(要有中英文对照)

Desert Rose 沙漠玫瑰 Why do you live alone 为何你独自生存 If you are sad 若你悲哀 I"ll make you leave this life 我将使你离开此生 Are you white, blue or bloody red 你是蓝色、白色、还是如血般的红 All I can see is drowning in cold gray sand 我所能见的全都淹没在冷灰的沙中 The winds of time 时间之风 You knock me to the ground 你将我击倒在地 I"m dying of thirst 我渴而垂死 I wanna run away 我想逃离 I don"t know how to set me free to live 我不知如何让自己自由的生活 My mind cries out feeling pain 我的心因痛苦而呐喊 I"ve been roaming to find myself 我四处徘徊 寻找自我 How long have I been feeling endless hurt 这无尽的痛 我还得忍受多久 Falling down, rain flows into my heart 落雨流入我心中 In the pain I"m waiting for you 在痛苦中我等待你 Can"t go back 无法回去 No place to go back to 无处可归 Life is lost. Flowers fall 生命已逝 花坠落 If it"s all dream 如果这都是梦 Now wake me up 现在就唤醒我 If it"s all real 如果全是真的 Just kill me 就只好杀了我 I"m making the wall inside my heart 我正在自己的心中筑墙 I don"t wanna let my emotions get out 我不要让我的情感泄露 It scares me to look at the world 它恐吓我注视著世界 Don"t want to find myself lost in your eyes 不要让自己在你眼中消失 I tried to drown my past in gray 我试著埋葬我的过去 I never wanna feel more pain 不要再受更多的伤害 Run away from you without saying any words 无言的从你身旁逃开 What I don"t wanna lose is love 我不愿失去的是「爱」 Through my eyes 从我的眼中 Time goes by like tears 时光如泪水般流逝 My emotion"s losing the color of life 我的情感失去生命的色彩 Kill my heart 使我心死 Release all my pain 解除我所有的痛苦 I"m shouting out loud 我高声叫喊 Insanity takes hold over me 疯狂威胁著我 Turning away from the wall 从墙的那一面转过来 Nothing I can see 我什么都看不见 The scream deep inside 深处的呐喊 reflecting another person in my heart 在心中反射出另一个自己 He calls me from within 他从内心深处告诉我 "All existence you see before you must be wipe out: 「你必须消灭你能见的所有存在 Dream, Reality, Memories 梦 真实 记忆 and Yourself." 和你自己」 I begin to lose control of myself 我开始失去自制 My lust is so blind, destroys my mind 我盲目的欲望破坏理智 Nobody can stop my turning to madness 无人能阻止我转向疯狂 No matter how you try to hold me in your heart 无论你如何尝试在你心中抓住我 Why do you wanna raise these walls 为何你要筑高这堵墙 I don"t know the meaning of hatred 我不知憎恨的意义 My brain gets blown away hearing words of lies 我的脑因听见谎言而疲惫 I only want to hold your love 我只想拥有你的爱 Stab the doll filled with hate 戳刺充满憎恨的人偶 Wash yourself with their blood 用它们的血洗你自己 Drive into the raging current of time 在猛烈的时间之流中行进 Swing your murderous weapon into the belly 在贪欲中操纵你杀人的凶器 "the earth" 向著「世界」 Shout and start creating confusion 狂叫且开始困惑 Shed your blood for preasure 你流血为获得快乐 And what? For love? 还有什么?为了爱? What am I suppose to do? 什么是我该做的? I believe in the madness called " Now " 我相信在被称为「现在」的疯狂中 Past and future prison my heart 过去和未来禁锢我的心 Time is blind 时间是盲目的 But I wanna trace my heart 但我要追溯我的爱 On the wall of time, over pain in my heart 在时间之壁上,越过我心中的痛苦 Art of life Art of life Insane blade stabbing dreams 疯狂的刀刃刺穿梦境 Try to break all truth now 试著破坏全部的事实 But I can"t heal this broken heart in pain 但我无法治愈这痛苦而破碎的心 Cannot start to live. Cannot end my life 无法开始生活,无法结束生命 Keep on crying 继续哭泣 Close my eyes 闭上眼睛 Time breath I can hear 我能听见时间的低语 All love and sadness melt in my heart 全部的爱与悲哀在我心中融化 Dry my tears 拭乾泪水 Wipe my broody face 擦拭我满是血污的脸 I wanna feel me living my life outside my wall 我要在我的墙外感受我的存在 You can"t draw a picture of yesterday , so 你无法为昨日描绘影象,以致於 You"re painting your heart with your blood 你用你的血涂抹你的心 You can"t say "No" 你无法说「不」 Only turning the wheel of time 只能用环绕在颈中的绳索 with a rope around your neck 转动时间之轮 You build a wall of morality and take a breath 你建造美德之墙 from between the bricks 在砖缝之间 延残喘 You make up imaginary enemies and are chased by them 你制造假想敌并被他们追捕 You"re trying to commit suicide 你试著自杀 You"re satisfied with your prologue 你对你的序幕感到满意 Now you"re painting your first chapter black 现在你抹黑你的第一章 You are putting the scraps of life together 你把生命的碎片收集在一起 and trying to make an asylum for yourself 并尝试为你自己制造一个避难所 You"re hitting a bell at the edag of the stage 你在舞台边缘敲钟 and 而且 You are trying to kill me 你试著杀我 I believe in the madness called " Now " 我相信在被称为「现在」的疯狂中 Time goes flowing, breaking my heart 时光流逝,破坏我的心 Wanna live 要活著 Can"t let my heart kill myself 不能让我的心毁了我自己 Still I haven"t found what I"m looking for 我仍未找到我要找寻的 Art of life Art of life I try to stop myself 我试著停止我自己 But my heart goes to destroy the truth 但我的心意欲毁灭这事实 Tell me why 告诉我为什么 I want the meaning of my life 我想知道我活著的意义 Do I try to live? Do I try to love 我该试著活下去吗 in my dream 我该试著去实现梦想中的爱吗 I am breaking the wall inside my heart 我破坏我心中的墙 I just wanna let my emotions get out 我想让我的情感流露 Nobody can stop 无人能阻止 I"m running to freedom 我奔向自由 No matter how you try to hold me in your world 无论你多想在你的世界中掌握我 Like a doll carried by the flow of time 像被流逝的时光控制的玩偶 I sacrificed the present moment for the future 我为未来牺牲此刻 I was in chains of memory half-blinded 我被半瞎的记忆束缚 Losing my heart, walking in the sea of dream 失去我的心,徘徊在梦之海里 Close my eyes 闭上眼睛 Rose breathes I can hear 我听见玫瑰的低语 All love and sadness melt in my heart 全部的爱与悲哀在我心中融化 Dry my tears 拭乾泪水 Wipe my bloody face 擦拭我满是血污的脸 I wanna feel me living my life outside my wall 我要在我的墙外感受我的存在 Dreams can make me mad 梦能使我疯狂 I can"t leave my dream 我无法离开梦境 I can"t stop myself 我无法阻止我自己 Don"t know what I am 不知我是什么 What lies are truth 什么是谎言 What truth are lies 什么是真实 Art of life Art of life An Eternal Bleeding heart 一颗永远滴血的心 You never wanna breathe your last 你永远不碰触你的过去 Wanna live 要活著 Can"t let my heart kill myself 不能让我的心毁了我自己 Still I am feeling for 我仍感觉到 A Rose is breathing love 一朵玫瑰正注入爱 in my life 在我生命





fun.的some nights的中英文的歌词。谢谢!

Fun. - Some NightsSome nights, I stay up cashing in my bad luckSome nights, I call it a drawSome nights, I wish that my lips could build a castleSome nights, I wish they"d just fall offBut I still wake up, I still see your ghostOh Lord, I"m still not sure what I stand forWhat do I stand for? What do I stand for?Most nights, I don"t know anymore...This is it, boys, this is warwhat are we waiting for?Why don"t we break the rules already?I was never one to believe the hypesave that for the black and whiteTry twice as hard and I"m half as liked,but here they come again to jack my styleAnd that"s alrightI found a martyr in my bed tonightShe stops my bones from wonderingjust who I am, who I am, who I amOh, who am I? Oh, who am I?Some nights, I wish that this all would endCause I could use some friends for a changeAnd some nights, I"m scared you"ll forget me againSome nights, I always win, I always winBut I still wake up, I still see your ghostOh Lord, I"m still not sure what I stand forWhat do I stand for? What do I stand for?Most nights, I don"t know...So this is it? I sold my soul for this?Washed my hands of that for this?I miss my mom and dad for this?No. When I see stars,when I see stars, that"s all they areWhen I hear songs,they sound like a swan, so come onOh, come on. Oh, come on.Well boys and girls, that is allfive minutes in and I"m bored againTen years of this, I"m not sure if anybody understandsThis one is not for the folks at homeI"m sorry to leave, mom, I had to goWho the f*ck wants to die aloneall dried up in the desert sun?My heart is breaking for my sisterand the con that she called "love"But when I look into my nephew"s eyes...Man, you wouldn"t believethe most amazing things that can come from...Some terrible nights.The other night, you wouldn"t believe the dreamI just had about you and meI called you up, but we"d both agreeIt"s for the best you didn"t listenIt"s for the best we get our distance, ohFor the best you didn"t listenIt"s for the best we get our distance, oh...

All i want for Christmas is you的中英文对照歌词,要Justin的

latin girl Let"s go,she is my Latin Girl   一起走吧,她是我的拉丁女孩   She"s my Latin Girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   I was on the beach,yeah,I was on vacation   当时我正在沙滩,对,我正在度假   I was doing nothing ,I was just sitting patient   我正在无聊中,我耐心的坐着   Then you walked by you caught my eye   然后你从我身边走过,你吸引了我   I said who"s this girl?   我说这是哪个女孩?   She"s looking super fly   她看起来好酷好漂亮   Hey Miss beautiful,I"ve never seen you before   嘿!美丽女士,我从来没遇到过你   And I would like to be the one show you I am cool at all   我很乐意为你成为一个能展示全能的人   Hey little mama,what you got on ya?   嘿!小女士,你是否已经得到了你想要的东西?   Looking so good   你看起来很漂亮   And I just want to telephone ya   而我只想能得到你的电话号码   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Ohhh   噢~~~   Pretty lady don"t you think it"s crazy   漂亮女士,你不认为这样很疯狂吗?   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Ohhhh   噢~~~   She tries to fight it   她尝试与自己的思想作斗争   But she knows she likes it   但她清楚自己喜欢这种感觉   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Ooohhh   她是我的拉丁女孩   So wanna see …   很想再看她一眼   Then she"s looking at me   而她正看着我   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Yeah yeah yeah   Hey Miss beautiful   嘿!美丽女士   I"ve never seen you before   我从来没遇到过你   And I would like to be the one show you I am cool at all   我很乐意为你成为一个能展示全能的人   Hey little mama ,What you got on ya?   嘿!小女士,你是否已经得到了你想要的东西?   Looking so good,and I just want to telephone ya   而我只想能得到你的电话号码   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Ooohhhh   噢~~~   Pretty lady don"t you think it"s crazy   漂亮女士,你不认为这样很疯狂吗?   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Ooohhh   噢~~~   She tries to fight it   她尝试与自己的思想作斗争   But she knows she likes it   但她清楚自己喜欢这种感觉   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Ooohhhh   噢~~~   So wanna see…   很想再看她一眼   Then she"s looking at me   而她正看着我   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Yeah yeah yeah   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Ooohhh   噢~~~   Pretty lady don"t you think it"s crazy   漂亮女士,你不认为这样很疯狂吗?   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Ooohhh   噢~~~   She tries to fight it   她尝试与自己的思想作斗争   But she knows she likes it   但她清楚自己喜欢这种感觉   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Oooohhh   噢~~~   So wanna see…   很想再看她一眼   Then she"s looking at me   而她正看着我   She"s my latin girl   她是我的拉丁女孩   Yeah yeah yeahAll I Want Is You Sitting here, all alone   独自坐在这里   Watching the snow fall   看着雪花飘落   Looking back at the days   回首那些日子   We threw them snow balls   我们扔着雪球   I can"t believe   我不能理解   I"m putting the tree up by myself   我为自己把树(圣诞树)举起来   I need you   我需要你   And nobody else   和其他人   And I"m sorry   对不起   If I pushed you away   如果我把你赶走   Cuz I need to here   因为我需要在这里   And I want for you to know   我要让你知道   And I don"t care, if I don"t get anything   我不介意,如果我没有得到任何东西   All I need is you here right now   我现在只需要你在这儿   And I"m sorry if I hurt you   对不起,如果我伤害了你   But I know that All I Want Is You   但我知道你是我想要的一切   This christmas, this christmas, this christmas   这个圣诞节...   All I Want Is You   你就是我想要的所有   This christmas, this christmas, this christmas   这个圣诞节...   All I Want Is You this christmas   你就是我想要的所有   And I never wanna do this alone   我不想如此孤单   Baby I just need you to be here   宝贝我需要你在这儿   Here through the holidays (yeah)   在这儿度过假期   I just wanna if you feel the same way   我只想如果你有同样的感觉   Because I"m lonely baby   因为我是孤独的   Want you to hold me baby   想要你抱着我 宝贝   And I"m sorry   对不起   If I pushed you away   如果我把你赶走   I just want you to know I miss you   我只想让你感受到我想你   And I want you to stay   我想要你留下来   And I don"t care, if I don"t get anything   如果我什么都没有得到 我并不介意   All I need is you here right now   你在身边就是我想要的全部   And I"m sorry if I hurt you   对不起,如果我伤害了你   But I know that All I Want Is You   但我知道你是我想要的一切   This christmas, this christmas, this christmas   这个圣诞节...   All I Want Is You   你就是我想要的所有   This christmas, this christmas, this christmas   这个圣诞节...   All I Want Is You this christmas   所有你想要的这个圣诞节   Wrapping gets without you babe   包装得到没有你宝贝   It"s like mid december and there"s no cold   这就像是十二月中期也不冷   I can"t do this on my own   我不能这么做我自己   I"ve changed my ways   我已经改变了我的方式   Keep running back and forth again   保持来回跑了   I"m here to stay   我在这里停留   And I don"t care, if I don"t get anything   我不介意,如果我没有得到任何东西   All I need is you here right now   所有我需要的是你现在在这里   And I"m sorry if I hurt you   对不起,如果我伤害了你   But I know that All I Want Is You   但我知道你是我要的一切   This christmas, this christmas, this christmas   这个圣诞节,圣诞节,圣诞节   All I Want Is You   你就是我想要的所有   This christmas, this christmas, this christmas   这个圣诞节...   All I Want Is You this christmas   在这个圣诞你就是我想要的所有 Justin Bieber - All I Want Is YouSitting here, all aloneWatching the snow fallLooking back at the daysWe threw them snow ballsI can"t believeI"m putting the tree up by myselfI need youAnd nobody elseAnd I"m sorryIf I pushed you awayCuz I need to hereAnd I want for you to knowAnd I don"t care, if I don"t get anythingAll I need is you here right nowAnd I"m sorry if I hurt youBut I know that All I Want Is YouThis christmas, this christmas, this christmasAll I Want Is YouThis christmas, this christmas, this christmasAll I Want Is You this christmasAnd I never wanna do this aloneBaby I just need you to be hereHere through the holidays (yeah)I just wanna if you feel the same wayBecause I"m lonely babyWant you to hold me babyAnd I"m sorryIf I pushed you awayI just want you to know I miss youAnd I want you to stayAnd I don"t care, if I don"t get anythingAll I need is you here right nowAnd I"m sorry if I hurt youBut I know that All I Want Is YouThis christmas, this christmas, this christmasAll I Want Is YouThis christmas, this christmas, this christmasAll I Want Is You this christmasWrapping gets without you babeIt"s like mid december and there"s no coldI can"t do this on my ownI"ve changed my waysKeep running back and forth againI"m here to stayAnd I don"t care, if I don"t get anythingAll I need is you here right nowAnd I"m sorry if I hurt youBut I know that All I Want Is YouThis christmas, this christmas, this christmasAll I Want Is YouThis christmas, this christmas, this christmasAll I Want Is You this christmas贾斯汀·比伯-你是我所有的需要坐在这里,独自看下雪回首天我们扔雪球我理解不了我把树的时候我需要你和其他人对不起如果我把你赶走因为我需要在这里我要让你知道我不介意,如果我没有得到任何东西所有我需要的是你现在在这里对不起,如果我伤害了你但我知道你是我要的一切这个圣诞节,圣诞节,圣诞节你是我想要的所有这个圣诞节,圣诞节,圣诞节所有你想要的这个圣诞节我不想做这件事宝贝我需要你在这里在这里,通过假期(耶)我想如果你有同样的感觉因为我是孤独的想你抱着我宝贝对不起如果我把你赶走我只是想让你知道我想念你我想要你留下来我不介意,如果我没有得到任何东西所有我需要的是你现在在这里对不起,如果我伤害了你但我知道你是我要的一切这个圣诞节,圣诞节,圣诞节你是我想要的所有这个圣诞节,圣诞节,圣诞节所有你想要的这个圣诞节包装得到没有你宝贝这就像是十二月中期也不冷我不能这么做我自己我已经改变了我的方式保持来回跑了我在这里停留我不介意,如果我没有得到任何东西所有我需要的是你现在在这里对不起,如果我伤害了你但我知道你是我要的一切这个圣诞节,圣诞节,圣诞节你是我想要的所有这个圣诞节,圣诞节,圣诞节所有你想要的这个圣诞节

Justin Bieber的《Latin Girl》的中英文歌词谁有?

找度娘吧 里边好多

Judas 的中英文歌词、

Lady GaGa第三张专辑《Born This Way》 第二首主打单曲《Judas》由RedOne和Lady GaGa两人联合打造。带有明显RedOne舞曲风格。 歌词  Oh, oh, ohhhh, oh   I"m in, love with Judas, Judas 我爱上了犹大,犹大   Oh, oh, ohhhh, oh   I"m in love with Judas, Judas 我爱上了犹大,犹大   JU-DAS-JUDA, JU-DAS-JUDAJU-DAS-JUDA, JU-DAS-GAGA 犹~大啊犹大 犹~大啊犹大 犹~大啊犹大 犹~大啊GAGA   JU-DAS-JUDA, JU-DAS-JUDA, JU-DAS-JUDA,JU-DAS-GAGA 犹~大啊犹大 犹~大啊犹大 犹~大啊犹大 犹~大啊GAGA   When he goes to me, I am ready 当他走向我这里,我已经准备好   I"ll wash his feet with my hair if he needs 如果他需要我会卑微地用我的头发来清洗他的脚趾   Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain 在他用舌头讲出他脑中的谎言时原谅他   Even after three times, he betrays me 尽管他向我撒谎,再三地背叛我,我还是原谅他   Whoah-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh   I"ll bring him down, bring him down down, 我将打倒他,打倒他   Whoah-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh   A king with no crown, king with no crown ,他是没有加冕的王者   I"m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he"s so cruel 我只是一个神圣的傻瓜,哦,宝贝,他是这样残酷   But I"m still in love with Judas, baby 但宝贝,我仍爱着犹大   I"m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he"s so cruel 我只是一个神圣的傻瓜,哦,宝贝,他是这样残酷   But I"m still in love with Judas, baby 但宝贝,我仍爱着犹大   Oh, oh, ohhhh, oh   I"m in love with Judas, Judas 我爱上了犹大,犹大   Oh, oh, ohhhh, oh   I"m in love with Judas, Judas 我爱上了犹大,犹大   JU-DAS-JUDA, JU-DAS-JUDA, JU-DAS-JUDA,JU-DAS-GAGA犹~大啊犹大 犹~大啊犹大 犹~大啊犹大 犹~大啊GAGA   I couldn"t love a man so purely 我不能如此纯粹地爱一个男人   Even darkness forgave his crooked way 即使是黑暗也原谅了他的做的错事   And I"ve learned our love is like a brick you can我也知道我们的爱要像砖块一样 你能   Build a house or sink a dead body 能够起盖房子或者说也可以掩盖那尸体   Whoah-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh   I"ll bring him down, bring him down down, 我将打倒他,打倒他   Whoah-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh   A king with no crown, king with no crown 一个没有皇冠的国王,没有皇冠的国王   ‘I"m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he"s so cruel 我只是一个神圣的傻瓜,哦,宝贝,他是这样残酷   But I"m still in love with Judas, baby 但宝贝,我仍深爱着犹大   ‘I"m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he"s so cruel 我只是一个神圣的傻瓜,哦,宝贝,他是这样残酷   But I"m still in love with Judas, baby 但宝贝,我仍深爱着犹大   Oh, oh, ohhhh, oh   I"m in love with Judas, Judas 我已爱上了犹大啊,犹大啊   Oh, oh, ohhhh, oh   I"m in love with Judas, Judas 我已爱上了犹大啊,犹大啊   In the most Biblical sense, I am beyond repentance 在圣经中最神圣的观念面前,我已经无法悔改了   Fame hooker, prostitute wench, vomit her mind 无论名妓或是普通的小妓女,让她的心忏悔吧   But in the cultural sense I just speak in future tense 但是在文化的意义上,我的意思只说在将来的意义上   Judas kiss me if offenced, or wear an ear condom next time 若犹大吻我是一宗罪,那么下次会带一只耳的避孕套   I wanna love you, but something"s pulling me away from you 我想要爱你,但总有什么把我从你身边推开   Jesus is my virtue, Judas is the demon I cling to -I cling to 耶稣是我崇尚的美德,犹大却是我所迷恋的魔,让我迷恋   I"m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he"s so cruel 我只是一个神圣的傻瓜,哦,宝贝,他是这样残酷   But I"m still in love with Judas, baby 但宝贝,我仍深爱着犹大   I"m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he"s so cruel 我只是一个神圣的傻瓜,哦,宝贝,他是这样残酷   But I"m still in love with Judas, baby 但宝贝,我仍深爱着犹大   Oh, oh, ohhhh, oh   I"m in love with Judas, Judas 我已经深深爱上了犹大啊,犹大啊   Oh, oh, ohhhh, oh   I"m in love with Judas, Judas 我已经深深爱上了犹大啊,犹大啊   JU-DAS-JUDA, JU-DAS-JUDA, JU-DAS-JUDA, JU-DAS-GAGA 犹~大啊犹大 犹~大啊犹大 犹~大啊犹大 犹~大啊GAGA


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nick lachey - temporary歌词,最好是中英文对照的,谢谢

Artist:nick lacheySongs Title:temporaryStop wait a minute cuz I didn't say thatYour putting words in my mouth and I really hate thatWhen did you discover you could read my mindWhen I don't even know what I'm feeling insideStaring in your eyes do I really see youMaybe I'm blinded by the things I've been throughLooking for the answers but we don't have anyQuestions well I got them and there's just so manyTearing me apart cuz there's so much to loseWhere do we go, where have we goneCan I get past on the dance running through my head are you the oneWill we survive, forever's so long,Well tell me are we are we just, temporaryWere so deep in it that it's hard to see itAnd if there's a big picture tell me where do we fitCuz the lines of our lives have fallen acrossDown Lyrics From www.SuperLyrics.netAnd we can't go back cuz history is lostAnd the futures cloudy as the skies overheadWhere do we go, where have we goneCan I get past on the dance running through my head are you the oneWill we survive, forever's so long,Well tell me are we are we only just, temporaryAnd baby I'm still fighting all the things I've been denyingIt's so hard to figure outAre we loving, leaving, losing, who we areAnd if we've come this farWhere do we go, where have we gone (where have we have gone)Can I get past on the dance running through my head are you the oneWill we survive(will we survive), forever's so long (forever's so long)Well tell me are we are we only just, temporaryI don't wanna be the one to look back and regret the things I've doneI don't wanna be the one who's standing here waiting for the air to clearSo can't we make it right tonight, or tell me are we only just temporary


1这里的作业好难做,所以我经常得到很不理想的分数。2.我是学校游泳队的一员。3.我应该离开这个游泳队吗?我真的很不想,但是爸爸妈妈认为我应该这样做。4 亲爱的朋友,你认为我是该做点事呢,还是试着去忘记这令人头疼的事呢?1.Qin thinks the film is very boring.2.We have history classes in Wensday and Friday.3.Are not your mother can swim?4.Do you often swim at these time?5.Are you willing to having dinner with me?

求beautiful girls的中英文歌词,很好听

sean kingston 唱的吗?you"re way too beautiful girl 你实在太美了 that"s why it will never work 因此无人可及 you had me suicidal, suicidal 你令我走向毁灭,毁灭 when you say it"s over 当你说我们缘分已尽 damn all these beautiful girl 这些该死的漂亮女孩 they only wanna do you dirt 她们只会伤害你 they"ll have you suicidal suicidal 她们将让你走向毁灭,毁灭 when they say it"s over 当她们说分手的时候 see it started at the park,used to chill after dark 故事从公园开始,黄昏后有些冷 oh,when you took my arm, that"s when we fell apart 哦,当你挽着我的手臂,我们迷失了自己。 cuz we both thought,that love last forever 因为我们都认为,爱会永恒。 they say where too young,to get are self"s sprung 人们都说我们太年轻,太冲动 oh we didn"t care,we made it very clear 哦,我们不曾在乎,我们都明白 and they also said, that we couldn"t last together 人们也说,我们不会长久 see it"s very define,your one of a kind 很明显,你是无与伦比的 but your much on my mind, you often get decline 但我太挂念你,你常常被否定 oh lord my baby your driving me crazy 哦 神啊 宝贝你令我疯狂 是这个不?


歌曲名:Levels歌手:Avicii专辑:538 Dance Smash 2012 vol.1LevelsAviciiOh" sometimesI get a good feeling" yeahGet a feeling thatI never" never" never" neverhad before" no noI get a good feeling" yeahOh" sometimesI get a good feeling" yeahGet a feeling thatI never" never" never" neverhad before" no noI get a good feeling" yeahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59600026


有一个乐曲叫 the banks of newfoundland ,有人在网易云音乐上把它译为,新发地银行。



中英文职位翻译 请帮我把以下职位翻译成英文,不要百度翻译出来的东西。

Finance Manager, IT Manager, IT on Duty, Operation Supervisor, Cashier, Lobby Manager (Asssistant Manager), DGM Financing, Assistant to GM, Counter Facilitator, Principal of high-ranking business department, Supervisor for investment consultation. to 问题补充: “理财督导”Financing Supervisor

《la isla bonita》中英文歌词与翻译结果

LAISLABONITA风光秀丽的小岛 last night i dream to fsanpedro昨夜,我梦见sanPedro just like i"d never gone, i knew the song仿佛我从未去过,我知道这首歌 a young girl with eyes like the desert一位女郎眼神冷如荒漠 it all seems like yesterday,not far away一切恍如昨日,并不遥远 tropica lthe island breeze热带小岛的微风 all of nature,wild and free所有的自然,疯狂和自由 this is where i long to be这正是我梦中的天堂 la is la bonita风光秀丽的小岛 and when the samba played还有当桑巴响起 the sun would set so high太阳高悬天际 ring through my ears and sting my eyes回响于我耳畔、灼伤我双目 you Spanish lullaby你西班牙的小夜曲 i fell in love with sanpedro我爱上了sanPedro warm wind carried on the sea,he called to me海上的暖风拂过,他呼唤着我 te djo teamo他说“我爱你”(西班牙语) i prayed that tthe days would last我祈祷时光凝滞 they went so fast它却匆匆而过 tropical the island breeze热带小岛的微风 all o fnature,wild and free所有的自然,疯狂和自由 this is where i long to be这正是我梦中的天堂 la is la bonita风光秀丽的小岛 and when the samba played还有当桑巴响起 the sun would set so high太阳高悬天际 ring through my ears and sting my eyes回响于我耳畔、灼伤我双目 you Spanish lullaby你西班牙的小夜曲 i want to be where the sun warms the sky我想悬浮于天空中--那里阳光温暖 when it"s time for siesta you can watch them go by当午眠之时你可看他们经过 beautiful faces,no cares in this world美丽的面孔,世上不再有忧伤 where a girl loves a boy当一个女孩爱上一个男孩 and a boy loves a girl一个男孩也爱着那个女孩


歌名:时差演唱:鹿晗词:朱婧汐 Jing曲:Beau/A-Dee歌词:收到你的电话没想过多年后我们再联络你说"How have you been?" 翻译;你最近怎么样 一句问候就扰乱我不知道从哪里开始诉说我们的生活都已变化太多那些炎热了我们的回忆随着电话铃声响起Ooh我的双脚像踩着沙陷入了有你的那个仲夏Never let you fall 翻译;永不让你堕落 I"m always on call 翻译;我总是随叫随到对你不会变的承诺放不下对你的牵挂像隔着太平洋的时差我会奔向你当你需要我I"m always on call 翻译;我总是随叫随到很多瞬间期待那个巷子背影转身就会是你现在的你喝醉时还会不会流泪午夜梦醒你会打给谁你知道我还在原地守候多想再次听到你专属的ring tone 翻译;铃声那些炎热过我们的回忆随着电话铃声响起Ooh我的双脚像踩着沙陷入了有你的那个仲夏I"ll never let you fall 翻译; 我永远不会让你坠落 I"m always on call 翻译;我总是随叫随到对你不会变的承诺放不下对你的牵挂像隔着太平洋的时差我会奔向你当你需要我I"m always on call 翻译;我总是随叫随到Got me caught 翻译;让我抓住了Got me caught up 翻译;让我赶上 舍不得睡的那些夜晚Got me caught 翻译;让我抓住了 Got me caught up 翻译;让我赶上 And I can"t put the phone down no 翻译;我不能放下电话 I don"t believe 翻译;我不相信我们的故事就只能走到这里 你是我命中注定 yeah 翻译;是啊忘不掉的声音Ooh我的双脚像踩着沙陷入了有你的那个仲夏I"ll never let you fall 翻译;我永远不会让你堕落 I"m always on call 翻译;我总是随叫随到 对你不会变的承诺放不下对你的牵挂像隔着太平洋的时差我会奔向你当你需要我I"m always on call 翻译;我总是随叫随到 You know I"m always on call 翻译;你知道我总是随叫随到 I know you"re always on call 翻译;我知道你总是随叫随到 You know I"m always on call 翻译;你知道我总是随叫随到告诉我你需要我



求 justin bieber的Mistletoe 中英文歌词!!!!!!!!!!

It"s the most beautifultime of the year这是一年最美丽的季节Runningthrough the streets spreading so much cheer 街道上到处弥漫着欢乐的气息I should be playing in the winter snow 我应该在雪里面玩耍But I"mma be under the mistletoe 但是我盛装打扮的站在圣诞树下Word on the street that it"s coming tonight 外面在盛传它今晚将会到来Reindeer"s flying in the sky so high 驯鹿在高空中飞翔I should be playing in the winter snow我在雪里面玩耍But I"mma be under the mistletoe但是我盛装打扮的站在圣诞树下With you, shawty with you 想和你在一起,宝贝,想和你在一起With you, shawty with you想和你在一起,宝贝,想和你在一起With you under the mistletoe 与你约在寄生树之下Gathering around the fire 我们聚集在火堆旁边Chestnutsroasting like ahigh tonight 在这个盛大的节日吃烤板栗I should be playing in the winter snow 我在雪里面玩耍But I"mma be under the mistletoe但是我盛装打扮的站在圣诞树下I don"t want to miss out on the holiday 我不想错过这个节日But I can"t stop staring at your face 但是我不能停止对你的思念I should be running in the winter snow 我在雪里面玩耍But I"mma be under the mistletoe 但是我盛装打扮的站在圣诞树下With you, shawty with you 想和你在一起,宝贝,想和你在一起With you, shawty with you 想和你在一起,宝贝,想和你在一起With you under the mistletoe与你约在寄生树之下With you, shawty with you 想和你在一起,宝贝,想和你在一起With you, shawty with you 想和你在一起,宝贝,想和你在一起With you under the mistletoe与你约在寄生树之下Don"t you buy me nothing 不要买礼物给我I am feeling one thing and it led me to a miracle 我正在感觉他,带我走向惊喜的他Don"t you buy me nothing 不要买礼物给我I am feeling one thing, your lips on my lips 我感觉到我们在接吻There"s a very, merry Christmas 这是一个很开心的圣诞节It"s the most beautiful time of the year 这是一年中最美丽的时光Flying through the streets spreading so much cheer 街道上到处弥漫着欢乐的气息I should be playing in the winter snow 我应该在雪里玩耍But I"mma be under the mistletoe 但是我盛装打扮的站在圣诞树下I don"t want to miss out on the holiday 我不想错过这个节日But I can"t stop staring at your face 但是我不能停止对你的思念I should be playing in the winter snow 我应该在雪里玩耍But I"mma be under the mistletoe 但是我盛装打扮的站在圣诞树下With you, shawty with you想和你在一起,宝贝,想和你在一起With you, shawty with you想和你在一起,宝贝,想和你在一起With you under the mistletoe与你约在寄生树之下With you, shawty with you想和你在一起,宝贝,想和你在一起Shawty with you, under the mistletoe, 宝贝,想和你一起,与你约在寄生树之下Kiss me under the mistletoe 在圣诞树下吻我Show me baby that you love me so 让我知道你有多么的爱我Ohhhh, ohhh,Kiss me underneath themistletoe, oh, whoaaa在圣诞树下吻我

Asher Book《Try》中英文歌词对照翻译

If I walk would you runIf I stop would you comeIf I say you"re the one would you believe meIf I ask you to stay would you show me the wayTell me what to say so you don"t leave meThe world is catching up to youWhile your running away to chase your dreamIt"s time for us to make a move cause we are asking one another to changeAnd maybe I"m not readyCHORUSBut I"m trying for your loveI can hide up aboveI will try for your loveWe"ve been hiding enoughIf I sing you a song would you sing alongOr wait till I"m gone, oh how we push and pullIf I give you my heart would you just play the partOr tell me it"s the start of something beautifulAm I catching up to youWhile your running away, to chase your dreamsIt"s time for us to face the truth cause we are coming to each other to changeAnd maybe I"m not readyCHORUSBut I"m trying for your loveI can hide up aboveI will try for your loveWe"ve been hiding enoughI will try for your loveI can hide up above2x Huh huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh huh huhhhIf I walk would you runIf I stop would you comeIf I say you"re the one would you believe me

Wake Me Up Before You Go Go的中英文对照翻译




Adele的someone like you 的歌词(中英文)翻译



Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. 一闪一闪小星星 ,我多想知道你是什么? Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. 挂在天空那么高那么高,就像是一颗颗钻石挂在天上。 Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. 一闪一闪小星星 ,我多想知道你是什么. When the blazing sun is gone, when he nothing shines upon. 当炽热的太阳已经西沉,当他不再普照万物了。 Then you show your little light, Twinkle twinkle all the night. 你就展现出你微弱的亮光,整个晚上眨着眼睛。 Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. 一闪一闪小星星 ,我多想知道你是什么? Then the traveler in the dark,Thanks you for your tiny spark. 旅行者在黑夜茫茫,感谢你微弱的光芒。 He could not see where to go,If you did not twinkle so. 他看不见走向何方,假若你不这样发光。 Twinkle twinkle little star,How I wonder what you are! 一闪一闪亮晶晶,我多想知道你是什么啊! In the dark blue sky you keep,Often through my curtain peep. 你留恋这漆黑的天空,时常透过我的窗帘窥看。 For you never shut your eye,Till the sun is in the sky. 永不闭上你的眼睛,直到太阳又在天空出现。 Twinkle twinkle little star,How I wonder what you are. 一闪一闪亮晶晶,我多么想知道你是什么啊。 As your bright and tiny spark,Lights the traveler in the dark。 当你发着光和微弱的火光,像在黑暗中的旅行者。 Though I know not what you are,Twinkle, twinkle, little star。 虽然我不知道你是什么,一闪一闪亮晶晶。 Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are! 一闪一闪亮晶晶,我多么想知道你是什么啊!


Everything appears to be so pale,weak and ridicurous. It was for you that I chosed to stay here, but you chosed to leave at the end. Everything is fucking faux and simulated. I didn"t ask you to stay here because I didn"t want to invite more insult to me. Go away, leave me alone! I will get used to life without you.有时候无意间看到的一些事,才发现自己所谓的坚持和在乎有多可笑. Occasionally when I come across something unintentionally, I suddenly realise what I have persistently persued and been mind of is just ludicrous.



all the above 歌曲中英文对照翻译

With you all the timeI live beneath the heart 我活在(你的)心灵深处I watch you from the dark 我从黑暗中凝望你I"m every breath I"m every dream 我是你的每一个呼吸,是你的每一场梦境I"ve known you forever 我会永远懂你I"ve followed you everywhere 我会陪伴你到天涯海角I"m every scar I"m who you are 我是每一道伤痕,我就是你when you think you"re alone 当你感到孤单时when you cry cos someone"s unfair 当你为某人不平而哭泣时you can rest assured I"m always there 你可以放心,我会一直在这里even when you feel like you don"t belong 即使当你觉得没有归属感时 even when you fall and it all goes wrong 甚至当你一切都不顺利时you know that I"m with you 你要知道我和你在一起that I"m with you all the time 我会陪伴你一生一世say a little prayer for the restless heart 为疲惫的心灵做一些祈祷we shall never ever drift apart 我们将永不分离know that I"m with you 要知道我和你在一起know that I"m with you 要知道我和你在一起with you all the time 和你一生一世在一起I"m walking round the room 我在房间里转来转去 I"m laughing when you smile 当你笑的时候我也会笑and when you cry I cry too 当你哭的时候我也一样会哭I made you a promise 我曾对你许下一个承诺that I shall forever be 我会信守一生you"re on your own but not alone 你独立但并不孤独when you"re down and you"re rife 当你充满失落感的时候and the world tells you no one cares 当你知道这个世界没有人关心你时you can rest assured I"m always there 你可以放心,我会一直在这里even when you feel like you don"t belong 即使当你觉得没有归属感时 even when you fall and it all goes wrong 甚至当你一切都不顺利时you know that I"m with you 你要知道我和你在一起that I"m with you all the time 我会陪伴你一生一世say a little prayer for the restless heart 为疲惫的心灵做一些祈祷, we shall never ever drift apart 我们将永不分离know that I"m with you 要知道我和你在一起I"m with you all the time 我会陪伴你一生一世I"m with you all the time 我要和你一生一世在一起 save a little love for me 为我保留一点爱you"ll see 你会看到save a little love for me 为我保留一点爱you"ll see 你就会看见save a little love for me 为我保留一点爱you"ll see 你就能看见了and you"ll see 等着看吧 even when you feel like you don"t belong 即使当你觉得没有归属感时 even when you fall and it all goes wrong 甚至当你一切都不顺利时you know that I"m with you 你要知道我和你在一起that I"m with you all the time 我会陪伴你一生一世say a little prayer for the restless heart 为疲惫的心灵做一些祈祷 we shall never ever drift apart 我们将永不分离know that I"m with you 要知道我和你在一起with you all the time 和你一生一世在一起know that I"m with you 要知道我和你在一起I"m with you all the time 我会陪伴你一生一世say a little prayer for the restless heart 为疲惫的心灵做一些祈祷 we shall never ever drift apart 我们将永不分离know that I"m with you 要知道我和你在一起know that I"m with you 要知道我和你在一起I"m with you all the time 我会陪伴你一生一世


I like for you to be still, it is as though you were absent, and you hear me from far away, and my voice does not touch you. It seems as though your eyes had flown away and it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth. As all things are filled with my soul you emerge from the things, filled my soul. You are like my soul, a butterfly of dream, and you are like the word Melancholy. I like for you to be still, and you seem far away. It sounds as though you were lamenting, a butterfly cooinglike a dove. And you hear me from far away and my voice does not rouch you: Let me come to be still in your silence. And let me talk to you with your silence that is brightas a lamp,simple as a ring. You are like the night, with it"s stillness and constellations. Your silence is that of a star, as remore and candid. I like for you to be still, it is as though you were absent, distant anf fullof sorrow as though you had died. One word then,one smile,is enough. And I am happy, happy that it"s not true. 我喜欢你是寂静的,彷佛你消失了一样, 你从远处聆听我,我的声音却无法触及你. 好像你的双眼已经飞离去,如同一个吻,封缄了你的嘴. 如同所有的事物充满了我的灵魂, 你从所有的事物中浮现,充满了我的灵魂. 你像我的灵魂,一只梦的蝴蝶.你如同忧郁这个字. 我喜欢你是寂静的,好像你已远去. 你听起来向在悲叹,一只如歌悲鸣的蝴蝶. 你从远处听见我,我的声音无法企及你: 让我在你的沈默中安静无声. 并且让我藉你的沈默与你说话, 你的沈默明亮如灯,简单如指环, 你就像黑夜,拥有寂寞与群星. 你的沈默就是星星的沈默,遥远而明亮. 我喜欢你是寂静的,彷佛你消失了一样, 遥远而且哀伤,彷佛你已经死了. 彼时,一个字,一个微笑,已经足够. 而我会觉得幸福,因那不是真的而觉得幸福.

翻译句子 中英文互绎

I have more than three weeks have not seen the Larry. Ads are everywhere, they broadcast on television, in newspapers, magazines, on buses and on high-rise buildings. Ads so common that they no longer can play the role of . let people discuss the product is the best way to advertise.新的数字时代,我们的最后一滴车轮总是把刚才它顺服口渴

飞儿乐团 《无限》中英文的翻译

铁杆飞迷~~~欢迎交流~~~in a small island 一个小岛上people are still building there人们仍然在那建设着so called-tradition 他们所谓的传承totally controlled by their desires完全地被心中的梦想所支配and listen! their words 请听好他们的话seeking one more step further to the heaven再努力地寻找离天堂更近的地方wheher you like it or not 不管你喜不喜欢the brand new start in 2005 在2005年全新的开始we are f.i.r.我们是F.I.R.music and eternity音乐和永恒searching for music and eternity努力追寻着音乐和永恒now let"s continue our stories about 继续着我们在音乐中寻找永恒的故事searching the eternity in musicthere is no limit, no extreme, no boundary, no edge 那里没有极限,没有绝对,没有界限,没有边缘there is no fear at all 我们将无所畏惧let us be faithful to our dream 让我们继续忠诚与梦想we are f.i.r 我们是我们是F.I.R.

Say The Words的中英文歌词翻译

When was the last time?上次是何时?you said these words你说出这几个字to the ones you deeply care for.对你深深在乎的人。you know they care for you too你明白他们也在乎你。so let"s all say the words就让我们说出这几个字,I will count to three让我数三声1 and 2 and 3, I love you.一,二,三 我爱你I have a mother, she was a very strictmother.我的妈妈,是一个非常严格的妈妈and I was a rebelmade her life a livinghell我是个臭丫头,搅得她生活苦不堪言。but I am not like that anymore, I want to make her smile但我已不再那样,我想让她笑。so i"d like to take this moment and say thewords所以我想借此机会,对她说I love you, I love you ...我爱你... 我爱你...I love you, I love you ...我爱你... 我爱你...I have a father, he doesn"t talk much.我的爸爸,他不太爱表达。he "s one of those, quiet types, you can barely get a word out ofhim他是那种静静的人,你难得听到他说话。but I know deep down inside, he loves me so.但我深深地知道,他爱我至此。so i"d like to take this moment and say thewords.所以我想借此机会,对他说I love you, I love you ...我爱你... 我爱你...I love you, I love you ...我爱你... 我爱你...I have my friends, I could tell them everything.我有一帮朋友,对他们无话不谈。but how come I haven"t told them how muchthey mean to me但为什么我却没让他们知道,他们对我如此重要,is it because of the society restraining usfrom being free.是不是因为我们被这社会束缚着,已不愿自由地表达。so i"d like to take this moment and say thewords所以我想借此机会,对他们说I love you, I love you ...我爱你们... 我爱你们...I love you, I love you ...我爱你们... 我爱你们...I have my ex-boyfriends, we don"t talk anymore我的前任们,我们已不再联系but I never stop wishing them happiness andjoy.但我总是祝福着他们,快乐和幸福they were big part of my life and made mewho I am today.他们曾是我生命之重,铸就了今天的我so i"d like to take this moment and say thewords所以我想借此机会,对他们说I thank you, I thank you ...感谢你们... 感谢你们...I thank you, I thank you ...感谢你们... 感谢你们...I have a pet, her name is Tiffany.我有个心肝儿,叫做Tiffany。she"s a 7 year old don"t masty cat, pretendingshe is me她是只7岁大的好猫咪,总想假装我。but she always cheers me up但它总是让我振作起来when I look into her pretty eyes当我凝望它美丽的眼睛so i"d like to take this moment and say thewords所以我想借此机会,对她说meow meow meow,meow meow meow,喵喵喵,喵喵喵~so many people in this world doing whatthey can这世界上有那么多的人,在尽其所能,to make a difference everyday, some wecannot be here to say一天一天,做着贡献,在这里无法历数。some of them will be heros, but some ofthem will never be heard他们中有些会成为英雄,而有些永远默默无闻。so i"d like to take this moment and say thewords所以我想借此机会,对他们说I thank you, I thank you ...感谢你们... 感谢你们...I thank you, I thank you ...感谢你们... 感谢你们...so this is near the end of song歌就要到结尾了,I hope you feel the love我希望你们能感觉到这份爱。it"s not the typical song I write but it"scoming from the heart这不是我常写的那种歌,但它却是源自我的内心。if you haven"t said these words, then whatthe hell are you waiting for如果你还没说过这几个字,那你到底在等什么呢?because it never hurt to say these words人们听到他,又不会觉得痛。I love you, I love you ...我爱你们... 我爱你们...I love you, I love you ...我爱你们... 我爱你们...Everybody~I love you, I love you ...我爱你们... 我爱你们...I love you, I love you ...我爱你们... 我爱你们...So when was the last time?那么上次是何时?you said these words你说这几个字to the ones you deeply care for对你深深在乎的人。you know they care for you too你明白他们也在乎你。so let"s all say the words就让我们说出这几个字,I will count to three让我数三声1 and 2 and 3,一,二,三 I love you.我爱你


注意陈闻钟 亲爱的陈 我的女儿收集了从您的宣传单张及室内展位的一系列晶体旋钮。请看附件及提醒如果您做了类似的旋钮这些。如果是这样的话,请告知尺寸以及价格及最小订货量。 请提供尺寸和价格如下 亚040是否螺钉进入基地与现有的基础是在黄金完成。 请告知规模和价格的亚063 &如何这是固定的。 还请告知价格及规模遐- 071以及。 亲切的问候 鲍勃Geldard




中英文伤感爱情句子翻译 1、don"t struggle so much,best things happen when not expected、不要做太多的抗争,最好的东西总是发生在出乎意料的时候。 2、hold infinity in the palm of your hand、 and eternity in an hour、把握在你手心里的就是无限,永恒也就消融于一个时辰。 3、i prefer having your accompanying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness、我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。 4、it"s you that led me out of the loneliness when i was lost in my mind、曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引我走出寂寞。 5、life is a chain of moments of enjoyment, not only about survival、生活是一串串的快乐时光,我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存。 6、life was like a box of chocolates、 you never know what you"re gonna get!生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。 7、thank you for comforting me when i"m sad、感谢你在我伤心时安慰我。 8、the sandflass remembers the time we lost沙漏记得`我们遗忘的时光。 9、there will always be people who"ll hurt you, so you need to continue trusting,just be careful、生活中总会有伤害你的人,所以你仍然需要继续相信别人,只是小心些而已。 10、this valentine is for the girl who stole my heart、这份情人节礼物,是送给那位偷去我的心的女孩。 11、to see a world in a grain of sand、 and a heaven in a wild flower、从一粒沙子看到一个世界,从一朵野花看到一个天堂。 12、what a loveiy world it well be with you away、没有了你、这个世界多么寂寞。 13、you know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you、你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守侯,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。 14、you"re always there for me、当我需要你时你永远在那里。 15、It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return 、 But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel、 只有付出的爱是痛苦的,但比这更痛苦是爱一个人却没有勇气让那人知道你的感情。 15、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry、 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 17、Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened、 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 18、The worst way to miss someone is to be seated by his/her side and know you"ll never have him/her、 错过一个人最可怕的方式就是坐在他/她的身旁,你却知道永远都不会拥有他/她。 19、Maybe God wants you to meet many wrong people before you meet the right one, so when this happens ,you"ll be thankful、 也许上帝让你在遇见那个合适的人之前遇见很多错误的人,所以,当这一切发生的时候,你应该心存感激。 20、Don"t cry because it came to an end、 Smile because it heppened、 不要因为它的结束而哭,应当因为它的发生而笑。 21、The sad past is heartbroken、 悲伤的往事令人断肠。 22、Don"t spend time with someone who doesn"t care spending it with you、 不要把时间花在一个不在乎与你一起分享的人身上。 23、Your life only lasts for a few decades, so be sure that you don"t leave any regrets、 Laugh or cry as you like, and it‘s meaningless to oppress yourself、 人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。 24、There will always be people who"ll hurt you, so you need to continue trusting,just be careful、 生活中总会有伤害你的人,所以你仍然需要继续相信别人,只是小心些而已。 25、Cry me a sad river 悲伤逆流成河 26、How can I forget the bitterness you gave me 你给的痛,要我怎么忘 27、Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten、 Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable、 记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。 28、There is someone that is coming or passing away in your life around、 生命中,不断地有人进入或离开。于是,看见的,看不见了;记住的,遗忘了。 29、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them、 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。 爱情语录中英文 1、真正的爱情,是在能爱的时候,懂得珍惜。 True love is mitment, only endless lies. 18、时间不是让人忘了痛,而是让人习惯了痛。 Time is not to let people forget the pain, but let people get used to pain. 19、我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。 I knoetimes the smallest things pany her to go to the ent of heavy traffic. 47、不是幸福太短,是我们对疼痛太过敏感。 Happiness is not too short, etimes there is no etimes, the beginning, I heard an old song you. 72、尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想! Not even left, I have you yearn day and night! 73、最痛的,不是离别,而是离别后的回忆。 The most painful, not to leave, but after the memories. 74、不必承诺永远,只要爱我一天又一天。 Dont promise forever, just love me day by day. 75、有些人说不出哪里好,但就是谁都替代不了! Some people can not tell where good, but who can not be replaced! 76、一个是华丽短暂的梦,一个是残酷漫长的现实。 One is a gorgeous short dream, a cruel long reality. 77、爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。 Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of. 78、最后的最后,我还没准备好,你就已经走远了。 At the end of the day, Im not ready, youre gone. 79、剪碎往事,剪到伤心处;抛弃尘俗,抛到悲伤处。 Cut back, cut to the heart; abandon this sad place to throw. 80、在你睡觉时亲亲你,不会把你吵醒的。 Kiss you when you sleep, wont wake you up. 中英文经典爱情语录 ◆我是星,你是月,没有你我没法过;你是山,我是水,没有你我不美;你是树,我是花,除了你我不嫁 ◆我就像你的巧克力,在你的口中被融化。也许爱情就是这么简单,只是一个眼神,一个动作,但那一瞬间,空气中的确溢满了爱的味道 ◆你不知道我在想你,是因为你不爱我,我明明知道你不想我,却还爱你,是我因为我太傻。也许有时候,逃避不是因为害怕去面对是什么,而是在等待什么~~ ◆任性,代表她爱着你。如果不爱你,她完全可以把你当作空气。 任性,代表着她相信你。如果不爱你,她完全可以对你不要求太多。 因为她爱你,所以她选择任性地 对你。 ◆走的再远,也只是在你眼神的余光中徘徊... ◆让含苞待放的爱情在未成熟之前嘎然而止。。。 ◆你知不知道 最喜欢你笑 想每天逗你笑 跟你在一起的时间太少 只想你对我撒娇 让你依靠 对你温柔对你好 让你甜蜜让你笑 因为你是我的宝 全世界你最重要 ◆如果可以 我想 没心没肺的大笑 然后 歇斯底里的哭泣 ◆我们在思念中渐渐学会遗忘! ◆许多东西只有心知道,怕是等到心知道了,梦却做完了,怕是等到梦做完了,心也就空了..... A I"m star, you are not you, I can"t, You are mountain, I ent, the air is full of love indeed A: don"t you kno you rely on you act in pettish to you let your gentle sweet make you laugh because you are my treasure your most important world If you can, I think should laugh hysterically plankton and weep Should we think of learning to forget! A heart knows many things only, afraid, until the heart that dream was finished, even until the dream is finished, the empty heart... 简爱中英文 1、Life is too short, can not be used vengeful build hate。 生命太短促,不能用来记仇蓄恨。 2、 Do you think,because I am poor,obscure,plain,and littele,I am soulless and heartless?You think ething inside ,that they can"t get to , that they can"t touch. That"s yours.。 那是一种内在的东西, 他们抵达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。 6、1.Life her in a delicate balance.。 世界上全部的生命都在微妙的平衡中生活。


【以下都是我自己翻译的,不准确的地方还请多多包涵呐~~】 Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 11:50 AM To: "WG Wholesale Gift" <rob@wholesale-gift.co.uk>; "design" <design@wholesale-gift.co.uk> Subject: hot water bottle quotation (上面这段不是邮件内容,我就不译了) > Hi dear Rob, 你好亲爱的Rob > > Thanks for the information. 谢谢你的信息 > > Concerning the hot water bottle, there are two standard. One is normal 关于热水瓶,有两种标准。 > standard and one is British standard. The later one is of higher cost. 一个是标准的,一个是英式的。后者要贵一些。 > > Firstly from your photo we can judge by first sight that we have the same 首先,从你给我的照片来看,我们可以判断,我们的模型一样, > mold and you don"t have to invest molds. But as we didn"t get your sample 并且你不需要买模型。但由于我们没有看到你的样品 > so we can not promise 100% that every single detail is the same. So if 所以我们不能百分之百的保证你每一个细节都一样。 > there is very minor difference you have to bear with it or you will have 所以如果有一点点不同的话你需要忍受一下, > to invest your own mold. 或者你需要买你自己的模型。 > > Secondly the package. We can do this kind of package and will meet your 第二是袋子。我们可以做这样的袋子, > requirement of heat resistant. Also we can print logo for you and I think 并且会了解你的需要。我们还可以在袋子上印上你的商标, > it may be lower cost than doing this by your own. If you are ok with this 并且我认为我们来做会比你自己做这些花更少的钱。 > you can send me the logo or drawing so I can evaluate a cost for you. 如果你觉得这样可以的话,你可以把你的商标发给我,这样我就可以给你预算一个价格。 > > For the plastic bag with hook and with blister they are no problem as well. 这样塑料袋就没问题了。 > > The estimated cost is: 预算的价格是: > > For normal standard: $2.20 including hot water bottle, black bag and 标准的:2.2美元,包括热水瓶、黑包, > plastic bag with printing (but excluding the printing on the black bag). 和印刷的塑料袋(但不包括印刷黑包)。 > For BS standard: $2.80 including hot water bottle, black bag and plastic 英式的:2.8美元,包括热水瓶、黑包, > bag with printing (but excluding the printing on the black bag). 和印刷的塑料袋(但不包括印刷黑包)。 > > MOQ is 3000pcs. It is hard to get the material of black bag or printing if MOQ是3000个。黑包或印刷的材料很难买, > quantity is lower than this. And the price goes high rapidly. 不然的话可以更便宜点。所以价钱很高。 > > To confirm the quotation we need to receive your sample for a close study. 为了进一步确认报价我们需要收到你已经完工的样品。 > > If you are ok with the quotation pls kindly send me a sample so that we 如果你觉得我们的报价可以的话,就请寄给我一个样品, > can confirm everything to you. 这样我们就可以把一切都确定了。 > > Best regards, > Stella >(这两句是最后的问好和落款,就不实译了) 【觉得好的话就加分吧~咱好歹也忙活了半天~不过不管怎样希望能帮到你~~】


1、Your oise 爱你是前世弥留之际情感的延续,是今生轮回前不变的诺言。 8、 Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence. 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。 9、Love is not a matter of counting the days. Its making the days count. 爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。 10、With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines. 拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。 曼德拉名言 中英文版 1 让黑人和白人成为兄弟,让南非繁荣发展。 Let black and e president. 6 我痛恨种族主义,不管是来自黑人或是来自白人的种族主义,在我看来,都是野蛮未开化的。 I detest racialism, because I regard it as a barbaric thing, es your partner. 8 作为领袖,最好是在后方领导,让其他人站在前线,尤其是在庆祝胜利或好事时;但在危险时,你要站在前线。这样,人们会欣赏你的领导力。 It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially bination. 12 自由不仅仅意味着摆脱自身的枷锁,还意味着以一种尊重并增加他人自由的方式生活。 For to be free is not merely to cast off one"s chains, but to live in a to make it will. 15 自由之路从不平坦,我们中的许多人都不得不一次又一次地穿过死神笼罩的山谷,才能抵达愿望的顶峰。 There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires. 16 当我走出囚室迈向通往自由的大门时,我已经清楚,自己若不能把痛苦与怨恨留在身后,那么其实我人在狱中。 and mine cannot be separated. 21 我懂得了,勇气不是没有恐惧,而是战胜恐惧。勇者不是感觉不到害怕的人,而是克服自身恐惧的人。 I learned that courage e, the village in childhood frolicking hillside . 29 让自由来主宰一切吧。对于如此辉煌的人类成就,太阳永远不会停止照耀。 Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement. 30 有建设美好南非的梦想,就有通向梦想的道路。善良和宽恕就是其中的两条大道。 If there are dreams about a beautiful South Africa, there are also roads that lead to their goal. Two of these roads could be named Goodness and Forgiveness. 毛泽东英文(中英文带翻译) 1、The Chinese Communist party is the core of leadership of thewhole Chinese people、 Without this core, the cause of socialism cannotbe victorious。 中国共产党是全中国人民的领导核心。没有这样一个核心,社会主义事业就不能顺利。 2、In class society everyone lives as a member of a particularclass, and every kind of thinking, without exception, is stamped withthe brand of a class。 在阶级社会中,每一个人都在一定的阶级地位中生活,各种思想无不打上阶级的烙印。 3、Communism is at once a complete system of proletarian ideology and a new social system、 It is different from any otherideological and social system, and is the most complete, progressive,revolutionary and rational system in human history。 共产主义是无产阶级的整个思想体系,同时又是一种新的社会制度。这种思想体系和社会制度,是区别于任何别的思想体系和任何别的社会制度的,是自有人类历史以来,最完全最进步最革命最合理的。 4、The only way to settle questions of an ideological nature orcontroversial issues among the people is by the democratic method, themethod of discussion, of criticism, of persuasion and education, andnot by the method of coercion or repression。 解决人民内部矛盾,不能用咒骂,也不能用拳头,更不能用刀枪,只能用讨论的方法,说理的方法,批评和自我批评的方法,一句话,只能用民主的方法,让群众讲话的方法。 5、Every Communist must grasp the truth, “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun。“ 每个共产党员都应懂得这个真理:枪杆子里面出政权 6、All reactionaries are paper tigers、 In appearance, the reactionaries are terrifying, but in reality they are not so powerful。 一切所有号称强大的反动派统统不过是纸老虎。 7、people of the world, unite and defeat the U、S、 aggressors and all their running dogs! people of the world, be courageous, dare to fight, defy difficulties and advance wave upon wave。 全世界人民团结起来,打败美国侵略者及其一切走狗!全世界人民要有勇气,敢于战斗,不怕困难,前赴后继。 8、“Fewer and better troops and simpler administration。“ Talks, speeches, artricles and resolutions should all be concise and to the point、 Meetings also should not go on too long。 “精兵简政”。讲话、演说、写文章和写决议案,都应当简明扼要。会议也不要开得太长。 9、The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history。 人民,只有人民,才是创造世界历史的动力。 10、We must make a distinction between the enemy and ourselves, and we must not adopt an antagonistic stand towards comrades and treat them as we would the enemy。 要分清敌我,不能站在敌对的立场用对待敌人的态度来对待同志。 小王子中英文版  You knoeone loves a floent all his stars mon rose. A common rose ... 我总以为自己很富有,拥有一朵世上独一无二的花;实际上,我所拥有的不过是一朵普通的玫瑰而已。一朵普通的玫瑰花…… To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world. 对我而言,你只是一个小男孩,和其他成千上万的小男孩没有什么不同。我不需要你。你也不需要我。对你而言,我也和其它成千上万的狐狸并没有差别。但是,假如你驯服了我,我们就彼此需要了。对我而言,你就是举世无双的;对你而言,我也是独一无二的……


1、想养一只小狗,牵一只大手。 Want to raise a dog, holding a big hand. 2、那一季的纠缠、是我们的夙命。 That season"s entanglement, is our long cherished destiny. 3、你的名字,是所有故事的开始。 Your name is the beginning of all stories. 4、生命中有你,才是最平凡的奇迹。 You are the most ordinary miracle in life. 5、你是一道光,靠近你是我的本能。 You are a light. It"s my instinct to be close to you. 6、相敬如宾真心处,才是满足。 Respect each other as guests, sincerity is satisfaction. 7、何以解忧,唯有暴抱抱你。 How to solve the problem, only violence Hold you. 8、爱情与山河同在,与日月共存。 Love is with mountains and rivers, with the sun and the moon. 9、夜色寂寥,许你一场盛世烟花! Lonely night, you may have a flourishing fireworks! 10、我爱你,就像天上的星星一样多。 I love you as many as the stars in the sky. 11、对你的情,不管海枯石烂永存在。 Love for you, no matter whether the sea is dry and the stone is rotten, will exist forever. 12、头靠在我胸口,聆听着心动。 Head on my chest, listening to the heart. 13、陪你痴狂千世,陪我万世轮回。 Accompany you crazy thousands of times, accompany me eternal reincarnation. 14、等待,一个永远没有归期的人。 Waiting, a person who will never return. 15、我的每一支笔,都知道你的名字。 Every pen of mine knows your name. 16、老婆,在我心中你永远是最美的。 Wife, you are always the most beautiful in my heart. 17、贴心,可以让爱情甜甜蜜蜜。 Intimate, can make love sweet. 18、我这么萌,要不要来个么么哒。 I"m so cute. Do you want a moo. 19、我想做个梦,梦里有你,有我。 I want to have a dream with you and me in my dream. 20、我不能,也永远不会,对你厌倦。 I can"t, and never will, be tired of you. 21、我只愿面朝大海,春暖花开。 I just want to face the sea, spring flowers. 22、许下承诺,让我一生陪你走。 Promise, let me accompany you all my life. 23、再忙日子,聪慧的你帮我安排。 Busy days, smart you help me arrange. 24、蓄谋已久的事,不期而来的你。 What you have planned for a long time, you are not expected to come. 25、我岂能尽如人意,但求无愧于你。 I can"t be as good as I want, but I"m worthy of you. 26、爱太深,会让人疯狂的勇敢。 Love too deep, will make people crazy brave. 27、你是世间独有,可遇不可求。 You are the only one in the world. 28、就算没有结局,我也会很爱你。 Even if there is no end, I will love you very much. 29、原来爱这个字,与我遥不可及。 Originally love this word, and I can not reach. 30、寻了半生的春天,你一笑便是了。 Looking for half a life of spring, you smile is. 31、你的微笑,是我幸福的笔记。 Your smile is my happy note. 32、我想要和你一起,慢慢变老。 I want to grow old with you. 33、怀念是一张张碎纸拼成的照片。 Miss is a piece of broken paper into photos. 34、真爱总是值得等待的,不着急。 True love is always worth waiting for. 35、惊觉相思不露,原来只因已入骨。 Startled Acacia does not reveal, the original only because it has entered the bone. 36、你好,能不能借一辈子说话。 Hello, can you speak for a lifetime. 37、你信命吗?命里有你我就信。 Do you believe in life? I believe you in my life. 38、坎坷荆棘,有我和你共同分担。 Rough thorns, I share with you. 39、看不到你的脸,但能想起你笑容。 I can"t see your face, but I can remember your smile. 40、愿许一人之偏爱,尽此生之慷慨。 May one"s preference be made, and the generosity of this life be done. 41、她是我的女人,男人请走来。 She"s my woman, man, please come. 42、从此以后,离经叛道,只为你。 From then on, deviant, just for you. 43、你真傻,连我不爱你你都信了。 You are so stupid that you believe that I don"t love you. 44、你的微笑,是我奋斗的不竭动力。 Your smile is my inexhaustible motive force. 45、全世界都知道,你是我的小仙女。 The world knows that you are my fairy. 46、对谁都三分钟热度,唯独你。 For everyone, you are the only one. 47、我绕得过江山错落,绕不过你。 I can"t get around you. 48、其实我需要的,就是你需要我。 In fact, what I need is that you need me. 49、除非黄土白骨,我守你岁月无忧。 Unless the Loess white bone, I keep your years without worry. 50、喜欢被你抓住手的感觉,好幸福。 Like the feeling of being held by you, good happiness. 51、亲爱的宝贝,爱你,到永远。 Dear baby, love you forever. 52、我有一个超能力,超级喜欢你。 I have a superpower. I like you so much. 53、回眸一笑,只为博取芳心一缕。 Looking back and smiling, just to win a wisp of love. 54、用一辈子来回忆,你给我的拥抱。 With a lifetime to recall, you gave me a hug. 55、你的温度,吻的深度,与你共度。 Your temperature, the depth of your kiss, with you. 56、叮咚,你有新的爱意请查收。 Ding Dong, please check if you have new love. 57、你嘴再这么甜,小心我强吻你。 If you"re so sweet, I"ll kiss you. 58、我历史不好,但记得你的生日。 I have a bad history, but I remember your birthday. 59、即使老去,牵手你直到头昏眼花。 Even if old, holding you until dizzy. 60、懂得了你,便拥抱了甜蜜的时光。 Understand you, then embrace the sweet time.



《真的我没事》中英文 歌词翻译。



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Lollipop Luxury的中英文歌词是怎样的?

Lyrics to Lollipop Luxury :中文翻译:青山雀S-T-A-R【歌手的姓(Jeffree Star)】S-T-A-R (What?) (什么?)S-T-A-R (Queen bitch) (母狗)S-T-A-RI"m on the top我占据上位There"s no luck 没有什么侥幸可言Never turned around to stop永远别想翻身让我停下Make my move 做我的爱Make you move做你的爱Make you wanna hear me talk让你听到我的声音See me walk看我行走See me fuсk看我丅操你See me suck a lollipop 看我吮吸棒棒糖(Mmm) Wanna get messy(嗯……)想要弄得污秽一团糟I"ll make you hot我会让你浑身火热Make you rock 让你摆动I"ll leave the world in shock我将让全世界惊诧I"m your tease我是你的挑逗者I"m your fuel我是你的燃料源泉I just wanna see you drool我只是想看着你垂涎三尺On your knees滴在你的双膝Pretty please拜托了美女You wish you were my main squeeze你希望我最想上的就是你L-L-L Luxury.享受吧Fuсk me, I"m a celebrity操丅我吧,谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I make you fuсk me just to get somewhere我让你操丅我只为让我登上欲望之巅Fuсk me, I"m a celebrity操丅我吧,谁叫我是个名流Can"t take your hands off me让你的双手欲罢不能I know you wanna suck me我知道你想要吸我的XXWhat you"re waiting for那你还在等什么Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖Let"s rock I wanna pop让我们摇摆我想射Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m all that you can see我是你眼中所能容纳的全部Lip gloss and lollipop唇彩和棒棒糖I"ll make your (booty drop)我会让你的双丅臀摇摇欲坠Can"t take your eyes off me你的目光无法从我身上移开I"m everything you wanna be我就是你想要的一切Hot damn, here I come真丅他妈的热,我来了Tell me how you want it done告诉我你想怎样来做At the mall, in the hall, on your mama"s bedroom wall在商场,在大厅还是在你妈妈卧室的墙壁上?You can choose, either way you will end up on the news(Yeah, just like you wanted, right?)你可以选一种,不过不管哪种都会让你上新闻(对,就像你希望的一样,是吧?)Do I make you wet我让你湿了吗?It"s all about the C-U-N-T全部是关于你的**【cunt直译为女性生殖器官,英语口语中会作为非常侮辱人的脏话出现】


找英汉互译尽管手头有英文词典,但翻词典一是麻烦速度慢,二是可能对某些词汇的解释不够详尽。中译英就更如此了。多数词典只能对单个汉字词语做出对应的英文解释,但该解释在上下文中也许并不贴切。搜索引擎找英汉互译的一个长处就在于,可以比较上下文,使翻译更加精确。找简单的英汉互译 百度本身提供了英汉互译功能。对找到释义的汉字词语或者英文单词词组,在结果页的搜索框上面会出现一个“词典”的链接,点击链接,就可以得到相应的解释。 例:黄瓜例:face例:格物致知找生僻词语的互译 很多情况下,无论是在线下的词典,还是用百度的线上词典,都无法找到词义解释,此时就需要利用网页搜索了。在某些情况下,网页作者会对某些生僻的词语加注一个英文或者中文释义。但提取这个生僻翻译的难度在于,没有表明释义存在的特征性关键词,因为作者在注释的时候,是不会有诸如“英文翻译”这样的提示语的。 例如,我们要找“特此证明”的英文正规翻译。我们想象一个有“特此证明”的英文翻译,通常会有一些判断性的语句,如“他是xxxxxx”,对应的英文就是“he is xxx”,于是,如果把“特此证明”和“he is”放在一起搜索,可能就能找到想要的结果。例:特此证明 he is








1、有道翻译有道翻译是网易公司开发的一款翻译软件,其最大特色在于翻译引擎是基于搜索引擎,网络释义的,也就是说它所翻译的词释义都是来自网络。有道桌面词典背靠其强大的搜索引擎(有道搜索)后台数据和“网页萃取”技术,从数十亿海量网页中提炼出传统词典无法收录的各类新兴词汇和英文缩写,如影视作品名称、品牌名称、名人姓名、地名、专业术语等。2、百度翻译:百度翻译拥有网页、APP、百度小程序等多种产品形态,此外还针对开发者提供开放云接口服务,日均响应千亿字符翻译请求。除文本、网页翻译外,结合用户多样性的翻译需求,推出了网络释义、海量例句、权威词典、离线翻译。3、金山词霸:一款经典、权威、免费的词典软件,完整收录柯林斯高阶英汉词典;整合500多万双语及权威例句,同时支持中文与英语、法语、韩语、日语、西班牙语、德语六种语言互译。词霸集合了17种情景,上千组对话,通过搜索快速匹配最合适的情景表达。4、Bing翻译:Bing翻译提供多项软件集成功能,这些软件主要是Microsoft旗下的,包括在InternetExplorer8或以上版本设立加速器,其他集成功能包括MicrosoftOffice的Plug-in和BingInstantAnswer。在WindowsLiveMessenger亦设立一个名为Tbot的翻译机器人。5、Google翻译:Google翻译是谷歌公司提供一项免费的翻译服务,可提供103 种语言之间的即时翻译,支持任意两种语言之间的字词、句子和网页翻译。可分析的人工翻译文档越多,译文的质量就会越高越好。Google 翻译通过在经过人工翻译的文档中检测各种模式,进行合理的猜测,然后得出适当的翻译。


Comparison between Chinese and English


免费翻译软件有百度翻译(Baidu Translate)。百度翻译(Baidu Translate)是百度公司推出的一款免费翻译软件,支持多达28种语言的翻译服务。用户可以通过网页版或移动App进行使用。百度翻译的特点是简单易用、翻译速度快、支持多种语言,还可以进行语音翻译和摄像头翻译等功能。用户可以输入文字、语音或图片,进行自动翻译和语音播放。同时,它也支持人工翻译和机器翻译混合的方式,提高翻译质量。另外,百度翻译还具有朗读功能,可以帮助用户更好地学习外语,同时也可以对外语发音进行纠正。需要注意的是,虽然百度翻译是一款免费翻译软件,但在使用时可能会存在一些限制,用户需要根据实际情况进行选择。翻译是什么?翻译是指将一个语言中的文字或口语内容转化为另一个语言的过程,通常涉及到两个或多个语言之间的互译。翻译可以是文本的翻译,也可以是口语的翻译。在现代社会中,随着各国之间的交流越来越频繁,翻译成为极其重要的职业。在商务、政治、文化、科技等领域,翻译都发挥着重要作用。例如,跨国公司需要将其产品说明书、合同、广告等文档进行翻译,使得不同语言的消费者都能够理解;政治、经济和文化交流也需要翻译来消除语言障碍和增进相互理解。翻译是一项复杂的工作,需要熟练掌握两种或以上的语言,并了解不同国家或地区的文化、历史、习俗等,在此基础上进行准确的翻译。随着机器翻译技术的发展,计算机也开始在翻译领域发挥越来越重要的作用。








都是通信地址:(楼主写的没错吧,怀俄明州和加州很远的。)Khanh Quach (人名)3249 怀俄明州San Jose圣何塞(加州西部城市) CA(加州) 95148
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